Stages of breast development pictures

It's Arrested Development.

2009.01.12 20:37 It's Arrested Development.

A subreddit for fans and critics of the 2003 show Arrested Development. Discussion, pictures and anything else Arrested Development related.

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A place to introduce, discuss, develop, or request apps for productivity.

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A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2024.05.14 09:19 TonyKovk Tameem Antoniades, the creator of Hellblade, left Ninja Theory and people with no design experience are running the game, but people don't seem concerned, why?

Tameem Antoniades worked on Senua's Saga Hellblade II only in the early stages of production. Three executives are currently responsible for the sequel:
Dan Attwell is the art director. He has worked on almost all of the studio's games except Kung Fu Chaos, released in 2003, and VR projects.;
Mark Slater-Tunstill is a special effects director. He has been working at Ninja Theory since 2012, previously worked at Headstrong Games and Asylum Entertainment;
David García Díaz is a sound engineer. He has been working at Ninja Theory since 2015, before he worked at TequilaWorks on games such as RiME and Deadlight.
The thing is, there is no fuss about this. Nothing. Antoniades is the writer and director of Hellblade, and he leaves the company during development of the sequel and no one cares about the state of the game?
submitted by TonyKovk to XboxSeriesX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 Otherwise-Heat-7822 Zillow Clone App by Omninos Solution

Zillow Clone App by Omninos Solution
Omninos Solution is a top-rated website and mobile app (Android/iOS) marketing firm with over 500 projects completed. We excel in creating business-centric B2B and B2C mobile apps that help businesses stay ahead of the competition. Our Zillow clone app is meticulously designed to revolutionize real estate transactions, offering features that simplify property searches and enhance user experience.
Our experienced development team leverages in-depth technical skills to deliver high-quality design, development, testing, and deployment at every stage of the mobile app lifecycle. At Omninos Solution, we aim to develop digital products that drive interaction and success, providing exceptional services and long-term customer support to ensure your business flourishes.
submitted by Otherwise-Heat-7822 to omninossolution7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:11 redprofessoinal Beyond the Brushstrokes: Mastering Your Art with Project Management

The artistic process is often romanticized as a whirlwind of unbridled creativity. While inspiration is undoubtedly essential, bringing an artistic vision to life requires more than just passion. This is where the principles of project management (PMP), often associated with the corporate world, surprisingly emerge as valuable allies for artists.
Structure Empowers Creativity:
Artists often grapple with translating a fleeting spark of inspiration into a tangible project. PMP principles like project scoping and work breakdown structures can be transformative in this regard. Defining the project's goals (e.g., complete a series of mixed-media paintings, stage a performance art piece) creates a roadmap for the creative journey. Decomposing the larger project into smaller, manageable tasks helps artists maintain focus, track progress, and celebrate milestones along the way. This structure serves not to stifle creativity, but rather to provide a supportive framework that allows inspiration to flourish.
Time Management for Uninterrupted Flow:
Meeting deadlines is crucial for artists exhibiting their work or performing on schedule. PMP emphasizes the creation of a realistic timeline with deadlines for each task. This empowers artists to prioritize their creative endeavors and manage their time effectively. By scheduling dedicated time for specific tasks, artists can avoid last-minute stress and maintain a consistent creative flow.
Resource Management for Creative Freedom:
Artists often juggle limited resources such as time, materials, and budget. PMP principles like resource allocation and budgeting equip artists to optimize resources and ensure they have everything they need to bring their vision to life. This empowers artists to make informed decisions without sacrificing creative freedom. For example, understanding material costs allows artists to explore cost-effective alternatives while maintaining their artistic integrity.
Risk Management for Artistic Resilience:
Unexpected events can disrupt even the most meticulously planned artistic endeavors. PMP promotes identifying potential risks (e.g., illness, material shortage) and developing mitigation strategies. This allows artists to anticipate potential roadblocks and minimize their impact. For instance, having backup materials readily available can minimize the disruption caused by a supplier issue. This proactive approach ensures that artistic expression can flourish even amidst unforeseen challenges.
Beyond the Technical:
Project management goes beyond the technical aspects of planning. It emphasizes communication and collaboration skills, invaluable for artists working with galleries, curators, or other artists. Clear communication of goals and expectations fosters a collaborative environment where everyone involved contributes effectively to the success of the artistic project.
The Artist as Project Manager:
In essence, project management positions the artist as the project manager of their own creative journey. By embracing these principles and adapting them to their unique needs, artists can enhance their ability to navigate the creative process with greater focus, efficiency, and ultimately, artistic success. This newfound mastery transcends technical aspects; it empowers artists to transform inspiration into a cohesive artistic statement.
So, the next time you stand before your blank canvas or rehearsal space, remember – a little bit of project management can go a long way in transforming a fleeting creative spark into a masterpiece.
submitted by redprofessoinal to u/redprofessoinal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 ScopedFlipFlop The prerequisites to walking, autonomous robots:

