Cramps throwing up


2015.06.05 17:25 GearBent DIWhyNot?


2010.04.20 12:37 myhoteldavao Madayaw!

All about Davao! Addendum: Davao is apolitical but since it's campaign season soon, we'll allow political topics. Reddiquette rules still apply. So, review them here: If any one starts throwing ad hominems against fellow redditors, expect that comment to be deleted. Worst, the redditor who throws ad hominems would be banned from the sub. If the OP is the one throwing ad hominems, expect the thread to be locked or cleaned up.

2015.04.09 01:10 leechkiller Post your Pics of Dogs Throwing Up


2024.05.16 02:05 GarlicReady6986 Advice? Extreme weight loss/weight gain in very short amounts of time

Hi yall! I guess I’m just looking for some advice! I’m (27female) having a rough time right now. I’ve had this issue for years and it just seems to be getting worse. At first I would gain a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Then when I was about 22 I suddenly lost 120 pounds in the course of a little less than 3 months. I was basically throwing up everything I ate. But i did not have insurance at the time and figured if I got WAY sick I would just go to an er. That stopped I stayed that weight for maybe about 6 months then over the course of about 6 months I gained most if not all of that weight back. I intentionally lost about 30 pounds and was fine for probably a year or so then lost another 100 pounds in the course of 3-4 months. This time it was diarrhea. Rinse and repeat this cycle one more time and most recently I gained about 70 pounds in about 5 months. Right now I’m going through the loosing part of it. But it’s 10 times worse. I finally have insurance so I went to the er and they took stool tests, blood tests, and a ct scan. They said I have colitis and bad anemia but that’s it. Still waiting on stool tests. I have lost 23 pounds in 5 days. I plan on getting a primary care doctor and getting a referral soon. I have major cramps and stomach noises and bloated soooo bad as well. I’m just really in search of some one who’s been through something similar and can tell me what they do to help. I’m exhausted from this all.
submitted by GarlicReady6986 to digestiveissues [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:55 LocalBiDisaster Accidentally screwed up low FODMAP, threw up again. Need reassurance.

Hey all, yesterday was officially 2 weeks of low-FODMAP elimination phase for me and I was feeling a LOT better. I had gone from 2-5 very loose stools a day to 0-2 mostly normal stools, hungry more often, less gas, and I hadn’t had a first thing in the morning nausea/vomiting incident since starting the elimination phase. Only one morning where I had a diarrhea attack + nausea and I’m fairly certain it was stress-related due to drama in one of my friend groups, plus zofran kept me from vomiting. I was going to do my first category of reintroduction today to test.
Unfortunately, since much sushi is low FODMAP, I met my girlfriend for lunch yesterday at a sushi place and ordered what I knew to be low FODMAP rolls. But I also ordered a salad trying to be healthy and all that. The waitress said the dressing was ginger and I’m an idiot and assumed it would be fine. Felt fine after.
This morning, gas and nausea. I had a job interview on Zoom and had to apologize for “stomach issues” and sign off very abruptly at the very end to violently throw up after holding it together for the last 30 minutes, desperately hoping the rest of the interview having gone well makes up for it. I googled “what’s in the ginger dressing at sushi restaurants” and probably garlic and honey, also possibly onion and celery, so ALL the fodmaps. Never had any diarrhea today (haven’t even had a bowel movement) but having the fluttery abdominal cramps and throwing up again for the first time in weeks was horrible.
Somebody please tell me I’m not an idiot, this doesn’t mean low FODMAP wasn’t working, I can still figure out what my sensitivities are by testing one at a time, and I’ll be okay. 😭 Feeling like shit.
submitted by LocalBiDisaster to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:42 Outrageous-War-8932 High Dose Vitamin C IV

High Dose Vitamin C IV
Hi, I want to let you all know that my mom is classified as a hospice patient with Ovarian Cancer. She had surgery and that gave her around 8 months of relatively healthy life until it came back. She refused chemo and radiation because of her weakened condition and age (83). I got her to start doing high dose vitamin C IVs at a place called Drip Bar in Minneapolis. They initially had to come to her house to do administer the IVs for a couple weeks because she couldn’t get out of bed. She was full body cramping, throwing up all night, sleeping all day. Approximately, 3 weeks into treatments she started feeling better. Eventually she got back into riding horses and now she’s very energetic, no problems except she still drains the ascities every couple months. It used to be 2x per week. They had given her 1-3 months. In the condition she was in it would have been a very bad month if she made it that long. That was a year ago.
I just found that article directly from the National Institute of Health website that literally says Ivermectin suppresses Ovarian Cancer. I sent it to her doctor. We’ll see what they say. She’s a hospice patient still, so not sure if they’ll prescribe something other than morphine.
It’s a miraculous story and I thought I would share it with this forum.
submitted by Outrageous-War-8932 to Ovariancancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:20 lmariess Birth control and gut issues

I was on continuous birth control for years for my endometriosis. Recently I have had to stop taking NSAIDs cause when I did I would get bad diarrhea. I also stopped my birth control for a few months because I was trying to figure out my stomach issues. My periods returned and started getting painful and I went back on my birth control to stop them but suddenly I CANT TAKE IT. I throw up and have straight up water diarrhea the next day. Along with painful painful cramps. Every time I take a bc pill, next day I die. It’s awful. My doctors have no idea why I can’t take it now or what happened or why I can’t take NSAIDs. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Did you ever fix it? I really need no periods because my endo and I’m not ready for a hysterectomy. Waiting on scopes, all other tests so far have been completely normal.
submitted by lmariess to GutHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:49 DERed29 Stomach bug attacked our family.

It started with my 4.5 year old daughter the week before mother’s day. Stomach cramps, vomiting, followed by a few days of diarrhea. She gets better the friday before mother’s day and my 1 year old son projectile vomits over me twice and my husband twice that same day . His has been a real kicker. he was lethargic all weekend and saturday night got a fever. Took him to urgent care on mother’s day and they said he has an ear infection. Because he just had amoxicillin for a different infection a few weeks back they prescribed cfedinir. This medication has its own issues - runny stools. He has been fussy and now has a runny nose andd cough and popping a tooth! I get the illness monday. Felt like I was on my death bed with vomiting and diarrhea. my in laws came to help. Next day i was better but trying to recover so my mom helped out. now my mom and mil are throwing up and my son is STILL fussy and his daycare provider required 100% symptom free. what is this virus from hell??? How long till the next one?? I’m worried about my son, the illnesses he gets from his sister kick his ass. I don’t think he’s been to a full week of daycare since february.
submitted by DERed29 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:19 ScarcityLive1429 I think I saw my subconscious mind or my soul...?

Hey guys, I don't know wtf I just experienced and where to go to find answers.. But I think I saw my soul???
I'm not going to go into too much detail because I might look crazy + I don't want to sit here for 2 hours typing it out lol
but anyway as i was doing the letting go technique often as I'm letting go my feelings and emotions take on a child like form, like a child throwing a tantrum being frustrated or whatever... I sit there with them and let them run their course and they dissapear.
But this time it was a bit different, the feelings were a bit sporadic and a bit hollow because they would vanish in a minute or two if not seconds... and a bunch different ones popped up one after the other...
I thought it was because I forgot doing it for a couple of days and maybe they just piled up, but it still felt weird...
It was only after I remembered the chapter on love from the book letting go where he said to not see the ego as bad or as the enemy it's simply limited and deserves love too.. So I thought it was my ego acting up (because I have a business deal that's going through) and I thought I might've been just afraid or my ego was tripping or something, so long story short, after letting the feelings run their course, I said I'm sorry for forgetting to sit with them earlier and that they could come anytime they want and I love them either way.. I was talking to my ego, my brain whoever the fuck was listening right... and then my face tenses up almost like I'm having a cramp and I can't control it...
This clear white "being" pops into my head and starts crying, I'm making the face and some tears come out, and I can't control any of it... it goes away for a moment and I get back to my senses and I'm sitting there like wtf was that? have I gone insane now? Is this it? I calm myself down, my heart is pumping and i'm out of breath... try to calm myself but I can't... so like any "sane" person would I decide to go back in, I close my eyes again and get taken back into that place, there was nothing there... clear... with this white "being" hugging me crying and calling out to my mom... Now I'm crying and I can feel what it's feeling.. and I sit with that feeling, it cries it all out and now we're standing still and I realize I have been avoiding this pain my whole life... (my mom left when I was 3 btw srry for the fcking dumping)
But now this being is okay, and I realize i've been avoiding it & it didn't have anybody tell them that it was loved... and I start feeling bad about not paying any attention to it... and I start bawling, I don't think i've ever cried like this since I was a child, tears running down my neck all the way to my chest...
and as this runs it's course, and we're both done, I have this sense of overpowering euphoria, almost like an overdose... If you've ever smoked too much or had too much nicotine, that tingling feeling all over your body... where it's simply too much... and it starts guiding me out, I'm looking around frantically trying to keep focus to understand what is happening but random thoughts keep popping up in my head, and sense that it's guiding me out/ kicking me out... and I ask it are you kicking me out now and it says yes, you're not ready yet...
and then boom I snap out of it...
Before I left though I saw some sh*t from my childhood I completely forgot about, some unclear pictures... and I don't know if it was my subconscious mind or my soul? it felt so whole yet separated.... Like a droplet if "wholeness" was the ocean...
Has anyone had a similar experience or have I just lost it completely?
Maybe not the best place to ask but worth giving it a shot because I don't know where else to go..
submitted by ScarcityLive1429 to DavidHawkins [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:55 here2chinwag Measured 5w6d at 8w2d appt

