Slot car review ho

Am I Gifted?

2024.05.14 00:39 CAPTNBALLS Am I Gifted?

So I am not sure if I have abilities others don't or if I am more sensitive than the average person,
Background, I grew up in a haunted house but never experienced anything really outside of feeling like someone may be watching me, I had heard from other family what they had experienced when I was too young to remember.
As I got older I have always been different from most, however I have some mental issues, bipolar,ptsd,anxiety,addiction
I've always had vary vivid dreams from a young age, as I've gotten older I was very depressed and stuck to myself being homeschooled after the fith grade, I got into drugs at 17 and became addicted to various substances plus my mental illness went wild, however I no longer take substances outside of cannabis and mushrooms. I'm also as stable as I can been on medications.
As I moved out of the house at 13 to another I would get nightmares being in the old house and I would be getting tormented by spirits, It started as just a haunted house trying to scare me, then I got mad because of the occurrence and would be in a vivid dream taunting it, never really winning it would laugh or only show itself when it wanted to not me.
In my dreams I will see my loved ones like normal but be able to tell that isn't them and will notice and then my dreams get weird and I either wake up or try to get away, I'm aware now and don't get them as often but it was terrifying at a point.
I got into reading the satanic bible, lucifieran bible and necronomicon, at one point, during this I had a vivid dream I wasn't on this planet and went to a place that was dark with odd terain and glowing green water, however I had a dream I was going into a church and instead of a normal pastor it was a demonic one and had a cloak over his face , I had a rosary with a bone and gave it to him, accepting that I don't have power in my dreams and am sorry for taunting the spirits in my reoccurring nightmares, it went down to know I only have them rarely and know what's going on everytime it happens again.
During my addictions I have experienced sleep paralysis and it was terrifying, like a demonic smoke figure in a cloak looking at me feeding of the fear,
I have had my aunt pass and visit me in my dreams, I have had my grandpa pass and visit me in my dreams, I didn't get to say goodbye, and got closure in my dream, I woke up feeling like the hug was real.
I knew the night before my grandpa passed he was going to had a gut feeling but I decided not to follow that instinct, next morning I woke up to uncle banging the door however my dream was a old guy in a room that didn't have anything, just sitting infront of me no conversation, woke up and my grandpa was gone, feel it was him but didn't wanna show me it was him yet.
Anymore my nightmares if I have them are usually still in the old house and has to do with a spirit trying to take the shape of my loved ones, I have never seen the spirit responsible, only felt it in my dreams and heard laughs when I try to be more powerful than it.
Not super long ago I had a dream a tornado was coming for me at my current house, we had stroms not super long after and while it wasn't my house it hit 30 minutes away from me and my girlfriends step dads house got hit.
I feel like I am sensitive to energy, I can sense the feelings of being watched at times, getting goosebumps and hair standing up not due to the cold but somthing around, especially when I talk to people or give them tarot card readings, I can end up with my hairs standing or goosebumps if the conversation felt like it resonates with me.
I have an amazing relationship with my girlfriend, we I belive are twin flames, so similar, almost like we can read eachothers minds at times and say the same things at the same time often or can guess what she's about to say at times, but I also feel whenever her energy shifts and so does she if mine shifts.
I can sense if a person is good or bad, I can also at times sense somthing bad a long time in advance before it actually happens. Unfortunately.
One of the best new experiences I have had was taking mushrooms with my girlfriend for healing, I do it somewhat often, helped with grief , addictions, mental health, spirituality,
It brings us closer together and helps us both to heal, I didn't know it was possible but we managed to be able to use our energy on eachother while tripping and have what feels like full on sex without any touching involved, it can last for a long time too, this has happened the last 3-4 times we have tripped once we discovered how to tap into each other's minds. It's almost better than having actual sex, I feel like we leave our bodies and full on merge together as one during this time.
Now this is were it gets weird , a few days back we went to a place in amish country and once inside I noticed it felt off, however to not waste money and with everyone posting such good reviews figured we would stay and take mushrooms for healing as we do about once every month - 2 months,
I had the feeling in this house that the loft and basement were bad places to be, like being watched and feeling like there was somthing in this house, not sure what but something the first floor felt the best but still uneasy,
We had grabbed a clock from downstairs, plugged things into this one outlet next to the stairs and clock prior to taking mushrooms, they were charging, clock worked. Outlet worked, downstairs had a weird sad vibe to it ,weird musty smell also Sulphur smells randomly and even the water smelled like Sulphur there was a hornet in the toilet when we got there and had to flush it, also was 2 stains on the cieling in basement, not sure if it was water leak or if someone may have passed in the house and it soaked thru the ceiling of basement.
We wanted to paint eachother as we took the mushrooms, we did this until they started to kick in and once they kicked in we went and started fear and loathing in lost vegas, once I started getting closed eye visuals and working on my innerwork, my girlfriend felt like she wanted to go downstairs to lay in bed,
We stayed in bed holding eachother , bonding, eventually tuning into eachothers energy having sex without actually having it, then we couldn't hold back anymore and actually had sex, however we stayed down there until the trip wore off, it was about 3 am and everything switched on us.
She was feeling really sad and like she wanted to leave this place, I felt like I was being watched down there and somthing bad had happened in the past, I went to go upstairs was kinda afraid to alone but eventually went upstairs because she wouldn't at the time, tried to charge my phone and the outlet and clock didn't work anymore, I had been talking about leaving the house because she was feeling targeted and I felt like it didn't like either of us but like it wanted to feed off her if she went to sleep.
We went upstairs at a point and when I was asking if there were spirit's in the house and that if so I meant no disrespect and will only be staying until we could leave in the morning safely, as I would talk about the spirits seemed like my girlfriend would feel sick, same as being in the bed, very sad while downstairs.
I opened a bible and it was weird it didn't even feel like real paper , it also was moving by itself somewhat like working against me or moving for me to point out things, the clock on the wall was moving way faster than normal after this,
I tried getting her to leave , I didn't want to stay anylonger but knew we had to wait until sunlight atleast, she fell asleep and I was sitting next to her in this erie basement, had to turn the fan on because felt like if it was quiet I would loose it, what's not normal is the fact that she went to sleep and didn't really move, make sounds or anything like usual. I felt like I could hear people upstairs as she was asleep, almost like music was playing or a man signing and it was on repeat it would come and go, such low volume but also loud , the fan in the mix didn't help but I didn't wanna hear it anylouder.
I ended up trying to sleep and kinda did for a few hours but no dream I was hoping I would have a vivid dream of what happened in this house.
In the morning got our stuff packed up and left, before leaving I had used a ghost box. Told the spirit we were about to leave and as my girlfriend was going to the car it talked, then when she came back inside I left the ghostbox going and it talked while we were both there. I told it that we are leaving and this is your house but you are not welcome to come with us. Right as I opened the door I got a whiff of sulphur and as we left the house sulphur smell followed for a while.
Went to a shop got sage, used it before we got home, then yesterday unpacked from our trip and I made the joke about hopefully nothing came back with us from there. I went fishing and used the scissors from the house, i forgot to put them back so I have them. I saged our room, bags, clothes and once I found it left it outside in our burn barrel, didn't wanna risk it being in the house.
Last night we should have gotten good rest tho and we did not so I wonder if it had to do with those scissors coming from that house. đŸ€”
Anyways, long story but honest opinion would be helpful and on top of that if theres a way to strengthen my senses and all that would love to know!
submitted by CAPTNBALLS to BabyWitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:37 QuietPlant7227 Non-trad studying tips

