New video wife hidden

Yakuza Games

2013.07.19 23:41 asweetlegend Yakuza Games

The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games!

2011.06.01 22:45 pibbman Megami Tensei 女神転生

This is a community for Megami Tensei, a series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of Persona, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Digital Devil Saga, and Raidou Kuzunoha (among others). Feel free to not only discuss the games, but their manga, anime, and movies, too! Contribute to /MegaTen by sharing news, game tips, asking a question, posting an image or video, or just by being an active commenter.

2014.01.04 15:00 UselessFactOrFiction Make Me A Playlist

Want music for that 8 hour drive to pick up your new car? How about for the party your wife decided to throw for her sister's 3rd cousin's nephew's mother's new baby? Or maybe you just want to find some new music for that song that just doesn't fit with the rest of your playlist.

2024.06.09 12:42 9inch__m Requesting Constructive Feedback on new video.

Requesting Constructive Feedback on new video.
Video about self improvement journey - Shot on Sony A7iii
Got my a7iii as a hand me down last year in November and have been filming as much as I can to learn the basics. This is my newest project and what I believe to be the best thing I’ve made so far. I have been practicing colour grading and trying to get more interesting shots. Looking for any constructive feedback regarding audio, colour grading, pacing, shots, sound effects (anything) etc.
Thank you
submitted by 9inch__m to cinematography [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 DotOne4395 Taylor Hill Shooting a Video in Washington Square Park, New York

Taylor Hill Shooting a Video in Washington Square Park, New York submitted by DotOne4395 to TaylorHill [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 Maveko_YuriLover Images of the best wife of this game until she gets a new Battle Suit , Day 068 : Mobius Cupcake

Images of the best wife of this game until she gets a new Battle Suit , Day 068 : Mobius Cupcake submitted by Maveko_YuriLover to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 Hot_Personality5809 Problem with LMLMini

Problem with LMLMini
Since some time ago, my espresso machine has been working erratically. Bought new in Oct 2023…. Started with the machine not starting when turning on paddle ( very sporadically so it did not caught my attention). But since one month ago it has been working as in the videos. I’m in contact with the company I bought it from (Scandinavia) , but still in that process. Did someone had the same problem with its LMLM?
submitted by Hot_Personality5809 to LaMarzocco [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 The_official_Doge 21 [M4F] The Netherlands/EU - Looking for romantic dates and maybe more!

Hey! I'll try to keep this part as brief as possible. I'm a 21-year-old guy from the Netherlands, currently studying both physics and data science. After a while of being single, I'm once again looking for someone for whom I can be their favourite person. I'd really like to meet a great girl (like you!) and experience falling in love once again.
About me:
About you:
If you made it this far, please go ahead and message me. I'd love to hear from you! If you got to this point please tell me what your dream vacation is, see ya soon!
submitted by The_official_Doge to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:38 WildWillisWeasley The media is part of Bidens act
"Houdini used to make his elephant Jennifer disappear on stage every night because he knew that the audience wanted her to disappear. They were part of the act. The Bidens made the media part of the act, and these reporters have to back the illusion or admit that they were part of the deception."
The FBI declared the laptop to be “real” and “authentic” and the court agreed. It was introduced as evidence before many reporters who previously embraced the debunked “conspiracy theory.”
Yet, what followed the testimony of FBI agent Erika Jensen was absolute crickets. There was no effort to track down the signatories of the now-debunked letter from former intelligence officials just before the election. In the letter, figures such as Leon Panetta, former CIA director in the Obama administration, claimed that the laptop had all the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services. (Panetta continued to make the assertion even in late 2023 in pushing what the federal government is now calling a “conspiracy theory.”)
There was no attempt by the media to confront associates of the Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) who pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter.
There was no attempt to question President Joe Biden, who made this false claim in the presidential election to deflect any questions about the evidence of corrupt influence peddling on the laptop.
They are all laptop deniers, but they know that there are few who will call them to account for their conspiracy theory. Rather, it is social media where readers can see videos of leading media claiming that the laptop is the work of Russian intelligence.
In 2020, CBS News’ Lesley Stahl literally laughed mockingly at then-President Donald Trump when he raised the Hunter Biden laptop and what it revealed about the Bidens.
Figures like former Chief of Staff at the CIA and Department of Defense Jeremy Bash, who told MSNBC that the laptop “looked like Russian intelligence” and “walked like Russian intelligence.” He dismissed the relevance of the laptop before the election by declaring that “this effort by Rudy Giuliani and the New York Post and Steve Bannon to cook up supposed dirt on Joe Biden looks like a classic, Russian playbook disinformation campaign.”
Bash added that it made Trump an effective agent of Russian intelligence since he kept referencing the laptop: “[when] Rudy Giuliani suddenly comes forward with these mysteriously created emails, probably hacked through a Russian intelligence operation, we have to acknowledge the fact that the President of the United States is supporting, is condoning, is welcoming a Russian intelligence operation in 2020. … This is collusion in plain sight.”
Bash, like others behind the conspiracy theory, was later given an intelligence position by Biden.
Most corrupt government in the world
Are you paying attention yet?
submitted by WildWillisWeasley to BreakingPoints [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 bluebird_forgotten 34 [f4m] US, everyone welcome! Looking for an energetic goofy fun companion to match my energetic fun goofy adorable affectionate self :)

