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2024.05.15 15:19 GrapefruitDry2519 Is Tara A Buddha Or Bodhisatva

Hi everyone.
I am not Vajrayana but Mahayana Buddhist (Pristine Pureland School) but recently I have been reading about Tara and feel a connection to her and her warmth and wanted to know more I had questions I was hoping to ask since you all know more than me.
1: is Tara a Buddha or Bodhisatva? It seems looking online Mahayana Buddhists consider her a Bodhisatva but Vajrayana Buddhists consider her a Buddha, what are your thoughts?
2: which origin story is true? So I read online there are two stories, one in which she came from the tears of Avalokiteshvara and another where she is a different world and different kalpa was a princess so studied and paid respect to the Buddha of her world and eventually started practising to become a Buddha and when one of the monks asked if she was gonna change gender she said no which I find admirable, why are there two stories and what are your thoughts on which one is correct? What is the Vajrayana preferred story?
3: can you go to Tara's Pureland like Amitabha? So in my school we practise only saying Namo Amituofo alone and we see through doing that daily we will be reborn in his Pureland, but what about Tara's Pureland? Can I reach her Pureland just through saying her name or mantra daily? Due to my work and life I could never feel I could reach enlightenment this life plus I want to see her Pureland which is a forest.
Thank you to all who reply
submitted by GrapefruitDry2519 to greentara [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 prega_news Must-have health check-ups before becoming a parent

When considering family planning, you must consult your doctor for health check-ups including hereditary diseases etc. and there are some things to ask your doctor before you conceive that can help you prepare better for the road ahead. Additionally, your doctor may also recommend some tests and ask questions that will help assess the fertility of both you and your partner. There are many things in today’s world like stress, lifestyle and other factors that can affect your fertility or even the pregnancy. So it’s best to consult your doctor before you start trying to have a baby.
submitted by prega_news to u/prega_news [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 OneLastSeason My financial advisor had a kid, and now she's completely scatterbrained

It sucks, because she used to be so with it. She would explain everything clearly and confidently. Now, after today's meeting, I'm questioning whether I should change advisors. She backtracked on herself several times, forgot things we talked about previously, and could barely finish a full sentence without stuttering or saying "uh..." A little voice in the back of my head said "oh no, this can't be good..." when she got pregnant, and maybe there was good reason for that.
Why do career women have kids? I don't understand it. The reality is, you really can't have both and still be competent during the day. You can either have your time and energy sucked away by your career, or you can have it sucked away by motherhood, but if you try to do both, you will suck at both.
Hopefully some of it just post-partum confusion (she gave birth late last year), so maybe it'll eventually clear up? I don't know.
submitted by OneLastSeason to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 WeakState5798 AITAH for not believing that my husband did not cheat?

