Cute things to say your boyfriend

it's the most important meal of the day

2011.06.13 01:14 Britannica it's the most important meal of the day

A place for breakfast aficionados to share their love for all things breakfast.

2013.06.27 15:48 r/nonononoyes

A sub for things that seem to go so brilliantly wrong, but oh so right.

2008.01.25 05:07 A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

2024.06.09 23:08 ZepJourney12 Am I too sensitive or should this 2yr relationship end? 25F/24M

We have what feels like clearly an anxious/avoidant attachment duo Sometimes I feel like my bf does not treat me the nicest and we continuously get into the same arguments and I cant tell if I’m the problem and being too much.
When he is tired it feels like he takes things out on me. He’ll be in a bad mood when he’s tired and then he’ll lay in my bed ignoring me playing chess and like tell me flat out that I’m annoying him if I try to engage. 10 minutes later when he’s ready to engage he’ll do exactly what I tried to do and then like 30 minutes later decide he doesn’t wish to talk again and call me annoying when I don’t miraculously get the hint to leave him alone.
He says we spend too much time together constantly and he needs alone time and I agree to give him space only for him to turn around and continue to ask to come over and hangout and then when he randomly decides he doesnt want to anymore and I get upset because of the mixed signals, I’m suddenly asking too much of him. It feels like we can only hangout on his terms at this point otherwise I feel like a nuissance.
He tells me im too emotional and am always getting upset at stupid things that aren’t deep but I feel like I’m just upset because he keeps repeating same behaviors however now I’m starting to wonder if I just really am the problem. Yesterday I got upset because he called me annoying on and off all night and then said he needed to sleep at home because he wanted to sleep alone because he couldnt sleep after 1. We hadnt even tried to sleep yet and 2. He told me just a few days ago when we had our “we spend too much time together” talk that we would limit weekday hangouts but he’d still sleepover on weekends so I was upset he literally went back on what he said after I didnt give him a hard time all week about not staying over my place.
When we argue he’ll yell and curse at me. He does have a potty mouth ag baseline but this Includes saying like “shut the fck up”/“fck off”and sometimes if I’m crying upset about something he’ll just laugh at me or even just storm out. There has been a handful of times when we’ve argued he’ll say he doesnt want to talk to me for days and the longest its been is two days because he usually just tries to start texting me again without discussing what happened. It feels like everytime we argue he gets tremendously heated and he needs a long period of cool down time which makes him feel better and makes me feel worse
I do have tons of anxiety and require tons of reassurance and I recognize that is on me to fix but I feel like maybe he isn’t always as understanding but also I could be asking for too much. I feel like I’m always the problem and never him.
He has some committment issues and has always been a few steps behind me in our relationship but its been 2 years of us dating and I feel like at this point I am trying to progress our relationship. I understand wanting time alone but to what degree is it a red flag if it feels like he is constantly saying we spend too much time together. Wouldn’t you want to spend time with your partner?
Also, once he like emotionally cheated on me like 5 months into our relationship by pointing out a girls boobs and then sent like a waist down pic but it never went further than that but i forgve him
TLDR: Am I in a toxic/emotionally abuse relationship or am I just too emotional?
submitted by ZepJourney12 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:07 WeirdViper Monday Night Raw Month 6 Week 3

Cody Rhodes & Mustafa Ali vs DIY
Results: DIY clearly showing they have been a team longer as they work together well, unfortunately though it is not enough as Cody uses a thumb to the eye to turn the tide, then hitting Cross Rhodes, tagging in Ali who hits a 450 for the win
Winners: Cody & Ali
Ricochet walks towards his waiting vehicle.. head down, mentally bemoaning a string of bad losses… ‘Not that long ago I was a Prince… I was at the top of Underground…’
A blindside attack sees a former rival suddenly appear, why is Killshot here? A few wicked shots leave Ricochet reeling ..
As he tries to figure out what the hell's going on, another unexpected blast from the past saves him!! Fenix is here?? Why is Fenix here?
Fenix brawls with Killshot until Killshot decides to break off the attack and head towards a waiting limo. The plates on the limousine are briefly seen as the car speeds away. The word ‘Mundo’ is clearly seen as it leaves the parking lot.
Chad Gable vs Wes Lee
Results: Wes using his speed, moving all over the ring and really catching Gable off guard. Eventually Gable gains control and slows things down, Gable controlling the match with a mix of submissions and grabbling leading to an ankle lock and the tapout win
Karrion Kross and Scarlett are shown backstage
Kross: Tonight, Trick Williams steps inside that ring and he is going to learn a very valuable lesson, because I am stepping in that ring tonight with one goal, and that is to put everybody on notice that I am on my path to winning the Battleground tournament, and claiming the Intercontinental Championship at Money in the Bank, it does not matter who my partner is OR who I step in the ring against!
Karrion Kross vs Trick Williams
Results: Kross wastes no time, coming out as soon as the bell rings going right at Trick, eventually Trick turns the tide getting some time in control but in the end it is a Kross Jacket submission that leads to the win
Winner: Karrion Kross
Guerrilas of Destiny are shown backstage
Tama: Seth, Dean, tonight you two are in for a shock, when you go face to face with me and Tonga in that ring... you will realize just what you signed up for when you came back here, and you will realize Roman has lead you down a path of pain you have never felt before
Tonga: Tonight, you realize there is no going back, your fate is sealed and you two will never be the same!
Ricky Starks is in the ring with a microphone before his match with Jey Uso
Ricky Starks: Let’s face it, Jey. You’re good, but you’re not Ricky Starks good. You can superkick and dive all you want, but when you’re standing across from me, you’re in a whole different league. You’re stepping into the Absolute Era, and let me tell you, it’s a place where second-best doesn’t cut it.
Ricky Starks: You’ve been a tag team specialist, Jey. And that’s cute. Really, it is. But this isn’t a tag match, this isn’t family therapy. This is where boys get separated from men, where second-best gets left in the dust. So, bring your best, Jey. Bring that fire, that intensity. Because when it’s all said and done, the world will know that Ricky Starks is not just absolute... he’s undeniable.
Ricky Starks vs Jey Uso
Results: A fairly even contest, both men seem to have something to prove tonight, as it looks like Starks may be closing in on a win, Jey pulls a turnbuckle pad off, as the referee is distracted trying to fix it, Jey hits a low blow on Ricky, leading to a superkick, then Jey climbs up top and hits a splash for the win
Winner: Jey Uso
Backstage we see Seth & Dean preparing for their tag team match later, when Roman Reigns walks into the room
Roman: I made the call... he is in
Both Dean & Seth turn and look at Roman, neither saying anything in response at first before finally Seth speaks up
Seth: We gotta get ready for our match
Seth & Dean walk out of the room leaving Roman looking a bit unsure of things
Carmelo Hayes vs Jay White
Results: These two trade control of the match back and forth, neither man able to really hold control very long, after they trade for abit, In the end Carmelo hits Nothing but Net to pick up the win
Winner Carmelo Hayes
After the match Jay looks frustrated and disappointed as he walks to the back
We then get a video of a ring in what looks like an old gym barely lit with a few old hanging lights, in the ring we see Chad Gable, Timothy Thatcher and Daniel Bryan all training, doing various holds, grapples, and cardio, this goes awhile until we cut to all 3 men on their knees clearly exhausted, and we see what you could describe as a peaceful smile appear on Daniel Bryans face, as the video is fading to black the camera pans up the wall of the gym to show the words "Ground Game"
Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs Guerrillas of Destiny
Results: GoD are clearly not interested in putting on a classic as they come out aggressive, and take any cheap shots they can, eventually the match breaks down, all 4 men fighting, in the ring Ambrose is down and Loa is crawling around stalking him waiting for Dean to get up when out of nowhere Seth hits a curbstomp on Loa and picks up the win
Winners: Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose
submitted by WeirdViper to RedflamesBookingNow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:07 PetalsByPersephone How to minimize odor in the home? (Dog & Cat)