Hi. I measured 5w6d at my 8w2d appt on 5/13. There was an irregular gestational sac present and a normal yok sac. No fetal pole. Part of me hopes that it’s too early to tell but the irregular GS is throwing me off. The PA has high suspicions of an abnormal pregnancy or early loss or possible miscarry in the coming days. They didn’t check my HCG levels. LMP was 3/16 and positive pregnancy test was 4/22. Pretty sure I ovulated 4/6 or 4/8. The last day we had sec was April 7th so even if I ovulated late, it’s not likely the sperm stayed in my body that long :(
I was in shock at my appt that I barely asked the right questions or any…
Has this happened to anyone else? Did you have heavy bleeding after? When? I had some cramping and spotting last night (5/14). Is that the miscarriage?
I’m thinking about getting a private ultrasound next week because my follow up isn’t until June 5th. At least the US will tell me if it developed past 5w6d or if it stopped. Then I’ll know it’s an actual loss…
When can I start trying again? I don’t want to miss my next fertile window. No idea when I’m going to bleed or if I’m going to bleed. Such a weird limbo.
First miscarriage, first pregnancy, ugh
submitted by here2chinwag to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:35 TriBiscuit Occupation Hazard [36]

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Memory transcription subject: Herq, Tilfish Junior Exterminator
Date [standardized human time]: December 3rd, 2136
“Understood, on our way.” Frankie stuffed his radio away.
“W-What? More Arxur?” I shivered.
“Don’t think so. Hope not. We gotta go to the van.”
The human didn't give me time to reply as he stepped over the body like it wasn’t even there. Swallowing some bile, I took aimed steps around it. The smell of blood wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn’t any worse than burning flesh.
The stomps of Frankie’s boots down the stairs reminded me to keep moving. I scuttled down the stairs, turning the corner to see another body I was forced to step around. Two of them had come after us, two who were even more eager than the first group we encountered.
“Do you t-think it’s the same ones from before?” I asked.
The human grunted. “Hell if I know. But I wouldn’t doubt it one bit if it was. Guy got his ego hurt, and wanted some revenge. God knows if he was waiting there for an ambush.”
“They… couldn’t have known about the weapons, right?”
He shrugged. “Maybe. He at least knew we were stranded without a vehicle. Maybe put his bets on us getting some transport.”
I didn’t have much time to ponder it. Frankie was already peeking outside the building, shotgun raised. I came up behind him, checking behind as we scooted out of the building. Once he was confident, Frankie dashed towards the van.
We came upon it quickly. I was glad the Arxur he shot was on the other side to spare me from the gore. He turned around to the backside of the van, where his face contorted. “Holy shit.”
“What?” I asked, coming around next to him.
The scaly legs are the first thing I saw. They led up to its back, which looked like it had exploded. Blood was nearly everywhere around the gray, and I even thought I saw a piece of bone. My whole body begged me to run away from the gore, to find a corner to throw up in, but I couldn't look away. And that didn't even cover the Yotul.
The green-stained wraps around his legs were the first thing I noticed after the hulking mass of reptile. His right paw was a bleeding mess haphazardly wrapped in a loose bandage, and his other was curled around an Arxur gun—its gun, I realized. His face had speckles of red on it, much like the rest of the van. There was what could only be described as a huge gun beside him.
Relief washed over his features once he saw us, and he let the weapon clatter onto a bloody crate. “Where’s Luke?”
I watched Frankie for any signs of turning feral, despite the improbability of it ever happening. The copious amount of blood was more than enough to drive any predator into a crazed frenzy, but still Frankie showed enormous restraint. If anything, he almost looked… disgusted by it. I shouldn’t have been surprised.
He took a quick breath to steady himself. “Uh, Dusty took a few rounds, he’s patching her up. I see you can… handle yourself.”
“No,” the Yotul spat back. “It almost…” His voice broke, and he shook his head.
Frankie nodded. “Let’s get moving. I’ll… clear the way, if you could help him, Herq.” The human crouched down and gripped the monster's legs and gave a tug. He started sliding the body out of the way, a trail of blood marking every crate it was slumped over.
I took a step forward, suppressing a gag at the sights and smells. It was like walking into a predator’s den. Dark and damp and terrible, with evidence of what happened drowning my entire field of view. “W-What happened? It looks-”
“I shot the bastard.”
I twitched my antennae. “R-Right.” I took several breaths before finding the strength to proceed. I tried to ignore the blood marked across the walls and creeped in, though I couldn’t ignore the green smears that were on the crates. I did my best to avoid stepping on… anything, really.
The Yotul grabbed a red box full of first aid supplies and set it by his right side. He began to peel off the green-stained gauze on his paw. “I need an extra paw for this.”
“Of course. You’re Reno, right?” He ignored me. I felt a shiver spread through my carapace as he revealed the wound. “T-Those look like-”
“Yeah, I know.”
I gave him a flick of my antennae. He raised a bottle of what I assumed to be antibiotic solution, which I took. I gingerly uncapped the bottle and murmured, “This is going to sting.”
“Do you constantly state the obvious? Just get it over with.”
I took his paw in my feeler and generously poured it over the wound. He let out a small groan, but nothing more. I wiped it, then took some gauze and began wrapping it far better than he could with just a paw and a mouth. I tightened it, and sealed it with some adhesive.
“There. I-I think that’s good, but I don’t commonly work with other species.”
“I can tell.” The Yotul began to get up on their injured legs.
“A-Are you sure you should be walking?” He ignored me again. I stuck out an arm to help him. “Here, at least-”
“I don’t need your help,” he spat, slapping me away with annoyance. He shakily stood up, leaning precariously against the side of the van atop the crates.
I waved my antennae with concern. “I… Let me know if-”
“I won’t,” he coldly said, not giving me so much as a glance back as he hobbled out of the van.
I don’t blame him. The Arxur looked like he was inches away from tearing him apart. Not to mention the claw marks on his wrist… I can’t imagine what happened to him just moments ago.
I crawled out of the van after him, glad to be out, but probably not nearly as glad as him. Frankie came from around the van and dusted his hands.
“That was gross.” He turned to Reno. “You’re up already? Your legs are-”
“Worry about them when we’re in the truck. We need to get the fuck away from here.” He leaned against the van, catching his breath. He was clearly in pain, but didn’t want to show it.
“Gotcha. Luke should be—ah, right there.”
I followed his gaze, spotting the truck rolling towards us with its cracked windows and decorated doors. It stopped right beside the van. A human stepped out, the same one from the predator disease facility. He took one look at Reno, worry spreading across his face. “Holy shit.”
Reno grunted. “That’s what Frankie said.”
“I… We can talk in the truck,” Luke decided.
“Is my gun still in the building?”
“In the backseat.”
The Yotul lowered his head, letting out a breath of relief. I didn’t understand how much a simple firearm could possibly mean to him, but I wasn’t about to question him about it.
Lieutenant Holtas came to the other side of the van, whistling once he saw the crate. “Damn, this is… a lot.”
“Enough to turn the tide, I hope?” Frankie asked.
“There’s a chance it might be… If there’s anything left once we get back. Two of their bunkers are already swarming with Arxur.”
“T-Two?” I stammered. “Which ones?”
The predator shook his head dismissively. “Talk later.”
I shook my antennae in irritation, until another human then emerged from around the truck. It was the dark-skinned, dark-haired human from before as well, Dusty. Her vest had several lesions across it, far more than the few Frankie had received during his gutsiness. She wasn’t unscathed, however, as her left sleeve had been pulled up, revealing a stripe of bandaging. Her eyes regarded me with an expression I couldn't decipher, turning into a more shocked expression when they saw Reno. “...Damn.”
The Lieutenant turned to her. “Keep an eye out from where they came. Reno, do the same for the other side of the street. I’m not looking to get ambushed again.”
The two signaled their understanding. Luke’s gaze lingered a little longer on the wounded Yotul as he hobbled to retrieve his weapon from the truck.
Frankie grunted from behind me, picking up two big and bloodied crates. “Open the doors, would ya?”
I obliged, yanking open the hatches to the truck so the burly human could deposit the weapons. Luke walked past me, saw the mess in the back of the van, and shook his head while muttering something. Still, he crouched and grabbed two crates in each hand.
I couldn’t very well just stand around, so I begrudgingly walked over and picked the cleanest crates I could manage while repelling the numerous dry heaves my body wanted to conjure. I hefted them up, and followed the same path as Luke and Frankie.
I passed Dusty, who groaned, rubbing her left arm. “Why do these idiots use such a small caliber? You’d think they’d want to kill the people they’re shooting at.”
I nervously tilted my antennae. “You would… hope so.”
