Starfall math work

Learn Math

2009.11.29 19:43 chewxy Learn Math

Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023]( and [the top 255 subreddits]( (even those that never joined the protest).

2008.09.05 09:47 Ask a Math Question

This subreddit is for questions of a mathematical nature. Please read the subreddit rules below before posting.

2014.08.20 03:09 realanalysis314 Math Proof: For Checking Your Work

This subreddit is only to check proofs. These can be questions about what the next step for a proof is, is my proof correct, or even how do I start this proof. Please no homework problems here, especially last minute assignments.

2024.05.14 01:04 PrizeDefinition4042 Issues with python code:

This is the code I have:
import math
def projectile_velocities(vi, theta, g, time_step):
theta_rad = math.radians(theta)
vi_x = vi * math.cos(theta_rad)
vi_y = vi * math.sin(theta_rad)
velocities = [vi]
t = 0
while t < vi_y / g:
vy = vi_y - g * t
v = math.sqrt(vi_x ** 2 + vy ** 2)
velocities.append(round(v, 6))
t += time_step
return velocities
I need to get these two example executions correct when inserted to after the function but no t matter what I do (have been working on this for hours) it keeps on giving me the wrong output.
Here is what it should be :
print(projectile_velocities(2.0, 30.0, 1.0, 1.0)) #output [2.000000, 1.732051, 2.000000] print(projectile_velocities(11.13, 82.5, 9.81, 0.5)) # output [11.130000, 6.299581, 1.900155, 3.956578, 8.707266]
submitted by PrizeDefinition4042 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 Carini___ Dug out this relic from the archives

Dug out this relic from the archives
Can’t find my copy of the WSJ but I still wanted to share. I bought this on 1/28/21 while working at a regional convenience chain.
It’s not a bubble, the people doing the math here are NOT amateurs, and we just like the stock.
submitted by Carini___ to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:02 webbersmak [For Hire] JavaScript / C# Tutor - Remote

Professional developer at the ready to help you learn JavaScript or C#.
I'll help you setup VS Code and/or Visual Studio. Then we can jump into a real application. I'm also happy to help with problems from:
Available on Discord or Skype.
I've had success working with other redditors. I recently helped Billy in New Zealand make a Chess game in C#. And I helped Luis in California build a Math Quiz generator in JavaScript.
I'm easy to talk to. We can go at your pace. I'm located near Philadelphia (Eastern Standard Time). Please be able to share your screen.
Rates: $35/session (up to 2hrs). PayPal / Venmo accepted. Consider this an investment in yourself!
submitted by webbersmak to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 tusholisthrowaway My older sister is just lurking

