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2024.05.14 20:09 Petroleum_Jelly_Bean With regards to the NEP criticism post (

Dear SiMadam Maple Hams,
A lot of these claims are not the fault of the Naval Experience Program (herein referred to as the NEP).
The NEP has no control over the activities of PAT platoon units. If these units do not place their Sailors into their next courses - then they are failing their own sailors.
I know a lot of actual sailors who have been wasting away on pat platoon waiting for their initial trade course to start.
This has been normal since time immemorial. It was bad during COVID because measures were in place and courses were outright cancelled, but prior to that - most trades were running 1-2 courses per year. Now some trades are running 3 courses a year.
I would also like to point out that NEP candidates cannot complete with any sailors waiting for their trades course because NEP candidates first have to actually sign a contract after picking a trade. Once they pick a trade, they will have to wait with the rest of these Sailors in PAT platoons.
Now I’m seeing 1 year contract NEPs, with no trade and no requirement to extend, getting NETP before actual sailors.
Also not the NEP's fault. Any unit can nominate a Sailor for NETP. You can email the NFS(A/P) NETP Booking Cell and the people there are very nice and helpful and will happily load Sailors. All you need to do is ask for the course list, pick a course date, fill in the form with the Sailor's name, rank, and service number - and boom. That Sailor is loaded.
Between May 16 and October 01 of this year, there are a total 8 NETP Courses scheduled and are capable of handling maybe 20-25 Sailors.
And the sad fact is... They have had to beg units for people to enroll - otherwise they would have to cancel the course... I know for a fact they had to cancel two courses this year already, so if you personally know any units that have Sailors that need NETP, then please give them a call!
They’re doing dive courses, I even heard of some attending clearance diver selection (might be a rumour), before actual sailors who have been requesting it for years.
For the third time, this is also not the NEP program's fault, nor is it outside their control.
FDU(A/P) publishes a list of scheduled courses every year. Rescue Swimmer, Port Inspection Diver, Supervisor Courses, Ship's Team Diver, Clearance Diver - you name it.
A person interested in this course must first submit a memo through their chain of command, Diver Officer, and complete a checklist with their unit's Health Services to pass Dental and Part 1 and 2 medicals (actual requirements vary depending on the course).
This process can last weeks to several months - and that depends on how much support a Sailor gets from their CoC and Health Services unit.
Now again, like the NETP situation if units do not support their Sailor's applications, then that Sailor goes no where. The NEP is not actively nudging these Sailors off courses.
If anything, the NEP is actually making some of these courses possible because FDU(A/P) is not getting enough people who are properly processed with completed checklist to actually show up ready for the courses!
So far this year 1 course almost got cancelled - but because the NEP was able to provide bodies, they were able to run the course!
As I write this, a course in June is also currently in jeopardy of being cancelled due to not having enough enrollees.
So no, the NEP is not stealing spots off Sailors who have been waiting years for their dive course.... The NEP is doing everything right within their power to make sure their candidates have gone through official channels to get their applications and checklists completed, and by doing so, providing enough bodies for FDU to actually run courses.
And yes - one NEP candidate from the East Coast and one from the West Coast have completed Clearance Diver training.
One did not get selected however, but that is the Clearance Diver unit's perogative. (Its called Selection after all).
But can you really fault these two NEP candidates for passing a physically and mentally demanding course...?
The programme is a complete ruse designed to make these people have a fun year that they can brag about to their friends and hopefully they’ll sign a real contract.
Not gonna lie, that is the intention.
We want sailors. We NEED sailors.
If it gets them through the door of recruiting, and if they sign a new contract to continue being in the Navy - then by all metrics the program is working.
And so far, I have seen only 1 person out of 75 that has voluntarily released in the 1 year this program has run.
Morale in the fleet is getting beat down lower everyday and watching these people come in and take your spot on the course or sail you’ve been dying to get isn’t doing any favours.
If the argument is that *"NEP candidates are having fun, but people in the fleet aren't" *then something else is wrong in the fleet, and the NEP is not the cause of that - with the reasons I have listed above.
Each and every unit, ship, and organization within the CAF and the fleet are near seperate entities - each with their own challenges.
Saying that the NEP is making life worse for these units has no basis in reality. The NEP is not all knowing, nor does it have the power to make random people's lives miserable.
It's like saying HMCS Montreal is having fun sailing, while HMCS Frdericton and HMCS Chalottetown are sad because their ships are broken. It doesn't make sense.
It doesn’t even make any sense for the navy to be spending the money on these people getting courses they don’t need.
First off, the way the military does things is we are given a budget at the start of the fiscal year.
This budget is identified and allocated way in advance of an intented purpose.
For example, the CAF is given a budget. This budget divided between the Army, Navy, and Air Force. This is further divided into other units within these branches.
The Navy and the CAF has identified the need to create a program to encourage civilians to join the Navy, and retain them after their initial contract. The Government has approved this program and allocated a portion of this years' budget to fund this program.
This program, the NEP, is doing its best with the money allocated to them to ensure that the sailors under their care are taken care of and given enough positive experience so that they hopefully willingly sign another contract, so that our Navy has enough Sailors in the future to sail our ships and complete our missions.
If we don't move heaven and earth to get these Sailors now - then even people who have joined the Navy normally like you and me will be unable to sail in the future because ships are just severely undermanned.
Also I would like to share a personal anecdote...
My RQS3 course had 12 people. Of those 12, after four years 6 had left the forces due to one reason or another.
In my trade, you can apply for a Specialist skill within a Specialist trade.
The Navy will train you and fly you to whatever ship to complete your course. Basically whatever is needed to ensure you pass that course.
All you have to do is study hard.
I have seen people who pass this course - and then end up not sailing and then they lose their qualification.
This, after the Navy spent so much resources, money, and man hours into getting these Sailors qualified, but then they just up and decide this isn't for them.
The argument of "why are these NEP candidates getting this and that when they leave anyway?" is severely misguided when you and I both know there are already people in the Navy who throw away opportunity to the winds...
So hopefully dear SiMa'am Maple Hams, please reconsider your opinion on the program.
In short, the NEP is not stealing resources from othe units.
The NEP is operating within the resources and mandate given to them - and in some cases, actually directly or indirectly contributing to the success of other units in the Navy by providing an investment of manpower that we badly need.
If we were like other NATO countries, then I would argue that this program is unnecessary if we consider the option of outright mandatory military service and conscription.
But we are not like those other countries, and we do not have the option of conscription...
So we have this program instead.
For your consideration, SiMa'am.
PS, I would personally like to extend my thanks to the crews and personnel of the following units for supporting the NEP program:
HMCS St. John's (they have been our most supportive unit).
HMCS Ville de Quebec (thank you for taking time off your busy schedule for allowing job shadowing for the NEP candidates).
HMCS Chalottetown (thank you for taking care of our candidates during your deployment. we know the sea state between Iceland and Halifax was bad, but that didnt let your crew from throwing the NEP candidates to the side).
HMCS Harry Dewolf (your willingless to employ NEP candidates allowed them to become familiar with the platform, and sets the candidates up for success)
NFS(A) Scheduling and Booking Cells (you have always accomodated our requests and has never let us down when we needed help)
Tribute Tower Galley (thank you for employing our candidates and for providing them with delicious food - some of our candidates have never eaten this well in their life)
Juno Tower Accomodations and Booking Cell (you are the first people we contact to get our NEP candidates set up after CFLRS, and without your help we wouldn't even be able to do anything)
CFB Halifax Dockyard Gym and CFB Shearwater Gym (thank you for accomodating our fitness related requests, including letting us borrow the gym so our candidates can see what it is like to swim for their life before they apply for courses)
FDU Atlantic and Pacific (we apologize if we had sent people who were not physically able to complete the courses you offer - to be fair, they are really hard, but we are working on making the quality of people we offer to send better. Hopefully we can continue sending candidates to fill in courses so they do not get cancelled).
Clothing Stores (thank you for setting up our candidates with their kit!)
Base Logistics, Maritime Operations Group, Fleet Padre's office, Fleet Master Sailor and Junior's Mess, FMF Cape Scott, Halifax MFRC, SISIP, PCC(A/P), Health Services Stadacona, TEME, CFLRS, Recruiting, Public Affairs, MARLANT/MARPAC, and the various units all over - for reasons too many to list, we thank you for supporting the program in all the unique ways you do.
Despite what some may say about the Naval Experience Program - all of you have given the program all the support the program could ask for and more.
If you all didn't care, then we wouldn't be here.
Disclaimer: These are my own opinions and does not reflect the official position of the NEP, the Navy, the CAF, or the Government of Canada.
submitted by Petroleum_Jelly_Bean to caf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:09 Apprehensive_Ebb_866 Do you sometimes think people are mean or mess with you just to do it?

