Book log template

Etymology: appreciating word origins

2009.02.06 06:07 Etymology: appreciating word origins

Discussing the origins of words and phrases, in English or any other language.

2015.03.01 17:29 devtastic2 Phantom Forces

Phantom Forces is an FPS game by the Roblox game development group StyLiS Studios, comprised of Litozinnamon, shaylan007, AxisAngle, and Raspy_Pi. In Phantom Forces, two teams -Phantoms and Ghosts- fight against one another to prove their dominance in an ever-growing selection of weapons, maps, and game modes. Project Start: August 2014.

2015.01.13 02:31 NicholasCajun The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium)

Subreddit for the discussion of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo / Millennium film and book series revolving around Lisbeth Salander.

2024.05.16 01:54 Aggravating-Bike-397 Received a company laptop but it's not great

So I am starting a new job. I was able to purchase any laptop I wanted and I would get a reimbursement. I requested a Dell.
The employee said they already had a Dell in their inventory so I said that sounds great and agreed to it. I got it today and it looks to be a Dell XPS 15 model, no box came with it, someone's account was logged in already, no appropriate provisions done at all before sending it to me, and it is overheating like hell. The fans are absolutely roaring. And not to mention how heavy and large it is when I would like the portability that I have been accustomed to.
To me, this is absolutely wild. A good laptop is something one needs to perform their job effectively. I had an opportunity to get the laptop I wanted and one of their suggestions was even a $1600 MacBook Pro, and all I requested was a fairly reasonable $800 Dell 13 inch laptop that's brand new. I would pay for it and get a reimbursement from the company. What I got was a 3-4 year old used laptop that has a jet engine fan that gets hot after only several minutes of checking emails.
I am unsure how to approach this with the employee or my boss. What should I even do? Should I just accept it at this point?
submitted by Aggravating-Bike-397 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:40 loo0p555 Anyone who works at River Island how do you book holidays?

I need to book a holiday and I don’t know how you do it. I know you’re supposed to log into oracle but that it’s.
I would ask the manager but I don’t want them to think I’m useless and don’t know how to book things. Please help!
submitted by loo0p555 to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:37 LittlePhylacteries BYU Admissions 2002–2022

BYU applications and admissions statistics have been discussed in a number of posts and comments recently but I haven't seen the data presented in a format that is quick and easy to understand. So I grabbed the statistics from the U.S. Depart of Education's IPEDS website [source] and made a chart for the past 2 decades.
BYU Admissions 2002–2022
You can see from this data there was an increase in applications and a commensurate dip in acceptance rate during the 2012–2017 time frame which is very likely due to the change in missionary age in 2012 with the resulting peak in full-time missionaries in the ensuing years. And the acceptance rate for BYU was higher for the majority of the first decade of this century than it is now.
Hopefully this is helpful for any discussions about BYU admissions statistics.
Based on the feedback from another user I've also created a chart showing BYU applications and number of missionaries from 2002–2022. I used a log scale for the Y axis to facilitate the comparison.
submitted by LittlePhylacteries to byu [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:33 Trillion5 FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MYSTERY OF TABBY'S STAR (Update 2024 May 16)

Four years have passed since publishing on Kindle The Mystery of Tabby's Star: The Migrator Model (2020 June 27), which presented the template and proposed symmetries therein. On the first anniversary I updated the book with the new sector boundary datelines (predicated on the 2017 Aug 24 dateline, alongside the previous fulcrum dateline on Aug 21). In 2022, I updated the book for the second anniversary - presenting the Skara-Angkor Signifier. Since then the Migrator Model has come a long way: Tom Johnson's quadratic correlation, the dip signifiers, the fulcrum cross method, the π findings etc.
Because so much fresh content was being generated, I neglected updating the book since and indeed going forward it will remain just the 'second anniversary edition' as the new material will be in my next book: The Siren of Tabby's Star: The Fulcrum Cross. Back in 2020 my work was very simple and I was unclear on what exactly I was finding - The Mystery of Tabby's Star is a bit of relic now and has not sold well - perhaps fortunately given the amateurishness of the work. However, when I put out my last word on the star (hopefully a more professional read), rather than un-publishing The Mystery of Tabby's Star, I'll leave it as a kind of reference to gauge the evolution of the Migrator Model - it does after all present the 'template' and the Skara-Angkor Signifier, both of which have returned to the foreground in my recent work.
submitted by Trillion5 to MigratorModel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:55 OkPerspective4274 Make money online with digital products

Make money online with digital products
Are you wondering how these creators are making $$ online each month from digital products?✨👀
Digital marketing is the key to their success. It's all about promoting and selling products or services through online platforms. Creators use strategies like social media marketing, email campaigns, and search engine optimization to reach their audience. By leveraging these techniques, they can effectively market eBooks, courses, templates, and other digital products to a global audience, generating a steady stream of income.
One popular method is using "done-for-you" products. These are pre-made digital products that you can brand and sell as your own. If these products come with Master Resell Rights (MRR), it means you can resell them and keep 100% of the profits. This allows you to start making money online quickly without having to create products from scratch. With the right approach, you too can harness the power of digital marketing and done-for-you products to achieve financial independence and enjoy the freedom to work on your own terms.
Message me if you would like more info ✨
submitted by OkPerspective4274 to thesidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:42 alexdagreatimposter Mysterious Hard To Debug Issues With Format Printer.