Robots capable operating as a human: - walking (achieved decades ago) - manipulating objects (achieved) - similar speed to a human (achieved)
Vision: - ability to see pictures (achieved) - ability to see video (achieved very recently!)
Audio: - ability to understand instructions through speech-to-text (achieved) - ability to understand real-time audio (achieved very recently!)
Reasoning: - ability to reason (achieved) - ability to reason reliably (achieved) - ability to reason in new situations (achieved) - ability to apply reasoning to audio and video (achieved)
Action: - ability to perform basic action based on prompts* (achieved) - ability to perform complex, digital action based on prompts (not yet achieved) - ability to perform real-world action based on prompts (not yet achieved)
In summary:
Technologically speaking, after last night's announcements, we are pretty much in a situation where autonomous humanoid robots can be given the "brain" of GPT-4o and are able to function.
The only missing stages are actually translating the prompts into action. Compared with the difficulty of audio-to-audio reasoning, for example, this appears fairly straightforward.
I predict that in < 2 years, humanoid robots will be mass-produced and publicly available.
submitted by ScopedFlipFlop to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 Prestigious_Duck_332 No access to front door

No access to front door
No access to the front door. I had this entire house clean at one point. I was secretly selling stuff on ebay putting it in boxes and throwing out trash behind their backs. Once it got fully clean they noticed and were angered. It caused them to mass hoard in which I replied with throwing all their new junk stuff like clothes that didn't fit them they bought in. Mass at garage sales in the trash. Which caused them to threaten to kill me. Fast forward 2 years of a fully clean house to threats to my life im at the point where I can't walk without banging into something. There is trash avalanches. There is moths feces and urine everywhere. The house is worth 700k. My parents didn't earn their way to this house they were boomers who had everything handed to them like all the boomer generation did. They have never given me a penny all my life. I live in destitute and squaller and I feel deep down in my heart this is a concentration camp and gulag. I feel like I have some kind of concentration camp or some kind of war like ptsd.
There is yelling and screaming from 9 am -1am the only time of peace is at night. The dogs bark all day and shit and piss all over the house. My parents scream to the point where I have busted my eardrums many times and they got infected to where I needed anti biotics. I learned to stay away from them while the dogs or barking or they are screaming because my ears explode. The food in the fridge has a mold odor to it. The two car garage is filled to the top with trash and isn't accessible. The living room isn't accessible. My room is the only clean room in the house and because of that my parents are verbally abusing me to put stuff in it because there is no space to hoard stuff anywhere else.
Health effects from the abuse
Ptsd Anemia Scurvy Asthma Trouble breathing when they turn the heat on Spikes of pain to my head like headaches Feeling like I'm about to have a stroke
High blood pressure 160/109 is my last reading
Unable to sleep properly. When I sleep i don't even wake up like I slept and that I got a good night's sleep. I wake up exhausted and have very poor sleep. There is always random screaming at night sometimes to.
The only time I was actually able to sleep was when they went on vacation for a week. There was no yelling screaming or terrorist attacks inflicted on me. Which caused me to actually feel like what it was to wake up refreshed. That was the only time I went to sleep and woke up like I actually slept normal when they were away on vacation.
Can't have a sleep schedule
I have developed some sort of MRSA infection on my foot. I went to the doctor thinking they would say I needed to have it chopped off. They said it was just "exzema" which i actually doubt because i never seen anything like that on my foot before. But the medicine cleared it up slightly.
Cop abuse = cops have shown up 100+ times to fist bump my parents and say good job on the abuse and leave once some neighbor or a delivery driver calls the police. Dealing with them is abuse in itself. Their plastic badges power trips its just a waste of fucking time they disgust me.
I am now 30 and could never escape the hoard or abuse. My parents would never allow it. Even though they were handed everything in life like a boomer pension and got a 30 dollar an hour job and pension and all the money they collect I am now 30 and they haven't given me a single penny all my life. Not a dime. Thats republican love for you right there bring kids into the world cover them in dog feces then abuse them and watch fox news all day. They raised me to be homeless when they die.
I live in misery and I'm constantly tired all day and night. I have 1000$ to my name and never had a job or drivers license. I will never escape this abuse and life my parents and family never wanted me to be independent. The only thing that could save me is some kind of hard ship grant I hear some people get but I would never get that.
This is what happens when you don't escape the hoard early. When the judge who presided over your case gave you back to your parents. Cps approved, judge approved, cop approved abuse.
Life of misery.
The pictures with the dog was when I was working on cleaning the house. Before they said they were going to harm me if I didn't allow them to hoard. Now you can see the after picture you can't even see that black couch anymore and where the dog was laying its now trash piles up to the ceiling. I am tired all day like I have some kind of undiagnosed health problem now the fatigue is severe.
My room is the only clean room in the house. So if I die soon of an undiagnosed health problem they can hoard this room to. I have gone to the doctor. All they have diagnosed me with was low iron and high blood pressure 160/120 130BPM. I honestly think these doctors don't want to diagnose someone with something that could give them social security. It probably goes against their handbook or something.
I also cannot leave the house. You need a car to leave the house. Its a sub division and gated community. There isn't even a store i can walk to because the sub division just leads to a highway with no sidewalks.
submitted by Prestigious_Duck_332 to ChildrenofHoardersCOH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 redprofessoinal More Than Inspiration: Artistry Meets Project Management