I was at Costco self checkout, there was an employee standing there telling us which register was free or next and pointing the way. He pointed and said "over there" and I went where he was pointing, but he said it was the wrong one, then he was pointing somewhere completely different. He was like "bro, no over there man!" yelling at me. He was never pointing at the actual register I was supposed to go to. Even the second time he pointed. Made no sense. Also, he never made eye contact with me which was bizarre. Do you think he was just angry and wants to take it out on people and mess with their heads? It's dumb stuff like this that bothers me. I get pissed off later about it, and am always angry for not standing up for myself in the middle of situations like this, but it takes me while to process what's going on and usually it's when I am already walking out of the situation and moving on, and I get angry about it later or at that person, but the ship already sailed. I guess the worst is that I couldn't react immediately and push back so to speak. I do NOT like getting pushed around or taken advantage of, so that's why it stays with me, and I have countless little grudges like this.
Any one else have the same issues?
submitted by Apprehensive_Ebb_866 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:09 therealwalterwhiter is xatab legit?
Hi. Yes, I've checked the megathread, as well as the Piracy megathread, but I'm a super paranoid individual.
I was wondering how legitimate the torrent downloads are, and if there have been cases of malware within games. I used fitgirl, but isp caught on to me, so i use freegog, no issues.
Also, noob question, but I torrent with no vpn[i know its risky, and no, I don't trust free ones and can't afford regular ones]from freegog, like i said, and haven't got a warning by isp, got caught when using fitgirl, so i'm wondering about the likelyhood of getting caught using xatab.
submitted by therealwalterwhiter to PiracyArchive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Ill_Mistake6896 I’m confused

