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2013.01.17 00:34 Change My View (CMV)

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2024.05.14 18:48 Pro0skills I am stuck at a crossroads

i am an intp, my crush is an intj (she is the closest thing to a stereotypical mbti iv seen)
she has clearly demonstrated that she views me preferably compared to other guys. now, if she didn’t say that she doesn’t get why you would date in high school, I would not be at such a place. I can either risk rejection and the nice and short lived friendship by asking her out or I could risk never knowing her answer and missing out on what could have been if I don’t ask her out.
idk how intjs go about romance, especially in the extremely rare case of an intj female
submitted by Pro0skills to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 princezzkittn AIO For BF Being Mad at Me

My BF and I have dabbled in the FFM swinger lifestyle and we’ve both loved all the women we’ve met and dated together so far ☺️ I’ve also been a unicorn myself in the past for a few couples.
The other night however, we were supposed to meet a 30y.o. woman for drinks at the bar. I had met her out before and we exchanged numbers and she was interested in joining me and BF. Soo that night I accidentally sent her the wrong address at first so we found out after she arrived. The correct address was 10min away, but she threw a fit about it. So when she finally comes to the right bar, I’m excited to get to finally talk all together (as I had been the one to meet her prior and get her number). That’s until about 2 minutes into the conversation… she is overbearing and doesn’t really pay attention to me, but instead my BF.
She says she’s never been with a girl before ever but is curious to try it and I’m beautiful etc. But it feels like her attraction for me is fake and my BF and her are flirting. My BF mentions that I’m finishing my last semester of school… she asks if I’m in high school… I blush, laugh nervously and say I’m in college. My BF laughs and they continue talking. Watching them and her comment made me nervous so I start to drink. At one point she says my nails look trashy and sad. (Just got my acrylics off). This makes me self-conscious as we are planning on potentially being intimate and I couldn’t do anything about it. Moreover, she then started showing BF her nails. That broke my composure and I started to tear up. BF chuckles and says men don’t really look at or care about nails. BF tried to console me but I excused myself to restroom to wash my face and recollect.
When I come back to the table, I drink more to try to relax. I end up asking for another drink and chug that one down. At that point I’m starting to see blurry, but also feel better. Then the girl offers me the rest of her drink and after that I start to full cry. I felt awful for drinking so much and that BF didn’t defend me or stick up for me when I was obviously uncomfortable and she was disrespectful.
So BF tries to console me again but I try to walk away from the table and fall over because I don’t realize that I’m disoriented. He says goodbye to her and helps me to the car. The entire time he is fuming and telling me to pull myself together. In the car I start to bawl and then go home to cry in bed pillows for a couple hours. I wake up in the morning and BF is angry at me and the scene I made at the bar. He says that was dramatic overreaction and it’s impossible for me to be drunk from 2.5 drinks. I “acted that way for attention”. When I tried to explain why it started, it all just turned back on me…
For reference I am 115lbs, 5’10”, and on anti depressants. He thinks I need help, while I think the episode was due to too many drinks. I feel like SHE was the problem to begin with. This makes me mad at my BF that I’m the problem. I know I could have handled it better but I didn’t know drinks would make me more emotional - if anything I thought it was the opposite. Ofc I want to take a break from throuples and focus on us for now, but it breaks my heart that BF was so unsupportive of me and wasn’t there to take care of me. Moreover that he’s mad at me for “making a scene” and being a “drama queen”. His lack of empathy makes it hard for me to trust him and feel loved.
submitted by princezzkittn to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:44 cwcobblestone “Meet the Grandparents,” Chapter 6

“Meet the Grandparents,” Chapter 6
by c.w. cobblestone
My shoulder throbbed after twenty minutes of scrubbing the tile near the laundry sink, but the damned calcium stain wouldn’t budge. I set down the steel wool pad and tried to stretch my arm, but when I shifted position, a cold wave ran through me and I remembered how badly I had to piss.
I clenched my legs together and choked out a frustrated sob. I knew there was no way I could wait any longer; I simply had to ask for permission to use the bathroom, or I’d surely make a mess.
By the time I’d struggled to my feet, though, I was second-guessing myself, and wondering whether pissing in my panties might be preferable to whatever punishment awaited me if I dared to ask my master’s mother to rescind her order that I ‘hold it’ until one o’clock.
I would have squeezed my penis to try to stop the flood, but it was encased in my accursed chastity device. Instead, I danced in a little circle, debating whether to go upstairs and beg for relief, or just piss myself and accept the consequences.
The decision was made for me; as I did my little jig, my right heel slipped on the wet tile and I fell down hard, severely twisting my ankle. I couldn’t continue holding my bladder, and I rolled around on the basement floor moaning with the warm wetness soaking my panties and the front of my frock. For a nanosecond I felt relief, but that was quickly replaced by the throbbing in my ankle, and the ice that formed in my gut as I wondered what my punishment would be when my masters learned of my accident.
I lay there for maybe five minutes before I was able to rouse myself and wipe up my piss from the basement floor before hobbling toward the stairs. Walking was incredibly difficult with my ankle swelled up to twice its normal size, but I somehow mustered the willpower to make it up the steps.
With tears in my eyes, I stood before my masters, curtsied and started to explain what had happened — but my wife beat me to it.
“You have GOT to be kidding me, standing there with piss all over yourself,” she screamed. “I can’t believe you’d embarrass us like this, you little worm.”
Carla frowned. “Did you get pee everywhere in my basement, Jody?”
With a wobbly curtsy, I shook my head. “N-no, Ma’am, I cleaned it up.”
Demarcus chuckled. “Damn, sissy, this just isn’t your day, is it? That ankle looks pretty bad.”
I curtsied in response.
“What happened?” my master asked.
“Um … I slipped on the wet tile, sir. That’s how I ended up … my accident … I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” Demarcus said. “My mom’s the one who told you to wait until one.”
I turned to Carla and curtsied. “Ma’am, please … I didn’t mean to disobey you. I really tried.”
“You really tried.” The older woman’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t want to hear your excuses, Jody. You’re the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Now, you can march yourself back down to my basement and finish cleaning — and, no, you can’t change out of that wet uniform.”
“Y-yes, Ma’am.”
“Get your butt back to work.” Carla snapped her fingers.
Following my smart curtsy, I started to limp away, which caused Ron to chuckle.
“Poor sissy; you just can’t catch a break, can you?” he said. “It’s gonna be hard to clean with that ankle swelled up like that, huh?”
Pam waved her hand. “Oh, don’t worry about Jody. He’s happy to make himself useful; otherwise, we’d have no reason to keep him around. Right, Jody?”
“Y-yes, Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am.”
Pam nodded regally. “You can go now.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
I was halfway down the basement steps when I heard the baby cry, followed by my wife’s annoyed voice.
“Jody! Get back up here; you’ve got a diaper to change.”
With a sigh, I hurried back to the living room as fast as my injured ankle would allow. When Pam spotted my wet dress, she scowled and pointed toward the stairwell. “Go upstairs and put on a fresh apron before you touch my baby with piss all over you,” she said. “And wash your hands. Hurry up.”
I carried out my wife’s instructions quickly before spreading a blanket onto the living room floor and taking the baby from his mom’s arms.
Carla watched as I unfastened Little D’s wet diaper. “Are you sure you trust this pervert around my grandson? From what I can see, the degenerate little creep doesn’t have much in the way of character.”
Demarcus shrugged. “Nah, we’re not worried, Ma. Jody would never do anything to displease us. Ain’t that right, Jody?”
“Yes, sir, of course not, sir,” I said as I put a fresh diaper on his son.
Pam nodded. “Like I told you earlier, I trust Jody a lot more than I would some nanny, any day of the week. Believe it or not, Jody’s not really a pervert. He doesn’t like dressing up like this — not that anyone cares what he likes. But it was Demarcus’s idea. Jody hates it.”
Ron laughed. “Damn, Jody, that must really suck. It’s one thing if you’re into dressing like a girl. But to be made to do it? How do you live with yourself?”
My lip trembled as I struggled to hold back tears amid the onslaught of derision. “Um sir, I … I just love Miss Pam, sir, and I want to make her happy. She fell in love with your son, sir, and like I told you earlier, I begged them to let me stay in her life in some capacity. This is how they want me to be, so I’m just happy they’ve found a place for me, sir, and that’s why I try to be the best maid I can be.”
“Although sometimes you fall short, and disobey orders.” Pam arched her brow. “Like pissing in your panties when you’ve been told to wait.”
“I’m so sorry, Ma’am.”
“Whatever,” my wife said as I handed over her freshly-diapered son. “Now, limp your sissy ass downstairs and get back to cleaning.”
“And I’d hurry up if I was you,” Carla added. “You got a whole lot more stuff to do when you’re done down there. I don’t care how much your ankle hurts.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Normally, I’m not like this,” Carla said, flashing her teeth. “But something about you brings out the devil in me. I’m gonna work you until you drop, you hear? And if your ankle hurts, so much the better.”
“Y-yes, Ma’am.”
Ron smirked. “And we haven’t even talked about all the chores I have lined up for you. Like I said, you just can’t catch a break.”
As I hobbled down the basement stairs, I muttered to myself, “You don’t know the half of it, you hateful old bastard.”
submitted by cwcobblestone to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:43 CalligrapherSafe5789 Movie Scripts

Movie Scripts
I got the scripts of these movies signed by Andy Serkis. I have no clue if they are supposed to be rare or not but that doesn’t really matter too much to me. I’ve only started reading into Dawn but so far it’s soooo fascinating. It gives so many little details that I didn’t catch or understand in the movie and has a bunch of scenes that aren’t in the movie but give a lot more context for certain parts of the story. It reveals names of characters that play very minor roles in the story and it has a bunch of cool differences. The one that stands out the most is that Blue Eyes is actually named River in this script.
submitted by CalligrapherSafe5789 to PlanetOfTheApes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:43 Yurii_S_Kh A Parish Priest’s Conversation in the Cemetery on Radonitsa

