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Zgjedhjet ne MK

2024.05.08 12:00 tollusomi Zgjedhjet ne MK

Para se te ringjallen pyetjet redundante per zgjedhjet ne Maqedoni dua te jap nje shpjegim paraprak.
Kush i fiton zgjedhjet nga kampi shqiptar?:
BDI-ja. Edhe pse fatkeqesisht edhe funksionaret e kesaj partie e keqperdorin kombin dhe hallin e perditshem te njerezve, ne kete gjiro te zgjedhjeve se paku kane zgjedhur nje slogan fushate pak me te pershtatshem sec ishte ajo barcaleta me gjelbrimin e mjedisit nga parti ushtarake. Armiku kryesor ne keto zgjedhje eshte VMRO-ja e cila ka marre persiper nje qasje nacionaliste dhe etnocentriste duke bere fushate "Maqedonia perseri e jotja." Se c´u bejme neve maqedonaseve qe s´duam te na jorgovitet gjuha duke shqiptuar fjalet e tyre, s´di. Sidoqofte s´jane te kenaqur me perparimin e te drejtave dhe lirive te kombit shqiptar ne Maqedoni; te pakten kjo gje u realizua ne menyre te persosur nga BDI-ja krahas vjedhjeve te perditshme dhe shatazhimit te njerezve te pavarur. Dita dites hapesira e te jetuarit si shqiptar rritet dhe barierat kunder perdorimit te gjuhes shqipe ulen. Formalisht edhe te ardhurat e komunave shqiptare me me shume banore si Gostivari, Tetova, Kercova, Dibra dhe Struga jane ne rritje te dukshme por perfundojne ne shperdorim si pasoje e pasurimit vetjak te funksionareve te BDI-se. Keshtuqe si gjithmone e vetmja arsye per te votuar BDI-ne eshte t´i gudulisesh dukshem etnocentristet maqedonas. Ca do te ndodhe nese VMRO-ja dhe BDI-ja duhet te koaliciojne sipas primarit "Fituesi me fituesin?" - Krize shteterore. BDI-ja dhe VMRO-ja asnjehere me pare s´kane qene kaq diametralisht te orientuara ndaj njera-tjetres. Dikur BDI-ja behej argat i VMRO-se dhe ceshtja kombetare qalonte meqenese VMRO-ja asokohe gezonte shumicen absolute dhe BDI-ja ka qene e shnderruar ne varese rrobash duke legjitimuar pushtetin e VMRO-se. Venia ne rrezik te pushtetit absolut te BDI-se ne radhet e shqiptareve ne vitin 2016 solli nje ndryshim paradigmatik: Me dhjete deputete BDI-ja arriti nga viti 2016-2020 interesave siperfaqesore kombetare te shqiptareve t´u sherbeje - ngritja e nivelit zyrtar te gjuhes shqipe, zgjidhja e problemit te emrit me Greqine, perfaqesim i favorshem ne qeveri ku i mori persiper dikasteret me te rendesishem te qeverise. Dinamika e njejte edhe deri sot. Fitorja e sigurte e VMRO-se dhe pengmarrja e shtegtimit evropian nga Maqedonia sigurisht eshte ne favor te shqiptareve sidomos i jep vrulle narrativit te BDI-se dhe Aliut qe shqiptaret jane te perkushtuar ndaj vlerave te Europes.
Opozita - Fenomen autentik i politikberjes se kontrollimit te pushtetit dhe shfaqjes se alternatives apo maskerade?
Opozita shqiptare ndervite ka qene me shume e mbuluar nga hija e luftes se 2001-it. Votohej BDI-ja si force politike qe ka me shume potencial te shfrenoje ngulfatjen e shqiptareve nga VMRO-ja. Paradigmi i shqiptareve qe e arsyetonte zgjedhjen e BDI-se dhe Ahmetit ishte: Ahmeti te pakten i mbrojti te drejtat tona ne lufte ndersa opozita fshihej neper bodrumet teksa vdisnin ushtaret ne pyll dhe me ne fund ne leter e thyen monopolin maqedonas ne Maqedoni nepermjet Marreveshjes se Ohrit. Ne krahasim me kete peshe te veprimtarise se Ahmetit dhe te BDI-se opozita me se shumti ka sherbyer si vend strehim per njerezit qe nuk u favorizuan nga BDi-ja er sa u perket punesimeve ne administrate. Krahas respektimit te veprimtarise se Ahmetit, votuesit e BDI-se karakterizoheshin nga oportunizmi i moqem ne skenen tone politike: Votoj BDI-ne se me ka punesuar.
