Geo mesh wreaths

Gangstalking of Targeted Individuals

2012.09.19 06:24 nickspinner Gangstalking of Targeted Individuals

Go to /targetedenergyweapons. Gangstalking, electronic torture, Scientific TI type sub.

2024.06.07 04:19 Wretchedbeaches01 Workflow questions for using VFace and Maya for realistic human head models

When you use a vface asset from can you use the GEO mesh that comes with it and wrap it to your sculpt and use that as your new base mesh? I was seeing that you could but my question then is, is retopo needed since the mesh normally has good UVs and topology with it? Also if you use the GEO mesh wrapped to your model as the base mesh what other steps are needed to finalize your base mesh besides adding the albedo, displacement and utility maps to it? i am new to using texture xyz assets and am having a little trouble fully understanding how the workflow should work properly. any advice would be helpful. Thanks
submitted by Wretchedbeaches01 to ZBrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:55 THEEOORY Blender to Houdini - exporting animated Geometry.

Hey all. I would like to export animated geo to Houdini but, the geo is not rigged and has no armature. I parented all the objects to an empty and animated the empty because it was a simple animation. How do I properly export the geo so that it is all animated correctly (for example baking the mesh doesn't work because technically the mesh is not animated, the empty is and when I tried animated a piece of the geo instead and parenting the other objects to said geo, only the animated piece was baked and the other geo remained stationary). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by THEEOORY to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:18 kaspero12 Models flys away?

Models flys away?
Contacts work fine until a point where the red part just clips through and flys away.
For context i am modelling load on a rubber cylinder using mooney rivlin solid.
Using auto single surface with soft=2
Any ideas?
submitted by kaspero12 to LSDYNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:08 xtremexavier15 TMA 15

