Round picnic table with seats plans free


2021.04.28 11:08 makingfunofdemons makingfunofdemons

I, the founder of this noble subreddit, am a medium, which means that I communicate with demons. Really. Not on purpose. Some of them are punk ass b*tches. This is a round table of spiritual discussion; literally a place to discuss the demonic & exorcism, or any religious topic. All good people are welcome, regardless of religious affiliation.

2019.06.06 05:26 Conspiracy theory


2015.12.31 16:06 Galokot Stories by u/Galokot


2024.06.09 20:36 alrightyaphrodite Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3

Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3
Izabella reflects on meeting a "$20 million-a-movie club" actor at a restaurant who finds her "astounding", he calls her the next day and they talk forever. He's extremely into her until he learns that Izabella lived at the Playboy Mansion, she says he was livid and couldn't be associated with her as her Playboy past would taint his reputation.
She feels defensive about his judgment of her Playboy Mansion past, she was letting go of the steering wheel of life and exploring herself and freedom. She says to understand each other we should know where each other has come from. So here she is to set the record straight and let you be the judge if she really did ruin her life by living as one of Hef's 7 girlfriends.
Izabella was born in Krakow, Poland. She has a handful of paragraphs talking about the beauty of Poland, the spirited and resilient character of Polish people, and she lists notable people of Poland. She writes about how Poland was the most devastated eastern European country of World War II, and is home to some of the most horrific places in the world, including Auschwitz. Her dad was a baby when his family had to flee their home after catching fire during crossfire between Germany and Russia, and he lost his brother later to a landmine. Izabella's grandpa was arrested and sent to Auschwitz for helping Jewish people - he survived but was a ghost of himself.
After WWII, she says Poland fell on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain and became a communist country - this was the setting of her childhood until age 11. She says her dad had a high up, well-paid position at a factory and their family of three had a better life than most people. TVs, cars, clothes etc. were scarce and expensive, but Izabella's family had a car, considered a luxury, and she was spoiled by her parents with lots of toys and a snack bar in her room. She's loved animals all her life and has never wanted to eat meat.
Izabella goes on many vacations with her parents in their car to other eastern European countries, but are put through unbearable screenings when they cross borders. Her dad is pressured by the Communist party to reveal names of anti-communist staff at his factory and his job is threatened. They manage to secure a special visa to visit Greece on a bus, and they plan not to return. They have to leave their possessions and everything behind as to not raise suspicions, so Izabella has to say goodbye to her dog and it breaks her heart. She lives in Greece with her parents for a year and she loves it, she learns to speak Greek. Her parents struggle with making money and starting over, and Izabella appreciates their sacrifices so that she can have more opportunities than communist Poland could offer - she's sure moving into the Playboy Mansion is not an opportunity her parents had in mind, but she's about being receptive and exploring new opportunities with the freedom her parents helped secure for her.
Izabella's family's immigration request is approved to move to Canada. They are sent to Prince George, British Columbia - a small lumber town in the Rocky Mountains. They all have to learn English, now Izabella's third language. Her parents don't see a future there so they get a van and the three drive across Canada to Toronto, where they've heard of more opportunities. They settle in Kitchener-Waterloo and Izabella starts grade 8 (age 13-14), she says even though she missed grades 5-7 moving around the world she was not behind as the Polish communist curriculum was so advanced. She starts to learn French, her fourth language. She makes friends, dates lots of boys, loses her virginity, and gets straight A's. She can't do frog dissection, and realizes she can't be a doctor, so she decides to enter the "only other traditionally prestigious and respectable profession", and become a lawyer.
She turns down scholarships to other universities and chooses McGill University in Montreal, "widely regarded as the 'Canadian Harvard'". She lives with 2 of her best friends and says they were legends in their neighborhood as 3 tall blonde housemates. She enjoyed experimentation and parties and trips with her friends. She says 'never a shortage of men' for her and her friends, and one guy she dates Keith is head over heels for her but they break up due to school demands for her and pilot training demands for him - they remain close friends. She dates a footballer Ryan from another university but they break up due to distance. She dates a guy named Sean who dotes on her, but hooks up with Ryan secretly whenever they are in the same town - Sean finds out and calls Ryan's new girlfriend and tells her too. Izabella swears off dating for a while after this fiasco.
Izabella is a double major in political science and history. She adds humanistic studies to be a more "well-rounded person" – studying Spanish, philosophy, classical music, and geography. She dreams of becoming an ambassador, a diplomat, and decides on law specializing in international affairs. She finds out Keith, her pilot ex - died in a plane crash flying his girlfriend on a snowy night. There is a major ice storm of 1998 with 5 days of no power in Montreal, she's had enough of the cold winter weather. Her grandmother passes away in Poland. The deaths of Keith and her grandmother make her consider life, and that there is more out there to experience and enjoy than just studying. She wants a change and to be somewhere warmer. When considering law schools, she weighed reputation and the lifestyle of the area equally - and applies to 2 schools in California. Pepperdine University in Malibu is the first to accept her application, her parents co-sign for her student loans, and she makes the move.
Izabella says her first year of studying at law school is a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. She’s not dated since the Ryan-Sean drama, but starts to notice a tattooed tall guy at Pepperdine “only in LA can you find a hot tattooed guy who is presumably intelligent”. The guy manages to introduce himself to Izabella after a few sightings, his name is Justin and they fall in love. This other girl wants to date Justin, and one night after Izabella drives home from a bar where that girl saw Izabella with Justin - she smells burning rubber and discovers someone ripped off her cars’ windshield wipers and stuffed them in the exhaust pipe. She believes it to be that girl but can’t prove it so lets it go.
Izabella says there is not a large international law market in LA, so she connects with someone in entertainment law who works for Playboy for an interview. It goes well but she decides to go study law in Spain over the summer where she can also work on her Spanish skills. She applies for another school loan and is off to study in Madrid for 2 months capped off with a 2-week vacation in Italy, Justin joins her and they have a great time but are “ready to kill each other” by the end of the trip. She returns to Pepperdine for her second year, she stays on top of her studies but also hits the Malibu beaches and hottest clubs in Hollywood all the time. She only makes 2 friends in law school as she says everyone is competitive, thinks they are the smartest, and if you are attractive as well as smart people will resent you.
Izabella is out with one of her two hot-confident-smart-but-also-has-personality friends from university, Vivian, one night, when they go to the same restaurant as Hugh Hefner. It was the year 2000, and in 1.5 years time Izabella will be part of Hef's ‘party posse’ – but at the time of this first sighting she would never believe that was in her future. Hef is sitting with Buffy Tyler, Katie Lohmann, and Doctor “Feelgood” Mark Saginor. Izabella says she sees a lot of girls going to introduce themselves to Hef and she thinks it is embarrassing, but Vivian wants to go say hi so Izabella reluctantly goes with her. They are invited to join the table, Izabella is fascinated by Buffy and Katie and wonders what their life and setup with Hef is like. Mark Saginor takes Izabella and Vivian’s numbers and invites them ‘Fun in the Sun’ on Sunday.
Izabella is nervously excited to visit the Playboy mansion. She says her ex, Sean, always said she should be a Playmate, and at McGill guys called her “Pam Anderson’s little sister” – not that she looked like Pamela Anderson at all, just because Pam was huge in Canada and “any girl with blonde hair and boobs was always compared to her”. At ‘Fun in the Sun’, it is not as wild as she had imagined. She says hi to Buffy Tyler who she finds cool and friendly. Izabella asks if she lives at the mansion and Buffy says she shares a room with Katie Lohmann and that it’s a lot of fun. Later on, Izabella notices one of Hef’s girlfriends “surrounded by a group of wanna-be Girlfriends”, the girlfriend comes over to Izabella and tells her she is pretty – Izabella says this girlfriend will later be her roommate at the mansion and partner in adventure. (Most likely Tiffany Holliday).
Izabella and Vivian are invited to mansion parties and attend many together – Vivian says they should call and ask to be invited back to Fun in the Sun, Izabella does not tell Vivian that she has been receiving invites to Fun in the Sun all along. Izabella doesn’t go to the Sunday ‘FITS’ as to not upset Justin, and she is fine with just going to big mansion parties. Izabella is working for a professor helping with a book on international business transactions, but she realizes she would have to move East where there is a broader international law curriculum to continue her studies as planned.
By the end of her second year at Pepperdine, Izabella and Justin take a break as he will be studying for the bar this summer and Izabella is ready to travel again. She gets another school loan to study at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland – “one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe”. She studies in cafes, visits the underground salt city Royal Salt Mine at Wieliczka, and has a deeply memorable and heart-breaking trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps where her grandfather had been sent. Justin calls her over the summer and it’s nice, but she decides she is not ready to jump back into their relationship.
She returns to her last semester in LA and is excited to resume attending mansion parties, and Fun in the Sun again now that she doesn’t have to worry about upsetting a boyfriend. Justin remains close and she draws comfort from that. Attending the parties at the mansion is her only plans in regards to Hef. “I never imagined what the future would bring”.
Chapter 4 coming soon
submitted by alrightyaphrodite to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:17 pburke10 Two Discounted Orchestra Tickets for Thursday 6/13 Palace Show

Hey all - I had friends' plans change so I have two extra orchestra seats available for sale at a bit of a discount. The seats are in a great spot - the first two seats on the center aisle in Row N of the Orchestra Right section. I paid $397 for the pair from Broadway Direct on the first onsale date, but will take $305 for both, $155 for a single ticket. Ticket transfer would come from Broadway Direct so all is 1000% on the up-and-up! Thanks a ton for checking out my post and please feel free to message me with any questions!
submitted by pburke10 to BenPlatt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 ojct123 Red flags or overthinking?

I (30M) just moved to a new city and moved into a place with 1 roommate (31M). The listing was on FB marketplace, I came to view, the place was really nice and he seemed like a nice guy so I registered my interest and moved in last week.
I work a 9-5 and he works nights, leaving the house about 10pm and getting home about 9am. Because of his hours we don't see too much of each other, he sleeps in the day and is up for a couple of hours before work so I may see him for a brief period in the evening.
Amber flag 1 Day 3 – He had a night off so we sat chatting for a bit, and then I went to bed, he said he wanted to stay on the same schedule so was going to stay up. The following day I got home from work and put the tv on and he had typed into the search bar of a streaming service "just relax and let my mind turn to mush" which felt a bit eerie to me.
Red flag 1 Day 4 – I was at the gym post work, he messaged me saying had a friend round and asked if I wanted to join for a drink and wanted anything, I said a beer but he said I got back to him too late (response time 2 mins) but I could have a selzter he bought. This felt a bit off for me so I went and got a beer myself on the way home. We're sitting round chatting and his friend said he thinks he's already met me more than the previous roommate to which my roommate responds "yeah there was no last roommate, not after I got done with her!". Very awkward laughter ensues. He then says "good job you didn't drink that seltzer hey!". They decided to go out but I had work early so stayed in and also felt uncomfortable after that interaction.
Amber flag 2 Day 7 – The next few days he's at work so don't see him much. Yesterday he was asking what I was up to today and I said I was going running in the morning and then seeing a friend in the evening. He said I should go to this vintage market and specific vintage store nearby. He couldn't really remember the name and it came to him after a few seconds. It felt like he was trying to convince me to go and kept saying "I'm jealous I wish I could join you, you're gunna have a great time!" Even though I hadn't explicitly said I would go yet. Then I'm making dinner and his keys are on the kitchen table and I notice he has a keyring from this specific store with the name and address on. I found odd that he has this keyring, sees this everyday, yet couldn't really remember the name, then when he left for work he said again "you're gunna have a great time tomorrow jealous I can't come." This all felt a bit unusual to me, like he was trying to reverse psychology me into going, but he also could've just wanted me out the house in the day as he would be sleeping. Either way I had other plans so didn't go.
I've looked him up on FB/insta/Linkedin and everything supposedly checks out apart from the fact that his latest job which is the night shift is not anywhere which may be odd considering his Linkedin has everything up to that point. He has quite a 'bro' sense of humour so I don't know if it's a mix of that and maybe slight social awkwardness, but my gut is telling me something is off. What does the court of reddit think?
submitted by ojct123 to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 Sweet-Count2557 Carvao Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco

Carvao Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
Carvao Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
Carvão: Indulge in Authentic Portuguese Cuisine in Marrakech, Morocco
Price Level: $
If you find yourself in the vibrant city of Marrakech and craving some mouthwatering Portuguese cuisine, look no further than Carvão. This charming rôtisserie, located in the heart of the city, is a haven for food enthusiasts seeking the tantalizing flavors of charcoal-roasted chicken. With its expertly prepared dishes and cozy ambiance, Carvão is a must-visit restaurant for those looking to indulge in a delectable culinary experience. Whether you're a local or a traveler, Carvão promises to transport your taste buds to the streets of Portugal with every bite.
Cuisines of Carvao in Marrakech,Morocco
Carvao Restaurant is a culinary gem that offers a delightful fusion of flavors from three distinct cuisines: Barbecue, European, and Portuguese. With its mouthwatering menu, this restaurant takes diners on a gastronomic journey that satisfies even the most discerning palates. The Barbecue section of the menu showcases succulent grilled meats, expertly seasoned and cooked to perfection. From tender steaks to juicy ribs, each dish is a testament to the art of grilling. The European cuisine selection offers a diverse range of dishes, including classic favorites like pasta, risotto, and seafood. The Portuguese influence is evident in the menu, with traditional dishes such as bacalhau (salted cod) and francesinha (a hearty sandwich) taking center stage. Whether you're a fan of smoky barbecue flavors, European delicacies, or the rich heritage of Portuguese cuisine, Carvao Restaurant is a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts seeking a memorable dining experience.
Contact of Carvao in Marrakech,Morocco
+212 707-888808
14, rue Fatima Al Fihria, Marrakech 40000 Morocco
Features of Carvao in Marrakech,Morocco
Delivery- Takeout- Outdoor Seating- Seating- Free Wifi- Accepts Credit Cards- Table Service- Family style
Location of Carvao in Marrakech,Morocco
Reviews of Carvao in Marrakech,Morocco
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 FrankiHollywood Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float? - Post by ape Oleffa

Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float? - Post by ape Oleffa
This post is from ape u/ Oleffa, who posted in german sub but hasn't got enough karma to post here so all credits belong to him.
In this post I perform an analysis of DRS numbers with the result that the true DRS numbers might be much higher than 75 million. I discuss the implications of this finding to address recent uncertainty around the recent share offering by GameStop.
TADR: Shills try to anchor DRS numbers => We might have already locked the float => RC knows we did => RC has proof of a short scheme => Dilution does not matter => Hedgies are fucked
Currently negative sentiment in all GameStop subs is based on the following 3 points:
1. “Ryan Cohen betrayed our trust; Ryan Cohen killed the momentum.” Which momentum? The stock goes up like many times before. This is not a squeeze. No one is getting margin called, I don’t see any phone numbers. RK’s stream showed that in the range of 30-60$ they are very much able to drop the price any time they want.
2. “GameStop/Ryan Cohen have no plan and have done nothing in the past 3 years.” We simply have to be patient before we can draw a conclusion on this point. But let’s revisit the 2023 annual report on page 4 “Business strategy”: Achieve Profitability in fiscal 2023 and streamlining the business. The company achieved profitability and although revenue went down in 2024 so far, percentage wise spending goes down faster. All according to plan. Since the goals for 2023 were achieved and more cash was raised, the chances of GameStop announcing new plans and pivoting towards a growth strategy are high in my opinion. However, note that in last year’s shareholder meeting nothing with regard to the strategy was mentioned.
3. “The share offering is diluting and undoing DRS progress and making it impossible for us to ever achieve the goal of locking the float. DRS is dead”. If you believe that shorts have not closed, dilution is not a big factor compared to the dilution from naked short selling.
So, what about DRS?
Why do all the negative posters point out we “only” DRSed 75 million shares and that it will be “impossible” to DRS the float? Let us reiterate what we know about DRS:
1. The last official and reliable DRS numbers are from April 2022 (recall the DRS Rugpulls in the following 2 quarters and the following stagnation ever since).
2. GameStop changed the official communication multiple times after October 2022, obfuscating the true DRS number, likely because of external pressure. They went from reporting the accurate CS number to an approximate based on DTCC reported numbers (304 million outstanding shares – 206 million DTCC reported shares = 75 million).
3. However in March 2023 Gamestop gave us one new datapoint: the number of record holders which was 197058.
4. GameStop and Computershare know the true DRS numbers.
5. To my knowledge there is no proof that locking the float will cause MOASS. It has always been the goal but we simply don't know what happens.
6. We need to BOOK shares at Computershare, otherwise there are still ways to mess with our shares.
7. We know that DRS takes away liquidity (falling volume over the years) and hurts the shorts. Every time shill attacks occur, they target DRS. For example, they tried to spread FUD during the move to book our shares which was obviously good for retail investors once we learned about it.
I believe that the current shill strategy is to demoralize by anchoring 75 million as the default DRS number and that it is not moving up at all. Conveniently the latest share offering is also 75 million shares. Surely DRS must be dead if we make no progress right?
But what if the true DRS numbers are much higher? The number being stuck just does not make sense, many fellow apes, including me, are still buying and DRSing, which implies that there must be an equally large amount of people selling DRSed shares. And you are telling me that for more than 2 year there has been almost perfect balance between buy and sell side on CS? Talk about trading sideways…
Especially puzzling is that the DRS numbers on computershared, which have been very accurate initially, have still gone up before a short time later the reddit API was shut down and the DRS bot stopped working. Very convenient that we lost the ability to estimate DRS ownership around the same time the numbers began to be obfuscated.
Just focusing on the DRS numbers for prediction is not very precise. Additionally, we cannot really trust the numbers reported after April 2022 so we don't have many datapoints. Instead, I propose to look at the amount of money apes spend on DRSing shares and extrapolate that. It is a number with much more meaning to the individual investor, subject to less noise and tied to the true stock price we can observe. The method works as follows:
1. Compute how much the average CS account owner spent per quarter on GameStop Shares based on the past reliable DRS numbers. (based on facts)
2. Extrapolate the average spend for quarters in which DRS numbers stagnated. (approximation)
3. Use the official number of record holders and the true stock price to predict growth in DRS numbers. (based on facts)
In doing so we are making the least amount of assumptions by using official numbers whenever we can: the official number of record holders, the stock price and the DRS numbers from computershared when they matched the official numbers.
In Figure 1 I plotted in red the share price from before the sneeze in 2021 until Friday 7.6.2024 (6/7/2024 for the US apes). The green and orange lines show the DRS estimate and number of CS accounts from computershared(dot)net. In purple I plotted the amount of $ spent per CS account that had to occur to achieve the increase of the green DRS numbers in the preceding quarter based on the average price during that period.
We can see that in the initial DRS period apes spent on average $20k on DRSing shares. This number is likely inflated because people did not just DRS new shares but also shares accumulated since the sneeze in 2021. But for the following quarter we can see that money spent to DRS new shares was around $5000 in March 2022 decreasing to $1800 in March 2023. This comes down to the OG apes spending about 600$ per month to DRS the float. Pretty reasonable number imo. The decrease of spending over time is just natural as engagement with the stock decreased during a long period of the price slowly going down. Actually, the decay of spending matches exactly the decrease in activity of the Superstonk sub:
BUT the price decreasing at the same time with a similar decay pattern has interesting effects. Even when the average spend on DRSing goes down, the net number of shares that were locked away might have increased linearly.
In Figure 1 in light purple I show my extrapolation of the average quarterly spending. I assumed a decrease in the willingness to spend of 10% every quarter, going down to an average quarterly spending of $1000 as of today. At the same time, I assumed no new apes DRSing and modelled apes going inactive by decreasing the net amount of CS accounts by 5% per quarter. Hence the dashed orange line is trending lower since the last official number we got. The numbers give us predictions that follow the trendline from the purple slowly decreasing true average quarterly spending.
Now on to the final observation. Even with conservative estimates of no new apes coming in, existing apes going inactive and the interest in DRS decreasing during the period from March 2023 to now, we have most likely DRSed almost the entire float of 153 million Shares (shown by the light green dashed line) or we are at least significantly above 100 million. Interestingly we were likely close to locking the entire float this May, right when volume increased, the price skyrocketed, DFV returned, and GameStop issued more shares.
We cannot really model the selling pressure from apes selling DRS shares, but it is quite likely that the buying pressure was higher than my conservative prediction and that new apes started DRSing.
This method assumes that the stagnation in reported DRS numbers starting 2023 is not accurate.
This method extrapolates the average quarterly spend and the number of CS accounts.
The method is based on the DRS estimates from computershared during the time they matched the officially reported DRS numbers.
There are simplifications like averaging price over a quarter and not taking into account volume.
In a free and transparent market, the price of a stock is determined by supply and demand. DRS is reducing the Supply of shares and creates a baseline of demand. Assuming we reduced the supply to a small fraction of the outstanding shares, the price should rise. But we know that the price went down during the entire time we DRSed shares. This implies that there is either no demand at all or heavy dilution from short selling counteracting the DRS movement.
And RC proved that there is in fact high demand, leaving only short selling on the table. In May 2024 the company heavily increased the number of outstanding shares with the 45 million share offering (potentially up to120 million). According to the supply and demand model, the price should decrease. But oh wait, the price has tripled during that time on no news or fundamental changes (GameStop even says this in one of their latest filings). RK shows on stream he is just a goofball, has not yet exercised his calls and that the price can be manipulated at a whim. This means there is demand not tied to RK or business fundamentals that far surpasses the 45 (or 120) million new shares offered and that the price is most likely manipulated by short selling.
What is RC’s perspective?
He would know the true DRS numbers and if we really locked the float in the last 3 years, he would have proof of a short selling scheme against the company following the above simple logical argument. With this proof this would allow him to raise billions in cash for the company without compromising MOASS because further dilution is dwarfed by the amount of naked shares which must exist to explain the recent insane volume on no shares available. Furthermore, the share offering raises the minimum price per share to $10-$12, completely killing the short thesis. Overall the DRS numbers are important for exposing and combating the rampant short selling by reducing supply of shares.
Finally, to show how ridiculous the stagnant 75 million DRS number is:
The number of active CS accounts would need to decrease 25% every quarter and the average monthly spending on DRS to go down 50% every quarter to 50$ per quarter for the remaining accounts to achieve such a stagnation.
submitted by FrankiHollywood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:42 jojo11219 Surprise graduation at 33w5d

TLDR: PPROM quickly turned into early precipitous labor. Baby arrived at a great weight but with some initial difficulty breathing. After one day, she’s stable but will remain in the NICU for a bit. Despite nothing going according to plan, my care team was fantastic and I didn’t have time to get scared or frustrated about the circumstances. Overall positive experience.
On Saturday morning around 9:45am at 33w5d, my waters broke with a vengeance while volunteering at my usual weekend spot. I ran out of there, called the on call line and then my husband, drove home to change while gushing water the whole time, and then headed to the hospital. We were checked into triage by 11, confirmed that it was amniotic fluid, had a steroid shot and started on some antibiotics, put on fetal monitoring and planned on hanging out until 34w (Monday) and then inducing. No other signs of labor at this time, I’m 1cm dilated. Baby girl was looking healthy and content.
At around 2pm, I moved to labor and delivery to free up space in triage and continue hanging out. The nurse there took at look at the monitor and said “um, you’re having contractions.” They were mild, I wasn’t even feeling them. Doctor came back in, said things still don’t look imminent, no change to plan. Let me eat lunch, yay!
At around 4:30, contractions went 0-100 really fast. Powered through for about 90 minutes still thinking this was early labor and we had plenty of time. Nurse came back and suggested epidural. I was incredulous, isn’t it way too early? I’m only 1cm! Nurse looks at the monitor and strongly suggests that if an epidural was in my plan, I should ask for it sooner than later. I agree as contractions are not letting up. I’m still in denial that this baby might be coming before Monday.
Anesthesiologist arrives around 6:30, I get the epidural and then doctor comes back in to check my cervix. I’m fully dilated. Start pushing at 7 before the epidural is even fully dispersed on my right side, but that actually helped me know when to push, so no complaints. Pushed for 2ish hours, took a few rounds for me to get the hang of it. Baby born at 9:23pm.
Baby girl felt like breathing was for the birds when she first arrived, which freaked us all out, but the NICU team was on hand and swept her away and got it under control. She ended up needing a breathing tube, but within a few hours was breathing room air. She’s a good size, strong and feisty which the NICU nurses assure me are all good things.
It totally sucks that I didn’t get the golden hour or skin to skin or to breastfeed, but she’s healthy and in good hands and that’s what’s most important. I’m steadily producing colostrum which we will try introducing to her today or tomorrow. Can’t wait to finally hold my baby girl when the breathing tube comes out officially (maybe tonight). The most unexpected and wonderful day of my life.
submitted by jojo11219 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:40 loveirelandd What is the Fascinating History and Architecture of Doe Castle in County Donegal, Ireland?

Title: What is the Fascinating History and Architecture of Doe Castle in County Donegal, Ireland?
Doe Castle, prominently located on the picturesque Sheephaven Bay in County Donegal, Ireland, stands as a magnificent testament to the country's rich historical and architectural legacy. Erected in the 15th century and originally known as Caisleán na dTuath, it has served as the formidable seat of power for many of Ireland’s influential clans and families over the centuries. In this article, let’s delve deep into the captivating history, architectural prowess, and the steadfast spirit of Doe Castle that make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts alike.

History of Doe Castle

Doe Castle's foundations date back to the early 15th century when it was constructed by the O'Donnell family, a prominent Gaelic Irish dynasty. By the 1440s, control of the castle shifted to the MacSweeney family, famed for their gallowglass (elite mercenary warriors of Gaelic origin), who retained it for nearly two centuries. In the wake of the Plantation of Ulster in the 17th century, the castle witnessed a change in ownership as it was seized by English settlers.
Significantly, during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms in 1642, Doe Castle became the strategic command center for Owen Roe O'Neill and the Ulster Army of the Irish Confederate forces. The subsequent years saw the castle alternating hands between English and Irish control, notably being captured by Sir Charles Coote in 1650. Moving into the 18th century, it was acquired by Sir George Vaughan Hart, with his family maintaining tenure until 1843.

Architectural Elements of Doe Castle

Characterized by its robust defense mechanisms, Doe Castle features towering outer walls that encase an interior bawn alongside a four-story tower-house, or keep. Strategically built on a jut of land surrounded by water on three sides, and with a purposely excavated moat on the fourth, landward side, its location and construction typified the classic stronghold—ideal for defense and surveillance against any encroaching foes.

Restoration and Current Status

The 1990s marked a significant phase for Doe Castle with major restoration efforts undertaken to preserve its historical essence and architectural integrity. Presently, the castle is managed by the Office of Public Works and during the warmer months, it opens its doors to the public offering guided tours. These tours provide a comprehensive look at the castle's historical timeline through interactive exhibits, enabling visitors to step back in time and experience its storied past firsthand.

Intriguing Facts and Visitor Information

Doe Castle holds a romantic charm, perhaps most famous for its association with Irish singer Brian McFadden, who proposed to his then-fiancée Kerry Katona here in 2001, continuing a family tradition of proposals at the site that began with his grandparents.


Doe Castle is not just an architectural marvel but a chronicle of Ireland’s tumultous history—a fortress that has withstood numerous sieges and changes in custodianship over the centuries. For anyone fascinated by Ireland's historical narratives or architectural grandeur, Doe Castle offers a compelling visit filled with tales of yore and awe-inspiring structures that speak volumes of Ireland's feudal past and cultural heritage.
Come explore the time-honored halls of Doe or wander its formidable grounds to truly grasp the enduring legacy of one of Ireland’s most eminent historical structures.
Feel free to share this post and plan a visit to Doe Castle to experience its majestic aura and historical grandeur in person!
submitted by loveirelandd to LoveIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 VietRooster New Music Friday: June 7th, 2024

New Music Friday is the weekly thread dedicated to cataloging all the Album/EP releases that came out this week, including non-subreddit relevant releases. This is also a great place to discuss these albums, or bring to attention other albums released this week.
❓ "this seems intriguing after a cursory look"
⭐ "im interested in this for one reason or another"
❤️ "ive been waiting for weeks, months/i'm absolutely in love with this"
Goat Girl - Below the Waste
Label: Rough Trade
Genre: Indie Rock, Post-Punk
Strand of Oaks - Miracle Focus
Label: Western Vinyl
Genre: Neo-Psychedelia, Dream Pop
Pedro The Lion - Santa Cruz
Label: Polyvinyl
Genre: Indie Rock, Slowcore
Liz Lawrence - Peanuts
Label: Chrysalis
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Indie Pop
Man Man - Carrot on Strings
Label: Sub Pop
Genre: Art Rock, Indie Pop
L'Impératrice - Pulsar
Label: microqlima
Genre: Nu-Disco, French Pop
Psychic Graveyard - Wilting
Label: Artoffact
Genre: Post-Punk, Noise Rock
Blue Hawaii - Diamond Shovel
Label: Helix
Genre: Euro-Trance, Vocal Trance
Peggy Gou - I Hear You
Label: XL
Genre: Euro House, Acid House
Good Looks - Lived Here for a While
Label: Keeled Scales
Genre: Indie Rock, Heartland Rock
Label: E Works
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Rock
AURORA - What Happened To The Heart?
Label: Decca
Genre: Alt-Pop, Art Pop
Bonny Light Horseman - Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free
Label: Jagjaguwar
Genre: Americana, Folk Rock
Label: RCA
Genre: Alternative R&B, Deep House, Neo-Soul
Red Tank! - Do You Want Shoegaze or Do You Want the Truth? (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Garage Punk
Orlando Weeks (ex-Maccabees) - LOJA
Label: Universal
Genre: Sophisti-Pop, Art Pop
suzie's world record - suzie's world record ep
Label: n/a
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Indie Rock
Primer - Round and Round (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Synthpop
Kairos Creature Club - Kairos Creature Club
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Neo-Psychedelia
CANDY - It's Inside You
Label: Relapse
Genre: Metalcore, Industrial Metal, Digital Hardcore
Cameron Leahy - Dizzy Freedom
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop
Savoir Adore - Savoir Adore
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop
Kalte Nacht - Urge
Label: Cold Transmission
Genre: Coldwave
Maggie Gently - Wherever You Want To Go
Label: n/a
Genre: Twee Pop, Singer-Songwriter
Bathe Alone - I Don't Do Humidity
Label: Nettwerk
Genre: Dream Pop
Rose Hotel - A Pawn Surrender
Label: Strolling Bones
Genre: Soft Rock
Perennial - Art History
Label: Ernest Jenning
Genre: Art Punk
French Cassettes - Benzene
Label: Tender Loving Empire
Genre: Indie Pop
Cardinals - Cardinals EP
Label: So Young
Genre: Indie Rock
Swim Deep - There's A Big Star Outside
Label: Submarine Cat
Genre: Indie Pop
Marina Allen - Eight Pointed Star
Label: Fire
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Soft Rock
all under heaven - What Lies Ahead Of Me
Label: Sunday Drive
Genre: Shoegaze, Alternative Rock
Night Tapes - assisted memories (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Dream Pop, Chillwave
Drip-Fed - Sold For Parts
Label: n/a
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Laura Misch - Sample The Earth
Label: One Little Independent
Genre: Acoustic
Clan of Xymox - Exodus
Label: Metropolis
Genre: Gothic Rock, Darkwave
Elkka - Prism of Pleasure
Label: Ninja Tune
Genre: Deep House
PREP - The Programme
Label: Bright Antenna
Genre: Sophisti-Pop, Synth Funk
The Murlocs - Live at Teregram Ballroom
Label: ATO
Genre: Blues Rock, Country Rock
Fine - Rocky Top Ballads
Label: Escho
Genre: Dream Pop, Slacker Rock
Alfie Templeman - Radiosoul
Label: Chess Club
Genre: Pop Soul, Neo-Psychedelia
No Mana - I Contain Flashing Images
Label: Monstercat
Genre: Electro House, Progressive House
Men Seni Suyemin - BELIEVE
Label: 2MR
Genre: Dream Pop, Indietronica
Blu-Swing - Panorama
Label: n/a
Genre: Jazz Pop, City Pop
Porcupine - All Is Vapor
Label: New Morality Zine
Genre: Metalcore
thin air - The Blowtorch Poets Departure (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie
Paige Stark - Good at Love (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Singer-songwriter
Razor Braids - Big Wave
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Grunge
Angelica Garcia - Gemelo
Label: Partisan
Genre: Art Pop, Latin Pop
Little Wings - High on the Glade
Label: n/a
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Indie Folk
Goofy Geese - GÚFIGIS
Label: Jansen
Genre: Bedroom Pop
Joana Serrat - Big Wave
Label: Great Canyon
Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Folk Pop
Rat Palace - Dust Free Home
Label: Candlepin
Genre: Shoegaze
Bloomsday - Heart of the Artichoke
Label: Bayonet
Genre: Indie Rock, Indie Folk
Ford Chastain - Wavelines
Label: Start-track
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Dream Pop
Kyle Sparkman - Neon Fever Dream Home (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie-funkster
Actress - Statik
Label: Smalltown Supersound
Genre: Ambient Techno, IDM, Ambient House
Feyleux - Midnight Hearts (nsfw artwork: nudity)
Label: SwissDarkNights
Genre: Darkwave, Gothic Rock
Small Black Arrows - The British Museum
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Dream Pop
Tiny Stills - We Really Felt Something
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Rock, Power Pop
Logan Lynn - SOFTCORE
Label: Kill Rock Stars
Genre: Indie Pop, Synthpop
Amanda Bergman - Your Hand Forever Checking On My Fever
Label: n/a
Genre: Indie Pop, Indie Folk
Label: 88rising
Genre: J-Pop, Japanese Hip Hop
Gus Dapperton - Tunes For Late Spring (EP)
Label: n/a
Genre: Bedroom Pop, Hypnagogic Pop
Tashi Wada - What is Not Strange?
Label: Rvng
Genre: Ambient, Post-Minimalism
Geolier - DIO LO SA
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Trap
Charli XCX - BRAT
Label: Atlantic
Genre: Electropop, Electronic Dance Music, Bubblegum Bass
LØLØ - falling for robots & wishing i was one
Label: Hopeless
Genre: Power Pop, Alternative Rock
Maluma, Blessed - 1 OF 1 (EP)
Label: Warner Latina
Genre: Latin Pop, Reggaetón
Clara La San - Made Mistakes
Label: AWAL
Genre: Alternative R&B, Trap Soul
Label: n/a
Genre: Electropop, Alt-Pop
Saint Levant - DEIRA
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Alternative R&B
Meghan Trainor - Timeless
Label: Epic
Genre: Dance-Pop, Pop
Tems - Born in the Wild
Label: RCA
Genre: Alté, Contemporary R&B, Afrobeats
Dagny - ELLE
Label: n/a
Genre: Synthpop, Dance-Pop
Ski Mask the Slump God - 11th Dimension
Label: Victor Victor
Genre: Trap, Southern Hip Hop
Haji Basto - FREE RISKY
Label: n/a
Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
J.P. - Coming Out Party
Label: n/a
Genre: Pop Rap, Lowend, Contemporary R&B
Boosie Badazz - Boosie Blues
Label: Bad Azz
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Blues
Mitchy slick - Selective Politicin
Label: n/a
Genre: West Coast Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap
Joey Valence & Brae - NO HANDS
Label: n/a
Genre: Hardcore Hip Hop, East Coast Hip Hop
Slim Thug - Around The World
Label: Hogg Life
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Gangsta Rap
ShrapKnel - Nobody Planning to Leave
Label: Backwoodz
Genre: Abstract Hip Hop, East Coast Hip Hop
Htorrez - Avenida de los Pobres
Label: n/a
Genre: Hip Hop/Rap
Yelawolf - War Story
Label: Slumerican
Genre: Southern Hip Hop, Pop Rap
Hippotraktor - Stasis
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Post-Metal
Darko US - Starfire (June 5th)
Label: n/a
Genre: Deathcore, Metalcore, Electronicore, Cyber Metal, Nu Metal
Evergrey - Theories of Emptiness
Label: Napalm
Genre: Progressive Metal
Holy Mother - Rise
Label: Massacre
Genre: US Power Metal
Illyra - Wanderlust
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Metalcore, Blackgaze
Severe Torture - Torn from the Jaws of Death
Label: Season of Mist
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Umbra Vitae - Light of Death
Label: Deathwish
Genre: Death Metal, Sludge Metal
Vomit The Soul - Massive Incineration
Label: Unique Leader
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Royal Republic - Lovecop
Label: Odyssey
Genre: Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Dysrhythmia - Coffin of Conviction
Label: n/a
Genre: Instrumental Progressive Metal, Avant-Prog
Insect Ark - Raw Blood Singing
Label: Debemur Morti
Genre: Doom Metal, Post-Metal
Inconcessus Lux Lucis - Temples Colliding in Fire
Label: I, Voidhanger
Genre: Black Metal, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal
Okular - Regenerate
Label: n/a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Melodic Death Metal
Octohawk - Determinist
Label: Crime
Genre: Sludge Metal
Sons of Arrakis - Volume II
Label: n/a
Genre: Stoner Metal, Heavy Psych
World Time Three - In Hearts and Stone
Label: n/a
Genre: Instrumental Post-Rock
Sect - Plagues Upon Plagues
Label: Southern Lord
Genre: Metalcore, Sludge Metal
GURT - Satan etc.
Label: n/a
Genre: Sludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom Metal
Huntsmen - The Dry Land
Label: Prosthetic
Genre: Post-Metal, Progressive Metal
submitted by VietRooster to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:10 Kittyfeetdontrepeat Toddler Eats Non-stop