THIS IS JUST BACKGROUND Hi guys, I am going through a dilemma. I (25 F) and my husband (30 M) are both Pakistani and live in the Gulf. We had our paper marriage, aka Nikkah, in 2017 and got married, i.e., moved into his house, in 2019. We've known each other since 2016, and this was a love marriage. My husband went against his parents' wishes to get married to me, whereas my family is very supportive of whatever choices I make.
During COVID, I moved into my parents' house because of my two younger brothers, 15 and 12 at that time, as my parents got stuck in our home country for six months. My husband would spend four days with me and four days with his parents, i.e., peak COVID lockdown in 2020. Since I've known my husband, this is the first time I accidentally found out his phone password, whereas he always insisted on having all of my social media passcodes in the past.
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Anyways, I opened up his Snapchat without any malicious intent to check out his phone to get a few couple photos that we took on his phone, and Snapchat showed memories of last year of the same date. It was with some Filipinos (nothing against them, but where I live, they are usually considered as sex workers). I went and checked the old photos, and I saw that he had pictures with a lot of random women and specifically with his ex-girlfriend in the year 2018. They both had taken a lot of selfies from his sitting very close to each other in bars and even alone in the car, again very close to each other in his arms. I also found out he was asking Filipino their rates for sex work,and he also met one of them in his car and went to meet one in a mall during peak COVID lockdown.
Anyways, I didn't plan to talk to him about it because I was newly wed and didn't want to face consequences, and I thought he might stop on his own. Fast forward a few months later, my parents came back safely, and I moved back into my husband's house with his parents, and this is the time when I first actually started living with them, and within a few weeks, my FIL came to hit me with a shoe when I refused to give him my phone as a punishment for using it so often.
Anyways, things started escalating a lot, and my husband and I were having regular fights because of his parents always crossing boundaries. Then one day, we had a fight, and in the heat of the moment, I accidentally said out about his affairs. So we talked about it, and he said that he met his ex-girlfriend just like a friend as she came back from her home country after a long time, and he was asking for rates of Filipinos for his single friend. When I asked about what did you do with the Filipino you picked up in the car, he said that they just ate shawarmas by the seaside. I was naive and I bought into his narrative, even though I agreed to believe in his story,the uneasy feeling never left to the point where I refuse to have a child with him as I don't think I have a secure future with him.
Due to his parents bickering all the time, I finally snapped back at them, and they made a huge deal out of it and threw me out of the house, and my husband and I both went no contact for one whole year as I demanded a separate house even if I have to face hunger. When we did finally talk again, he convinced me that this won't happen again from his parents' side, and he will start fulfilling my basic rights as a wife, i.e., fulfilling my basic needs, maintaining peace, and protecting.
During this whole time, my father was the one who fulfilled all my basic needs. Anyways, I moved back in with him at the end of 2021, and he did not stay true to his word. He still picks out fights, his parents still shout, scream at me occasionally, and he only gives me a bare minimum monthly allowance, which is not enough for me, and I still have to end up asking my father for money. Please keep in mind I am a university student, and my father pays for all car maintenance, university fees, and essential needs, and the amount that my husband gives me usually goes out in just fuel and a few meals in university.
Anyways, the point is that coming back to his house in 2021 till the end of 2023, we used to constant fights mostly because of his anger issues and just generally being rude and in a bad mood all the time. I had to beg him crying to change his behavior towards me and to be nicer to me when talks, or else I will have no other option than to leave him. He did become nicer for three months until he started being rude again for over daily routine issues until his family was hit by a huge crisis due to his younger brother's fault. That's when he became polite to me again.
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ THE MAIN ISSUE My main dilemma, after all of these ups downs, I really thought I was seeing some improvement in him, and I was finally feeling optimistic about my future with him, but I guess God has some other plans. He accidentally forgot to lock his phone last month, and I found out he had been texting sex workers again and asking their prices. He was also in contact with a girl, let's call her J, via Snapchat since 2021 till now, and only a few chats were saved in one which he was begging to convince her that I am not his wife rather his sister. Apparently, J saw me and husband out somewhere. I let all of this go again since I thought it's pointless bringing this up as things are now improving. Two weeks after me finding out, I randomly get a dick pic from my husband at 4 am when I was sleeping next to him, and he was awake and came back from a night out with his friends. When I woke up, my husband was asleep; I found it very suspicious since we don't get these kinds of pictures anymore. He forgot to lock his phone again and LO AND BEHOLD he sent the same dick pic to her with me literally sleeping next to him. What fathoms me the most is that how could he not feel any shame with me laying next to him.
Anyways, I talked about it a few days later, and he basically told me that he was trying to check J's loyalty for his friend. Please keep in mind his friend is also married and has 3-4 kids. I asked my husband why did you do it for your friend when you should have understood it the first time I caught you and made an issue out of it, and he said I thought that I would understand him doing all this for a friend, and I should've specifically asked him to stop doing it for his friends if I have such issues. Anyways, a part of me wants to believe his bullshit story, but a part of me knows that he is trying to manipulate me again as I can't even why a person who went against his parents' wishes would literally go out of his way to ruin his marriage. Does he want me to initiate the divorce so that he doesn't get the blame? WTF is it I am so confused, and I would most definitely will never have a child with a person who cheats.
submitted by WeakState5798 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 canine_journal Trupanion Pet Insurance vs Pets Best