“They enjoy the thrill of the hunt,” Reno growled. “Use it to just incapacitate their prey. Dead ones don’t squirm while they’re eaten.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the street. As we continued to load the human armaments into the truck, the two kept a cautious set of eyes out on either side of the street. Frankie managed to fit the big gun back into its respective crate while Luke stared at it, incredulously. Dusty glanced back with a similar look, which gave me the feeling the predators were all thinking the same thing. The only one who didn’t break his focus was Reno.
The van got emptier, the truck got fuller, and soon enough we were ready to leave this place for good. Luke gave us the clear and got into the driver seat. Frankie took the front passenger seat, leaving the three of us to squeeze into the back. The windshield left a lot to be desired, and I wondered if Luke would even be able to see through it.
It was cramped, to say the least. I was forced into the side, with the Yotul in the middle, while Dusty filled in the remaining seat. From someone looking in from outside, it would be a very strange sight to behold.
She slammed the door shut. “Tight fuckin’ fit. Hope we have enough fuel.”
“Won’t be an issue,” Luke said, sending the engine revving as we began to accelerate.
Thank Formi we’re finally leaving. How long have I been awake for? How long have the Arxur been in Tepisil? And how are the exterminators from the human camp doing? There’s far too much to worry about.
I hoped Tealk was fine in the hatchery’s bunker. That is, if it wasn’t already compromised. Tepisil was given the tiny mercy of just a small warning prior to any bombs dropping. The shelters were likely packed to the brim. Just waiting for the Arxur to come.
“Frankie, give me some light, would ya?” Dusty ordered. She had pulled Reno’s hindlegs on her lap, and was now inspecting them with the help of Frankie’s flashlight. I could see the green blood that had leaked down his legs from the wounds, along with pieces of black debris.
Reno had no choice but to let Dusty tend to him. I tried my best to ignore the blood she was forcing out by ripping through the bandages, though I gagged upon seeing her dig into his flesh with a pair of tweezers, pulling out a small bullet while he hissed in pain. Those were the only noises for a time while the human used a strange syringe to push some sort of foam into the wound, then tightly wrapping his legs.
She did a better job than I ever could’ve. At this point, it shouldn’t have impressed me that the predators had a concept of medicine or even treatment for the wounded, rather than just leaving the weak for dead. The amount of care she put into someone from another species spoke volumes to the humans’ empathetic capacity.
The streetlights of the city finally receded from us. I could almost feel the weighty air in the truck lighten, like a part of the despair had been left behind in Dirlsil. It wouldn’t last for long.
At some point in the middle of all the crop fields, Frankie cleared his throat. “Can I be the one to break the silence? ‘Cause Reno shot that gray with a whole bloody anti-materiel rifle.”
“God, I’m glad somebody finally fucking said it. Point blank, too,” Dusty said.
The Yotul didn’t offer a response, only stared off into the distance. I felt nothing but sympathy for him. They meant well, but I suspected they did more harm than good. The humans clearly had no idea what he’d just gone through; the fear, the uncertainty, the possibility of being eaten alive. I had a feeling the only reason he was alive was because of his quick thinking, the Arxur’s cockiness, and luck.
Luke cleared his throat. “Uh, how did you fare, Frankie? I saw the marks on your vest.”
My human grunted. “Barely even felt them hit me. Once the shooting started we dove back into the toy shop. Arxur are damn cocky bastards, but I don’t reckon they’re used to whatever they’re chasing fighting back so hard. Shot one, ran up the stairs, shot the other. Easy as that.”
It was not, in fact, as easy as that. I was terrified the entire time. It was Frankie who did everything, and even then, he screamed and shouted during the entire encounter. He was fearless in the face of fear while I had been useless. Again. My only saving grace was that I didn’t freeze like I did at the PD facility, even if that meant I merely ran instead. I felt a stab of anger mixed with regret, an entirely unwelcome feeling that I decidedly earned.
I can’t rely on the Terrans forever. At some point, my uncontrollable fear is going to cost lives. I… I can’t let fear be the driver.
“We had four of the fuckers on us,” Dusty said. “Retreated into the store opposite yours. We were doing just fine ‘till one of them tossed a grenade.”
I felt Reno tense up to me. He had a thousand-lightyear stare.
“Then they came in after us, separated us from Reno. They were fucking relentless, didn’t give us a chance to fight. Forced us all the way back into the stockroom, then kept pushing their luck. Finally had a corner, then the bastards leapt forward rather than being smart, getting me tagged. Hurts like hell just thinking about flexing the muscle.”
“God, can we change the subject? I regret asking,” Lieutenant Holtas said, shifting uncomfortably. “Frankie, you want to try again with the UN? And Herq, now that you’re with us, can you contact Von and inform him of what happened?”
I almost flinched when he said my name. “Y-Yeah, of course.” I started to pull out my holopad. I hovered over Tealk’s contact before moving to Von’s. I tapped the icon, and it rang for only a second before he picked up.
I pulled the pad closer, overhearing Frankie start his own call to the UN. “Yes, it’s me. We made it out of Dirlsil with the weapons, and we’re in one piece.”
“Formi is that good to hear. I won't sugarcoat it, things have gotten much worse. You may have heard it from the humans, but cattle shuttles just landed around Bunker Four… which has no one to defend it. Bunker Six had contact and they are at a stalemate, but won't stay that way. I… sincerely hope you brought lots of ammo.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat. “I can’t say for certain what the predators brought with us… We’re driving as fast as we can, we expect to be there in forty minutes.”
“Too long… The grays are already going into buildings, trying to flush them out. We don’t have the firepower.”
“I… We need a rally point in order to distribute them as fast as possible.”
“One advantage is that they aren’t using their numbers prowling the empty buildings on the outskirts… Shit, Polle is calling me… It’s about Bunker Six. Listen, I’ll send you more information when I can. Call me ten minutes before you reach the city.”
“Yes, of course. Please, stay safe.”
“We both know that isn’t going to happen. Hurry.”
A tone signified he hung up the call. I tentatively swirled my antennae, seeing my company look away. “I-I’m guessing everyone heard that?”
Reno flicked his ears, and the humans nodded from the front seats. A steady silence came over us. It was probably well into the early hours of the morning at this point. My body was tired, and my mind more so. I knew well that I should have been more scared or worried, but I simply didn’t have the energy. It was like Frankie said earlier.
“Who wants a granola bar?” Frankie abruptly barked.
Luke shrugged. “I mean…”
The two humans accepted his offer, not like they had much choice since they were already being distributed. A bar was put into Reno’s paws, and suddenly, I was holding one too.
“It… doesn’t have meat, does it?” I asked.
“No, you idiot. I don’t eat meat,” Reno hissed, unwrapping his food.
“Sorry… I just wanted-”
“It’s just a bar of sugary grain. You’d think you would know by now that humans aren’t going to hurt you, or do anything else ‘predatory.’” He said the last word with distaste, like it personally offended him. He was clearly more used to the primates than I was, or ever could be. I knew they wouldn’t mean me any harm, but it was hard to shake off the thoughts that always lingered in my mind when around predators.
I thought his behavior was simply fried nerves from his close call with the Arxur, but there was something more to it, something bitter in his tone that hinted at more than just the last encounter. It reminded me of hearing about his outburst at my sister, Tealk, back at the hatchery. It didn’t sit right with me, but I wasn’t in any position to ask him about it, especially not at that moment.
Dusty was already stuffing the bar into her mouth, not much caring for how revolting I found it. I’d gotten used to their toothy smiles, but seeing her take a bite, just like she would chow down on a piece of bloody meat… If I wasn’t so hungry after so many hours, I would’ve lost my appetite.
Reno bit into the bar, and I carefully unwrapped mine, ignoring the female’s sickening mouth movements. I gave a cautionary sniff before taking a small nibble. It was acceptable, even good considering I hadn’t eaten for so long. I took another bite, then another, and then I noticed Dusty looking at me.
I couldn’t help the way my muscles tensed in agitation. She was instinctively sizing me up, now that food was on her mind. “W-What is it?” I stuttered.
She raised her eyebrows, glancing away. “Nothing. Just the way you move your hands, er… tarsals? Tarsals, across your mandibles when you eat. It’s… nevermind.”
My… tarsals? I flexed a feeler, inspecting it like something was wrong with it. I looked back at the predator, who was now looking out the window. At least she wasn’t… staring at me anymore. Humans got stranger every moment I spent with them. I thought there was a glimmer of hope that they wouldn’t all be as strange as Frankie, but that clearly had yet to be proven.
I took another small bite. Before I knew it, I had eaten the whole thing and had nothing left to occupy the time. There were only dark crop fields outside our truck, and predators or the predator-diseased inside. Nothing to distract me from the knowledge that Sillis was going to fall. Nothing to distract me from the thoughts telling me to give up, to run away, like a coward.
A muted atmosphere of haunting tranquility came over our vehicle, one that everyone silently and willfully acknowledged. We all knew what we were driving towards.