The episode came back to the Grips walking off their team's bleachers at the badminton court, Anne Maria and Millie at the front followed by Topher and Justin. The model lingered briefly before grabbing Topher by the arm and holding him back.
“Hey! Why are you holding me back?” Topher gave him an inquisitive look.
"We need to talk about the vote should we lose today," Justin said.
“I can see where this is going,” Topher mused.
"Me and you aren't voting ourselves off, obviously, and I know you'll throw a fit if I even consider Anne Maria, so that would leave us with Millie," Justin considered.
“I'm already on board, Justin, but I'm not sure if my girlfriend would vote for her after your poor choice of words earlier on,” Topher said.
“I'm already aware of that, but I know how to get Anne Maria on our side,” Justin said. “I'm not going to flirt with her, per say. I know she's taken. Just convince her in my own special way.”
“Anne Maria's got some pretty strong loyalty to me, so you'll obviously fail if you try to make a move on her or get socked in the eye,” Topher reminded him.
“As a bonus, with Millie gone, you'll get to spend more time with Anne Maria, Topher,” Justin informed the fanboy. “She and Millie are usually together before you came into the season.”
"You've got yourself a deal already," Topher said with a smirk.
The footage flashed forward to the castmates sitting on wooden bleachers inside another studio, separated by team with Gaffers on the left and Grips on the right.
"I wonder which athletic player I'm going to be up against?" Topher said to Millie. "I've already beaten Jasmine before, so I'd like to do it again, but I think I'd prefer going up against Chase."
"This is because you think Chase is weaker than Jasmine, right?" Millie told Topher. "He's more capable than you think and can handle his own battles."
"I'm not saying that he's weak at all," Topher tried to clarify.
“Right,” Millie dully remarked with a roll of her eyes.
"SILENCE!" Chris shouted in an odd but dramatic accent, earning the attention of all eight contestants. He was dressed in nothing but a toga and a head wreath, standing in a chariot being pulled by a helmeted Chef Hatchet. A suitably dramatic piece of music began in the background as he continued. "The score is one to one! And now, second-seat Topher will be competing," he said as the chariot came to a halt in front of the bleachers, "in Grrrreco-Rrrrroman wrrrrestling with," the camera panned to reveal that they were in front of the same ring that had been used for the boxing match, "Jasmine!"
The tall Aussie grinned.
Confessional: Topher
"I gotta say," Topher told the confessional camera, "I am out of my league wrestling a girl who's shoulders my head can't even reach. It was one thing when it was knocking her into a tar pit with a bone. This time, I am completely powerless, but I have to try!"
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm really stoked for this competition," Jasmine told the camera confidently. "For one, my intimidating physique will come in handy in a fight, and this will be a great opportunity to gain the trust of my new teammates."
Confessionals End
Jasmine was stretching in her swimsuit in the right corner when the footage resumed, smirking cockily across the ring. The camera panned over to Topher, also in his swimming trunks, but looking quite assured.
"I really wish that Jasmine was faster than Chase, but then again, Chase has lightning speed," Topher whispered before the shot panned over to Chris, who smiled impishly and pulled a rope that was hanging next to him.
The camera zoomed out as a high-walled glass box filled with colorful plastic balls was dropped into the ring on top of the contestants, a few balls scattering on the floor with the impact. The castmates on the stands looked shocked and surprised, and Jasmine popped back up completely flabbergasted, spitting one of the balls out of her mouth.
"We have to wrestle in a ball pit?" Jasmine asked with disbelief after wiping her mouth with the back of her arm.
"A seriously disgusting one," Topher echoed, surfacing nearby with a used diaper on his head. He tossed it away with a look of horror and faced the host. "Where did you get this from, anyway?"
"The local carnival," Chris answered happily. "They were pretty cheap, too, so those balls haven't been cleaned in, oh, ever. Now play ball!" He picked up a large curved brass horn and blew a few notes, signaling the start of the match.
Topher was the first to move, diving into the balls while Jasmine watched and looked around with planned caution. The fanboy resurfaced seconds later, pouncing on the Outback girl's back, who yelped in fright. He quickly put her in a headlock, but it quickly became apparent that Jasmine wasn't budging.
In fact, her shock quickly faded into annoyance, and she grabbed Topher by the arms and tried to pry him off her. "Just get off," Jasmine told the boy as he struggled to keep his hold. "You aren't gonna take me down so easily." She finally managed to break his grip, and tossed him lightly into the balls on his back.
"Quick, get him while he's down!" MK called from the sidelines, earning a nod from Jasmine.
She took a step towards Topher, but he got back up and tackled her in the stomach. The shot pulled back from the close-up of him pushing at her, to reveal that she stopped herself from falling over and grabbed Topher by the shoulders before forcing him away from her.
"Knock her out, baby!" Anne Maria called from the sidelines in excitement.
"Hey Chris," Jasmine asked, "how do we win this, per say?"
"I guess you could throw him out of the ring, but those walls are kinda high," Chris said after thinking.
Jasmine looked up at the top of the glass walls, then over to what looked like a mesh screen on one side. "I'm gonna do it," she said in determination.
"No you're not!" Topher countered, the camera cutting to him as he dived in and grabbed her leg, pulling it out and causing the Australian teen to fall backward, sending several balls and a baby bottle flying.
Topher took the opportunity to pounce forward onto her chest and grab her leg in an arm lock. "This does not count as me harming a lady, by the way," he told Jasmine. "Prepare to lose to-"
The music came to a complete stop, and the two competitors turned shocked looks to Topher's back, where a small and well-dressed child with curly black hair and glasses was clinging. Neither said anything, even as Chef suddenly descended from above on a rope harness, picked up the child, and ascended just as quickly.
Still wide-eyed with shock, Topher soon found himself getting flipped around as Jasmine broke out of his hold. "Time to put an end to this," she told him as she grabbed him by the waist and slung him over her shoulder, "once and for all." As he grunted and struggled to escape, she walked unflinchingly to the mesh part of the wall, ripped it open, and tossed Topher over the ropes and out of the ring.
The fanboy landed on his butt with a stunned look on his face, and Chris was next to him in moments. "And we have a winner!" he said with a grin, a victorious tune playing as the other Gaffers cheered.
Still in the ring, Jasmine cheered with her hands on her hips. "Now how ‘bout that for scoring one for the team?"
Confessional: Jasmine
"Topher would've had a good shot at beating me if it hadn't been for that kid," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "I do feel sorry for him about that, but my team has to score a win today."
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to a close-up of a smiling Chris walking across the football field used earlier that day. "So, as we head to the fourth and final leg of the Total Drama sports tournie, the Grips are ahead two to one." The four leading players were shown standing together and smiling at one another.
"The final face-off?" the host said as the shot pulled out, revealing that a small basketball court, net, and slanted trampoline had been set up. "A slam dunk competition, with points going to the most creative dunk. Let's play it for the camera! It's..." he said, passing a basketball across the court to the eye candy, who caught it and gave his competition a smirk, "Justin and Chase!"
The Grips were shown cheering for Justin, who still clutched the basketball in his hands as he looked confident. The shot panned over to Chase, also smiling confidently as his team cheered him on.
"Okay Chase, show them what a real athlete can do!" Ripper shouted.
"I'm looking forward to it!" Chase chuckled coolly.
Confessional: Chase
"This challenge was built for me!" Chase boasted in the make-up trailer. “No puzzles or tricks. Just me dribbling a ball and slam dunking! Swish!"
Confessional Ends
The footage cut back to a shot of the court, Justin standing at the left side of the center circle facing the trampoline and basket on the right, with Chase and Chris standing in the front right corner and the other six contestants along the far side of the court.
"All right. I call this the "Justin Freezes the Gaffers" Slam!" Justin announced. Chris blew his whistle and he got started, beginning with a few trick dribbles between and around his legs as he walked down the court to a jaunty whistling theme. “Hey! Keep watching!”
Justin walked past Chase and stopped nearby in order to give him a playful nudge to his arm. “Whoa! Hey!” he said and walked back to the court. He paused in front of Jasmine and Ripper. “Look out!” he warned the two as he slammed the ball under Jasmine's legs and onto Ripper's crotch, the latter groaning as the ball went back to Justin.
For his final act, Justin ran across the court and grabbed MK's hat off her head, prompting her to gasp. With both the ball and the hat in his possession, Justin placed the hat over the ball, jumped onto the trampoline, and slammed it through the hoop with only one hand.
He landed perfectly and walked back to his cheering teammates in victory.
The shot panned to the right to show Chase walking over to MK and giving her her hat back. “That was nothing!” Chase snorted. “I'll show them what a real slam dunk looks like!"
The scene cut to Chase at the center circle, already dribbling with a smile on his face. "I call this move the “Fly ‘Til You Cry” Dunk!"
“That's pretty creative,” Justin said from the same corner Chase had been standing in previously, but the stunt boy wasn't phased by it in the slightest.
A hard rock theme began to play as Chase dribbled hard a few times then ran down the court. He shot the ball high into the sky and dashed towards the trampoline. He proceeded to jump on the trampoline and bounced up, executing a front flip before scooping the descending ball and slamming it through the hoop.
He struck a pose as he landed, and the ball bounced off the court. "Point to Chase and the Gaffers!" Chris declared as both sidelined teams stood in stunned silence. "Prepare," the host said swiftly, leaning forward dramatically as the more generic background music that had resumed after the hard rock ended quickly rose in tension, "for the Ultimate Extreme Sports Tiebreaker!"
