Dr. juan carlos fuentes plastic surgeon

Hair Transplant Forum

2014.10.09 22:00 fueblog Hair Transplant Forum

This Hair Transplant Forum aims to provide objective information about hair transplants.

2021.08.26 08:35 Glittering_Oct_1993 HairRestoration

The is a slow-form version of the main subreddit /HairTransplants

2024.05.15 04:08 Available_Ad9250 Advice on how to proceed with things after consultation (I live in Oregon)

I (recently just turned 18) have been wanting to improve my small chin for the past few years, a few days ago, I was able to have a consultation with Dr. Kufer (oregon) and he recommended me the genioplasty with a 7mm movement forward. The problem to me is that while I do want it, I'm scared about making the decision as it is a pretty big thing and it costs quite alot of money (10k ish). Not only that, it doesnt really improve my quality of life or anything of that sort and only my aesthetic (which, while is what I wanted, idk if its worth 10k). i wont have any help regarding the finance as my parents wanted me to make this decision myself. I do want this but at the same time I'm not sure due to money issues. I also consulted with another surgeon but hes not an oral surgeon but rather plastic. I have yet to see anyone reviewed his work on the genioplasty so I'm a little skeptical, but his fees are alot cheaper at only 6k ish (his name is Dr. Leo Urbinelli). If anyone have had any experiences with these two doctors please give me your opinion and how your surgery went. Thank you!
submitted by Available_Ad9250 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 jesirume rhinoplasty in mexico advice

hi everyone recently i've found a surgeon from on this subreddit who did a $1500 rhinoplasty, his name is dr ricardo fuentes garza, and was wondering if any non-spanish speakers have worked with him and if he was still easy to work with even if you don't speak spanish? sorry if this doesn't make much sense 😭
submitted by jesirume to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:06 boopie316 Diagnosed with IDC ER/PR + and HER2- Grade 2 Feel like I'm going INSANE

Recently 42 years old diagnosed with IDC EPR+ and HER2 Negative. Stage 2 in my right breast Non-Amplified. My mind is going crazy not only with the diagnose but from the decisions that I have to make. My original plan was a lumpectomy and radiation. But recently I had a MRI that reveal two spots in my left breast. So I had to get a ultrasound guided biopsy on the left breast to rule out any cancer. One spot came out as a benign tumor and now I have to get a MRI guided biopsy on the other spot this Monday. I was hoping to take the less invasive surgery-lumpectomy because I just want to get this cancer out and didn't want alot of downtime. Well, now my dr says that the right breast mass is bigger than expect and now she can't save my nipple and recommends a single mastectomy. I wasn't expecting this at all!
Sigh...I went to the plastic surgeon for consultation and of course he recommends expanders than implants because I have to get radiation and my breasts are an A cup so not much tissue. I haven't got a second opinion from another breast specialist because everywhere I go, I'm told that I'm going to the best doctor for breast cancer. Now rethinking getting a second opinion? But is it too late?
I was hoping that I don't have to lose a breast but I may be facing that situation.
As of right now, neither lymph nodes on either side seems not to be involved. Dr still hasn't took chemo off the table because I hadn't had surgery yet to test the onocotype. I know that I will be on Tamoxifen for 5 to 10 years after treatment.
This whole cancer dx and situation is driving me insane! I was hoping not to have a major surgery because when I was younger I had scoliosis and had to have major surgery. It pretty much traumatized me. So I'm terrified on having surgery again especially if I have to lose one or two breasts! I truly was hoping to get a lumpectomy instead for an easier recovery and get radiation behind me while my son is out for the summer. I'm blessed to have a supportive husband and family. But I don't think they truly understand the stress I'm going through.
Any guidance, helpful hints, encouragement will be much appreciated. Anyone who had a lumpectomy and lost a nipple? How did you make your decision on which route to take? Anyone who went flat on one breast and kept the healthy breast? Anyone who had bilateral mastectomy and went flat? Or had tissue expanders above the muscle with radiation, then implants later?? Any response will ease my mind.
Sorry for the long post-
submitted by boopie316 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 Lanky_Animator_4378 Anyone have experience with Dr. Juan Carlos Pérez Varela and his Power Expander over MSE/EASE?

The guy actually has posted cases - not that Li doesn't. But most MARPE stuff is.... Shady.
This is the only other provider I see posting their cases and the actual skeletal change
submitted by Lanky_Animator_4378 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:49 BolivianRedditor Encontrando al mejor presidente de Bolivia, día 35. El presidente comentado que tenga más upvotes será eliminado.

Retomamos esta iniciativa por que me gusta y quiero terminar el proyecto que iniciamos. u/Acceptable_Thing7606 que inicio el proyecto parece estar muy ocupado asi que con su permiso retomo el tema que tuve que dejar pues estaba con mucho trabajo por cierre de estados financieros.
El eliminado en la anterior votacion es:
_39 Gualberto Villaroel López.
Sobre Gualberto Villarroel u/Lightwalker19 dice: “Ingreso al poder mediante un Golpe de Estado. Comenzó el privilegio de concesiones a los sindicalistas que derivaria en la creación de la COB. Cometió represiones bajo el ala militar de Radepa. Secuestraba a lideres opositores y a empresarios mineros. Asesinó a los senadores Luis Calvo y Felix Capriles en Chuspipata. Fue tan violento su gobierno que izquierda y derecha se unieron en contra de él. Y al final, sus seguidores terminarian formando parte importante del MNR en sus inicios, uno de los partidos más nefastos en la historia de Bolivia.”
Ademas Gualberto Villarroel tiene el triste merito de ser el primer presidente colgado de un farol en la plaza Murillo.
Presidentes restantes:
_1 Simón Bolívar
_2 Antonio José de Sucre.
_4 José Miguel Velasco Franco.
_5 Pedro Blanco Soto.
_6 Andrés De Santa Cruz.
_7 Sebastián Ágreda.
_8 Mariano Enrique Calvo Cuéllar.
_9 José Ballivián.
_11 Manuel Isidoro Belzu Humérez.
_13 José Maria Linares Lizarazu.
_17 Tomás Frias Ametller.
_18 Adolfo Ballivián Coll.
_21 Gregorio Pacheco Leyes.
_23 Mariano Baptista Caserta.
_24 Severo Fernandez Alonso Caballero.
_25 José Manuel Pando Solares.
_26 Ismael Montes Gamboa.
_27 Eliodoro Villazón Montaño.
_28 José Gutierrez Guerra.
_30 Felipe Segundo Guzmán.
_32 Carlos Blanco Galindo.
_34 José Luis Tejada Sorzano, Conde de Alastaya.
_40 Nestor Guillén Olmos.
_41 Tomás Monje Gutiérrez.
_45 Victor Angel Paz Estenssoro.
_47 René Barrientos Ortuño.
_53 David Padilla Arancibia.
_56 Lidia Gueiler Tejada.
_60 Jaime Paz Zamora.
_62 Jorge Quiroga Ramírez.
Presidentes eliminados.
  1. José María Pérez de Urdininea. 10. Eusebio Guilarte Vera. _12 Jorge Córdoba. 14. José Maria de Achá Valiente. 15. José Mariano Melgarejo. _16 Agustín Morales Hernández 19. Hilarión Daza Grosellé. 20. Narciso Campero. 22 Aniceto Arce Ruíz. 29 Bautista Saavedra Mallea. 31 Hernando Siles Reyes. 33. Daniel Salamanca Urey. 35 German Busch Becerra. 36. José David Toro Ruilova. 37. Carlos Quintanilla Quiroga. _38 Enrique Peñaranda del Castillo. _39 Gualberto Villaroel López. _42 Enrique Hertzog Garaizabal. 43. Mamerto Urriolagoitia Harriague. 44. Hugo Ballivián Rojas. 45. Hernán Siles Zuazo. _49 Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas. 48 Alfredo Ovando Candia. 50. Juan José Torres González. 51. Hugo Banzer Suárez. 52. Juan Peréda Asbun. 54 Walter Guevara Arze. 55. Alberto Natusch Busch. 57. Luis García Meza Tejada 58. Celso Torrelio Villa. 59 Guido Vildoso Calderón. 61 Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada y Sánchez Bustamante. 63 Carlos Mesa. 64. Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé. 65. Evo Morales. 66. Jeanine Áñez
Fuente del orden de los presidentes:
submitted by BolivianRedditor to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:08 RebeccaMinkoff Beauty Redefined: The Art of Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lara Devgan, World-Renowned, Board-Certified Plastic Surgen & Founder of Dr. Lara Devgan Scientific Beauty

