Chapter 13 success

13 Reasons Why: Netflix Original Series

2015.10.30 02:43 fleckes 13 Reasons Why: Netflix Original Series

The Official Subreddit to discuss the Netflix Original Series '13 Reasons Why', based on the best-selling novel 'Thirteen Reasons Why' by Jay Asher.

2012.10.26 01:23 PipeAndScotch Repayment Plan Bankruptcy


2011.08.06 19:52 relic2279 American Horror Story

Fan subreddit for the hit TV franchise American Horror Story. Visit AmericanHorrorStories for the Hulu exclusive spin-off.

2024.06.07 20:52 HarleeWrites Reign of Weapons first month stats and reflection.

Reign of Weapons first month stats and reflection. submitted by HarleeWrites to royalroad [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:35 rgm_leon In need of your help 🇺🇸 USA Users Farmland, code for code. Once you do my code I will do your code🤝

In need of your help 🇺🇸 USA Users Farmland, code for code. Once you do my code I will do your code🤝
In need of your help 🇺🇸 USA Users Farmland, code for code. Once you do my code I will do your code🤝
submitted by rgm_leon to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:34 Apprehensive_Car38 132 passes😬

132 passes😬
Look at his stats he barely touched the ball this isn’t just passing In the back too.
submitted by Apprehensive_Car38 to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:31 AshenTao [INT][XP][CLAN] - The Onyx Chapter is recruiting!

[INT][XP][CLAN] - The Onyx Chapter is recruiting!


We are The Onyx Chapter, a distinguished international PC clan, formerly known as Nefarious Reticence and Nova Ravnica. Founded in 2013 by the former Warframe Partner -NR-Dabears (now -Onyx-Lich), our clan boasts a rich history:
  • Over 150 PvE & PvP tournament victories
  • Several top 1% placements across all leaderboards
  • Regular features by Digital Extremes in blog posts, prime times, and other media
  • Autumn Dojo Contest 2023 winner
As of 2020, we are a casual community with many seasoned players eager to share their knowledge and expertise. We are currently returning from a long break, so we are recruiting fresh meat that will bring new life into our community.
We are a relaxed, non-toxic community with a wide diversity of people. One of our important values is that we are not just members of the same clan, but friends as well. Most of our current members have been with the clan for more than 5 years, so you may expect some off-topic talking as well. Most of our players come from Europe, but we are joined by players from all over the world.
We also play other games! Our community has previously also been active in a variety of other games, such as Dota 2, Starcraft 2, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, GTA V, Warhammer 40.000, Helldivers 2, and many more. So even if you are hit by a Warframe burnout, feel free to chill and play other games with us!
You can read more about us here.


Alignment: We believe in unity, loyalty, and cooperation among clan members, working together towards shared goals.
Victory: Our dedication to success in competition is unwavering, as we continually strive for excellence and improvement.
Progress: We are committed to personal and collective growth, emphasizing the importance of adaptation, evolution, and learning.
If you're looking for a clan that values camaraderie, loyalty, teamwork, and a rich legacy of success, Onyx is the perfect home for you! Join us today and become part of a thriving Warframe community.


  • Rank 11 Storm clan (currently 83/100 slots filled, recently wiped).
  • Part of the "CIV Ragnarok Legion" alliance.
  • All researches (including Ignis Wraith) are finished.
  • Fully built and decorated dojo, which you can view here.
  • Active Discord server with a good structure and QoL Bots.
  • No contribution rules.
  • 50 day inactivity limit. When you are removed from the clan in-game, you will still remain on the Discord server. You are allowed to rejoin at any time.
  • Average age is above 25.
  • We also offer (bi-)monthly clan events that most players can easily access to win large platinum prizes.


To apply or learn more, please visit our website here.
Keep in mind that we have a lot of applicants and only very few open slots, so we also put value on how you approach us - simple social skills come a long way. Spamming only with details and showing an inability to even say hello will likely get you filtered out.
If the way you approach us screams a lack of basic social skills or reading comprehension, you are likely to be filtered out even before we get to your application info itself. In such cases, we won't waste the time to respond because we don't want to spend entire days messaging people to let them know that they have been declined.
If you don't receive an answer to your application right away, you will be contacted later. If your application looks fine, we will usually reach out within 24 hours.
submitted by AshenTao to warframeclanrecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:30 GrimaIsBestWaifu The Story of Book IV, According to FEH's Second Illustrations Book (JP Translated)