All eight teens looked wary at the announcement.
The scene flashed over to a jumbo screen set up by some fake buildings, the host appearing on it immediately. "Get ready for the battle of battles," Chris announced as an intense metal song played in the background. "The grudge match the world has been waiting for!" He slid off the screen to the right, only to slide back in from the left a moment later. "A competition so intense," he slid back to the left and reappeared from above, "so grueling," he slid back up, then popped in closer to the screen, "so..."
"So what is it already?!" Millie shouted up at the screen.
Chris blinked on the screen, which soon cut to static. The viewpoint shifted to a distance shot of the football field, now without any additional courts on it, as the host drove up in a golf cart holding several things of a distinctly pink color.
"Pompoms?!" Ripper exclaimed in disbelief after the host shook one of them.
"Yes!" Anne Maria cheered and stepped forward. "This is so much more my speed than badminton!"
"Glad to hear it," Chris told her with his trademark grin, "because the tiebreaker is a cheer-off between the Grips and the Gaffers. Each team's gotta dig deep, and create a cheer for someone they think deserves cheering."
The scene flashed again, showing the Gaffers in a huddle talking. The camera panned over to the Grips in a similar situation, and cut to a viewpoint looking up at them from inside their circle.
"I think we should just cheer for me," Justin suggested. "I'm the most good-looking guy on the show."
"Cheer for you?" Millie doubted. "Chris said we had to dig deep, and cheering for only you won't fit that criteria."
“We could cheer for the show and how famous it's making us,” Topher suggested.
“You all should listen to someone who's on the cheer team back home, i.e. me!" Anne Maria interrupted. "We're not gonna cheer for one person or a sadist show. That's not gonna work at all."
"So what are we going to cheer for?" Millie asked. “The other team are also working on how they're going to beat us!”
"We have to do something that has a lot of spirit," Anne Maria said. "Now listen up, this is what we're gonna do..."
The view flashed back outside the Grips' huddle just as Chris stepped towards them. "Time!" he called, getting their attention and breaking their huddle with a shake of his pompoms. "Grips up!"
Anne Maria took a deep breath and stepped forward. Taking the pompoms out of Chris' hands while a marching band drumline began in the background.
"Justin, Justin, he's our guy! He's got a dashing smile and he's looking pretty fly!" she chanted with a few twisting flips and back handsprings.
"Millie's the best and a savvy teen! She helps us stay so super lean!" She shook her pompoms around and did a few jumps.
"Topher is S L I C K! He makes us all pumped up every day!" She shook her pompoms a few more times and did some leg kicks as Topher, Millie, and Justin scurried into place behind her.
"Give it up, give it up, for Anne Maria! A dynamite gal, not a Cinderella! Goooooooo Grips!!" She finished with a spinning backflip just as her team unfurled a banner between them that read 'GO GRIPS!'.
The drumline ended, and the Grips were still in the poses they'd struck at the end of the cheer.
"Nice job," Chris told them. "Really speaks to cheerleading tradition. Gaffers," he turned to the other four, "your response?" Jasmine, Ripper, Chase, and MK nodded at each other, then lined up.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" MK chanted to the tune of Men Without Hats’ “The Safety Dance”.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Chase joined in.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Ripper joined in next.
"Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris!" Jasmine finished off last.
"CHHHRRRRIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!" they all chanted as one in tune as they kneeled on one leg spontaneously.
"Amazing!" Chris gushed with absolute glee. "The rhythm, the synchronicity, the incredible kissing up!" he told the Gaffers. "We have the winners! And as for the losers," his face fell into a disappointed frown, "I'll see you in the theater!" He left the Gaffers to cheer with each other.
"And we were on a good winning streak!" Millie said from the sidelines, the other Grips looking just as disappointed about their loss.
For the first time since the previous Aftermath, the Gilded Chris Ceremony opened with its usual sequence and fanfare. The host and assistant were already on stage when the introduction ended, with Chef in his formal pink dress.
"So, the Grips lose for the first time since forever!" Chris said over a shot of the four teens casting their votes, Justin seated in the front row somewhat apart from the rest of his team. "Must be tough, especially for Topher since he just debuted!"
The camera focused on Topher, who was sitting in the second-highest row with Anne Maria a row below and Millie a few feet away from Justin. "Hey," he protested, "we had a good thing going!"
"Maybe, maybe not," Chris said with a grin before turning his gaze. "Justin sure didn't help with his loss to Chase in today's basketball match!"
Justin shrugged. "Not taking any responsibility for that one."
Chris carried on. "Meanwhile, despite actually winning in the boxing ring, Millie doesn't seem to have much going on!"
"I don't need to be manipulative in order to be interesting," Millie shot a pointed glare at Chris.
"Anne Maria!" Chris continued with a grin. "I'd say you're the only one here who might be safe!"
"No kiddin’," Anne Maria said. "Why else-"
"Oh, nobody wants to hear it," Chris interrupted. "Just take the statue!" He tossed a Gilded Chris to the Jersey girl, who glared but caught it anyway. The camera panned down to Topher, who was tossed an award as well, and he caught it happily. "Tango Fail, you're safe too!"
The focus moved over to the podium as Chris turned a solemn look over to Chef, who had but a single award left in his hands. The background music turned tense, and Justin and Millie were shown waiting for the reward.
"Justin, I'm sorry, but..." Chris said slowly and sorrowfully, attracting the eye candy's attention and putting confusion on his face and a smile on the author's, "...head's up!" He suddenly tossed the final Gilded Chris his way, and he caught it perfectly.
"Aww!" Millie pouted, standing up with a distraught expression. "I was so close to the merge."
“Sorry, but I had to vote for someone,” Topher said nonchalantly.
Confessional: Topher
"Justin's plan to get rid of Millie worked," Topher said in the confessional trailer with a smile. "Though I wonder how he convinced Anne Maria to vote for her."
Confessional: Justin
"I'm not saying I voted for Millie just because she said I'm not cute," Justin confessed calmly. "Okay, it was just because of that. Thing is, Anne Maria told me she was sending me home, even though I haven't tried to use my affections on her lately. So you see? I didn't lose my mojo. I just needed to shake things up. With my new patented, all-time lady-killing mega flip."
He slowly shook his head from one direction to the other, and his hair moved about even slower before falling back into its normal perfectly well-coiffed position. "I'm back, baby!"
Confessionals End
Chef Hatchet escorted Millie to the Walk of Shame. “Millie, wait up!!” The two were stopped by Chase running over to them.
“Chase?! What are you doing here?!” Millie wondered.
“I can't just let you go without a goodbye from me,” Chase explained.
“I'm sorry we can't make it to the merge together again, but only this time, the roles are reversed,” Millie said.
“Don't worry. I'll be fine by myself just like you were last season,” Chase comforted her. “And I will win this season for us! I guarantee that!”
“Make sure to watch out for MK,” Millie added. “Me and Jasmine are sure that she's up to something.”
“Hurry up, roaches!” Chef shouted impatiently, startling the two for a brief second.
“I have to go now! Remember that I'll be supporting you while watching the show,” Millie bid her goodbye before grabbing Chase by the face and giving him a quick kiss to the lips. Afterwards, she let go and walked the red carpet with Chef, Chase waving goodbye to her.
The scene flashed forward to Millie stepping into the limousine of losers, which sped off with a cloud of dust.
The scene cut to Chris in the boxing/wrestling ring. "Wow! Looks like Millie left us with a bit of a doozy!" Chris laughed, an energetic and sporty song starting up as he sported boxing gloves. "How's that for a dramatic sucker punch?" He threw a few test jabs in the direction of Chef, who was back in his normal clothes save a pair of dark pink boxing gloves.
"Will MK continue to stay in the bad guy corner? Are Topher and Anne Maria gonna kiss?" he asked while continuing to punch the air as he worked his way around an unimpressed Chef. "Am I gonna knock big ol' Chef out with my killer uppercut?"
He started to throw a punch at his assistant, but it was swiftly answered by a hammering fist that knocked the host off his feet. "Find out next time," he said as he got back to his feet and Chef walked away, "here, on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
"Honestly, I'm kind of happy to be going home today," Millie told the camera as she sat on the seat of the limousine. "The million dollars would have been great, but I'm sure I can make tons of money selling my finished book!" She whipped out her book from her pocket and showed it. “Thankfully, I didn't get framed for writing nasty stuff about the contestants like last time, and I certainly didn't have anyone drive a wedge between me and Chase. It would've been nice to spend more time with him, but we have to focus on our own interests and passions. And if he was to win the season, then that means I'd technically win as well. So it's basically a win-win for us." She sported a face of realization. “That was a bit of a mouthful.”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Millie - 8th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:17 DarthVadersFart Prefilter mesh for geothermal

I have an old WaterFurnace Premier 2 geothermal system, open loop, that runs off well water. Right now there is a spin down filter between the well and the geo. It has a 1” slip and currently has 60 mesh stainless steel screen. My problem is that it seems that too much sediment is still making it in to the system but the spin down filter ALSO gets clogged up pretty quickly. So I’m wondering if it’s a bad idea to step it up to a 100 mesh filter (or higher). My other thought was adding a second spin down filter with 100 mesh after the 60 mesh filter so the 60 mesh catches big pieces then feeds into the 100 mesh for a bit finer screening before feeding in. Would either of those options be too detrimental to flow rate into the system or cause any other problems? Any other suggestions would be welcome.
submitted by DarthVadersFart to geothermal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:50 surin1 How to fill countries with color on three js sphere