Hi everyone, Excuse my bad english
I made this throwaway account for anonymity reasons.
I need help and advice on what to do with my (F19) older sister (23) who has nothing going on in her life, sleeps all day but bought a gym membership for 300 euros per month. I started writing because we just had the smallest fight but it struck me so hard that i came here. The story:
Ever since we were little we were the best of sisters, we had our fights but they were just little things, because i only remember good times with her when we were young. Im honestly crying that it came to the point that past midnight I'm writing on reddit for advice as i was truly hoping i wouldn't have to come here to seek solutions for this. She was the smart kid, always staying up late to study, always helping mom with difficult tasks where you needed brains like government documents and school registration. Every document the school sent us, my sister would read, understand and translate to my mom. My parents immigrated to this country when my mom was pregnant with her, we were born here, my parents know the language here but i would say its level B1 or even A2. For privacy reasons i wont be disclosing which country.
In high school she was acing all her classes and i was the one failing all my classes. I didn't know how to study lol, literally i didn't even know what it included. My sister stayed up so many nights to help me out with homework, she would tutor me time to time, but sometimes i would get on her nerves. It isn't until her first year at university (she chose a really hard course with sciences and math) that she changed completely. Its as if a clone returned and not my sister. Her first school year was 2019-2020, she was failing almost all of her classes, she was being really rude to us (my mom, dad and me) which i understand when its stressful, and being the older sibling i understood that there's so much responsibility that falls onto your shoulders and a sense of 'i must achieve great things for my famil' (because we weren't rich, we weren't starving but money could have avoided so many problems we faced. And so after three years of failing her courses, and lying to us that she was succeeding, she dropped out when I was in my last year of high school. My parents were really disappointed and sad, more so at the fact that they came here to give us a better life but my sister was not able to do anything good with the privileges she got that my parents hadn't. I understand though that just because we had it better than our parents, doesn't mean we know exactly how to live life good with success. But still i think you can understand how my parents felt when she dropped out, after everything they've done to sustain us. And so when i was deciding what to study at uni, my mom forced my sister to sign up for uni again, she chose law, i chose smt easier cuz i like it. And not even halfway through the first semester she secretly dropped out. The whole school year she was lying to us that she was still studying and at school following classes. When my mother finally found out she again caused a huge scandal saying that she doesn't like being lied to. My sister then said she was working on a business of hers that she finds more important. And that this will bring more money than a degree. She promised us that she would be brining in thousands per month when i start my second year at uni. Well, here we are end of my second semester of my second year at uni and she has no business, she works at a little shop (i too as a student), she bought a gym membership to some high end gym where per month she pays around 250 euros for the membership, she doesn't go there everyday like she said she would. She hasn't changed anything in her life like she said she would. She has great ideas for business and since she was young she was a very creative kid, she would always make little diys, i remember how she would draw every time, she has real talent, she would make clothes for my dolls and all sorts of accessories for them out of paper and carton. But ever since she dropped out of uni twice she just sleeps until lunch/noon, gets up does nothing all day other then do a little bit of information search for her business ideas, go