What happens when you stop taking cymbalta suddenly

Ankylosing Spondylitis

2012.03.01 09:12 sayaphsy Ankylosing Spondylitis

/ankylosingspondylitis is a place for patients of ankylosing spondylitis and other axial spondyloarthritis. These conditions are autoimmune diseases that cause inflammatory arthritis of the lower back, hips, and other joints.

2015.03.10 22:08 THUMB5UP 1500 kCals A Day!

A sub about eating on 1500 calories total per day.

2015.02.27 22:42 apotero Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

A place to post about your MIL or Mother who is just the *worst*. Come for support, come for advice, or just to vent and get it all out. That's what we're here for. Discussion often contains adult themes and language.

2024.05.14 01:33 TransLunarTrekkie I Think I Need To Be Stopped

Hey y'all! Everyone like Star Wars? I assume so, you're here. You like LEGOs? I hope so, because that's what I have for you! Yeah, a couple months back I downloaded BrickLink Studio and started messing around with it, everything from big projects of which I have actually completed... Exactly zero of, mostly because I would need to physically sort out all my LEGOs and that's actual tedious boring work, to little silly stuff that I've shared elsewhere.
One of those big ones has been my own playscale version of the classic original trilogy RZ-1 A-Wing that properly matches the proportions of the model used on-screen.
RZ-1 A-Wing and pilot, and the beginning of my rage against BLS's lack of minifig parts.
I've had that cooking for a few weeks now. I have the instructions, and there's at least three metric walls of text worth of detailing to drop with it when that happens, I just want to physically test-build it before I release them out into the wild which... Well, see above, but that didn't stop me from being gripped by inspiration early this morning to also create the A-Wing as seen in Rebels. Which made me realize that there are actually FOUR of them.
Rebels A-Wing one.
This one is the one I'm (second) happiest with of the bunch, mostly because the colors match the closest and it was the simplest of the "basic" model to make. There are some changes and concessions I had to make, if I were to consider the Rebels version completely separate from the one in Return of the Jedi (which I do) I should honestly not hold myself as strictly to the RotJ proportions, the animation team certainly didn't, but all-in-all I think it turned out really well regardless.
Rebels A-Wing two.
This one annoys the crap out of me, because all the blue is supposed to be the same color and... well LEGO's part production does not agree with that. In retrospect I probably should've made a render with all the blues the same as a comparison, but I only just now thought to do that and I've been at this for 10 hour by complete accident. Which sucks because this is the one that looks the most like the Ralph McQuarrie concept art of the A-Wing which the Rebels design was based on.
Epic properly colored Rebels A-Wing three.
Busted actually buildable Rebels A-Wing three.
Now despite the last one annoying the crap out of me, THIS ONE annoys me the most. Because the colors are closest to how it appeared onscreen. Yeah, it can't be made in these colors. LEGO doesn't make those parts in dark green. This is, in my humble opinion, a crime. But I digress. I will take a moment to complain that the 3D model has that pretty red stripe RIGHT where the cannons are supposed to connect to the fuselage, which means that I can't just put alternating round plates there to perfectly replicate it, I have to instead put a full-sized brick there, and I can only represent the stripe with a red pin. Could I fix it? Probably. Did I? No. Will I? Maybe, I just want to kvetch about it.
Rebels A-wing four, sans space mom, stupid minifig limitations.
I thought, when taking this on that there were only three A-Wings in Rebels. Then I thought to look up which one Hera flew in the show. Turns out? None of the above, and hers' is really neat looking! I wanted the dark gray to be more of a sand blue color, but LEGO part colors strike yet again. Also having to brick-build the slopes to get the detailing (since it's Hera's I had to put a bit more effort in) was annoying.
But why all of this? What does this have to do with the subject of trans clones? Well, the finale of the Bad Batch aired and showed us Omega leaving to join the Rebellion as a pilot. Which led to this awesome piece of fanart being posted:
art by MMorali
I saw this cool picture on May 4th, left a like, and filed it away on my hard-drive with a whole bunch of other stuff. Then when I woke up this morning I was gripped by inspiration and HAD to make this:
Bonus Rebels A-Wing with best girl.
So all of this, aside from the RZ-1 A-Wing all the way up at the top, has been the result of me having a MIGHTY NEED to make best girl Omega and her fighter as part of Phoenix squadron depicted in that fanart in LEGO form. I was, in fact, so gripped by this urge and launched so headlong into it that it's only as I type this that I realize Omega is flying an X-Wing in that picture. I never claimed to be smart.
submitted by TransLunarTrekkie to TransClones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:32 ColdInMinnesooota FYI: b0t / pr firm / campaign activity has increased recently (and will be getting worse probably)

With the election season coming up, the bots are out in full force - and a lot more forceful. I posted the below text on the centrist subreddit where I first noticed how bad bot activity is ramping up, but thought I'd repost here, since this seems to be target in the past. (as well as most politically minded subreddits) Also included are a few ways I've noticed them, to assume that I'm arguing with bots and thus stop when I realize this. (and then proven probably right in what happens next)
The change in various subreddits in pretty much everything related to the recent protests has proven yet again how reddit can be manipulated, and how I'd wager 1/3 to 1/2 of the commenters aren't "real" in the organic sense in politically-minded subs. (more on that below)
TLDR: make your comments and move on, don't engage too much with replies, because chances are is that you've engaged with a bot recently, and much more likely on any politically related posts. The entire system of upvotes / downvotes is corrupted, not to mention many of the commenters are paid shills (with various ways of assuming they are - not proving 100%, but lots of evidence they are)
So basically you are just wasting your time and giving your energy to the machine - don't do this TOO much. It's a waste of energy / time. As carlin says, at least when you are ...... you have something to show for it -
Just an fyi, there's a 50-50 chance you are talking to a bot right now - I've noticed a lot of this activity recently, and especially on this sub.
How do I know?
Look at what gets upvoted and downvoted - these have changed drastically recently (like on Israel related ones - on this sub - anything for the protests gets massively downvoted, this - on reddit? no way)
-Why do your comments stay at -2 or -4? because they're hidden by the default view. they do this to create an environment that most normies won't question and/or look further into.
-Do they not actually respond to your points / miss nuance / context? they're probably in a different country using auto translation software. people abroad can't tell the difference between an ICE car and a car ice sculpture, for example.
Also look at the commenters, what they say and their profiles. a lot don't look real.
And these are just the accounts that they don't do a good job at making their profiles look legit, because there's no point. (since they are throwaways)
My point being don't waste your life replying to many of these people, they probably are just interns / bots anyways.
Here's a link from a supposed testament of how this works: (supposed - not proven, but it lines up from my prior political consultant activity a LONG time ago)
"My niece was a political science major at a reputable university in California. Part of her program is a coop portion where they join a campaign for a semester. This happens twice during the four year undergrad program. If you’re not familiar with how co-op works the school places you. You don’t have a choice. If all goes well you get some good experience, something to put on your resume, you make connections that can help you after you graduate and if you’re lucky you get hired on as a paid staffer.
In 2016 she was on the Kamala Harris senate campaign for Barbara Boxer’s seat. Then she was on David Baladao’s congressional campaign in 2018.
After graduating she was hired on to the Kamala Harris presidential campaign in January of 2019. This is where she went from student/volunteer to a paid position and the job changed a lot. So instead of door knocking, putting up posters, applauding during campaign speeches and running errands she was helping organize the field team and the cyber team. The field team is pretty straight forward so let’s focus on the cyber team.
Their job was to see what was hot and how can the campaign get in front of whatever issue or whatever was happening at the time. Did a candidate in another campaign put his foot in his mouth? Is there a controversy that is early in the news cycle? Is something being talked about online that makes our candidate look bad? Kamala getting political favors from people she dated and keeping an innocent man in prison were the ones I remember off hand. This is all normal stuff. Other than planting staffers at rallies to ask questions because the rubes never seemed to ask the right questions for Kamala’s already prepared answers there isn’t a lot of juicy gossip on these campaigns. But the cyber team had another role which is why I’m making this post now.
The cyber team and most of the staffers were expected to participate in forums, bulletin boards, social media chat spaces, all platforms including reddit. They were expected to have multiple accounts and maintain characters while engaging with other users. She used pre-maid accounts that were at least three years old. They would push-pull ideas to see what worked and what fell flat. The same person would have nice, mean, old, young, female, male, gay etc personas. Each with a bio. If one of them left the campaign someone else would take it over. This is all over and above the bot accounts. The cyber team were real people with multiple fake accounts testing talking points and seeing what the push back would be so the candidate would be prepared when the campaign couldn’t protect her from real people. The main work was done in a cubicle farm by a dedicated team but regular staffers were required to do it as well. The K-hive cyber team and the BootieJudge cyber teams hated each other and took pleasure in exposing their rival’s accounts.
That person you are having an argument with online may just be a shill from someone’s campaign. It may also be Russian, Israeli, Chinese and surprisingly Turkish agents. Election interference is real but it isn’t hacking voting machines but instead two idiots arguing online with one of those idiots being paid to do it. So the next time you encounter someone in sub, any sub just understand when they start spouting talking points they may not be a real person.
Age of the account won’t help you. Banning normally doesn’t help much because the can just hop-on with another account. It’s only going to get worse as the election heats up. God help us all."
Ever notice how blocking only gets a response from another different account? believe it or not most real people dont' do this - you just argued with a bot / pr shill / campaign.

