I miss you i need you and i want you

I tell you hwat.

2010.11.08 03:44 roger_ I tell you hwat.

A subreddit for fans of Mike Judge's 1997 animated series "King Of The Hill"

2015.01.26 14:52 Ghost_Animator I bet you will /r/BeAmazed!

I bet you will /BeAmazed! A place to find and share amazing things

2011.09.20 03:11 sgt_shizzles F*%! you! I won't do what you tell me!


2024.05.15 23:21 DirectorNecessary538 Starting Up vs. Buying Out: Sylvie Froger, An Entrepreneur Who’s Done Both, Shares Her experience

Sylvie Froger wanted to escape the corporate world, and she did it by solving a problem she experienced when she had to relocate for work more than a decade ago. After surviving the "nightmare" of moving to London, Sylvie created a stress-free solution to help people do the same. That's how Simply London, her first business, was born.
"I got fed up with the corporate world and wanted to do my own thing. That was 12 years ago, I built this from scratch, and it's still going." But she didn't stop there.
"I started to think about a pre-retirement plan which involved having more than one source of revenue. I needed an additional source of income and I've always liked the creation of businesses.
"It's exaggerated, but I love learning, I love new things, and I love tech, so all of this combined led me to think: well, maybe I could actually acquire an online business that I can work on in my spare time."
In this interview, Sylvie shares the lessons she learned from buying an existing tech business, the issues she encountered, what she would've done differently, and how Boopos helped her. If you want to buy or sell a business, here's a lot of wisdom worth reading!

How Boopos helped Sylvie gain confidence and finance her acquisition

Sylvie learned about Boopos through podcasts that discussed the topic of flipping businesses.
"Boopos made it possible for me to think that I could finance it because I wasn't sitting on a pile of cash, so I needed external financing. I wouldn't have known how to raise funds or things like that; that's not how I built my first business; I built it from scratch without raising any funds.
"So Boopos gave me the confidence, a little bit of security as well with the pre-approved businesses." Although Sylvie recognizes this is not a guarantee, it is helpful to know that the business has no major problems.
"I also came across the concept of seller financing which I used as well".
Sylvie acquired PowerImporter, a tool for easily updating Webflow websites from Airtable, CSV, and WordPress. "PowerImporter is about saving people time, and that's something I'm very passionate about. So the product also fitted my personal taste for the type of service or product I wanted to bring to people."

7 tips from Sylvie Froger

1. Write down the best & worst-case scenarios

"I think the biggest worry was that financially, I would struggle to repay all the debt I had to take to buy this business, knowing that I was sitting on no cash at all.
"What I did was lots of calculations: best-case scenarios and worst-case scenarios, and then I looked at: What happens if we're in the worst-case scenario? Can this be sustainable?"

2. Ask for documentation

One of the biggest challenges Sylvie faced was the lack of documentation. Although this hasn't given her business technical problems, it has made problem-solving slower.
"Everything had been developed by the seller, so it was all in his head. There was pretty much no documentation, technical, or actually any documentation on the business, so I had to extract information from his head by asking lots of questions. If I were to re-do it, I would request documentation as part of the buying process.”

3. Look for honesty in a seller

Her advice on what to look for in a seller comes down to honesty.
"(When) analyzing what might impact the business in the future negatively as of market trends, competitor products, changes in the tech world that could have an impact… I think that's really useful to get from the seller's perspective because they know their market, they know their product".

4. Choose a business that motivates you

Sylvie was able to combine both her passion and what made sense from a financial standpoint. But that's not always the case.
"The business model that I purchased came with quite a very high margin, so I did both. I'm guessing it's not always possible, it depends also in which sector you are.", she recognizes.
"If your motivation is financial then maybe you don't need to be in a business whose product or service you love. As close as you get to what you love, whatever that is. It could be just the money or it could be the challenge, type of product. Does that make sense? Yes? Go ahead!"

5. Follow your intuition

"I would say avoid something that your intuition tells you to avoid, I think intuition is still very important. Facts obviously are, but also intuition, and it could be intuition about the sellers, it could be intuition about the type of business you're not really sure about".

6. Don't underestimate the cost and time of development

Although Sylvie planned to hire a coding specialist, she did not expect the time and cost that it would take.
"As with development, that's my lesson: it takes three times the time and ten times the cost, so whatever plan you've made in developing in the technological world, it will often be underestimated.
"If you buy a business which exists already it's fantastic because a lot is set up already, so there's major benefits in doing that compared to building from scratch."

7. Find a community

Sylvie recognized that she would love to be part of a community. And especially, she hopes to connect with other women who might have similar experiences.
"Another challenge for me was and still is to be a woman in tech. I don't want to put everything onto gender differences, but I felt very self-conscious and I still do being a woman in the tech world.
I still find it daunting but it's interesting, so I would also love to be able to connect with other women in the tech world to see what they think about it."

Why buying a business is a good path to follow

"Building on something that has been done fairly well or very well is a pleasure, so you buy time, obviously, when you buy a business that exists already".
In her case, the seller wanted to continue developing products but he understood that this particular business needed to scale on marketing. "The major benefit for me was that not a lot had been done marketing-wise, so there was a lot of potential."
submitted by DirectorNecessary538 to Buy_Sell_Business [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:18 Zealousideal-Bit3650 I’m lost in the fork in the road.

Hello, my name is Zach I’m a 23 year old (m). I’ve been living with my aunt and uncle for the last 8 months I graduated college this last December but never could find a job. My aunt and uncle live in a 26” pull behind trailer traveling the country and I sleep on their couch. I was given up on a job than we decided to call up a friend at the koa in the mountains. The koa has been a great working experience aswell as helping keep my mind off bad things in other places. I’m thinking of doing the work camping idea full time, but I don’t know how confident I am getting a camper. I would love to have my own place, I kinda need it after this period on the couch. I just don’t know how reasonable it is to commit to the camper lifestyle so young I’ve heard awful things can happen aswell as upkeep is expensive. I don’t really want to travel and work at different koas I would prefer to either find a Koa for yearly or just give up the camper idea (none of my family owns land). The apartment idea seems like it could be safer but when looking at rates it’s insane to think about living for one year roughly it’s basically the camper if the camper has nothing break down. So my question for you Reddit experience and non what would you do in this situation? I should have roughly 13k by October but don’t want to waste it or trap myself.
My mom wants to move in with me either way and she would like to live near a beach like 100 miles etc and I’ve heard humidity is awful on campers and idk if that makes the apartment option more affordable or not.
Any responses will help and I will be updating and responding.
submitted by Zealousideal-Bit3650 to RVLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:12 SherlockHolmesOff YouTube Pet Peeves

Hi, I’m here to obviously vent. I’d like to call out people who peeve me out on YouTube. So I’m gonna list it out. If you disagree, that is fine. Just going to list things that make me MAD. Get my itches itchy. Make my boots timber. Not directed to anybody except people who do this, if you do this, please take time to realize…Anyway. Obviously don’t go harassing people who do this. This is just my pet peeve.

