Tippy toe chick go printables

Can this be all gallbladder related?

2024.05.14 18:33 knightrx8 Can this be all gallbladder related?

I 42m been having an attack for weeks now, to the point I'm barely eating anything. I keep having the usual RUQ pain that goes to the back specially if I eat anything fatty. I have pain on my LQ by bottom rib. I also have joint pain in my wrista and ankles. and this weird feeling on my toes or fingers like if I put bengay on the skin, numbness. Headaches neck pain, that nasty taste on my mouth like when you throw up and have nothing left on the stomach. Blood pressure have been high for me around 140/90 constantly. I been to the ER 2x in two weeks they do blood work and say it's nothing heart related gave me a morphine and sent me on my way. I have my surgery now scheduled for June 21. And aside from sludge on my GB and the symptoms, the only other thing was hida said I had a EF of 86. Anxiety is just kicking my ass because so much shit going on and dont know how to make it better.
submitted by knightrx8 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 SolusUmbra Chronic migraines update

I had a doctors appt yesterday and told my doctor my migraines have been chronic now since march. She said, so they have been almost every day, I corrected her saying they are every single day. She wants me to try for aimovig and the office helped me put in the paperwork for the program since I don’t have insurance. It was the only one at the moment that we knew had a program resent found out ajovy has one as well. But in the end it’s all guess work what might work so I guess it doesn’t matter where you start. I have tried Qulipta and ubrely and they helped at first but stopped working. Meanwhile she’s happy with how I’m handling my meds, naratriptan and fioricet to get by. She even acknowledged it’s going to be hard to get my migraines to decrease since they went chronic, but we haven’t given up yet.
I told her I’m worried that since we are getting my arthritis under control, I’m exercising more (lost a few pounds) and that I know exercise is a trigger and I’m worried I’m self sabotaging myself. However it seems she would rather have me deal with the migraines then give up the exercise and as much as I hate to admit it I agree.
This was also the first time I have heard of ergots, we were going to attempt them but found you can’t take with 24 hours of taking a tripan, and doesn’t play nice with Reynards disease.
Honestly I’m surprised how well it went. I’m crossing my fingers and toes, pinch of salt, knock in wood, and all the rest that I can get the new meds and they help. I really hate program jumping.
submitted by SolusUmbra to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:32 Connect_Ad4551 I sort of feel as though techs through 1941 ought to be unlocked at Conquest start

This would go for Conquest mods as well. It is strange and peculiar as the Germans to be fighting “initial” battles against the Soviet Union with nothing better than a Panzer II Ausf C, or to have to unlock an 81mm mortar or a light howitzer that was standard in the TOE even in 1939. This is even more pronounced because the Conquest campaign map is rarely big enough to get to the end of the tech tree before you run out of maps to play.
I wonder if it would be possible to have the tiers up to 1941 unlocked, and for Sovs to have a purchasing weight oriented towards the lighter stuff up to T-28 for a few turns, and maybe have efficiency buffs for the crews nerfed (so that even if you encounter a KV-1 or T-34 in the early phase, it’ll perform poorly/slowly), rather than a tech rushing situation like currently exists. Expense of the unit, and crew capability should be the balancing factor for early conquest, not necessarily tech points to unlock tech the countries involved should already have.
Similarly, United States should be unlocked up to 1942 (and a German opponent should have purchasing poweAI logic reflective of that year). Finland and USSR should begin in 1939.
submitted by Connect_Ad4551 to GatesOfHellOstfront [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 NoAssociation9611 Faith, You’re just a trainwreck