My son is 21 months old and right in the center of height/weight charts. We did 101 Before One, and he is not a picky eater. We offer him well rounded meals with fruit, veg, carbs and protein. He's in a phase now where he will graze, leaving the table several times and coming back to grab bites over the course of 30-45 minutes. We have breakfast at 7, snack at 10, lunch at noon, snack at 3, and dinner at 6:30. It's been this way since he started solids. I have a low shelf in the pantry stocked with pouches, fruit bars, crackers and Bunny Grahams and yogurt drops. He can access the kitchen counter where I keep fresh fruit. And at his level in the fridge are cheese cubes, turkey, and berries. We also have a hydroponic garden with tomatoes, sweet peppers, and lettuces. He drinks water and whole milk. On to the problem (is it a problem?) - this kid always wants snacks. He'll stop playing to run to the pantry for a food bar, or eat two bananas and a handful of raspberries and a slice of cheese and still yell for more food. It's constant! Is this just what toddlers do? How are you enforcing meal schedules, or should he just be free to eat whatever whenever? Help! 😭
submitted by Kittyfeetdontrepeat to toddlertips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 lnwildeagle85 Classic Corrie

Classic Corrie
As Christmas arrives in Classic Corrie, it's the run up to a festive wedding as Ashley & Claire get married, but nothing goes according to plan - as it does. Mind you Tracy & Karen didn't get an invitation as both women battle it out for Round 2. Ding ding. After Karen suffered a miscarriage last week, she furious to learn that Liz told the news to every resident on the Cobbles. So what does she do, speeds off in a prize car - unaware Tracy has just strapped young little Amy into the back seat (shouldn't have left her unattended & the door unlocked). As Tracy & Steve rush to the Red Rec, Karen said she has left the car, but the vehicle blows in a ball of flames with both nowhere to be seen. Actress Suranne Jones (Karen) bowed out this week, in an hour long Xmas ep. her & Tracy face a showdown on the factory roof with poor Steve in hot pursuit! Her exit the following episode sees her an emotionally charged parting with Steve. After she leaves, Tracy has her chance to get closer to Steve. Elsewhere, Deirdre arranges a meeting between Shelley & Bev, and look out for young Adam Barlow as Ken brings his Grandson as the residents welcomes in to 2005.
submitted by lnwildeagle85 to coronationstreet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Beaches in South Florida

Best Beaches in South Florida
Best Beaches in South Florida Are you ready to embark on a sun-soaked adventure in South Florida? Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and breathtaking beauty of the best beaches in this tropical paradise.From the secluded paradise of Cayo Costa State Park to the family-friendly shores of Siesta Key Beach, there's a beach for every traveler. Whether you crave tranquility, family fun, or a vibrant beach scene, we've got you covered.So grab your sunscreen and get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime.Key TakeawaysCayo Costa State Park is a secluded and remote beach accessible only by boat, offering a peaceful and tranquil experience.Clam Pass Park provides easy access to the beach through a scenic boardwalk, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.Siesta Key Beach is known for its powdery white sand made of pure quartz and offers family-friendly amenities, but it can get crowded during peak season.Sanibel Island is named as one of America's top beaches, known for its sugar white sand beach and wildlife, and offers various activities and surrounding attractions.Cayo Costa State Park: Secluded and Heavenly State Park With Pristine BeachesWe should definitely consider visiting Cayo Costa State Park for its secluded and heavenly beaches. Cayo Costa State Park is often referred to as the hidden gem of South Florida beaches. This remote paradise offers visitors a peaceful and tranquil beach experience that's hard to find elsewhere. With 9 miles of pristine beaches accessible only by helicopter or boat, Cayo Costa State Park provides a sense of seclusion and privacy that's truly unparalleled.One of the highlights of Cayo Costa State Park is its untouched natural beauty. The beaches here are untouched by development, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the serenity of nature. The soft, white sands and crystal-clear waters create a picture-perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.While Cayo Costa State Park offers a remote and secluded experience, it's important to note that it may not be the most convenient getaway. Visitors must arrange for boat access to the park, which can be a bit of a challenge. Additionally, the amenities and services on the island are limited, so it's advisable to come prepared with food, water, and other essentials.Despite these potential inconveniences, Cayo Costa State Park remains a hidden gem that's worth exploring. Its secluded and heavenly beaches offer a unique and unforgettable beach experience that's sure to leave visitors feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.Clam Pass Park: 35-Acre Park With Powder White SandsClam Pass Park is a 35-acre park located just 6 miles away from Naples, offering easy access to the beach from the parking area, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.One of the highlights of the park is its scenic boardwalk, which takes you through a beautiful mangrove forest and provides a unique and picturesque path to the beach.With its powder white sands and a range of amenities including a snack bar, picnic area, and water sports, Clam Pass Park is a family-friendly destination that offers a unique boardwalk experience and a perfect beach day.Unique Boardwalk ExperienceAfter walking along the scenic boardwalk through the mangrove forest, we reached the unique and beautiful Clam Pass Park beach. Here, we discovered a world of hidden gems and unique beachside activities. Let's share with you the four highlights of our boardwalk experience:Serene Nature: As we strolled along the boardwalk, we were surrounded by the lush greenery of the mangrove forest. The peaceful atmosphere and the sound of birds chirping created a sense of tranquility.Spectacular Views: The boardwalk provided us with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. We could see the sparkling blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the vibrant colors of the sunset, and the diverse wildlife that calls this area home.Accessible Beach: One of the best features of Clam Pass Park is its easy access to the beach. The boardwalk leads directly to the powdery white sands, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.Exciting Activities: Along the boardwalk, we found various opportunities for adventure. We could rent a kayak or canoe to explore the park's wilder side or enjoy water sports such as paddleboarding. Additionally, there's a snack bar and picnic area where we could relax and refuel.Overall, the boardwalk at Clam Pass Park offers a unique and unforgettable experience. It allows visitors to immerse themselves in nature, enjoy stunning views, and engage in exciting beachside activities. Don't miss out on this hidden gem on your next visit to South Florida!Family-Friendly Beach With AmenitiesDuring our visit, we were impressed by the family-friendly amenities and convenient access to the beach at Clam Pass Park.This 35-acre park in Naples, Florida, offers a scenic boardwalk through a mangrove forest, providing a unique and beautiful path to the beach. Families and those with mobility concerns will appreciate the easy access from the parking area.While the park can get crowded during peak tourist seasons, it's worth it for the activities available. Renting a kayak or canoe is a great way to explore the park's wilder side, and there's also a snack bar, picnic area, and water sports to enjoy.If you're looking for beachfront accommodations and a wide range of family-friendly activities, Clam Pass Park is a fantastic choice.Siesta Key Beach: Family-Friendly Beach With Azure Waters and White SandsSiesta Key Beach is a family-friendly beach on Siesta Key that boasts azure waters and powdery white sands made of pure quartz crystals. With its lifeguards and playgrounds, it provides a safe and enjoyable beach experience for kids.However, it can get crowded, especially during peak season, and parking availability may be limited, so it's best to arrive early to secure a spot and beat the crowds.Crowded During Peak SeasonWe should plan our beach trip to Siesta Key Beach, despite it getting crowded with tourists and limited parking, because of its azure waters and white sands. Siesta Key Beach offers a unique beach experience that's worth braving the crowds. Here's why:Pristine Beauty: The beach boasts stunning azure waters and powdery white sands made of pure quartz crystals. It's no wonder it has been consistently ranked among the best beaches in the United States.Family-Friendly Amenities: Siesta Key Beach is perfect for families, with lifeguards on duty and playgrounds for kids to enjoy. You can relax and have peace of mind while your children have a blast.Vibrant Atmosphere: Despite the crowds, Siesta Key Beach has a lively and energetic ambiance. It hosts popular sand sculpting events and offers various water sports and facilities to keep you entertained.Alternative Beach Destinations: If you're looking to avoid the crowds during peak season, there are alternative beach destinations in South Florida. Consider exploring secluded and remote beaches like Cayo Costa State Park or Clam Pass Park, which offer a peaceful and tranquil beach experience.Despite the beach's popularity, there's a downside to consider: limited parking availability.Limited Parking AvailabilityDespite the limited parking availability, we can still enjoy the family-friendly beach with azure waters and white sands at Siesta Key Beach. This popular destination on Siesta Key is renowned for its powdery white sand made of pure quartz crystals, which feels incredibly soft and cool to the touch. It's the perfect place for a day of relaxation and fun in the sun.However, finding parking can be a challenge, especially during peak season. But fear not, there are alternative transportation options available. Consider carpooling with friends or family, taking a taxi or rideshare service, or even using public transportation to get to the beach. Additionally, some hotels in the area offer shuttle services to Siesta Key Beach, so be sure to check with your accommodations.Don't let limited parking availability deter you from experiencing the beauty of Siesta Key Beach.Family-Friendly Amenities AvailableFinding parking at Siesta Key Beach can be a challenge, but there are plenty of family-friendly amenities available to enhance our beach experience. Here are four reasons why Siesta Key Beach is a great choice for families:Beach Safety: Siesta Key Beach has lifeguards on duty, ensuring the safety of all beachgoers. Families can relax and enjoy the beach knowing that trained professionals are watching out for their well-being.Beach Activities: From building sandcastles to playing beach volleyball, Siesta Key Beach offers a wide range of activities for the whole family. Kids can splash in the gentle waves while parents soak up the sun or take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline.Playground: Siesta Key Beach features a playground area where kids can swing, slide, and climb. It's a perfect spot for little ones to burn off some energy while parents relax nearby.Picnic Areas: Siesta Key Beach has designated picnic areas with tables and grills, making it easy to enjoy a beachside meal with the family. Pack a delicious lunch and savor it in the beautiful surroundings of the beach.With these family-friendly amenities, Siesta Key Beach is the ideal destination for a fun and safe beach day.Now, let's transition to our next topic: Sanibel Island, a 324-acre park known for its sugar white sand beach and wildlife.Sanibel Island: 324-Acre Park Known for Its Sugar White Sand Beach and WildlifeSanibel Island is home to a 324-acre park that is known for its sugar white sand beach and abundance of wildlife. This park offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and recreational activities for visitors of all ages.Wildlife Conservation EffortsBeach Activities for KidsThe park is dedicated to wildlife conservation efforts, providing a safe haven for various species. Visitors can spot sea turtles, gopher tortoises, and a wide variety of birds. The park's commitment to preserving these animals' natural habitats is commendable.Kids can enjoy a range of beach activities at Sanibel Island. They can build sandcastles, search for seashells, and explore the tidal pools. The calm and shallow waters make it safe for children to swim and play. The park also offers picnic areas where families can enjoy a beachside lunch.The wildlife conservation efforts at Sanibel Island are essential for preserving the diverse ecosystem and ensuring the survival of these species. It's a great opportunity for visitors to learn about the importance of protecting our natural environment.In addition to wildlife conservation, Sanibel Island provides many beach activities for kids. The soft sand and gentle waves create a perfect playground for children. They can engage in building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and exploring the fascinating marine life in the tidal pools. Families can also enjoy picnics on the beach, creating lasting memories together.Sanibel Island's 324-acre park offers a unique experience where visitors can appreciate the beauty of nature while engaging in fun beach activities. It's a destination that caters to both wildlife enthusiasts and families looking for a memorable beach getaway.South Beach: Vibrant Neighborhood in Miami Beach With a World-Renowned Beach SceneWe can't wait to explore South Beach, as it's a vibrant neighborhood in Miami Beach with a world-renowned beach scene. Here are four reasons why we're excited about South Beach:Vibrant Beach Scene: South Beach is known for its lively and energetic atmosphere. The beach is always bustling with activity, from people playing beach volleyball to sunbathers enjoying the warm Florida sun. The vibrant energy of South Beach creates a unique and exciting beach experience.Luxurious Waterfront Hotels: South Beach is home to some of the most luxurious waterfront hotels in Miami. These hotels offer stunning views of the beach and provide top-notch amenities and services. Staying in one of these hotels allows you to indulge in the ultimate beach vacation experience.Trendy Nightlife: South Beach is famous for its nightlife scene. The neighborhood is filled with trendy bars, clubs, and restaurants that come alive after the sun sets. Whether you're looking for a laid-back beach bar or a high-energy nightclub, South Beach has something for everyone.Wide Range of Activities and Attractions: In addition to the beach, South Beach offers a variety of activities and attractions to explore. You can take a stroll along Ocean Drive and admire the iconic Art Deco architecture, shop at the trendy boutiques on Lincoln Road, or visit the vibrant outdoor markets. There's never a dull moment in South Beach.With its vibrant beach scene, luxurious waterfront hotels, and trendy nightlife, South Beach is a must-visit destination for beach lovers.Now, let's transition to our next topic: Hollywood Beach, a sandy stretch between Miami and Fort Lauderdale.Hollywood Beach: Sandy Stretch Between Miami and Fort LauderdaleLet's explore the sandy stretch of Hollywood Beach, located between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, and discover its oceanfront bars, restaurants, and year-round events. Hollywood Beach is a vibrant destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking to relax on the pristine sandy shores, enjoy a delicious meal with an ocean view, or immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the renowned boardwalk, Hollywood Beach has it all.To give you a better idea of what Hollywood Beach has to offer, here's a table highlighting some of its key features:FeaturesHighlightsOceanfront barsEnjoy a refreshing drink while soaking up the sunRestaurantsIndulge in a variety of cuisines from seafood to international fareYear-round eventsExperience live music, festivals, and other exciting happeningsRenowned boardwalk for oceanside funTake a leisurely stroll or rent a bike to explore the vibrant sceneHollywood Beach is not only a haven for beach lovers, but it's also a paradise for shoppers, with world-class malls and boutiques just a stone's throw away. So, whether you're in the mood for relaxation, entertainment, or retail therapy, Hollywood Beach is the perfect destination.Now, let's head just a few miles north to explore Fort Lauderdale Beach, where you'll find four miles of striking coastline and an array of colorful cafes, entertainment venues, and exclusive shops.Fort Lauderdale Beach: 4 Miles of Striking CoastlineAs beach lovers, we can't wait to explore Fort Lauderdale Beach and its stunning 4 miles of striking coastline. Here are four reasons why Fort Lauderdale Beach should be on your must-visit list:Striking Coastline Attractions: Fort Lauderdale Beach offers more than just pristine sands and clear blue waters. You can visit the Bonnet House Museum, a beautiful historic estate with lush gardens and art collections. Or, check out the Downtown Hollywood Mural Project, where vibrant murals adorn the walls of buildings, showcasing the city's artistic side.Blue Wave Certified Beach: Fort Lauderdale Beach has been awarded the Blue Wave certification, meaning it meets strict criteria for cleanliness, safety, and environmental responsibility. So you can swim, sunbathe, and enjoy water activities with peace of mind.Fort Lauderdale Beach Development Plans: The city has exciting development plans for the beach, including improving pedestrian and bike-friendly infrastructure, enhancing public spaces, and creating more recreational opportunities. This means even more amenities and attractions for visitors to enjoy in the future.Colorful Variety of Cafes, Entertainment Venues, and Exclusive Shops: Along the beach, you'll find a vibrant mix of cafes, restaurants, and bars offering delicious cuisine and refreshing drinks. There are also plenty of entertainment venues, from live music to comedy shows. And if shopping is your thing, Fort Lauderdale Beach boasts exclusive shops where you can find unique treasures.Fort Lauderdale Beach truly has something for everyone, from natural beauty to cultural experiences. So grab your sunscreen and get ready to explore this striking coastline destination.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Beachfront Hotels or Accommodations Available at Cayo Costa State Park?Yes, there are beachfront accommodations available at Cayo Costa State Park. Visitors can stay overnight in rustic cabins or go camping for a unique beach experience.As for Clam Pass Park, some of the best beach activities include walking the scenic boardwalk through the mangrove forest, renting a kayak or canoe, and enjoying the snack bar and picnic area. These activities offer a wonderful way to explore the park and make the most of your beach visit.What Are the Most Popular Water Sports Activities at Clam Pass Park?Popular water sports activities at Clam Pass Park include jet skiing and paddleboarding. These thrilling activities allow visitors to explore the beautiful waters and make the most of their beach experience.Jet skiing offers an exhilarating ride, while paddleboarding allows for a more peaceful and leisurely exploration. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush or a relaxing adventure, Clam Pass Park has something for everyone.Can You Rent Beach Chairs or Umbrellas at Siesta Key Beach?Yes, you can rent beach chairs and umbrellas at Siesta Key Beach.It's a family-friendly beach with soft, powdery white sand made of pure quartz.The beach can get crowded, especially during peak season, so renting beach chairs and umbrellas is a convenient option.They provide shade and comfort while enjoying the azure waters.It's recommended to arrive early to secure parking and make the most of your day at Siesta Key Beach.Are There Any Guided Wildlife Tours Available at Sanibel Island?Yes, there are guided wildlife tours available at Sanibel Island.These tours offer a fantastic opportunity to explore the island's diverse ecosystem and observe its abundant wildlife.From bird watching to nature walks, these tours provide an immersive experience in the natural beauty of Sanibel Island.Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply looking to connect with the outdoors, these guided wildlife tours will surely leave you with unforgettable memories of this enchanting island.Is There a Specific Time of Year When South Beach Is Less Crowded?The quietest time to visit South Beach is during the off-peak season when crowd levels are lower. To avoid the crowds, it's best to visit South Beach during the weekdays rather than on weekends.Additionally, visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring and fall can provide a more peaceful beach experience. However, it's important to note that South Beach is a popular destination year-round, so even during quieter times, there may still be some level of activity.ConclusionIn conclusion, South Florida offers a beach experience like no other. Whether you're seeking secluded and heavenly beaches at Cayo Costa State Park or the vibrant beach scene of South Beach, there's something for everyone.From the powdery white sands of Siesta Key Beach to the abundant wildlife of Sanibel Island, these beaches are truly breathtaking.So grab your sunscreen and get ready to explore the beauty and charm of South Florida's best beaches.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 ojct123 Red flags or overthinking?