A Parish Priest’s Conversation in the Cemetery on Radonitsa
Before I came to the faith, I didn’t like going to the cemetery. What’s more, the cemetery always reminded me of my mortality, and it made me sad. Since I didn’t see life as eternal, it seemed sad to live on earth.
What should I live for? In order to die? It’s all pointless. Willy-nilly you arrive at the idea of evolution here. Man appeared on earth as a result of positive mutations and eventually we began to have consciousness, conscience and reason. Sometimes you clutch your head, saying, “Why did I become a human being? Who needed all these mutations if I will just be buried in the ground or turn into a pathetic handful of ashes?” With such ideas, the old saying seemed justified: “Take everything from life before the worms eat you.”
The awareness of the fact that you are a mold from an eternal Image justifies your existence and gives it meaning. And the thought of your inevitable meeting with the Creator makes you take your life seriously. The purpose is revealed to you: He loves you, and you are a child of His love.
And you think: “How good!” It was only after I came to the faith that the cemetery ceased to be an eerie place for me and turned into a “repository of completed narratives.”
Our cemetery beyond the village in the heart of the forest is divided into the smaller, old one, which appeared in the seventeenth century, and the new and larger one. Do you know how our village cemetery differs from urban ones—apart from its size? I served the funeral for almost everyone who is buried in the new cemetery. I made the “last entry” in the destiny of almost every person buried here. I pray for them and remember many of them. Besides, even before my ordination I had lived and worked with these people for many years. And I know that their life in eternity depends on my prayer in some way. Our bond with them was not severed by their demise. Spiritual care does not stop even beyond the grave.
The Church year, with its memorial Ancestors’ Saturdays and especially the Paschal services, does not allow us to forget those who have already departed this life. And visiting people’s graves on Radonitsa always is always a special, joyful event for me. I go to the cemetery as if to visit my friends—those whom I came to love during their earthly lives and with whom I prayed and restored the church—my brothers and sisters.
One day I had a dream just before going to serve on Ancestors’ Saturday. It was as if I had died, my soul had flown away, and I could even see my own body from outside it. And I was so upset and sorry that I could not say goodbye to anyone, hug my children and kiss my wife. And my soul began to cry from anguish.
Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind: “Today is Ancestors’ Saturday! How many people will come to church now, but there will be no service! Where will another priest come from?” And my soul, accustomed to responsibility, immediately returned to my body. I woke up and was relieved that it had all just been a dream. But then I remembered forever how my soul had wept after leaving the body. From that day on I began to feel compassion for the deceased while performing the funeral over them.
I am greeted first by Alexei at the entrance to the new cemetery. I learned a lot from that man and in many ways, would like to be like him. He knew how to live and had a great desire to live. But for all his buoyancy, illness taught Alexei to be patient and to humble himself. He was dying for several years, but every time after the unction he got better and continued to come to church every Sunday and receive Communion. And he passed away on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord.
The last thing Alexei said to me—and I managed to give him Communion—was:
“Thank you, Father. Thanks for everything!”
Christ is Risen, Alexei!
The well-groomed grave of the child Sashenka [a diminutive form of the name Alexander.—Trans.] is very close. He received Communion almost at every Sunday Liturgy. He drowned in Feodosia the day before he was supposed to start going to the first grade. His father Nikolai, a simple worker, could not save the child. After that, through hard labor he earned a sufficient sum of money for us to pay for the work of icon-painters. Three large icons of the Deesis in the St. Nicholas Chapel of our church are his sacrifice in memory of his son.
One day, after his death, the boy came to his father in a dream and said:
“Papa, I’ve been to many places, but I like St. Alexander Svirsky’s monastery the most.”
Christ is Risen, dear child! Pray for us there.
Irina. Irochka, I still can’t come to terms with the fact that you’ve been here for six years already. You shouldn’t have died, especially at such a young age. You are our beauty! I will never forget it—after I had given you Divine Unction and Communion, you took my hand in yours, already translucent from illness, and, kissing it, said:
“Now I’m not afraid of anything. Thank you.”
I hope you were not offended that I almost forced your husband away from your grave. You know, I started to fear for him. The dead cling to the dead, and the living cling to the living, as it were. Christ is Risen, our joy!
* * *
Sophia, I’ll tell you honestly: no one bakes pancakes the way you baked them. Do you think I’m joking? No, in all seriousness. The schoolchildren who cleaned the church with us and then ate your pancakes with tea have already grown up. Now some of them have their own children, but every time they come, they recall how much they enjoyed your delicious pancakes!
What hard times we had! Now we have both a refectory and a parish house (with two floors), but back then we didn’t have anything. I still wonder how you always managed to cope with everything. Christ is Risen, our wise woman!
Praskovyushka [a diminutive form of the name Parasceva.—Trans.]! My angel who selflessly helped me in the altar. Today is Radonitsa and the eighth anniversary of your birth into eternity. You read by syllables, but you taught me so much! My friend, I am grateful to God that He brought me together with you.
Pray for me, mother, so that someday I too can reach the measure of your simplicity and learn to hope and trust in God the way you did. Of course, you know that your youngest daughter gave up drinking and came to the church, that she prays and often takes Communion. Today she is almost never out of the church, as was the case with you. So, both your daughters are in the church.
Your prayer does its job, and even after your death it does not lose its power. You cried your eyes out for your daughter. The time came, and she told me herself, “That’s it, Father, there there’s no turning back.” What a wise woman you are! Praskovyushka, Christ is Risen!
And here rests my old acquaintance, Vasily Ivanovich. In his old age a strange thing happened to him: he fell in love like a teenager. He started writing love poetry, but he was ashamed to reveal it to anyone. But he trusted me. He would come to the entrance of my house, sit down on a bench and wait for me to see him and come out. Then he would take out his notebook, and his “sonnets” would start flowing. How many times I invited you to the church, my friend! You kept promising, but... never came. Christ is Risen, Vasily!
Then the tombstones of rich people begin. There are three tombstones here, behind an imposing metal fence. That’s right, it’s a family of three people. Petrovich, an entrepreneur, a good man who drank. He didn’t give sufficient attention to his son who was hooked on drugs. No matter how much they tried to cure him it was all in vain. After the young man’s death, Petrovich’s wife took to drinking too, as if she had decided to die. They lived beside the church. Their house had once been built on church land. It was a big, beautiful “mansion” in which you could live for many years.
One day Petrovich came to our church while I was racking my brains over the problem of where to find money for a new roof. I desperately needed to have our winter church reroofed. A piece broke off from the destroyed bell-tower and pierced the roof in several places. And we had just plastered the walls inside, putting so much effort into it.
There was no one in the church except Petrovich and me. I went up to him and greeted him. I saw that he was having a very hard time. And who would be feeling otherwise after losing his only son? I addressed him:
“Petrovich, do a good deed in memory of Kostya [a diminutive form of the name Konstantin.—Trans.]. Do you see how the roof was broken by bricks from the bell-tower? Help us redo it as long as there is no rain so far. You’re a wealthy man, help me. I will also ask the parishioners—and we will do it all together. I’m afraid we’ll ruin the plaster inside after the rain starts.”
Petrovich was silent for a little while. His face was so kind, he really was a nice chap. Then he said:
“You know, father, I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to live now, after my only son’s death. And I’ve decided that now I will live only for myself. So, please don’t take it amiss, but look for other sponsors.”
And indeed, Petrovich started to live for himself: he bought a new car, had a holiday abroad, and began to dress well. And then Petrovich disappeared—we couldn’t find him for a whole week. One afternoon as I was walking to the church, a boy of about ten caught up with me:
“Father, go and see what it is! I keep looking and I can’t figure it out.”
I went with him, and he brought me to the back of Petrovich’s house, where there was a huge puddle. I looked where the boy was pointing and saw something like a swollen sugar bag floating in the puddle. But it didn’t seem to be a bag—it resembled a man. We called the police, and Petrovich’s daughter-in-law pulled him out of the puddle.
She said she saw a bullet hole in his forehead. But no one investigated it then.
I performed the funeral for him in the courtyard of our church. And three months later his wife passed away. Their “big mansion” stands empty.
Christ is risen, Petrovich! Don’t think that I bear a grudge against you. After you refused, another man came and offered his help—he took the church reroofing on himself. This is how things work with God—if not you, then someone else. You already know that. Poor Petrovich, nobody remembers you, but I don’t forget you.
How many years have I served at the grave of a young mother’s child on Radonitsa. She crossed a pedestrian crossing in Moscow when the traffic light was green. But a jeep suddenly appeared, knocking the child down. There must have been a tiny news report about you that day. As I understand it, the jeep driver was acquitted. But it doesn’t matter now whether he was acquitted or not. A momentary incident, but the mother’s mental distress has not abated for four years, she is sick at heart, and she still wears black.
How accustomed we are to these news reports: Someone has perished here, someone else has been killed in an explosion there, a plane crashed somewhere, etc. But all this means someone’s pain, tears, broken hearts, and orphaned children.
Mother, Christ is risen, don’t cry and start praying for your girl. Help her, while you have some strength.
There is a large marble slab with a portrait of a young man. Yuri worked at one of his father’s gas stations. About ten years ago, some drug addicts murdered him at work at night. I remember his mother weeping in church. We have a custom: If people make a contribution to the church in memory of their reposed loved one, order an icon, buy a candle stand or something like that, then we add the name of the person in question into our list for permanent commemoration.
I offered the same to Yuri’s close ones. On hearing this, his mother stopped crying. She came up to me and said quietly:
“Father, only don’t tell my husband. I’m afraid he won’t understand you.”
It was only then that it dawned on me: If he left his son alone to work at the gas station at night without security, he really wouldn’t understand me. His family does not set foot in church anymore.
Yuri, your closest ones betrayed you. But forgive them; You know, we don’t choose our parents. But I’m still wondering: How will they look into your eyes when you meet them in eternity?
Nobody comes to your grave on Radonitsa, but I remember you, your placidness, and sometimes pray for you. But forget them all. Christ is Risen, Yuri—you and I will rejoice together.
At the exit I met one of our believers from Moscow, who had buried her mother right around Pascha a year before.
“Earlier I couldn’t go to the cemetery—I felt uneasy here. But now I can sit here next to my mother’s grave, talk to her, and I feel so good—I don’t want to go away,” she said.
And we, Galochka, don’t “go away”. It only seems to us that the departed are somewhere far away from us, but in reality they are close, in our hearts, in our memory and our prayers. After all, and of course, you know it yourself, love (if we have it) does not disappear, even after death.
Archpriest Alexander Dyachenko
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:41 plz-tangerine I (25f) need advice about my ldr with my bf (25m)