I have a Shiba Inu who's 2x the normal size and a small kitty that is 9mo old.
A bit embarrassing of a story,
My ex, whom babysits my dog from time to time, came over to my apartment to get Maru (the Shiba) and take him for a few weeks. When he arrived I gathered up all his things for Maru and he commented on how his bed looked "nasty". I explained that it had just been washed the week before, but maybe because I've reduced Maru's washing to bi-weekly (due to skin issues) and he is coming up on his second week that it could have smelled badly. He is also shedding like mad right now.
My ex left, and shortly after texted me saying " Please work on keeping your place cleaner for yours and the cats and Maru's sake. The bed reeks and so does his collar". It threw me through a bit of a loop because two days before he arrived I had cleaned the entire house and mopped, and I often keep the windows open to help with ventilation since it is a small apartment. It seemed he jumped to the conclusion that because my place had a "stale pet odor" that I was not cleaning or keeping the environment healthy for my pets. I do have an open-faced cat litter box as well.
So, aside from weekly cleaning and keeping the windows open, what can someone do about pet odor in a small apartment? I care very much about smell and don't want people to get the wrong idea. What worked for you guys that have both a dog and a cat to help your small place smell nice :3
submitted by PetalsByPersephone to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:07 ZepJourney12 Am I too emotional or should this 2 yr relationship just end? 25F and 24M

We have what feels like clearly an anxious/avoidant attachment duo Sometimes I feel like my bf does not treat me the nicest and we continuously get into the same arguments and I cant tell if I’m the problem and being too much.
When he is tired it feels like he takes things out on me. He’ll be in a bad mood when he’s tired and then he’ll lay in my bed ignoring me playing chess and like tell me flat out that I’m annoying him if I try to engage. 10 minutes later when he’s ready to engage he’ll do exactly what I tried to do and then like 30 minutes later decide he doesn’t wish to talk again and call me annoying when I don’t miraculously get the hint to leave him alone.
He says we spend too much time together constantly and he needs alone time and I agree to give him space only for him to turn around and continue to ask to come over and hangout and then when he randomly decides he doesnt want to anymore and I get upset because of the mixed signals, I’m suddenly asking too much of him. It feels like we can only hangout on his terms at this point otherwise I feel like a nuissance.
He tells me im too emotional and am always getting upset at stupid things that aren’t deep but I feel like I’m just upset because he keeps repeating same behaviors however now I’m starting to wonder if I just really am the problem. Yesterday I got upset because he called me annoying on and off all night and then said he needed to sleep at home because he wanted to sleep alone because he couldnt sleep after 1. We hadnt even tried to sleep yet and 2. He told me just a few days ago when we had our “we spend too much time together” talk that we would limit weekday hangouts but he’d still sleepover on weekends so I was upset he literally went back on what he said after I didnt give him a hard time all week about not staying over my place.
When we argue he’ll yell and curse at me. He does have a potty mouth ag baseline but this Includes saying like “shut the fck up”/“fck off”and sometimes if I’m crying upset about something he’ll just laugh at me or even just storm out. There has been a handful of times when we’ve argued he’ll say he doesnt want to talk to me for days and the longest its been is two days because he usually just tries to start texting me again without discussing what happened. It feels like everytime we argue he gets tremendously heated and he needs a long period of cool down time which makes him feel better and makes me feel worse
I do have tons of anxiety and require tons of reassurance and I recognize that is on me to fix but I feel like maybe he isn’t always as understanding but also I could be asking for too much. I feel like I’m always the problem and never him.
He has some committment issues and has always been a few steps behind me in our relationship but its been 2 years of us dating and I feel like at this point I am trying to progress our relationship. I understand wanting time alone but to what degree is it a red flag if it feels like he is constantly saying we spend too much time together. Wouldn’t you want to spend time with your partner?
Also, once he like emotionally cheated on me like 5 months into our relationship by pointing out a girls boobs and then sent like a waist down pic but it never went further than that but i forgve him
TLDR: Am I in a toxic/emotionally abuse relationship or am I just too emotional?
submitted by ZepJourney12 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 EarthSeraphEdna What the fudge did you just forking say about me, you little cutie pie?

HOLY BABY! What the fudge did you just forking say about me, you little cutie pie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Galaxy Rangers, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on IPC facilities, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in break effect and I'm the top gunslinger in the entire Galaxy Rangers. You are nothing to me but just another Pocket Trickshot stack. I will wipe you the fork out with precision the likes of which has never been flipping seen before on this solar system, mark my fricking words. You think you can get away with saying that shoot to me over the sweet dream? Think again, fudger. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Rangers across the Galaxy and your Jade Abacus is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, sweetie. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're flipping dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my 9mm classic revolver. Not only am I extensively trained in gunslinging, but I have access to the entire arsenal of cyborg modifications and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the planet, you little cutie. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you cutie pie. I will hug fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fudging dead, kiddo.
submitted by EarthSeraphEdna to okbuddytrailblazer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 Knight_2E4 Totally normal to ask strangers when there’s no one else .. right??

