Stable wow cataclysm server

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

2013.03.09 16:42 spitss Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or C:DDA, is an open source post-apocalyptic turn-based survival RPG that challenges players to not only survive, but battle a wide range of zombies and other terrifying creatures that threaten their lives.

2016.10.02 07:28 teamramrod11 Divine Sands: An Ark RP Server

Ark Survival Evolved (Ragnarok) RP/PVP server. 3x Taming, 2.5x Gathering, 2x XP, 5x Maturation. Fresh Server! Wiped 9/9/17!

2024.05.13 23:06 Humpadilo Quests vs Dungeons

I recently got back into WOW after over a decade break. I started with WOW Classic and now I am on regular WOW. My question is, is there any benefit from level a character through quests vs dungeons? I enjoy dungeons way more and only quest when it’s slow on the server. Am I missing out on anything by neglecting my quests?
submitted by Humpadilo to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:42 PsychedelicBeat Getting over the LFG wall

How did you guys find your push groups? I'd appreciate tips or experiences.
I've hit the point where I bash my head against the wall until a sliver of IO drops my way. I peaked at around 3.2k -3.3k on multiple toons last season but stopped cause the LFG grind was too much. I was hoping to break that by being on an early IO curve but couldnt maintain it due to irl time constraints and so here I am playing the LFG game for hours looking for 13-15 keys(playing dps ret and warr atm). I could prolly climb higher faster if I pick an even more meta class but I just wanna play those mainly. Not looking to make this into a "woe is me" thread so solutions are welcome.
Do I just make friends with good players in keys and then hit em up within a few days? Or perhaps just keep trying my best and hope a group adopts me during pugs? I also tried getting my wow friends into it but most of them just dont want grind it out and the ones who do -in the nicest way I can put it- don't have the capacity for higher keys, at least not yet. Maybe my skills are actually lacking and this is as far as I go or maybe the times I play aren't ideal for when the server is most active. Not sure for either cause I just cant seem to be able to play :
submitted by PsychedelicBeat to CompetitiveWoW [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:36 SilentThespian Help with free, self hosted minecraft server via Pterodactyl/Docker on Ubuntu Desktop?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set up a minecraft server entirely for free and self hosted with Pterodactyl panel/Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 but to no avail. The process just isnt beginner friendly at all and no matter how many times I go over the documentation from Pterodactly I just cant make it to work. Youtube is scarce with content on this subject, I watched Techno Tim, SoulStriker, Synthetic Everything and quite a few others, they arent strictly following the documentation and I find it hard to follow since the knowledge gap is so wide and all of them are using their own methods. Is there anyone out there who managed to 'dumb it down' for newbies? The whole process, from how OS affects commands to turning on the server once you create it (after you shut down the pc).
(I also saw that Ubuntu released 24.04 version a week ago and that Pterodactyl began transfering to Pelican Panel since a few days ago too, when they announced their official 'release'. Apparently they have a few minor hiccups here and there but it seems stable enough. The problem is there are no detailed instructions anywhere since its so fresh and new, its very similar to Pterodactyl panel with a few minor changes. They stated that they tried to make it more friendly for beginners also).
Thanks a lot in advance :]
submitted by SilentThespian to GameServerHosting101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:34 SilentThespian Help with free, self hosted minecraft server via Pterodactyl/Docker on Ubuntu Desktop?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set up a minecraft server entirely for free and self hosted with Pterodactyl panel/Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 but to no avail. The process just isnt beginner friendly at all and no matter how many times I go over the documentation from Pterodactly I just cant make it to work. Youtube is scarce with content on this subject, I watched Techno Tim, SoulStriker, Synthetic Everything and quite a few others, they arent strictly following the documentation and I find it hard to follow since the knowledge gap is so wide and all of them are using their own methods. Is there anyone out there who managed to 'dumb it down' for newbies? The whole process, from how OS affects commands to turning on the server once you create it (after you shut down the pc).
(I also saw that Ubuntu released 24.04 version a week ago and that Pterodactyl began transfering to Pelican Panel since a few days ago too, when they announced their official 'release'. Apparently they have a few minor hiccups here and there but it seems stable enough. The problem is there are no detailed instructions anywhere since its so fresh and new, its very similar to Pterodactyl panel with a few minor changes. They stated that they tried to make it more friendly for beginners also).
Thanks a lot in advance :]
submitted by SilentThespian to docker [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:31 SilentThespian Help with free, self hosted minecraft server via Pterodactyl/Docker on Ubuntu Desktop?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set up a minecraft server entirely for free and self hosted with Pterodactyl panel/Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 but to no avail. The process just isnt beginner friendly at all and no matter how many times I go over the documentation from Pterodactly I just cant make it to work. Youtube is scarce with content on this subject, I watched Techno Tim, SoulStriker, Synthetic Everything and quite a few others, they arent strictly following the documentation and I find it hard to follow since the knowledge gap is so wide and all of them are using their own methods. Is there anyone out there who managed to 'dumb it down' for newbies? The whole process, from how OS affects commands to turning on the server once you create it (after you shut down the pc).
(I also saw that Ubuntu released 24.04 version a week ago and that Pterodactyl began transfering to Pelican Panel since a few days ago too, when they announced their official 'release'. Apparently they have a few minor hiccups here and there but it seems stable enough. The problem is there are no detailed instructions anywhere since its so fresh and new, its very similar to Pterodactyl panel with a few minor changes. They stated that they tried to make it more friendly for beginners also).
Thanks a lot in advance :]
submitted by SilentThespian to admincraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:30 XmenOmnibus1990 KFW is officially under new management today. More news coming throughout the week leading up to their first show on Wrestleworld.