to her gym twice in two weeks or smt and overall always have an angry mood. Shes always angry, we had many talks with her, family and her, just me and her, she would promise to change and do better but nothing came out of it. My mom has a doctor whos she close with, the doctor asked for my sister to come to her to talk and see whats wrong, but my sister said she doesn't want to go as she would start crying. And we cant force her. I don't hear much from what my dad thinks of this, only the things that my mom tells me. She said that my dad is very disappointed with what my sister is doing all day everyday, no degree, a meh job, no career, no skills shes developing, nothing. SHe doesn't even have a drivers license, says its not a priority, but she does always ask for rides from the parents.
she told me one time that the advice our parents give is not good enough for her, she needs advice from a rich dad. But my dad isn't that kind of dad, his advice is study good and get a good job, so is my mom's. I don't know how to help her, I've tried everything, I'm just desperate for help as any time i delve deep into this subject i cry at how sad she must be inside. And it makes me even feel ashamed and guilty that i am studying and building my future career while shes just sleeping all day claiming to be working on a business.
I'm so sorry for the long text i don't know how to properly structure it.
but i saw the rules state to add TLDR TL;DR My older sister dropped out twice , is wasting money on a expensive gym membership and has no career, works at a little shop 'temporarily she said', seems to hate us as she lashes out at us a lot. She needs rich dad advice but my parents can't give that to her.

submitted by tusholisthrowaway to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:51 OwnProfessor9008 Please help

My son is 14 and is going into 9th grade he is currently homeschooled and will be going to real school next year he is worried about the placement test and on how hard it'll be does anyone know the exact type of math and English he'll need to work on such as numerals, nouns, ect.
submitted by OwnProfessor9008 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 Top_Tour_4296 Should i drop my honors class?

Im a freshman, taking honors algebra. I AM STRUGGLING. My grade is always dipping and i have never passed a single test in the class. Im only passing because I go to office hours, where I basically make the teacher do the work for me since him explaining in depth will never make me remember.
Ive always struggled with math, never passed any of my tests. I want to drop it so badly but I really like him, Im just scared. I plan on dropping it next year. Im good friends with the principal so im sure it can happen.
Im just worried about his reaction, Ive cried and broken down in his class before, because I just dont understand.
I plan on taking Honors Chem next year, as all things science are things im best at. Currently in APES, doing really good on that, plus im not too worried about college already because my expectations aren’t high.
What should I do?
submitted by Top_Tour_4296 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 Hessellaar What properties of numbers / things did you come up with as a kid before getting any maths education

After reading I realised I also thought of some properties as a very young kid and I think many of us did on here. I was pretty fascinated by even / odd numbers and how odd + even = odd (as a kid I ‘proved’ this by first knowing even + even = even then realising odd = even + 1). I also realised even * odd = even but i couldn’t fully understand why that was the case. I also found it very coincidental that 1 + 2 + …. + 2k = 2{k+1} - 1 for all values of k that I could work out in my head, but couldn’t figure out for the life of me why this worked and it gave me many sleepless nights. I’m interested in hearing your stories as this seems to be common for marhematicians / people with talent for mathematics
submitted by Hessellaar to math [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:39 SimplePoint3265 CMV: There should be an independent body, such as the central bank, to standardize the skills to be acquired in basic and technical schools