Hey everyone
I’m years out from my undergrad/masters, currently working in healthcare-allied health, PT. Finding it hard to increase my score and figure out good strategies for HOW to review alllllll the content as well as getting a good amount of practice in. P/s, CARS are my strong areas. Struggling with c/p and b/b. I work full time managing my own caseload and two rehab clinics so studying for hours and hours a day is not feasible. I gotta figure out an efficient way to get this done. My GPA is strong, but finding out HOW to study when it can’t be the only thing I focus on is tough.
Any advice or guidance would be appreciated. Especially from those who’ve done it!
Thank you in advance!
submitted by QuietPlant7227 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 No_Possession2143 Local car shop told me not to pay and to leave after a heated argument, now they're demanding payment or will call the cops if I don't remove negative Google review

Basically I went to a shop for some brake work, and there was a miscommunication between the managers quote and my expectations for a brake flush. I just wanted a brake flush (108$) but the shop wanted to add a mandatory inspection (138$) since I told them the pedal was soft (anyone who knows cars would know after a flush, they would drive the car and let me know if the pedal is firm again). Later on the manager told me the total was 300$ (no flush was provided but apparently an "inspection" was). I politely informed him I never approved of the inspection, and I understand the impression that my issue would be answered after the post brake fluid flush test drive. After some back and forth I straight up told the manager "it's convenient how you hear things which benefit your business but not the customer" a little tongue in check joke. He took offense to that and after some arguing he told me to leave, how he didn't need my money and how he doesn't want my business. Before I left i entered the business to pay but the manager went to the back immediately. I waited in the parking lot for a couple of minutes before leaving, but was not approached by anyone so I left. Once I got home, I left a scathing Google review. I just let everything be known and left it at that
Here's the review:
"Things have changed since Charles was around. Damn shame. The current manager has poor customer skills if he gets offended by the statement "it's convenient how you hear what benefits your business but not the customer". All over the manager not quoting additional costs and fees associated with a brake fluid flush. 108$ brake fluid flush but it's mandatory that you have to pay 138$ for the inspection. So the fluid flush is actually close to 300$ with all fees. You have to make sure the car works perfectly after a flush and the post service drive and inspection should be included in the 108$ or the service of the fluid flush should have it incorporated from the start. Very predatory and not at all how this shop used to operate in decades past.
And the odds are the manager can't even accept his mistake and will scream like a little toddler as his customers. You can easily bet the manager is going to respond with a long winded statement to this review about how he's never in the wrong and how he's always in the right. It's easy to accuse your customers of always being right, when the responses to Google reviews shows an immature manager incapable of accepting that there was a miscommunication and to express how that won't happen in the future.
Do better or be better but acting sensitive over a factual statement shows how weak this business has become over the years.
Edit: 94$ for a brake fluid flush at AG, and 108$ at RG It's a sad day when the dealership is cheaper than Rg.
Edit: Jeff the manager called and threatened to call the cops on me if I don't take down the review for not paying for the inspection. The manager Jeff shouted over 2 times to get out of his office and not to pay and how he doesn't need my money. I was sitting in the parking lot for 5 minutes before I left and was not once approached by Jeff to pay. If he's threatening me like this, this is a poor taste in how this business operates."
(Names edited for privacy)
The second edit was done after the threatening phone call. Other than filing harassment charges on the business, is there anything I can do? Should I be worried about the business calling the cops on me? I tried to pay but the business owner blew me off the day of the incident and based on his word I left. If I have to pay, he's getting pennies.
submitted by No_Possession2143 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:33 needhelp-travelnoob End of summer travel with 9 month old baby

Hi all
Looking for some travel tips as our family will be traveling to Seoul at the end of August before heading to China.
We'll be in Seoul from the 24-30.
Our child will be around 9 months old, and we were only planning on bringing the stroller with us (it's an Uppababy Vista). Not sure if we should also bring his car seat. In regards to getting around, we were thinking of just getting an Ubehiring a driver to get to the little areas we wanted to check out as my MIL does not want to take the public transit at all. I've tried to convince her that the transit is safe, but she's been too wary about it (it's not a battle I would like to choose with my MIL).
We're planning on staying at the Conrad Seoul as it's one of the few that has the requirements for my MIL (she wants all of us to stay together in the room or a place with adjoining rooms).
Our rough itinerary current looks like this:
24 - grab a quick bite around the hotel and check out Hyundai Seoul / settle in to our hotel
25 - Dongdaemin Design Plaza / meat market or the seafood market
26 - Bukchon Hanok Village and maybe one or 2 of the palaces / Myeondong towards the evening/night
27 - Seoul Tower / Itaewon area
28 - Hongdae area
29 - Gangnam area
30 - explore near the hotel again, pack up, and head to the airport early
With our son being so young, we've decided not to go to Lotte World since he won't remember much.
Does anyone have any recommendations of little communities that we should definitely check out? My friends told me to check out places near the different universities for different vibes.
Does anyone have recommendations for private drivers? I know Uber works there (it calls some sort of taxi that's affiliated, which works for us). Do you know if we need to bring our car seat for the taxis?
Do you think we should purchase a travel stroller vs bringing our current one due to size?
Does anyone have any recommendations for other hotels with adjoining rooms or large enough to fit 2 double beds? I've tried to search and the very few that popped up with adjoining rooms were all sold out or I've emailed the hotel directly and they've advised that they don't have adjoining rooms (contrary to what it states on Google reviews/Tripadvisor).
Does anyone have tips for buying baby food/diapers? Should we just pick them up at a 711 or would it be better to stop by a grocery store?
Thank you!
submitted by needhelp-travelnoob to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:23 JoshJLMG What the heck, SPS?

There was a theft at my place of work... Again. It's a near-daily occurrence with many repeat offenders. The cops were called as it was happening and given updates on where the robbers were heading once they left.
5 - 10 minutes later, a bunch of patrol cars show up and patrol the area. At this point, the robbers would've already been several blocks away, so what does the SPS do? They have 4 SUVs do 4 - 5 laps of the block all in a line, like they're doing the Conga, before buggering off.
At one point, there was 6 or 7 police cruisers. They could've split up (they did initially to check nearby parking lots, but that was it), or at least check in with the store to review camera footage of the suspects and make sure everyone's okay, but nah. Just drive around in circles, that'll catch them.
I hope they did more than what I was able to see, but when you see the same 4 SUVs driving past the store for the fourth time in 10 minutes, you start to feel a little disappointed that they're not actually going to catch anyone... Again...
submitted by JoshJLMG to saskatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:18 Head_Marsupial_9192 Pricey Pitfalls: When Expensive Tastes Lead to Budget Bloat

đŸ”„ Hey everyone, here’s my rundown on the 10 things restaurants should totally avoid when picking out a POS system – because, you know, who wants to screw up their business with a bad decision, right?
  1. Forgetting About Reviews – Always read reviews. If everyone says it’s a nightmare, it probably is. Unless they’re all from competitors – then buy two.
  2. Ignoring Integration – Don’t pick a POS that doesn’t play nice with your other tech. It’s like inviting someone to a party who doesn’t get along with anyone else there. Chaos.
  3. Skimping on Features – Going for a bare-bones system? That’s like buying a car that doesn’t have a reverse gear. Sure, it drives, but where are you really going with that?
  4. Overcomplicating Things – If it needs a Ph.D. to operate, skip it. Your staff didn’t sign up to launch rockets; they just want to serve some good food.
  5. Forgetting About Support – A POS without solid support is like a parachute that might open. Might not. Do you really want to take that plunge?
  6. Paying Too Much – Don’t let them take you for a ride. Expensive doesn’t always mean better, like that $100 burger that tastes just like the one from your local diner.
  7. Ignoring Security – If the system can’t protect your data, it’s like leaving your restaurant doors unlocked all night. Who would do that, right?
  8. Forgetting Scalability – Choosing a system that can’t grow with you is like teaching a kid to ride a bike and then realizing it’s a unicycle. Not helpful.
  9. Bad User Interface – If your grandma can’t figure it out, it’s too complicated. Your POS should be simpler than making toast.
  10. Ignoring Hardware Compatibility – Make sure that shiny new system works with what you already own. You don't want to replace all your spoons just because you got new forks.
and you don’t want to end up with a lemon! 🍋👀
submitted by Head_Marsupial_9192 to PointOfSaleSystems101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:00 ctsfanatic Help with low FL

