Highland high school in hardy, ar

Advanced Running: It's a mindset

2011.10.31 18:35 justarunner Advanced Running: It's a mindset

Post here for discussion about training for running, race reports, elite results and discussion, and more. AR is NOT limited to a certain competitive level or race times. It is a mindset and the community is fueled by those who want to better themselves and talk to like minded competitors. The deciding factor is the type of training you are attempting to use to improve yourself. If the answer to the post is "run more miles" or "try speed work", then that question is more suitable in running.

2018.01.03 01:56 219fatmatt Undercover High

Subreddit for the live A&E TV series, Undercover High

2012.05.13 07:17 Chris Hemsworth

Just Chris Hemsworth. All day.

2024.05.15 15:32 Tennisfan93 Auxiliaries, from your experience working in public schools. How would you feel about being a full time Public High School teacher in Spain?

Salary: roughly €1800-€2100 per month after tax.
Workload: full time mon-fri with marking/meetings/planning on top.
Holidays: two weeks for Christmas/one week for Easter and two months for summer, all paid
View Poll
submitted by Tennisfan93 to SpainAuxiliares [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:30 xoxo_Liana07 Warning: Sexual assault case awareness

I have an open case with my ex boyfriend who lied to me about his age and his entire identity. My ex boyfriend who were gonna call "Travis" lied to me and told me he was 18 and a senior in high school keep in mind I am 16 and a sophomore with two more years left of high school to go. Travis is a 25 year old grown man who was toxic towards me all throughout our entire relationship. And to cover up everything he would do to me he would favor me with gifts all the time. He would constantly pressure me to have intercourse with him and I would refuse every single time which would trigger him to get upset and angry with me. A couple months back my favorite artist Doja Cat went on tour in my state in Boston Massachusetts Travis promised me he would take me to the concert and instead he used that money to uber me to a hotel. This is when things went down hill... When I showed up to the hotel we got into a huge argument and then he left to get us food when we were done eating he started acting different and demanded I remove my clothes and have s*x with him I kept refusing and he eventually made his way inside of me forcefully. I kept the hotel thing a secret for almost 3 months because I was terrified to speak up for myself eventually I went back to therapy and opened up and told my therapist what had happen a investigation opened up and I now have a male detective who is now in charge of this case. On Monday May 13, I got called down to the police station by the detective in the room was me (obviously) , the detective, my mom, and some other lady. Immediately The detective asked me questions like how me and my ex met and I had responded by telling him we met through snap chat and the detective straight-up called me a liar and was trying to accuse me of lying about being a single mother I got really upset and left the room and went outside a few minutes later the detective came outside got all up in my face and told me if I dare to leave the property he was gonna arrest me. Keep in mind I did not commit a crime in the building. He then proceed to say in the state of Massachusetts the age of consent is 16 and what my ex did to me at the hotel was not illegal. I'm now in a position where I am unsure if I wanna move forward with this case when I requested someone else to take over the case the detective refused to let anyone else deal with the case instead. I feel embarrassed and ashamed this even happened at the police station I feel i'll never get justice for what I had to endure at the hotel. Please share your thoughts :)
submitted by xoxo_Liana07 to u/xoxo_Liana07 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:28 AdvocateForPotatos Struggling to get a diagnosis

So I’ve been eating eating gluten free for years. I used to take gluten-aid because I was gluten intolerant but eventually they stopped working and all gluten food made me really sick so I cut it out. Over the past 3 years I have become painfully careful about gluten. I won’t even kiss my husband until he’s brushed his teeth after eating gluten.
For example, I had a piece of dumpling dough on my edamame one time. I simply removed it thinking I’d be fine. About 20 minutes later I started feeling nauseous, couldn’t stop burping, and began bloating. Another time I felt randomly “gluten nauseated” (which always feels different from a regular belly ache nausea). We did a ton of research and looking back on what I ate only to come to the conclusion that the cough drop my husband had is what got me sick since he kissed me while having it in his mouth.
I have every symptom possible. Diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting (if I’ve had enough but I got used to keeping it down in high school until I realized what it was), headaches, hard to think/confusion, body aches, tired even after sufficient sleep, etc. It’s hard to not gaslight myself into thinking maybe I’m just being dramatic and these things are actually happening and it’s not that bad.
When I first tried gluten free I did it for 2 months. Right before then I’d dropped down from 150 to 125 even though I was eating like a horse. Had an endoscopy done twice as well and they said they found nothing wrong.
Fast forward to now and I just had bloodwork done and an endoscopy. My doctor told me that if I’m that sensitive I shouldn’t need to do a gluten challenge and so I didn’t before all of this. Even though I’ve been carefully gluten free for 3 years. Everything came back negative. He says since it’s negative there’s no need to do the challenge and therefore retest. I’m so frustrated and again beginning to wonder if maybe I’m being over dramatic or it’s really not that bad. I don’t know if I should go to another doctor and try to get a second opinion and do the gluten challenge or what. The idea of eating gluten makes me anxious because how I always feel afterwards. Maybe it’s just gluten intolerance and I just have bad reactions?
Is anyone else in this position or has been and has any advice? I feel at a loss of what to do next.
submitted by AdvocateForPotatos to Celiac [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:27 Garbashi Feels like there's no right way of being a man anymore