This body would enjoy budgetary and functional autonomy; it would be directed by experts interviewed by Congress, who would serve a mandate (in this sense, similar to that of the central bank). This would be important to protect it from political influence and bureaucratic slowness.
It is worth mentioning that these specialists would receive very high salaries and possible bonuses precisely with the purpose of attracting the best and motivating them. (I open a parenthesis to clarify that this selection process by Congress would be governed by law, which would require those chosen to have the appropriate credentials, as well as unblemished conduct, without political party ties)
Its role would be to develop a standard curriculum to be followed by all basic and technical schools in the country, for each type of course. This curriculum must reflect the basic and professional education skills that are being demanded by the productive sector.
To this end, the body would work closely with businesspeople. Agency officials would visit factories to talk and collect data to prepare a study on the state of the national workforce. Do workers not know enough math? Do they need to improve their writing? Did the mechanics who recently graduated from the technical course not delve deep enough into topic X or Y? The idea is simply to find out what is lacking in terms of skills in the workforce and then improve the CV.
How they would do this would be up to them. Obviously, they would not do it alone and would rely on a large number of subordinates at different hierarchical levels. It would be up to them (the upper echelons of the organization) to decide how to organize the hierarchy and internal processes. (the law that creates the body would define some crucial guidelines to be observed, as well as describe the mission of the body. Making a parallel, it would be like the law that created the central bank)
Furthermore, it would be up to the body to prepare a certification (with theoretical or practical tests) to verify whether the student graduating from a basic or technical education course has acquired the minimum skills required. If you do not pass the certification, you will not receive the training diploma and, without it, there will be no formal recognition of this training.
The objective of this body is to create a reference of educational quality to be observed by basic and technical schools.
The body would not intervene in or manage schools. It would just be testing students and creating statistics based on that. It would be up to school administrators (whether public or private) to take action based on student performance on certification. If a public school has a high exam failure rate, it would be a motivator to change the principal and make adjustments.
PS: I believe that there are already structures that resemble this proposal in terms of function, but designed along these lines (and with the proposed prestige) I believe not.
PS: please ask intelligent questions.
PS: If someone demonstrates with arguments that this idea is foolish, I will give a delta.
submitted by SimplePoint3265 to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:33 Extension_Gas9604 How can successfully refund my oranges?…

How can successfully refund my oranges?…
I bought 6 oranges yesterday using online delivery service. But they charged me the cost of the original price ($1.96/lb) while the flyer states 94 cents per lb.
I had not contacted the customer service for so long as you can just submit the “ticket” easily and the success rate is so high. With a situation like this, i just need to adjust the weight price rather than refund the whole thing.
I used both online chat and phone to try to solve the problem. However, they just keep telling me that there is no promotion on the oranges…
They asked me for a screenshot and they still said that they can’t see the item… i was speechless.
Another person on the phone said she can see the discount on the flyer, but because you bought more than one pound, it charges you the original price. I mean, it is not how the maths works… I say, it does not matter if I get 10 pounds of oranges, you would only charge it with 94 cents per pound unless there is a limitation for how many oranges I can get.
Guys, how can I refund this…?
submitted by Extension_Gas9604 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:30 Ordinary-Blueberry62 The Dials Generative Art Club!

Hello everyone! I'm trying to start a generative art club/online community for people interested in creating and sharing their generative art. Fyi, I'm a pure math student who just finished his 3B academic term and I’ve been working on my own generative art for a few years now but I’ve been super consistent with it lately.
Some of my latest work can be found at, and I’m not a pro by any means but I do plan on improving significantly. I’m trying to gauge interest in this club idea (I don’t think I would realistically find a member to join.). I plan on running weekly/bi-weekly meetings where we can share ideas for collections to work on/ work on them and demo/share.
The Dials Generative Art Club would be centred around members learning, creating and collecting more. And also, to develop a further appreciation for generative art. Feel free to reach out to me if any of this sounds interesting to you!
submitted by Ordinary-Blueberry62 to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:20 VolumeCompetitive529 I can't afford to go to work

