Milena velba photo

Vamos limpar Portugal!

2024.03.15 00:23 Certain-Business-114 Vamos limpar Portugal!

A nata das pessoas que vão tornar isso possivel.
  1. Cristina Rodrigues (eleita pelo Porto) Constituída arguida pelo MP em 2022, e sujeita a termo de identidade e residência por suspeitas de ter acedido indevidamente e eliminado milhares de emails do PAN quando se desvinculou do partido. Evita prestar declarações sobre o caso.
  1. Eduardo Teixeira (eleito por Viana do Castelo) Acusado por falsas presenças como deputado do PSD. Em causa, crimes de falsificação de docs ou falsidade informática. Conseguiu estar presente, em simultâneo, em reuniões em Viana do Castelo, e no Palácio de São Bento, em Lisboa.
  1. Filipe Melo (eleito por Braga) Condenado a pagar uma dívida de 15.000€ + juros à Assoc. que pagou consultas e tratamentos do seu filho. Não pagou, teve o salário penhorado. Mesmo antes deste caso, surgiu na lista pública de execuções por valores que ultrapassavam os 80.000€.
  1. Pedro Frazão (eleito por Santarém) Condenado pelo Tribunal de Cascais a retratar-se das declarações falsas que proferiu sobre Francisco Louçã. Condenado a pagar 100€ por cada dia em atraso da rectificação. Recorreu para o Tribunal da Relação. Perdeu novamente.
  1. Ricardo Dias Pinto (eleito por Lisboa) Surge na lista pública de execuções com uma dívida de quase 15.000€. Ricardo Dias Pinto (ou Ricardo Regalla Dias, ou Ricardo Moreira Regalla Dias-Pinto) não tem, contudo, bens penhoráveis para cobrir esse valor.
  1. Rui Paulo Sousa (eleito por Lisboa) Acusado pelo MP em 2022 pelo crime de desobediência (jantar comício com 170 pessoas em pleno estado de emergência COVID-19). Após mentir sobre autorização da DG Saúde, argumentou que não tinha consciência de que estava a violar as regras.
  1. João Esteves da Silva Vice da distrital de Castelo Branco e conselheiro nacional, condenado em 2002 pelo Supremo Tribunal a 3 anos de prisão por um acumulado de pequenos furtos e burlas (roubava o conteúdo de caixas de esmolas, assaltou casas, veículos, lojas e restaurantes).
  1. Vítor Ramalho, empresário agrícola, candidato (Póvoa de São Miguel, Moura) Detido por homicídio qualificado. Acusado pelo MP de tentar matar a tiro um casal de imigrantes, tendo-lhe sido apreendidas 13 armas. Relatório da PJ aponta para 9 crimes de homicídio na forma tentada.
  1. Fábio Lemos, militante Actualmente detido a aguardar julgamento por agredir imigrante, já fora indiciado por outra agressão a um outro casal em 2023. Preso em 2021 no âmbito de uma guerra de gangs com “evidentes traços de ódio racial”. Suspeito de homicídio qualificado.
  1. Pedro Alves, líder do Chega-Aveiro Condenado, em 2020, por violência doméstica, a um ano e seis meses de pena suspensa, a pagar 600 euros de indemnização, e a frequentar um programa especial para condenados por violência doméstica.
  1. Eduardo Cassiano Nogueira Pinto Miranda, n.º 3 da lista pelo círculo de Vila Real Condenado em 2019 (2 anos) do crime de burla ao Serviço Nacional de Saúde num esquema de falsificação de receitas comparticipadas que segundo o MP lesou o SNS em mais de 300 mil euros.