I'm a huge "positive vibes" person. I am incredibly compassionate and understanding, I adore people with self-awareness and introspection. I love affection and 1 on 1 attention.
Music is in my blood and I'm into a wide spectrum of genres. Funk is by farrrr my ultimate love because it's all about good vibes and having fun. But I also love hard rock and some metal. As long as it's loud and has a thicc bass I'm into it!
I play a LOT of video games! Overwatch, Apex(super casual), a lot of indie/solo games. I don't play Fortnite or any mainstream shooters. I'm open to most games if I have someone to play with or guide me! I'm always trying to learn something new. I thrive on mutual interest in each other and can very quickly get bored if my social needs aren't met.
I have a kitty and a doggo, live with 2 roommates on the west coast. I don't want to add too much. Hit me up let's chat :) Don't be boring. Be yourself, be a goof, be embarrassing it's okay I like humans because we are flawed so it's okay to not hide it. Please don't bring negative energy or trauma dump! We will learn about each other's life stress after becoming better acquainted :) Let's focus on fun, positive vibes and humor first!
submitted by bluebird_forgotten to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 DarkPhoenix1520 Are we assigned a guide?

(mods please make visible)
I’ve woken up from the strangest dream experience in all my 30+ years.
For context, I have multiple dreams every night since I can remember. Sometimes they are lucid, often controllable, but rarely nightmarish. I usually remember a few of them.
About the latest dream:
1: The dream started off pitch black. That has never happened before.
2: I heard a deep voice above and to the left of me say, “Hey, you okay down there?” followed by something warm and encouraging.
3 (BIGGEST): I felt a swooping sensation as if I were being lifted up, similar to a parent lifting a toddler who has fallen while trying to walk. Before this, I had never felt motion in my dreams.
As I was being lifted, it felt like my mind was shifting through different planes, as if it had reached a new level in a game and was upgraded.
4: When I woke up, my vision had changed, as if it had a filter on it, almost like a Picasso or Van Gogh painting. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I could still see my wife sleeping, our bed, and our room, but with the new filter. On the third try, my vision went back to normal, but with a faint shifting haze. It has since settled, but yeah…
Keen to hear your thoughts! Has anyone else experienced something like this?
submitted by DarkPhoenix1520 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 lsalander93 Toilet constantly flushing

Hey so I just moved into a new apartment (UK) and one of the toilets after flushing now just keeps flushing (at very low flow). The cistern is filling up but it seems the water is just flowing straight into the bowl instead of filling the cistern. I have tried to turn down the pressure via the isolator valve (YouTube video instruction) but this hasn’t worked.
Any tips greatly appreciated before we call a plumber!
submitted by lsalander93 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 DrVanilla1997 Total noob to all this, how easy is it to sell silver?

