Answers to vocabulary workshop h

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2013.11.15 00:21 Tezerel Reddit's Home for LotR and Hobbit SBG

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2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2024.05.14 20:39 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement hides a terrible secret...

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Mysterious_Tomato575 Help me buy a book

I have almost finish my duolingo progress and I would like to learn more about finnish language
I am looking forward to buy a book in order to learn some more. Probably for A1-A2 vocabulary and grammar. If it has a cd for listening then it would be perfect. I also need to have the answers from the exercises. What book/books do you suggest? Are there are any in the first place?
submitted by Mysterious_Tomato575 to LearnFinnish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 Due_Ad_3200 A question for LDS members of this group

Here are some videos from The Tabernacle Choir
Written by a Baptist minister in 1758
Written by an Anglican vicar in 1779
Written by a member of a baptist church in 1787

Firstly, this is great music.
Secondly, is it consistent to sing these hymns and believe that Joseph Smith was told this?
I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.
19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”
Is it consistent to sing the hymns that were written by denominations that are "wrong", "an abomination", and teach "doctrines... of men"?
submitted by Due_Ad_3200 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 HydreigonTheChild Rain in UU, and why IDT its broken

First of all i got reqs for this, so i feel i at least have some knowledge on this esp playing during suspect + laddering during uult next of all pelipper was a close vote with 18/33 aka 54% which means this was rather close and this only worked out because lower tiers often function with a 50%+ majority for smth to be banned
Why is rain not broken?
  1. its answers are easy to fit and are solid at doing their job
  2. rain as a whole is just defensively not that good meaning its easy for smth to go ham vs it
  3. its a huge commitment for rain to click aynthing outside of water stab, making it fairly telegraphed
  1. its answers are easy to fit and are solid at doing their job outside of the rain matchup.
Many pokemon in rain are water type slike barra, flotzel, quav, greninja, azu are pokemon that many teams are just able to deal with on preview at least, you arent struggling by trying to find smth like volcanion, gastrodon, or having to run min speed ttar to underspeed pelipper. These are things that just arnet common enough.
You are often having some form of rain deterrent like sp. def ttar who can tell zapdos to screw off, hydrapple who can sit on most of the rian mons and bait a ice move, torn-t can take on greninja in rain and with tera water for ex. can be a huge pain for it to break through, rotom-w with wisp is in general very annoying, as yes you can bring in hydrapple but hydrapple on rain is often just food for smth like a zapdos on ur team, slowking can reset rain with snow and make pelipper have to come back in and to stop a lot of things rain wants to go for, and in general smth like h-arc can start spamming head smash and late game and can spam tera normal espeed.
You are alr running things like sp. def ttar for things like zap, latios, torn-t, and being a good partner for exca, av torn-t is one of the best defensive mons in the tier, slowking, hydrapple, rotom-w are all easily splashable, and smht like h-arc, lokix, and azu are all good options to revenge kill or apply a lot of pressure outside of rain.
  1. Rain isnt good defensviely.
Its not Hyper offense lvl of shit where you basically have soft checks for smth like celesteela, garchomp, heatran, scizor... where they basically switch into smth to get setup opportunities. But rain often will struggle to play the long game vs smth like specs latios, sure drill can check it but you are wearing down urself alr and drill wants to get up rocks in such a game, so they can just click luster purge -> luster purge -> luster purge esp if you get sp. def dropped by one of them.
Even smth like hydrapple basically doesnt want to take on smth like ogerpon-c due to potentially just losing a lot since it runs eject button and is forced out, if it isnt eject button then cornerstone can often 1v1 it, and smth like h-arc also can just spam head smash into it and just have a good roll twice and just nuke it, it isnt fun for rain to be on the backfoot on offense.
  1. rain is very telegraphed and its a huge commitment for smth like barra to click ice fang or cc
if rain wants to bypass answers like hydrapple they have to click smth else, like an ice move (which doesnt really KO often from barra) and for that to happen that is a big commitment.. if you fail and they bring in rotom-w you are just put on the backfoot and have to play around it by giving smth a free switch, You often are free to bring in checks most of the time and often times rain has to go out of their way to try to lure it in and hit it with their coverage move.
Even smth like life orb gren, azu, etc you can often lure out their weaker moves like dark pulse, play rough/knock off, or another options and switch into it. Like you can lure out dark pulse by switching into slowking and threaten a t wave so they would prob dakr pulse then switch into ur av torn-t and take the hit and scare them out with focus blast or u-turn into smth else.
well rain is banned... i feel people think rain was very one sided ban despite it being almost 50/50. I also feel there was much less discussion for rain because nobody really saw rain during the suspect therefore had less to share, often times it would be a 2 page suspect but not even here.... ladder is very weird in their ways
submitted by HydreigonTheChild to stunfisk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:31 Royal_Diamond_278 Mandatory Workshop for Staff

I work in an office full of women & no one can get along. There’s so much drama that now our office has to attend a mandatory workshop in a few weeks. The boss doesn’t micromanage, but all of my coworkers micromanage each other & care too much about what everyone else is doing. I doubt the workshop will even address the actual issues. I stay out of it & mind my business. I don’t care what these people do, that’s my bosses job to care not mine.
Anyway - I’ve got to do to this workshop & we each have to “take accountability for our role”. Curious if y’all have some suggestions for cookie cutter answers that will keep me from sharing my true feelings.
If any of you have ever had to attend one of these workshops & has any insight to provide that would be great too! Thanks!
submitted by Royal_Diamond_278 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:14 C---D May 15, 2024, Wordle #1061

Wordle 1061 3/6* Grade: B+ (89%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Skill Luck Info Gained Grade
SOARE ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 664 182 83 3 32% F
UNITY ⬛🟨🟨⬛⬛ 21 5 89 69 82% C+
PINCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! 99 86 100% A+
Wordlescope's guide animal: Cardinal
🏆 Golfle 1061: Birdie 🐥
🏌️‍♂️ ⏝◦ ⏝◦ ⏝◦ ⛳️
⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️ ⚪️🟡🟡⚪️⚪️ 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢
Ongoing Golfle score (Par = 4 guesses):
Time Period Number of "Holes" Score
March 2024 31 −21
April 2024 30 −24
May 2024 15 −13
What would Scoredle do?
Wordle 1061 5/6* Grade: C+ (79%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
SLATE ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 1059 221 F
CORNY 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ 16 7 B
FINCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 3 2 B
WINCH ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 2 1 D−
PINCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
What would WordleBot do?
Regular mode analysis: Wordle 1061 3/6 Grade: A (96.9%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
CRANE 🟨⬛⬛🟨⬛ 61 17 B−
POSIT 🟩⬛⬛🟨⬛ 1 1 A+
PINCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
Hard mode analysis: Wordle 1061 3/6* Grade: A (95%)
Guess Result Words Left Answers Left Grade
PLATE 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 210 27 D+
PHONY 🟩🟨⬛🟨⬛ 2 2 A+
PINCH 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Win! A+
Double-letter tracker for this month:
Days Double-Letter Answers
15 1
Back to a blank start, and I ended up picking the most common word among the answer and WINCH and the rather obscure and potentially troublesome MINIM while CINCH and FINCH had come up before. Scoredle walked into a small trap, and WordleBot's other remaining possible solution in hard mode was PUNCH.
submitted by C---D to WordleBuddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:59 timmah1529 Looking For Salary + Job Title Advice