  1. Hélio Filipe, segurança de André Ventura, delegado eleito por Lisboa Acusado pelo MP (Julho de 2021) de 16 crimes, entre os quais ofensas à integridade física qualificada, sequestro, extorsão, falsificação de documentos e roubo. Aguarda em liberdade a marcação do julgamento.
  1. e 14. Luc Mombito (dirigente nacional do Chega) e Nuno Pontes (dirigente, autarca e assessor do Chega) Acusação pelos crimes de ameaça agravada (ao jornalista Pedro Coelho), atentado à liberdade de imprensa e posse de arma proibida (no caso de Nuno Pontes).
  1. José Manuel Pombinho Barreira Soares, deputado eleito por Lisboa Acusado de agressão na forma tentada, de um deputado municipal do PSD (Rui Rei), durante a Assembleia Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira
  1. António Pinto Pereira, deputado eleito por Coimbra Alvo de acção disciplinar em 2018 por ter manipulado testes de escolha múltipla. Alunos confirmam, e o Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) da Universidade de Lisboa não desmente.
  1. Pedro Pinto, deputado eleito por Faro Acusado de insultar e agredir árbitros/adversários durante um torneio de futebol Sub-13 no Crato. O deputado terá ainda impedido situações de ataque da equipa adversária. Acusado igualmente de ameaçar assessor do PS nos corredores da AR.
  1. Luís M. P. Lopes (“Simpson”), militante Detido em 2021 pela PJ por tráfego de armas de guerra, na posse de dezenas de armas proibidas de diversos calibres e géneros (pistolas, revólveres, carabinas, caçadeiras, facas e soqueiras), além de detonadores e milhares de munições.
  1. Milena Alexandra Boto e Castro, vereadora eleita na Câmara Municipal de Benavente Condenada pelo crime de receptação num processo em que o tribunal deu como provado que comprou sucata roubada a um grupo criminoso liderado por um militar da GNR de Samora Correia
  1. Maria Manuela Pereira Tender, deputada eleita por Vila Real Ex-deputada do PSD, acusada de falsear presenças na AR na polémica das “presenças-fantasma” de 2018. Afirmou estar simultaneamente em reuniões da CM de Chaves e em reuniões plenárias da Assembleia da República.
  1. António Laranjo ("Toni"), número 3 da lista em Viana do Castelo Empresário de "negócios da noite" na praia da Amorosa, ligados à exploração sexual de jovens sul americanas. Irmão detido em rede organizada de tráfico de brasileiras para prostituição em Portugal → Luxemburgo.
  1. Sérgio Júnior ("Sérgio Chorão"), deputado municipal em Braga Detido em Outubro de 2023 pela PSP por tráfico de droga e posse ilegal de armas. Na operação da PSP foram apreendidas várias armas, 38.105 € em numerário, inúmeros comprimidos e substâncias dopantes
  1. Mário Monteiro, líder do Chega em Ovar Denunciado por entregas de dinheiro ao presidente da CM Ovar em troca da adjudicação de uma obra. Dirigente assume ter sido correio de suborno, entregando vários envelopes com dinheiro, num total de 120 mil euros.
submitted by Certain-Business-114 to portugal2 [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 01:24 External-Finding-108 Anybody remember Milena’s cousin Evelyn? I think it’s strange that Milena hasn’t liked any of her photos in a while. Probably because she’s got swimsuit pics up and not practicing Milena’s pilgrim version of MoDeStY🙄