Trigger warning this includes stuff in the lgbtq community (I myself am part of the community)
So I’m in a server this dude (not gonna name) was following me and my friend was with me. I told him “This dude named XXXX is following me idk why” and then he sent me a dm “That’s my dead name 😭” like I was supposed to know this?? Also made me uncomfortable because I am trans and such and I kinda know how that feels. But idk why they needed to say anything about it… it was there username like how was i supposed to know??? Also I get that it costs robux but if it’s that important to change then idk change it?? There are ways of getting free robux like Microsoft rewards (I used this to change mine btw) but I am still confused and slightly uncomfortable.
submitted by Ill_Mistake6896 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Cute-Ad2578 .50 left on that 6 free gift thing

Has anyone actually got this before? They keep taking less and less off. Is it actually possible?
Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 232085263
submitted by Cute-Ad2578 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 ForeverMiserable5792 desperately need a sema & don’t know where to start

hi everyone, I am a 25 year old female, and I weigh 376, 5’2. I have diagnosed hypothyroidism, PCOS, and insulin resistance. I have given metformin a try, and it has done literally nothing. I follow a strict Mediterranean diet, work out regularly, and still can’t lose weight. My thyroid function is now normal from my meds, as well. My doctor suggested a sema to me about a year ago, but after a lot of effort, we still can’t get it approved by my insurance since I’m not pre-diabetic or diabetic.
Has anyone tried buying sema through hers, ro, or another online site? I’m trying to gauge how much it will actually cost after the monthly subscription. Or, is it worth looking into a medical trial? I would love any advice from those who don’t get a sema from their primary care. We have tried and tried and my current option is out of pocket.
If I’m being honest, I’m feeling so defeated at this point. My body can’t maintain my weight, I’m hurting all the time, and something has to give. I’ll take any advice or options y’all have 😭😭
submitted by ForeverMiserable5792 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Goblin_Waifu AITAH for asking my mom for the house deed?

Me (33f) and my husband (30m) have been married for 5 years now and have a little one who’s almost 2 now. I’m the eldest sister out of two kids and I am the more responsible one but I think that comes with being the older sibling.I tend to be the organized one who plans things, has ideas of what to do and how to get it done, and generally am the one my parents look to be strong since I’m that kid. I’ve always been that way since I can remember.
My grandfather passed away a few years ago and unfortunately didn’t finish his will. This was a point of contention between my mom and her younger brother, my uncle. They were both close all their lives until he married his wife who we’ll call Deborah and had a daughter who is now 18. Deb is not a nice person whatsoever. Their marriage was riddled with her cheating with his friends, stealing from my grandfather, and occasionally trying to fight my sister or I in the front yard via cr*ackhead style because we somehow offended her. She also believes she and her family are divinely blessed and going to heaven unlike my family for whatever reason. My uncle passed away from COVID complications about three years ago now and she broke into my grandfather’s house to take whatever she could get her hands on. She is currently (re)married to, what used to be, his best friend George. This is her third marriage and they have no kids between them.
Fast forward to the past two weeks and my husband and I are going to move into the home once we renovate a few things. We’re putting a few thousand dollars into this house due to Deborah screwing with things. She did a number on a couple of doors and broke a few pieces of furniture. Appliances were broken or stolen and she effed up the floors really bad. While we’re working on it, I politely - because we talked about it once before - asked my mother about the deed, if it was in her name, and how to get everything done so it was in my name. This caused her to pull up short and look at me as if she were going to slap me. She was instantly glaring and visibly angry with me. I got a clipped “Why do you want to know about that?” I was caught off guard since my mom and I have a close relationship. She’s never acted this way toward me about the house.
We’ve always been able to talk to each other and never had serious issues even when arguing. I said I would like it in my name because we would be moving in, paying for it to be fixed, and working to buy it from them. My mom just finished round two of a battle against cancer and she has no living relatives outside of my dad, myself, my sibling, and our kids. My dad has no intention of living in the house, bothering with it etc because my grandfather always said it was for me; he just unfortunately passed before he finished his will. Deborah is the only concern I have because my uncle died before he made a will either and my 18 cousin who’s their kid. She doesn’t seem interested.
I guess my question is, AITAH for asking for the deed to be in my name soon? I understand we haven’t bought it yet but Deborah is a concern since she says my mom will die and she’ll get the house which is pretty effed up and I hate her for it. She’s always wanted the money out of selling it to splurge on whatever and their daughter isn’t too much better. I would love any and all advice. I’ve never owned a home and we’ve been so excited. Have I done something wrong? I really don’t want to hurt my mom; I adore her.
submitted by Goblin_Waifu to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Due_Teaching_7560 I didn’t disclose I have Herpes until after we slept together.