Here are some of the key differences between Trupanion and Pets Best Pet Insurance. As always, feel free to ask me any questions that come to mind. To learn more, read this comparison:
Trupanion Pets Best
Claim Processing Average 2 days 18-30 days
Illness Waiting Period 30 days 14 days
Accident Waiting Period 5 days 3 days
Hip Dysplasia Waiting Period 30 days 14 days
CCL Surgery Waiting Period 30 days 6 months
Behavior Therapy Coverage YES YES
Alternative Therapy Coverage EXTRA FEE NO
Underwriter & AM Best Rating American Pet Insurance Company - Unrated Independence American Insurance Company (A-) and American Pet Insurance Company (Unrated)
Age Restrictions Pets older than 14 years old (nationwide) cannot be enrolled. Pets must be 7 weeks or older
Vet Direct Pay Option YES YES
Deductible Per-incident Annual
Unlimited Payouts For All Plans YES NO
Optional Wellness Plan NO YES
Accident-Only Policy Available NO YES
Bilateral Exclusions NO YES
Gum Disease Coverage Canines & Carnassials Only YES
submitted by canine_journal to comparepetinsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:15 Major-Narwhal1644 GHOSTS of Strike’s Past — Rokeby, Switch, Other Rokeby Siblings (Maimie, Edward Gabriella, Daniella), etc.— Do we even want any of Strike’s ghosts to make a SIGNIFICANT appearance in the next few books? If so, which ones & why?

Do you guys want any of Strike’s ghosts to make a REAL SIGNIFICANT appearance in the books? If so, which ones & why?
What do you think of Strike’s family dynamics?
Do you think just because of the painful folly of parents - the children & their siblings should suffer not having relationships with each other?
Is there a ghost that I missed?
Strike’s family is extensive & we’ve heard about a few characters on & off for many books now! I personally come from a nuclear family - so sometimes I fail to understand why Strike doesn’t have a relationship with his siblings (like I understand it contextually, but I feel it could be such a huge growth moment for Strike). Al & Strike had a falling out & that pissed me off a bit because even though Al was being an idiot constantly asking Strike to meet Rokeby in “Troubled Blood,” I still feel that Strike just kept Al at a distance for no reason throughout their relationship. Al was being genuine & Strike just did the bare minimum & they still haven’t made up. Prudence was a breath of fresh air for me in “The Running Grave” because I was glad Strike found a friend/companion in her.
I know Strike has always been alone, but I wish we get to see him interact & become friends with his other siblings. Now setting aside the Rokeby family dynamics, his brother Switch (Leda & Whittaker’s son) was a BABY when Leda died & might have NO relationship with Whittaker because he is a drug addict (and potential murderer) - do we think Switch will get involved in a mystery so that he & Strike can meet face to face? Maybe he will be one of the accused or something & Strike has to get him off?
Rokeby is one character I genuinely DISLIKE, especially how he NEVER helped Strike or even visited him. I find him & Leda to be reprehensible parents & again two ongoing villians in the book. But I feel we hear about him EVERY BOOK & there are so many clues so we HAVE to meet him at some point right? Maybe while he is on his death bed?
There are also other Rokeby siblings that I wish Strike would interact with before the end of the books. He needs more friends & companions whom he can FREELY LOVE. I feel maybe this could be part of his vow he made to himself in the church in “The Running Grave” where he says he wants to start living & that he still has half of his life to do so. I don’t know. I know this is a fictional character, but I sometimes feel I have these questions for real people in my life as well & I can never pose them because it’s THEIR life & it’s none of my business. Which is why it’s interesting to me to speculate on a fictional character’s life & choices.
submitted by Major-Narwhal1644 to cormoran_strike [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:15 On-Balance Swarm?

Newbee question: looks like my girls are getting ready to swarm. They’re gathered on the side of the hive. Can I trap them or just grab them and put them in another hive? How do I know if there’s a mated queen in there? Anything else I should know? They’ve been there since last night and I’m afraid I’m running out of time.
submitted by On-Balance to Beekeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 Remote_Awareness_553 [VA] is this intimidation

For background I’m remote. New employee just completed a month. My manager has an odd way of managing, he is all about us being self learners and asking him a ton of questions. Basically he has no onboarding process, just whatever the company gives to all the teams. You make it what you want as long as you learn what we do and how we do quickly and well. Well not everyone knows that if you don’t tell them specially when they’re just onboarding. He’s been giving hints and warnings about self learning quizzing me but things have gone off the rails, he said that this can either work out or I’d have to put my resume out there. Whoa! Isn’t that intimidation? Why shouldn’t I go to HR and let them know?
submitted by Remote_Awareness_553 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 mxrosetea Ex-Girlfriend with BPD