Good morning everyone,
I was recently laid off and I have been openly looking for work on LinkedIn. I had a connect reach out regarding a job at her husbands work. He then reached out to me and there is a lot of interest on both ends. However, there is no Job Title/Salary listed - they are asking me what I would want it to be. I have 7 years of experience in digital marketing, primarily focused on Marketing Automation but also have done PPC, social media, graphic design, etc. Here are the details:
As you can see, it is essentially running the marketing department for the firm by myself. The Director is very opening to assisting if/when needed for anything I am uncomfortable with or isn't a strong suit.
With all of this information, what would my title even be, and what would be a fair salary for someone in the Chicago suburbs? The amount of responsibilities makes it feel like an Associate Director position, but traditionally Associate Director's aren't doing all the heavy lifting.
Happy to answer any additional questions - I want to make sure I am taken care of and not lowballing myself. Thank you
submitted by timmah1529 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:55 Strawberri-Animates To answer your confusion, Jimmy. ^^ (pls read, I don’t want others to feel embarrassed from ur confusion haha)

so in ur most recent ‘reacting to animatics’ video, (at 19:55 timestamp) you were a more than a bit confused on that animation! So let me explain.
(BTW here’s the clip, in case u forgot: )
That ’genre’ of animation is called an: ‘Animation Meme’! Those animations are snippets of songs that the creator animates a character (or more) too. For example: A character dancing, a character doing a ’head bop’ to the beat.
Sometimes, those animations can connect to the characters lore! For example: I have made multiple animation memes that involve Sausage’s lore in empires.
most of the time these are copyrighted, but sometimes you can get lucky. Such as the case of the animation meme you saw!
MOST are simple enough, just a head bop and some editing makes for a ‘average’ animation meme! Sometimes they can be WAY more though, such as: 7+ art pieces in one 20 second animation. Multiple moving parts, etc.
the average length of an animation meme is 20 through 30 seconds long! A longer animation meme would be 40, shorter ones would be 15 sec or less.
BUT YES! Hope that helps! If you have more questions I MIGHT be in chat (user: Strawberri)
you stream when I have to eat lol-
if I’m not tho, I’ll re-watch the vod and put up another post answering ur questions when u next stream ^^
To see more examples of animation memes go see these: (old 🫡)
(the animation memes I listed above are all copyright free and made by me.)
submitted by Strawberri-Animates to SolidarityGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:54 PresentationNo3132 💚 Come Join The Cloud 9 Family Today!! 💚 - 🍃 Built By Stoners, For The Stoners 🍃

💚 Come Join The Cloud 9 Family Today!! 💚 - 🍃 Built By Stoners, For The Stoners 🍃
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What Are We About? :
Cloud 9 is a friendly international stoner community, where you can medicate safely, whether it be in voice or text channels, with people who are open minded, outgoing and down to earth. We are a stoner community that's also dedicated to providing information surrounding harm reduction. You can find information on our server for just about anything stoner related or similar. If we don't have the answer, then don't worry, we can get it for you.
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What Do We Have To Offer You May Ask? :
《 · Daily smoke seshes that run continuously throughout the day. You will always have someone to smoke with. 💨🍃🍯💚
《 · Music bots and multiple voice channels to suit your vibe - we have one for those in an uplifted mood, a chilled out one for those feeling low energy, a drinking one for those who wanna get turnt, karaoke to show off your beautiful voice, smoke session for those trying to get medicated with other friendly stoners, gaming, working for side noise, movies, etc. ✨
《 · Gaming which includes call of duty, rocket league, minecraft, fortnite, overwatch, valorant, league of legends and many more! 🎮
《 · Advertising & partnerships 🤝
《 · Channels pertaining to flower, dabs, glass pieces, memes, music, art, collectibles, pets, selfies, pictures, videos, munchies, nsfw related content, etc 🌎
《 · Up to date news correlating to the cannabis industry 📰
《 · Q&A’s surrounding substances. We want you to be safe. Please note : if we do not have the proper answer to your question or believe it’s threatening to your well-being, we will not answer so and will refer you to the proper resources. 💚
《 · Giveaways monthly, which include, discord nitro, game keys, pipes, rigs, bangers, bowls, rolling trays, papers, etc 🏆
《 · Level 3 boosted - 20 boosts ⭐
《 · 1081+ members 💪
We'll T-H-C you in the server! :)
submitted by PresentationNo3132 to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 arrrsalaaan Mercor is getting out of hand with obvious scams getting users to do their work in hopes of getting jobs.

I had a mercor AI interview thrice. and just to be sure i was not being shat on, i used the exact same words for all the interviews and steered the interviews in the same direction.
For the first 2, i got the response along the lines of "due to low quality of the interview, we won't be able to share your profile with our clients. schedule another interview". After the third interview, i got the confirmation that i had been "added to the 99-th percentile pre-vetted pool" (whatever the f-word that is supposed to mean). In addition to the name of the interviewer "John Sharma" (they might aswell have used Wolf Gupta, the prodigy), it was outright a red flag due to the following reasons: - Being the exact same interview, how did i get selected on the third attempt? was it my camera angle? was it my mic? was it my lighting? i am pretty confident all of them were good enough in all the "interviews". - When this happened, I was barely with 9 months of full-time experience. How can i even fall in the 99-th percentile of developers, that too globally?
I was still very skeptical until they gave me an interview with a YC startup. The interview went well, except that the interviewer ghosted me afterwards. Now my questions went deeper. Came across the following posts and discussions. - The comments are filled with obvious bot accounts
What I can gauge from the above is that they are taking User data to train their AI. Not sure if I did sign a clause to allow them to use my data for training, but capitalism.
Not only is that the issue, they seem to be promoting another scam, Remotasks. Where anyone who has a degree is super under-qualified
We’ve shortlisted you for an exciting opportunity with Remotasks (a subsidiary of Scale AI) because you passed our AI interview and have an impressive background. This role would pay 20 USD/hr.
Here is a description of the role: •⁠ ⁠Remotasks (a subsidiary of Scale AI) is looking for experienced software engineers to complete data generation tasks to improve the performance of cutting-edge AI models. •⁠ ⁠These tasks involve receiving a prompt that a model is unable to properly answer (for example, “plot the Mandelbrot set in Python”). Your responsibility will be to complete these tasks each day by writing both high quality code and an English explanation of your work. •⁠ ⁠Each task takes anywhere from 1-4 hours to complete and you will have the flexibility to finish them on your own time. The total workload is 40 hours per week. •⁠ ⁠If you excel in this role, you may be promoted to higher-paying opportunities by Remotasks and the Scale AI team in a management role.
If this opportunity excites you, please confirm your availability (meaning: when can you start working) to work 40 hours a week. We can arrange to send you the final short assessment.
XYZ Person
Recruitment Manager @
I have hid the name of the person who sent me this (unless public demand), but it is someone who has not even finished college yet. I looked into this person's linkedin too and the career path seems bullshit at the best.
Now, they are apparently hiring for someone to manually rate the recorded interviews. Check the guidelines here.
We are supposed to rate 15 of these 20 minute interviews, about 5 hours of work. If 50% of their "pre-vetted" pool candidates rate 15 interviews each, pretty sure that would be all the data required to train their entire AI.
What can we do to stop their evil schemes?
submitted by arrrsalaaan to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 alphariusomega123 I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).