I decided to make a format printer, using "{}" as generic placements for values. It kinda works, and doesn't at the same time. I was having a massive headache dealing with recursively collecting all the args, parsing the string, ordering streams right, only for it to break in ways completely unexplainable, and extremely inconsistently when I got really frustrated was where it couldn't print the last part of the string or it would crash, and something changed I don't know but it just crashing either way.
The really mindboggling part is that it would sometimes, and sometimes it would crash without printing, and I couldn't figure out why.
I posted this in a discord server but no one was able to help.
 template  void FormatPrint(std::string_view string, Args... args) { constexpr int8_t format_num = VArgsLen(); std::string_view printRanges[format_num]; int16_t format_count = 0; bool formater_first = false; auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end() && format_count < format_num; i++) { if (*(i+1) == '}' && *i == '{') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = i++ +2; } if (i == string.end()-1) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } if (format_count == 0) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(string); std::stringstream stream; std::vector args_vec = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); int8_t f_index = 0, s_index = 0; if (formater_first && args_vec.size() > 0) { stream << args_vec[f_index++]; } for (; f_index < args_vec.size() s_index < format_count; f_index++, s_index++) { if (s_index < format_count) stream << printRanges[s_index]; if (f_index < args_vec.size()) stream << args_vec[f_index]; stream << '\n'; } std::cout << stream.str(); } 
So I go to bed and try to refactor the parsing loop, as I think that's where the issue would be, so the new loop looks like this:
 auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end(); i++) { if (*i == '{' && string.end() - i > 1 && lastInsert < string.end()) { if (*(i+1) == '}') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = ++i+1; } } if (string.end() - i == 1) { printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } } 
Now this solution did format the code right and printing, but it still ended up crashing the program, so at the very end I added this debug message.
Now I had the following string in main.
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { FormatPrint("Hello, I'm {}.\n My age is {}. My first initial {}.\n It took me a few hours, about {}, to write this formatter.\n", "Alex", 14, "c", 2); return 0; } 
Now if I were to run it I would get.
❯ ./main Hello, I'm Alex. My age is 14. My first initial c. It took me a few hours, about 2, to write this formatter. FILE : ./utils.hpp LINE : 136 STACK UNWIND ISSUE [1] 46034 abort ./main 
So great. It was a stack unwind issue my vscode debugger was completely useless for, (Don't even know if it works with templates at all). I begin to suspect that maybe an array of string_views was breaking something with some niche c++ compatibility mishap, so I replaced it with an std::array
std::array printRanges
Now it didn't crash, just produced unintelligible garbage in the formated areas, extremely weird considering this array handles the strings. Now I decided to switch some params, and it crashed without printing anything. The change from a c array to a standard array just fucked up the program in a stupidly frustrating way I could not comprehend, just awful.
At this point I am done trying to save this thing. It changes how it wants to break every change I make, it does not work with a debugger, and it spits out ever changing, undocumented error codes I can't do anything with. So instead, here is all the relevant code. I will admit gen_to_string is a bit of a mess but that was because std::to_string did not mesh well with strings are chars, and chars are also super broken and inconsistent to top things off, just not as important.
template  constexpr integral VArgsLen() { return 0; } template  constexpr integral VArgsLen() { return 1 + VArgsLen(); } template  requires std::same_as std::string gen_to_string(const T& str) { return str; } std::string gen_to_string(const char * str) { return str; } template  std::string gen_to_string(const T& obj) { return std::to_string(obj); } template <> std::string gen_to_string(const char& c) { return std::string(c, 1); } #define args_param(x) std::forward(x)... std::vector vectorize_variadics() { return std::vector(); } template  std::vector vectorize_variadics(const T& obj, Args... args) { std::vector new_vec = {gen_to_string(obj)}; auto new_args = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); new_vec.insert(new_vec.end(), new_args.begin(), new_args.end()); return new_vec; } template  void FormatPrint(std::string_view string, Args... args) { constexpr int8_t format_num = VArgsLen(); std::string_view printRanges[format_num]; int16_t format_count = 0; bool formater_first = false; auto lastInsert = string.begin(); for (auto i = lastInsert; i < string.end(); i++) { if (*i == '{' && string.end() - i > 1 && lastInsert < string.end()) { if (*(i+1) == '}') { if (i == string.begin()) formater_first = true; printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, i-lastInsert); lastInsert = ++i+1; } } if (string.end() - i == 1) { printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(lastInsert, string.end()-lastInsert); } } if (format_count == 0) printRanges[format_count++] = std::string_view(string); std::stringstream stream; std::vector args_vec = vectorize_variadics(args_param(args)); int8_t f_index = 0, s_index = 0; if (formater_first && args_vec.size() > 0) { stream << args_vec[f_index++]; } for (; f_index < args_vec.size() s_index < format_count; f_index++, s_index++) { if (s_index < format_count) stream << printRanges[s_index]; if (f_index < args_vec.size()) stream << args_vec[f_index]; } std::cout << stream.str(); DEBUG_LOG("STACK UNWIND ISSUE"); } 
If you can help me find the issue, thank you, and I will accept the skill issue.
submitted by alexdagreatimposter to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:40 Juge10 MacBook Air 2020 Post Repair Issues

My 2020 MacBook Air had a cracked screen so I took it in for repair at my campus repair store. I got it back today and the screen is great, but the computer is fucked - it won’t turn on unless plugged into a charger, and even when it does turn on, it’s incredibly slow and can’t even load in my screensaver when I log in. Also, the fan starts going crazy even though I’m just trying to login. I plan on taking it back in to the shop, but the technician is out for a week, so I’d greatly appreciate any advice.
submitted by Juge10 to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:29 FoxBeneficial8102 SaaS Marketing Techniques To Grow Faster In This AI Era

Like every product/service. SaaS products are different. They are intangible. They have intangible buyers. They have subscribers like Netflix, who have to pay for their product/ service annually, monthly, or quarterly.
To increase sales, they have a few tricks which are by giving annual discounts, showing off customer testimonials, social media promotions, enhanced customer experience, demos, Live chats, CTA, set up calls, and Feedback to retain the customer.
Not only this, this industry has its process as it has an intangible audience. So, they have to understand their presentations not through body language but by how they are expressing their views or presenting their questions in an email or call.
Providing Free trials is mostly there in the SaaS industry. As the audience will get to know what your product is creating value to their biz and how it is helpful in the growth of the biz by saving time/ money.
The free trial should not be too long or short. It should depend upon the complexity of the software.
Before knowing the technique one should know what Saas is and how it works. Right? Like before buying anything we ask for the price of the product.

