Free things stardoll peaple

Two for 1993 - The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) / The Sandlot (1993)

2024.05.17 00:05 Zeddblidd Two for 1993 - The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993) / The Sandlot (1993)

2024-187 / Zedd MAP: 67.42 / MLZ MAP: 73.84 / Score Gap: 6.42
Wikipedia?wprov=sfti1#) / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
From IMDb - Adventures of Huck Finn - In Missouri, during the 1840s, young Huck Finn fearful of his drunkard father and yearning for adventure, leaves his foster family and joins with runaway slave Jim in a voyage down the Mississippi River toward slavery free states.
2024-188 / Zedd MAP: 55.68 / MLZ MAP: 40.50 / Score Gap: 15.18
Wikipedia / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
From IMDB - The Sandlot - In the summer of 1962, a new kid in town is taken under the wing of a young baseball prodigy and his rowdy team, resulting in many adventures.
I rolled out of bed, took a few minutes to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, get that cup of coffee every new sunrise offers, and sat down in my trusted armchair - Mrs. Lady Zedd pushed play and The Adventures of Huck Finn hit the screen. I guess we’re doing this now - Morning Movies, well - I can bring the movie on whenever.
MLZ is a woman possessed - she’s been driving the big numbers we’ve been making this month: these two make #30 and #31 for the month ((damn)), we’re moving right along. If I’m being honest, I always associated movie watching with myself but Mrs. Lady Zedd is a cinephile’s cinephile. You’d have to get up pretty early in the morning to actively engage motion pictures like she does. She’s interested in any genre and I can’t even make that claim.
Neither of us had seen this incarnation of Huck Finn and it’s pretty much a pedestrian look at the life and times of a kid from a very different walk of life and time… but aren’t we just the same? That seems to be the message of any movie pushing Americana at its core. Nothing wrong with that (per se) but my “propaganda” button goes off at times like these.
“I don’t know why,” I say, “but this movie feels like *The Sandlot - the way it’s put together, the syrupy dialog and the clarity of the picture.” MLZ hmms and ya, see thats as I’m talking. It’s not about the story but the way the story is being told. Wide-eyed look back - that overwhelming feeling that the good old days were then, not now. Maybe it’s just me but I suggest we watch The Sandlot next and she readily agrees.
It’s while I’m filling in The Sandlot’s particulars that I spy (with my little eye) both films are from 1993. Ain’t that just the way. I’m filling in my form and am halfway through the cast when I wonder when each were in the theater? If I had to guess, I’d say Sandlot is pure early summer - Huck Finn could be fall?? I check: Sandlot is April 1, 1993 / Huck Finn is April 2, 1993. ((Blink-blink)) I just stare off in space… guess we picked well, from a date standpoint.
I pull up 1993 in the MCC because I wonder - there’s another motion picture I’d throw into a “feels like this” pile, and there it is: Matinee. “Huh” I say out loud - MLZ says, “Sounds about right.” and that’s when all hell broke loose.
The doorbell rang (despite all sorts of signs asking delivery drivers not to) and the dogs straight up go berserk. There are scratch marks above the top of the door - these pups are serious where the doorbell is concerned. The delivery? The very last Disney Movie Club order (this time for real). I’ll post pictures.
As we come to the end of the second film, I have to ask myself - how would either of these movies landed on me if I was 8 in 1993 (instead of 1979). I’m not sure - both movies share an insipid “the way we were” element, a fake history that I’ve always had a mild allergic reaction too. The kids in ‘79 were all hopped up on the future - NASA, and men walking on the moon, and Star Wars, and Tron… everyone I knew couldn’t hardly wait for what the future would hold… if I could broadcast a message from now to then, I’d simply say, “Live for the moment, the future is pretty shit.”
I asked Mrs. Lady Zedd what she thought and she said, “I think you get way too philosophical about everything.” A long blank stare later, I say about the movies. She said both were “fine”. Elijah Wood was more that cute as Huck, you can see he was already developing as an actor.
As for The Soundlot she gave me that fake smile she gives when something didn’t sit well with her. “The over the top of the movie narration just popped my movie bubble - every - damn - time.” She said it was so awkwardly done, so poorly written, so defectively slapped in there, it’s a brown patch in an otherwise “meh” apple.
I’m left to scratch my head. Things can change over time and my MAP dropped significantly since our last viewing in 2021. I normally look up past write ups to make sure I’m not just restating what’s already been said but I know for a fact that won’t be the case. I’d developed some nostalgia for the movie based on our neighborhood’s regular July 4th block party. The guy down the street played The Sandlot on his garage door every year before the fireworks got started.
Our neighborhood had changed a great deal since the pandemic. People moved on, new (less friendly) people moved in. I hate to say it but politics have transformed things as well. I think many of you will recognize what I’m saying. No more 4th of July (or any other) block parties.
What’s the opposite of nostalgia? Sad sentiments, I guess. We’ll be gone from here sooner than later, I hope something positive will come of our time in Texas - some hidden cause to smile, later, when I think back.
Movie on.
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:05 No-Rain-4114 How do I get started? How to achieve my dream?

Hello everyone, before I get into the main point of this post I’d just quickly like to say that I’m sorry if this post doesn’t particularly meet the requirements to be legitimate on this subreddit. And with that I’ll get on with the post:
Hi, I’m a freshly 18 year old from the Uk who has a complete and utter fascination and love for clocks & watches-anything to do with time and horology and I’m immediately intrigued and listening. It is my ultimate dream to one day own my very own shop where I sell clocks and watches and offer repair services to people. However in my area there are quite literally zero opportunities for me to persue this as a career option as there are (to my knowledge) any clock shops or horologists in my area.
I have binge watched The Repair Shop on the BBC and I am always drawn in particularly with Steve, the man who works with all things time and mechanical. I have several clocks in my possession and I love every single one of them, in fact my family thinks I’m a little bit mad for liking them so much hahah. I can’t help loving clocks and watches, I just do and I can’t explain how or why. I do believe a lot of this came from spending time and being close with my grandad who, for as long as I have been alive, has had one or more clocks in every room of his house, he loves them too, we bond over them in fact.
Anyway, I was wondering how I make my dream reality, are there any courses that I can do that’ll teach me everything I need to know on how to repair, service and perhaps even make my own clocks and watches? Can I become a sort of apprentice to a horologist and learn that way? Are there any books or guides I should get in order to learn everything there is to know? Or is it all down to trial and error, testing out new and different methods, techniques & ideas? I just really want to work with what makes me so happy on the inside and that’s clocks.
If you have any advice or help you can provide then please feel free to leave a comment or even message me via dms if you would like to have a longer conversation. Anything at all will help go a long way so please, help make my dream come true.
Thank you for reading my post, have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
submitted by No-Rain-4114 to clocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:03 LuciusNoir Just watched the Good Trouble Show with Ross, regarding the latest Lue's admissions. Made a summary using the new GPT 4.o. Is it fair and impartial? (Not an ad. Read the statement before judging, please.)