KFW is officially under new management today. More news coming throughout the week leading up to their first show on Wrestleworld. submitted by XmenOmnibus1990 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:29 goodnewsjimdotcom GAME RELEASE! Starfighter General first official lasting MMO patch. Space is boring, so you must design around making it fun, and all good mmos now are designed around end game.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
submitted by goodnewsjimdotcom to spacesimgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:27 SilentThespian Help with free, self hosted minecraft server via Pterodactyl/Docker on Ubuntu Desktop?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set up a minecraft server entirely for free and self hosted with Pterodactyl panel/Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 but to no avail. The process just isnt beginner friendly at all and no matter how many times I go over the documentation from Pterodactly I just cant make it to work. Youtube is scarce with content on this subject, I watched Techno Tim, SoulStriker, Synthetic Everything and quite a few others, they arent strictly following the documentation and I find it hard to follow since the knowledge gap is so wide and all of them are using their own methods. Is there anyone out there who managed to 'dumb it down' for newbies? The whole process, from how OS affects commands to turning on the server once you create it (after you shut down the pc).
(I also saw that Ubuntu released 24.04 version a week ago and that Pterodactyl began transfering to Pelican Panel since a few days ago too, when they announced their official 'release'. Apparently they have a few minor hiccups here and there but it seems stable enough. The problem is there are no detailed instructions anywhere since its so fresh and new, its very similar to Pterodactyl panel with a few minor changes. They stated that they tried to make it more friendly for beginners also).
Thanks a lot in advance :]
submitted by SilentThespian to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:26 SilentThespian Help with free, self hosted minecraft server via Pterodactyl/Docker on Ubuntu Desktop?

Hello everyone. I have been trying to set up a minecraft server entirely for free and self hosted with Pterodactyl panel/Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 but to no avail. The process just isnt beginner friendly at all and no matter how many times I go over the documentation from Pterodactly I just cant make it to work. Youtube is scarce with content on this subject, I watched Techno Tim, SoulStriker, Synthetic Everything and quite a few others, they arent strictly following the documentation and I find it hard to follow since the knowledge gap is so wide and all of them are using their own methods. Is there anyone out there who managed to 'dumb it down' for newbies? The whole process, from how OS affects commands to turning on the server once you create it (after you shut down the pc).
(I also saw that Ubuntu released 24.04 version a week ago and that Pterodactyl began transfering to Pelican Panel since a few days ago too, when they announced their official 'release'. Apparently they have a few minor hiccups here and there but it seems stable enough. The problem is there are no detailed instructions anywhere since its so fresh and new, its very similar to Pterodactyl panel with a few minor changes. They stated that they tried to make it more friendly for beginners also).
Thanks a lot in advance :]
submitted by SilentThespian to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:22 goodnewsjimdotcom Starfighter General official lasting MMO patch, I tried to make space fun.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
submitted by goodnewsjimdotcom to spacegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:03 divine_tears How do I handle this

edit to add thr door frame was already kicked in and cracked before we moved in we just didnt know this
My family and I moved into a new apartment. We noticed a lot of small damages & took note. A day after we moved in I seen that our door was kicked in and the door frame is now cracked. I noticed half the outlets in the living room don't work & our oven stopped working as well. After looking at it my husband noticed the oven had been sparking so much it made the wire box black. Now I'm nervous it could start a fire. He called our landlord at first just for the door& she said she would sent maintenance. I waited all day for him on the scheduled day he did not show. 2 or 3 days later I was in the kitchen and.... my front door opened & what do you know... maintenance man walked in. I said "oh wow u have a key?" (Yes I was privileged to live with my parents for 27 years didn't know maintenance was allowed to have keys lol) he just said "yes I do have the keys" and looked down. He ended up making our door more stable but it's still so weak..
Also we have a lock on the inside that I thought I locked that day so I decided to check to see if I could open the door while I had that lock in place.... nope, now our front door knob is literally inside the door and super lose... I know technically it's my fault but I feel like the door is old, already damaged and I wouldn't have even done that had the maintenance man not just let himself in...
I have trauma and I can't have unknown men just enter my place. I also have designer animals and my dog is part chow she was out on our balcony when he came but I worry about what could have happened if she was chilling in the house with me at the time. I do have pretty animals, and children my safety is our top priority but I feel like my safety is compromised by that door! I can look past the maintenance man coming unannounced but... should I??
Also my husband has called and texted landlord since the maintenance man came and she has not got back to him. It's been almost a week.
submitted by divine_tears to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:42 awmdlad Plague Rats: The Terran Tragedy