The HSV Antibodies showed up on a full blood test panel during my pregnancy 18 years ago. If it wasn't for that panel, I never would have known because I never had any outbreaks and even thought I had a false positive at one point. It didn't dawn on me to research what strain I had and just assumed it was HSV2. I did all the research at the time and consulted with my doctors. It seems now even they were misinformed because one of them said if it were him, he wouldn't disclose it to short term partners as long as you don't have an active outbreak and use protection you are not contagious. I was only active with 2 people afterwards and fully disclosed it and they were completely unbothered. I was in a relationship with both at different times and they never caught it. One of them I ended up marrying for 10 years and we were active many times even when my immune system was low and not once did he catch it, so I assumed I couldn't pass it to anyone. Mind you I was going based on information from 18 years ago and thought I was fully educated. Well I met someone amazing and things progressed quickly. We had unprotected sex twice. Yes, I know I had to tell him at some point but it was an out of site out of mind thing and I had so much on my mind until my ex-husband brought it up and asked me if I had told him yet. I called him right then and there. He said he needed time to process it. It's been 5 days, he won't read my messages and won't answer my calls. After I researched more myself I realized it was so irresponsible of me. Yes, I know I f**** up big time and I have to live with those consequences. I am not trying to minimize this in anyway. If y'all need to attack me go ahead because I deserve it. This was the hardest lesson of my entire life and I know he won't ever forgive me. Any suggestions on how to make this right? Not trying to get him back because I don't deserve him but I would do anything to show him I am more than my mistake. Losing him is the price I have to pay for this and I deserve that punishment and more. I don't know how to move past this without feeling guilty about what I put him through.
submitted by Due_Teaching_7560 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Neat_Train Help I want to lose weight!

Hi, I am 29F 285lbs 5'2 and I am struggling with sticking to cico. I am on a lot of medication that actually changes your appetite and causes weight gain. I am just at my wits end I don't know what I can do to lose weight I don't want to stop the medication as it's helping in other ways. Everyday I start the day thinking today will be the day I count calories and eat 1500 calories but by 3pm I have eaten more than that. I am a sahm and still breastfeeding my 2 year old. I have access to quick snacks all day. My 2 year old eats 3 meals a day and 2 snacks so there is always food around. I just don't know what I can do at this point. I have talked to a dietician and they say eat when your hungry and eat whole grain foods and lots of fruits and veggies. but you can gain weight eating healthy just as much as when you're eating unhealthy. Does anyone have any advice on how to concure medication induced hunger and constant thoughts about food? I especially struggle at 4 pm. I get ravounous while I am making dinner and usually end up snacking the whole time I am preparing dinner. Then I eat dinner with my family. I have tried chewing gum, drinking pop or chugging a lot of water during this time and nothing works. I always end up eating. I have an appointment to talk with my family dr about this soon. But I would like to stop gaining weight before I go see him.
submitted by Neat_Train to SuperMorbidlyObese [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 Dave_OC VMware Fusion Pro 13 goes free for personal use, here's how to get it

VMware Fusion Pro 13 goes free for personal use, here's how to get it submitted by Dave_OC to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:07 lil02gothbitch 30 weeks pregnant and haunted by in-law. Desperate for help