Hey y'all,
Wondering if my ex girlfriend who has BPD will come back. I know deep down she will but of course I have my doubts. She's been ignoring me for weeks now and blocking me, and twice she's asked me questions relating to girls; "have you been talking to any cute girls lately" and "do you have a girlfriend now" which she asked while she was in a rebound. Does that have any significance?
submitted by mxrosetea to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 groovyamethyst question about activity level

i think i'm in the right community to ask a question i have about my activity level. would i be considered 'active' if i walk about 5000/6000 steps a day and also include 1 hour of pretty intense (for me) cardio in my day, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night. would love to know where i'm at and if i should implement more exercise in my life. i'm 23, 169 cm and about 62 kgs.
submitted by groovyamethyst to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 KanyesLeftTeste69 Stereo swap but have one question

I got a 2015 Jetta with the analog stereo, if I were to get an oem touchscreen stereo, would it just be plug and play? May be a dumb question but wanted to ask before I spent the money
submitted by KanyesLeftTeste69 to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 varldenvarlden97 Grammatical question

Hi, just a quick question.
If im calling a restaurant and I would like to say to the staff helping me the following sentence
"I wanted to ask you if would be possible to have a table outside"
Would the correct italian translation be:
  1. "Volevo chiederti se fosse possibile avere un tavolo fuori"
  2. "Volevo chiederti se sarebbe possibile avere un tavolo fuori"
  3. "Volevo chiederti se è possibile avere un tavolo fuori"
Grateful for any reply.
submitted by varldenvarlden97 to italianlearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 MatchAppropriate1281 Do you think I am trans ?

Am I trans ?
I'm a 20-year-old AMAB (I don't give myself a gender because honestly, I don't even know if I'm really a "man").
I've been asking myself this question for about 1 week and I don't know why, it tortures my mind to have and get an answer.
The question popped into my head like that, one day, when I had just woken up. I read articles about it, started asking around. And all this has greatly interested me.
I'm asking myself this question because I think I may have hit on one of the problems I have in my life, but as I have other specificities, I wonder if it's not just me trying to find a justification for my feelings.
To explain: I have ADHD (diagnosed very young), I have anxiety disorders and I'm also depressed, with a huge lack of self-confidence, so I naturally tend to think that maybe that's why I'm asking myself the question rather than myself, because I see it as a "solution" to "assuming my personality"?
So to find out if this is indeed gender dysphoria or just a sign of my low self-esteem (or maybe the two are related).
The "for" signs:
-I've always been different since I was little. Probably related to my neurodivergence, but that needs to be stressed.
-I'm not particularly attached to my gender. I've always seen myself as more of an entity or a person than a gender. It's borderline if I don't pay attention to the fact that I have a male body.
-I had a lot more girl friends than boy friends when I was young, and I liked them a lot. We used to play a lot together.
-Interest in romance at a young age or stereotypically "feminine" traits such as empathy, kindness, etc. I've always been more valued than my gender. I've always been more valued by my girl friends than my boy friends, who used to make fun of me because I was bad at sports or because I was "weird" (well, that could be attributed to neurodivergence).
-My family used to make fun of me because I wasn't "masculine" enough and I wasn't the male cliché.
-I appreciate "feminine" aesthetics much more than masculine ones. I love to see beautiful women's clothing and how it's made.
-I don't see love the same way my friends do. I have no sexual desire (I'm asexual) and I still see it as a kind of intense spiritual connection.
-When I see heterosexual romances, it disgusts me because they're usually ultra-stereotyped and clichéd. Queer romances excite me much more. And especially lesbian romances.
-I'll say it again: I love the "feminine" aesthetic: fushia colors, pink everywhere, etc. I like to dress in different clothes. I like to dress eccentrically.
-I take the button test (I'd change sex if I could).
-I'm indifferent to my body. It's just "fat" to me (depersonalization).
-Lately, since I've been asking myself this question, I've been dropping a lot of unintentional undertones related to transidentity.
-I play a "hyper-masculine" character who is a caricature of man in his most "primitive" instincts when no one is home to mock those same instincts. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be masculine. I also feel like I also mock myself for being a "insecure man" and a "man" basically.
-I'm a bit ashamed to admit this one, but I'm hypersensitive to being seen as feminine (probably because I've been put down about it since childhood). But it's at a stage where it's ridiculous (I've refused to see films because they were too "girly"... only to see them on the sly when no one sees me). I feel like I'm constantly repressing myself. I fear people thinking I’m not my gender (I was raised in an conservative house) and hating myself, but at the same time, I hate myself for not being able to just be proud of what I like and what I am. I think it’s because I just learned to hate what I am when if I accepted it, I wouldn’t be so triggered of being called "girly".
-I've had a conflict in my head between an "empathetic" version and a "hypermasculine over the top" version for about 4 years.
-Remember when I used to talk about a special romantic bond? I've always had this kind of bond with female fictional characters who have all these qualities, and I envy them for it. Especially the one about the samaritans.
-I feel that being a man will make me unhappy in the future because it will impose things on me that I don't want.
-being trans doesn’t really afraid me, it’s more the consequence and social repercussions that makes me anxious.
Now, the arguments against:
-I'm indifferent to my body, It doesn’t feel weird to have a penis even if I find it not really esthetic, I don't mind being seen as a man, even if since I had that thought about being maybe a trans, I've been embarrassed by being associated with the one. But before that, I didn't care.
-I have interests that are also stereotypically male (history/video games/philosophy/political science/computers/etc.).
-I've never wondered about that recently. I don't have gender dysphoria. It's just that I feel like I'm repressing my feminine side.
-I'm afraid of being a woman. People are ALL going to judge me, and I'll get imposter syndrome. But normally, you're supposed to be proud to express yourself as such.
-I have stereotypically masculine traits. Not a lot, but there are some: competition, wanting to be disciplined and so on.
-I like to make vulgar jokes or behave like a male cliché (I'm also putting this here because it can also be a "against" sign).
-I enjoy interacting with my male friends. I like to play into their sarcasm.
-Maybe it's just a sign of low self-esteem.
-I've only asked myself this question recently.
-I haven't felt any body dysfunction and my body seems to like testosterone.
-I behave too much like a "man" for my taste.
I apologize if this sounds a bit misogynistic or misandrist or cliché, but I wanted to be as authentic as possible in my description.
Thank you in advance for your response. I look forward to reading your opinions on it.
submitted by MatchAppropriate1281 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 Dizzy-Ad-3233 Do salary jobs often count travel time as hours worked?