Today, I was going through my TikTok like I normally do check out things and then I saw @faithgonefishin on a live and was doxxing someone and playing like a complete idiot. Dozing some chick that she says is stalking her and knows where her new place is. Is she that dumb and cannot figure out the whys and hows? It's not rocket science. Who the fuck is she to drop people's information on someone's past?
Isn’t she doing the same thing as whoever she was talking about? I don’t think she’s that bright or adverse has no transpagency and is just a fat fuck sitting in her car and pulling that bullshit. TT people are so entitled about all this bullshit. Who cares that you have a large following, who are truly your real friends that you can go out for coffee or do something with? I bet maybe 2%. Half of your followers are bots, people's backups, most likely her backups and 30% enjoy her content. Have people made videos on how you're a drama queen and 90% of clapbacks and lies are just as funny as your husband settling for nothing special?
Faith you're still a POS and not a mature woman!! Go do something in your life rather than sitting on TT thinking someone is stalking you. You are obsessed and need a detox of SM.
Thank you for my vent and get off my chest. Bitch you cannot block me from here. 🤯🩵
submitted by NoAssociation9611 to faithgonefishinsnark7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 jake_henderson02 The 28 Best Dragons in Magic Ranked

Dragons have been a staple of the fantasy genre ever since its inception. Magic doesn't seem to really be an exception to this, and just about every pod I play in during Commander night has a Dragon-typal deck.
Arguments over drakes vs dragons aside, it seems like nothing really beats MTG's dragons when it comes to ability diversity and power in all 5 colors. Red and Green dragons typically beat out the other colors in 1:1 matchups, but even the blue and black dragons are still incredible creatures and even Commanders.
Am I wrong here? Are there other creature types that can go toe-to-toe with dragons in every color and mana value? https://draftsim.com/mtg-dragon/
submitted by jake_henderson02 to draftsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 malachilenomade Building new tech (please ELI5)

I've been going over some videos about building new tech but I guess I'm just not getting it. Everyone is showing their advanced designs and such and all I want is to be able to build a tech that can handle some more storage and not have an issue going up hills. How do you build new tech properly? I've dipped my toes a LITTLE into messing around with something at the hub but the parts descriptions aren't that great so I'm just not understanding what I need to do.
I should note that I haven't played Terratech (didn't know it existed until today) so maybe I should start with that? IDK....
submitted by malachilenomade to terratechworlds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 OnionOk597 Help, where do i go?

Hi guys, I had a knee injury from 12 years ago where I slide-tackled someone in a soccer game. I was playing high-level rep and didn't want to give up my season, so I foolishly kept playing my season and just took painkillers. I went to physio around then for a few months before my benefits ran out and never continued. The initial physio labelled it as patellar tendinitis. I saw an osteopath years later who said my inner quad wasn't firring properly and my out one was overcompensating and fulling my knee over.
I have a great job now and good benefits and honestly I'll pay anything to be able to run again. Should i be going to physio, or a chiropractor, active release, massage etc? Also, has anyone had success with the knee-over-toe guys program for something similar to me? Lastly, if anyone is in the greater Toronto or greater Hamilton area and has specific recommendation, please reach out.
submitted by OnionOk597 to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:07 wing-1127 Shoe shopping suuuucccckkkkss

Yep, as the title describes it. I'm a transfem 6'4 gal that wears size 15's in men's shoes. Now, I actually measured my foot a bit and my feet don't fit these shoes well anymore. But they're still huge. I'm also publicly out, but I don't tell people I'm trans unless its a doctor or it's someone at work that I'm constantly with (because people scary and my supervisor doesn't tolerate crap from people, including if they say anything negative towards all of us).
Anyway, I went to go get my shoe measured one day at Famous Footwear and I didn't tell her what kinda shoes I wore, she didn't ask about my shoes I was currently wearing, and I just asked to measure my feet. She then proceeded to take me to the men's section and measured my foot with the scale they use for men's shoes. I asked what size this was in women's, and she kinda just ignored it and told me to have a great day.
So my shoe size (according to Famous Footwear) is 14.5. But with how shoe sizes are so drastically different, it's hard to find like a universal shoe size. My feet BARELY measure to a little bit bigger than 12 inches, but I can fit a size 12 shoe (mens) from Walmart, but my toes crunch up a little. But where can I find womens shoes that fit me that aren't heels?? I just want like boots that go up between my knee and my shin, or even just like shoes that are work-appropriate. I'm already 6'4, I don't want to be taller because I already hate being tall.
Where can I shop for shoes that fit nicely and are work appropriate? Or even just pink tennis shoes? Or even just anything with little to no heel would be amazing. Thanks for reading!
TDLR: Shoe shopping sucks, I'm 6'4, and I just want to go somewhere to buy bigger sized shoes that are for women, but don't want high heels or anything that will make me taller. I like short. Thanks!
submitted by wing-1127 to mtfashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:49 ValiBuzz VCT Pacific Stage 2