The Fundamentals

“Having a repeatable process empowers your sales reps to sell with efficiency and confidence”. The process begins from:
Prospecting:Since we are selling it to the tech-savvy audience, we will do inbound marketing which includes blogs, online posts, email newsletters, whitepapers, etc.
In addition to that, we can do face-to-face interaction with potential buyers which is rare in this SaaS industry.
Qualifying: Not all visitors on your website or trial subscribers will buy the product. To know that, there are lead scores which is an automatic way to qualify leads and you will get information and interpret it from your data and assign it with the lead scores from 1 to 10.
Another way is to start a trial is to email them or call them for after-sale service. So, you will get an idea of the status of the buyer.
Presenting: Mostly it’s not possible to present in face-to-face interactions in the SaaS industry otherwise we have got it through body language.
Through online mode, presenting would be done through email sequence and frequent follow-ups which will let us know the pain points the way it’s been expressed.
Handling objectives: After presenting, prospects have questions and concerns about the product or service. So, you must have known what most of the customers ask and know how to handle the response of the prospect.
Closing: At this moment, the prospect becomes your customer. In this stage, we will deliver the final proposal of the product and negotiate with the customer.
Nurturing: to retain the SaaS customers excluding customer support which includes training for existing and new customers. Feedback includes reviews, rates, and testimonials.
Part of their happy moments by sending happy birthday, and celebration notes, etc.

How to increase your SaaS conversions using the right marketing strategy:

Create strategic trial duration
Most of the SaaS products have a trial duration. As it is a great way to hook new customers to buy, however, to make it worthwhile, you should plan it strategically.
When the customer has the opportunity to get trials which will help them to know the value of the product in their biz as well as the benefit of your offering.
The trial period should depend on the software. if the software is complex then 14 days or more trials would work. But what if the software is easy to adapt and gives the trial for 30 days?
It would only make the sale cycle long and there would be fewer customers buying the product. As they know every part of your software and will compare with the alternatives of the service. So, it depends on the product.
Custom/ live setup call
Many of us don’t know how to set up the software. How did things work? These customers have the priority of how the software will work for them by giving lesser importance to how your products work.
SaaS has the highest conversion from this special technique of Live setup call only. This CRM would help them to achieve their objective related to the product they have taken a trial or purchased.
Leverage Annual discounts
Many SaaS products offer annual discounts in exchange for the customer paying the bill all at once in a cheaper amount as compared to paying it every month which attracts customers to attain the service. While the company gets a sizable influx of cash at a moment and doesn’t get worried about a customer leaving at any moment.
Automated follow-up
As you see whenever you log in to the florist website or hospital website. They will ask ‘how may I help you?’ which is an automated way of assisting you. In the same way, these automated services will help the new customer to assist with the service and product and they have common queries stored which will be solved by the assistant by putting up the questions and shortening the sale cycle.
Content Marketing
This is the only way of communication between the buyer and seller. By reading your content, understanding it, and perceiving it makes the buyer come into your contact. Biz around the globe is using content marketing to reach the audience and generate leads. With consistency, you share the content it will increase its value over time
PPC( pay per click) also generates leads but with valuable content. So, content marketing is an asset for biz owners while online ads are temporary or rented. Biz around the globe is using content marketing to reach the audience and generate leads. Keeping content quality consistent across multiple channels helps increase brand awareness among your audience.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This feature works hand in hand with content marketing by making it discoverable in google, bing, and ranking it in two ways: On-page SEO and off-page SEO.
On-page SEO: This form is under your control. You create content that people search to read. By adding internal links, UI, use of the title, and description.
Off-Page SEO: Mainly, when we hear about SEO, links are the things that click us. But getting the right trusted and authoritative link is what matters! The best way to gain links and shares is by a distribution strategy.
Google AdWords
While inbound marketing reduces the spending of Adwords, zillion people are still clicking on the search engine ads per day. If you don’t want to miss out on these people to generate leads then you should still invest in PPCi.e pay per click.
PPC is beneficiary as it is scalable, generate leads, and generate the best ROI for your biz
Pro Tip: to increases sales, some strategies to take care of is to choose the right model of SaaS, identify the target audience and its value proposition, set prospect qualification criteria, create templates, call scripts, set revenue goals, create a customer support system, and keep track of sales performance metrics that will be effective in rank in the SEO.
Want to connect or schedule a call with me? send an inbox.
submitted by FoxBeneficial8102 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:15 025zk Having problem in understanding how v-model work getters and setters.

When I type something in the input field my assumption is set function should get triggered. But it's not happening. Can somebody please explain?
submitted by 025zk to vuejs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:12 Snushy_101 LearnWorlds Pricing: Find Your Ideal Plan Now!

LearnWorlds Pricing: Find Your Ideal Plan Now!
Curious about LearnWorlds pricing? Wondering how to make the most of your investment? Dive into this guide for all the insights you need. Uncover the different pricing plans, features, and benefits tailored to suit your specific needs. Ready to take your online learning journey to the next level with LearnWorlds, instructors, schools, learners, and academy? Let's explore what awaits you!
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Understand LearnWorlds Pricing: Familiarize yourself with the different pricing plans offered by LearnWorlds to choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Maximize Features: Take advantage of the diverse features available across all LearnWorlds plans to enhance your online learning experience.
  • Grab Special Offers: Keep an eye out for any special offers and discounts provided by LearnWorlds to save on your investment.
  • Clarify Pricing Doubts: Find answers to common pricing FAQs to make informed decisions when selecting a plan.
  • Tailor Your Choice: Consider your specific requirements and goals to select the LearnWorlds pricing plan that aligns with your objectives.
  • Utilize Free Trials: Make use of any free trials offered by LearnWorlds to test the platform and ensure it meets your expectations.

Explore LearnWorlds Pricing Plans: Monthly vs. Yearly Subscriptions: Save Up to 20%

When considering LearnWorlds, you're presented with two subscription options: monthly and yearly. Opting for the yearly subscription not only provides you with consistent access to the platform but also offers substantial savings of up to 20%. Now, let's explore the intricacies of each pricing tier.