I (30M) just moved to a new city and moved into a place with 1 roommate (31M). The listing was on FB marketplace, I came to view, the place was really nice and he seemed like a nice guy so I registered my interest and moved in last week.
I work a 9-5 and he works nights, leaving the house about 10pm and getting home about 9am. Because of his hours we don't see too much of each other, he sleeps in the day and is up for a couple of hours before work so I may see him for a brief period in the evening.
Amber flag 1 Day 3 – He had a night off so we sat chatting for a bit, and then I went to bed, he said he wanted to stay on the same schedule so was going to stay up. The following day I got home from work and put the tv on and he had typed into the search bar of a streaming service "just relax and let my mind turn to mush" which felt a bit eerie to me.
Red flag 1 Day 4 – I was at the gym post work, he messaged me saying had a friend round and asked if I wanted to join for a drink and wanted anything, I said a beer but he said I got back to him too late (response time 2 mins) but I could have a selzter he bought. This felt a bit off for me so I went and got a beer myself on the way home. We're sitting round chatting and his friend said he thinks he's already met me more than the previous roommate to which my roommate responds "yeah there was no last roommate, not after I got done with her!". Very awkward laughter ensues. He then says "good job you didn't drink that seltzer hey!". They decided to go out but I had work early so stayed in and also felt uncomfortable after that interaction.
Amber flag 2 Day 7 – The next few days he's at work so don't see him much. Yesterday he was asking what I was up to today and I said I was going running in the morning and then seeing a friend in the evening. He said I should go to this vintage market and specific vintage store nearby. He couldn't really remember the name and it came to him after a few seconds. It felt like he was trying to convince me to go and kept saying "I'm jealous I wish I could join you, you're gunna have a great time!" Even though I hadn't explicitly said I would go yet. Then I'm making dinner and his keys are on the kitchen table and I notice he has a keyring from this specific store with the name and address on. I found odd that he has this keyring, sees this everyday, yet couldn't really remember the name, then when he left for work he said again "you're gunna have a great time tomorrow jealous I can't come." This all felt a bit unusual to me, like he was trying to reverse psychology me into going, either way I had other plans so didn't go.
I've looked him up on FB/insta/Linkedin and everything supposedly checks out apart from the fact that his latest job which is the night shift is not anywhere which may be odd considering his Linkedin has everything up to that point. He has quite a 'bro' sense of humour so I don't know if it's a mix of that and maybe slight social awkwardness, but my gut is telling me something is off. What does the court of reddit think?
submitted by ojct123 to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:39 AuahDark Here's a name generator I made for my (future) game. Hopefully useful for others who struggling with names.

TL;DR: Any-purpose name generator. 2 number acts as a seed. Same number will generate same name.
This is a name generator I made few years ago for game I planned to make in the future. The site has 2 sections: single name and multiple names. Every action in here is done in your own browser. No data are sent to 3rd-party servers. It's in here:
For single name section, you simply select the 2 numbers (X and Y) along with the name dataset to use. There's also button to randomize the X and Y values. By default it uses US Baby Name Dataset From 2018 but other dataset is also available. By ticking "Inference gender (slightly slower)", an AI model will be run on each name to determine its binary gender (standalone version is here).
For multiple names section, you can adjust the amount of names to generate, the range of X and Y numbers to use (both inclusive), and the name dataset to use. Once you generate names, you can then save the table to CSV, either comma-separated (as its name) or semicolon-separated (because MS Excel). If "Inference gender" on previous section is checked, you'll also have the gender along with the probability too and they'll also saved in the CSV. It's recommended not to generate too many names, especially with "Inference gender" option checked, as it may freeze your browser. You have been warned.
Note that it generates name on per-character basis. This means most of the names may look non-sense to you but you may find the one that just look right. They most likely have no meaning though. I use this tool myself when I'm struggling with names.
Feel free to use this to inspire name of everything you made for your world. Be it a person name, country name, planets, or anything that can have names. Also feel free to transform the generated name as you like. This tool acts as an inspirational tool for finding names.
If you have good name dataset you'd like to be incorporated in the site, please DM me (not reddit chat) the details and I may consider it.
Technical explanation starts.
Under the hood, it's a Markov chain. The dataset serves as generating the statistics for the states to advance. It's stored in a large JSON file, easily lookable if you use the browser network inspection. The PRNG is direct port of Xorshift* from LÖVE game framework. The reason for that is because I'll be making my game using that game framework and having consistent result across different implementation is important.
For the "Inference gender" option, it's an LSTM model I self-made and self-train using PyTorch. The model then converted to ONNX which allows it to run entirely in the browser. A pre-trained model can be inspected when using browser network inspection. A standalone JavaScript module with ONNX runtime, standalone Python script for training (with PyTorch), inferencing (with PyTorch or ONNX), and exporting PyTorch model to ONNX is available here.
Technical explanation ends.
Please let me know on your thoughts about my name generator. If you somehow generate a good name and would like to share it, please let us know the name and the X-Y number too.
submitted by AuahDark to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:31 BloodiedPorcelain [Online][WoD]Changeling the Dreaming 20th: District of Dreams[EST][Jan2025][Podcast/Streamed]

Game Name: District of Dreams
System: Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
Any homebrews?: I'm not planning for anything
Proposed Time Slot: Friday nights, 8PM to 12 AM EST, first season in January 2025
Expected Season Length: 10 episodes, with multiple seasons planned.
Cast Size: PCs: 4 minimum, 5 Maximum. SPCs… maybe, as needed.
Format: Podcast, art will be commissioned.
Game Description:

January 2024, somewhere on Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington D.C.

The low level hum of busy conversation mingles with the clinking of glasses and the rustle of papers and parchments as the Parliament of Dreams sits in recess between the latest rounds of debates. A pocket of representatives from Houses Ailil and Danaan argue amongst themselves over the most recent request from the Duchy of Steel for donations of glamour to bolster their dwindling balefires. Across the room, a commoner representative from the House of Concordia pleads her case before a group of skeptical sidhe nobility on whether or not non-noble representatives should be allowed to detain those nobles suspected of breaking the Escheat until they could be investigated, questioned (and presumably punished) by their peers.
Boggan servers move among the clusters of chatting representatives and lobbyists, and a band of clurichan and eshu musicians sit in a corner weaving a quiet tune, using the parliament’s ancient cantrips to help keep conversations from carrying too far or becoming overwhelmed by neighboring talk. An eruption of surprised cries cuts through the din for just a moment, as a chubby raccoon leaps from the shoulder of an autumn sidhe, its arms filled to bursting with finger sandwiches and a large pastry in its mouth. People step back in mingled confusion and alarm as it tears a path through the crowds, chased by a boggan wielding a suspiciously empty but still crumb-smudged serving platter over his head like a weapon of war.
Just another day in the Parliament of Dreams, Ellen Rynson thinks as she lets out a bored sigh and looks out the window at the trees surrounding the building and, beyond them, the waters of the Potomac River. In the distance she can just see the white gleam of the Lincoln Memorial thanks to the clear, cold January sky outside the windows. She’s just considering packing up her things and heading out for the day, reasoning that nothing interesting is likely to happen today, despite what her lead from that House Beaumayn said. For all their cryptic insistence that the auguries pointed toward something big happening that day she would want to be present for, so far there had been only more of the same.
Pleading commoners, bickering nobility, and precious little progress in any one direction. Honestly, the raccoon pookah stealing people’s lunch had been the most interesting thing to happen in three days. She had a mortal job to get back to, articles waiting on her to write them. Injustices needing exposure, lost causes needing bolstering and support from empathetic readers. Those were situations she could influence, people she could make a difference for. But here? This place? It wouldn’t ever change, so far as she could see. The High King was infuriatingly detached, insisting all was well when baelfires across Concordia were sputtering and threatening to die out as the autumn world fell into further division and discord, and prodigals like vampires and technology-loving mages became further entrenched, warping the autumn world and smothering its dreamers with ruthless, uncaring precision.
She turns, reaching for the strap of her messenger bag just as the room plunges into a tense, eerie silence. Vacant stares on the faces of the musicians, several figures in the crowed begin to speak in unison, their voices raised like a choral cry, discordant harmonies overriding the cantrips woven into the building’s stones and lifting, filling the air around and above the confused, worried looking members of parliament and those joining them.
A boggin server, her skin a wrinkled nut brown’s head is thrown back, and her voice lifts in harmony to a sidhe knight Ellen couldn’t remember the name of, who spoke in tandem with a knocker who moments earlier had been leveling an an expletive laced, but impassioned argument for glamour donations to the hard hitting rust belt states, raw, thick glamour pulsing through the room in ways most within hadn’t felt in years, if ever.
”In twilight of a gilded reign, As shadows dance and whispers feign, The high one's light shall dim and fade, By fate's cruel hand, a debt is paid.
A sword of legend, lost in night, Its gleam obscured from mortal sight, By treachery or destiny, In absence, a lost legacy.
Heart of stone and marble spire, Where power's grasp need not expire, Legends from forgotten days, Rouse the dream from ancient haze.
The crownless stand with eyes of fire, As chaos fuels their heart's desire, Old bonds shall break, new pacts be sworn, As heroes rise and hope is born.
When echoes of the past resound, And ancient dreams again are found, The veil 'twixt worlds shall thin and tear, Beware the time, and all take care.
For in the wake of shadow's call, The fate of kingdoms rise and fall, And from the mists of timeless lore, The once and future dream restore.”
The magic releases, the raw glamour subsiding rapidly and leaving Ellen feeling unsteady on her feet, her head swimming like she’s had too much to drink. Instinct drives her to haul her bag up, her opposite hand already pulling a pen from where it's tucked behind her ear to begin scribbling what she can remember of the prophecy onto a piece of paper. An alarmed whisper begins to ripple through the room, occasionally punctuated by exclamations of concern and fear. People were too shocked to manage to be too rowdy, and the musicians were all coming out of what seemed like a daze.
That is when a booming voice breaks through the crowd once more as a large blue skinned troll stands in the doorway, his cheeks already wet with tears.

”The High King is dead. Long live the High Queen.”