Hi everyone! So I'm trying to make a Globe component with map on it where I can paint countries in different color. I managed to make it so border color is changeable but all the time I try to paint inside with Shapes I end up either having map being flat in the middle of the sphere or when I properly wrap my sphere with a map some fillings go under the sphere mesh and are not being fully filled. I can solve it by changing elevation so map doesn't touch the sphere but then it looks not exactly how I want.
Can someone help me to figure out how to do? I also don't have much of experience with webgl to be honest.
Here is my current component code, would to figure out how to make those countries that are in the code have painted border to have filling inside too.
import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { useFrame } from "@react-three/fiber"; import * as THREE from "three"; import { json } from "d3-fetch"; function Globe() { const meshRef = useRef(); const [geoJson, setGeoJson] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { json( "" ) .then((data) => { setGeoJson(data); }) .catch((error) => console.error("Error fetching GeoJSON:", error)); }, []); useFrame(() => { if (meshRef.current) { // Rotate the globe meshRef.current.rotation.y += 0.015; // Smoothly adjust the tilt using a sinusoidal function const tiltAngle = (Math.sin(meshRef.current.rotation.y / 3) * Math.PI) / 12; // Max tilt 15 degrees meshRef.current.rotation.x = tiltAngle; } }); if (!geoJson) return null; const radius = 3; // Radius of the globe const elevation = 0.01; // Elevation above the globe surface const latLonToVector3 = (lat, lon, radius, elevation = 0) => { const phi = (90 - lat) * (Math.PI / 180); const theta = (lon + 180) * (Math.PI / 180); const x = -(radius + elevation) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta); const y = (radius + elevation) * Math.cos(phi); const z = (radius + elevation) * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta); return new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z); }; const createCountryBorders = (coordinates) => { const shapeVertices = coordinates[0].map(([lon, lat]) => latLonToVector3(lat, lon, radius, elevation) ); const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(shapeVertices); return geometry; }; const generateCountryLines = () => { return geoJson.features.flatMap((feature, index) => { const { type, coordinates } = feature.geometry; const countryName =; let color = "#e4e4e7"; // Default color if (countryName === "Poland") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Germany") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Belarus") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "France") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Italy") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Spain") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Portugal") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Netherlands") { color = "#ef4444"; } else if (countryName === "Belgium") { color = "#ef4444"; } const countryGroup = new THREE.Object3D(); if (type === "Polygon") { const geometry = createCountryBorders(coordinates); const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color }); const line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); countryGroup.add(line); } else if (type === "MultiPolygon") { coordinates.forEach((polygon) => { const geometry = createCountryBorders(polygon); const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color }); const line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); countryGroup.add(line); }); } else { console.warn("Unsupported geometry type:", type); } return ; }); }; return (      {generateCountryLines()}  ); } export default Globe; 
Please let me know if I need to clarify question somehow or if I'm missing some details. As I said I'm really new to threejs.
submitted by surin1 to threejs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:36 Honuswimspeace Need Hadestown Craft Ideas

Hi all! I’m in a theatre theme craft exchange and my recipients favorite musical is Hadestown. the problem is that I don’t know it at all and am struggling to find a craft that relates with my limited knowledge- the only thing I’ve found so far is crocheting the flower.
exchange rules: craft can be completed in less than a day and requires no more than $15 in new materials (stash busting is encouraged).
my crafts: crochet, sewing, vinyl crafting, deco mesh wreaths (though those are $$$ to ship), dabble in painting and several other things
since you all love Hadestown, I was hoping you might have some ideas or inspiration for me?

submitted by Honuswimspeace to hadestown [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:24 One2rulethem H: plans w: caps/flux

H: plans w: caps/flux submitted by One2rulethem to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:59 matcha_is_gross Rate these flowers! (DIY) Need a boost of confidence - these are for a memorial tomorrow. I see some gaps but like. Are these okay?

Hi, I’m all alone in bumfuck nowhere and everyone is asleep. What do you think of these flowers? 💖
They’re for the memorial for my spouse’s simple and “country” southern Granny. My plans for them fell through over and over - this is what I came up with. Floral foam on a wreath base inside.
I see some gaps now and I might fill it with some deco mesh in the very back for the sake of time. The wreath needs some more love but I have a handful of roses and a lot of baby’s breath to add. Costco sent the wrong color roses and didn’t give me the snapdragons they promised, just baby’s breath.
submitted by matcha_is_gross to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:35 Much-Tradition1305 Buying a new bike: Diverge or Roubaix

I'm far from the first to ask this question so hoping to crowdsource some expertise for what makes sense given my usage before I drop $3-5k.
Right now I'm riding an entry level 2017 Diverge which has served me well but I'm looking to upgrade (frame geo that fits me poorly, OK on road, only 35mm tires for gravel, only 2x9 gears, and single-sided disc brake annoying on Seattle hills--would prefer hydraulic). I've got a very leg-heavy body type (6'3" with 37" inseam from the ground & somewhat short arms), which seems to mesh with the current frame geo for Diverge and Roubaix--Specialized seems to be one of the few manufacturers that'd work well.
My usage is basically:
I like the idea of being able to do more gravel rides and group road rides, though with two young kids it's unclear how realistic that is for the next few years.
Here's how I'm currently thinking about it:
submitted by Much-Tradition1305 to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:25 force522001 Why my raster isnt clipping?

Why my raster isnt clipping?
So i downloaded Greece's dem from the USGI satellite. I merged the rasters to create the final dem. Then i use the "clip raster by mask layer" tool from Qgis and tried to clip it with Greece's shapefile. While it does clip out Turkey, Bulgaria etc, it doesnt clip this black background. What can i do? I want to use it in InVEST, in the scenic quality tool, but i dont know if the black background is damaging the process or not. Any clues on how to delete the black thing?
submitted by force522001 to gis [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:17 kaspero12 Rubber

Rubber submitted by kaspero12 to u/kaspero12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:41 Nice_Peace_1521 I'm (31m) wondering if maybe I'm in the wrong relationship (35f) or if maybe this is just how it is?

I love a lot of things about my partner. She's determined, strong, and yet still absolutely beautiful with some very cute quirks.
Yet we don't really line up with our interests very often. I'm really diverse in what I do, and I try and always pick up new interests. I snow board, skateboard, play volleyball in the summer, like going on geo cache hunts, play board games of all types, video games of all types, I've gone to a number of different physical classes (capoeira, parkour, HEMA, jujitsu) for varying amount of time, but the main thing my partner likes doing with me is either watching shows together (which is fine, I like shows too, though her favorites are reality shows which isn't super my bag because I hate watching people fight, but I think the competition ones are at least interesting), and watching me play long video game RPGs (again, fine, but I feel like that's kinda me just doing a lot and not a lot of us doing something together). She will also join I'm and play board games in a group, and ultimately, is kinda how we met in the first place.
She does reject invites to pretty much everything else since she is not a very active person and doesn't like co-operative or competitive experiences outside of board games, whereas I love competing and co-operating with friends, since I really enjoy seeing my friends succeed. I also love being with my friends and love organizing activities for us all to do together, though again, for the past 3 years I have to schedule that around my partner as she doesn't enjoy those types of activities. I've learned to live with that though, it's fine, it's been 3 years and I feel like I've learned to balance my friend's needs with hers as well.
Sex is pretty tough for us. It's pretty painful for her though we have been working around ways to try and improve it, it is a pretty rare occurrence. She's unfortunately have had some pretty bad partners, so the experience is generally unpleasant for her, which in turn, makes it hard for me to feel like it's something I should be desiring from her since it's so one-way. Makes it a pretty tough since prior to this relationship I had a number of intimate relationships with close friends, and it was such a normal thing for us all, and my current partner does put a restriction on me pursuing that kind of contact with my friends, aside from other men (I identify as pansexual).
Furthermore, there is a pretty wide financial gap between us. I'm currently trying to save up to buy a house, after working towards it for 10 years, but my partner has been struggling as an independent artist. She does great, very cute work, but I feel isn't making the best decisions. When we met she had about 10k in credit card debts, which I helped her payoff, and then got her a loc at the bank to help with the rest. She managed to pay me back and was doing fine for a bit, but I just recently found out that she had amassed a new debt of over 25k. This is after she promised me she would always pay off her credit cards, and never let them accrue interest, and if she was ever starting to slip she would tell me. Not only did she not do that, she also went and took out a loan with a ridiculous 36% interest that has been burying her deeper and deeper.
We also have some pretty bad fights, I'm very timid and am pretty terrified of getting yelled at, but she flies off the handle some times for reasons I don't fully understand, it's usually whenever I try to make suggestions to her or voice concerns about her habits, in which she will often yell at me telling me I'm inventing problems and adding to her mental load, or when I disagree with her on certain statements (it can even be as innocuous as a difference in opinion on a movie we watched, and she will just start getting aggressive and yelling). Sometimes when she's like this I'll avoid her and give her space, but at night she will confront me and want to talk about why I was avoiding her, which ends up leading to her getting angry at me again when I try to disengage. I try to tell her to please talk to me in a normal tone but she says she has every right to be loud and angry because that's who she is and I need to respect her emotions. I've never been in any kinda of arguments like the ones she pulls me into with any friends or past relationships, so it's just been kinda startling.
It also seems so unfair when I really do try my hardest to make life easier for her. I do a lot of driving for her, I take her out to dinner, I offer plenty of physical affection, I prepare little scavenger hunts and surprises that I know she likes, I buy fun little experiences that she keeps dropping hints that she would enjoy (mostly relaxing things like massages and pedicures), and when she's sick I drop everything and try to make sure she is comfortable and had everything she needs to get better. It just hurts to get yelled at when I feel like, even when I make mistakes (I'm pretty oblivious to cues and hints, but I do try my best at least) it's never something so serious that deserves being treated that way. I don't even expect to be reciprocated for my efforts, I know that's hard for her with all her stress and financial struggles, but I really just wish I was never yelled at any more, or at least give the same type of respect I give her. I've never raised my voice with her, or really anyone in my life other than my parents. Even when she says some really hurtful things, or sometimes just, really strange or insensitive things about myself or people we know.
I'm not sure if this is all normal since while I've had 6 other relationships, none had made it over a year, and since I was older, and since I had known my partner for 5 years before we started dating, I figured I'd really try to make this one work. But it's getting to the point where I'm starting to envy so many of my friends who seem to be so perfect with their partners, who seem to be going on new adventures almost every week, and are growing together, and pursuing their goals and helping eachother succeed.
I do love my partner, I do want to help her succeed, but I don't feel like this is a partnership, I'm so worried about how we just don't seem to mesh together with our passions are, and we just seem to keep hitting different setbacks. I'm terrified of breaking up with her, because I'm worried I'll never see her again and I just don't want that to happen. I like being around her, and I do like talking to her. I really loved being her friend, and I'm worried that by trying this relationship, my two options now are to lose that friend, or remain in this relationship which continues to be such an ongoing struggle. She often talks about marriages and how she imagines I would propose to her, but I just don't have that sort of confidence to believe that it could work.
The revelation that she had been hiding that growing debt from me when I could have immediately stepped in and help her may have been the final red flag that maybe this just wasn't meant to work. But I can't possibly imagine leaving her now without getting through this, and once we do, I don't know if I'd have the courage to leave her once things are going good.
Hell, I feel guilty even having these thoughts and writing all this out, since it seems so unfair to her. I think about her all the time, and having her near when she is in a good mood is absolutely so lovely. I really want to trust her again and just enjoy the times that we can be together and have things work, I'm just worried that I might be shooting myself in the foot when I'm already getting up there in years, and I may just end up perpetually stressed, or just simply alone in my 40s.
Has anyone else been in similar situations with their partner? Did you stay or leave? What made you stay? If you left, did you regret it? Did you stay friends? Did you find anyone else in your 30s?
I've pretty much regretted not trying hard enough in my previous relationships, or quitting when things just got to hard. I'm really trying with this one. I just don't know if it is a sisyphean effort or not.
Thanks for reading by the way, really~
submitted by Nice_Peace_1521 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:56 ElonsAlcantaraJacket Help with lerp / rinterp has me hitting a wall - Delta time issue?