Total noob to all this, how easy is it to sell silver?
My work beater car just took a shit, despite maintenance, the engine spun a bearing. Wifes sick of me taking the explorer so Im liquidating assets to buy a new vehicle off fb marketplace.
I have a rather expensive items that holds a stable value but is very niche so its rather hard to sale but there is passionate demand within its very small community.
My question is a gentlemen offered to pay my full asking price in silver, should I take it? How easy is it for me to sale for cash so I can buy a car? How can I verify current (street or market value?) should we meet at a pawn shop or jewelry store and ask them to verify current market value? And whats the quickest way to be able to sell?
submitted by DrVanilla1997 to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 darkside354 People's obsession with how Turkish people look isn't a new phenomenon. It has persisted throughout the ages, even appearing in ancient texts. Nearly every photo or video about Turkish people is flooded with comments about what the average Turkish person should look like.

People's obsession with how Turkish people look isn't a new phenomenon. It has persisted throughout the ages, even appearing in ancient texts. Nearly every photo or video about Turkish people is flooded with comments about what the average Turkish person should look like. submitted by darkside354 to Turkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 Zoetje_Zuurtje Creating a custom event pulse

I tried searching for any way to create a custom event pulse, but it seems like there isn't any example online yet. There is a hacky way of doing this though, so I'll post it in the hope that future modders won't need to use trial-and-error to figure out how this works:
# This is events/mod_custom_pulse.txt namespace = mod_custom_pulse country_event = { id = mod_custom_pulse.1 title = mod_custom_pulse.1.t desc = mod_custom_pulse.1.d hidden = yes trigger = { had_country_flag = { flag = mod_decennial_pulse days = 3650 # 10 years } } is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { set_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse } option = { name = gpd_custom_pulse.1.a # Events in the new, decennial pulse go here: # country_event = { id = mod_custom_event.1 } country_event = { id = mod_custom_event.2 } } } 
Then, in common/on_actions/mod_on_actions.txt:
on_startup = { if = { limit = { OR = { NOT = { has_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse } # If you want to add multiple pulses, # you can add them in an OR statement. See notes. # NOT = { has_country_flag = mod_centennial_pulse } } } set_country_flag = mod_decennial_pulse # set_country_flag = mod_centennial_pulse } } on_yearly_pulse_5 = { events = { mod_custom_pulse.1 # 10 year pulse # mod_custom_pulse.2 # 100 year pulse } } 
submitted by Zoetje_Zuurtje to EU4mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:32 JilBasler [Get] Film Booth – The Avatar Workshop Download

[Get] Film Booth – The Avatar Workshop Download

This Workshop Is For:

Educational YouTube channels who:
submitted by JilBasler to u/JilBasler [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:31 TeeBehindTheMadness How do I (24M) go about this with my gf (23F)?

Hey everyone. I’m very new to this so please bare with me. I’ll try and be as detailed as possible, but I need to withhold some information purely coz it’s not my place to dry other peoples laundry out on the internet.
I (24M) have been dating my gf (23F) for 2 years and a few months. Everything has been going so well until yesterday when she confessed she had slept with a male co-worker a week prior.
It all started 2 days ago. She messaged me in the morning saying she wanted to speak to me about something. She said she has caught herself a few times casually flirting with other co-workers. But she has always stopped herself and has been disgusted in herself for doing so. She also stated that the guilt of that was eating her up, and she needed to tell me about it. She said she felt like if she could cross that line of flirting, then she must be capable of doing more, and she doesn’t wanna do that to me.
I told her I had to see her in person to discuss this, so the next morning I went over to her place to discuss. After a lengthy conversation about what she had said, she finally confessed that it was all a lie and that she was actually feeling guilty about something else, that being sleeping with her co-worker. I’ve heard about this co-worker before, and I was reassured multiple times there was nothing there with any of her male friends and she has never given me a reason to doubt that. She’s been open and honest about everything, has never hidden anything from me and has always offered reassurance and encouraged me to look through her phone at any given moment if I’m not fully convinced. I’ve met her male friends, except for this co-worker. I kind of believe there was nothing there, but there’s still doubts in my head.
She said it was meaningless, and she and this co-worker had gotten high beforehand (as they have done in the past). She stated that she still loves me, still wants to be with me, and still genuinely wants to get better for me. While I do believe that, I can’t get past the fact that not once during the event did she think “this is wrong, we need to stop”, and stop it. Correct me if I’m wrong here guys, but surely if you’ve started, and you genuinely do care for the person you’re cheating on, you’ll feel like it’s all wrong. You’d stop it, right?
She has contacted me a few times since, seeming genuinely concerned for me, and remorseful for her actions. I just don’t know how I feel at the moment.
I genuinely don’t know what to do. It’s all still very fresh in my mind. I still have an immense amount of love for her but my respect has decreased a lot. I don’t know if I want to try again, or if I want to lock this off and start again. I also don’t know how to go about healing. Any tips and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
TL:DR - My otherwise loyal and trustworthy gf cheated on me, said it was meaningless, and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by TeeBehindTheMadness to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 RationalMayhem An updated theory of Zane from DLC, HEAVY SPOILERS EVERYTHING REMEDY