Si pasoje e deshtimeve politike te BDI-se nen qeverisjen e udhehequr nga VMRO-ja perhere te pare tek shqiptaret e Maqedonise u shfaq nje opozitarizem i vertete u themeluan BESA dhe Aleanca per Shqiptaret, kjo e fundit si alternative me pak e perqendruar ne personazhin e liderit te PDSH-se Menduh Thaci. Teksa BESA ushqente shqiptarin stereotip te Maqedonise nepermjet absolutizmit shoqeror te Islamit dhe shoqerise hirarkarkike muslimane ku gjatesia e mjekres cakton poziten ne shoqeri, Aleanca per shqiptaret perpiqej te ndertonte nje platforme qe tentonte ta sjelle topin prape ne fushen e shqiptareve perkunder dominances se VMRO-se. Me vone nje nder ketyre projekteve ishte platforma e Tiranes e cila u permend se pari nga Ziadin Sela dhe pastaj u pervetesua nga BDI-ja. Te dy alternativat perfunduan ne humneren e parendesise politike derisa BDI-ja merrte nje silhouette te re politike ne bashkepunim me LSDM-ne. Opozita qe nga "rrenjesimi" i BDI-se dhe dominancen e saj ne qeveri perfundoi ne sfondin politik dhe me se shumti ngjallej ne procesin e shperndarjeve te drejtorive. Faktikisht, lenia e qellimit te sjelljes se ndryshimit ne shoqerine shqipate ne Maqedoni e kyqte opoziten ne dinamiken e dikurshme te PDSH-se, atraktiviteti ndaj te pakenaqureve. Duhet te permendet edhe gabimi strategjik i opozites se re. Edhe pse fillimi i saj ishte premtues pasiqe kyqte shume te rinj dhe u jepte hapesire debatimi dhe per te kontribuar, ajo i ra pre budallellekut te stilizohet me patriotike se BDI-ja. Me ne fund debatet politike qarkullonin me se shumti ne favor te BDI-se, ne spektrin e patriotizmit ne vend qe te fokusohej opozita ne rimekembjen e komunave qe kaploheshin dhe thahen nen doren e gjate te kryetareve te korruptuar dhe egoist. Sot kjo opozite qe paraqitet ne zgjedhjet parlamentare, VLENI, perbehet nga njerezit qe u larguan nga BDI-ja sepse ju zvogelua kafshata ne procesin e ristrukturimit te BDI-se sic jane Izet Mexhiti, Visar Ganiu. Gjithashtu perbehet nga sheiket e Beses dhe Alternatives (harrova te cek qe Besa u nda ne dy kampe duke perfshire dhe luften e vulave; ndarja ndodhi per pike inati ndersa te dy perfaqesojne konzervatizmin fetar.) Perndryshe fushata e koalicionit VLEN perfundoi ne mosperfillje teksa BDI-ja (edhe njehere) arriti te mobilizoi elektoratin shqiptar nepermjet nenvizimit te veprimtarise se Ali Ahmetit dhe rolit qe kishte ne procesin e krijimit te hapesires per shqiptaret pertej ngulfatjes se permendur nga VMRO-ja. Marre edhe parasysh qe shume anetare te opozites sidomos Ziadin Sela dhe Menduh Thaci sot garojne ne koalicionin e udhehequr te BDI-se "Fronti Europian" dhe me gjasa te larta do hyjne ne parlament, mund te thuhet qe BDI-ja me ne fund tek shqiptaret ka krijuar nje sistem politik centripetal ku te gjithe "lojtaret" e tjere orientohen nga ajo dhe perndryshe perbejne statiste ideologjik (se s´perfaqesojne ide origjinale) atehere perfundimi eshte qe shqiptaret jetojne ne nje sistem de-fakto monist. Per fat te keq edhe krahasimi me sistemin e Rusise s´eshte i tepruar meqenese edhe Ruset nuk e votojne te gjithe partine e Putinit por prapeseprape shumica e aktoreve politik nga radhet e partise komuniste dhe partise "liberaldemokrate" e mbeshtesin ate. Edhe kete here pas zgjedheve sic eshte kthyer ne tradite per opoziten, kjo do te rreshtohet krahas BDI-se nen pretendimin e ruajtjes se interesave kombetare. Pyetja eshte: Nese opozita s´eshte ne gjendje vecmas me ideja dhe perafrime origjinale te kontribuoje ne mbarevajtjen e kombit shqiptar ne Maqedoni, atehere pse garon gjithesesi?
Cfare mund te bejme ne, te pavarurit qe duam demokraci dhe liri?
Kjo pyetje, aq sa eshte siperfaqesore pershkak te monizmit faktik te sistemit politik shqiptar ne Maqedoni ende eshte eshte thelbesore ne procesin e depertimit te sistemit tone. Cdo kater vjet mllefi ndaj politikberjes thyhet nga shperdorimi i ceshtjes kombetare nga radhet e BDI-se dhe shpresedhenia iluzionare nga nje kamp opozitar i cili figuron me se shumti ne emer sesa ne veprimtari. Ne cdo gjiro zgjedhor listat per zgjedhjet parlamentare vjeterohen dukshem teksa mosha mesatare e shqiptareve eshte me dekada me e re se pleqte e udheheqjes politike. Ndoshta frika ndaj VMRO-se e arsyeton votimin e BDI-se marre parasysh bagazhin e saj kombetar por cdo sukses i BDI-se nenkupton rrenjesimin e vjedhjes dhe shantazheve neper komunat shqiptareve. Votohet njehere, por vajtohet kater vjet - Keshtu mund te pershkruhet dilema e tanishme per shqiptaret e Maqedonise. Duhet te ceket qe "hesapi" i votimit te BDI-se eshte pothuajse i njejte sikur te votohej VMRO-ja nese e heq aspektin kulturor dhe gjuhesor nga ky ekuacion politik. Teksa VMRO-ja mbeshtet vetem maqedonasit edhe vetem ata maqedonasit qe i cileson si patriot te denje, BDI-ja mbeshtet vetem funksionaret dhe partiaket e saj ndersa njerezit te pavarur as nuk llogariten nga BDI-ja. Ndoshta potencimi i te drejtave kombetare eshte i drejte marre parasysh fuqizimin e VMRO-se, ndoshta BDI-ja nga te gjitha partite shqiptare eshte me e afte t´i mirembaje keto te drejta por mbarevajtja ndodh vetem per perfituesit e BDI-se. Robi qe s´ka leke, do ike ne mergim. Ca i duhen atij te drejtat kombetare ne nje shtet te cilin e ka braktisur sepse shoqeria qe i perkiste e ka braktisur. Ne shqiptaret e Maqedonise ndoshta as shoqeri s´jemi sepse i cilesojme njerezit sipas favoreve dhe hesapit qe kemi nga ata ndersa shoku dallohet nga ndihma e pakushtezuar dhe idealeve te perbashketa. Cfare ideali kemi ne shqiptaret e Maqedonise? Gjysma rraskapitet intelektualisht duke u besuar hoxhallareve dhe predikuesve radikal ndersa pjesa tjeter iken ne mergim. Dhe politika perfaqeson vetem njerezit oportuniste. Marre kete parasysh na duhet nje rithemelim i nje shoqerie te gjere ku cdokush perfaqesohet dhe mosdakordesite politike zgjidhen ne baze te deshires se perparimit te shoqerise sipas ketij parimit te perfshirjes se mbare dhe sipas parimit te vetepasurimit. Fundi fundit pasuria nuk vlen nese nuk ke njeri qe ta ben perhajer dhe me te cilin mund ta gezosh. Keshtuqe derisa sistemi