1 - People who comment first who aren’t actually first and second commenters. Nobody cares that you’re first or second like? Please leave. Why do you feel the need to address the fact that you’re first? Do you want love? Likes? It’s not working, for me at least.

2 - People who thank people…on YouTube for their likes. If this is you, please don’t do this. People who say, ‘MAMA IM FAMOUS’, ‘Thx for the likes!!’, or ‘Never got this many likes before.’ Please stop. I don’t care whether you got that amount before or not! Don’t thank me, thank your humor or people liking what you said. These people genuinely annoy me, if this is you… I’ve already unlike your comment.

3 - People who don’t quote a video correctly. You just watched the video. The person in the video literally said “I like baking eggs and ham” then you’re going to comment with a quote talking about “They really said ‘I like eggs, bacon, and sausage.’ 🤣” Where did you hear that? They did not say that! Are you delusional? Maybe.

4 - People who feel the need to be inspirational. Sir, this is a video for people to vent. We don’t need you, Sherlock, to tell me “it’ll all get better.” IVE BEEN LIKE THIS FOR YEARS. NOT YET IN THERAPY. Plus, people know it’ll get better and if they don’t, oh well, who are you? Can I just have a bad day? Get out, dude.

5 - People who self-censor themselves. They will not always delete your comment. “I don’t give a shitacobeanthethirdonlyfansinthecourtoksoboom about this video.” Please stop. Especially if they do ‘sh#t’. LEAVE.

6 - People who are obviously bots or trying to promote their channel. People who say “I am better than this YouTuber.” Like if you were, I would be watching you, wouldn’t I? Your channel sucks. I’ve watched a lot of your videos and the fact you’re commenting on someone else’s channel to promote yours…how low can you go?

7 - “Don’t read my channel name.” I’ve read it, now what? I read the banner, I’ve read the video, I’ve clicked the link, now I’m in clarity. You’re still not getting a sub, you wreck.

8 - People who obviously copied the comment from somewhere else, using the same joke that everybody in the comment section is using or trying to act original. Those people make me mad. We’ve seen the same people use this same joke. You are not like them. We know it’s stolen, stop trying to be funny with that lame copied joke. Be creative.

9 - People who use ‘Bro’ in their comment, expecting it to be funny because it word for their little brother. No, bro did not think he was flying. It was joke. OR people who correct others grammar.


10 - The WHOOOSH community of YouTube. People who get offended, correct grammar. Like get a load of Mr. Fucking grammar police! Promise to say You’re next time! When you learn to have a laugh, you will be happy.

Anyhow, that’s it! Good day and if you’re on this list, have the day you deserve.
Tl;Dr: people who feel the need not to read the entire thing. 🫵🏽
submitted by SherlockHolmesOff to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:08 AutumnFanatic [22/M4F] Hi! Cute nerdy guy who gets zero social interaction looking for a female interested in forming an intimate connection