Can any high scorers help me out
Keep getting 127 on C/P & B/B for FL 1,2. Finished section bank, Bio 1/2, Chem, and Phys. Planning on doing a 2nd attempt on the questions I got wrong. I’ve thoroughly reviewed my FL. Average on AAMC qpacks are 75~80%
CARS is around 125 and I started my 2nd attempt on diagnostic. Planning on doing a 2nd attempt on CARS 1 &2. This is the weakest part of my scores
P/S went from 126 to 128 on FL 2 after doing Pankow Anki. Missed 8 questions compared to 16 on FL 1
Sample was 508, which is 505 (subtract 3 pt)
Plan on doing FL 3, 4, and scored every 3 days
Testing next Friday 😬😬 and I’d really like to get past 510 😭
submitted by ctsfanatic to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 Head_Marsupial_9192 Pricey Pitfalls: When Expensive Tastes Lead to Budget Bloat

đŸ”„ Hey everyone, here’s my rundown on the 10 things restaurants should totally avoid when picking out a POS system – because, you know, who wants to screw up their business with a bad decision, right?
  1. Ignoring Integration – Don’t pick a POS that doesn’t play nice with your other tech. It’s like inviting someone to a party who doesn’t get along with anyone else there. Chaos.
  2. Skimping on Features – Going for a bare-bones system? That’s like buying a car that doesn’t have a reverse gear. Sure, it drives, but where are you really going with that?
  3. Overcomplicating Things – If it needs a Ph.D. to operate, skip it. Your staff didn’t sign up to launch rockets; they just want to serve some good food.
  4. Forgetting About Support – A POS without solid support is like a parachute that might open. Might not. Do you really want to take that plunge?
  5. Paying Too Much – Don’t let them take you for a ride. Expensive doesn’t always mean better, like that $100 burger that tastes just like the one from your local diner.
  6. Ignoring Security – If the system can’t protect your data, it’s like leaving your restaurant doors unlocked all night. Who would do that, right?
  7. Forgetting Scalability – Choosing a system that can’t grow with you is like teaching a kid to ride a bike and then realizing it’s a unicycle. Not helpful.
  8. Bad User Interface – If your grandma can’t figure it out, it’s too complicated. Your POS should be simpler than making toast.
  9. Ignoring Hardware Compatibility – Make sure that shiny new system works with what you already own. You don't want to replace all your spoons just because you got new forks.
  10. Forgetting About Reviews – Always read reviews. If everyone says it’s a nightmare, it probably is. Unless they’re all from competitors – then buy two.
Choose wisely, my friends. It’s a jungle out there, and you don’t want to end up with a lemon! 🍋👀
submitted by Head_Marsupial_9192 to PointOfSaleSystems101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:46 ranmy18 Whatever they’ve done to the safety ratings

it still needs work. Was S rated when I had my first race tonight, clean race and I went straight into the next. Some idiot didn’t move on the line so I had to take a swerve, slight side swipe on the stationary car - 2.5s pen.
Annoying but hey ho. Finished thr race with no more pens and
.drum roll
.I’m now fucking E rated!?
Whilst I accept they said the correction to the new format happened after the first race, I can’t see how it dumped me down so far from S that a 2.5s pen makes me an E?
I’m going to get murdered with all the other E’s, nice knowing you
Edit - 1 clean race, back to A. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
submitted by ranmy18 to forzamotorsport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:40 Adorable_Yak5493 Loving my Lyriq

I was a little hesitant as I have read reviews about bugs in the Lyriq. Then again, the extremely happy or upset folks are usually most likely to post. I took the plunge two weeks ago. Just want to say I LOVE this car. Think I like it better than my previous Escalade. I can’t stop laughing when I pass a gas station. Highly recommend getting a Lyriq!
submitted by Adorable_Yak5493 to CadillacLyriq [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 Bern_Down_the_DNC Are all USB connected enclosures unreliable?

Recently I posted about trying to avoid individual encosures. The drive can come loose inside if you move it in/out of a storage box, they can overheat badly if the fan stops working, etc.
(\_had\_it\_with\_individual\_external\_enclosures/) I wanted to use sata to usb adapters with an open frame because it would be easier to add drives (while enclosures have a max number of slots and you have to buy a larger enclosure if you need more).
This was met with people saying that is the worst way to do it and that they have a high chance of errors, random disconnects, and shared bandwith. And instead I should get a 4 slot enclosure. But I've read the reviews on the models that people suggested.... and they all seem to have those same problems.
Here is a thread from 3 years ago where people are talking about multi-slot enclosures corrupting drives. (\_recommendations\_for\_a\_simple\_nonraid\_4\_bay\_35/)
A couple comments did mention that esata seems to be more reliable than usb. But I wanted to get more opinions - can usb multi-slot enclosures be reliable? I don't want to do raid. I just want to sync the same files across 2 drives for media library, and 2 more drives for personal files. I will just be tranferring 10 gigs or so per month to one drive, then copying to the twin, then verifying the data.
Should I give up on enclosures? Or do I just need to buy a good usb cable to prevent random disconnects? If enclosures can't be reliable for important data, should I set up a server and then transfer over the local network? I'm open to esata but I only have a regular sata port on the motherboard, so I would need a pcie adapter.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Bern_Down_the_DNC to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 Particular-Card9568 Do I NEED a no spill funnel to burp my radiator?

Do I NEED a no spill funnel to burp my radiator?
Replaced the radiator in my 2006 Saturn Ion 2, 2.2L. All the sources I’ve looked at say I need to burp the lines. Sweet I can do that. However I’ve read mixed reviews on if I NEED this funnel. I’ve already sunk a few hundred into fixing my car I’d rather not get the funnel if I don’t have to. If not, could someone briefly go over how to do it without said funnel? Thanks in advance!!
submitted by Particular-Card9568 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 Pleasant_Gap_8769 HO ending sit a day early

Hey folks - currently doing a sit where the dates agreed upon on the website has us ending the sit on Thursday, May 16.
I met with the HO a few days before we started the sit and he mentioned that due to a change with his work schedule, he’s coming back a day early (May 15). Now, I mentioned we had already booked our return flight on May 16 as we thought that was what was agreed upon, although he said that he set the end date as “flexible” on the website (I don’t see this anywhere at all)

Sooo. He says that “let me know if you find anything reasonable. Otherwise I can try to crash a friend’s place for the night.”
Not sure how to perceive this. It’s either we pay $200 for an Airbnb in the area or ask if it’s possible for him to crash at his friends. Just don’t want to risk potentially getting a bad review. Thoughts? What would you do in this situation?!
submitted by Pleasant_Gap_8769 to trustedhousesitters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:17 CAPTNBALLS Am I gifted?