Depending on who you ask, plastic surgery can conjure up a lot of different images. Today, beauty ideals are changing and everyone has their own definition of beauty. World-renowned, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lara Devgan believes that plastic surgery is an art, and there's no reason you can't have it all while looking cute.
Dr. Devgan, rated the #1 female plastic surgeon in NY, has mastered the art of what she calls "facial optimization", empowering her patients to "be their own kind of beautiful" as ethically as possible. Additionally, Dr. Devgan has vertically integrated her skincare line Dr. Devgan Scientific Beauty to give women access to the best medical grade skincare from the comfort of their homes. Besides being a surgeon, Dr. Lara is also a wife and mother of six who knows first-hand just how difficult it can be to balance family, business, and surgery. According to Dr. Lara, women can have it all, but not at the same time, and when faced with challenges, just take the next right step.
Tune in to this week's Superwomen episode to hear more! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beauty-redefined-the-art-of-plastic-surgery-with/id1426026971?i=1000655531205
submitted by RebeccaMinkoff to u/RebeccaMinkoff [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:48 Oneaesthetics1 Facial Aesthetics Surgery in Delhi

Are you looking for best Facial Aesthetics Surgery in Delhi? Dr. Athreya rajagopal is one the best Cosmetic Surgeons in Delhi and top cosmetic surgery doctor offers, cosmetic surgery treatments can be a small 10-minute procedure to hours long in duration depending on various factors. Similarly, Plastic surgery cost in Delhi and Gurgaon is going to depend on the severity of the condition, treatment, procedure, and individual requirements of the patient. However, a patient can discuss the approximate cosmetic surgery cost with their surgeon during their consultation to get a clearer idea.
submitted by Oneaesthetics1 to u/Oneaesthetics1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:19 SoggyABro Many Negative Reviews Are Deleted From Review Platforms

I have seen that negative reviews are constantly deleted from different platforms and this is something people should be aware of. This is something I never thought was possible before. There were surgeons I thought were great surgeons before because I couldn't find any negative reviews, then I learned later that people had in fact posted negative reviews that were reported and removed for reasons that doesn't make sense. When people are shopping for surgeries, they will end up with a very different perspective on which surgeons and options are the best. The ones good at marketing and good at having their negative reviews removed will sadly triumph instead of the best options.
Here are some examples I have seen of negative reviews getting removed:
Here is a brilliant comment about how orthodontists and surgeons are gaming their reviews and how this user is seeing those reviews get taken down.
submitted by SoggyABro to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 EoL18 ABS certified but not ABPS certified surgeon??

Hey guys, looking for advice on how to navigate this..
My Fiancé has booked a breast augmentation surgery with a plastic surgeon in Miami, this surgeon has done her friends boobs and she really likes them. I have searched for the Dr as well as his clinic on this sub and got no results. He supposedly has 6-10 years of experience which is enough for the ABPS certification from my understanding so what gives? The Dr has plenty of before and after of clients but I’m just worried that my Fiancé might of rushed the process. Is it okay that he is only ABS certified or should i try to convince her to hold on this surgery. She is wanting Silicone implants under the muscle. Thank you for any clarification on this!
submitted by EoL18 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:31 bonniebeez First consultation rant

Long time lurker! Like many of you, I’ve been dreaming of a breast reduction since they first came in! My chest has always been a source of insecurity and unwanted attention since I was in middle school. I’m now 31 and sick of having the extra weight on my chest. I’m tired of the neck pain, spending $$$ on bras and swimwear, searching high and low for dresses/clothing to fit my bust…I think im measuring at a 36I but I truly don’t know, I probably haven’t worn a real bra in two years.
I’m at a good place in life where opting for a reduction is tangible. I don’t want kids. I have a decent job with health insurance —Kaiser SoCal . I finally decided to discuss surgery with my PCP and she referred me to plastic surgery. I attended the seminar, and a week later the scheduling office called to schedule a phone consultation. Had the consult today and the surgeon is pushing for weight loss first. I’m 5’4 and weigh 193lbs. I’m technically just under the 34 bmi requirement. But dr said it would be ideal to lose 20lbs.
My weight has gone up in the last 5 years due to a thyroid issue that is now under control. But damn!! I feel like I got my hopes up and now a reduction could be a while away. I still requested to have an in person consultation with the surgeon and will attempt to state my case. Even when I did weigh 170lbs I was still a 34j. I feel so desperate to have these things sized down and it’s a bummer to hear I might have to wait even longer.
Also thinking I will schedule another consultation with a different surgeon for a second opinion.
If anyone has any advice or is feeling just as disillusioned as myself and wants to commiserate 😭
submitted by bonniebeez to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:39 LAthrowawayxx Dr Groth - under eyes/bleph

Wondering if anyone has had their eyes done by Dr Groth ? I’ve heard his name for awhile as the best for blepharoplasty. Several plastic surgeons seem to send people to him if they can’t do their under eyes. I know he has a long wait for a consult.
Thank you. You can dm me if needed.
submitted by LAthrowawayxx to u/LAthrowawayxx [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:55 ericcccccccccccccc Let’s Be Clear About Reconstruction...with Dr. Jay Orringer (Part 1)

Let’s Be Clear About Reconstruction...with Dr. Jay Orringer (Part 1)
In this episode of Let’s Be Clear, Shannen Doherty shares her reconstruction journey in hopes it will help others make the choices that are best for them. Plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Orringer joins to offer his expertise on a procedure that can be life-changing for so many! Listen to our new episode of #LBC out now!
submitted by ericcccccccccccccc to LetsBeClear [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:32 Front-Page_News AVRW Avenir Wellness Solutions Issues 2024 Marketing Growth Plans to Shareholders for Seratopical Revolution Skin Care Line

$AVRW News February 13, 2024
Avenir Wellness Solutions Issues 2024 Marketing Growth Plans to Shareholders for Seratopical Revolution Skin Care Line with Support from Nicole Kidman and Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Persky https://finance.yahoo.com/news/avenir-wellness-solutions-issues-2024-140000098.html $WMT $BBBY $CVS $TGT $HLF $MED $LULU $ELF $ULTA $COTY $EL $LRLCY
submitted by Front-Page_News to OTCstockradar [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:10 Oneaesthetics1 Looking for Maxillofacial Surgeon Doctors?