I have a setup where there's a blueprint / static mesh's geo is driven by my current health. IE: As my health drops the little needle on an old school gauge drops.
I have the connection working and I wanted to smooth out the animationa bit and finterp or rinterp just get stuck at a certain value.
If I use a timeline to rotate the needle geo it works great but for some reason interpolating it breaks after the first 2 or three values.
I have attached a video of the asset and the rotation I need, second part of the vid is with finterp with 0 interp speed ( works but is sudden ). Third part shows if I set interp speed to say 2 it works until it reaches a value of 90 on rotation and just locks up. Notice the bottom left is the current player health as a debug and its lowering but the needle just glitches out and the values from my print just get stuck around 90 once interp speed is anything other than 0.
I have tried rinterp, finterp - I just can't for the life of me figure out why interpolating works for the first three values than messes up and Im guessing its my delta time.
UPDATE ONE : Trying to stick to having the health float control the timelines playback as that works 100% of the time but just going to figure out how to finterp the health value before plugging that into the timeline time setting that's been remapped.
UPDATE TWO: Found this post ( ) about finterp with a float and going to use this as a driver for my timeline after a remap. Not sure why the world delta is plugged into interp speed on this guys example but I'll try anything to to test.
submitted by ElonsAlcantaraJacket to unrealengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:14 mtb_s Hello, I need help on this geometry nodes setup. The goal is to have several adjustable points around which the scale of instances will change.

Hello, I need help on this geometry nodes setup. The goal is to have several adjustable points around which the scale of instances will change.
I might add at the beginning, that this setup is meant to be used inside a more complex setup by people who dont know much about blender. The shown setup is basically just a setup where i recreated the part where i have trouble with. Therefore, i aim to have everything which needs to be adjusted on the "modifier sidebar" (I dont know how it is actually called). The first image shows how i generate the grid of cubes. The second image shows how i scale the cubes based on their distance to a point (represented by a sphere for usability). The third image shows the whole setup. The fourth image shows how it looks in the viewport.
My Problem is, that i want to be able to move multiple points along the grid and choose how many points i generate and move. At the moment i tried this with the index node, which works for selecting a single point and moving it. However when i change the index the previously moved point will move back to 0,0,0 and the newly selected point will move to the point where the other one was moved before. This seems logical looking at my setup, but i dont know how to achieve that a moved point will stay at the location, when i switch the index to move another point. I would really appreciate some feedback on how to achieve this :) I understand that this could be done by just a collection info node and some sphere object in it and connecting that to the geo prox node, but i would rather have everything in one place for the user to set up ("modifier sidebar" -> see group input nodes). Thank you :)
generating grid with cubes
scaling cubes on distance to points and moving points
whole setup
submitted by mtb_s to blender [link] [comments]


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 21, 2024) - Dolly Varden Silver Corporation (TSXV: DV) (OTCQX: DOLLF) (FSE: DVQ1) (the "Company" or "Dolly Varden") is pleased to announce that the 2024 Exploration Drill Program has started at its 100% owned Kitsault Valley Project. Three drill rigs have been mobilized and are testing exploration targets at Moose Vein, Chance Vein and the North Star Deposit step out. Objectives of the initial targets include testing for new discoveries and following up from high-grade silver mineralization encountered in the 2023 drilling program.
Drill meterage in the 2024 drill program will be split approximately evenly between the Dolly Varden Property and the Homestake Ridge Property, with an overall project split of one third each to the Homestake Silver deposit, to the Wolf deposit area and to project wide exploration targets with discovery potential.
"With drilling already underway, our 25,000 meter program is the earliest startup for of any season for Dolly Varden Silver and we look forward to building on resource expansion and high-grade mineralization discovered during the 2023 program. We are excited to continue to grow the premier advanced silver project in Canada, backed by our strong corporate, institutional and strategic investors," said Shawn Khunkhun, CEO of Dolly Varden Silver.
Figure 1. Targets for the 2024 Exploration program along Dolly Varden's Kitsault Valley Trend
Figure 2. Dolly Varden Silver's Kitsault Valley Project and Big Bulk Project with location of deposits (blue) and exploration targets with new-discovery potential (white).
Moose Vein*\*
The Moose Vein is situated 1.5 kilometers north of the Wolf vein on a similar crosscutting structure that projects under the mid valley sedimentary cap. Drilling in 2023 intersected mineralized vein and vein breccias similar to the Wolf vein, with previously reported results from drill hole DV23-371 of 712 g/t Ag over 1.00 meter within a wider vein interval grading 269 g/t Ag over 7.55 meters (from previous release; November 6, 2023). The 2024 drilling at Moose will target the down plunge mineralization projection, trending towards and below the mid-valley sedimentary cover rock. This target is a newly interpreted plunge orientation of the wide and high silver grade seen at similar cross-cutting veins located further south of the Moose Vein, such as Wolf and Kitsol.
Chance Vein*\*
The Chance Vein is located within the lower portion of the Hazelton Formation, just above the contact with the underlying Stuhini Formation (the contact known as "The Red Line" of the Golden Triangle). Drilling has commenced on a recently developed model of the plunge direction that is interpreted to trend through an area that has not been previously tested. The first hole at the Chance Vein will test the interpreted down plunge projection of previously released drill hole DV19-173, that intersected 488 g/t Ag over 26.50 meters including 1,044 g/t Ag over 5.60 meters (from previous release; August 7, 2019).
Figure 3. Drilling has started early at Dolly Varden Silver's Kitsault Valley Project due to low snow accumulation; pictured is one of three drills located at the North Star deposit.
North Star Deposit Step Out*\*
The third drill has commenced step-out drilling to the west of the North Star deposit, which is included in the current mineral resource estimate and is interpreted as the western extension of the Torbrit Exhalative Layer (the Torbrit Horizon). It is located across the Kitsault Valley from the Torbrit deposit which hosts the largest silver resource on the Dolly Varden portion of the Project. Drilling in 2023 tested down-dip and stepped out to the west along the projection of the Torbrit Horizon towards an area with the potential to host a continuation of the horizon. Follow-up drilling will target the extension of previously released drill hole DV23-358 from North Star that intersected 345 g/t Ag over 7.45m and included 1,510 g/t Ag over 0.58 meters (from previous release; February 12, 2024).
******All intervals shown are core length. Estimated true widths vary depending on intersection angles and range from 65% to 90% of core lengths, further modelling of the new interpretation is needed before true widths can be calculated.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
The Company adheres to CIM Best Practices Guidelines for exploration related activities conducted on its property. Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) procedures are overseen by the Qualified Person.
Dolly Varden QA/QC protocols are maintained through the insertion of certified reference material (standards), blanks and field duplicates within the sample stream. Drill core is cut in-half with a diamond saw, with one-half placed in sealed bags and shipped to the laboratory and the other half retained on site. Third party laboratory checks on 5% of the samples are carried out as well. Chain of custody is maintained from the drill to the submittal into the laboratory preparation facility.
Analytical testing was performed by ALS Canada Ltd. in North Vancouver, British Columbia. The entire sample is crushed to 70% minus 2mm (10 mesh), of which a 500 gram split is pulverized to minus 200 mesh. Multi-element analyses were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) for 48 elements following a 4-acid digestion process. High grade silver testing was determined by Fire Assay with either an atomic absorption, or a gravimetric finish, depending on grade range. Au is also determined by fire assay on a 30g split with either atomic absorption, or gravimetric finish, depending on grade range. Metallic screen on a 1.0kg sample may be completed on high-grade gold samples.
Qualified Person
Rob van Egmond, P.Geo., Vice-President Exploration for Dolly Varden Silver, the "Qualified Person" as defined by NI43-101 has reviewed, validated and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release and supervises the ongoing exploration program at the Dolly Varden Project.
About Dolly Varden Silver Corporation
Dolly Varden Silver Corporation is a mineral exploration company focused on advancing its 100% held Kitsault Valley Project (which combines the Dolly Varden Project and the Homestake Ridge Project) located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada, 25kms by road to tide water. The 163 sq. km. project hosts the high-grade silver and gold resources of Dolly Varden and Homestake Ridge along with the past producing Dolly Varden and Torbrit silver mines. It is considered to be prospective for hosting further precious metal deposits, being on the same structural and stratigraphic belts that host numerous other, on-trend, high-grade deposits, such as Eskay Creek and Brucejack. Five kilometers to the East of the Kitsault Valley Project is the Big Bulk property which is prospective for porphyry and skarn style copper and gold mineralization, similar to other such deposits in the region (Red Mountain, KSM, Red Chris).
Forward Looking Statements
This release may contain forward-looking statements or forward-looking information under applicable Canadian securities legislation that may not be based on historical fact, including, without limitation, statements containing the words "believe", "may", "plan", "will", "estimate", "continue", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "potential", and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Dolly Varden to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements or information in this release relates to, among other things, the 2022 drill program at the Kitsault Valley Project, the results of previous field work and programs and the continued operations of the current exploration program, interpretation of the nature of the mineralization at the project and that that the mineralization on the project is similar to Eskay and Brucejack, results of the mineral resource estimate on the project, the potential to grow the project, the potential to expand the mineralization and our beliefs about the unexplored portion of the property.
These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and assume, among other things, the ability of the Company to successfully pursue its current development plans, that future sources of funding will be available to the company, that relevant commodity prices will remain at levels that are economically viable for the Company and that the Company will receive relevant permits in a timely manner in order to enable its operations, but given the uncertainties, assumptions and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any obligation to update, or to publicly announce, any such statements, events or developments except as required by law.
For additional information on risks and uncertainties, see the Company's most recently filed annual management discussion & analysis ("MD&A") and management information circular dated January 21, 2022 (the "Circular"), both of which are available on SEDAR at The risk factors identified in the MD&A and the Circular are not intended to represent a complete list of factors that could affect the Company.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
For further information: Shawn Khunkhun, CEO & Director, 1-604-609-5137,
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:44 Frogarazzi FBX Import Error "Mesh [Geometry have no name] in the fbx file is not reference by any hierarchy node." continually pops up, unable to find a solution.