submitted by External-Finding-108 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 17:09 SaukstasProto Awfuling and musting

Awfuling and musting
My inner language scientist is not proud of me for using such words. They sound broken, but they define important phenomena.
There are the terms used in REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) used to identify an interesting thinking twist, like pressing the gas pedal to the floor. If something seems to be just a bit wrong – we convert it to a catastrophe, to something that will be just Awful. If we have a tiniest wish to avoid anything, but our environment pushes us to do that because then it will be better – it becomes a Duty of Duties, and I Must do this at all costs.
Let’s investigate how many automatic thoughts of this kind we carry around in our heads and how helpful they are. Let’s take our already favourite blank page or screen and start writing:
It will be Awful, if I…
(and continue with anything that pops into your mind from “have a zit on my face” to “will have to live through a war”). Leave some space for comments next to each sentence. When all of our nightmares are already listed, let’s comment next to each sentence: what specifically will be wrong, how will we understand it? Will our conclusions be reliable? Can we do something else in this situation? If yes – then what? Have we ever experienced this in our life? If not – then how do we know it will really happen? (by the way “I am afraid this will happen” is neither a fact nor an evidence, and not everything that you are afraid of should be categorized as catastrophic event). After we are finished, we should have a scale of things from truly awful things that can realistically happen and for which we should be prepared to non-catastrophes that only require “so what” in response. It should create some space in our heads.
Then let’s write:
I must…
(and add anything that pops into your mind, from “say “hello” when I enter the room” to “help everyone asking for small change”). Let’s leave some space for comments again. When all the duties will be listed, let’s comment: do I really? Who assigned me to this duty? What will happen if I do not always do this? How will I decide whether I will do it this time? Who and how benefits from this behaviour? Are there other ways to behave in this situation? It should create some more space in our heads.
#spoonfulofreason #psychology #experiment #automaticthoughts
Photo: Milena Trifonova on Unsplash
My name is Monika, I am health and nutrition psychologist. I help to deal with daily and difficult questions about behaviour, thinking, emotions. I write, give lectures, and provide psychological counselling. Book my session here:
submitted by SaukstasProto to spoonfulofreason [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 21:42 calicohoops Today in “I should have stopped at burnt umber”

Today in “I should have stopped at burnt umber”
9x9 acrylic study. I’m glad for the practice, but sometimes regret the decision to plunge past the underpainting stage. Not that the colors are terrible but I lose the painting if you know what I mean. Reference photo off Pinterest, Milena Litvinovskaya who is apparently about to sneeze.
submitted by calicohoops to acrylicpainting [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 09:32 HanDjole998 The Montenegrin royal family, a photography created during the coronation of King Nikola 1 Petrović Njegoš

The Montenegrin royal family, a photography created during the coronation of King Nikola 1 Petrović Njegoš
The Montenegrin Royal Family with King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. (Photo taken 1910 during the crowning of King Nikola of Montenegro)
King Nikola of Montenegro "The father-in-law of Europe" is seated with Queen Milena in the middle of second row. In front of King Nikola is seated Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, future king of Yugoslavia. King Aleksandar, born in Cetinje, was the grandson of King Nikola.
Standing in the back row (left to right): Prince Petar Nikolajevic Romanov (Russia), Prince Franc Batenberg (England), Princess Vjera, Princess Ksenija, Crowned prince Danilo, Prince Mirko, Prince Petar.
Seated in Middle Row (left to right): Milica Petrovic (Juta Meklenburg Strelic, Germany), Princess Ana Batenberg, Queen Jelena of Italy, Queen Milena of Monetegro, King Nikola, Princess Milica Romanov, King Viktor Emanuel III of Italy and Princess Natalija.
Seated on ground in the front row (left to right): Princess Jelena Karadjordjevic, Princess Marina Petrovna Nikolajevic, Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic (future King of Yugoslavia). King Nikola of Montenegro was called “Father In-law of Europe” because his daughters were married to the European noble families. His daughter Elena was the beloved Queen of Italy, wife of Italian King Victor Emanuel.
King Nikola’s grandson was King Aleksandar of Yugoslavia. Born in Cetinje from the princess of Montenegro – Zorka, daughter of King Nikola.
submitted by HanDjole998 to europe [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 01:03 citizenvane We're in for a twist