My bf (25m) and I (25f) met last year and instantly clicked. He lived two hours away from me so we’d see each other on the weekends and we always had the best time. I loved the way we communicated, the way he listened to me and was always kind and respectful to me. He went above and beyond with making me feel special. Making me my favorite desserts, surprising me with dates, making me dinner. Constantly texting me and asking me questions. We share so many interests, my family loves him, his family loves me.
Shortly into our relationship he was offered a promotion that required him to move about 11 hours away. He decided to accept the offer which I feel was the right decision and we decided to do long distance. He moved a few months after and we’ve been doing long distance for about two months now. It has been extremely hard. My previous relationship was also a long distance relationship where my ex cheated on me. I told my current bf that I’ve developed a lot of anxiety regarding this and at first I wasn’t confident about my abilities to maintain a ldr. He assured me that he would FaceTime me every night, text me all the time, fly me out to visit him once every 6 weeks or that he would fly to me.
A few weeks into the long distance he started being more distant. His texts weren’t as reassuring and lovey as they used to me. He stopped planning FaceTime dates and wouldn’t call as much. One time he cancelled a Facetime date he had planned for us (we were going to make dinner together and watch a movie) 20 minutes before to hang out with his friend. I told him that since this is all we have right now they’re really important to me. He said he understood and would do better.
When I would tell him I was feeling anxious he would get hostile and defensive. Saying “don’t you see everything I’m trying to do” and if I expressed my concerns he’d be very dismissive. One night he didn’t say I love you back to me on the phone. I asked him if something was wrong and he got mad that I even asked. If he was being dry and I would ask why he’d say “I didn’t put an emoji, so what?” I was starting to feel really defeated and upset. I was convinced that me thinking he was being distant was all in my head.
This past weekend I flew down to see him for the first time since we’ve started long distance. Our reunion didn’t feel as emotional as I thought it would. He said he felt weird around me for the first 24 hours. I could tell something was off. He wasn’t looking at me the same way and it didn’t feel the way it used to. He wasn’t staying hard during sex either which has never happened. I asked if I did something wrong or he wasn’t attracted to me and he kept saying no that he didn’t know what the problem was.
Finally on the last night he admitted that he has been distant. I told him the way I’ve felt the last month is not okay. He started crying (which was the first time I’d ever seen him cry) and apologizing saying that it’s not okay that he’s treated me this way and how sorry he was. He kept saying that I’m the nicest person he’s ever met and I deserve better and that he doesn’t know why he is the way he is. He mentioned that it may be trauma from past relationships where he never felt good enough and any criticism or problem feels very personal. He said he wishes he would’ve supported me more emotionally and that I didn’t do anything wrong but that his new position has been very demanding. He said it’s been so hard on him that he’s losing his hair. He said the stress is so much more than he thought it would be and that when he has a full day of things going wrong and stress at work that it’s harder for him to give me the patience and time and effort that I deserve, which he has never mentioned before. I asked him to be honest with me and himself about if he’s able to handle the position and our relationship at the same time. He said he thinks he can and that he doesn’t want to lose me and how much he loves me and sees a really happy future and life with me.
I don’t know what to do. The last month I have felt so alone, unsupported and misunderstood. I understand his side as well. I just have a lot of concerns about both of our mental wellbeing’s.
I’d like all the advice I can get. Thank you for reading all of this.
submitted by plz-tangerine to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:40 steppia_vero iPad external screen resolution lower than when connected to Mac

Hey, I have a Dell U2713hm, it max out at 2560x1440. Not on HDMI or VGA (full HD or less only with these two connections), but only with DVI or DP accordingly to the user manual.
Scenario 1: If I connect the monitor to the iPad Air M1 or to the MacBook Pro M1 Pro using a DP to usb c cable, both are using it at 2560x1440. Scenario 2: If I use DVI to HDMI then a usb c hub the Mac uses the display at max resolution while the iPad is limited to Full HD.
I can’t figure out why the iPad behave differently from the Mac, and I’d like to use the usb hub to connect screen, power and an external HD at the same time. I have tried with both the Apple usb c hub (power, HDMI, usb A) and a third party one from Amazon multiport, same result. Before you ask, there is no Display Zoom option shown under display in the second scenario, but it’s there in the first scenario. Both the iPad and the Mac are updated to the latest OSes.
Thanks in advance for any help!
submitted by steppia_vero to ipad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:39 NeShaunBlaineMusic 12 hours later.. the lack of payoffs still bother me

I’m largely bother by things that didn’t pay off within the film. 3 things in particular.
  1. Lack of payoff for Noa’s father being killed by Sylva. There’s a emotional weight in the big opening action sequence of the Mask attacking the tribe and Sylva fighting Noa and his father. The heavy moment is Noa watches as Sylva has his father dead to rights and he shocks him to his fall. Later Noa comes face to face with Sylva at the kingdom and there’s little to no tension as he’s around his fathers killer and even after he kills Raka and it’s given emotional weight of Noa and May very saddened at his presumed death, which I think he’ll be returning for a sequel and I’ll explain later in another point. When Noa and Sylva have their final fight it pays off as though Noa is just seeking to beat a powerful grunt. There’s no emotional payoff that he avenged 2 important characters.
  2. I don’t understand why May is shown to be primitive to start the film but later is shown to be of sound logic and advanced as we see the humans at the satellite station. By primitive, I mean her being shown like she’s a animal when they toss her food, shivering in the cold like she isn’t aware how to keep warm, following Noa around like she’s a lost puppy, etc. then upon reaching the kingdom, she’s completely civilized and functioning as a human would as we know. Having a secret mission and more than capable to hold her own for survival. I just don’t get why they showed her in primitive light and no sense of payoff for that plot. Further hurt by her clear dislike for apes being in power. It serves no logic that she would cling to Noa to start the movie, when she’s against ape kind.
  3. Raka and the books! While I firmly believe he’s still alive and removed for the 3rd act of the film for other character development. They just threw away the plot of him keeping the knowledge alive through books immediately. Somewhere in that airport, I assume, is a bag of books that are just there now. His life’s work was to teach the true ways of Ceasar. He passes this to Noa but doesn’t feel like it pays off in the day or two they spent together. Perhaps if they showed Noa with the books at the end when with his tribe, it would’ve been a nice Easter egg showing the apes advancing into reading as we know the humans are getting in contact with eachother. I feel the need for Raka to return in the future is important as the ape that knows how to read and can be the wise teacheadvisor to Noa or whomever is to be the leader as soon Humans and Apes will battle again. But the payoff lacks as only Noa knows of his mission and partly May, who doesn’t care much anyway.. given she was prepared to kill Noa had he not been compassionate.
submitted by NeShaunBlaineMusic to PlanetOfTheApes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:34 Overall_Wolverine339 Heartbroken after sudden breakup

My ex boyfriend and I broke up yesterday after an 6 month relationship and I’ve just been feeling a mix of emotions - sad, devasted, angry at myself, and numb. At first I wanted to text him back but he blocked me and so I blocked him on all social medias but I didn’t remove his phone number.
I remember yesterday I sat by the river (near the college campus) to and I just started bawling my eyes out, like you know when you cry and it’s hard to breathe ? That kind of feeling :(
I’m about to check into a counseling appointment for therapy today, its hard focusing when all I can think about is “What could I have done better” and “It’s over now, why do I keep thinking of him?” etc. etc..
As much as I want him back I know he doesn’t feel loved by me anymore and that I should let him go :(( gosh I miss him so much even though I know I should move on
submitted by Overall_Wolverine339 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 feelingrestless_ Copy/Paste on iPad

Hey all, I use Canva on an iPad, and recently have lost the ability to copy/paste between designs. After reaching out to Canva, they claim this is the result of a change Apple made in 17.4.
From Canva support:
“After thorough testing and collaboration with our development team, we have identified that iOS 17.4 has introduced limitations that impact the ability to copy and paste content under certain conditions. We understand how crucial this feature is for a seamless design experience, and we want to ensure you have all the necessary information to continue creating with ease.
Here are the specific scenarios where the copy-paste function will not perform as expected on devices running iOS 17.4:
Copying content from one design (Design A) and attempting to paste it into another design (Design B) on the same device.
Copying content from a Canva design on another device and attempting to paste it into a Canva design on a device running iOS 17.4.
Copying content from an external application and attempting to paste it into a Canva design on your iOS 17.4 device.”
I don’t have access to a non iOS device. Am I screwed out of my regular copy/paste workflows? Do y’all know of any workarounds?
Any ideas as to why Apple made this change? Anyone else experiencing this? I genuinely appreciate any help or guidance. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be a fix in 17.5.
submitted by feelingrestless_ to canva [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:30 imnotmarvin I'm done with united

It all began with dinner for my upcoming flight. No one in this sub could tell me why I wasn’t being offered a meal selection. I wanted to get the choices and poll the sub for their input. I probably should have just canceled my nonrefundable ticket and demand compensation at that point but I couldn’t get an answer from this sub I what my demands should be. Figured I’ll just choose on my own once they come around with menus.
So I show up at ORD on the day of my flight and go straight to premier access. Apparently, a basic economy ticket means I’m forced to use the longer lines at check-in. Honestly, what the fuck United. I explained that my flight was already boarding and didn’t have time to wait. The agent actually offered to “let me pay” for a premiere upgrade to get me through faster. Oh, so now on top of my expensive ticket, I have to pay more to go through security and check-in faster? This was getting worse by the minute. Oh, and I had to pay for my fucking checked bag. Fees, fees and more fees on top of an expensive ticket.
Now I have to rush to the gate. Fucking C concourse. Like United wants people to miss their flights by sending them underground to run to their gate. I get to the gate just in time and go to the end of the boarding line. I scan my boarding pass and get an irritating beep. The gate agent informs me that I don’t actually have a seat assignment and that they’re currently boarding group 1 so could I please see the other agent for a seat assignment and wait for my group to board. I’m so over United at this point but I have to get home to feed my cats so a grin and bear it.
I go to the other gate agent for a seat assignment and of course, things get worse. There is a single seat left on the plane, in the middle of the last row. How the fuck do you not have more seats on the plane? Honestly? Then, THEN she looks at my 75 liter, full frame hiking back pack and tells me I’ll have to gate check the bag. I say “I’m sorry, what?” She says all snotty “Your bag is too big to fit under your seat and your ticket doesn’t allow a carry on”. What the fuck did I pay for?? ORD to SFO, $199 and all I get is a fucking seat?? They want to charge me $50 to gate check my bag on top of the $50 I already paid for my 48” rolling bag at check-in. So I argue loudly for a good three minutes to no avail. I can tell everyone in the gate area was totally on my side by the way. A supervisor shows up and graciously (sarcasm here!) waives the gate check fee. Oh, I’m a fucking king now I guess.
I board, it takes forever to make my way to the back of the plane. I see there’s no one in the window seat so I grab that. A couple minutes later a woman tells me that she thinks I’m in her seat. I assure her that she’ll fit the middle seat better than I will and a seat swap is obviously in order. She protests, grabs an FA who tells me to move to my seat in the middle. That was the last straw for me. I was obnoxious to the woman in the window seat for the flight and rang the call bell constantly to ask for water. I’m getting something for all the money I spent, even if it’s just the satisfaction of ruining the flight for whoever I can.
Anyway, it should go without saying at this point but fuck United. I’m never flying them again.
submitted by imnotmarvin to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 andreabaker2 Robert Adams was Robert Spiegel, and there is a huge history.