Here's also a good example on the centrist thread, where I originally created this post -
God with a soft g has the top rates comment, and is lying about the prior convo to discredit what I said:
I was replying to a question of why xudoxis (a user) was spam posting at all on a different thread in this subreddit (centrist) - they were posting multiple stories on the exact same topic in this thread - another commenter was calling them out on it - upon which I replied, given their spam posting of the same story on this subreddit multiple times - that they were a bot.
see the bot-ness? of course you do.
then God with a soft g replies with only my response on this thread, not to the comment I was replying to in the prior one -
my guess: both xudoxis and god with a soft g aren't legitimate. one was spamming stories, the other defending that spammer (and also young acct) by lying about the convo. (after i blocked xudoxis, since they couldn't respond to me)
yes, this is all small crap, who cares - but realize this is pr plain and simple - they lie all the time.
submitted by ColdInMinnesooota to BreakingPoints [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:32 Anxious_Sound_9823 Thank you for spending time with me again

Hey friend,
I'm glad we could spend at least some time together again. After what happened last Monday and the following silence, I was honestly scared that you were sick of me and didn't wanna be friends anymore. I was anxious when I texted you, as you might've noticed. I'm still super insecure about what we are. Are we friends? Are we just two strangers who were friends for a while and now just can't let go? Or are we even lovers who can't find the courage of confessing to each other? I don't know and I'll definitely won't be the first to confess. At least not right now. I'm still not ready to take the first step. If you chose to do it, I wouldn't hesitate, but I'm not strong enough to do that for us. Not yet. I've been saying this for way too long, I know.
When the time comes (if you were to read this, you'd know what I mean) and I still feel this way, I'll do it. I promise. When the circumstances allow us to be together. Until then, I'll gladly be your friend if you want me to. If you don't, that's fine too. I just want you to be happy. Of course I'm hoping to stay friends or become a couple, but I won't force you to deal with me if you don't want to. I would understand if you felt that way.
But weirdly enough, I don't feel like I'm annoying you. I'm pretty sure that what happened was just because of all the stress and fear you're facing. I will still address it as I know it's not healthy to keep it to myself, but I'm not mad at you. I just want to avoid situations like that in the future. And you know I'd do anything to help you get out of your current situation if there was any way I could actually help.
Just let me know if you still want/need me and how I can help you. I'll be here.
submitted by Anxious_Sound_9823 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:32 cherryxcry Is this IIH?

1 (21 F 130 LBS 5'6) have been suffering from fatigue, body weakness, head pressure, weird vision, eye pressure, weird dizziness and feeling heavy and faint when standing for a month now. I am diagnosed with POTs and have been for almost 3 years now and I know this isn't what's causing it.
My symptoms started one random day when I was outside working with my dad. I felt completely weak and lightheaded and heavy and I fell down, and had to be literally dragged into my room.
This feeling won't go away. I can't walk without feeling like i'm going to faint and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so anxious about this and I’m not sure how i’m going to see a doctor when I cannot drive or walk.
Before this episode happened I was taking 5,000 lUs of vitamin D3 everyday for almost two weeks and stopped it whenever this all happened. I was maybe suspecting this was the cause but I just don’t know anymore.
submitted by cherryxcry to iih [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:31 KoolKambria The ai might need a push

I've made a post like this earlier and got some hate, I'm not looking for that and If we have different opinions just ignore me, there's no need to be rude but with that being said
I think we all know that the eu4 ai isn't the brightest, not bad at all but not very good even when made harder or in iron man, and I just wanted to ask how you guys feels the ai is going to be in this game?
My main concerns are about the focus of the ai, I often see Portuguese Mexico and Spanish Brazil in my games despite their missions needing them to have gone for the opposite lands which they are then blocked from parts of their mission tree and it really stops their growth alongside the players growth, I'm aware some people don't want mission trees but that's not what this is about. Hypothetically if there are mission trees, I feel like there should be at least an option similar to "lucky nations" I think it's called, where the ai will go for what it may have historically or maybe will not blob into lands it shouldn't to prevent things like ottoman Siberia (this happens a lot in my games). The ai also doesn't make the smartest choices and often kills thousands to attrition which allows a "war of attrition" to be litterally just sitting on a province as the enemy country dies of starvation on top of a mountain somewhere. I know the game may not be particularly good upon release and need some updates and dlcs but do how do you guys think the ai will do in the game or do you think it'll spiral out and go for a world conquest because it feels like it?
submitted by KoolKambria to EU5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:31 annalisimo My experience with Dr. Kasey Li's EASE procedure - 5 DAYS Post Op