The world of art often conjures images of passionate individuals driven by inspiration and fueled by creativity. Project management, on the other hand, evokes a sense of structured planning, timelines, and deliverables. At first glance, these two domains seem miles apart. However, a closer look reveals surprising common ground.
For artists, the journey from conception to completion of a project can be just as demanding as any complex undertaking. This is where the principles of project management can become an unexpected ally, offering artists a valuable toolkit to navigate the creative process with greater focus and efficiency.
Structure for Inspiration:
Many artists grapple with the challenge of translating inspiration into a well-defined project. Project management principles like scope definition and work breakdown structures can be game-changers. By clearly defining the project's goals (e.g., complete a sculpture series, stage a play), artists can establish a roadmap for their creative journey. Breaking down the larger project into smaller, manageable tasks provides a sense of progress and helps maintain momentum.
Time Management for Creative Flow:
Meeting deadlines is crucial for artists showcasing their work in exhibitions or adhering to performance schedules. Project management emphasizes creating a realistic timeline with deadlines for each task. This empowers artists to prioritize tasks, manage their time effectively, and avoid the anxiety of last-minute scrambling.
Resource Management for Artistic Freedom:
Resources, including time, materials, and budget, are often limited for artists. Project management teaches resource allocation and budgeting strategies, allowing artists to optimize their resources and ensure they have everything they need to bring their vision to life. This empowers them to make informed decisions without sacrificing creative freedom.
Risk Management for Creative Resilience:
Unexpected events can disrupt even the most meticulously planned artistic endeavors. Project management encourages identifying potential risks (e.g., illness, material shortage) and developing mitigation strategies. This allows artists to anticipate potential roadblocks and minimize their impact on the project, ensuring their creativity can flourish amidst challenges.
Collaboration for Artistic Expression:
While many artists work solo, some projects involve collaboration with galleries, curators, or other artists. The communication and collaboration skills emphasized in project management can be invaluable in managing these relationships. By clearly communicating goals and expectations, artists can ensure everyone involved is on the same page, fostering a collaborative environment that empowers collective artistic expression.
Beyond the Canvas:
Project management isn't about stifling creativity; it's about providing a framework to support it. By embracing these principles and adapting them to the unique needs of the artistic process, artists can enhance their time management, resource allocation, and overall project success. This allows them to focus on what truly matters: unleashing their creativity and bringing their artistic vision to life.
In conclusion, project management isn't just for corporate boardrooms. It's a valuable toolkit for anyone, including artists, seeking to navigate their creative journey with purpose and focus. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the creative process, remember – a little bit of planning can go a long way in transforming inspiration into artistic reality.
submitted by redprofessoinal to u/redprofessoinal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:04 murakami000 The surveillance of travelers in the European Union

Many people believe that the European Union is a happy oasis where one can move freely without any limits.
But if we look at some new laws, we get a very different picture, describing instead an increasingly pervasive and systematic physical surveillance system ready to follow our every step within the European borders.
There are two main areas where the European Union operates this surveillance: air transport within the EU borders and the new Entry/Exit system, which mostly concerns those coming from outside the EU.
It all starts with the Passenger Name Record (PNR), the passenger code to which all data related to air travel and more are linked (including hotel and car rental information if applicable).
The PNR became a surveillance tool with the EU Directive 2016/681, which regulates the use of booking code data (PNR) for the purposes of prevention, detection, investigation, and prosecution of terrorist offenses and serious crimes.
This surveillance does not only apply to those already suspected but to anyone, as also stated by the legislator:
Such controls are developed through the analysis of the information that each passenger provides to air carriers when booking the flight. It is a particularly extensive set of data that allows for significant analysis activities, at the outcome of which individuals who are not necessarily already known to the authorities may be identified but, due to the characteristics of the journeys made, appear worthy of further investigation for terrorism and other serious forms of crime...
More on the topic here, if you want to know more. I write weekly about such topics in my newsletter. It's free to subscribe!
submitted by murakami000 to europrivacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 dilfyg Fermentation tracking app

Hey guys, a dev here who is interested in starting a bit of a side project to develop an app for fermentation heads. A couple of the features I want to include are:
Let me know if this is something you already use or if it’s something you do on a spreadsheet if at all I would be super interested!
submitted by dilfyg to FermentedHotSauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:56 Previous_Shift_994 Emily and Jess in the mines...