So I am not sure if I have abilities others don't or if I am more sensitive than the average person,
Background, I grew up in a haunted house but never experienced anything really outside of feeling like someone may be watching me, I had heard from other family what they had experienced when I was too young to remember.
As I got older I have always been different from most, however I have some mental issues, bipolar,ptsd,anxiety,addiction
I've always had vary vivid dreams from a young age, as I've gotten older I was very depressed and stuck to myself being homeschooled after the fith grade, I got into drugs at 17 and became addicted to various substances plus my mental illness went wild, however I no longer take substances outside of cannabis and mushrooms. I'm also as stable as I can been on medications.
As I moved out of the house at 13 to another I would get nightmares being in the old house and I would be getting tormented by spirits, It started as just a haunted house trying to scare me, then I got mad because of the occurrence and would be in a vivid dream taunting it, never really winning it would laugh or only show itself when it wanted to not me.
In my dreams I will see my loved ones like normal but be able to tell that isn't them and will notice and then my dreams get weird and I either wake up or try to get away, I'm aware now and don't get them as often but it was terrifying at a point.
I got into reading the satanic bible, lucifieran bible and necronomicon, at one point, during this I had a vivid dream I wasn't on this planet and went to a place that was dark with odd terain and glowing green water, however I had a dream I was going into a church and instead of a normal pastor it was a demonic one and had a cloak over his face , I had a rosary with a bone and gave it to him, accepting that I don't have power in my dreams and am sorry for taunting the spirits in my reoccurring nightmares, it went down to know I only have them rarely and know what's going on everytime it happens again.
During my addictions I have experienced sleep paralysis and it was terrifying, like a demonic smoke figure in a cloak looking at me feeding of the fear,
I have had my aunt pass and visit me in my dreams, I have had my grandpa pass and visit me in my dreams, I didn't get to say goodbye, and got closure in my dream, I woke up feeling like the hug was real.
I knew the night before my grandpa passed he was going to had a gut feeling but I decided not to follow that instinct, next morning I woke up to uncle banging the door however my dream was a old guy in a room that didn't have anything, just sitting infront of me no conversation, woke up and my grandpa was gone, feel it was him but didn't wanna show me it was him yet.
Anymore my nightmares if I have them are usually still in the old house and has to do with a spirit trying to take the shape of my loved ones, I have never seen the spirit responsible, only felt it in my dreams and heard laughs when I try to be more powerful than it.
Not super long ago I had a dream a tornado was coming for me at my current house, we had stroms not super long after and while it wasn't my house it hit 30 minutes away from me and my girlfriends step dads house got hit.
I feel like I am sensitive to energy, I can sense the feelings of being watched at times, getting goosebumps and hair standing up not due to the cold but somthing around, especially when I talk to people or give them tarot card readings, I can end up with my hairs standing or goosebumps if the conversation felt like it resonates with me.
I have an amazing relationship with my girlfriend, we I belive are twin flames, so similar, almost like we can read eachothers minds at times and say the same things at the same time often or can guess what she's about to say at times, but I also feel whenever her energy shifts and so does she if mine shifts.
I can sense if a person is good or bad, I can also at times sense somthing bad a long time in advance before it actually happens. Unfortunately.
One of the best new experiences I have had was taking mushrooms with my girlfriend for healing, I do it somewhat often, helped with grief , addictions, mental health, spirituality,
It brings us closer together and helps us both to heal, I didn't know it was possible but we managed to be able to use our energy on eachother while tripping and have what feels like full on sex without any touching involved, it can last for a long time too, this has happened the last 3-4 times we have tripped once we discovered how to tap into each other's minds. It's almost better than having actual sex, I feel like we leave our bodies and full on merge together as one during this time.
Now this is were it gets weird , a few days back we went to a place in amish country and once inside I noticed it felt off, however to not waste money and with everyone posting such good reviews figured we would stay and take mushrooms for healing as we do about once every month - 2 months,
I had the feeling in this house that the loft and basement were bad places to be, like being watched and feeling like there was somthing in this house, not sure what but something the first floor felt the best but still uneasy,
We had grabbed a clock from downstairs, plugged things into this one outlet next to the stairs and clock prior to taking mushrooms, they were charging, clock worked. Outlet worked, downstairs had a weird sad vibe to it ,weird musty smell also Sulphur smells randomly and even the water smelled like Sulphur there was a hornet in the toilet when we got there and had to flush it, also was 2 stains on the cieling in basement, not sure if it was water leak or if someone may have passed in the house and it soaked thru the ceiling of basement.
We wanted to paint eachother as we took the mushrooms, we did this until they started to kick in and once they kicked in we went and started fear and loathing in lost vegas, once I started getting closed eye visuals and working on my innerwork, my girlfriend felt like she wanted to go downstairs to lay in bed,
We stayed in bed holding eachother , bonding, eventually tuning into eachothers energy having sex without actually having it, then we couldn't hold back anymore and actually had sex, however we stayed down there until the trip wore off, it was about 3 am and everything switched on us.
She was feeling really sad and like she wanted to leave this place, I felt like I was being watched down there and somthing bad had happened in the past, I went to go upstairs was kinda afraid to alone but eventually went upstairs because she wouldn't at the time, tried to charge my phone and the outlet and clock didn't work anymore, I had been talking about leaving the house because she was feeling targeted and I felt like it didn't like either of us but like it wanted to feed off her if she went to sleep.
We went upstairs at a point and when I was asking if there were spirit's in the house and that if so I meant no disrespect and will only be staying until we could leave in the morning safely, as I would talk about the spirits seemed like my girlfriend would feel sick, same as being in the bed, very sad while downstairs.
I opened a bible and it was weird it didn't even feel like real paper , it also was moving by itself somewhat like working against me or moving for me to point out things, the clock on the wall was moving way faster than normal after this,
I tried getting her to leave , I didn't want to stay anylonger but knew we had to wait until sunlight atleast, she fell asleep and I was sitting next to her in this erie basement, had to turn the fan on because felt like if it was quiet I would loose it, what's not normal is the fact that she went to sleep and didn't really move, make sounds or anything like usual. I felt like I could hear people upstairs as she was asleep, almost like music was playing or a man signing and it was on repeat it would come and go, such low volume but also loud , the fan in the mix didn't help but I didn't wanna hear it anylouder.
I ended up trying to sleep and kinda did for a few hours but no dream I was hoping I would have a vivid dream of what happened in this house.
In the morning got our stuff packed up and left, before leaving I had used a ghost box. Told the spirit we were about to leave and as my girlfriend was going to the car it talked, then when she came back inside I left the ghostbox going and it talked while we were both there. I told it that we are leaving and this is your house but you are not welcome to come with us. Right as I opened the door I got a whiff of sulphur and as we left the house sulphur smell followed for a while.
Went to a shop got sage, used it before we got home, then yesterday unpacked from our trip and I made the joke about hopefully nothing came back with us from there. I went fishing and used the scissors from the house, i forgot to put them back so I have them. I saged our room, bags, clothes and once I found it left it outside in our burn barrel, didn't wanna risk it being in the house.
Last night we should have gotten good rest tho and we did not so I wonder if it had to do with those scissors coming from that house. đŸ€”
Anyways, long story but honest opinion would be helpful and on top of that if theres a way to strengthen my senses and all that would love to know!
submitted by CAPTNBALLS to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:16 CAPTNBALLS Am I gifted?