I did EASE expansion with Dr. Kasey Li. This is what my experience has been like.
This is a pretty niche post, but I’ve been going through this expansion process as a 32 year old woman, going through my first week of expansion. I figured I’d share my experience as I know how much I was eating up these posts during my research.
Here is a breakdown of my experience day by day.
Day 0, Wednesday:
Had surgery at Stanford hospital and aside from a mild billing heart attack they gave me, it was a great experience. Kind, knowledgeable staff, great bedside manner. After surgery I woke up and could immediately breathe better. Nasal breathing feels like moving from a coffee straw to a regular size straw. Swallowing and talking were out of the question with the TPD in my mouth though. Took about 90 minutes to wake up and then I was released.
The first night was ROUGH. I maybe slept for 4 hours. Woke up repeatedly with bleeding. Finally stopped trying to sleep and reached out to Dr. Li at 6 am because my mouth was FULL of congealed blood.
Day 1, Thursday:
I was supposed to have my first follow up appointment on Friday, but due to the bleeding Dr Li came in bright and early at 6:30 am. He responded to my 6am text within 5 minutes and was like “How soon can you get to my office? I’ll be there”. We rushed over and he gave me some local anesthetic injections and cauterized the surgical site. He made sure I was very comfortable and that the bleeding had stopped before sending me home. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly. Swelling got much worse this day. Had to ice pretty much constantly to keep it down. Definitely uncomfortable but I had really good pain management.
Day 2, Friday:
Had my official follow up appointment and he turned the device for the first time. Turning was weird but not painful. Gave me some more injections as I had had a bit more bleeding on the opposite side. The swelling got intense this day. My cheeks were huge and hot and I was having a bit more jaw pain. Dr Li said my pain and swelling would peak around 48 hours and that was definitely the case. I just took my meds, rotated between ice and heat and overall had a smooth day with some bleeding again over night.
Day 3, Saturday:
Woke up with more (but far less) congealed blood in my mouth. Texted him at 9:20 AM to see what I should do and he texted back immediately saying meet me at the office at 10. Performed injections to stop the bleeding, cauterize, rinse and repeat. He sends me home. Still eating only a liquid diet. Still swollen. But not uncomfortable like it was. Not really icing much at this point, mostly focusing on heat, and feeling pretty human. Can go on walks and had a tiny bit of pasta (the most solid food I’ve had at this point). There is a tiny bit of bleeding at one point but it stops quickly and I go about my day pretty much normal and for the first time have no bleeding through the night!
Day 4, Sunday:
Slept great, no blood. Swelling still very present but going down. Was able to walk around, get around the city, virtually no jaw pain until about 4 pm when truly out of nowhere my incision site where the appliance is placed starts bleeding AGAIN. I quickly try to gently catch the blood by packing in gauze trying to stop the bleeding and avoid going into the office as it was Mother’s Day.
It bleeds through the gauze for 1.5 hours and I finally reach out to Dr. Li. He once again responds almost immediately and tells me I can come into the office or try and stop it, but that his preference is always to see patients in person. I try to get it to stop for about another hour with a couple false stops, but I’m unsuccessful yet again, so I make my way to the office where he meets me at almost 8:00 PM. He is very kind and understanding and just says “Shit happens, I’m there for my patients”.
He injects me, cauterizes it again, tells me I should stop talking advil as that can be an anticoagulant and is just very kind and understanding. I was supposed to have my second follow up on Monday morning, but he turns my device for me for the second time that night instead to try and avoid me having to go into the office again the next day. Turning is still uncomfy but not painful. He waits with me to make sure the site is stable, and then waits with me outside while wait for my ride.
Day 5, Monday:
Woke up with no blood in my mouth, swelling still going down. Pain levels very minimal. Breathing feeling smoother. My left TMJ (which I’ve had issues with in the past is more crackly and sore than usual, so I’m watching that carefully. So far so good. Just staying in bed and hoping to make it through the day/night with no bleeding.
Impressions so far:
I’ve had the most bleeding of any patient Li has had by far. Not totally sure what that’s about, and I’m sad I had to be the first, but the way he responds and handled my case made me SO HAPPY I just spent the money and went with him. No other doctor I've ever had has given me this level of care.
He is expensive, but he is worth EVERY penny because when you’re his patient, you feel like a priority. I traveled for the procedure (meaning 3 weeks away from home) and was really out of my element and comfort zone and had more complications than most of his previous patients (he said about 5% have repeat bleeding after surgery, but that the amount I had was an anomaly.)
My breathing is better, and will continue to improve as I expand. Even with the TPD device in that is taking up most of my palate, I have so. much. more. space for my tongue. It feels really good! My bite is weird now that my upper jaw is larger and that’s going to take some getting used to. And my TMJ is a bit sore.
Things to avoid week 1:
No straws. No vigorous exercise. No lifting over 10lbs. No hot foods/drinks. No hard/chewy foods. No nose blowing. I’d recommend staying away from herbs like garlic or ginger as they thin the blood I don't know if that was part of my problem, he said sometimes these things just happen and there was nothing I did wrong, but I'd just recommend staying away from any foods that can thin the blood and research them ahead of time. I'm vegan, and now I know that a lot of fruits/veg/legumes can thin the blood. So if you're veggie like me or try to eat a lot of "health foods" tread carefully. Have lots of gauze on hand.
Ask me anything. I'm here for another 1.5 weeks and am pretty bored. Happy so answer any questions about Dr. Li or EASE!
submitted by annalisimo to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:31 Jellytime_20240121 Does my husband respect and value his mum more than me

Over the last few days, I can’t help but think my husband might respect and value his mother more. I’m not sure if I’m just overthinking this but here are a few examples.
  1. His mother would give him unsolicited advice on personal things and he would just nod his head and agree to it. A good example is when I was pregnant, his mother told him the placenta should be buried under a tree and I got no say in this. She would want to speak with my husband personally without me being there and my husband wouldn’t say anything to this. Another example was that she told my husband she’d book tickets (not ask) when I’m about to deliver and stay with us indefinitely. And my husband didn’t object to this.
  2. When it came to exciting work news or an update, he would call his mum every Tuesday at 8pm because this is the time that suited her and tell her things I had no idea about. When I asked him about it, he said he tells his mother and not me because he’s run out of things to talk to her about.
  3. Her mother once yelled and screamed at me because she was telling her husband and his sister that they are broken children because of their father. I stepped in and said that’s very uncalled for. She yelled and screamed at me for interfering. My husband sat there and said nothing. I asked him why he didn’t and he said if he said something, it would make her more mad.
  4. His mother was telling my sis in law that I was a liar when she asked me not to form a relationship with my child and father in law. And when I approached the matter with my husband, all he said is she needs therapy and it takes time for people to change and I need to be more empathetic to this whole situation, because that’s his mum.
  5. She tried to fight me over text, call me rude and disrespectful while I was having painful contractions. Never contacted me throughout the pregnancy. Wrote long hateful text messages. When I was 7cm dilated, my husband reads out a message from my MiL telling me how I should be breathing. My BP shot up and I was at risk of preclampsia. They were more concerned because this is how my mum lost her first child and almost died. When I asked him why he did that, he said he thought it was a positive message from his mum.
  6. She stopped talking to us because we set boundaries for everyone about who can visit our baby and she didn’t appreciate it. We didn’t hear from her for 2 months and my husband said he won’t respond until she adheres to our boundaries. I thought finally, a breakthrough and he is standing up. I then find out, he’s been sending her photos of our baby this whole time. When I asked him about it, he became defensive asked what’s the big deal. And I explained that what she has done has been very hurtful and quite unforgivable. He keeps saying that’s my mother, and you want me to ice her out which I’ve pretty much done. I’m like you’re sending baby photos of our son and she doesn’t even want to apologize and reconcile with me. And he said he’s using the baby photos as a way to entice to speak so he can try reconciling. I thought this was weird. And honestly, he never would have told me about it, if I didn’t ask. He then proceeds to give her an expensive Mother’s Day gift- spent $110. It’s my first Mother’s Day this year, and he got me a mug and flowers- $50.
Please give it to me straight, because I’m tired of feeling let down. In all honestly, I feel more upset at myself because I’m letting my self worth being dragged through the mud.
submitted by Jellytime_20240121 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 AstronautDue2395 My Experience