VCT Pacific Stage 2 starts in 32 days!
Tune in at: https://www.twitch.tv/VALORANT_Pacific to watch your favourites from the Pacific region go toe to toe!
submitted by ValiBuzz to u/ValiBuzz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:43 Leather-Newspaper-98 Scarpa Instinct VS or La Sportiva Skwama (as a woman)

Hi everyone
I've been indoor bouldering and occasionally rock climbing for 10 months now. I'm consistent with my practice, going 3 times a week, and I'm at a V3-V4 level. I bought my first real pair of climbing shoes, the Scarpa Vapor S, 2 months ago. Although I find them comfortable and flexible, I already need to resole them because there's a hole in the rubber at the toe, which is disappointing after just 2 months. Especially because I pay attention to where I place my feet.
I've tried both pairs (the women's model), they're very different but I liked them both. However, I'm unsure which ones to choose. I'm worried about the rubber wearing out quickly, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get another flexible pair (skwama) since I still lack strength in my feet.
What do you think?
submitted by Leather-Newspaper-98 to bouldering [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 Material_Tea_6173 Tried two Mizuno boots. Which should I pick?

TL;DR: Choosing between Mizuno Monarcida Neo 2 Super wide K leather (4E) with extra width but more toe space, or Mizuno Monarcida Neo 2 Wide elite (3E) with snugger fit but toes spill over side. Want better performance without sacrificing too much comfort/support to prevent injuries. Which should I choose?
I’m nearing 32 and at this point I play 2-3 hours a week. I have some knee discomfort and lower back pain (lack of stretching and core strength, working on it in PT).
With that being said, I have very wide feet and have tried at this point, all reasonable options and recommendations I could find. I am now trying to choose between two models:
A mizuno monarcida neo 2 Super wide K leather model (4E), and the Mizuno neo 2 Wide elite (3E)
The 4E fits best in terms of width, but has noticeably more dead space in the toe box, and runs a little long. Going a size down is not an option as that would be painfully tight.
The 3E fits best on the toe box as a combination of comfort and snug fit. There’s barely any dead room but I can wiggle my toes freely. The leather feels more premium and comfortable as well. HOWEVER, the sole plate is narrower and my little toes and the outside of each foot around the little toe area are spilling over the soleplate. This doesn’t cause me discomfort but I’m worried it may lead to foot injury or exacerbate back pain down the line due to inadequate foot support.
With that being said, I’m looking for best fit for performance without giving up too much comfort/support. As I get older I want to be wary of injuries. Which option would you choose?
submitted by Material_Tea_6173 to bootroom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 TepidPeppermint23 Diving into DGD after forgetting about them for over ten years.