As many of you may have read, there is a case of two missing adopted kids in North Carolina, where remains have been found. The news has reported that their adoptive “mother” is Avantae Deven.
I’m a curious person and started digging up information on Avantae Deven when I first read the story in my news feed and could not believe what I was reading. It seemed like whomever this woman is must have be using an alias; Avantae Deven is not a name like Kim Jones or Mackenzie Smith.
The more I dug, the weirder it seemed to get. I found a property deed to a place in Sedona, Arizona, and figured out that whomever this Avantae person is, she at one point in time had owned a home together with someone named Nicole Adams. So I dug into who Nicole Adams was, and learned that she was the widow of a spiritual leader named Robert Adams. It appeared to me that there would be no way to identify who Avantae really was, unless I could also identify the true identity of Robert Adams.
I've done investigative work for many years, including skip tracing. I can conclusively state that there was absolutely no person actually named Robert Adams born in New York State on January 21, 1928. This is demonstrated by the New York Birth Index. I have combed the census records for 1930, 1940, and 1950, and cross-checked them against multiple databases, and am confident that nobody with the birth name of Robert Adams was born anywhere in the United States on January 21, 1928.
Moreover, there was absolutely no person with the true name of Robert Adams who died anywhere at all in the United States, let alone Sedona, Arizona, on March 2, 1997. This is demonstrated by the Social Security Death Index.
I began this research largely by performing exhaustive searches on the known addresses that are associated with Robert, his wife Leonie (who used to use the alias Nicole), and Avantae Deven (who turns out to be their daughter Michelle who began using the alias Avantae in the mid-1990’s or so). Most of the addresses are PO boxes. Those that are PO boxes are all *private* PO boxes, not PO boxes that one can rent from the United States Postal Service. To me, that spoke volumes. The family were clearly using aliases.
As I explain further below, I eventually determined that “Robert Adams” was Robert Spiegel, born 21 January 1932 in New York. “Nicole Adams” was actually Aileen Beverly Leonie Maxwell, born February 2, 1929, in Jamaica. “Avantae Deven” is actually their daughter, Michelle K. Spiegel, born on October 1, 1960, in California.
One of Robert’s many false stories about Robert’s life that my research has refuted is Robert’s claim that his mother was Jewish and his father was Catholic. That was a lie. Both of his parents were Jewish. It’s also interesting that he claimed that he was “raised Catholic.” There is absolutely nothing to suggest that. His mother always, in New York, lived in Jewish neighborhoods. Moreover, as will be discussed below, his parents had a Jewish wedding. It’s also downright absurd that he would tell people that he was “half Jewish.” If your mother’s Jewish, you are Jewish, pure and simple. Even if Robert’s father had truly been Catholic (which he wasn’t; his name was Samuel Spiegel and he immigrated to America in 1907, lived with his Jewish, Yiddish-speaking cousins, and spoke Yiddish himself), Robert would have been Jewish because the status of being a Jew comes from the mother. Robert’s mother’s name was Fannie (nee Fleisfeder) Spiegel. Fannie’s parents were Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Libke (nee Rifkin) Fleisfeder. Esther’s parents were Mendel Rifkin and Sarah whose maiden name is lost to time and the disappearance of the shtetls. Robert’s claim to having had a Catholic father was utterly false, but is part and parcel of his ongoing compulsive daily lying about anything and everything.
Here is the story.
Kolomyia, formerly known as Kolomea, is a city currently located in the Western Ukraine.
On January 21, 1892 (the same year that Kolomea tallis1 workers went on strike for better pay and working conditions), Kolomea resident Rachel Katz, wife of Abraham Spiegel, gave birth to a son, who was given the name Schmuel.
On the date that Schmuel Spiegel entered the world, Kolomea was ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and almost half of the city’s residents were Jewish.
In June of 1907, fifteen-year-old Schmuel2 boarded the Zeeland, which sailed from Antwerp, Belgium, arriving at New York Harbor on June 18, 1907. The ship’s manifest states that Schmuel’s father had paid for his transport, and that Schmuel intended to reside with his father, Abe, in Brooklyn. Schmuel was granted entrance, and took up residence with his cousin Charles Fetner, who resided at 353 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, in Apartment A with his wife Jennie and their baby daughter Ettie. The sparse record that exists suggests that although Schmuel’s father was, indeed, named Abraham, Abraham lived and died in Europe, without immigrating to America.
The 1910 census describes Samuel’s cousin Charles as a carpenter, who had been married to housewife Jennie for six years, and a father of three children-- Ettie age four, Nathan age two, and baby Jacob, who was not even a year old. Eighteen-year-old Samuel was identified by profession as a “Foreman Sailmaker” in an industry described as “pocket-books.”
Three and a half years after being granted admission, on a bitterly cold winter day, January 4, 1911, Schmuel (now employed as a pocket-book maker, and having Anglicized his name to Samuel) signed and submitted his declaration to become a United States citizen. He stated, in that declaration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
By 1915, Samuel had left his cousin’s abode and was residing as a lodger in the home of a widow named Rose Hammer, who lived with her two adolescent sons, Meyer and Louis, at 531 E. 5th Avenue; Samuel was now working as a “driver.”
Two years after the 1915 state census was taken, Samuel had moved back to Myrtle Avenue, but this time at building no. 849. On June 15, 2017, Samuel registered for the draft, and described himself as being a pocketbook maker, working for “A. Shoenfeld,” at 101 Crosby Street, New York. He was single. He stated, in his draft registration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
A woman named Fruma Fleisfeder was born in Beltz, Bessarabia, sometime between July 1, 1893, and 1901, to Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Lieba Rifkin. Fruma (not living up to her pious given name) provided different dates and years of birth to different authorities on different occasions, making it impossible at this point in time to know her true position in the birth order of her family. Regardless, Fruma, who began using the name Fanny upon her entrance to the United States, did have three brothers and a sister who also came to America-- Louis Fleisfeder who was born April 10, 1890, Max Irving Fleisfeder who used October 10, 1892 as his birthdate, Hersch (later known as Harry), whose official birthdate was December 15, 1901, and Sylvia who was born in approximately 1906.
On December 1, 1919, Fruma arrived in New York Harbor on the ship La Touraine, declaring her intention, at entry, to become a United States Citizen. The ship’s manifest describes her as five feet five inches tall, with fair hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. The ship’s manifest states that she was, at that time, age 24. If that were correct, she would have been born in 1895.
Fruma (then going by Fanny) took up residence with her cousin Ethel (nee Ruchlin) and Ethel’s husband Samuel Steinberg, on 15th Street, Brooklyn. Soon thereafter, Ethel gave birth to her first child, a daughter named Theresa. The 1920 census states that Fanny was Russian, didn’t speak English but, rather, spoke Hebrew, and worked as a milliner in a millinery store. The 1920 census also states that Fanny was age 25, which lines up with her being age 24 in the prior year’s ship manifest.
Sam and Fanny married in Manhattan on January 24, 1925. Their marriage certificate (signed by each of them) identifies Sam as being age 32 (contradicting, by one year, his immigration records which would have placed him at age 33), and identifies Fanny as age 24, the same age that she had claimed to be six years prior, and also contradicting an immigration petition that she would file two decades in the future, which generally placed her birth year at the mid-point of 1893.
If Fanny’s immigration records (which included a petition with her signature on it) were correct, Fanny would also have been age 32 as of her marriage to Samuel, not age 24.
So did Fanny lie in her marriage certificate? Or did she lie in her immigration petition?
The marriage certificate identifies Sam as having been born in Kolomea, Austria, and his father being Abraham, and his mother being Rachel Katz. It identifies Fanny as having been born in Beltz, Russia, to a father named Isaac, and to a mother named Esther Rifkin.
The marriage certificate does not identify Fanny as having any profession, but identifies Sam as being a pocketbook maker.
Sam and Fannie were married at 125 E. 4th Street, Manhattan, a six-story apartment building with retail units on the ground floor that is now an expensive co-op, with three-bedroom units selling for over $900,000. Present-day real estate advertisements alternatively state that the building was built in 1894, 1903, and 1905.
The first name of the rabbi who officiated was Harry. His surname starts with Reid, but the remaining letters of his signature are illegible. Rabbi Harry identified his residence as 232 Broome Street, which, at the time, was a four-story mixed use building that, among other things, housed Chevrah Ahavath Zedek Anshei Jaskinover.
Witnesses to the marriage were Mayer Budmon and Samuel Steinberg.
Sam and Fanny’s existence was documented next in the 1925 New York State census by census. They were living at 205 S. 2nd Street. Samuel was still working as a “pocketbook maker.” Fanny was identified as a “housewife.”
Fanny was identified as age 25. This was in accordance with her age as stated on her marriage certificate, but not in accordance with her immigration documents or the 1920 census.
Sam was identified as being age 28, which conflicted with all prior records.
In 1930, the couple were again enumerated, this time in the Federal census. The enumerator, whose signature appears to be “Max Krahn” (or something like that) stated that he obtained the information on April 16, 1930.
Sam was identified as a “framer” of pocketbooks. He was identified as being 36 years of age, which conflicts by two years with the age that he provided to immigration authorities. Perhaps the enumerator was simply sloppy; Samuel was also incorrectly identified in the 1930 census as having been born in “Poland,” with parents who were both also born in “Poland,” notwithstanding other governmental records having identified him as being Austrian. The language he spoke? “Jewish,” according to the enumerator. Was that to mean Hebrew? Yiddish? Both?
Fannie was identified as age 30 (directly in conflict with the information she supplied in her immigration petition, which bears her signature) and as being “Russian,” with parents born in “Russia.” The 1930 census enumerator incorrectly wrote that her year of immigration was 1921. Fannie, too, was identified by the enumerator as speaking the “Jewish” language.
Although later records reflected that Sam and Fannie had a son named Irving who was born in 1926, Irving was not recorded in the 1930 census. Was he missed by the enumerator? Or was he a later-adopted son?
The couple also had a boarder, identified by the 1930 enumerator as one Esther “Larson,” age 40, born in Russia, and similarly a speaker of the “Jewish” language.
The New York Birth Index identifies a baby boy, Robert Spiegel, as one of many babies having been born in the city on January 21, 1932.
On May 21, 1936, Samuel committed suicide by hanging in the family residence, a tenement apartment located at 1168 Union Avenue, in the Bronx. Although, based upon the date of birth that Samuel used for official governmental purposes he was age 44, the death certificate stated that he was age 43.
Fannie engaged the Gordon Funeral Home to prepare him for burial.
Strangely, although Samuel’s headstone accurately identified him in Hebrew as Schmuel Spiegel, son of Avraham, it inexplicably incorrectly stated that he died at age 40.
Fannie of course knew her husband’s real age; both of them signed the marriage certificate that had Samuel’s correct age listed. Furthermore, Samuel had petitioned for citizenship in 1911, and stated that his date of birth was January 18, 1892.
Why would Fannie commission a headstone with a false age? Perhaps she, like her son, was a compulsive liar. Maybe that’s where Robert got it from.
The 1940 census has Fannie (identified as age 38), Robert (identified as age 8), and Fannie’s son/Robert’s brother, Irving Spiegel, age 13, as living with Fannie’s 72-year-old mother, Esther Fleisfeder, at 1537 Fulton Avenue, in the Bronx. Fannie and Esther were identified as widows. Esther was identified as “U” (unable to work), while Fannie was identified as engaged in housework. No source of income for the family was identified.
No explanation is obvious regarding where Irving was living in the census taken a decade previously. Was he adopted?
There is no “Irving Spiegel” listed in the New York Birth Index for either 1926 or 1927. There is an “Irving Spiegal” listed, who was born April 29, 1926. But he is not Irving Spiegel.
I initially thought that perhaps Irving might be one of the unnamed Baby Boy Spiegels born in New York in 1926 or 1927, and that he left the hospital unnamed because his parents were waiting for his bris before naming him. However, Robert left the hospital with the name Robert. Why wait until the bris to name one child, but not the other?
Slightly less than two years after she was enumerated in the 1940 census, Fannie’s mother Esther died, at home, at 1537 Fulton Avenue. The causes of death were “Coronary Thrombosis, Pulmonary Oedema Nephritis, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis.” Esther left this world on February 6, 1942, the same day that the W. L. Steed was torpedoed, shelled and sunk less than a hundred nautical miles east of the mouth of Delaware River by a German submarine.
She was buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Fairview, New Jersey, the same cemetery where her son-in-law Samuel was interred.
On November 12, 1943, Fannie, now residing at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, in the Bronx, petitioned for citizenship. She claimed, in that document bearing her signature, to be fifty years of age, meaning that if she was telling the truth, she would have been born in approximately 1893.
On January 19, 1948, Robert (having assumed a false date of birth, that being January 18, 1931), enlisted in the New York National Guard. On paper, he had turned age 17 the day before his enlistment. In reality, he would be turning age 16 two days after his enlistment.
On December 9, 1949, Robert was discharged from the national guard, apparently for having been AWOL.
The discharge document identifies his address as being 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City.
The 1950 census places Robert again at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City. It correctly identifies him as age 18, and states that he worked as a shipping clerk for a newspaper company.
According to the 1950 census, Robert resided at the Bathgate Avenue address with his mother Fannie, who was purportedly still age 50 (seven years after she had previously claimed to immigration authorities to be age 50), and Robert’s brother Irving, age 24.
Irving was listed as unemployed and moreover, according to the census record, had not worked for the prior year. Fannie was employed full-time as a milliner in a hat factory.
Military records reflect that Irving J. Spiegel, born in 1926 and a resident of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, who had completed two years of high school education, had flown bomber planes over Germany during the war. In his military documents, Irving described himself as single, with two dependents.
On February 2, 1929, a baby girl given the name Aileen Beverly Leone Maxwell was born in Lucea, Hanover, Jamaica, to William Maxwell and Daisy (nee Tibbits) Maxwell. Her birth was registered by her parents.
In 1954, Robert Spiegel and Aileen Maxwell were married in New York City. Their marriage license was given License No. 10284.
The following year, the Kingston, Jamaica, Gleaner reported on June 6, 1955:
Miss Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell, was married recently in New York City to Mr. Robert Spiegel of the U.S.A. Both the bride and groom are students at the New York Institute of Dietetics. The bride left the island nearly two years ago for New York. Her wedding gown was chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The bodice was fashioned with a wide, scalloped neckline and elbow-length sleeves. Her three tier skirt of chantilly lace was over pleated nylon tulle. Her fingertip-length veil was adorned with pearls.
If the claim regarding the couple studying at the New York Institute of Dietetics was even true, their studies at this institution didn’t last long. In May of 1956, a number of advertisements bearing Robert’s photograph appeared in the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner. The advertisements described Robert as a psychologist, author, lecturer, and “practitioner in auto suggestion,” and identified him as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.” Readers were invited to come meet Robert on May 21, 1956, at Record Plaza, where he would be autographing his “latest” “world-wide” 33 and 1/3 RPM record, “How to Stop Smoking in 7 days by Auto-Suggestion.”
On May 1, 1959, three residents of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, Bronx, New York, came through customs, having returned from a trip to Jamaica. They identified themselves as “Robert D. Spiegel” born in New York (in addition to giving himself a false middle initial, Robert neglected to complete the I-94-A fully, specifically by leaving his birthdate blank), “Leonie A. Spiegel” born in Jamaica on February 2, 1929, and their minor daughter, and “Sharon S. Spiegel,” born in New York. Someone also neglected to fully complete Sharon’s I-94-A, specifically by leaving her birthdate blank.
Leonie had taken Sharon to Jamaica two years earlier. There are no publicly available records pertaining to their outbound transport from the United States to Jamaica. There is, however, a record pertaining to their return to the United States. That publicly available record does not provide their address, but Sharon is identified as weighing 1 stone 5 pounds (a total of 19 pounds), and Leonie is identified as weighing six stone 5 pounds (89 pounds). Interestingly, Leonie used the name “Aileen Spiegel,” and the records assert that Aileen has no middle initial. Aileen was / is her true legal first name, but it is a lie to say that she has no middle initial.
Almost two years later, on January 5, 1958, the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner reported:
Staying at the Tamarind Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spiegel and daughter Sharon of Miami, Florida. Mrs. Spiegel is the former Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell of Lucea and has been in the United States for several years. A welcome party in their honour was given last Saturday night by Messers. Horrace, Ray, and Dennis Maxwell, brothers of Mrs. Spiegel. It was a very enjoyable affair.
In 1963, roughly five years after their 1958 visit to Jamaica, Leonie petitioned for naturalization, in Louisiana. Although I am in possession of the index showing that she petitioned in 1963, I do not possess the petition itself. However, the fact that she petitioned for naturalization in Louisiana demonstrates that that at least she was residing in Louisiana at the time. Since she stated that she didn’t leave Robert’s side for over 40 years, presumably Robert, young Sharon, and also baby Michelle were living in Louisiana at that time.
People who knew Robert personally relate that he stated that Leonie was a Cayman Island heiress. She wasn’t. Not only was she not born in the Cayman Islands, Leonie’s father’s estate was litigated (with the judge ruling against her) long before Robert started telling people that his wife was a Cayman Islands heiress.
Leonie’s father did leave an estate, but not to her. On November 9, 1967, the Gleaner reported that the Supreme Court had upheld the will of the late William Josiah Maxwell, the father of Horrace, Ray, Dennis, and Leonie, and the husband of Daisy Maxwell, who had contended that William’s signature was a forgery and that the person to whom his estate had been bequeathed had exercised undue influence. The court disagreed. The article reported:
The estate, which one of the executors described as “a sizeable one,” included 112 acres of land at Paradise and three houses at Lucea, Hanover.
Robert apparently wasn’t banking on Leonie’s inheritance in any event. In May of 1966, advertisements appeared in the Houston Chronicle with Robert’s photo on them, selling a record that would purportedly assist people in stopping smoking in seven days. He identified himself as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.”
On page 55 of the November 15, 1969, San Antonio, Texas Express and News, was an advertisement stating:
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel of Houston, director and founder of the Science of the Mind Foundation there, is conducting Sunday evening meetings at 7:30 p.m. in the Sheraton Inn, 1400 Austin Hwy.
On page 4 of the July 10, 1970 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram was a photograph of Robert, with a brief local news blurb:
GUEST – Dr. J Robert Spiegel of Houston, Science of Mind Foundation director, will speak at the 10:45 a.m. service tomorrow in First Church of Religious Science, 2001 6th Ave. His subject is “What Religious Science Teaches.”
On page 8 of the June 18, 1970 edition of the Houston Daily Cougar was this advertisement:
Teaching Aquarian Meditation For The New Age
Meets Every Sunday, 11:00 A.M. At The World Trade Center Auditorium
Houston, Texas
Aquarian Meditation Initiation for the first time offered through correspondence. For those sincere students wishing to bypass evolution and enter the 5th Kingdom. Initiation includes meditation technique, Mantra, how to "live” 24 hours a day, and much more. Write for application today:
P.O. Box 53328 Houston, Texas 052
From the Galveston Daily News, May 02, 1971, Pg. 31:
The 1972 Spiritual Community Guide lists Robert twice, in the San Diego area. First, on page 117, using his alias “J. Robert Spiegel”:
THE TEMPLE OF METAPHYSICAL ABUNDANCE. J. Robert Spiegel, 1118 Torrey Pines Rd., 92037. Teaches yoga, nutrition, ESP, metaphysics, psychology, mind control
Second, on page 124, in which he, as one might have predicted, was masquerading as some sort of medical man or scholar:
"AQUARIAN MEDITATION SOCIETY, U. S. Grant Hotel, Attn: Dr. Robert Spiegel, 453-7588"
Also in 1972, Volume 25 of San Diego Magazine published in November advertised gift certificates for the “Astrology Research Center.” “Give your loved one the gift of love. Only $50” said the advertisement. Where was this entity located? At 1118 Torrey Pines Road, the same address as Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance. The advertisement purported that person identified as “Lil Canaan” was the director. The telephone number was 459-6400.
In 2013, the San Diego Union Tribune published the obituary for Lillian Mulonas, who founded the La Jolla “Astrology Research Center.” At this point in time, unless Robert Adams’ only surviving daughter, Michelle/ Prentiss/ Avantae knows the answer and talks, we will not know what relationship, if any, existed between Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance and Lilian’s Astrology Research Center, both of which were located at 1118 Torrey Pines Road in 1972.
From the July 12, 1973, San Diego Reader:
Teachings of the Cosmic Way” meets Sundays, 11:00 a.m., U.S. Grant Hotel, Crystal Room. Free admission, refreshments served. Call 453-7588 for more information.
On page 51 of the June 29, 1974 edition of Phoenix’s Arizona Republic was the following advertisement:
Speaker from San Diego
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel from San Diego, a traveler and lecturer, will speak at 8 p.m., Friday in Universal Series Center, 4340 N. Seventh Ave., on the topic “Science of Being.”
He is the founder of the “Aquarian Meditation Society” in Jamaica and is founder and publisher of “Equinox,” a philosophical newspaper.
The family (Adams or Spiegel, however one might want to refer to them) have resided in (that I know of) New York, Miami, Jamaica, Louisiana, La Jolla, Los Angeles, Houston, New Mexico, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Sedona, and a number of cities in North Carolina.
In at least the 1990’s, before he left for Sedona, Robert Adams used the address PO Box 7210, Jordan Avenue, D-30, Canoga Park, CA. He used that address on correspondence he wrote, and on at least one published document. Who else used that address? The data aggregators show that this address was also used by a Michelle K. Spiegel, and a person going by the name Leonie Maxwell. Michelle and Leonie also used other addresses associated with Robert, those being 1815 Willis Avenue Panorama City, and 21551 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills.
The California Birth Index shows that Michelle K. Spiegel was born on October 1, 1960, in Los Angeles County, to a mother with the maiden name Maxwell.
In later life, Michelle used the addresses above that are associated with Robert and Leonie, as well as an address of 12004 Vanowen Street #14, North Hollywood. This is the same address at which Denniston Keith Maxwell, one of Leonie’s younger brothers, resided at, after his immigration to the United States. Denniston was one of Michelle’s uncles.
In a recent Facebook posting, Michelle/Avantae stated: “Never knew anything personal about said uncles, etc. Never asked, never cared.” Really? She shared an address with an uncle? Her uncle lived within a few minutes’ drive from her parents, and Michelle/Avantae never knew anything about him?
As an aside, Michelle/Avantae alleged (or admitted) that she “never cared” about anything personal regarding her uncles. If that is true, what does that tell us about Michelle/Avantae’s fundamental character? Antisocial? Psychopathic? Narcissistic in the extreme?
On August 2, 1996, Michelle, going by the name Avantae E. Deven, married Tyson Ruben Alvarez in Las Vegas. The two had addresses in common in Arizona, Nevada, and Montana.
Robert “Adams” died on or about March 2, 1997, in Sedona, Arizona.
Shortly after that, in the spring of 1997, “Nicole Adams” and “Avantae Deven” (both aliases; the correct legal names are Aileen Beverly Leonie Spiegel and Michelle K. Spiegel) purchased a home together in Sedona, on Navahopi Road. Shortly after the purchase, “Nicole” quit-claimed her portion to “Avantae.”
On July 17, 2001, Tyson, still married to “Avantae,” quit-claimed any interest in the Navahopi property to “Avantae,” and had the county recorder send the deed to “Avantae” in care of the Infinity Institute, at that time located at 9101 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 105 C29 (in other words, a private post box), in Las Vegas.
Avantae divorced Tyson in 2006. She had, by then, moved to North Carolina. She “served” Tyson via publication summons, claiming that she was unable to find him, despite his information being on multiple data aggregators.
You can go to various Facebook groups, and other sources, to pull up the documents that people have uncovered showing who is associated with the "Infinity Institute," and in what fashion, and also the addresses that they have used over the years.
In any event, this is the information regarding Robert that I think that people need to be aware of.
Why turn to a known liar and con man for spiritual guidance?
1A tallis is a prayer shawl.
2The ship’s manifest states that he was age 14, which conflicts by one year with what Samuel identified as his date of birth. These errors are not uncommon; his fare could have been purchased when he was age 14 and the records not updated.
submitted by andreabaker2 to RobertAdams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 Ace2Face My perspective on modern-day remakes and their biggest challenge (Big brain post)