Hello everyone, GrimaIsBestWaifu here. As you might know, I am a massive fan of Book IV and its characters. Today marks around four years since I officially came around to Book IV after initially being a hater. Needless to say, as a Book IV nerd and enthusiast, I secured a copy of FEH's second art book at the first opportunity in order to further immerse myself in my passion. While it's an illustrations book first and foremost, I found the most value in the sections that went into detail about the lore, story, and characters of Books IV and V (but mostly IV, heh).
As of today, there is no official English version of this book, so non-Japanese readers are limited in how much information they can glean from it. This is a tragedy I can't abide, being heavily invested in FEH's story and wanting others to be able to appreciate it too, despite its flaws. There is also a decent chance that some information contained in this book will be changed or omitted in the official English version, so in that event I hope this might serve as an attestation to the "original" version. In this post, I intend to go over the section that describes the events that take place in Book IV's story. To see my translation of the section of the art book that expounds on Book IV's lore and characters, go here.
Disclaimer: I am not a native Japanese speaker, nor am I fluent in the language. English and Japanese are very different languages, so I will do my best to make things flow nicely in English while retaining as much of the original meaning as possible. Italicized text indicates my own speech, words that do not come from the book. The book's story recap is also told in past tense, but I use present tense in my translation here because I think it flows better and is easier to understand.
Chapter 1: The Dream One day, Alfonse and the others are summoned by Queen Henriette. According to her, an inexplicable incident has occurred in one of Askr's border villages in the wheat country where all its residents have fallen asleep. All efforts have been exhausted in attempting to save the sleeping villagers, who appear to be having nightmares, but none awaken. Henriette tasks them with investigating the sleep sickness there. The Order of Heroes complies, and after entrusting them with the Redolent Censer, she sends them off to the village with a smile. On the way to the village, Loki appears before the party and speaks in a way suggesting she may know something about the sleep sickness. It's possible she is planning something yet again...Alfonse and the others cautiously forge ahead.
As the Redolent Censer continuously burns with poison-nullifying incense, they arrive near the village. Sharena feels at ease and expresses gratitude towards her mother, who gave them the treasure in order to protect them. But in that moment of relaxation, she lets out a big yawn. Anna scolds her before stifling a yawn herself. Upon noticing this, Alfonse and Kiran are also beset by a fierce drowsiness, rendering them incapable of standing. By the time they realize the censer is ineffectual, it's already too late, and they are unable to resist closing their eyes...
Alfonse is with Henriette, along with Zacharias and Veronica. He is confused due to only having vague memories about why they are on a mission together. Suddenly, Zacharias attacks Henriette and corners Alfonse alongside Veronica.
Then, a girl abruptly appears and envelops the surrounding area in a dazzling light by reciting an incantation and prayer, causing Zacharias and Veronica to disappear. As Alfonse is yet again confused by the situation, the girl smiles brightly and says, "I'm Peony! I'm a ljósálfr—or light elf, you might say. I'm from the land of dreams, Ljósálfheimr." (This quote is transcribed from the official ENG script and is not a direct translation of the book's text, which uses the JP quote)
Chapter 2: Missing You (JP: One Person, Missing) The dream realm, álfar... Peony puffs out her cheeks when Alfonse cannot believe his ears. They regroup with Sharena and Anna, but Kiran is nowhere to be found. Even after following Peony's advice and trying to bend the dream world to their wishes, Kiran remains missing. Peony guides the party in their search for Kiran, claiming that the Dream-King Freyr could help.
While on the move, they fight off soldiers of nightmares, who are born from the fears of mortals and take on the forms of Heroes. Sharena also speaks with Peony about possibly having met before somewhere in the distant past. Peony responds that it might have been in a dream, and the two smile at one another, since they are quite similar and it appears they will get along well.
There a girl appears with black wings fluttering. She turns out to be Triandra, the Nightmare. As a dökkálfr from the realm of dark dreams, she is giving mortals nightmares under her liege's orders. Alfonse and the others confront Triandra when she tries to erase (In JP, the word for "erase"/"extinguish" is frequently used in place of "kill" when pertaining to the álfar) Peony. Triandra withdraws after being put at a disadvantage, stating that she won't give up.
Peony leads the group to a location with a large bed(s). Sleeping in a dream is the way to gain an audience with the Dream-King, so Sharena and Anna fall asleep. Before following their lead, Alfonse notices that he can't remember his childhood very well. Though that disquiets him, he nevertheless trusts Peony and closes his eyes. Peony is overjoyed at their faith in her as she watches them.
(In the ENG version, Sharena mentions that there are "many" beds, but the JP version doesn't make any indication of their number. Due to the fact that this art book previously mentions THREE adults being able to fit on one, it's possible that Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna all slept on it at the same time and that there is only one. However, the possibility that there are multiple of them remains open)
Chapter 3: Gullinkambi (JP: Horn of Gullinkambi) Alfonse and the others arrive in the realm of fantasy, the dream within the dream, by Peony's invitation. There stands Dream-King Freyr, who gives Alfonse the horn Gullinkambi. By remembering one's self from before falling asleep, wishing to return to the waking world, and blowing the horn, Alfonse and his party, along with the wheat country village's residents, can awaken. However, Freyr continues, stating that they must first drive back the two dökkálfar who have invaded Ljósálfheimr and are showing mortals nightmares. While offering his thanks, Alfonse asks about Kiran's whereabouts. However, even though he should know everything about the dream world, Freyr does not know where Kiran is, them being one who exists outside of the world's reason. He advises them that should they blow the horn, Kiran will also awaken. Thus, the party wakes up from the dream within the dream in order to begin their march and fight the dökkálfar.
The group traverses the dream realm following Peony's lead. Suddenly, Kiran appears before them. Though Alfonse and the others are relieved to see them, they halt in their tracks upon spotting who was next to them. "I am Plumeria, the dökkálfr of lewd dreams." (Again from ENG script)
Plumeria attacks the group along with nightmare soldiers that take the forms of Heroes from "Genealogy of the Holy War". Alfonse and the others fight them off, but Kiran also withdraws as if accompanying Plumeria. Peony states that this is because Kiran has been trapped by the dökkálfar's nightmares. Alfonse clenches his fist tightly, swearing to get Kiran back.
Chapter 4: On Dark Wings (JP: The Fluttering of Black Wings) The two dökkálfar show nightmares to mortals in Ljósálfheimr under their liege Freyja's orders. While Plumeria makes her disdain towards humans known, Triandra shows signs of concern towards Peony, who is her opposite in role.
The party continues traveling across Ljósálfheimr by following Peony's slightly dubious directions in pursuit of the dökkálfar. Anna and Alfonse can't wrap their heads around the actions they take in the dream world that would be illogical in reality. Suddenly, Sharena's gaze falls on a certain field of flowers. She says she remembers playing with girls her age in a flower field in a dream. She also remembers there being a girl similar to Peony, but Peony herself doesn't seem to recall this.
The party arrives at the Dream Gate, where the dökkálfar along with soldiers of nightmares lie in wait. They take up their weapons and repel the dökkálfar, after which Peony prompts Alfonse to blow the horn. Then, a crestfallen Peony bids them farewell, stating that they will forget about álfar like her, but that she will always watch over them, and she gives them a smile. Alfonse and the others close their eyes, trusting that they will meet again in a dream someday.
As the sound of the horn reaches Freyr's ears, his sister Freyja appears before him. Her true objective is to take her brother to Dökkálfheimr, over which she rules, while he is defenseless after handing off the horn. Were the Dream-King to leave Ljósálfheimr, order would be disrupted and nightmares would begin to flow into the mortal world and become reality. Freyja burns with jealousy upon witnessing her brother worry over the humans. Thinking to recompense them for stealing her brother's heart, her smile widens.
Chapter 5: Twisted Reality (JP: Distorting World) Alfonse wakes up to the smell of incense. Apparently, contrary to how much time they'd perceived, only a moment has passed in reality. While the other members of the Order confirm that everyone is fine, Alfonse notices that Kiran is missing. But strangely, Sharena and Anna cock their heads when he says Kiran's name. "The summoner of legend was called Kiran, right?" (ENG)
Alfonse is shocked when it doesn't appear to be in jest, based on Anna's tone of voice. Just then, an earth-splitting laugh rings out. The party prepares for combat, only to find that there stood Surtr, the king of Múspell who should've in the past been defeated. Though shocked, Alfonse faces off against Surtr, who ends up vanishing like the Zacharias and Veronica from in the dream. As the villagers awaken, unidentified troops are reported to have appeared in various places. Alfonse heightens his vigilance, suspecting that nightmares are manifesting in reality, as the group moves to eliminate those forces.
Though Sharena really can't remember Kiran, her gaze wavers from a profound sadness welling up inside. Alfonse cheers up his sister by swearing to do something about the situation. If nightmares can be defeated in the dream, they can be defeated in reality... Under this presumption, the Order marches on and discovers Peony being attacked. After rescuing her, she successfully uses her power to make Sharena and the others recall their lost memories. Then, Peony informs them that nightmares have been able to flood into the real world because Freyr has been taken to Dökkálfheimr, the nightmare realm.
Chapter 6: Dreaming Reality (JP: Dreams in Reality, Reality in Dreams) According to Peony, Freyr's sister Freyja is in Dökkálfheimr, and because they are in the same place simultaneously, the "Waking Dream" is allowing nightmares to spill into reality. In order to put a stop to the Waking Dream, the group searches for a ljósálfr who lives in a misty forest...Mirabilis, the Daydream. On their way to the forest, they encounter the real Veronica. After finding out about the situation and what the Order's objective is, Veronica states that she will come along. She says this is because she heard that her brother, Bruno (Zacharias), and Xander have returned from their travels and are now in the misty forest.
After the party arrives at the forest, they split up in search for Zacharias, Xander, and Mirabilis. Parting ways with Sharena and the others, Alfonse and Veronica venture deep into the forest and find the former two. Veronica smiles upon being reunited with her brother after such a long time apart, but her shoulders slump when she hears that he and Xander must soon leave again. She faintly smiles again when Zacharias invites her to join them, stating that he doesn't want to make her feel lonely anymore. Seeing this, Alfonse asks Zacharias if they could work together to fend off the nightmares. Apprehensively, he agrees, to which Alfonse continues. "...Thank you. As I thought, you aren't really Zacharias. [...] You said something you shouldn't already know." (This quote is a translation of the JP, since I feel the ENG line doesn't fit as nicely in this context)
At this, Zacharias and Xander's attitudes change. After repelling their assault, Veronica declares her cooperation with the Order. She then urges Alfonse to tell her about his memories of being with Zacharias. However, he realizes that he cannot remember anything from long ago for some reason.
Chapter 7: Steeped in Twilight The Order of Heroes realizes the severity of the situation that has befallen them after hearing that nightmares have reportedly been appearing unceasingly across Askr. They head deeper into the forest in search of Mirabilis so they can go to Dökkálfheimr, save Freyr, and eliminate his captors. After the scenery becomes blurry for a moment, Peony searches the surrounding area and happens upon Mirabilis. She rubs her eyes, appearing to be sound asleep. Peony pleads with her, wanting to get to Dökkálfheimr by way of Mirabilis' daydream powers. Just then, Triandra appears, the dökkálfar having also invaded the real world. She creates a nightmare embodiment of Hel, ruler of death. After defeating it, with Mirabilis in tow, the group departs in the direction of the point of twilight, which is close to Dökkálfheimr. Along the way, Sharena is bothered by a feeling that she has also met Mirabilis in a dream in the past. She believes that she, Peony, Mirabilis, and two other girls did something important together.
Eventually, they arrive at the point of twilight. It seems that here, they can cross into the nightmare realm by being given a "particularly scary daydream" by Mirabilis when day gives way to night. However, Triandra attacks them once more. Soldiers of nightmares come at them without end as they are surrounded by the sea with nowhere to run. Veronica calms the others down as they panic, stating that she will handle their pursuers on her own while they go on ahead. The last time they were in the dream world, only a moment passed in reality. Because of this, Alfonse and the others believe they will make it in time, so they close their eyes and make their way to the nightmare realm.
Chapter 8: Wallowing in Love (JP: Drowning in a Dream of Love) The group ventures into Dökkálfheimr. They are quickly met with Plumeria, who mystifies them with a bewitching sweet scent, but they somehow manage to fend off her attack. While in pursuit of a retreating Plumeria, Alfonse hears the voice of a sad young girl. However, he doesn't know whose voice it is, and the group marches on.
After catching the gentle scent of flowers whose fragrance is different from that of Plumeria's nectar smell, Sharena mentions that she remembers it. She claims it's the smell of the flower field in which she played with the other girls in her dreams. She then recalls swapping hairstyles and clothes with one of the girls who greatly resembled her, and even going to each other's homes. Anna is startled, thinking this sounds like a "changeling". As Anna explains how changelings are álfar who switch places with human children, Sharena listens with an absentminded countenance.
Plumeria again stands in the party's way, accompanied by nightmare soldiers modelled after Heroes from the "Awakening Outrealms", as they hurry to Freyr's side. However, the Order emerges victorious once again and goes on ahead. While wounded in her defeat, Plumeria hears the voice of a young girl crying for her mother, which she remembers. There, Freyja appears and grants her strength, healing her. After rising to her feet, Plumeria asks if she was a mortal before Freyja gave her life as an álfr. Freyja's expression clouds over, and she tells Plumeria that her father didn't love her or her mother, so he abandoned them. And because her daughter interfered with her desire to be with another man she loved, Plumeria's mother threw her into the bottom of a well and left her there.
By Freyja's words, Plumeria was a child nobody loved. But now, after drinking the nectar and becoming an álfr, she should just forget about that past. Her voice filled with compassion as she speaks, Freyja gives Plumeria a smile.
Chapter 9: Violent Fantasies (JP: Dream of Killing Someone) (Curiously, the recap begins with the events of Chapter 9 - 3, skipping over the first confrontation with Triandra in this chapter)
The queen of nightmares, Freyja, has abducted her beloved brother Freyr to her realm. With an ecstatic expression, Freyja declares that they shall fill the mortal world with their dreams. Freyr is dismayed, lamenting that Freyja originally didn't wish for the destruction of humans and that the two of them have already succumbed to ruin. He regrets turning human girls into álfar in order to drive back the disaster that befell the dream world in the past, when mortals gave up their dreams. Burning with jealousy over his constant concern for mortals, Freyja clenches a certain necklace.
Alfonse and the others rush to rescue Freyr, defeating Triandra, who stands in their way. As she stands up, saying that she can't yet afford to disappear (In a similar vein to what was mentioned above, the word for "disappear" is often used instead of "die" when pertaining to the álfar in JP), memories of her mortal past also pile up in her mind. Freyja appears before her, telling her that she and her younger sister were viciously abused by their non-blood related father. To protect her sister, who was in danger of losing her life, Triandra killed their father. Freyja assures her that she is not to fret over this, since she only did what she could. To this, Triandra quietly responds that she is alright.
Alfonse and the others finally reach Freyr. However, he has come under the curse of the necklace Brísingamen, and all of his dream powers have become Freyja's. With both of their powers in her grasp, Freyja has become the ruler over all dreams and is now able to freely control the dream world and bend reality itself to her whim. None are able to oppose her... Helpless against the unrelenting onslaught of Freyja's replicas and nightmare soldiers from all directions, the group falls back. However, the path leading back to Veronica has entirely vanished. "There is no way for you to survive. Taste despair in your attempts to escape." The nightmare queen sneers at them, exceedingly beautiful, (This line was very awkward to translate, I am sorry)
(To my knowledge, the quote used above doesn't actually appear anywhere in the Japanese script. It seems to just be a concise rephrasing of Freyja's dialogue at the end of the chapter)
Chapter 10: Lack (JP: Loss) The Order takes Freyr with them as they continue to flee. According to him, so long as Freyja is the ruler over all dreams, they can neither escape nor subjugate her. Even so, not wanting to give up, the group thinks of a plan. Just then, Freyr begins to tell of his and Freyja's past piece by piece. As a child, Freyja was always crying from being mocked by everyone over having a mark on her face. Freyr would steadfastly comfort his sister, who came to only smile for him. Then, she stated that she wanted to join herself to someone compassionate like Freyr when she grew older. She eventually matured to become beautiful, but didn't accept anyone's affections.
Sharena reassures Freyr along the way, to which Freyr confesses that the dream world once teetered at the brink of ruin. The only ones who could prevent the destruction of the dream world and save the hearts of mortals were children from the real world. But children who partake of dream nectar can no longer return to their world... Because of this, Freyr thought that perhaps if the children were in unfortunate circumstances, they would be happy to become special versions of themselves. He sacrificed innocent children in order to save the world even knowing it was sinful. After this, Freyr falls silent.
Their withdrawal fruitless, Freyja once again corners the Order of Heroes. Though she mocks them over their futile efforts, Freyr states that there is one way for them to escape.
"Freyja's power is the sum of our combined strengths... Therefore, one of us must be shed..." (ENG)
Freyr petitions the Order and offers himself up to them. Discerning his meaning, as Freyr can no longer manage to end his own life due to Freyja's control, Alfonse and the others cut him down.
Freyja cries out as she asks Freyr if mortals really are so precious to him that he would throw his life away for their sake. However, Freyr responds that nothing is more important to him than she is. It is because he loves her that he doesn't want to see her destroy the mortals, which is why he should disappear. Leaving her with those words, Freyr bids his sister farewell.
Freyja wails in sorrow and despair at the loss of her most beloved brother, after which she vanishes to some other location, bringing the dökkálfar with her. Due to Freyr's demise, dreams stop distorting reality. Now, they must wake up and return to their world. To grant Freyr's final wish, and to reunite with the missing Kiran...Alfonse and the others press onward.
Chapter 11: Plumeria's Dream (JP: Plumeria the Lewd Dream) The Order wakes up the the sound of Veronica's voice calling out to them. Just when they begin to relax, thinking everything is back to normal, Freyja appears before them. Chaos unfolds as everyone wonders how that can be, when nightmares shouldn't be able to encroach on reality anymore... The group is once again forced to engage in combat as they retreat. Freyja then tells them about the álfar's past as if to mock them. The álfar were originally human children who played together, who were called to the dream world in order to save it. She also describes how Mirabilis was a child who was abandoned by her mother after she was born. Finally, she tells of how among those children, the only one who didn't become an álfr was Sharena. Enveloped in Freyja's light, Sharena suddenly clutches her head in pain and faints.
After regaining consciousness at a boulder to which the group retreated, Sharena tells Alfonse that she now vividly recalls what happened in the world of dreams. "We wanted to save the world... Only...I stayed behind..." (ENG, but for curiosity's sake, the JP line goes "Only I wasn't able to become a hero...even though we said we'd save the world together...", which I think hits harder)
Sharena profusely apologizes with tears spilling from her eyes, saying that she might not really be Alfonse's sister. That she would play changelings with a girl who looked just like her, and that they would genuinely trade places upon waking. That she has memories of the small, run-down house in which the girl she'd exchange places with lived. That she might just be an ordinary child who swapped places with Princess Sharena in the dream world. And that as a consequence, the real Princess Sharena wasn't able to return home... Sharena appears discomposed as she suddenly recalls so many memories. Alfonse soothes her, saying that her memories of that house must have come from when she'd wake up as the other child.
Desiring to have them suffer like her after losing her brother, Freyja sends Plumeria after the group so the álfar will be made to kill each other. Plumeria follows her commands without saying a word and stands in the way of Alfonse and the others. She attacks them while looking like she is in tears...saying that she doesn't need reality, and that she wants to be in a dream forever. The party cannot hope to survive without fighting back so long as she continues to target them. Thus Alfonse and the others deal the final blow against Plumeria through their heartbreak. She grasps at the air and cries out for her mother over and over again like a small child as her body disintegrates. (I already felt really bad playing this story chapter in-game, but having this description makes it even worse...ow, my heart)
Even with Plumeria's defeat, the nightmares' assault does not relent. How can this be, when the Waking Dream shouldn't be able to occur with King Freyr dead? After assessing and reflecting on the situation one more time, Alfonse finally formulates an answer. "This has all been a dream... From the very beginning... Everything. All of it." (ENG)
They have been in a dream since the time they heard about the sleep sickness from Queen Henriette. If this is a dream, they should be able to return to reality this time if they blow the horn Gullinkambi in front of the Dream Gate. Alfonse marches on determinedly.
The Order takes a rest on the way to the Dream Gate. At their base, Anna reports to Alfonse about Sharena's condition after having stayed with her for a while. Afterwards, she begins to make small talk about a dream she had a little while ago about being a squirrel. She comments on how strange it is that she was convinced she was a squirrel in the dream, even though she isn't one... At this, Alfonse feels as though he is catching onto something.
Chapter 12: Triandra's Dream (JP: Triandra the Nightmare) Alfonse witnesses a daydream during the group's respite. A dream of the World of Steel, with towers stretching up high enough to pierce the skies. Peony calls it a grey world where people have forgotten how to dream. To make the álfar kill each other, Freyja sends out Triandra again. However, Freyja ponders why Plumeria and Triandra obey her orders without regard for how they are effectively being used and discarded. She asks Triandra why they would go so far as to throw their lives away in service to her. Triandra responds that she and Plumeria adore her, and that perhaps it is because mortals want to help those they care about even if they get nothing in return. Freyja shakes her head at this, being a god who doesn't understand this sentiment. She watches with a conflicted look in her eyes as Triandra departs.
Alfonse and the others fend off the advancing nightmares on their way to the Dream Gate. They are met with Triandra standing in their path, and upon seeing her, Peony's expression changes. Triandra speaks of how she could not forgive herself for being powerless to protect her younger sister as a mortal. Her dream was to obtain the power she desired in order to strike down those who would do evil. After she loses against the Order and collapses to the ground, having lost her power, she gazes at Peony and apologizes to her.
"Forgive me... I wanted to keep you safe just...a while longer..." (ENG) "...S-sister..." (ENG)
As Peony's words sorrowfully fall from her lips, Triandra's body disintegrates.
Led by Mirabilis, the group arrives before the Dream Gate at last. Following Freyr's instructions to "[p]icture the world outside the dream, and wish to return," (ENG) Alfonse sounds the horn, but for some reason, nothing happens. Alfonse goes over his thoughts once more, trying to figure out if there is something wrong with his thought process. Then, he remembers what Anna said a little while earlier. "If what I suspect is true...then the life I remember before the not my life at all..." (ENG)
Just then, Kiran appears before the Order. Alfonse is elated upon their reunion, but Kiran appears to be under the control of nightmares. With the help of Veronica and the others, he manages to render Kiran unconscious without killing them. By Peony's suggestion, they remove the hood that conceals their face. Under the hood of the collapsed Kiran...was unmistakably Alfonse's face.
Alfonse's suspicion is then confirmed. The reason why he couldn't recall his memories with Zacharias, and why he dreamed about the World of Steel, is because his past with Zacharias doesn't exist and the World of Steel is where he truly hails from.
"I am not Alfonse. [...] My Kiran!" (ENG)
When they remember their true self, Freyja appears and tells them that they are having this dream because they wished for it. That Alfaðör, creator of all things, decided that Alfonse should no longer exist after he defeated Hel, sovereign of death. The Creator's will always comes to pass, and thus the real Alfonse is dead, so Freyja says.
Chapter 13: Reality Freyja continues, saying that Kiran gave form to this world and took on Alfonse's role out of grief over his loss. She claims that because Kiran is one who exists outside of the world's reason, if they combine efforts with Freyja, they could make the dream persist forever and have all their wishes come true. However, she declares that should Kiran choose reality, they will wake up in a world without Alfonse, and that she will use her power to take the lives of all of the álfar. With that, she disappears.
Peony states that because Freyja's nightmare powers still cover the area, they will be unable to use the horn. Even the álfar do not know if Freyja's pronouncement of Alfonse's death is the truth or a lie. A painful reality may await them... Holding onto that sense of unease, Kiran and the others head in Freyja's direction.
"Peony... My best friend, who I played with in the flower garden... That was you, wasn't it?" (ENG)
Sharena speaks with Peony, positing that Peony had switched places with her and drank her share of nectar because she knew there would be no going back to being human. Even so, Peony smiles, saying that making people happy was her own happiness. That neither of them know who was who originally, and that they are both each other, like two halves of a whole. If they defeat Freyja and return to reality, Peony and the other álfar will in turn be erased and the Order will forget about the dream. Sharena sobs over not wanting to lose a friend again. At this, Peony gives her a ring made of flowers. (It's a "chain" in ENG, but in JP it's described as a "指輪", as in a ring you put on your finger)
"[Even] if we do forget, that does not undo everything that's happened. [...] But if...if there's some way you can remember me, then maybe we can meet again someday, somehow..." (ENG)
Sharena and Peony join hands and nestle up close to one another as if in prayer.
On the other hand, Freyja's heart is swayed by emotions she cannot comprehend. Unconsciously, she begins to speak to Triandra and Plumeria, but both of them have disappeared in carrying out her orders. Though she insists that only her brother matters to her, as though trying to convince herself of it, her expression gradually clouds over. Kiran and the others eventually reach Freyja, and after defeating nightmare soldiers that appear one after another, Freyja herself finally falls as well. She disappears, leaving them with the proclamation that she will use all of her remaining power to erase everything about the álfar from existence.
The end of the dream draws near. The sound of the horn reverberates through the dream world. As she expresses her gratitude, Peony's form grows faint.
Kiran awakens to a voice calling their name, which turns out to be Alfonse's. He tells them that they, along with everyone else, had fallen asleep for three days and nights. Sharena seems to not remember anything and smiles as though nothing had happened. However, during their mission, Sharena discovers that she is wearing a flower ring on her hand. She is perplexed by this and clutches her chest, suddenly feeling like her heart is being torn apart. Then, someone claiming to be Sharena's childhood friend comes for a visit. Upon laying eyes on the person in question, her eyes tear up.
"Good morning, everyone! I'm Peony! I'm a ljósálfr—or light elf, you might say. I'm from the land of dreams, Ljósálfheimr." (ENG)
In Dökkálfheimr, Triandra and Plumeria, who should have disappeared, open their eyes. Before them stands Freyja, who tells them that they have no need to obey her any longer. Freyja's life fades away, having lost most of her power in reviving Triandra and Plumeria instead of erasing the álfar. She herself doesn't know why she did so even though she doesn't love anyone except her brother. In spite of this, she gave up her life for the sake of others, just like her brother had laid down his life for the mortals he so loved. Triandra and Plumeria vow to find a way to revive Freyja. The children weep as they grasp Freyja's hands, to which Freyja says that she truly cannot understand. Even so, she responds that she is happy and smiles gently.
And thus concludes the story of Book IV, neatly summarized as presented in the art book. I apologize for any inaccuracies in my translations and any confusion they might cause. This was an intensive passion project born from my love for Book IV, and I hope those who took the time to read this very long post found some enjoyment out of it. I would love to hear your thoughts, so please do share them if you so wish! I very much enjoy discussion about everything Book IV. Also let me know if there is any other material you'd like for me to translate, and I might make an attempt in the future. Thank you for reading!
submitted by GrimaIsBestWaifu to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:30 larbar44 How can I repair trust and attachment with my 26 month old? Two years of sleep training inconsistency 😔