I am 30 weeks pregnant living with my boyfriend and his grandma, which is his mother figure in his life. They moved into this new house about 2 years ago because it was given to them after a family member passed, the two of them made an agreement that this house would be for him to put a mortgage down, set him up for the future , and that she would have a tiny home or trailer moved out onto the property or just completely move away. This was their plan before I ever came along.
I moved in a year ago after me and him got really serious, we want to really make this house a home and have a future together. I got off my birth control, however I was told it would take a good amount of time to get my cycle back in line and normal, but I got pregnant so fast. Which we are not unhappy about at all.
But it is now the end of the world for Gigi, his grandma. For months it has been nothing but a living hell. She has done everything in the book you can think of when it comes to in-laws from hell. My entire pregnancy she has ignored me, given me zero advice, fights with me over every small thing I do in the house trying to make this a baby safe space. It is only a 2 bedroom house, she has the master bedroom. Our plan has been to switch rooms because we have ZERO baby space in this other room, we didn't want to rush her into moving out because times are rough now of days, so to give her extra time I have been okay with sharing the master bedroom with our baby until that time comes. For months that has been the plan and she always seemed on board. But now. She refuses to finish cleaning her room and tells everyone that we are forcing her out, destroying her home, and getting rid of her stuff, when have done nothing but try to make it fair for her. Every time I clean any room in the house, she will go behind me and make a mess or undo shit I have done reorganizing. If I am alone with her, she whispers smart remarks about everything and anything, like about how she isn't allowed to do anything, for example she will grab a water bottle out of the fridge and ask if it is allowed to drink water in this house or she will just completely ignore my existence. She makes a fight about every small thing I do. If I close a curtain, she will come behind me and slam it open. If I move a dish in the cabinet, she will slam the cabinet doors and throw dishes around. She has woken me up many times slamming doors. Also she will hide the bills from us, lie about paying them, we have had a late fee charge so many times because of her. Even had the lights and water cut off. She will buy 2 of everything for only her and him. She has even stolen my makeup and clothes. She will pull my laundry out and throw it around. She will never clean up after herself, I am ALWAYS cleaning EVERYTHING, if I do not, it will not get done. And worse of worse she made my gender reveal all about her. Thats a long story but she ruined my party. And still till this day she hasn't asked me anything about the baby or shows that she even cares about me or my baby.
There is so much more, I could just go on forever. However when my boyfriend gets off work, she acts PERFECT. She never speaks to me directly still but she will act like she is the sweetest person around, acts like she could never do wrong and plays it off when he confronts her about the stuff I tell him.
My problem is, before I got pregnant, we all lived in harmony. Everything I do now was okay before. I'm a very shy, non confrontational person, and I dont have any family myself, so I'm not family understanding and for these 7 months, I've just stuck to myself and done my best to not stress out for my baby's sake. My health hasn't been great and I was ordered to be on leave for work at 5 months. We even have had a defect scare on our baby as well. I've just had faith and hope in my boyfriend to set things right with her, but now at 30 weeks, with no progress from her, her room still so dirty, while I have our room all packed up ready to switch, I'm losing hope. I am to the point of not wanting her around me or my baby at all. I stress so much having to do everything last minute, I just didn't want to not lose faith in my man , he takes care of me so well but now I'm lost. He loves this land and house, he wants to raise our family here and doesn't want to move, he loves his grandma and doesn't want to just kick her out with no where to go, but Gigi just shows to not care at all about my health or this baby and it breaks my heart. No matter how many sit down talks we have she manipulates the situation. I'm worried that I will go into labor early because of her honestly. My man hears my cries and tells her about all the health issues and everything but she will not stop. I try my best to ignore her and do what is best for me, but its SO hard now of days. I am now feeling distant from my man because he asks me what he can do, but in reality it seems like we either have to move out or really kick her out. But i dont want to put that onto him at all. But then again I feel I have been so understanding and supportive for these 7-8 months trying my hardest to ignore her, all I asked is that we dont have everything be done last minute and we just switch rooms. And now it feels as if Its all too late and I worry about the future when the baby comes.
Everyday I overthink and regret everything. I cry so much and I feel as if no one cares enough, I know my boyfriend cares so much. But how can he see it be like this? I dont know what I expect him to do... but there has to be more right? He tells me there are other pregnant moms out there dealing with much worse and I understand that SO much, but idk... I am just so tired of being unhappy and uncomfortable. I have a baby on the way, it should be a happy experience but its just not anymore and I hate it.
Any advice? Please share your thoughts or tips. Sorry its a book to read.
submitted by lil02gothbitch to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:07 Federal-Ad-4540 How to realistically pay for graduate school?

I have some really big decisions to make.
For some context: I just graduated w/ my bachelors in health education a couple days ago (finished in December but just had my ceremony but whatever that’s not relevant). I have been wanting to get my MPH. Love learning about public health and I feel like an MPH would be appropriate. However these price tags for one are insane. I had an extremely horrible financial situation in undergrad. Took out about $50k in federal loans, $7k in private loans, used so many credit cards (mine & families), and it was just a mess. That experience kinda gave me trauma. I told myself I would never put myself in that situation EVER again, and that I could take my time with grad school. I also promised my parents I would never put them in that situation again and that grad school is all on me. Well, I said this AFTER already applying to grad schools for this year because I was so set on going this year, now I’m not so sure.
I applied to 4 schools. Got accepted into 3 of them and still waiting to hear back from the other one.
1st school: located in my state, tuition is slightly on the cheaper side but they gave me no aid. According to their website, out of pocket costs for just one year are about $12,000. NOT including any type of indirect costs like housing, meals, etc. but I researched this area the rent is kinda high.
2nd school: located in VA. Got $2500 for only one semester which would be my very first semester. Tuition might be $30,000 per year not including housing, meals, etc. Rent is a little lower near this university.
3rd school: This was my top choice, located in DC. The tuition is about $85,000 for the entire program (2 years). They gave me a $36,000 scholarship. Would love to go here, but the tuition is more or less the same as my undergrad (which was way too expensive for me) and DC is already a high area.
So i guess im just asking for some sort of advice at this point. I’m itching to get my MPH, but dont wanna risk putting myself back in that situation. How do people even pay for grad school WITHOUT loans?
submitted by Federal-Ad-4540 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 TheCoolestHexagon 21M - let's be friends who talk and laugh about everything and do cool shit together!