Hello everyone, like most of you, I'm big fan of the Homeworld series. Though unlike most of you, I wasn't introduced to it as a child, but rather as a young adult to the modern remakes. I'm not a native English speaker, so please forgive me if I say something that isn't idiomatic, but I'll try my best.
With the release of Homeworld 3, the initial response from fans doesn't look good. While I haven't played the game or watched much of it, I'm not here to complain about it.
Assuming that the game isn't as good as fans wished, then I've been thinking that .... old franchises are simply used as a platform for funding in order to try to get more fans, rather than actually releasing a game to satisfy pre-existing fans.
Take old game X, with fans starving for a sequel, and then create a new game promising many things. Fans pre-order and generate hype for you, and while they're doing that you're making sure your game is dumbed down to attract new, more fans, rather than risk placating to the existing fan base. You probably have enough games you've played in the past, only to watch their sequels crash and burn.
You could chalk it up to classic greed, and we could probably end it there, but I'd like to add that ... Perhaps, the economics of creating another faithful Homeworld or sequel to loved series "X" doesn't quite make financial sense.
I'd like to elaborate on that: Don't forget that the cost of an AAA game, despite inflation, has stayed more or less the same the past few decades, and nobody can deny that games offer great ROI in terms of how little they cost to how many hours of fun they can get you. But the reason why they stayed the same cost is because the playerbase grew over the years, developers that found ways to cater to new players stay afloat because they can sell a game for the same price over the years.
You can see how this relates to some failed remakes. Sequels may not strictly be all about creating a good sequel that original fans want, but more about having a playerbase to build on rather than risking the creation of game completely from scratch.
I am not a game developer, but I am a programmer, and one of the things I've read from one of my favourite engineer and entrepreneur, Joel Spolsky, is the Five Worlds article (You don't have to read all of itit): https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/05/06/five-worlds/
In there, Joel talks about the various types of companies you can work for and how their business model reflects your engineering standards and priorities, he talks about various types, but one of them is Gaming, and within, says the following:
Games are unique for two reasons. First, the economics of game development are hit-oriented. Some games are hits, many more games are failures, and if you want to make money on game software you recognize this and make sure that you have a portfolio of games so that the blockbuster hit makes up for the losses on the failures. This is more like movies than software.
The bigger issue with the development of games is that there’s only one version. Once your users have played through Duke Nukem 3D, they are not going to upgrade to Duke Nukem 3.1D just to get some bug fixes and new weapons. With some exceptions, once somebody has played the game to the end, it’s boring to play it again. So games have the same quality requirements as embedded software and an incredible financial imperative to get it right the first time. Shrinkwrap developers have the luxury of knowing that if 1.0 doesn’t meet people’s needs and doesn’t sell, maybe 2.0 will.
The key word here is hit oriented. All game developers like BBI, rely on hit games to generate actual revenue. They'll make a few shit games at a loss, but one of them will generate so much profit that it'll cover up the losses from other games.
TL;DR The idea that they can keep making faithful sequels to successful games isn't economically feasible because of small fanbase sizes, and a game price that doesn't reflect the current cost of living. Therefore, the only way to make financially successful sequels are to placate to a wider audience to try to get a hit game. Or fail and try making a different game so that one hits instead.
submitted by Ace2Face to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 alexandrabarnell Am I wrong for working in a South American cafe (in the north of England) as an English person ?