I'm 19 F, I moved out four months ago. My dad left to go live out in the country side to save up money, so I was forced to move out. I lost my job, and was unemployed for two months until I found this one. I had the police called on me for a wellness check because I was suicidal. I barely afforded rent for this month so it took my entire paycheck.
I don't have much family. My moms not in my life, my dad was never the most active parent. I didn't graduate high school because I was convinced I would die at 18. I prioritized my job more than school, because once I got my first job it was up to me to pay for all my own clothes, food etc and give half of my paycheck to my dad for rent
I've been barely scraping by on money left over from rent, but then today my account got overdrafted from a stupid subscription.
It took all of my bus money. And then my bus got cancelled because I've been out on for working 6:30 mornings so I was forced to be late. I just cried on the side of the road for a good half an hour, until I just decided I couldn't do it anymore and left to go home instead of walking the hour to work.
And then Sunday I had to call in because I couldn't afford to get home because buses don't run late.
And I have to get a new uniform by tomorrow because I'm working in a different department.
And I don't know how I'm going to afford tomorrow. My dad won't help me, my sister says if I want ten dollars I have to give her my life plan about my future and clean her entire house. Because I'm choosing poverty. I don't disagree with her, but I can't even do basic math. I didn't go to school for the majority of my life until freshman year, I don't anything about science or math. I failed every single class because I didn't know anything, I never had anyone help me. I tried asking for help but I would just lectured on how stupid I was.
I just feel so defeated, and dumb. I wish I saved more money, I wish I had family to rely on. I feel so alone, I keep going but I just don't know how much I have it in me to keep going like this.
I hate working these jobs, literally working my hardest for it to mean nothing. I hate getting lectured by my sister. I can't go to college because I didn't even graduate, but she doesn't know that. I don't even know how I'm going to afford to get my GED, how I'm gonna buy new shoes or a new shirt for work. I just feel so defeated.
submitted by VolumeCompetitive529 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:14 dinafoxsuperfan dance teacher rant.

TLDR: as a result of continued disrespect from my boss and just general exhaustion, i’m at a loss and feel like i can’t choreograph to save my life. in 8 years of teaching i’ve never felt like this:( ANY advice is appreciated.
i’m just going to say it. i’m sick and tired of working for my boss. i took a low hourly wage to help her out while she opened the business. but it’s been two years and this just isn’t worth my time anymore.
the kids’ recital is next month and i’ve been getting so angry and resentful about this over the past season, to the point that i hate going there. i’m sick of it. it’s not worth my time.
i’m not done with my choreography because i have no inspiration anymore. i’m just so tired of this. i poured passion and effort into last season, and even barely paying me, she found criticisms in what i did. she lectured and shamed me because i refused to send two 3 year olds, yes you heard that right, two 3 year olds, on stage by themselves.
for that she compared me to my coworker and basically told me i’m the problem. i tried to explain that these kids are newly 3, basically babies, and there’s only two of them — so practicing once per week, they can’t put their heads together and comfortably remember a dance in front of a crowd of people. it’s preposterous.
that same season, she had me working over 5 hours without a break… she would go into my time clock and cut out 5 minute gaps between classes, which accumulated to a 30, so i guess legally she got away with it. i would be exhausted. of course for those 5 minute gaps, the kids would linger, talk about their day, i’m not going to be a bad role model and tell them to leave me alone or something LMAO, so basically no breaks, i had to be “on” so to speak, for 5.5 hours. those 5 minute gaps were the only time i’d be seated so if you mix in the cardio, mental strain of teaching technique, setting choreography, correcting, etc, all to a wide variety of ages… skill level and age increasing as the hours went on, ending out with the last class as an ultra advanced contemporary class, i mean you do the math.
so i told her i can’t work that long without a break anymore, two months before that season’s end. i explained to her that by the end of the day, i had nothing left for the last group of kids. it wasn’t working. she continuously tried to push back and keep me on the schedule for that whole chunk of time.
for those two months, i kept approaching her about it again and again and she kept giving me excuses, the kids are going to miss me, she’ll have to find my replacement, this that or the other. ultimately just said something’s going to have to give, i’m not budging, i can’t work this whole chunk of time anymore. so someone will have to take the first two classes. she then tried to offer to schedule me a break and i was so fed up with everything by that point, i just said no.
then winter break came along and i texted her in the beginning of it that i’d be happy to meet and discuss the upcoming season. no response. the day before classes resume comes around, and i text her about 26 hours before my first class would be, saying just confirming that someone else will be teaching those first two classes tomorrow, and i will see you at (third class’ start time).
no response.
she waits until the day of, a couple hours before the first class, to text me hey by any chance can you just cover those classes until i find a replacement?
the answer was a resounding no. i’ve never stuck up for myself to someone i know personally and professionally, and it was really tricky to navigate, so i was proud of myself for standing firm.
but, and this is my own fault, i have definitely been holding onto resentment over this ordeal. i should’ve tried to talk to her about it or something, but after this experience, and with the voice in my head reminding me i’m getting an extremely low wage especially considering my experience, i have just been getting more and more JADED. i’m so sick of going there, i only go twice per week and it just ruins my day every time. i feel terrible because the kids really love me and i love them too, but i can’t take this anymore, and their dances aren’t done.
thankfully i told her a couple months ago that i’m moving away to be with my boyfriend, which is true, but it will probably end up being later than i expected. either way, i’m free after this recital.
i don’t know what to do now. i need to finish these dances, but for the first time in 8 years, every time i try to choreograph, nothing comes out. i’m just at a loss. i have no drive to do any of this because the whole thing just pisses me off. she just acts clueless like she has no idea how badly she screwed me ofer and disrespected me last season, with the icing on the cake being the random insults about my toddler class. mind you, that was the night before their winter show, and i was the only one of her staff staying late to help her load up equipment.
what started out as helping a friend has turned into this big exhausting nightmare and i’m worried that even once i’m free of this, i won’t love teaching dance as much as i used to.
this was a huge rant. i guess my question is what do i do now, how do i pump out choreography with no inspiration. it’s always come pretty naturally even when i hit a block, i can keep working and get through it. this is not that. i think i’m just done.
submitted by dinafoxsuperfan to BALLET [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:53 Due_Personality_8843 Where should I go next?