Looking for Maxillofacial Surgeon Doctors? Dr. Rajagopal is a Top Maxillofacial Surgeon in Gurgaon working with Oneaesthetics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Gurgoan.
We are one of the best and reputed Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Delhi, Gurgaon. We have experienced team with decades of combined experience in oral surgery, dental implants, and facial plastic surgery. So if you are looking for a best oral surgeon in India. Book an appointment for consultation.
Visit our site:- https://oneaesthetics.in/oral-and-maxillofacial-surgeon-in-delhi-gurgaon/
submitted by Oneaesthetics1 to u/Oneaesthetics1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:20 Emergency_Whereas465 all of the work drake had done… allegedly

all of the work drake had done… allegedly submitted by Emergency_Whereas465 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:13 dserrano10 Google Chrome and HyperOS [Poco F3]

Google Chrome and HyperOS [Poco F3]
Guys, I use a font called "Architects Daughter" and I like how it looks ON THE SYSTEM.
But Google Chrome is taking this font to show me the content of the pages that I usually visit, and in that sense I am not liking it very much...
Is there any way to fix that?
Examples (See pics)
submitted by dserrano10 to PocoPhones [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:32 ericcccccccccccccc DISCUSSION: Let’s Be Clear About Reconstruction...with Dr. Jay Orringer (Part1)

Shannen decided to undergo breast reconstruction, and thanks to world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Orringer, it ended up being a life-changing decision.
In part 1 of her conversation with Dr. Jay, they cover everything from the lifespan of an implant to how radiation can affect them.
Also, find out what may indicate the likelihood of getting breast cancer, and whether you should consider a mastectomy before being diagnosed.
submitted by ericcccccccccccccc to LetsBeClear [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:27 micahwillarthy They All Nuked America for World Peace pt2

"The cooks outdid themselves with this one!", a common phrase Id hear walking through the cafeteria during breakfast hour. I had never been one for breakfast, eating in the morning just made me feel tired. Regardless, I loved venturing into the cafeteria because it was nice to hear the rumbling of conversations and to meet new people.
I had met my crew when they boarded the ship in the days before we set sail, but introducing myself personally to our group of 49 civilians was keeping me busy. The navigation team tells me we have three days before we reach the shores of...
"Whats the name of it?"
Senior Navi Ran Katz chuckled and dragged his finger under the word on his map, "My-am-ee. Its an old American ruin."
He pinched the mapscreen and My-am-ee began to shrink until the majority of the space was covered in ocean and the destination was a speck in the bottom left.
"But we havent had satellite pictures of this entire area for centuries. With rising seas, who knows if Miami is going to be our landing spot or just a reef we pass over?" He was right. The mess of radioactivity in the atmosphere had completely covered the land ahead in mystery, "Come lunchtime, though, we will pass West 50 mark."
It was a lot to take in. No one had been past the 50 latitude mark since 2024. I dont even think my 20-times-great grandfather was born yet. Man, I really have to finish up that speech by noon. Every great person in history has their speech:
The ancient Roman Caesar crossing the Rubicon,
the Americans on the Moon,
Mandela at his Rivonian trial,
the Peace Progress announcing the bombing of America,
even the Toliford brothers broadcasted theirs live while they left the solar system.
As I sat in the cafeteria trying to figure out the best way to end my speech, Maxton snapped me out of it.
"Its a gud one, Capi."
"Its a gud one, Max."
I didnt even notice the young woman next to him until he introduced her, "this is Suri Aziz, she is our biologist."
We said out pleasantries and began to talk after Max was called away. She told me about her role as a civilian settler and her interest in coming along with me on my sea-to-sea if our settlement is successful.
"Well, wherever we set up could up to a year, you could find yourself occupied by then," I suggested.
"Officer Angelhart told me you do not have your expedition crew picked out yet," she had a good source, "I just want to show you some of my work. If I may?"
I have worked with women before on such journeys, that wasnt my issue. Age is experience. She might have a couple dozen years breathing, but Id prefer to team with people with a few dozen years of working.
She set a suitcase on the table and clicked it open. It was full of papers. She riffled through a folder and pulled out a handful, placing them in front of me.
They were beautiful. Elaborately drawn and colored plants and animals. Each page had a subject drawn three or four or five times at different perspectives and cross-sections. Measurements and descriptions organized the scattered images into an extravagant display of knowledge and craft. Foxes, Tulips, and... Deer.
"The white-tail."
"Yes, it was native to the Americas. This is based on information from books and movies Ive had. Gorgeous creature. I wish I could see one when we get to M..."
"Miami," I chimed in, "I got to see the last one in the Vienna Zoo when I was a kid. That must have been 30? 40 years ago? Wow."
"I only have a couple hundred of these illustrations, I-"
"Only?" she chuckled at my interjection.
"Only. I want to be there with you when you cross to the Pacific. I want to see and experience the flora and fauna."
I saw myself in her, and not in a gross perverted way. I could see the determination and desire for adventure. She was going to be my inspiration for the final part of my speech.
With the cue from Archer, I pressed the yellow button near the microphone and began, "New Horizon, this is Capi Santago Vega. In approximately 3 minutes, this vessel will officially enter into the unknown. From now on, please wear your TH4 protective suits when outdoors.
Let West 50 not only mark our geography, but let it be a testament to life forever blooming in spite of the challenges: manmade and natural.
With each step we will take, we will reclaim a fragment of what was lost, defying the annals of history and redefining our world.
There will be tough times ahead, but there will always be tough times. Aboard the New Horizon, times may be tougher, but our legacies will be greater. We will see a beautiful new world because you will all be there making it beautiful...
And there goes West 50. Through fire and fallout, humanity goes forward."
I watched the needle zip back and forth as the machine printed the prothetic finger. It may have been hypnotizing if the cartographer hadnt been crying a few feet away from me, "but my finger! Oh God, it will never be the same! Oh God, no!"
Dr. Mally removed the plastic hood from the machine, "Thank you Ennay."
The speakers crackled as Ennay responded, "Of course, Dr. Mally! It is my job as the Operating System of the New Horizon to aid in all matters as best I can!" the cartographer began to panic once more as the nurses prepared the surgery, "Even when crew-mates like Mr. Morgs slams a door unto his finger.
Morgs had never had a prosthetic before, obviously. Most of my right arm is skynthallic, but instead of wailing, all I ever did was learn to wear a seatbelt so it wouldnt happen again. Unfortunately, I needed to sign off on having Ennay process the finger mold without the surgeon's supervision. If I didnt need to, Id be staring out at the ocean Ive been dreaming about for decades.
"Capi Vega?"
"Yes, Ennay?" I asked the large screen by the printer.
"Your presence is required with Helmsan Archer in the Control Room."
"I am kinda busy, I ca-,"
"Sir, he says its... dire."
I apologized to the surgeon and wished the team, and Mr. Morgs, the best of luck before exiting the Medical Wing. Racing up the stairs, I could hear gossip about something people saw from the deck.
I burst into the Control Room.
Before anyone could explain the situation to me, the large glass windows told me all I needed.
"My God...," my face went pale. I tried to keep composure, but... well this was the largest, blackest storm I had ever seen.
"No scanners picked it up, Sir," Ben explained rapidly, "Its still completely invisible to any radars."
"Must have something to due with the radiation levels, somehow. Its clear enough over here, we should be able to read something, anything!"
"Sir, what should we do?" the room fell silent as the handful of operators stared up at me. I pinched at the hairs above my lip and stood in thought.
If we sail around it, we would lose time and possibly our location. The only reason we are so confident in where we are is due to how rigid our course has been. No one has sailed these waters in centuries, if we get lost out here, we could be lost to history.
Sailing through it, we could lose the ship. She is built for all kinds of storms, but this one would surely test Europian craftsmanship. Once we are in the storm, there is no turning back; going in circles when youre lost is the best way to stay lost.
Ben advised we try and go around, but I think he may doubt his own skill. Ben and I step into the hallway and have Ennay call for Max.
It took about 15 minutes, but the three of us has discussed and debates into a unanimous decision.
Ben Archer swung open the doors to the Control Room, "Full speed ahead."
submitted by micahwillarthy to CapiVega [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:23 micahwillarthy They All Nuked America For World Peace pt2