I work in a South American cafe, I’m not South American (23F). When we were closing today a woman came in and asked me for a Brazilian cheese bread to which I told her we had boxed them up but I would get one out for her. She then proceeded to ignore me and look at the little market of South American food we have behind us. She picked up a few things and asked if we had the flour for the “Brazilian cheese cake”, I told her we didn’t, but we had the mixture for the cheese bread, looking back in it now she probably meant to say the cheese bread because after I pointed it out to her to which she ignored me again she then picked it up and said “here it is, you clearly don’t speak Portuguese”, I ignored this comment, it was fine to make, sometimes I feel like an intruder because I can barely speak Spanish and can’t speak Portugueses, but most days we deal with northern people so I do help out there. She then asked if the owner was in, she is Brazilian, I said she’d just gone home and try at she’d be in later this week, she then asked if she cooked the food in our kitchen, I said no her husband (white, English, male) and my partner (white, Eastern European) make all the food. This did not impress her, she said she doesn’t understand why they aren’t Brazilian if they are making Brazilian food, I understand that to a certain extent but at the same time, surely you should be proud that other cultures want to cook your food? It is also very difficult to find a full set of Brazilian cooks that work the hours we need? I said “we’ll you know it’s a South American cafe…” she said “no, no I don’t understand” then she said “you seem very eager to go Home” (we had already been closed a couple minutes at this point) I just awkwardly replied to that because I was so uncomfortable at this point. Then she proceeded to ask my name and leave. I feel like I was really polite and didn’t do anything wrong. I understand if she feels like we’re appropriating her culture but I just took the job and my boss is from Brazil and I have Brazilian/Portuguese colleagues and all of the other Brazilian/Portuguese/South American customers we have are so lovely and seem so proud to share their culture. Am I wrong?
submitted by alexandrabarnell to barista [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 thisshitisbananas_ i’m suffering

advice request but also lengthy explanation i guess rant but im not even mad im just sad.
our relationship is way too complicated to explain, me and my mom. very strained last couple years and i don’t feel like explaining why but i need help. i cannot take her crap anymore. i don’t have contact with my dad either since 2016. my mom doesn’t even text me and we live in the same house. she used to be a totally different person and now she acts like i do not exist. i’m falling into a severe depression where i do not want to die but i want it to go away. i’m 23 and soon i will be moving out of state with my boyfriend but i need advice on how to pass the time without wanting to stay in my room.
also, last week she blocked me on facebook.
i live in the house with mom due to having to watch siblings. refuses to text me and makes my sister the messenger for the simplest things like, mail is here. or whatever. strained relationship affecting mental health. i have no insurance i can’t get help. i’m on meds but that’s not helping. i barely can leave my room because i am terrified of her yelling at me or starting something for no reason. i could go on but im really not okay and i cannot go no contact with her because i live with her and my siblings for the time being. i am autistic as well and i was diagnosed when i was seven. whenever i open my mouth she tells me to shut up and nobody cares in front of my other family members and stepdad.
submitted by thisshitisbananas_ to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:24 SuitDistinct6493 I’m stuck. I need help.