Welcome to Washington D.C. in the modern nights. The seat of power for Concordia and the United States alike, the Parliament of Dreams has recently experienced an extreme shift, with the dreaming whisking the buildings of Concordia’s government from New York City to the District for reasons unknown. Our story will take place in the wake of High King David Ardry’s death, and the resulting political fallout. As this seismic event rocks Concordia to its core, kithain - noble and commoner alike - must navigate a dangerous reoccurrence of events thought left behind at the end of The Evanescence in the 1990s. Multiple claimants to the throne step forward, noble houses begin to draw lines in the sand and insist their own members are worthy of the seat, and in dark corners there are whispers about new forms of government and tearing down the structures of power.
And to top it all off, the Dreaming acts in mysterious and erratic ways, setting events in motion that worry everyone about the stability of their world.
As a Changeling, you still live in a World of Darkness, but you dream of a different world altogether - a world of monsters and knights and troubadours, a world powered by the creativity of dreamers the world over, a world that has its shadows, but those shadows are cast by the fires of creativity itself...and if you are smart enough and lucky enough, you can make your dreams manifest.
All that being said, please do not come to me with a ready-made character concept - I will ignore it and it will even be points against you if you try to use that to sell me on picking you for the game. Come to me ready to sell yourself as a player. I’m far more interested in making sure I get a good mix of personalities and to be sure that my players all fit the kind of play style I’m going for. Characters will come later, when we sit down as a group to build out our motley and figure out how each individual character fits with the others and as part of the whole.
Other Information:
Mood: Hope in the face of uncertainty and tragedy, a hero’s call to adventure
Inspirational Sources: The Lord of the Rings, Labyrinth, Neverwhere, The West Wing, The Crown
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Trigger Warnings: (Fantasy) Racism, Classism, Harm to Animals, (nonphysical) Harm to Children, Mental Illness, Violence, Political themes
How to Apply: Fill out this form.
submitted by BloodiedPorcelain to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:28 Talios_ The Mechanically Biological War. (Part 4: End.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"That... Would certainly be appreciated. She's just outside."
And so, the two aspects of Atrosa, Logos and Celia, exit the medbay and fix up Chaos Meld, bringing it into proper working condition.
Max: "Ready for another drive, honey?"
Rachnia: "As I'll ever be."
Celia approaches Talios after finishing the repairs of Chaos Meld.
"I went ahead and threw in a tune-up for the Mana-Thrusters, it should use a bit less mana for flight mode now."
"Alright, thank you."
Chaos Meld: "All systems repaired and operational. Ready for combat, Pilot."
Finally, Max and Rachnia re-enter their mech, Weaver Of Fates. As the two enter and connect, the same thing happens as before. The cables attached to Max turn gold. Though this time, Rachnia's do too. A purple spider web pattern spreads across both their cables.
"All systems operational. Driver sync at 200%. The Weaver of Fates is ready for Combat."
"To protect and preserve, to carve a path for others to walk on, to weave the fate for the future, we stand and fight. Eldritch one. You've made your last mistake."
A large sword appears in one of the weaver's hands. It's alot like the one the Apostate of Misfortune wields, a form of Max very view of have gazed upon.
The Titanic Abomination in the distance can be seen wrestling with Aoi's projection. It seems to be overpowering even for the the Oni, but she has managed to hold her own against it. Jean can be seen flying overhead, using layers of defensive spells to buff and empower her.
the beam of the Polyphemus aims straight for the beast's left eye, to try to distract it.
Cerne's silver swords are stuck in her own projection, like daggers in her back. Not out of hostility, but to enrage and empower.
Talios places a hand on Chaos Meld's ankle, and is warped into the cockpit.
"Switching to manual controls. Welcome back Pilot."
Chaos Meld pulls out it's greatsword, but it quickly changes into a different form. A war hammer.
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 30%》
Immediately, Chaos Meld dashes in and attempts a powerful overhead strike on the abomination.
The blade of the Weaver Of Fates grows as the weaver takes hold if it with all four arms. A gigantic and ornate greatsword.
"To destroy those who wish for destruction, to end those who wish for annihilation. We turn their desired fates to their own selves. Face us, XYLFAPSAVEI, and die your final, fated death."
The thrusters on it's back and it's legs activate, burning white hot. It dashes forward at breakneck speeds, going for an upper cut to match Talios' strike.
The Titanic being Towers above everything, it's head nearly a full kilometer in the air. As Talios flies overhead and strikes down with the warhammer, it is effortlessly deflected by some kind of powerful energy field, and the same happens with the beam from the Polyphemus and the Weaver's attack. The exposed Brain sitting in the carved out skull psychically laughs, mockingly.
"You fools don't stand a chance before the power of a true God!"
Everyone experiences a flood of information entering their minds. it is a map of the beast, with a plan of attack.
Atrosa: "The thing has Shield Generators built into it's body that we're gonna have to take care of first. Your going to need to use your mechs to get inside, then fight your way on foot to the generators!"
"Talios, You use Chaos Meld and try to get under it's left flank, there is a hollow metal panel there you should be able to break open with your antimagic punch. Weaver, I want y'all to evade as best as possible while charging that cannon of yours, and wait until my signal that Talios has brought down the first generator. The second one is located in the right shoulder, but it's very heavily armored."
Talios: "Got it."
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 60%》
Chaos Meld's speed increases massively. It begins flying around the abomination, trying to find an opening to the hollow panel.
"Ironsides, Wait for my signal, and when I give the order I want you to dump everything you have into this things Groin. Trust me on this."
The Weaver Of Fates armour plating shifts forward, as it stands guard before the Ironsides, ready to deflect attacks.
"Ready when you are."
Talios manages to fly around to it's left flank, Jean assisting Aoi in getting the abomination to lift it's arm, exposing a worn panel protected by a barrier.
Chaos Meld: "Target acquired."
Chaos Meld immediately dashes in with a superman punch on the worn panel, the anti-magic in the Chaos Meld being much more volatile. It causes black sparks to surge from the point of impact, all the mana in the vicinity being consumed by the sparks, essentially destroying the mana entirely.
The punch collapses the barriers and crashes through the panel, exposing a hallway leading down into the depths of the creature. The cockpit of Chaos Meld opens up, and Talios tosses a Chaos dagger into the exposed hallway, swapping positions with it.
Chaos Meld retreats back after it's pilot has safely entered the beast.
"Switching to automatic mode. Good luck Pilot."
The shipkeeper of the Ironsides, Ferra, has been preparing a shield disrupting shot amidst all this.
Ferra: "Awaiting command, Paragon of Preservation!"
The tunnels leads deep down into the chest of the mechanical eldritch horror, and opens into a large room with a massive glowing crystal. Around it, 3 mindflayer mages are focusing on some kind of ritual. They have not noticed Talios yet.
Talios summons his Chaos Blade, and another Chaos dagger into his free hand. Quiet as a mouse, he moves behind one mage... And immediately stabs his Chaos Blade into the throat of the mage. He tosses the Chaos Dagger at another of the mages, the dagger striking it's throat. Two down.
The final Mindflayer, in a panic, attempts to use a Mind Blast on Talios. But due to not having an actual brain... It is ineffective.
Talios charges the last one, shoulder checking it to the floor and proceeding to bash it's head into the floor once. Twice. Thrice. Fourice. Firice... What am I saying... Finally, he stops.
Atrosa: "Talios, hit that mana crystal with an anti-magic strike. Max, as soon at it shatters, fire your weapon into it's right shoulder!"
Talios walks over to the mana crystal. He widens his stance, placing his left hand fingers square on the center of the crystal. He takes a deep breath. Focuses...
《One Inch Death Punch》
He closes his fist, moving his whole body into the punch in an instant. The anti-magic freezes the mana in the crystal, while the punch itself could probably do some serious damage as well.
The jets of the Weaver Of Fates flare up, the armour shifts back, and they ready it's titanic greatsword to strike.
The attack greatly destabilizes the Mana crystal powering the first layer shields, causing it to shatter into thousands of pieces.
Atrosa: "Now Max, blast that thing with the shot you've been charging up and get ready to jump it!"
The railcannon fires straight into it's shoulder, weakening it significantly. The disruptor rune weakens surrounding materials, disabling magic caught in the blast.
The Weaver grapples onto the beast's side and runs upwards, reaching it's shoulder. A wound, large enough to fit the Weaver was made in the abominations shoulder, and after passing the fleshy, decayed exterior, they find themselves standing in a large room, and on the other side of a massive barrier lies a huge, spherical core of energy radiating a sickening divine light.
Atrosa: "Weaver, use a Godslayer rune on that divine core, that will render it mortal. Talios, you get back to Chaos Meld and get ready to scram. This is gonna get messy."
"Got it."
Talios sprints out of the hallway, leaping straight out of the abomination. Putting full faith in Chaos Meld to catch him as he falls...
And she delivers, soaring in and catching him mid-air, immediately warping him back into the cockpit.
"Welcome back Pilot."
"Charging up railcannon, rerouting power from all defensive systems."
"Firing Godslayer rune!"
The cannon fires at near point-blank range, smashing right through the barrier and into the divine core. This causes the mana with it to become unstable and explode outwards, leaving a massive hole in the eldritch corpse's chest. The Weaver is protected from the blast by a powerful barrier.
Atrosa: "Alright, Y'all get out too. Ironsides, Dump everything you got into that things crotch!"
The mortars, anti-material cannons, and artillery batteries all focus fire on it's groin, as the Railcannon is almost finished charging a godslayer itself. Aoi's Wargod projection moves out of the way to avoid getting hit, while Sarah fires her cannon in tandem with the others.
The barrage begins impacting the abominations groin, causing the structures holding it's legs together to collapse. Without a leg to stand on, it comes toppling down, landing forwards in the water. The massive tank containing the Elder Brain shatters on impact, and the seawater begins to cause it to shreak in pain.
Chaos Meld was flying around it when the abomination fell. Seeing the Elder Brain exposed, it grabs A.M.A.R from it's shoulder mount, firing 10 anti-magic artillery rounds into the brain. It only stopped because it had to reload.
Without the magic animating the Eldritch corpse, it begins to turn to stone, rapidly becoming overgrown with moss and sea life.
Talios sees the village below while flying, and notices the villagers trying to flag him down. He obliges, Chaos Meld descending down, gradually slowing its descent with the mana-drain thrusters. Once it lands, the thrusters power off entirely and it kneels, placing a hand on the ground. Talios is warped onto the hand.
A large man with skin the color of brass walks up to Talios. Judging from the draconic wings and tail, it's easy to tell that this must be the Half-Dragon chieftain.
"Thank you so much, great warriors! You have saved our village, and we are forever in your debt."
Talios: "...Just doing our job as the Crimson Paragons, chief."
A title with little meaning now. But it's all that comes to mind. Talios doesn't want to take all the credit...
The Weaver Of Fates arrive near the village, Max and Rachnia disembarking.
Max: "Good day, chieftain. I've heard much about you from Empress Aubade."
Rachnia looks like she only did a light exercise, instead of experiencing the same strain as before. Them being in sync seems to have done them both a lot of good.
The townspeople begin to gather around to thank their saviors, and the Chief, the Brass Half-Dragon Velzas, walks up to Max.
"I've heard good things about you, Maximillian. We've been appreciative for ARMADAs assistance for quite some time, and now we are truly in your debt."
Talios is busy being greeted and thanked by the villagers, when a large Lamia woman approaces him silently from behind, and picks him up into a huge hug. She gets a little carried away though, and accidentally squeezes him so hard that he can feel his body crumpling in from the pressure.
Talios visibly tenses up when he feels the Lamia grab him, but he quickly relaxes. He feels... Strange. An emotion unfamiliar to him.
With this action... A seed was planted in his mind. A seed that would quickly turn into something greater.
Max: "I'm surprised you all even remembered it's aid from ARMADA at all. Not exactly a catchy name, after all. Just glad to see you're all doing well."
Velzas: "Don't worry about the damages, it is nothing compared to the devastation that you have prevented. We've been acting as a sanctuary for dislocated demihumans such as ourselves for some time, and that does put us in indirect contect with ARMADA from time to time. You have been doing a service for our community that the world has always sorely lacked, and to call it gratitude would be a disservice."
Max: "I'll have a crew sent before noon tomorrow to assist with reconstruction efforts, chief Velzas."
And with that, the alien invasion had been stopped. All was well in Lantica once more. And Talios sat down on his chair in the tavern, having finished his retelling of this story.
"I'm never entertaining things like this again."
He will.
submitted by Talios_ to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:27 Sweet-Count2557 Jamaica With Kids