Was hard finding the right title for this, but I think that works.
I want to preface this by explaining who I am and where I'm coming from. I'm a white 27 year old guy from Sweden. I'm straight. And I'd say I'm a feminist. As such I implore you to try and understand that my experience is from a place where I think generally feminism has come a longer way than most other places. Being a feminist isn't as polarized as it seems to be in the US for example.
I went to a high school that was very left politically, and everyone there was extremely interested in feminism. I'd say that was a good experience for me in some ways. Before high school I wasn't well read on equality and I was so insistant to identify as a humanist, not feminist. So it was healthy for me to meet people that could share with me the ideas of feminism. It made me more concious of my priviliges, I've gotten a better understanding of the inequalities women face in society and I feel I've gotten better at listening to people's experiences
Over time though, and this has carried over to my adult life, I've felt increasingly unheard myself. I feel like I made the effort that I could as a man to understand the realities women face but the more I face hardship as a man I feel there is no way to turn and no one even interested in listening.
I'm quite a sensitive guy. In my recent failed relationship I was the one who cried, she had trouble doing it. In the end my anxiety ended that relationship. I do not fit into the typical masculine guy persona at all. I don't like sports, I at least trying to talk about my emotions, I'm not good at taking initiative, I'm generally anxious. But I don't feel these qualities are sought after by anyone in society. I hate toxic masculinity. I hate the dudebros that say stupid shit like "man up" and have some kind of innate desire to lead, to personify strength and authority. That aint me. And I feel that should be okay, but if I as a man try to find any comfort among men that is what I'm met with. And when I turn to the movements that I've looked to before as a championing equality all I'm identified with are the very toxic guys I dislike myself. So many times I hear the phrase "I hate men" and you know, the first times I understood that this was due to bad experiences with men and that's okay. But increasingly that just seems like a lens people view men through. The consistency of it gets to me. Like, the toxic men has been let to define what it means to be a man and now I just feel bad about who I inherently am as a person. Growing up and hearing that phrase really makes you feel bad about yourself. Like, being a man should be okay, but there's no effort or will amongst anyone to differentiate what it means to be a healthy man.
Then I go on dating apps and the expectations women have of men there doesn't at all feel like it lives in the same reality as the one where feminism has brought with it a sense of equality. If I were to know nothing of being a man and only extrapolate what I see of women's expectations of men then a man is basically: Working out, takes initiative, values girlfriend over all else and gives her the princess treatment, pays, so on.
It just feels like if I want to pursue the things I want in life I'll only be rewarded if I regress into the toxic and conservative male roles I've resented for so long. I thought that was what we were trying to get away from.
submitted by Garbashi to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:26 ApprehensivePain9565 I Hate My Son's Mother, Can I Abandon Them All, To Start My New Family.

Disclaimer: English is not first langauge, if you detect any grammatic error, you may ignore it.
  1. Backgroung of My Misfurtune.
I started dating this young lady, that I've known for several years in 2020. When I say I've known her before we started a relationship, I'm talking about knowing her from a distance not on a personal level. My judgement of her was based solely on how I perceived her from a distance. She seemed like a collected and well mannered young lady. That is what exactly attracted me to her at the first place, her beautiful personality so I thought. Only If I knew that I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life that would completely ruin and change my life as I knew it.
Months in our relationship, I came to the realisation that the girl was far from what I thought she was. It turned out she was a pathological lier, blackmailer, and very slow intellectually. Exactly the type of girl that I would not date under any circumstances. In order not to waste our time, I started to plan my exit way out of the relationship without hurting her feelings. I reduced the number of times that I would call her and I stopped inviting her to my place. One day I told her the truth, that I'm no longer interested in the relationship, and it's better we end the relationship since we have been only dating for a few months. And at first she was okey with it, we parted ways.
  1. Things Get Interesting
After being away from her for a month, I received a sms saying that she is pregnant. At first I did not believe her, so I had to call her to do a pregnant test in person and it was positive. She was pregnant. I had my paternity doubts but I accepted the pregnancy and I told her that I will support the baby and support her during pregnancy but I made myself clear that I did not want a romantic relationship with her. I had paternity doubts because this is the girl that I had sex with only 5 times. Four was with condoms, and one was unprotected sex but we used withdrawal method.
  1. Things Got Worse
I dont know whether I made a mistake by promising to support her during pregnancy but she took it as if we are back in a romantic relationship. She would demand attention from me, and she would fight girls that people saw me hanging out with. Things were getting out of control to the point that I was led into depression. The drama that she created became the talk of the neighbourhood and this was very embarrasing to me because I held a highly respected job in the community.
  1. The Blackmail
She started threatening me with ruining my life, saying stuff like either she have me or nobody will have me. I dismissed most of her threats and atributed it to mood swings of a pregnant woman, and I must admit that I was so foolish for dismissing her threats. I shoud've have taken her threat seriously, the earlier the better.
  1. Getting fired from work
One day at work right after morning breafing, the management called me in their office to have a word with me. I knew the management call you in only if you are getting promoted, transfered, served with a warning for misconduct or get fired. I was curious, why the management wanted to talk to me. I entered the office and I was told that my ex girlfriend had reported me at work for sexually abusing her, and to protect the image of the company they would investigate these sexually allegations leveled against me by my ex.
Some of my co-workers and managers did not like me at all, and the opportunity that they had been waiting for to destroy me has finally presented itself. Also, later along the line, I was informed by one of the manager who was my friend that, it was one of his collegue who told my ex that if she want to hurt me really bad, she should lay false sexual harrassment allegations against me at work.
  1. A Kangaroo Hearing
The girl was not present at the hearing, It was only me, a 29 year old man against a panel of powerful managers and directors. I was told that they don't care whether the allegations are true or false, unfortunately they have no choice but to fire me in order to protect the reputation of the company. The hearing lasted 1 hour, and I was told to leave their work premises. This was September 2020 during the height of pandemic. I packed my bags, and bid farewell to my teary co workers who knew I was innocent.
  1. Shame and Stigma
Here I was, unemployed at 29 during the pandemic, with a tag of sex offender on my neck. I was confused and lost. How would I tell my friends who held me in high regard? How would I tell my mother who spent so much on my education both high school and university? How would the young men in my family who look up to me react? Where can I go from now onwards? Luckly enough neither my friends nor family judged me because they know the type of a person I am.
  1. Poverty and Recovery
When I lost my job, I literally lost everything. My house and car was repossed, I was literally stripped of everything. I would had been homeless had I not have a supporting family. My married brother had pity on me, and he invited me to stay with him. I was so ashamed of myself being taken care of by another man at age 29 knowing very well that months ago, I was an independent man and I had my life together. I was ashamed finding myself, sleeping on a matress. I was very shamed of myself that I could not even afford basic stuffs like toiletries. I leaped into depression, withdrew from friends, stayed indoor for 24 hours. I contempleted and attempted suicide several times. I lost weight, and I was ashamed and scared to meet people who knew how I was looking before I lost my job because my body was very emanciated. I looked as if I had been in a hospital for a year.
In the midst of my hopelessness and depression, I kept praying to God to come at my rescue. In 2022 things started getting better for me. Through a friend, we started a business which is doing fine, eventhough we are not yet where we want to be. And should everything go according to the plan, next year we plan to extend our opperation to other cities. I can see that God has answeared my prayers, and I must say the future look bright. I've gained weight, started going to the gym and Im starting to regain everything that I lost in 2020.
  1. What About My Son?
The problem I have is I truly hate this girl with every fibre of my being. Just by the thought of her my mood instantly change. I cant see myself co-parenting with her, after all what she put me through. And if I happen to die, I cant stand the thought of my son sharing his inheritance from me with his mother. I have moved on but I haven't forgiven her, and I dont think I will ever forgive her. It is by God's grace that Im still alive today, because only a few can bounce back from the hell that I have been to.
Can I move on and completely close that door to start another family, or should I stay with my son and co-parent with the devil? I need advice from fellow men.
I would read comments.
submitted by ApprehensivePain9565 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:25 twitlesshales My boyfriend’s world is being turned upside down. I would love advice during this grieving process. 26F 26M