I always wonder how could the devs missed such great development between characters that hated eachother but would be forced to cooperate if they wanted to live. With the remake, everybody wants to see this reunion happen, and although I also want to, I could never see Emily's chase happening if she met Jess in the mines, and Emily's chase is perfect from the beginning to the end, so I would never change anything there at all, players describe Emily's chase and Final Confrontation as the most stressful moments of the game.
What I did picture tho is Emily and Jess meeting in the mines while Emily was exploring, after finding Beth's head, but before Matt and Jack could catch up to them. When Emily and Jess notices Jack, that small chase would start and Emily could either abandon Jess or tell her to hide (or sacrifice herself, if you want to see that way. That would be also interesting character development for Emily, as she would be willing to let a possible killer chase her just to ensure Jess would be okay, knowing she can't run) and then proceed to call Jack's attention so he would keep following her.
After this choice, the story could work its way while Jess is still stuck in the mines after either being accidentally left by Emily or somehow also managed to escape Jack, then proceeding to meet Matt, and Emily will still have her chase, get to the lodge and tell the others what she found out.
This also would make Ashley's trap door death less suspicious, if you know Jess is still in the mines, alive and trying to get out.
submitted by Previous_Shift_994 to untildawn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 redprofessoinal Should You Get Your PMP Certification? Weighing the Pros and Cons

The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a highly sought-after credential in the project management world. It signifies expertise in standardized project management practices and opens doors to career advancement. But is the PMP right for you? This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of PMP certification to help you make an informed decision.
Pros of PMP Certification:
Cons of PMP Certification:
Is PMP Right for You?
The decision to pursue PMP depends on your specific career goals and current situation. Here are some factors to consider:
The PMP certification offers a valuable toolkit for project managers seeking career advancement. Weighing the pros and cons against your own goals and circumstances will help you determine if pursuing the PMP is the right step for you. Remember, there's no single path to project management success. Explore your options, leverage your experience, and choose the path that best positions you to achieve your professional aspirations.
submitted by redprofessoinal to u/redprofessoinal [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:50 mowhazrello Wanting to create a video game to propose to my girlfriend in a cute and queer way

I looked through the sub rules, and I'm really hoping this doesn't break any of them. (I originally tried posting with a throwaway so my gf didn't see this post, but it got blocked by spam filters, so now I'm just praying she doesn't see this...)
I am a queer non-binary human living in Canada who knows nothing about gamedev, but who absolutely loves their girlfriend who does nothing but play video games all day every day. (For the record, I also play video games, but less religiously.) I've been with my girlfriend for about five years, and have been wanting to propose for four of those years. That being said, I've been dreaming of proposing to a girl since I was a little queer kid, and always knew I wanted it to be a really thoughtful and intentional gesture, so this leads me here.
Since 2019, I've had the idea that I want to propose with a custom video game (for PC) that she could play (picture me walking into her room and saying: "babe! i found this really cute video game that i think you'd like!", showing it to her and then telling her she should play it on her computer while i watch), that wouldn't last more than 20-30 minutes, that ends with her character in the game getting proposed to.
I have a few cute concepts for stories that I think could work pretty well, which I could share more info about at some point with y'all if there's interest. I'd like the vibe to be inspired by games we both like: I really love games like Unpacking, Dicey Dungeons, and Stardew Valley, while she's a fan of a huge range of games but some of her recent faves include a text-based cyberpunk roleplaying game that she won't tell me the name of, and Cult of Lamb.
Anyways, I have spent some time researching to figure out if I could do this myself, but I don't think that's likely... I'm willing to spend some money on hiring someone to help do the gamedev part, but I have folks who would be able to help with the illustration and writing for the game. Ideally, if I'm going to pay for it, I'd rather work with a queer or trans game developer, but I'd be good to work with anybody who might just have a big heart for two gays in love.
With that in mind, I have a few questions for reddit:
  1. How much money should I expect to pay someone to make a 15-20 minute video game?
  2. What kind of timeline is realistic for someone who might be working on a gamedev project like this on a very part-time capacity?
  3. Are there any helpful storyboarding (or other??) tools that might help me flesh out the story a bit more?
  4. Where could be some good places for me to seek out someone who might be willing to help me?
submitted by mowhazrello to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:50 redprofessoinal Mastering Project Management: A Guide to PMI Certifications