My Experience
TW for gross looking eye pictures but this is the reality of the surgery
Hi, so I have kind of a unique story but maybe it can help anyone like me who’s been scouring the internet for something relatable. Long read, but would’ve been comforting for me during my search. Feel free to skip to the ***** area for the surgery/recovery details.
Fairly new here (26F), been observing posts and taking in stories for a few months now. I was born blind in my left eye due to optic nerve hypoplasia (my right eye is also nearsighted as a mf). My eyes have never tracked together well, it was visible at a few months old, and that’s how I got my initial diagnosis. It was somewhat correctable for the sake of school pictures and family pictures for the first portion of my life (closing eyes, changing position, looking away and back right before the snap, etc). Around middle school I had friends and strangers start to mention occasionally that they couldn’t tell what I was looking at or they’d ask me what was wrong with my eye. Since then I’ve been insanely self conscious and uncomfortable in my own skin, refusing to make eye contact, take pictures, FaceTime, zoom call, etc. I learned about strabismus surgery a few years back, and researched into it for a while, ultimately deciding that I wouldn’t pursue it because of the high possibility of the surgery failing, either immediately, or somewhat soon after.
Some things have happened with my health and body over the last few years, and my esotropia had become more and more noticeable, and my eyelid was dropping heavily with it. When I was tired, it would barely appear open if I didn’t force it.
I finally got fed up with hating my own face and I wanted to consult with a new doctor and see what my options were, if I had any. He never made me feel uncomfortable, or like there was something wrong with me. He did mention the possibility of failure, specifically because of the blindness and inability to focus that eye, but at this point I was willing to take the risk (how much worse could it get if I was already disappointed in my own appearance and hiding from life).
************ Surgery Details In my case, because my turn was so severe, he had to operate on 4 of the 6 muscles in my eye. Along with that came a decent amount of trauma to my eye (more than the average surgery would cause). He corrected mine on an adjustable suture, had me meet back at his office a few hours later, did an exam, and adjusted my stitches while sitting in a chair in his exam room. I spent from about 6am until about 6pm with him in one way or another before I made it home. The following days I was mostly just sore and swollen and so so tired. I kept my eyes closed for the first day and a half, because moving my right eye also moved my left eye and caused me a decent amount of pain. My operation was a Tuesday, Saturday was my absolute peak day of pain. I was prescribed a narcotic that I used for the first 3 days I believe, I also didn’t take my adhd meds those early days, because I wanted to be able to sleep and relax. I took one week off work (I work thurs-sun) and went back the next Thursday. I took things easy at work for that week, and started my normal duties again about two weeks after surgery. My work is pretty physical, so even after two weeks of chilling, that first night of my normal shift had me sore again the next day. Never underestimate how involved your eye muscles are in things that you wouldn’t normally think would affect them.
I’m now 3.5 weeks post op, I just recently had my follow up with my surgeon, he snipped one of my sutures that had surfaced and was rubbing my eyelid inside and keeping it irritated and swollen. The next day my eyelid looked a lot better and my eye was a lot less itchy. I’ve been back on tobradex drops (iykyk) and it seems to be helping with my redness as well (it’s also causing a bit of pulsatile tinnitus, which is something I didn’t expect). When looking at a point on the wall about 15 feet in front of me, my eyes track perfectly, at this moment in time. When I look at things close to me, my eye still starts to turn, and I find myself getting tired eyes quicker from being on my phone than I had before. My eye is still dropping a bit low when I look towards my right, and it raises a bit when I look to my left. I also feel (and see) some resistance when looking upwards. He mentioned that depending on how things look at my 3 month appointment in July, I could need one more surgery to correct the muscle that’s causing those issues, or I could decide to let it ride. Normally people’s redness and swelling are pretty gone by 3.5 weeks out, but the amount of work that my eye needed has left me still pretty red now, and still somewhat swollen in my eyelid. My actual pupils seem to track straight almost all of the time, and I’m already finding myself wanting to make eye contact with people more, which alone gives me so much more confidence than I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had some friends and family just look at my eyes and say things like “wow your eye looks really good.” My only regret is not doing it sooner. I thought I had done the research and made the best call for myself, but I should’ve sought out a professional so much sooner. Even if it fails at some point down the line, I’m grateful for the relief I’ve gotten for this time period and I would probably seek it out again.
My eyelid still droops a bit, even outside of the hit of swelling I have; ptosis am I right? 😅 I may seek out a plastic surgeon to have that corrected after a potential second surgery or deciding against one. I’ve also been looking into Botox injections to potentially correct it as well.
For anyone interested in more of the surfacey surgery details; mine was performed at a hospital under general anesthesia and took about 2.5 hours to complete. My surgeon/ophthalmologist is located in SW Ohio, and I fully trust him with my vision and my appearance at this point. The surgery totaled just over $26,000 and insurance covered just under $24,000, leaving me to pay around $2,600 out of pocket. Anyone interested/located in that area, please feel free to ask for his info and I’ll send it right over. In my opinion, the surgery is worth the risk, because (to me) the worst thing that can happen (barring actual medical emergencies) is that you end up unhappy with your eyes positioning (which is probably why you’re getting the surgery anyway)
I’m going to attach pics that will show: my eye turn beforehand (pretty severe esotropia and browns syndrome); the way I left the hospital with my adjustable sutures in; right after I left the adjustment; the healing process for a few days; what I believe is my current final eye positioning; and what it’s looking like today, a couple days after having one suture removed, a few days on steroid drops, with at least 4 barely visible sutures still waiting to dissolve.
submitted by AstronautDue2395 to Strabismus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 furciferpardalis First days of chatting are exciting, why does it die out?

Men of reddit! Thank you for taking the time to have a look at my question. I am a female, dating men. I have OFTEN had this situation happen: start talking over an app or text, really fun conversations over 1-3 days, lots in common, should be a decent match, and then it peters off and fizzles out by that third day. I always do my best to stay relevant and interesting, suggest meeting sooner than later, etc.. Now, I know there is a LOT of dopamine when starting to talk to someone new, but it's really starting to get exhausting. It's as if I can tell within the first few hours of chatting, if he's enthusiastic and excited, I'll stop hearing from him within the next 2 days. If he's much calmer and slower to respond, we'll likely meet up. Having trouble managing my expectations, and being engaged. What's happening here? Do I have the answer, is it just dopamine that wears out really fast, and then they move on?
submitted by furciferpardalis to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 owlyac Is this AP or just lucid dreaming?