This is not an ad, nor a piece to sway you to use AI LLMs (fancy abbreviation for Large Language Models) to do your reading for you...
I'd like you to view this post as a portal to what's coming. More and more people will use the tools in question to summarise lenghty and complex topics to ease their daily struggles. Not everyone has the time to follow the subject thoroughly, on a daily, or even a weekly basis.
Personally, after following "The Subject" for quite a while, and being quite impartial myself, I've ran into the mentioned episode of the GTS...I'm a readewatcher myself, and been playing with AIs recently.
Made me wonder: is current tech, especially LLMs like 4o, capable of being unbiased and as close to the available material as possible? Are there any lines in the sand for those? Any limitations? Forced replies, maybe? Controlled speech?...
I'll leave that up to you to decide in the comments.
Please let me know if you'd like me to run more of these tests, as this is important for future users of this tech, imo. It's coming sooner than we all think and it's paramount that we all keep up with it. Sounds ominous to some extent, but that's the truth.
Btw, 4o advised me to revise this post's format for more karma...bloody thing 😆 Worst part is that it's most probably true 😋 Didn't do it, thought. It's all me. For now, at least...
If you've red so far, here's the conversation I've had. I've used the new voice recognition and reply functionality, so it was an organic experience to me. No edits were made afterwards, except for below transcript. I have an OCD...
It's quite lengthy, though.
"Reddit UFOs Summary
16 May 2024
OP: Could you go online and make a summary of the most interesting posts on Reddit, particularly subreddit UFOs from the past 24 hours?
ChatGPT: It seems I'm unable to access the Reddit pages directly. However, you can easily check the latest posts on the UFOs subreddit by visiting UFOs. This subreddit typically features user-submitted content including videos, photos, personal sightings, and discussions about recent UFO news and theories.
OP: What seems to be the issue for you accessing Reddit?
ChatGPT: The issue likely stems from the browsing tool's current limitations in accessing and interacting with certain sites, including Reddit. This can be due to various reasons, such as changes in the website's structure or access restrictions.
For real-time browsing and detailed subreddit content, visiting the UFOs subreddit directly will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date posts.
OP: With access to YouTube, can you summarize YouTube videos?
ChatGPT: Yes, I can summarize YouTube videos. Please provide the link to the video you want summarized, and I'll give you an overview of its content.
OP: Try to access the Good Troubles Show regarding Lou Elizondo and summarize it for me.
Searched 5 sources
ChatGPT: The Good Trouble Show, hosted by Matt Ford, recently featured Lou Elizondo, a former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), known for his insights into UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Here are some key points from the show and related content:
Insight into UAPs:
Lou Elizondo provided a detailed Q&A session discussing the nature of UAPs, the challenges in identifying them, and their potential implications for national security. He emphasized the importance of understanding the advanced technologies that UAPs might represent and the need for continued investigation and transparency in this area​ (YouTube).
Collaboration with Experts:
In another segment, Elizondo had a conversation with NASA astronaut Terry Virts. They discussed their experiences and perspectives on UAP sightings, particularly focusing on incidents involving military personnel and the potential scientific explanations for these phenomena​ (YouTube)​.
Public and Governmental Reactions:
The show also explored the broader reactions to the increasing reports of UAP sightings, including the responses from the public, media, and government agencies. Elizondo highlighted the evolving perception of UAPs, moving from fringe interest to a topic of serious governmental and scientific inquiry. For a comprehensive understanding, you can watch the full episodes of The Good Trouble Show here and explore more content on their official YouTube channel here​ (YouTube)​​ (YouTube)​.
OP: Thank you. Good job.
ChatGPT: You're welcome! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
OP: One more thing you could do for me on the web is to check the name Ross Coldheart. He's an Australian journalist. I would like to know specifically if he's a credible person based on his work. Can you run that for me?
Searched 5 sources
ChatGPT: Ross Coulthart is a highly credible and well-respected Australian investigative journalist with over three decades of experience. He has won multiple prestigious awards, including five Walkley Awards, which are the highest honors in Australian journalism, as well as the Gold Walkley. His investigative work spans various media outlets, including the Sydney Morning Herald, ABC TV's Four Corners, Nine Network's Sunday program, and 60 Minutes. Coulthart's journalism has uncovered significant stories, such as the Butcher of Bega medical scandal and the complicity in violence in East Timor, both of which earned him international acclaim​ (Wikipedia)​​ (ICIJ)​​ (Ross Coulthart)​.
Coulthart has also authored several best-selling books, such as "Dead Man Running" and "In Plain Sight," which delve into organized crime and UFO phenomena respectively. His rigorous investigative approach and compelling storytelling have established him as a reliable and influential figure in journalism​ (Coast to Coast AM)​.
OP: Could you elaborate more on the book you wrote, the one called In Plain Sight? Could you give me a summary of that book, or some sort of an insight to it?
Searched 2 sources
ChatGPT: Ross Coulthart's book, "In Plain Sight: An Investigation into UFOs and Impossible Science," delves into the phenomenon of UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). The book examines the history and recent developments surrounding UFO sightings, including admissions by the US Department of Defense acknowledging the reality and potential threat of these phenomena. Coulthart investigates by interviewing various experts, witnesses, and officials, uncovering information that suggests possible technological advancements and cultural implications. The book challenges the traditional dismissal of UFOs as mere conspiracy theories and calls for serious inquiry into the subject​ (In Plain Sight Book)​.
OP: Give me a couple of quotes from the book that are the most significant ones.
ChatGPT: Here are two significant quotes from Ross Coulthart's "In Plain Sight":
"I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be."
"In 2020, however, after decades of denial, the US Department of Defense made the astonishing admission that strange aerial and underwater objects frequently reported and videoed by pilots and tracked by sensors are real, unexplained, and pose a genuine national security concern."
These quotes highlight Coulthart's commitment to evidence-based investigation and underscore the gravity of the recent official admissions regarding UAPs​ (In Plain Sight Book)​ .
OP: Would you say that the first quote, I believe in evidence, and so on, would be a paraphrasing of Carl Sagan, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
ChatGPT: Yes, the quote from Ross Coulthart does indeed reflect a similar sentiment to Carl Sagan's famous assertion that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Both emphasize the importance of rigorous evidence and independent verification, especially when dealing with unusual or extraordinary claims. This alignment with Sagan's principle underscores Coulthart's commitment to a scientific and skeptical approach to the investigation of UFOs and other phenomena.
OP: What are your thoughts on the recent UAP-UFO congressional hearings and all the evidence that has come to light, including the recent Lou Elizondo's claims that there's been threats to his well-being or his family's well-being? What do you think about that?
ChatGPT: The recent UAP-UFO congressional hearings and the increasing transparency from military and government officials mark a significant shift in how these phenomena are addressed. Here's a summary of key points and my perspective on them:
Congressional Hearings and Government Admissions Increased Transparency:
The U.S. government's decision to hold public hearings on UAPs and to admit that these phenomena are real and pose potential national security concerns represents a major change in policy. This shift suggests a growing recognition of the need for serious scientific and security-oriented investigations.
Credible Witnesses:
The hearings have included testimonies from credible witnesses, such as military pilots and intelligence officials, who have observed or analyzed UAPs. Their accounts provide valuable firsthand information and lend credibility to the phenomena being more than just myths or misidentifications.
Lou Elizondo's Claims Threats to Well-Being:
Lou Elizondo, a key figure in bringing UAP issues to public attention, has claimed that there have been threats to his and his family's well-being. If true, these threats could indicate attempts to silence or discredit individuals who push for transparency. This raises concerns about the potential implications for whistleblowers and the culture within military and intelligence communities.
Significance of His Role:
As a former director of the Pentagon's AATIP, Elizondo's insights and experiences are invaluable. His claims suggest that there may be deeper layers of information and potentially classified details that have not yet been disclosed to the public.
Personal Perspective Scientific Inquiry:
The move towards greater transparency and scientific inquiry is crucial. Investigating UAPs with a rigorous, evidence-based approach will help differentiate between natural phenomena, advanced technology from other nations, and genuinely unexplained incidents.
Cultural Shift:
The hearings and increased openness reflect a cultural shift in how we approach unknown phenomena. Moving away from ridicule and towards serious investigation can foster a more informed and rational public discourse.
Security and Ethics:
The claims of threats to individuals advocating for transparency are troubling and highlight the need for protections for whistleblowers. Ensuring their safety is essential for maintaining the integrity of the investigation and encouraging others to come forward with credible information.
In conclusion, the recent developments in UAP investigations, including congressional hearings and testimonies from credible witnesses, signify a positive step towards understanding these phenomena. However, the alleged threats to individuals like Lou Elizondo indicate the complexities and potential resistance within certain circles, underscoring the need for ongoing support and protection for those involved in bringing these issues to light.
OP: Could you draw some parallels between this particular topic and the Watergate scandal?
ChatGPT: Drawing parallels between the current UAP-UFO investigations and the Watergate scandal can help highlight the dynamics of governmental transparency, accountability, and the role of whistleblowers. Here are some key similarities and differences:
Government Secrecy and Lack of Transparency:
The Watergate scandal involved a series of illegal activities orchestrated by the Nixon administration, including the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and subsequent cover-up efforts. The administration's secrecy and lack of transparency were central issues.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
For decades, the U.S. government maintained secrecy regarding UAPs, often dismissing or downplaying their significance. Recent admissions and hearings suggest a move towards greater transparency, but past secrecy still looms large.
Role of Whistleblowers:
The scandal unraveled largely due to the efforts of whistleblowers like Mark Felt (Deep Throat), who provided critical information to journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
Figures like Lou Elizondo and other insiders have played a similar role, coming forward with information about UAPs and pushing for transparency. Their disclosures have been instrumental in bringing the issue into the public and governmental spotlight.
Media Involvement:
The investigative journalism by The Washington Post was crucial in exposing the scandal, demonstrating the power of the media in holding the government accountable.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
Media coverage has been significant in the UAP-UFO discourse, with outlets like The New York Times publishing detailed reports on the Pentagon's investigations and whistleblowers' claims. Documentaries and news programs have also played a key role in informing the public. Public and Congressional Scrutiny:
The scandal led to extensive congressional hearings and investigations, ultimately resulting in President Nixon's resignation.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
Congressional hearings on UAPs have been conducted to understand the phenomena better and assess their implications for national security. This scrutiny is a step towards greater governmental accountability.
Nature of the Issues:
Involved clear illegal activities, including burglary, wiretapping, and obstruction of justice, committed by government officials.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
Focus on understanding unidentified phenomena and potential national security threats. The issue is less about illegal activities and more about the need for transparency and scientific investigation.
Immediate Impact:
Had immediate and direct political consequences, including legal actions and the resignation of a sitting president.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
The impact is more gradual, involving shifts in public perception, policy changes, and potentially new scientific discoveries. The immediate political consequences are less direct.
Public Perception and Stigma:
Initially met with disbelief but quickly gained credibility as evidence mounted.
UAP-UFO Investigations:
Long associated with stigma and ridicule, making it harder for the topic to gain serious consideration. Recent shifts in official stance are beginning to change this.
Both the Watergate scandal and the UAP-UFO investigations underscore the importance of transparency, the crucial role of whistleblowers, and the impact of media and public scrutiny in holding governments accountable. While the contexts and nature of the issues differ, the underlying themes of secrecy, the quest for truth, and the demand for governmental accountability resonate in both cases. The evolution of the UAP-UFO investigations may continue to parallel Watergate in promoting greater transparency and accountability, potentially leading to significant changes in public policy and perception."
Original link below. ttys
submitted by LuciusNoir to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:03 BarricadeAnnihilator 27 [M4F] #New York City - Looking for someone friendly and talkative to hang out with