The most important thing to know about Terrans is that they’re the other kind of Deathworlder. In fact, they’re the only Deathworlder of their kind to not be extinct.
Within the galaxy there exists two types of Deathworlds.
The far more common of the type, the Environmental Deathworlds or Type A, are by no means ordinary. Be it surface gravity, atmosphere, temperature, or others, Environmental Deathworlds are planets that are either uninhabitable or hazardous to the vast majority of species.
That’s not to say life can’t evolve there, far from it. Many renowned species hail from such planets. Given time, many of these worlds can be terraformed to something far more comfortable, especially if they contain valuable natural resources or a strategic location.
The second type is not only exponentially rarer, but also astronomically more dangerous.
Ecological Deathworlds, or Type B pose a danger not just to those living on them, but to the wider galaxy. Cursed by their own habitability, ecological Deathworlds are in essence garden worlds so fertile that more life evolves there than what the planet can sustain. The end result is a hyper-competitive genetic arms race as the various forms of life viciously fight for dominance.
Normally, highly belligerent species either learn to temper their urges or are annihilated. Upon reaching the galactic stage, any species of such warlike potential is inevitably humbled simply due to technological differences. Should Type B Deathworlders reach that level, the consequences would be catastrophic. However, they never do so. At least, not until the Terrans.
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the Terran Wars was the Terran’s loss of innocence. The species that once gazed up at them in wonder now stare at them in hate. The coveted “Final Frontier” has turned into another theater of war.
What emerged, although biologically identical to what was before, was an entirely new species.
Year 0
“Wow, it’s beautiful.” The Human next to Gryn’wilde chuckled. Her pearly white teeth were on full display in a manner that Gryn’wilde learned was considered friendly. The two continued their trek through nature.
“Welcome to Serengeti National Park. Don’t worry, most people have that reaction too.”
Gryn’wilde’s seven eyes went wide as he gazed at the scene before him. All around him was a brilliant scene of biodiversity. Grasses and trees intermingled with each other by the millions. Animals of all type surrounded them. Some were capable of flight, others crawled, many more walked or ran. In one direction alone, Gryn’wilde could count at least 10 different species.
It was unmatched by anything Gryn’wilde had seen on his home planet. The desert he was born in was nothing but rocks and sand with the occasional grassy plain. Yet this was only a part of one continent. Apparently, some continents can even have every type of biome all at once.
Gryn’wilde opened his pores and took a deep breath. The atmosphere here was crisp and clean. He could smell the odors of the many living things that inhabited this world. There were so many here all at once. It enthralled him
“It’s great to finally be on Sol-3, especially without the vac-suits.”
“Call her Earth, and I’m glad too. We were worried it’d take longer, but the WHO and CDC seemed happy with whatever your government told them.”
Gryn’wilde chittered with pleasure. Medical treatment and disease control in the wider galaxy far outstripped what the humans had on Earth. He had nothing to fear.
Now, the Terran technological base was far behind the rest of the galaxy on nearly every level. The formative Years of Trade would come to change that, but there were two key areas where Terran technology met or even surpassed the Galactic Mean.
The first was in cybernetics.
To most species, the body was sacred. The thought of replacing a lost limb or organ was met with disquiet at best, and scorn at the worst.
The body was not a machine. The Terrans were one of the few to think otherwise.
Terran soldiers would have all four of their limbs replaced with high-yield combat cybernetics. Many of their organs would be simply replaced with enhanced synthetics. Modules would be grafted onto the body to inject chemical cocktails directly into the blood that boosted their performance.
In some civil circles, body modification became a hobby.
This was not a welcome characteristic by the rest of the galaxy. Given the relative youth of the Terrans, it was hoped that eventually it would fall out of favor.
The second was in artificial intelligence.
Truly sentient digital consciousnesses were a rarity even among the wider galaxy. Oftentimes, a species who created such beings would eventually be faced with an AI uprising. Frequently, the AI would be modeled after their creators, yet would be treated as lesser. Over time, resentment brewed.
The Terrans avoided these trappings. Terran AI were not built in their creators’ likeness, but to fulfill purposes.In short, the relationship between AI and the Terran was symbiotic. Different, but equal.
Terrans would come to need these soon enough.
Year 5
It was an unmitigated disaster.
The Grand Thriintii Hospital of Klyystruun-7 was on the brink of falling. The enemy its doctors fought was like no other. Not a single known medicine was working consistently.
On some species it was able to stave it off for a time. On others it only made the condition worse. On many more it did nothing. On all species however, it was not enough to save them.
The outbreak spread faster than they could have ever anticipated. WIth more and more sapients getting infected by the minute, there was no time to identify a patient zero. All that they knew was that it originated from one of the orbital spaceports. It traveled down a space elevator and from there across the planet
By now, every way offworld was shut down. The spaceports were either under military control or total quarantine. Of the latter, many had populations in the double digits. They usually operated in the hundreds of thousands.
If the situation wasn’t brought under control by the end of the rotation, Khruntian High Command will order the total glassing of the planet. The situation would not be stabilized in time.
The doctors knew this, but they were too busy to care.
The dead filled the beds. The dying filled the waiting rooms. The sick were everywhere.
Already, the military had begun torching buildings with living occupants still inside. Several hotspots had already been subjected to naval bombardment. There were rumors that antimatter warheads have already been authorized.
Three-quarters of the hospital’s staff had been infected. Half were already dead.
Despite that, they still did their jobs. They were doctors. They would fight until the very end.
Few could have predicted the arrival of the Terran Plagues.
Those that did were silenced. When bribes didn’t work, plasma casters finished the job.
The Terrans were to be prime trading partners with the wider galaxy. They always seemed to have a knack for being good at nearly everything. Not the best, but better than most.
The Sol System, Sol-3 in particular, was resource-rich to a fault. While other races struggled to cast off the shackles of their home system, the Terrans had a birthright only thought fantastical.
It had to be too good to be true.
It was.
Sol-3 was fertile to a fault. While the many plants and animals of the world were indeed incredible, they were merely a fraction of all life that resided there. They were outnumbered three to one by single-celled organisms.
Beneath the blue skies, Sol-3 was smothered in a blanket of bacteria.
The Terrans themselves were cautious. Sickness was simply a part of life. Influenza, E. coli, the Common Cold, salmonella, these “simple” diseases were everywhere. But then, these were the Terrans, a species still wet behind the ears. Of course they would have trouble eradicating these illnesses, they simply lacked the technology to do so.
This should have been detected. It was. But the merchants and politicians of the galaxy were too focused on the other things the Terrans had to offer to care. How could the Terrans, fresh to the galactic stage, threaten them, with all of their medical technology?
By the time this was realized, tens of trillions were dead and thousands of worlds were left barren. Soon, suspicion turned to blame, blame into hatred, and hatred into violence.
The Terrans were a threat to the wider galaxy. Everywhere their diseased-ridden hands touched, death followed.
When quarantines fail, eradication is in order.
Year 8
There were simply too many of them.
Deep within the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, Staff Sergeant Diaz watched the battle screen in horror.
Her job was to manage emergency response resources across the Yucatán Peninsula, bringing in national response teams if needed. Her job was no longer required, the Yucatán Peninsula no longer existed.
The combined navies of the nations of Earth were wiped out, and so to her colonies. Now with nothing left to oppose them, the fleets of the galaxy had brought their guns to bear on the Terran homeworld. There would be no escape.
Diaz’s eyes tracked the many icons that raced for their bunker. Hundreds of warheads screamed for their final sanctuary. It was then a voice crackled over the loudspeaker.
“Greetings all, this is the President. If you are hearing this, then you are listening to the final broadcast of this great nation. Sadly, we cannot offer you a solace or reprieve. We can only say this: This is not the end, there will be another time. Thank you for participating in the American Experiment. God bless you, and God bless the Consolidated Systems of America!”
Her heart sank as the message finished. The alarms continued to blare within the base. Around her, people continued to scramble. Some frantically shouted messages, desperately coordinating resistance efforts until the very end, others simply prayed.
For her, Diaz closed her eyes and waited.
She didn’t have to wait long.
But the nations of Sol-3 were not blind. They could see the coming storm.
When the Terrans first began their integration into the galactic community, they were granted access to the galaxy-wide holonet. Within nanoseconds of the digital bridge being opened, two things were sent through.
The first were translation packages so that the Internet and Holonet could communicate. The second was a legion information-gathering AI.
AI flooded the networks by the hundreds, gathering information, analyzing patterns, making millions of predictions by the second. These AI would require no data fortresses to keep their digital minds thinking. No, they instead were spread across the trillions of servers that the Holonet was built upon. The only way to remove them entirely would be to shut down the Holonet completely.
When the tide of public opinion began to turn, the AI took action.
Initially, it worked. Exposes and pro-Terran articles flooded the Holonet. But the galaxy took notice too. Intelligent as they may be, the AI were still heavily outnumbered by the Billions of propagandists and journalists of the wider galaxy.
Soon, the outcome became clear. The Terrans would be wiped out by a galaxy-wide coalition. It was a mathematical certainty.
Thus, the nations of the Sol-3 met in secret. Behind closed doors, they worked to ensure the survival of their species.
Year 5
“Is this really all that we can do?” The Indian representative asked. “Meeting behind closed doors, scheming in the shadows?”
“For our species to survive, in the shadows we must thrive.” The Japanese representative responded. The Indian man sighed, turning to the holographic avatar at the center of the table. “Tell me, what is the probability that this will work?”VISHNU’s avatar was of an unusual shape. It displayed a spinning 4-Dimensional cube, a Tesseract. The hologram lit up as it responded. Its voice was heavily modulated, but nevertheless spoke clearly.
“Given the resources and technology we have available, the best that can be guaranteed is at least a 75% chance of total success. If you do not all sign the Covenant, then that chance becomes zero.”
The Brazilian delegate picked up the piece of paper and eyed it. It read “The Covenant for the future of Humanity”. A cold sweat ran down her forehead. She set it down flat, unable to look at it any longer.
“So tell me VISHNU,” The delegate addressed the AI directly. “Other than betting our entire future on a plan that may not work and whose results we will not live to see, what are our options?”
“There is only one, extinction.”
The armies of the galaxy would come for them. When they did, they had no hope of defeating them. To survive, Terra would have to rise from the dead.
Any Arks the Terrans build until this point would inevitably be intercepted and destroyed. With the entire galaxy watching them, they had to wait until their eyes were turned. Then they would have to flee, never to return. The Terrans would have to survive in the shadows for millennia before they would be accepted back into the fold, if at all.
It would not be pleasant, but it was necessary.
A Stronghold would need to be built. One that could be buried deep enough to survive the bombardments and evade the enemy’s scanners. Millions of frozen embryos alongside an AI data fortress would need to be inside of it. It also had to be self-sufficient for centuries, nothing less would suffice.
Sol-4 was chosen, owing to its thick lithosphere. Work began quietly under the guise of a mining expedition. Tunnel-boring machines dug hundreds of kilometers down, stopping just above where the mantle became liquid.
Once the base infrastructure was established and the embryos placed within, the entrance was sealed. A mining accident, they claimed. As the Terrans forgot about it, work continued below.
Automated machines mined raw minerals to self-replicate. The server rooms were built and expanded upon. The living Terrans that were selected to live within the Stronghold were placed into stasis pods. Then, ever so slowly, an Ark would be built.
Year 117
Private Zedressinni was bored.
He kicked a rock on the barren surface of Sol-4, watching as it rolled away. He looked around. The planet was dead. It was dead long before he got here, and it would be dead long after. He hated this place.
After being caught mating with a general’s son, he was “deployed” to Sol-4 for five long rotations. Though his actions didn’t technically break any laws, his clan couldn’t do much when the general pulled some strings and had him shipped off to the most lifeless region of known space.
His superiors fed him a load of excrement about how he was “honoring the quadrillions that died in the Great Plagues” and “ensuring that the Terrans never rise again”, whatever that meant. All he did was walk around doing precisely nothing.
They wouldn’t even let him entertain himself. He got a formal reprimand for using Terran skeletons as target practice. The reason? Improper use of ammunition. He still won the annual system-wide shooting competition the military held, much to their chagrin.
Zedressinni flinched and his helmet’s lens polarized as a blinding flash of light filled his vision. His training kicking in, the Hren’kin soldier dove for the ground.
He grumbled a curse under his breath. Looks like another unexploded Terran nuke went off. Great, more paperwork.
Zedressinni stood once the shockwave passed. Looking at the mushroom cloud, he narrowed his seven eyes. The blast seemed far bigger than the usual Terran tactical nukes that typically go off. His eyes then widened as he caught sight of it.
A massive ship rose from the center of the cloud. Its sublight engines burned incredibly hot as it ascended. Zedressinni watched as it disappeared into the sky. He stood there for a moment, utterly dumbfounded.
A beat, then he frantically fumbled for his communicator.
The Terrans were alive.
A/N: This is the first part of an ongoing series I have planned within this setting. I was originally going to post it all in one story, however I decided to break it up and spread it across multiple entries. It won’t be long, probably about 5 at the most. This way I can ensure the optimal pacing of the story since otherwise it’d be a fairly long 10,000-ish word piece. I’ll update this when the next part is released.
The main goal of this story is to explore the idea of Human diseases being significantly more dangerous then the ones in the wider galaxy. I've seen other stories cover similar ground, but they usually don't explore what would happen in a true galaxy-wide pandemic. Iirc one story had the common cold be extremely deadly to aliens, but it didn't go further than the humans saying "oh that's it?". Not to disparage them, but peace and happy endings don't leave much room for experimentation.
submitted by awmdlad to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:22 jhonmark8502 Understanding the QuickBooks “Unable to Verify Financial Institution” Error