Everyone tells me I'm doing a wonderful job as a mother, but I feel like I'm messing things up big time, primarily because in the 26 months I've been raising my son we have not managed to find a way to get him to sleep that works for everyone.
I guess I'll post a timeline of major things that happened, with some explanation.
Prior to having my son I had zero experience with babies or children. I am the only one of my peers who has had a child and I have had zero practical help or even advice from family. I really had no clue. I wanted to co-sleep but after a 4 day failed home birth I transferred to a hospital, where they made us watch a video that basically said if we tried to cosleep we'd roll onto the baby... and I was sleep deprived enough to be scared senseless.
So here's how sleep went, with no awareness of baby sleep and no plan;
0-4.5 months - very tough time because I didn't realize they couldn't self-soothe, so I was nursing him to sleep, unable to unlatch without waking him, and struggling to know how to sleep myself or do anything other than nurse!
4.5 months - I was connected with a mother of 6 who casually told me the only way she could get her kids to sleep was to let them CIO. After almost 5 months of not sleeping myself, this seemed like the only solution. I went on the internet to find out how to do it and read lots of people's experiences saying "I found checking made them more upset" so I decided to do extinction. My husband checked on our son twice the first night. Within three nights he was sleeping. I feel SO guilty about this because I have since read in every parenting book I come across that you should meet every need in a baby under age 1. That same mother later told me "Oh, I never did it that young". I really can't seem to let go of the guilt, particularly as I ended up separating for in similarly cold ways later.
Just after sleep training "successfully" we moved, and our son was distraught being put to sleep in his new room the first night. After that my instincts finally seemed to kick in and I decided to cosleep.
5-7 months - coslept except I wasn't really sleeping because my son moves around A LOT and I was still paranoid I would squash him. So come 7.5 months (and another move) I began sleeping in his bed until he was asleep and returned to nurse 2-3 times per night.
10 months - around this time I was still so sleep deprived, with no family or friends offering to take care of my son for an hour or two, no babysitters etc., despite trying to find some help (husband doing his best but working long hours out of the home) I basically wasn't sleeping or resting. So there were two separate days where my son fought his naps/ bedtime and I just ended up walking out of his room leaving him crying. Again, I feel majorly guilty for this - I was not coping well.
13 months decided to night-wean and did it in a gentle way (Dr Jay Gordon) and followed it with sleep training by basically doing CIO with check-ins every 10 mins.
This seemed to work until we moved again.
We then had the same old problems, so we had to sleep train again at 16 months. Same way as above, with check ins.
We moved one more time when he was 18 months, finally finding a long-term rental. I stayed in his room for a few weeks until he got used to it and began to phase myself out using something akin to the chair method. I then began asking him if he would like me to come back and check on him, and we eventually got to a pretty good place where he would tell me he wanted to be alone after our bedtime routine and happily babble, and I would check in every so often to give a cuddle.
That is until two weeks ago where I left the house before bedtime to go to the grocery store and my husband had to put him to bed alone (we usually do it together). Apparently it didn't go well and ever since he has been refusing to fall asleep alone, so I've been in his room cuddling with him the past few nights. I would be glad to do it but when he falls asleep is completely unpredictable and can take as much as 1.5 hours. It's negatively effecting my ability to function as well as my ability to have time with my husband.
So last night I tried to revert to the very soft, sweet, gentle and responsive check-ins but my son screamed blue murder and cried every time I left. Even if it was with a promise to come back and a prompt return. My husband ended up going in and cuddling with him.
Today my son has been acting out, and before his nap just now he was swinging his shovel at the wall, trying to kick me as I changed his diaper and telling me he is still mad at me for leaving him last night.
There is also a song I used to sing at bedtime when he was 13-17 months old where if he hears it at all now he will become very distressed and cry.
I am pretty sure I have hurt him a lot along the way.
The rest of the time in our relationship I am very responsive, gentle and sweet. I always engage him in play, and try to find connection. I try to help him articulate and understand his emotions and never shame him for them, and encourage him in the ways he needs. I try to be authoritative rather than authoritarian.
I try so hard but I really feel like I've blown it and nothing else I do makes up for these bedtime struggles.
Does anyone have any insight, advice, encouragement or suggestions for me? Books I can read on how to repair and win back his trust?
I know some of the actions I took were wrong. Please go easy on me. I really want to repair this situation and I am seriously hard on myself for my shortcomings as it is. Thank you.
submitted by larbar44 to AttachmentParenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:20 Ok_Reality4796 Inventory Management in High Level Campaign Final Chapter???

Been running a campaign for nearly 2 years. We hit the originally written ending last week, but the overwhelming sentiment from the party was to keep it going.
This was an open-world, free-roam, sandbox Forgotten Realms campaign with almost no limits on what the party COULD do - but only certain key events were going to advance the plot. It took a lot of work to create a narrative that could support the absence of strings/railroads on the party.
However, when I told them (at level 11) that the campaign would end at lvl13, it was not a popular decision. They wanted to keep the party rolling. Well, I wasn't really struggling as bad as I thought I would to wrangle 7 x lvl 11's, so I wrote another chapter that picks up a year after the BBEG is gone.
Intended to go lvls 14-17, BUT I started feeling the burn of 7 x lvl 13 characters the last few sessions. I realized a lot of the issues of wrangling them might be relieved if many of the confrontations & plot relevant combats occurred... in more stereotypical Dungeons (as opposed to open-air ramparts, cliff side battlements, urban sprawl, etc)... so while there are some open world, free roam aspects of the game in terms of RP & explorations going forward, the fights for the McGuffins, the subsequent BBEGs, or the kidnapped NPCs are in old school dungeon crawls. Narrow hallways, 10-15ft ceilings, traps, secret passages, etc.
So... knowing that they have had the luxury of storage space on their airship, their nearby safe house, or the storage trunk on the wagon for their spare armospare magic items/spare reach weapons, etc. It seems dick-ish to start asking the question, "Where are you carrying your Poison Resistant Half-Plate in addition to your +2 Half-Plate you were using in the first encounter? How big's that backpack, because you've been in this cave complex since yesterday?"
I'm curious:
A) How do most folks handle inventory management at the higher levels?
B) If it hasn't mattered until now, is it a dick move to enforce it? To point it out, and let them decide?
submitted by Ok_Reality4796 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:15 whyB2 (Offer) Lots of Universal Rewards Point titles. Once Upon a Deadpool (CA). Premium Rush HD (not SD). Appleseed Alpha. Much more. (Request) Will OVER trade for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Also, lists.

Movies split where possible. Please only redeem the portion listed. Assume loyalty points have been used.
Vudu is now Fandango at Home
Immediate redeem only, not for re-trade.
----------Collections / TV / Bundles / Other----------
submitted by whyB2 to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:00 expandedmodfamily Expanded Mod Family DD 2024-06-07: Deccani Ideas

Expanded Mod Family DD 2024-06-07: Deccani Ideas

Ellarigū śubhasan̄je!

u/expandedModFamily here and today we are going to present the idea part of the Deccan Update [also known internally as Glorious Sceptre] the last week we talked about Deccani Monuments and this week the rest of the Expanded Mod Family especially the Historical Ideas Expanded Team lead by u/Mintboy343 will unveil their work on the Deccani region, are you ready? Time to pass the mic to the team then!
Sneak Peak


u/ChuKoNoob back in the saddle for this dev diary, along with u/Mintboy343 and u/Melvasul94, to bring you the next chapter of the mega India update for this mod. This time, we move from the low-lying tropical fields of Coromandel to the dry uplands of the Deccan, known for its powerful warriors and brilliant gems, bringing great wealth to the region. In fact, the first royal scepters in the world were likely from here, becoming a cultural icon in monarchies around the world, something which was more relevant in eu4 timeframe than it is for the world today (much to Mintboy’s chagrin).
With the power of foresight, I am aware that, based on sheer number of unique sets made, Deccan is easily the largest region in this update, so let’s jump right into some of the highlights, starting with the hegemon of the region in 1444:
Originally one of many revolts against the collapsing Delhi Sultanate, the princes of the Bahmani Sultanate established a jewel of a kingdom, both figuratively and literally. From the emerald throne, the Sultan constructed a new cultural hub in the middle of India, drawing on local Indian as well as Persianate culture forces to create a center of education, architecture, stable governance, and economic prosperity that was unmatched in the entire subcontinent in the 15th century, despite the generations-long great power struggle between them and the Vijayanagara Empire to the south. Sadly for many, they would go on to fall into decadence in later times, eventually being subsumed by the Mughal Empire. We hope you can use their ideas to avoid this fate, and I hope you fall in love with their history as much as I did while playing them, a history I had barely heard before.
Bahmanis itself contains 4 releasable nations, all of which are also available at certain eu4 start dates as Islamic Sultanates, although results may vary due to the nature of releasables. This being a historical mod, we opted to pay homage to their Islamic heritage in these ideas.
Historically, these emirates were splinters from Bahmanis, the same as the Bahmanis had once splintered off of Delhi.
The first of these is Ahmednagar. Heavily dependent on local nobility for its military protection, and with a particular preoccupation with fortifications, this tag should provide a unique playthrough for anyone playing through this nation.
Similarly, the artillery-obsessed splinter state of Berar gives, among other bonuses, a rare buff to artillery shock, a surprisingly powerful modifier, with additional quirks such as ensuring you are never without an heir due to their… unorthodox practices. We hope you enjoy this nation as you navigate the chaos of a Deccan post-Bahmanis.
The most embracing of Persian culture and norms, the Shias of Bijapur also seek to make a name for themselves, possessing perhaps the most capable military and most well-rounded set of the four splinter states.
Finally, the state of Golkonda is the heir to the world-renowned jewel mines that fuel the wealth of the Bahmanis Sultanate. Thus, playing as this tag will gift you with a moderately powerful military, but more importantly, one of the strongest economies in the region through the power of their ideas.
Moving away from the Muslim states of the region, these OPM Hindu states and all have a plutocratic government, as they are trading cities that maintain their independence from then two nearby superpowers of Bahmanis and Vijayanagar through a deft combination of trade wealth, military power and careful diplomacy.
The first of these, and arguably the most epic, is Calicutate was a powerful and wealthy trade port. Despite their emphasis on wealth and prosperity, they were no pushover militarily either, with their adoption of gunpowder and skilled seamanship even managing to drive away later Portuguese incursions. This was especially impressive as the Portuguese attained a near-legendary reputation in India after their smashing defeat of the Gujarati navy at Diu. Later on, the city would manage to come under the protection of the Dutch, who were impressed with their maritime prowess. Armed with these ideas, the riches of India should be your oyster.
Kochin was also not militarily weak, despite its small size, but proved itself to have a unique society, with a much more important status to women than most other places in the subcontinent, and possessed something which would serve them in great stead with the arrival of the Europeans: a population of local Christians who guarded the tomb of Thomas the Apostle. This unique feature in the subcontinent, along with their deft diplomacy and military defenses, allowed them to survive most foreign invasions and outlast most of their rivals.
Perhaps the most adept at trade of all the trading port cities, Kolathunadu made its mark on the Indian Ocean sea trade since antiquity, turning it into a veritable Alexandria of India. Play this set to advance the knowledge of your realm and spread enlightenment to your neighbors, while turning a tidy profit in the process.
The Hindu counterpart to Golkonda, the Gond tribes of the upland Deccan are custodians of immense mineral wealth, which they jealously guard. Their ideas reflect a highly skilled people of craftsmen, turning out fine jeweled products traded across the entire Indian Ocean. They are not the dwarves of legend, but in India they are one of the closest things to it with these ideas.
Swearing fealty to the Sultan of Malwa at the start of the game, these people are akin to the fiercely independent people of Chanda, being also known for their smithing prowess, if not as refined as their cousins. Their ideas add other skills to their repertoire, however, with a knack for fort-building and, of all things, candy-making. Indulge your sweet tooth and get into a game as Garha with this unique set!
Perhaps the strangest tag on the entire subcontinent is right here in the Deccan. Have you ever wanted to play an Ethiopian pirate nation in India? With these ideas granting them by far the best navy in the subcontinent, make your piratical dreams a reality and free your fellow African slaves as this roving pirate nation, reading a unique dose of its history encapsulated in its ideas and lovingly curated by Mintboy as our primary historian
Keladi, while less militarily flashy than many of their neighbors, is a coastal state which focuses its time on building a more beneficial society for its people, with ideas emphasizing tolerance, construction, art, and piety. Make no mistake, however, they are no pushover either, with their imposing fortifications keeping their happy citizenry safe and their army ready to sally forth and inflict the wrath of Vishnu on their enemies.
Moving south, we reach the Malabar coast and other tags in the vicinity, starting with the famously aloof Sultanate of Maldives
Secure from outside attack (in large part because no one can actually fabricate a claim on them), the Sultanate of the Maldives built a unique sea-based Islamic civilization on the Ten Thousand Islands, the pearl necklace of the Indian Ocean. Experts at maritime trade, the mediums of exchange, construction, and shipbuilding, play this set and be rewarded with a variety of bonuses for a trade empire, including a very special effect included just for you! No spoilers, you’ll have to come test it out for us :}
Much more of a typical Indian tag, but one with a fearsome military that held off both the British and the mighty Marathas for decades, the Tiger of Mysore himself would be proud of this set. With perhaps the strongest cannons in India (although a challenger will approach) and other military bonuses, perhaps some of you might notice a more controversial pick - yep that’s right, we’re bringing back hostile core creation cost. We’d love to hear your thoughts on that, but for now, enjoy the preview of this set.
Oh, Venad… A nation that I believe I’ve only ever seen played once in my thousands of hours scrolling through the eu4 community, which makes playing whatever you land on upon clicking “random nation” probably more likely than you ever playing this. But, while you may be left out of people’s games, you weren’t left out of our hearts, and their history is surprisingly rich and fascinating, with a hard-hitting, expansionist idea set for those gigachads out there who want to give this nation at the very tip of India a go.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this preview, and make sure to… checks notes oh right, what region is complete without its formable nations?