Looking for someone around 22-31 that lives near NYC
I'm kind of looking for someone like me or tolerant of people who wants to make new friends but suffers from social anxiety. I don't really need to make a crazy amount of friends but eventually at least half a dozen new people I can consider reliable im my life would be the long term goal. I used to be comfortable just going about my day and coming home talking to my online friends, some I've known for more than a decade. Although for a while I've been asked an exhausting amount of times by a few people in my family why I don't hang out with "real friends." A lot of the friends I made either moved a or the ones I met in college who I'm still friends with were a lot like me and prefer to talk online mostly instead of going anywhere. So I'm kind of stuck with not many to show as a friend in person.
I am looking for a girlfriend, but I'm not really expecting to find one here and I'm looking for someone in particular that I'd be massively compatible with so there's no pressure for me asking anyone here out. Let's just focus on building a friendship.
I like to game quite a bit although I've been too busy with a lot of things the past few months to play much at all. Hopefully things will clear up eventually. I got Steam and Switch and some other stuff I havent touched in ages lol. I do enjoy reading sometimes but havent had anything in mind to read, feel free to reccomend something you like if you can.
I'm white, 161 pounds 5'10 looking for someone kind and understanding who isn't intimidating with nerdy interest that I could occasionally hang out with every few weeks in person with a mix of online. I'll need you to be someone who isn't judgemental that I can be my goofy self with. I prefer if you could initiate conversation and talk about yourself so I can get a better idea of who you are and how to approach you. I don't want to ghost anyone if I can help it, just try to hit me up at least every other day and I'll try to return the favor.
I'm also someone who tries to be judgement free that you can talk about your problems with. Pretty funny but not funny looking. I've been dealing with a lot of stress for a while but I've been working to manage it a little bit better so I can try to empathize a bit instead of just sounding you out.
tldr: Nervous mess but nice to look at looking for someone to hang out with in person once in a while after a few weeks of getting to know you.
Please introduce yourself with your age and something you've been getting into lately! (hobbies/interest)
submitted by BarricadeAnnihilator to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:03 moonarabellaa [F4M] Looking for a fall out roleplay! (4)

Hello there! I'm Arabella 25 F from the EST. I am looking for a fall out four based roleplay. Yes I am way way late to the train but I recently finished the main story and would love to do a roleplay based in the universe! I'm looking for mostly a OC based roleplay when it comes to fall out. I would love to come up with a story together, rather that be exploring the commonwealth or developing plots. I don't mind what type of character you play. I want this plot to be based on fall out 4. I haven't played the other fall out games.
Some things to note about me:
I prefer romance, drama and action filled roleplays. That's how I would like this roleplay to go. Filled with Romance and action. I only roleplay in third person point of view and I ask you to be at least semi-lit. I don't need a whole story but a few sentences would be nice I only roleplay with people 18 plus, please. I only roleplay on discord I only roleplay female characters If you're interested please, feel free to message me!
submitted by moonarabellaa to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:02 adulting4kids Modern Verse

Here's a list of different forms of modern poetry, along with the title, poet, and a quote from a work that made the genre popular:
  1. Spoken Word Poetry:
    • Title: "Holler If You Hear Me"
    • Poet: Saul Williams
    • Quote: "I exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias."
  2. Instagram Poetry:
    • Title: "Milk and Honey"
    • Poet: Rupi Kaur
    • Quote: "you tell me to quiet down cause my opinions make me less beautiful but I was not made with a fire in my belly so I could be put out."
  3. Hip-Hop Lyrics:
    • Title: "The Message"
    • Artist: Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
    • Quote: "Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge. I'm trying not to lose my head."
  4. Spine Poetry:
    • Title: "A Hummingbird in My House"
    • Poet: S.C. Wilson
    • Quote: "In my house, the air is filled with a hummingbird's song, sweet and gentle."
  5. Lyrical Essays:
    • Title: "Citizen: An American Lyric"
    • Poet: Claudia Rankine
    • Quote: "Because white men can’t / police their imagination / black men are dying."
  6. Instapoetry:
    • Title: "The Sun and Her Flowers"
    • Poet: Rupi Kaur
    • Quote: "how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you."
  7. Twitter Poetry:
    • Title: Twitter poetry often exists as micro-poetry or haikus within the platform.
    • Poet: Various Twitter poets
    • Quote: "City lights whisper, hearts embrace the night, love blooms in shadows."
  8. Song Lyrics (Rock):
    • Title: "Bohemian Rhapsody"
    • Artist: Queen
    • Quote: "Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango!"
  9. Song Lyrics (Rap):
    • Title: "Lose Yourself"
    • Artist: Eminem
    • Quote: "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime."
  10. Free Verse Poetry:
    • Title: "Leaves of Grass"
    • Poet: Walt Whitman
    • Quote: "I celebrate myself, and sing myself."
  11. Ecopoetry
    • Title: "The Wild Iris"
    • Poet: Louise Glück
    • Quote: "You who do not remember / passage from the other world / I tell you I could speak again: whatever / returns from oblivion returns / to find a voice..."
  12. Afrofuturist Poetry
    • Title: "Space is the Place"
    • Poet: Sun Ra (also a jazz musician)
    • Quote: "Space is the place of the mind; space is the place of the thoughts that are positive."
  13. Pop Culture Poetry
    • Title: "The Princess Saves Herself in This One"
    • Poet: Amanda Lovelace
    • Quote: "but if you only shine light / on your flaws, all your perfects / will dim."
  14. Transgressive Poetry
    • Title: "Hustle"
    • Poet: David Lerner
    • Quote: "Life's a fast car on a wet road, with no brakes and bald tires."
  15. Multimedia Poetry
    • Title: "Inanimate Alice"
    • Poet: Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph
    • Quote: "Inanimate Alice, Episode 4: 'Hometown' is a work that appeals not only to readers and writers but also to gamers and cinephiles."
  16. Instapoetry
    • Title: "Salt."
    • Poet: Nayyirah Waheed
    • Quote: "if the ocean can calm itself, so can you. we are both salt water mixed with air."
  17. Digital Minimalist Poetry
    • Title: "The New Census: An Anthology of Digital Poetry"
    • Poet: Stephane Mallarmé (the digital interpretation)
    • Quote: "Everything in the world exists in order to end up as a book."
  18. Concrete Poetry
    • Title: "Easter Wings"
    • Poet: George Herbert
    • Quote: "With thee / O let me rise / As larks, harmoniously, / And sing this day thy victories."
  19. Postcolonial Poetry
    • Title: "The God of Small Things"
    • Poet: Arundhati Roy
    • Quote: "Things can change in a day. All it takes is for something to happen that's not supposed to happen, and it sets off a chain of events that alters the course of everything."
  20. Twitterature (Twitter Poetry)
    • Title: Various Tweets
    • Poet: Contemporary poets like Rupi Kaur, Warsan Shire, and others
    • Quote: "In the quietest hours of the night, I find solace in the echoes of your laughter. #moonlightwhispers"
  21. Multimedia Poetry:
    • Title: "Hypertext Hotel"
    • Poet: Jodi Ann Stevenson
    • Quote: "In the digital corridors, every hyperlink is a door to a new verse."
  22. Meme Poetry:
    • Title: "Internet Memes"
    • Poet: Various Internet Users
    • Quote: "Impact font wisdom, a generation's humor encapsulated in a single image."
  23. Neo-Surrealist Poetry:
    • Title: "The Persistence of Memory"
    • Poet: Salvador Dalí (Visual Art)
    • Quote: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad."
  24. Afrofuturist Poetry:
    • Title: "Parable of the Sower"
    • Poet: Octavia E. Butler
    • Quote: "All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you."
  25. Virtual Reality Poetry:
    • Title: "VR Dreamscape"
    • Poet: VR Experience Designers
    • Quote: "In pixelated realms, dreams dance in virtual echoes."
  26. Magnetic Poetry (Magnetic Words):
    • Title: Various Magnetic Poetry Kits
    • Poet: Various Magnetic Poets
    • Quote: "On fridges and desks, words collide to birth serendipitous verses."
  27. Post-Internet Poetry:
    • Title: "Being and Time in the Internet Age"
    • Poet: Kenneth Goldsmith
    • Quote: "In the age of information, poetry is reclaimed from the detritus of the digital landscape."
  28. Transcendentalist Poetry:
    • Title: "Walden"
    • Poet: Henry David Thoreau
    • Quote: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately."
  29. Quantum Poetry:
    • Title: "The Dancing Wu Li Masters"
    • Poet: Gary Zukav (Science and Philosophy)
    • Quote: "The fact is, if you see it correctly, everything is dancing."
  30. Asemic Writing Poetry:
    • Title: "The Asemic Poems"
    • Poet: Various Asemic Writers
    • Quote: "In the absence of recognizable text, the pen dances freely, creating abstract visual poetry."
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 Background-Price6382 What's the angle on this scam?