Long Story Long: But I’d seriously appreciate some insight!
My husband (38M) and I (38F) are high school sweethearts and have been together over 20 years, married for 17. We don’t fight, nor argue really. I would call disagreements intense discussions. He’s the ying to my yang, we just fit and have developed pretty good communication over the years - but we’ve also put in the work for it.
He became close friends with 2 guys in our neighborhood and since we are moving out of state, the previous weekend has been a blowout. These 2 have joked for over a year about doing mushrooms with him. My husband and I always laughed it off because the man hasn’t ever done anything that wasn’t prescribed to him by a doctor. I have said to the 3 stooges whenever they brought that topic up that I don’t care (because he’s a grown man) but I do think there should be someone sober just in case, especially because my husband is a novice when it comes to that recreation.
Friday was apparently the night - he didn’t come home until 4 am and slept on the couch. I was with everyone until about 8, and went home to clean up and do some chores before the party the next day. Being out later isn’t uncommon, these guys play darts or ride around on the golf car listening to music and drinking a bit. (It’s not often, but there have been some late nights when I can be found right along with them). Saturday evening we had people over for a BBQ and friend #1, James, was recounting some tales to me, his wife and another friend. They were funny, but out of character for my husband when he’s drunk. James’ wife asked, so … what else was involved? James smiled and whispered ‘shrooms’. I didn’t skip a beat and continued on with our conversation.
Fast forward - he’s sawing logs by the time I get in bed. I lay there but can’t fall asleep, my heart is racing and I need to get it off my chest (something we’ve learned together, if its on your mind say it, don’t let it fester and grow).
+I ask why he didn’t tell me about the mushrooms.
+“James said you knew”.
+Um, no, I knew it was talked about previously, but I had no idea there was a plan. Okay, benefit of the doubt, it was a “surprise buddy! Let’s do these!” after I went home for the night. Why could I have not received any communication about it then, nor a mention of it the next day? If James hadn’t said anything would you have even talked to me about it? You know .. how it went, what it felt like .. etc?
+“I didn’t talk to you much today” and again, “James said you knew about it, I didn’t think it was a big deal”
+Well, it hurts that you wouldn’t divulge any of it to me, especially since you want me to pour out my soul to you any time something seems off. It’s kind of hypocritical because we both know you would have lost your mind if you found out from someone else that I had been out until 4am doing shrooms with my 2 friends, riding around and drinking. *I would like to note that I do get animated when I talk, and I was a Disney illustration at this point.*
I think the role reversal scenario is what did it because he leapt out of bed and turned the light on, slamming the door open and YELLING at me (why he opened the door I don’t know, nor do I really remember what was being said in the moment due to my shock). I instinctually jumped up and when I heard the door hit the stopper I started to bend down to grab a pillow; serious childhood trauma kicked in and it was full fight or flight mode, I felt like I needed to get out of there as a panic attack was imminent. When he saw the pillow in my hand he yelled “What the hell are you doing?!!” as he slammed the door closed staying in front of it.
I instantly started to shake and sob uncontrollably at the same time and mumbled “You are scaring the shit out of me”. I was frozen because on the inside I was a small kid again. This man has NEVER raised his voice, let alone his tone to me. He immediately changed his entire demeanor and walked over to hold me, saying how sorry he was. I can’t remember if I hugged back to be completely honest. I did say that “you made me flash back to my father .. you’ve never yelled at me before .. I don’t understand.”
After calming down he held me in bed while I cried and told him how sorry I am, that it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have opened my mouth, I should have waited until the morning .. over and over again. I don’t know why .. it was instinctual I guess. He finally sighed heavily and said “No, not at all. If I had just told you about it to begin with none of this would have happened”. The remorse was real, but I still cried myself to sleep, waking up with swollen eyelids from all of it.
We talked it over Sunday after some reflection; I get it - he probably just wanted to live it up with his pals without a “handler”. But reasonable me would have liked to have known, God forbid anything happened, or I could have at least checked on them every now and then. I don’t hover and can read a room pretty well, so it just hurt my heart that I wasn’t included in the knowledge of the events whatsoever .. especially because he didn’t tell me himself. I didn’t care about the shrooms, I just wanted to know they were being done, does that make sense?
Our talked concluded - nothing bad happened that night, I said my peace, let’s move on from it. I did reiterate how much I was bothered by the argument, his response and my fear. I could see the sorrow and regret in his face, so we decided to put that away too.
My problem is that I have realized that I am not really over that part as much as I want to be. I have replayed it a few times this past week while alone, resulting in the same feelings surfacing again with some tears. I can’t help it. When I say I have no one to talk to … I have no one. My husband is probably the most amazing man you could meet. I couldn’t imaging divulging this to anyone and having their view of him a-skewed; I know he’d be mortified. And I don’t want to bring it back up, having him relive probably the worse night he can remember, like I am rubbing salt into the wound - even more so because I said let’s move on from it. I don’t want him beating himself up again and again (Though that may very well be the case, I would hate to make it worse).
I am pretty sure his lack of reaction (which pushed my frustration) followed by overreaction was due to guilt, knowing he hurt me, and that what I said was probably true - he just handled it poorly after a couple of days with little to no sleep; not to mention the additional stressors in our lives right now with the move. I could have done things differently as well; he rarely hurts my feelings, so I don’t handle it as well as I would if it was coming from someone else. He’s my kryptonite.
I know this was a one off, however I do have to admit that I am subconsciously anxious whenever he’s gotten irritated with normal everyday annoyances (just life, packing .. logistics .. etc) this past week. Almost like I am gun-shy that he’ll pop off again (even though my rational mind knows he won’t). I just can’t shake the feeling of not recognizing the man that was in front of me, nor the fear I had caused by the one person who has always been my ‘safe space’ and protector.
I feel like I am being ridiculous and irrational. Any advice, or do I just let time take care of it?
submitted by Knight_2E4 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 HanktheObeseDog-2 Crush got an std (spiraling insecurity)

I (23M) finally understand posting on Reddit when in emotional crisis. All my friends are straight gamer bros who I don’t think can weigh in the way I need here. Hence strangers 😂. i think this’ll be a throwaway.
I met someone really great at a college party through a friend years ago. Great flirty night, drinks, I ended up leaving my phone at a bar and getting a ride home and he put his number in my phone and met me the next morning to return it. Flirty texting went nowhere until last month we met up. Amazing chemistry again. Maybe better. I should clarify, I really wasn’t in a place to date or meet anyone as I just moved in to take care of my stage 4 mom, this guy just felt like an exception, he was driving through, I had to say yes…there’s history.
He lives three hours in a way, but in a city I go to for work every two weeks, last weekend we spent pretty much the whole weekend together. It was great. Really great. Did everything but anal. Met his friends.
Lots of texting. Cute dynamic. I’m taking care to not too much too soon it, but I’m letting the connection grow and feel natural, and I’m letting myself be happy.
Now the complicated part: Due to some pretty heavy SA and shit when I was 12-13, I have some blocks when it comes to sex. The two times I’ve done anal, I just like, dissociated. And so I told myself instead of trying to just make it work, I would wait until it felt right. Plenty of insecurity in the execution of that plan, I am 23 with basically just a history of oral, even through two relationships, but I’ve been content being single for a while. Anyhow, this is finally the time where it felt right. Across all our sexual time I was present, in the moment, and having a great time. That’s such a fucking win, and I’m so happy something finally felt right, and nice.
Initially he told me he usually dates older (significantly, and he’s 3 years older than me) he’s on Prep, and clearly had alot of sexual experience. Obviously this doesn’t seem like a match, but I figured he’s either into me or not, his choice, I’m not going to manufacture an insecurity that the guy thats texted me for three years isn’t attracted to me 🤷‍♂️. I figured it would pretty much only come up when it was time to have sex, and if it was a deal killer for him that’s rough, but I’ll live. I told him from the get go we’d have to go slow and that I was not experienced and he was fine with that.
Fast forward to today. It’s clear we’ve both caught feels. I’m over here fighting and winning this whole internal battle against trauma (and reveling in finally just feeling good about sex) that I don’t think it makes sense to share with him, because it’s a lot. But it also is kind of the explanation for everything too, but everything is good vibes and it doesn’t feel to me like it needs to come up. Until today, he messages me he has chlamydia.
I should clarify, he’s handled it on his end like a champ, I’m not slut shaming, of course not. This is likely before my time anyway, and we aren’t exclusive yet, though that was the direction I wanted to move things after he meets my friends end of June. It just feels somehow like, unrecoverable for me. And it’s hard for me to see if I’m just being insecure, or if this really is a big deal, and I can’t give him any support through this which is likely making him feel bad, feels truly like the rug got pulled out from under me.
I’ll get tested/treated if I got it. It’s not that. It’s that now I’m in my head for all the reasons. He’s been much more vulnerable with me than I have with him I think, but I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to talk about my past, but without that communication I don’t think the relationship can progress. Am I just being insecure and this isn’t a big deal at all? Is this just a “walk away and work on yourself and if the connection picks up down the road that’s great, if not that’s fine”? Frankly am I being childish here? Or am I just clearly not in a space to date and should just back off and recalibrate. Any help or thoughts appreciated.
submitted by HanktheObeseDog-2 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 ChemicalSuit6215 AITAH for kinda calling my cousin fat