This will be a longer story, but I feel like sharing it because of how much this band has resonated with me lately.
So I attended high school between 2010 and 2014 and I distinctly remembered chatting with a metalhead friend over Facebook messenger about recent metal bands I should check out.
Up to that point, most of the metal I’ve listened to have been classic metal like Black Sabbath and thrash metal like Metallica and Megadeth. The only other metal band I’ve throughly enjoyed during that time was Tool.
I’m generally not a fan of metal bands with a lot of dirty vocals, but I wanted to be open minded and expand my musical palette.
The friend in question recommended me Strawberry Swisher, Part 2 and was immediately impressed. We chatted about them for a bit and I listened to DBM and pretty much stuck with that album for a while since I really enjoyed the intricate instrumentation and the dynamics between the dirty and clean vocals.
After high school though, I pretty much went on my own in terms of finding music and listened to nothing but Rock music - and all of the sub genres within - as well as jazz, hip-hop, folk and indie music. I occasionally dipped my toes back into Metal, mostly Tool and the other metal bands I’ve mentioned, and slowly got into other heavier bands like At The Drive-In, Lighting Bolt, Death Grips, and Atari Teenage Riot (all of whom I still love.)
Two years ago, I got heavily (and still am) into jam bands and have been obsessed with them to this day. But at a certain point, I wanted to take a break from the feel good, funky vibes and wanted to get back into metal; however, I didn’t want to go back to the usual bands I’ve listened to in the past and wanted to find something new.
Then this year, I started supporting this webcartoon called “Ratbasterdz,” (a show I strongly recommended to everyone here), on Patreon which has a metalcore heavy soundtrack that clicked with me even though I’m not the biggest fan of that sub-genre.
Since I was supporting the show on Patreon, I have access to their discord server and started chatting with them about different music. I eventually asked for recommendations of “progressive metalcore” groups as I really champion heavier bands that have strong musicianship.
Three of the recommendations were From Autumn to Ashes, Bring Me The Horizon, and (finally) Dance Gavin Dance. I let out a big “oh shit!” when I saw that name as I’ve completely forgotten about them for so long and, somehow, never bothered to re-listen to them.
Listening to DBD and Happiness again filled me with not just nostalgia, but a newfound appreciation of the band and I couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for not giving them another chance and missing out on seeing them live during the 2000’s and 2010’s.
While I haven’t listened to all of their albums, I’m slowly making my way through them and can’t help but love their sound, their songwriting, and their passionate performances.
Welp…that’s my boring story. In a nutshell DGD rules and I’m glad I dove back into them.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by TepidPeppermint23 to dancegavindance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 CatInAPottedPlant Help finding a unicorn shoe for overpronation + neuroma

so I'm in a bit of a pickle when it comes to running/trail shoes. I have worn Altras for a long time for hiking/backpacking, specifically the Olympus. Last year I tried switching to Hokas (SG5) and while they felt good, the tread sucked and I ended up developing a mortons neuroma from the smaller toebox.
Later last year I got into running in earnest, and was running in Gel Kayano's that were recommended by my physical therapist (I broke my ankle in 2022, yay). They felt fine, but the small toebox ended up making my neuroma 100x worse and put me out of running for months.
What fixed it was switching to Altra Olympis Via, the road version of the Olympus. A combination of that, toe socks, and toe separators has kept the neuroma at bay and I can run without bothering it.
The issue I have is that Altras aren't working for me for another reason. I heavily over pronate, and despite custom insoles I still overpronate to the point where it's causing an impingement on the outside of my ankle, often called athlete's ankle or footballer's ankle. my PT suggested that I switch to a stability shoe that is narrower towards the heel but with a big toe box (so called "asian fit"), preferably with some drop to reduce the pressure on that point in my ankle. I'm having trouble finding much that fits this criteria. Altra has some stability shoes but they all seem to be 0 drop, and most other popular shoe brands don't list how big their toeboxes are so I feel like I'm really limited.
This isn't even going into trail shoes, for which it appears there aren't any stability options with wider toeboxes whatsoever, drop or not.
Finding running shoes that work is my immediate priority, but I'm thru hiking the Appalachian Trail next year and would like to get the overpronation figured out before then. In 2022 I hiked 1,200 miles of it over 3 months in my Altra Olympus's and had constant ankle pain every single day from the aforementioned impingement.
tl;dr: any suggestions for road/trail shoes with a wider toebox, stability, narrow heel, and not zero drop? No concerns with budget, feel etc, just trying to stay pain/injury free.
submitted by CatInAPottedPlant to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:26 Orangegrove87 Text about a Sugar Mama (Me 37M) (Her 38F)