Why did the farmer visit the pharmacy? To speak with the farm-assist.
Hi and welcome to my post! Wanted to start off with a funny to me dad joke.
Nice to meet you, I'm Dylan! To put it simple, I am a single 22 year old man who has been pretty lonely in life and lacking in female connection and interaction. And part of what comes with that is the desire to be intimate with a person. I am very mature for my age and will always be respectful of your boundaries and feelings, especially with anything sexual. Lately all I have is myself when it comes to sexual desires, so I would like to have someone to keep company with in that regard too.
I'm just relaxing at work since there's nothing really going on and thinking about going home tonight and burning a woodwick candle. Perfect for when there's a storm outside. I love candles! 🕯️ Sometimes a campfire outside on a fall night or a crackling WoodWick candle is a relaxing constant among our busy and hectic world. It's nice to just disconnect, feel grounded and happy in your own little cozy space. Feeling calm and collected and at peace. Something that fewer people take the time to do these days.
I am seeking a woman around my age or older to build a close connection with that could possibly lead to a relationship and something intimate which includes the possibility of teasing/sharing pics etc. but only when we were comfortable. Figured I would be open in my Intentions as that's the best way to be.
Kind, respectful, and easy going.
Comfortable with the idea of eventually sharing intimate things together.
Willing to eventually move off of Reddit.
Want something genuine and fun!
Are honest in your intentions and a good person to be around!
That's about it, we will get along great I know it.
I've been feeling a little bummed out lately. I always try and stay happy and see the best in things. But.. I've just been so alone. Most of my whole childhood and adult years have been spent feeling lonely. I grew up surrounded by cornfields which was peaceful but also has a lonely aspect to it. My family never really were close and never did anything as a family really. And part of it too is the fact that I never had any neighbors my age to interact with. But aside from that, my adult life has been very lonely. I'm just always by myself. I barely have any meaningful adult relationships or experiences, or even any friends.
I work a 3-11 job in building maintenance at my company world headquarters building which I love, but again it's very lonely. I work the off shift so the building is always empty. I don't get normal social interaction with people my age or a chance to build relationships. I only have 3 older men as co-workers and we are mostly in the basement away from any people on the floors from knowing our existence. I always walk the floors and see office people laughing and chatting with their coworkers and I just don't have that kind of experience. And just.. no one knows I exist really. Everyone probably assumes I have a lot of friends, but I'm struggling inside with being so alone and trying to meet people and get past the "hi how are you?" "I'm good thanks" stage. Most people don't seem to want to talk beyond that. And most women are already in relationships and thus it would seem weird to approach them in an office setting trying to get to know them deeper. But man those "hi how are yous" are the only real interactions I get during my day.. so thus I decided to come here lol. Rant over, sorry! I promise I'm not a downer. 😅
Now for some things about me!
As you can tell, I am very mature for my age and am polite and have good grammar which unfortunately not everyone my age does anymore lol. I am not active at all on social media/internet culture really and don't know much about all the slang the younger people these days use. I feel like I'm 50. 🤣
I am left handed which is pretty cool. I'm not much of a party person or a drinker, I much prefer a quiet night at home and maybe a beer or two on a weekend but that's about it. I am simple and stay out of drama and trouble and don't get much into politics or other things that cause drama with people. I much prefer a relaxing campfire and a night at home and to just let the world keep on turning haha. I consider myself pretty intelligent and mature, especially for my age which is why I'm open to older ladies.
Physically I'm 180 pounds, have brown hair, green eyes, and a typical build. There's a few pictures on my profile.
Some of my hobbies are:
• Photography
I have a Nikon D200 and D5500 that I love to shoot with. I love nature scenes, abstract, black and white/goth kinda photography, sunsets, etc. it's so fun to just let your mind explore. It's not about what camera you have, but those who are behind the camera! I'm gonna try and photograph the northern lights tonight!
• Cooking and baking
I loveeee to cook and bake! I enjoy making various meals but also love to just have a frozen pizza once in awhile or something like that. I recently made homemade chili which turned out great. I love to bake, especially in the fall! I love pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, etc. I restored a vintage KitchenAid mixer that needed tbe gearbox rebuilt. Eventually I would love to practice home canning my own food.
• Music
Oh my gosh, I like so much!! Alternative rock, punk, post punk, electronic, synth pop, psychedelic rock, hard rock, etc. I am very non judgemental and open when it comes to music. My three current favorite bands are Type O Negative, Joy Division, and the Cure.
• Nature walks and camping
I really enjoy camping, making fires, and relaxing by a campfire. I love to take walks outside and just enjoy the beauty and simplicity of nature. It's wonderful, especially in a world so focused on everything digital.
• Repairing things
I'm a maintenance guy and one of my hobbies is electronics repair so I am good with my hands and just all around good at troubleshooting and fixing all sorts of things around the house. Last week I helped my elderly neighbor get his tractor started, it needed a new component in the starting circuit. So I'm pretty handy which... Comes in handy! 😂
• Autumn 🍁
This isn't a hobby per say, but man do I love the fall!!! It's my absolute favorite time of the year. Oh my gosh. The beautiful colors, crisp cool air, misty and foggy days, rain, lack of bugs, being cuddled up with a candle or by the fire drinking a tea, etc. I love it! There's only two seasons for me. Fall, and waiting for fall! Haha.
• Scented Candles and incense
Going along with my love for fall, I absolutely love candles! I have like 30 something lol. 😂 Currently my favorite are WoodWick, which are owned by Yankee candle. They have such a soothing crackle and the scents are great! I also love to burn incense from time to time as well. I have cottagecore hippie vibes.
• Old houses and architecture
I love old houses! Especially 1900s and Victorian era homes. Old homes have so much character to them and are just so beautiful from a time when people took pride in their craft. I strongly dislike the modern cookie cutter cheap construction of homes today. I would love to live in an old home one day. I also love their architecture and uniqueness, as well as architecture of old cathedrals and other buildings.
• Relaxing
Basic I know, but sometimes on the weekend I just love to get cozy in bed and relax and put on a YouTube video or an album! 😊
That's about it for me, I'm a pretty laid back and simple person. My ideal person is someone who is respectful and honest! I am very straightforward and open minded and would hope that you are as well.
If I seem interesting to you at all I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much for reading.
submitted by AutumnFanatic to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:08 Competitive_Row2029 advice on applying to a job?

this might sound silly but I'm 24 and have only had 1 other job, so I have close to no experience. I was 18 when I quit that job. It was due to extremely traumatic things happening to me and I just needed a very long time to cope and learn how to live everyday life without being afraid again. My husband has worked the entire time and he works in the auto center right now. I'm feeling extremely bad for not contributing all this time, so I want to try and apply at walmart. My only problem is I have extreme anxiety about not having experience at all and just messing something up and getting fired within the first week lol. I know this is probably irrational but it's just something I struggle with.
The walmart I'd be applying to has several positions open. I was wondering if anyone could tell me their experiences working in these areas or others in general?? It would be so appreciated and probably help me know what I'm getting into since the descriptions are vague.
Health and Beauty TA & Seasonal Team Associate are the positions I'm looking at. Any advice is appreciated, thank you:))
submitted by Competitive_Row2029 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:03 Spirited_9732 What's the way to watch Oleksandr Usyk vs Tyson Fury live fRee?

What's the way to watch Oleksandr Usyk vs Tyson Fury live fRee? Fury is getting on a bit. He's not going to be as mobile as he used to be. Coming in heavy only compounds that. Even a slimmed down Fury is bigger and stronger than Usyk, so why risk gassing out or being unable to catch the smaller man?
🔴Visit🥊► Boxing Streams
🔴Watch🥊► Boxing Live
Does anybody else think that Tyson fury is looking a bit too thin to fight usyk? If you get me. It looks like he's lost ALOT of weight. His weight is his biggest advantage. If he looses more than he usually does, I think he'll struggle against usyk there's no way he'll outbox him. as he won't have much weight for him to lean on usyk and also unpopular opinion, I do think it's fishy. He wasn't in good shape for the feb 17th usyk fight and now he got "cut" it's given him lots more time to train doesn't it seem strange?
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Usyk & Fury Boxing and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing for free live.
The Fury v Usyk live stream sees the undisputed heavyweight championship defend his strap against the popular Californian pugilist. Here's everything you need to know to watch online with and without a PPV. Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take the ring on Saturday May 18) at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are all the ways to stream live free online.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by Spirited_9732 to Xbox_One_X [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:01 -_B0bby_- Sorry rent, non binary things