I think Manuel Orozco is not dead and his supposed corpse actually is Swan's.
  1. We (the audience) never saw Orozco's body, only photos of the corpse
  2. The photos can easily be staged / doctored, in collaboration with the corrupt cops, which there are plenty in the show
  3. Reacher quickly recognizes the body as Orozco's based on the back tattoo, but this can easily be somebody else’s body with the tattoo added on
  4. Reacher has been so adamant about Swan's good character that at this point it makes no narrative sense to make Reacher be wrong about this: the reveal that Swan is alive and evil would just be anticlimactic because the other team members have been convincing the audience of this possibility all season long
  5. But if Swan is a good character and alive, why does he let the dog die of thirst? Conclusion: Swan is truly dead
  6. Swan is shot in the shoulder in the past: this is put in the show for a reason and will have relevance in confirming that Orozco's corpse is indeed Swan's
Other consideration: I find it weird that Sanchez's girlfriend Milena says "You remember the last words somebody you love said to you." (S02E02) At that point, nobody knows for sure that Sanchez's dead. So why "last words"? Bad writing, or Sanchez is alive too and Milena's part of the conspiracy?
submitted by citizenvane to reacher [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 09:03 Weak-Ad-4220 I genuinely wonder what 2019/2020 Milena would say if you showed her this photo 💀💀💀THE BOW PLSSSS 😭 I am SCREAMING

I genuinely wonder what 2019/2020 Milena would say if you showed her this photo 💀💀💀THE BOW PLSSSS 😭 I am SCREAMING submitted by Weak-Ad-4220 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 21:24 Classic_Carpenter_81 Milena Velba legendary huge boobs

Milena Velba legendary huge boobs submitted by Classic_Carpenter_81 to u/Classic_Carpenter_81 [link] [comments]

2023.11.29 19:07 crazzyplants 23F from the US

I just got out of a 5 year relationship and feeling the loss of mutual friends and would really love to branch out and find other people to talk to.
My interests are:
Even if we have nothing in common I love learning new things and would love to hear about stuff I haven’t dabbled in before.
submitted by crazzyplants to penpals [link] [comments]