"The cooks outdid themselves with this one!", a common phrase Id hear walking through the cafeteria during breakfast hour. I had never been one for breakfast, eating in the morning just made me feel tired. Regardless, I loved venturing into the cafeteria because it was nice to hear the rumbling of conversations and to meet new people.
I had met my crew when they boarded the ship in the days before we set sail, but introducing myself personally to our group of 49 civilians was keeping me busy. The navigation team tells me we have three days before we reach the shores of...
"Whats the name of it?"
Senior Navi Ran Katz chuckled and dragged his finger under the word on his map, "My-am-ee. Its an old American ruin."
He pinched the mapscreen and My-am-ee began to shrink until the majority of the space was covered in ocean and the destination was a speck in the bottom left.
"But we havent had satellite pictures of this entire area for centuries. With rising seas, who knows if Miami is going to be our landing spot or just a reef we pass over?" He was right. The mess of radioactivity in the atmosphere had completely covered the land ahead in mystery, "Come lunchtime, though, we will pass West 50 mark."
It was a lot to take in. No one had been past the 50 latitude mark since 2024. I dont even think my 20-times-great grandfather was born yet. Man, I really have to finish up that speech by noon. Every great person in history has their speech:
The ancient Roman Caesar crossing the Rubicon,
the Americans on the Moon,
Mandela at his Rivonian trial,
the Peace Progress announcing the bombing of America,
even the Toliford brothers broadcasted theirs live while they left the solar system.
As I sat in the cafeteria trying to figure out the best way to end my speech, Maxton snapped me out of it.
"Its a gud one, Capi."
"Its a gud one, Max."
I didnt even notice the young woman next to him until he introduced her, "this is Suri Aziz, she is our biologist."
We said out pleasantries and began to talk after Max was called away. She told me about her role as a civilian settler and her interest in coming along with me on my sea-to-sea if our settlement is successful.
"Well, wherever we set up could up to a year, you could find yourself occupied by then," I suggested.
"Officer Angelhart told me you do not have your expedition crew picked out yet," she had a good source, "I just want to show you some of my work. If I may?"
I have worked with women before on such journeys, that wasnt my issue. Age is experience. She might have a couple dozen years breathing, but Id prefer to team with people with a few dozen years of working.
She set a suitcase on the table and clicked it open. It was full of papers. She riffled through a folder and pulled out a handful, placing them in front of me.
They were beautiful. Elaborately drawn and colored plants and animals. Each page had a subject drawn three or four or five times at different perspectives and cross-sections. Measurements and descriptions organized the scattered images into an extravagant display of knowledge and craft. Foxes, Tulips, and... Deer.
"The white-tail."
"Yes, it was native to the Americas. This is based on information from books and movies Ive had. Gorgeous creature. I wish I could see one when we get to M..."
"Miami," I chimed in, "I got to see the last one in the Vienna Zoo when I was a kid. That must have been 30? 40 years ago? Wow."
"I only have a couple hundred of these illustrations, I-"
"Only?" she chuckled at my interjection.
"Only. I want to be there with you when you cross to the Pacific. I want to see and experience the flora and fauna."
I saw myself in her, and not in a gross perverted way. I could see the determination and desire for adventure. She was going to be my inspiration for the final part of my speech.
With the cue from Archer, I pressed the yellow button near the microphone and began, "New Horizon, this is Capi Santago Vega. In approximately 3 minutes, this vessel will officially enter into the unknown. From now on, please wear your TH4 protective suits when outdoors.
Let West 50 not only mark our geography, but let it be a testament to life forever blooming in spite of the challenges: manmade and natural.
With each step we will take, we will reclaim a fragment of what was lost, defying the annals of history and redefining our world.
There will be tough times ahead, but there will always be tough times. Aboard the New Horizon, times may be tougher, but our legacies will be greater. We will see a beautiful new world because you will all be there making it beautiful...
And there goes West 50. Through fire and fallout, humanity goes forward."
I watched the needle zip back and forth as the machine printed the prothetic finger. It may have been hypnotizing if the cartographer hadnt been crying a few feet away from me, "but my finger! Oh God, it will never be the same! Oh God, no!"
Dr. Mally removed the plastic hood from the machine, "Thank you Ennay."
The speakers crackled as Ennay responded, "Of course, Dr. Mally! It is my job as the Operating System of the New Horizon to aid in all matters as best I can!" the cartographer began to panic once more as the nurses prepared the surgery, "Even when crew-mates like Mr. Morgs slams a door unto his finger.
Morgs had never had a prosthetic before, obviously. Most of my right arm is skynthallic, but instead of wailing, all I ever did was learn to wear a seatbelt so it wouldnt happen again. Unfortunately, I needed to sign off on having Ennay process the finger mold without the surgeon's supervision. If I didnt need to, Id be staring out at the ocean Ive been dreaming about for decades.
"Capi Vega?"
"Yes, Ennay?" I asked the large screen by the printer.
"Your presence is required with Helmsan Archer in the Control Room."
"I am kinda busy, I ca-,"
"Sir, he says its... dire."
I apologized to the surgeon and wished the team, and Mr. Morgs, the best of luck before exiting the Medical Wing. Racing up the stairs, I could hear gossip about something people saw from the deck.
I burst into the Control Room.
Before anyone could explain the situation to me, the large glass windows told me all I needed.
"My God...," my face went pale. I tried to keep composure, but... well this was the largest, blackest storm I had ever seen.
"No scanners picked it up, Sir," Ben explained rapidly, "Its still completely invisible to any radars."
"Must have something to due with the radiation levels, somehow. Its clear enough over here, we should be able to read something, anything!"
"Sir, what should we do?" the room fell silent as the handful of operators stared up at me. I pinched at the hairs above my lip and stood in thought.
If we sail around it, we would lose time and possibly our location. The only reason we are so confident in where we are is due to how rigid our course has been. No one has sailed these waters in centuries, if we get lost out here, we could be lost to history.
Sailing through it, we could lose the ship. She is built for all kinds of storms, but this one would surely test Europian craftsmanship. Once we are in the storm, there is no turning back; going in circles when youre lost is the best way to stay lost.
Ben advised we try and go around, but I think he may doubt his own skill. Ben and I step into the hallway and have Ennay call for Max.
It took about 15 minutes, but the three of us has discussed and debates into a unanimous decision.
Ben Archer swung open the doors to the Control Room, "Full speed ahead."
submitted by micahwillarthy to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:41 No_Treacle6842 Dr. Froilan Paez review - My traumatic experience