The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a range of certifications that cater to different stages and specializations within the project management field. For aspiring and experienced project managers alike, these certifications offer valuable credentials and demonstrate expertise. This article explores the benefits of PMI certifications, the interconnectedness of key programs (PMP, PGMP, ACP, RMP, PBA), and how to get started on your PMI journey.
Benefits of PMI Certifications:
Interconnectedness of PMI Programs:
How to Get Started:
  1. Assess Your Needs and Goals: Consider your experience level and career aspirations to choose the right certification.
  2. Research the Programs: Visit the PMI website ( to learn about each program's eligibility requirements and study resources.
  3. Prepare for the Exam: Utilize PMI-approved training providers, study guides, and practice exams.
  4. Gain Practical Experience: Apply your knowledge in real-world projects to further strengthen your skills.
There's no single path through PMI certifications. Start with the program that best suits your current stage, and consider pursuing others as you progress in your career. As each program builds upon the previous, the knowledge and skills acquired from each will enhance your overall project management expertise. The PMI ecosystem equips you to tackle diverse projects, navigate complex situations, and ultimately, achieve project success.
submitted by redprofessoinal to u/redprofessoinal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 shiroro_215 ADVICE NEEDED: How to figure out the Brand's visual Identity

Hey everyone,
I recently rejoined a startup team after a nine-month break. Back then, we held off on branding due to concept refinement issues. Now, I'm back to handle social media, but there's challenges:
There's disagreement on our brand's visual direction. I am provided with a brand statement is broad—emphasizing being "opinionated, witty, outspoken, bold, and trend-aware"—the logo and a primary color(the team doesn't agree on).
The social media manager and content writer are demanding, wanting to monitor everything I do, adding to the stress. There's a lack of clear vision or specification, and their ideas aren't effectively communicating the brand's story.
I'm tasked with establishing a brand palette, typography, and assets for a social media app. The marketing team wants to change the primary color, which the product team doesn't want to. So they are suggesting to use a different palette for social media which doesn't seem right to me as the user wont be able to connect with the brand if they come through marketing front on to the app and will find completely different branding.
This is my first time handling early-stage brand development, and it's overwhelming. Any advice on navigating these contradictions and lack of direction? I appreciate any insights on managing team demands and making effective design decisions. How to approach the branding and put together a color palette, typography, social media grid etc?
Thanks for your help! and Sorry for a venting out :)
submitted by shiroro_215 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 devilsivychaos [OTW] Photographer of the Week - Week 17

It is our great pleasure to announce that u/Gammagandalf91 is our Photographer of the Week. This accolade has been awarded based upon the number of votes during week 17, with this post having received the most when searching by top submission:
Since 3 or 4 years. Started with digital but switched to analog within half a year and never looked back.
taking memories, gifting them to friends, acting out my artsy side :D
I was on a solo trip to a local mountain top to do some medium format star trails. I was completely allone and there was this gorgeous sunset. I had to take a picture.
i was on a solo trip to a local mountain top to do some medium format star trails. I was completely allone and there was this gorgeous sunset. I had to take a picture.
the physical and chemical nature of Film and the slower process. No stupid menus, etc.
definitely my fuji GW 690. just an awesome camera and super portable for medium Format.
try medium Format slide Film, its super worth it. you will get hooked.
only my instagram.
i really like the astro photography on Film from this guy:
i also really enjoy solargraphy, you can see some on my insta. Also a fascinating process which everyone can easily try.
submitted by devilsivychaos to analog [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:44 Difficult-Dentist-95 Help Us Create An Epic Mythic-Medieval Minecraft Adventure! [pvp] [modded]

Greetings, Minecraft enthusiasts!
Do you dream of exploring enchanted lands, building magnificent structures, and weaving tales of heroism and magic? We're in the early stages of crafting a one-of-a-kind medieval, mythical modded Minecraft server, and we need your passion and creativity to bring it to life!
Crafting Our Vision: Driven by our passion for Minecraft and a shared vision of creating something truly special, we're crafting a server that blends medieval charm with mythical wonder. With a curated selection of mods and a dedication to detail, we're building a world where players can unleash their creativity and embark on epic quests.
What Sets Us Apart: Our server stands out from the rest with its unique combination of medieval aesthetics, mythical creatures, and immersive gameplay. From majestic castles to hidden dungeons, every corner of our world holds the promise of discovery and adventure.
Why We Need You: As a small but ambitious team, we're seeking talented individuals to join us on our quest. Whether you're a skilled builder, a modding wizard, or a creative storyteller, your contributions will play a crucial role in shaping our server into a vibrant and dynamic community.
What You Can Expect:
Join the Adventure: If you're ready to be part of something truly special and help us build a world that inspires and delights, we invite you to join our team. Click the link below to learn more and start your journey with us.
Join Our Discord
Together, let's create a Minecraft experience unlike any other.
Best regards, Tiny
submitted by Difficult-Dentist-95 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:44 Cress_Green SaaS Startup - Looking for Senior Data Engineer with advanced web scraping expertise (Founding Team/Equity Based)