I am a PhD student in a math-adjacent field (economics). I just finished my qualifying exams (will get results in a little over a month) and I now finally have time to enjoy some of my passions. One thing that I really enjoy is math. However, it is not really the type of math that we do in economics (which I am ironically somewhat weak at relative to my classmates). I really love logic/set theory/philosophy of math (Godel incompleteness is the first math theory that I heard about that captivated me).
So, my question is: does anyone have any good advice on what I could do now to pursue some of those interests? I was thinking of either getting a good textbook on one of the above-mentioned topics or doing an MIT OpenCourseWare course.
To give you an idea of where my interests lie, I read Paul Cohen's book on the continuum hypothesis last summer. I didn't understand a lot of the material but I really enjoyed what I did understand. Although my interests are pretty logic-heavy (somewhat at the intersection of math and philosophy), I am also planning on taking a master's-level real analysis course at my university (which is top 20 in the world for math, and I am worried I am unprepared for how hard it will be) as part of my PhD program so ideally I would be able to work on something that would help me to prepare for that as well.
I am sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask this type of question. If it is, please point me to where it would be better to ask."
submitted by Due_Personality_8843 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:52 Careless-Wish-4563 Do you think you’d have a mutually beneficial romantic relationship with this INTJ?

“I attended middle school with her, although we did not attend high school together (she instead attended a high school that was supposed to help students gain college credits. She earned two liberal arts degrees while there in Social and Behavioral Sciences and Natural Sciences. She now attends an HCBU, and has on her LinkedIn profile that she is presently working toward graduating from her college with a degree in Health Sciences, Pre Med, and a minor in Military Science. She is apart of her school’s Army ROTC.)
I remember that a lot of people in middle school did not like her (although that was also the case for me,) and I understood why. She seemed noticeably introverted, yet also didn’t seem like the kind of person, at least from my perspective, who would try to appease you in the way I imagine a lot of people feel the stereotypical woman might. She had a strong glare (I remember mentioning this to my then best friend’s mom, who agreed with the suggestion) and stood out to me as being weird (it wasn’t necessarily anything she said or did - not her personality, exactly - it’s just the strong glare I mentioned, like she didn’t tend to look sincerely happy nor would she pretend to be unless she was around friends of hers. I remember that she didn’t tend to look happy, in my opinion. It’s possible that she was depressed, or she may have just tended to look irritable, I don’t know. She didn’t strike me as being the kind of person who would make an effort to be polite, struck me as being tomboyish and unladylike, the kind of person who wouldn’t try to change the way she was for you - I wasn’t used to it. Seemed competitive, too. I had truly never interacted with a girl who was like that before. She also struck me as being smart, although she was in the normal math class whereas I was in the advanced one (I was known for being smarter, but thought it should have been her. However, I did notice after looking at her LinkedIn profile that there were more grammatical errors than I expected.)
I remember that she and her friend (who I later on ended up being on good terms with) decided early on that they disliked me, although I hadn’t done anything to them, which bothered me. They also once used me for food in sixth grade, which had also bothered/upset me.
I remember that my former best friend had issues with her ranging back to elementary school, and that in sixth grade in particular they were competing for the attention of an ISFP they’d both been friends with since elementary school. This girl is the one who won the ISFP’s attention/was officially her best friend by the time they were in seventh grade. However, around seventh or eighth grade (it’s been so long that I no longer quite remember,) she “ditched” (in the words of my former best friend) the ISFP and the other friend I’d mentioned in favor of a new crowd. I actually remember my former best friend suggested that the people in her new crowd didn’t like her, either (although she hung out with them throughout eighth grade, and briefly went to high school in person with one of them as a junior whilst presumably taking courses at the other high school online, so I assume that she never knew this/didn’t read them well enough to know or understand this.) I notice that she unfollowed the ISFP at some point as a senior, though the ISFP never unfollowed her (she strikes me as being the kind of person who likely took note of the fact that the ISFP’s life doesn’t seem to be heading in a good direction - the ISFP was abused a few years ago, and has had substance use issues since, in addition to having had to repeat a year of high school. She also unfollowed my former best friend, and my former best friend recently unfollowed her back.)
She figured out that I was the one who owned the middle school gossip account (although most of our peers already suspected, and technically, this girl couldn’t prove it either.) She figured this out because she remembered that I was standing nearby when she told my former best friend who she had a crush on (I was being mean and told our peers who she was crushing on.) However, she never directly confronted me about the matter, even though she told my former best friend that she suspected it to be me. She later on changed her mind when I was kind to her friend who lost the role for graduation speaker to me toward the end of eighth grade (but she was right the first time.)
I noticed around junior year that she has actually turned out to be quite nice looking, even though I had once meanly suggested that she was fat in middle school (she was a tad bit chubby, though as an adult I’m inclined to suggest that this was likely simply baby fat/that with us being so young there wasn’t really anything wrong with this.) She does seem to wear makeup, but also has nice style (she is light skinned, and has a looser hair texture, which are likely factors in me thinking she’s attractive, if I’m being honest - she’s mixed race, with a black mother and white father.) I can’t possibly know, but she gives off the impression to me of being someone who knows that she’s attractive (just something about her energy/facial expressions in photos. She has her Instagram account public now.)”
View Poll
submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 TidalLoner13 SMM Beta Testers - Wanted

I’m a social media strategist and coach and I’m looking for some beta testers to test out a program I’m working on.
I’m looking for five social media managers who want to become experts at social media metrics and reporting.
I’ve developed a method to help social media managers become more confident in their social media reporting without having to be good at MATH. And I want to share it with more people.
By being a beta tester I’ll work 1:1 with you to grow your social media expertise.
If you’re interested send me a message. My goal is to support SMM who struggle with reporting and metrics.
submitted by TidalLoner13 to SocialMediaMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:45 Ok-Current-7558 My teacher showed me my college letter of rec....