We own a eyelash salon. In subsequent days we have had two guests who did almost the exact same thing. First, we require a card on file. After the appointment, they pay $30 cash and ask to charge a different card for the balance. They both left 5$ tips. That is unusually low. Thn. They email customer service about a allergic reaction and threaten legal action. They also leave us a bad review, that is scammy sounding.It's our policy to offer a lash removal (which they decline) and then we refund the card used. They then claim they want to come to the studio to get the cash refunded.
Both addresses used were random business at the surrounding area, and the phone numbers are not real, in one case it's an escort service. Aside from a free set of eyelashes, am I missing anything here?
submitted by Background-Price6382 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 OsitaMaria 1000 drums gift?

I just got 1000 drums for logging in. Anybody else got the same? I haven't done a thing other than go through the daily wins. I had already almost 800 drums from this morning completing the daily wins.
I know there are a lot other players who are passing on this one like I am and maybe this is why they are giving drums for FREE! to tempt us into wasting all our dice 😂
submitted by OsitaMaria to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 jp-franklin-roofing Need Reliable Roofing Services in Auckland? JP Franklin Roofing Has You Covered!

If you're in Auckland and in need of top-notch roofing services, look no further than JP Franklin Roofing. We are your go-to experts for all things roofing, serving not only Auckland but also Hamilton, Taupo, Rotorua, and Whangarei. 🌟
Why Choose JP Franklin Roofing?
🔨 Comprehensive Services: We offer a wide range of services including roof replacement, roof repairs, and roof painting. Whether it's a minor fix or a major overhaul, we've got you covered.
🏠 Experienced Team: Our team is composed of skilled professionals with years of experience in the roofing industry. We ensure that every job is done to the highest standard.
💧 Quality Materials: We use only the best materials to ensure durability and longevity for your roof. Your home's safety and your peace of mind are our top priorities.
🛠️ Customer-Centric Approach: At JP Franklin Roofing, customer satisfaction is our main goal. We listen to your needs and provide solutions that fit your budget and requirements.
Our Service Areas:
If you're dealing with a leaky roof, need a fresh coat of paint to boost your home's curb appeal, or require a complete roof replacement, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help keep your home safe and looking great!
Get in Touch!
Visit our website:
Feel free to ask any questions or share your roofing experiences in the comments below. We're excited to connect with you!
submitted by jp-franklin-roofing to u/jp-franklin-roofing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 Acrobatic_Set_7327 I feel like I am the only one in my friend group who feels uncomfortable around this one friend.

I have reached a breaking point today when they made an outlandish comment about a personal trauma of mine in front of mutuals. It was a statement that may have seemed trivial to the onlooker but it was very triggering and uncomfortable. Without going into too much detail, it was basically a 'didn't xyz happen to you?' but summed the event in a very sensationalised, almost comical way in its exaggeration. It was brushed off but made me really uncomfortable all day.
Previously, they have made all sorts of uncomfortable comments, including plain ableism or racism. I feel like I am going a bit crazy because those instances have really stuck with me but it feels like I am alone in this. Despite the fact that we have called them out and expressed that sometimes they say things that are quite rude, overall there tends to be an air of sweeping these instances under the rug. Even these call outs are just jokey. I don't understand why it's getting accepted from them, as everyone else in the group are pretty progressive individuals with a good sense of boundaries. We are generally quite selective of people in our lives. So I just don't understand why this individual gets a free pass on saying messed up things.
Mainly, I am just in an emotional state from how hurt I am from someone reducing one of the worst times of my life into an exclamation worded into such a strange manner. But it's not just about today. I just feel like anytime I see them, I'm in a position where I need to make allowances for them saying messed up things. It's always been this way. It feels suffocating to force myself to act like I am fine with it.
submitted by Acrobatic_Set_7327 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 Ultim8_Lifeform Respect Clover! (Undertale Yellow)


Five humans, missing...
Spoilers for all of Undertale Yellow's main routes below
Undertale Yellow is a fan-made prequel to the hit indie game Undertale. While Undertale follows the story of Frisk, the seventh human child to fall into the monster ruled Underground, Undertale Yellow follows the story of their immediate predecessor. Meet Clover, the sixth human. Unlike the humans that fell before, this gun-toting cowboy is unique in the sense that their journey to the Underground was no accident. Clover entered the Underground voluntarily in order to investigate the disappearances of the previous five humans and, if it turned out they perished at some point after their fall, hoped to avenge their deaths. See, while Frisk possessed a red SOUL that embodied Determination, Clover's SOUL is yellow for the trait of Justice. Clover's journey would lead them all throughout the Underground, meeting some monsters that will be familiar to those who have played Undertale and some brand new faces as well.
Like Undertale before it, Undertale Yellow's story can be altered significantly depending on the player's actions. Perhaps Clover befriends the monsters they meet and determines they were unfairly trapped underground, deciding to sacrifice themselves to bring monster kind closer to freedom. Or maybe Clover will blame the monsters for the deaths of the previous human children, avenging them with swift cruelty. Either way, Clover will act in the way they believe they can best embody Justice.

So How Do the Fights Work Anyway?

Like its predecessor, Undertale Yellow tends to treat RPG mechanics as literal aspects of the game's world. Due to the abstract nature of fights in both Undertale and Undertale Yellow, with enemy monsters targeting Clover's SOUL rather than their physical body, it's understandable that there may be some confusion about how Clover actually scales to certain monsters. Luckily, this is a bit more clear in Undertale Yellow than it was in the original game, as the reveal trailer shows that the attacks of monster are things that Clover physically has to react to and dodge (we even see this same attack utilized in game) even though the battle menu only shows their SOUL.
But this is just for when encounters have already begun, what about before that? And what triggers encounters anyway? There's an area in the Wild East where boulders are falling onto the path that Clover needs to dodge. If they fail to avoid them, this begins an encounter too, where Clover is given the opportunity to avoid the "attacks" in the battle menu to negate damage. Other examples include Clover escaping damage from hot steam after touching it and avoiding damage from Axis' energy balls after they hit them. What this means for standard versus fights is a little vague, but it likely means that any attack that would deal meaningful damage starts an encounter and that it would be impossible to simply kill Clover with a sneak attack. Even if it hit them, Clover would still get the opportunity to dodge before the proper fight begins. That said, there is one example of Clover dying without triggering an encounter at the end of the Neutral Route. It's possible this is because it was an unescapable situation but the mechanics of it are still vague and unclear.
As seen with the previous examples such as the falling boulders and steam, it seems that attacks that hit Clover's SOUL and their physical body are more or less interchangeable. Or rather, it isn't possible to circumvent the SOUL to only hit the physical body because even attacks that hit Clover's physical body will trigger an encounter that can then be dodged or endured by the SOUL.
Finally, it's worth noting that the sizes of objects can vary from their appearances in the battle to what they look like in the overworld. We see Clover's SOUL alongside their physical body a few times throughout the game and it's pretty consistently a little larger than their torso. So this thread will describe feats with that scale in mind.