Unlike most doctors there must be a reason why this one barely has any websites where he allows his patients to share their experience.
No Google reviews, no Realself, no Yelp...
Well, he is not the kindest person and at least to me I felt like he was really dishonest. I scheduled my rhinoplasty with him almost 1 year ago and the whole process was REALLY NEGATIVE, after waiting all this time to talk about my final results I can now say that they're not favorable, I have SO MUCH trouble breathing and my nose has collapsed from one side...this has truly had a bad impact in my life so that's why I decided to share this post.
After talking to many other professionals I believe I was victim of something called "ghost surgery"
Due to his perfectly looking Instagram page and the large amount of marketing I decided to have my surgery with this doctor, initially I paid 150 USD (and unlike what's advertised) there was not really a real consultation, all they ask you to do is sent pictures and in response all you get is a price estimate.
Obviously I found this really sketchy since I wanted to have a proper diagnosis, but his assistant refused saying that all consultations are done one day before the surgery, so basically you have to commit and pay for the procedure in advance without ever meeting the doctor priorly.
Probably the first red flag, but unfortunately I got carried away by his social media and all these "influencers/models" that promote him and I scheduled surgery regardless...
Since you barely have direct contact with the doctor, all the communications you have are just with his staff and oh boy, they are really good at promising and telling you everything you want to hear so that way you proceed and pay for the procedure (BTW I PAID 13,000 USD).
Reality kicked in once I traveled to Colombia, many more irregularities and things that I didn't expect came up, of course at this point I've already made a 7000 USD deposit (everything you pay is NON REFUNDABLE) so I couldn't really say anything or change my mind.
Consultation with Dr. Paez was quick, It was the first and only time I would see him during the whole process and just like every surgeon he persuades you and tells you everything is going to be okay, although I wanted to address my symptoms by bringing different nasal exams he told me it wasn't necessary.
Day of Surgery
Once at the hospital, they make me sign a few waivers, nurses get me ready and take me to my operating room, at this point i'm expecting to see Dr. Paez at any minute but this would never happen, next thing I know, i'm already in a recovery room.
I'm discharged and they sent me home.
After becoming a little suspicious by the high number of people being operated the same day I start doing some research...and to my surprise I find on social media videos of ANOTHER DOCTOR doing my nose surgery, all while Dr. Paez wasn't even in my operating room.
This other doctor was there as a student and is someone who I NEVER authorized.
I posted the footage and proof of surgery on this website, you can clearly see how they run 2 operating rooms at the same time.
So what was their response?
I already did my research, what happened here is considered really unethical but highly profitable for the surgeon, I was used for some type of medical course and this was never disclosed in my informed consent.
At first when I asked for an explanation his staff downplayed everything, saying things like "this other doctor is part of the team" and "he only performed the first half of your surgery".
I looked into this other doctor and he doesn't have any type of affiliation with Dr. Paez since he works as a plastic surgeon in Brazil.
Besides the fact that I now have so many breathing problems, I feel completely cheated, it is nearly impossible to get in contact with Dr. Paez so I flew back to Colombia just to confront him...and unsurprisingly he refused to watch the footage of my surgery and prefered to stayed silent.
Final thoughts.
Since I have evidence of what im talking about I decided to file a formal complaint to the medical board in that country, although they took my case months ago, judging how things run in Colombia I highly doubt any disciplinary action will be taken.
I want to clarify that I am by no way the only person who has raised complaints about this doctor, If you want some more unbiased opinions I advice to do your research on Twitter.
Lastly, for reference I'll attach the odd documents he makes you sign where you surrender many rights if things go wrong. I'm fully aware that any surgery has risks but I find it extremely unfair how they show you this only after you have paid.
My advice?
Avoid Instagram at ALL COSTS when choosing a surgeon, there is absolutely ZERO transparency on that website.
submitted by No_Treacle6842 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:26 chronic314 Backlash, parental alienation syndrome and co-construction