I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).
Were Kryptonians only planet busters in the Post Crisis?
Short answer absolutely not, long answer: let's explain this false belief.
This post arises because, among other things, in several blogs and YouTube channels and tik tokThis is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong., it is stated that in DC's post-crisis continuity, Superman and the rest of the Kryptonians who escape from him only possess a destructive power that reaches planetary (or multi planetary) at its maximum.
which is absolutely false and we'll see because, although this publication will be focused for the moment on the post-crisis, I will also make one for the new 52 that is also nerfed horribly.
Without further ado let's get started.
This is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of ​​Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong.
If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout the Post Crisis period, it is how Kryptonians like Superman or Supergirl can achieve planet-level feats quite casually. Let's review some examples:
  • In just his first year as a superhero, Superman took down a monster with the strength of a planet in one fell swoop.
-According to Batman at the end of the Emperor Joker arc, Superman could juggle planets if he wanted to.
  • A Kryptonian teenager who has absorbed a modicum of yellow sunlight can easily tear a planet in two in a tantrum, according to Superman.
  • Even after being without sunlight for an extended period, Superman is still capable of destroying a planet with a mere leap.
  • Superman destroyed multiple stars in the Galactic Golem dimension without problems and also withstood the explosion of the dimension that housed them.
  • Both Supergirl and Superman emerged unscathed from the Kryptonite explosion on New Krypton, and the former was at the epicenter of the planet's explosion.
-Superman dragged the weight of the Earth, the Moon and a spaceship and it has also been said that he could move the Earth if he wanted to.
  • It was also said that Superman is among the beings capable of moving a planet with one hand
...among other examples. So it is illogical to think that his limit is there.
Not really. This happened on three occasions, and all three have a context behind them:
  • The first occurred in JLA #75. In this, the sorceress Gamemnae had previously killed the entire Justice League, reducing them to mere ghosts/skeletons that were not even a mere shadow of her original power. After this, Gamemnae would release all the water she had accumulated into space, altering the Earth's orbit, so the League would have to keep the planet in its orbit (and not move it, as people think). Even after being resurrected, the League was in a deplorable state, with Superman having to stop to absorb solar energy and even then he was not at his full power.
  • The second took place in Justice League of America #29. Here Superman and Green Lantern are not moving the Earth (again), but fighting to keep it in its orbit (again) against the powerful gravitational pulse of Starbreaker, who was dragging it towards the Sun. Starbreaker is so powerful that it can drag entire galactic clusters with that same pulse and it was also becoming more and more powerful thanks to the negative emotions of the planet. And if this were not enough, Starbreaker had previously weakened Superman with red sun energy.
  • The third and last was in JLA #58. The League had to do an extremely complicated maneuver with the Moon, dragging it as quickly as possible into the Earth's atmosphere to bring oxygen to the Moon and fill it with fire (all at high speeds), removing it at the last second. Not just move it. So it stands to reason that they would want as many hands on the task as possible. They were also quite injured and tired and subsequently suffered even more blows from the White Martians.
As we can see, the evidence normally used to claim that Superman needs help moving celestial bodies is not such, and even one of them, far from being a demerit, is in fact a remarkable feat against someone very powerful.
This is heavily taken out of context. What Brainiac-13 claimed was that Superman did not have the power to move HIS planet away from him, referring to the War World, which Brainiac had taken control of. This distinction is not mere semantics, since Brainiac-13 has just absorbed the universal energies of Imperiex with which he wanted to cause a new Big Bang that would destroy the current universe and replace it with another. These energies were going to allow Brainiac-13 to remodel the entire universe to his whim.
That Superman needed to overload himself with solar energy to face such an enemy is not strange if we take this into account. So managing to move the War World against Brainiac's will is a very high-level feat for Superman, not a demerit. Let's remember that Superman could not destroy the War World, because if he did this he would automatically activate Imperiex's Big Bang and destroy the universe.
Once again we find two extremely decontextualized situations. Let's analyze them:
  • The first occurred in Superman/Batman #4. In this instance, we see how Hawkman supposedly knocks out Superman after hitting him with the claw of Horus, which extracted his power from the Earth's magnetic core. Said claw was a magical weapon, as Hawkman himself implies when asking Superman if he thinks he and Batman believe they invented castling.
And Superman is vulnerable to magic, as we all know and as mentioned in the same instance, which makes this attack that much more devastating. But also in the next instance we discover that Superman and Batman allowed themselves to be captured to take them to Luthor, making Hawkman and Captain Marvel believe that they had defeated them. Which disproves that Superman was actually knocked out by Horus' claw.
  • The second occurred in Justice League of America #30. Here, an 81-trillion-ton shadowy moon was approaching the solar system at 7,614,000 km/h, which would trigger a mass extinction event whether the moon impacted or not; so they needed to pulverize it, not simply destroy it. To accomplish this, Superman punches the moon with a fist of infinite mass, accelerating as close to the speed of light as possible with the intention of gathering enough mass to destroy the moon completely without causing danger to Earth.
I don't know Superman's weight, but according to the DC wiki he weighs 107 kg (they don't cite sources). Accelerating at 0.99 c, that's 5.86x1019 Joules. The figure Batman gives for the moon's mass is incorrect, but assuming he's right, that would be 1.8x1026 Joules. Multiplying both energies, the result is an explosion of 1.06x1046 Joules or solar system. But if we use the real mass of the moon, it generated 1.43x1032 Joules, which multiplied by Superman's energy gives a result of 8.3x1051 Joules, well into the solar system+.
So this is indeed another feat that far exceeds the planet level. It is also interesting to mention that the substance of the creator of said moon (Shadow Thief) is an apparently infinite dimension and that with that same power, Starbreaker was able to fight and defeat Dharma, who kept two universes together.
Faced with the constant exposure of feats above the planet level (like the ones here), a series of preeminent refutations usually arise to try to disprove them, often dishonestly distorting the context of the original scene to give it a completely different meaning. These are the most common:
6.1) "The Nebula Man is not a living universe, because his size is not that of one"
A: Just because Neh-Buh-Loh is human-sized on the outside does not negate that it is a universe on the inside. In the same scan already shown from Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein, it is said that he is a sentient and mobile mass of malleable super-matter, indicating that his universe is scalable to his size; and in fact, in JLA: Classified (same story in which he confronts Superman), we are also shown its nature as a sentient universe and the Justice League traveling inside it (from which they come and go through boom tubes). ).
In fact, in the aforementioned Seven Soldiers, it is revealed to us that if it were not for the Ultramarine Corps, Neh-Buh-Loh would have already grown to replace the current universe. This is therefore the same case as the Galactic Golem, which on the outside barely measured several meters, but on the inside it was a vast dimension with many planets and stars.
6.2) "Absorbing energy to vaporize half a galaxy does not count as resistance, it is a hax"
A: It's not just about the act of absorbing energy. In the same comic it is mentioned how said energy was anti-sunlight, that is, harmful to Superman. In fact, we are clearly shown Superman being damaged by said energy and Batman and Martian Manhunter initially believed that Superman had died trying to absorb it. So it's clearly scalable to the physical attributes of it.
6.3) "Superman did not move the Mageddon, he was just trying to free himself from the chains that held him while it tortured him"
A: Martian Manhunter himself explicitly mentions that Superman was turning the wheels of Mageddon. This is later confirmed, where Martian explains how Superman is now one of the components of the machine and is using his strength. On the other hand, if Superman was just being held against his will, there would be little point in him breaking the chains so easily when Batman managed to snap him out of the trance the Mageddon kept him in.
6.4) "There is no mental limiter. Superman has been defeated on previous occasions and even died against Doomsday"
A: The limiter is subconscious, not conscious. Superman can't choose when he stops using it. At least not until he completed his training with Mongul. It is important to clarify that it is mentioned that his fight against Doomsday was the only time where he was able to free himself from the limiter.
6.5) "The universal black hole was a dream, Superman wakes up in the following pages"
A: This is half true. Sure enough, Superman wakes up from the "sleep" in the following pages. However, just before that, Death clarifies the event as something real and explains that it took place within a plane where mind and matter intersect to shape dreams and turn them into reality. Let us also remember that in DC, dreams give birth to new universes, so it matters little even if we take what happened as a literal dream.
6.6) "Superman did not receive the Suneater explosion, in fact, he had to escape from it"
A: This, on the other hand, is a complete lie. Superman received the explosion, as we can see in the panel; What he had to escape from was a cloud of red solar radiation born as a result, which Jonathan mentions would have incinerated him (not killed him) if it had reached him; Well, as we all know, red sunlight weakens Superman and deprives him of his powers. In fact, Superman had previously received several bursts of red solar radiation, making this feat even more impressive.
6.7) "The solar system that Superman moved was barely the size of buildings while he moved it"
A: The solar system had not yet reached the size it would have according to the scale of our universe, but that does not mean that its mass was proportional to its size. The system was adjusting to the new scale from its microscopic size, since it was originally from a compressed universe. Therefore, its mass was equal to that of a real one, evidenced by the mention that very soon the gravity of its star was going to destroy Metropolis. If he didn't have it, he wouldn't be able to generate such a gravitational field, being so small.
6.8) "In the same story, it is mentioned that his best hits barely destroy planets"
A: And where exactly is it mentioned that those were his best shots? 🤔 Because in fact, it is implied that these were casual.
6.9) "The Void Hound did not destroy all those star systems at once. Furthermore, it is only mentioned that those systems died"
A: Nowhere in the story is such a thing stated or even hinted at. In fact, the mention that the Void Hound was only tested once suggests that it destroyed all of those systems with a single attack. Regarding the other, the mention is accompanied with images of celestial bodies being destroyed, which makes it extremely unlikely that by "killing them" they were not referring to the fact that they were destroyed.
6.10) "Superman only covered the Mnemon fissure before it broke free, and he also had to get help from John Stewart because it was too much for him"
A: Under the pretext that covering the fissure was not a feat of strength, it makes no sense to argue that he needed John Stewart's help to keep it closed. In any case, Superman himself mentions that he was enduring "unimaginable" pressure to keep his hands closed. Regarding it being "too much for him", this was due to the visions that the Mnemon sent to Superman, with the aim of driving him crazy and making him release his grip on him.
As for John Stewart's "help," it simply consisted of acting as a backup for Superman (in case his hands opened) and creating the construct of a magnet to generate an electromagnetic field strong enough to reduce the pressure of the Mnemon enough that Superman could safely release it and throw it into a wormhole.
6.11) "Resisting the explosion of the La Fuente wall was an outlier, since it is a structure superior to the multiverse"
A: Superman only had to resist a tiny portion of the wall's destruction. Specifically, the one he had right in front of him. He couldn't do it all either, even if he wanted to. Since the Source Wall is a pan-dimensional structure that surrounds all of existence, the only way Superman could take all the destruction from it would be by being omnipresent throughout the multiverse. This does not mean that it is a great feat, since a mere breach is enough to destroy a universe.
6.12) "That Orion has a power comparable to the Big Bang is hyperbole"
A: We know that it is not hyperbole because emanations of Orion have feats of a similar level, such as containing an explosion that was going to destroy the universe at a quantum level, fighting against a god that was going to destroy the universe and defeating him (along with Superman, btw), killing an emanation of Darkseid that became one with the universe, contributing the energy to destroy the universe from the anti-life equation, etc.
As we can see based on all this, it makes no sense to believe that Kryptonians who have been absorbing sunlight from a yellow sun are only planetary (or multi-planetary) in attack power, at least as far as Superman and Supergirl are concerned. it means. The opposite has been proven in countless instances, and the evidence in all of them is that destroying planets is only a small fraction of these characters' true destructive potential. Therefore, to affirm that this is its limit or that the many feats that exceed this level are outliers is to speak without any type of foundation.
submitted by alphariusomega123 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:16 Sunnydaytripper Losing My Mind