Other Things To Note

  • At the end of certain routes, Clover acquires certain abilities/powerups that don't necessarily apply to the rest of the game. Feats or items that are limited to those routes will be marked with the corresponding route.
    • [Pacifist] Feat
  • Like your standard RPG's, Undertale Yellow possesses a leveling system that will increase the more enemies that Clover kills, with certain abilities being unlocked after certain levels are achieved. However, in the Genocide route Clover showed off the ability to level up rapidly simply by being filled with enough righteous fury. Abilities that are locked behind certain levels will also be marked accordingly.
    • FeatLV 19
  • The majority of feats will come from Undertale Yellow, but occasionally clips from trailers and other promotional material on the director of the game's Youtube channel will be used, which will be labeled with a T like so:
    • FeatT




Justice SOUL


Note that while Clover can store excess items in boxes they find around the Underground, they can only carry eight items in their inventory not including their current Weapon, Ammo, Armor, and Accessory. Later in the game they discovered the Dimensional Satchel which allows them to access the boxes from anywhere, but they still only have eight slots to bring into an encounter.
Note that cutscenes will always play out the same regardless of whether the Toy Gun or Wild Revolver is being used, so while the Revolver is obviously the more powerful of the two the Toy Gun is much more powerful than it's name would suggest and the following feats apply to both weapons.
Rather amusingly, Clover will jam whatever odd materials they can find into their weapon which somehow works perfectlyT
Food/Healing Items
Note that at their weakest (LV 1), Clover has 20HP and at their strongest (LV20), Clover has 100HP
Single Use
Two Uses
Unlimited Supply


Somebody calls for help
You answer the call
submitted by Ultim8_Lifeform to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 alwaysstaycuriouss New restrictions on ChatGPT for astrology

It’s been some months since I used any of the chatbots. I used to use ChatGPT a lot to assume the role as a professional astrologer to help me with astrology including interpreting my chart. I am now unable to use ChatGPT in this way, when I ask the questions it ends my chat and forces me to start a new chat or upgrade to plus to get the answers I seek. I tried all the other chat bots and it’s the same thing. I noticed they have an astrology plugin for ChatGPT now, I’m wondering when things changed? This is very upsetting and I refuse to pay for plus. It seems what used to be free is not free anymore…so annoying
submitted by alwaysstaycuriouss to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 BackFromMyBan Could a smartwatch on the ground be a scam?

So the other day I’m leaving class at my college. I take night classes so it’s pretty much dark outside as I’m walking to my car. Mind you I park pretty far out in the parking lot because my first class is closer than the one I’m leaving. Typically every car is gone at this point besides the ones my classmates are going to. When I get to my car I notice a Samsung galaxy smartwatch sitting right next to my cars tire. I most certainly would have either ran this thing over pulling in or seen it walking up the curb to my first class? I go through the watch being nosey and it seems to have been owned by a drug dealer as all the texts are back and forths for weed and coke etc. I guess the account or something is still linked. Never had a smart watch before. Am I being paranoid? Scam? Free watch? I’d give it to lost and found but I’d also like to keep the watch and figure out how to reset it. Any advice appreciated
I’ve googled free smartwatches scams and it’s just companies sending them or like email scams for one. Not suspicious watches on the ground. Idk anyone leaving a smartwatch on the ground or tossing one. Watch is prestine and trying to order a charger for it. I’d understand a regular watch on the ground but idk a smart watch just seems off
submitted by BackFromMyBan to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 No-Rain-4114 How do I get started? How to achieve my dream?

Hello everyone, before I get into the main point of this post I’d just quickly like to say that I’m sorry if this post doesn’t particularly meet the requirements to be legitimate on this subreddit. And with that I’ll get on with the post:
Hi, I’m a freshly 18 year old from the Uk who has a complete and utter fascination and love for clocks & watches-anything to do with time and horology and I’m immediately intrigued and listening. It is my ultimate dream to one day own my very own shop where I sell clocks and watches and offer repair services to people. However in my area there are quite literally zero opportunities for me to persue this as a career option as there are (to my knowledge) any clock shops or horologists in my area.
I have binge watched The Repair Shop on the BBC and I am always drawn in particularly with Steve, the man who works with all things time and mechanical. I have several clocks in my possession and I love every single one of them, in fact my family thinks I’m a little bit mad for liking them so much hahah. I can’t help loving clocks and watches, I just do and I can’t explain how or why. I do believe a lot of this came from spending time and being close with my grandad who, for as long as I have been alive, has had one or more clocks in every room of his house, he loves them too, we bond over them in fact.
Anyway, I was wondering how I make my dream reality, are there any courses that I can do that’ll teach me everything I need to know on how to repair, service and perhaps even make my own clocks and watches? Can I become a sort of apprentice to a horologist and learn that way? Are there any books or guides I should get in order to learn everything there is to know? Or is it all down to trial and error, testing out new and different methods, techniques & ideas? I just really want to work with what makes me so happy on the inside and that’s clocks.
If you have any advice or help you can provide then please feel free to leave a comment or even message me via dms if you would like to have a longer conversation. Anything at all will help go a long way so please, help make my dream come true.
Thank you for reading my post, have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
submitted by No-Rain-4114 to Horology [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 CrimsonTremere After Action Report: Romus Toras "the Liberator"

Behold King Romus Toras \"the Liberator\" and Great Reunifier!
5 key achievements (including Steam ones)
  1. Reunified the Rizian Kingdom peacefully by marrying Vina to Duke Reinhart (Great Unification)
  2. No major crisis throughout my reign (True Master of Crisis)
  3. Not getting mindf*cked when meeting President Anton Rayne
  4. Founded the Intermerkopum Alliance with ALL neighbouring nations: Derdia, Morella, Wehlen and the Pales (before they joined the Kingdom) (Intermerkopum Alliance)
  5. Preserved the absolute monarchy with the advisory House of Delegates intact - essentially no change in government style throughout my reign
4 reflections on my reign
  1. Had to be cautious about respecting the three Houses and not letting history get in the way of pragmatism - e.g. returned Zille to House Sazon and ended Angelica’s exile; on the other hand, fired Duke Rico as governor of Iza and gave central government oversight of the city due to his awful leadership.
  2. Was mindful of the importance of the international community and how they’re important to Rizia’s prosperity - e.g. looked for co-operation in the Aureus gas field and called off my naval blockade despite failed negotiations with Duke Reinhart. Didn’t want to look aggressive on the world stage, and always tried to look diplomatic under the spotlight.
  3. Acted like a monarch and not a president (e.g. sought to preserve the monarchy and balanced change with maintaining crown authority) - e.g. offered a pathway to citizenship for the many foreign immigrants in Rizia, especially after Zille rejoined the Kingdom. Didn’t abolish the House of Delegates. However, broke up most protests to maintain order.
  4. How energy production can take you half-way to a superpower: expanded our existing gas fields and won half of the rights to the Aureus gas field, giving Rizia a substantial energy reserve. This was central to founding the Intermerkopum Alliance, alongside having a strong budget (partly due to selling this energy). These resources were invested into the alliance, giving our neighbours no doubts about joining. Note the other half of the Aureus gas field came under Rizia’s control after reunifying with the Pales.
Other things to note
The Liberator and Reunifier of Rizia
submitted by CrimsonTremere to suzerain [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:59 PhantomTricks 24 [M4F] NoVA/DMV -An Optimistic Post

Hello everyone and welcome to my post. In the following few paragraphs, you'll learn a few basics about myself as well as what I'm looking for in a partner. If any of it interests you, please don't hesitate to message me or start a chat. I look forward to hearing from all of you!
To begin with a little about myself, I'm 24M and currently living in NoVA for just over 1.5 years. Before that, I spent most of my life in Massachusetts but eventually ran out of new things to do there. Now, I work in AI research and spend most of my free time either playing board games or exploring nature. I also love to travel and see the world whenever possible. My last trip was to Portugal (pictures available) which was such a beautiful country with such delicious food. Next up in May is Croatia where I plan to visit tons of national parks, especially the Plitvice Lakes (google it, they're gorgeous). Also, one cool and unique facts about me is that I have aphantasia which means I can't see images in my head. Oh and physically, I'm 5'8 with an average build and dark brown hair and eyes.
As for what I'm looking for, I really don't have many expectations in terms of appearance. By far the most important thing to me is that we are able to share each other's hobbies and enjoy time together. For example, I'd love someone I can take on hikes before ending off the day with a board game night at home. And, of course, I'd be interested in sharing and trying your hobbies as well. I also really value communication and people who can keep a conversation going in person and over text.
If you're still interested and made it this far, I've got a LIMITED TIME OFFER for you. In exchange for three unique facts about yourself, I will reply with three pet pictures. These pictures are guaranteed to be extra adorable and come with a 100% money-back guarantee if they don't make you smile.
submitted by PhantomTricks to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:58 PhantomTricks 24 [M4F] NoVA/DMV -An Optimistic Post

Hello everyone and welcome to my post. In the following few paragraphs, you'll learn a few basics about myself as well as what I'm looking for in a partner. If any of it interests you, please don't hesitate to message me or start a chat. I look forward to hearing from all of you!
To begin with a little about myself, I'm 24M and currently living in NoVA for just over 1.5 years. Before that, I spent most of my life in Massachusetts but eventually ran out of new things to do there. Now, I work in AI research and spend most of my free time either playing board games or exploring nature. I also love to travel and see the world whenever possible. My last trip was to Portugal (pictures available) which was such a beautiful country with such delicious food. Next up in May is Croatia where I plan to visit tons of national parks, especially the Plitvice Lakes (google it, they're gorgeous). Also, one cool and unique facts about me is that I have aphantasia which means I can't see images in my head. Oh and physically, I'm 5'8 with an average build and dark brown hair and eyes.
As for what I'm looking for, I really don't have many expectations in terms of appearance. By far the most important thing to me is that we are able to share each other's hobbies and enjoy time together. For example, I'd love someone I can take on hikes before ending off the day with a board game night at home. And, of course, I'd be interested in sharing and trying your hobbies as well. I also really value communication and people who can keep a conversation going in person and over text.
If you're still interested and made it this far, I've got a LIMITED TIME OFFER for you. In exchange for three unique facts about yourself, I will reply with three pet pictures. These pictures are guaranteed to be extra adorable and come with a 100% money-back guarantee if they don't make you smile.
submitted by PhantomTricks to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:58 Hermes_tri Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Masters of Light (just released) Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris..

Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris, etc!
Updated list of games - all
Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris, etc!
Updated list of games - all full 25 percent off! If you've just got yourself a Meta 2 or 3 headset use this link to get 30 USD (47 AUD):
We're both cashing in on a cool $30 each when it's activated however if you forgot to use a referral and it's been less than 7 days since your Quest activation, you can still grab your referral bonus. Follow the steps below (skip 1+2 if your Quest 2/3 is not yet activated):
  1. Delete your device here (Your purchased content remains on your account and can be redownloaded for free).
  2. Power on your Quest to confirm the reset. Avoid going through the initial setup at this stage.
  3. Activate
  4. Set up your freshly reset Quest and link it to the account used for accepting the referral. Your store credit will be applied instantly. Enjoy your bonus! Don't worry if you forgot – there's still time to claim it.
Just released:
Masters of Light HUGE LIST of games below (Alphabetical Order):
2MD: Vr Football
A Rogue Escape
After the Fall
Altair Breaker
Amid Evil
Ancient Dungeon
Angry Birds VR
Anshar 2
Arizona Sunshine
Acron: Attack of the Squirrels
Asgard's Wrath 2
Assassin’s Creed® Nexus VR
Beat Saber
Battle Talent
Blair Witch
Broken Edge
Call of the Sea
Captain Toongead
CookieRun: The Darkest Night
Cosmonious High
Crimen - Mercenary Tales
Carve Snowboarding
Catan VR
Cave Digger
Creed: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition™
Contractors Showdown
Darksword: Battle Eternity
Dash Dash World
Dead Effect 2
Dead Hook
Dead Second
Dead Secret Circle
Death Horizon: Reloaded
Death Lap
Doctor Who The Edge of Time
Down the Rabbit Hole
Demeo Battles
Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu
Dungeons Of Eternity
End Space
Espire 1
Espire 2
Eternal Starlight
Elven Assassin
Eye of the Temple
Falcon Age
Figmin XR
Final Space VR
Floor Plan 2
Flow Weaver
ForeVR Bowl
FoveVR Pool
Freediver: Triton Down
Fruit Ninja
Ghost Giant
Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game
Gravity Lab
Green Hell VR
Grid Legends
Guardians Frontline
Gun CLub VR
Gun Jam VR
Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord
Ghosts of Tabor
Homeworld Vast Reaches
I expect you to die 2
In Death: Unchained
Interkosmos 2000
Into the Radius
Job Simulator
Jupiter & Mars
Jurassic World Aftermath
Killer Frequency
Lego Bricktales
Lies beneath
Little Cities
Lucky Tales
Max Mustard
Medieval Dynasty New Settlement
Moss: Book II
Marvel Iron Man
Ninja Legends
No More Rainbows
OrbusVR: Reborn
Out of Scale
Path of the Warrior
Peaky Blinders
Per Aspera VR
Phantom Covert Ops
Pinball FX2
Pixel Ripped 1995
Primal Hunt
Puzzle Bobble VR
Puzzling Places
Pistol Whip
Puzzling Places
Raccoon Lagoon
Racket Fury
Racket: NX
Resident Evil 4
Rez Infinite
Robo Recall
Shadow Point
Shadowgate VR
Sniper Elite VR Winter WArrior
Solaris Offworld Combat
Song in the Smoke
Space Pirate Trainer DX
Space Salvage
Spacefolk City
Sports Scramble
Star Trek Bridge Crew
Star Wars : Tales
Strides : Fates
Superhot VR
Swarm 2
Sweet Surrender
Sairento VR : Untethered
Stranger Things VR
Survivorman VR: The Descent
Synth Riders
Strike Rush
The Climb
The Climb 2
The Exorcist: Legion VR
The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend ft Lucy Liu
The Room VR: A Dark Matter
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
Traffic Jams
Trover Saves the Universe
Tetris Effect
The Curious Tale of Stolen pets
The Exorcist VR
The Signifier
The Tale of Onogoro
Twilight Zone
Walking Dead saints and Sinners 2
The Wizards
The Wizards - Dark Times
Time stall
Unplugged Air Guitar
Until You fall
Vacation Simulator
Vox Machinae
Virtual Desktop
Walkabout Mini Golf
Walta of the Aizard
Wands Alliances
Warhammer 40000 Battle Sister
Warplanes Battles over Pacific
Warplanes WW1 fighters
We Are one
World of Mechs
Wraith: The Oblivion
Yupitergrad 2
Ziggy Cosmic Adventures
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by Hermes_tri to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:57 Hermes_tri Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Masters of Light (just released) Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris..

Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris, etc!
Updated list of games - all
Get 30 USD (AU) with new headset and 25% off (worldwide and tested all) for over 175 games in the thread. Includes Contractors Showdown, Ghosts of Tabor, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin Creed, Medieval Dynasty, Demeo, Beat Saber, Stranger Things, Ghost Signal Stellaris, etc!
Updated list of games - all full 25 percent off! If you've just got yourself a Meta 2 or 3 headset use this link to get 30 USD (47 AUD):
We're both cashing in on a cool $30 each when it's activated however if you forgot to use a referral and it's been less than 7 days since your Quest activation, you can still grab your referral bonus. Follow the steps below (skip 1+2 if your Quest 2/3 is not yet activated):
  1. Delete your device here (Your purchased content remains on your account and can be redownloaded for free).
  2. Power on your Quest to confirm the reset. Avoid going through the initial setup at this stage.
  3. Activate
  4. Set up your freshly reset Quest and link it to the account used for accepting the referral. Your store credit will be applied instantly. Enjoy your bonus! Don't worry if you forgot – there's still time to claim it.
Just released:
Masters of Light HUGE LIST of games below (Alphabetical Order):
2MD: Vr Football
A Rogue Escape
After the Fall
Altair Breaker
Amid Evil
Ancient Dungeon
Angry Birds VR
Anshar 2
Arizona Sunshine
Acron: Attack of the Squirrels
Asgard's Wrath 2
Assassin’s Creed® Nexus VR
Beat Saber
Battle Talent
Blair Witch
Broken Edge
Call of the Sea
Captain Toongead
CookieRun: The Darkest Night
Cosmonious High
Crimen - Mercenary Tales
Carve Snowboarding
Catan VR
Cave Digger
Creed: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition™
Contractors Showdown
Darksword: Battle Eternity
Dash Dash World
Dead Effect 2
Dead Hook
Dead Second
Dead Secret Circle
Death Horizon: Reloaded
Death Lap
Doctor Who The Edge of Time
Down the Rabbit Hole
Demeo Battles
Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu
Dungeons Of Eternity
End Space
Espire 1
Espire 2
Eternal Starlight
Elven Assassin
Eye of the Temple
Falcon Age
Figmin XR
Final Space VR
Floor Plan 2
Flow Weaver
ForeVR Bowl
FoveVR Pool
Freediver: Triton Down
Fruit Ninja
Ghost Giant
Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game
Gravity Lab
Green Hell VR
Grid Legends
Guardians Frontline
Gun CLub VR
Gun Jam VR
Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord
Ghosts of Tabor
Homeworld Vast Reaches
I expect you to die 2
In Death: Unchained
Interkosmos 2000
Into the Radius
Job Simulator
Jupiter & Mars
Jurassic World Aftermath
Killer Frequency
Lego Bricktales
Lies beneath
Little Cities
Lucky Tales
Max Mustard
Medieval Dynasty New Settlement
Moss: Book II
Marvel Iron Man
Ninja Legends
No More Rainbows
OrbusVR: Reborn
Out of Scale
Path of the Warrior
Peaky Blinders
Per Aspera VR
Phantom Covert Ops
Pinball FX2
Pixel Ripped 1995
Primal Hunt
Puzzle Bobble VR
Puzzling Places
Pistol Whip
Puzzling Places
Raccoon Lagoon
Racket Fury
Racket: NX
Resident Evil 4
Rez Infinite
Robo Recall
Shadow Point
Shadowgate VR
Sniper Elite VR Winter WArrior
Solaris Offworld Combat
Song in the Smoke
Space Pirate Trainer DX
Space Salvage
Spacefolk City
Sports Scramble
Star Trek Bridge Crew
Star Wars : Tales
Strides : Fates
Superhot VR
Swarm 2
Sweet Surrender
Sairento VR : Untethered
Stranger Things VR
Survivorman VR: The Descent
Synth Riders
Strike Rush
The Climb
The Climb 2
The Exorcist: Legion VR
The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend ft Lucy Liu
The Room VR: A Dark Matter
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
Traffic Jams
Trover Saves the Universe
Tetris Effect
The Curious Tale of Stolen pets
The Exorcist VR
The Signifier
The Tale of Onogoro
Twilight Zone
Walking Dead saints and Sinners 2
The Wizards
The Wizards - Dark Times
Time stall
Unplugged Air Guitar
Until You fall
Vacation Simulator
Vox Machinae
Virtual Desktop
Walkabout Mini Golf
Walta of the Aizard
Wands Alliances
Warhammer 40000 Battle Sister
Warplanes Battles over Pacific
Warplanes WW1 fighters
We Are one
World of Mechs
Wraith: The Oblivion
Yupitergrad 2
Ziggy Cosmic Adventures
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by Hermes_tri to MetaQuest_Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:57 cofonseca Anyone in the MA/RT/CT area looking for some brewing equipment?