yne politik mbeshtet oportunistet, hajdutet dhe ngulfatjen e njerezve te lire qe duan ndryshim te vertete une apeloj ne bojkotin e zgjedhjeve. Shumica e votuesve shqiptare qe merr pjese ne votime perbehet nga ithtaret e BDI-se dhe perfituesve te saj; dhe perfituesve potencial te opozites. Njerezit qe bazohen ne vlerat qe i vizatova ketu butesisht, rreth 200 mije nese e krahason pjesemarrjen ne shifrat absolute me residentet vendas ne Maqedoni sipas cenzusit, nuk dalin ne votime. Parti te re ne nuk mund te krijojme sepse do denigrohej qe nga fillimi i saj nen paradigmin "Nuk na duhen neve 300 parti". Faktikisht ky qendrim edhe eshte i drejte por nese 5 parti politike dhe dy koalicione nuk jane te vetedijshem ta shpetojne shoqerine tone nga vjedhja, dogmatizmi fetar dhe nga kleptokracia fisnore atehere ca ndryshim mund te shkaktoje edhe nje parti e cila do ballafaqohej me nacionalizmin siperfaqesor te BDI-se (mqs ne fund perdoret per vjedhjet) dhe opozitarizmin qesharak ku secili opozitare shkelmon si kal per te vjedhur nese ndonjehere i vjen radha. Keshtuqe abstenoni. Parti shqiptare pershkak te ketyre grupacioneve (opozite dhe pozite) do kete gjithesesi. Te drejtat e tua kombetare nuk mund te cenohen por pjesemarrja juaj legjitimon deshperimin tuaj te perditshem. Zgjedhja tjeter do ishte te kyqemi ne poziten apo opoziten. Do deshtonte fare mqs te gjithe e dime sesi filterohen partite tona nga njerez me ideja origjinale. Keshtuqe si dikush nga bastioni i Ali Ahmetit, Zajazi dhe Kercova dhe duke qene mjaftueshmerisht i vetedijshem per dinamiken ne sistemin tone politike ju ftoj te abstenoni te votimet por te kundershtoni cdo partiak ne fytyre. Abstenimi ne kutine e votimit eshte nje ane e medaljes por abstenimi aktivist, duke potencuar qe abstenimi eshte shenje e revoltimit politik eshte aftesi qe ne shoqerine shqiptare rrallehere dikush e zoteron.
P.S.: Kete tekst te gjate me nuk e kontrollova per gabime gramatikore dhe drejtshkrimore.
submitted by tollusomi to albania [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 11:37 Jigya_Software_Serv Help a newbie out. Why is my wordpress screen looking different. I work for a company to write blogs but can't see sections like "Block" and "Document". I'm new here and new to WordPress as well.

submitted by Jigya_Software_Serv to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 00:30 alitende Per emigrantat e ri: Cili eshte plani?

Paranteze: Jetoj ne DE ka ca vite. Kam studiuar ne DE edhe kam nje pune ok.
Cdo dite shoh qe vijne emigrante te ri dhe kryesisht pa gjuhe, formim profesional dhe mundesisht persona qe deri diku kane pasur“pune dhe nje lloj mireqenie ne Shqiperi“
Vijne djem e vajza te reja duke punuar ne McDonalds ose shofere per Amazon me rroge minimale, duke ndare nje apartament 5 veta dhe thojne jemi mire. Kam takuar njerez qe kane fituar ne vlere nominale njelloj si ne DE si ne AL dhe zgjedhin te jetojne ne DE. Ta krahasosh me kosto jetese eshte vetvrasje financiare. Shumica shpreson per nje jete me te mire ( e kuptueshme) por duket si skenar i vendosur ne nje te ardhme futuristike ku vitet kalojne dhe i shoh prap ne ato qe mund te quhen ne anglicizem „dead end jobs“ 90% i shoh si pjese e ndihmes sociale ne gjermani ne te ardhmen. Kete paradox shoh dhe ne Itali dhe Greqi ku persona qe njoh punojne pastruese per 2,5 euro ora. 3 euro ka shkuar ne Shqiperi ku qendron logjika?
Zakonisht shume nga keta persona per arsye te ndryshme , i merr rrjedha e jetes apo ku di une nuk levizin me . Qendrojne ne ate nivelin gati duke rene ne mbrojtje sociale ose ne mbrojtje sociale, me historira te pronareve qe nuk i japin rrogen ose sesi pronari filantrop i ka dhuruar 50 euro per festa. Me kete standart asnje nga ato qe mund te kete qellime materiale njeriu ne jete(blerja nje shtepie, makine, etj. ) nuk realizohen. Prandaj nqs ka mundesi dikush te ma shpjegoje pse emigrojne ma vlla? Cili eshte plani?
Nuk po flas ketu per persona qe fitojne 300mij lek dhe jane kater veta qe ushqehen me ato lek. Flas per djem e vajza mosha 20-30 vjec qe mundesisht jetojne me prinderit pa qera , kane nje pune deri diku te mirepaguar ne Shqiperi, connections , rreth social dhe emigrojne per EU qe te bejne pune te keq paguara.
A mundet dikush te me kthjelloje pse ky emigrim masiv , per mendimin tim i gabuar! Heqim keto videot e liderit suprem qe bejne Shqiperine fushe me lule, sepse e kuptoj qe nuk eshte.Por qe mendoj shume raste jane te ikesh nga shiu ne bresher me kete emigrimin.
Mos valle keto persona mund te pendohen, por nuk i le sedra ta pranojne ose te kthehen?
Mund te jete nje lloj sindrome stockholmi se nuk e shpjegoj ndryshe.
submitted by alitende to albania [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 13:09 Significant_Iron_502 Trademark for name and logo - Trademark per emer the logo

I wanted to see if you have information how can I trademark my name, for example my name is " Ardit Doe " and I want to use this name for my trademark in my brand and also logo so other can't steal it or even use my username in social media, is there a way in Kosovo for this and does anyone have experience. I am an artist that in this part of my career I think it's worthy it.
Jom i interesuar me bo trademark emrin dhe logon teme, p.sh emri im eshte " Ardit Doe " Edhe po du me perdor per brand personal qe mos me mujt me ma perdor tjert si ne rrjete sociale per username si tjeterkun, qysh o mundesia dhe a ka dikush eksperience ne kete fushe? Jom dikush qe merrna me art dhe mendoj qe ne kete pike me duhet.
submitted by Significant_Iron_502 to kosovo [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 14:46 Actual_Passion_9100 This is pizza tower stage title cards but its pikmin

This is pizza tower stage title cards but its pikmin
submitted by Actual_Passion_9100 to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:18 Rahkrahk Cereno has presented results that look better than Sotatercept/Winrevair in PAH and are also going after thrombosis with first candidates that do not cause bleeding

This is my DD of Cereno Scientific.