2023.11.22 21:49 RookieFictioner Be ready to be reinforced in Season 01 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Be ready to be reinforced in Season 01 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
Be advised, this is fictional...
"Numerous sightings of [REDACTED] were reported all across the world, creating terrors in their path to draw our forces in. If you see them on the field, you either tread carefully with these monsters... or work alongside them."
Carefree, wild-cards, monsters... these are words that describe the hostile faction responsible for numerous terror attacks throughout the years: The Alpha Monsters. Formed in whatever time they started, the group is consisted of operators that possess skills that no innocent can bare. Specializing as a covert terror group, the Alphas instigate and create fights to test anyone's will; studying their victims to see if they're worthy.
As part of an undisclosed deal after the depature of [REDACTED], Shadow Company has accepted their operators into the PMC ranks, utilizing their chaotic nature and plausible deniability to deter or draw their enemy - the Konni Group - in.
[Fight on their Fronts]
Behind the scenes of warfare, four incidents and an operation were uncovered by numerous sources in the agency, revealing the Alpha's involvement before their partnership with the Shadows.
- Aftermath [BO2 Core, Launch]
During an ongoing raid that revealed numerous gang fronts across Los Angeles, a large bomb was set off in a downtown district, taking many civilian lives within the vicinity and turning it into a hot zone. SWAT teams and FBI were sent in to handle the attack but upon their arrival, Militia forces had already arrived to the site, protecting an unknown HQ. Hours later, law enforcements engaged the group, assisted by a sniper across the street. They reported that the area is tight, having numerous choke-points that caused both sides to become paranoid.
- Konni Compound [Core, Launch]
Despite the recent downfall of the Shinomiya Compound in Kyoto, after Chimera and JSDF operators raided and eliminated their leader, Oko, Milena Romanova had pulled a few strings in the past to keep the compound intact, prompting new concerns for potential activities in the event that other members would return. Requesting an action report of the raid, Chimera operators, Yegor, Syd, and Kreuger, described the compound to be a medium-sized property, with a few guard towers propped up to allow snipers to watch over the fence. They also point the center of the compound to be a major weakness to the Shinomiya's defense as it allowed the mercs to push through.
As of 2022, the compound received numerous shrapnels and debris from an unknown individual, setting off explosives to create new entry points to use and destroying a few buildings with those outside it. JSDF forces were hailed to respond while a PMC group known as White Lotus sent in operators to retrieve and extract what they could find.
- EDSA Interchange [Core, Launch]
During the Philippine Civil War, the Battle of Magallanes Park would be remembered as a turning point for the Katipunan Resistance, who had slowly minimized the Accord's manpower and rallying the frightened populace to fight back. Unbeknownst to them all, one member of the Alphas participated in that very battle... one that would later be identified again in an old security footage in 2020. An Ex-Spetsnaz was spotted making a deal with the Alpha's pacifist before a squad of Barkov's soldiers arrived and attempted to capture them. Magallanes Park would, once again, become a large battlefield as the operation escalated into terror. Barricades would be formed and ziplines were set up on one of the bridges, giving an easy chance to traverse the crowded section of Manila.
Responding to the terror, Katipunan Special Forces were sent in to contain the threat while Barkov's Spetsnaz, having lost their targets during the chaos, were forced to dig in before their escape plans were finalized.
- Storm [Core, Mid-Season]
During the investigation of stolen America missiles, CIA and FSB analysts were currently hunting for Commander Caulfield, who has evaded capture throughout the years. Having been spotted across Kastovia, Norway and the United States, satellites would triangulate her position to a desolate district of a Westside Oregon town. Layout contains a park, a few commercial buildings and a gas station, each providing paths for alleyways and rooftops.
Coalition and Allegiance strike teams were sent to apprehend the terrorist but upon their arrival, sudden reports of a tornado were flaring up all over the news. Whatever she did during this phenomenon, she was able to convince both strike teams to turn on each other for survival, causing more bloodshed as a result.
- Operation Red Wrath [War, Launch]