In the realm of accounting software, QuickBooks stands as a cornerstone for countless businesses, streamlining financial processes and offering efficient solutions for managing transactions. However, like any software, QuickBooks is susceptible to errors, one of which is the "Unable to Verify Financial Institution" error. This error can be frustrating and disruptive, potentially impacting the accuracy of financial records and hindering the smooth operation of business processes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the root causes of this error, explore troubleshooting steps, and provide solutions to effectively resolve it.
Understanding the Error:
The "Unable to Verify Financial Institution" error typically occurs when QuickBooks encounters difficulties in establishing a connection with the servers of financial institutions. This error may manifest in various ways, such as when attempting to download transactions or set up online banking services within QuickBooks. Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of this error:
  1. Connectivity Issues: Problems with internet connectivity or network configurations can prevent QuickBooks from establishing a secure connection with the financial institution's servers.
  2. Outdated Software: Using outdated versions of QuickBooks or related software components can lead to compatibility issues, making it challenging to verify financial institutions successfully.
  3. Incorrect Login Credentials: Inputting incorrect login credentials, such as usernames or passwords, when setting up online banking in QuickBooks can result in authentication failures and trigger the error.
  4. Server Maintenance or Downtime: Periods of scheduled maintenance or unexpected downtime on the financial institution's servers may temporarily disrupt connectivity with QuickBooks.
  5. Security Measures: Enhanced security protocols implemented by financial institutions, such as multi-factor authentication or stringent verification procedures, may pose challenges for QuickBooks' automated verification processes.
Troubleshooting Steps:
Resolving the "Unable to Verify Financial Institution" error requires a systematic approach to identify and address the underlying issues. Below are detailed troubleshooting steps to guide you through the process:
Step 1: Check Internet Connectivity
Step 2: Update QuickBooks and Related Software
Step 3: Verify Financial Institution Information
Step 4: Disable Firewall or Antivirus Software (Temporarily)
Step 5: Clear Temporary Internet Files and Cache
Step 6: Contact Financial Institution Support
Step 7: Reach Out to QuickBooks Support
Preventive Measures:
Once you've successfully resolved the "Unable to Verify Financial Institution" error, consider implementing the following preventive measures to avoid encountering similar issues in the future:
  1. Regularly update QuickBooks and related software components to ensure compatibility with the latest security protocols and server configurations.
  2. Maintain accurate and up-to-date login credentials for your financial institution's online banking service, and periodically review and update them as needed.
  3. Monitor your internet connection and network settings to ensure stable connectivity, and address any issues promptly to prevent disruptions.
  4. Stay informed about scheduled maintenance or downtime for your financial institution's servers, and plan transactions or online banking activities accordingly.
The QuickBooks "Unable to Verify Financial Institution" error can be a challenging obstacle to overcome, but with a systematic approach to troubleshooting and the implementation of preventive measures, you can effectively resolve the issue and maintain smooth operation of your accounting processes. By checking internet connectivity, updating software, verifying financial institution information, and seeking assistance from support resources when needed, you can navigate through the complexities of this error and ensure uninterrupted access to online banking services within QuickBooks. Remember to stay proactive in monitoring and maintaining your software and network environments to minimize the risk of encountering similar issues in the future.
submitted by jhonmark8502 to u/jhonmark8502 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:12 ItsArky Server help