Disclosure: I own the stock and this is not financial advice but a best effort to provide information and share some own current views as a start for individuals capable of doing their own due diligence. As well as hopefully discuss the case.
TLDR: This is the story of an under the radar Swedish biotech company led by ex big pharma heavy-hitters, partnered with big pharma as well as officially supported by top global key opinion leaders (KOL) within cardiovascular disease (CVD) that has patented an already is a safe, tolerable and established therapeutic since it has been shown to be efficacious against thrombosis, the #1 killer in the world. Furthermore, the company ALSO looks set to outperform established pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) drugs, even the new Sotatercept/Winrevair, which has an estimated $2-9B peak annual sales. Wait until you see the results, including already reported interim data on the majority of the patients in the soon to be completed phase II study.
The serendipitous mistake The founder of Cereno Scientific is Sverker Jern, a renowned Swedish cardiologist with books published about ECG, etc. Long story short, while trying to find out a way to restore the human bodies inherent blood clot preventing system, a "failed" experiment of a postdoc belonging to Jern´s lab led to the discovery that valproic acid (VPA) significantly inhibits HDAC. In turn, this significantly reduces PAI-1 while simultaneously increasing endogenous levels of tPA; both central to combating thrombosis. VPA has been around and used for treating epilepsy, bipolar disease, migraine etc. since the 1960's. While high enough dosages (typically much higher than used here) can come with adverse effects, VPA is established as a safe and tolerable therapeutic still prescribed today. Having developed a unique administration regime for VPA trough delayed-release to reduce PAI-1, which is elevated in the morning, Cereno created it´s first medical candidate, CS1. Since then, it has been shown to be safe and tolerable, reduces the levels of circulating PAI-1 as well as restore the levels of t-Pa in a phase I human trial, without increasing the risk of bleeding. Now, for those not familiar with the hematologic landscape, this is huge. The reason being that ALL existing therapeutics for thrombosis are double-edged swords that do increase this risk, causing considerable consequences for quality of life, not to mention fatal incidents. Coupled with thrombosis as the #1 underlying cause of death globally, it is not for nothing that a potential solution to this has been called the holy grail of medicine.
Global KOL's join Having made the discovery, patented it and demonstrated results in human, the company soon garnered the attention of a number of KOL´s. A scientific advisory board (SAB) was established comprised of leading global experts within CVD. Names such as Deepak Bhatt, Raymond Benza, Bertram Pitt, Faiez Zannad, Gordon Williams and Gunnar Olsson. Do look them all up. On the march towards a subsequent phase II trial for CS1, the course was initially set to directly target the medical indication thrombosis. However, following advice from the SAB, a strategical move to proving an even broader efficacy, shorten the time to market, thus preserving capital and prolonging IP rights, was chosen instead - for now - PAH.
The genius rationale behind proving broader efficacy quicker through PAH Although PAH is classified as a rare disease, the market is extensive and growing rapidly. The pathophysiology is simplified as this: Due to various etiologic backgrounds, a few being genetic, related to vascular fibrosis, inflammation, etc. the pulmonary arteries undergo constant proliferation. As they progressively become narrower, stiffer and less flexible, the pulmonary pressure is raised causing the right-hand side of the heart to also proliferate in order to pump enough oxygenated blood until there is simply no more room at which point the heart fails and the patient dies. Up until a few weeks ago (we will return to this), only simple vasodilators such as PDE5i´s which only temporarily alleviate symptoms, have been prescribed. Now, on top of the anti-thrombotic properties, it has also been established that CS1 has anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, pulmonary pressure-relieving properties as well as reverse-remodeling of underlying pathological vascular changes. As the CEO of Cereno Sten Sörensen states - "CS1 fits like a hand in a glove for PAH". As a parenthesis, Sörensen successfully led the RALES study at Monsanto as well as MERIT-HF at AstraZeneca. Both aimed at expanding the use for already existing compounds, just like with CS1. As an incentive to formulate treatments for rare diseases, the FDA/EMA can grant Orphan Drug Designation (ODD). The benefits, if approved, are multifold but what is of most importance here are simplified regulatory pathways to get to market. For instance, 7 years market exclusivity is also granted but the company already has extensive patents in place. Cereno was granted ODD by the FDA in 2020. If this is deemed as a tactical sound move, the next part ought to be considered a strategical masterclass. First a bit of necessary background to make it understandable: Phase I is to evaluate safety and tolerability. Phase II trials expand on this with a larger patient sample size, as well as incorporate one or a few efficacy markers. The phase II study of Cereno is setup to measure approximately 30 of them. Why? For the sake of keeping this short, CS1 ("optimized" VPA) is an HDACi and it's mode of action is through epigenetic modulation. VPA has already in numerous studies throughout the years been found to positively impact risk markers for several CVD's and research revolving around HDACi's in general has picked up tremendous speed also in areas such as cancer treatment. It is effectively a form of gene therapy. While Cereno has specifically patented VPA, the company has additionally managed to patent ALL forms of HDACi, not only for thrombosis but also for improving endogenous fibrinolysis which could possibly be relevant for all forms of CVD but certainly for several broad indications such as heart failure, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Hence, this phase II study is officially targeting PAH through markers such as mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) and 6 minute walking distance (6MWD) since everything points to that this should be a fast-forwarded slam dunk - but also incorporates markers relevant for other major indications - including PAI-1 for thrombosis. So, what started off as a mission to prove efficacy for "only" thrombosis has turned into a phase II study that will shine light on an avenue a lot broader, all at once.
In order to demonstrate this, the study participants are evenly distributed across three groups and administered one of three doses:
  1. A low dose, the same dose that reduced PAI-1 and showed anti-thrombotic properties, to confirm what was shown in Ph1.
  2. The dose shown in animal models to be clinically relevant for PAH by alleviating hypertension and show reverse remodeling capacity.
  3. Double the second dose to see whether an even higher dose means more effect and also to possibly show a dose response pattern.