I 15F went to the sand bar yesterday with my 15F cousin we’ll call jj and her bf 16M Alex along with her dad for some context I’m 98ib 5’0 and have a D36 cup my cousin is 298 5’4 and has F cups anyways while we were swimming my top kept coming undone be cause it was kinda tight so I had my cousin fix it because she was the only other girl by the 5th time of me asking her her boyfriend looked at me annoyed and told me “if I didn’t have flat tits it wouldnt of kept happening as his girlfriend had huge tits and her top hasn’t came undone once’s” (she was also wearing a T-shirt in the water) so this is where I think I was the asshole because I said back to him “my tits aren’t really that small tbh and also your girlfriend and me are different in 200 pounds so ofc she’ll have bigger tits” after that she called me a slut ridden bitch and told me it was rude to say that and some of my friends and family agree with her and I’m starting to think it was uncalled for but I also think her boyfriends comment was uncalled for to AITAH?
submitted by ChemicalSuit6215 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:05 TheGloriousCucumber [M4A] Looking for a cute romance roleplay

I'm looking for someone to do a cute and fun romance roleplay with. I absolutely love strangers to lovers and friends to lovers and I even have some plot ideas based on those. I think my preference at the moment would be MxM but I'm really okay with anything so don't hesitate to reach out with a message if this post catches your eye. I'm fine with any pairing. MxM, MxF, and so on.
When it comes to format I'm not super picky. I usually do 2-3 paragraphs but I'm more than happy to do more or less. Just let me know what you prefer and I can match it. I prefer to roleplay on discord just because of how easy and convenient it is.
Also, I definitely like OOC chat. I feel like it makes things a lot more fun.
Anyways yeah feel free to send me a message and I can explain more of my plot ideas if you are interested? Also you are of course more then welcome to bring your own ideas too.
submitted by TheGloriousCucumber to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:05 notquitesaneorinsane Section leader from hell (my fault)

TW- Gross boyfriend behavior I am a junior (next year) in a relatively small marching band of 70 playing the mellophone in a section of 3. I started playing mellophone during my freshman year in basketball band but not in our marching band. I had no previous experience playing an instrument when I joined but I joined because of one certain friend named X. Very soon into my mellophone playing career \ X and I started dating, then not so soon after we broke up.
Our relationship was very turbulent seeing as though we got back together, he cheated with someone who was blackmailing him, and I stayed with him. The relationship was not healthy in the slightest seeing as though he would tell me that it was good to lose weight ect. And somewhere in here he quit his previous instrument and picked up the mellophone. Even while were dating I was very unhappy about this decision, he was taking something I loved doing and making it his own.
Then came leadership auditions, I tried out for section leader and so did he, despite his less than 1 month on mellophone (coming from woodwinds). And my 4 months and had also picked up French horn to get better. He got the role, I believe solely because of his marching band experience because I had a long list of leadership roles to back up my application.
Then came our first marching band season, he would touch my butt in sectionals without permission, make me play to the point of panic attacks, and yell at me for any mistake that I made. Continued I would be the punchline of every other joke in the stands at games, with no one standing up for me. For further context X and the trumpets are best friends and I'm the only girl in high brass.
After I broke off our relationship due to his lack of communication, and generally taking his anger out on me, I thought we could continue being friends. He later called off the friendship due to me "not caring".
Since then I have discussed with our band director about his behavior in general including but not limited to: Making inappropriate jokes about little kids Making fun of other kids Making a kid say the N-Word (The kid was white) Saying the N-Word (He is white) Making fun of me at every convenience Repeatedly telling me how to play french horn and telling me I have no shot of getting into our top ensemble. Off topic but being unfaithful in multiple relationships
My only goal was for him not to be our section leader and perhaps combine with the Euphonium or Trombone group. But alas, that wasn't the case. Now he is making plans for sectionals on days he knows I'm not free and not communicating about them until 36 hours before. My band director will not let me switch instruments under the logic of "If everyone did this would we be better or worse", and my counterclaim is "if everyone did what he was doing I wouldn't be in the band". There is no real solution here, I'm just mad I lost the one thing that made high school fun for me, and since I play the horn the only instrument that my teacher will allow me to play is mellophone. P.S the reason he swapped to mellophone is to quote "I saw it made you happy and I wanted to be happy too"
submitted by notquitesaneorinsane to marchingband [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:05 kimin_qwk I like my classmate for almost a year now and I don't know what to do.