Hello! I have an interview in a few hours for a corporate/ education travel position and I don't know what to expect! The job is 80% travel, mostly commuting by car but some flights. I know salary jobs that require travel don't usually count hours traveled as part of the work day. Is there a chance this one might?? For instance, if a regular work week is 40 hours and say I travel for the week a total of 16 hours, would that be on top of the 40? I realize this is a dumb question and I probably could just wait til the interview but I figured I'd ask. Thanks!
submitted by Dizzy-Ad-3233 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 AgNickelsAuDimes Ready to Buy? Some final questions

So we are close to taking the plunge on our first EV, read a lot and have browsed these forums, but still have some more specific questions to our family that I'm looking for any/all input. Figured best to get any input from actual owners.
Some background, family of 4 with a 5 and 9 year old. We have a hybrid 21 Kia Sorento that would remain our "longer trip option" (e.g. driving 1k miles to Disney). The thought is the Ford would be a daily driver and local vehicle. I'm off in summers so wife would take the Ford to work then too.
Found a 23 GT leftover, dealer is knocking off $2100 to start with the $3000 promo and 0%. That's not a final price, but bare minimum where we'd be. I really like the GT accents, especially the grille, so despite the mileage difference, it's the way I would go if I had my choice anyways. But few remaining questions that have us hesitating...
1) We live in SE PA, so it does get quite cold here. Is 50% reduction still a reasonable/safe estimate for winter travel?
2) We like to cycle our cars to have one car payment, so I'm hoping 8-10 years to keep this. Is that a reason to not buy? I know we can't project that far, but wondering if I'm the wrong type of buyer because of technology advances, battery degradation, etc. I'm also thinking since my daughter is 9, this could be a potential future 3rd car (I'm a planner).
3) Is it unrealistic to think we can go to a theme park 100 miles away, stay overnight and come back without worrying about a charge? Or do people approach it to be on the safe side? In the winter though seems like 200 mile trip would not be doable on a single charge. (I understand you need to approach driving a little differently, just looking at how others would approach a similar situation).
4) A coworker has a Tesla and her husband is very into the tech. She mentioned he's working with a company is exploring replacing single batteries in the Tesla to reduce repair costs as they degrade. It looks like the Mach-E has a similar battery setup, does that seem possible in the future? (This wouldn't make/break our decision, more so just curiosity.)
Any and all comments, thoughts etc. are appreciated!
submitted by AgNickelsAuDimes to MachE [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 thea_plumatylia Content conversation