Hi all, I'm newer to Unreal Engine. I am coming from a background of rigging in Maya and I'm trying to add Unreal to my tool kit for work and currently I'm trying to FBX Export from Maya a very simple mesh (It's literally just a cylinder) and a single joint chain to Maya. I've been having some errors along the way but I've gotten rid of all of them except for the one in the title, and none of the answers I've found through google have helped alleviate this issue. I currently have both the geo and the joint chain parented to the world so they are in the same hierarchy and I've also tried different FBX export year versions (2014-2020). Those the only real fixes I've found and neither work for me.
submitted by Frogarazzi to unrealengine [link] [comments]


  • Northisle 2024 Phase 1 drill program commencing
    • Extend near-surface drilling discovery at West Goodspeed through systematic step-out drilling into large, near-surface magnetic anomaly
    • Identify causative intrusion at Northwest Expo through targeted step-outs and high leverage infill holes which will also test potential for mineralized porphyry source at depth
    • In-fill Northwest Expo resource to upgrade to >90% Indicated Resources within resource estimate shell
  • Pemberton Hills 2023 drill results confirm overall thesis and demonstrate progress towards porphyry source of 6 kilometre (km) long by 1.5km thick lithocap
  • Surface mapping and additional geophysics to continue on high priority targets throughout the property
Northisle Copper and Gold Inc. (TSX-V: NCX) (“Northisle” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has commenced
its 2024 Phase I exploration program at the North Island Project. The 2024 Phase I exploration program will consist of approximately 10,000 metres (m) of drilling and is designed to systematically vector towards the core of several identified porphyry systems trending across Goodspeed and Northwest Expo. Surface mapping and additional geophysics will continue on high priority targets throughout Northisle’s district-scale North Island Project. In addition, the Company has released its Pemberton Hills 2023 drill results which confirms the overall exploration thesis and demonstrates progress towards the porphyry system’s potassic layer.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:
Figure 1: Aerial View Looking East at West Goodspeed and Goodspeed targets (Photo: Business Wire)
Sam Lee, President & CEO of Northisle stated “We are pleased to release the final results of our highly successful 2023 exploration program and announce that we’re immediately initiating our 2024 Phase I program. The 2023 exploration program produced our strongest results in Company history and the 2024 program seeks to do the same. Our 2024 program will also be bold in testing multiple porphyry systems at depth to potentially locate the source of the high-grade gold and copper mineralization reported in 2023.”
A drill is currently being staged to the West Goodspeed target, with a second drill rig to be added to support helicopter-assisted drilling at Northwest Expo within the coming weeks.
Key Catalysts
In 2024, the Company will continue advancing the North Island Project, with development and exploration catalysts throughout the year leading to measurable impacts for shareholders, including the following:
  • Geophysics results from Northwest Expo and West Goodspeed
  • Final 2023 Pemberton Hills Drill Results
  • Commencement of 2024 drilling program
  • Q2 2024
  • Preliminary Project Trade-offs
  • Late Q2/Early Q3 2024
  • Initial Exploration Results from 2024 Phase 1 drilling program
  • Q3 2024
  • Commencement of advanced economic and technical studies
  • H2 2024 – Full Results from 2024 Phase 1 drilling program
  • Ongoing - Continued positive engagement with indigenous rightsholders and local stakeholders
Upcoming Investor Events
During 2024, the Company will continue to be active in investor outreach. Northisle will be attending several external investor events including the following events during Q2/Q3 2024:
  • Summer 2024: Broker and Institutional Site Visits
  • September 10 – 13, 2024: Precious Metals Summit , Beaver Creek, CO
  • September 15 – 18, 2024: Gold Forum Americas, Colorado Springs, CO
  • November 20 – 21, 2024: Swiss Mining Institute , Zurich, Switzerland
West Goodspeed Exploration
Drilling in 2024 will commence with the West Goodspeed target, the discovery of which was announced by Northisle in December 2023 (see December 6, 2023 press release ). The West Goodspeed target was identified through a combination of a ground geophysical survey and a review of historical exploration activity including recent surface alteration mapping, examining 2017 drill logs adjacent to Red Dog and historical assessment reports.
Mineralization in GS23-04 and GS23-05, which starts immediately below 6 metres of overburden and includes 125m grading 0.49% copper equivalent (Cu Eq) in GS23-05 and 78m grading 0.48% Cu Eq. in GS23-04 is associated with quartz-sericite-pyrite (QSP) alteration which suggest the drill holes are proximal to the potential causative intrusion for this porphyry system. The initial follow-up drill program will systematically seek to vector towards the source intrusion with the goal of intercepting the potentially higher grade potassic zone commonly found in similar porphyry systems. At the previously producing Island Copper mine the potassic alteration consisted of biotite-magnetite. GS23-04 and GS23-05 are peripheral to and north of a large northerly trending magnetic anomaly which will be further explored by drilling. GS23-05 ended in mineralization proximal to this anomaly as shown in Figure 3.
The 2024 program at West Goodspeed will include approximately 3,600m of drilling in at least 7 step-out holes to the south and east of the two West Goodspeed discovery drill holes. Additional holes are proposed for a magnetic anomaly southeast of the original Goodspeed surface exposure of stockwork quartz-magnetite veinlets hosting chalcopyrite and bornite.
Figure 1 shows the proposed locations of the 2024 Phase 1 drill holes in the Goodspeed area.
Figure 2 shows 2024 drill targets in the Goodspeed area in the context of integrated 2021 and 2023 geophysical surveys.
Figure 3 shows a section including the 2023 discovery drill holes at West Goodspeed as well as the newly identified deep magnetic target which was not penetrated by 2023 drilling.
Northwest Expo Exploration
After drilling at Goodspeed concludes, Northisle will be systematically testing several targets at Northwest Expo for the source of the gold-enriched mineralization contained in the recently announced Northwest Expo Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”). In addition, the 2024 exploration program includes several in-fill holes designed to convert a significant portion of the inferred resource within the higher-grade southwest portion of the deposit, while also testing the potential for a porphyry source at depth, highlighted by an intercept in NW23-13 which included 130m grading 2.13 grams per tonne (g/t) gold equivalent (Au Eq). (see September 27, 2023 press release ).
Within the deposit footprint, the Company has planned approximately 3,600m of drilling in 8 drill holes.
Three of the drill holes at the south of the resource shell are planned to test for the potential source of the higher-grade mineralization that was observed during 2023 drilling in stockwork covellite, chalcocite, and bornite veinlets in porphyry xenoliths, within a hydrothermal breccia encountered in drill hole NW23-13. This breccia was observed from 320m to 338m and graded 3.5g/t gold (Au) and 1.0% copper over 18 m. In addition, a review of Northisle drill core and from programs carried out by previous operators identified drill core which includes stockworked A and B style quartz veining at depth in drill hole EC-233 200m northwest of NW23-13. The mineralized material contains fluorine bearing topaz, which in upper parts of porphyry systems occurs above the hydrothermal up-flow zone, higher temperature, low pH clays including pyrophyllite and dickite which also occur in adjacent drill holes and suggest proximity to the potassic zone below this area, which is typical of porphyry systems.
Figure 4 shows the proposed location of drill holes within the Northwest Expo deposit as well as the location of identified porphyry-style veining relative to the existing resource model and the target area for potential causative intrusions at depth.
In addition, step-out drilling is planned, subject to receipt of all relevant approvals, to test several additional potential porphyry occurrences in the area between Northwest Expo and Goodspeed which is part of the larger trend on the northwest end of the North Island Project.
Pemberton Hills Results and Exploration
2023 drilling at Pemberton Hills was successful in confirming the overall exploration thesis regarding the southwest tilt of the 6.5 km long by 1.4km thick lithocap, and the orientation of the very large hydrothermal system at Pemberton Hills extending to the northeast of this. The underlying system is evidenced by a 1.5km wide by 2.5km long QSP alteration zone at surface. QSP alteration usually occurs peripherally to potassic alteration hosting copper mineralization. Drill holes PH23-12 and PH23-13 confirmed the extent and orientation of this hydrothermal system as shown in Figure 5 and shows where the drill holes are interpreted to have intersected the porphyry system.
Drill hole PH23-12 was drilled proximal to the lithocap and was oriented to pierce magnetic and induced polarization (IP) anomalies adjacent to a QSP altered quartz-diorite. The hole showed significant QSP alteration and minor chalcopyrite bearing quartz stockwork veining, which indicates progression towards the source of the system but did not contain economically significant mineralization. PH23-13 was drilled further from the lithocap to the northeast and targeted in the direction of a large magnetic anomaly. The drill hole intercepted QSP alteration which again indicates proximity to potassic alteration. Examining the drill results in association with magnetic survey data and historic surface sampling, which included copper and gold values within at least 200m long narrow quartz veins, the current interpretation is that the possible source occurs south of the 2023 drill holes and north of the historic surface samples. This interpretation is shown in Figure 6 in the context of surface geology and alteration.
The 2024 surface exploration at Pemberton Hills will include a detailed surface mapping program targeted at obtaining additional structural information, sericite speciation, chlorite proximitor analysis, quartz and gypsum vein density mapping and rock geochemistry information which will aid in future drill targeting. Figure 7 shows the target areas in the context of previous drilling and surface magnetics.
Hushamu Exploration
At Hushamu, the Company has reviewed drill core, logging, and surface exploration over the last several years, as well as results of drilling from other targets on the property. There are now multiple indicators that the Hushamu deposit, like Northwest Expo, is lithocap hosted. In addition, the orientation of the overall porphyry system has been reinterpreted which indicates that the causative intrusion may be to the south of the Hushamu resource, rather than to the north. Evidence for this reinterpretation includes:
  • the presence of zunyite, a fluorine bearing mineral like topaz occurring in the upflow zone of porphyry deposits
  • the discovery in a recent bulldozed area of sheeted and stockwork quartz veining over 600m, plus leached stockwork quartz veining with residual jarosite, goethite and hematite grading 0.1% to 0.5% copper on the south side of the Hushamu deposit; and
  • the observation of gusano texture, which commonly occurs in lithocaps above hydrothermal upflow zones of porphyry deposits in adjacent drill holes to the north
Northisle will be conducting a mapping program similar to that at Pemberton Hills, which will obtain additional structural and vectoring information in order to support drilling in this new target area. Figure 8 shows the planned target area for this mapping program as well as an example of a leached quartz stockwork boulder.
Figure 9 shows a cross-section of the Hushamu deposit with the new interpreted potential porphyry source target.
Additional Technical Details
Logging, Sampling and Assaying Procedures and QA/QC
The diamond drill core logging and sampling program was carried out under a rigorous quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) program using industry best practices. Drill intersections in this release are typically HQ to 100 m and NQ thereafter to the end of holes. After drilling, core was logged for geology, structure, and geotechnical characteristics utilizing Geospark© core logging software, then marked for sampling and photographed on site. The cores for analyses were marked for sampling based on geological intervals with individual samples 3 m or less in length. Drill core was cut lengthwise in half with a core saw. Half-core was sent for assays reported in this news release. Prior to cutting core for assay bulk density was also determined on site by taking 15 to 20 centimetres (cm) lengths of whole core of each lithology at 10 m intervals. The ends of these were then cut at right angle to the core axis, retaining all pieces to be returned to the core box for later sample cutting and analysis. The diameter of each core sampled for bulk density was measured at each end with digital calipers to 3 decimal places and recorded. The length of the core was measured on four sides at 90 degrees to each other, to 2 decimal places and recorded. The software averaged the lengths and diameters. The mass of the dry core was measured twice on an Ohaus© balance to 2 decimal places. If no discrepancy occurred the measurement was recorded. If there was a discrepancy the measuring was repeated until no discrepancy between 2 measurements occurred. The density was calculated using the formula Bulk Density = π times r² times h (where r is radius of core and h is length of core). Certified standard masses are used to calibrate the scale balance used for bulk density determinations. The balance in the core logging area was levelled on a large concrete block to avoid vibration, was leveled, and surrounded by a wooden partition to avoid wind affecting the balance. The measurements were recorded in Geospark© logging software and Bulk Density calculated to 2 decimal places.
A total of 5% assay standards or blanks and 5% core duplicates are included in the sample stream as a quality control measure and are reviewed after analyses are received. Standards were obtained from WCM Minerals, Vancouver, CDN Minerals, Langley and OREAS, Canada. Blanks were obtained from unmineralized course bagged limestone landscaping rock. Standards and blanks in 2023 drill results to date have been approved as acceptable. Duplicate data add to the long-term estimates of precision for assay data on the project and precision for drill results reported is deemed to be within acceptable levels. Samples were sent to the MSALABS in Langley, BC where the samples were dried, then crushed, split and a 250 gram (g) split was pulverized to 85% passing -200 mesh (-75 micrometres (µm)) size pulps. Clean crush material was passed through the crusher and clean silica was pulverized between each sample. The pulps were analyzed for gold by fire assay fusion of 50 g of the 250 g split. Total gold content was determined by digesting the silver doré bead from the fusion and then analysing by AA (MSA Code FAS-121). All samples were also analyzed for multiple elements by taking a 0.25 g of the 250g split which was heated in HNO3, HClO4 and HF to fuming and taken to dryness. The residue was dissolved in HCl and then analyzed utilizing ICP-MS (MSA Code IMS-230). Any sulphur analysis from this latter analysis with a value greater than 10% was reanalyzed utilizing a Leco sulfur analyzer. Iron and Tungsten accelerators are added to the sample and a stream of oxygen is passed over the sample in the induction furnace. As the sample is heated, sulfur dioxide released from the sample is measured by an IR detection system and the Total Sulphur content is determined. (MSA Code SPM-210). MSALABS (Langley) is an independent, international ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited laboratory.
Pulps and rejects of holes with significant assay intervals are stored at Western Mineral Storage. The remaining split core is indexed and stored at Northisle logging and office facility in Port Hardy, BC.
Drill Results in this news release are length weighted averages.
Qualified Persons and Data Verification
Robin Tolbert, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration of Northisle, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects , has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.
About Northisle
Northisle Copper and Gold Inc. is a Vancouver-based company whose mission is to become Canada’s leading sustainable mineral resource company for the future. Northisle, through its 100% owned subsidiary North Island Mining Corp., owns the North Island Project, which is one of the most promising copper and gold porphyry projects in Canada. The North Island Project is located near Port Hardy, British Columbia on a more than 34,000-hectare block of mineral titles 100% owned by Northisle stretching 50 kilometres northwest from the now closed Island Copper Mine operated by BHP Billiton. Northisle completed an updated preliminary economic assessment for the North Island Project in 2021 and is now focused on continued advancement of the project while exploring within this highly prospective land package.
For more information on Northisle please visit the Company’s website at
Cautionary Note Concerning Inferred Resources
Unless otherwise indicated, all technical information included in this news release, including references to inferred mineral resources, has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) classification system. The inferred mineral resources referred to in this news release are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is a risk that such inferred mineral resources may not be converted into measured or indicated mineral resources. While it is assumed that with continued exploration, most of the inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to an indicated resource category, due to the uncertainty that may attach to inferred mineral resources, there is no assurance that inferred mineral resources will be upgraded to resources with sufficient geological continuity to constitute proven and probable mineral reserves as a result of continued exploration.
Cautionary Note Regarding Adjacent and Historical Property Disclosure
This news release contains information regarding adjacent and historical properties and deposits. Investors are cautioned that adjacent mineral deposits or systems, or past-performance of historical mines, do not necessarily indicate and certainly do not prove the existence, nature or extent of mineral deposits on the North Island Project.
Cautionary Statements regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities law. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as “may”, “should”, “anticipate”, “expect”, “intend” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the MRE; plans and expectations regarding the 2024 exploration program; plans and expectations regarding future project development; timing of key catalysts; planned activities, including further drilling, at the North Island Project; the Company’s anticipated exploration activities; and the Company’s plans for advancement of the North Island Project. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, Northisle’s ability to implement its business strategies; risks associated with mineral exploration and production; risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; stakeholder engagement; marketing and transportation costs; loss of markets; volatility of commodity prices; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; industry and government regulation; changes in legislation, income tax and regulatory matters; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations; and other risks. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive.
Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions, or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
The forward-looking statements contained in this news release represent the expectations of management of Northisle as of the date of this news release, and, accordingly, are subject to change after such date. Northisle does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities law.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

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On behalf of Northisle Copper and Gold Inc.
Nicholas Van Dyk, CFA
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: (778) 655-9582
Email: [](
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2024.05.27 12:33 TheBepsiBoy [XB1] H: Items shown W: Offers or Caps

[XB1] H: Items shown W: Offers or Caps
Trying to get rid of a lot out of my stash. CAPS are more than welcome, close to maxing so if caps are offered I’ll just need to spend some before trade.
Asylum Forest and Urban Scout, looking for rolled Holy Fires or LMGs.
I’m always open to negotiations so don’t be shy!
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2024.05.27 08:13 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter

Best Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter
Get ready to experience the ultimate wearable essential for any adventure with our curated list of the top 5 Coyote Brown Neck Gaiters. Designed to provide both style and functionality, these versatile accessories are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking to stay warm and comfortable in any weather. Whether you're hitting the trails or exploring the great outdoors, our roundup features the best options on the market with a focus on quality, durability, and convenience.