I.e. a "perfect score" would be to demonstrate effects in 33% to 66% of the total number of patients depending on if dose #2 or #3 is enough in human. Regarding safety and tolerability, even the highest dose is lower than what is typically used for treating epilepsy. Furthermore, since PAH is a deadly disease with a very poor prognosis that lacks the possibility of significant spontaneous remission (patients do not get better without intervention, instead tend to progressively get worse), placebo is only formally to be included in the subsequent phase III trial and deemed unnecessary by the FDA in the ongoing Ph2 trial due to the known safety profile of VPA.
Big pharma Abbott partners with Cereno While planning for the phase II trial, Cereno and Abbott announced a mutual partnership for the same to which Abbott is to supply their CardioMEMS HF implanted sensor to Cereno's patients. The implications being multifold but mainly that instead of being bound to a few select measurements through right heart catheterization (RHC), the study now monitors many of the markers in real time. Measuring mPAP with CardioMEMS is highly superior to RHC due to the numerous measurements taken daily in comparison to RHC that is otherwise done only 3-4 times during a full trial. Due to the individual variability in the patients, RHC would demand 4 times as many patients to be able to detect the same difference in mPAP as with CardioMEMS. Further solidifying CardioMEMS as an improved health monitor by choosing Cereno and their extensive study protocol as a partner benefits Abbott.
The patents stand their ground - and Cereno scoops up two additional candidates In 2018, University of Michigan (UoM) filed for a patent for the usage of VPA to treat and/or prevent heart disease. This claim was rejected due to one (WO201605579) of the multiple patent families in place by Cereno. What then took place is beautiful:

  1. UoM licenses their own medical candidate ML585, renamed to CS585 to Cereno. A prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist.
  2. Cereno is contacted by Emeriti Bio, (comprised of a group of legends behind multiple blockbusters such as Losec), and acquires CS014, a next generation VPA analogue. Data points to an even better safety profile than CS1, giving Cereno a potential next, next (2x) generation compound.
  3. Michael Holinstat at UoM, and the inventor of CS585, has later been engaged as the Director of translational research at Cereno to evaluate these assets through the preclinical stages of development. And both have shown to prevent thrombosis without the risk of bleeding in all research so far. In other words, Cereno is now in possession of what seems to be the only compounds in the world capable of addressing thrombosis without increasing the risk of bleeding. Seemingly three times the holy grail. Data confirming this has since been shown at the worlds most prestigious CVD conferences (ESC, ASH, ACC, BIO-EUROPE, PVRI, NAHC, CVCT, NLSDays, ISTH, EHA, etc.). Patents are already granted for all candidates.
“Remarkable!” results Since Cereno has already demonstrated efficacy for thrombosis (PAI-1), this metric should be a given success yet again and are measured once the study nears completion. But let's dive into the ones related to PAH since these are continually measured by the CardioMEMS device: During summer of -23, Cereno was contacted by one of the clinics involved, inquiring Cereno to pursue an abstract at the upcoming American Heart Association congress that was being held November -23. The first patient to complete the trial was done and had what seemed like an astounding improvement in symptoms. Cereno instead opted to communicate the results seen so far to the market. The results from the first patient? 30% reduction in mPAP. 20% improvement in Cardiac Output (CO). Improvement in WHO Functional Class (FC) from II to I, meaning from having debilitating symptoms to basically being able to live a normal life. Judging from the most prominent PAH trials, patients starting from FC III usually yield greater results than the ones starting from II. Meaning that data points to potentially even more efficacy to be tapped than for this patient. Or, as Raymond Benza, knighted director of pulmonary hypertension at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York and principle investigator of the study and member of Cereno's SAB stated: "We were hoping for a 10% reduction (in mPAP) - here we saw a 30% reduction - That is really remarkable!"
Competitor analysis To keep this short, the only relevant reference to compare CS1 to is Sotatercept (now Winrevair). Approved by the FDA March 26th, it does come with risks of treatment adverse events such as increased risk of bleeding, hypertension, erythrocytosis, etc. but is still a significant step forward for patients suffering from PAH. Central to evaluating efficacy in PAH is PVR and 6MWD. PVR is calculated (PVR=80(mPAP-mPAWP/CO)) once the study is completed. So far there is both mPAP and CO from the first patient. 6MWD is also communicated at study completion. But already in the first patient, Cereno demonstrated better efficacy in PAH for relevant markers than ever previously seen. The important marker CO was not improved at all by Sotatercept. The onset (time from first dose to effects) of CS1 is also quicker. And the administration comes in the form of a pill instead of injectables, which is easier for patients. Furthermore, on March 27th, CNN writes this about Sotatercept: “In animal studies conducted before the human trials, the drug looked like it could do more than just treat symptoms: It seemed like it might be able to stop the thickening of the blood vessels and perhaps prolong patients’ lives, but those benefits have not been proven in humans.” Now back to what Dr. Raymond Benza has to say about CS1 on the subject: "Our effect on resistance was much more than what would be expected just with the effect in cardiac output. That means that this vessel is actually remodeling, and the resistance is coming down through a change in architecture of the vessel. That is really exciting to me".
Also, CS1 did all this in half the time compared to Sotatercept (12 vs 24 weeks).
A fluke? Interim findings are in and the answer is unequivocally no The apparent question surfaced - Exceptional results, but was this a one-time fluke? During fall of -23, Cereno announced interim findings (as a part of a DQCR) for 16 of the to be 30 patients including the following (in ""):

  1. "More than 60% of patients on CS1, all doses included, have a sustained reduction in mPAP." In other words, somewhere around 100% of the patients aimed for in a best case scenario.
  2. "An efficacy response compatible with a dose-response pattern." Being an open study, it would be logical to deduce that there seems to be three distinct differences in dose-response, as per the dosage protocol.
  3. *"Several patients with a reduction in mPAP of similar or greater magnitude as the initial Patient Case".*This speaks for itself.
  4. "The DQCR indicates an early onset of action". Patient #1 saw onset at 6 weeks but here is stated that "this early onset was observed already after 3 weeks for several patients". In comparison, onset for existing PAH medications apart from simple vasodilators is typically 12-15 weeks.
  5. "The DQCR showed a sustained reduction of mPAP in the 2-week follow-up period after the 12-week period of therapy with CS1 was discontinued." Indicating that a remodeling effect on the vessels has indeed taken place trough epigenetic modulation.