Assumingly taking place in 2004, the United States launched a full-scale invasion on Russia's capital after learning the existence of a nuclear warhead underneath the Red Square. As the fight raged on, Alpha Monster operators, Doe and Pacifist, infiltrated the underground bunkers and amplify the warhead to be more unstable; intending to detonate the missile for a nuclear winter. An intense battle that will push the nerves of attackers and defenders, Operation Red Wrath will prove a challenge to those that master quick reflexes and close-quarters combat... not to mention that the latter will be reinforced with heavy armor.
[New Weapons to Expect...]
"If you want a shot against Konni, it's best to be prepared for anything. Lucky for you, we have a collection that may suit you."
- FRAC-12 Shotgun [Launch, Battle Pass]
- DG12 Handgun [Launch, X12 Aftermarket]
- XM25 Launcher [Launch, Battle Pass]
- Ying Mark One SMG [Mid-Season, PDSW 528 Aftermarket]
- HDR Sniper Rifle [Mid-Season, Challenge]
[Four Reinforcements in the Field]
Killers. Psychopaths. Tyrants. Survivors. Each member have their reasons to join the task force. They don't expect sympathies or redemptions. They expect results from those they torment; to prepare them for the evil they will face.
- Doe [Max Caulfield]
- Born in Arcadia Bay, Oregon. - Attended Blackwell Academy in 2013 and reunite with Chloe Price. - Possesses the ability to manipulate time at her own will, even changing events through photos she was present in. - Lost both Chloe and Arcadia Bay during the storm. - Additionally gained new powers, such as Universe Jump and Time-Stop. - Was present in [REDACTED] as an arbiter of chaos, using her powers to overpower well-trained operators. Later gained a military mindset during the conflict. - Was arrested and broke out of a Normality Keeper Prison Complex, gaining a new friend known as [REDACTED]. - Leads the Alpha Monsters as their Commander.
- Pacifist [Julio Madiaga]
- Born in Marinduque, Philippines. - In the 70s, he travelled to Metro Manila in the search of Ligaya Paraiso. Despite finding her, she would later be killed by Ah-Tek. - Enraged, he murdered his lover's killer. Forced to flee from an angry mob in response. - Is saved by Commander Caulfield at the last second. Received an opportunity to restart his goal if he does something for her. - May have had involvement with the incident in January, 1981. - Impressed, Doe sent him to a timeline where his alternate self died early on, giving him a fresh new start. - Eventually returned to Marinduque with Ligaya while Doe hunted down Mrs. Cruz and Ah-Tek. - Inspired by her, Julio joined the Alpha Monsters, growing to become a formidable fighter and runner. Gained as her Second-In-Command. - Took part with Doe, Parallax and [REDACTED] in war-torn Moscow. - Had previous involvement with Shadow Company during the Invasion of Verdansk. - Prefers Non-Lethal methods.
- Nightfall [Marcy Wu]
- Born in Los Angeles, California to a Taiwanese couple. - Became best friends with Anne Boonchuy and Sasha Waybright. - In 2019, she fled home after being informed that they were gonna move away... fearful that she may lose her friends. To ensure this, she tricked them into stealing the Music Box on Anne's birthday. - Arrived in Newtopia, rising up to become a chief ranger of the Newtopian Night Guard. - Reunited with Anne, setting off the course to power up the Music Box. - During her journey to the Second Temple, she had an encounter with Commander Caulfield, who warned her about King Andrias' true motives. Marcy then accepts a plan to handle the threat. - She, alongside Anne and King Andrias, thwarted the Toad takeover of Newtopia. - Before they would hand the Music Box to King Andrias, Commander Caulfield intercepts and kills him. Unfortunately, due to Anne still having her gem's energy within her, she was forced to kill her too, snapping Marcy. - Receiving all three of the gem's powers, she - in her grief - devastatingly transported the castle back to Earth... during the Cordis Die attacks in 2025 Los Angeles. - With Anne's death, her friendship with Sasha was strained, even resulting the latter losing her eye and arm in a fight. - Enraged at Max and the world, she used her newfound powers to become a tyrant, using Andrias' Frobot Army to annihilate major capital cities across the world. Would later prove her ruthlessness through the execution of Raul Menendez and Mr. and Mrs. Wu. - 10 years later, she joined the Alpha Monsters with a negative viewpoint... gradually warming up to it through her friendship with other members.
- Higgs Monaghan
- Information on Alpha 0-4's early life remain redacted. - Using "Peter Demens" as a cover, Higgs joined the US Rangers to create a reputation for himself, hoping to garner Shadow Company's attention to recruit him into their ranks. - Described by other operators as a "terrorist" due to his bombastic disregard of civilian lives. - Despite being outed thanks to his presence in [REDACTED], Commander Phillip Graves still considers him a Shadow asset. - Is responsible for the damage done to Konni Compound.