Background: Been on 2 dates already with a 3rd coming up in a few days to a restauranter. She is Mexican and bilingual. We text every day 3 or 4 times. I'm divorced and my ex never worked. So, the Mexican chick sent me a text saying you need a sugar mama. Then sent a real of this old woman in a blue Corvette. I initially thought this was funny but then my over thinking kicked in. I was thinking of why she would send this to me. The car looks kind of like hers which is blue Camaro. I'm taking it now as her saying something more underlining like hey look elsewhere but we're going on a third date. It was kind of an awkward send via text. How would you guys take it?
submitted by Orangegrove87 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 treslilbirds First visit to the ER for allergic reaction and I’m questioning myself on everything

I just keep replaying the whole thing in my head and everyone else’s reactions and I still don’t know if I did the right thing. Did I do too much? Not enough? I’m hoping maybe some parents in here that work in healthcare can give me an unbiased answer.
So daughter is 4 (turning 5 in June). She was diagnosed at birth with septo optic dysplasia and optic nerve hypoplasia. Long story short, she has very low vision and developmental and verbal delays. She is otherwise healthy as a horse, active, very strong, followed by specialists at a children’s hospital nearby, gets therapy through school, all that good stuff. We’ve never had issues with allergies, she’s been stung by a wasp (barely phased her), eats peanut butter, has had cooked egg and stuff made with egg and no issues. So this was alarming to say the least.
We live out in the country and have chickens so there’s no shortage of eggs that are laid out around my kitchen on a daily basis (obviously not anymore). About a month ago she grabbed one off the counter, broke it, and got egg all over her arms and hands and some on her face. I didn’t think much of it, it had happened before plenty of times. I cleaned her up, wiped up the floor and went on making dinner. She went and played in her room and when she walked back out I noticed she had little bumps popping up on her face and arms where the egg got on her. She didn’t seem bothered at all, I put some hydrocortisone cream on her, gave her a dose of Claritin just to be safe and it was cleared up in less than 10 minutes. I mentioned it to one of her teachers the next day at school and asked if they had ever noticed anything when they would have eggs for breakfast and they said no and told me they’d keep an eye out. And that was it. I didn’t think too much about it after that.
Fast forward to yesterday. Same scenario, I’m about to make lunch and she manages to grab an egg that I was sure was out of her reach, she dropped it, I immediately went over and checked her. It wasn’t even that much that got on her that I could tell. I got everything cleaned up and not even 5 minutes later her entire face is swollen, eyes swollen shut, bumps all over her legs and face. I am internally panicking at this point because it was so sudden and not something I ever expected to deal with. Plus we’re home alone and the nearest ER is at least 30 minutes away. There is a local clinic less than 5 minutes from our house so I called them, explained what was going on. Her face was swollen but she was still in good spirits, breathing fine, didn’t seem to be in distress. They told me to go ahead and bring her in. I just assumed the quicker I could get her to medical professionals, the better. I did consider calling for an ambulance but we’re in a rural area with one ambulance to service the entire county and I knew I could get her to the clinic faster than the ambulance could get to me. We get to the clinic, I’m filling out paperwork, nobody at the front really seems phased, they see her face but not really acting like it’s urgent. Nurse takes us back, gets her weight and height, gets history from me. She tried to get Daughter’s vitals but she has never tolerated any of that since infancy. Blood pressure cuffs send her into a full meltdown, she won’t keep a pulse ox on her finger. I always feel so bad for healthcare workers having to deal with her because as sweet as she is, she is EXTREMELY difficult at doctor visits. I can tell the nurse