Again, the literature is clear; Patients with PAH just tend to get worse and simply do not see these results without intervention.
Cereno is granted "Compassionate use" by the FDA Having continued to demonstrate remarkable results also in the interim analysis, Cereno communicated to the market that they were now receiving even more inquiries from the clinics involved in the current study. This time stemming from a wish from both patients and treating clinicians to be able to continue with CS1 after the study ends. Expanded access/compassionate use, can be granted when faced with a severe condition where no good alternative medications exist, and if the FDA deems the demonstrated benefits as good enough. Cereno applied late -23. The FDA approved in January -24 and by this time Cereno also communicated that they now had been informed that the majority of the patients in the study would like to be able to continue with CS1. Apart from already being obvious exceptional news, this enables Cereno to generate a dataset for CS1 orders of magnitude more vast, since it will be possible to study even longer term results already now during phase II. As some may know, the dataset is everything when it comes to value.
Risks & critique What if the phase II study fails? CS1 and its pioneering approach has already been documented to show significant decrease in PAI-1 in human and has shown proof of concept in preclinical models in PAH by reducing the pressure in the vessels and achieving reverse remodeling. The company has also already communicated findings related to PAH for the majority of the patients in the current study which further support the findings seen in the preclinic. Look at them. Now do your own due diligence.
Why so cheap? The answer is probably twofold. First, although Cereno has operations in the US and the current study only uses US clinics, it is a Swedish biotech company still flying under the radar. There is a Swedish discord for the stock with some knowledgeable MD´s, scientists, etc. trying to explain what is going on but the majority of retail investors don’t seem to understand. Which brings us to second; institutional and professional investors typically enter post phase II results. According to Cereno, there is also already great interest from potential partners/buyers but the same goes here - phase II results first. The BoD and Management of Cereno have greatly increased their ownership exposure ever since presenting the results for patient #1 last year
Delay? Following Covid 19, there were administrative difficulties in starting up the nine clinics for the phase II trial resulting in the study being postponed and initial patient recruitment was also slow. To mitigate this, Cereno announced two additional clinics. The last of which should now be starting up at any time, since the company recently disclosed which one it is - Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. Topline results are to be presented in Q3. The study is 12 weeks and had 26/30 patients enrolled by the last update in February. Hence, study completion could be delayed but given that only a maximum of 4 patients remain to be enrolled before end of June, it seems unlikely today. Since capital runway exists until spring -25, this should pose no vital threat regardless.
"Too much communication"? This is the only possibly negative feedback I've seen that has not yet been disproven. While I do think that many press releases in a short amount of time can sometimes pose more questions than they answer, in my opinion, this is not the case here. Having read them all, and while I do understand that not everyone is interested in which new country a patent has been accepted in or what events the the company will be attending, the rest is vital information. Cereno also sends copies of all press releases in English as well as Swedish, doubling the amount.
Wrapping up This only scratches the surface. If you are of a curious nature, maybe you will find interest in possible pieces to this puzzle such as that big pharma Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) was engaged in buyout talks with Acceleron (Sotatercept) that was instead acquired by Merck. That Deepak Bhatt sits on the board of BMS - And now also in the SAB of Cereno.
But if nothing else, I think the following speaks for itself: The total addressable market (TAM) for PAH is projected to reach $12B by 2030.
The closest thing to a competitor (Sotatercept/Winrevair) was sold for approximately $7B after phase II. $8B today, adjusted for inflation. At the time of the acquisition, peak future sales was thought to come in at $2B. Since then, revised projections upwards of $9B have been made. The current market cap of Cereno Scientific is around $100M. Without speculating what a fair value should really be, that´s already a difference of around 80x. And compared to a lower peak sales than more recent projections. Plus, this is only from PAH, not counting thrombosis, with a TAM of 6x that of PAH. Cereno has already proven that CS1 can achieve results in PAH seen by no other therapeutic. And has already disclosed findings for the majority of the patients. The Phase II trial now only has a few patients left to recruit before completion.Cereno holds two additional candidates aimed at targeting thrombosis without bleeding, both seemingly unique and holding up so far. The TAM for thrombosis is projected to reach $70B by 2030. If Cereno replicates results for CS1 and PAI-1 a fourth(!) time, it would mean that their current PAH study also validates CS014 for thrombosis to quite some extent. Remember, they are both VPA. Bottom line – There are multiple shots at multiple staggering markets from one single study about to be completed – and the results so far are stellar.
submitted by Rahkrahk to Biotechplays [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:17 Rahkrahk DD: Cereno has presented results that look better than Sotatercept/Winrevair in PAH and are also going after thrombosis with first candidates that do not cause bleeding

This is my DD of Cereno Scientific.
Disclosure: I own the stock and this is not financial advice but a best effort to provide information and share some own current views as a start for individuals capable of doing their own due diligence. As well as hopefully discuss the case.
TLDR: This is the story of an under the radar Swedish biotech company led by ex big pharma heavy-hitters, partnered with big pharma as well as officially supported by top global key opinion leaders (KOL) within cardiovascular disease (CVD) that has patented an already is a safe, tolerable and established therapeutic since it has been shown to be efficacious against thrombosis, the #1 killer in the world. Furthermore, the company ALSO looks set to outperform established pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) drugs, even the new Sotatercept/Winrevair, which has an estimated $2-9B peak annual sales. Wait until you see the results, including already reported interim data on the majority of the patients in the soon to be completed phase II study.
The serendipitous mistake The founder of Cereno Scientific is Sverker Jern, a renowned Swedish cardiologist with books published about ECG, etc. Long story short, while trying to find out a way to restore the human bodies inherent blood clot preventing system, a "failed" experiment of a postdoc belonging to Jern´s lab led to the discovery that valproic acid (VPA) significantly inhibits HDAC. In turn, this significantly reduces PAI-1 while simultaneously increasing endogenous levels of tPA; both central to combating thrombosis. VPA has been around and used for treating epilepsy, bipolar disease, migraine etc. since the 1960's. While high enough dosages (typically much higher than used here) can come with adverse effects, VPA is established as a safe and tolerable therapeutic still prescribed today. Having developed a unique administration regime for VPA trough delayed-release to reduce PAI-1, which is elevated in the morning, Cereno created it´s first medical candidate, CS1. Since then, it has been shown to be safe and tolerable, reduces the levels of circulating PAI-1 as well as restore the levels of t-Pa in a phase I human trial, without increasing the risk of bleeding. Now, for those not familiar with the hematologic landscape, this is huge. The reason being that ALL existing therapeutics for thrombosis are double-edged swords that do increase this risk, causing considerable consequences for quality of life, not to mention fatal incidents. Coupled with thrombosis as the #1 underlying cause of death globally, it is not for nothing that a potential solution to this has been called the holy grail of medicine.