So I am not sure if I have abilities others don't or if I am more sensitive than the average person,
Background, I grew up in a haunted house but never experienced anything really outside of feeling like someone may be watching me, I had heard from other family what they had experienced when I was too young to remember.
As I got older I have always been different from most, however I have some mental issues, bipolar,ptsd,anxiety,addiction
I've always had vary vivid dreams from a young age, as I've gotten older I was very depressed and stuck to myself being homeschooled after the fith grade, I got into drugs at 17 and became addicted to various substances plus my mental illness went wild, however I no longer take substances outside of cannabis and mushrooms. I'm also as stable as I can been on medications.
As I moved out of the house at 13 to another I would get nightmares being in the old house and I would be getting tormented by spirits, It started as just a haunted house trying to scare me, then I got mad because of the occurrence and would be in a vivid dream taunting it, never really winning it would laugh or only show itself when it wanted to not me.
In my dreams I will see my loved ones like normal but be able to tell that isn't them and will notice and then my dreams get weird and I either wake up or try to get away, I'm aware now and don't get them as often but it was terrifying at a point.
I got into reading the satanic bible, lucifieran bible and necronomicon, at one point, during this I had a vivid dream I wasn't on this planet and went to a place that was dark with odd terain and glowing green water, however I had a dream I was going into a church and instead of a normal pastor it was a demonic one and had a cloak over his face , I had a rosary with a bone and gave it to him, accepting that I don't have power in my dreams and am sorry for taunting the spirits in my reoccurring nightmares, it went down to know I only have them rarely and know what's going on everytime it happens again.
During my addictions I have experienced sleep paralysis and it was terrifying, like a demonic smoke figure in a cloak looking at me feeding of the fear,
I have had my aunt pass and visit me in my dreams, I have had my grandpa pass and visit me in my dreams, I didn't get to say goodbye, and got closure in my dream, I woke up feeling like the hug was real.
I knew the night before my grandpa passed he was going to had a gut feeling but I decided not to follow that instinct, next morning I woke up to uncle banging the door however my dream was a old guy in a room that didn't have anything, just sitting infront of me no conversation, woke up and my grandpa was gone, feel it was him but didn't wanna show me it was him yet.
Anymore my nightmares if I have them are usually still in the old house and has to do with a spirit trying to take the shape of my loved ones, I have never seen the spirit responsible, only felt it in my dreams and heard laughs when I try to be more powerful than it.
Not super long ago I had a dream a tornado was coming for me at my current house, we had stroms not super long after and while it wasn't my house it hit 30 minutes away from me and my girlfriends step dads house got hit.
I feel like I am sensitive to energy, I can sense the feelings of being watched at times, getting goosebumps and hair standing up not due to the cold but somthing around, especially when I talk to people or give them tarot card readings, I can end up with my hairs standing or goosebumps if the conversation felt like it resonates with me.
I have an amazing relationship with my girlfriend, we I belive are twin flames, so similar, almost like we can read eachothers minds at times and say the same things at the same time often or can guess what she's about to say at times, but I also feel whenever her energy shifts and so does she if mine shifts.
I can sense if a person is good or bad, I can also at times sense somthing bad a long time in advance before it actually happens. Unfortunately.
One of the best new experiences I have had was taking mushrooms with my girlfriend for healing, I do it somewhat often, helped with grief , addictions, mental health, spirituality,
It brings us closer together and helps us both to heal, I didn't know it was possible but we managed to be able to use our energy on eachother while tripping and have what feels like full on sex without any touching involved, it can last for a long time too, this has happened the last 3-4 times we have tripped once we discovered how to tap into each other's minds. It's almost better than having actual sex, I feel like we leave our bodies and full on merge together as one during this time.
Now this is were it gets weird , a few days back we went to a place in amish country and once inside I noticed it felt off, however to not waste money and with everyone posting such good reviews figured we would stay and take mushrooms for healing as we do about once every month - 2 months,
I had the feeling in this house that the loft and basement were bad places to be, like being watched and feeling like there was somthing in this house, not sure what but something the first floor felt the best but still uneasy,
We had grabbed a clock from downstairs, plugged things into this one outlet next to the stairs and clock prior to taking mushrooms, they were charging, clock worked. Outlet worked, downstairs had a weird sad vibe to it ,weird musty smell also Sulphur smells randomly and even the water smelled like Sulphur there was a hornet in the toilet when we got there and had to flush it, also was 2 stains on the cieling in basement, not sure if it was water leak or if someone may have passed in the house and it soaked thru the ceiling of basement.
We wanted to paint eachother as we took the mushrooms, we did this until they started to kick in and once they kicked in we went and started fear and loathing in lost vegas, once I started getting closed eye visuals and working on my innerwork, my girlfriend felt like she wanted to go downstairs to lay in bed,
We stayed in bed holding eachother , bonding, eventually tuning into eachothers energy having sex without actually having it, then we couldn't hold back anymore and actually had sex, however we stayed down there until the trip wore off, it was about 3 am and everything switched on us.
She was feeling really sad and like she wanted to leave this place, I felt like I was being watched down there and somthing bad had happened in the past, I went to go upstairs was kinda afraid to alone but eventually went upstairs because she wouldn't at the time, tried to charge my phone and the outlet and clock didn't work anymore, I had been talking about leaving the house because she was feeling targeted and I felt like it didn't like either of us but like it wanted to feed off her if she went to sleep.
We went upstairs at a point and when I was asking if there were spirit's in the house and that if so I meant no disrespect and will only be staying until we could leave in the morning safely, as I would talk about the spirits seemed like my girlfriend would feel sick, same as being in the bed, very sad while downstairs.
I opened a bible and it was weird it didn't even feel like real paper , it also was moving by itself somewhat like working against me or moving for me to point out things, the clock on the wall was moving way faster than normal after this,
I tried getting her to leave , I didn't want to stay anylonger but knew we had to wait until sunlight atleast, she fell asleep and I was sitting next to her in this erie basement, had to turn the fan on because felt like if it was quiet I would loose it, what's not normal is the fact that she went to sleep and didn't really move, make sounds or anything like usual. I felt like I could hear people upstairs as she was asleep, almost like music was playing or a man signing and it was on repeat it would come and go, such low volume but also loud , the fan in the mix didn't help but I didn't wanna hear it anylouder.
I ended up trying to sleep and kinda did for a few hours but no dream I was hoping I would have a vivid dream of what happened in this house.
In the morning got our stuff packed up and left, before leaving I had used a ghost box. Told the spirit we were about to leave and as my girlfriend was going to the car it talked, then when she came back inside I left the ghostbox going and it talked while we were both there. I told it that we are leaving and this is your house but you are not welcome to come with us. Right as I opened the door I got a whiff of sulphur and as we left the house sulphur smell followed for a while.
Went to a shop got sage, used it before we got home, then yesterday unpacked from our trip and I made the joke about hopefully nothing came back with us from there. I went fishing and used the scissors from the house, i forgot to put them back so I have them. I saged our room, bags, clothes and once I found it left it outside in our burn barrel, didn't wanna risk it being in the house.
Last night we should have gotten good rest tho and we did not so I wonder if it had to do with those scissors coming from that house. đŸ€”
Anyways, long story but honest opinion would be helpful and on top of that if theres a way to strengthen my senses and all that would love to know!
submitted by CAPTNBALLS to Wicca [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:03 Sandiestsandman Issued multiple tickets in one stop. Loosing license?

I was pulled over for going 62 in a 40 (was a 55mph zone changing to 40) I saw the officer and was actively slowing down as I saw him. Was surprised he clocked me going 62 but not much to argue there.
However, this was on a small two lane road heading to a small hamlet on Long Island NY. There was a landscaping truck making a wide right turn as I was slowing down. I went slightly to the left and around him to give us both space. At this point I wasn’t speeding and I already saw the officer. I barely crossed the double line but illegal regardless. This was not a busy road and no one was around - I didn’t even think twice about it. The officer then pulled me over. He gave me SIX tickets. Speeding 62 in a 40, drove across hazard marking, failed to use designated lane, improper passing, moved from lane unsafely and driving to left of pavement markings. On paper it sounds like I was driving in the wrong side of the road when the car was a few inches over the line going around. Regardless, I thought the five tickets for the same thing was excessive. I drive 15k mile a year for work and have a clean driving record atm. One speeding ticket many years ago. Was just unfamiliar with the area. This will add up to 22 points and really worried about loosing license and insurance.
I used an online service (off the to initially review my case but worried that I should have searched for a more experienced attorney etc. furthermore would it be advisable to go to court myself and explain? Also chances some of those get dismissed?
submitted by Sandiestsandman to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:58 aIexanderwang Looking for a quote, from 90045 Los Angeles, CA to 02118 Boston, MA

It's a 2018 Mercedes c-class, Car operable. Looking for an open-cabin slot. 15 of may preferred.
submitted by aIexanderwang to AutoTransport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:58 bigchives Comparing GrapheneOS with Stock Android: What's Different?