Long story short, I’m unsure if I’m lucid dreaming that I AP or if this really is what AP feels like. I suspect it is somewhere in between.
For context, I’m currently 31 and I’ve been into AP since I was around 13. When I was younger I used to be brainwashed by religion and it’s usual fear mongering bs (demons, possessions, etc), so although I was super into AP, I never actually tried and when I did, I would chicken out immediately and stop myself from separating. Honestly I still do sometimes, but it has gotten a lot better in the last 5-6 years.
Last night I felt myself disconnecting (I feel vibrations through my body and I roll out of my body). I went up to my boyfriend who was working at the computer in another room, and I saw him watching a podcast on YouTube and some specific things. I also tried writing with a pen that was on the table - no idea why I thought I’d be able to do that. But it did “work”. Then I imagined myself going to my grandma’s house and my old house and I felt myself being swoshed (can’t describe it properly lol) to these places. I could tell right away that they were off but it was still amazing.
Sometimes it feels like I’m heavy and can’t move properly and sometimes I can’t see at all. I’ve been managing to improve this, but still, what doesn’t sit right with me is that my surroundings are never “correct”. For instance the houses were not in the correct place, there were weird trees shapeshifting, what I saw my boyfriend doing was wrong, there are no pens on the table, etc…
Why is that? Am I simply dreaming that I’m projecting? This happens a lot. And the duration is also always a bit short (like 10 min max, I’d say). And things do feel kinda hazy like a dream. I am an “experienced” lucid dreamer, I have been doing it since I was a kid, and I honestly can’t tell the difference besides the way it “starts” and the idea that I’m leaving my body… But everything else feels the same to me.
Oh actually - this time I also felt some weird “numb / painful” sensations on my feet when walking around while projecting. And this one time I felt my lips burning. I never feels this things when dreaming. Is this by any means common?
Thank you and sorry for the long post!
submitted by owlyac to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 HomeGirl_HG Teen son ruining our lives.

Teen Son Ruining our Life
Where do I even start? My soon to be 16 year old son is destroying anything good about himself or his future. Is this typical for ADHD-ers?
A little history:
Our son “Mason” was born at 33 weeks and was hands down the WORST baby that, to this day, I have ever seen. Blood curdling screams for the first full year of his life. Doctors had no answer, just that it was colic. It was a dark time.
After the colic came the night terrors. Like clockwork every night 1-3am was spent with him screaming like he was being murdered. We couldn’t wake him or console him. We just prayed he’d stop and the neighbors wouldn’t call the police.
Then like magic, he seemed to turn into a sweet boy and ages 4 and 5 were great. Around age 6, he started getting sneaky with his tactics and we found him with his hands around his 3 year old sister’s throat one day. That’s when I knew I did not give birth to a normal child.
From ages 6-10 he didn’t get into much trouble and we kept him busy with various sports. He’s incredibly smart and slightly autistic. He had friends and was living a pretty normal life.
Around age 11/12 he got his first game system and computer and that’s when our lives went to hell in a hand basket with him. It wasn’t the gaming that was the problem, it was the forums and Discord. The stuff I saw him writing on there was straight up criminal. Disgusting filthy language riddled with violence and misogyny. I know boys say not so great things amongst each other, but the things he was saying was psychotic.
I immediately got him into seeing a psychiatrist. He was diagnosed ADD with a hint of Autism. We put him on meds which was a nightmare in itself. Nothing worked. His body would metabolize the meds like water. We even had him genetically tested to see if his liver really is processing them way too quickly. Every med made him moody and aggressive.
He’s now 15 almost 16. He lies constantly, has an insane need for justice, will yell at teachers if he doesn’t agree with something they say to another student. He was s3xting he his girlfriend, she may now be pregnant and we aren’t sure if it’s his (she’s barely 15 and a mess of a person herself), he’s an absolute spaz, he has zero communication skills and talks like he’s reading from a script, he argues EVERYTHING, I hate to say this but he’s can be incredibly dumb. He has zero common sense. He says things that make absolutely NO sense. He talks just to sound “smart” and doesn’t even think about what he’s saying. He paces the floor constantly, fidgets like a drug addict, and says extremely creepy things to fellow students. Female students have reported him for making them uncomfortable. I get calls from the principal because they are super concerned about him. The school has had the police talk with him. He will lie even though EVERYONE knows the truth. It’s beyond an awkward Autistic kid.
Just tonight we found texts again between him and his “ex” girlfriend. He has her name in his phone as whre. I *begged him to just do something right. He just stares at me blankly. He calls us crazy to people in his texts. He’s obsessed with his “ex” girlfriend. They are skipping classes to “hang out” in the school stairwell.
When confronted he just shrugs and says he doesn’t know why he does what he does. He admits he’ll do what ever it takes to feel like he got justice. You can physically see him disassociate when being talked to. He’s extremely selfish.
Here’s the kicker, he’s INCREDIBLY book smart. He could go to any collage, study any major and do well. We have told him “Do well in school, don’t get in trouble and we’ll send you to ANY collage you want” we tell him we’ll pay for any advanced training or AP classes he wishes to take, we are willing to do absolutely anything to get him right.
I truly think we might be dealing with an ADHD sociopath.
He’s at his therapists office as we speak.
Anyone ever meet or know a kid like this?!
submitted by HomeGirl_HG to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 douglasplease91 Worried About Keeping Mouth Closed

I have severe sleep apnea and got my CPAP today, and haven’t used it yet. But during the class I had to take, the instructor looked around the room and said no one would need the full face mask because we were all breathing with our mouths closed. So I got one with nose pillows or whatever you call them. It felt fine. I hated the feeling of opening my mouth and feeling like I was choking. She had us all do it to see what would happen. She said only mouth breathers need a full mask. But when I lie down to sleep my mouth just wants to open sometimes. I’m anxious about it opening a bunch and the CPAP making me feel like I’m choking at night and waking me up. I have terrible health anxiety and I’m spiraling a bit thinking about it. Does anyone have any advice? Anyone here not a “mouth breather” during the day, but open at night and have experience to share?
submitted by douglasplease91 to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 SFC_FrederickDurst Why does the sight of a Tesla make people so mad, and why are people so uninformed? (Rant)

I recently bought a Tesla MYLR and people constantly question my life choices like it was the biggest mistake ever.
“Have fun waiting 8 hours to charge” “The battery will die at like 40k miles good luck” “What’s the range? 100 miles?” “My stock F150 will take you any day” “It’s so bad for the environment (Fills up 50 gallon truck)” “If you charge at home and it takes forever what happens if you need to leave? I guess you gotta wait 8 hours huh?”
Like are people really this clueless? It takes an ounce of research to know Tesla batteries are pretty consistent and comparable to an ICE life span if not longer, it takes me 30 minutes to charge for $15 for 350 miles and even cheaper if I’m at home (where I’m not driving). People act like you’re driving and living in you car therefore you have to have a full tank every time.
Don’t even get me started on Facebook when an advertisement advertises specially to EV owners and someone chimes in with “NO THANK YOU!” It’s not even a car you own.
submitted by SFC_FrederickDurst to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 Several-Cut4344 UPDATE: Dealing with the Pain and Insecurities of Dating an Alcoholic