Global KOL's join Having made the discovery, patented it and demonstrated results in human, the company soon garnered the attention of a number of KOL´s. A scientific advisory board (SAB) was established comprised of leading global experts within CVD. Names such as Deepak Bhatt, Raymond Benza, Bertram Pitt, Faiez Zannad, Gordon Williams and Gunnar Olsson. Do look them all up. On the march towards a subsequent phase II trial for CS1, the course was initially set to directly target the medical indication thrombosis. However, following advice from the SAB, a strategical move to proving an even broader efficacy, shorten the time to market, thus preserving capital and prolonging IP rights, was chosen instead - for now - PAH.
The genius rationale behind proving broader efficacy quicker through PAH Although PAH is classified as a rare disease, the market is extensive and growing rapidly. The pathophysiology is simplified as this: Due to various etiologic backgrounds, a few being genetic, related to vascular fibrosis, inflammation, etc. the pulmonary arteries undergo constant proliferation. As they progressively become narrower, stiffer and less flexible, the pulmonary pressure is raised causing the right-hand side of the heart to also proliferate in order to pump enough oxygenated blood until there is simply no more room at which point the heart fails and the patient dies. Up until a few weeks ago (we will return to this), only simple vasodilators such as PDE5i´s which only temporarily alleviate symptoms, have been prescribed. Now, on top of the anti-thrombotic properties, it has also been established that CS1 has anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, pulmonary pressure-relieving properties as well as reverse-remodeling of underlying pathological vascular changes. As the CEO of Cereno Sten Sörensen states - "CS1 fits like a hand in a glove for PAH". As a parenthesis, Sörensen successfully led the RALES study at Monsanto as well as MERIT-HF at AstraZeneca. Both aimed at expanding the use for already existing compounds, just like with CS1. As an incentive to formulate treatments for rare diseases, the FDA/EMA can grant Orphan Drug Designation (ODD). The benefits, if approved, are multifold but what is of most importance here are simplified regulatory pathways to get to market. For instance, 7 years market exclusivity is also granted but the company already has extensive patents in place. Cereno was granted ODD by the FDA in 2020. If this is deemed as a tactical sound move, the next part ought to be considered a strategical masterclass. First a bit of necessary background to make it understandable: Phase I is to evaluate safety and tolerability. Phase II trials expand on this with a larger patient sample size, as well as incorporate one or a few efficacy markers. The phase II study of Cereno is setup to measure approximately 30 of them. Why? For the sake of keeping this short, CS1 ("optimized" VPA) is an HDACi and it's mode of action is through epigenetic modulation. VPA has already in numerous studies throughout the years been found to positively impact risk markers for several CVD's and research revolving around HDACi's in general has picked up tremendous speed also in areas such as cancer treatment. It is effectively a form of gene therapy. While Cereno has specifically patented VPA, the company has additionally managed to patent ALL forms of HDACi, not only for thrombosis but also for improving endogenous fibrinolysis which could possibly be relevant for all forms of CVD but certainly for several broad indications such as heart failure, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Hence, this phase II study is officially targeting PAH through markers such as mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) and 6 minute walking distance (6MWD) since everything points to that this should be a fast-forwarded slam dunk - but also incorporates markers relevant for other major indications - including PAI-1 for thrombosis. So, what started off as a mission to prove efficacy for "only" thrombosis has turned into a phase II study that will shine light on an avenue a lot broader, all at once.
In order to demonstrate this, the study participants are evenly distributed across three groups and administered one of three doses:
  1. A low dose, the same dose that reduced PAI-1 and showed anti-thrombotic properties, to confirm what was shown in Ph1.
  2. The dose shown in animal models to be clinically relevant for PAH by alleviating hypertension and show reverse remodeling capacity.
  3. Double the second dose to see whether an even higher dose means more effect and also to possibly show a dose response pattern.
I.e. a "perfect score" would be to demonstrate effects in 33% to 66% of the total number of patients depending on if dose #2 or #3 is enough in human. Regarding safety and tolerability, even the highest dose is lower than what is typically used for treating epilepsy. Furthermore, since PAH is a deadly disease with a very poor prognosis that lacks the possibility of significant spontaneous remission (patients do not get better without intervention, instead tend to progressively get worse), placebo is only formally to be included in the subsequent phase III trial and deemed unnecessary by the FDA in the ongoing Ph2 trial due to the known safety profile of VPA.
Big pharma Abbott partners with Cereno While planning for the phase II trial, Cereno and Abbott announced a mutual partnership for the same to which Abbott is to supply their CardioMEMS HF implanted sensor to Cereno's patients. The implications being multifold but mainly that instead of being bound to a few select measurements through right heart catheterization (RHC), the study now monitors many of the markers in real time. Measuring mPAP with CardioMEMS is highly superior to RHC due to the numerous measurements taken daily in comparison to RHC that is otherwise done only 3-4 times during a full trial. Due to the individual variability in the patients, RHC would demand 4 times as many patients to be able to detect the same difference in mPAP as with CardioMEMS. Further solidifying CardioMEMS as an improved health monitor by choosing Cereno and their extensive study protocol as a partner benefits Abbott.
The patents stand their ground - and Cereno scoops up two additional candidates In 2018, University of Michigan (UoM) filed for a patent for the usage of VPA to treat and/or prevent heart disease. This claim was rejected due to one (WO201605579) of the multiple patent families in place by Cereno. What then took place is beautiful:

  1. UoM licenses their own medical candidate ML585, renamed to CS585 to Cereno. A prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist.
  2. Cereno is contacted by Emeriti Bio, (comprised of a group of legends behind multiple blockbusters such as Losec), and acquires CS014, a next generation VPA analogue. Data points to an even better safety profile than CS1, giving Cereno a potential next, next (2x) generation compound.