Ok sorry I'm just saying things that go through my mind lately.. will be long.
I'm fed up with all the new trans bull shit. I started my transition 12 years ago and I don't know if it's just an impression but it feels like there weren't so much labels and everything.
What bothers me the most is the non binary thing. I mean, I can understand that some people don't feel neither male or female, sure (wouldn't they rather be agender?).
But it seems like today anyone (young) that doesn't conform to male/female stereotypes identifies as non binary.
Sorry but what ? Lot of the same people saying that men can wear nail polish if they want or women don't need to be feminine to be women (of course) are also the same that identify as non binary because they don't feel they fit in the men/women stereotypes.
Come on, they are the ones reinforcing the stereotypes that men / women ARE this or that and if you are not you must be non binary.
Why not just embrace what they are ? If they feel good being a feminine man or masculine woman or just liking stuff from the opposite gender (stereotypes), then be it !
How can we fight for people being accepted as they are, liking what they like even if it is not what men or women are expected to be/do if at the same time people declare being non binary just because they don't like an aspect of the said gender ?
I'm even more tired of all the fucking bull shit of "trans don't need to feel disphoria to be trans". What ? THAT is the point about being trans. And including non binary folks in the trans group. Fuck it.
People get a wrong image about what it is now being trans. I'm just a dude living as any other dude and stealth. And just for that, because I'm a "binary man" wanting to live as a man (not as a trans), some assholes are saying I'm ashamed of being trans and I'm transphobe. Fuck them.
The trans voices are now non binary ones and they take all trans spaces and we just seem like being fucking lunatics for the general population. They will just succeed in loosing medical care for trans people (because if trans don't need to feel disphoria, why should there be financial support if it's not a medical need?).
Won't even mention the xenogender / xenosexuality thing...
(When I started my transition I thought I was ftx (is that the old non binary version?) because I didn't like what men generally like. Beer, sports and boobs (yes it's a caricature). But then I just realised that I'm a man, a gay man that doesn't like beer, sports and boobs. But still a man, just an FtM one).
submitted by -_B0bby_- to truscum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:59 EntertainmentProper (Beginner) Which machine should I go for?

So my goal is to take cheaper stones (first image, $3 chunk of rutilated quartz), and grind one face flat and polish it (second image). The second image is like the ideal outcome, which was just a chunk of fluorite that took 4 hours to grind one face flat and polish it to 3000 with only sandpaper. I don’t need to like, cut geometrically perfect shapes or jewelry or d20s, although it would be nice to be able to make perfect cubes out of rough material, I just need flat faces that don’t take hours, really.
What I was thinking was to get turtle hoard’s faceting kit and the vevor machine, for $500 total, but from what I have seen in his videos doing larger flat faces with it might be impractical when it comes to polishing, because such a large face like in the second pic would take forever to be fully polished. I would assume getting the whole facet to contact the lap would be difficult for such a large face. Or maybe I could be wrong, I have only ever used sandpaper.
Anyways, what I am asking, is the turtle hoard kit the right decision? Or is there something I haven’t heard of that would perform better in my circumstances?
Also, apologies if I sound like a newbie, because I am one and I only have experience with machines through YouTube videos and short form content honestly. What I do know is I don’t want these rocks to take 4 hours to do one face anymore. I’ve done tens of them and gone through a ton of sandpaper and it just makes it not very enjoyable, as you can imagine. Also, I can’t even do quartz as it is just too hard.
submitted by EntertainmentProper to faceting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:58 Goddessforfn Dom here… I haven’t post in this group before.

I’ve seen a lot of you all posting that you’d like to quit and that you’ve been having a hard time doing so. Please know you aren’t alone. If you need help or someone who is ethical seek help or find someone to talk too. Don’t lose hope. But also if you don’t necessarily want to leave but seem to be way too caught up in findom, TAKE A BREAK! It’s healthy and definitely serves you well!
Have an awesome day!
submitted by Goddessforfn to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:58 SaphyLee2011 Emerald Forest lvl?

Emerald Forest lvl?
What arrow level do you need to be to actually defeat a wave in the Emerald Forest? I know this is determined by multiple factors, but I unlocked this area around lvl 700, and at lvl 1000+ I am still unable to pass a wave. I just want to know around what number I should be aiming for. Thank you.
submitted by SaphyLee2011 to ArcherForest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:57 TRexJohnWick In The Shameful Aftermath of Hurting Someone With My Manic Words

Do you ever say terrible things during mania and feel like you're locked inside of yourself watching yourself go down some kind of weird avenue where an unfiltered part of your thought process is hooked up to your mouth and then you say terrible things to someone you love, respect and want to care for?
Does that person forgive you but then need time to recover because they've been hurt and all you want to do is make it better for them but you have to wait while they recover? That waiting is hell for me. I've been forgiven by my spouse for things I said the other day and he understands that it was part of an episode and he knows that I am actually doing my best and working on recognizing all of this stuff earlier and working on my DBT distress management skills. He knows about how hard it is for me, how much work I'm putting in, how much I'm trying to get my meds right.
And he forgives me.
And now I'm dealing with this wounded bird whose heavy heart I can feel. Whose sadness I can feel. Who forgives me but still needs time. This has happened a few times throughout the past 5 years. He always forgives me, always understands and of course he is hurt by the words, of course he was just abused. And he forgives. And now I'm feeling clear headed and I want to make him feel better and do everything I can to make him feel loved but I know him so well....all he needs is time. And I wish that time would pass faster, even though I respect that it'll take the time it takes. I just wonder if, some day, he's going to not recover. I never want to say those things again, never want to lose control again. I'm doing everything in my power to avoid such episodes.
It is just hard to see that my poison leaked out on someone I love and there's nothing I can do to make him better until it passes. He's slow to pass his emotions and it feels like torture. I'm going to get out of the house later but I have some work to do from home for a while. I plan on doing some nice things for him today, gestures and such. But it's so hard just do feel the heavy energy coming from him. I feel bad for him for loving me, for staying, for being so understanding, for taking the verbal hits. It seems logical for him to run in the other direction.
And I wonder if I'm abusive, if he is trapped. He says I am not abusive, that he is not trapped, that he chooses me because most of the time it's great. And I know it is. When I am well, we communicate easily and laugh all the time. But under a cloud like today, this kind of aftermath, I feel like I live with someone who has been hurt and I want to fight the person who hurt them. But that person is me.
submitted by TRexJohnWick to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:56 CuriousEwe Severe allergy options/Transdermal alternatives