H hate ranting and venting but I’m falling apart.
I went to a new OBGYN today who was very nice but I’m losing my mind because she wanted to treat my severe insomnia and severe brain fog with birth control since she said, “I’m still young and still getting my period.” Before she does this she would like me to follow up with a neurologist.
She’s testing my hormone levels, but like she and other doctors I’ve been to before, blood test only show if you’re menopausal, not perimenopausal. She also said because of my age and because I have erratic menstrual cycles I’m likely perimenopausal. No answers while my brain fog and insomnia has fried my brain cells for a year now.
I had insomnia while I was pregnant 10 yrs ago and know what hormonal insomnia feels like.
My main symptoms are brain fog, insomnia and irritability. They are so severe that I’m getting depressed. I don’t feel like myself and go through the motions each day. No night sweats or anything else.
I saw a horrible condescending male neurologist bc that’s where my primary doc wanted to start because of the brain fog.
I’m also seeing a sleep specialist now recommended by the neurologist to rule out sleep apnea.
Chasing my tail here.
I’m grateful to be able to see doctors but I’m truly burnt out and having a hard time managing life, parenting and work with no sleep and brain fog.
submitted by Sunnydaytripper to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:31 affenschnauze Is this reportable / should this be reported?

Not a traditional post I believe, but I still wanted to ask. Apologies for the long text.. ;)
A bit of background information: The white SF car was consistently going about 20 seconds a lap slower than everybody else and was kinda unpredictable concerning his line, which led to a few incidents. He did not have any damage.
In the first clip you can see me behind the white SF. I know that I should have been more careful, though it was the fist time encountering him for me. For reference, he was going about 90km/h in a corner you take at about 230km/h on a normal lap. I didn't expect him to be this slow and thought he would at least hit the apex then so I could go around the outside of him, which he didn't. You can also see the one behind me struggling to not crash into him.
In the second clip, it's almost the same as with me, but with the leader. He lost a few seconds as well. Just took that clip in for another example.
The third clip is then an accident between him and someone in the top 5, I believe. Though it was netcode, I don't think they would have gone trough the corner without contact. Again, he is going super slowly and driving in the middle of the circuit.
The last clip shows an onboard of his driving. As you can see and hear, he is barely even going full throttle, even on straights.
All of these incidents, which aren't even all, happened while he was being lapped. I know that he could be new to the car and / or track, just not as experienced, mistakenly registered for the race or even something else and therefore being careful, though 20 seconds a lap is quite a lot. But this was just dangerous for everyone over the whole race and he should probably stick to practice for now, if he is actually new to the car and track. Is something like this reportable and should it even be reported or would you say to just leave it as it is? In which category would you put a possible report?
I dont mean to offend anyone with this, and I am not even sure if I would want to report him, because you don't know the cause of all of this. Thank you for your answers and opinions. :)
submitted by affenschnauze to Simracingstewards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:29 timmah1529 Marketing Job Offer - Title + Salary Up To Me? Need Advice!

Good morning everyone,
I was recently laid off and I have been openly looking for work on LinkedIn. I had a connect reach out regarding a job at her husbands work. He then reached out to me and there is a lot of interest on both ends. However, there is no Job Title/Salary listed - they are asking me what I would want it to be. I have 7 years of experience in digital marketing, primarily focused on Marketing Automation but also have done PPC, social media, graphic design, etc. Here are the details:
As you can see, it is essentially running the marketing department for the firm by myself. The Director is very opening to assisting if/when needed for anything I am uncomfortable with or isn't a strong suit.
With all of this information, what would my title even be, and what would be a fair salary for someone in the Chicago suburbs? The amount of responsibilities makes it feel like an Associate Director position, but traditionally Associate Director's aren't doing all the heavy lifting.
Happy to answer any additional questions - I want to make sure I am taken care of and not lowballing myself. Thank you
submitted by timmah1529 to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:16 Murky_waterLLC The Greatest Congame in the History of the Universe (Part 1.2)

[First] [Prev]
Dialog Key:
[Translated]: Dates, Units of Measurement, or other Grammatical terms will be retrofitted to be legible for readers while still staying true to their definition
{Exposition}: Immediate context regarding events, People, Entities, or other key points that allow for understanding amongst different cultures.
...This vicious defeat sobered up the command of the Dekarr as they swiftly began commissioning countermeasures for these Argo ships. But how do you stop a hive-minded, indestructible drone swarm? At first, it was easy for the Dekarr to turn to their [Dyson swarms] to wipe out the Argos, but military strategists were concerned with the [M.A.D.] principle which was confirmed to be within the Human’s understanding and vocabulary and had been for thousands of years. They didn’t want to risk the lives of trillions for one single ship.
So the Mammals scrapped the genocide option and sent out a broadcast commissioning ideas to deal with the Human Drone Swarms, because soon enough the Human Fleets would power through the Commonwealth systems’ FTL inhibitors, and this would no longer be an offensive war. Oddly enough, the answer came from the Humans themselves. Well, not the Terran Conglomerate or Neptune Confederacy of course, but from something the Humans referred to as a “Corporate Enterprise”, named “Descon Industries™”. They offered a weapon capable of punching through the Argo Ships and their drone swarms, in exchange for a few favors in the future.
The Dekarr were more than willing to pay whatever price in their moment of desperation. They couldn’t afford this political massacre if they lost this war, how they would be mocked in the Galactic Community if their war of humiliation was turned on them. They eagerly purchased the designs for a large swath of technology and resources, not questioning how casually these Humans were willing to stab their own species in the back for a quick [profit]. But by the time the first of these powerful “M.A.C.” weapons were synthesized and attached to their battleships, the Humans had successfully taken one of their outer system’s void space, what’s worse is that a well-established colony was in that system, and it was currently being raided by the Human Forces.
The Transmissions and battle recordings from Gespoliin {Outer trade colony, located ~[26,273 ly] from the Galactic Center} raised another dilemma, The Humans seemed to counter and overwhelm every tactic the garrison commanders would throw at them. Linemen, Trench warfare, Artillery rains, Nothing stopped the Humans. Their technology, while primitive was insane, savage, archaic, and ruthlessly effective! Ballistic ordinance, something that was traditionally scarcely used on mobile artillery apparatus or heavy war machines, was standard-issue assault weaponry for the humans, Micro-artillery cannons nestled in the arms of the Humans that often fired just as fast, if not faster, than our own standard-issue phaser rifles! The Commonweath’s best Generals and Strategists worked tirelessly to decipher these tactics, but their technology simply couldn’t be retrofitted quickly enough to employ these tactics! Humans may have been primitive but their weapons worked with a different purpose, a purpose that was fulfilled with vicious efficiency.
The Dekarr Reached out to Descon Industries once more and asked if they could provide military solutions for ground-based combat. Descon Industries said that they could not help, as they were Naval Contractors and Arms Manufacturers, However, they did refer the Commonwealth to what the Humans referred to as a “Private Military Company” dubbed “Dynamo Security Contractors”, which we later learned was just another off-shoot of Descon Industries. “Franchising” was not in the vocabulary of any Pan-galactic Enterprises, so nobody glanced twice at the corporate monopoly. Traditionally as a Corporation, you are either specialized or Generalized, from start to bankruptcy, unless of course, you’re Human in origin, because you can come up with an Idea so ridiculous as ‘franchising’ and get away with it.
And get away with it they did, The Dekarr happily rented out the entirety of the PMC after learning it shared the definition of a glorified Mercincary Enclave like so many you would find across the galaxy looking for petty work.
And so, the Dynamo Forces arrived on a Nearby colony moon within the Uved System {The System Housing the Trade colony of Gespoliin} and prepared for an assault alongside 18 million Commonwealth Soldiers on the besieged colony that was just barely holding onto its ground control. After seeing how disorganized and primitive the Commonwealth’s ground strategies were, the PMC strategists offered to assume command over their forces, though they were swiftly turned down by the Commonwealth Generals, thinking they only needed Human weaponry and soldiers to solve their problems, not their strategists. At this point, many still believed the Humans were winning because of hubris and dumb luck, not technology or tactics.
submitted by Murky_waterLLC to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:55 Aware-Gap8804 In Tier-2 CSE, Got 8 'F'(Back) in 1st Year, Dean said to reconsider your decision or I will not survive enough to get degree (if i can't graduate in 6 years). Feels like it's end, I don't have the will to even write known answers in exams, Didn't tell my parents yet. What to do?