I like my classmate for almost a year now and I don't know what to do.At the moment, I have 14 boyfriends that I like too, let's call him David. David is my classmate and it's terrible, but if you saw his appearance, you would understand why I like him (literally half of my small town likes him). Let's start from the beginning, my friend and I will call her Sarah. Sarah and I were walking in the park and decided to go to the city to buy ice cream until here I see David, whom I already liked at that moment, with his friend (I still don't know what his name is) were walking towards us our dialogue - Hello, Sara and I greet them. - Hello, says David - Hello, by the way David loves one of you - says David's friend. We stand in shock, it was obvious that David was embarrassed for his friend. But I am not one of those people who will remain silent in such situations, so at one moment a phrase comes out of my mouth - Hm.. Then I sympathize with him (David) After my words, we turned around and entered the store, Sarah and I were in shock. The next day I decide to text him like "What the hell happened yesterday?" so I'm asking Sarah for his phone number. I wrote to him and he replied in almost a minute - Why don't you understand jokes!? I, in turn, wrote - I understand only normal jokes. After that, we started a correspondence (I won't go into details because it will take a lot of time). The correspondence lasted for 6-8 months, after which on March 25 he wrote that he did not want to communicate anymore. I took it hard but wrote him back, something like that - Okay, write if you change your mind. he wrote back - I won't change my mind.. I wrote okay and threw it in the archive and telegram. Exactly ten days later he writes to me -Hello - Do you still play in mine? - I repaired the computer. -? I was in shock (when we corresponded, I often mentioned that I play minecraft with Stacey). I answered him something like this - What difference does it make to you, you don't talk to me!? - I'm not talking, I'm just asking. He answered. Sounds like a pure lie, hmm.. wants to seem like a bad boy who can manipulate me but no. I am one of those people who write first, and he obviously thought that after that day I would continue to write to him, but I did not write. He did this several more times but I ignored him as he had ignored me before.But after the end of the correspondence, we started talking at school. I just don't understand him, sometimes he's so nice to me and sometimes he's just scum. One day at school, I asked him for mint gum and he said that it was the last one and went somewhere. I answered ok, I understand, not hoping for anything. Sarah's classmates who were sitting behind us were also in shock. I know the story is complicated, but damn, I really like him, but I'm afraid to tell him about it. If you have any advice before that I would really appreciate it, because I really don't know what to do in this situation. If I tell about my feelings, he can tell other classmates and friends.But on the other hand, if it's mutual, then we'll start dating and that's cool. This discussion has been in my head for half a year and I don't know what to do next. Girlfriends say that he is just a red flag and relations with him will not be very good if there are any. Reader, I hope you can give me some advice about this)) thank you for reading 🤗💋
submitted by kimin_qwk to u/kimin_qwk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:04 Enough_Historian2356 AITA for dating my kinda-friend's ex?

Hi. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any mistake I made writing it. Hope I can make it to your YT video and know your reaction cause it kinda bothers me for years. Sooooo I had a classmate. Let's call her Stef. I can't call her a friend. We were 13-14 years old. She dated a guy one year older than us for almost 2 months. I'll call him James. It was her first intimate relationship so she couldn't shut up about that guy and every day talked about their s@x life in every detail with anyone who would listen (most of the time it was me cause I tried to be around with anyone in my class and she was the popular girl. I didn't like her at all but she had a pretty nice group of friends, who I liked more than her). Stef always told me "you should try it too"," stop being so negative about boys and s@x". She was Regina George type of girl. Really pretty but really passive aggressive. She talked about everyone she knew behind their back. Even her best friends. She called one of them "too boring" cause she was a good girl really well mannered. And other best friend "too manly" cause she played sports. Stef every day found something about them boring or too stressful and complained to me. But she always played a game worm-cold and one day was nice to me but the next day react like I'm the worst human ever. James went to the same school as us and I saw him sometimes but never talked to him. After a month of her talking about their s@x life, they broke up. I can't really remember why. She was really upset but never cried. Month passed and he suddenly approached me. I listened to him about how their relationship were bad and based on s@x. Then James tried to hug me, then kiss me and day after day "conquered" a new territory. We've never had devil's tango tho, but we had some things. First hug/kiss I asked "and what about Stef? " and he told me it's okay and they've broke up and never getting back together. It was my first relationship even though none of us called it that. Stef continued talking about their s@x life in school and how good he was in bed. Honestly I never liked him, he's not my type but he was the first guy who actually tried to win me over. James was shorter than me and looked like a m@th addict. He was really pushy in everything. It almost felt like a r@pe even though I was going there myself. I can't describe why or how, but he had a sedusive behavior and I was a moth to the flame. He always wanted more and more, without askinge if I'm ready. I didn't liked Stef as a friend and never liked him but her non-stop bragging about him made me think "ok, I'll try it too". Now I think I was NOT ready for any of this. And I thought that this not-relationship sh!t going too long (for almost 2 months)and if I don't like a guy I should talk to him and end it. As I walked to his house my phone rang. My mom screamed at the top of her lungs "are you a wh0re? You did all of that with James? ". She's a religious woman and I can't remember her being more mad at me. She received a phone call 10 min ago telling her all the things we've done and laughing hysterically. I called him and he didn't pick up and blocked my number. In the morning in school I found out Stef and James are dating again. And she was really smiley (I can't call her happy cause her smile was more sadistic than happy). I talked about all that happened to another girl in school which I knew from childhood. I talked about James being pushy and me wanting to break up with him and mom's phone call. Than next day James caught me in women's locker room, grabbed me by my shoulders, pinned me to the wall and told me he's heard that he almost r@pe me. I just left. The friend I told that story before told that to Stef. Next years she always made fun of me liking someone and told my crushes "it's too bad you're liked by her". Other people saw her treating me and treated me the same. Always making fun of everything I do. I know I sound weird saying I did that because Stef always talked about him and said I should try being in the relationship too. And him approaching me all of the sudden and his pushy behavior. Later I've heard the rumor that I was Stef's and James's bet. I have no idea who is an A hole in that story. Please tell me what you think. P.S. she married him in the 11th grade when she was 18 and now they have two kids. P.S.S. she didn't talked to me or anything just made my life a living hell. P.S.S.S. they didn't break up when she was told our story. And he proposed to her 3 months later. So the only person, who was portrayed as bad is only me. P.S.S.S.S. in one month all our school knew that story and no one (I mean NO ONE) treated him worse, Stef's friends and other people portrayed me as a villain and thought he is the best person ever.
submitted by Enough_Historian2356 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 Ghost_B0nes Religion Boyfriend Troubles

I don’t exactly know how to say this, so I’m going to try my best and explain my situation. Basically I (17 F) have this boyfriend (17M) who is Mormon and I’m not any religion. I didn’t have any problem with him being Mormon for a long time in our 10 month relationship. There have been a lot of problems throughout this time that have just bundled up.
For example, he wanted me to start going to church with him and I don’t really want to go to church at all because I don’t believe in that stuff but it’s fine with me if he does. This caused a fight between us and I gave in and I met him in the middle by saying “I’ll go to church with you one time and see if I like it, but if I don’t I’m not going back.” This finally shut him up for a little bit. I asked him why he was so adamant on me going to church with him. He explained that if we get married or something that he wants me to go to the celestial Kingdom with him when we die. I, of course don’t believe in this stuff.
There has been a lot of things that he has tried to push onto me about his religion and I get sick of it so much. He is trying his best to convert my beliefs. I have tried my best to support him and be patient with him through all this, I admit thought that I have blew up and got mad at him a couple times because I couldn’t take it anymore of his talk’s saying I’m basically going to hell because I don’t go to church, pray, read the Bible/scriptures, etc. This makes me really sad to hear that from my own boyfriend because I have been told that many times by random people from work, streets, etc. but it really hits a bit to close to home when it’s coming from a person you trust most.
Another example is when we do sexual stuff. I of course know that it is against his religion to do any sexual stuff before marriage. But he has already lost his virginity before dating me. When we started doing sexual stuff, he would always guilt trip me after saying that I was the definition of “lust and temptation”. Then he would block and not talk to me for a few days after. This would happen repeatedly. Every time he wanted to do something sexual during our dates, I would ask him if he is okay and if this is what he really wants? He would say yes and we continued. There have also been a couple times where I completely stopped because I knew he was going to do his little tantrum after. Then he would get mad at me for stopping. So it’s like no matter what I did, I couldn’t win. Then I would feel guilty after as well, whenever we did anything. Just yesterday we had sex for the first time. I wanted my first time to be a little special and he was completely fine about everything, until he dropped me off at my house. He text me saying that we need to talk big time and that this was a big mistake. I didn’t want this to be my first time experience but it is. I feel guilty for have sex for the first time and I hate this feeling. I shouldn’t have to feel this way for having sex with the person I love most.
I don’t know what to do and I am having a very hard time thinking of the idea of breaking up with him.
submitted by Ghost_B0nes to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 TheGloriousCucumber [M4M] Looking for a cute romance roleplay