Work on the issue of sexual abuse in children and adolescents lays bare the power relations between genders, generations and social classes. The issue of gender is seen in statistics from UN agencies that report that "one in four girls and one in nine boys will be sexually abused before they reach the age of 18."(1) Generational power relations are clear because the perpetrators are adults, and the power relations of class are evident in the backlash generated by powerful sectors that have attempted to prop up the myth that child abuse is only a problem among the poor and working classes.
Webster's Dictionary defines "backlash" as "a strong adverse reaction to a political or social movement." More plainly, backlash is a negative reaction to a positive and constructive step forward. Professor of law John Myers identifies the positive step as the progress made in the past two decades with regard to child abuse and the backlash as the escalation of criticism against professionals involved in child protection.(2)
David Finkelhor was responsible for pioneering work on the sexual abuse of children in the United States. In his 1979 book, Sexually Victimized Children, Finkelhor recognizes the important contributions of the women's movement and professionals involved in child protection lobbying in drawing attention to the realities of sexual violence against minors: "If the sexual abuse of children has risen to prominence as a social problem rather quickly, it is because it has been championed by an alliance of two constituencies by now rather experienced in the promotion of social problems."(3)
In the United States, a backlash began in the 1980s under the Reagan Administration's return to stale and reactionary values following the struggles of the women's movement and the children's rights movement the 1960s and 70s.
What was once secret was now openly debated, and controversy wracked the most idealized institutions, including church, family and school. Socially consecrated myths of long-standing were crumbling: "The home is the seat of love, support and safety for children"; "Good families don't talk about sexuality"; "Churches reflect the highest moral standard with regard to sexuality"; "Children are safe in school."
By drawing attention to the realities of child sexual abuse, a solid blow was dealt to the "powers that be"; hypocrisy was uncovered; and unquestioned assumptions were challenged. This frontal attack was met with denial by means of a range of strategies developed by the fundamentalisms of faith and the market.
One of these backlash strategists was prominent forensics expert Richard Gardner, who coined the term "parental alienation syndrome" in 1985 to describe a supposed psychological disorder that he had observed in lengthy and bitter custody battles. His original paper on the subject uses the following description:
"The term I prefer to use is parental alienation syndrome. I have introduced this term to refer to a disturbance in which children are obsessed with deprecation and criticism of a parent—denigration that is unjustified and/or exaggerated. The notion that such children are merely 'brainwashed' is narrow."(4)
However, supposedly citing his original work several years later, Gardner re-describes this phenomena somewhat differently.
"[t]he parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a childhood disorder that arises almost exclusively in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child's campaign of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. It results from the combination of a programming (brainwashing) parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the target parent. When true parental abuse and/or neglect is present, the child's animosity may be justified, and so the parental alienation syndrome explanation for the child's hostility is not applicable."(5)
The two different definitions demonstrate the changes in this argument over time with the goal of developing a different strategy for discrediting the hard research work and harder-won social gains of the women's movement and the professionals lobbying for child protection.
Maria Jose Blanco Barea has studied the many works that Gardner published up to his death by suicide in 2003, and she suggests that "perhaps the psychological causes that led to his suicide should be taken into consideration." With regard to Gardner's professional career, Blanco Barea recounts that "Gardner dedicated the first part of his professional life to working as a forensics expert in cases of sexual abuse brought by children against their parents, students against professors, members of the faithful against representatives of organized religions and within military families. Gardner often stressed that he was a former captain [in the U.S. Army Medical Corps] and as a psychologist treated members of the armed forces who had served in Korea. He specialized in techniques to 'deprogram' U.S. soldiers who had been prisoners of war. His methodologies and expert testimony were used to question the credibility of sexual abuse victims, to prove that the accused were innocent and that the accusers were guilty of perjury. Gardner testified in cases of sexual abuse in the context of hearings to determine custody, visitation and guardianship, and he himself explains that he developed his research over the course of his career. In other words, he directly applied the scientific method of trial and error in real-life court cases that were settled while he was still carrying out his research. When he decided to publish his theories in 1985, Garner failed to provide the scientific community with the necessary data to scientifically analyze his conclusions."(6)
Richard Gardner's books were published by Creative Therapeutics, which he himself owned. Some of his articles were published in Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, a publication of the Institute for Psychological Therapies, which is directed by Dr. Ralph Underwager who is well known for an interview in the Dutch journal Paidika […](7)
In the 1970s and 80s and prior to his publication of the parental alienation syndrome, Gardner developed the "Sex-Abuse Legitimacy Scale" (SAL Scale), which he used in his own courtroom testimony. Nonetheless, Gardner's ideological stance clearly shows that he did not view child sexual abuse as a problem, except when it is denounced.
"It is of interest that of all the ancient peoples it may very well be that the Jews were the only ones who were punitive toward [adults who had sex with children]. Early Christian proscriptions against [adult-child sex] appear to have been derived from the earlier teachings of the Jews, and our present overreaction to [adult-child sex] represents an exaggeration of Judeo-Christian principles and is a significant factor operative in Western society's atypicality with regard to such activities."(8)
"The child might be helped to appreciate the wisdom of Shakespeare's Hamlet, who said, 'Nothing's either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.'"(9)
"And her [the mother's] increased sexuality may lessen the need for her husband to return to their daughter for sexual gratification."(10)
"… except for a certain amount of sexual frustration that was not gratified, the four-year-old had not been significantly traumatized by these encounters."(11)
Elsewhere Gardner had the following to say about child sexual abuse: "The sexually abused child is generally considered to be the victim, though the child may initiate sexual encounters by 'seducing' the adult."(12) Gardner even proposes that [child sexual abuse] serves procreative purposes; he maintains that although the child cannot become pregnant, a child who is drawn into sexual encounters at an early age is likely to become highly sexualized and thus will crave sexual experiences during the prepubertal years. Such a "charged up child" is more likely to transmit his or her genes through his or her progeny at an early age. Gardner states: "The younger the survival machine at the time sexual urges appear, the longer will be the span of procreative capacity, and the greater the likelihood the individual will create more survival machines in the next generation."(13) He also recommended that the incestuous father "has to be helped to appreciate that, even today, it [adult-child sex] is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people. He has to appreciate that in our Western society especially we take a very punitive and moralistic attitude toward such inclinations.… He has also had back [sic] luck with regard to the place and time he was born with regard to social attitudes toward [adult-child esx]."(14)
The two definitions of parental alienation syndrome are interesting because the first reveals that the intention of the original strategy was to minimize the devastating effects that child abuse has in the victims. However, the 2002 definition added: "When true parental abuse and/or neglect is present, the child's animosity may be justified, and so the parental alienation syndrome explanation for the child's hostility is not applicable."(15) But curiously, the indicators of parental alienation syndrome also coincide with the indicators of sexual abuse that have been established by international studies on this problem.
At the time of the revised definition, the international study of child abuse and the movement to prevent the victimization of children was much further advanced. Some examples are the five European seminars "Secrets that Destroy" held in 1998 by the Save the Children Alliance; the 1999 "Vision and Reality" reports that address women's and children's rights; and a series of later publications by experts in the matter.
Although the SAL scale has been widely disregarded as a tool for diagnosing sexual abuse, Gardner's real thoughts are evident in the above citations from his works. Both the SAL scale and parental alienation syndrome represent a scandalous violation of the human rights of women, adolescents and children.