AutoLead researches, nurtures, qualifies, and delivers high-intent B2B leads right in your calendar.
Whether you’re a B2B company, agency, investor, recruiter, integrator, or else, AutoLead will reduce your meeting acquisition costs by x10, help you better understand your market, forecast your sales growth, and help your sales team focus on… selling.
📈 Forecast- The company is expected to grow to a multi-million ($) valuation by 2025. Not only because the addressed market is consequent (all the B2B companies) and our approach faces almost no concurrence yet, but also because the solution will be able to obtain meetings with its own potential customers. Yes, very practical.
As an early core member, **you would get shares** of the company and so **direct exposure** to this growth.
**📍Current Stage **- We're currently 80% finished with the research phase and are looking for more developers to lead and accelerate the release of a v1 (scheduled for release in Q3 2024).
**🌱 Team culture **- On a human-level, our foremost goal is to see our team members thrive and grow through their experience with us. We create a supportive environment where open communication of feelings and needs is encouraged. This ensures that everyone is always engaged in meaningful and enjoyable work. Additionally, we place great importance on fair value distribution, emotional caring, environmental respect, authentic relationships, and maintaining a positive, light-hearted culture.
💻 Technical requirements - For this Data Engineer role.
Only those passionate about making a real impact should apply. Startup life can be challenging, but the rewards are profoundly fulfilling.
Compensation: Initially, this role is equity-based, with specific percentages tailored on an individual basis(as we grow, you grow with us).
As we secure funding, the role offers a temporary monthly salary ranging from $3,500 to $5,000 USD. Post-funding, we will review and adjust salaries to align with individual experience and prevailing market rates.
Application Deadline: We aim to fill this position by June 1st, 2024.
Interested? Please direct message me and include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Cress_Green to webscraping [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 advancedautismabc Exploring Developmental Play: 10 Autism-Inclusive Ideas