Formable Nations

While Coromandel conspicuously lacked a formable nation, the Deccan contains no fewer than 3 to aim for in any of your bejeweled playthroughs. The titular one of course being:
Formable by any Muslim nation in this region with the correct culture, but also releasable by the Mughal Empire if they successfully subdue the region. If they are formed by the player as an independent state, however, you can create an advanced Persian-Indian hybrid culture and revel in the riches of the Deccan as you fortify and modernize your state and make it ready to enter the global stage.
On the other hand their "nawab" status, as a Mughal vassal, will most likely be brought to life through Government Reforms and a special Vassal for Subjects Expanded.
A weird one to be included here, the majority of the lands required to form Nagpur are actually in the Bengali region, but their historical heartland lies in the Deccan. This interloper set grants the player highly militarized bonuses, as the Gondi people are united to drive out foreign oppressors, Muslim and European alike, and are primed to be on the defensive as well as the offensive. We only hope we have done their history of spunk and determination justice.
Last, and definitely not least, we have (drum roll please):
One of the most powerful states to ever roam the subcontinent, the Marathas were the next rising empire after the collapse of the Mughal Empire (for more on that, head over to FEE and its Disasters #shamelessplug), only to be cut down in their prime by the British. In your hands, you can use their supercharged military ideas to reverse their historical fortunes and unite all of Bharat under your wise leadership! From your glorious cavalry to your fearsome infantry, can you create the empire that finally unites the subcontinent under Hindu self-rule? Or will your run be as disappointing as the Maratha’s ideas are in vanilla eu4?

The End

And that’s a wrap! Now I will hand the mic back to Melvasul as we move on to talk about other aspects of the EMF India update. As always, constructive feedback is welcomed and you are invited to join our discord where the team talks on a daily basis. Next time you’ll hear from us we will head to the cradle of empires, the most populated, wealthiest, and historically dynamic region of India yet: Hindustan
Thanks so much for reading and tuning it into the Dev Diary. See you next week to showcase the other parts of the Coromandel Update regarding events!
Make sure to join our Discord Server and get notified whenever we post a Dev Diary/Update!
Impressed by our work? Download the mod here: Historical Ideas Expanded
Mods with similar philosophy that are made to work with each other can also be found here:
Expanded Mod Family Collection
submitted by expandedmodfamily to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:49 Pakkuhya29 Moola Nakshatra all over the place, questions about life, existence, previous births and meaning.

I am a male with Moola Nakshatra for Moon, Ascendant and Rahu all in first Pada. I have a first house conjunction of Moon and Rahu. I have a seventh house conjunction of Mars and Ketu. I have a 10th house three planetary conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. I have Saturn in 2nd house and Venus in 11th house. Mercury Degrees is at 28:11 and Rahu/Ketu Degrees are at 01:28. I don't know if Atmakaraka is Mercury or Rahu/Ketu ? Next highest degree is Saturn at Degrees 18:13. Then Mars 16:56.
What is the purpose of my current birth ? What should I be aware of and what should I focus on as I am quite aimless at times and a bit NIHILISTIC ? Also what can be said about my previous birth from what you can see ? What are the best areas and crafts to focus on for success ? I am a combat sports fan (kickboxing, boxing, grappling, wrestling) and would like to participate in Amateur level as a hobby, is there something I should be aware of in terms of probable health risks ? I turned 30 in recent years. I have asked so many questions., Lol. Hope it is not of any annoyance to you
submitted by Pakkuhya29 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:44 felishorrendis The Terminator - Just another slasher? (But in a good way.)

I’m a big fan of genre films, particularly horror, and one of the things that stood out to me was how much The Terminator borrows from horror films. James Cameron doesn’t typically direct horror movies – the closest he comes is Aliens, the more action-flavoured sequel to Alien. But Terminator very much feels like a film in dialogue with the popular slasher films of the 1980s.
Specifically, several parts of the film mirror the plot of the Friday the 13th franchise, which launched just a few years earlier: a psychopathic killer (in this case an android) who seemingly can’t be killed embarks on a murder spree and pursues a young woman of upstanding morals. Nearly every other major character in the film is killed before she successfully vanquishes her foe thanks to her grit and determination.
Sarah Connor has a lot in common with the “Final Girl” archetype of slasher films. She is clever, curious and determined, and she is significantly more serious than her other female friends. While she begins as a damsel in distress, relying on Kyle Reese to rescue her, over the course of the film she becomes self-reliant, learning to apply field dressings and make improvised explosives. Ultimately, she gains the strength and confidence to defeat the Terminator on her own. (As an aside, it surprised me to see her so helpless in the first two acts of the movie – I haven’t watched Terminator in years and remembered her more clearly from later films, where she is depicted as warrior in her own right. It turns out my memory of Sarah is in line with Reese’s.)
The movie also shares some of the conservative ideology present in 80’s slasher films. In the Friday the 13th films, characters who are sexually active are often killed during or shortly after sex, reflecting a social anxiety about teenage sexuality. We see a similar scenario unfold in the Terminator. While both Sarah and her roommate Ginger have boyfriends, Ginger is depicted as more outgoing and sexual. When both women are preparing for their dates, Ginger is wearing more revealing clothing and vamps in the mirror. Sarah gets stood up, and heads out for a movie on her own; meanwhile, Ginger’s boyfriend Matt attempts to initiate phone sex before coming over. After the pair have intercourse, the T-800 arrives and murders both Ginger and Matt in a scene highly reminiscent of the post-coital kills in the Friday the 13th franchise.
While Sarah does go on to have sex with Reese, this relationship (despite being significantly shorter than Ginger and Matt’s) is depicted as more serious and is of course necessitated by the story; Sarah’s resulting pregnancy is the catalyst that sends the Terminator after her.
The T-800 also shares several similarities with villains from popular slasher franchises from the era. One repeated visual motif in the film is red-filtered shots from the Terminator’s point of view; these “killer cam” shots reminded me of similar scenes from Michael Meyer’s point of view in the original Halloween film. And like both Michael Meyers and Friday the 13th’s Jason, each time it seems like the T-800 has been killed, the android dramatically resuscitates, no worse for wear, until he finally pulverized into oblivion.
One of my favourite things about film is the way in which different movies and genres borrow from one another, taking ideas and motifs and adapting them to new scenarios. Terminator’s blending of genres, combining elements of horror, science fiction and action, is part of what makes the film so engaging and exciting.
Adding to clarify: I originally posted this in a discussion forum for a film analysis class I am taking, but I was kind of proud of it and I thought I'd share it here. The tone of the class is fairly informal, so this piece is pretty coversational. I'd love to hear other ways you think Terminator does or doesn't borrow from horror films, and perhaps other non-horror films that borrow elements from the slasher genre in an interesting way.
submitted by felishorrendis to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:41 ALDO113A Mihaly represents the "What if a fighter pilot actually operated like an Ace Combat player?" question

Not necessarily just deconstruct
New ground instead of retreading old. Spent a whole night on this!

Examination 1: Life

Whole kingdom was overthrown and he almost got killed - reflects the hardships of the land he experienced.
He then surprised everyone by trying to find refuge in the skies - kind of relatable to a down-on-one's-luck guy seeking escape by way of taking to the skies and flying and fighting there
When he was young, he was the heir to the Grand Duchy of Shilage, then revolution broke out among his people. Mihaly was betrayed by a close friend, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The revolution was successful, but the new country that sprang from it was annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Erusea. The Erusean Royal Family allowed Mihaly's family to retain their title and noble standing in the new kingdom, but Mihaly surprised them all by signing up for the draft like an ordinary Erusean citizen. He was then accepted into the Air Force Academy by order of the King; Mihaly soon became an ace pilot. When the Royal Family was ousted and Erusea became a republic, he continued his service for the new regime.
-Cutscene after 444
My grandfather had only one wish: To continue soaring through the endless skies, that was the only place where he felt alive. But I don't even have a country to call home, let alone the sky.

Examination 2: Mission Characterization

Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya, it's about a great war hero… There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies. Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing: “Scary.” They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.
Dialog in Fleet Destruction after return line usage. To show for it, there's Brownie, whose slow and fearful demise is basically veterans toying with and scaring newbies with their unmatched skill despite being a little rusty.
He did pick off Gargoyle 1 and both Spare 10 and that poor recon guy at Yinshi. He then of course falters when faced with other newbies or a fellow veteran eager to get back in the game (hah).
I submit, tho, this is the least convincing point, so next stop:
In addition, as controversial as it is, he even handwaves away how do planes take more than one missile hit unlike typical reality where it's a one-and-done deal - something about non-critical areas, XD

Examination 3: Reputation and Health

Man trained Yellow 13 as described in AAW 2019's White Notebook short story, 13 being the definitive-presented/characterized fighter ace of the series
Being a living legend who pretty much made the sky his true home, his new kingdom, he trains himself to peak physical perfection to keep up, but it takes a toll which his family is concerned so much about
Engaging the enemy in combat so we could use his physiological data to improve the drones had always taken a toll on Mihaly’s body, but today, he was truly showing his age. The drones we based on his data were being taken down at a faster rate now compared to when the war began, when Mihaly found that out, he insisted on flying to the frontlines to see it for himself. Sometimes, he could be so stubborn. His age wasn’t the only thing affecting his health, over the years, flying at high altitudes for prolonged stretches of time had ravaged and poisoned his body. But he was a man of grit.
-Cutscene post-Two-pronged Strategy
Mihaly's granddaughters glared at me with their disapproval, they blamed me for the pain their grandfather had to keep enduring. But Mihaly remained stoic, he wasn't the type of man who cared about anything that happened here on the ground. I wasn’t worried about it. ... I knew…I understood why he never seemed to care about restoring his stolen country back to his former glory, and why he didn’t seem to care about anything that happened here on the ground…of course: Mihaly’s kingdom…was the sky.
-Cutscene post-Cape Rainy Assault
Coming back to the "ACE player as pilot analogy" argument: From a certain point of view, Mihaly, like the Ace Combat series itself, basically slept through every other game series' heyday - represented in SR as the dawn of every protag ace and the crafting of their legend.

Examination 4: Timing

Mihaly in the cutscene after Two-pronged Strategy was said to have retired from active combat for 28 years - 1991 when calcing from 2019.
It's 20 solid years before 2011, at which point we last saw Strangereal via an expanded 3DS-exclusive remake of a PS1 game and the canon-breaking Java title Northern Wings (canon-breaking as in changing the Arkbird's location and shoving the protag squad into Razgriz's ACE5 affairs in that mission)
The games released pre-ACE7 by then were alternate continuities

Examination 5: Color Scheme

See the obvious mirroring of his and Cipher's color schemes, and remember how Cipher (plus Phoenix) is practically the first definitive legendary ace (that is, player-controlled?)
Their nationalities are even opposite - Ustio was a breakaway state from Belka during a time of peacetime civil strife and stayed independent, while Mihaly's surname namesake at present is Erusean territory, though one with an uncertain future after decades of being under the Erusean flag, which came on the land after bloodshed,


A flesh-and-blood legend who has made flying all there is in his life - the intense adrenaline of air combat with the strong, everything else being second place.
He sacrifices his physical wellness and potential for happiness in other places, to the point of being a broken man both literally and emotionally by the ending.
Not necessarily just deconstruct
New ground instead of retreading old. Spent a whole night on this!

Examination 1: Life

Whole kingdom was overthrown and he almost got killed - reflects the hardships of the land he experienced.
He then surprised everyone by trying to find refuge in the skies - kind of relatable to a down-on-one's-luck guy seeking escape by way of taking to the skies and flying and fighting there
When he was young, he was the heir to the Grand Duchy of Shilage, then revolution broke out among his people. Mihaly was betrayed by a close friend, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The revolution was successful, but the new country that sprang from it was annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Erusea. The Erusean Royal Family allowed Mihaly's family to retain their title and noble standing in the new kingdom, but Mihaly surprised them all by signing up for the draft like an ordinary Erusean citizen. He was then accepted into the Air Force Academy by order of the King; Mihaly soon became an ace pilot. When the Royal Family was ousted and Erusea became a republic, he continued his service for the new regime.
-Cutscene after 444
My grandfather had only one wish: To continue soaring through the endless skies, that was the only place where he felt alive. But I don't even have a country to call home, let alone the sky.

Examination 2: Mission Characterization

Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya, it's about a great war hero… There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies. Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing: “Scary.” They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.
Dialog in Fleet Destruction after return line usage. To show for it, there's Brownie, whose slow and fearful demise is basically veterans toying with and scaring newbies with their unmatched skill despite being a little rusty.
He did pick off Gargoyle 1 and both Spare 10 and that poor recon guy at Yinshi. He then of course falters when faced with other newbies or a fellow veteran eager to get back in the game (hah).
I submit, tho, this is the least convincing point, so next stop:
In addition, as controversial as it is, he even handwaves away how do planes take more than one missile hit unlike typical reality where it's a one-and-done deal - something about non-critical areas, XD

Examination 3: Reputation and Health

Man trained Yellow 13 as described in AAW 2019's White Notebook short story, 13 being the definitive-presented/characterized fighter ace of the series
Being a living legend who pretty much made the sky his true home, his new kingdom, he trains himself to peak physical perfection to keep up, but it takes a toll which his family is concerned so much about
Engaging the enemy in combat so we could use his physiological data to improve the drones had always taken a toll on Mihaly’s body, but today, he was truly showing his age. The drones we based on his data were being taken down at a faster rate now compared to when the war began, when Mihaly found that out, he insisted on flying to the frontlines to see it for himself. Sometimes, he could be so stubborn. His age wasn’t the only thing affecting his health, over the years, flying at high altitudes for prolonged stretches of time had ravaged and poisoned his body. But he was a man of grit.
-Cutscene post-Two-pronged Strategy
Mihaly's granddaughters glared at me with their disapproval, they blamed me for the pain their grandfather had to keep enduring. But Mihaly remained stoic, he wasn't the type of man who cared about anything that happened here on the ground. I wasn’t worried about it. ... I knew…I understood why he never seemed to care about restoring his stolen country back to his former glory, and why he didn’t seem to care about anything that happened here on the ground…of course: Mihaly’s kingdom…was the sky.
-Cutscene post-Cape Rainy Assault
Coming back to the "ACE player as pilot analogy" argument: From a certain point of view, Mihaly, like the Ace Combat series itself, basically slept through every other game series' heyday - represented in SR as the dawn of every protag ace and the crafting of their legend.