Severe allergy options (MCAS)/Transdermal alternatives
It is suspected that I may have a mast cell disorder, which prevents me from sleeping and causes tremendous physical pain.
Antihistamines and cannabis products are the only things that help, but I find I am having severe reactions to smoking or vaporizing (not vaping) flower (THC or CBD). This could possibly be due to mold or heavy metals (or nickel, which I am allergic to).
Edibles either do not work, or cause tremendous reactions due to the common ingredients used. I am missing my gallbladder, so that doesn’t help.
Tinctures have never worked, and never will. I have a genetic disorder, which probably contributes to this.
What DOES work is transdermal patches over a vein. Unfortunately, they are incredibly expensive, and I am finding it difficult to obtain a medical marijuana until my next GP appointment, which is a bit away.
I am getting more severe symptoms very fast, and desperately need relief or pain and sleep, as no other prescribed or OTC medications seem to work.
Cannabis creams and ointments also had no effect. But the patches worked more than tremendously, and to my loved one I looked like myself again, before I became disabled. It let me sleep through the night without pain, it eased the physical pain. My autonomic Dysfuction and blood pooling even improved while using the patch.
My question is, are there alternatives to transdermal patches with a similar effect, that is more cost effective, or has multiple uses? I cannot work due to disability and getting disability in the US is a lengthy process, and I am in the waiting period, so my budget is strapped.
Because of my allergic reactions, multiple ingredients pose an issue, while patches contain THC, CBD, CBN etc isloates. My only reaction is to the adhesive, but I can handle that just fine.
I have limited knowledge of cannabis products, but there got to be a similar alternative to patches. I live in a legal state so I can go out an buy products, it’s just expensive as hell. 16 dollars per patch. I can try online stores, but I don’t know which ones are best or legit. I also prefer a bit of THC as it helps distract from the pain.
Any advice or resources helps! Thank you!
submitted by CuriousEwe to medicalcannabis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:47 TheRazerBlader Launching My First React Native (+React Web) App!

Launching My First React Native (+React Web) App!
Hey all, I've been working very hard on a side project the last few months and want to share it with you all!
Its a react app (+website) for sharing ratings on all sorts of categories in a social way.
I've learnt along the way, doing all the code myself in react native/react (wish I used Expo in hindsight).
The UX needs some improvement. I would love any feedback on the app. Can download it below:
Would also be very happy to answer any questions around how I coded certain features.
submitted by TheRazerBlader to reactnative [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:43 Commercial-Rub-1559 Friend help

So I have someone who I think of as a close friend we will call her A, I had her with me when an old friend( we will call her B) came to apologize about the thing she did to me and I decided to give her a second chance. We became a trio and we all listened to the same style of music so it was really nice. We had been good for about 3yrs but when B helped me get a job where she works things started to go wrong. B would always come to me about coworkers telling her I was talking shit about her and when I asked her who was saying all this stuff to her she would never tell me who, I told her it wasn’t true and if anything like that happens again to just come ask me directly, mind you I only talked to two other coworkers. I would talk to A about it and she said B had already come to her and has told her all these things I was supposedly doing to B, I work in caregiving and never worked with her so I couldn’t understand why she was doing all that. A couple of weeks pass and we all get ready and go out to a club, well B ended up at one of our male coworkers place so A and I go and get her but this where things get worse. B starts telling me that the male coworkers doesn’t want me around he’s not into me and to stop constantly calling him even tho I have receipts that he was the one calling me(9 missed calls) well things tend to get worse but I decided to act dumb and just not care about the rumors UNTIL B decides to messaged me and tell me that these other two coworkers have issues with me and that a lot of workers want to jump me that’s when I get tired of it and let her know ima just have a supervisor sit down with all of us to get things straighten out cause I’m tired of B coming to me and telling me in the issue. Well as soon as I tell B she decides to end her friendship with me and says she doesn’t need an unsupportive friend and someone who doesn’t want the best for her even though I was always trying my best for her and would ignore the way she treated me. Turns out at the meeting that everything that was going was because it came out of B’s mouth and she was saying “she said this, she said that”. Well I talked to A about what had happened and she said she will keep her as a friend just for the music to go to concerts and stuff but will not see her as a close friend and that I’m still her close friend. But now it seems like they do all these things together and A knows what B did and how she treated me yet she still decides to stay her friend, I thought she was my closest friend but I feel like I’m wrong. What should I do?
The music we listen to is also Kpop and from where I am from she’s the only other person I can go to concerts with but now it feels like A is going to be going with B all the time and I’m just here left behind.
I guess I just feel wronged because I thought she was my friend but it feels like she would rather do things with her.
(This is also is not the first time B has done this to me so we weren’t friends for a few years, I thought giving her a second chance would be fine since she seemed different and better but it turns out she still is narcissistic, gaslights and plays the victim. I should have dropped B the first time she decided to spew up a lie to A and A defended me)
submitted by Commercial-Rub-1559 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:31 Select_Fig2092 I think something was in my room

I’ve looked over this subreddit for a bit and figured it post the only experience I’ve ever had.
Also let me know if you think that this could be supernatural or if there’s a reasonable explanation.
I’ll start off by saying ever since I was young I’ve had a pretty big fear of ghosts and the supernatural even to this day (20 years old now) But back when I was younger in elementary school I remember laying in bed on my room and my brother and mom were both upstairs (my room was in the basement) and I was getting ready to sleep however a couple lights were still on since my brother and mom were still awake upstairs. Anyways from my room I had a clear line of sight to the bathroom and as I was laying in bed I thought I saw the shower curtain move and one of the shampoo bottles ended up falling over, already freaked out that it was a ghost at the time I didn’t go check it out and turned around so I didn’t have to look at the bathroom.
I ended up drifting off for a little while and I know I wasn’t asleep long since my brother and mom were still upstairs watching tv and it was also my brothers bed time. But I suddenly woke up and for context as kids we always had a bunch of our toys, Lego and miscellaneous little kid toys and stuff, anyways when I woke up all of these things were pulled out from under my bed and scattered across my room on the floor, I went upstairs and asked both my mom and brother and they both said they had been upstairs the whole time
Since that very few things have happened, I have a pretty old box tv in the basement and at night it will occasionally turn on randomly but I’ve gotten used to that so it doesn’t scare me too much. We also have a super old snow globe sitting on top of a dresser (one of those ones that need to be cranked) nobody’s touched it in year and it’s collecting dust, and that’s randomly played it’s little song before aswell
Sorry for such a long story didn’t mean to make it this long but wanted to add all the details lol
submitted by Select_Fig2092 to Ghoststories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 004