GrapheneOS and stock Android are both OS options for phones. GrapheneOS focuses on keeping your info safe. Stock Android, on the other hand, offers many handy features. Let's dive into how these two differ in privacy, security, and what you can do. This way, you can pick the one that suits your needs best.

Key Takeaways:

GrapheneOS Features

GrapheneOS is known for its strong focus on privacy and security. This makes it perfect for those who want to keep their data safe. Now, let's look at what makes GrapheneOS stand out from the rest.

Sandboxed Google Play Services

One of GrapheneOS's key features is sandboxed Google Play services. This means apps can't freely access your private data. They're limited to a safe area. This helps prevent data leaks and stops apps from seeing more than they should.

Regular Updates for Security Maintenance

GrapheneOS keeps devices safe by offering frequent security updates. These updates fix any new vulnerabilities that might arise. This way, the system is always up-to-date, keeping your device secure.

Attack Surface Reduction Measures

GrapheneOS uses techniques to reduce the chances of different types of attacks. It limits how much apps can interact with the system, blocking some attacks right at the start. It also includes special features that make it harder for attackers to exploit the system.

Enhanced Heap Memory Corruption Defense

Heaps are a common target for hackers, but GrapheneOS strengthens against this. It uses its own memory management system to protect against heap corruption. This includes special memory handling to make attacks harder.

Robust Memory Exploit Detection and Prevention

GrapheneOS is ahead of the game in detecting and stopping memory exploits. It has tools that spot and fix important memory bugs. This helps keep your device safe from complex attacks that target memory use.

Official Production Support for Pixel Devices

GrapheneOS supports many Pixel devices officially. This includes the Pixel 8 Pro and other new Pixel devices. Users of Pixel devices can get the added security and privacy GrapheneOS offers.
After learning about GrapheneOS, it's time to look at Stock Android's setup and features in the next section.

Stock Android Setup and Features

Setting up Stock Android on your device is simple. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy. When you turn on your device, you'll follow some steps to make it yours. This includes picking a language, connecting to Wi-Fi, and signing in to Google.
Stock Android works perfectly with Google's many services. Thanks to Google Play services, you get millions of apps and games from the Play Store. Just sign in with your Google account to start downloading your favorite apps, from work tools to social apps.
Stock Android also brings you Google Maps. It gives you precise directions and updates on traffic in real time. It's great for finding your way in a car or on foot, showing you the best routes and interesting places nearby.
With Google Keyboard, typing is easier and better. It guesses your next words, lets you swipe to type, and supports different languages. This means typing on your phone is faster and more accurate.

Key Features of Stock Android:

Features Stock Android
User-friendly setup ✓
Google Play Store access ✓
Google Maps integration ✓
Enhanced typing experience with Google Keyboard ✓

Functionality Comparison

GrapheneOS and stock Android are much alike in basic phone tasks. Yet, they have key differences.

GrapheneOS Functionality

GrapheneOS values substance over flashy marketing. It cares deeply about privacy and security. By not including Google services, it focuses more on protecting users.
Its main goal is making your device safe from attack. It does this by limiting what attackers can do and safeguarding the core part of the operation system.
It also stops attackers from taking full control even if they somehow get in. This is done through a feature called verified boot.
By removing unneeded code, GrapheneOS makes attacks from far away, close by, or online less likely. It adds layers of protection to apps and the system, making them much harder to exploit.
GrapheneOS Functionality Features Description
Sandboxed Play Services A sandboxed Play Services feature that provides better app compatibility, functionality, and security compared to MicroG.
Push Notifications without Play Services GrapheneOS allows push notifications to work fine without Play Services for many apps.
Privacy-Focused Network Toggle GrapheneOS offers a network toggle without leaks and prefers fine-grained VPNs for enhanced security.
GrapheneOS finds a sweet spot between being private, easy to use, and secure. It designs features to challenge any threats.

Stock Android Functionality

Stock Android, made by Google, aims for everyone. It has many features that cater to diverse needs.
One highlight is Android Auto, making your phone and car work together. This way, you keep your hands off the phone while driving yet enjoy many useful features.
Another cool feature is Now Playing. It shows what song is playing without you needing to open your phone. This is handy for finding new music.
Stock Android Functionality Features Description
Android Auto Android Auto provides seamless integration between Android devices and compatible vehicles for hands-free access to navigation, communication, and entertainment features.
Now Playing Now Playing feature The identifies and displays the currently playing song on the lock screen.
Such features make stock Android attractive for those who want a versatile system. It's packed with tools and tricks to make your life easier.
Remember, GrapheneOS and stock Android are both good for getting things done. Yet, GrapheneOS shines in protecting your privacy. This might mean fewer but more secure features.

Privacy and Security

When you pick a system for your phone, think about privacy and safety. GrapheneOS and stock Android protect your data in unique ways.

GrapheneOS Privacy and Security Features

GrapheneOS focuses heavily on keeping your data safe. It offers many tools to boost your privacy and security. These include limiting data collection and secure updates.

Stock Android Privacy and Security Considerations

Stock Android, made by Google, has its security perks. But it's heavily tied to Google's services. This can lead to less privacy.
Both GrapheneOS and stock Android care about security. However, GrapheneOS's special focus on privacy sets it apart. It's great for anyone who really values their data privacy.

Comparison Table: GrapheneOS vs. Stock Android Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security Features GrapheneOS Stock Android
Data Collection Minimizes data collection May collect user data through Google services
Updates Regular secure updates Regular updates to address security vulnerabilities
Google Services Access Restricted access to Google services System-level integration with Google services
Permission Controls Strict permission controls Permission customization options
Table: A comparison of privacy and security features offered by GrapheneOS and stock Android
In summary, if you're big on privacy, you'll like what GrapheneOS offers. It's a top choice. But if Google's services matter a lot to you, stock Android might be the way to go. It's not as privacy-focused, but it's great for those that love Google's features.

App Compatibility

GrapheneOS and stock Android both excel in app compatibility, but GrapheneOS faces challenges with some banking apps. These apps need special access. Yet, GrapheneOS aims for the highest privacy and security, sometimes making these needs clash.
Many apps are compatible with GrapheneOS, and the project actively works with developers. It encourages them to make their apps work with GrapheneOS. This allows users to enjoy the operating system's enhanced privacy and security safely.
Stock Android, on the other hand, has superior compatibility with all apps, including those from banks. It works across many devices and is chosen by developers. Its wide use makes it easier for developers to ensure app compatibility.
To make the app experience smoother on GrapheneOS, users can choose alternative apps that work well with the system. Also, the project is always updating to boost app compatibility through community efforts.

Recommended Banking Apps for GrapheneOS

Many banking apps face issues on GrapheneOS. Still, several banking apps perform well on this system:
Remember, although these apps are compatible with GrapheneOS, it's wise to confirm with your bank or financial institute for the latest compatibility updates.
As GrapheneOS grows, its app compatibility, including banking apps, is expected to get better. The project is dedicated to offering an experience that values security and privacy while ensuring apps work well.