In numerous publications, Gardner uses supposedly scientific but paradoxical arguments to rationalize his denial of violence against women, defined in the Belem do Para Convention as "a manifestation of the historically unequal power relations between women and men."(16) Making use of children, he creates a new and sophisticated form of violence against women that involves complicity of the justice system.
Gardner proposed a series of symptoms that reveal three types of parental alienation syndrome (severe, moderate and mild) and specific treatment for each type. The treatment that he proposes for parental alienation syndrome involves both legal and health-care professionals, who Gardner says should have the power to administer the appropriate treatment based on the coercion, threat, change in living arrangements and, as a last resort, the internment and "deprogramming" of the child. As Blanco Barea observes, "Parental alienation syndrome makes a fraud of the law. It makes use of the declarations against discriminations against women and of the rights of the child to protect the parent and escape the application of the Conference of Vienna that protects against torture and degrading treatment, especially in the case of women and girls, and to escape the application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child."(17)
As law professor John Myers explains, "Gardner is an outspoken critic of certain aspects of the child protection system. Apparently, Gardner believes America is in the throes of mass hysteria over child sexual abuse. He writes that 'sex-abuse hysteria is omnipresent' (True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse, 1992, p. xxv). In his 1991 book titled Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited, Gardner is harshly critical of an unspecified portion of the mental health professionals, investigators, and prosecutors trying to protect children. For example, Gardner accuses some prosecutors of gratifying their own sexual urges and sadistic tendencies through involvement in sexual abuse cases. […] It seems clear that Richard Gardner cannot claim to be balanced or objective when it comes to allegations of child sexual abuse."(18)
Although Gardner and his theories can be questioned for their misogynist and perverse ideology, in Argentina former family court judge Eduardo Cardenas published "El abuso de las denuncias de abuso" (The Abuse of Claims of Abuse) in La Ley, on September 15, 2000. Cardenas's article supported Gardner's theories and sparked backlash in our country, which has provoked widespread reaction among well-known professionals.
Perhaps the best summary of what occurred in Argentina after 2000 is found in the book Maltrato infantil: Riesgos del compromiso profesional (Child Abuse: The Risks of Professional Commitment), a collection of essays by known specialists on the issue, edited by Silvio Lamberti. As the introduction to this book describes:
"As long as the problem was associated with the lower classes, more and more cases were reported. When it began to be suspected that family violence affected all social classes and the middle and upper classes were scrutinized, a reactionary movement used the guise of good intentions to put limits on professionals that supposedly 'abused the reports of child sexual abuse.'
"This was the reaction of:
  1. Fathers who were engaged in custody battles or other legal disputes regarding visitation rights.
  2. Lawyers who preached equanimity and warned against the feminist bias that they claimed had affected the reports.
  3. Experts who tried to pass off the backlash literature from the U.S. as scientific evidence to support their own conclusions.
"This brutal attack tends to carry into an ideological realm a debate that crosses legal and psychosocial discourses, ethics and society as a whole and tries to undo the advances already gained, discouraging those who have worked to achieve these gains. In short, they intend to:
  1. Discredit reports of child abuse.
  2. Turn anyone who denounces abuse into a suspect.
  3. Blur the boundaries between victim and victimizer.
  4. Confuse the matter by citing the rare cases of violence against boys or adult men committed by women.
  5. Discredit the specialized treatment services even though the law recognizes the value of their diagnosis.
  6. Ignore constitutional norms from the Convention on Rights of the Child.
"Thus, the meaning of abusive conduct is inverted, with abuse being attributed to the person who reports the abuse and requests the fulfillment of the law.
"This reactionary backlash supports the persistence of family violence and condemns all girls and/or victims of the perpetuation of incest and abuse while attempting to stymie the legal system and the work of other professionals who until now have born the heavy burden of this process."(19)
This scientific alert went out over three years ago; nonetheless, today there are increasing obstacles to working on this issue. The notion of false reports of abuse is now firmly rooted in the courts. Sexual abuse trials are tremendous ordeals that seriously damage the children and the adults who report the crime and place a heavy burden on the professionals who take the children's part and who often face accusations of malpractice, libel or slander.
The discrediting of psychological experts is of serious concern. What started with Gardner has continued with followers who have discredited indicators, treatments, techniques and prevention campaigns. Brandishing the concept of co-construction on the part of the family members of the victims or the professionals, the testimony of the children is discredited, accused of being childhood fantasy and tale-telling.
The efforts of Gardner and his followers have been echoed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, an institution that claims to represent the social sexual moral but which has promoted a policy of smoke-screening sexual abuse.
The Red Latinoamericana de Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir (Latin American Network of Catholics for the Right to Decide) has undertaken a study on the secret system of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.(20) The ecclesiastical hierarchy always has been aware of these crimes and has implemented a policy of covering up the abuses committed by priests. This policy is summarized in the following ten points adapted from the studies carried out by the Spanish journalist Pepe Rodriguez(21) and corroborated in the studies of the Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir:
  1. Discreet investigation of the incident. The prelates of the diocese often have ecclesiastical informants, people who desire to rise in the esteem of the hierarchy through their reports. They keep the bishops abreast of the transgressions of the priests under their authority. These reports are given orally.
  2. Initiation of actions to dissuade the aggressor and/or the victim(s). Once the prelate recognizes the situation of sexual abuse in which the image of the Church could be tarnished, the aggressor is rebuked. Then the bishops dedicate themselves to convincing the victims and their families, assuring them that the aggressor will be punished and that he has repented. They persuade the families to not report the crime so that no one in the Church or the family will suffer the consequences.
  3. Covering up the incident and the identity of the aggressor so the case never becomes public. In this effort, acts are undertaken to confuse the matter, including transferral of the priest to another parish, bribery of the victim and their family members or the use of threats and suspension of benefits (for example, expulsion from school).
  4. Measures to reinforce the cover up. When the case escapes the closed doors of the Church, the hierarch opens an internal investigation against the aggressor to defend against eventual accusations of passivity in case there is external pressure from the media or society or a civil suit. Generally, the investigation is paralyzed indefinitely. At this stage, the priest usually is transferred to another parish, another diocese or another country, depending on the situation.
  5. Denial of the incident when the case becomes public, under the argument that the priest is a man of virtue heeding God's call, a holy figure who could never commit a crime of this nature. When denial is no longer possible, the matter is treated as an exception to this rule.
  6. Public defense of the aggressor, stressing his good service to the Church and his personal merits. If he did do anything wrong, he is profoundly repentant and was not conscious of his acts. An appeal is made to the Christian sentiments of pardoning a repentant sinner.
  7. Public discrediting of the victim(s). Rodriguez uses the metaphor of ants defending an anthill to describe the corporativist attitude of the clergy when one of its members is accused. The guilt is reversed; the victim(s) and/or their family members are blamed.
  8. Paranoiac accusations of the denunciation being linked to campaigns orchestrated by "enemies of the Church." When the number of accusations is so high that discrediting the victims is not enough, the hierarchy complains that there are national or international powers or cults conspiring against the Church.
  9. Possibility of negotiation with the victim. This negotiation frequently occurs before the case is made public when the intention of the Church is to buy the victim's silence to preserve the image of the institution. When there is a public scandal, the hierarchy tries to minimize the damage by trying to negotiate the withdrawal of the accusations against the aggressor.
  10. Protection of the priest/aggressor. When the accused is found to be guilty, the hierarchy stands by him and in some cases even pays him homage or praises him, doing everything possible to erase the incident from the public memory.(22)
As the Church silences and covers up the abuses committed within its institutions, it resembles Gardner and his followers in that it denies the realities of domestic violence and the sexual abuse of children and adolescents and hampers investigation of these matters. Alliances with key judicial figures lead to perverse and scandalous rulings, such as the Melo Pacheco case in Mar del Plata, the Storni case Santa Fe or the stalling in the Grassi trial, to name the most notorious cases. Many others remain anonymous, which demonstrates the existence of a model that favors the impunity of the abusers, the suffering of the victims and the punishment of those who are working within the framework of human rights.