Not Exactly Hidden
The sound of old bones creaking is the result of him finally sitting down and straightening a little. He twists his cane around and gently presses the head into the torso of the woman that just tried to sneak up on him. “Really now, we don’t have that kind of relationship, you can talk to me like a normal person.”
“I understand Daiju-San, I just want to inform you that I’m going to watch your conversation.” Madam Stepanova says as she forces away his cane with surprising force. Or perhaps not so surprising, she’s been out into the wider galaxy once already, it would not surprise him in the slightest if she was already doing something to restore herself the vigour and power of her youth.
“I doubt your old boyfriend is going to be where my grandson has ended up. No doubt he’s stirring up trouble in that very British way of his.” Koga Daiju, father of Koga Daigo, grandfather of Koga Daiki and Koga Daini remarks and his cane is pushed back into him with enough force to slide him down the plush leather of the couch somewhat. He pulls his cane back and she sits down next to him.
“Do you remember when we were both assigned to stop the deviant?” She asks and he chuckles.
“Yes. To be honest I knew he was hiding among the sumo-wrestlers I just figured it would be impossible for him not to get thrown out by the larger men. I had a lot of... how do you say it? Egg on my face? Yes, a lot of egg on my face when I learned that day how quickly he makes friends.”
“So it was your fault.”
“Yours as well, you could have told me the man could charm anyone.”
“There was a language barrier a mile wide and a cultural barrier at least twice it’s size! It shouldn’t have been possible!” Madam Stepanova says before growling. “Not that he didn’t pull that sort of nonsense off on the regular. We didn’t speak much afterwards, but I understand you received additional orders to let him go?”
“He uncovered a source of corruption and quite literally cut it out while fighting off the effects of deliberately improper fugu. After that it was determined that he would either no longer be a problem, or was not a priority problem any longer as he was departing and there was quite the mess he had revealed.” Daiju says before turning a pointed look to Madam Stepanova. “Of course, it’s not like YOU weren’t a massive problem to deal with as well. While I understand that weapon smugglers dealing with certain cults in our country were indeed an issue for us both, random buildings imploding with the dissected corpses of your enemies inside lead to quite a few sleepless nights.”
“Oh, you mean like what you gave my division when high ranking administrators were panicking at the sight of their own shadows, insistent that they were being stared at through them?”
“I fail to see how Gaijin superstitions are my fault.” Daiju notes with a warm smile.
“And I fail to see how the poor building practices of your country are mine.” Madam Stepanova replies primly. After about a minute they both smirk and look away.
“I’m going to call my grandson now. If you’re going to listen in, then I request a lack of commentary.”
“Since when have I been the type to give commentary?”
“Age, youth and I assume Axiom as well, all change people.”
“Like how you became a voyeur in your old age.”
“I simply lack a reason to avoid appreciating the lovelier side of things. Beauty is to be appreciated after all.” He says as he leans back a little and uses his cane to bang on a few buttons. A holographic interface shows itself and he spends about a minute slowly pecking at the long sequence of numbers for his boy. “Now then, mind your manners Madam.”
His teasing only earns a light scoffing before the screen lights up. Daiju moves quickly to make sure he adjusts his glasses at the exact same time Daiki does. His grandson pauses and so does he. Moves to the side and Daiji mimics the movement. Including several more shifts until Daiki holds up a hand and there is fire within it.
“Still learning to do that.”
“Grandfather! You’re alive!”
“Yes, when my time came I went to the western countries so I could challenge their reaper to go rather than chess. He wasn’t too practised with it, so I bought enough time to escape.” Daiju says and Daiki raises a skeptical eyebrow.
“So I can expect you soon then?” Daiki asks.
“Sooner than you think.”
“That does not help.” Daiki replies.
“It’s all you need.” Daiju says with a fond smile before nodding. “Now, how is this village you’ve told me about?”
“Our population has ballooned lately. There are many children underfoot.”
“You scoundrel! Tell me everything!”
“Not like that!”
“And much of my interest is now gone.”
“Even if I tell you it involves a blood feud centuries old with two noble houses butchering each other down into poverty even as they interbreed and turn from merely murderers to kinslayers in the process?” Daiki asks and Madam Stepanova leans a little closer at that revelation. “Grandfather.”
“Yes?” Daiju asks.
“I will never call that evil creature grandmother.” Daiki states and Madam Stepenova cackles at that.
“Grandson! Surely you understand I have better taste than that!” Daiju protests.
“Yes, but I also know that at your age, senility can be a thing.” Daiki says in a regretful tone and Daiju puts a hand to his chest as if wounded.
“My own blood! Turning on me!”
“I am merely concerned for your health grandfather. If your mind is so far gone as to woo so wicked a witch then there is so very little I can do for you. Little more than perhaps a mercifully swift...” Daiki says solemnly and Madam Stepanova cackles again even as she stands up and leaves the room.
“Put the knife down young man, or I’ll find a way to thump you from here.” The very amused Daiju says and is met with the much younger version of his smile from Daiki. “She’s gone now, well done.”
“Thank you.” Daiki says. “Now as to what bloated the village, our mutual friend Vernon, on his sappy romantic way, stepped into the middle of a centuries old blood feud and things got interesting in a hurry. Many of the details can be skipped, but the Forest Kami decided that the feud was a foul thing and intervened. As I am bound to it as it is bound to me I became part of it, and now the children of both the Barlis and Harkul clans are living as one group here. Forced to intermingle.”
“That’s... that’s one way of doing it!” Daiju says after a moment of consideration.
“It gets better.”
“Please continue.”
“Part of the way the families made war with each other was taking advantage of how rare and valuable men are.”
“Oh! And it led to the interbreeding. Quite literally one family with two names and an increasingly pointless feud... Oh! Tell me that there were some members who were known by different names to both sides and they were forced to try and fight themselves.”
“Not quite that crazy. Just a lot of stupid. The children still get into fights with each other across Barlis and Harkul lines... or rather they try. The Forest is powerful and ever watching. Any attempt to hurt each other just fails.”
“Fails how?” Daiju asks and suddenly Daiki is a few inches to the left without moving. “Shunshin?”
“Something like that. It’s called woodwalking and since they’re in the woods, they’re subject to it.”
“Teleportation is well known the galaxy over. But woodwalking is unique. It cares not for distance, it cares not for energy. It’s sensation is unique to those that understand how to feel for it, and it always leads back to The Forest in some manner.”
“This feel for Axiom. Can you teach it? From this distance?”
“Oh? Has the master become the student?”
“In the end a Master is merely the best student. And this student always seeks to learn.” Daiju says fondly.
“Very well, everyone Undaunted had a basic guidance. But... get comfortable.”
“Already done.”
“Good. Then turn your eye inwards. You’re already IN the Axiom. It surrounds you, it has merged with you. With every part of your clothing, with the cane in your hands. Your skin, your hair, your bones and muscles and organs. All of it. The gravity returning distracted you with the sensation of your muscles needing to work again, but there is something new. Something that you’ve been fooled into thinking is normal. Something that feels old, but is new.” Daiki explains
“And it is nowhere specific?” Daiju asks.
“It is everywhere, in everything.”
“In everything...” Daiju notes as he closes his eyes and feels. “It responds to thought?”
“It does, words and gestures can help but are not needed.” Daiki says and Daiju nods before suddenly moving his arms in gestures. After the third there is a brief flicker of flame which he catches. He holds onto the fire and brings it in front of his face before gently blowing on it. The flames grow and dance within his hand as a smile crosses his face.
“I believe I have found it.” Daiju says as he has the fire shrink and then dance along the back of his knuckles.
“Well... damn.”
“Oh come now grandson. I’ve just told you that I’ve learned to learn. And I’ve spent three of your lifetimes learning how to better learn.” Daiju notes before he catches the tiny rolling fireball and crushes it into a wisp of smoke.
He then breathes a small tongue of flame into his hand and nods as it responds just as eagerly. “This will make setting things on fire much easier. Thank you grandson.”
“I’m still a little annoyed you had so easy a time with it. I needed to have someone directly hand me khutha to get it.” Daiki says.
“Well as they say, youth is wasted on the young.”
“And wisdom is lost on the old.”
“Hey now, no turning my smug superiority around like that. Respect your elders boy!”
“You’re not an elder out here grandfather. Oh no, outside of Cruel Space you’re an irresponsibly young parent who sired an equally irresponsibly young parent.” Daiki says wagging a finger at him. “For shame grandfather! Siring a family so young!”
“Young he calls it...” Daiju says with a very amused smile. “Well, if I’m such a bad influence then I’m sure you’d to chastise me in person.”
“Yes, get over to Serbow as quickly as possible you’re on Genin training duties.”
“Oh no! However will I survive teaching children how to move and think and observe their surroundings! To think of my own grandson turning one of my favourite things into a punishment! The deviousness of it all!” Daiju keeps his tone so devoid of sarcasm in his comment it actually loops around to being sarcastic again.
“That’s what you get. You will be placed in a mountain village hidden beneath the branches of a mighty forest, surrounded by snot nosed students on all sides, forced to eat freshly hunted game and harvested crops on the daily and made to show your secrets!”
“Oh no! Mercy please!” Daiju is no longer able to keep the amusement or sarcasm from his tone and both Koga devolve into a half snickering laugh.
“I missed you grandfather!”
“I missed you as well my boy!” Daiju replies with a bright and earnest smile. “I really did fear I wouldn’t get the chance to speak with you again.”
“No no. Just listen.” Daiju says and Daiki quiets down. “Do not feel ashamed that you chose the stars. What you did was courageous and necessary, bold moves are required to find new and better things. There is no shame in that boldness. I am proud of you, as is your father and mother and sister. Our family is blessed to have so brave and dutiful a child.”
“Thank you.”
“Good. Now that that’s out of the way, back to the topic! I was worried I would never get the chance to speak with you again! It was strange that I always got on better with you than with your father or mother. Or my own siblings. Strange minds think alike do they not?”
“Oh they certainly do, especially when they hear the call of...” Daiki says before clasping his hands together in a mudra and smoke erupts around him. Daiju starts to laugh even as Daiki reveals he is now hanging from the ceiling. “Ninja!”
“I’ll show you the call of ninja boy!” Daiju says through the laughter.
“No call of Ninja. Not call of Ninja Boy.” Daiki ‘corrects’ him and there’s a huff from Daiju.
“Is that the level of humour you’re going for? Something that simple?”
“Simple is effective.” Daiki says. “Making things more complicated is just asking for trouble.”
“True, but speaking of complication how difficult is it to master that trick where the elderly reinforce themselves to be stronger?”
“Just will the power through yourself for a basic enhancement. It usually helps as practice to think about a great hero or champion you want to emulate. Batman is a popular pick when The Undaunted were just learning how to do so.”
“I see. So if I simply focus on how...” Daiju begins to ask before he suddenly sits up straighter and gives his cane an expert twirl. “Ah! I’m twenty five again! If you’ll excuse me, I need make an old woman pull out her hair in frustration.”
“Try not to blow up the ship grandfather.”
“I’ll get to an escape pod first, I assure you.”
“Oh no!”
“Oh yes!”
~First~ Last
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:28 NicoXBlack The two Ultimate Gohans are avid shitposters