is getting frustrated with us. So then the NP comes in and looks at her and asks me, “So is there a reason why you didn’t just go to the ER?” My heart dropped and I tried to stay calm and told her I came here because it was a lot closer and I did call first and explain the situation and they said it was fine to come in. She then proceeded to tell me that they weren’t really equipped to handle anything like this and I should have just gone to the ER. I guess that was my first dumb mistake, assuming that a clinic with a full pharmacy attached could handle an allergic reaction. I just figured they’d give her a shot of Benadryl and we’d be good. But apparently not.
Other than the swelling and hives, Daughter wasn’t showing any other symptoms. The NP listened to her chest, said everything sounded good but she still wanted her to be monitored in case something happened and we’d be best off taking the ambulance to the ER. They gave her a dose of oral Benadryl and called the ambulance for us. Thirty minutes later the ambulance gets there, and we head to the ER. They were very kind and understanding, Daughter was actually having a good time riding in the ambulance, laughing and singing. She wouldn’t let them hook up any monitoring equipment still but they kept a close eye on her. I start feeling a little bad at this point because she’s still not in any distress and other than the severe facial swelling, seems totally fine, so I started feeling guilty for wasting local resources and peoples time.
We get to the ER and they get us to a bed and one of the nurses comes over and I can just tell right off the bat that she doesn’t even want us there. She was very short with us and kept talking at my daughter telling her that she’d have to leave if she didn’t act right. I kept mentioning that she was low vision and had verbal delays but I don’t know if she was listening. I was beyond stressed at this point and so was Daughter and she was admittedly being difficult yet again and not keeping the pulse ox on her finger. I just mentioned to the nurse that we have to go to the children’s hospital a lot and they’ve only ever managed to get her vitals once when she was sedated for an MRI. I guess at the time I was just trying to acknowledge that yes my kid is difficult and let the nurse know please don’t feel bad because she’s like this with everybody. I wasn’t trying to tell her how to do her job. She glared at me and snapped “I am NOT sedating your child just to get her vitals!” and stormed back over to the nurses station across from our bed and repeated the same thing loudly, “I am NOT sedating someone to get their vitals that’s just RIDICULOUS!!”
I’m trying not to break down and cry at this point. I feel like I should just apologize to everyone for wasting their time and leave. Like I’m that dumbass that went to the ER for no reason and took up space that a real emergency could have used. A different nurse came over and was very sweet. She used a different monitor that taped to her toe and we were able to get a quick reading just to verify that her stats were good. The doctor came in and listened to her heart and checked her out for any other symptoms. Said she seemed stable but he wanted to watch her for a couple of hours to make sure the Benadryl was working and she continued to improve. So after we hung out for an hour and watched PBS kids, her hives went away and her face cleared up and her eyes opened back up. The doctor came in and cleared her, pharmacy tech came in and brought us her Epipen prescription and gave us instructions on what to do next time (Benadryl, blue to sky, orange to thigh, straight to ER). Paid $300 and went home.
Daughter is perfectly fine. I however am not. I barely slept last night between getting up to check on her and replaying the whole scenario in my head. Part of me feels like I didn’t do enough and the other part feels like I overreacted and wasted peoples time. I apologize for this being so long. It’s just all been so heavy on my mind and I needed to get it out and get another perspective on the whole situation. Much thanks to anyone that managed to read all of this.
submitted by treslilbirds to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 DumbDndDM Can you maintain a flat stomach without going back to your ED? Going mad