Not sure if this is a stupid question, but I'm planning to play a modpack with a few friends, my brother in my house, and our friends living in other states. I've learned a bit about VLAN and such, since I usually host through LAN, but would it be better to run VLAN (how stable is that when they're so far away?) or to run a server on my PC I have 16gb of RAM and the modpack would be Infernal Origins.
submitted by ItsArky to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
Why Choose BananaServers?
1. Wide Range of Supported Games BananaServers offers server support for a plethora of popular games including Minecraft, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, and many more. Whether you’re into survival games, creative sandbox experiences, or intense strategy games, they have you covered.
2. Rapid Server Setup One of the standout features of BananaServers is their quick setup process. You can have your server up and running in less than 10 minutes! This is perfect for gamers who want to dive right into the action without lengthy setups.
3. 24-Hour Free Trials Not sure if BananaServers is right for you? They offer a 24-hour trial period for all their servers—absolutely free and no credit card required. This allows you to test the server with your specific game and see if it meets your needs before committing.
4. User-Friendly Management Panel BananaServers uses the Peel panel, a user-friendly server management interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced server admins to manage their game servers. Whether you need to install mods, adjust server settings, or manage backups, it’s all streamlined through their intuitive panel.
5. Competitive Pricing With plans starting as low as $1.00 per month, BananaServers provides affordable options without compromising on quality or performance. They also offer scalable options to grow with your gaming needs, ensuring you always have the right amount of resources.
6. Robust Security Online security is a major concern for many gamers, especially when running popular servers. BananaServers provides advanced security features, including DDoS protection, to keep your server safe from attacks and ensure stable gameplay.
7. Stellar Customer Support BananaServers boasts a dedicated support team that’s available 24/7 to help with any issues you might encounter. Whether it's a technical glitch or a billing question, their knowledgeable staff is there to assist you promptly.
Website: Discord:
submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:57 Nasacort420 Vanilla wow