I and the rest of the community have always made jokes about RNG and/or character shenanigans over the years, but I have never been driven to the edge of insanity more than in these past 2 days LR Ultimate Gohan has been out. I am actually 100% convinced there is a hidden algorithm or code determining certain things/abilities, at least with these Gohans.
I have extensively ran them as a rotation together throughout all the toughest content and never before have characters trolled me more than these two. LR Ultimate Gohan, his 70% chance SA actually always failed while he got his 2 30% chance SAs every single time. Like what??
And the bastard wants to crit because of his damage dealer role and especially the active but he never crit unless the boss was very low on health and I did not want the phase to be cleared just yet. That's also when all of his attacks became supers. Then when I actually needed him to super to get more DEF to survive, all normals -> cataclysmic bomb to the home screen.
And if that wasn't enough on my sanity, TEQ Ultimate Gohan. He does his thing, lots of supers, stacking all that stuff. As soon as the boss can be ATK debuffed, Gohan stops doing additional supers period. You cannot make this shit up, I am actually at my limit, PLEASE I just want a normal run!
It was still quite fun running them together due to the LR being a giga juice battery for TEQ Gohan but my god I have never been trolled more by units than with these 2 before, good lord. Like there genuinely has to be some undiscovered mechanism inside Dokkan's code or hidden wording that alters unit abilities, otherwise this shit is just ridiculous. Imma take some rest now, my mind is numb.
submitted by NicoXBlack to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:28 oerthesea bp2 - new acceptance, new questions

After reading the article linked below about mixed episodes, I finally get it. Husband (40M) in fact has bp2 with mixed episodes. He has been diagnosed with this (among other things) but I never got it because he doesn't have classic manic/hypomanic or depressive symptoms and they don't alternate. That chart, though, is him to a T. He is presently unmedicated but has benefited from lamotrigine in the past.
He's been sleeping poorly for... ever and over the past few months it's been an escalating mess of irritability, paranoia, and "feeling stuck" in states of extremely negative feeling. Finally yesterday I called in more family support and I am trying to get real about what I can do to stabilize oumy life and that of our young kids.
  1. How do I understand the fact that he doesn't seem to have "episodes"? He does seem to get worse sometimes but I would never really describe him as "balanced". I'm afraid I don't know the difference between him being balanced and hypomanic. Is there any hope for him getting into a balanced state?
  2. Does anyone else have frequent episodes of non-responsive or unusual responses and is this bp or something else? He will get into a state where he spends hours muttering, grimacing, repeating the words "help" or "I'm suffering" over and over, asking for help but not receiving it, gasping for breath, clutching his neck, etc. Usually overnight
  3. As a family member I want to support him but I also need to protect myself from the instability. It's hard not knowing what to expect. And it's hard to decide on changes because his mood changes so rapidly. I can't respond to what's right in front of me. Yesterday morning he started flipping out when leaving to drive our kids to daycare and I had to physically push him out the door to get him moving. When he arrived home with them he was cheerful, late, doing it all. This morning he was up and moving and then right before he left he started grimacing again. I am extremely confused by his moods and how to maintain a stable life for myself and our kids... in a partnership you rely on each other for so many things and I just can't. Thoughts from those who have gone before much appreciated
submitted by oerthesea to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:22 Next_Relative_1230 Is there Ways to Watch Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk live?