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Thanks to u/WCR_706 for proofreading. And, of course, thanks to SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe.
submitted by TriBiscuit to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:22 idkhihowareya What Happens at the Gynecologist

I'm 17, I never been to a Gynecologist before. I wanted to see one because I've been having very painful cramps for about 48hrs straight. Where I want to throw up and I can barely do anything. I've always had problems with my period. When I first got it, I was have bigger than normal clots. But that died down and now it's just pain.
I have a couple of questions - If you want a pelvic exam do you have to get a pap smear done as well? - Afterwards, would they only give you birth control? I don't want to take birth control - If they don't find anything, will they just tell me to take ibuprofen every month? Also do they have smaller ibuprofen pills, I have trouble taking big pills. - Does anyone know alternatives to Aleve? I was taking Aleve which helped with the pain, but I stopped taking it because of the titanium dioxide. I've done natural methods and advil, but they don't help much.
Also I'm just scared to have a bad doctor and to be looked at. I might cry during this exam.
submitted by idkhihowareya to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 celestebcg My amazing Bi-Salp Experience at 25!

A lot of write posts about peoples experience with their Bi-Salp helped me prepare for mine so I thought I would post about my personal experience!!
So about three years ago, I got my copper IUD placed. I didn’t want to try any hormonal birth control because I tend to be hormone imbalanced, considering I got my period when I was nine years old and I already had ovarian cyst when I was 12 I didn’t want to add to the mix. For the first two years of me having it because my wedding ended up getting postponed due to Covid January 2023, I got married started my first year with the copper IUD being actually sexually active. I always loved my IUD because of the presence of no side effects. Other than the fact that my periods were terrible my periods would fluctuate from being seven days to eight days to 14 days to 20 days long. Throughout the month, I would always spot and have random cramping and then on the day cycle or the day leading up, I was already spotting a lot.. I would take 800 mg of ibuprofen every four hours for the entirety of my period because I could not Barrett all of this medication definitely affected my gut health. Towards the fall of last year, I felt like my cycles were getting a little lighter. Finally I thought I’m about to be three years with this may be it will be regulating a little more soon even with the copper had an extreme paranoia of anxiety, but I didn’t realize how extreme my anxiety is now that this risk of getting pregnant I felt was so prevalent, even though I had a obsess over people and I didn’t use any other form of birth control like condoms because I didn’t really like how it felt. I was always paranoid sitting on the toilet for hours waiting for everything to come out not doing anything for two weeks out of the month I include my period and then my ovulation week because that would also make me more paranoid. The last few months of a light cycle I got the worst cycles I had ever gotten they lasted about three weeks with giant clotting and in general I would always be having to wear. Diapers. I would wear a diaper with a pad on the inside of it and I would go through that every hour and a half so my blood loss was intense after my cycle I would get super lightheaded and the worst part is that I have always been chronically anemic my whole life I’m also vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.. It was a perfect storm. The anemia was being affected by the IUD blood loss and then I was diagnosed with heavy menstrual hemorrhaging. so in January, I decided to go to the doctor and see if there was any other options. Still, I knew that birth-control with hormones was not some thing I wanted. I was referred to a minimally, invasive, OB/GYN surgeon, and I asked about getting a Bi-Salp. he spoke to me about the whole process, and I was very excited that day we decided to take my IUD out, which thankfully was not as painful as the torturous insertion. His plan was let’s see how my natural cycle after. Take the IUD out if my bleeding regulates and I’m not losing as much blood. Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week. 22 Would be a good option, but then it will be evident that the IUD is not the cause and that it’s a further issue and then they were considering doing a hysterectomy so that I would no longer get a cycle and I wouldn’t have to worry about my anemia, but by taking the IUD out sure enough my cycles got better two months and my cycles went from a two week period to a 2 to 3 day. to 3 day period. Not even days after removing my copper IUD I felt so much relief. I felt a fullness disappear that I didn’t even realize was there in the first place and a lot of other things changed to my skin got clear and overall I felt less anxious. I believe that the copper in the IUD had been causing me some sort of copper toxicity. so after two months, I called the doctor and told him that my period had gotten better so I went back and we schedule the Bi-Salp. So I went two months without any birth control and stayed away from my husband. Lol, thankfully at the end of the two months I was able to get my surgery and a week before my surgery. I went to a regular visit with my OB and they did an ultrasound and they saw that they’re good possibly be a polyp on my uterus so when they went in to do my procedure, they also did a Oppie with to see if there was any polyps and remove the polyps that were there. They also found some cysts that they removed and I also had some endometriosis growing on my left tube and ovary thankfully they were able to remove! For the surgery and leading up to it, I stayed away away from any foods that would make me gassy and anything that would constipate me. I was drinking MiraLAX in my tea every night for the week leading up to the surgery.
Surgery day of: On the morning of the surgery, I was advised to not take my Vyvanse, which I use for anxiety and ADHD. So I skipped it and just drink water since I have been fasting since 10 PM the night before. When I arrive to the hospital, I was able to go to the bathroom thankfully and then started getting prepped for surgery. They obviously had me do a urine test and then got me set up with my IV where they would insure all of my meds this was very painful, but I sat and waited before I was feeling loopy. They gave me the anti-stress and anxiety medication before they administered the anesthesia and suddenly I was knocked out. All I remember is walking into the surgery room and thinking wow this is like Grey’s Anatomy and then knocking out next thing, I remember I wake up in the room and I am very groggy and out of it. Thankfully, the anesthesia did not cause nausea. The hardest part during this transition was getting me to pee because I kept wanting to fall asleep so badly but they kept telling me if I didn’t pee then I wouldn’t be able to go home to finally sleep so I was bloated and swollen And I finally peed the second time. After that, I was discharged and my family did a great job at trying to keep me awake while we drove home because I was asleep in the car that could get nauseous and throw up, which would hurt my belly from making those kind of movements. Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the Thankfully, I got home and I knocked out on the couch. I woke up dazed and confused but feeling a lot better and refreshed. I felt good for about an hour and then the pain started, but not any sort of abdominal pain from the surgery itself. It was just the pain from the gas pain from the laparoscopic surgery. This pain was definitely intense and it progressed my worst day was the day after the surgery. But that same night after the surgery was difficult because I could not find any position where I was comfortable. I was taking Gas-X every two hours charcoal pills every two hours and ibuprofen and Tylenol alternated every four hours. They gave me OXY if I wanted to take it, but I never did because I didn’t wanna get constipated and I really didn’t feel any pain that the oxy could resolve pain medication does not resolve gas pain. First night I slept propped up with a lot of pillows around me holding my belly holding me from every position where I could put more weight to add pain to my body well, I didn’t really sleep that night, but I tried to sleep, but I rested upright on the couch and I was up maybe every hour going to pee and walking around because the best advice I could give is just walk as much as it hurts. Everything hurts with these gas pain so I feel better to be walking around in pain than to be sitting down, knowing that I’m not actually resolving any of the gases that is the only way the gases will escape your body. That was exhausting because I could not sleep as much as I wanted to. the day was extremely painful trapped in my ribs. It felt like someone had a split my ribs but again I had no tenderness or soreness in my abdomen no cramping anything like that. I complain the most and the most uncomfortable part of everything was just being very very bloated and not being able to suck in my stomach. I’m naturally a very thin person so having my stomach was frustrating because none of my clothes fit me comfortably. The bloating started from the top of my rib cage all the way down. But I kept up with charcoal pills and Gas-X, and I’m thinking the charcoal definitely help because I would notice a difference after taking that even more so than the Gas-X. I finally was able to go to the bathroom after the surgery and thankfully it was a smooth transition to going into the bathroom. I’m sure the MiraLAX helped because of that and I had hardly been eating because my stomach was so swollen and were so severe that even one bite of food in my stomach would make everything swell up even more and it it would hurt me. So those first few days I kept it very light. The second night after the surgery was another miserable night. I almost cried that night because I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I hadn’t slept or napped all day because the pain would prevent me from being able to rest in a comfortable position and then all night again, I did not sleep, those were the hardest 2 nights. The following day I saw a tiny bit of progress with the gas pain. But eventually, I think I got used to it by Saturday surgery having been Monday. I felt significantly better still very swollen but better. Sunday I left the house for the first time got ready put normal clothes on. The loosest clothes that I had. And that was nice to finally leave the house and try to do something normal, came back and was definitely exhausted and rested for the rest of the day by this point I was no longer taking any pain medication. Just the charcoal pills. By Monday I was feeling significantly better. I had gotten my cycle over the weekend and it was not a very painful cycle. Just a little bit of mild cramping and bleeding but nothing crazy on Wednesday. I had my follow up appointment a week and a half after surgery and I was cleared for all activity and just told to be careful with how heavy things are when I lift them to stay away from anything more than 30 pounds. I had sex for the first time in three months because of the fact that I had no birth control before my surgery for those two months when they had taken my IUD out. It was a little bit painful because my body had gotten used to sex and no penetration at all. Very quickly my bodygot used to it again. And I enjoyed it so much. I was scared to have an orgasm because I had heard online that some people complained of cramping after the orgasm, but I had no cramping at all only enjoyment. The fact that I was able to do everything I wanted without any anxiety that I would get pregnant without having to do anything to prevent that was liberating and it literally has improved my sex life incredibly and just the short amount of time today I am 2 1/2 weeks postop. And I feel great. My incisions are healing really well and I’m about to start using scar tape for the scars. I have barely any gases. My stomach is as flat as it normally is, and I’ve been feeling wonderful. The only thing I noticed after my surgery was a little bit of breaking out right after the surgery, but they said that that was normal since a lot of the drugs and medicine they put into your system for surgery is basically detoxing after you come out of surgery so it comes out of your body in different ways. I do not regret this surgery. It has completely changed my mindset towards life. I feel free finally. I’m sure my age has a lot to do with my recovery time and overall I’m a very sickly person for my age so I was expecting for this recovery to take me weeks to months, but I am feeling wonderful. I’m about to be the maid of honor for a wedding this Friday and I feel no restraint and dancing or anything of this sort. I’m grateful I didn’t get any soreness or pain in my abdomen after the surgery and that all I had to deal with was the severe gas pain. I know that is not everyone’s experience, but that was mine and I’m very happy with it. Just wanted to share some details on how everything went and hopefully this can be helpful to someone. Thankfully, my insurance covered most of the procedure and all I had to pay was $1,500. I have never been happier with a decision in my life.
submitted by celestebcg to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:42 Past-Outlandishness5 Brown discharge for a week before period, need advice.

Hi all, I’ve never been diagnosed with endometriosis (21F) but a doctor and I suspected I had it when I was 15 and had immensely painful periods that consisted of throwing up most of the time if painkillers didn’t work or I didn’t get to them in time. But my pain all of a sudden stopped when I was around 18. I get maybe some light cramps but sometimes I feel nothing… and have a 5-6 day period most cycles. I’m mostly regular around 28 days as well.
The thing I do know that people talk about on here is the brown discharge. That I do have. I never used to get it until after I stopped taking birth control (which I went on because it helped ease my pain when I was younger). I get brown discharge every single month, and I don’t feel like it’s normal. I’ve read it’s normal to have it for up to 3 days but mine usually lasts for 5+ sometimes more than a week before my period starts. Some people have said things like low progesterone due to high cortisol or having low iron levels but this is a consistent issue for me for years now and I’m not sure if that’s what it is. Does anyone else experience this or is it something else?
submitted by Past-Outlandishness5 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:27 Top_Classroom7460 Braxton hicks every 5 minutes, daily

Im currently 39+1 with my 2nd baby, and im SO uncomfortable and sore. I'm dealing with severe pelvic pain, reflux so bad that I throw up, back aches and cramps, intense lightning crotch, and near constant braxton hicks.
For the last 2+ weeks, ive been getting proper braxtons hicks (which I didn't have for majority of this pregnancy), which is fine. But for the past week, they've been getting more and more regular, and for the past few days, I've been lucky to go 5 minutes without having one. They're usually not accompanied by cramps, but they last about 2 minutes and are very uncomfortable. It feels like everything triggers them, and it doesn't help that I have a 2 year old climbing all over me. I'm just so done 😭. I'm in constant pain, and haven't felt comfortable in months
submitted by Top_Classroom7460 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:53 haveallthekryptonite This is how I've been keeping my plants alive in my basement apartment. looking for a better solution!!