Question and be honest: if you talk about quadrobics, furries or non-human identity content with someone you love (it can be anyone you know) what do they react or what their opinion about it?... For example my cousin(girl), her bestfriend and my aunt's friend's daughters like to see me do quads(they are kids under 13 anyway). My brother is the only one in my house who supports me to do quads (ig) for my classmates a boy that i trust really doesn't mind about it but tells me to not post these content (quadrobics videos) on social media. My bestfriends-classmates (one of them is my neighbor) they disagree with me and suggested to stop doing quads. Yesterday i talked about quads and furries and maybe lgbtq+ with C and she was like (i forgot most of the conversation i am not 💯 sure about what you are going to read but i know that she disagrees with me) : they shouldn't do that or do this/doing quads is like pretending to be an animal/you are doing quads now but time by time you will be addicted and maybe call yourself an animal (or something like this) (not 💯 sure)/you are not a real Christian if you do this stuff/etc. And the others: my neighbor and her distant cousin (bff classmates) mostly the same opinion as her. My neighbor and bff she told me at first that she doesn't mind about it and like it.... But after a few months, she told me that she lied and she doesn't like it. I was upset because she lied to me. Since i am in lebanon those stuff aren't traditional and my country is very religious. Idc about traditions and what i found interesting I do or watch.... I don't wanna talk much but tell me in the comments what do you think and if you want to answer the question go ahead. Love you byee...
submitted by thea_plumatylia to Otherpaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:13 Doggiepawslover Strange FBI agents just "questioned me" and abrubtly left

I wanted to take a small hike around Oak Mountain and got too close to the lake probably, because 2 federal agents suddenly aproached me (no idea where they came from, they were just suddenly in front of me), and started asking me whether I knew "how to use this device", while showing me a normal looking pencil. Then they asked whether I used makeup and if I could bring them some???
That's not all though, their speech got slower and slower during their "questioning", until one of them said that they should "go get more energy from the HQ", after which they abrubtly left and went deeper into the forest. I was flabbergasted.
They were both bald and looked like twins to me. If you see them, try to quickly leave the area...
submitted by Doggiepawslover to OakPeak [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:13 WanMilBus A place where you can ask nutrition questions

Hello I am building a side project, which is a place (website) where you can come and ask a nutrition question.
Here, on Reddit (or elsewhere in the forums) you would get bunch of replies to any question you have. The problem is, you don't know who's answering, how trustworthy they are. More often than not, the answers contradict each other and you basically finish where you started.
The obvious solution would be to go and get a consultation with an expert. This is what you should do (unconditionally) if you have a medical situation, diagnosis etc. Otherwise, it will cost you on average around $80-100 (if we talk about the USA), which for some simpler situations might be too much. It is too much.
Here's, a place where you send your question to a certified expert and get your answer within 24 hours. No appointments, no weeks of waiting, all from the comfort of your home (or wherever you are).
The fee is just a fraction of the above amount -> $9. For that you won't get a one liner or a Yes/No answer. The reply will be concise, but detailed and as helpful as possible (the more detailed question you send, the easier it will be for the expert). Roughly consider several paragraphs of text.
The best part of it right now? It's FREE! The $9 I mentioned above is the goal. I am just starting the thing, lot's of work to reach there. This is why I'd like to ask you for your feedback. Please go and try it out, ask you questions, let me know what you think about the answers (but also about anything else).
Thank you!
submitted by WanMilBus to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:13 MatchAppropriate1281 Am I trans ?