Hi guys, this is going to be very long so please be compassionate and patient with me.
I grew up in the truth and to this day I still believe in it. I just feel like there’s no point for me anymore, I just don’t agree with the people.
I am married. Unfortunately. There’s absolutely no chemistry. I was so stupid because even while dating I never wanted to kiss him. Idk why I thought this would change. It’s been 4 years and we basically never have sex. We are both unhappy.
Before getting married, I had an issue with another brother. He confessed but I said he was lying. Well he wasn’t… I was just scared of losing everything. My mom was sick with cancer at the time and I did not want to be one more reason for her suffering. But my conscious is so heavy that I genuinely believe I will never go to paradise. Please be gentle with me even if you don’t believe in this.
My mom passed away a few years later and I felt so lost. I changed and got more aggressive with people and no one had one ounce of compassion towards me. I had to deal with it myself. Here’s the thing: the circuit overseer told me that the best thing to do was to marry someone. My mom had passed for months at that point. That stuck with me and I eventually started dating and got married… why on earth would he say something like that and why did I listen? My life is destroyed. I was dumb! I was only 22.
I also always had issues with my dad. He’s addicted to porn and he doesn’t know I know… I told my mom in hopes that she would do something about it but she left me with this problem. Another reason why I won’t go to paradise. Im hiding my dads mistake. He’s also a MS but he was always abusive towards me. Verbally. Theres always something to be mad about with him and he also looks at me disgustingly. This is not just in my head, my ex pointed that out too.
I recently met someone, a guy, non jw, who made me question all my decisions. I developed feelings for him and started thinking how different my life could be. I’ve never lived for me and since I have all these issues that Jehovah will never forgive, why am I still here?
The answer is: my husband is about to be an elder and I’m a RP with special privilegies (whatever this means). Im basically very involved with the organization.
I feel like I’m destined to live a miserable life for nothing. I miss my mom dearly and wish I could ask her for advice.
Im not sure what I’m expecting out of this post… I guess I just need comfort because I can’t leave this lifestyle.
Thank you to those who will read this ❤️
submitted by SuitDistinct6493 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 fullmetal_nyan how do i make this more, well, lolita?

how do i make this more, well, lolita?
i need a black dress within a week, so buying anything new is out of the picture. i put this together with what i had in my closet (i don’t actually own any lolita jumper skirts….). the velvet jumper skirt I’m wearing is thrifted; it doesn’t properly fit me. I tied a ribbon around my waist and pulled a little bit of the fabric out to make me look less like a box.
the bottom part of the outfit looks tacky to me, and i don’t know why. im not sure what i could change? i have a lot of black accessories, socks, bows, ribbons, but im just lost. where would I even clip on bows?? (besides my hair which I plan on doing, duh lol)
the only plans i have are to sew lace on the bottom of the skirt as a trim, and to glue a charm onto the bow around my neck as i did in the second photo.
i would really love to make the bottom part of my “dress” look like the skirt in the third photo, but i honestly am not that experienced and am kinda clueless where to start.
please help!!
(ps the socks are a lot lighter black irl, they match my shirt, they also have a pretty pattern on them)
submitted by fullmetal_nyan to Lolita [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 Winniehiller ⏰⏳⌚️THE OLDEST EXCUSE IN THE BOOK! It’s the easiest too: “I DON’T HAVE TIME”. It’s often our way of avoiding what we want the most. “If I don’t try, I can’t fail”. So many who long to be actors subconsciously let this stop them from even getting started. Is this you? Read on!⌚️⏳⏰

A couple years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and shared this extremely vivid dream on actingclass. I’m glad I did, or I would have forgotten all about it. I think it’s time to share it again and remind some of you who might have seen it. Here it is. It’s a wild one!
I was working in the Amazon forest with people who were born, first, as tiny little flies, but quickly turned into human beings. But their life cycle was extremely short, and they were aging at an incredibly accelerated speed. And I was there because many of them wanted to learn acting before they died. So I was trying to teach them. Some at their bed side as they turned into very old people. But they still wanted to learn, working until they took their last breath.
One gray old man was about to die and I could see his spirit start to leave his body. I felt so bad that he hadn’t achieved what he hoped. But just as I thought he was gone for good, his spirit returned to him and he opened his eyes and ask me to tell him more.
I don’t know why these people wanted to act. They wouldn’t live long enough to have careers. But it was what they wanted, even on their deathbed, so I was there with them until they couldn’t hang on any longer.
It’s not so hard to interpret this dream. It’s kind of the way I feel now, knowing there are so many of you out there, ignoring what your heart has been telling you for years. If you are 20 years old, 70 seems a long ways away. But I am looking back from 69, and it seems like yesterday I was 20. We do all have a limited time on this earth. If we were more aware of it, we wouldn’t waste the precious time we have. And I think we are all born with our dreams and inclinations planted within us that need to be fulfilled. It may not make sense, but that desire is there and it will never go away. You already know—it hasn’t gone away yet.
If acting is your deepest desire, I do want to help you achieve it in your lifetime. I don’t want you to run out of time. You are blessed with a long life so you CAN achieve so much. But it is only a blink of an eye in reality. You can’t take it for granted. It will be over before you know it. At 69 years old, my desire is to help everyone to be able to fulfill their dreams. That is my passion. I know I don’t have forever to do it. So take advantage of this opportunity while you can—me wanting to help you. In fact, treasure every moment of your life and use your time to do what brings you joy and fulfillment.
What do you really mean when you say “I don’t have time? Plain and simple it’s that you haven’t made acting one of your priorities. If something is important to you, you will find a way to fit it into your schedule. You know, even as busy as you are, you waste time on things that don’t help you to move forward. Think about it! And try some of these alternatives:
1. Wake up Earlier! Set your alarm 15-30 minutes earlier. Read one of my WRITTEN LESSONS. Read them in order. Or watch one of my VIDEO LESSONS and work your way up from the bottom to the top. Leave comments on both so you can go back and remember what you learned. I will respond to you and keep track of what you are learning and give you pointers.
2. Go to bed later. If you’re not a morning person, maybe devoting some time to learning about acting would be better right before bed. It’s the commitment that counts. Do what I described above. I will be there to help.
3. Commit to One of my Weekly classes Check out YESTERDAY’S POST. It describes a step be step plan to become a professional actor. When you become a committed member of my student body you will be in the loop for whatever you should do next. But making yourself answerable to going to class and rehearsing with scene partners is a way to make sure you don’t let time slip away. It will change your life and help you to become “Acting Focused”. When you “don’t have time”, you sometimes need to commit to something in a definite way—like getting a trainer at the gym. I did that so I had to show up at appointment times. It made me find time. It got me in shape. My acting classes are like going to the “Acting Gym”. They will get you in shape for what you need to become a professional actor. A new session of “Intro to Acting” starts tomorrow.
4. Visit actingclass at least once a day! I want to encourage everyone to visit actingclass, every day. It’s almost impossible to take in all the information that is available here, but do a little at a time and get started. And if you want to start putting all those concepts and techniques into practice and you really have no time to join any of my scheduled classes, try taking a couple private lessons. Together we can take you to a whole new level of understanding. HERE is the post that describes all the possibilities and costs of working with me on Zoom.
I know you are busy. But are you too busy to do what your heart desires? Make time. Make a commitment. I’m here to help you every step of the way
submitted by Winniehiller to Actingclass [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:18 Kingcoreythefirst ### SunPower Corp (SPWR) – The Next Rocket Ship? 🚀🌞

Who Is SunPower and Why Should You Care?
SunPower (ticker: SPWR) isn't just another company; it's at the forefront of the solar energy revolution.SPWR has been gearing up potentially to squeeze shorts into oblivion. Picture this: a company that helps you cut down on energy bills with the power of the sun, and will take us to the moon because it is 95% sold short.
I believe this what DFV is looking at.
The Financials - Not Just Sunny, They're Solar Powered:
Let's break it down real quick: - Revenue: Growing because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to save the planet while saving on bills? - Profitability: It’s a mixed bag, but the focus here isn’t just on the now; it’s on the massive potential. - Debt: Yes, there's some, but which ambitious company doesn’t carry a bit of debt these days?
What’s the Market Saying?
SPWR is a beast in the making in the renewable sector, squaring up against big names like First Solar. But here’s the kicker: they're not just playing in the big leagues, they're playing smart with tech that’s efficient and scalable, aiming to turn rooftops into mini power stations.
The Juicy Part - Short Squeeze Setup:
Here’s where it gets exciting. The short interest in SPWR is ridiculously high. We’re talking about a float that's about 95% short. That’s a powder keg waiting to blow.
Why Might Shorts Get Burned?
  1. Short Percentage of Float: Shorts are piled into SPWR like it’s a clown car. This is prime squeeze territory.
  2. Catalysts: Any good news could send this ticking time bomb off. Think new subsidies, technological breakthroughs, or major contracts.
  3. Retail Interest: Once the crowd smells a squeeze, it’s like blood in the water. The more it trends, the more buyers jump in, pushing the price up and forcing shorts to cover.
How Can This Go to the Moon? 🌕
All we have to do is buy Shares and hold . This squeeze is just getting started. Play options at your own risk.
The Risk?
Sure, there's always risk. Betting on a short squeeze isn't a guaranteed win. The market can be irrational longer than you can stay solvent, and all that. But with SPWR's position in a growing industry and the sheer number of shorts, the setup is looking mighty tempting.
SPWR = Solar Power + Insane Short Interest = Potential for a historic short squeeze. Get your suits ready; we might just have a front-row seat to some hedge fund managers getting a solar-powered tan.
Disclaimer: This isn't financial advice. Always do your own research and consider consulting with a financial advisor.

Ready for Lift-Off? 🚀 SPWR

submitted by Kingcoreythefirst to btc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 EmbarrassedAct8419 Are my parents narcissistic or am I lazy

Hi I’m a 20 year old college student who just got home for the summer, I’m not currently working due to a internship falling through. I have always struggled with the ideology of chores and feel why should I do it if it doesn’t affect me. I did fine in college with my roommates where our rooms where are own responsibilities and we would rotate doing the dishes, trash and sweeping. But now that I am home my parents are teachers that always come home and want to sit and do nothing and they expect me to do all the chores on a whim that my mom gave me that morning, like today I was told to make their bed for them and it just bothers me for some reason and I feel if I asked if I could do something else they would get mad, another thing that bothers me is that they always talk about how they shouldn’t have to ask me to do stuff but I just can’t mentally seen that it needs to be done, I’ve asked if I could have a chore charts or something where everything that needs to be done is listed and I could pick like 3 a day or have a family rotation but they refuse. I just want to know if my parents are being to critical or if I’m being to lazy. Ty
submitted by EmbarrassedAct8419 to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 Professional_Disk131 3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA

3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA
(The information on the three gold companies in this report is not definitive. Instead, this information will drive you to do more due diligence and make an investment decision.)
A different way to invest in gold is to look for great properties. If you bundle the three companies/properties in this piece, you could own three great properties collectively for under CDN2.00 a share.

GOLDEN RAPTURE MINING (GLDR: CSE) is a collection of premier Ontario mining properties in the Rainy River region that have done enough work to unveil potential, below but left a significant amount of gold with great g/t numbers. As of this morning, some numbers will indeed up its profile. Considering the stock has been listed for about two weeks, these results are excellent. Forgive the length of the table, but given the quality of the results, investors must get the whole picture.