I started homebrewing during COVID, then moved two years ago, and haven't really had much time to brew since then. Between home projects and other hobbies, I just don't see myself brewing any time soon, and I could really use the space, so I'm hoping to sell my stuff to someone local.
Some of the equipment includes:
I can't let it go for free, if anyone is interested, feel free to make me a fair offer (really, I'm flexible). I'm also happy to answer any questions here or via DM. I'm located in RI but would be happy to meet up in MA/CT.
I think this type of post is okay? But my apologies if I misread the rules. It's been a while since I've browsed this sub. Thanks!
submitted by cofonseca to Homebrewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:57 danieldeubank IBC Quarterly Report ending March 31, 2024 has been released
Company Sets Several Financial Performance Records as it Releases its Financial Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024**_________________________** Highlights of the Quarter and Trailing 12 Months (Unless otherwise noted, all financial amounts in this news release are expressed in U.S. dollars.)IBCCompanyTSX-V: IB; OTCQB: IAALF1 1 CONSOLIDATED RESULTSCOPPER ALLOYS DIVISIONENGINEERED MATERIALS DIVISIONMD&A WEBCAST SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY 20, 2024 MEASURESOPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ADJUSTED EBITDA go here"Mark A. Smith”** [1] IBC reports non-IFRS measures such as “Adjusted EBITDA,” “Operating Income,” and "Free Cash Flow." Please see information on this and other non-IFRS measures in the "Non-IFRS Measures" section of this news release and in IBC’s MD&A, available on # #IBC Advanced Alloys’ Reports Record Quarterly Profits FRANKLIN, Ind. (May 16, 2023) – IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. (“ ” or the “ ”) ( ) announces its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. IBC recorded its highest ever quarterly net income in the quarter of $1.36 million, or $0.01 per share, on sales of $10.2 million. Both net income and sales revenue set new quarterly records for the Company. Consolidated sales of $34.3 million on a TTM basis and sales of $27.0 million in the nine-month period ended March 31, 2024 also were the highest ever recorded. Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA rose to $2.5 million, a Q/Q increase of 325%, while YTD Adjusted EBITDA rose to $4.5 million. Consolidated operating income of $2.1 million was 24.4% higher Q/Q and flipped to a positive $3.2 million YOY. Net income for the nine months ended March 31, 2024 was $1.14 million ($0.01 per share) on sales of $27.0 million compared to a loss of $2.92 million ($0.03 per share) on sales of $21.2 million in the comparative period, representing a marked turnaround. This record performance was driven largely by increased sales and stronger gross margin performance in IBC’s Copper Alloys division, coupled with higher sales revenue from the Engineered Materials division of beryllium-aluminum products used in defense markets, and the recovery of an onerous contracts provision booked in the prior year. The Copper Alloys division also achieved near-record quarterly sales of $6.6 million, eclipsed only by sales of $7.1 million in the preceding quarter. A portion of the division’s sales over the preceding two quarters was driven by the completion of two special non-recurring projects. “The IBC team worked tirelessly to achieve some fantastic numbers and historic gains in the third fiscal quarter, which continued the strong sales and gross margin performance of the previous quarter," said Mark A. Smith, Chairman and CEO of IBC. “I like the momentum that we are generating, particularly with the leading performance of our Copper Alloys division. While market conditions have triggered closure of our Engineered Materials division sometime this summer, that team is striving to generate substantially to IBC’s bottom line as Engineered Materials completes contracts on hand.” IBC expects to incur a charge to operations in respect of its April decision to close the Engineered Materials division and is negotiating with suppliers and the building landlord to minimize such costs. Sales increased for the quarter and nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, mostly due to increased demand from customers in the defense and power generation sectors. Gross profit was positively impacted by improved material yield but negatively impacted by higher subcontract costs. Sales increased for the quarter and nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, largely due to more favorable prices for the division’s products in the commercial and defense markets. Full results can be seen in the Company’s financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis (“ ”), available at and on the Company’s website at . IBC will host a live investor webcast on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 11 a.m. Eastern featuring Mark A. Smith, CEO and Board Chairman, and Toni Wendel, Chief Financial Officer. They will discuss the Company's financial results for the quarter and nine-month periods ended March 31, 2024. Participants can join the webcast by going here at the scheduled start time: To call into a listen-only phone line to the webcast, please the toll numbers listed here: • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US To supplement its consolidated financial statements, which are prepared and presented in accordance with IFRS, IBC uses “operating income (loss)” and “Adjusted EBITDA”, which are non-IFRS financial measures. IBC believes that operating income (loss) helps identify underlying trends in the business that could otherwise be distorted by the effect of certain income or expenses that the Company includes in loss for the period, and provides useful information about core operating results, enhances the overall understanding of past performance and future prospects, and allows for greater visibility with respect to key metrics used by management in financial and operational decision-making. The Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful indicator for cash flow generated by the business that is independent of IBC’s capital structure. Operating income (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or construed as an alternative to loss for the period or any other measure of performance or as an indicator of our operating performance. Operating income (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA presented here may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other companies. Other companies may calculate similarly titled measures differently, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures to IBC’s data. Operating income (loss) represents income or loss for the quarter, and year-to-date, excluding foreign exchange loss, interest expense, interest income, other income (expense) and income taxes that the Company does not believe are reflective of its core operating performance during the periods presented. A reconciliation of the quarter and year-to-date loss to operating income (loss) follows: Adjusted EBITDA represents the Company’s income (loss) for the period, and year-to-date, before interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization, and share-based compensation. A reconciliation of the quarter and year-to-date loss to Adjusted EBITDA follows: For more information on IBC and its innovative alloy products, . On Behalf of the Board of Directors: Mark A. Smith, CEO & Chairman of the Board Net income of $1.36 million, or $0.01 per share, in the quarter on sales of $10.2 million – a new quarterly record. Sales of $34.3 million on a trailing 12-month (“TTM”) basis and sales of $27.0 million in the nine-month period ended March 31, 2024, also were the highest ever recorded. Copper Alloys division sales of $6.6 million were higher by 11.9% quarter over quarter ("Q/Q"), and Engineered Materials division sales were higher by 97.5% Q/Q. On a TTM basis, Copper Alloys sales of $24 million set a record for a 12-month period for the division. Consolidated adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (“Adjusted EBITDA”)\1]) rose to $2.5 million, a Q/Q increase of 325%. Year-to-date Adjusted EBITDA rose to $4.5 million. Consolidated operating income of $2.1 million was 24.4% higher Q/Q and flipped to a positive $3.2 million year-over-year (“YOY”). Company to host live investor webinar to discuss results on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 11 AM EDT. SELECTED RESULTS: Consolidated Operations ($000s) Quarter Ended 3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $10,241 $7,755 $26,958 $21,178 Operating income (loss) $2,105 $83 $3,243 $(1,138) Adjusted EBITDA $2,486 $585 $4,507 $315 Income (loss) for the period $1,361 $(509) $1,139 $(2,919) SELECTED RESULTS: Copper Alloys Division ($000s) Quarter Ended 3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $6,627 $5,925 $18,614 $16,035 Operating income (loss) $1,293 $1,290 $2,766 $2,231 Adjusted EBITDA $1,436 $1,426 $3,205 $2,645 Income (loss) for the period $915 $980 $1,680 $1,669 SELECTED RESULTS: Engineered Materials Division ($000s) Quarter Ended3-31-2024 Quarter Ended 3-31-2023 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2024 Nine Months Ended 3-31-2023 Revenue $3,614 $1,830 $8,344 $5,143 Operating income (loss) $1,230 $(855) $1,618 $(2,793) Adjusted EBITDA $1,417 $(613) $2,232 $(1,976) Income (loss) for the period $1,018 $(1,004) $1,101 $(3,046) Quarter ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,361 (509) Foreign exchange (gain) loss 6 (13) Interest expense 710 629 Loss on disposal of assets 29 - (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative - (11) Other income (4) (16) Income tax expense (recovery) 3 3 Operating income 2,105 83 Nine months ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,139 (2,919) Foreign exchange (gain) loss 7 (5) Interest expense 2,130 1,862 Loss on disposal of assets 29 - (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative 1 (70) Other income (70) (12) Income tax expense (recovery) 7 6 Operating income (loss) 3,243 (1,138) Quarter ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,361 (509) Income tax expense (recovery) 3 3 Interest expense 710 629 (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative - (11) Depreciation & amortization 374 413 Stock-based compensation expense (non-cash) 38 60 Adjusted EBITDA 2,486 585 Nine months ended March 31 2024 2023 ($000s) ($000s) Income (loss) for the period 1,139 (2,919) Income tax expense (recovery) 7 6 Interest expense 2,130 1,862 (Gain) loss on revaluation of derivative 1 (70) Depreciation & amortization 1,120 1,233 Stock-based compensation expense (non-cash) 110 203 Adjusted EBITDA 4,507 315 Contact: Mark A. Smith, CEO and Board Chairman Jim Sims, Director of Investor and Public Relations IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. +1 (303) 503-6203 Email: []( Website: u/IBCAdvanced $IB $IAALF #copper ABOUT IBC ADVANCED ALLOYS CORP. IBC is a leading advanced copper alloys manufacturer serving a variety of industries such as defense, aerospace, automotive, telecommunications, precision manufacturing, and others. At its vertically integrated production facility in Franklin, Indiana, IBC manufactures and distributes a variety of copper alloys as castings and forgings, including beryllium copper, chrome copper, and aluminum bronze. The Company's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "IB" and the OTCQB under the symbol "IAALF". Cautionary Statements Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Certain information contained in this news release may be forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information and forward-looking statements are often, but not always identified by the use of words such as "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "foresee", "could", "estimate", "goal", "intend", "plan", "seek", "will", "may" and "should" and similar expressions or words suggesting future outcomes. This news release includes forward-looking information and statements pertaining to, among other things, the Company’s expectation of further growth in revenue and market demand, and the ability of the Copper Alloy division to increase its production capacity, reduce unit costs of production, expand its product portfolio and expand into new markets, the closure of the Engineered Materials division and the expected charge to operations in connection therewith, and the completion of existing contracts by the Engineered Materials division. Forward-looking statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the Company's control including: the risk that the Company may not be able to make sufficient payments to retire its debt, the impact of general economic conditions in the areas in which the Company or its customers operate, including the semiconductor manufacturing and oil and gas industries, risks associated with manufacturing activities, changes in laws and regulations including the adoption of new environmental laws and regulations and changes in how they are interpreted and enforced, increased competition, the lack of availability of qualified personnel or management, limited availability of raw materials, fluctuations in commodity prices, foreign exchange or interest rates, stock market volatility and obtaining required approvals of regulatory authorities. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, the Company's future results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Please see “Risks Factors” in our Annual Information Form available under the Company’s profile at, for information on the risks and uncertainties associated with our business. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information and statements, which speak only as of the date made. The forward-looking information and statements contained in this release represent our expectations as of the date of this release. We disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws. Copyright © 2024 IBC Advanced Alloys, All rights reserved.
submitted by danieldeubank to IBC_Advanced_Alloys [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:57 Responsible-Fox-9082 Just a thought experiment