User Feedback and Experience

GrapheneOS is great for privacy and security, which users love. They feel their data is safer and that Google tracks them less. Plus, it works well with most Android apps. This means users can still do what they want while keeping their privacy a top priority.
Some say that stock Android is smoother and has more useful features than GrapheneOS. They think that GrapheneOS focuses too much on privacy and misses out on some key features. For example, it doesn't work as closely with Google services and apps.
GrapheneOS users share their thoughts in forums, social media, and by talking to the team. They give detailed advice, like how to make permission prompts even safer. They also want the Auditor feature to be better explained, especially to journalists.
Users often request a better way to know when there are system updates. They want to be able to choose when to update, so it doesn't disrupt their day. They also ask about how to use the app pinning and auto-reboot timer, looking for more info.
Users also need more info about the Android Recovery system in GrapheneOS. They want to know more about its role in updating the system. And they worry about any issues the updates might bring.
Some users find features in GrapheneOS that remind them of Google. They want clearer information about these features. This way, they can understand them better.
App compatibility is an issue for some. A few apps won’t work on GrapheneOS because they fear security risks. Some just crash. This is why some users carry a second phone for specific apps, like banking or gaming.

User Profile Usage on GrapheneOS

GrapheneOS encourages the use of separate profiles for different apps. This keeps your privacy and security levels high. Users should have profiles for general use, social media, work, and private matters.

GrapheneOS Installation Ease

Installing GrapheneOS is known for being easy among custom OSes. The web interface makes the process straightforward. However, installing it on various computers might need extra steps sometimes.

GrapheneOS Benefits and Drawbacks

Why do people like GrapheneOS? It's great with most apps, makes you more secure, and doesn't let Google track you much. Plus, it backs up your apps very safely.
But it's not perfect. Some apps, like Facebook Messenger, have issues. The fingerprint sensor on the Google Pixel 6 isn’t the best. And sometimes you might face problems with internet when using a VPN.

Google Pixel 6 User Experience

The Google Pixel 6 is seen as a good buy by users. It offers good features and performance for its cost. However, the fingerprint sensor and the size of the phone get mixed reviews. The camera's quality also varies among users.

Overall Recommendation

Despite some issues, GrapheneOS is recommended by many for its strong privacy and security. It's a good choice for those who worry about Google spying on them.

User Feedback Overview

Feedback Request/Suggestion
Implementation of safeguards in on-demand permission prompts Enhancing permission controls for improved security
Better explanation and marketing of the Auditor feature Targeting investigative journalists as potential users
Proposal for a notification system for system updates Allowing manual installation of updates
Inquiry about the functionality of app pinning with auto-reboot timer Clarification on how the feature works
Request for clarification on Android Recovery system Understanding its role and potential issues with OTA updates
Identification of features resembling "Googlisms" Clear explanations and disclosures for informed usage
Challenges with app compatibility on de-googled version Issues with banking apps, food delivery apps, Uber, and mobile gaming

Future Development and Updates

GrapheneOS gets better thanks to the hard work of gifted developers. They're always updating it to make it safer and easier to use.
Updates bring new security patches, app changes, and more. For instance, new kernel updates might change to versions like 5.15.151 or 6.1.80. Apps like Vanadium might jump to new versions like 124.0.6367.159.0.
They use tags to give updates for certain devices. For example, a tag like 2024040100 might mean a special update for certain phones. These updates are meant to make your experience even better.
Recently, they made sure that VPN apps can't accidentally leak your web requests. They also update apps like PDF Viewer to make sure they run smoother. These updates are all about making your phone more enjoyable to use.
GrapheneOS also pays special attention to certain phones. For example, the Pixel Fold might receive updates specific to its design. This keeps your device running well and safe.
They change settings to make your phone safer and easier to use. For security, a new memory tag setting is available. You might see different settings based on what phone you have, making everything more user-friendly.
Improving apps is just as important to GrapheneOS. Apps like TalkBack, which helps by reading the screen, might get better with version 14.1. These changes aim to make using your favorite apps a smoother experience.
They also make technical updates to stay cutting-edge. A recent kernel update, like 5.15.149, makes your device more secure and faster.
Even the Camera app and GmsCompatConfig (used for Google services) get updated. This ensures your phone is more dependable and full of new features.

Official Device Support

GrapheneOS officially supports many Pixel models including the Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel 5a. These devices let you make the most of GrapheneOS's features.
Some Pixel phones, like the Pixel 5, won't get any more updates. Yet, the Pixel 4a and 4 XL keep getting support, like better security. This means you can still use these devices safely.
The 8th generation Pixel devices offer top security levels. They're supported for 7 years from their launch with features custom-tailored to protect your device.
Pixel devices get different levels of support based on their generation. The 8th generation has a longer 7-year support compared to 6th and 7th generation models, which gets 5 years. This shows GrapheneOS's focus on lasting security and usability.

Future Focus and Community Support

The team behind GrapheneOS aims to make major improvements in device, system, and software security. Their focus isn't on supporting every device but on ensuring profound security.
GrapheneOS has a strong community that loves its security. This community's dedication to privacy drives the project's advancement and success.

Related Alternatives

CalyxOS, RattlesnakeOS, DivestOS, and Ubuntu Touch offer different privacy and security features. Exploring these options can help you find the right system for your needs.

Benefits and Drawbacks of GrapheneOS

GrapheneOS offers big benefits for privacy and security. It keeps your data safe and lets you control your online world better. But, there are drawback to consider too.

Benefits of GrapheneOS

Drawbacks of GrapheneOS

Deciding on GrapheneOS means balancing privacy with how easy your phone is to use. It's great for keeping your data safe. But, you might not find all the apps and features you're used to.


After using GrapheneOS for a year on a Google Pixel 6A, its focus on privacy and security shines. It updates quickly, in about 5 minutes, keeping your phone safe. Occasionally, small graphical glitches happen but are easy to fix.
Most day-to-day apps work well from the Google Play Store and Neo Store. The battery life is outstanding, lasting days even with lots of use.
It integrates well with Google's main products like the Play Store and Calendar. Yet, using these services means thinking about your privacy trade-offs.
When making privacy choices, think about how you use technology and what you're comfortable with. The author has used Apple phones for privacy extensively, which informs this perspective.
GrapheneOS makes Android more secure by adding extra permission controls, reminiscent of iOS. It lets users manage apps' accesses like location and storage.
A Google Pixel phone is a good choice for GrapheneOS because it supports other operating systems. Though some users find the user interface a bit challenging, they like its simple design.
To get push notifications working, the author installed Sandboxed Play Services. Going without Google Play Services can be hard due to its deep ties to Google.
With Android 12, apps start to adapt to your phone’s colors, which looks great, especially on the Pixel 7 Pro. This new look makes the home screen feel personalized and clean.
GrapheneOS takes security and privacy seriously, stepping beyond regular Android. Its multiple profiles help keep your data isolated, enhancing privacy.
Setting up GrapheneOS is easy, thanks to a user-friendly web interface. Most apps work well, giving users a satisfying experience, even with compatibility.
Battery life and performance are as good as regular Android systems, showing it can be just as efficient, with better privacy controls.
With GrapheneOS, users have less tracking and more privacy, surpassing typical Android’s privacy. Yet, there are issues with some specific apps and services.
GrapheneOS with a VPN sometimes has connectivity problems, possibly due to app compatibility. Generally, using it on a Google Pixel 6 is a good experience, despite minor issues.
GrapheneOS Stock Android
+ Strong focus on privacy and security + Wide range of features and convenience
+ Streamlined updates with quick completion time + Regular updates and feature additions
+ Smooth app compatibility for day-to-day apps + Better compatibility with all apps
+ Impressive battery life + Similar battery life and performance
+ Seamless integration with Google products - System-level integration with Google services
+ Additional privacy controls and permissions toggles - Limited privacy control over Google services
+ Multiple user profiles for enhanced privacy + Standard user profile and features

Considerations for Choosing an Operating System

When you compare GrapheneOS and stock Android, think about what matters most. If you are very concerned about privacy and security, GrapheneOS is great. It keeps your data safe and your device secure. However, if you like having many features, stock Android might suit you better.
GrapheneOS is especially good for Pixel devices. It promises many years of support. For example, 8th generation Pixels get 7 years, while older models get 5 years. GrapheneOS might not work with Android Auto or some banking apps. But it's very secure and focuses on keeping your privacy safe.
Stock Android works well with Google apps and has lots of features. You can use Google Maps and Google Keyboard easily. But, if you switch to GrapheneOS, you lose things like Google Pay and some unique Google features.
Choosing between GrapheneOS and stock Android is all about what you need and like. Think about your privacy wishes and how much you value convenience. Then, you can make a smart choice that meets your needs.