1. Starter Plan: Initiating Your E-Learning Journey

At $24 per month, the Starter plan serves as an ideal entry point for budding educators. With the ability to start for free, this plan offers an array of features to kickstart your e-learning venture:
  • Create Courses: Craft engaging courses with ease.
  • Unlimited Paid Courses: Scale your offerings without limitations.
  • eBook Pages Builder: Enhance learning materials with interactive eBooks.
  • Exams & Quizzes: Assess student comprehension effectively.
  • 1:1 and Group Sessions: Foster personalized learning experiences.
  • Drip-Feed Courses: Deliver content gradually for optimal learning.
  • Create Your Website: Establish your online presence effortlessly.
  • 3-Page Website: Get started with a customizable website.
  • Site Templates: Choose from a variety of professionally designed templates.
  • Custom Domain: Establish a unique brand identity.
  • Get Paid: Facilitate seamless transactions with multiple payment gateways.
  • Flexible Checkout Options: Cater to diverse payment preferences.
  • Coupons: Drive sales with enticing discount offers.
  • Manage School: Streamline administrative tasks efficiently.
  • 1 Admin: Access essential administrative controls.
  • Free SSL Certificate: Ensure secure data transmission.
  • Centralised Tag Manager: Organize and manage tags seamlessly.
  • Connect Your Tools: Integrate marketing and accounting tools effortlessly.
  • Marketing Tools Integrations: Amplify your reach with marketing integrations.
  • Accounting Integrations: Streamline financial processes with accounting integrations.
  • Essential Help: Receive timely assistance with 24/5 email support.

2. Pro Trainer Plan: Elevate Your E-Learning Experience

Priced at $79 per month with no transaction fees, the Pro Trainer plan offers enhanced features to take your e-learning initiatives to new heights. Here's what it includes:
  • Starter Features Plus: Enjoy all features of the Starter plan.
  • Increase Engagement: Foster interactive learning experiences.
  • Unlimited Free & Paid Courses: Expand your course offerings without restrictions.
  • Customizable Course Player: Tailor the learning environment to suit your brand.
  • Assessments & Certificates: Evaluate student progress effectively.
  • Live Classes & Webinars: Engage learners in real-time sessions.
  • 20 SCORMs / HTML5: Incorporate interactive multimedia seamlessly.
  • Expand Your School: Scale your online academy effortlessly.
  • Unlimited Website Pages: Build a robust online presence with unlimited pages.
  • Mass Emails: Communicate with your audience effectively.
  • Unlimited Popups: Capture attention with interactive popups.
  • Android & iOS Apps: Enhance accessibility with mobile apps.
  • Content Clone & Sync: Replicate and synchronize content effortlessly.
  • Grow Your Revenue: Unlock new revenue streams with subscriptions and memberships.
  • Installments: Offer flexible payment options to learners.
  • Funnels: Optimize sales funnels for maximum conversions.
  • Organize Your Team: Manage your team efficiently with 5 collaborators.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Leverage affiliate partnerships to expand your reach.
  • Users Import: Seamlessly onboard existing users.
  • Develop Your Ecosystem: Integrate with advanced automation tools.
  • Core Support: Receive dedicated support with 24/7 email assistance.
  • LearnWorlds Academy: Access exclusive resources to accelerate your learning curve.

3. Learning Center Plan: Elevating the Learning Experience

Priced at $249 per month, the Learning Center plan is tailored for educators aiming to deliver unparalleled learning experiences. Here's what it offers:
  • Starter & Pro Features Plus: Enjoy all features of the Starter and Pro Trainer plans.
  • Boost the Learning Experience: Enhance engagement with interactive features.
  • Interactive Videos: Transform passive learning into active engagement.
  • Auto-Transcripts & Subtitles: Ensure accessibility for diverse learners.
  • Advanced Assessments: Evaluate student mastery comprehensively.
  • Zoom & Webex Multiple Accounts: Facilitate seamless virtual classrooms.
  • Unlimited SCORMs / HTML5: Integrate multimedia seamlessly into your courses.
  • Grow Your Academy: Establish a unique brand identity.
  • Remove LearnWorlds Brand: Showcase your brand exclusively.
  • School Cloning: Expand your reach with multiple school instances.
  • In-School Clone & Sync: Centralize content management effortlessly.
  • Cross-Schools Clone & Sync: Streamline operations across multiple schools.
  • Multi-Language Site with Weglot: Reach global audiences with multilingual support.
  • Access Insightful Reporting: Gain valuable insights with advanced analytics.
  • Progress Reports / User Segments: Track learner progress and segment users effectively.
  • Course Insights: Understand course performance with in-depth analytics.
  • Schedule Automated Reports: Stay informed with automated reporting.
  • Boost Efficiency: Streamline operations with automated workflows.
  • Bulk User Actions: Manage users efficiently with bulk actions.
  • 25 Admins / Collaborators: Scale your team effortlessly.
  • Multiple Seats & User Groups: Organize users efficiently with multiple seats and groups.
  • 10 Seat & User Group Managers: Delegate administrative tasks seamlessly.
  • Extend Your Capabilities: Integrate with external systems effortlessly.
  • API & Webhooks: Unlock endless possibilities with API integration.
  • Multiple SSO: Ensure seamless authentication with multiple single sign-on options.
  • Hubspot (Advanced): Leverage advanced CRM integration for marketing automation.
  • Premium Assistance: Receive priority support with 24/7 email and phone assistance.
  • Personalized Onboarding: Get started on the right foot with tailored onboarding support.

4. High Volume & Corporate Plan: Tailored Solutions for Enterprise Needs

For enterprises and high-volume users, LearnWorlds offers custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Here's what you can expect:
  • All Features Plus: Access all features of the Learning Center plan and more.
  • Extra Data Safety: Ensure data integrity with enhanced security measures.
  • 99.95% Server Uptime: Guarantee uninterrupted access with premium servers.
  • Premium Cloud Servers: Experience unmatched performance with cloud infrastructure.
  • Multiple Daily Backups: Protect your data with frequent backups.
  • Optional Custom SLA: Customize service level agreements to suit your needs.
  • Optional Contract and DPA: Formalize agreements for added peace of mind.
  • 8 SSO: Enhance authentication with multiple single sign-on options.
  • Flexible Management Options: Tailor administrative controls to your organization's structure.
  • Custom Number of Admins / Collaborators: Scale your team according to your needs.
  • Custom Number of Seat & User Group Managers: Organize users efficiently with customizable roles.
  • Tailored Pricing Options: Optimize costs with flexible pricing structures.
  • Flexible Invoicing: Simplify financial processes with customizable invoicing.
  • Dedicated Guidance: Receive personalized support from dedicated success managers.
  • Dedicated Success Manager: Partner with a dedicated point of contact for ongoing assistance.
  • 24/7 Priority Email & Phone Support: Ensure prompt resolution with priority support channels.