There's a popular theory that Thomas Zane the filmmaker is infact scratch from American Nightmare so I'll start from this assumption. There's a good video on this but can't find the link anymore.
In Night Springs we see more about the Remedy multiverse. Basically confirming there are multiple "Jesses" and multiple "Tim Breakers". In the comic scene they also show Wake has his own variants. One of which appears to be Zane the filmmaker. Lets assume Alan, Tom the Poet and Zane the filmmaker are all variants of one another.
Lets try unify this info. Lets say in the events of American Nightmare the Filmmaker was possessed by the dark presence and became "Scratch" (like Alan was possessed and became scratch later). At the end of the game the dark presence must have been driven from him and he reverted to Zane the filmmaker and still trapped in the dark place.
Zane see's Tom the Poet had written himself out of "Prime" reality and tries to take his place. Make's Tom's life into a film and makes Nightless Night to try enter this new reality. People already forgot the Poet and now remember the filmmaker, leading some such as Jesse to confusion.
Zane and Wake/Scratch 2 team up to make Nightless Night and Return to try escape when Scratch betrays him and leaves him behind. They both want to take the same place in the "Prime" reality.
If Alan and the filmmaker and variants of each other, that would imply the Poet was too. That would be backed up by them having the same voices as Alan and Alice when we hear Zane and Barbara at the end of AW1.
That raises a question. Why is Alan in "Prime" reality if it already has a variant there called Tom the Poet? Did him writing himself out cause Wake to be created in his void? Is he from another reality again, or did Tom the Poet write himself in a loop back into Prime reality.
Perhaps the reason why Ahti see's Alan and Zane as the same is because he doesn't see a difference between different variants of the same person. Perhaps Ahti is unique without Variants.
Anyway, please let me know your thoughts.
submitted by RationalMayhem to AlanWake [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 KatherineBryant06 [Get] Rob O Rourke – 100k Email Blueprint Download

[Get] Rob O Rourke – 100k Email Blueprint Download

Here’s What You Get:

This email course is your new professional playbook. The way it works is:

You go in, find the section with the problem you are dealing with (e.g. booking more sales calls, raising your prices, following up with unresponsive leads, handling a difficult client, etc.)…
…and you can INSTANTLY copy and paste a proven email template that solves that exact situation and moves your business forward.
This way, you can take the guesswork and “emotion” out of knowing what to say to potential or existing clients… and instead be clear and strategic in any situation.


Get instant access to my proven cold email templates & strategies. So you can secure portfolio projects & high-paying clients whenever you need them. And reach your goal of making at least $10K per month.
I’ll show you how to:
  • 10X the strength of your “reason for reaching out” to a business owner (this approach got me my first ever $2,000 project!)
  • Get a higher reply rate on your cold emails with one of my 3 BEST strategies (the “signpost” method, the “random” approach, or the “common ground” tactic)
  • Use the power of public Facebook groups OR your own social media profiles to get portfolio projects (without needing a large audience)
  • Turn your physical location & personal interests into actual FUEL for winning the trust of local business owners
  • 16 different methods for seamlessly following up with unresponsive prospects without risking to annoy them
  • And a bunch more


Use my “scenario templates” to crush your prospects’ doubts and objections effortlessly. So that you can start closing more deals than you lose and increase your monthly revenue.
  • Close deals when potential clients say your price is too high (without offering them a discount)
  • Respond to the “what’s your price” question WITHOUT turning away prospects (hint: the WORST thing you can do is tell them your prices. There are TWO types of emails here you can send instead to make them come back to you with cash in their hands)
  • Break down projects into bite-sized budgets when prospects WANT to work with you but truly can’t afford you
  • Take prospects from “interested to work with you” to paying your deposit and getting the ball rolling (even if they still have some doubts)
  • And a bunch more