This is how I've been keeping my plants alive in my basement apartment. looking for a better solution!!
My boyfriend and I have been living in a basement apartment since August. We have windows of decent size, though they're at sidewalk level. living in Maine, we don't have a lot of sunlight to start with.
When we moved in, I bought this greenhouse off of Amazon: It's not great, but it's gotten the job done relatively well. The 12-hour cycle on the grow lights has been really good for my succulents, and the plastic has (mostly) kept out my cat. If given the opportunity, she will eat and throw up leaves all over my carpet to her heart's content. Unfortunately, the greenhouse has gotten too cramped to manage. Plants are getting knocked over when I move the dome to water them, and the flaming Katy especially is running up against the walls of the greenhouse.
Any ideas on something that might work better? Ideally, something cat-proof. Thank you!!
front row L to R: mint, thyme (these are very new, purchased 1 week ago). back row L to R: jade, flaming Katy, mother of thousands (all second-hand, I've owned them anywhere from 8 months to 2.5 years).
submitted by haveallthekryptonite to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:08 ForestHasEyes Polish GROM has been fighting a secret war for decades, our enemies aren't human [Part 3]

Blachowicz here.
Kept yah’ waiting, huh? Heh, sorry about that one, but I can explain. As we all know… we lost a few good men the last few months.
That’s the brutal part of a hybrid war like ours: We’re fighting a foe unconventional, with half our arsenal tied down because those who grant us authorization are either in disbelief of the true facts, or scared… or already assimilated. That being said our momentum recently was a change not seen in years, and because of that… despite the losses we have garnered, we were close through a breakthrough. One last night Krol pulls myself and other two must trusted squad leads into the back of our COP. There is one of our equipment cages, surrounded by m-bitter radios, tripods, and several hundred thousand dollars of equipment he brought us around a simple worn table. Before us he laid a map of eastern poland… red markings indicating cells that seemed to dot the countryside like a pestilence, or used to… as deep gashes of advance from raids had trisected their lines, even if ones did pop up in the interior.
It was a back and forth; an outside virus infecting Polska at it’s heart, and we were the antibodies sent to drive them out. To which… Major Krol points to one of the largest symbol on the map: a dark red diamond, the NATO symbol for an enemy unit, deep inside of an untouched wooded area, adjacent to a mountain ridge. Several jagged lines indicated entrenchment, with red horizontal lines indicating possible enemy control… or our contested control, for over 20kms surrounding it. Letting us all look, the Major lit himself a cigarette.
“Sir, you sure it’s wise to smoke in here with the dive tanks just behind us” 1st Squad’s lead quipped. “Fuck off” Krol dryly said.
“Alright… this is it… this is the one we’ve been searching for for years, this is the nucleus my predecessor commander died trying to find” he says, pointing to it. Not far from Zamosc, it was almost touching the border with Belarus, the contested area indicating the Strigoi did operate over it… indicating one of the largest spill through points. “-It’s an old soviet bunker, made during their 1960s initiative it was designed to hold the munitions and manpower of several units in the event of a NATO first strike” Krol explained. “It’s gotta be massive then…” I said gazing at the map; “Didn’t the army demolish all of the old soviet hulks near Belarus to prevent any infiltrations?” 3rd Squad’s lead asked. “National Police took the effort over… and by extension, the Strigoi. It was halfway demo’ed before they burrowed into it and have been using it as a bridgehead ever since. This is it…” Krol said. He looked around at all of us, a sense of certainty I had never seen before as he blew smoke from his nostrils; “We’ve been fucking around in the dark for so long, it’s hard to believe we’ve made any progress, but this is it. With this gone, this will set them back over a decade and the momentum will finally shift into our favor… into Poland’s… -Europe’s”.
I swear there was almost a flash of joy, of pride in his eyes and a phantom of a smirk before reality set back in “That being said… we can’t leave this to chance, especially not something as important as this. We’re going to have to go there ourselves… clear through every inch of that place, and tear it all down, piece by piece. I will be straight with you all… when we go, there will be some of us that aren’t coming back. -but we are going… a whole generation is counting on us, and unborn billions rely on us to succeed”. We all nodded, a silent agreement washing over us as we took this upon ourselves. Echo-1 spoke up: “So… They’re authorizing a raid? How big?”. “We’re rolling in as a hard target, armor, explosives, and air support” Krol answered, taking a drag off his cigarette. “Aviation? How the hell did we get that approved, we’ve gotten attempts shot down four times due to those leeches” I said in disbelief. “There’s too much evidence here pointing to the human trafficking tied to their actions… We’ve finally got too much weight pinning them down, to keep the hammer from slamming into their necks” Krol chuckled. He looked around “Any questions?”. “When?” Echo-3 asked. “Three hours. We’re hitting them in the dead of night, only time we could get the birds authorized. Get your boys ready. We’re rolling out” Krol said, dying the cigarette bud out on the table. I can’t begin to tell you the euphoria we felt leaving that cage, as our men started arriving, they did so a lot quicker, and with their heads a lot higher than they had in weeks. As Second Squad’s lead we were going to be one of the main arms of attack into the bunker, thus I made sure we had a breacher loaded with enough thermite, charges, and tools to cut through anything. Our shield bearer we ready to go, as was our assaulters, grenadiers, and machine gunner. I double checked each and everyone of their weapons; ensuring the feeder paws of our squad’s belt fed were intact, making sure every breach charge we had was properly set and packed. There was going to be no mistakes, no slip ups. The margin of error needed to be the smallest it had ever been for us tonight if we were going to make the gore spilt worth it.
Finally… there on the outside of the building, the bright LED lights kept the darkness of the ensuing night at bay as the roar of our MRAPs could be heard. It was said once that war is 99% peace, and 1% chaos, they were right. The slow periods where the blood slowed and the doubt creeped in was the worst… yet we all kept it at bay. We needed to, there was going to be no backing down tonight. All three squads were up, all of us ready to go… we circled up… short stares and shaky nods telling us one things: We were in this together, till the end… the finish line so many before us had been searching for, we were being granted tonight.
A single set of footsteps could be heard as we turned, Major Krol stepping into the center. He took the last drag of a cigarette, throwing it down to the ground and stamping it out onto the damp concrete. He looked around… his chin strap blowing in the weak air as he met everyone of our gazes… then mine… then looked around. “I want you to remember every detail of tonight, as you have every other night… when you are situationally aware, scanning for the enemy, liberating the subjugated, I want you to remember the sting of anxiety, the shake of adrenaline, the chill of the bunker, the heat of your weapon as it cuts them down… because tonight we are going to write every fine detail of our victory, their defeat, in history…” Krol’s words echoed deep into our souls. He paused for a moment, staring around he looked down… a small pause before he said “When you are ruthless in combat, remember to be patient, and reserved in victory. This conflict is for our existence… a lot of innocents have bled due to the mistakes of those who failed to listen, a lot of our brothers are now laid under because we had to bridge the gap of uncertainty with their lives. We remember them now… but in an hour? We forget them… when we raise our barrels, when we cut into those foes, and we liberate Polska!! This does not end tonight, but history puts everything in it’s place, and patience is the companion of the victor… All of our hard work will be cemented, no matter the obstacles we face in that darkness… no matter the demons, the blood, no matter what incomprehensible horrors, we will make them comprehend that to invade our land, to bleed our people, the justice will be paid in full… Load up. It’s time*”*.
The purpose in our steps was heavy as we climbed the back ramps of the MRAPS; Four of the heavily armored vehicles, one for each squad with an additional for attached personnel including our JTAC, the term means Joint Terminal Attack Controllers. With air support requisitioned to us for this operations, there needs to be a definite liaison on the ground who can directly communicate to the birds, and coordinate their fire and progress. I’d worked with many of them in the past, resourceful guys, quick thinking though I guess that comes with the position they hold of needing to quickly figure out what bombs to drop, on which target, at what precise points, whilst taking contact. He loaded in the lead vehicle with Major Krol… and soon, our convoy kicked off.
The drive was several hours as myself and my squad sat in the back of that forty ton goliath, the rumbling of the engine keeping us awake as the crap heater fought to keep the cold from the outside frost from setting in. I looked around to each of them, some were catching some sleep because even with the circumstances… better to get all the energy you can, than to stay awake for nothing. Others were checking their weapons… My gunner locked eyes with me, the same one from the village extraction… many of these men I had trained with for a while now, fought with for months.
We may have met on unconventional circumstances but those in JW Grom thrive on austere chance and create opportunity from scratch. I was pulled from my thought by the sound of a transmission, my peltors were set up for dual comms so I could both receive information from the Major and other leads, whilst communicating with my team.
Krol himself sent out: [“Approximately 10 minutes from enemy AO…”]. As the rest of the squads acknowledged, I quickly sent out [“Echo-2 Copies”], before kicking the boots of any of them sleeping: “Look alive, we’re here”. Through the exterior net armor of the MRAPS, and the bars protecting the small reinforced windows, we could barely see jack shit. I reached up, turning off the overhead light as we all looked through our nods to scan the outside. A dark wall of dense trees was shown before us, making it difficult to see… in addition to night vision capabilities we had also requisitioned ourselves some thermals… when mounted onto rifles they were bulky, made it a pain to aim down quickly, but considering the supernatural capabilities of spotting our foes we needed every advantage necessary.