Hey guys, I had my math teacher send a letter of recommendation to a summer program I was applying to. He sent the program the letter, and he BCC'd me in it. I saw it and it was pretty good IMO. He said that's most likely the same one he'll use for my colleges and just put the college's name in it. Im curious what you guys think? Should I use it for college letters or go with a different teacher? Is it a good letter, is it Ivy League worthy or anything? Edit: Im a junior rn
Here it is (Sensitive info like my name is XXX out):
To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in enthusiastic support of xxx for entrance into the XXXX Program. XXX has a natural curiosity for all things, though her focus is most often centered in the STEM field. Her dedication to her studies and willingness to take on new challenges will allow her to thrive in the intensive environment that your program provides. XXX was originally a student in my freshman geometry class at the college prep level, but she very quickly showed enough promise that I waived her up to the accelerated level. I was sad to lose a student who was clearly very willing to participate, but we both agreed that it would be the best course of action for her ongoing math education. XXX did join the chess club during her freshman year, for which I am the advisor, so I was thankfully still able to follow her progress and hear her share how proud she was of the work she was doing. XXX has remained in accelerated math throughout high school, which allowed her to take my accelerated precalculus class starting this fall. Even in the higher-level course, XXX remains one of the most active participants in class discussion. She will often ask questions that probe further in-depth than the examples that we have covered, usually resulting in her independently coming to the realization that I’ve been building towards introducing to the class. Our course will cover some calculus material by the end of the year, but that has not stopped XXX from staying after school to ask questions about topics that she will encounter in AP Calculus next year. She has already expressed interest in the idea of derivatives, asking for explanations regarding instantaneous rate of change and its applications in the real world. Outside of the math classroom, XXX is the definition of a model student. Her grades in every class are stellar, even those that are not part of the STEM field, and she is an active participant in several extracurricular activities both in and out of school. She is never seen without a smile on her face and a positive attitude. These qualities all contributed to XXX being named Student of the Month last year, and she has received nominations this year as well. I cannot recommend XXX highly enough for selection to the XXX program. In XXX, the program would be gaining an insightful, curious and open-minded young woman who thrives when presented with a challenge. Her demeanor and affect allow her to develop easy friendships and seamlessly collaborate with anyone around her. She will be an asset to XXX. and to those lucky enough to work with her over the six weeks of the program.
submitted by Ok-Current-7558 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:40 yilaca Computer Science Minor in University

Right now, I'll be going into my 3rd year in university and I'm majoring in Digital Arts and Sciences. The major is basically made up of very project-based classes that have us learning about game development, UI/UX, and 3D and/or 2D animation. Eventually, you'll hone in on a certain field in upper-division classes and I've been really interested in pursuing 3D modelling. However, I've recently come across the option of becoming a technical artist and I've hit a bump in the road. How useful would a computer science minor be in pursuing a career as a technical artist?
I've been taking math classes and a programming class so that I can officially declare a computer science minor, but the minor itself would require a lot of credits (24 more to be exact) on top of working a job/internship, school, and developing my 3D modelling skills and portfolio, and I'm not sure balancing all of those is very plausible. So, would a computer science minor really be worth it? If not, what should I be focusing on instead?
Another opinion I would like to ask if you would recommend even considering a career as a technical artist for me as a more artistic-leaning individual.
Any insight or opinions on this would be very helpful!
submitted by yilaca to TechnicalArtist [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:36 Personal_Slide_9421 Is it too late for me to Be Succesful?

I f21 am paralyzed with fear that it is too late for me to do well academically and go to grad school. I have failed so many classes at community college because I have a very real and serious addiction to self sabtoging and procrastination. I simply cannot give myself permission to have enough time to excel. It's crippling, to be motivated in the beginning of the semester and swear it will be different, and then having something make you lose control. I also took a year off of school and worked full time but I still have the exact same problem. The shame swallows me whole, my hair is thinning at my ripe age, I cant stop picking my skin and it's scarring, and my mom refuses to talk to me. I want to do well, it's not like I don't like school, instead, it's like I care so much about it, I can't allow myself to do well. Why do I enjoy making myself suffer? I need someone to say that I will be okay and that I can achieve my dreams of tutoring math, becoming a psychologist,being finachailly independent, having my own art business, and having the freedom to travel a little. Because I keep saying things will be different and that was when I was 16 and now I am 21. Time is ticking and I am well aware how fast it goes by. I just need someone to really believe I still have time and that I will be okay. Becuase now I am stressed about money. If I keep failing, then I will have to take on a full time job and quite school. I am stripping myself of independence. It's so stressful to sit down and do homework every day consistently because it is a reminder of how far behind I am, and I can't face myself everyday. Does anyone have advice for this level of procrastination? And can someone please give me so practical advice and tell me that everything is ok and that I am worthy of love. Thanks
submitted by Personal_Slide_9421 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:30 champagnepapi111 Chance Me: LOW GPA ASIAN