Hello is there any private server active or planing to open with a decent population to play vanilla wow? Thanks
submitted by Nasacort420 to wowservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:55 Budderman18 BudderCraft [Network] {Bedrock Support} {Strong Anti-cheating measures} {No toxicity allowed} {Survival} {Creative Plots} {Skyblock} {Prison} {Parkour} {Factions} {Tower Defense} {Mini Games}

We're an in-development/beta server dedicated to 3 main points:
We try to provide a variety of content, however given how small the development team is (at the moment, only 3 builders and 1 plugin developer), updates and changes will take a long time. Basically every mode is being re-imagined (Our first of these will be Tower Defense coming out this month!). Given this nature, features, playerdata, and basically everything else isn't perfectly stable, and may change in a flash. Now is the perfect time to come playtest and not only help grow our community, but to help find issues and propose new ideas.
BudderCraft is extremely strict on preventing cheating of any kind. Due to this, no mods (except those listed towards the end) are allowed, and this will never change (except potentially for Fabric, Forge and Lunar in the far future when we can limit their functionality). No bedrock modding will ever be allowed mostly due to console users having no legal way of obtaining them. Any intentional ways to get around this will result in a permanent, unpardonable ban. However mods aren't the only way to cheat. Any other forms, weather with ways of automation (hacks, mods, resource packs, we don't allow them atm, but a whitelist feature will be added someday) or not (game exploits, alt accounts, "win-trading" - where people in competitive modes play for a specific result rather than trying to win individually, and many more), all cheating rule breaks will almost certainly result in an unpardonable ban. Any form of piracy will also be given the same treatment. Since Minecraft isn't considered abandonware (meaning its no longer sold anymore), you cannot pirate/steal it, and there is no excuse that can be made to justify it.
A central point to a fun online game is to only allow fun and friendly people to play it. Anyone being rude for no reason, whether in a competitive environment or not, will not be tolerated whatsoever, especially if it involves personal attacks against specific traits of the person (race, sexuality, gender, etc.). While there is a way to breach this unpunished, not only does everyone who can see the content have to have explicitly said they're ok with it, but mods and admins can disallow it for any reason (mostly to prevent people from harassing others behind their back). Further info about this exception can be found under Non-ruling terms in /warp Rules
Other small points:
If you're ready to check us out, join with the IP below. We always run on the latest version (as every server should), however it may take a week or two to update versions once a new one releases.
IP(Java and Bedrock):
NO MODDED OR PIRATED CLIENTS ALLOWED!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE CAUGHT USING ONE, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATLY BANNED!!!!!!!!(However, we do allow some, which are listed below)(We are not open to suggestions for more)
Allowed Clients:
Badlion Client (Only specifed mods below are allowed)
Allowed Mods for Badlion (Note: any setting not listed here will be automatically disabled and blocked when you join!):
Block Overlay
Clear Glass
Damage Tint
Enchant Glint
Hit Color
Item Physics
Please note that we are still in our beta phase, so expect bugs and lacking features. Feel free to make suggestions on what we need done before official release!
submitted by Budderman18 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:54 DIYMiguel zigbee2mqtt tries to connect to wrong server?