I flipped out one of my tubes… scanning the outside with my scope. I looked over to one of my assaulters who had been assigned to man the turret of the MRAP, seated near the view screen as he controlled the 50. Cal. Each of the vehicle turrets had been assigned a direction to cover… we took the 9 o’clock, the left flank. “See anything?” I asked. He shook his head; “Negative… wait… I’ve got two cold signatures, front left heading to our rear”.
I quickly scanned the far tree line, at approximately 60 meters off our left were two cold signatures… followed by a third heading to our front… then another. They were surrounding us, moving at speeds so fast I could barely keep my reticle on them. Is this what the National Police saw? What they faced at that lodge without the benefit of a foot of heavy armor protecting them on all sides. Then… suddenly. Something slammed into the side of our MRAP so hard, it caused it to shake. From over the leader comms, Echo-3 quickly shouted [“Contact right!! 4 hostiles!!”].
One of the Strigoi… so bold, had charged and slammed into the side of our MRAP. I quickly looked to see the figure, a dark blue mass of cold energy through my thermal, back away without so much as a stagger… as they tried to flee into the woods, the white hot justice of Echo-3’s gun fired at them, cutting them down. “Blachowicz I’ve got a few breaking for our vic” my man on the turret called out, I spun around, spotting out the window.
Just then, Major Krol announced [“weapons free, watch and shoot for targets of opportunity…”]. I turned to him… “take those fuckers out-”. Without hesitation my vic’s turret began to quickly target them, and through the darkness I saw a stream of outgoing fire bisect one of them, the ISR of the black blood freaking out the optic so badly it didn’t know what temperature to register it as… but it did register it. As another was cut down, one broke through the tree line and latched onto the side of our MRAP. The thing tore at one of the outer net armor panels, usually made to stop RPGs. It grabbed at the bars near the windows, tearing one off… I lowered my rifle as we locked eyes through the reinforced window.
The thing… the Strigoi looked at me, skin cracked as putrefied muscle fibers seemed to leak through dead flesh. It’s teeth were corroded and worn down to sharp fragments, alongside newly mutated fangs that messily protrude from the jaws. Even through the thick walls of the MRAP I could hear it’s roar, as it then tried to punch it’s way through… it cracked the outer coating of the vehicle… but it wasn’t getting anywhere near. My machine gunner, seated next to me, seemed to chuckle at the sight, quippily saying “Yeah… fuck you too”. It’s then our vehicle lurched upwards, as we began to climb the small incline of the bunker. I knew the layout, mapped it in our head, the main entrance was built into the rocky side of an old cliff meaning we could easily set up a defensive perimeter around it, a horseshoe. Krol’s vehicle was first, taking to the right as Echo-3’s MRAP followed. My vehicle, third, left the incline and took a left and… that’s where things got complicated.
We’re still trying to work out what happened but… from what Joakim says his drone captured. Right when the MRAP turned, several of the monsters quickly slammed into the side of the vehicle, as another more bulkier one, pushed at it’s undercarriage. The result.. Was the 40 ton armored vehicle tipped over. It wasn’t uncommon, hell in some cases a well placed IED, a good shot with a recoilless rifle, have been known to tip over Oshkoshs and Maxpros all the time. But this beast? Needless to say we barely had a second to comprehend it as it leaned to the left; “Grab on to something-” is all I had time to shout. A mess of gear and men spilled onto one side of the vehicle as it slammed into the old gravel and dirt.
Several of my assaulters, my grenadier planted right ontop of myself and the others as we came to a stop. Someone’s knee slammed directly into the side of my skull, causing me to dazily bob in and out of consciousness as my face was smushed against the glass of one of the windows.
Through my peltors, the other squads were erratic;
[“Echo-2’s vehicle is down!!”].
[“Echo-3 to Echo-2… Echo-3 to Echo-2…”].
Krol’s voice came through the comms;
[“Echo-Lead to Echo-2… Fuc-... Echo-1 secure Echo 2’s flank, Echo-3”].
[“Echo-3 to other units, they’re spilling through, I’ve got several enemy combatants converging on Echo-2’s vehicle”].
I pushed the legs of my grenadier off my head as I fought to my hands and knees, unfucking my nods as I looked around… “Fuck it… we’re going lights on, shield your eyes” I muttered as I reached for the overhead lights and flipped them on. The bright LEDs bathed the inside of the vehicle as we all gained our bearings, a mess of multicam, gear, and weapons as we quickly pushed each other off. My gunner caught as he fought to realign his promask, from what I gathered one of the assaulters had landed directly into his gun, pushing it directly into his jugular, as pulled back at the rubber and coughed, freeing up his esophagus. We didn’t have time to think however… the sound of bending metal caught our attention… as the back ramp door of the MRAP was ripped clean off. I could barely believe it but as the white light of the MRAP’s interior poured to the outside, a hulking mass leaned in, the dead flesh on it’s face nearly fallen off as the hideous Strigoi leaned inside.
Without hesitation I aimed took aim, yelling “Keep to the deck!!” to any of those inbetween myself and the invader as I opened fire. A burst of full auto fire tore through it’s collar and neck, my men quickly clung to either sides of the fallen MRAP as a few more fired out. As the thing backed up, a blast of .50 cal fire quickly tore it to shreds, along with several others as I realized they were fuckin swarming over the outside of our vehicle. Echo-3’s vehicle continued to carefully fire on the Strigoi on the outside, the sounds of .50 cal ricocheting off the outside of our armor was enough to make the pucker factor set in.
[“Echo-3 to Echo-2”].
[“This is Echo-2, we’re green on ammo, equipment, men”].
[“Roger, we’re shifting fire, exit the vehicle”].
“Hurry up let’s go!!” I barked to my men, leading the way as I staggered out. I turned on my peq, taking aim at silhouettes in the brush as I began to fire. The sounds of machine guns lighting up the brush, as a sea of growls, howls, and incomprehensible roars fired back at us was the ambient noise of the night. My men quickly exited, my gunner being the last as he and I pulled back to the rest of the defensive perimeter. I set in my men to take up the frontal security, as 3rd squad took the right flank, 1st squad to the left. Major Krol and the JTAC were bickering with each other; “How far out are the birds”. “They’re entering airspace now…” Joakim said, already scanning his smart book.
I asked “What’ve we got?”. He then flipped through… to the NATO combined arms segment, quippily saying; “Apaches…”. This caused me to pause as Echo-3 turned their head whilst directing their squad’s fire “The hell… where did we get apaches from?”. “The Americans… they volunteered” Krol said dismissively as he took aim at the darkness, firing off a controlled trio. “Volunteered? They’re aware of what’s going on?” I asked.
Krol seemed to stop, glancing back at me before returning his focus “There’s a lot more going on than you realize, Blachowicz… Prep the breach, you and 1st are going on”.
I quickly pulled my breacher off the line, securing some thermite as the reinforced bunker door wasn’t going to go as easily as a conventional door breach would. 1st Squad pulled back, stacking up and preparing themselves to be the first in. All the while… Joakim gave his firing solution; “Alpha Hotel Two Five Nine, This is Bravo-4…… Type 2….”.
I snapped to my right, watching as a Strigoi managed to dark across the clear gravel field, only to be cut down by my gunner, the peq’s laser marking the burst as it tore through the beasts’ hips, as it hit the ground and still continued to claw, another GROM operator took aim and fired into it’s skull. Joakim popped up to his feet…. “Marking laser, high power…”. He then pulled out a target marking laser… if you’ve watched night operations, you’ve probably seen them.
The green laser than as it says on the label, marks targets. The pattern of which can vary… if it’s a point target, it’ll usually lasso an area, or remain on target until the target is removed with extreme prejudice. If its close air support, then it’ll be a line of the general area… and Joakim damn near marked the entire perimeter around us. He quickly pocketed the tool, turning back to Krol; “Don’t go past 20 meters unless you want to be liquidated”.
With that… 2nd and 1st stacked up at the door as 3rd squad took up the perimeter security. As Major Krol went over to Echo-1… I saw them. A single blinking IR strobe from the beasts as they moved on the far off horizon, converging from several angles… and fired. The sound of the Apache’s main gun, the M230, truly sounds like the hammer of god… the 30mm cannon shot through the dark sky, lighting it up as we saw three incoming streams tear up the woods. Only then as the sound broke did we start to hear their rotors as they broke and began to circle, firing again… then… Joakim dipped his head and looked to Krol; [“Foxtrot Mike, hang onto your teeth…”]. One of the Apaches fired off a AGM-114… a Hellfire. I barely saw it out of the corner of my eye as the Apache from our right flank fired off at a target approximately 200 meters off. A fireball lit up the forest as the horrendous roar echoed throughout… then went silent.
Echo-3 scanned the horizon carefully;
[“Echo-3 to Echo-Lead, enemy contact is starting to die down”].
[“Maintain perimeter, Close Air is to maintain fire mission until we are boots up, Break…”].
[“Echo-Lead to Echo-1, condition white has been met. Proceeds”]. I saw Echo-1 and his men quickly stack up close to the wall and gesture to me; Breaching. I quickly pulled my stack back against the wall as his and mine breacher quickly hit their actuators. Now under normal circumstances, it doesn’t take much for thermite to melt the locks off of a metal surface, in fact it’s a more precise took as alternative means get real medieval like saws, pry bars… we weren’t in the mood for precision, we need to breach their little lair, and drag them out. The sound of several pounds of hellfire burning through the metal could be heard around the corner as a sea of white and red sparks flew out… after several seconds, two of our men tossed a fragmentation grenade and a nine-bang through the opening… a series of concussive blasts and a large explosion rang out.
Echo-1 and his men maneuvered. 1st Squad quickly converged as we followed them in.
Stepping through the black wall of smoke, the dark abyss of the interior was illuminated in a white light as entered barrels raised. Shots rang out as several of the beasts near the entrance were cut down, though not immediately, rounds disconnected the shoulder of one of them, leading to their arm hanging limply by a single tendon as they roared… another series of rounds putting them down. What greeted us was a messy concrete hell of rust and debris, fecal matter, trash, and all kinds of obstacles laid in our way, our boots sticking to the floor. I thank every god we had promasks that night. I called my shield bearer up, 2nd squad leapfrogging ahead to take the next corridor as 1st squad checked their weapons.