The Top 19 Best Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter

  1. Insulated adult fleece hat and neck gaiter set - Stay warm and stylish with Arctic Gear's Coyote Brown Adult Fleece Cap and Neck Gaiter Set, made from premium Polartec fleece and supporting individuals with disabilities.
  2. Stylish, Warm Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Cold Weather Activities - Stay warm and stylish in any outdoor adventure with the Condor Thermo Neck Gaiter, featuring microfleece fabric, stretchable comfort, and versatile styling options.
  3. Drirelease Coyote Brown Moisture-Wicking Neck Gaiter - Stay cool and comfortable all day with the Fieldsheer Mobile Cooling Unisex Neck Gaiter, featuring eco-friendly technology, moisture-wicking and sun protection, perfect for any outdoor activity.
  4. All-Season Comfort Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown - Stay comfortable and flexible in style with the versatile Condor Multi-Wrap 212 Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown, featuring seamless construction, moisture-wicking, and anti-static properties for all-day wear.
  5. Stay Cool and Protected with Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter - Shield yourself from the sun's harmful rays while staying cool and comfortable with the Seirus Sunthing Coyote Solid Neck Gaiter – the ultimate accessory for any outdoor enthusiast.
  6. Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Multiple Uses - Stay cozy and stylish with the multifunctional Brandit Neck Gaiter, featuring a seamless design, lightweight stretchy fabric, warm skin-friendly fleece, and available in your unique color combination.
  7. Coyote Brown Arctic Gear Adult Neck Gaiter for Winter Adventures - Stay warm and cozy all winter long with the Arctic Gear Coyote Brown Fleece Neck Gaiter, perfect for outdoor activities and supporting essential services!
  8. Reversible Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Cold Protection - Stay warm and protected from the cold and wind with the Condor Reversible Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown, featuring a versatile reversible design, highly breathable microfleece fabric, and elastic bands for a tight fit.
  9. Versatile Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter - Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap - Experience the ultimate comfort and versatility with the Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap in Coyote Brown, the perfect Neck Gaiter for all your outdoor adventures.
  10. Polar Fleece Neck Warmer for Outdoor Activities - Coyote Brown - Stay cozy and protected from freezing weather with the versatile Rothco Polar Fleece Neck Warmer in Coyote Brown!
  11. Grid Fleece Chinula: Lightweight Neck Insulation for Cold Weather - Stay cozy in harsh winter conditions with Rothco's Grid Fleece Neck Gaiter Gen III Level 2 - Coyote Brown, featuring lightweight insulation, adjustable coverage, and versatile protection for your face and neck.
  12. Versatile Coyote Brown Hinged Balaclava - Stay warm and comfortable with Rothco's versatile Hinged Helmet Liner Balaclava, perfect for winter sports and outdoor activities in Coyote Brown.
  13. Coyote Brown Stretch Neck Gaiter with UV Protection - Experience ultimate comfort and practicality with the CG Tree Camo Coyote Brown stretch neck gaiter, designed for ultimate UV protection while offering a unique style.
  14. Comfortable Camo Neck Gaiter for Men - Stay snug in style with QuietWear's Brown Camo Knit Neck Gaiter, offering both warmth and comfort for your hunting adventures.
  15. Versatile Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter with UPF30+ Sun Protection - Experience ultimate versatility and durability with the Mission Made Coyote Neck Gaiter, featuring UPF30+ sun protection, seamless design, and protection against harsh elements.
  16. Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Cold Weather Protection - Experience ultimate cold weather protection with Rothco's 100% polyester neck gaiter in Coyote Brown, featuring soft fleece lining and easily adjustable design for ultimate versatility.
  17. Comfortable Cold Weather Coyote Brown Balaclava - Stay warm and dry during cold weather missions with Coyote Brown Rothco Military ECWCS Gen III Level 2 Balaclava, a lightweight and moisture-wicking head cover designed for comfort and versatility.
  18. Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter with Thermal Insulation - Enjoy all-day warmth with the Quiet Wear Men's Neck Gaiter Heat Retainer, featuring thermal insulation and brushed lining, available in Coyote Brown.
  19. Pentagon Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Outdoor Activities - Experience ultimate warmth and versatility with the stretchable and highly breathable Pentagon Fleece Neck Gaiter Coyote, featuring a soft double-sided microfleece material for added comfort and protection against the elements.
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🔗Insulated adult fleece hat and neck gaiter set
As a winter sports enthusiast, I've come to depend on my Arctic Gear Adult Fleece Cap and Neck Gaiter Set in Coyote Brown. The warmth is unsurpassed, thanks to the military-grade Polartec fleece that wraps around me like a cozy blanket.
Not only does it keep me toasty during those biting cold days on the slopes, but it also works perfectly for my ice fishing expeditions. The hat, knitted right here in the USA, not only adds a stylish touch, but also gives back to those in need. It's the perfect combination of function and purpose, making this set my go-to for all my winter activities.

🔗Stylish, Warm Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Cold Weather Activities
As the temperatures drop, it's tough to keep your neck warm and cozy while bundling up for outdoor activities. That's where the Condor Thermo Neck Gaiter comes in handy. I recently tried this neck warmer during my morning jogs, and I must say, it's a game-changer.
The first thing that caught my attention was how soft and comfortable the neck gaiter was against my skin. Made from microfleece fabric, it felt like a gentle hug, keeping me toasty even on the coldest mornings. The anatomical shape of the gaiter traps warmth near the skin, making it an excellent choice for harsh weather conditions.
One of the versatile features that I loved about this neck gaiter is its stretchability. Perfect for various outfits, it can be worn as a mask, providing maximum skin coverage, or worn just to keep your neck warm. The elastic band ensures a snug fit, ensuring wind and cold are kept at bay.
However, I did notice that the sizing could be a bit of a challenge for those with larger heads. It was a bit snug around my head, but I managed to make it work by wearing it upside down. I would recommend Condor to offer a larger size option for those who need it.
Overall, the Condor Thermo Neck Gaiter is an excellent addition to your winter wardrobe. Its soft fabric and stretchable material make it a comfortable and versatile choice for those who want to keep their necks warm and protected from the elements.

🔗Drirelease Coyote Brown Moisture-Wicking Neck Gaiter
I recently had the chance to test out the Mobile Cooling Unisex Coyote Neck Gaiter, and it's been a game-changer for me during my outdoor activities. The gaiter's main highlight is its Drirelease GEO Cool stretch Knit fabric, which does an excellent job of keeping me cool by reducing my skin temperature by up to 7°. The Sunsheer UPF 50+ protection is another feature that I love; it blocks 98% of harmful UV rays, perfect for prolonged sun exposure.
One of the things I appreciate most about this gaiter is its moisture-wicking technology. Whether I'm doing yard work or hiking in the hot sun, the gaiter quickly wicks moisture away, keeping me dry and comfortable all day long. The fact that it dries four times faster than traditional knits is a significant bonus when I'm sweating it out in the heat.
Although the Mobile Cooling Unisex Coyote Neck Gaiter is marketed for everyday use, I've found it to be particularly useful during the warmer months for activities like camping, fishing, and gardening. The flatlock seams are a nice touch, as they prevent rubbing and chafing, ensuring a comfortable fit throughout the day.
That being said, there were a couple of downsides to using this gaiter. Firstly, the instructions for activating the Drirelease technology could be a bit more clear, as I found myself snapping the material a bit too hard, which caused the seams to tear slightly. Still, this didn't affect the functionality of the gaiter, and I was easily able to continue using it.
Secondly, while I loved the fact that the gaiter was made of 90% recycled polyester and 8% spandex, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by the Made in China label. As someone who values environmentally-friendly and sustainable products, I would have preferred if it was made locally.
Overall, the Mobile Cooling Unisex Coyote Neck Gaiter has been a great addition to my outdoor gear. Its cooling capabilities, moisture-wicking technology, and comfortable fit make it well worth the investment. Just be mindful of the instructions and the country of origin when purchasing.

🔗All-Season Comfort Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown
The Condor Multi-Wrap Coyote Brown is my go-to accessory for chilly outdoor days. It's a multifunctional piece that offers comfort and warmth despite being a bit thin. I've used it as head wrap, balaclava, and neck gaiter, and even as a makeshift gun holster holder for my AR and AK pistols. The seamless construction ensures a comfortable fit without causing irritation. The anti-static and moisture-wicking features allow me to stay focused during outdoor activities. However, I do find that it stretches out easily with consistent use.
  1. Lightweight and versatile
  2. Seamless, irritation-free construction
  3. Moisture-wicking and anti-static
  4. Multifunctional design, fitting various tasks
  1. Not suitable for extremely cold weather
  2. Slight signs of fraying after frequent use
  3. Thinner material, less breathable

🔗Stay Cool and Protected with Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter
Living in a sunny region, I needed something to keep the summer heat off my neck. That's when the Seirus Sunthing Coyote Solid came to my rescue. The first thing that caught my attention was its sleek and stylish look – a perfect blend of fashion and function.
Its lightweight and breathable design made it an ideal choice for those hot days. The fabric absorbs sweat and dries quickly, keeping me comfortable throughout the day. I was particularly impressed with its versatility, as it could be used as a neck gaiter, scarf, or even a balaclava if needed.
However, I did encounter a couple of drawbacks. While the Sunthing worked great during the day, it failed to offer much protection from the cold. It was not thick enough to withstand the chill of a winter day. Additionally, the gaiter did not stay in place as securely as I would have liked, making it a bit uncomfortable during strenuous activities.
Despite these minor flaws, the Seirus Sunthing Coyote Solid proved to be a reliable and stylish accessory for keeping the sun off my neck. It's a great option for those warm days, but may require an additional layer for colder weather.

🔗Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Multiple Uses
I recently tried out the Brandit Multifunctional Neck Gaiter Fleece Camel, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised by its versatility and comfort. This neck gaiter, unlike some others on the market, is made of a stretchy, lightweight fabric, ensuring it fits perfectly and feels soft on my skin. The fact that it's made of 100% polyester is impressive because it's skin-friendly and breathable.
One of my favorite aspects of this neck gaiter is its seamless design. It's not bulky or heavy, which is ideal for everyday use. Whether I'm wearing it in the wind or the cold, I feel cozy and protected from the elements. The fleece material definitely adds an extra layer of warmth, making it perfect for those colder days.
Even though my neck gaiter is quite large, it's not constricting or uncomfortable. It gives me enough wiggle room to adjust it to my liking, and I appreciate the one-size-fits-most feature. I've used it during various outdoor activities, and it's been really helpful, keeping me warm even in extreme cold.
However, there's one downside to this neck gaiter, in my opinion. While it's not a deal-breaker, it can be a bit too long for some people. I would have preferred a more adjustable length so that I could tailor it to my needs more easily. But overall, I'm quite pleased with the Brandit Multifunctional Neck Gaiter Fleece Camel, and I will definitely be using it for many more outdoor adventures.