Jamaica With Kids
Jamaica With Kids Welcome to Jamaica, where we've got the perfect family adventure waiting for you! Get ready to immerse yourselves in the vibrant culture and awe-inspiring natural wonders of this tropical paradise.From crystal-clear beaches to thrilling mountain expeditions, there's something for everyone. Explore historical sites, embark on river adventures, and enjoy theme parks and attractions that will leave you in awe.With our recommendations for family-friendly accommodations, you'll create unforgettable memories. So pack your bags, kids, and get ready for the freedom to explore Jamaica like never before!Key TakeawaysJamaica offers a wide range of beaches and water activities suitable for kids, including Frenchmans Cove Beach, Seven-Mile Beach, Blue Lagoon, and Doctors Cave Beach.Families can enjoy mountain adventures in Jamaica, such as exploring the Blue Mountains, going on a Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay, or taking a Mayfield Falls Hike.Theme parks and attractions like Kool Runnings Adventure Park, Mystic Mountain, and Dolphin Cove provide entertainment and interactive experiences for kids in Jamaica.Cultural and historical sites like the Bob Marley Museum, Rose Hall Great House, and Bob Marley Mausoleum offer educational opportunities for families to learn about Jamaican history and culture.Beaches and Water ActivitiesWhen planning a family vacation to Jamaica, one of the highlights for us is exploring the beautiful beaches and engaging in various water activities. Jamaica is known for its stunning coastline and crystal-clear waters, making it the perfect destination for beach lovers and water enthusiasts of all ages. We can't wait to discover the best snorkeling spots and try out exciting water sports activities!One of the top snorkeling spots in Jamaica is Doctors Cave Beach in Montego Bay. The beach boasts crystal-clear waters, perfect for observing colorful coral reefs and tropical fish. Snorkeling here is an incredible experience that you won't want to miss.Another must-visit beach is Seven-Mile Beach in Negril. With its picturesque scenery, coral sands, and clear blue waters, it's a paradise for both swimmers and snorkelers.If you're looking for something unique, head over to Port Antonio and visit Frenchmans Cove Beach. This beach is known for its authentic Caribbean beauty and offers a shallow estuary where kids can safely play in the water. Blue Lagoon in Port Antonio is another fantastic option. It's a stunning swimming hole suitable for all ages, surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking views.In addition to snorkeling, Jamaica offers a wide range of water sports activities. From kayaking and paddleboarding to jet skiing and parasailing, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So get ready to make a splash and have a blast!Mountain AdventuresLet's get ready for some exciting mountain adventures in Jamaica!Did you know that Jamaica is home to the longest mountain range in Eastern Jamaica called the Blue Mountains? You can go hiking, camping, and even discover beautiful waterfalls there.And if you're up for some adrenaline-pumping fun, you can hop on a four-wheel ATV safari in Montego Bay that offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean.Plus, there's a fantastic hike to Mayfield Falls, perfect for young kids to enjoy the cascades and explore the natural beauty.Get ready for some mountain exploration in Jamaica!Longest Mountain RangeAs we explore the mountain adventures in Jamaica with kids, we can't overlook the Blue Mountains, which are the longest mountain range in Eastern Jamaica. These majestic mountains offer a plethora of exciting activities for families to enjoy.One of the highlights is hiking on the many trails that wind through the lush forests. You can explore hidden waterfalls, spot unique wildlife, and take in breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea.The Blue Mountains also provide the perfect setting for camping under the starry sky, surrounded by nature's beauty. Whether you're an experienced hiker or just starting out, there are trails suited for every skill level.ATV Adventure With ViewsContinuing our exploration of mountain adventures in Jamaica with kids, let's embark on an ATV adventure that offers breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea.Riding an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) is an exhilarating experience that allows you to explore the rugged terrain while enjoying the freedom of the open road.Before you start your ATV adventure, it's important to keep some safety tips in mind. Always wear a helmet and protective gear, follow the instructions of your guide, and stay on designated trails. Additionally, make sure to choose a reputable ATV rental company that provides well-maintained vehicles and proper safety instructions.Some popular ATV rental options in Jamaica include Chukka Adventure Tours and Jamwest Motorsports and Adventure Park.Hike to Mayfield FallsNow, we'll delve into the exhilarating experience of hiking to Mayfield Falls, a must-do adventure for families exploring the mountains of Jamaica. Mayfield Falls is a stunning natural attraction located in the parish of Westmoreland. As you hike through the lush greenery, you'll be treated to breathtaking views and the soothing sound of cascading waterfalls.To make the most of your hike, here are some helpful tips:Wear comfortable shoes and clothing suitable for hiking.Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, and plenty of water.Don't forget your camera to capture the beautiful scenery.Follow the instructions of your knowledgeable guide for a safe and enjoyable experience.At Mayfield Falls, there are plenty of activities that are perfect for kids and families. Take a look at the table below for some kid-friendly activities:ActivityDescriptionAge RangeWaterfall SwimSplash and play in the cool waters of the fallsAll agesRiver WalkExplore the river and discover hidden treasuresAll agesBamboo RaftingEnjoy a relaxing ride on a traditional bamboo raftAll agesPicnic AreaHave a family picnic amidst the natural beautyAll agesHiking to Mayfield Falls is a wonderful adventure that allows families to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So, pack your bags, put on your hiking shoes, and get ready for an unforgettable experience in the Jamaican mountains.Theme Parks and AttractionsJamaica offers an array of exciting theme parks and attractions for families with kids. From thrilling water parks to fascinating wildlife encounters, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One popular theme park is Kool Runnings Adventure Park in Negril, which is Jamaica's largest water park. It features swimming pools, water slides, and even a lazy river for a relaxing ride.Another must-visit attraction is Mystic Mountain in Ocho Rios. This rainforest adventure park offers a bobsled ride, zip-lining, and a lookout tower with breathtaking views of the Caribbean.For those who love marine life, Dolphin Cove in Ocho Rios is the perfect place to visit. Here, families can have interactive encounters with dolphins and sharks, go zip-lining, and even try kayaking.In addition to these theme parks, families can also explore the cultural and historical sites of Jamaica, such as the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston or the Rose Hall Great House in Montego Bay.With so many options to choose from, Jamaica truly is a paradise for families seeking fun and adventure.Cultural and Historical SitesNow let's explore some of the cultural and historical sites that Jamaica has to offer!One of the must-see places is the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, where you can learn all about the life and music of the reggae legend.Another fascinating spot is the Rose Hall Great House in Montego Bay, with its eerie legends and guided tours of the historic plantation.Bob Marley Museum: Reggae Legend's HomeOur visit to the Bob Marley Museum was a captivating dive into the legacy of a reggae legend. The museum is located in Kingston, Jamaica, and it showcases the life and music of Bob Marley.As we wandered through the rooms, we learned about Bob Marley's musical legacy and his profound influence on Jamaican culture. From his iconic songs like 'One Love' and 'No Woman, No Cry' to his messages of peace and unity, Bob Marley's music resonates with people of all ages.The museum is filled with exhibits, photographs, and memorabilia that tell the story of his life and career. It was truly inspiring to see how one man's passion for music could have such a profound impact on the world.As we left the museum, we were excited to continue our exploration of Jamaica's cultural and historical sites, starting with the Rose Hall Great House.Rose Hall Great House: Historic Plantation With LegendsContinuing our exploration of Jamaica's cultural and historical sites, we delved into the intriguing legends surrounding the Rose Hall Great House. This historic plantation is known for its haunted legends and offers guided tours that will transport you back in time.As we walked through the grand rooms and elegant gardens, we couldn't help but feel a sense of mystery and excitement. The stories of Annie Palmer, the White Witch of Rose Hall, captivated our imaginations. We learned about her dark past and the rumors of her ghost still lingering in the halls. It was both spooky and fascinating!But now, it's time to leave behind the haunted legends and move on to the next section, where we'll discover Jamaica's breathtaking natural wonders.Natural WondersAs we explore Jamaica's natural wonders, it is impossible not to be captivated by the breathtaking Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios. These magnificent waterfalls cascade down over 600 feet and offer a thrilling adventure for families. We can climb up the falls, hand in hand, feeling the cool water rushing against our skin. The Dunn's River Falls tour is guided by experienced locals who help us navigate the slippery rocks and ensure our safety. Along the way, we can take breaks and swim in the natural pools formed by the cascading water. It's an exhilarating experience that allows us to connect with nature and feel the power of the water.To give you a better idea of what to expect when visiting Jamaica's natural wonders, here's a table showcasing some of the highlights:Natural WonderLocationFeaturesDunn's River FallsOcho RiosBreathtaking waterfall, swimmingGreen Grotto CavesDiscovery BayUnderground limestone caves, batsBlue HoleOcho RiosCliff jumping, rope swingingAfter exploring the wonders of Dunn's River Falls, we can venture further into the world of river adventures. Here, we'll have the opportunity to experience the thrill of bamboo rafting on the Martha Brae River in Montego Bay or take a boat tour along the Black River, where we can spot crocodiles and learn about the rich ecosystem. These river adventures will provide us with even more opportunities to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So let's grab our swimsuits and dive into the next exciting chapter of our Jamaican adventure!River AdventuresLet's dive into the exciting world of river adventures in Jamaica! There are so many thrilling activities to enjoy on the rivers of this beautiful island. Here are three amazing river adventures that your family will love:River Rafting on Martha Brae: Hop onto a bamboo raft and float along the tranquil Martha Brae River. This gentle ride is perfect for young children, as they can relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Feel the cool breeze on your face as you meander through the lush greenery, and keep an eye out for colorful birds and tropical plants along the way.Black River Safari: Embark on a boat tour along the Black River and get up close with some of Jamaica's famous crocodiles. Learn all about the fascinating ecosystem of this river as your guide shares interesting facts about the wildlife and plants that call it home. It's a thrilling and educational experience that will leave you in awe of Jamaica's natural wonders.Horseback Ride and Swim: For a unique river adventure, why not go horseback riding in the water? Chukka Ocean Outpost offers this incredible experience, where you can ride a horse through the river and even take a dip with your new equine friend. It's a perfect way to cool off and have fun at the same time!Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for Visiting the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston?There are no age restrictions for visiting the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston, Jamaica. Everyone, including kids, can enjoy guided tours and exhibits at the former home of reggae legend Bob Marley.As for the ATV adventure at Four Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay, Jamaica, it's important to check with the specific tour operator for any age restrictions.But don't worry, there are plenty of other exciting activities in Jamaica that kids can enjoy!Can Young Children Participate in the ATV Adventure at Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay?Yes, young children can participate in the ATV adventure at Four-Wheel ATV Safari in Montego Bay. Safety is a top priority, so there are age restrictions in place for certain activities.Children can ride as passengers with a responsible adult, ensuring a fun and secure experience for everyone. Imagine the excitement on their faces as they zip through the Caribbean landscape, taking in the breathtaking views.It's a thrilling adventure that the whole family can enjoy together.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Visiting the Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios?Yes, there are age restrictions for visiting Dunn's River Falls in Ocho Rios. The falls can be a bit challenging to climb, so it isn't recommended for very young children or those who may have difficulty with physical activity.However, there are other family-friendly activities in Jamaica that you can enjoy. The Jamaica tourism industry offers a wide range of options, including beaches, water activities, mountain adventures, theme parks, cultural sites, natural wonders, and river adventures.Are There Any Accommodations Near the Blue Hole in Ocho Rios?Yes, there are accommodations near the Blue Hole in Ocho Rios!Nearby, you can find hotels such as the Moon Palace Jamaica and the Iberostar Rose Hall Beach. These hotels offer convenient locations for exploring the natural wonder of the Blue Hole.In addition to the Blue Hole, Ocho Rios has other attractions like Dunn's River Falls and Mystic Mountain. So, you'll have plenty of options for fun and adventure during your stay.Can Young Children Participate in the Black River Safari Boat Tour in Black River?Young children can participate in the Black River Safari boat tour in Black River. The tour is suitable for toddlers, but it's important to take safety precautions. Make sure to keep a close eye on your little ones and follow any instructions given by the tour guides.The boat tour is a fun and educational experience where you can spot crocodiles and learn about the ecosystem. It's a great way to introduce your kids to nature and wildlife in a safe and controlled environment.ConclusionSo pack your bags, grab your kids, and get ready for the most epic family adventure in Jamaica!From the crystal-clear beaches to the thrilling mountain adventures, there's something for everyone.Explore the rich history and reggae legacy, marvel at the natural wonders, and embark on exciting river adventures.Jamaica will leave you and your family with memories that will last a lifetime.Get ready to have the time of your lives in this tropical paradise!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:08 Best-Market4607 35 [M4F/MF] #Austin (Maybe Online) - Looking For A Partner(s)

Hello all! I’m looking for a person - or couple - to connect with. A little about me: I’m 35 and married, we date separately. I have a full time 9-5 job plus a side-project, but thankfully I get to set the deadlines and workload on that second one, so I can carve out time when I want to :) I’m into music (I have an eclectic taste that spans many genres), sci-fi (currently watching several shows at once - Fallout (with the wife so slow going), Three Body Animation (it's terrible), Fringe, rewatching the X-Files, etc), gaming (when I have time), cybersecurity, I’m just sort of an all-around nerd. Bit of anime (not in a long while but I'd love to get back into it), tinkerer (mostly with computers), etc. I have two cats and a ball python. Politically I’m left of center (by American standards, so centrist by global standards I think?). I’m 5’ 10” and currently 240 lbs. I'd like to lose weight but man sugar is just so deliciously addicting. Bald, short beard, glasses, and tattoos. I'm willing to share pictures in DMs.
As for what I’m looking for, I'm pretty open. It could be short term or long term, the connection is the big thing to me. I'm looking for someone text throughout the day, have regular date nights, get to know each other, make some good memories, have fun, enjoy some interesting conversation, all that jazz. I seem to gravitate toward "witchy" types so if you're pagan, wiccan, or any sort of general goth/fringe type person, there's a really strong chance we'll hit it off. No idea why, that just seems to be the trend. Also, for the record, I am a "kitchen table poly" type, so whenever the timing is right I'd like for you to meet my wife and I'd also like to meet your other partners just to kind of put faces to names and such. Physically speaking, I'm pretty flexible in terms of my "type." I like the term "heteroflexible" to describe my preference in appearance. I prefer feminine or andrygenous people appeareance-wise, but other than that I’m open to all body types, gender identities, ethnicities, religious beliefs (I'm agnostic, personally), etc. Sexually I also consider myself "kink-friendly." I'm not necessarily "kinky" but I'm open to a considerable number of kinks if that's your thing. And last but not least, I'm also open to being just friends if you're someone looking for a non-romantic, non-sexual relationship in the area, all I ask is that you be up front with me about your goals. Ideally I would prefer someone in the Austin/Round Rock area, but I may be open to an LDR for the right person/people (especially within Texas, outside of Texas we'll have to see).
That’s all I got. If I missed anything feel free to ask questions, I'm a pretty open book. No Snap, Kik, or Telegram, but I do have Signal & Discord (and a few other niche messengers I've tested before) if we hit it off (Signal preferred). Hope to hear from some cool people!
submitted by Best-Market4607 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 fallen4bitterballen Only one friend RSVP'd yes to my baby shower and now even I don't want to go, what to do?

I have small group of friends in the city I live in, we met through a mutual interest and have a sort of "club" where we meet once a month in person or (since the pandemic) over video with rotating members as organizers, we have an email/listserv group, and a WhatsApp group that gets daily use. My friend "Abby" invited me to join and I've been with the group as one of its most faithful members for about 6-7 years now.
The group has a core of about six members who participate in most things most of the time, with an additional four or five more who participate less frequently, more like only two or three times a year. Our meetings usually average about 5 or 6 people able to make it to each one.
I am the last person in this group of women to get pregnant and these women have been a great support along the way as we had a lot of trouble conceiving. A member of the group who I particularly like, "Beth," offered to throw me a baby shower and I was delighted! As a group, we've gotten a bit lazy about meeting in person lately and just seeing everyone for a lunch or tea or something would be so delightful. I told her I didn't want any gifts (at least nothing bigger than a token), it would just be great to all get-together and talk about motherhood. She asked me about dates, locations, and venues and I told her, since she was the organizer, to just do whatever was best for her.
Well, it turns out no one can or wants to make it to the "shower" except Abby, who I see pretty frequently anyway. Beth picked a restaurant in her area, which is not convenient for anyone else, for the event. And, frankly, she didn't really check effectively with other people when they would be free (she did all the arranging and asking with me always CC-ed or otherwise aware). It turns out about a third of the members are out of town that weekend, and the others, well just have other stuff going on or don't want to make the time/effort to make it to this rather inconvenient location (no one else specified the reason, they just said "sorry, can't make it, happy to chat on WhatApp, though" or something like that).
I have to say, I am really disappointed that people were so blasé about coming to the shower. I always suspected that I was sort of the least favorite member of this group because whenever I organize meetings, the fewest people show up, and the most people who say they will make it cancel at the last minute.
I love Abby and Beth as friends, but it doesn't really feel like a shower anymore, just a lunch in place it's going to take me an hour to get to and an hour to get back. Of course I will go, but I really wish we had never embarked on this affair. I really like these women a lot and I was so looking forward to seeing at least some of them all together again. Just going there are having this whole shower just be two people feels kind of depressing.
(Clearly, maybe I should have been more asserting in planning, but I really felt I should leave it to Beth since she made such a nice offer. I threw a baby shower for my bestie and she did so much back-seat organizing, insisting on when and how I invited people, controlling the venue and everything about it and annoying me incessantly about RSVPs I really didn't want to be the "Momzilla" of this event.)
submitted by fallen4bitterballen to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:59 InotiaKing Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)

Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)
Canticles of Harmony Let's Play Genshin World Quests
What's up guys! It's your friendly Hoyoverse overthinker Inotia King. As always before we begin I just want to make sure new readers have checked out my older topics which my newer theories are built upon. So for the Genshin ones you can click here. And for the Honkai related ones you can click here.
Following up from last time today's is more lore-based than reference-based.
The "great plains beyond the north wind" huh? I've talked about this before but Fontaine being based on France means its history extends back to the Frankish Kingdom following the fall of Rome. This kingdom was also the birthplace of Germany and these two seemingly different countries in the modern day share an origin story that miHoYo has referenced a few times. The north wind is likely talking about Andrius the King of the North Wind and Mondstadt is located in the plains of the north. The silver tree is then talking about the Frostbearing Tree of Dragonspine seeing how that's the only tree we know of smashed into frozen soil. However that's also east of Remuria not north so if we go off of just that it could mean the icy plains of Russia which could also have its own buried Ley Line tree. While not nearly as connected to France as Germany, Russia also shares a few historical cues. I do think though that if anything Snezhnaya can only be linked with Fontaine and Mondstadt through Scandinavian aka Khaenri'ahn ties. France was invaded several times by the Vikings so much so they eventually gave them a region to call their own and then influenced them to convert to Christianity and learn French. Yes I'm speaking of the French Normans which I thought we'd have gotten a shoutout by now in the new Dainsleif quest. (topic coming soon) These Normans then conquered England which is why we have British characters like Wriothesley and nods to UK mythology like Clervie and (Mount) Esus. But even before that the Scandinavians are themselves Germanic people. Finally they also kickstarted Slavic migrations into Ukraine and eventually Russia, heavily influencing them while they were under their control. It's my belief that these references tie the three nations together similar to how Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma are tied together through China's massive influence on the ancient world.
Seriously? A Jesus reference? And the gizmo that did it is related to the guy our Traveler daydreamed. Therefore it's likely once again we're getting a Jesus shoutout about the Traveler.
Side Note: And the first of two actually just in this World Quest. Last time I brought up how the music box has tunes based on Mozart's Requiem and one section of Requiem is the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God.
However I should point out that the Gnostic Christ isn't the same thing as the Jesus we're all more likely familiar with. In Gnosticism he's just another Aeon though he was created through all of the other Aeons not just a dyad. He was meant to become the replacement pair for Sophia after she rejected her original pair thereby creating the abomination Demiurge. Jesus is sent to help her right her wrongs which I have likened to our Fourth Descender completing the mission started by our "Sophia" aka Nicole the Second Who Came. In this way I still maintain that our MC isn't meant to be a true Jesus reference just a stand-in just as our Second Who Came clearly didn't create Phanes.
See I take issue with that. Not the part where Scylla is just a larger Bathysmal Vishap. It's a really weird mutant of one but I can see the relation if I squint at it. I mean it's not like we saw the original Scylla anyway just a conscious memory of it saved in the Phobos. No the weird part is why no new Hydro Dragon could be born if Egeria wasn't freed. It just felt odd right?
Some of you guys know what's coming lol. It's odd unless you had read my theory and then it just feels like a slip of the tongue for miHoYo. A deliberate one though since you wouldn't really put these pieces together unless you knew about the theory and there's still so much in the air that it confirms practically nothing. Anyway in the theory I proposed that Neuvillette was never going to resurrect at all but Zhongli decided to intervene because he wanted to plan ahead in a very long game of his. To that end, he set up another prophecy, the reincarnation of the Hydro Dragon in human form. He then required Egeria to help nurture a love of humanity into the guy just as Guizhong had done for him. Therefore it would stand to reason that this resurrection couldn't happen until such a time when Egeria could be freed so she could then put the pieces in place.
That's really it for direct lore. The rest of the quest was focused solely on stopping Phobos which while fun, didn't really play a role in understanding the greater lore. I suppose if anything it showed that the theories about music having anything to do with the wider world of Teyvat were incorrect. Yes we learned more about the Loom of Fate in Dainsleif's quest but it expectedly didn't have anything to do with Remus and his Grand Symphony or even music in general. It was just another in the long list of misguided attempts at preserving static eternity.
Speaking of Egeria, we're all likely familiar with the nymph but did you guys know Egeria is also the name of a Christian pilgrim?
Originally named Itinerarium Egeriae, this book is an account of Egeria's pilgrimage to Jerusalem back in 381AD which wasn't too long before the final division of East and West Rome. Egeria herself is believed to be from Galicia, Spain but there is another suggestion that she may have come from Gallia Narbonensis which is part of Southern France today. She actually converted to Christianity which is why she has the name Egeria. The name would have been seen as pagan at that time. I wouldn't be surprised that this little tidbit of early Christian history made it into miHoYo's research notes as they were figuring out Fontaine's backstory, inspiring the pilgrimage of the Oceanids to her deathbed which could be likened to their "holy land."
Now my theory for Remus was that he was influenced by the fallen Hydro Dragon who convinced him of his Ichor plan, stripping the souls out of humans and mixing them into the Primordial Sea. In my original predictions for Fontaine, this was the start of it, why Fontaine doesn't have normal humans. Unfortunately as we all saw, miHoYo decided that the Oceanids just happened to want to be humans one day and Egeria just stuffed them full of Primordial Seawater which somehow allowed them to mimic humans in a more believable way than the Hydro Mimics could. I think I pointed out the issues with this already. Sadly miHoYo doubled down on this with the new Artifact Set Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy.
In the Grand Jape piece the story goes that Remus never actually encountered the Hydro Dragon at all but rather Egeria and it was Egeria that gave him the idea to use the Ichor. Now granted I'm usually the first to point out that the older lore starts out with "legend says" which means it never had to be factual. However there are serious implications with this version of events that miHoYo is now committed to. Previously if it was the Hydro Dragon that did this then it fits with what the dragons were trying to accomplish. The dragons under Nibelung hated the Heavenly Principles and as Apep had said, it was Phanes that adored the humans and not the dragons of the old order. In other words a dragon convincing a usurper to screw up the humans is only natural. Remus was a fool for trusting one. However Egeria was supposed to love the humans and especially these humans who she created herself out of her own familiars. For her to have given Remus the idea to essentially kill her humans and then subject them to the torture of the Ichor, lore which is canon as the Sublime Dewdrop mat does not include the words "legends say" in its lore, it hilariously paints her in a very malevolent way lol. This wouldn't be the first time. Neuvillette as I had pointed out before was implicated in creating sick and dying Fontainians because all current Fontainians only started being truly human at the end of the Archon Quest and therefore couldn't have long-standing human illnesses while they were still Oceanids. Even if they had Oceanid illnesses those would have been removed once they were remade into humans. The only way they could have chronic illnesses is if Neuvillette directly gave them those illnesses for some reason. So now miHoYo's essentially vilified a supposedly reformed, human loving dragon and even the kind and loving Fontaine Archon lol
On top of this the new lore still doesn't answer the plothole created by the Archon Quest's explanation. Where are all the non-Oceanid Fontainians?
With the current story, we were told that after the Hydro Dragon fell one of the shining shades created Egeria. Egeria created the Oceanids but one day the Oceanids pined for a human life so she pumped Primordial Seawater into their elemental bodies which somehow allowed them to assume human form. This angered Celestia for some reason and they imprisoned her under the sea and her Fontaine fell to ruin with the combined populations of human and Oceanid human Fontainians forming scattered tribes. Some time later Remus would arrive and conquer the region to create Remuria, continuing the conquest of all the tribes. He was then informed of the prophecy Celestia had cursed Fontaine with and sought Egeria to figure out a solution. For some reason Egeria went maniacal for a second and suggested that he use Primordial Seawater on the Fontainians knowing full well some of them would dissolve. Remus enacts his plan and either somehow the normal humans were also dissolved when Remus did it or they were all already dead by then for some reason. Either way Remus turned most of the Oceanid humans into Ichor and then combined them into the Phobos. In this form they were able to freely inhabit golem bodies. (They also sometimes felt torturous pain of varyingly tolerable degrees? They didn't seem too distraught about it even though Cassiodor did mention it.) Phobos ends up failing because duh and Remuria is destroyed in flood that sends it to the bottom of the sea. Phobos survived and generated a version of Remuria accessed through a painting found in the Faded Castle, the only part of Remuria that survived. The fall of Remuria for some reason convinces Celestia to free Egeria who rebuilds Fontaine with rebels that opposed Remus. Then she sacrifices herself during the Cataclysm, sets in motion Neuvillette's reincarnation and also creates another Oceanid human named Furina to take on her Gnosis in a convoluted plan to fool Celestia and destroy their Hydro Archon Throne. This is to foil that prophecy they had cursed her region with. (but for some reason freed her to continue ruling it instead of you know, Divine Nail go brrrr) By the time of the Archon Quest it is confirmed by the events that there are no more normal humans in Fontaine besides any visitors from other regions. Where did any survivors go? If there weren't any why weren't there any? Was it discrimination and the Oceanid humans genocided them? Were they just unlucky and every catastrophe that occurred happened to kill mostly the normal humans and not the Oceanid ones? Or did miHoYo just forget the part where the original Fontaine under the Hydro Dragon would have consisted of real humans that the Oceanids were envious of? Just like how they likely forgot why Celestia would punish Egeria for creating those humans by sealing her away and cursing all of them but then suddenly decide to release her to rule over that cursed region even though they continued to curse it.
Sorry for that tl;dr review of the lore. It's become a fun pastime to summarize with all the plotholes on full display lol
While the plotholes are fabulously left unresolved this new information does reconcile one thing. Focalors' Divinity said that she spent so much time underwater contemplating how to resolve the prophecy that she was growing barnacles. She wouldn't have had enough time for that if she was just promoted to Archon following Egeria's death because immediately after her ascension she set up Furina as Egeria's successor. But as Egeria, she would have been imprisoned by Celestia underwater for a very long time with nothing better to do than figure out how to bypass their prophecy. She likely would have grown barnacles and those barnacles would have grown barnacles in that time. So that at least is resolved though because it confirms that "Focalors' Divinity" must refer to Egeria herself. The Focalors that's supposed to be a separate Oceanid being that Egeria selected and ascended to Archon didn't exist long enough to have done what she said she did. Furina existed for exactly five hundred years as shown by the Archon Quest itself and Egeria died in the Cataclysm that happened five hundred years ago.
There's one more thing that Petrichor gave us. We actually heard about Mecantre and Babisse a long long time ago back in the very first Evermotion Mechanical Painting event in v2.8. I had picked it out then that they were supposedly working on space travel. Since miHoYo had been promoting Star Rail stuff recently, even derailing the Archon Quest's story with space related stuff it made sense they would progress this little footnote from long ago. And especially with the addition of Bossuet now this research might actually go somewhere. At least the companion World Quests seem to suggest as much. Honestly back then I was intrigued that space travel would be a thing in Genshin's medieval and early industrial age but I really hope they don't just use it to push Star Rail onto us.
Side Note: Fingers crossed because anachronistic tech is hardly new to Genshin. Mondstadt's developing sonar and rifled mortar rounds while Snezhnaya's Katheryne models are far more advanced than even the robots we have today!
Finally when everything's said and done you have the Daydream World Quest where you catch up with Garcia and the aforementioned Mercantre and Babisse. This is where we get what I think is the best version of the Hive Mind plot in fiction. I brought up the versions I didn't like back when Sumeru was new and we had just gotten Alhaitham's quest. I already brought up how Boethius in this World Quest was following in the footsteps of Deshret, Remus and Rene right? The thing all of them had in common was the idea to pool everybody's consciousnesses together and preserve it in that state for all eternity. One of the prerequisites for all of these plans was to remove individuality. That was also the problem with the Akasha and then later on with both Nahida's and Alhaitham's quests when some yo-yos decided to continue the work of the Akasha with the term hivemind even coming up directly in the latter. These are bad interpretations of the hivemind. It shows the weaknesses of having a connected intelligence network without intelligent users. The Akasha suppressed the awareness of Sumerans so the sages could keep them under control. Beynuni preyed on people's desires and escapist tendencies and Siraj made the network only work towards his goals both of them keeping the rest of the hive under their control.
So now we finally get the good version. In the quest we find that a previously self-serving investor Grundeland has seen the error of his ways. The reason he did was because of having been connected to the Phobos network, experiencing life from the eyes of a devoted Remurian. As a result he was able to re-evaluate his own life and wanted to repent.
I tend to compare hivemind stories to StarCraft because of the Protoss. If you read up on the Protoss backstory you know there was an event called the Aeon of Strife following the Xel'Naga abandoning them. During this long period the Protoss fell into constant civil war. That is until Khas found the Khaydarin Crystals and connected to the Protoss psionic network, their hivemind. After that he set out to connect all the surviving Protoss and this hivemind allowed all of them to feel empathy, to see each other's thoughts and feelings. This ended their civil war. It's practically the same thing that happened to Grundeland. (StarCraft didn't end this hivemind plot well though lol)
Anyway the point is that a hivemind can be so much more than a way for some dictator to suppress the people and control thought. Even when the Akasha was first introduced I saw the potential for a good plot though I knew they were going for the bad one lol. On its own the Akasha is what I'd like to think our own internet could evolve into, a repository for all knowledge available that can be accessed and "learned" instantaneously. And the thing is all of these hivemind stories could go this way with just a simple fix in the narrative. Instead of trying to rid individuality with this thing and force desirable thoughts onto people, it just needs to be that repository. When users access it they can choose what information they want to know. That's it. Instead of becoming humanity soup in literal or data form or having some corrupt leadership force thoughts and commands onto users all a good hivemind can ever do is be a more advanced internet. It's up to the users what they choose to believe from that and then all it takes is a proper education for them to be able to suss out the facts from the rest of the garbage on the internet. Hopefully we'll get a story like that from miHoYo in the future. After all that might just be the endgame for our own Traveler.
Side Note: On top of this though there's the poetry theory. We can actually see that the Phobos began rejecting Remus when he changed his mind about the Grand Symphony just like the Shogun attacked Ei when she started to question eternity.
Ok this last section is just things I thought were amusing in the quest. Feel free to skip.
Why do I feel personally attacked miHoYo lol. Hey it was pretty nice worldbuilding Aether!
I'm about to rant about my version of the Fontaine Archon Quest so avert your eyes all ye weary. The plotholes I mentioned before would have all been resolved using my version of the Archon Quest. That's because I kept an eye on the implications. The Fontainians weren't normal humans so you can't apply normal human stories to them. On top of that calling Act V the "Masquerade of the Guilty" should involve somebody that's guilty right? In the actual quest nobody's really guilty of anything. Egeria was guilty for creating the Oceanid humans only because Celestia didn't like it and punished her for it. They thought she was guilty but it's just a matter of opinion. Furina wasn't guilty because she was following the directive given to her by a literal god. Focalors' Divinity as a separate entity from Egeria would still be innocent because her only action was setting up the plan to undermine the Heavenly Principles. Neuvillette is no longer involved in the Remus story and even if he was Egeria was moved to running Fontaine both before and after him and set up the Oceanid humans before Remus even got there meaning even he's innocent. He was honestly trying to stop the prophecy that had nothing to do with him. Compared to that, my version has a guilty Furina because she had willingly played the part of a bad Archon that led her region to ruin as it was a necessary evil to get her in place for the long game. Neuvillette is guilty for his part in Remus killing all the Fontainians of his Remuria. Arlecchino is guilty for her role in the Fatui plot. Of course Pulcinella and Dottore are guilty for their roles too. And even the Fontainians themselves are culpable in creating class divides that provided the opening for the Fatui in the first place. More importantly, each guilty party is allowed a chance at redemption. Furina fulfills her role in defeating the prophecy which now no longer is a strange irrational anger by Celestia. She sacrifices her final connection to her Egeria half by depowering the Gnosis. Neuvillette then permanently sacrifices his old form as Dragon Sovereign in order to undo the damage he caused when he fooled Remus into dissolving the Fontainians. Arlecchino redeemed herself by betraying Pulcinella in the trial and also being dissolved by the Primordial Sea until Neuvillette remakes her as a real human. (back then we thought she was a Fontainian) Even Childe who is given agency in my version redeems himself for his actions back in Liyue by opposing Pulcinella and also providing the whale, the former body of Neuvillette which he needed to sacrifice. And finally the Fontainians themselves are sacrificed but once they are given their second chance at life, they begin working towards a better Fontaine. This is a real masquerade (a ballroom dance of people hiding their true identities) of the guilty.
Ok that was heavy. Let's got with something lighter like
What is he on and can I get some?
And with that Petrichor becomes a distant memory as we look ahead toward Natlan! Let's review:
  • Fontaine and Mondstadt are connected through their real world histories that miHoYo has referenced a few times. Snezhnaya is also related though more distantly through Khaenri'ah. This is also reflected by the connected history of Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma as based on their real world counterparts Persia, China and Japan.
  • We've been getting more Jesus references in this game. The truth though is more likely that the Gnostic version of the Jesus story heavily hints at our MC's character arc in the game rather than a direct tie-in to it.
  • Neuvillette requiring Egeria to be freed in order to resurrect doesn't really seem to make sense unless perhaps my theory ends up true. In my theory, Egeria is needed to nurture a love of humanity into Neuvillette when he revives in order to recruit him for the endgame of Genshin. However, outside of that theory there really isn't any reason why Egeria was needed for that.
  • Egeria might have partly been inspired by the Itinerarium Egeriae a pilgrimage by a Roman woman.
  • The lore from the Grand Jape Artifact both persists a plothole of the Fontaine story while hilariously creating a new one. Egeria is now culpable in the destruction of Remuria and its people. And it still doesn't answer why Fontaine is devoid of those humans the Oceanids longed to become.
  • However it does reinforce another part of the lore. Focalors' Divinity is just Egeria, the lingering traces of Egeria within the Gnosis. Egeria, having been imprisoned by Celestia underwater would have had all the time in the world to "grow barnacles" while she contemplated how to solve the prophecy. Conversely Focalors' Divinity would have only been Archon for a short intermission while setting up Furina as the false Archon.
  • Mercantre and Babisse were previously introduced as one of the first easter eggs about anachronistic technology in Teyvat. While it started out as practically a footnote, the new World Quest makes it feel more tangible.
  • A good hivemind story allows people to gain empathy and understanding of other or spreads knowledge to everyone. A bad hivemind story turns this technology on its head and forces the narrative that it necessarily becomes a method of control and repression. The Daydream World Quest is finally an example of the former.
submitted by InotiaKing to GenshinLorepact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:55 InotiaKing Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)