Examination 4: Timing

Mihaly in the cutscene after Two-pronged Strategy was said to have retired from active combat for 28 years - 1991 when calcing from 2019.
It's 20 solid years before 2011, at which point we last saw Strangereal via an expanded 3DS-exclusive remake of a PS1 game and the canon-breaking Java title Northern Wings (canon-breaking as in changing the Arkbird's location and shoving the protag squad into Razgriz's ACE5 affairs in that mission)
The games released pre-ACE7 by then were alternate continuities

Examination 5: Color Scheme

See the obvious mirroring of his and Cipher's color schemes, and remember how Cipher (plus Phoenix) is practically the first definitive legendary ace (that is, player-controlled?)
Their nationalities are even opposite - Ustio was a breakaway state from Belka during a time of peacetime civil strife and stayed independent, while Mihaly's surname namesake at present is Erusean territory, though one with an uncertain future after decades of being under the Erusean flag, which came on the land after bloodshed,


A flesh-and-blood legend who has made flying all there is in his life - the intense adrenaline of air combat with the strong, everything else being second place.
He sacrifices his physical wellness and potential for happiness in other places, to the point of being a broken man both literally and emotionally by the ending.
The kicker of this? We have a spiritual Gen Alpha successor coming up to Mihaly - the right story, the right conditions, and the right conditions (or diseases in her case).
Introverted shut-in who talks weird stuff including wanting to grow beyond her flesh and just be a winged mind
Meet Rena Hirose, complete with a more Cipher-ish paint job (light blue and more muted patterns)!
submitted by ALDO113A to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:41 ALDO113A Mihaly represents the "What if a fighter pilot actually operated like an Ace Combat player?" question

Not necessarily just deconstruct
New ground instead of retreading old. Spent a whole night on this!

Examination 1: Life

Whole kingdom was overthrown and he almost got killed - reflects the hardships of the land he experienced.
He then surprised everyone by trying to find refuge in the skies - kind of relatable to a down-on-one's-luck guy seeking escape by way of taking to the skies and flying and fighting there
When he was young, he was the heir to the Grand Duchy of Shilage, then revolution broke out among his people. Mihaly was betrayed by a close friend, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The revolution was successful, but the new country that sprang from it was annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Erusea. The Erusean Royal Family allowed Mihaly's family to retain their title and noble standing in the new kingdom, but Mihaly surprised them all by signing up for the draft like an ordinary Erusean citizen. He was then accepted into the Air Force Academy by order of the King; Mihaly soon became an ace pilot. When the Royal Family was ousted and Erusea became a republic, he continued his service for the new regime.
-Cutscene after 444
My grandfather had only one wish: To continue soaring through the endless skies, that was the only place where he felt alive. But I don't even have a country to call home, let alone the sky.

Examination 2: Mission Characterization

Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya, it's about a great war hero… There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies. Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing: “Scary.” They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.
Dialog in Fleet Destruction after return line usage. To show for it, there's Brownie, whose slow and fearful demise is basically veterans toying with and scaring newbies with their unmatched skill despite being a little rusty.
He did pick off Gargoyle 1 and both Spare 10 and that poor recon guy at Yinshi. He then of course falters when faced with other newbies or a fellow veteran eager to get back in the game (hah).
I submit, tho, this is the least convincing point, so next stop:
In addition, as controversial as it is, he even handwaves away how do planes take more than one missile hit unlike typical reality where it's a one-and-done deal - something about non-critical areas, XD

Examination 3: Reputation and Health

Man trained Yellow 13 as described in AAW 2019's White Notebook short story, 13 being the definitive-presented/characterized fighter ace of the series
Being a living legend who pretty much made the sky his true home, his new kingdom, he trains himself to peak physical perfection to keep up, but it takes a toll which his family is concerned so much about
Engaging the enemy in combat so we could use his physiological data to improve the drones had always taken a toll on Mihaly’s body, but today, he was truly showing his age. The drones we based on his data were being taken down at a faster rate now compared to when the war began, when Mihaly found that out, he insisted on flying to the frontlines to see it for himself. Sometimes, he could be so stubborn. His age wasn’t the only thing affecting his health, over the years, flying at high altitudes for prolonged stretches of time had ravaged and poisoned his body. But he was a man of grit.
-Cutscene post-Two-pronged Strategy
Mihaly's granddaughters glared at me with their disapproval, they blamed me for the pain their grandfather had to keep enduring. But Mihaly remained stoic, he wasn't the type of man who cared about anything that happened here on the ground. I wasn’t worried about it. ... I knew…I understood why he never seemed to care about restoring his stolen country back to his former glory, and why he didn’t seem to care about anything that happened here on the ground…of course: Mihaly’s kingdom…was the sky.
-Cutscene post-Cape Rainy Assault
Coming back to the "ACE player as pilot analogy" argument: From a certain point of view, Mihaly, like the Ace Combat series itself, basically slept through every other game series' heyday - represented in SR as the dawn of every protag ace and the crafting of their legend.

Examination 4: Timing

Mihaly in the cutscene after Two-pronged Strategy was said to have retired from active combat for 28 years - 1991 when calcing from 2019.
It's 20 solid years before 2011, at which point we last saw Strangereal via an expanded 3DS-exclusive remake of a PS1 game and the canon-breaking Java title Northern Wings (canon-breaking as in changing the Arkbird's location and shoving the protag squad into Razgriz's ACE5 affairs in that mission)
The games released pre-ACE7 by then were alternate continuities

Examination 5: Color Scheme

See the obvious mirroring of his and Cipher's color schemes, and remember how Cipher (plus Phoenix) is practically the first definitive legendary ace (that is, player-controlled?)
Their nationalities are even opposite - Ustio was a breakaway state from Belka during a time of peacetime civil strife and stayed independent, while Mihaly's surname namesake at present is Erusean territory, though one with an uncertain future after decades of being under the Erusean flag, which came on the land after bloodshed,


A flesh-and-blood legend who has made flying all there is in his life - the intense adrenaline of air combat with the strong, everything else being second place.
He sacrifices his physical wellness and potential for happiness in other places, to the point of being a broken man both literally and emotionally by the ending.
The kicker of this? We have a spiritual Gen Alpha successor coming up to Mihaly - the right story, the right conditions, and the right conditions (or diseases in her case).
Introverted shut-in who talks weird stuff including wanting to grow beyond her flesh and just be a winged mind
Meet Rena Hirose, complete with a more Cipher-ish paint job (light blue and more muted patterns)!
submitted by ALDO113A to acecombat [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:41 ALDO113A Mihaly represents the "What if a fighter pilot actually operated like an Ace Combat player?" question

Not necessarily just deconstruct
New ground instead of retreading old. Spent a whole night on this!

Examination 1: Life

Whole kingdom was overthrown and he almost got killed - reflects the hardships of the land he experienced.
He then surprised everyone by trying to find refuge in the skies - kind of relatable to a down-on-one's-luck guy seeking escape by way of taking to the skies and flying and fighting there
When he was young, he was the heir to the Grand Duchy of Shilage, then revolution broke out among his people. Mihaly was betrayed by a close friend, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The revolution was successful, but the new country that sprang from it was annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Erusea. The Erusean Royal Family allowed Mihaly's family to retain their title and noble standing in the new kingdom, but Mihaly surprised them all by signing up for the draft like an ordinary Erusean citizen. He was then accepted into the Air Force Academy by order of the King; Mihaly soon became an ace pilot. When the Royal Family was ousted and Erusea became a republic, he continued his service for the new regime.
-Cutscene after 444
My grandfather had only one wish: To continue soaring through the endless skies, that was the only place where he felt alive. But I don't even have a country to call home, let alone the sky.

Examination 2: Mission Characterization

Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya, it's about a great war hero… There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies. Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing: “Scary.” They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.
Dialog in Fleet Destruction after return line usage. To show for it, there's Brownie, whose slow and fearful demise is basically veterans toying with and scaring newbies with their unmatched skill despite being a little rusty.
He did pick off Gargoyle 1 and both Spare 10 and that poor recon guy at Yinshi. He then of course falters when faced with other newbies or a fellow veteran eager to get back in the game (hah).
I submit, tho, this is the least convincing point, so next stop:
In addition, as controversial as it is, he even handwaves away how do planes take more than one missile hit unlike typical reality where it's a one-and-done deal - something about non-critical areas, XD

Examination 3: Reputation and Health

Man trained Yellow 13 as described in AAW 2019's White Notebook short story, 13 being the definitive-presented/characterized fighter ace of the series
Being a living legend who pretty much made the sky his true home, his new kingdom, he trains himself to peak physical perfection to keep up, but it takes a toll which his family is concerned so much about
Engaging the enemy in combat so we could use his physiological data to improve the drones had always taken a toll on Mihaly’s body, but today, he was truly showing his age. The drones we based on his data were being taken down at a faster rate now compared to when the war began, when Mihaly found that out, he insisted on flying to the frontlines to see it for himself. Sometimes, he could be so stubborn. His age wasn’t the only thing affecting his health, over the years, flying at high altitudes for prolonged stretches of time had ravaged and poisoned his body. But he was a man of grit.
-Cutscene post-Two-pronged Strategy
Mihaly's granddaughters glared at me with their disapproval, they blamed me for the pain their grandfather had to keep enduring. But Mihaly remained stoic, he wasn't the type of man who cared about anything that happened here on the ground. I wasn’t worried about it. ... I knew…I understood why he never seemed to care about restoring his stolen country back to his former glory, and why he didn’t seem to care about anything that happened here on the ground…of course: Mihaly’s kingdom…was the sky.
-Cutscene post-Cape Rainy Assault
Coming back to the "ACE player as pilot analogy" argument: From a certain point of view, Mihaly, like the Ace Combat series itself, basically slept through every other game series' heyday - represented in SR as the dawn of every protag ace and the crafting of their legend.

Examination 4: Timing

Mihaly in the cutscene after Two-pronged Strategy was said to have retired from active combat for 28 years - 1991 when calcing from 2019.
It's 20 solid years before 2011, at which point we last saw Strangereal via an expanded 3DS-exclusive remake of a PS1 game and the canon-breaking Java title Northern Wings (canon-breaking as in changing the Arkbird's location and shoving the protag squad into Razgriz's ACE5 affairs in that mission)
The games released pre-ACE7 by then were alternate continuities

Examination 5: Color Scheme

See the obvious mirroring of his and Cipher's color schemes, and remember how Cipher (plus Phoenix) is practically the first definitive legendary ace (that is, player-controlled?)
Their nationalities are even opposite - Ustio was a breakaway state from Belka during a time of peacetime civil strife and stayed independent, while Mihaly's surname namesake at present is Erusean territory, though one with an uncertain future after decades of being under the Erusean flag, which came on the land after bloodshed,


A flesh-and-blood legend who has made flying all there is in his life - the intense adrenaline of air combat with the strong, everything else being second place.
He sacrifices his physical wellness and potential for happiness in other places, to the point of being a broken man both literally and emotionally by the ending.
The kicker of this? We have a spiritual Gen Alpha successor coming up to Mihaly - the right story, the right conditions, and the right conditions (or diseases in her case).
Introverted shut-in who talks weird stuff including wanting to grow beyond her flesh and just be a winged mind
Meet Rena Hirose, complete with a more Cipher-ish paint job (light blue and more muted patterns)!
Not necessarily just deconstruct
New ground instead of retreading old. Spent a whole night on this!

Examination 1: Life

Whole kingdom was overthrown and he almost got killed - reflects the hardships of the land he experienced.
He then surprised everyone by trying to find refuge in the skies - kind of relatable to a down-on-one's-luck guy seeking escape by way of taking to the skies and flying and fighting there
When he was young, he was the heir to the Grand Duchy of Shilage, then revolution broke out among his people. Mihaly was betrayed by a close friend, who pointed a gun at his face and pulled the trigger. The revolution was successful, but the new country that sprang from it was annexed by the expanding Kingdom of Erusea. The Erusean Royal Family allowed Mihaly's family to retain their title and noble standing in the new kingdom, but Mihaly surprised them all by signing up for the draft like an ordinary Erusean citizen. He was then accepted into the Air Force Academy by order of the King; Mihaly soon became an ace pilot. When the Royal Family was ousted and Erusea became a republic, he continued his service for the new regime.
-Cutscene after 444
My grandfather had only one wish: To continue soaring through the endless skies, that was the only place where he felt alive. But I don't even have a country to call home, let alone the sky.

Examination 2: Mission Characterization

Strider 3 Jaeger: Okay, I've got a story for ya, it's about a great war hero… There was once an Erusean ace known as the King of the Skies. Every pilot he faced in training said pretty much the same thing: “Scary.” They knew the true fear that an animal feels when it is being hunted by a predator.
Cyclops 2 Count: What about people who faced him in an actual dogfight?
Strider 3 Jaeger: No pilot came back alive.
Cyclops 2 Count: I'm not sure I buy that.
Dialog in Fleet Destruction after return line usage. To show for it, there's Brownie, whose slow and fearful demise is basically veterans toying with and scaring newbies with their unmatched skill despite being a little rusty.
He did pick off Gargoyle 1 and both Spare 10 and that poor recon guy at Yinshi. He then of course falters when faced with other newbies or a fellow veteran eager to get back in the game (hah).
I submit, tho, this is the least convincing point, so next stop:
In addition, as controversial as it is, he even handwaves away how do planes take more than one missile hit unlike typical reality where it's a one-and-done deal - something about non-critical areas, XD

Examination 3: Reputation and Health

Man trained Yellow 13 as described in AAW 2019's White Notebook short story, 13 being the definitive-presented/characterized fighter ace of the series
Being a living legend who pretty much made the sky his true home, his new kingdom, he trains himself to peak physical perfection to keep up, but it takes a toll which his family is concerned so much about
Engaging the enemy in combat so we could use his physiological data to improve the drones had always taken a toll on Mihaly’s body, but today, he was truly showing his age. The drones we based on his data were being taken down at a faster rate now compared to when the war began, when Mihaly found that out, he insisted on flying to the frontlines to see it for himself. Sometimes, he could be so stubborn. His age wasn’t the only thing affecting his health, over the years, flying at high altitudes for prolonged stretches of time had ravaged and poisoned his body. But he was a man of grit.
-Cutscene post-Two-pronged Strategy
Mihaly's granddaughters glared at me with their disapproval, they blamed me for the pain their grandfather had to keep enduring. But Mihaly remained stoic, he wasn't the type of man who cared about anything that happened here on the ground. I wasn’t worried about it. ... I knew…I understood why he never seemed to care about restoring his stolen country back to his former glory, and why he didn’t seem to care about anything that happened here on the ground…of course: Mihaly’s kingdom…was the sky.
-Cutscene post-Cape Rainy Assault
Coming back to the "ACE player as pilot analogy" argument: From a certain point of view, Mihaly, like the Ace Combat series itself, basically slept through every other game series' heyday - represented in SR as the dawn of every protag ace and the crafting of their legend.