I'm a 20-year-old AMAB (I don't give myself a gender because honestly, I don't even know if I'm really a "man").
I've been asking myself this question for about 1 week and I don't know why, it tortures my mind to have and get an answer.
The question popped into my head like that, one day, when I had just woken up. I read articles about it, started asking around. And all this has greatly interested me.
I'm asking myself this question because I think I may have hit on one of the problems I have in my life, but as I have other specificities, I wonder if it's not just me trying to find a justification for my feelings.
To explain: I have ADHD (diagnosed very young), I have anxiety disorders and I'm also depressed, with a huge lack of self-confidence, so I naturally tend to think that maybe that's why I'm asking myself the question rather than myself, because I see it as a "solution" to "assuming my personality"?
So to find out if this is indeed gender dysphoria or just a sign of my low self-esteem (or maybe the two are related).
The "for" signs:
-I've always been different since I was little. Probably related to my neurodivergence, but that needs to be stressed.
-I'm not particularly attached to my gender. I've always seen myself as more of an entity or a person than a gender. It's borderline if I don't pay attention to the fact that I have a male body.
-I had a lot more girl friends than boy friends when I was young, and I liked them a lot. We used to play a lot together.
-Interest in romance at a young age or stereotypically "feminine" traits such as empathy, kindness, etc. I've always been more valued than my gender. I've always been more valued by my girl friends than my boy friends, who used to make fun of me because I was bad at sports or because I was "weird" (well, that could be attributed to neurodivergence).
-My family used to make fun of me because I wasn't "masculine" enough and I wasn't the male cliché.
-I appreciate "feminine" aesthetics much more than masculine ones. I love to see beautiful women's clothing and how it's made.
-I don't see love the same way my friends do. I have no sexual desire (I'm asexual) and I still see it as a kind of intense spiritual connection.
-When I see heterosexual romances, it disgusts me because they're usually ultra-stereotyped and clichéd. Queer romances excite me much more. And especially lesbian romances.
-I'll say it again: I love the "feminine" aesthetic: fushia colors, pink everywhere, etc. I like to dress in different clothes. I like to dress eccentrically.
-I take the button test (I'd change sex if I could).
-I'm indifferent to my body. It's just "fat" to me (depersonalization).
-Lately, since I've been asking myself this question, I've been dropping a lot of unintentional undertones related to transidentity.
-I play a "hyper-masculine" character who is a caricature of man in his most "primitive" instincts when no one is home to mock those same instincts. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be masculine. I also feel like I also mock myself for being a "insecure man" and a "man" basically.
-I'm a bit ashamed to admit this one, but I'm hypersensitive to being seen as feminine (probably because I've been put down about it since childhood). But it's at a stage where it's ridiculous (I've refused to see films because they were too "girly"... only to see them on the sly when no one sees me). I feel like I'm constantly repressing myself. I fear people thinking I’m not my gender (I was raised in an conservative house) and hating myself, but at the same time, I hate myself for not being able to just be proud of what I like and what I am. I think it’s because I just learned to hate what I am when if I accepted it, I wouldn’t be so triggered of being called "girly".
-I've had a conflict in my head between an "empathetic" version and a "hypermasculine over the top" version for about 4 years.
-Remember when I used to talk about a special romantic bond? I've always had this kind of bond with female fictional characters who have all these qualities, and I envy them for it. Especially the one about the samaritans.
-I feel that being a man will make me unhappy in the future because it will impose things on me that I don't want.
-being trans doesn’t really afraid me, it’s more the consequence and social repercussions that makes me anxious.
Now, the arguments against:
-I'm indifferent to my body, It doesn’t feel weird to have a penis even if I find it not really esthetic, I don't mind being seen as a man, even if since I had that thought about being maybe a trans, I've been embarrassed by being associated with the one. But before that, I didn't care.
-I have interests that are also stereotypically male (history/video games/philosophy/political science/computers/etc.).
-I've never wondered about that recently. I don't have gender dysphoria. It's just that I feel like I'm repressing my feminine side.
-I'm afraid of being a woman. People are ALL going to judge me, and I'll get imposter syndrome. But normally, you're supposed to be proud to express yourself as such.
-I have stereotypically masculine traits. Not a lot, but there are some: competition, wanting to be disciplined and so on.
-I like to make vulgar jokes or behave like a male cliché (I'm also putting this here because it can also be a "against" sign).
-I enjoy interacting with my male friends. I like to play into their sarcasm.
-Maybe it's just a sign of low self-esteem.
-I've only asked myself this question recently.
-I haven't felt any body dysfunction and my body seems to like testosterone.
-I behave too much like a "man" for my taste.
I apologize if this sounds a bit misogynistic or misandrist or cliché, but I wanted to be as authentic as possible in my description.
Thank you in advance for your response. I look forward to reading your opinions on it.
submitted by MatchAppropriate1281 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:12 StipularEar7 Help looking for information on a friend