So I've just been thinking back to what could have been. Yes it's the age old "what would you change" post however I'm going to rethink from the 2012-13 roster from this reference btw
So damn near to scraps. However first big change I'd make. Nixing the Miller trade and Pomminvile/Foligno and Vanek. Not for attempting to win. For giving better mentors to Girgensons and Grigorenko. Instead of either touching the NHL I'd play them in the AHL for 2 seasons(assuming similar results for 13-14 and we fall to 3rd pick in the 15 draft). Instead of Lemiuex we instead take Thatcher Demko and still grab Jonas Johansson hoping Miller can guide one of them to being a legit starter.
Our big signings amount to mostly 1-2 year stop gaps in this time, however it's because we keep the relic that is Regier until 2015 when he retires willingly admitting he hasn't got what it takes to get them out, but he leaves happy so we have Pomminville, Foligno, and Miller still alongside rookie breakouts from Girgensons and Grigorenko leading the team. New GM Jason Botterill(yes I'm saying he gets the job due to some things still being likely) doesn't play Reinhart in 2014-15 knowing he wanted to tank, but gets a surprise in Girgensons and Grigorenko being about 65 point players and the extra wins gained move us to 3rd so no McDavid, but also no Eichel. Girgs and Grigorenko sign max 8 years for 7m each. No clauses added though it is viewed as overpaying based on 1 year.
In 2015 since we don't get Eichel we take Noah Hanafin as Botterill assumes his forward group has the pieces to be great. However due to some luck we first round exit in 15-16 as the bottom seed(so first pick of playoff teams), but Botterill is encouraged to send it to Florida for this Lawson Crouse rookie alongside Robert Hagg.
This however doesn't translate and in 2017 the draft is the same except we don't take Casey Mittlestat having our current 1C and 2C being Reinhart and Girgensons. Instead we go for forward Martin Necas to improve our scoring, but also now have a fairly different roster.
In 2018 the lineup is
A fossilized Thomas Vanek-Sam Reinhart-Mikial Grigorenko Random stop gap-Zegmus Girgensons-Jason Pomminville Lawson Crouse-JT Compher-Martin Necas Marcus Foligno-Johan Larrson-Joel Armia
Adam Sekera-Rasmus Ristolainen Nikita Zadorov-Mark Pysyk Noah Hanafin(rookie year)-Free Agent
Ryan Miller Thatcher Demko Jonas Johansson(plays 15 games due to injuries)
From her the story goes somewhat the same. We do get Dahlin, Skinner, Power, Cozens, Quinn and Peterka, however Vegas doesn't send Krebs. However when Vanek Retires that's why we pick Cozens as Girgensons goes to the first line, Necas shifts to Center on the 2nd, but we want a pure center for it alongside needing to replace Pomminville. Crouse replaces the stop gap while Skinner or Crouse plays their opposing wing with Necas.
Here's where the fuck ups start. We miss like normal and in 2021-22 we trade Necas to Vegas for Tuch and Krebs, but coaching has been very different.
We don't have the revolving door. Botterill just has balls and tells the Pegulas to give a bit more time and somehow doesn't get fired until 2020. Coaching is only changed in 2015 where we do take Bylsma and again in 2020 with a new GM. Not Adams, but I think this is getting long. How we get to today is mostly dumb luck getting us Power, we legitimately finish too high to justify anything else.
Roster to start this current season
Skinner-Reinhart-Grigorenko(reminder this is speculation that the altered development makes him a good goal scoring power forward) Girgs-Cozens-Crouse Peterka-Krebs-Quinn(no injury) Foligno-Compher-Armia
Dahlin-Sammy(assuming no injury) Power-Zadorov(assuming we don't get Joker) Bryson-Clifton
Demko Johansson
Definitely forgot some players and trades, but this is flipping around and just straight deleting some trades and signings because of Girgs and Grigorenko making some kinda pointless. Like O'Rielly doesn't make sense for us because he was meant to be 2C for Eichel because Girgs never developed. Drafting UPL would probably still happen, but he would either replace Johansson or be traded. Skinner still makes sense because Vanek aging out and I mean we paid nothing for him, but yes still would be on that shitty contract because of the blowout year and playoff hopes.
Powers draft year would just be winning the lottery, but can be altered to either pick 14-16 or even 2 if you want it to follow the actual draft order. Regardless. It also means we aren't in the longest drought. Just in year 1 or 2 of Adams and fuck it I'll say Ruff with a team built extremely differently based on changing 2 players development and ownership choices
submitted by Responsible-Fox-9082 to sabres [link] [comments]