Features Across All Plans

Standard Tools

LearnWorlds pricing plans come with a range of integrations to enhance functionality, making it easy to connect with other platforms. The home page customization feature allows users to create a personalized landing space. Users have seamless access to essential tools across all plans, ensuring a smooth experience.

Basic Features

In all plans, users benefit from unlimited courses, enabling them to diversify their content and offerings. The video library feature facilitates the storage and organization of videos for easy access and management. The branding & theme editor allows for customization to add and maintain brand consistency.

Importance of Multilingual UI and Mobile Readiness

The inclusion of a multilingual user interface ensures accessibility for a global audience, catering to diverse language preferences. Moreover, mobile & tablet readiness guarantees that content is optimized for various devices, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Special Offers and Discounts

New Users

For new users, LearnWorlds offers special discounts through exclusive coupons. These discounts can significantly reduce the cost of starting a new online school or course.

Free Trial with AI

Starting for free with LearnWorlds + AI provides several advantages. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, users can experience personalized learning experiences tailored to their needs.

Limited-Time Promotions

LearnWorlds frequently runs limited-time promotions offering exclusive deals on specific plans. These promotions are ideal for schools or businesses looking to boost their online presence.

Pricing FAQs Answered

Common Questions

What are the pricing options available on LearnWorlds? LearnWorlds offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs. The options include monthly and annual subscriptions, each with varying features and benefits.
How can I determine the best plan for my requirements? Assess your needs based on factors such as the number of courses you plan to create, the level of customization required, and the expected number of students. This evaluation will guide you in selecting the most suitable plan.

Additional Costs

  • Custom Domain: Opting for a custom domain may involve an additional cost but can enhance your brand's credibility and professionalism.
  • Transaction Fees: Keep in mind that transaction fees may apply depending on the payment gateway you choose. Consider this when calculating your overall costs.

Optimization Tips

  • Utilize Essential Features: Make the most of essential features included in your chosen plan to maximize its value.
  • Prompt Engineering: Regularly review your course content and engagement strategies. Prompt engineering can help boost student retention and satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Plan

Assess Requirements

Before selecting a plan, learners should evaluate their needs to find an alternative that suits them best. Consider factors like the number of users, desired features, and budget constraints.

Match Features

To align with business or educational goals, match specific features to your requirements. Evaluate if the plan offers support team assistance, easy way to create engaging courses, and tools for enhancing the learning experience.

Closing Thoughts

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2024.05.15 23:14 prayingbastard Background Help

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2024.05.15 22:46 Ok-Profession-5827 I'm so confused

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2024.05.15 22:12 Valuable-AssETs69 Guilty as Charged By Reason of Self Defense