Examination 4: Timing

Mihaly in the cutscene after Two-pronged Strategy was said to have retired from active combat for 28 years - 1991 when calcing from 2019.
It's 20 solid years before 2011, at which point we last saw Strangereal via an expanded 3DS-exclusive remake of a PS1 game and the canon-breaking Java title Northern Wings (canon-breaking as in changing the Arkbird's location and shoving the protag squad into Razgriz's ACE5 affairs in that mission)
The games released pre-ACE7 by then were alternate continuities

Examination 5: Color Scheme

See the obvious mirroring of his and Cipher's color schemes, and remember how Cipher (plus Phoenix) is practically the first definitive legendary ace (that is, player-controlled?)
Their nationalities are even opposite - Ustio was a breakaway state from Belka during a time of peacetime civil strife and stayed independent, while Mihaly's surname namesake at present is Erusean territory, though one with an uncertain future after decades of being under the Erusean flag, which came on the land after bloodshed,


A flesh-and-blood legend who has made flying all there is in his life - the intense adrenaline of air combat with the strong, everything else being second place.
He sacrifices his physical wellness and potential for happiness in other places, to the point of being a broken man both literally and emotionally by the ending.
The kicker of this? We have a spiritual Gen Alpha successor coming up to Mihaly - the right story, the right conditions, and the right conditions (or diseases in her case).
Introverted shut-in who talks weird stuff including wanting to grow beyond her flesh and just be a winged mind
Meet Rena Hirose, complete with a more Cipher-ish paint job (light blue and more muted patterns)!
submitted by ALDO113A to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:36 Consistent_Object664 Some good QoL FoundryVTT Modules to really smooth out the experience!

Some good QoL FoundryVTT Modules to really smooth out the experience!
Hey all, I have posted a bit here in the past and just wanted to share a set of modules and just my overall setup I have been using for the Fallout 2d20 system with Foundry. Its all working very well together and really takes alot of the tedious book keeping and automates it.
System: Muttley/foundryvtt-fallout: Fallout 2d20 System for Foundry VTT ( "Fallout: The Roleplaying Game" in Foundry
This system has been getting some serious work done in the last few weeks. It has the ability to automatically track hungethirst/sleep with Simple Calendar, includes the completed stats for all player facing items, all the necessary dice, automatic stat calculation for attacks, and very soon the ability to track diseases and have them auto adjust character stats for set duration. Also tracks ammo used per attack and carry weight of items in inventory.
* A/V Control Bar: Allows your table to have their own audio controls for the music
* Better Roll Tables: Allows you to turn compendiums into roll tables and just a better random factor in my opinion to the roll tables.
* Combat Ready! : A better initiative tracker and also has a mortal kombat like announcer which is kinda fun (can be disabled or changed)
Combat Ready Initiative Tracker and Char Sheet/Roll System
* FXMaster: Has some cool whole scene effects but also some good lasebullet effects. Still trying to figure out how to tie the certain animations to certain weapons, for now we use it just for fun.
*Item Piles: This is a big one. Allows you to easily put loot piles down that the party can divy out themselves. Gives players a sense of satisfaction when they explore a map.
*Item Piles: YES, I PUT IT AGAIN. Item Piles best feature is actually the merchant system that isnt even in the name. Makes shopping a breeze. Tip for shop inventory, use the scav location loot tables and roll a few times based on the merchant type to generate a quick inv.
* Simple Calendar: The mentioned system allows you to tie HungeThirst/Fatigue into the calendar system so it can be auto tracked. Also allows for calendar notes that can be shown when the date comes to all players, certain players, or just the gm.
* Small Time: Yes, both Small Time and Simple Calendar. Small time allows a much smaller little box on the screen to show the date/time. But for the GM, Small time allows you to tie the lighting of scenes to the time of day. Combine this with lighting that activates based on darkness level and you get something like this: that will be different depending on the time of day the party arrives Everyone seemed to enjoy Diamond City, so here is Goodneighbor now! Not as flashy because well. its Goodneighbor : Fallout2d20 (
* Monks Hotbar Extension: This one is more for the GM, but I have a Macro for every scav roll table, each party members char sheet, each category of item, etc etc you get the point. If you have lots of Macros in hot bars, this lets you view up to 10 rows of hot bars at once and hide them with one click. Very nice.
Showing Monks Hotbar Extension, Simple Calendar, and Item Piles Merchant system
* Ready to Use cards: Whether it be Caravan, Blackjack, Poker, or some other card game, this module will help out. Allows you to quickly deal from a 52 card deck (or other options) to all players and players can discard. A little clunky at first but works well.
Module to avoid:
* Fallout 2d20 Dice: Not that its bad, but the mentioned system has its own dice (complete with proper coloskins) and this ends up disabling chat with its dice button placement. Fairly certain the person who made this actually put their work into the main system. If you are not using Muttleys system, these will probably work fine. DOES NOT INCLUDE HIT LOCATION DICE
* Xecthar - Personal favorite, have most of their maps. Real good stuff and works like butter with this system. (Thank you Xecthar for those clear doorways/Zone seperators)
* DriveThruRPG - Amatsu Also has some very nice stuff. Very detailed much like Xecthar, a good amount of greenery and variation
* DriveThruRPG - Stoneworker Cartography My go to for cities/cleaned up facilities. Has some good multilevel facilities for possible Enclave/Vault Tec use.
The Fallout Concept art has a really good vibe for this game. Its featured often in the books and you can find much of it online. However ImaginaryWastelands is a good place for some static shots. Screenshots from the games work well too.
DriveThruRPG - Greg Bruni Almost all of my tokens that are not taken from screenshots of the game come from this hero. Has just about anything you could need for a good Wasteland/Fallout campaign.
Token Stamp 2 - RollAdvantage For everything Greg didnt have a token for or for specific characters, I use token stamp combined with some google image searches or screens from the game (typically random settlers in Fallout 4 or Wastelanders from 3/NV)
Hopefully this helps take some of the pressure off some who want to GM but may be a bit afraid of all the book keeping. About the only book keeping a GM needs to do with this system is tracking relationships with towns/people and the occasional extra CD for fire rate, but even that is just adding 1 to the amount of dice rolled.
submitted by Consistent_Object664 to Fallout2d20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:31 MightyMoosePoop [all] The conspiracy theory boogeyman of the far left socialists that needs to be addressed in this sub - Capitalism having agency - Mwhahahahahahaha!

You heard me far lefties. Many of you have a boogeyman conspiracy and that is capitalism is a nefarious actor out to do harm, mwhahahahahaha!
I challenge those who disagree with thinking capitalism is indeed having agency - a nefarious actor - to then source a definition of capitalism from a respected and published PhD from relevant backgrounds (e.g., economics, political science, sociology).
Until then, the rest of us? Don't you agree you hear all the time how "capitalism does this" and "does that" and is the reason for "all the ills of the world" but amazingly doesn't get any credit. It's the perfect conspiracy theory and reminds me of Qanon.
Here is my lengthy copy/pasta I do all the time to fight this ridiculous crap:
“Capitalism” origins as we know it is from socialists. Capitalism originated originally as a disparaging term.
A form of economic order characterized by private ownership of the means of production and the freedom of private owners to use, buy and sell their property or services on the market at voluntarily agreed prices and terms, with only minimal interference with such transactions by the state or other authoritative third parties.
The concept of “capitalism” includes a reference to markets, but as a socio-economic system, it is broader; its defining feature is the private ownership of capital (see e.g., Scott 2011). This typically leads to pressures to find profitable investment opportunities and to asymmetries between owners and non-owners of capital. Markets are a core element of capitalism
And from Heywoowd's "Political Ideologies":
Capitalism is an economic system as well as a form of property ownership. It has a number of key features. First, it is based on generalized commodity production, a ‘commodity’ being a good or service produced for exchange – it has market value rather than use value. Second, productive wealth in a capitalist economy is predominantly held in private hands. Third, economic life is organized according to impersonal market forces, in particular the forces of demand (what consumers are willing and able to consume) and supply (what producers are willing and able to produce). Fourth, in a capitalist economy, material self-interest and maximization provide the main motivations for enterprise and hard work. Some degree of state regulation is nevertheless found in all capitalist systems.
Heywood, Andrew. Political Ideologies (p. 97). Macmillan Education UK. Kindle Edition.
Capitalism, as a mode of production, is an economic system of manufacture and exchange which is geared toward the production and sale of commodities within a market for profit, where the manufacture of commodities consists of the use of the formally free labor of workers in exchange for a wage to create commodities in which the manufacturer extracts surplus value from the labor of the workers in terms of the difference between the wages paid to the worker and the value of the commodity produced by him/her to generate that profit.
London; Thousand Oaks, CA; New Delhi. Sage. p. 383. (according to Wikipedia however a direct quote found and secondary source found here.)
Capitalism An economic principle based on leaving as many decisions as possible on production, distribution, and prices to the free market.
McCormick, John; Rod Hague; Martin Harrop. Comparative Government and Politics (p. 345). Macmillan Education UK. Kindle Edition.
Capitalism is often defined as an economic system where private actors are allowed to own and control the use of property in accord with their own interests, and where the invisible hand of the pricing mechanism coordinates supply and demand in markets in a way that is automatically in the best interests of society. Government, in this perspective, is often described as responsible for peace, justice, and tolerable taxes.
Capitalism is the socio-economic system where all property is privately owned, where freely formed contracts form the basis of economic interaction, and where the government does not engage in regulation, supervision, or direction of market processes. In short, it is a government policy of non-interference with the economic lives of its citizens; it is the system of laissez-faire. The proper implementation of a program of laissezfaire capitalism, however, requires an appropriate political system at its base.
According to Sternberg, true capitalism can be defined as “an economic system characterized by comprehensive private property, free-market pricing, and the absence of coercion.” Her definition attempts to set true capitalism apart from forms of political capitalism, including crony capitalism and welfare capitalism, which rely on coercive government action to operate successfully.
Then for a brief history, here is Chapter 1 of the book "Capitalism: A short History". It's basically all about "class struggle".
submitted by MightyMoosePoop to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:30 erickvxaf (Selling) Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire 4K / Shrek: 4-Movie Collection 4K / Arthur the King / Knox Goes Away / Kung Fu Panda 4 4K / Dune: 2-Movie Collection 4K / Dune: Part Two 4K / Imaginary / The American Society of Magical Negroes

Multiple copies, 4K are $10, HD are $8, except noted. PayPal only.
Anyone But You - MA/VUDU - HD Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom - MA/VUDU - HD/4K Arthur the King - VUDU or iTunes - HD/4K - $10 Drive-Away Dolls - MA/VUDU - HD - $10 Dune: Part Two - MA/VUDU - 4K - $13 Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - MA - 4K - $16 Imaginary - VUDU or iTunes - HD/4K - $10 Knox Goes Away - VUDU or iTunes - HD/4K - $10 Kung Fu Panda 4 - MA/VUDU - 4K - $15 Lisa Frankenstein - MA/VUDU - HD - $10 Madame Web - MA/VUDU - HD/4K Mean Girls (2024) - VUDU or iTunes - 4K Migration - MA/VUDU - 4K Next Goal Wins - MA/VUDU - HD Night Swim - MA/VUDU - HD - $10 Ocean's Trilogy - MA/VUDU - 4K - $15 Ordinary Angels - VUDU or iTunes - HD/4K - $10 Poor Things - MA/VUDU - HD Priscilla - VUDU - HD Shrek: 4-Movie Collection - MA - 4K - $25 Silent Night - VUDU or iTunes - 4K Thanksgiving - MA/VUDU - HD The Abyss - MA/VUDU - 4K The American Society of Magical Negroes - MA/VUDU - HD - $10 The Beekeeper - VUDU - HD/4K The Color Purple (2023) - MA/VUDU - 4K The Holdovers - MA/VUDU - HD The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - VUDU or iTunes - 4K The Iron Claw - VUDU - HD The Marsh King's Daughter - VUDU or iTunes - HD/4K The Marvels - MA/VUDU - 4K Trolls Band Together - MA/VUDU - 4K Wonka - MA/VUDU - HD/4K
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submitted by erickvxaf to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:25 AdamLuyan 12.2 Four Meditation

12.2 Four Meditation
This article is excerpted from Chapter 2, Section 2 of the Unified Compilation of Buddhist Substantiations.