When I had anorexia I had a flat stomach. I didnt have noticable hip dips. Now recovered technically the doctors tell me my BMI is healthy however when I look down to my toes I am no longer flat all the way down, the lower part of my stomach overhangs my legs. When I wear leggings I see hip dips now.
I want my old body back but without going down that rabbit hole again. I know people who eat fine and have flat stomachs. What's up with me?
For background I have hypothyroidism but as far as I know it is under control with medication. I figure skate twice a week in terms of exercise but have fun chronic illnesses that make me too tired to do anything in between that as I recover. I'm a 21 year old female too and on ADHD meds I was hoping would kill my appetite but they dont seem to be doing anything (concerta)
Please help I don't want to go back but will if I have to because this makes me want to hide and cry 24/7
submitted by DumbDndDM to AnorexiaRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 SopheliaofSofritown My chicks won't go in their habitat. Are they dumb?

My chicks won't go in their habitat. Are they dumb?
They love to hang out just outside and flap around. Stresses me out, just go inside!
submitted by SopheliaofSofritown to MyTimeAtSandrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:04 shortys7777 2016 explorer rubbing control arm.

2016 explorer rubbing control arm.
I got a rear toe link recall done and did the front tie rods before I went for the alignment. The car was rubbing the control are and inner wheel well. Ok my toe is out of wack. I bring it in and its still rubbing just less than before. These are the numbers. I feel like it was a half ass job and they didn't touch the rears ( guessing the tech didn't know they are adjustable) it was done at town fair tire which are all over new England. Any input before going back?
submitted by shortys7777 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 wishfull24 Baby bunny - I've already contacted a wildlife rehabber.

Baby bunny - I've already contacted a wildlife rehabber.
Yesterday I found an injured baby bunny at work (Im in missouri)- one of the guys bulldozed over what I assume was his nest/home. We are sadly clearing woods/fields for a subdivision development so I didn't really want to leave him there as there will be nothing left of his environment when we're through. He's a trooper because he spent 8 hours in my backpack on the floor of my machine bouncing around all day and didn't die. The wildlife rescue near me is currently overwhelmed with baby animals. They said if he's not too hurt and is at least 4 inches long, keep him for a few days and release. His paw was bleeding when I got him, but it's scabbed over now. I gave him a 1ml syringe of 50/50 wateunflavored pedialyte yesterday, and placed him in a guinea pig cage with fresh clover and more watepedialyte. I also flushed his eyes out with water because they were full of mud. I truly figured he'd die of fright overnight, but I just checked on him and he's currently munching on clover. There is a platform in the cage he's been hiding under, and a blanket covering the cage. He's in a quiet back room with only the sound of baby chicks and guinea keets. So, my questions are, how long should I keep him before releasing? Should I make him a "nest" or something outside for when I do release him so he has somewhere to hide until he's brave enough to go off on his own? And lastly, should I release him near a creek or water source or just in the field behind my house? Thanks in advance for any expertise.
submitted by wishfull24 to WildlifeRehab [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 gotnomanners99 CMV: Young Men should stop aiming to marry a virgin.

Unapologetically crude take. If you intend to stay in and date in a First world country then this CMV is for you. Maybe I'm 10 years too late to post this... But it might serve as a reminder for the lost. The game has been changed, forever. Men here shouldnt focus on a womans virginity anymore. that time is over, friends. Its like 10 years too late to think a virgin woman in any first world nation will be the same as a virgin in the 60s. The time bubbles are too different. We're in a cyberpunk era. Virginity doesnt hold the same value in a cyberpunk world. Her virgnity in todays world is a more like a ticking time bomb, with many problems down the line, not an indicator of a high value womans worth anymore. Those indicators have evolved and now are much different, as also, the social scene, which has been royally fucked up beyond all repair. With the advent of dating apps going mainstream to the point of moral destitution; oversaturation.
Unless you skip the first world dating market altogether, dip your toes in the more exotic and sexy cusines, but even then, it is doubtful any new relationship in an increasingly online world will last more than 10-20 years. Before the inevitable, looming, divorce-rape. Passport bros will win this time too. If stretching a marriage beyond what is the new normal, is considered a win.
Ive seen it firsthand. high value male marries demure looking girl from first world country, thinking her sexual inexperience is no problem. or that her virginity is something of a trophy that gives him a hardnworking woman who brings him all three: joy, sexual gratification and hard work: his investment in her virginity brings him dividends over many years. Wrong. they get divorced when naturally the woman grows smarter and explores herself and her sexuality and her mind with age. then she learns things about herself from no less than a lesbian tiktok influencer and wants to break free. divorce-rape.
A man simply cannot marry a virgin girl anymore and expect it to work beyond a 10 year period. Thinking so is foolish, fools errand, but you are free to live and learn. Time tells all. But the world has been repeatedly exposed as nothing less than infinite, deliberate, corruption and you wouldnt be able to tie her down to such old ideals of purity short of removing internet access and destroying her phone ( representing her ability to connect with the outside) .
Men are simply better off dating a woman who has fucked before. she will know what she likes, is more likely to be communicative and easy to understand, and youre more likely to find out early on if it's going to work out. Stop putting her virginity on a pedestal. In fact, Forget about whatever notions you have tied to virginity in todays dating market, it's not relevant. It is not the indicator it was. Virginity as a concept might as well not exist.
submitted by gotnomanners99 to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 Sazqwatch Deciding next New Balance Shoes