I am currently in Tier-2 CSE, I have total 8 'F' Grade, I have no will to even sit and study for 1 hour, I don't know why i am doing like this, i feels like i am very very exhausted. All this 1 year I was like,
I just wakeup, use phone in class, attend labs (didn't try to understand anything just did watching what everyone is doing, no understanding), come to hostel browse internet, game or reels or youtube, then sleep.
I didn't even studied anything during examination,I don't know why, I just can't understand what is happening to me, my mind already gave up, i now feels like i can't even pass anything no matter how much i studied.
In one of the end sem exam of 2nd sem, I knew answer of a question but i didn't have the will to write it on paper, and I didn't write it. In all the exams i just sit, look into the question paper, look into board.
Each paper can only get cleared in parallel, like 1st sem subjects can only be cleared in 3rd, 5th & 7th sem or summer term. And i can get take maximum 1 subjects in 1 term. If i am not limited to take limited cource.
Dean said, from the next sem, my credit will be get reduced to only 4 cources until i reach CG of 5. then after that i have to clear those cources which get removed due to credit limit.
I am thinking that i don't have any intrest left in any of these stuffs, i just want to leave it
I feels all the money is wasted now. I was good till 10th, average in 12th (48k in mains),Sometimes i feels like i should just get a basic job which i can get now(if).
I am going to tell my parents (fat bhut rhi h)that i have failed and now i will discontinue my studies and and will ask if i can join my their business.
Have anyone face similar issue, How did you face this?
submitted by Aware-Gap8804 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:13 frejasade Kantele Purchase Advice

Hello kantele enthusiasts! I'm interested in learning to play the kantele and have looked into Koistinen's Wing11, which seems to be a good model. I only, however, have a basic knowledge of music and want to understand the capacities of the instrument.
For those of you who have experience, which kinds of music is an 11-string kantele sufficient to play? I'm just beginning to learn about musical keys and don't understand the full significance of being able to play in many keys. On the Koistinen website, for example, there are 7 options for levers that cost €50 each. Is it recommended to buy a kantele with levers? If so, which do you recommend of the options (including "Kieli nro 2 H/B", "Kieli nro 3 C/Cis", etc.)?
Additionally, do you think it's possible to properly learn kantele outside of Finland and without a teacher? I have an intermediate level of Finnish, so I am open to materials in Finnish, though I would prefer English sources. I've looked at the guides this subreddit has collected, but do you believe these are enough to have a working knowledge of playing kantele?
Thank you to anyone who is kind enough to answer these questions. I apologise for my musical ignorance, but I really only have basic knowledge.
submitted by frejasade to kantele [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 talkiemateapp Top 10 Free Character AI Alternatives

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
If you are a visual storytelling fan and strive for creativity through fictional characters’ eyes, you’re in the right place. is an amazing tool that lets you do just that! But what if you crave a different experience, with more tools or a specific character in mind? Fear not, for we have gone through 35+ options and picked the top 10 paid and free Character AI alternatives, each offering a unique experience tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re a writer looking to enrich your stories, a history buff eager to get deeper into the past, or simply someone who loves engaging with AI in a new way, keep reading if you’re:
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Premium Plan: Starts at $9/month, unlocking advanced features and enhanced user experience.
Custom Plans: Tailored to specific needs, with varying pricing based on customization requirements.
  1. Botify AI
Website: Botify AI
Botify AI offers an innovative character AI style. It presents a revolutionary system that allows users to communicate with real people or characters from their favorite TV shows, films, or literature. Thanks to the flexibility of Botify AI, you have the possibility to create your own digital character and customize every detail like appearance, emotions, voice, and backstory.
Free version accessible.
High-quality editing tools.
Intuitive interface for users.
Relies on outdated data in some instances.
Utilizes Automated style writing, which may not suit all preferences.
Pricing Plans:
Essential: Starting from $35 per user per month, suitable for simple websites requiring comprehensive SEO data and recommendations.
Pro: Starting from $55 per user per month, ideal for businesses heavily reliant on organic search, aiming to protect and expand their organic revenue.
Enterprise: Custom pricing for large, complex organizations needing accelerated scaling, support, and security.
  1. Replika
Website: Replika
Replika is a personal AI assistant that you can talk to. It was designed to give the user a deeply special and personal experience. Made to be a friend, a confidant, and an emotional support, Replika utilizes the learning ability of machines and natural language processing, thus bringing to the fore the ability to engage in empathetic and contextual conversations.
Highly personalized and customized stories and avatars.
Ranges from new features to improved or enhanced capabilities, are constantly being forwarded.
Provides not only free but paid as well on the conditions built-in subscription options.
One main shortcoming lies in the fact that chatbots’ uses go beyond the conversation stage.
The question of privacy and usage of users’ personal data is one of the aspects, which is a crucial issue when talking about social media.
Impact of user dependency and emotional attachment as prospective risks.
Pricing Plans:
1 month plan: $19.99
12 months plan: $5.83/month (billed annually)
Lifetime plan: $299.99 (billed once)
  1. Anima AI
Website: Anima AI
MyAnima AI is our super smart AI chatbot. It has been developed to be the best friend for you who likes playing the role of a human and can do this like nobody else. With Anima AI, a user can easily pick any relationship status of their choice: AI-Girlfriend, -Boyfriend, Virtual Wife, the other way round, or even a custom-made Character AI. Whether it is a friend who will be a help and support, a virtual companion with whom you can role play, someone with whom you share your emotions, or a chat partner you can discuss any topic that tickles your fancy, Anima AI can help you out.
Unlimited unique stories.
Anima AI is an AI bot that is warm and conversational.
Ability to respond to your messages instantly when you need to talk.
Some features are called back in the Free version.
Pricing Plans:
Anima AI offers a free version with basic features, allowing users to create a customized AI virtual companion after signing up.
  1. DeepFiction
Website: DeepFiction
DeepFiction narrates a plethora of stories that include captivating and thrilling sagas to touching and heartwarming fables. What sets it apart? You can, however, change your characters and the scenery to your taste. That is the AI-powered mechanism that enables the production of compelling and well-connected stories with the help of natural language processing and machine learning.
Unlimited unique stories.
Customise characters and settings.
Sparks creativity and imagination.
Suitable for all ages.
Limited control over the plot.
This chatbot is not interactive like most other chatting bots.
Pricing Plans:
DeepFiction offers a single pricing plan at $5 per month.
  1. StoryMate
Website: StoryMate
StoryMate is your virtual reading partner, but without a library sound ban. It’s essentially there to bring the wonder of literature to life, providing you with an extensive collection of books and amazing narration methods to send you exploring faraway lands or to make you acquainted with unforgettable characters.
Elicits a desire for reading.
Enhances writing abilities.
Provides diversified choices of relevant titles for different age groups.
Facilitates collaborative creativity.
May not be suitable for all those that seek highly sociable experiences.
Chiefly concerns a child’s literature.
  1. Kajiwoto
Website: Kajiwoto
Kajiwoto offers the same experience as Character AI to users creating human-like chatting with AI characters having their own character features. It is a cool platform for both AI fanatics and those who are creatively inclined. In Kajiwoto, the users can choose whether they want a free or paid membership to fit their needs. Yet, it has this 200-character restriction on one-on-one dialogues.
Free option available.
Customizable mood for your Kaji.
Unlimited chatting.
Permits NSFW content.
Premium subscription required for business idea development.
Paid subscription can be expensive.
Pricing Plans:
Free Plan: Unlimited chat and access to basic features.
Kajiwoto Plus: $7.32/month, includes unlimited AI voice usage and private rooms.
Kajiwoto Pro: $25.00/month, offers all features of Kajiwoto Plus plus more, for the ultimate AI experience.
  1. KUKI.AI
Website: KUKI.AI
KUKI.AI is a conversational AI with award-winning applications, providing exceptional functionalities. This virtual assistant employs the most advanced AI methods to allow the users to have very natural talks, thus qualifying it as a good chatbot application. Through direct and indirect semantic cues analogous to GPT, the KUKI.AI aggregates its knowledge base. Through the dissection of phrases into two inputs of “core” and “wild card”, it is able to expand its vocabulary for more understanding of multiple speech patterns. To use KUKI.AI without being limited by the number of questions one can ask, the chatbot answers all queries while making sure conversations do not repeat themselves.
Infinite question handling capability.
User-friendly interface.
Absence of graphics, a text-only trip.
Pricing Plans:
$75/month (100,000 chat)
$1500/month (Dedicated service plan)
  1. In World AI
Website: In World AI
Inworld AI is a leading platform that allows you to chat with AI characters or even create your own if you wish, similar to Character AI. On Inworld AI, you can have conversations for free with the characters but if you want to have access to features like API integrations, and unlimited character creation, you have to get their premium plan which starts at $20 monthly. Inworld AI utilizes the power of the OpenAI models meaning that accurate information will be delivered by the chatbot.
Through it, you can design characters.
Available at no individual cost for chatting.
The paid version starts at a subscription fee as low as $20 per month.
It can only be accessed through an internet browser.
The app has not yet been launched and is only accessible through mobile browsers.
Pricing Plans:
Free — $0–200 API integrations and minutes, 60 virtual characters, customization options.
Pro — $20 per month — 2000 API integrations and minutes, unlimited virtual characters, customization options, shareable workspaces, access to Discord community.
So there you have it – 10 alternatives for Character AI, each with a distinct personality and feature set. Keep in mind that selecting the ideal chatbot for your clan involves striking the ideal equilibrium between amusement, education, and age suitability. With the right AI companion by your side, you can make learning an adventure, and turn screen time into quality time.
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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:36 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week 18-20