Hi all. We're in an impossible position. My boyfriend (26M 26F) of 7 months has a disabled sibling in his home country who will eventually need his care once his parents are not able. He is an American citizen but was born elsewhere, moved here for high school while his family stayed overseas.
He is the long term plan for his disabled sibling and moving his sibling to the United States is not in question. He was made aware of this last week when his family came into town to visit. We’ve been blindsided. Long term - he originally thought he would just move his sibling here but his family has made it clear that is not an option due to the toll it would take.
I have told him I will support him and be by his side during his decision making process, but his options are basically to move back overseas to eventually be the provider for his sibling, or tell his family no and stay here. I know him well enough to know that he will not go against his family wishes. His mom is his world and he already feels guilt for being away from her.
I am at a point now where I am basically grieving this relationship. I know that I can walk away and at some point we both will have to - we're basically delaying the inevitable. This is the best relationship I've ever been in and saw a future with him and it feels like it is being taken away in an instant. After the traumatic relationships l've had to deal with in the past - he was my breath of fresh air and I'm devastated to say the least. I feel so lucky to have experienced this beautiful relationship with him. He is my best friend. I’ve never had a relationship like this one before - he’s truly set the standard. Neither of us would feel comfortable having me move there since we are pretty early on, so that is also not being considered.
This isn't a decision that needs to be made asap, so I really want to enjoy the time that I have left with my best friend and would love to know if anyone has been through something similar. How can I best support him while also not being too emotional and making things harder for him - I know that he will not allow us to stay together for too long during the decision making process because he truly does not want to hurt me.
I really cannot help but ask "why me?"
TL;DR it looks like my boyfriend will have to move overseas; how can I best support him and be present while also having to grieve the relationship? Any further advice would be so appreciated. Thank you so much
submitted by twitlesshales to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:24 Serious-Fuel-5395 Ideas for School Mental Health Club

As the school counsellor, I'm in charge of the school's Mental Health Club. It's made up of students (around 15 of them) in high school who've volunteered to be a part of it- as I understand from interacting with them in an introductory session, they have a dual vision- 1) to raise awareness and help out with their peers' wellbeing, to work on their own self awareness, wellbeing, and 2) Understand more about psychology. I'm seeking suggestions here on the kind of sessions, projects we can plan to make our time together insightful, engaging, and constructive.
Thank you!
submitted by Serious-Fuel-5395 to schoolcounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:24 No-humor-3387 Who is my celebrity look alike? I don’t think I look like anyone.

I used to get told that I look like Selena Gomez and Miranda Cosgrove in high school but never saw it and someone recently told me I look like Ellen Pompeo??
submitted by No-humor-3387 to Doppleganger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:24 Crayon661661 How to build a local LGBT community in China??

This is Crayon, and I am a high school student from China. I am passionate about establishing a supportive and inclusive Local LGBT community and hope to contribute to this cause. I am enthusiastic about promoting equality and respect for different sexual orientations and gender identities in society, and I am committed to advocating for the rights and recognition of the LGBT community. I enjoy connecting and collaborating with like-minded individuals to explore how we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment. I look forward to meeting more friends who share experience and working together to pursue our dreams for a better world.
submitted by Crayon661661 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:22 teethfestival Is it true that hydration wasn’t encouraged until recently?