This section will contain my project management templates that make you look like a seasoned pro. Take your projects from start to finish effortlessly and provide your clients with a 5-star experience.
  • Kick off your projects with confidence. With strategic templates that set clear expectations. So you can stop being perceived as a rookie
  • Use our project email templates to move projects forward faster, making delays and downtime a thing of the past
  • Navigate project challenges like a pro. And turn roadblocks into opportunities for even better project results
  • The ultimate project success toolkit: Get the exact templates and work plans that have made countless projects a success.
  • And a bunch more


This section contains my client management templates that make dealing with difficult clients a breeze. Get rid of 99% of the headaches, stress and anxiety freelancers face when working with clients.
  • Get your money from clients who “forget” to pay you when you HAVEN’T used a contract beforehand (this is a tough one to crack for most freelancers – but this approach has never failed me)
  • Keep getting paid even IF your client’s budget is running low and thinks they need to cut you off (this happens all the time to freelancers; and if you know how to dodge it, you can keep your clients while others lose theirs)
  • Deal with clients who miss payments repeatedly by sending them a simple, polite, and massively effective 4-email sequence
  • Deal with clients who shamelessly request extra work without wanting to increase the budget
  • Deal with clients who ask you to track your HOURS by convincing them to pay you per project instead (which is how you should ALWAYS be charging)
  • And a bunch more


Get instant access to my “repeat business” templates & strategies (one of the most high-revenue modules of this course!). So you can tactically persuade past & current clients to hire you again and again for YEARS.
  • Reel in your past clients for more work throughout the year by leveraging industry news
  • Use “rush fees” to get paid x2 or x3 times more for the same amount of work
  • Get high quality referrals from your existing customers using my most trusted incentivisation tool.
  • Transform one-time projects into retainer clients so they keep working with you for years!
  • Leverage past work to earn even MORE high-paying projects with existing clients
  • Create real urgency for hiring you again when past clients DON’T think they need help with anything else
  • 26 templates in total – more coming soon


Any Freelancing Niche

Whether you’re a designer, copywriter, developer, ad specialist, or any other type of freelancer, these templates will guide you in building a six-figure freelance business, no matter your niche.

Any Experience Level

Whether you need help getting your first client or scaling past $5K, $10K or more per month… you’ll find templates in the course for every common situation you’ll find yourself in as a freelancer.

Any Client Platform

While this is a course with mostly email templates, you can take the exact same principles and apply them to getting clients on Upwork, LinkedIn, Slack, Facebook, social media, or whatever platform you prefer.Here’s What You Get:

This email course is your new professional playbook. The way it works is:

You go in, find the section with the problem you are dealing with (e.g. booking more sales calls, raising your prices, following up with unresponsive leads, handling a difficult client, etc.)…
…and you can INSTANTLY copy and paste a proven email template that solves that exact situation and moves your business forward.
This way, you can take the guesswork and “emotion” out of knowing what to say to potential or existing clients… and instead be clear and strategic in any situation.
submitted by KatherineBryant06 to u/KatherineBryant06 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 cedric_roggs ELI5 how genetic diversity can be sustained in emclosed water bodies?

I was watching a lot of mountain fishing videos and i was wondering how the trout population can remain healthy and genetically diverse if no new trouts enter the gene pool?
submitted by cedric_roggs to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:27 ningana50 Girlfriend cheated on me