Week 19-20: Ghazal and Tanka Mastery
Day 1: Unveiling the Ghazal - Activity: Analyze classic ghazals for their structure and themes. - Lecture: Explore the historical and cultural context of ghazals. - Discussion: Share impressions and discuss the themes of love and longing in ghazals.
Day 2: Crafting the Ghazal Form - Activity: Break down the structure of a ghazal and discuss rhyme patterns. - Lecture: Explore the traditional themes and variations within ghazals. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of writing within the constraints of a ghazal.
Day 3: Understanding Tanka - Activity: Analyze traditional tankas for their brevity and emotion. - Lecture: Explain the structure and cultural significance of tankas. - Discussion: Share thoughts on capturing a moment in five lines.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Expressive Tanka - Activity: Write tankas individually, focusing on concise expression of emotion. - Assignment: Craft a ghazal exploring themes of love or longing. - Vocabulary Words: Matla, Radif, Wazn.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for ghazals and tankas. - Lecture: Discuss the impact of repetition in ghazals and the art of brevity in tankas. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 19-20: 1. What are the traditional themes of love and longing in ghazals? 2. Explore the structure of a ghazal, including the use of repeated words and rhyme patterns. 3. Discuss the cultural significance of tankas and their role in capturing fleeting moments. 4. How does the brevity of tankas contribute to their emotional impact? 5. Reflect on the challenges and rewards of crafting ghazals and tankas.
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of ghazals, tankas, and the cultural context of these poetic forms.
Week 21-22: Cinquains and Pantoum Prowess
Day 1: Mastering Cinquains - Activity: Analyze classic cinquains for their simplicity and structure. - Lecture: Explore the syllabic pattern and thematic focus of cinquains. - Discussion: Share thoughts on capturing a subject in just five lines.
Day 2: Crafting Cinquains with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a cinquain. - Lecture: Discuss the importance of word choice and economy of language in cinquains. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual cinquains, highlighting successful elements.
Day 3: Embracing the Pantoum - Activity: Analyze a famous pantoum for its repetition and layered meaning. - Lecture: Explain the structure and narrative possibilities of pantoums. - Discussion: Discuss the role of repetition in creating a rhythmic flow.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Developing a Pantoum - Activity: Craft a pantoum exploring a theme of personal growth or change. - Assignment: Write a cinquain on a chosen subject. - Vocabulary Words: Quatrain, Refrain, Syllabic Pattern.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for cinquains and pantoums. - Lecture: Discuss the challenges and rewards of repetition in pantoums. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 21-22: 1. Discuss the simplicity and structure of cinquains. How does their syllabic pattern contribute to their impact? 2. Explore the importance of word choice and economy of language in crafting cinquains. 3. What defines a pantoum, and how does repetition contribute to its rhythmic flow? 4. Discuss the narrative possibilities and layered meaning in pantoums. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting cinquains and pantoums. What challenges did you face?
Quiz: Assessment on cinquains, pantoums, and the effective use of repetition in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:33 adulting4kids Poetry Course Week 11-12

Week 11-12: Epic Journeys and Blank Verse
Day 1: Exploring Epic Storytelling - Activity: Analyze an excerpt from a classic epic poem. - Lecture: Discuss the characteristics and narrative structure of epic poetry. - Discussion: Share thoughts on the enduring appeal of epic journeys.
Day 2: Crafting Epic Narratives - Activity: Break down the process of crafting an epic poem. - Lecture: Explore the use of elevated language and heroic themes. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual ideas for epic narratives.
Day 3: Mastering the Art of Blank Verse - Activity: Analyze a famous work written in blank verse. - Lecture: Explain the structure and rhythmic qualities of blank verse. - Discussion: Discuss the freedom and constraints of writing in blank verse.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Epic Journey Poem - Activity: Craft a poem exploring an epic journey or heroic theme. - Assignment: Write a blank verse poem on a chosen topic. - Vocabulary Words: Epic, Heroic, Blank Verse.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for epic poems and blank verse. - Lecture: Discuss the enduring appeal of epic storytelling and the rhythmic qualities of blank verse. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 11-12: 1. Discuss the characteristics and narrative structure of epic poetry. What makes a journey "epic"? 2. Explore the use of elevated language and heroic themes in crafting epic narratives. 3. What defines blank verse, and how does its rhythmic quality contribute to the overall impact? 4. Discuss the freedom and constraints of writing in blank verse. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting an epic poem and a blank verse poem. How did you approach the themes and rhythmic qualities?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of epic poetry, the characteristics of epic journeys, and the rhythmic qualities of blank verse.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:31 GameBunny-025 Since Horus hasn't gotten a BF yet, I've written a little something (this is my take on it, feel free to make up your own)