My dad told me a story of how when he was in high school and played football (USA) back in the ‘80s they wouldn’t let the players drink water during practice and at one point one of his teammates collapsed from dehydration and had to be taken in an ambulance to the hospital.
submitted by teethfestival to AskOldPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:22 ameliadoesstuff Out On a Limb Chapter 9 - Suspicion

They approached the door leading to one of the quarantined cells, separating what was no doubt a dingy and unwelcome room behind a heavy metal door. Fern watched as they approached, blocking the entrance.
"Fern, can we head inside there?" Lee asked.
"These people haven't been checked yet." She looked at him curiously. "Usually people are asking to be let out, not coming in."
"We just have to talk about a few things."
She sighed but opened the door, ushering them inside. "Okay. I'll let David know you're here if he comes back, he took one of them out a little while ago."
Lee nodded, understanding she probably meant his brother. He wasn't sure of what to expect when they entered, but took a scan of the room and the four other strangers standing inside. They all looked just as anxious as he did, and for a few seconds the room seemed to be in a mutual staring contest.
"Is this one of the friends you had here?" a woman asked Clementine.
"I'm Lee. We came to the New Frontier together, been that way since this whole thing started," he introduced.
The formerly scrutinising eyes of a blond man relaxed, looking upon him in a more trusting light. "So you're against these fuckers, then?"
"That's why I'm here actually, I wanna talk to all of you to figure out what's been going on."
"How do we know you're not just waiting to rat us all out the minute we open our mouths?" asked another, a freckled man who up until that point had been standing to one side.
For a moment, he didn't have a response. "You don't. But Clementine trusts me and she must trust you too if she brought you back here. If anything, I'm in the dark more than you guys are."
The group looked uneasy and remained silent, individual gazes exchanging back and forth.
"I doubt that," a man with long hair quipped. "But I'd place you as the runner up right next to me." He smiled and leant against the wall.
It was then that the strangers began to introduce themselves. Three were from Prescott, as Clementine had mentioned, and the long-haired man had recently met up with them. The environment reminded him of high school: there were already some formed sub-groups that trusted each other immediately, a factor that made him uncomfortably aware of his slim chances at the situation being salvaged into a good thing. He didn't know these people, and despite Clementine's supposed vouching, neither did they. When it came down to discussing the nitty gritty, he had everything to lose by being honest with them — safety, security, most of all AJ and Clementine, but he couldn't let them know that. On the other hand, the refugees of Prescott seemed to have nothing to lose, and he genuinely felt remorse over their hopeless situation they explained that they were running from.
"I'm sorry to hear about your community," Lee offered. "Especially about your Francine."
Conrad's mouth perked up into an appreciative smile, though the distrustful dip in his brow was still present in his demeanour. Evidently, the whole of New Richmond and especially those from the Frontier were suspects for him. Though Lee felt frustratingly powerless towards it he sympathised with the man's feeling. "When I find the bastards who did it, I'll avenge her. I swear to it."
"Who were the men who attacked your town?"
Tripp crossed his arms over his chest. "The same ones who attacked Javi. There were tons of 'em, but two dick-heads leading the whole thing. One bald guy with a beard and a shorter one with a hat."
Eleanor watched his expression change, picking up on even the smallest shift that he gave away. "Does that ring a bell?" she asked him.
"They're in our — in David's unit," he said slowly. It didn't make sense in his mind, how if David were to be behind it he'd caused his own daughter's death. Perhaps the pair had run off, and knowing Badger he wouldn't be surprised, but to take a whole group along with them? It had to have been planned. Even so, he hadn’t expected Max to have involvement in this. Sure he had laughed with mockery at the pitiful sight of Logan and Badger falling on their asses, but he was fighting against them while watching Lee’s back.
The door opened again and David stepped inside.
It was at that moment that all eyes were on him. Everybody half expected to see his brother behind him, but nobody followed. “What’s going on in here?” He had his hands on his hips, overlooking the group.
An uneasiness was present in the air. “David, we should talk,” Lee suggested, catching his eye.
They both made their exit. With the door closing behind, the group began to begin in what was no doubt a serious discussion muffled by the slamming metal that bridged the gap between both sides, marking a clear division from the community of the cell and the wider world of the New Frontier. Aligning himself firmly with them, even just from his simple insignificant action of leaving the room, gave him a discomforting feeling — he knew they were all doubting his intentions by having this talk with David, but he was New Frontier. He couldn’t take himself off of the fence, not just yet. It was time to clear the air.
“Something’s up,” Lee began gravely.
“You don’t have to tell me that,” responded David. He looked away to face the wall for a second.
“I’m happy for you that you found your family.”
That brought him back. “Thank you. And…I’m glad to see Clementine return. I know she only came back for you and AJ, and that’s that. But it’s good to see you together again.”
Lee nodded.
“Me, I’m lucky. I never thought I’d see my family again,” David went on. He looked grateful as he recalled to Lee re-uniting with the members of his lineage, but solemned with the eventual mention of his daughter. “Gabe told me that we lost Mariana.” He pinched his brow tightly.
“I’m real sorry. I bet she was wonderful.”
David paused. “I bet she was too,” he said, sighing deeply. “When I asked Javi he told me that some of our boys were a part of it.”
“You don’t know who organised it?”
“Of course not,” David shot back.
“I wasn’t accusing,” Lee said awkwardly. “I’m just confused.”
“We all are. It’s too tense right now to start discussing all of this. Listen, you take Clementine and enjoy yourselves while you still can. I’m going back to the hospital to see my wife. If shit really hits the fan, come and find me. But only if,” he instructed.
“You’re sure?”
David had already begun walking away. “I’m not dealing with it right now. They still need to be checked for quarantine, anyway,” he called over his shoulder.
Lee didn’t know if leaving the newly-arisen problem was a mistake or wise. Better to not fan the flames any more, but better not to leave said fire out of your sight either.
submitted by ameliadoesstuff to TWDGFanFic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:21 ghoste1004 Teachers looking under stalls