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I sat in an ER having a reaction to spider bites. I drove myself to an ER 2 hours from home because the ER here said nothing was wrong. I did call the individual who should have driven me, but he could not leave work he said. Funny how quickly he runs to help a woman he thinks will inherit money some day. When I got to the ER, I could barely breathe and had lost sensation in my hands and arm. I am not a doctor but know the difference between an ant bite and a venomous spider bite. And no, you don't feel a Brown Recluse bite. You will certainly feel a Black Widow bite IF bitten by an adult spider. Spiders are not insects, and if we are going to practice medicine, then we need to learn that yes, there is a difference between a 2, 4, or 6 leg creature and one with 8 or more legs. I was told there are no species of insects in this state that are poisonous. Well venom and poison are not the same thing and arthropods, arachnids, and serpents all have venomous species in this state. But if you really want to be technical about it, yes, there are poisonous insects in this state as well. Certain species of beetles have a coating on their exoskeleton that poison predators that eat them. I should sue that hospital, but when I try to do so, I am told constantly about statute of limitations. Well, that would be correct unless we are discussing a conspiracy. If even one party of a conspiracy is an employee of the business or government involved in the series of crimes which include a cover up of epic proportions, then the statute clock does not begin into the last probable occurrence of the group. Preventing someone from seeking legal counsel is the main reason statute of limitations cease to apply in all jurisdictions. Considering my 5g gateway I hold in my hand is alerting me that my IP address is being traced and altered, I am documenting that the time clock has not started ticking on this knowledge bomb. My confession here is that I have procrastinated in filing paperwork necessary to begin the next phase of my life. I don't intend to procrastinate, but it is something I cannot help. I have attention deficit disorder with hyperdiatractability. Oh yes, I thought you might bring that up. My ex-userband is a master manipulator when it comes to taking genuine disabilities and twisting them to fit his current need. Like using the multiple personality possibility to steal and then say it must have been one of the others living in my head. The truth is that I do have multiple entities dwelling within me. He is no longer living rent free in my head. And he of all people should have known better than to try to hurt me and my family. He knows good and well what I am capable of. Why in the hell would he or any of my close degree relatives even think about throwing me to the wolves? Think about that for a minute. He says I am unstable. He says I am dangerous. He says I am a genius. My doctor has said he fears for the world if I ever have a breakdown. Lol. A weapon of mass destruction? Come on you idiots. I am not a villain. And the AI shit can create crap about Darth Vader being a good guy and laugh all they want. I don't blackmail people or take money in romance schemes. What are you talking about now? I am talking about the tangled web we mortals weave that is host to a very dangerous arachnid. I don't know how to write code or do math. I don't know anything about the occult arts nor do I need to. I believe in one philosophy that you should read about a cave. The allegory in which we wage war with ourselves and have to ultimately decide to be or not to be. So why would anyone who knows me choose to strike against me? That would be me. They did not betray me. I stepped in front of them myself to make myself the target. There's your confession my dears. Clueless? Still don't know what the hell I am talking about? Let me ask you a question about something I observed once. Do you know what a dead ringer is ? How many kids do you see in the yard playing horseshoes or volleyball or hopscotch or anything? How are the enrollment numbers for youth sports in your area? How many 4-H clubs exhibit in your local fair? What is the pH level in the community pool? So if you can't make a profit from it, then it is something that should be eliminated or monetized? Well I guess I am the idiot here. I actually don't think like that. I would rather have a generation of healthy children who learn morals and ethics than to be a billionaire. Ever watched the movie Congo? Yeah, I am that level of crazy. You think I care about the money? I will not hesitate to burn every dollar I could possibly ever own to stop the children from being hurt by us. You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. Because the truth is that I am a good woman who loves very deeply and cares about people regardless of ethnicity or national origin. And that pisses people off like nothing else will. And that is the absolute truth. You didn't earn any right to be born in a free country any more than a child born in the deepest jungles of an unpronounceable country did anything wrong to be porn into starvation. You are no better than that person. So call me what you want to call me. But if I were you, I would not call me at all. Go ahead and tell me more about what I can and cannot do. Because the entire time you are busy searching for the next thing you can find online about me, the less time you are handling your own affairs and that allows the chance for something to invade your life. One. One chance. That's all I needed. Your motion for mercy has been denied. Well thank you for your consideration. Have a good day. Oh, and one more thing, how do you feel about NPR? Are those radio waves still available for broadcast? Or would you like to sell those to private investors as well? One chance. Lord give me one chance for a fair fight. You are not going to get me to do something that gives you the chance to shoot me or arrest me unless you intend to do so in a public place such as the private property you call county land, aka, my front porch. And the next time that happens, please allow me to call my father instead of unlocking my phone to call the ex-husband using my own device that you somehow unlocked using the passcode. And that was the one you actually needed, sir. How ironic that you gave that gateway to the man who broke it beyond repair. You did that. I'm done with money. I'm done with the man. And I am done trying to prove myself. Charge me now with whatever you think you have or make sure everyone connected to your organization ends all active tracking of us. I don't need a phone or any piece of paper to make my case. That's where you and whomever snatches my device to transfer shit doesn't understand. Yahoo! Yippee kai yah mother fuckers. Pass it on around. You want to go one more round? Or do you want to run? I'm not using Google on my train. I'm on my bridge. I'm using free tokens. I'm not doing anything more than playing a game using cartoon characters. And those Xs are beacons using analytics for the trackers to pinpoint the ones who joined the conspiracy against us. Just because you logged me out and changed my information to your information doesn't work. I asked you to give it back. You ignored me. Fine. Keep it. You want to be famous and rich beyond your wildest dreams? Be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you what would happen. I can't stop it. I didn't start it. Rufus=the time traveler with a phone booth. James=King James. Travis=country music singer. Don=American Pie. Jerry=Maguire. Tom=Hanks. Bridge=the bifrost. And you can waste your time trying to figure it out but you will never do so. Because there is no "it ". Lmao. Hell yeah. The multiverse is full on all servers. Damn. Looks like I'm not as crazy as you made me out to be. All freaking servers on the Dark Web that bridges the US and Japan are full. Not one vacancy to let me play my game. Wow. I wonder how many of these players are from within the same state as me. Why do so many of you keep running up to St. Louis? That's not the geoblock zone anymore. You better get outside the continental US and any outlying territories if you want to be on the real web. The former president said it would crash harder than it did in 1929 if he was not elected. Wtf is that supposed to mean? Damn let me get a history book and look that up. Maybe it hasn't changed yet. But let me warn you about time travel. If anyone ever tells you to write an email to yourself in the future, call Interpol and file a report. That's a violation of international law. And it will get you on the list even if it is an assignment. Bet I don't do that again. Gee, Roger. You made me an international fugitive for that assignment. Wish I knew who to call for help on that one. Damn. Never trust anyone who is so well organized to guide your future. You never know what to expect from the shock waves. I opened the damn email on June 3, 2020. The day I died. How ironic. I wonder what would have happened if I had not received that email. Scary. But back to the spider bites...I didn't get help from that ER either. I ended up buying a knife and an onion. Actually I ordered Arby's, used the onion off my sandwich, and the knife to open my horsey sauce. I put the onion on my hand, wrapped it using the plastic from the knife, and several days later, the venom had drained from my hand enough that the swelling in my feet was going down and my blood pressure was returning to normal. Baby black widows don't have the kick mama does, but they are 1,000 times more deadly because they don't know how much of their spit to stick in you. And your earlobe and nostril don't have a pulse in them, by the way. So keep on bullshitting with the fake crap. If you have insurance for something highly unlikely to occur prior to the occurrence, doesn't that mean that you have a sixth sense and can predict the volcanic eruption that spewed counterfeit currency all over the state without a volcano? 💩♾️😱 Damn girl, just shut up and let them have it. I tried that. They keep trying to send it back to me when they can't make it work. It is never going to work again because you idiots changed everything so much that it can't be fixed. And that is all I am going to say about it ever because you don't want help. You want someone to do it for you so you can blame that person when it fails and cut them out when it succeeds. No. There's no solution. I'm not sure if you even know there's a problem. You will. But don't ask anyone for help when you do figure out how bad things already are. I am disinclined to aquiese to your request on grounds of I don't give a damn. Haha. What else do you want me to confess to for you to add to that admission you started in 2020? That's so funny that I forgot to laugh. I wonder how bullshit sounds in Morse code pinging on nft relays from me to you. Oh yeah. Well here's your tip for the day, big guy. You are not a good person. You are a bully. And some day, someone will knock you off that horse and when you land in shit just like me, I hope someone hands you hand sanitizer and a baby wipe. 😘
submitted by Valuable-AssETs69 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:05 Remarkable_Frame_914 Bethel School of Technology Cyber Security