I'm looking for someone to do a cute and fun romance roleplay with. I absolutely love strangers to lovers and friends to lovers and I even have some plot ideas based on those. I know the post is M4M and that would probably be my preferred character pairing, but I'm okay with anything. MxM, MxF, and so on.
When it comes to format I'm not super picky. I usually do 2-3 paragraphs but I'm more than happy to do more or less. Just let me know what you prefer and I can match it. I prefer to roleplay on discord just because of how easy and convenient it is.
Also, I definitely like OOC chat. I feel like it makes things a lot more fun.
Anyways yeah feel free to send me a message and I can explain more of my plot ideas if you are interested? Also you are of course more then welcome to bring your own ideas too.
submitted by TheGloriousCucumber to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 Shina1990 Uncomfortable

Don't know what to do or say but boyfriend bought new a cute sexy outfit. I'm not comfortable putting on since gaining the weight back from years of anorexia. I just want to scream and tell him no but I don't want to hurt his feelings either.
submitted by Shina1990 to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 poetniknowit Another Moonvale Vent from yet Another Diehard Duskie Fan

I read over the large post Everbyte put out following what must've been a ton of reviews directly post release of Moonvale so I know that a lot of these points have already been discussed but man, I just need to vent...
I found Duskwood when it was over halfway complete, and was psyched to join everyone who waited on tenterhooks for every new chapter that was to be released.
I even was able to access my long lost code from finishing Duskwood by reinstalling the game and replaying the last chapter again- which is doable for most people so try it out if you do not have your code any longer!
Moonvale though just doesn't hit the same, and here are my reasons:
The paywall for premium content was never an issue. We all know micro transactions for things like gems is all the rage right now in mobile games, but usually you will see this in the crappy free games. The sort of games who inundate you with adplay every 5 seconds. When I first saw the quality of Duskwood's content I lovingly forked over my cash to unlock all the premium media bc it was 100% worth it! You could quantify it- one price to unlock all the things. There's no way to quantify what I would spend if I were to skip replays and buy gems to get all the content. I am not going to buy gems just to discover I haven't purchased enough to get all the content. Hell, in games with this sort of pay system I typically refuse to pay for anything at all! And I can imagine there are a LOT of people like me. Wouldn't you rather get a guaranteed amount of money from your diehard fanbase by allowing us to pay for the preium content than to cross your fingers and hope that people will buy gems in a continuous stream??
I really despise this gem system. If, let's say, there were BOTH options- unlock all media OR earn it free through replay- sure, that would satisfy the kiddos that play and don't have access to money.
But I am an adult with adult money. I want to support my fave indie game devs and pay for the content I have been waiting forever to experience. I do not really wish to replay the same game 20 times to be sure I have not missed a few videos or chat options- I want to experience all of it in one go!
The transfer of what, 45 coins for only ONE GEM is insane. Towards the end of the game there were 2 specific moments where you were asked to pay 25 gems PER part. There is a lot of balancing that needs to be done if this system is going to be kept this way, bc I have not been spending my gems on ANYTHING- no profile pics, no frames, no skipping puzzles- and I STILL couldn't afford all of the media. It was frustrating, bc how am I supposed to choose the proper dialogue if I have no idea what was in the video shown to me by Eric towards the end of the game??
Paid media should be bonus media- not something that is pertinent to the storyline. Not seeing Eric's last medias made the final scene meaningless bc I don't know wtf even happened...
I loved Duskwood so much I was ready to pay whatever necessary for the game. Even if there was a pay by chapter option, I would have dropped money every chapter if it were a set amount. I am not going to buy gems when I don't know how many gems I would even need to complete a chapter. It's a money trap.
I also disliked some other things. Most of Duskwood's appeal was due to the realism of the media bc of the actors and models involved. Having these profile photos for the main characters doesn't lend the same realism. We don't have an ability to bond with Violet whose profile photo is of a kitten, especially when the girl hardly says 2 words in the whole first chapter. It was an odd thing to have only a couple people actually be shown, and doesn't make Moonvale feel real. I get that IRL people have all sorts of random profile pics whether they're real photos, art, etc but most of what made Duskwood magical was to be able to actually feel like you are building a bond with some of these characters, and I cannot do that with AI art and kittens.
ALSO the match 3 game. We get that having the game involved beefs up the play time. If the game solely consisted of the chat it would take a whole ten minutes to complete it. But in Moonvale there is no backstory for a need to play a match 3 game. In Duskie we had to "hack" with it, and while the results of our hacking was mostly goofy and a treasure hunt set by Jake (Bc honestly there were only a cpl clues that were left by Hannah at all) at least the presence of the match 3 game made sense for the story.
It's like found footage films. The only way to make a found footage movie feel real is to explain why they are filming and why they keep filming during the horror. Why are we going to be playing a match 3 game in the middle of stressful conversations? With the cutesy style of the match 3 game mixed with the art style on the loading screen and such I felt like I was playing Candy Crush, not an Everbyte studios game.
There were also a few creative choices that didn't make much sense. The art style of the store page where you buy the game, the loading screen, the gems purchase page, and then the game itself- it felt like every pertinent piece of the game was designed by someone different. There was like no one cohesive art style to the game as a whole, and every individual part looked like it was a part of a different game.
I dig where some of the plot could go, but there were so many things that copied the plaotline of Duskwood it was hella deja vu. Somehow they got our number- at least be like "you were brought into this bc of your reputation from when the girl from Duskwood was kidnapped". It's too random for people to somehow have your phone number out of thin air. Too many things morroring Duskwood's exact plot.
Ok, it's out my system now lol.
submitted by poetniknowit to Duskwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 RedFoxRunner The girl I was seeing started acting crazy and it scared me. I blocked her on everything