My schools efforts to stop vaping include having teachers walk into bathrooms throughout lunch and peeking under stalls to see how many feet are in them. How is this legal??? (NC public high school)
submitted by ghoste1004 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:20 OhNoAnotherAnalyst [WTS] Trijicon TA55A 5.5x50 ACOG .308 Red Chevron Reticle with ADM QD Mount; Troy Industries Micro HK Style Front; Vortex Pro Series Scope Rings; Centurion Arms 10.0” C4 Rail; Magpul M-LOK Bipod Adapter; KRISS Picatinny Hand stop; SureFire RM45 Scout Mount; POF-USA Triple Port Muzzle Brake 5/8x24

All parts have low/no salt or wear except where specified.
Prices are FF shipped to CONUS; (add +3% if you want G&S).
Dibs rules apply (Must call dibs then PM). Bundle request beats Dibs
NOTE: There’s some scammer out there pretending to be high flaired users. I will not initiate a chat with you if you dibs something and I definitely won’t mention or verbally insist on F&F. Please be careful!
-Trijicon ACOG TA55A - Red Chevron .308; very low salt; American Defense Mfr. QD mount; comes with original Trijicon scope pouch; purchased in 2023; photo demonstrates tritium life- (it’s way more focused and clear with less scope shadow IRL!) $1200 shipped (Or best reasonable offer)
-Troy Industries Micro HK Style Front; pristine - never mounted; $85 shipped
-Centurion Arms C4 Rail; Like-New MPN 0609-10; 10-inch; With Milspec Barrel Nut; very low salt!; $190 shipped
Magpul Bipod Adapter; very low/no salt - $15 shipped
-KRISS Picatinny handstop; no salt; $40 shipped
-Hera Arms Adjustable Gas Block System with integrated gas tube; MPN 11.03.05 - Pistol Length; extremely low profile!; $80 shipped
-2x SureFire RM45 Scout Mount; excellent condition; $45ea shipped 2 LEFT
-Vortex Optics Pro Series Riflescope Rings 34mm tube diameter - 1.45” center height; $60 shipped
-Vortex Optics Pro Series Riflescope Rings 30mm tube diameter - 0.90” center height; $60 shipped
-Primary Arms GLx 4.5-27x56 Sunshade $25 shipped
-AR-10 Dustcovers; “308 WIN” and Blank; $11ea shipped
-POF-USA Triple Port Muzzle Brake; 5/8x24; Brand New; $50
-POF-USA “God Bless America 🇺🇸” AR-15 dustcover - $11 shipped
submitted by OhNoAnotherAnalyst to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:19 Old_Sea_8014 Struggling in the second semester of Computer Engineering

I’m in the second semester of Computer Engineering/IT. It’s really complicated to explain the specific major because it’s new and if I were to explain it, it would be a mix of Computer Engineering and IT (Bachelor of Engineering). I started in the winter semester of 2023 and right now I’m struggling big time.
  1. Subjects. Last semester it was Mathematics A, Physics 1, Programming 1, Introduction to IT and Technical English. Out of all of them I passed Intro and Technical English. I feel like I don’t understand a single thing from Math A and Programming 1. Physics 1 was relatively easy to understand and hard to study/ do the tasks, but it was understandable. Mathematics A was a complete disaster where I absolutely have no idea what’s going on. With Programming A it’s a bit different. Programming “hello world” for the first time was a moment of happiness for me but Programming isn’t just coding it’s learning about algorithmic thinking and problem solving, which I highly struggle with. This semester I have Mathematics B, Mathematics C, Programming B, Physics B, Electrotechnical Basics, Algorithms and Data-structures. After the few first weeks I just started to skip out on the lessons, because I would sit there and not understand anything. The major consists of 7 semesters, each having 6 subjects. I’ve been told that that’s too much but people but they having majored in engineering (social studies and so on) so I’m not sure if what they’re saying can be applied here.
  2. The lack of basic knowledge I lack basic knowledge in programming, mathematics and physics. I’m not talking about high school math and physics. I’m talking about college level. I never realised how high school classes didn’t teach us properly until I reached university/ college and realised this is the just top of the ice berg. Like I said, I lack problem solving through algorithmic thinking which is the bases of this major (or what was taught in the first semester).
  3. Possible retaking first semester subjects Right now I think the best course of action is to repeat first semester subjects and truly pay attention 100% this time. The problem is that I have no idea what to do this semester because it literally just started. Is it normal to just skip a semester or barely come to lectures/seminars because of this reason? I literally understand nothing so what’s the point of sitting there and possibly bothering people?
  4. Not understanding how to study Engineering isn’t like other majors from what I hear. Or forced you to teach yourself how to study and how to study specific things. I recently watched a video trying to explain why CEOs are predominantly (former) engineers and everyone tackled it down to: a. Learning how to study; b. Knowing how to problem solve. I’ve established that I lack the problem solving skills right now and I’ll admit I have no idea how to (self) study. I came fresh out of high school where teachers are not only responsible for you and your academics but also responsible for educating you on certain topics. When you don’t understand it’s repeated and repeated and repeated over and over again. University is mostly self study. Do I know how to do that? No. Am I trying? I am. But trying is not enough when results are not showing. I have concentration problems (not ADHD or anything). I’m easily distracted ESPECIALLY when I have no idea what’s going on. I’ll eventually tune out the lecture and scroll on Reddit or something.
  5. Burnout Yeah, I barely even started and I’m burnt out. People around me aren’t though. They can all already program in C, C++ and Python (what we covered in those two semesters/ what we’re covering and learning right now) as well as Java(script) and more. They’re ace-ing all their tests and while they struggle with exams they’re at every lecture and fully concentrated. It’s embarrassing trying to continue with their pace especially with group work. Literally yesterday we handed in an assignment where I was the “incompetent partner that did NOTHING” and I could feel my partner had enough of this bullshit and even called me out on it, which felt humiliating.
Is this a sub for crying engineering students that just started out? I have no idea. Am I just using this to vent and rant? Absolutely. I’m asking for help as well. Or as much as internet strangers are willing to do. I have no idea how to study. I have no idea how to concentrate. I still really want this. I want to finish my bachelor of engineering. I want this, that and the other thing. And I know I can find the motivation to continue if I just knew I’m not throwing away the next years of my life to not graduate at all in the end. I’m just stuck.
Has anyone been through this? Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone please give me at least a tip on ONE subject not just everything just ONE THING.
submitted by Old_Sea_8014 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 rusakovic 📩 High School Humanities Expert (Teacher) - Remote at 🏢 SORA SCHOOLS. Salary: 💰$53,000 - $65,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 High School Humanities Expert (Teacher) - Remote at 🏢 SORA SCHOOLS. Salary: 💰$53,000 - $65,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 sahil_exe [ACCEPTED STUDENTS] Is it true that your SAT score matters the most when applying for the 6 year program