I sat on my thrown with a frown on my face. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all! Magna, Mortifica, Liona, even Anatola! Why not me?
"Abaddon!" I shouted and my first captain appeared.
"Yes, my lady?" He stood at attention.
"What do my sisters have that I don't?"
Abaddon looked confused, "My lady?"
"Sanguinia has her Dove, Anatola has her Rose, even Mortifica has her... Whatever she calls him. Why do I not have a partner? I'm the Warmaster for Emperor's sake!"
Abaddon stammered. He didn't know how to answer. Unsurprising.
"H-Have you tried... Asking someone out?"
I frowned, "You think me so simple not to think of such elementary methods?"
"N-No, my lady. Of course not. It's just... Maybe it's because you're so..."
I leaned closer, my eyes narrowing, "So what?"
"Don't take this the wrong way. You're a giant, power-armored, immortal, practically god-like being. I doubt many would... Take the chance."
"Doesn't mean there aren't any," a new voice spoke out. Tarrik Torgadon walked in with his usual swagger, "And it's probably destiny."
Now I was confused, "Explain."
"Well, your sisters have gotten partners only through certain specific occasions. Lady Anatola got hers in a massive battle. I was there, Rose was wielding a chainsword bigger than him. And Lady Lilith got hers at one of those religious backwater conventions or whatever they are."
"So you're saying I'm unlucky?"
Tarrik twisted his lips, "Kind of? But who knows, maybe your knight in shining armor will appear any second."
I laughed at that, "Oh please, Tarrik. The chances of us meeting anybody in this sector of space are astronomically-"
A beeping noise broke me off. My communications officer turned to me and said, "We're being hailed, my Lady."
"By whom?" I ask. There wasn't supposed to be anyone here.
"Unknown. But they sent us a message. It reads: We are friendly. May we appear so we can discuss peace?"
Appear? What do they mean appear? This could be a trap. I guess it didn't matter. I had three dozen warships with me. Whatever comes at us will be destroyed.
"Fine. Tell them I shall meet them."
The officer relayed the message and a ship appeared out of nowhere a second later. Energy sparked in the dark void of space as the vessel's hull materialized. But there was no sign of warp activity. A cloaking device? It was only one and it didn't look particularly impressive despite its sleek design.
An hour went by as the ship got into position next to my Vengeful Spirit. In moments I would meet its captain and hopefully get answers.
"This could be him," Tarrik said.
"Who?" I asked.
"You know."
I scoffed, "Tarrik, once again, the chances of me finding my so-called 'knight in shining armor' on this unknown vessel is-"
The door opened and I was greeted with a sight that made me... Feel. There were two dozen individuals. All humans. A third were women, the rest men. Most of the men wore bulky armor and carried powerful-looking weapons.
But none of that interested me.
The man leading them. He was well over two meters tall. Neatly cropped silver hair adorned his head. His crimson eyes stared into mine. His skin as pale as snow-covered ash. The gray and white suit he wore utterly failed to hide his powerful body. He stood with his arms behind his straight back.
What was this? A witch? Did he use some kind of sorcery? What do I feel? Why do I feel it? How? He...
"Greetings," he spoke, his voice like a melody to my ears, "I am Antonius Maximilian Kantor, Admiral of the first Altraxian Commonwealth Fleet."
My hearts sank. My words refused to come out of my throat. My mouth opened yet not even air escaped my lips. A nudge from Tarrik brought me back just enough.
"Hera Lupercal. Warmaster of the Emperor's armies. Lady of the Lunar Wolves. Conquerer of a million worlds."
I don't know why I said all of that. My mind just devolved into its basic instinct. To make those beneath me fear me. Perhaps that's why I'm...
"An impressive assortment of titles," Antonius said, unnerved by my words, "Hera. Like the goddess of Ancient Terra?"
I stammered, "Y-Yes. Quite a joke name, isn't it?"
"Not at all. It's most fitting."
I swear I could feel my hearts skip a beat. I could feel my face burning like a star. What is this?!
Antonius extended his hand, "Shall we move to a more appropriate location? I believe we have much to discuss."
I hesitated. My arm felt heavy as I slowly lifted it and gently clasped his small hand. Despite my thick gauntlet, I could feel the softness of his palm.
Was this it? Did I... Find him?
submitted by GameBunny-025 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:29 adulting4kids Poetry Course Week Three and Four

Week 3: Limericks and the Art of Humor
Day 1: Decoding Limericks - Activity: Analyze classic limericks for rhythm and humor. - Lecture: Discuss the AABBA rhyme scheme and distinctive rhythm. - Discussion: Share favorite humorous poems and discuss elements that make them funny.
Day 2: Crafting Limericks with Wit - Activity: Write limericks individually, focusing on humor and rhythm. - Lecture: Explore the balance of humor and structure in limericks. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual limericks, highlighting successful elements.
Day 3: Understanding Free Verse - Activity: Analyze free verse poems for structure and expression. - Lecture: Introduce the concept of free verse and its flexibility. - Discussion: Discuss the liberation and challenges of writing without a strict structure.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Expressing Emotions in Free Verse - Activity: Explore emotions and write a free verse poem. - Assignment: Craft a free verse poem exploring a personal experience or emotion. - Vocabulary Words: Enjambment, Cadence, Anapest.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for free verse poems. - Lecture: Discuss the artistic freedom and impact of free verse. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' free verse poems.
Study Guide Questions for Week 3: 1. What defines a limerick, and how does its rhythm contribute to its humor? 2. Discuss the importance of the AABBA rhyme scheme in limericks. 3. How does free verse differ from structured forms of poetry? 4. Explore the challenges and benefits of writing without a strict form in free verse. 5. Reflect on the emotions and experiences expressed in your free verse poem.
Quiz: Assessment on limericks, the AABBA rhyme scheme, and the principles of free verse.
Week 4: Free Verse and Acrostic Poetry
Day 1: Embracing Free Verse - Activity: Analyze diverse free verse poems for individual expression. - Lecture: Discuss famous free verse poets and their impact on the genre. - Discussion: Share personal reactions to the artistic freedom of free verse.
Day 2: Crafting Emotion in Free Verse - Activity: Write a free verse poem expressing a specific emotion. - Lecture: Explore the role of emotions in free verse and the use of vivid imagery. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual poems, highlighting emotional impact.
Day 3: Understanding Acrostic Poetry - Activity: Analyze acrostic poems for clever wordplay. - Lecture: Explain the concept of acrostic poetry and its various forms. - Discussion: Share examples of creative acrostic poems.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Personal Acrostic - Activity: Craft an acrostic poem using your name or a chosen word. - Assignment: Write an acrostic poem exploring a theme or concept. - Vocabulary Words: Strophe, Stanza, Consonance.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for acrostic poems. - Lecture: Discuss the playfulness and creativity of acrostic poetry. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' acrostic poems.
Study Guide Questions for Week 4: 1. Explore the role of emotions in free verse poetry. How does it differ from structured forms? 2. Discuss the impact of vivid imagery in free verse. How does it contribute to the overall message? 3. What defines acrostic poetry, and how is it different from other forms? 4. How can clever wordplay enhance the impact of an acrostic poem? 5. Reflect on the creative process and thematic exploration in your acrostic poem.
Quiz: Assessment on understanding free verse, emotional expression in poetry, and the principles of acrostic poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]