I've been watching some youtube videos about BPD and I am pretty sure this girl I had been dating had it.
We had been dating on and off for about a year and a half. When I first met her she said that she was separated and going through a divorce. She would call everyone around her a narcist - her family, her ex husband, her friends.
I planned on going on a weeklong beach trip with her last August. 3 days before she cancels on me and says we aren't in the same place emotionally. (First discard). I end up having to go on the trip alone and lose a bunch of money on it.
3 weeks later she starts talking to me again. We talk here and there and start hanging out again.
Second discard came around Halloween. We had plans to do pumpkin painting and to go to a Halloween bar crawl. She asked to come over the night before, that she was feeling down. I said I have to hit the gym but you can stop by at 10 or later. She gets mad and says nevermind, I will find another way to care for myself and flakes on the Halloween stuff. We don't talk for a while.
She starts talking to me on NYE. We hang out here and there between then and now with her leaving one more time in February.
After knowing her for a year she tells me she has two kids. She also says her divorce isn't finalized yet, that she trying to figure out where to move to because there are too many bad memories in this city. That she is taking her time to make sure it is the right thing and she doesn't want to make that decision while she is trying to heal emotionally. I find out she is still living with her "ex" husband. She says she is just doing that until she figures out where to move, that she doesn't want to stay here so she isn't going to get a place here. She pushed for us to be bf/gf, I tell her her divorce needs to be finalized and she needs to get her own place before we get anywhere close to that.
She kept saying she wants to move to a city 4 hours away and she may go down there and not come back. I ask why would she move away and leave her kids with her husband if he is a narcissist and mentally abusive. She says they are boys and need a man to raise them properly, that a woman can't raise boys on her own. And that he is a low key narcist and her boys are strong willed so they will be fine.
I plan on taking a week long road trip to the beach, the same place she flaked on me last year. I tell her I am going on a road trip with my buddy. I don't tell her that he may not join me til later in the trip because he may have his kids. The same weekend I leave she had said she may go to the other city and not come back.
It turns out her did have has kids that weekend so he told me he would meet me later in the trip.
I go on my trip. 2 days in I start getting really rude texts from her. Calling me names, that I am a narcist, I used her, I'm an asshole, I just need to go suck my moms tits. That if I was a real man I would have taken her on a relaxing trip to let her unwind and start the long process of healing. I'm like WTF, I didn't do anything to you.
She says how my friend is a family law lawyer and I just watched her flail around. That I should have stepped in and stopped her when she was acting crazy and I'm not a real man. She then asks if my friends kids are with me. I say no, he has a custody issue to deal with with his kids and he is going to fly out and meet me later in the week. She starts accusing me of taking another girl on this trip and that she has "receipts".
This keeps going on and I have to block her for a day because it is stressing me out and ruining my trip. The next morning she shows up uninvited to my apartment and sits outside my door and looks at the camera for a minute and leaves.
I unblock her later that night and say she is being rude and that I did nothing wrong. She sends me a screenshot of my friends profile. The day after I left for my trip he posted a photo of his kids. She said that proves I lied to her. I told her I didn't lie to her and that the plans changed, that he had a custody issue with his kids but he is still joining me later in the week on the trip. She won't listen and is convinced I am sleeping around, took a girl on this trip and lied to her. Keep in mind she has never met my friend before and is not friends with him on social media so she went way out of her way to creep on him and jump to conclusions.
She called me a couple times from a private number and leaves me odd messages. You can tell she is very emotionally disregulated. Saying she doesn't want to see me again but we need to talk. That we weren't honest with each other, that she is going to make me heal one way or another. It will help her heal and I don't get to tell her how she heals.
I call her a couple hours later and she doesn't answer.
I get another call or two from a private number over the next couple days with no voicemail.
She gave me a painting she made a few months ago. She texts me and says I either need to pay her $50 for the painting she gifted me or her ex-husband will come and get it. Says things like he doesn't know where you live but I'm sure he can find out.
I say I like your painting but I will give it back if you insist. What address would you like it sent to? I also didn't do anything to you and this is a misunderstanding. The plans on my trip simply changed and I didn't go with anyone else. I'm willing to talk to her if she stops calling me names.
She says she has "receipts" and she knows what is going on. She never wants to see or talk to me again. That its fine, her ex husband will come get the paintings, that she doesn't have an address. I say I'm not meeting him, why don't you just give me an address to send it to. Your ex husbands, a friends, somewhere you are staying and stop making this difficult and I will mail it to you.
3 days and nothing. 3 days later she texts me and says pay me or my ex husband will come get the painting today.
I block her on everything.
I hung the painting outside my front door so if she does stop by she can just take it and not talk to me.
It has been 2 days now and the painting is still there and no one has stopped by my place. I installed another camera outside of my door. The way she was acting in the end was scaring me. It is obvious she didn't really want the painting back as she wouldn't give me an address to send it to, she just was playing some kind of games.
submitted by RedFoxRunner to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:03 ThatYeeYeeBoi 24 TM looking for future small bladder bf (cis or trans men)

Please read whole post
I'm a 24yr old gay top trans guy (I've been on testosterone for 7yrs no surgeries yet) looking for another gay man between the ages of 18-35yrs old that has a small bladder to get to know and possibly at some point even more. For those of you who are wondering what small bladder means, I'm looking for a guy who can't hold his pee and has to use the bathroom often because he has to go urgently. I have a soft spot for bigger men whether that be in height or chubby but it is not necessary. I also very much like hairy men the hairier the better. Please no femboys or crossdressers it's just not my thing.
A little bit about me is that I am 100% a top and a caring daddy type of guy. While I am only 24 I have a mature attitude (though I also know when to be silly and playful) and am quite loyal when in a relationship. I am not a rich man but very much a romantic, protective, and gentle hairy, dad bod, short king (I can be rough when it's necessary.) Something about being in charge of a taller submissive small bladdered hottie just makes my heart flutter especially when he tells me he's desperate.
My hobbies included cooking, writing, baking, listening to music, watching sports, and drawing. I love horror movies even though they don't scare me at all and I tend to point out how dumb the characters are. Don't worry if you're not a horror fan and get easily scared I'll protect you (even if you pee yourself a little.)
If you're interested feel free to message me and tell me a bit about yourself, a face pic would also be nice. Don't just say "Hi" put a bit of effort into your message please.I look forward to hearing from a few of you guys.
I do prefer using Telegram, Discord, or Snapchat over Reddit due to notifications not showing up. So if you have any of those feel free to let me know.
P.S don't bother if you're just gonna block or ghost me after the first few messages, y'all know who you are.
submitted by ThatYeeYeeBoi to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:02 Public_Smoke9597 [Update] AITAH for ending my friendship cuz of my friend’s gf?