Chance Me: Low GPA ASIAN

Demographics: Male, mid-income, Asian, in Michigan
First gen & immigrant parents
Major: Biology
Academics: GPA (3.6) - upward trend (3.0, 3.0, 4.1, will have 4.7 snr yr first semester), school doesn’t rank
Courseload: 7 APs (Micro, Macro, Bio, Stats, Psych, APES, Lang), 3 Dual enrollments, 3 Honors, Participated in 4-year long school STEM Medical program
Scores: 1520 SAT & All 5s and 4s
Extracurriculars (not in order)
International Qualifier HOSA
International Top 3 Placement HOSA
States 1st Place out of 40 HOSA
AP Scholar w/Distinction
National Merit Semifinalist
LOR: APES + Medicine Research Teachers
Medicine Research: (9/10): close with her + made reviews for struggling students
APES: (6/10): showed initiative, highest score on final exam project, asked and answered questions
Counselor (6/10): Pretty close with me and I went for help a lot during the year, and knows how I pulled my GPA up from the depths of earth
Essays: Not sure yet, but I am a pretty good writer as well as will get good audits
Schools (Safety to Reach): Purdue, OSU, MSU, UMich, UChicago, NYU, UCLA, Brown, Columbia
submitted by champagnepapi111 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 Sunny_Lingonberries Flood risk and climate change

Hi! I was advised by a friend to post here so I hope it's allowed.
I’m a Swedish student within the risk- and environment field at Karlstad University who did an Erasmus exchange in Galway during the autumn semester. I became completely enamoured by the city, and it inspired the choice of topic for my bachelor thesis. I'm writing about attitudes towards flooding and increased flood risk due to climate change in Galway. For this, I have created a survey and would be delighted if you could take some time to answer it. The survey is completely anonymous, takes 5-10 minutes, and is for anyone who previously have or currently live, work, commute through, study, or spend a majority of time in Galway. Your time and participation would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much! Go raibh mile math agat! Tack så mycket!
submitted by Sunny_Lingonberries to GMIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:26 HempPotatos so I live in a blue state but am in the most red county and that is also most likely due to its current mayor. he use to be a gym coach that would also inappropriate touch at times. please advise

seeing the county for all the past events to me still seems it may still fall into being a problem past the statute of limitations as its most likely still occurring and class action worthy. I'm an a blue state but the RED count of it as the mayor was once a state rep, he also thew some kids againts locker for ackint out and was know to tough the inner thy of youm boys to giv an atta boy. (sometimes in the locker room while seated from the naration i can only best recal from the WTF as it happend to family... I did not shower after atending gym due to a lack of protection.
i do not recall if I ever called him "fagian" to his faces, i don't believe i have, him and his wife had many hate filled comments for both seeming to "swing the other way" but we are a hockey town and do tent to banter well.
however i do feel that the3 lack of having a safe place to shower was an issue, when he became the state representative... as poorly treated as I was in Gym and how goodI was at it, i was the "slow kid" that wasn't slow just keeping up to the pace i could as could and it was so tiresome ....
anyway our county is also well known for its hockey team, and I'd love to have a conversation with the mayor. of not many. one include meeting at center ice, but that's mostly because my teachers were not able to deal with my specific condition that they are still uneducated on even in the ER.
I've had my nerodivergant self be scolded at by teachers with inappropriate content on their computer ( pre HS idk the all the details) however i do remer him swinging a yard stick near my head for gettin a math question wrong, and a history teacher that would snap bras and kick people out of class without any eye contac and was also gilty of poaching>
if you want to know where we whip shitties in MN is right her up nort er ya where we sound canadia, but are not at all. we just like the work they do as the tend to be commuters who put up with too much.
OP's pleas monitor and flag or even block if need if need be I just wish that as a child I had had a better learning experience than people tend to suck.
submitted by HempPotatos to Whistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:26 nerdstuffandthat Why don’t universities alter their offers depending on what subjects you do?

So for example me and my friend both applied for computer science at the same university and we both got the offer ABB
I am doing maths, Digital Technology, and physics.
She is doing Health and food science, History, and performing arts.
If I’m doing more relevant and more difficult subjects why did I get the same offer? I’m not mad I know im meeting the offer I’m just wondering how the system works
submitted by nerdstuffandthat to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]