First, the newest, being listed in the last month, is Golden Rapture Gold. The Company intends to reactivate past mines in the Rainy River area of Ontario. The property is so new that management has only walked about 5% of it, but the numbers are already impressive over its two projects. The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits. These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.

Mr. Richard Rivet, CEO of Golden Rapture, commented: “I am incredibly pleased that we have just made some essential and rapid steps toward identifying additional high-grade drill-ready targets. We were pleasantly surprised to discover many high-grade quartz veins on the surface, with the majority of them carrying gold. Unlike many exploration companies, we are not just chasing the typical geophysical anomaly but also many vast high-grade gold structures identified on the surface that can be drilled at any time.

The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits.
These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Ryan Yanch CIM, a director of GLDR, states***, ‘One extremely important fact is that GLDR’s drilling cost is an industry-leading CDN140 a meter. It is not unusual for other gold comp[anbies to spend CDN200-400 or more a meter. One major contributor to this is that one significant cost is the location of the drilling company. 17 km away from the properties significantly lowers the capital cost and allows a more robust drilling program”.***
Given the uniqueness and exceptional quality of GLDR’s properties, there could be excellent investor support. Gold is rallying, and the prospect of further rises may portend in the shadow of interest rate cuts.
Previous work on the properties quickly removes the ubiquitous ‘drill’ on the property or other tropes. These are serious businessmen and women with decades of mining and entrepreneurial experience.
In the world of junior mining IPOs, there is a feeling that the stars must align to profit. Au contraire***. The keys to investing success are the right properties, management, and, in this case, a rallying gold price.***
Numero Deux

Element79 Gold Corp (the “Company”) (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) is a fascinating gold company and the second in our gold triumvirate located primarily in Peru through its flagship Lucero, Peru, property.
(Full Disclosure: James Tworek, CEO of Element79, is an adviser to the GLDR Board. Your humble scribe owns a small position in each Company.)
The past-producing Lucero Mine (“Lucero”) is one of the highest-grade underground mines in Peru’s history, with grades averaging 19.0g/t Au Equivalent (“Au Eq”) (14.0 g/t gold and 373 g/t silver).

In its past 5 years of production, ending in 2005, it produced an average of 40,000oz+/yr.
Assays from March 2023 yielded 21-ore-grade and high-yield up to 11.7 ounces per ton of gold and 247 ounces per ton of silver from underground workings, further validating the potential for a significant high-grade future operation.
Consolidating its focus in this region and its impressive geology, ELEM acquired the Roxana Vein and surrounding 1200ha property, Lucero del Sur 28, via auction held on May 17, 2023. The property is located strategically just east of the high-grade Lucero gold-silver project.
Instead of going into much history, let’s look at the Press release ELEM put out on April 23. New assays were released, and CEO James Tworek stated, “The data obtained is not just promising; it’s the cornerstone upon which our future endeavours will be built,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element 79. “These recent results, coupled with historical data, represent the bedrock upon which we are advancing our Lucero project.”
Corporate Presentation.

From the PR: A total of 97 samples were sent for assays, 56 of which returned greater than 0.1 g/t gold (up to 8.55 g/t gold and 523 g/t silver. Several samples also were rich in base metals (up to 23.7% lead and 9.9% zinc), all of which underscores the richness of our project, further supporting the Company’s belief a robust resource base can be delineated. (Actual assay numbers are shown in the PR)
James C Tworek further states, “Element79 Gold has transformed from an asset amalgamator and seller to a near-term production story, responding to Peru’s government push for formalizing artisanal mining operations. We at Element79 Gold are thrilled to share our unwavering dedication to bringing our Lucero gold project in Peru into production. This past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine holds immense potential to revitalize our Company and foster economic growth and prosperity in the region. “
The other ELEM property brings us back to North America. Nevada, to be precise. Reason to pay attention?

Maverick Springs is adjacent to the Carlin Trend. For the uninitiated, the area contains several of the largest gold mines on Earth. The area includes a number of the largest gold mines on Earth. Maverick Springs is a blind deposit comprising a 30-120 metre thick, flat-lying zone centred on an anticlinal structure with oxidation pervasive to 120 metres and intermittent to 270 metres. (5)
West Whistler property is in the same area as Maverick, closer to the Battle Mountain Trend, alongside Carlin: Near several gold deposits, including the Cortez Mine, North America’s third largest gold mine with 2021 gold production of 828,000 ounces.
Finally, the Clover Property, 16 km west of the massive Hecla Mine in the Northern Nevada Rift. The property sits at the top and centre of the Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends.
Nevada Gold’s active Turquoise Ridge Mine, the third largest gold mine in the United States with 537,000 ounces of gold production reported in 2020, as well as the Twin Creeks open pit mines and the dormant Pinson and Getchell mines.
Element 79 has drilling programs announced for the 2023/24 years and a more vigorous program for 2024/25.

As (GoldSilver.com) an aside, the gold price—and silver—have softened after particularly gold had a decent run. The first two in our group have slid a bit but seem to be holding in nicely.
If one follows gold forecasts, the pundits call for USD 2500-3000 over the next few years. The strategy is simple: A move to USD 3,000 represents a 50% appreciation. However, that also comes with physical and liquidity issues should you want to sell.
And the Gold price?
On December 30, 2022, gold closed the year at $1,819.70 per ounce. Flash forward to one year later, and gold closed 2023 at $2,062.40. That’s a gain of 13.3% in a single year.
With gold pushing to new record highs, it’s a fascinating time for gold investors.
Predicting the future of gold prices is never easy, but to offer some insights into what 2024 might hold, we’ve (compiled an array of gold price forecasts, outlooks, and predictions from renowned banks, industry experts, and financial analysts.
Let’s take a look.

Numero Three

Off we go to South America. This time, Columbia with SOMA Gold. (TSXV: SOMA) (WKN: A2P4DU) (OTC: SMAGF) (the “Company” or “Soma“) recently announced that gold production for Q1 2024 was 7,335 AuEq ounces, an increase of 8% over the same period in 2023.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

The Company owns two adjacent mining properties in Antioquia, Colombia, with a combined milling capacity of 675 tpd. (Permitted for 1,400 tpd). The El Bagre Mill is currently operating and producing. Internally generated funds are being used to finance a regional exploration program.

Soma is further ahead than our previous companies, which doesn’t make it better; it is just a different stage of development.
Corporate Presentation, 2023 results, Tech Report.

Cardero Mine
  • The 84 thousand tonnes (kt) production rate in 2022 will ramp up to a peak mining production rate of 248 kt (680 tpd) in 2024. Achieving the planned peak production rate of 248 kt per annum would allow the Company to restart its previously operating El Limon Mill, with feed from Cordero in late 2023.
  • El Bagre Gold Mining Complex is located approximately 167 km northeast of Medellín in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. Soma produced 23,115 ounces of gold at its El Bagre Mill in 2022, an increase of 30% from the previous year. Soma’s production forecast for 2023 is for a further 50% increase to 35,500 ounces of gold produced.
  • In addition to its operating El Bagre Mill, Soma owns the 225 tpd Limon Mill, which is located 47 km south of the El Bagre Mill. The Limon Mill has been on care and maintenance since 2020 but will be restarted when production from the Cordero Mine exceeds the capacity of the El Bagre Mill.
  • The Limon Mill operates similarly to the El Bagre Mill with two-stage crushing, ball milling, gravity concentration, flotation, cyanidation, Merrill Crowe precipitation, and smelting to produce doré. The mill was upgraded in 2017 to a capacity of 225 tpd and is permitted for up to 400 tpd.
As mentioned, these three companies are similar in that they have what appear to be skookum properties. They are also all great gold proxies, and they all trade for under CDN1.00. Cheekily, I may have said that investors can own all three companies for under CDN 2.00 a share.
While I like the companies, I would buy them for their land positions. All have land that isn’t some dust pit but has either historical or proven assays. And most are near large producers. Element79; Nevada.Carlin Trend? Seriously?
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to trakstocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 No-Upstairs7333 Just want to let it out

Hello, I just want somewhere to share this with. My gf and I broke up days ago. This is the first time I’m starting to lose interest in everything, I always tried to escape in games but this time I get tired of it too so I want to let this out.
She tried ghosting me, I was lucky I followed my instinct to kinda hack my way in to her messenger and found out about it (read a chat with one of her friends) even if it meant I invaded her privacy. Also found out that she was talking to her guy friend she met at the same dating app that she met me in. (I was not able to see the messages and no sign of it because of the new encryption of messenger).
I thought we were still okay this past month, although I noticed some changes that she doesn’t want me to hug her anymore for long when sleeping or cuddling, saying that it is hot. She is getting cold in the chat, I always tried to be lively in the chat but it was not as it was how it supposed to be. I ignored this knowing she is busy with her work.
Days before our break up, she met with the guy she was talking to after work. She did ask for permission from me and that it was all just about catching up with one another. I agreed even if I did not really want to because we had an app that is called life360 and I can check up on her wherever she is going. This did not go well for me, as I was monitoring the app from time to time, I thought it was cancelled as her location never moved from her house. Later that day I asked her about it and she told me it was not cancelled and that she left her phone at home and only brought her sister’s phone. I was kinda mad and it resulted to me ignoring her.
I did not know that this was the start of her ghosting me, she also ignored me and let it pass, I messaged her asking for something like to start a conversation again and make it up again. But she still ignored me. And this was when I did it, going through her messenger. I also I tried checking on some of her social media platform, I found out she has a threads account which I did not know that she had one. I saw there her 2 posts that caught my attention. It says “You are one of a kind”, and the other “In another life, maybe we met each other earlier then I would love you” posted this month, one that is days ago and one that is weeks ago. Definitely not for me.
I don’t know how long they have been chatting as I only saw a few in her email and this is not accurate idk how or why meta sends this email and not all messages she receives in messenger are emailed to notify, only a few. There was 5 emails in different dates this month that notifies she received a message in her messenger from this guy.
I’m not perfect, we had our ups and downs, I had red flags and she did too. The reason I read why she was leaving me was because she said I was not respecting her anymore, rude words whenever we had argument and the silent treatment that she wanted me to change and she said that I did not change, she gave me a chance and she is done and she is spent. Yes, that is true I am guilty of it, I am trying to change, but it is still not enough or she saw too little of it, definitely my fault. But now with everything that I found out there is also a question in my mind.
The question now in my mind is if that is the real reason or did she really cheated…. Now my emotions are being mixed with anger whenever I think about it.
submitted by No-Upstairs7333 to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]