Play is a fundamental aspect of childhood development, fostering creativity, social skills, and cognitive growth. For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), however, engaging in play activities can present unique challenges. In this article, we'll explore 10 autism-inclusive play ideas designed to promote development and provide enjoyable experiences for children on the autism spectrum.
Sensory Play
Sensory play engages the senses and can be particularly beneficial for children with autism who may have sensory processing differences. Consider setting up sensory bins filled with materials like rice, sand, water beads, or textured fabrics. Encourage exploration and experimentation with different textures, smells, and tactile sensations to stimulate the senses and promote sensory integration.
Pretend Play
Pretend play offers opportunities for imaginative expression and social interaction. Create a dress-up corner with costumes and props, or set up a pretend kitchen with play food and utensils. Encourage children to role-play different scenarios, such as cooking a meal, going on a pretend adventure, or acting out everyday activities. Pretend play can help develop language skills, creativity, and social understanding.
Visual Supports
Many children with autism benefit from visual supports to enhance communication and understanding. Incorporate visual supports into play activities by using picture schedules, visual timers, or visual cue cards to provide structure and predictability. Visual supports can help children navigate transitions, follow routines, and comprehend expectations, promoting independence and reducing anxiety.
Structured Games
Structured games with clear rules and expectations can provide opportunities for learning and social interaction. Choose games that are simple, repetitive, and easy to understand, such as matching games, board games with visual cues, or turn-taking activities. Structured games can help children develop important skills like turn-taking, sharing, and following directions, while also providing opportunities for fun and enjoyment.
Movement Activities
Physical activity is essential for promoting gross motor skills, coordination, and body awareness. Plan movement activities that cater to the interests and preferences of children with autism, such as yoga, dancing, or obstacle courses. Provide sensory-friendly spaces with options for proprioceptive input, such as crash pads, trampolines, or therapy swings. Movement activities not only support physical development but also help regulate sensory processing and promote emotional well-being.
Nature Exploration
Nature offers a rich sensory environment filled with opportunities for exploration and discovery. Take children on nature walks to observe plants, animals, and natural landscapes. Encourage hands-on exploration by collecting leaves, rocks, or shells, and incorporating them into sensory activities or crafts. Nature exploration fosters curiosity, appreciation for the environment, and connections with the natural world.
Art and Creativity
Art activities provide a creative outlet for self-expression and can be adapted to accommodate the needs of children with autism. Offer a variety of art materials and techniques, such as painting, drawing, collage, or sculpting. Focus on process-oriented art rather than product-focused outcomes, allowing children to explore materials freely and express themselves without pressure. Art activities support fine motor skills, creativity, and sensory exploration.
Social Stories
Social stories are short narratives that describe social situations, concepts, or expectations in a structured and visual format. Create social stories related to play activities, such as going to a playground, attending a birthday party, or participating in group games. Use simple language, clear visuals, and personalized details to help children understand what to expect and how to navigate social interactions. Social stories can reduce anxiety, improve social skills, and enhance participation in play activities.
Technology-Based Play
Technology can be a valuable tool for engaging children with autism and supporting their development. Explore interactive apps, educational games, or virtual reality experiences that cater to the interests and learning styles of children with autism. Use technology-based play activities to target specific skills, such as communication, academic concepts, or social skills, while also providing engaging and motivating experiences.
Joint Attention Activities
Joint attention refers to the ability to share attention with others and coordinate attention between objects, people, and events. Plan activities that promote joint attention, such as building with blocks, playing with toys that require turn-taking, or engaging in interactive games like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. Use prompts, modeling, and reinforcement to encourage children to attend to and interact with others, fostering social engagement and communication skills.
If you're seeking aba therapy for autism virginia beach,va, look no further! Our dedicated team offers comprehensive Applied Behavior Analysis services tailored to meet the individual needs of children and adults on the autism spectrum. With a focus on evidence-based interventions and personalized treatment plans, we are committed to helping individuals with autism reach their full potential and thrive in all aspects of life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your family on the journey towards growth and success.
Play is a powerful vehicle for promoting development, fostering social connections, and enriching the lives of children with autism. By incorporating autism-inclusive play ideas into everyday activities, we can create meaningful opportunities for learning, growth, and enjoyment. Whether through sensory exploration, imaginative play, structured games, or nature adventures, every play experience has the potential to unlock new possibilities and support the unique strengths and needs of children on the autism spectrum. Let's continue to explore, create, and play together, building a more inclusive and enriching world for all children.
submitted by advancedautismabc to u/advancedautismabc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 Difficult-Dentist-95 Help Us Create An Epic Mythic-Medieval Minecraft Adventure!

Greetings, Minecraft enthusiasts!
Do you dream of exploring enchanted lands, building magnificent structures, and weaving tales of heroism and magic? We're in the early stages of crafting a one-of-a-kind medieval, mythical modded Minecraft server, and we need your passion and creativity to bring it to life!
Crafting Our Vision: Driven by our passion for Minecraft and a shared vision of creating something truly special, we're crafting a server that blends medieval charm with mythical wonder. With a curated selection of mods and a dedication to detail, we're building a world where players can unleash their creativity and embark on epic quests.
What Sets Us Apart: Our server stands out from the rest with its unique combination of medieval aesthetics, mythical creatures, and immersive gameplay. From majestic castles to hidden dungeons, every corner of our world holds the promise of discovery and adventure.
Why We Need You: As a small but ambitious team, we're seeking talented individuals to join us on our quest. Whether you're a skilled builder, a modding wizard, or a creative storyteller, your contributions will play a crucial role in shaping our server into a vibrant and dynamic community.
What You Can Expect:
Join the Adventure: If you're ready to be part of something truly special and help us build a world that inspires and delights, we invite you to join our team. Click the link below to learn more and start your journey with us.
Join Our Discord
Together, let's create a Minecraft experience unlike any other.
Best regards, Tiny
submitted by Difficult-Dentist-95 to mcstaff [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:40 GJWon BoyNextdoor fashion Pop-up Store in Stage 35 Seoungsu until May 19

BoyNextdoor fashion Pop-up Store in Stage 35 Seoungsu until May 19
Street casual brand SandSound will operate the "BoyNextdoor SandSound Collaboration Pop-up Store" on the first floor of Seongsu, Stage 35, a complex cultural space until May 19.
Sand Sound launched a new product in collaboration with the group BOYNEXTDOOR in April. The company has collaborated with Boy Group for the first time since launching the brand, and T-shirts and string gym colors with BoyNEXTDOOR's representative symbols are gaining popularity.
Sand Sound decorated the pop-up store as a differentiated experience space by applying the unique color of BoyNext Door based on its original brand identity. With New Mexico as the theme for the spring and summer season in the background, roads were created to give the impression of going on a road trip. One side of the store is equipped with a Pawnshop to create an exotic atmosphere.
It has prepared a photo zone consisting of six doors symbolizing the Boy Next Door. You can open each door and take a picture with a pictorial featuring the members' individuality.
Sand Sound will sell new products for the spring and summer season of 2024, including Boy Next Door collaboration products. In addition to its flagship products such as hooded zip-up, football number T-shirts, sweatshirts, and mini backpacks, it also introduced a ball cap with collaborative logo embroidery, and a cute key ring with brand and group initials. Hammer Bag, the brand's flagship product, is offered at a 50% discount only in this pop-up.
Customers who have received a stamp on the product purchase receipt will be given the opportunity to use a photo booth with a BoyNext DoorㅣSand Sound collaboration frame.
BoyNext Door is scheduled to make a surprise visit within the pop-up store operation period.
submitted by GJWon to KoreaSeoul [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:36 Cress_Green Saas Salestech Company seeking Data Engineer with advanced web scraping knowledge