Hey there, I'm an upcoming high-school senior from India. I'll be applying to WCM Doha in 2025-26 session
I had another question: when you submit your highschool transcripts, do you submit only your grade 12 marksheet or the whole 9 to 12? Like in India we don't have a highschool system, we secondary school and senior secondary school
submitted by sahil_exe to WeillCornellMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 candycrusher19 Should I do a year abroad?

I (f/15) am currently in 9th grade at a German High School. When I was 13 years old, I was bored and fed up with by small hometown, so I decided that I wanted to go abroad for a year. My parents were very supportive and we talked to my principal. He said that students who go abroad are usually older and in year 11 (in Germany secondary school is from year 5 to year 13, but after 10th grade you transfer to „Oberstufe“, which is at the same school, but it is only mandatory if you want to go to university. Year 11 is sort of like test year to see if the „Oberstufe“ fits you). I have always been very good in school, so he suggested we use a program for gifted kids, so that I could do it earlier, but my parents and I didn’t further pursue the idea. Then suddenly, for a long time I felt like I couldn’t leave home, because there are so many things that bind me to this town. Now, 2 1/2 year later my life looks drastically different. In my free time I do voluntary work with children, which usually occupies three days a week. My every day life is not boring anymore and I am having the best time at school with my friends.I am also the best student in my class and naturally gifted. Recently I thought about exchange years again. I will be in year 11 in a little bit over a year, so it is time to make a decision. On the one hand I dreamed of this adventure since I was very young and I always wanted to go abroad and see the world. On the other hand, I am currently the happiest I have ever been with my private and school life. So why should I change something when I am happy? I worry that I will be unhappy in another country and I don’t know if I want to leave my life here behind, even if it’s only for a year. What do you think I should do?
submitted by candycrusher19 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 mylifeaslee AITA considering divorce after 18years