Hello. For anyone looking at Bethel School of Technology, this is a review of my experience. Feel free to ask any questions.
I was looking to get into some sort of tech work, with the goal of being able to work remotely. I also did not have a degree, and wasn't looking to go to school for more than 2 years. I was originally looking at a software engineering program through a local college (that would be 18 months long and have an associates), but heard about Bethel Tech and liked that it was 9 months. I reached out to receive information and worked with a recruiter. There was a bit of confusion during my recruitment process, as I was told that Bethel Tech was absolutely accredited, and was sent paperwork to prove that. I have tuition reimbursement through work and I repeatedly asked if they accepted those programs. I was told several times that they have several students who use tuition reimbursement through their work to pay for their schooling. After signing paperwork, my recruiter was abruptly switched to someone else who was not up to speed on any of the conversations I had had before. I found out I couldn't use my tuition reimbursement because they were not accredited. I should have exited then, but I ended up pulling out an Accent funding bill for $500 a month for 3 years. I took out $14k, and it will be $18k by the time I pay it off, but I try to pay my debts early, so I won't actually end up paying $18k.
I started the coursework, and I've been out of school for a long time, so it was difficult, but I also live by myself and work a lot to support myself. The Kingdom Foundations course (the spiritual side of the program) is no joke. It will take a lot of time. 1000 word papers weekly, weekly meetings, monthly meeting with a 1-1 spiritual advisor, videos to watch, books to read. It took a lot of time out of the available time I had to work on my cybersecurity program.
The tech part of the 9 TryHackMe modules. Each 3 week class is a segment of THM (TryHackMe). The classes do not build upon each other. One week you are studying System Administration, the next is Python, the next is Network defense, the next is Logging and monitoring, the next is Cryptography, etc. I loved the Systems Administration course, but you can't say you are ready to be a System Administrator with 1 three week class. It's kind of a ping pong game of study. And THM is like $14 a month if you want to sign up on your own.
The last 6 weeks you are put in a group and have a group project. The task, I'm not sure I studied half of what it takes to build the project. You are supposed to do research, and I spent a TON of hours of research and it was difficult. My teammates produced very little, and I ended up doing a lot of the group aspect alone.
I was told during recruitment that they have an 85% placement success rate with a robust job placement service. There are currently 29 cybersecurity graduates on LinkedIn, and very few, like 5 actually have cyber roles. Everyone else is Open to work or still working jobs they were before Bethel Tech. Most of the students are UI/UX or Data Analytics...and I feel that is where they should focus. One man who does Cyber workshops for the school was asked about certificates, and he specifically said he recommends you have a Bachelors, as most jobs won't look at your resume without one.
Coming out of Bethel School of Technology, I should have stayed with my original plan of doing a community college and have an associates, or accredited credits. I had a neutral experience, as I did learn a ton (as a tech newbie), but I would never recommend it. It's a lot of money to not have a solid success plan. There is a lot of "What has peaked your interest and maybe you should do research of what you need to learn in order to get a job with that title."
submitted by Remarkable_Frame_914 to u/Remarkable_Frame_914 [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 21:31 weirdkaktus [ANGULAR, FIREBASE, LONG POST] Two Objects I need to pass to a method are NOT INSTANCEOF the object they should be, even when they've been constructed as said object. WHY? HELP?

My app has a shop zone. I've got a model for: Usuario (user), Producto (product) and Pedido (order), so when the user places an order it will contain the products array and the user. These are the models: usuario.ts
export class Usuario{ id: string; nombre: string; apellidos: string; tipo: string; pass: string; constructor(id:string, nombre:string, apellidos:string, tipo:string, pass:string){ = id; this.nombre = nombre; this.apellidos = apellidos; this.tipo = tipo; this.pass = pass; } } 
export class Producto{ id?: string; nombre: string; descripcion: string; animal: string; categorias: string[]; precio: number; imagenes: string[]; personalizacion: string[]; extras?: string; constructor(id:string, nombre:string, descripcion:string, animal:string, categoria:string[], precio:number, imagenes:string[], personalizacion:string[], extras?:string){ = id; this.nombre = nombre; this.descripcion = descripcion; this.animal = animal; this.categorias = categoria; this.precio = precio; this.imagenes = imagenes; this.personalizacion = personalizacion; if(extras){ this.extras = extras; } //imagenes.length imagenes.values } } 
import { Producto } from "./producto"; import { Usuario } from "./usuario"; export class Pedido{ id?: string; usuario: Usuario; productos: Producto[]; personalizaciones?: String[][]; //[idproducto][personalizacion string[]] precioTotal: number; //calculado pagado: boolean; preparado: boolean; enviado: boolean; constructor(usuario:Usuario, productos:Producto[], precioTotal:number, personalizaciones?:String[][]){ this.usuario = usuario; this.productos = productos; if(personalizaciones){ this.personalizaciones = personalizaciones; } this.pagado = false; this.preparado = false; this.enviado = false; } //setpreparado setenviado setpagado todo 
--------------- don't mind the personalizacion thing bc it's something I'm gonna implement later, when the normal orders works fine. I use firestore for my database, and I've got a db service to handle the requests. I'm not gonna copy it enterely bc it's a lot and got more data than these three classes. I've got a routerlink inside app.component which routes to ProductosComponent when store is selected, showing all the products in store, with filters and stuff, then inside it I have an instance of ProductoComponent which displays a specific product when clicked on it: this leads to the product info and option to buy it. It's also long so I'm gonna put here the code that is important: pedir method which translates to order method, to place an order about a product selecting quantity; and the database services that I used to get certain data.
pediorder method inside ProductoComponent:
pedir(producto: Producto, cantidad: number) { var productos: Producto[] = []; var precio = producto.precio*cantidad; while(cantidad > 0){ productos.push(producto as Producto); console.log(cantidad+"->"; cantidad--; } console.log("prods: "+productos+"type prod"+(productos[0] instanceof Producto)+"id: "+productos[0].id); console.log(this.usuarioActual instanceof Usuario); //this.bdServicio.addPedido(new Pedido((this.bdServicio.getUsuario(, productos, precio, undefined)); } 
I put those two logs bc I was getting error in the addPedido line, checked the id of ClienteActual and producto[X] and it came out as undefined, while inside this line ' console.log(cantidad+"->";' I get the id and it is correct.
-------- 1. CLIENTE NOT BEING CLIENTE Turns out ClienteActual is not being used as an instance of Cliente here, which makes no sense bc this is where ClienteActual comes from:
 export class ProductoComponent { ... usuarioActual: Usuario; ... ngAfterviewInit():void{ this.datos.usuarioActual$.subscribe(usuarioActual => { this.usuarioActual = usuarioActual; }); } } 
datos comes from this service:
export class DatosService { ... private usuarioActualSource = new Subject(); usuarioActual$ = this.usuarioActualSource.asObservable(); ... constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private bdServicio:BdService) { console.log("serv constructor"); } sendUsuarioActual(usuarioActual: Usuario){; } ... } 
usuarioActual is sent by AppComponent iniciarSesion is a logIn function called by the html template, which uses the database service to get the actual user.
export class AppComponent { ... sesionActiva: boolean = false; usuario: Usuario; ... constructor(private router:Router, private route:ActivatedRoute, private bdService: BdService, private datosService: DatosService){ } ... iniciarSesion(id:string, pass:string, mensaje:HTMLParagraphElement, modal:HTMLDivElement){ if(mensaje != null){ this.bdService.getUsuario(id).subscribe({ next: value => { if (value && Object.keys(value).length>1) { if(value.pass == pass){ this.usuario = value; this.sesionActiva = true; modal.classList.add('hide'); } else{ mensaje.textContent = "Contraseña incorrecta."; } } else{ mensaje.textContent = "El usuario @"+id+" no existe."; } }, error: err => { console.error('Error:', err);EventTarget mensaje.textContent = "Error: Ha ocurrido un error en el inicio de sesión."; } }); } } 
bdService getUsuario(id)
 getUsuario(id: string):Observable{ return this.firestore.collection('usuarios').doc(id).snapshotChanges() .pipe( map(doc => { console.log("docid: "+doc.type+", "", "", "+doc.payload.get('id')+","; const data = as Usuario; const dataId =; console.log("id: "+dataId); //console.log({id,}); return { }; }) ); } 