hello all this will probably be the one time ill make a post but I'm not sure I know any other group of people who would be better to help get what I need
a old supervisor and great friend of mine passed away within the last 2 years. I went to his funeral and was able to meet the rest of his family and through his brothers I was able to better learn more about his time in the US military. The issues is I cant find many records on him or anything talking about his service, his name Shane Smith. he was an sergeant and army ranger that served in ranger battalion starting in the late 80's through out the 90's than ended career in the early 2000's after some significant health problems. that prevented him from even being an instructor where he taught foreign weapons and tactics at fort Polk. I know a lot of what we talked about was hidden behind layers of black sharpie. and it made getting background at work hard due to gov't contracts wanting to see everything. My question is if anyone can find just some of the most basic stuff about him it would be great. I know that he participated in operation just cause, operation gothic serpent (black hawk down), operation desert storm/shield, worked doing recon and intel missions thought eastern Europe, and ended his combat career working with HIS words CIA and DEA in and throughout central and south America. Before suffering an injury during a combat jump with a failed parachute where he was drug by the plane after jumping Think "Rambo 2" and injured his back and then due to a bad landing messed up 2/3 vertebrae in his back. I know it seems like I know a bunch but I don't know his unit or much else. he never talked about the specifics during his time in conflict other than the funny stories but I would like to see if I can find any available records from his time in. I know he had some records from army shooting competitions in the 90's I would say I have a pictures but the ones I have are from his civilian life and he looks like he served in Vietnam due to how he aged definition of grey bush the wise. I thank any and all of you for your help it would just be great to put some more light on him and get some more stories about some of the things he did.
if you have any questions I will try to answer to the best of my ability's but he would only share so much and I never pressed him on it if I can find pictures I will try to post a part 2.
submitted by StipularEar7 to UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:12 Turbulent_Inertia Quickest way to import new Templates and Covers?

Hi—Confused Newbie here; please be gentle yet descriptive, if possible.
First, is there a simple way to access new templates or notebook covers using only the device itself?
Somehow—perhaps bc I started with Kindle Scribe—I envisioned that I might be able to use an app or a web link on the Supernote to look for such things, via a community forum or even a template store. I thought there might be at least a few “sample” covers or even templates preloaded into the “MyStyle” folder, to allow me to play around with the concept of personalization.
Second, is there any way to quickly send a self-made template via an email address? (Again, I am accustomed to Kindle Scribe).
Third— my other devices are an iPhone, a Windows 10 PC, an iPad, and a Kindle Scribe. Assuming I find (on reddit, or elsewhere online) or create what I need template-wise, what is the quickest/easiest way to get that over to my Supernote for use? I get confused among Supernote iOS app, Supernote cloud, Supernote partner app on PC etc.
I got the Supernote to help myself feel less scattered at a time when my bandwidth is limited, but I feel in serious need of a hand-holding tutorial (re: this basic stuff, as well as headings, TOC, links, keywords, stars, etc. ).
I’m not sure how to best use SN as an optimization tool, when figuring it out feels kind of DIY in a way I currently can’t swing. It’s like I have so many questions and can’t even find a basic organized place to write them down, never mind ask them.
(I think my ADHD doesn’t mix well with the user manual being buried onboard—I need like a programmed text or Socratic experiential workshop or something so it clicks. Not proud, not proud. )
Thank you all so much for your help.
submitted by Turbulent_Inertia to Supernote [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:11 justastudent1398 Talking to Alumni...

Anytime I attend an info session for a school or something hosted by a third party, I hear about networking with the school/alumni. How do you do this? What are intelligent questions to ask? I feel like everything I wanna know is available on the school's website...
submitted by justastudent1398 to MBA [link] [comments]