🔗Coyote Brown Arctic Gear Adult Neck Gaiter for Winter Adventures
Last winter, I discovered the Arctic Gear Adult Fleece Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown. It was a lifesaver during those chilly days. The warmth it provided was unbeatable, thanks to the military-grade Polartec fleece. It covered my neck like a superhero's cape, protecting me from the cold winds, allowing me to enjoy outdoor activities like skiing and sledding without feeling uncomfortable.
The Coyote Brown color was a perfect match for my winter wardrobe, blending seamlessly with my other outdoor gear. The neck gaiter was comfortable and lightweight, not too thick and yet provided a perfect balance of warmth. It was also incredibly easy to wear, with a simple yet effective design that didn't restrict my movement.
However, one drawback I noticed was that it might not be ideal for extremely cold conditions. On days when the temperature dropped significantly, I found myself needing an extra layer to stay truly toasty. But overall, the Arctic Gear Adult Fleece Neck Gaiter in Coyote Brown was a game-changer for me, making my winter adventures more enjoyable and comfortable.

🔗Reversible Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter for Cold Protection
The Condor Reversible Neck Gaiter in Brown Black is a great addition to my winter wardrobe. The one-size-fits-most design makes it easy to use, and I love the reversible look for added versatility. Not only does it keep me warm, but it also protects against the cold and wind. The soft microfleece material is perfect for cozying up in, while the breathable polyester keeps me comfortable.
One thing I noticed is that the elastic bands on the crown and wrist feel a bit restrictive. However, once I adjusted to it, I found it quite tight and secure. The Neck Gaiter is ideal for outdoor activities like walking, hiking, and even camping. I've tried tying it as a mask in case of sudden wind or cold weather, and it works great! Overall, it's a fantastic multi-purpose product for those cold days ahead.

🔗Versatile Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter - Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap
When the cold winds of winter start blowing, nothing keeps you as cozy as the Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap in Coyote Brown. As someone who has experienced the brunt of the chill, I can tell you that this neck gaiter not only keeps your neck warm but also adds a touch of style to your outfit.
One of my favorite perks of the Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap is its versatile wrap-around design. It's perfect for those who like to adjust their neck gaiter on the go, and it keeps the cold at bay without making you feel too bulky. The snug fit and premium fleece fabric also make it an excellent choice for cold weather activities like skiing or snowboarding.
However, there are a couple of things that could make this product even better. First, the multi-wrap design can sometimes be a bit of a hassle to manage when you're on the go. It might take some extra time to adjust it so that it's comfortable and secure. Second, while the Coyote Brown color is a great match for most winter outfits, some other color options would have been nice to have too.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Condor Fleece Multi-Wrap is a fantastic product for anyone looking to stay warm and stylish during the winter months. Its premium materials, comfortable fit, and fashionable color options make it a must-have for your cold weather wardrobe.

🔗Polar Fleece Neck Warmer for Outdoor Activities - Coyote Brown
As someone who frequently ventures out into the chilly wilderness, I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Rothco Polar Fleece Neck Warmer in Coyote Brown. This nifty little neck gaiter has turned out to be a trusted companion, protecting me from the unforgiving winds and biting cold.
One of the most remarkable features of this neck warmer is its versatility. Designed for various outdoor activities, it can be worn in multiple ways, including as a standard neck gaiter, an open balaclava, or a half-face mask. This means I can cover my mouth and ears, in addition to my neck, when the harsh conditions threaten to freeze me to the bone.
Another significant aspect of the Rothco Polar Fleece Neck Warmer is its lightweight and breathable nature. Constructed from 100% polyester fleece, it's comfortable around my neck without suffocating me. Plus, the soft fleece material ensures a snug fit without causing any irritation.
However, it's not all rosy. There was one minor downside that I encountered. The warmer tends to droop below my chin when I'm running against strong winds, requiring a bit of adjustment to keep it in place.
Despite this minor hiccup, the Rothco Polar Fleece Neck Warmer has proved to be a reliable companion in my outdoor adventures. With its ability to protect me from the elements, lightweight build, and comfortable fit, it's a neck gaiter I wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

🔗Grid Fleece Chinula: Lightweight Neck Insulation for Cold Weather
The Grid Fleece Neck Gaiter from Rothco is my go-to accessory for those brutal winter days. Made from a lightweight grid fleece material, it offers heavyweight thermal insulation without weighing me down.
The gaiter easily covers my mouth, ears, and nose, giving me full, seamless coverage in harsh conditions. Despite its snug fit, Rothco's One Size Fits Most feature ensures a comfortable wearing experience. The Coyote Brown color adds a touch of style to my cold weather outfit.

🔗Versatile Coyote Brown Hinged Balaclava
Lately, I've been using the Rothco Hinged Helmet Liner Balaclava in Coyote Brown, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver on these chilly winter days. The soft, stretchy fabric feels like a warm hug around my neck, while the hinged design gives me the versatility to wear it in multiple ways, whether it's as a balaclava or a face mask. The breathable mesh mouth covering not only looks stylish but also ensures that moisture is kept at bay.
One slightly negative part is that it might feel a bit snug around the jawline, so make sure to size up if you prefer a looser fit. Overall, I'd highly recommend this balaclava for anyone looking for warmth and versatility in their winter gear! .

🔗Coyote Brown Stretch Neck Gaiter with UV Protection
I recently had the chance to try the Candy Grind Standard Neck Gaiter in the Tree Camo Coyote Brown design, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. This neck gaiter is incredibly lightweight, yet it packs a powerful combination of features that make it perfect for any outdoor adventure. Its quick-drying, breathable, and moisture-wicking properties were excellent for when I found myself sweating through a hot hike.
One of the highlights I found was its UV protection—a crucial aspect when you're spending a significant amount of time in the sun. However, I did notice that the gaiter felt a bit stiff and required a bit more adjustment than I would have liked, and the color may not be as vibrant as I hoped. Despite that, I still think this neck gaiter is a great choice for those looking for both performance and flair in their outdoor gear.

🔗Comfortable Camo Neck Gaiter for Men
When I first received the Men's Quietwear Brown Camo Knit Neck Gaiter, I knew I had stumbled upon something special. The stylish camo print immediately caught my eye and the soft acrylic fabric felt like a breath of fresh air.
I decided to take it on a hunt with me to test its effectiveness in keeping my neck warm. The gaiter did not disappoint! The 5% spandex material allowed for a comfortable stretch, making it perfect for all-day wear without feeling constricted.
Not only did it keep me warm, but it also had the added benefit of being breathable. I no longer had to worry about overheating or feeling suffocated like I do with some of the other neck gaiters I've tried.
My only gripe is that it doesn't stay in place as well as I would have liked. Despite this minor setback, the Men's Quietwear Brown Camo Knit Neck Gaiter has quickly become a staple in my outdoor gear collection. Its superior warmth and comfort make it a truly exceptional choice for any hunter or outdoor enthusiast.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for Coyote Brown Neck Gaiters! This section will help you understand the key features, considerations, and general advice for this product category. We'll ensure that our guide is informative, high-quality, and follows Google search guidelines. Please remember that specific product picks or external resource links will not be included here.

Important Features

  • Material: Coyote Brown Neck Gaiters are usually made of soft, stretchable, and breathable materials like polyester or nylon, offering comfort and ease of movement.
  • Color: As the name suggests, these neck gaiters typically come in a distinctive coyote brown shade that can blend well with outdoor settings and camouflage clothing.
  • Versatility: They serve multiple purposes, such as protecting the neck from cold, wind, and sun exposure, wicking away sweat, and doubing as a face mask or balaclava in extreme weather conditions.


  • Fit: Measure your neck accurately to ensure a comfortable fit. Most neck gaiters offer adjustable loops or drawstrings to customize the size.
  • Insulation: If you're looking for extra warmth, choose a neck gaiter with a thermal lining or more insulated material.
  • UV protection: Some neck gaiters have UPF ratings, providing protection against sunburn and other skin damage caused by UV rays.

General Advice

When purchasing a Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter, consider the climate and activities you'll be using it for. Opt for a more insulated version for colder temperatures or a lighter one for milder conditions. Remember that regular maintenance, such as washing and drying according to the manufacturer's instructions, can help prolong the gaiter's lifespan and performance.
By now, you should have a better understanding of the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter category's features, considerations, and general advice. We've covered the essential aspects but haven't listed any specific product picks or external resource links. Integrate this guide seamlessly into your larger article to provide value to your readers.


What is a Neck Gaiter?

A neck gaiter is a versatile accessory that can be worn in various ways to protect against cold temperatures, UV rays, and pollution. It can be pulled up to cover the face and neck, or worn as a headband or around the neck.

What are the features of the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter?

  • Coyote Brown color
  • Moisture-wicking fabric
  • Ultralight and breathable
  • UV protection

Can the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter be worn during outdoor activities?

Yes, the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter is designed for outdoor activities, providing protection against sun, wind, and cold. It can be worn during hiking, biking, running, or any other outdoor adventure.

What is the size and material of the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter?

The Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter comes in various sizes to fit different head sizes. It is made from ultralight and breathable moisture-wicking fabric, providing maximum comfort.

Does the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter offer UV protection?

Yes, the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter provides UV protection, making it an ideal accessory for outdoor activities during sunny days.

How do you care for the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter?

The Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter should be machine washed in cold water and dried on a low temperature setting. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they may damage the fabric.

Is the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter machine-washable?

Yes, the Coyote Brown Neck Gaiter can be machine washed in cold water on a gentle cycle. It is recommended to air dry the gaiter instead of using a dryer, as high heat may damage the fabric.
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2024.05.26 23:15 lazylazylazylad Woman with heart necklace with a pile of coins, surrounded by men

Woman with heart necklace with a pile of coins, surrounded by men
I found this on the sidewalk today, artist is hard to read. Geo A Aeivnan? A woman wearing a heart necklace surrounded by surprised men is counting a pile of coins. There is a wreath and torch symbol on her chair and a crown on the far right.
submitted by lazylazylazylad to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 15:31 mrtz77 How choose a section of a polygon?

How can I choose a section of this multi poly in QGIS? I already converted it to sahapefile, now i can push the edit button, but idk whats next.
Thx m
submitted by mrtz77 to QGIS [link] [comments]