Thank yall so much for your advice on the comments. I have addressed most of them as best as I could. A lot has happened since my post: Daniel proposed and we are getting married. Kevin heard the news and asked if he could be the best man and we agreed. Daniel wanted to mend things so he invited Kevin & Natalie to a poker night with two other friends. We agreed to let go of what she has said about us and make her feel welcome. Kevin did tell Natalie about poker night and she seemed excited about it. But that night her attitude changed & Kevin spent most of the night on the phone arguing while she was at work, and she showed up after work. We had a movie playing so she & I had something to do while the boys played poker. But she sat there pouting and barely said two words to anyone, we tried to engage in conversation offer her food or drinks and we were met with the cold shoulder. Later when they were leaving we could hear them arguing.
We knew Kevin was going to have Natalie as his plus one but we were afraid she’d cause a scene at the wedding. Who’s to say she won’t start a fight cuz he’d be sitting at the front table with us and not with her or cuz he would have to walk down the aisle with my MOH? So we asked him would he consider not bringing Natalie. We brought up her past behavior including poker night and Kevin said he’d speak to her. Next day Daniel gets a text from Natalie asking why she wasn’t invited, Daniel told her he wanted to avoid drama. She responded with “what drama may I ask?”, but before Daniel could respond she replied to not worry about it cuz neither of them will attend the wedding. We tried reaching out to Kevin but crickets. 
Kevin also decided to break our lease to move in with Natalie. But tried to give us and our landlord not even a week’s notice. Luckily our landlord is an attorney and told him if he were to break the lease he’s supposed to give a 30 days notice. We came to an agreement with our landlord that if he paid half months rent before leaving he could break the lease without consequences. He has since moved out and has had very little contact with us. He rarely talks to Daniel at school.
Now she has again gone thru his social media and has unfriended Daniel as well as several classmates including a girl. We have voiced our concerns to Kevin many times of possible emotionally abuse and isolation. But he makes excuses and claims his family loves Natalie. 
But it turns out that Kevin has confronted Natalie about her behavior and she constantly claims it’s just her acting out of anger, he has told her he is sick of her behavior and threatened to leave. Her response was to lay in the middle of the street and tell him that she hopes to get hit my a car. So it seems that Natalie has threatened to hurt herself if he leaves or threatens to leave.
Despite our issues with Natalie we have told him that we still care about him and are worried about him. But now he claims we are AH for voicing our concerns.
submitted by Public_Smoke9597 to dustythunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:01 DoctorJekyll13 How Does One Respond To Male Affection?

How does one respond to affection over text?
“And you like things that most girls don't really like, and that's what makes you unique. (Especially to me!☺️)
“Well, we both like the same kind of books, of course (And I think you're a little cute)”
“You're pleasant to be around, and you're always helping others. Always devoted to helping others get better.”
“And that's another thing; you're always honest 🤩 I like texting you because you're so positive and nice🥰”
(And after another thank you)
“You're welcome madam.”
“Yeah, because im talking to you! You put me in good mood😌”
It’s not that I mind it. I’m just socially awkward. Please help me.
submitted by DoctorJekyll13 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:00 Negative_Ad_8022 My ADHD is ruining my life

(For the record, I’m an African American woman living in the states)
All my life I’ve told by my family “something is wrong with you” but also if someone outside of the family were to say the same thing, my family would react with “she’s fine.”
I was ‘diagnosed’ with ADHD back in my senior year of HS. I put the air quotes because my doctor at the time said she couldn’t make an official diagnosis since that wasn’t in her field, so she just gave me the meds she could prescribe and it just completely sucked the life out of me, it felt as if I was a zombie. I had lost interest in all the things I liked; drawing, reading, and writing. It was like I was on autopilot. I only had to take them though for as long I was in school because my doctor wanted me to see a psychiatrist so I could get the proper medication.
I never got it.
My guardian at the time was my grandmother (my mom also passed away my senior year) and so she was the one taking me to the doctors, making the appointments, all that stuff. But she never got time the psychiatrist.
Now here I am, I’m about to be 27, I’ve done nothing meaningful nor memorable with my life, and I’m STILL unmediated. Last year, I completely had a mental breakdown at the fact that I’m not doing what I want with my life. I called one of my best friends and I just cried and cried and cried to him about how I don’t want to live like this- that I don’t want to die not doing the things I want! I had multiple therapist before, none helped with what I needed. The psychiatrist I had 2 years ago were the first and only ones to say that I don’t have ADHD (I’ve had around 5 doctors/therapists all previously say otherwise) and said I just need to do better. Needless to say I never went back.
Back to last year when I was crying to my friend, he helped me find a new therapist, and even did the paperwork with me- I was even able to choose what therapist I wanted from their website based on what they specialize in. I thought “finally! I’m finally gonna get the help i need! I won’t have to continue on like this any longer!”
……..I was wrong. That was back in October of last year, now here I am STILL in the same position as last year. I tried to even do the paperwork to get a psychiatrist by myself, (the current therapist gave me the link) but was instead given ANOTHER therapist! And what happened when I said “fuck it, I need a new therapist anyways”? I get ANOTHER therapist, but the one I was told “I don’t think you’re being fair to your current one, you just got her and haven’t given her a chance.” When in reality it had been 3 months already. I’m tired of coping skills, I’m tired of having to do “alternative” means, I’m tired of being told “you just need to try harder” when I’ve been trying FOR MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE! I already KNOW medication isn’t an automatic fix, but I also know it’ll at least start to HELP me more than me raw dogging life for damn near 27 fucking years! Why do other people get their medicine and medical needs met so easily when I have to fight took and fucking nail just so I can be a proper functioning adult!?
The therapist I have currently (the one I’ve been stuck with since October) KNOWS I have adhd she SAYS I have adhd but you know what she does? She wants me to figure it out on my own. My other friend keeps saying “she just wants you to be independent” LIKE I HAVENT BEEN TRYING TO DO THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE!? IM SICK OF IT! IM TIRED IF PEOPLE THINKING IM LAZY, IM TIRED IF THE BULLSHIT, IM TIRED IF BEING TOLD I DONT TRY HARD ENOUGH! IM TIRED IM TIRED IM TIRED!!!! and not to mention that same friend that also “has adhd” went off on me one day in a restaurant for not “improving my life” and “not doing what o should be doing” and that “everyone is going to get tired of me and abandon me if I don’t get my life together” like FUCKING WOW! ITS ALMOST LIKE THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME THAT CAUSES ME TO BE LIKE THIS!? YOU FUCKING THINK I WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS!?
I’m just…..I just want to get better. I want to be understood… can I get a therapist that actually understands me, won’t give me the runaround, and will actually help me not only become the person I want to be, but also get the medicine I need to do so?….I don’t want to die doing nothing with my life…..
submitted by Negative_Ad_8022 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:00 RGBrewskies Senior Office Hours

Hi, I'm a senior engineer / team-lead at an angulanestJS shop
I run a discord called Senior Office Hours ... which is a place for juniors/mids who want to level-up their coding skills to ask questions.
Currently ~100 people in there, but its been quiet lately so I figure I'd put this out into the ether again...
if youre a juniomid who doesnt have access to a senior engineer, feel free to pop in, say hi, and drop your github.
Right now I'm looking at writing a course on writing clean code in angular -- would love to help you take your code from junior -> senior. If you have a github project you'd like me to look at, please stop on by!
Things I like to talk about
Invite expires in 7 days
submitted by RGBrewskies to Angular2 [link] [comments]