Hey Reddit,
Just wanted to give you an update on my previous post. So, turns out my ex's new girlfriend is also an alcoholic. This whole situation has added a new layer of complexity to the mix. So, it turns out there have been some concerning developments with my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. Well, she recently got arrested for a DUI and possession of marijuana.
At first, I thought it was kind of funny, you know, the whole "like attracts like" thing. But then I started thinking about it more, and I just felt sorry for her. I mean, let's be real, she's a hot mess, and so is he.
Despite any outward appearances of happiness, it's clear their lives are intertwined with this ongoing battle. It's not a situation to envy. It's like, no matter what they're doing in life or as a couple, they're still dealing with their lifelong alcoholism, so there's not really anything to be jealous of.
This whole situation has given me some clarity though.
Original Post:
Hey everyone,
I've been grappling with a situation for quite some time now, and I feel like I need to share it with you all to get some perspective and maybe some advice.
About a year ago, I was in a relationship with a guy who also happened to be my neighbor and friend. We had a casual friendship for a couple of years before that, but things got complicated when we decided to take it to the next level. Long story short, we broke up because I wanted something more meaningful while he was content with a friends-with-benefits setup. It was clear that his alcoholism was a significant issue for me, causing continual disappointment and emotional distance.
I should have seen the signs earlier on. His drinking was a problem that often led to letdowns and broken promises. Despite my efforts to maintain a connection, he grew more emotionally distant, eventually telling me that I wasn't important in his life when he ended things. It was a blow to my self-esteem, but I soldiered on, hoping to heal with time.
However, healing became increasingly difficult as his roommate, who happens to be my best friend, served as a constant reminder of our past relationship. I saw him frequently, and every encounter reopened old wounds. Looking back, I realize I should have created more distance, but hindsight is always clearer.
A couple of months ago, he sent me a late-night text, which I naively interpreted as a chance to reconnect. It turned out he had sent similar messages to multiple women while he was drunk, leaving me feeling used and disrespected. And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I received a drunken voicemail from him and his new girlfriend, mocking me. He claims it was an innocent mistake, that they were trying to call Google Assistant to find her phone (she shares my first name) and didn't realize they left a voicemail for me. He doesn't seem to care how much it hurt me.
Adding to the pain, my ex's new girlfriend is someone they recently met at work. They've only started dating a week ago, and already it feels like I'm being replaced. My best friend tells me that they both like her and that she's a nice person. Apparently, she has influenced him enough to stop drinking for a day, but I'm skeptical. My ex has tried to quit drinking on his own before, only to relapse after a few days. It's clear to me that his issues with alcohol run deep, and it's unlikely that a new relationship will magically solve them.
What's even more painful is seeing them happy together, knowing that he's trying to change for her while he never made that effort for me. It makes me question my worth and leaves me feeling replaced and insignificant.
I've tried to rationalize it, reminding myself that their happiness doesn't diminish my value as a person. But it's hard not to feel hurt and insecure, especially when I'm constantly reminded of their relationship through mutual friends.
Despite my best friend's assurance of her niceness, I can't help but dislike his new girlfriend, especially after that drunken trash-talking voicemail. It's a constant reminder of the disrespect and pain I've endured.
To cope with this situation, I've had to disconnect from my best friend. As much as it hurts, I can't continue subjecting myself to the reminders of my past relationship and the hurt caused by my ex.
Has anyone else experienced similar pain and insecurities from being involved with an alcoholic? How did you manage to move on from the heartache? I could use some advice and support right now.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by Several-Cut4344 to DatingHell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 psychedelicfish7 I just started meditating and my life got turned upside down. Can anyone relate?

I’ve always been quite sensitive to other people but, now I’m extremely sensitive to the world around me and find spending my time alone meditating best. I’m currently in the process of getting rid of all my belongings so I can go and live in nature away from the world to figure out what’s going on, grow and know. I have no interest in friendships or family or anything else this material world has to offer and I am totally content with this.
For the past six weeks I’ve been feeling ‘out of this world’ sensations in my head and hands, but I also feel energy moving all throughout my body (although this part is nothing new to me).
The sensation in or above my head is always there from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep. These feelings vary a lot… it used to be just intense pressure like the weight of another person sitting on my head, if the direction of the feeling was directed upwards (once it felt like my head might actually pop off and shoot upwards). Now it’s usually just a feeling of presence or a sucking feeling pulling up through the top of my head.. Once or twice it felt like a very pleasurable cool breeze, it felt great. Often my whole head feels like it’s vibrating with energy, I feel every cell tingling, out of my physical head even, sometimes my head feels massive, other times my head feels like it’s dimensionally stuck into that position, perfectly frozen still (just writing this my head is popping with energies 🙂). Other times my whole head is weightless. These feeling really do vary a lot, strange strange things are happening inside my head.
I feel pressure between my eyes when someone walks past me. Almost like I can feel their attention is on me. This pressure feels like pushing your thumb into your head. Other times I feel this randomly when nobody is around.
I cannot feel my body when I meditate. Sometimes it feels like I’m a bundle of pure energy growing bigger than my physical body. Sometimes it’s like I’m floating. I know what it feels like be totally empty, to let go of this physical body cell by cell. However I’m sure if I continue to let go something crazy might happen as I start to become something else. It does take me a couple hours before I can begin exploring these feelings. I like to meditate as much as I can handle but I do have my limits. Usually a couple hours from the moment I wake up, couple hours in the day and a couple hours before sleep.
I’ve been having all these kool ideas for years which I would later read or learn about elsewhere. It’s like I know things I shouldn’t know and I don’t know how. Unforgettable dreams which I documented about a year ago have been happening in my life recently! Happening exactly. Not just the audio or visuals but more importantly the feelings deep inside my spirit which I distinctively remember from my dreams (I couldn’t stop thinking about these dreams for weeks after I experienced them). It’s like we have a communication of emotions through our spirits which words cannot describe. These words do not exist and this language of the spirit is way too profound.
A lot of other weird ‘out of this world’ things have been happening too that I don’t feel comfortable sharing as everyone seems to think I’m crazy!!
I am now aware that we are not actually in control of our own minds/thoughts. There are many other forces outside of this physical dimension in play and a lot of information/conditioning we’ve been marinating in our whole life’s which is a lie.
These are very distinctive strong experiences/feelings that simply cannot be mistaken for anything else I’ve ever experienced or heard exists in my lifetime. And I can assure you I’m not crazy like what people keep telling me.. If anyone has any information or insight on what might be happening to me, please do get in touch!! Many thanks!
P.S I am aware I need a ‘proper guru’ however, I don’t have one so until one randomly appears to me I will have to sort through the minefield of information the internet has to offer.
May you have a joy filled, productive and creative day!
submitted by psychedelicfish7 to Awakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 blue_ella Dealing with lewd behavior and sexual harassment in daily life

I’m an inverse triangle and pretty short at 5’2” so the eye focus naturally falls on my chest. I’ve always been restricted by the females in my family on what I can and cannot wear so I grew up wearing modest clothes, and I still do to this day. So it’s definitely not on what I wear.
Now that I’m in my mid 20’s I been experiencing a lot of harassment and it has gotten to the point where I can’t control myself no longer. I feel so mentally exhausted and numb after interactions with these men. I want to scream and cry because no one in my family stands up for me. They typically tell me to hush and keep quiet and to ignore the offenders. Or once I was blamed that I instigated the man first for him to react the way he did on me. I’m at the point where I want to wrap my chest to make it flat as possible or just grab a kitchen knife and slice them off bec I can’t afford a reduction in my country. I tried looking into Turkey but plane tickets are insane and they say I will have to stay for about 8 days which will cost about same after all costs considered.
Last week we hired an electrician who we had worked with for years and today him and I were texting about when he should come over bec he missed his appointment. After 1 hour of ending our conversation he WhatsApps me an explicit pornographic picture then deletes it after I see it. If you use WhatsApp you know how many times you have to click separate things to send someone a picture. I was in utter shock and anger and told him straight up I want a discount. He then sends a 2nd picture that prohibits you to screenshot saying to call him when I’m free. It’s been a couple hours and I’ve been ghosting him but he’s still randomly messaging me. For your knowledge I asked for a $500 discount He has my dad’s number and it’s his home where the electrician will be working so he should be contacting him not me in first place. I think he’s scared of me telling my dad and the consequences that will follow bec I did not act in his way. It’s been 3 hours and he won’t stop messaging me. He now left a voice message and it’s of the most random-ist thing ever.
Also it seems fair to mention he and his father-in-law has worked simultaneously at my property, and I have met his wife. Yes, his wife who is so beautiful and kind. His father-in-law is very traditional and intimidating man. I want to tell his wife on what happened but my friends are saying what if I am overreacting and it was a mistake. I really don’t feel it based on his messages following the picture but please comment on what I should do. No I do not have to balls to tell my dad he send me that picture, we are very conservative
submitted by blue_ella to bigboobproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 Bails147 Some counterpoints for Kenzie for fun since shes everyones consensus pick