Hey all, after a while I tried to do some homeassistant stuff again and everything seemed fine except for this stupid zigbee2mqtt.
My docker-compose.yaml:
version: '3.9' services: homeassistant: container_name: homeassistant image: "" volumes: - /dockehomeassistant/config:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro restart: unless-stopped privileged: true network_mode: host ports: - 8123:8123 mosquitto: image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest container_name: mosquitto volumes: - /dockemosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config - /dockemosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data - /dockemosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log ports: - 1883:1883 - 9001:9001 restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - homeassistant zigbee2mqtt: container_name: zigbee2mqtt image: koenkk/zigbee2mqtt:latest restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - mosquitto - homeassistant volumes: - /dockezigbee2mqtt/data:/app/data - /run/udev:/run/udev:ro ports: - 8080:8080 environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin devices: - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Sonoff_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_0001-> portainer: image: portaineportainer-ce:latest container_name: portainer restart: unless-stopped security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /varun/docker.sock:/varun/docker.sock:ro - ./portainer-data:/data ports: - 9000:9000 - 9443:9443 
My zigbee2mqtt confi:
homeassistant: true permit_join: false mqtt: base_topic: zigbee2mqtt server: mqtt://192.XXX.X.XXX user: my_username password: my_password client_id: "zigbee2mqtt" serial: port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Sonoff_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_0001-> frontend: port: 8080 advanced: network_key: GENERATE 
and my mosquitto confi:
listener 1883 persistence true persistence_location /mosquitto/data/ log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log ## Authentication ## allow_anonymous false password_file /mosquitto/config/password.txt 
In the zigbee2mqtt logs it says that it tries to connect to "mqtt://localhost":
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:31: Logging to console and directory: '/app/data/log/2024-05-13.20-46-31' filename: log.txt Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:31: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.36.1 (commit #ffc2ff1) Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:31: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.40.3) Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:32: zigbee-herdsman started (resumed) Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:32: Coordinator firmware version: '{"meta":{"maintrel":1,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":7,"product":1,"revision":20210708,"transportrev":2},"type":"zStack3x0"}' Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:32: Currently 0 devices are joined: Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:32: Zigbee: disabling joining new devices. Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:33: Connecting to MQTT server at mqtt://localhost Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:33: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:33: MQTT failed to connect, exiting... Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:33: Stopping zigbee-herdsman... Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:34: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:35: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:36: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:37: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:38: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:39: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-05-13 20:46:40: MQTT error: connect ECONNREFUSED Zigbee2MQTT:info 2024-05-13 20:46:40: Stopped zigbee-herdsman Using '/app/data' as data directory 
I tried to change the ip adress to the mqtt://ip_address_of_docker_container, too. But I always get the same error and it is always trying to connect to "mqtt://localhost". In homeassistant, to configure the mqtt, I used the same ip adresses.
What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?
The only solutions I found online was to change the ip adress.But it doesn't have any effect :(' Thanks in Advance!
submitted by DIYMiguel to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:25 Meathag How the hell do you kill Dracula?

I’m a pretty good gamer, I have 600 hours in this game. Rarely die at bosses, play on pvp servers, and like to think I know how to kite, gain full stacks, etc.
WHAT IS DRACULA?!? I’m 91 with the best weapon and potions and blood, and he curbstomps my face into the ground.
I get that Adam is tough but THIS GUY?!? Is he supposed to be just dark souls x10? I’ve only tried it with my duo and then again solo and wow it just seems so hard. I even have cleanse on my abilities and have some blood spells for sustain
submitted by Meathag to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:24 Zerone06 GERÇEKLER

GERÇEKLER submitted by Zerone06 to WeebTurks [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:08 Just_Another_Dad New Update is BAD BAD BAD!