We'd both been in loveless, unhappy marriages which were on the verge of finishing.. she left her husband late last year. We'd met through a mutual interest via social media as we both ride motorcycles.
We just clicked on a ridiculous amount of levels and it felt like I'd found a home in her... I've had attachment issues and been a closed book all my life due mainly to being abandoned at birth but she was able to pull down every single one of my walls/defences and let me see the real me. My wife of 30 years couldn't do that.
Over 10 months, we'd become so close it was like we'd always been together. She has a few issues with OCD and needing to know everything but it never bothered me. She was perfect. She'd suggested early on that we shared our location via google maps... I had no issue with that as I did that with my kids for peace of mind once they started driving cars.
The problems started when she met a 'friend' who's house she visited... first time until after midnight... another guy who she was a little secretive about, in her words so I wouldn't get 'triggered ' and asked if I was ok with her going offline from time to time... again to avoid triggering me.
She spent 5 of the next 7 days visiting him. I brought it up that is was a relationship if you do that with a stranger. She denied it but said she'd back it off. He told her he had feelings for her but she said she didn't feel that way.
Ok, we continued and with a lot of pressure from her, I ended my marriage as we were planning a house, New job etc etc. On my last visit (interstate so I had to fly) she was so happy, kissing, hugging "let me know when you've landed" When I landed, she was offline again and wouldn't pick up. When she finally did an hour later, I checked her location and she was driving away from the other guys house.
I had my suspicions but a close mutual friend told me yesterday that she’d been screwing this guy from day one and had gone straight from dropping me off at the airport to his bed.
She was sleeping with him while still pushing me to end my marriage!
I'm beyond devastated. She messaged me that we should finish this here and now. She won't talk about it as it triggers her anxiety too much.
I've essentially been blanked with no reason. I could let it go and block her but I know she's done some deceitful things to her ex and her family.
I'm thinking of writing them each a letter warning them of what she has planned as it will effect them financially. I was uncomfortable with her plans in the first place.
I want to send all 4 of them letters on the same day, wait until I hear that they have them and block her and move on. There's a benefactor who she's been dishonest with to screw her ex husband over financially.
It won't hurt anyone but her reputation with her family who think she's an angel who can do no wrong... she's manipulating them for monetary gain.
submitted by ningana50 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:25 sameed_a how to improve critical thinking with growth mindset?

Alright, so picture this: It's the quarterly review at my job and I'm getting some feedback from my manager. He starts off with the positives, "You're doing really well with your tasks, but we've noticed you're having a bit of trouble with adapting to new situations and thinking on your feet." He suggested that I need to work on my critical thinking skills. Now, in the past, I would have taken this critique negatively and personally but I have been working on adopting a growth mindset.
So, I went home and decided to challenge myself. I began by reading up on mental models, tools designed to shape how we understand the world. They seemed like something that could help me grow and improve my critical thinking skills. I came across this one model called "Second Order Thinking". It essentially encourages you to think deeper about your decisions and how they affect not only you but everything around you, like a ripple effect.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, my son comes home with a low grade on a math test. My first order thinking response would be, "You're grounded until your grades improve, no more video games!" But remembering the mental model, I paused and instead engaged in a conversation with him about what happened. Turns out, he didn't understand a couple of key concepts and didn't want to ask for help. So instead of punishing him, we worked together on those topics.
After this situation, I realized how much my thinking had changed. I became less reactive and started focusing on understanding the root cause of problems. When similar issues arose at work, I was no longer overwhelmed but instead tackled them step by step by considering all possible outcomes.
My efforts didn't just help me, my manager noticed the change too during the next review. So here I am, someone who was told to work on their critical thinking, actually doing it and seeing the benefits first-hand. All it took was a mental model and a growth mindset.
P.S., this is a hypothetical story, and my son is not grounded (as of this moment anyway). But it does show how utilizing mental models in our daily lives can truly make a difference! So, fellow redditors, think not just about what mental model to use, but also when to use it. Don't forget to laugh while you're at it. Because who says improving yourself can't be fun?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:24 roxieh I would rather write a bad first draft / book and love the process, than write a technically good first draft / book and hate it.