12.2.1 First Meditation (cf. fig. 12.0-8)

In the first meditation, the migrator necessarily sits with the cross-legged sitting (aka lotus flower seat) to adjust intents along breaths, intentionally dwells from rough to slim, and steps up from Desire Boundary (cf. fig. 12.0-23) stillness. After that, the body and heart are easily emptied, migrator is losing the body of desire boundary, sitting in the head and hands cannot be seen, the bed is like a void. That is nonarrival stillness, which can give birth to first meditation, is the convenience of the first meditation, aka future meditation. When this phase has been obtained, do not be alarmed at first, and do not rejoice, for surprises can attract devils. Don't tell people about it; if you do, it will be lost forever and cannot be regained, like planting a tree and not exposing its roots.
If in nonarrival land stillness, migrator enters the stillness deeper and deeper, body and heart are silently vague, can’t see inside and outside. Or after one day, up to seven days, or one month up to a year, the still heart isn’t damaged, and is guarded to grow, migrator suddenly feels that body and heart are condensation like, surging and urgingly to move. When the time to move, migrator also feel gradually have a body, such as clouds and shadows are forming, or rise from the top, or rise from the bottom, or arouse from the waist, gradually spread all over the body. The top arousal is more retreating, and the bottom arousal is more advancing.
At the time of touch movements are surging up, there are infinite merits and virtues; here is a brief description of the ten kinds of benevolent laws and their affiliations aroused aggregately: 1. stillness, 2. emptiness, 3. clarity, 4. delightfulness, 5. laugh, 6. the birth of benevolent heart, 7. explicitly knows and views, 8. non-accumulative emancipation, 9. manifestation of environmental boundaries, 10. heart adjusted soft and docile. Such are the ten kinds of victorious wonderful fortunate virtuous majestic touch laws, and that is a brief description of initial movement phenomena of touch. As such, or after one day, or after ten days, or after one month, four months, even a year, that affair has passed, and there are other touches, which occur in succession, but there is no certainty before and after, hence name of First Meditation (i.e., fig. 12.0-8).
The rest of the touches, preceding saying is the first, 2. itchy, 3. cool, 4. warm, 5. light, 6. heavy, 7. astringent, and 8. slippery. There are also eight other touches: 1. falling, 2. ripple, 3. cold, 4. hot, 5. floating, 6. sinking, 7. hard, and 8. soft. These eight and the first eight are the same, but the fine distinction is not without small differences. These sixteen touches, along each arousal, all have ten kinds of benevolent juristic fortunate virtuous family dependents. Because of nonarrival stillness, migrator aroused such etc. fortunes and virtues of touch, and are therefore called initial arousal of First Meditation. And are the four immaculate Big Seeds of the color boundary (cf. section 11.2), which emanate from the body of desire boundary.
From this point on, migrator who has given up the five desires and the five veils of desire boundary, attains the five fortunes and virtues of the first meditation: perception, view, delight, laugh, and one heart. The five desires are: color desire, sound desire, fragrance desire, taste desire, and touch desire. The five veils are: greedily desire, irritation & indignity, sleep, frustration & regret, and suspicion (cf. section 14.2 Names of Annoyances).
  1. Perception Branch, initial heart on the objective is named as perception, that is to say, the migrator based on nonarrival aroused first meditation, its heart had a great shockingly perception that Desire Boundary’s body roots touched by Color Boundary’s immaculate color laws. At that time, the immediate born body senses perceiving the color touches, are never-had fortunate virtues and profitable benefits, so the name of Perception Branch.
  2. View Branch, to deliberately discern is named as view, the saying is that Migrator has proved the fortunes and virtues of first meditation, that is to say, with a fine heart to distinguish those wonderful fortunate virtuous color laws among the meditational stillness, with clear environments and boundaries, without all those veil covers. Thus etc. merits and virtues, desire boundary does not have, so the name of view branch.
  3. Delight Branch, delightful celebration heart is named as delight, that is to say, when the migrator was just arousing meditation, there was delight, but the distinguishment had not been completed, so the delightful heart was not fully formed. If viewing heart discerns like that, the delight of desire boundary given up is very little; now has guarded and attained the first meditation, the benefits are great, after thinking in this way, joyful delight is infinite, hence the Delight Branch.
  4. Laugh Branch, harmoniously pleasant, agreeably pleasure is named as laugh, that is to say, when the first meditation was just arising, migrator immediately had laugh, but discerning delight tranquilized surging movements of heart, then agreeably secluded in peace, accepting pleasures of laugh touches, so it is called the Laugh Branch. (Annotation, for the difference between delight and laugh, see Section 11.4.2 Acceptance Node.)
  5. One Heart Branch means that heart and stillness are one. It is said that when the migrator proofed the first meditation, that was a stillness of immediate landing, and the heart is still based on hearts of delight and laugh, so there is a slight dispersion. After the delight and laugh are rested, the natural heart and stillness are united as one, so name of One Heart Branch.
If the sitting meditation practitioner is among human beings (cf. Fig 12.0-18) and attains this fundamental first Meditation, without losing or retreating, then when life is over, depending on the depth of one's first meditation power, one is bound to be born in the Godly Crowd Sky, Godly Assistant Sky, or Great God Sky (refers to illustration 12.0-8, and section 13.2.1), and this is the cause of first meditation skies.

12.2.2 Second Meditation (cf. fig. 12.0-7)

In the second meditation (cf. 12.0-7), if in the first meditation, a migrator is satiated perceptive views, enters the middle meditation; on the nonarrival land, concentration does not stop. Afterward, the heart is strikingly open, brightly immaculate; still heart and delight concurrently arouse, fully with four branches of merits and virtues, namely, internal immaculateness, delight, laugh, and one heart.
  1. Internal Immaculateness Branch is saying that the heart is free from the turbulence of perceptive views. When desiring to leave the first meditation, migrator did kinds of denouncing reprimanding to perceptive views; perceptive views faded, then heart became quiet, without any disquietudes. The heart corresponds to the immaculate color laws, openly bright and quiet, hence the name Internal Immaculateness.
  2. Delight Branch, delightfully celebrating heart is the name of delight, that is to say, when meditator first gets the inner quietness, that is, with the delight concurrently arising, but the delightful heart is not fully formed. Later, the heart of self-celebration to be free from the faults of perceptive views, is delighted by the internal immaculateness gain of the victorious stillness, the joyful delight is infinite, hence the name of Delight Branch.
  3. Laugh Branch, cheerfully agreeable pleasant is named as laugh. It is said that the migrator's surges of delightful feelings have been rested, then an agreeably quiet mind, enjoyably accepting the pleasantly laugh of internal immaculateness, hence the name of Laugh Branch.
  4. One Heart Branch means that the heart and the stillness are one. The saying is that the migrator’s delight and laugh happy heart rest, then the heart and the stillness are one, stagnant, so it is called One Heart Branch.
This is called the fundamental second meditation. If a human practices the sitting meditation and gains this, according to its shallow and deep, after life definitely will be born in lesser light sky, infinite light sky, or light sound sky (refer to Fig 12.0-7, and section 13.2.2). The second meditation is the cause of the second meditation skies.

12.2.3 Third Meditation (cf. fig. 12.0-6)

If in the second meditation, migrator is satiated with delightful phenomena, leaves, enters middle meditation. In nonarrival land (or meditation), migrator pacifies his heart, doesn’t depend on inner and outer, concurrently stillness and laugh surge up, is fully with the five branches of merits and virtues: renunciation, spell, gnosis, laugh, and one heart.
  1. Renunciation Branch, relinquishing delight without regret is named as renunciation. When a migrator wants to leave the second meditation, scolds the delight of second meditation; then the delight fades, and the third meditation arises. Wanting to proof the laugh of the third meditation (cf. fig. 12.0-6), one should give up the delight of the second meditation without regret, hence the name of Renunciation, alias Third Meditation Laugh. When it is newly born, is No.1 among the Three Boundaries (which means the whole Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds, cf. fig. 12.0), can generate obsession. If heart obsesses it, the meditation will be broken, so it is necessary to perform the Renunciation.
  2. Spell Branch, spell is name for mumbles of love. The saying is that migrator who have aroused the laugh of third meditation, laugh from within, should be nourished by love spells, then the laugh grows, and even spreads all over the body. Such as a merciful mother who reads her son, nurtures by love spellings, hence it is called Spell Branch.
  3. Gnosis Branch, heart of interpreting know is named as gnosis. Migrator has aroused the laugh of third meditation, which is delicate and wonderful, and hard to have it grown up. If not having benevolent smart interpreting gnosis, migrator can’t expediently adopt and raise it long enough to fulfill whole body.
  1. Laugh Branch, agreeably pleasure is named as laugh. After migrator has aroused third meditation laugh, if can utilize renunciation, spell, and gnosis to guard the laugh, then it will not just pass away, will grow all over the body, pleasant and peaceful. Third meditation is the most laugh; after third meditation, there isn’t pervasively bodily laugh anymore in further to go.
  2. One Heart Branch, heart and stillness are one, hence One Heart. When the heart of accepting laugh is cessative, the heart and stillness merge as one, transparently stagnant, immovability. Annotation, stillness is a position of Circumstantial Heartland Laws; among all Buddhist 100 laws, only Spell, Stillness, and Gnosis (i.e., heart of interpreting knows, a kind of intelligence), the three laws can hold the heart (i.e., mind).
This is called the Fundamental Third Meditation. Such as a human does the sitting meditation and obtains this, according to its deep and shallow, after life will be born in the Maculate Sky, Immaculate Sky, or Bliss Sky (refers to fig. 12.0-6, and section 13.2.3). This is the cause for the third meditation skies.

12.2.4 Fourth Meditation (cf. fig. 12.0-5)

Fourth Meditation (cf. 12.0-5), if, in the third meditation, a migrator is averse to law of laugh and sees the excesses deeply, he enters the middle meditation. The heart is free from dispersion and has attained the “nonarrival land stillness”. Afterwards, the still heart secludes, migrator’s inward and outward breathing ceases, has achieved the four branches of merits and virtues: neither bitter nor laugh, renunciation, spelling immaculateness, one heart.
  1. Neither Bitter nor Laugh Branch, neither bitter nor laugh is neutral heart. When the migrator desired to leave third meditation, for kinds of causes, scolded the laughs. Laughs faded; then the Immovability Stillness is surging up concurrently with renunciation, therefore migrator’s internal heart is bright tranquility, is neither bitter nor laugh.
  2. Renunciation Branch, leaving laugh without regret is named as renunciation. After migrator achieved the fourth meditation, the immovability true stillness, then not regretting the abandonment of third meditation’s laugh, therefore name of Renunciation Branch. Also, the saying that when proofing fourth meditation, the Immovability Stillness, should not fetch stillness, arouse spelling heart; if heart migrates on renunciation, there is not the convenience of utilizing spell.
  3. Spell Immaculateness Branch. Spell is mumbling of love. The saying is that when migrator gains the fourth meditation, should spell the faults of the lower land, but also reads own merits and virtues, the convenience of nurture, so as not to lose, into the victorious grade, so it is called the Spell. Also, the saying that in fourth meditation, there is immovable illumination, correct spells are lucidly clear, therefore name of Spell Branch.
  4. One Heart Branch, the heart and the stillness are oneness, hence One Heart Branch. That is to say that migrator has been fourth meditation, but also with renunciative spells to guard, then heart has not reliant, deadly crystallized silence, one heart in stillness, as if the mirror does not move, no waves of pure water, clear and light, all phenomena are on manifestations.
This is the name of Fundamental Fourth Meditation. If a human sits meditation and gain this, according to its deep or shallow, after life definitely is reborn in No Cloud Sky, Fortune Birth Sky, or Broad Fruit Sky, etc. nine skies. This stillness is cause for the fourth meditation skies.
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submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:15 Beautiful_Sell_8488 Is it working? Almost no clotting

Hi all.
Took the Mife at 09:30 am yesterday 06/06. Inserted vaginally the 4 Miso this morning at 09:50 am 07/06.
By around 10:30 cramps began, and by 11:10 I started experiencing diarrhoea and bleeding.
At 13:00pm I inserted a further two Miso (though I was bleeding and had to get up for the toilet at 13:30 for a number two) so worried it might not have fully dissolved.
Been having quite a bit of bleeding and INTENSE cramping (I can’t use pain medication for medical reasons) however I have only had 1 clot with the first bit of bleeding and it was around the size of my pinky nail.
I am still bleeding and cramping now 8 hours later (18:13pm) but I still have not had any clots. I am predominantly bleeding into the toilet as that is where I feel most relief.
Please let me know if you think this is successful. I had a scan yesterday and the lady told me I was around 5 weeks 6 days so around 6 weeks exactly today. Need some reassurance ❤️ Thank you lovely people
submitted by Beautiful_Sell_8488 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:14 DryClothes2894 If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit

If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit
Alright so Ive started to get sick of seeing every single day like 5 or 6 new posts about FPS drops and overall performance losses, and a lot of comments about "The game is poorly oPtiMiZeD" and so forth. Half the folks don't even bother listing their specs, very helpful (not)
The truth is a double edged sword here.
One being that, it really isnt as bad as people think (read why later), and two, people forget all the time that this is THE Unreal Engine demo-game, that all the new features of UE are tested on before getting put out for use in other new game releases that use the engine. This game is always going to be on the bleeding edge as they rapidly advance game technology and innovate. All things considered, it really is pretty impressive it still even runs on the decade old PS4 and similar devices.
Now there are a few specific folks on here who CONSTANTLY are complaining about "game optimization" and yet they are on ancient hardware that was low end when Fortnite came out 7 years ago, one guy literally has a GTX 870 that predates this game by a good 3 years (March 2014 release date), over a decade old now. People, you know who you are, stop complaining.
Now onto the next points, addressing both why people think its worse than it is (and what created this problem) and then how to fix things for the most part on your system, aside from external variables out of my control such as crap software like antivirus RGB perhipheral software game launchers etc.
The first problem of how we got here, is mostly due to the lack of good information, and the spread of information that is just wrong. Most of this is top down in a viscous cycle as follows:
Pro playestreameetc doesnt know much about hardware, just plays the game, thats why they're good.
Said player starts to have problems with FPS etc
They then reach out to a "tweaker" on like Twitter to get their PC "optimized"
This is because player has money and can pay for services rather than learn this stuff himself.
Tweaker doesnt really know what he's doing or what impact certain settings have
Tweaker changes a bunch of stuff that he probably shouldn't, stuff that hes copying from other "tweakers"
System seems better to placebo affect, player promotes tweaker on socials, "Thanks to X for fixing my FPS!"
FPS boost YT kids scavenge and investigate thru like stream vods to see what changes were made
FPS boost YT kids then, also not knowing what these settings do, turn this into content
Content, that makes them money, regardless of whether it actually does anything meaningful
This information of supposed "fixes" then gets circulated around, via other YT kids or Reddit or etc
These "fixes" really just make things worse overall because they disable proper functionality of the OS
Now you have lots of players all doing the same "fixes" by their favorite FPS boosters
They all do these tweaks because they trust the person with a microphone
And now you have a bunch of people running settings and tweaks that are overall detrimental to performance
And then everyone, including the FPS YT kids (who dont know anything) all say "The game is poorly optimized"
This goes for people even like Jerian, Codelife, Marrentm, Lestripez (his site is straight up malware, avoid) etc
You know these guys dont know anything when they say that free space on your disk equates to more FPS, which is why they always tell you to delete temp files and stuff, it doesnt matter unless the disk is full.
If you watch these guys streams too, you can see their FPS is usually all over the place, because their "fixes" dont actually do anything beneficial.
I see a lot of times too where someone gets their PC "optimized" and then weeks later is getting BSODs, because the tweakers messed with a lot of stuff that they didn't know how it works, but saw from someone else, such as changing lots of registry values, dangerously unstable overclocks, and so forth.
I can stand behind my work because I have a youtube channel for gameplay, and my FPS is at a LOCKED 240 the entire time in 1440p DX12 on high settings, its linked in my reddit profile if you care to see for yourself any of my recent videos.
The "oPtiMiZaShUn" of Fortnite is relatively fine, and Epic certainly can't fix a problem they didn't create, a problem that has been created by these FPS boosters.
ANYWAYS now that we have the backstory for the major half of the problem, lets tackle the other side in regards to the hardware itself, assuming the configuration of the game is fine, Ill address configuration next.
Now I have spent quite a long amount of time the past few years deep diving into what really makes this game run well and what holds it back in regards to performance, and when it comes down to just raw hardware, assuming the configuration is fine and not full of snake oil, the game, like other Unreal Engine titles and multiplayer games in general, is very memory bottleknecked. That is the throughput and bandwidth of your RAM affects the games overall performance significantly.
This is why you can get low CPU and GPU utilization, and the game still runs poorly, aside from the utilization metrics being very skewed with how modern hardware works, its not perfect measurement, but still illustrates a point for the most part, but essentially your ram bandwidth is saturated or the ram latency is high and holding reduntant tasks up because it takes longer than it needs.
The reason for this is that in a BR type multiplayer game, you not only have a large open world map with a diverse destructible enviroment, but then you throw 100 players on to it that all are doing lots of things, making changes to said enviroment thru activities, construction, destruction, combat, etc.
All this information about what these players are doing (at least the ones in your render distance) has to get stored and read in and out of system memory as stuff happens in real time, this is why FPS tends to be low in stacked endgames with lots of players in a concentrated area, its saturating your memory bandwidth trying to keep up with all the constantly updating information about all the players and what theyre doing.
This is why AMDs line of X3D CPUs are super strong in games like this, because the cache is essentially turbocharged RAM running at almost a terabyte a second. having fast access cache for redundant tasks can speed the process of all this constant transfer up significantly.
Its also the kryptonite for why older Intel CPUs like 8th 9th 10th Gen etc, all really struggle these days, because they have significantly less cache than their AMD counterparts from the same time periods.
And its also the principle of how a certain special device that is now becoming more known technically works, its called Direct Memory Access because its reading the location and info of the players from your RAM and sending that to another device whether PC, Rasberry Pi, etc.
Ill have more information at the bottom for more specific stuff in regards to RAM, but the cliff notes is that enabling XMP is important, but it does leave a good bit on the table, and too many generic kits, especially DDR5, are really bad on the settings they come with out of the box. This is why people think the game runs bad on high end PCs, that come with generic DDR5 kits that have atrocious timings.
Again, more info on this aspect of things at the bottom.
BUUUUT leaving all that aside for now, lets get into what you can do right now that should fix a lot of your FPS problems, no overclocking or any BS snake oil tweaks, just proper configuration thats surprisingly close to stock, you'll be surprised at the amount of settings that don't actually matter.
Ive spent over a year now doing consulting with numerous people thru either Reddit DMs or Discord, helping many peoples game go from zero to hero, some rags to riches stories for sure. (most of it is undoing snake oil from FPS booster kids) and thru that I have developed a shotgun approach that generally is the gist of what needs to be done, and its had a pretty solid success rate.
DISCLAIMER, I am not telling you to do things that I wouldn't or have not already done countless times on all of my many test machines, but you still do this at your own risk and so obviously be precautious, but rest assured I know what all this stuff does.
So obviously starting off things, you probably wanna do some basic housekeeping
Get rid of any garbage software you dont use and stuff that just runs in the background, like
RGB software, ASUS Aura Sync/Armory Crate are HOGS
Extra Anti-Virus software aside from Defender (Especially Norton and MCaffe
(You dont need it, just get a adblocker and dont go to sketchy sites, the antivirus companies sell the viruses to malware companies, and then sell you a solution to the problem they create, classic marketing, dont buy into it)
Double movement software *can* also be a hog in some cases, use ingame diagonals if possible
Controller interfacing/overclocking software can be a massive offender of bogging things down
High polling rate mouses and keyboards like 8000Khz, 4000Khz, eat up CPU cycles, just use 1000.
Also undo any existing exotic FPS booster tweaks, if youve made a lot of changes over the past years it may be a good idea to install fresh windows from USB, I reccomend Windows 11 22H2, its generally performed the best on all my numerous systems, you can get an ISO from the internet archive, but do whatever you want for OS.
Its also beneficial to turn off Virtualization/SVM in the BIOS, with it on windows sandboxes the OS and it does create a mesuarable hit to performance.
Next thing is basic windows changes, starting with HAGS. Most GPUs support it so if you have it it is beneficial to turn this on. Search "Graphics settings" in the settings search and click the first result. Then once in there hit the link for Change Default Graphics Settings. Once there enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.
The second option is also beneficial for if you want to run a stretched resolution that requires you to be in Windowed Fullscreen mode, as this uses Flip to give you the same input delay as if you were on Fullscreen.
This leads into the next thing, which is DONT have the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" box checked for your Fortnite EXE file, this disables Flip functionality for Fullscreen on modern games especially DX12 that dont use old Exclusive fullscreen, so you get more input delay as the game runs in bad window fullscreen, and your alt tabbing takes longer too, Flip offers much lower latency than old exclusive fullscreen with faster alt tab support.
Like if you read it, it litterally says your disabling optimizations, dont listen to boneheads on youtube who think this does anything, your just giving yourself more input delay.
Now into graphics drivers, its always a good idea to run DDU or Display Driver Uninstalller from time to time, to clean everything out with the shader caches and reset settings. There also is the fact that a lot of the newer drivers from Nvidia are a dumpster fire right now, its never a good idea to constantly update them. Now AMD can be the same way too, but in most of my consults Ive not experienced any problems just running DDU and installing the latest once supported by the card. You can always run DDU again and install a different driver and find one that works best for you.
On Nvidia I tend to prefer 537.58 or 551.86, the former is a bit older than some of the 4060 and Super variants of the 40 series so you may need a slightly newer one but 4070 and older are just fine with this.
For downloading specific versions just google it, make sure you get the right one for either desktop or notebook variants depending on what your on.
I get the best lows on 537.58 but 551.86 has slightly better average FPS and feels a bit snappier at times, but of course you can DDU and try as many as you like till you find one you like.
The DDU tool itself is pretty self explanatory, select on the right GPU and then the appropriate option for your GPU whether it be Nvidia or AMD (or Intel for ARC and iGPU users), and then hit clean and restart. Once back on the desktop install fresh drivers.
From there on the Nvidia side of things, the only settings in here that really matter (aside from setting your monitor refresh rate of course) is setting your Shader Cache size to Unlimited, and setting PhysX to your graphics card instead of having on auto select. On auto this can sometimes run physics on the CPU and give you nintendo switch framerates when builds are breaking and etc.
All that other crap doesnt make much of a difference if at all, lets move on to your Epic launcher.
Now in your library go to your Fortnite install options. The big thing is dont have High Res textures installed, doesnt look any different, and have the DX12 Shaders and Cosmetic Streaming disabled, it sometimes is called Predownloaded Assets or something.
Fun fact about the Pre-download Assets option, I am partially the reason it exists, as back during the May 4th update for Chapter 4 Season 2 last year, they removed the old settings and fuctionality for texture streaming, forcing the game to constantly hog internet bandwidth downloading textures on the fly as players were in your render distance, creating constant packet loss if you werent on 10 Gig Fiber.
Through a handfull of reddit posts, a video detailing the behaivour, and emails, I was able to get thru to the developers and ask them for this option to download everything ahead of time, because SSD storage is cheap whereas fast internet isnt even available in a lot of places.
Everyone has theyre own mark on this game, mine is a setting that everyone uses because its so beneficial.
ANYWAAYYS so now we got that done, lets go to the manage page.
In here you really only want the -NOTEXTURESTREAMING command, this is different from the assets one as this affects game textures like map roads grass buildings etc, not the player skins like the other one does. Having this in there essentially cuts down on CPU and memory traffic by loading everything into your RAM ahead of time rather than constantly move it around, this helps with pop in and hitching.
The other ones litterally dont affect shipping releases of the game, only content cooking on dev builds.
Alright so now assuming youve done everything correctly, lets get into building a shader cache for your game. A lot of this has been moved to be done during loading screens, so if your loading in on DX12 with fresh drivers, your CPU is gonna be working hard.
If your not on DX12, just switch it and restart, most GPUs these days run DX12 anyways, DX11 is not worth using at all, and Performance mode is held back by crappy DX11, but if you must use it just change your settings on DX12/11 pages and then load performance mode back up.
For this though were assuming your using DX12 cause it really is just built better, especially for Radeon cards, so let get into shader caching.
Now a big thing here is turn off Nvidia Reflex, because its only beneficial if you are completely GPU bound, which is impossible if you run low settings and or cap your frames. It manages your frame buffer by slowing the CPU to prevent the GPU from getting behind, but if your not GPU bound your game will just feel like crap. You also will get much more consistent input delay with it off, and stuff like shotgun not shooting twitchy framerate generally goes away as well.
Just cap your FPS right below whatever you average around, even a 3060 with DLSS balanced can run 144 on High DX12 1440p, which leads into the next thing, being that higher settings help with better caching. Obviously after a few rounds once the stutter from caching is done you can put it on low, but run something like this to start. Cap FPS, fullscreen, DX12.
This runs even like 70 FPS at native 1080p on a 1660. Just drive around for a few games visiting all the biomes and POIs till it evens itself out, then switch back to low or whatever you want for settings once its cached.
If you want DX12 to look like performance mode, put render distance on Low, that runs a locked 160 on a 2060 laptop GPU with a 9th gen i7.
The big thing is setting your cap below what your averaging for frames because consistent frames are better than high frames, and youll get less delay if you arent GPU bound. You may need to play with it to find what works best for you.
Assuming im not forgetting anything this should be close to about it for what you gotta do, lmk how this goes for you, if its still running bad you can always try different nvidia drivers and a windows reinstall if you feel ambituos.
Otherwise yea this should get you a fair bit of improvement, now onto extra stuff.
Now in regards to RAM overclocking, I spent months heavily studying memory tuning and overclocking because of the difference it really makes having good ram with all the timings tightened down, theres a reason on my main system I run DDR5-8000 with all the timings and subtimings tightened way down, its not for everyone but for a hardware enthusiast like me I like that last extra bit, and it results in great dividends on the 1% lows.
This of course has spent a lot of time on rigorous stress testing to ensure its absolute stability, dont OC memory if you dont know how to stabilize it, it will slowly corrupt your OS and will make your game run like crap as modern ram has a lot of error correction built in that comes at a performance hit.
My lowly 5800X has no problem maxing out a 3080Ti at a steady 300 FPS on DX12 thanks to its tuned Samsung B Die ram, putting good ram on my 5900X nearly doubled my FPS over the garbage that was on there.
If you want to dive into the world of learning how to identify what ram you have and overclock it properly, theres github guides and plenty of existing resources on the overclocking subreddit, as well as youtube content by guys like Actually Hardcore Overclocking AKA Buildzoid, I learned so much from watching his videos of reacting and critiquing other peoples ram timings, and then diving into his own ram overclocking content.
He even has a great guide for DDR5 on Ryzen 7000 with Hynix memory (almost any 6000 CL30 2x16 kit) that offers some timings that should work for most kits just fine and offer much improvement over stock, just ignore the part about 2033 FCLK as that was simply a bug with AGESA that made the ram run at 6100MT/s which is why it WAS faster, just run 2000 FCLK for DDR5 6000.
It is a valuable skill to learn how to tune ram as it can breathe new life into a underperforming system, but you cant teach a bird how to fly as it is an acquired skill, so if you want to really make this game fly, you should learn how to tune your ram.
submitted by DryClothes2894 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:12 binsap SpaceX Starship Accomplishes First Soft Splashdown in Flight 4 Mission

SpaceX successfully achieved the first soft splashdown of its Starship and Super Heavy Booster on the Flight 4 mission. This mission, which took place on June 6, 2024, marked an important milestone in SpaceX's goal of developing a mostly reusable rocket system.
Mission Details:
The launch, named Flight 4, was conducted from SpaceX's development facility in Starbase, Texas.
The Starship rocket, standing at 121 meters (397 feet) tall, consisted of Booster 11 (Super Heavy Booster) and Ship 29 (Starship upper stage).
The mission aimed to push the rocket deeper into the atmosphere during reentry, specifically through maximum heating.
Soft Splashdown:
Unlike previous missions, Flight 4 saw a soft splashdown of both the Super Heavy Booster and the Starship upper stage.
The Super Heavy Booster (Booster 11) and the Starship upper stage (Ship 29) successfully landed in the Gulf of Mexico.
Challenges and Improvements:
During Flight 3, the upper stage experienced an uncontrollable roll, preventing a relight of one of its engines. SpaceX determined that clogging of the valves responsible for roll control was the likely cause. To address this, additional roll control thrusters were added to upcoming Starships for improved redundancy and upgraded hardware for better resilience to blockage.
The Super Heavy Booster from the previous flight experienced premature shutdown of six out of 13 Raptor engines during the boostback burn. This was attributed to filter blockage in the engine oxygen turbopumps. To improve propellant filtration capabilities, additional hardware will be added inside the oxygen tanks of future Super Heavy boosters.
Future Plans:
Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, expressed the intention to attempt catching the Super Heavy Booster using the launch tower's "chopsticks" on the next flight
submitted by binsap to shareyourview [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:12 jacky986 White Collar Main Cast (Minus Elizabeth) vs Elias's organization and HR (Person of Interest)

This is an idea that's been in my head for a while now and I wanted to post it here to see if it is plausible. Here's what happens:
In the first episode of the 3rd season Jones is stunned and Neal is kidnapped at the Fencing club by a group of highly trained professionals. He is taken to a secret location and interrogated about the whereabouts of his friend Ellen. The professionals leave before the FBI arrive and Neal, out of fear for Ellen's safety, decides to reveal her and his past to Peter in order to try and protect her. Unfortunately, Pratt's people still manage to get to her and the evens of Season 4 episodes 5 - 16 play out a season early but this time Peter manages to arrest James and deliver evidence of Pratt's corruption. As a result of this and Neal's past success with other cases, the U.S. Probation office decides to hold a hearing to discuss commuting Neal's sentence.
At first it seems like things are looking up but then Neal gets a visit from the leader of the men who kidnapped him. The leader is Scarface (Anthony Marconi) who reveals to Neal that his boss (Elias) arranged for him to get an early release so he can work for them. And if Neal refuses, they will go after everyone he cares about. At this point Neal decides to play along in order to figure out what he is up against.
A time skip occurs where Neal remains as a consultant but a paid one this time. After his first day at work Neal gets a call from Scarface who has a job for him. He wants Neal to rob file box about Marlene Elias's murder from the NYPD records office. Neal succeeds and once word gets back to him that the knife from the file box was used to kill Marlene Elias's murder it doesn't take him long to figure out that Elias is the one he is working for. He contemplates telling Peter but during a job to arrest Russian Mobsters (Ice Breaker) the NYPD raid the Russians and arrest Neal who is working undercover. Turns out the cops are "HR" and they take the Neal and the Russian Leader out onto the waterfront where they execute the latter and warn the former not to cross Elias. As a result, Neal decides to keep his mouth shut and doesn't tell Peter or the FBI. While this is all going-on Elias assigns him to decode Chapter 13 of the Mosconi codex to discover the whereabouts of the Hope Diamond's twin. He also hires Rebecca to keep tabs on Neal and his associates.
But Peter being Peter eventually finds out about Elias and HR after he and Neal discover that Rebecca is a former spy. During the investigation of Rebecca's apartment, they discover that she has been keeping a file on someone named "Charlie Burton". He and Neal decide to go and pay him a visit and they end up rescuing him from a Russian hit squad. While hiding from the Russians, Charlie confesses that he has been blackmailed into Elias into being an informant for him. Initially they believe him.After they escape from the hitmen, and take their leader Lazlo prisoner, they get a call from Elias's people who have taken Mozzie and Theo hostage. They want to do a prisoner exchange and although they are reluctant, they agree. During the exchange, Charlie reveals himself as Elias and offers not to go after them provided they stay out of his campaign to takeover the New York Underworld. Naturally, after everything he has put them through they decline and they decide to go after Elias and HR.
So who do you think would win? Neal, Peter and the rest of the White Collar Cast (Sans Elizabeth who is sent out-of-state for her own safety) or Elias's organization and HR?
submitted by jacky986 to PersonOfInterest [link] [comments]