I would like to preface this with the fact that i DO think Kenzie is winning. Before yall come for me! Bc i realise any opinion thats not backing up Kenzie winning or supports anyone else winning is “bad edgic” according to yall. But anyways
I wanna explore more of Kenzies flaws and red flags! Just because we only see constant posts about how she is obviously the winner etc etc.
More OTT mean girl vibes than Dee imo in the premerge with Bhanu Jess and Jelinsky. Sloppy obvious social game seen by Q and Tiff (showcased in a neg light by the edit as they highlight them all seeing thru her and it makes her a target). Also even Bhanu sorta gives low-key NSPV - but Bhanu is all over the place i get it. And he does crown her the mermaid dragon of the season.
What are yall talking about? Montage with dodo music and clowns her (literally not needed to be included at all. The edit goes out of its way to dunk on her)
“One of you cant win, you will not get the votes at the end” in jeffs speech. When he says these words it pans on to kenzie. I saw someone spin this as to alluding to her winning.. but like if u watch that scene IMO its actually showing why kenzie wont win and get votes at the end and will lose to a siga member. As siga gets pans of gelling. If she wins i think this was more of a throw us off the scent thing rather than tryin to hint she WINS.
Yanu and their consistant theme of being Losers + tiffany in ep 2. “We are LOSERS” with an immediate pan to kenzie struggle to make a fire
Kenzie saying she needs to blindside tiff for her resume - then NOT getting to do that and losing credit.
Kenzie saying she wants Q out and hes still there
Kenzie saying Venus is my new number 1 and that the boys (ben and charlie) dont wanna boot Q bc they may become bigger targets, but she doesnt wanna boot venus bc thatd apply to her- then proceeds to boot Venus despite the edit suggesting shed vote Q.
Kenzie talking about how Charlie is Marias jester and underestimating him (whilst the edit explicitly backs up and tells us that Charlie is NOT marias jester, in fact the edit highlights all season how if anything Charlie is equals or making the decisions, and also the edit props up charlie and goes out of its way to highlights how he isnt her jester and that he is intentional in his gameplay and wants maria to get sole credit so shes a target etc etc. ). Whether thats good or bad for charlie is another story, but its still not great for Kenzie to be shown to be so wrong on her read of charlies game and its a theme she has in multiple different eps. She is plain wrong and the edit doesnt hide that fact. In fact it has her being wrong directly after we see scenes contradicting her statements. So the viewer is thinking shes getting played.
Kenzie getting DODO music whilst talking about how poor Venus is at idol searching (a scene coming directly after V finds the idol and says shes pretending to look- therefore highlighting her fooling/outplaying Kenzie) - people say kenzie is redeemed by saying “i guess she may have already found the idol and is bamboozling us all”. - but she contradicts that save immediately by saying “but i think shes just waiting for someone whos close to her to find it”. So she is definitely being bamboozled.
Kenzie also doesnt really have her relationships with Hunter established we are just told shes apparently his number 1 last minute.
The big 6 alliance- we hear kenzie find out about it from Q (she doesnt comment on it) she says “yeh i heard about the 6” implying she found out already about it, yet we still got no mention on the 6 and how she felt about it and being left out, if she was concerned or not about it, etc etc… Charlie we did hear talk about it and accurately immediately call it out for what it was. And yes he was sorta being inducted but it was clearly over by the time that happened really.
Kenzie has no backstory package, not even 1 single outside of the game photo (shes the ONLY player left (in thef10 even) not to and this is despite having had chances already to put it in too) - the emotional blue eye scene, her opening confessional , any time she mentioned her career, her ben panic attack scene. - Charlie and Q had photos. Liz maria and Ben all had full on backstorys. -
When compared to other woman winners - shes insanely overexposed in the edit.
When u look at her game- she actually hasnt gotten THAT much better of a resume or game than Ben or Liz. Its worse than Q Charlie and Maria on paper (outside of pure social) And shes missed the chance for a big move and instead lost numbers in 3 consecutive tribals. Kenzie herself has stated that you need to make a big move - which she keeps failing to do alike jake owen. She wanted Q but begrudgingly accepted Hunter vote, she wanted Q but got blindsided and it was Tiff, she wanted Maria-> then Q but begrudgingly voted Venus. All 3 were numbers that were loyal to her, and she didnt really want out but got them out, having no agency 3 straight votes. And wasnt in the 6 which was the main storyline for the early merge votes.
She has a eerily similar to Jake Owen and Carolyn edit when u really think about it - who all got underdog themes.
also Kenzie is plain wrong a lot… i just rewatched ep 3 and found yet another time shes straight up wrong.. when Bhanu gets back to camp after the journey, he lies to Yanu and says “i chose the white rock” - this is then immediately followed by a confessional of Kenzie falling for his lie saying “of course in typical yanu fashion he gets nothing (correct ik) which works for us because we didnt want him to have anything, he drew the white rock (false, kenzie has fallen for the lie) he doesnt have anything, great for the plan but it is also just hilarious that once again yanu loses another thing (okay sorta correct) and gives something else to the other tribes (false and wrong again). This is yet another really small thing but damn these sorts of wrong things are really adding up. Why gove kenzie that confessional? Contrast that with Tiff basically saying the more on point thing of “the real tea is what did he give up, bc i know damn sure he was over there spilling the tea” and she doesnt have anything falling for his Lie, And then Q doesn't comment on it in confessional, but has a scene where he questions Bhanu if he got the white rock and Bhanu reveals no he didnt and indeed he lost his vote. It again put right after we show bhanu not getting the white rock and the other tribes not getting anything - so even though logically kenzie is just narrating from what she knows, and technically yanu person did lose out, shes still completely wrong about what happened and as a viewer ur inclined to think “thats not what happened” as shes talking. Just this actually has happened quite a lot.
I sound like a Kenzie hater. but end of the day i can still see all of Kenzies upside and Charlies downside and marias danger. I know that a lot of these flaws can be possibly justified or overlooked with all the good stuff - but they still are possible red flags and theres quite a few of them still.. so i think its still worth noting and keeping in mind. Since everyone is constantly pointing out the smaller red flags for a Charlie and a Maria. Just food for thought. Bc if anyone thinks kenzie could be set up for a FTC loss they get roasted on here. I personally do lean towards her winning ftc but the set up is there for both.
I think she takes out Q at least bc the setup for both her (threat mermaid dragon etc) and Charlie (i need to get Q out, Q needs to go asap) has been made. Plus Maria slipped in Q for one more vote, Ben and Liz both have setup for wanting Q gone. Its gotta happen soon! But its entirely possible thats what the mermaid dragon and shes a dangerous threat story arc was leading to.. her being part of tiffany and Q going (her idea the tiff blindside, her making moves on Q). Rather than her necessarily winning.
Ill also point out for those who believe that Charlie wasnt as relevent early on and that he has a poor social game - i just rewatched ep 1-5, skipping thru the nami tribe scenes and challenges and unimportant confessionals (BHANU drama) and BOY do Charlie and Kenzie both get sooo much attention. We hear from both so much. Its kinda clear that kenzie is the main Yanu (sorry Q) and Charlie is the main siga (sorry maria and Ben). But charlie gets so many social related scenes which highlight his social bonds and has the edit backing it up with positive SPV about him from other players. Jeff always talks to charlie and the camera pans are always panning to both Charlie and Kenzie throughout the premerge. Just a little fun thing i noticed.
submitted by Bails147 to Edgic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 Conscious-Jump-2356 Have any of you gotten a job in the Ambulance with a similar driving record to mine?