Who Knew Statues Could Be Such Divas? (Act II)
Canticles of Harmony Let's Play Genshin World Quests
What's up guys! It's your friendly Hoyoverse overthinker Inotia King. As always before we begin I just want to make sure new readers have checked out my older topics which my newer theories are built upon. So for the Genshin ones you can click here. And for the Honkai related ones you can click here.
Following up from last time today's is more lore-based than reference-based.
The "great plains beyond the north wind" huh? I've talked about this before but Fontaine being based on France means its history extends back to the Frankish Kingdom following the fall of Rome. This kingdom was also the birthplace of Germany and these two seemingly different countries in the modern day share an origin story that miHoYo has referenced a few times. The north wind is likely talking about Andrius the King of the North Wind and Mondstadt is located in the plains of the north. The silver tree is then talking about the Frostbearing Tree of Dragonspine seeing how that's the only tree we know of smashed into frozen soil. However that's also east of Remuria not north so if we go off of just that it could mean the icy plains of Russia which could also have its own buried Ley Line tree. While not nearly as connected to France as Germany, Russia also shares a few historical cues. I do think though that if anything Snezhnaya can only be linked with Fontaine and Mondstadt through Scandinavian aka Khaenri'ahn ties. France was invaded several times by the Vikings so much so they eventually gave them a region to call their own and then influenced them to convert to Christianity and learn French. Yes I'm speaking of the French Normans which I thought we'd have gotten a shoutout by now in the new Dainsleif quest. (topic coming soon) These Normans then conquered England which is why we have British characters like Wriothesley and nods to UK mythology like Clervie and (Mount) Esus. But even before that the Scandinavians are themselves Germanic people. Finally they also kickstarted Slavic migrations into Ukraine and eventually Russia, heavily influencing them while they were under their control. It's my belief that these references tie the three nations together similar to how Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma are tied together through China's massive influence on the ancient world.
Seriously? A Jesus reference? And the gizmo that did it is related to the guy our Traveler daydreamed. Therefore it's likely once again we're getting a Jesus shoutout about the Traveler.
Side Note: And the first of two actually just in this World Quest. Last time I brought up how the music box has tunes based on Mozart's Requiem and one section of Requiem is the Agnus Dei or Lamb of God.
However I should point out that the Gnostic Christ isn't the same thing as the Jesus we're all more likely familiar with. In Gnosticism he's just another Aeon though he was created through all of the other Aeons not just a dyad. He was meant to become the replacement pair for Sophia after she rejected her original pair thereby creating the abomination Demiurge. Jesus is sent to help her right her wrongs which I have likened to our Fourth Descender completing the mission started by our "Sophia" aka Nicole the Second Who Came. In this way I still maintain that our MC isn't meant to be a true Jesus reference just a stand-in just as our Second Who Came clearly didn't create Phanes.
See I take issue with that. Not the part where Scylla is just a larger Bathysmal Vishap. It's a really weird mutant of one but I can see the relation if I squint at it. I mean it's not like we saw the original Scylla anyway just a conscious memory of it saved in the Phobos. No the weird part is why no new Hydro Dragon could be born if Egeria wasn't freed. It just felt odd right?
Some of you guys know what's coming lol. It's odd unless you had read my theory and then it just feels like a slip of the tongue for miHoYo. A deliberate one though since you wouldn't really put these pieces together unless you knew about the theory and there's still so much in the air that it confirms practically nothing. Anyway in the theory I proposed that Neuvillette was never going to resurrect at all but Zhongli decided to intervene because he wanted to plan ahead in a very long game of his. To that end, he set up another prophecy, the reincarnation of the Hydro Dragon in human form. He then required Egeria to help nurture a love of humanity into the guy just as Guizhong had done for him. Therefore it would stand to reason that this resurrection couldn't happen until such a time when Egeria could be freed so she could then put the pieces in place.
That's really it for direct lore. The rest of the quest was focused solely on stopping Phobos which while fun, didn't really play a role in understanding the greater lore. I suppose if anything it showed that the theories about music having anything to do with the wider world of Teyvat were incorrect. Yes we learned more about the Loom of Fate in Dainsleif's quest but it expectedly didn't have anything to do with Remus and his Grand Symphony or even music in general. It was just another in the long list of misguided attempts at preserving static eternity.
Speaking of Egeria, we're all likely familiar with the nymph but did you guys know Egeria is also the name of a Christian pilgrim?
Originally named Itinerarium Egeriae, this book is an account of Egeria's pilgrimage to Jerusalem back in 381AD which wasn't too long before the final division of East and West Rome. Egeria herself is believed to be from Galicia, Spain but there is another suggestion that she may have come from Gallia Narbonensis which is part of Southern France today. She actually converted to Christianity which is why she has the name Egeria. The name would have been seen as pagan at that time. I wouldn't be surprised that this little tidbit of early Christian history made it into miHoYo's research notes as they were figuring out Fontaine's backstory, inspiring the pilgrimage of the Oceanids to her deathbed which could be likened to their "holy land."
Now my theory for Remus was that he was influenced by the fallen Hydro Dragon who convinced him of his Ichor plan, stripping the souls out of humans and mixing them into the Primordial Sea. In my original predictions for Fontaine, this was the start of it, why Fontaine doesn't have normal humans. Unfortunately as we all saw, miHoYo decided that the Oceanids just happened to want to be humans one day and Egeria just stuffed them full of Primordial Seawater which somehow allowed them to mimic humans in a more believable way than the Hydro Mimics could. I think I pointed out the issues with this already. Sadly miHoYo doubled down on this with the new Artifact Set Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy.
In the Grand Jape piece the story goes that Remus never actually encountered the Hydro Dragon at all but rather Egeria and it was Egeria that gave him the idea to use the Ichor. Now granted I'm usually the first to point out that the older lore starts out with "legend says" which means it never had to be factual. However there are serious implications with this version of events that miHoYo is now committed to. Previously if it was the Hydro Dragon that did this then it fits with what the dragons were trying to accomplish. The dragons under Nibelung hated the Heavenly Principles and as Apep had said, it was Phanes that adored the humans and not the dragons of the old order. In other words a dragon convincing a usurper to screw up the humans is only natural. Remus was a fool for trusting one. However Egeria was supposed to love the humans and especially these humans who she created herself out of her own familiars. For her to have given Remus the idea to essentially kill her humans and then subject them to the torture of the Ichor, lore which is canon as the Sublime Dewdrop mat does not include the words "legends say" in its lore, it hilariously paints her in a very malevolent way lol. This wouldn't be the first time. Neuvillette as I had pointed out before was implicated in creating sick and dying Fontainians because all current Fontainians only started being truly human at the end of the Archon Quest and therefore couldn't have long-standing human illnesses while they were still Oceanids. Even if they had Oceanid illnesses those would have been removed once they were remade into humans. The only way they could have chronic illnesses is if Neuvillette directly gave them those illnesses for some reason. So now miHoYo's essentially vilified a supposedly reformed, human loving dragon and even the kind and loving Fontaine Archon lol
On top of this the new lore still doesn't answer the plothole created by the Archon Quest's explanation. Where are all the non-Oceanid Fontainians?
With the current story, we were told that after the Hydro Dragon fell one of the shining shades created Egeria. Egeria created the Oceanids but one day the Oceanids pined for a human life so she pumped Primordial Seawater into their elemental bodies which somehow allowed them to assume human form. This angered Celestia for some reason and they imprisoned her under the sea and her Fontaine fell to ruin with the combined populations of human and Oceanid human Fontainians forming scattered tribes. Some time later Remus would arrive and conquer the region to create Remuria, continuing the conquest of all the tribes. He was then informed of the prophecy Celestia had cursed Fontaine with and sought Egeria to figure out a solution. For some reason Egeria went maniacal for a second and suggested that he use Primordial Seawater on the Fontainians knowing full well some of them would dissolve. Remus enacts his plan and either somehow the normal humans were also dissolved when Remus did it or they were all already dead by then for some reason. Either way Remus turned most of the Oceanid humans into Ichor and then combined them into the Phobos. In this form they were able to freely inhabit golem bodies. (They also sometimes felt torturous pain of varyingly tolerable degrees? They didn't seem too distraught about it even though Cassiodor did mention it.) Phobos ends up failing because duh and Remuria is destroyed in flood that sends it to the bottom of the sea. Phobos survived and generated a version of Remuria accessed through a painting found in the Faded Castle, the only part of Remuria that survived. The fall of Remuria for some reason convinces Celestia to free Egeria who rebuilds Fontaine with rebels that opposed Remus. Then she sacrifices herself during the Cataclysm, sets in motion Neuvillette's reincarnation and also creates another Oceanid human named Furina to take on her Gnosis in a convoluted plan to fool Celestia and destroy their Hydro Archon Throne. This is to foil that prophecy they had cursed her region with. (but for some reason freed her to continue ruling it instead of you know, Divine Nail go brrrr) By the time of the Archon Quest it is confirmed by the events that there are no more normal humans in Fontaine besides any visitors from other regions. Where did any survivors go? If there weren't any why weren't there any? Was it discrimination and the Oceanid humans genocided them? Were they just unlucky and every catastrophe that occurred happened to kill mostly the normal humans and not the Oceanid ones? Or did miHoYo just forget the part where the original Fontaine under the Hydro Dragon would have consisted of real humans that the Oceanids were envious of? Just like how they likely forgot why Celestia would punish Egeria for creating those humans by sealing her away and cursing all of them but then suddenly decide to release her to rule over that cursed region even though they continued to curse it.
Sorry for that tl;dr review of the lore. It's become a fun pastime to summarize with all the plotholes on full display lol
While the plotholes are fabulously left unresolved this new information does reconcile one thing. Focalors' Divinity said that she spent so much time underwater contemplating how to resolve the prophecy that she was growing barnacles. She wouldn't have had enough time for that if she was just promoted to Archon following Egeria's death because immediately after her ascension she set up Furina as Egeria's successor. But as Egeria, she would have been imprisoned by Celestia underwater for a very long time with nothing better to do than figure out how to bypass their prophecy. She likely would have grown barnacles and those barnacles would have grown barnacles in that time. So that at least is resolved though because it confirms that "Focalors' Divinity" must refer to Egeria herself. The Focalors that's supposed to be a separate Oceanid being that Egeria selected and ascended to Archon didn't exist long enough to have done what she said she did. Furina existed for exactly five hundred years as shown by the Archon Quest itself and Egeria died in the Cataclysm that happened five hundred years ago.
There's one more thing that Petrichor gave us. We actually heard about Mecantre and Babisse a long long time ago back in the very first Evermotion Mechanical Painting event in v2.8. I had picked it out then that they were supposedly working on space travel. Since miHoYo had been promoting Star Rail stuff recently, even derailing the Archon Quest's story with space related stuff it made sense they would progress this little footnote from long ago. And especially with the addition of Bossuet now this research might actually go somewhere. At least the companion World Quests seem to suggest as much. Honestly back then I was intrigued that space travel would be a thing in Genshin's medieval and early industrial age but I really hope they don't just use it to push Star Rail onto us.
Side Note: Fingers crossed because anachronistic tech is hardly new to Genshin. Mondstadt's developing sonar and rifled mortar rounds while Snezhnaya's Katheryne models are far more advanced than even the robots we have today!
Finally when everything's said and done you have the Daydream World Quest where you catch up with Garcia and the aforementioned Mercantre and Babisse. This is where we get what I think is the best version of the Hive Mind plot in fiction. I brought up the versions I didn't like back when Sumeru was new and we had just gotten Alhaitham's quest. I already brought up how Boethius in this World Quest was following in the footsteps of Deshret, Remus and Rene right? The thing all of them had in common was the idea to pool everybody's consciousnesses together and preserve it in that state for all eternity. One of the prerequisites for all of these plans was to remove individuality. That was also the problem with the Akasha and then later on with both Nahida's and Alhaitham's quests when some yo-yos decided to continue the work of the Akasha with the term hivemind even coming up directly in the latter. These are bad interpretations of the hivemind. It shows the weaknesses of having a connected intelligence network without intelligent users. The Akasha suppressed the awareness of Sumerans so the sages could keep them under control. Beynuni preyed on people's desires and escapist tendencies and Siraj made the network only work towards his goals both of them keeping the rest of the hive under their control.
So now we finally get the good version. In the quest we find that a previously self-serving investor Grundeland has seen the error of his ways. The reason he did was because of having been connected to the Phobos network, experiencing life from the eyes of a devoted Remurian. As a result he was able to re-evaluate his own life and wanted to repent.
I tend to compare hivemind stories to StarCraft because of the Protoss. If you read up on the Protoss backstory you know there was an event called the Aeon of Strife following the Xel'Naga abandoning them. During this long period the Protoss fell into constant civil war. That is until Khas found the Khaydarin Crystals and connected to the Protoss psionic network, their hivemind. After that he set out to connect all the surviving Protoss and this hivemind allowed all of them to feel empathy, to see each other's thoughts and feelings. This ended their civil war. It's practically the same thing that happened to Grundeland. (StarCraft didn't end this hivemind plot well though lol)
Anyway the point is that a hivemind can be so much more than a way for some dictator to suppress the people and control thought. Even when the Akasha was first introduced I saw the potential for a good plot though I knew they were going for the bad one lol. On its own the Akasha is what I'd like to think our own internet could evolve into, a repository for all knowledge available that can be accessed and "learned" instantaneously. And the thing is all of these hivemind stories could go this way with just a simple fix in the narrative. Instead of trying to rid individuality with this thing and force desirable thoughts onto people, it just needs to be that repository. When users access it they can choose what information they want to know. That's it. Instead of becoming humanity soup in literal or data form or having some corrupt leadership force thoughts and commands onto users all a good hivemind can ever do is be a more advanced internet. It's up to the users what they choose to believe from that and then all it takes is a proper education for them to be able to suss out the facts from the rest of the garbage on the internet. Hopefully we'll get a story like that from miHoYo in the future. After all that might just be the endgame for our own Traveler.
Side Note: On top of this though there's the poetry theory. We can actually see that the Phobos began rejecting Remus when he changed his mind about the Grand Symphony just like the Shogun attacked Ei when she started to question eternity.
Ok this last section is just things I thought were amusing in the quest. Feel free to skip.
Why do I feel personally attacked miHoYo lol. Hey it was pretty nice worldbuilding Aether!
I'm about to rant about my version of the Fontaine Archon Quest so avert your eyes all ye weary. The plotholes I mentioned before would have all been resolved using my version of the Archon Quest. That's because I kept an eye on the implications. The Fontainians weren't normal humans so you can't apply normal human stories to them. On top of that calling Act V the "Masquerade of the Guilty" should involve somebody that's guilty right? In the actual quest nobody's really guilty of anything. Egeria was guilty for creating the Oceanid humans only because Celestia didn't like it and punished her for it. They thought she was guilty but it's just a matter of opinion. Furina wasn't guilty because she was following the directive given to her by a literal god. Focalors' Divinity as a separate entity from Egeria would still be innocent because her only action was setting up the plan to undermine the Heavenly Principles. Neuvillette is no longer involved in the Remus story and even if he was Egeria was moved to running Fontaine both before and after him and set up the Oceanid humans before Remus even got there meaning even he's innocent. He was honestly trying to stop the prophecy that had nothing to do with him. Compared to that, my version has a guilty Furina because she had willingly played the part of a bad Archon that led her region to ruin as it was a necessary evil to get her in place for the long game. Neuvillette is guilty for his part in Remus killing all the Fontainians of his Remuria. Arlecchino is guilty for her role in the Fatui plot. Of course Pulcinella and Dottore are guilty for their roles too. And even the Fontainians themselves are culpable in creating class divides that provided the opening for the Fatui in the first place. More importantly, each guilty party is allowed a chance at redemption. Furina fulfills her role in defeating the prophecy which now no longer is a strange irrational anger by Celestia. She sacrifices her final connection to her Egeria half by depowering the Gnosis. Neuvillette then permanently sacrifices his old form as Dragon Sovereign in order to undo the damage he caused when he fooled Remus into dissolving the Fontainians. Arlecchino redeemed herself by betraying Pulcinella in the trial and also being dissolved by the Primordial Sea until Neuvillette remakes her as a real human. (back then we thought she was a Fontainian) Even Childe who is given agency in my version redeems himself for his actions back in Liyue by opposing Pulcinella and also providing the whale, the former body of Neuvillette which he needed to sacrifice. And finally the Fontainians themselves are sacrificed but once they are given their second chance at life, they begin working towards a better Fontaine. This is a real masquerade (a ballroom dance of people hiding their true identities) of the guilty.
Ok that was heavy. Let's got with something lighter like
What is he on and can I get some?
And with that Petrichor becomes a distant memory as we look ahead toward Natlan! Let's review:
  • Fontaine and Mondstadt are connected through their real world histories that miHoYo has referenced a few times. Snezhnaya is also related though more distantly through Khaenri'ah. This is also reflected by the connected history of Sumeru, Liyue and Inazuma as based on their real world counterparts Persia, China and Japan.
  • We've been getting more Jesus references in this game. The truth though is more likely that the Gnostic version of the Jesus story heavily hints at our MC's character arc in the game rather than a direct tie-in to it.
  • Neuvillette requiring Egeria to be freed in order to resurrect doesn't really seem to make sense unless perhaps my theory ends up true. In my theory, Egeria is needed to nurture a love of humanity into Neuvillette when he revives in order to recruit him for the endgame of Genshin. However, outside of that theory there really isn't any reason why Egeria was needed for that.
  • Egeria might have partly been inspired by the Itinerarium Egeriae a pilgrimage by a Roman woman.
  • The lore from the Grand Jape Artifact both persists a plothole of the Fontaine story while hilariously creating a new one. Egeria is now culpable in the destruction of Remuria and its people. And it still doesn't answer why Fontaine is devoid of those humans the Oceanids longed to become.
  • However it does reinforce another part of the lore. Focalors' Divinity is just Egeria, the lingering traces of Egeria within the Gnosis. Egeria, having been imprisoned by Celestia underwater would have had all the time in the world to "grow barnacles" while she contemplated how to solve the prophecy. Conversely Focalors' Divinity would have only been Archon for a short intermission while setting up Furina as the false Archon.
  • Mercantre and Babisse were previously introduced as one of the first easter eggs about anachronistic technology in Teyvat. While it started out as practically a footnote, the new World Quest makes it feel more tangible.
  • A good hivemind story allows people to gain empathy and understanding of other or spreads knowledge to everyone. A bad hivemind story turns this technology on its head and forces the narrative that it necessarily becomes a method of control and repression. The Daydream World Quest is finally an example of the former.
submitted by InotiaKing to GenshinImpactLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 ladybawlz Indoor/outdoor place for a gathering (today)?

Was planning to have a park picnic for my birthday today, but looks like the weather has other plans. Do you know of any parks with covered outdoor spaces or adjacent indoor communal spots I might squat in for the day? It was meant to be casual drop-in throughout the afternoon so I wasn’t keen on making a table reservation if I don’t have to.
submitted by ladybawlz to ottawa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:51 Safety_Knights Welcome !

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submitted by Safety_Knights to SafetyKnights [link] [comments]