Hey everyone! I'm new here on Reddit, a 21 y/o male from the Philippines looking for also male friends! Ever need a dependable friend who can make you laugh yet can also be there for you during the tough shit? Me too! Let's be that for each other then!
Some things about me, I love PC gaming (so if u wanna play some time lmk!), a casual fan of F1, and starting to learn how to play tennis! Favorite music genre tends to be rock (especially punk rock, pop rock, pop punk) but I listen to anything! I also absolutely love bad jokes its unreal. Now I realize I'm not rly that interesting after all haha.
Feel free to send me a chat if you think we'll get along. I don't mind which timezone or country you're from! Just tell me your ASL because I wanna know who I am talking to. Would also be willing to voice chat down the line if we get along! See ya soon, friend!
submitted by TheCoolestHexagon to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 stevenwando Advice for a small SaaS that gets 1-3 new paying customers each month

Hello all! I built and maintain SliderUI - a SaaS that allows users to build and embed image sliders onto their own websites. It has been live since 2017 but I have recently rebuilt it and started advertising it on my open-source jQuery slider plugin bxSlider. I was hoping that I could describe the stats and traffic of the app and ask for help regarding next steps.
Here is a breakdown of the app:
My questions:
Thank you in advance for any and all help.
submitted by stevenwando to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 ausername_8 What should I do to get my body in shape while still losing weight?

I've lost near 100lbs on solely a calorie deficit. The weight was all in my belly, back, and hips. I still carry a lot of weight in my belly and still need to be at least 50lbs more down to reach my goal weight. I never thought about how my body would look in the process and to be honest, the idea of my belly still being hanging and flabby while loose once I reach my goal scares me. I can accept loose skin for the fact that I saved myself from a bunch if negative health effects from being as big as I was, but I had thought I'd have a flat belly once I got all the way down. I see all these people on social media who've had bellies like mine, who got down to like 130lbs but their bellies are still out there... I guess I've got myself spooked. I just want to lose weight and get in shape. If I wait until I reach my goal weight would it be too late to get in shape. Because I need the deficit to lose. I can't lose weight any other way. Without a deficit I will either maintain or binge eat. But if I need to be eating more food to help gain the muscle (stop loose skin), doesn't that cancel put the point of a calorie deficit? If I gain muscle I don't lose weight?
submitted by ausername_8 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 Cl1n7M How can I change the color of an object based on the distance from a light source?

For instance I have a sphere that is in the scene, and I have a single (or maybe more) light source.
The top of the sphere closest to the light source would be a specific color, lets say red. The sides of the sphere would range from blue to green since it's be further from the light but parts of it would be close, and the bottom which receives no light will be a dark blue. How can I achieve this in Blender? I'm not looking to blend the colors together. But more so create a sharp area where the light hits, if that makes sense.
I'm trying to create a scene where I can use this idea to better help guide my digital painting process, By knowing how and where the light bounces off the object I can get a better understanding of lighting on specific objects this also helps with masking areas where light is either greater or less than.
An example of this would be how LiDAR works using points to measure the distance of light from the object via intensity. Which then gives it a color ranging from Red > Yellow > Green > Blue
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could point me in the right direction!
submitted by Cl1n7M to blender [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 CrazyBowelsAndBraps A music sample puzzler! Help!

Greetings! I came across this track and the opening guitar lick struck me as so familiar that I am fairly confident that I've heard it sampled somewhere. I'm wondering if anybody might hear it and make the link if that's the case. The track is Simple Sister by Procol Harum.
If anybody has any clues, I'd be grateful!
At this point I'm just fleshing out the post because I didn't follow the obscure authoritarian rules of Reddit and my original post was removed. If nobody knows the answer to my question, the discussion could be about how Reddit is so far removed and castrated from what it used to be. I've read over the rules here a couple times and don't see anything about topic length, so hopefully this does it. If not, I'll write a 60 page essay about how my 10 year old account was permanently banned for 'self promotion', even though that's what half of the people do on this site. It took me over a year to create an account that didn't immediately get shadow banned. You know how fucked up it is to be exiled from basically the only website on the internet? I found a dog in my neighborhood and wasn't able to post on the local subreddit to help it find its home. If there was a school shooting or local tragedy, I wouldn't be able to coordinate or give information that could save lives. How fucked up is that? Because I posted a video I created?
Jesus. A simple question turned into a therapy session. Sorry about that. Yeah, if anybody knows if that guitar lick was sampled anywhere, that'd be awesome.
submitted by CrazyBowelsAndBraps to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 JelllyGarcia The 100 meter range - Contexts from other cases