I’m trying to decide what New Balance running shoes to try next, and looking for opinions. Or if I’m missing any I should consider. I’m slowly getting back into exercising, and would like to incorporate running (1-2 miles 2 to 3 times a week). And then some faster sprint type workouts. I wear a 12.5 2E, and am 245lbs. I believe neutral shoes should work for me although my feet are relatively flat.
The shoes I’m considering: -880 v14 -Rebel v4 -Vonga v6
The last shoes I’ve had/tried: Beacon v3: -Liked fresh foam but for some reason they just hurt my knees when walking, they felt like they had no support or contour to my foot. Almost like it was just a flat interior of the shoe.
880 v12: Liked a lot but I kept messing up the sizing. They felt very springy, which I’m not sure if that was from the FuelCell forefoot addition or not.
880 v13: felt like the v12 but the top of my toe kept getting caught on a firmer piece of the upper and bothered me
Rebel v3 12.5 2E: Still have these, but they feel extremely mushy, almost like I go through the cushion. Then I don’t feel like I get much spring afterward. I thought trying a full fuel cell shoe after likening the 880v12’s would be the direction for me, but somehow the v12’s felt more responsive at my weight. The shoe itself is a perfect contour of my foot, almost like a sock which I love. It feels like there is additional arch support. They are great for walking around to me, a little unstable but not worrisome, but the running experience wasn’t super pleasant. I don’t think I want a higher foam stack height than the rebel v3
submitted by Sazqwatch to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:53 FarConsideration5988 Ongoing left side tingling. One year comes and goes mri scan without contrast

I woke up in the morning a few times over 6 months with tingling/numbness in my left leg. Occasionally the arm. I then started to get like, one restless leg on left side in bed. I started to wake up with tingling in left leg and arm and then my jaw. At this point I went to emergency department. They just did bloods said vitals ok.Vit d phosphate and urea a bit low. I'm a vegan and diet not amazing so wasn't surprised. Discharged. My aunty had ms so I was scared about this and paid for private mri scan. Results: TECHNIQUE: Multi-planar multi-sequence MR imaging of the brain without contrast. COMPARISON: None on the PACS. FINDINGS: There is no acute infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, or extra-axial collection. The ventricle system and cortical sulci are relatively within range for the patient's age. No hydrocephalus or cerebellar tonsillar herniation. The visualized major intracranial vessels show preserved T2 signal voids. There is relative prominence/tortuous optic nerve sheath complexes bilaterally. There is an empty sella noted. here is suggested minimal mucosal thickening within the visualized paranasal sinuses mainly at the ethmoid air cells here are likely globular fluid signal intensity seen within the bilateral facial mainly cheeks and nasolabia olds subcutaneous tissue of likely cosmetic dermal fillers ADCO0123442 Name Date Referring Clinic Referring Physician IMPRESSION: lo definite acute intracranial abnormality, allowing for suggested/borderline features of possible idiopathic intracranial hypertension within the appropriate clinical context, for clinical correlation
I called family medicine who told me nothing is urgent, I will see in person family doctor in 3 weeks who will refer to neurology. I had an eyetest, vision normal. No headaches They told me if I have vision problems or vomit to go to emergency I'm so scared I will end up paralysed Tingling still in jaw and outer 3 toes on left foot What can it be? How can I make sure I don't become paralysed
submitted by FarConsideration5988 to askneurology [link] [comments]