I’ve just started a Diploma to try get into a Bachelor Of Paramedicine. I currently work as a porteorderly at a hospital in ICU and Emergency, and volunteer with St John’s Ambulance.
Paramedicine is my dream, but unfortunately due to a manic episode when I was undiagnosed and unmediated (bipolar) I received 2x going on mobile phone offences and speeding 10km over the limit within a very short time frame. I also failed to pay my fines on time so I had a license suspension. This was about 2 years ago.
Prior to this, I had driven for 5 years with a pretty much perfect record. Since this, I have stopped driving and haven’t had any issues since, plus paid off my fines.
By the time I finish my Diploma and Degree it will have been over 5 years since.
What are the odds?
Also, Does your driving history follow you if I applied to work for the UK ambulance service for example?
My backup plan to be honest is probably still do the degree, volunteer for St. John’s or similar with the paramedic scope and continue working at the hospital until however long it takes for them to hopefully dismiss my driving record! But I’d just love some advice or any similar experiences.
submitted by Conscious-Jump-2356 to Paramedics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 Electrical_Tip_778 idk what to do

my grades are awful because of mental issues, stress and a visit to the mental hospital. and, well, the quack psychologist at the hospital told my mom that i need either partial hospitalization so they can help me with school there or an iep for reduced workload but i dont think i need it. (he also said he doesnt care about my diagnosed bed because i need to gain weight) i haven't really done anything all year other than zone out thinking about how much work i have to do for other classes but my mom swears up and down that i study 24/7 and it worries her because i don't eat or sleep cause im working all the time but thats not true??? i mean sometimes that happens but it's not every day, and when it does it's literally because i was zoning out in class!!! i have a lot to do because i was zoning out in class let me fucking work on it instead of trying to force me NOT to do it!!! and now the counselors and my mom are going fucking crazy trying to get my teachers to cut down their already practically non-existent homework for me and its making me feel sm worse because now i just feel like im taking advantage of my issues and being a burden to my teachers. they literally put me into partial fucking homebound why the fuck do i need partial homebound school ends in 2 weeks im gonna fail anyways, i've literally been paralyzed all year to the point even when im actually trying i cant finish anything on time, in my history class i turned in exactly 3 (three) assignments all fucking year because i cant stop thinking about how to get all of my other shit done over actually doing it, if they were going to get me any sort of accommodation they should've done it 3 weeks ago when i got back but that's besides the point actually i dont know what my point was here i kinda forgot what i was writing other than school grade something something yeah this is why im failing
submitted by Electrical_Tip_778 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:24 AstroKaine Keep Being Authentic

Obligatory lurker here who is in his 20s… I don’t want to invade anyone’s space, so mods, please remove if you deem fit.
Usually I wouldn’t invade a space like this (i.e. post in a subreddit in which I don’t fit the demographic) but I wanted to get a message out to you all. I’ve been seeing a lot of negativity lately (which, unfortunately, is expected… the state of the world isn’t amazing right now.) BUT… a lot of it is very self-deprecating and it breaks my heart!! Especially all of the ladies here (no hate to my older trans siblings and brothers, but I’d be remiss to notice that is the main population of the sub)… you are all so beautiful! And those smiles!
I KNOW I come from a very privleged place to have been able to transition when I did. I was really lucky and I don’t mean to come here and stand on a soapbox telling you to accept yourselves — I know it’s not that easy! I just wanted you all to know that you’re doing great, and you should keep going. There’s that little voice in the back of your head telling you to stop for a myriad of reasons, but don’t listen to it. If this is what makes you happy, and makes you feel, well, you, then PLEASE continue to live your authentic self. It will not be easy, but it is usually the right decision (I don’t know your personal lives, so take this with a grain of salt.)
It is never too late to transition, and I think this community really proves this. There are so many lovely people transitioning here in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and I’m sure even 90s! You deserve to be happy: keep going and reach for your goal.
And thank you for making a “baby” trans very happy!! It is so lovely to see you all posting about being your true, authentic selves. It warms my heart and makes my day. I am so happy for all of you, and just know I’m with you all 100%. I guess all I wanted to say with this post is keep going, you deserve to experience trans joy!! It is so beautiful, and this subreddit is living proof of it!
submitted by AstroKaine to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 fruitparkinglotrocks Nannying is weird… and beautiful.

Alright Nannie’s, we’ve all been there. Bad contracts, no boundaries, weird dynamics. All the strangeness of working in someone’s home and if it’s not a fit for employment? No no no. Bad bad bad.
Well, I have been dealt the Worst™️ nanny families over the last year. I don’t say that lightly, and I happily left after advocating and properly informing agencies.
I interviewed with a family and placed with them immediately. It felt so right. But also too good to be true. However, it’s not. I’ll tell you what happened in an effort to share positivity and the ability to regain faith in humanity.
There I was, THREE TINY DAYS into employment with this family. Both parents were home when I got a call from my mother. It was the news she has breast cancer. This is devastating, and I’ll never wrap my head around it. I called my spouse right after to see if she could calm me down enough to go back into work. But of course when you get the news of your mother’s cancer, “calming down” simply isn’t going to happen. So I took deep breaths and wiped my face and went back inside to my NK and NPs.
I put on a huge smile and went to NK to get lost in her tea party. But, as I walked past, MB stopped in her tracks and said “your voice, are you okay?” I guess my voice cracked when I was walking over to NK.
Legend says nobody makes it through that question without insta-crying. Which was true in this instance. I said nothing, just burst into tears. MB ran over, swept me into a bear hug immediately and said “oh honey what is it?” And I was able to tell her what was going on. Turns out, she works in oncology. (My third day, guys, we hadn’t gotten to what section of medicine they worked in yet).
I now have a nanny family who checks on me and my mom daily, even weekends. Who has offered to see my mom for treatment free of charge if we need to. Who gives me the day off for appointments for my mother.
For a million shit employments, there will always be a unicorn at the end. 🦄
submitted by fruitparkinglotrocks to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 365Happy-Days Roaring Kitty Tweets

I've been wondering if Roaring Kitty might drop a live stream or a new YouTube video sometime soon. There's this nagging worry in the back of my mind that it could be disappointing if it turns out his Twitter got hacked or something. Assuming that's not the case, is anyone else tuned in to see what he does next? His Twitter's been buzzing lately, with these cryptic meme videos popping up every few hours. It's like he's trying to stir things up. For instance, one had this Ludacris track with the line "when I move you move," and another had a "Peaky Blinders" character saying "stop fighting." Makes me wonder if he's hinting at how Wall Street Bets has changed since the GME craze in 2021. Maybe I'm diving too deep, but it's got me intrigued, just waiting to see where it leads. What's your take?
submitted by 365Happy-Days to roaringkitty [link] [comments]