One of my men mule kicked the metal door ahead, twice, finally the latch gave away as we tossed in a grenade. A horrifying roar was cut off as an M67 shook the walls of the ancient soviet mausoleum, frag and spall kicked off the walls as I moved in right behind my shield man. The cramped russian design meant there was barely enough space for three people, and that’s three normal people, not in 50kgs of kit, moving slowly and maneuvering against creatures of the dark. Still… we moved forward, my shield bearer and I pushing the pace as two stacked of either squad formed on either wall.
As we passed doorways they flowed in… “Door Left!!”, “Door Right!!”. “Move!!”.
Two men entered each side, no gunshots, we moved up, a roar came.
“Door left!!-”. A series of gunshots came out as we continued to push forward.
“Two down!!”. “Confirm them” Krol commanded, as a series of gunshots run out in response. From one of the doorways, a Strigoi emerged… a female… clumps of hair had been ripped from her decaying skull, as her blooded eyes locked on myself and my shieldman. The skin on her hands had been tore down to the point where barely her bones and tendons remain… looking like huge talons as she roared and lunged at us. He fired off his pistol, though the rounds did little to stop her as she pushed against our stack.
“Fuck!!” he muttered, somehow her strength caused him to stagnate, holding up the advance… fuck that. I shoved the muzzle of my MK18 into her ribcage, flipping the weapon to auto as I fired of round after round. The 5.56 salvo disconnecting her spinal column, causing her to fall as I continued to fire, along with a man to our right and left as the stacks reformed as we pushed to the end of the hall. I fell back, dropping the magazine and loading a fresh one, like clockwork a GROM Operator from 1st squad took my place. Krol was beside me as we approached the end of the hall.
[“-Prep an entry”] I radioed to my breacher, a comrade handed him one of the charges from his back panel as he took to the door, quickly securing it. We all moved as far back as we could, look away, exhale. The blast knocked metal and wood in all directions, scrapping against our uniforms and kit as we made our way in and what laid before us was… it used to be the center atrium of one of these bunkers. Soviet’s loved their grandiose designs, the complex was supposed to be a circular room around a central planning table… instead. It had been turned into some sort of church. Runes and old eastern Romuva pagan symbols written in black ink and blood across the walls, old rotten filing cabinets, long receipt terminals. In the center… several of the Strigoi were kneeling before the table where someone had been tied down, flayed, and… shared amongst the group. They rose to their feet, we aimed our barrels…
The ladder amongst turned to us… his skin wasn’t cracked, or flayed, it was smooth… it still looked dead as the body on the table but it seemed more… accustomed to it. I don’t know… evolved? Under the surface however I could see it’s darkened veins pumping whatever cursed blood ran through them as it locked two blood red eyes onto each of us. It’s nose had long since been turn off, exposing boney nostrils to the open air as it seemed to smirk. All across it’s body were the same symbols on the walls, in every cell… markings of death, of rebirth, of assimilation… From behind this seemingly Alpha emerges another figure I had never seemed before… dressed in a white cloak with a deer head.
"So they've followed the trail... they're too late" the Deer headed individual spoke, definitely not from here, a dialect similar to an Americans but... aristocratic? Each word was drawn out, assurance as if they had everything mapped down to our actions. They didn’t sound like they were from Poland or the east.
“Doesn’t matter…” the Alpha growled… and then, it lunged at us. Quickly breaking from their ground it slammed into my shield man knocking both him and myself at the ground as it displayed an intense feat of strength. Around us I could see several of the Strigoi leap at our comrades… though to no fruitful endeavor as I could see one GROM operator cut two down, as another got into a hand to hand confrontation… my breacher, crafty as they were, reached back and slammed one of the prybars of his kit into the skull of the beast.
The Alpha however was not content as it threw away the 90lb shield, sending it flying across the room as it grabbed my comrade by the skull. I quickly kicked up at it, firing my MK18 into it’s body as the rounds pierced it’s gray and rune covered flesh. The thing simply seemed to chuckle… that was until Major Krol blasted away at the side of it’s head, the alpha turned… and it’s smirk turned to a scowl when face to face with the major. A knowing pause almost like they had done this dance before…
The creature lunged, locking up with Major Krol as it swung and slammed railing. Krol didn’t back down however as he pushed against the creature, hiptossing it to the ground even as it tore at his armor and gear. But the beast pulled, both of them rolled and the Major was on his back as the thing reached for his neck. I fought to a kneel, firing into the creature messily with my MK18, trying not to hit my commander… then…
Click. A sound sends a chill up the spine of every warfighter during a firefight.
My gun ran dry. I dropped the magazine, looking to load another, but the thing came up and with one of it’s claws, sliced deep into my cheek, through the pro mask. I could feel my own blood go flying through the air as I landed hard on my back plate, spitting out red iron as I quickly tried to adjust my mask. Through my fogged up, blood covered lense… I saw my shield man raise his pistol, firing into the skull of the thing staggering it with a roar. Krol came from behind, drawing his knife he sunk it deep into the neck of it…. I reached for my rifle, forcing a new magazine in and damn near punching the bold release. ““Sir, down!!” I shouted, Krol rolled away, back to his own rifle as I fired. So did my comrade as he continued to fire his pistol… so did the Major as he fired his rifle. All of us chewing through that apex predator of darkness, that beast… the leader that had been preying on our people for so long. Layer by layer, muscle group by bone… eventually… the alpha landed on whatever was left of his back.
The silence of the fight died down as all of us checked our surroundings, GROM Operators putting controlled pairs in the heads and nerve stems of any Strigoi laying around… I flicked my weapon onto safe, letting it hang as I pulled off my mask. I dared not touch the wound on my face… the pain nearly crippling me if it wasn’t sheer will pushing me through, and adrenaline doing all it could to subdue it. The sound of the apaches continuing to lay hate drew us from our moment of contemplation as the Major went back to work; [“Confiscate any info, burn the rest…”]. He turned back to me as I shoved my damaged M50 mask back into it’s bag, chuckling as he looked at the sight; “You need a medevac, Blachowicz?” he quipped.
I shook my head, barely able to speak as I muttered; “Negative sir…”. The two of us scanned the room as my shield bearer went to collect his defense implement turned 90lb projectile, we scanned the center of the room, checking and confirming bodies, until we got to the last one alive. His white gown was soaked in red crimson and black ooze, as his dear head was mangled from bullet fire and impact from falling on it. I swear… the way his blood poured out of it though made me wonder if it was a mask. I gave it no second thoughts as he looked to Krol; “You… you can’t stop this, they’ve already-”.
The Major was in no mood for communication as his rifle snapped up and fired off three rounds to the body, four the head. The violent yet quick salvo ending the cultists life, I looked down at it, then to him as he remarked; “Have your squad drag him out to the front, burn the rest”. I stood alongside him, looking down as the sight of it’s deer head was both captivating and horrifying… the curiosity in me wanting to look closer at it fighting the primal instinct I had to burn the thing to ash. “-Haven’t seen one of those before…” I muttered, thinking the Major had an answer.
He didn’t. Krol saying “Neither have I…” shortly before he walked away, was what truly shook my soul about that entire night. Victory stood firm in our hearts that night as we stood outside of the bunker. The night sky burning with fire and white phosphorus as we watched the ruin burn from the inside from the other side of the lot. In the distance, the Apaches continued to scan and circle the forests, no longer firing…. Which meant they had driven any or turned to glass any enemy combatants within a four miles, probably both, more than likely the latter. Echo-1 patted me on the shoulder as we stood there, soaking it all in, though Krol looked none to pleased. “In the time it took us to take this one down, they’ll be trying to set up three more cells… that being established…” he said, looking to either of us, then to Echo-3. “-Hell of a thing we did tonight, been waiting for this one for a decade, cleanly, maybe more… but no time to rest on our laurels… we’ll have another task for us as soon as we’re boots down back home” he said, to which his eyes followed mine, the body of whatever cultist that was zipped up in a black body bag beside the wheel of one of the MRAPs. The fire from the bunker casting an orange hue over it’s shiny jet black outside, something didn’t sit right with me… “That wasn’t a Strigoi…” I said to Krol.
“That’s very clear…” the Major said, shoving his mask under his arm and lighting a cigarette. “So… someone’s helping them?” I asked. The meer notion of it shook me to my core, sickened me. This parasite was already badly infecting Europa, Polska… if it was spread like this throughout the world. Krol settled my nerves: “We’ll be ready… It’s not just us anymore”. As he said that, I realized what he meant… my eyes looking to the Apaches as they started to form up, leaving the areas as their thunderous propellers melted into the night’s calm, unnerving ambience.
It’s been a couple of weeks since then, Echo Detachment has been busy. We’ve gained good ground against the enemy and honestly I think in a few years, we might see a much larger change. For now… we must keep going, that being said the Strigoi aren’t the only ones we’ve been combating. Recently we’ve made contact with of some sort of extermination coalition, they’ve known about the Strigoi, and others plaguing the world, the level of corruption and corrosion on society goes deep. Regardless a lot of the units we’ve been working with are apart of NATO, such as this “4th Special Forces Group” of the American Military. I don’t know where the road from here leads, but we’ve gotten momentum on our side, finally. Just remember… these things are out there, in every town, every city, every nation… preying and waiting for you to be alone, vulnerable, so they can take you and replace you.
Watch your back, and stay safe.
For now, Blachowicz signing out. Until next time
submitted by ForestHasEyes to u/ForestHasEyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:00 Subject_Statement842 First marathon and wegovy?