Yesterday in the Daybell trial (day 22) in Idaho, a supervisor from the FBI’s CAST (cellular analysis dept) testified & they brought up a map, matching the description of the map in the Delphi case, and described why they pick a 100m range - even though the data points can be much more specific than that.
This leads me to believe that FBI’s CAST team made the map referred to by Baldwin & Rozzi, showing the phones being tracked around a 100m range.
(The rest of this post incorporates that assumption bc I believe it’s strongly evidenced based on the testimony from the Daybell trial yesterday)
Those in the ‘guilty’ camp like to argue that AT&T “made the map” (nonsense; they provide data & coverage maps, not tracking maps to aid in prosecutions, unless subpoenaed to do so, which wouldn’t be done bc CAST exists).
The FBI CAST supervisor explained that the 100m range is an objective point that doesn’t over, or under-state their precision, and allows for a reasonable margin of error.
It’s much more precise than phone pings and their maps they showed on the screen tracking Alex Cox’s phone within a 100m range seems identical to what’s being described by the State in regard to the map of the 100m range on Ron Logan’s property.
The testimony also was in regard to AT&T & Verizon phones and did include maps provided by AT&T, none of which match what’s decided in the Delphi case, but did show overlapping coverage zones that are more detailed than the coverage map provided on their website.
A lot of the info was specific to AT&T data provided, and there was clear contrast with the FBI CAST maps that use a 100m range & incorporate the AT&T data & pings, geolocation (done by CAST), Google location data, and drive test information.
Google and Gmail specifically give abundant location data points as precise as any other form of GPS (~concern for my own privacy~)
In the Kohberger case, they are having a heck of a time getting this same division (Idaho) of CAST to participate in their discovery phase, and I believe (speculation) that the reason for that is likely because of HOW transparent they are about this data & the backup info they have for it.
A lot of the info that’s come out about the Kohberger case shows that the PCA doesn’t line up with the facts from the FBI (the scenario is ringing a bell, I must say). Yesterday the Defense in that case quoted the state as saying the PCA “is irrelevant at this stage” - right around the time the subpeona issued to the FBI CAST expert should have been fulfilled IMO, this indicates the FBI was forthright about their data, the State wanted to limit it to what supports their PCA, the FBI refused to exclude data that works against the State, nothing was brought forth or presented, the Judge subpoenaed it, and when it was brought forth the state said to disregard it all {this is yet to be confirmed but based on the Touhey process being implemented as of the 05/02 hearing & there’s major indications in the filings we’ve seen since then}
So! I bet Baldwin & Rozzi have figured out who made the map - FBI CAST - and that it’s not just AT&T phone pings - and that the FBI CAST will gladly share with them every detail they seek, bc it ain’t no secret for them. It seems to be work they’re proud of and will present in great detail
submitted by JelllyGarcia to DicksofDelphi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:04 Muntz777 How to meet organically and make it clear you're single?

I've (F30) been single for about 1 year after a long break down of a long term relationship (roughly 7 years). I've spent time having lots of fun, going away with friends, making new ones, buying my own place and genuinely, living my best life.
I'm getting to the point that I've started to miss that aspect of enjoying parts of it with someone. I go on the dating apps, but I am finding it soul destroying. I'm very much an in person kind of girl, everyone I've been since a teen has been a personality thing (I.e. I can look at someone and consider them objectively attractive but until I know them I can't fancy them) - which you just do not get over the apps.
I like meeting new people, and I'd love to meet someone organically but a few hurdles...
1) where do you start? I already have hobbies and a good friend base from those hobbies.
2) how do you make it clear to people that you're single and open to getting to know people?
These sound like really quite basic questions but it seems the default now is to meet on apps... (meanwhile, I'm patiently waiting for someone to ask for my number in a book store or something like the movies 👀).
TLDR: Is there such a thing as meeting someone organically anymore?!
submitted by Muntz777 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:04 RealAd6855 temu

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 227706875
submitted by RealAd6855 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 PrincipleOfNegation A Touch Of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair is one of the worst books I have ever read.