I've been trying to write for years. Decades.
In some ways I have always written; some of my earlier memories of school are sharing stories with my English teacher and the old man trying to coach me into, well, looking at the mistakes and fixing it.
I fell in love with fanfiction in my teens and wrote to my heart's desire. I couldn't stop. Hundreds of stories over a period of years that brought me my own fans and praise. In my early twenties I thought to myself okay, I can clearly do this. It's time to take my own writing seriously. Take off the stabilisers. I'm going to work on original content.
The following weeks, months and years were spent on crafting and worldbuilding the Epic I wanted to write. It went through dozens, possibly hundreds, of iterations.
I tried that monthly writing challenge. I tried being disciplined. I carried a notebook with me wherever I went jotting down new ideas. I brainstormed with other writers and friends. I wrote 10-15k beginnings that I scrapped and took back to the drawing board.
"I'm not talented or experienced enough to write something this challenging," I eventually decided. So I shelved it. I focused on learning about the art of storytelling. Inner conflict, fatal flaws, pacing, arcs, themes, what makes a good book from a great book. I bought and read books on it, articles, I watched numerous YouTube videos on the technicality of writing.
But I stopped writing.
I periodically tried to pick it up again. I knew I could write. I just needed the ideas. But they wouldn't connect. They'd sound good on paper but I could never push past that initial inspiration to write them and the blank page usually overcame me. And on the few times it didn't, my inner editor would immediately be all over what was lacking in what I'd written: I didn't know what I was doing, I didn't understand this character I had started writing about, I didn't know the world and its conflicts well enough to tell the story convincingly, people don't talk like that and I have no idea what happens in the next scene or how it pieces together in a larger work.
Slowly over the years my joy of writing got sucked from me.
Now when I sit down and write, I don't enjoy it. I enjoy planning things and creating characters. But the act of letting the words flow? I hate it. It feels horrible. Like I'm facing failure at every turn, and drowning in it. That I've lost my heart as a writer. I can technically write good words or craft a good story, I'm sure. But I simply no longer enjoy the act.
I wish I could learn how to let go of all my fears and just write. I would rather write something that is a terrible and incoherent mess and actually be able to enjoy it again, than force out something that might be technically decent but is a miserable process to get to.
I'm in my 30s now. I've wasted so much time on not-writing. I am trying to overcome some of these barriers, trying to find the joy in writing again. But man. Sometimes it's just easier to make a cup of tea and play a video game.
Can you force yourself to love something when the spark is gone?
submitted by roxieh to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 JontiFonti Requesting Constructive Feedback on new video.

Video about self improvement journey - Shot on Sony A7iii
This is my newest project and what I believe to be the best thing I’ve made so far. I have been practicing colour grading and trying to get more interesting shots. Looking for any constructive feedback regarding audio, colour grading, pacing, shots, sound effects (anything) etc.
Also want to get more consistent what’s an optimal upload schedule, like how many times a week?
Thank you.
If you want to watch my video comment and I’ll PM you the link or you could search up my channel - Lewis Dunkley
submitted by JontiFonti to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 Jubilee119 Is there any Academic Support for the view that the Son-of-God mythos came from the case of a (popularly presumed) bastard?

Hi, I'm an Orthodox Rabbi by training and ordination but an autodidactic skeptic by inclination.
In attempting to serve as a translator between cultures I'm currently living in Egypt where I continue to post videos to various demographics.
My latest video is a reading of the Christian Bible for Orthodox Jews...or something like that.
See, I know that my desired audience isn't likely to come across my video and have the emotional tolerance necessary to watch it from an interested and open perspective so it's more a show for others with aj interest in the Bible to enjoy watching what I would say to Orthodox Jews if they were watching.
I have no academic training and I'm someahat ambivalent about the field from my few encounters with that world.
There seems to be too much delight in denigrating the interpretation of ancient texts which bleeds into denigrating of the texts as well, neither of which I think help us relate to the authors of those texts as serious Ancient Forebearers who deserve to be taken seriously, even if to disagree with.
I also feel that there's a tendency to get lost in the trees and losing sight of the forest.
I consider this terribly unfortunate because a dispassionate non-worshipful reverence is what ancient sacred texts require but while academia has that ever-important ingredient of non-worshipfulness in spades, it seems to be short on that (obvious) reference worth having for texts that were taken SO SERIOUSLY by generations of our smartest forebearers that they have been able to survive a dozen as many generations of being read foolishly without being "classed out" of the curriculum.
(My 30 second pitch on that: )
In my new show I attempted to do a little translating between the various communities of people who already have strong feelings or knowledge about the Bible, as well as to try and argue for at least a moment's attention from those who have hitherto lacked such sentiments.
Is there a way to get past our inherited tendency of tosafistic hairsplitting about the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin to contribute our minds to the cause of taking the Biblical points of view seriously (but not worshipfully)?
We ought to do this with other great written legacies from the past as well of course.
What the ancients offer us is an intelligent adult view of things from the perspective of those whose odd biases are no threat to us but can offer as a managerial check on our own biases.
submitted by Jubilee119 to AcademicBiblical [link] [comments]