Hello. So glad to have found this group! I was on saxenda after having started wegovy due to shortage. I stopped the saxenda after a few months and am hoping to switch to wegovy. Part of why I stopped saxenda was that my long runs...well I just had negative reactions. Was Feely aches and cramps and even throwing up after long run. Trying to do a Marathon in January and planning to go on wegovy this week or next...but reading through some comments it seems wegovy has also impacted long runs!?
Suggestions ? Should I pick marathon OR wegovy? I just really struggle with food noise and saxenda did nothing for me on that front.
Sorry this is so long I think it's the second time only I've posted on reddit!
submitted by Subject_Statement842 to zepboundathletes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Intelligent-Sky2695 My experience + EMOTIONS with aid access

For reference & a bit of a back story, I am 19 years old living in the United States. I know that sharing this experience with you all can be beneficial because I feel like a lot of women are going to feel so many emotions so not only am I going to tell you a bit about the way this impacted my body physically, I am going to share how I came to the conclusion that this is what is best for me and my life. I just want women to know you’re never alone in your emotions no matter what anyone is telling you/how you’re feeling. & if you’re looking for directions on how to properly receive the pills, this is not for you. I am just trying to share my personal experience :)
So, I found out that I was pregnant in the beginning of April. I know when I ovulate and I know when I had sex, so I was almost 4 weeks when I found out. I went through an entire process of emotions, including maybe thinking that this was meant to happen. In the beginning, I wouldn’t say I was excited. Just fucking terrified. For reference as well, I have borderline personality disorder which greatly affected my decision.
After weeks of back and forth with myself about what to do, I decided it was best that I should go through with abortion. As someone who grew up in not the best environment, I knew that my decision was right. I’m currently unmedicated, not in therapy and without a job. I may be crazy, but I have sense. My decision made all the sense and I knew it was right for me.
I ordered the pills after following every step through the process which was extremely simple. (Also thought I should mention that I do not live somewhere where abortion is legal AT ALL, which also terrified me. But after some reading, I found out how discreet this was, which made me feel tremendously better.)
I received the pills about 6ish days after I received the shipping information. April 30th, which is when I was 8 weeks & 3 days, I took the first pill which is the mifepristone. Within 24 hours I had no bleeding. Around the 24 hour mark I noticed a clear fluid on my underwear. I took 800mg ibuprofen 2 hours before I took this misoprostol. Put the 4 in my mouth for the 30 minutes. Around the 20 minute mark of having these in my mouth, I started feeling pretty severe back pain. Around 1 hr after these dissolved, I noticed some bleeding.
So now onto how these made me feel physically. About an hour and 30 minutes into this process, I was having diarrhea. I started to sweat pretty bad and was doubled over on the toilet from the cramps. I knew that they could be pretty severe but in all honesty nothing prepared me for this. I was crying because of how bad I felt. The whole time I was pretty nauseous but didn’t throw up until about the 6 hour mark. I tried to sleep it off but I just couldn’t. It hurt so bad and it all honesty I would compare it almost to kidney stone pain (I’ve had 4) I just laid on the bathroom floor crying. I took some more ibuprofen and Tylenol and slept for an hour. Woke up and felt slightly better and just made sure I ate and drank a shit ton of water. The cramps were still there but now felt like mild period cramps. After this I fell asleep for the night and when I woke up I physically felt fine. The cramps were a simple 2/10 for the pain.
I bled and had pretty bad clots for about 6 days. Day 7, I went to the bathroom and that’s when I saw the fetus on my bad. I’m not going to lie, this is pretty traumatic. Again I was almost 9 weeks along so if you know how a fetus develops, then you will know what I saw. I cried for a minute, took some deeps breaths and went to takes a nap. Woke up and felt better about this. Bled lightly for around 2 days after passing the fetus, so in total bled for around 9 days.
It’s been 2 weeks since taking this medicine and deciding to do this. Mentally, I feel much better than expected. In all honesty I feel nothing much more than relief because I know I made the right decision and choice for me. I was scared that I would feel regret, but I really don’t which kinda makes me feel shitty.
I decided to write this because I want you to know that you are making the right decision for you, and only you’re able to make that decision. Do not let anyone’s opinions deter you from doing what’s right for your well being. And just know, the physical pain is temporary.
With all love, I hope that this finds whoever needs it. You are loved, cared for and appreciated. If you are alone during this process and need someone to talk to or ask questions, I am here. And there are plenty of helpful resources as well.
Stay well and safe. <3
submitted by Intelligent-Sky2695 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 Living-Moose5308 Call out..

So the other day I called out an hour before my shift, I was an opener (I know it was awful timing) but I got my period and I deal with the most debilitating, bed ridden cramps ever. I get super nauseous from them and I was throwing up at 3:30am when I woke up for work. I literally could not move from the toilet. Sorry that’s tmi. I had to call out. My manager today pulls me aside to talk about it and apparently Starbucks puts period cramps in the same category as a “headache” something you can “just take medicine” for. Like stfu you corporate idiots have NO idea what you’re even talking about. And now I have like 16 tardies marked on me because of this STUPID ASS new tardy policy. They’re all only 1-2 min late but it’s still counted as tardy?!? It’s because I turn on the ovens and lights etc before clocking in. Like theyre making it more ad more awful to work for this company!!
submitted by Living-Moose5308 to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 f0r_everyoung exposure progress!

I (19F) had a 24 hour stomach bug on friday , it was awful. i was exhausted, had a headache, bloated, stomach cramps, dizzy, diarrhea, 38.5 fever, it was scary. i got very nauseous at times and almost fainted once but i never actually threw up. i felt pretty run down the next few days but recovered pretty well!
my partner, unfortunately caught what i had a few days later. and he ended up throwing up quite a bit. but i managed to keep my composure and helped him get settled in bed to rest and stayed there with him. he started to feel a little better after a few hours and we decided to go for a short walk, but he was throwing up small amounts on and off throughout the walk. but it didn’t make me panic :) im really proud of myself for pushing through the initial shock and being able to take care of him and help him through the sickness. he had all the same symptoms from when I was sick. he took really great care of me when that happened so I’m glad I was able to be there for him.
he feels a lot better today and since I already went through that, I’m not too worried about getting sick. big progress for me the last while :))
submitted by f0r_everyoung to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:42 TrAshLy95 When will we be safe?

Possible TW and I’ll censor words if that helps people. My sister first got sck on April 25th and it lasted maybe until the 30th (5-7 days). Her son got it on the 29th. Her husband and other child got it before her and the youngest. It was just darrhea and n*, lots of cramping.
She came to visit for Mother’s Day on Sunday, so almost 41 hours ago. I am driving myself crazy thinking about incubation. We were never inside the house with her, but I let my daughter ride her horse. I wasn’t thinking and I didn’t want to keep my daughter from something fun. She washed her hands and changed pants since my sister was just outside. She rode for about 10 minutes. I’m hoping she washed her hands well (I was still outside talking) and then she ate dinner.
Interesting fact about my sister - she is my polar opposite. I have contamination OCD, emetophobia, you name it. She kept sending me pictures of her poop and when she’d sht herself. She was riding her horse at one point when she sht her pants and sent a picture. That was 14 days before Mother’s Day. She usually rides English saddles but had the western saddle out in the pic too. Almost positive she was on English though and someone else rode the western saddle. Different things online say the sb* can last 2 weeks or more on surfaces. What about on a saddle? I would assume it’s been in the heat, humidity, and sunshine maybe that helps kill it? She is not one to clean up if she did have d* on her saddle, maybe just wipe off with her hand or something random. She was literally going shopping, eating out, and having d* in public and in her car. She said she had to throw away almost all of her pants.
Is it likely the b* is still on the saddle if she got anything on it? I can’t sit still. I have therapy in 2 hours but I’m worried my daughter is going to get what they had and it lasted sooo long for each person who had it. I’m also worried since it lasted so long, the vrus will live longer on surfaces - like the saddle. Does anyone have any factual info on viruses? I don’t think it was noro because no v and it lasted for so long for each person. Noro seems intense but more short lived. This seems like rota or something else, maybe even bacterial. She has a farm. Idk. I’m just very anxious. I know reassurance doesn’t help with OCD but having some sort of factual information on these things might put me at ease. I have to calm down. TIA.
submitted by TrAshLy95 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:35 transmasctime how much is a hysterectomy???? (tw period complaining)

extra tw emeto
i am so fucking sick and tired of this!!! every month. throwing up, cramps, stomachaches, the whole week feels overstimulating and i end up hating myself before i’m even a few hours into day one. i can’t even get out of bed to take my dog for a walk without feeling so disgusting i’m back in the house the second i can be. my wife keeps asking if i’m okay and i feel so guilty when i get upset at her asking because i don’t want to think about it at all. it was better when i was on T but i don’t have another doctors appointment until july and i ran out months ago… trying to navigate the self-loathing caption because i genuinely feel like that would solve 99% of my problems sometimes but i know there can be so many different complications so it scares me too idk i just wish i could be rid of it
submitted by transmasctime to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:00 pes1463 Calling out of work due to period

Is your period a valid reason to call out of work? I never try to call out and can usually deal with period symptoms well, but damn this morning has been rough. Have not stopped throwing up from the nausea and the cramps are absolutely brutal today. But now I'm just feeling super guilty because I called out due to this. Has anyone else called out of work due to their period and how did you explain it to management?
submitted by pes1463 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:20 Successful_Luck_3086 sudden acid reflux?

Hi everyone,
I know there may be posts that sound exactly like mine but I just wanted to vent some things out.
Around less than a week ago I noticed that I had some stomach pains that felt similar to food poisoning, but I wasn't throwing up, going to the bathroom, or having a fever. I wasn't sure what was wrong so I just brushed it off. In the next few days I remember taking a painkiller for a leg cramp and immediately my chest and throat started burning and I have never had this issue or felt like this. And now currently, I feel symptoms of a tight chest and bloating, as well as throwing up. I don't really feel nausea but I had just thrown up all of the sudden. My chest still feels tight and I can't really sleep.
I'm 23 years old and I have had no changes in my diet and I don't feel like I'm really considered overweight. I have no idea of what could have possibly triggered these symptoms. I've been reading up on GERD for the past hour or so and I can't even lie I'm pretty terrified of what this might mean. I'm hoping this is something temporary but I'm not sure if these symptoms could indicate something temporary at all.
If anyone has any reccomendations on how to deal with these symptoms (ones you feel that actually worked) or help me understand GERD a little better please let me know, thank you :(
submitted by Successful_Luck_3086 to acidreflux [link] [comments]