My husband (39M) and I ( 34F) have been together for 18 years. Since I was 15. We have 4 kids together. Throughout our time together we have been through just about everything. Infidelity on both sides, breakups and petty fights. Since we’ve met he’s always been controlling. Controlling in the sense that I cut all my high school friends off because he didn’t like me hanging out with anyone if he wasn’t there. Controlling that in the beginning I couldn’t have any social medias because he didn’t use them. I never tried to control him, I couldn’t even if I tried. He did what he wanted even if it caused fights. I always accepted it because I love him so much and I wanted to do anything to make him happy. He’s cheated on me physically and I cheated back emotionally (never physical with anyone) which isn’t ok regardless. We always ended up back together and forgiving each other. We never healed our wounds. He always feels he’s superior because he pays rent, pays some bills (I pay some too) he talks down on me and always has. When we argue he’d call me out my name infront of our kids, he’d belittle me and make me feel as if I don’t do enough for our family. But then he’d go back and apologize and say he didn’t mean those things or he’d just give me and hug and act like it never happened. Okay back to it, so throughout our time he’s never been the type to go big for holidays (Mother’s Day, Christmas, birthdays) and by that I mean he never took me to extravagant places or bought me anything crazy expensive which is ok. But he made an effort. He would take me to dinner or buy me flowers, he would ask my mother to watch the kids while we went to Atlantic City for a weekend. For the last few years it’s been nothing. No planning, no effort. He’ll wait for the day if and be like oh here’s some money or wait for the day before and say “I forgot it’s (whatever holiday) what do you want?”. I’ve let it slide for a long time, I always just said it’s ok just give me money or let’s go eat here. Last year in Jan of 2023 I snapped. He was talking down on me infront of our kids because I didn’t make dinner by a certain time, he came home from work and was upset and called me out my name. I couldn’t take it and I told him it was over. (We are legally married since 2021) I packed my things the next day and I took our kids to my mother’s house where I stayed for 4 months. He tried to get me to come home and I refused. I was set on leaving but my guilt caught up to me. I felt bad for breaking apart of family, I felt like my kids would hate me for leaving their father and ripping them away from all they know. So I asked for therapy together, he refused and said we don’t need someone to tell us how to fix things. I called places and tried to set up an appointment and he agreed but then didn’t want to go. Staying at my mother’s house wasn’t easy but I felt like I had to. After 4 months of him belittling me to my parents, to our kids, I gave in and came home to try again. We made a list of things we wanted to see each other change and do better to fix our marriage and life together. I went through my list, twice. And he agreed to do better. He agreed to make an effort for us and holidays and just time together. Things went great, things were changing and I saw him trying so hard. (Helping with dishes and laundry, the kids and letting me go eat dinner with friends with no arguing) then 3 months in and things started going back to how it was, I brought it up again. He apologized and again, he tried. We did this for the last year. Mother’s Day that just passed came, he waited till 3 days before to say “I forgot it’s Mother’s Day Sunday what do you want” I said money is fine. Trying to let it go. Two days before Mother’s Day (Friday) I went to dinner with friends, came home and he said nothing to me. I brushed it off cause he’s quiet sometimes. Next day (Saturday) he says nothing to me the entire day, went food shopping and he said nothing the entire time. Mother’s Day comes, nothing. No happy mother’s day, no flowers, no candy, nothing. I said something and I said I can’t take this anymore. We are back to square one. We went back and forth on Mother’s Day, argued about everything we talked about last year. He told me exactly this “I am who I am, I always been this way and I’m never going to change” and it hit me, he’s telling me to my face who he is, why am I wasting my life waiting for something that won’t happen? He repeated that throughout our fight and told me to look him in the face and tell him I want a divorce. I did. AITA?
Side note: This is one of the hardest decisions of my life but I feel that if I don’t make it I’ll be waiting forever for something that will never happen and I’ll be unhappy for the rest of my life. My kids don’t deserve that. I don’t think anyone does.
submitted by mylifeaslee to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 InformationNo6208 Does AP Ever Apologized to Y'all (I know I'm kinda being delusional out here)

I had an argument with my this morning over if I will give her my phone. Basically, I'm about to graduate from high school, and my uncle is giving me a new iPhone 13 as a gift. I honestly don't need it because I already have two phones. Then my mom demanded me to still take it and give it to her instead because she need a new phone (she have an iPhone 10). I understood her concerns and I won't really have a problem with that. But I will give it to her under one condition ONLY, if she apologized for what she did to me in January, she broke my iPhone 12 pro max, basically smashed and destroyed it. For a single reason, I didn't go to bed at 23:00 and I was playing games on my phone (Boom, classical AP behavior, she never apologized/compensated me, so I had to get myself a new iPhone 12 pro max). Oh be aware, she didn't pay for any of the phone I possess. After hearing my request, she then started to saying that it's her responsibility and she have the right to take care of me, breaking my phone was just part of the action.
I almost wanted to start laughing right there, but I told her tha her behavior isn't a responsibility, it's an act of violence. She then start saying, oh see if I will do that after you turn 18, I won't because you aren't responsibility of me anymore. I still wanted an apology, I'm not even looking for compensation anymore (giving up hope already). She then started ranting about how I'm ungrateful for everything she has done, everything she did for me and my sister. How she paid for school field trip, and all the sacrifices she made for me and my sister. I am grateful for what she did, but that's not her excuse of committing such action against me and my sister (she broke my sister's remote control b/c she got mad at her, too). Now I thought about what she said, I think she's trying to play the guilt trap card again (or I'm being delustional). With what happened, I wanted to either reject my uncle's gift or keep it and resale it.
Just wanted to know if other APs have apologized/compensated y'all, and under what circumstance. Please let me know, thank you so much!
submitted by InformationNo6208 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:10 Leading-End5676 Am I (27F) jumping the gun on this pending ultimatum with my BF (34 M)?