Expect the Unexpected.
submitted by RookieFictioner to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 17:26 dolphinsofthesea Random thought

Ok, so idk if any of yall seen the whole blueface situation. (I literally didn’t know who tf he was until like 2 days ago.)
Long story short, this rapper blueface posted a photo of his baby’s private parts apparently just to piss off his baby mama. And then he claimed that his phone got “hacked” and now people are calling cps on him
Anyway, it reminds me of the time milena did the same to a2, and she never addressed it. Instead, she blocked anyone letting her know about it, even if they were not attacking her.
It just leaves me thinking like damn nothing really ended up happening to her even though (if you wanna be technical,) that could be considered sharing CP, no?? 🤮
submitted by dolphinsofthesea to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 17:17 Reasonable_Ad589 Milena’s bio photo in her and Nava’s new book showcases one of Nava’s children’s faces. Why does Milena feel comfortable showing ANY child online? I thought she was convicted not to do this.

Milena’s bio photo in her and Nava’s new book showcases one of Nava’s children’s faces. Why does Milena feel comfortable showing ANY child online? I thought she was convicted not to do this. submitted by Reasonable_Ad589 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 00:42 Altruistic_Light_448 Milena drove me absolutely insane on the For Us podcast

All the things she said about her kids and privacy and showing them etc. first she said she doesn’t share the kids faces anymore and she doesn’t share anything about? Ummm excuse me? Every other post in your story is about your kids??? Where you are, what’s you’re doing, homeschool, activities, “cooking” with you, quiet time, I could go on and on. 2nd saying she regrets the things she posted in the past, oh you mean telling millions of people A1 just pooped in her room, fell asleep by the door and smeared poop all over the carpet, walls and new clothes kinda regret?? Which btw she would delete all those embarrassing videos of her kids if she actually regretted it. I could never imagine embarrassing my daughter or son the way she has 3rd she talks about not sharing aris bday and said people (Reddit) complained that she didn’t post a family photo for ari’s bday, saying I just didn’t want to, it was private, but she shared stuff from A1’s and A3’s… she may not have shared a family photo but she shared enough for us to know bdays when she literally just said I don’t post about the kids. Like come ok milena, you’re a walking contradiction… she also said she didn’t like that people recognized A1 first while they were at Disney. She said it made her uncomfortable that 5/6 people recognized their family bc of A1, like that’s you’re fault! You’re the one who put your children on the internet! Anyways, she also talked about it being a trend that people stopped showing their kids. We all know it was the trend of it, that’s why she stopped. Ugh, this lady drives me nuts!
submitted by Altruistic_Light_448 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 19:38 Affectionate-Key2303 I’m watching the podcast. Tell me why Jordan’s screensaver is a photo of Milena when she was 15…. That’s so weird.

I’m watching the podcast. Tell me why Jordan’s screensaver is a photo of Milena when she was 15…. That’s so weird. submitted by Affectionate-Key2303 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.08.07 17:07 AutoModerator s nude christinblack onlyfans castiel orgy myfriendsmom porn milena velba sextape jennifer lawernce nudes leaked christy mack onlyfans leak casting couch orgy mylf porn miley cryus sextape jennifer lawrence red sparrow nude christy mack onlyfans leaked casting orgy mzansi porn miley curus sexta

submitted by AutoModerator to 1htleynud [link] [comments]

2023.07.29 06:08 Chemical-Shelter8165 Bout time someone cuts the bullshit! Please watch

Bout time someone cuts the bullshit! Please watch
Came across this video and loved how she cut the bullshit and spoke out. Milena “not showing her kids videos” is complete bullshit as we all know because you dumba** if you did give a single care about your kids privacy then you would not be talking about their genitals with the outside world AND you would have deleted the old photos of their faces from your social media!! She is so sick to say the least!
submitted by Chemical-Shelter8165 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.07.24 14:10 Snarknose She is incredibly stupid.

She doesn’t share her kids faces because “tHeY dIdNt ChOoSe ThIs LiFe” but she will literally share their entire body while laying in a bed. Why? Because they’re fully covered in clothing? That makes it ok? And if we as a group of mothers know anything it’s that sick perverts actually LOVE this. They will edit this kind of photo any way they please …. Don’t you want your kids consent to share their entire bodies MILENA!? If you really care about their consent. I’m not reposting the photo for obvious reasons, it’
submitted by Snarknose to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2023.07.18 18:57 AnxietySuspicious411 milena velba

submitted by AnxietySuspicious411 to u/AnxietySuspicious411 [link] [comments]

2023.06.21 20:33 sapiens_dot_exe Yo Kun stock hola. Nepse ra Development bank yetro up and down huda yo stock majjale accumulate bhako chha 👍👌. (Karma enough nabhayera photo halna milena)
submitted by sapiens_dot_exe to NepalStock [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 13:40 CuteSilver6476 milena velba porn

submitted by CuteSilver6476 to u/CuteSilver6476 [link] [comments]

2023.05.02 19:01 Successful_Foot6013 milena velba porn

submitted by Successful_Foot6013 to u/Successful_Foot6013 [link] [comments]

2023.04.29 15:49 Automatic-Client-649 milena velba porn

submitted by Automatic-Client-649 to u/Automatic-Client-649 [link] [comments]