The date? A week before posting this.
The year? The current one as of writing.
The mood? Kendrick Lamar inspired.
Long has this book taunted me in bookstores. I pass by the Books In English section and it taunts me. "Read me," the cover said. "You like Ancient Greece shit."
"That I do," I answer, to the confusion of the bookseller passing by. My plans of befriending her for future discounts go down the drain, as I whisper. "And yet, I know I'll hate you."
"Yes," this book answers. "But how long as it been since you felt hatred?"
"I mean I read «I want to die but I also want to eat tteokbokki» not long ago."
The book squints. I wonder how it can do that since it has no eyes.
"True hatred."
Close scene.
I feel like I should start this post by exposing the three main points of it, to all of those who read and perhaps are not interested in yet another "BookTok has to be fucking insane to have hyped this" rant:
  1. I picked up this book knowing it was bad.
  2. I haven't finished it yet, because it is so bad.
  3. I am struggling to finish it, because it is so bad.
If you have enjoyed this book, please tell me how to at least derive fun out of it. I am struggling immensely.
My problems with it:
a) Persephone can't even classify as a Mary Sue because I genuinely do not feel like she is good at anything. I apologie for any Mary's or Sue's reading this for even associating yall's name with such a character. The character is so one dimensional that she is deserving of merely one name. To honor the incosistency in writing, I shall be inconsistent myself, and refuse to choose one. Sue is suffering from the greatest case of Mary, but in the direction of pure incompetency. Theresa so far flip-flops from cutesy, virginal goddess who's super shy and not like other girls, to a 2014 girl's interpretation of what a badass woman looks and acts like.
b) This one dimension-ness is shared by all characters so far.
c) I have stumbled upon fanfiction more eloquent and consistent in the "Crack" tag. Christ on a hike, is the writing bad.
I have not even reached one (1) page where la pieceh delah resistanceh* which are the "intimate" scenes of book but the scenes of "excitedness" from Persephone are so childishly written and baffling that I am DREADING them.
You may ask:
"Why keep reading then? Sounds like you hate it and will take nothing from it."
I shall borrow the points format from above.
  1. My parents did not raise a coward (on purpose), but they did raise me stubborn.
  2. I hate the idea that a grouping of words is so bad that it overpowers me like so.
  3. I feel like it'll work like a vaccine and innoculate me from bad books here onwards. No more looking at the BookTok table, no matter the occasional pretty cover or much more accessible price point.
Please help. I want to finish this book. Suggestions on how to do it? Do I just gotta lock tf in? Do I pray to God? More than one, even? Do I get a glass of wine and get drunk whilst reading? Do I go to a secluded area where no humans are around for miles and simply scream as I read each word and turn each page?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the rant.
*No corrections, please. I have no respect for the french language.
submitted by PrincipleOfNegation to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 Trev_SP We’ve made some security improvements for our customers 🔒

We’ve made some security improvements for our customers 🔒
At Shakepay, we're always working hard to improve the security measures our customers benefit from when using our app. This work never stops and we're constantly iterating on the products and processes we use internally.
The data incident we had in December of last year that affected a small number of our customers is an opportunity to openly discuss some of this recent work.
Here’s a quick update to share what’s changed.


We announced the integration of passkeys making Shakepay one of the first Canadian financial services companies to support passkeys for all customers.
Passkeys are a more secure form of multi-factor authentication that provide stronger protection against phishing attacks compared to traditional two-factor authentication methods while also allowing for a simpler sign-in experience.

Face authentication to authorize transactions

For certain activities that pose higher risks to customers, like withdrawing large amounts to the blockchain, customers will now be asked for face authentication. We know that a simple 2D selfie won’t provide the highest level of security, so we have implemented 3D face verification software.
Customers will be asked to verify the transaction with a selfie, similar to the selfie asked during onboarding. The flow should be super quick allowing transactions to be approved within seconds.

Anti-phishing codes

At the bottom of all account activity emails, you’ll find a unique anti-phishing code that you can copy and paste into the Shakepay app to verify that this email was truly an authentic communication that came from Shakepay.

Fraud monitoring and alerts

We’ve improved fraud monitoring and alerts.
  • Increased logging and visibility around access to internal accounts by Shakepay team members, including a full review of internal access to systems we rely on
  • Improved volume and behavioural based alerts to detect and prevent suspicious access to customer information
  • Better data loss prevention to track any and all data through its entire lifecycle
  • Enhanced monitoring for suspicious activity related to new devices and geographic considerations

Your role in security

While we’re working hard to do our part, we’re also committed to educating our customers on how to best protect themselves. To keep your account safe, make sure to:
  • Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) using an authenticator app for your account (Bonus points: consider adding a passkey and deleting your password altogether)
  • Only sign in to your account through our official app or website
  • Be careful with suspicious links asking for your sign-in details
  • Use the in-app chat to talk to someone from our team
  • Use anti-phishing codes to verify that communications regarding your activity in your account are really coming from us
Remember: As of now, we don’t offer direct customer support by phone. This means a member of our team won’t call you directly to walk you through different steps or request a money transfer.
If this were to change, you would be notified immediately, with step-by-step instructions on how to make sure you’re talking to a member of our team.

Looking ahead

2024 is already shaping up to be a great year, and we’ll continue to improve Shakepay to provide industry-leading trust and security to our customers.
submitted by Trev_SP to shakepay [link] [comments]