Been with my BF for nearly 4 years. He bought a house in 2021 due to being kicked out by his old roommate/longtime friend to make room for the roommate/friend's GF. When he bought the house, his other roommate (they're all high school buddies) was SOL with the whole predicament so he moved in with my BF. I understood this and wholeheartedly accepted it. During this time, I was renting an apartment for myself. We tried long distance for about 6ish months when I took a job opportunity in another state in mid 2022. Moved back in early 2023. Got back on my feet later in 2023 and rented another apartment for myself; this time I'm even closer to my BF which is awesome. We continue to spend our weekends together and go our separate ways Monday morning. When I came back to our hometown this time, I wanted pure stability as moving across the country in such a short window wore me down. Finally got my finances in order and am actively working on improving my credit score even though it's in a good spot as is. Had plans to paint my apartment (landlord approved) and make it a home for myself for the coming years because at this rate, BF's roommate is still living there and has plans to buy his own place down the line. I know saving up that kind of cash for a down payment on a house is no easy feat, but the roommate is working hard and saving up!
Now, fast forward to now. I've been in my apartment for almost a year and it's falling apart. Ceiling is leaking during every bad rain storm in my bedroom and the water heater is leaking into the hallway. The landlord has yet to send someone out due to his illness, not due to plain neglect. He'd like to be present for any inspections since these are major issues for the structure of his property. This has been going on for 2 weeks. I do trust that my landlord will tend to things as long as I keep hounding him to (which I will) or I'll just file a formal complaint against him but doubt it'll come to that. However, the more I'm thinking about it, the more I rather just buy a condo/house on my own at the end of my lease in November and deal with things myself than keep having to run interference with a landlord. Plus the rental market in my area is just abysmal. Paying a ton of money for a poorly-kept 1B1BA unit. I know home owning is no walk in the park, but my neighbors are piling up junk cars on the street, my bedroom ceiling's leaking, and I'm just not getting a kick out of apartment living anymore. I want something with permeance. With my BF, I'd love to move in with him, but we basically agreed that I'd move in when his roommate moves out. He's had conversations with his roommate in the past about this and he's told my BF that it'd likely be about 2-3 years before he's saved enough to buy a place. That conversation took place when my BF bought the house in 2021. I'm not rushing the roommate whatsoever especially since their old roommate kicked them to the curb for his GF. But I also refuse to renew my lease this fall or keep bopping around apartments until his roommate's ready to leave as it looks like it's going to be at least a couple more years until then. I basically want to nest and plant my roots somewhere. I would love to move in with my BF but then I'd be encroaching on the roommate and I honestly don't want to go into another roommate situation after not having a roommate since college. I'm not asking for marriage. I'm not asking for babies. I'm not even asking for a pet rock. I simply would like to live with my BF of 4 years. In our future, we both see the whole nine yards, but we obviously have some other things to accomplish such as sharing a household together. If his roommate can't move out this year, I'd be willing to share a house with them even though it wouldn't be ideal. But I really don't want to. Feel like we're just too grown to do all of that...or at least I am. So would I be wrong to propose living together as a trio even though we essentially agreed to not do that? Or do I just consider buying a place of my own? Or do I just keep renting until the magical day comes where I can move in without the roommate there?
TLDR: want to live with my BF, he has a roommate who still lives there. I want stability. Do I move in with them until roommate eventually moves out or strike out on my own?
submitted by Leading-End5676 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 gank5031 I turned 30 and started to reminiscing about Runescape.

I turned 30 recently and like a lot of people it's been a weird one for me. I've felt some angst, anxiety over such a big milestone and been very reflective on my life so far. I decided to load up Runescape and as soon as the login music hit, it felt like I was having an out of body experience, I entered into a trance where it felt like 20+ years of RuneScape associated memories and feelings came flooding back to me.
For a brief second I felt that feeling of wonder and curiosity just like when I first started playing the game as a 9/10 year old in 2004. Me and my friends all became hooked to this larger than life games. I remember the memories of wandering around Lumbridge or Varrock taking in every interaction or NPC. We would all discuss the game on the school playground and we would recall stories of dragons and demons lurking around in the wildy. Ways to make the oh so elusive gold coin. Going to a friend's house and see their older siblings who had full rune traversing unknown lands like Karijma and looking up to them as role models as were only pesky level 20s. Flooded with memories of playing the game organically, killing 3000 cows for 3k cowhides and selling them in Al-Kharid bank for 100 gp to any of the dozens of people stuffed into each bank on each world. All so I could finally afford a rune scimitar. I would occasionally stop off at the Al-Kharis scimitar or plateleg shop to window shop. Checking sal's realms calculators in-between cow's to determine how many I needed to kill for x attack lvl.
As many of my friends stopped playing into high school, my passion for the game became stronger. I became absorbed in the RuneScape world and often used it as an escape or a crutch. The feelings of warmth and comfort the game provided me when I had a crappy day at school or at home or just being a hormonal teenager. I had friends on the game who I would talk to about life and growing up for 6+ hours a day, they knew more about my life than my IRL companions. The feeling of joy on a Saturday morning when you saw your best friend log on for a day of fishing lobsters in Karijma or cutting yews in Seers together as you both chased a 99. I'll never forget the conversations and friendships I made. I have specific memories etched in my head from 15+ years ago that make me smile like farming hellhounds for clues with my friends or meeting new friends while skill training.
I feel like a lot of people who still play this game are probably at a similar age to me and have a similar story. It's amazing how Runescape has touched so many people across the world of all different backgrounds. I lost constant with my final RuneScape friend who I knew since 2008 last year and I find myself scrolling down my friends list wondering what happened to the others. I don't get the same joy or rush of excitement when I log onto RuneScape nowadays, nor have I for the past 10 years but I still find myself coming back for stints of years or months or even weeks. I feel sad when I look back on how populated the game felt, you would always encounter a fellow player on your travels or at the local bank. Now, it feels soulless a lot of the time. I have little interaction and often play alone or feel isolated. .
I haven't played this game as consistently as I used to but I think I will now. Something about being flooded with all of those emotions and memories has made me realise what an importance Runescape has in my life. Besides my parents, it might have been the most stable constant in my life.. I've spent 20 years walking down the same paths in Varrock, killing the same monsters and grinding the same skills. It might be bizarre to someone else but to me it's completely normal
submitted by gank5031 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 Mister_bruhmoment Should I study Telecommunication and computer tech?

Hi! I am graduating high school and one of my options for higher education is a degree in telecommunication and computer technologies. I have always been interested in technology and all sorts of machinery but I don't really do any programming or building machines in my free time. In that case should I choose a different degree?
submitted by Mister_bruhmoment to careerguidance [link] [comments]