If you are or know someone that might the below criteria and have advanced web scraping expertise, please DM me.
AutoLead researches, nurtures, qualifies, and delivers high-intent B2B leads right in your calendar.
Whether you’re a B2B company, agency, investor, recruiter, integrator, or else, AutoLead will reduce your meeting acquisition costs by x10, help you better understand your market, forecast your sales growth, and help your sales team focus on… selling.
📈 Forecast- The company is expected to grow to a multi-million ($) valuation by 2025. Not only because the addressed market is consequent (all the B2B companies) and our approach faces almost no concurrence yet, but also because the solution will be able to obtain meetings with its own potential customers. Yes, very practical.
As an early core member, **you would get shares** of the company and so **direct exposure** to this growth.
**📍Current Stage **- We're currently 80% finished with the research phase and are looking for more developers to lead and accelerate the release of a v1 (scheduled for release in Q3 2024).
**🌱 Team culture **- On a human-level, our foremost goal is to see our team members thrive and grow through their experience with us. We create a supportive environment where open communication of feelings and needs is encouraged. This ensures that everyone is always engaged in meaningful and enjoyable work. Additionally, we place great importance on fair value distribution, emotional caring, environmental respect, authentic relationships, and maintaining a positive, light-hearted culture.
💻 Technical requirements - For this Data Engineer role.
Only those passionate about making a real impact should apply. Startup life can be challenging, but the rewards are profoundly fulfilling.
Compensation: Initially, this role is equity-based, with specific percentages tailored on an individual basis(as we grow, you grow with us).
As we secure funding, the role offers a temporary monthly salary ranging from $3,500 to $5,000 USD. Post-funding, we will review and adjust salaries to align with individual experience and prevailing market rates.
Application Deadline: We aim to fill this position by June 1st, 2024.
Interested? Please direct message me and include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Cress_Green to webscraping [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:33 spooki_boogey LGs Broadcast Producer tweets out a thread talking about the current RLCS format and bringing back league play (more in post)

The rest of the thread for those who don’t have Twitter
If you draw parallels from other sports like the NFL, look back at the New York Giants back in 2011. They were 9-7 in the regular season, one win over .500. They won the Super Bowl that year. You think they didn’t have some struggles that year?
What about baseball? In 2006 the Cardinals went 83-78 in the regular season and won the World Series. Another team barely over .500 that won it all.
The recipe for success in a league format isn’t about sustained superior performance, but about getting hot at the right time. The current format punishes heavily for having off days, and rewards mightily for upsets and runs.
As a fan, it’s become harder to follow every team, and even harder to stay engaged consistently because I just can’t keep up with every single team anymore. We have random teams with random names with rosters that were thrown together last minute that make a miracle run for a regional and then fizzle out the next.
Organizations have zero stability in the current format unless their team is performing at a high level every day of the season. What incentives do they have to keep paying their players large salaries in hopes that they won’t ever slip up? You miss a main day? Oh well. Go next. And by the way if you miss one main day in the current format your chances of making a major are all but wiped out.
Again, you may think a league format is boring, but I just don’t agree. I’m less of a fan now than when there was a set list of teams, and I’m not even going to mention RLRS. Those implications were so exciting at the end of the season.
NRG, Luminosity, Moist, TSM, Karmine Corp, all big orgs that did not make a main event this last weekend. Not taking away anything from the teams that made it, they earned their spots and there is no arguing they didn’t. They won when they had to- based on the current format.
At the end of the day, this open format is volatile, gives orgs no incentives to invest highly into their players, and let’s not mention the issues with player Visas because orgs don’t have enough time to plan.
I think we need to, at a very minimum, go back to the format last season where points and standings got you automatic births to higher stages. Stop forcing every team to start at the same point and develop some of the stability you get in a league format.
submitted by spooki_boogey to RocketLeagueEsports [link] [comments]