A sturdy thread connects those who deny, discredit, silence, minimize, distort and negotiate the rights of children: the perversity that has subordinated their ethics to systems of belief that are authoritarian, patriarchal and/or favor the domination of adults.
This ideological combination stacks the deck against victims who, for the most part, are children, adolescents and women. Women are the most discredited. In the cases in which priests are accused of sexual abuse, most people take their side, doubt the word of the victim(s) and even blame them or imply that the priests were victims of a conspiracy. Girl victims are not considered credible because they are presented as easily influenced, prone to fantasy or liars. If they are adolescents, their morals are questioned: it is argued that they already had had sexual relations before the abuse or are guilty of seducing their abuser.
In the case of domestic abuse, especially in cases of father-child incest, the mother is accused of maliciously attempting to distance the child from the father, inventing the abuse out of revenge or because she is hysterical or any other argument that serves to safeguard the figure of the father of the family or the Father of the parish. In both cases, the common sensibilities of the population are exploited: tolerance of male sexual behavior fed by the dominate sexual morality, which makes the argument of false reports even more credible than the martyrdom and accusations of the victims.
To compare the consequences that a child may suffer with the separation of his or her parents, even in a messy divorce, with the short- and long-term consequences of father-child abuse is a perverse strategy that denies the serious and profound attack on the victim's subjective integrity, which Jorge Barudy calls "attempted moral murder."
Parental alienation syndrome, the "malicious mother" and co-construction are non-scientific theories, and when used in the context of a trial, they violate the victim's constitutional rights as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CEDAW and other agreements incorporated into our constitution in 1994.
We must remember that Richard Gardner's theories were developed in the United States through a method of trial and error that was applied directly in the courtroom in bitter divorce cases, which were ruled upon as Gardner was undertaking his research. In addition, the U.S. is one of the few countries that has neither ratified nor incorporated into its constitution the Convention on the Rights of the Child or CEDAW.
As Blanco Barea explains, in legal contexts based on human rights, those professionals who can carry out the therapy or treatment recommended by Gardner or his followers (such as "aversion therapy" plus the vicarious treatment of deprogramming and, as a precaution, the guarantee of visitation rights or the reversal of custody and/or total separation of the "alienating" parent and the "alienated" child) "are committing crimes of torture, obstruction of justice and legal fraud, and if they are related to the minors in question, they are also guilty of domestic violence."(23)
Child abuse, especially sexual abuse, is an alarming, universal problem. Increased attention and effective protection skills and prevention measures are necessary at family, local, national and international levels.
After a long tradition of silence, sexual abuse of children is being denounced more frequently and is becoming a topic for public and political discussion.
To alert governments and civil society organizations to the need to play a more active role in the promotion of and respect for the rights of the child (as put forth in article 19 and 34* of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) and to contribute to the prevention of child abuse, the Women's World Summit Foundation, WWSF, launched the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse in 2000. The Day is commemorated every November 19 together with the anniversary of the International Day for the Rights of the Child (November 20). The objective of the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse is to rally around the issue of child abuse and the urgent need for effective prevention programs.
To consolidate the global call for action, in 2001 WWSF launched an international NGO coalition that marks the World Day with appropriate events and activities to focus on and increase prevention education.
* For more information, visit the website of the Women's World Summit Foundation, https://www.woman.ch/children/1introduction.php.
* Art. 19 - States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.
* Art. 34 - States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. For these purposes, States Parties shall in particular take all appropriate national, bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent:
(a) the inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity;
(b) the exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices;
(c) the exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials.
The author is a psychologist, a founder of the Casa de la Mujer in Rosario, Argentina, and a longtime defender of the rights of women and children.
(1.) Selected facts and figures from various UN documents, part of the 2006 Open Letter from the Women's World Summit Foundation on the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse, 19 November. Available online at http://www.woman.ch/children/1-openletter.php.
(2.) Alicia Ganduglia (2003) "El backlash: un nuevo factor de riesgo," in Maltrato Infantil. Riesgos del compromiso profesional, Silvio Lamberti, ed., Buenos Aires: Editorial Universidad, p. 75.
(3.) David Finkelhor (1979) Sexually Victimized Children. New York: The Free Press, p. 2.
(4.) Richard A. Gardner (1985) "Recent Trends in Divorce and Custody Litigation." Academy Forum 29:2, Summer, pp. 3-7.
(5.) Richard A. Gardner (2002) "Does DSM-IV Have Equivalents for the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) Diagnosis?" American Journal of Family Therapy, 31(1):1-21. See also Richard A. Gardner (2003) "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past, Present, and Future," in The Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Interdisciplinary Challenge for Professionals Involved in Divorce. W. von BochGallhau, U. Kodjoe, W Andritsky and P. Koeppel, eds. Berlin, Germany: VWB-Verlag fur Wissenshaft and Bildung, pp. 89-125.
(6.) Maria Jose Blanco Barea (2006) "El sindrome inquisitorial estadounidense de alineacion parental," p. 11. This document may be downloaded from http://www.revistaiuris.com/MISC/8618/borrador%20el%20sindrome%20inquisitorial%20del%20sap.doc.
(7.) The interview with Dr. Ralph Underwager was originally published in Paidika, Issue 9, 1993, and has been reproduced online at http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/NudistHallofShame/Underwager2.html.
(8.) Richard A. Gardner (1992) True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse. Cresskill, New Jersey: Creative Therapeutics, pp. 46-7.
(9.) Ibid. p. 549.
(10.) Ibid. p. 585.
(11.) Ibid. p. 612.
(12.) Richard A. Gardner (1986) Child Custody Litigation: A Guide for Parents and Mental Health Professionals. Cresskill, New Jersey: Creative Therapeutics, p. 93
(13.) Richard A. Gardner (1992) pp. 24-25.
(14.) Ibid. p. 593.
(15.) See note 5.
(16.) From the Preamble to the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, also known as the Convention of Belem do Para, adopted by the OAS General Assembly June 9, 1994; entry into force March 5, 1995.
(17.) Maria Jose Blanco Barea (2006) p. 219.
(18.) John E. B. Myers (n.d.) "What is 'Parental Alienation Syndrome' and Why Is It So Often Used Against Mothers?" an excerpt from a forthcoming book titled A Mother's Nightmare: A Practical Legal Guide for Parents and Professionals. Available online at http://www.gate.net/~liz/fathers/pas.htm.
(19.) Maltrato Infantil. Riesgos del compromiso professional. Silvio Lamberti, ed., Buenos Aires: Editorial Universidad, 2003. The contributing authors were Maria Ines Bringioti, Cristina Caprarulo, Julio Cesar Castro, Alicia Ganduglia, Norberto Garrote, Isabel Gens, Eva Giberti, Carmen Gonzales, Irene Intebi, Victoria Irazuzta, Silvio Lamberti, Patricia Paggi, Mirta Pirozzo, Carlos Rozanski, Diana Sanz, Juan Pablo Maria Viar, Maria Cristina Vila and Juan Carlos Volnovich.
(20.) Regina Soares Jurkewicz (2005) Develando la politica del silencio: Abuso sexual de mujeres por sacerdotes en Brasil. Brazil: Red Latinoamericana de Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir.
(21.) Pepe Rodriguez (2002) Pederastia en la Iglesia Catolica: Delitos sexuales del clero contra menores: Un drama silenciado y encubierto por los obispos. Barcelona: Ediciones B.
(22.) Regina Soares Jurkewicz (2005) pp. 20-22.
(23.) Maria Jose Blanco Barea (2006) p. 219.
submitted by chronic314 to Prevention [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:01 Whatisthis_kerfuffle Dermabrasion doctor recommendations ?

Can anyone recommend a dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is very skilled in dermabrasion? I am looking at going to either California, New York or Florida. I have very shallow scars left over and have done many treatments over the years. I just have hard edges still on my scars and I cover them up with that dermaflage makeup.
I have already seen Dr. Rullan, Dr Weiner, Dr. Salar Hazany and got no results from them and think the amounts that Rullan and Hazany charge patients is ridiculous. They are certainly not the best of the best, as I have had my best results from subcision and filler from local doctors. Dermabrasion isn’t so commonly done here in Canada and I can’t find doctors willing to do it or experienced enough with it. I am not a fan of laser which gave me issues and which I had foolishly done first nor am I a fan of getting a phenol peel so that’s why I am most interested in trying dermabrasion.
submitted by Whatisthis_kerfuffle to AcneScars [link] [comments]