What are the key distinctions between GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS focuses on keeping your data safe and private. Stock Android, on the other hand, comes with many useful features.

What are some of the features provided by GrapheneOS?

GrapheneOS gives you a more private and secure playground. It does this by keeping Google Play services separate. It also keeps your phone updated regularly.

How is the setup process and what features does Stock Android provide?

Stock Android is easy to get started with. It includes popular Google services like the Play Store, Maps, and Keyboard.

What are some of the functionalities offered by GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Both operating systems let you do the basic stuff. But GrapheneOS skips Android Auto and Stock Android has a cool Now Playing feature.

What distinguishes GrapheneOS and Stock Android in terms of privacy and security?

GrapheneOS works hard to make sure your information stays private. It does this by not sharing much with Google. Stock Android, however, is closely tied with Google services, which might affect your privacy.

How is the app compatibility for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS might not work with every app. Some banking apps might not fully function on it. Stock Android usually works well with all apps.

What is the user feedback and experience for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Users really like GrapheneOS for its commitment to privacy and security. Stock Android is preferred by those who want a smooth experience with lots of features.

How are the future development and updates for GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

GrapheneOS depends on donations to improve with new features. Both systems get updated regularly. Stock Android gets these updates from a bigger team.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of using GrapheneOS?

Using GrapheneOS means your data is more protected. But you might miss out on using some popular apps and features.

What should I consider when choosing between GrapheneOS and Stock Android?

Think about what matters most to you. If privacy and security are top concerns, GrapheneOS is a great choice. Stock Android is better if you want a smoother experience with many features.
submitted by bigchives to AndroidRootPokemonGo [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:56 No_Resident_9576 Led rouge CPU/pas de signal vidéo

Led rouge CPU/pas de signal vidéo
Bonjour, je vous expose mon PROBLEME.
Hier j'ai monté mon pc gamer,
une fois allumer tout fonctionnait trĂšs bien, les ventilateurs tournaient et le rgb s'allumaient de mĂȘme pour mon ventirad je suis donc aller chercher sur internet les raisons, j'ai testĂ© tous les conseils que j'ai pu voir (sauf essayer avec un autre CPU j'en ai malheureusement un seul Ă  ma disposition).
J'ai retiré les RAMS puis remis. J'ai changé de cùble CPU, le PCI-E est bien brancher à la carte graphique et à l'alimentation, j'ai retiré la pùte thermique ( qui avait déborder sur les cÎtés du processeur) puis remis une plus petite dose ( j'ai pas retirer la CG car le ryzen n'as pas de partie graphique ), le CPU est bien fixer sur le slot AM4 aucune pin est tordus sur le CPU, j'ai débrancher tous les cùbles puis refixer, mon ventirad est bien brancher sur CPU fan, j'ai retiré la pile de la CM et fait un clear CMOS, j'ai aussi fait un clear CMOS avec le tourne vis.
Ma configuration est :
CPU : Ryzen 7 5700X
Cela fait maintenant 8 mois que j'économise pour me construire un pc ça me fout la haine qu'il ne fonctionne pas.
Merci beaucoup Ă  toutes les personnes qui vont m'aider.
submitted by No_Resident_9576 to pcmasterraceFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 MotoDreams1103V4 My girlfriend made me sell it! Losing that bike was more heartbreaking than our eventual breakup! It was a Suzuki 250.

My girlfriend made me sell it! Losing that bike was more heartbreaking than our eventual breakup! It was a Suzuki 250.
In 2017 I bought a 2011 Suzuki 250, with less than 2000 miles on it, that some moto-hipster turned into a beautiful cafĂ© racer! The leather seat was imported from Australia, the handle bars, the pipes, and tank were all replaced, chromed-out, repainted. I was in graduate school at the time and had a sweet scholarship that paid me a $2000/month living stipend. I took that month’s rent/food/utilities monies and bought that motorcycle! I ate Ramen noodles and rice for a month and it was worth it. My plan was to teach my girlfriend how to ride; I picked this motorcycle because of it’s low seat height (she’s 5’3”), because it was practically brand new/barely used, and because it was such a beauty. You’d never know that it was a plain, dorky little Suzuki 250cc!! I gotta give those moto-hipsters some credit, they do have style! Plus, you can’t beat that price!
I was smiling all the way home looking in my rearview mirror at that gorgeous bike! Tragically, a few weeks later my girlfriend dropped the bike on her leg while trying to do a U-turn in front of our house and got scared and gave up on motorcycle riding! Forever! That was a tragedy in itself. I mean what motorcyclist doesn’t want their girlfriend to ride alongside them!? Shortly after that she demanded I sell the bike and use the money to pay off my credit card debt! Ugh, boring! To make the sale less painful for myself, I sold the bike to my best friend’s brother who wanted to learn how to ride. At least I’d get to see this bike around and would be able to ride it and perhaps even buy it back off of him later on. Nope! Big mistake! Three months later he was driving home a little drunk after leaving the bar at 2am when a car drifted into his lane. He got scared and overcorrected because he’s a newbie rider, and he drove himself into a light post at 40 mph! The bike hit that pole dead on and was wrecked, and he fortunately only injured 1/2 of his body, but he was also wrecked! He broke his femur and his arm and a bunch of bones in his hand and was laid out for several months. I still grieve this motorcycle to this day and so does he! That crumpled up cafe racer with imported leather seats from Australia sat in his garage for the next 6 years. He had a hard time letting that bike go as well. I’m telling ya, there was something special about that bike.
My girlfriend broke up with me last November, just before Thanksgiving holiday, and my first fucking thought was, “I should’ve never sold the bike! Ahhhhhhhh!!” 😂 It wasn’t “why are you breaking up with me? How can I fix this? Don’t leave me! I love you, plz don’t go!!” I totally said those things later on, don’t get me wrong, I was an emotional wreck and a total crybaby about her leaving me! But noooooooo, the first, chest-gripping pang in my heart was for that tiny, chromed-out, moto-hipstered, heartthrob of a bike —the motherfucking Suzuki 250!!! đŸ€ŁđŸ˜†đŸ„čđŸ˜­đŸ˜©
I’ve bought and sold so many motorcycles in my life; way cooler bikes, too! I didn’t blink twice when I sold my special edition GSXR 1000 with gold forks and gold accents (I called it my lucky bike because some guy won it in Las Vegas on a slot machine and because I never once got pulled over on that bike even though I frequently topped it out at 182 mph on the rule desert roads of New Mexico). My heart didn’t hurt when I sold my legendary 1992 Honda VFR 750 —the bike that I got into a high-speed motorcycle chase with 11 cop cars no less! you’d think there be some kind of sentimental value attached to that bike! But for some reason that 250 was the one that got away! Hilarious! Has your girlfriend ever made you sell a motorcycle that you still mourn? What was the bike? Any plans to get it back?
Motorcycles can be so nostalgic. Some motorcycles carry the dream of the glory days. And as I age into my 40’s, I find myself scrolling through Cycle Trader looking for the one that got away

submitted by MotoDreams1103V4 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:44 joshdho1 Finally got in some more protectors to get all of my Ferraris protected!!

Finally got in some more protectors to get all of my Ferraris protected!! submitted by joshdho1 to HotWheels [link] [comments]