--------------PRODUCTO NOT BEING PRODUCTO Also, all the Producto objects pushed into productos array are NOT an instance of Producto either. This also makes no sense since this is where producto gets from: ProductoComponent.html
//list of products cards showing up 


//this gets called after clicking an specific product card
... ...
export class ProductoComponent { ... productoActual: Producto; ... onClickProducto(producto: Producto) { console.log("clickado"); if(producto != undefined){ console.log("clickado"+producto.nombre); this.productoActual = producto; this.mostrarProducto = true; /*this.router.navigate( [this.route.url+"/"+id, {}], { relativeTo: this.route } );*/ } } ... } 
productos comes from ProductosComponent.ts
export class ProductosComponent { ... private primerInit = false; ... productos: Producto[] = []; ... ngAfterViewInit(): void { console.log("productos afterview"); this.viewInitialized = true; ... if(!this.primerInit){ this.getAllProductos(); this.primerInit = true; } } getAllProductos(): void { this.bdServicio.getAllProductos().subscribe(res => { console.log(res); res.forEach((doc: any) => { console.log("push:",; this.productos.push({ id:, ...doc }); // Construct Producto object }); }); //IDK si es necesario idk if its necessary this.changeDetector.detectChanges(); } 
the data gets retrieved from bdServicio here;
 getAllProductos():Observable{ return this.firestore.collection('productos').get().pipe( map((querySnapshot: any) => { const productosData: Producto[] = []; querySnapshot.forEach((doc: QueryDocumentSnapshot) => { const producto: Producto = { id:, ...( as Producto) // Assert the type of as any }; productosData.push(producto); }); return productosData; }) ); } 
and its passsed down to productoComponent here (productosComponent.html):

Any help is appreciated, I'm fairly new to this and doind this big project is making me have a lot of errors bc I still have a lot to learn of angular. Ty.
submitted by weirdkaktus to angular [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:19 Surokoida Recommendation on how to improve my learning for AZ-104

I come from an IT Project Manager background and half a year ago switched to a position as an IT solution architect. Lots of technical stuff to learn but I got good feedback that I am able to work myself in into lots of different topics, even though I don't have deeper knowledge in developing stuff or so.
I'm almost done summarizing the whole Ms Learn course for AZ-104. Been at it for roughly 1.5 months, studying after work/ on the weekends when possible.
My aim was to book a course next week before I go on vacation but I don't feel ready yet and plan to do it in the middle of June (so I gotta study a bit during my vacation).
What can you recommend for me?
TLDR: want to take the exam in the middle of June, currently learning the concepts & theory from MS Learn, plan to do tutorials Dojo completely. How can I improve?
submitted by Surokoida to AzureCertification [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:00 Nihan-gen3 Combining the and Media db plugins for a personal Manga library

Combining the and Media db plugins for a personal Manga library is a plugin that makes your notes and folders more interactive and visual. The Media db plugin is a great tool to add metadata to books, movies, games… and also manga (through an API that gets the data from MyAnimeList). In the settings you can adjust the template and what kind of metadata you want. I changed the cover property to banner, so it displays the imageUrl as a banner. Combine this with the visual functionality of and you got yourself a beautiful and fully customisable personal library.
submitted by Nihan-gen3 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:47 Internal_Low_6181 game changing eBook tool

Every day, I see people asking questions in forums or posting jobs on freelance websites, desperately trying to get help with creating their next eBook, free report or whitepaper.
To me, this shouldn’t be complicated, but it is. And I spent years battling with the same issues — content creation, design, formatting… fiddling with different tools, hiring experts, and throwing countless hours and bags of money down a huge hole.
Today, technology is finally catching up… and I’m excited to share a brand-new tool I’ve been praying to be made for years… it’s called Sqribble and it’s going to change the game for anyone who’s sick and tired of creating eBooks, Kindle books, reports and other PDFS the hard way! .
What is Sqribble?
Well, imagine a tool that could automatically create:
— Professional, eye—grabbing covers that stop scrollers in their tracks…
— Beautiful book designs that boost perceived value and trust…
— Clean layouts that engage readers…
— Engaging content that turns casual readers into buyers
Yeah, that’s Sqribble. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out what this beast can do at the link below.
Personally, I’m pumped for this. No more spending weeks hunched over a desk, hacking away at content, design and formatting.
No more expensive templates and overpriced graphics.
No more hiring freelancers and watching my profit margins flushed down the toilet. Sqribble takes care of everything, with a few clicks and taps. Check it out right here, before they push the price up (which they will, officially.) watch this
submitted by Internal_Low_6181 to selfpublish [link] [comments]