What's the way to watch Oleksandr Usyk vs Tyson Fury live fRee? Fury is getting on a bit. He's not going to be as mobile as he used to be. Coming in heavy only compounds that. Even a slimmed down Fury is bigger and stronger than Usyk, so why risk gassing out or being unable to catch the smaller man?
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Does anybody else think that Tyson fury is looking a bit too thin to fight usyk? If you get me. It looks like he's lost ALOT of weight. His weight is his biggest advantage. If he looses more than he usually does, I think he'll struggle against usyk there's no way he'll outbox him. as he won't have much weight for him to lean on usyk and also unpopular opinion, I do think it's fishy. He wasn't in good shape for the feb 17th usyk fight and now he got "cut" it's given him lots more time to train doesn't it seem strange?
I pirate everything: games, movies, software, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Usyk & Fury Boxing and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing for free live.
The Fury v Usyk live stream sees the undisputed heavyweight championship defend his strap against the popular Californian pugilist. Here's everything you need to know to watch online with and without a PPV. Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will take the ring on Saturday May 18) at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Here are all the ways to stream live free online.
I don't care if there is a small delay or anything, but it needs to be at a good bitrate at 1080p or it isn't worth watch for me. Also preferably I would want a way to watch it on a smart TV in some way but im expecting to sacrifice that luxury honestly.
ESPN, ABC or Boxing Network. I'm sure you can stream as well as way to watch it but I want to see what you guys recommend.
submitted by Next_Relative_1230 to GranTurismohdfr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:18 TreKs Hybrid user questions with Entra joined machines with using Intune Autopilot

So, in my scenario, I was able to test Autopilot to work with purely Entra ID cloud users, and it worked flawlessly. However, when I tried to do users that were syncing from on-prem through Azure AD connect, it wouldn't let me log in to my test machine with that on-prem user even though it was being synced up through Azure AD. Is that a known limitation or is there a configuration change we can do in Azure AD connect to allow that to happen? Is it pass-through authentication?
Would you then have to go through the process to enable Entra Hybrid to join? I thought that syncing users through Azure AD Connect and doing password hash sync or pass-through auth would allow hybrid users to log in to Entra-joined devices. Maybe I am missing something here. I have heard of conflicting answers if it was possible for on-prem users to log into Entra joined devices if they weren't purely cloud users.
Here is some of the information I have gathered, and I wanted to run it by everyone here.
So in summary, the missing piece is likely Entra Hybrid Join configuration. Syncing users via Azure AD Connect is necessary but not sufficient on its own. You need the hybrid join to connect the dots between the synced user identities and the Entra joined devices to allow seamless login and access for those users.
submitted by TreKs to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:14 TheHarshPatel How to get your friends to say YES

This is probably the social engineering I hack I use the most.
It's a nifty way to get others to experience FOMO (fear of missing out) so they end up saying yes to your plans.
Here's an example:
Let's say you want to go out to a Mexican Restaurant tonight. Here's what not to do:
"Hey, does anyone want get Mexican food tonight?" "Please, let's get Mexican food tonight."
Instead do this:
  1. Directly message 2-3 people (who are in that friend group) separately who you know like Mexican and ask them if they want to go to a Mexican restaurant.
  2. If they say yes, post in the larger group chat: "Some of us are getting Mexican tonight if anyone wants to join."
This works for a couple of reasons:
  1. Your statement is ambiguous.
Most people will inflate "some of us" and assume more people are coming. As a result, they'll ask themselves:
Who is going? How many people are going?
The mystery in combination with some FOMO makes them more likely to join.
  1. You didn't ask a question.
This in it of itself is powerful. You are essentially saying, join us if you want, if not all good, I don't really care.
People tend to be attracted to those who are independent than those who seem desperate. It's subconscious and most don't even realize it.
I thought everyone knew about this, but I realized I was very wrong. Thought it would be cool to share.
submitted by TheHarshPatel to Machiavellianism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:13 rando646 desperately need help

sorry for long post but i've been trying for months and cannot get my setup to work no matter what I do.
Here's what i have:
Epson LS11000 Projector (only has 2 HDMI ports, one of which is eARC out to Sonos 5.1 system).
3090 Gaming PC (needs to pass through HDMI 2.1 4K 120hz minimum with Dolby Atmos sound)
Roku Ultra (needs to pass through 4K 60hz minimum with Dolby Atmos sound)
The issue is there is only one port available on the projector (i'm not interested in getting rid of the Sonos system), so i need to sum both the gaming PC and the Roku Ultra onto one port.
Both those devices are in a machine room that are connected to the theater via a 75 foot active HDMI cable that was wired under the house when constructing the theater (there are actually 2 of them, one for back up).
What I've tried:
HDMI 2.1 hubs - I tried 6 of them. Only one of them sort of worked (the OREI one). However it still experiences dropouts and EDID handshake problems constantly with the gaming PC specifically, the Roku Ultra had no issues with this.
AVR with HDMI 2.1 and Dolby Atmos - does not pass through the sound over the HDMI out cable. They want you to go direct out your AVR with the sound, however this isn't possible with my system because I need the Sonos to come eARC out the projector how it is already hooked up.
It's worth mentioning that I have tested both devices via direct connection over the active HDMI cables that were wired under the house and the both work flawlessly, so there's nothing wrong with those wires.
Basically, I just need an HDMI 2.1 hub that actually does what it says it does, instead of always failing on one feature or another (EDID, Atmos, HDR, 4K 120hz, etc)
If anyone knows of a hub that works, I would be eternally grateful.
submitted by rando646 to hometheater [link] [comments]