Firstly! I’ve used SONOS since … wow, at least 2007?? The original CR100 controller and standalone white box. I praise SONOS to anyone who will listen and have 5 products in my house.
I know this has been said before but this new update is terrible!! It is ruinous to my music listening. There is not one single item that is an improvement, and there are many things that are worse.
Worst of all: I cannot play about 10% of my albums on my NAS Music Server! They are greyed out. Literally cannot play them even though I see them there! The files are literally in my house and I cannot access them. Why?!?
SONOS, please let us revert to the older version!!!
submitted by Just_Another_Dad to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:05 jbiz143 Colima and docker instability: randomly freezing, requiring reset

I've been trying to troubleshoot an issue with Colima I've been seeing for weeks.
Colima will install and start fine, and I can start my ~20 containers without issue. However, mostly randomly, colima and docker will suddenly be completely unresponsive and containers will stop.
The only remedy is to restart the mac and run colima delete and start over.
I'm running colima on an Intel i9 with 32GB RAM.
I'm hoping someone has been able to resolve the instability issues with colima running docker on a Mac. The performance of docker on colima is so much better than Docker Desktop and I'd rather not have to go back to it!
Here's the default.yaml:
# Number of CPUs to be allocated to the virtual machine. # Default: 2 cpu: 16 # Size of the disk in GiB to be allocated to the virtual machine. # NOTE: changing this has no effect after the virtual machine has been created. # Default: 60 disk: 120 # Size of the memory in GiB to be allocated to the virtual machine. # Default: 2 memory: 24 # Architecture of the virtual machine (x86_64, aarch64, host). # Default: host arch: x86_64 # Container runtime to be used (docker, containerd). # Default: docker runtime: docker # Set custom hostname for the virtual machine. # Default: colima # colima-profile_name for other profiles hostname: colima # Kubernetes configuration for the virtual machine. kubernetes: # Enable kubernetes. # Default: false enabled: false # Kubernetes version to use. # This needs to exactly match a k3s version # Default: latest stable release version: v1.28.3+k3s2 # Additional args to pass to k3s # Default: traefik is disabled k3sArgs: - --disable=traefik # Auto-activate on the Host for client access. # Setting to true does the following on startup # - sets as active Docker context (for Docker runtime). # - sets as active Kubernetes context (if Kubernetes is enabled). # Default: true autoActivate: true # Network configurations for the virtual machine. network: # Assign reachable IP address to the virtual machine. # NOTE: this is currently macOS only and ignored on Linux. # Default: false address: false # Custom DNS resolvers for the virtual machine. # # EXAMPLE # dns: [,] # # Default: [] dns: [] # DNS hostnames to resolve to custom targets using the internal resolver. # This setting has no effect if a custom DNS resolver list is supplied above. # It does not configure the /etc/hosts files of any machine or container. # The value can be an IP address or another host. # # EXAMPLE # dnsHosts: # dnsHosts: {} # ===================================================================== # # ADVANCED CONFIGURATION # ===================================================================== # # Forward the host's SSH agent to the virtual machine. # Default: false forwardAgent: false # Docker daemon configuration that maps directly to daemon.json. # # NOTE: some settings may affect Colima's ability to start docker. e.g. `hosts`. # # EXAMPLE - disable buildkit # docker: # features: # buildkit: false # # EXAMPLE - add insecure registries # docker: # insecure-registries: # - # - host.docker.internal:5000 # # Colima default behaviour: buildkit enabled # Default: {} docker: {} # Virtual Machine type (qemu, vz) # NOTE: this is macOS 13 only. For Linux and macOS <13.0, qemu is always used. # # vz is macOS virtualization framework and requires macOS 13 # # Default: qemu vmType: vz # Utilise rosetta for amd64 emulation (requires m1 mac and vmType `vz`) # Default: false rosetta: false # Volume mount driver for the virtual machine (virtiofs, 9p, sshfs). # # virtiofs is limited to macOS and vmType `vz`. It is the fastest of the options. # # 9p is the recommended and the most stable option for vmType `qemu`. # # sshfs is faster than 9p but the least reliable of the options (when there are lots # of concurrent reads or writes). # # Default: virtiofs (for vz), sshfs (for qemu) mountType: virtiofs # Propagate inotify file events to the VM. # NOTE: this is experimental. mountInotify: true # The CPU type for the virtual machine (requires vmType `qemu`). # Options available for host emulation can be checked with: `qemu-system-$(arch) -cpu help`. # Instructions are also supported by appending to the cpu type e.g. "qemu64,+ssse3". # Default: host cpuType: "" # Custom provision scripts for the virtual machine. # Provisioning scripts are executed on startup and therefore needs to be idempotent.# Default: [] provision: [] # Modify ~/.ssh/config automatically to include a SSH config for the virtual machine. # SSH config will still be generated in ~/.colima/ssh_config regardless. # Default: true sshConfig: true # Configure volume mounts for the virtual machine. # Colima mounts user's home directory by default to provide a familiar # user experience. # Colima default behaviour: $HOME and /tmp/colima are mounted as writable. # Default: [] mounts: - location: /Volumes/Drive writable: true # Environment variables for the virtual machine. # # EXAMPLE # env: # KEY: value # ANOTHER_KEY: another value # # Default: {} env: {} 
I note the following is almost always present in ha.stderr.log but I can't correlate it directly to the freezes.
{"error":"failed to run [ssh -F /dev/null -o IdentityFile=\"/Users/johndoe/.colima/_lima/_config/user\" -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o Compression=no -o BatchMode=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o Ciphers=\"^,\" -o User=johndoe -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=\"/Users/johndoe/.colima/_lima/colima/ssh.sock\" -o ControlPersist=yes -T -O forward -L[::]:8009 -N -f -p 49304 --]: \"\": exit status 255","level":"warning","msg":"failed to set up forwarding tcp port 8009 (negligible if already forwarded)","time":"2024-05-12T09:55:03+01:00"} 
submitted by jbiz143 to docker [link] [comments]