  3. Michael Holinstat at UoM, and the inventor of CS585, has later been engaged as the Director of translational research at Cereno to evaluate these assets through the preclinical stages of development. And both have shown to prevent thrombosis without the risk of bleeding in all research so far. In other words, Cereno is now in possession of what seems to be the only compounds in the world capable of addressing thrombosis without increasing the risk of bleeding. Seemingly three times the holy grail. Data confirming this has since been shown at the worlds most prestigious CVD conferences (ESC, ASH, ACC, BIO-EUROPE, PVRI, NAHC, CVCT, NLSDays, ISTH, EHA, etc.). Patents are already granted for all candidates.
“Remarkable!” results Since Cereno has already demonstrated efficacy for thrombosis (PAI-1), this metric should be a given success yet again and are measured once the study nears completion. But let's dive into the ones related to PAH since these are continually measured by the CardioMEMS device: During summer of -23, Cereno was contacted by one of the clinics involved, inquiring Cereno to pursue an abstract at the upcoming American Heart Association congress that was being held November -23. The first patient to complete the trial was done and had what seemed like an astounding improvement in symptoms. Cereno instead opted to communicate the results seen so far to the market. The results from the first patient? 30% reduction in mPAP. 20% improvement in Cardiac Output (CO). Improvement in WHO Functional Class (FC) from II to I, meaning from having debilitating symptoms to basically being able to live a normal life. Judging from the most prominent PAH trials, patients starting from FC III usually yield greater results than the ones starting from II. Meaning that data points to potentially even more efficacy to be tapped than for this patient. Or, as Raymond Benza, knighted director of pulmonary hypertension at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York and principle investigator of the study and member of Cereno's SAB stated: "We were hoping for a 10% reduction (in mPAP) - here we saw a 30% reduction - That is really remarkable!"
Competitor analysis To keep this short, the only relevant reference to compare CS1 to is Sotatercept (now Winrevair). Approved by the FDA March 26th, it does come with risks of treatment adverse events such as increased risk of bleeding, hypertension, erythrocytosis, etc. but is still a significant step forward for patients suffering from PAH. Central to evaluating efficacy in PAH is PVR and 6MWD. PVR is calculated (PVR=80(mPAP-mPAWP/CO)) once the study is completed. So far there is both mPAP and CO from the first patient. 6MWD is also communicated at study completion. But already in the first patient, Cereno demonstrated better efficacy in PAH for relevant markers than ever previously seen. The important marker CO was not improved at all by Sotatercept. The onset (time from first dose to effects) of CS1 is also quicker. And the administration comes in the form of a pill instead of injectables, which is easier for patients. Furthermore, on March 27th, CNN writes this about Sotatercept: “In animal studies conducted before the human trials, the drug looked like it could do more than just treat symptoms: It seemed like it might be able to stop the thickening of the blood vessels and perhaps prolong patients’ lives, but those benefits have not been proven in humans.” Now back to what Dr. Raymond Benza has to say about CS1 on the subject: "Our effect on resistance was much more than what would be expected just with the effect in cardiac output. That means that this vessel is actually remodeling, and the resistance is coming down through a change in architecture of the vessel. That is really exciting to me".
Also, CS1 did all this in half the time compared to Sotatercept (12 vs 24 weeks).
A fluke? Interim findings are in and the answer is unequivocally no The apparent question surfaced - Exceptional results, but was this a one-time fluke? During fall of -23, Cereno announced interim findings (as a part of a DQCR) for 16 of the to be 30 patients including the following (in ""):

  1. "More than 60% of patients on CS1, all doses included, have a sustained reduction in mPAP." In other words, somewhere around 100% of the patients aimed for in a best case scenario.
  2. "An efficacy response compatible with a dose-response pattern." Being an open study, it would be logical to deduce that there seems to be three distinct differences in dose-response, as per the dosage protocol.
  3. *"Several patients with a reduction in mPAP of similar or greater magnitude as the initial Patient Case".*This speaks for itself.
  4. "The DQCR indicates an early onset of action". Patient #1 saw onset at 6 weeks but here is stated that "this early onset was observed already after 3 weeks for several patients". In comparison, onset for existing PAH medications apart from simple vasodilators is typically 12-15 weeks.
  5. "The DQCR showed a sustained reduction of mPAP in the 2-week follow-up period after the 12-week period of therapy with CS1 was discontinued." Indicating that a remodeling effect on the vessels has indeed taken place trough epigenetic modulation.
Again, the literature is clear; Patients with PAH just tend to get worse and simply do not see these results without intervention.
Cereno is granted "Compassionate use" by the FDA Having continued to demonstrate remarkable results also in the interim analysis, Cereno communicated to the market that they were now receiving even more inquiries from the clinics involved in the current study. This time stemming from a wish from both patients and treating clinicians to be able to continue with CS1 after the study ends. Expanded access/compassionate use, can be granted when faced with a severe condition where no good alternative medications exist, and if the FDA deems the demonstrated benefits as good enough. Cereno applied late -23. The FDA approved in January -24 and by this time Cereno also communicated that they now had been informed that the majority of the patients in the study would like to be able to continue with CS1. Apart from already being obvious exceptional news, this enables Cereno to generate a dataset for CS1 orders of magnitude more vast, since it will be possible to study even longer term results already now during phase II. As some may know, the dataset is everything when it comes to value.
Risks & critique What if the phase II study fails? CS1 and its pioneering approach has already been documented to show significant decrease in PAI-1 in human and has shown proof of concept in preclinical models in PAH by reducing the pressure in the vessels and achieving reverse remodeling. The company has also already communicated findings related to PAH for the majority of the patients in the current study which further support the findings seen in the preclinic. Look at them. Now do your own due diligence.
Why so cheap? The answer is probably twofold. First, although Cereno has operations in the US and the current study only uses US clinics, it is a Swedish biotech company still flying under the radar. There is a Swedish discord for the stock with some knowledgeable MD´s, scientists, etc. trying to explain what is going on but the majority of retail investors don’t seem to understand. Which brings us to second; institutional and professional investors typically enter post phase II results. According to Cereno, there is also already great interest from potential partners/buyers but the same goes here - phase II results first. The BoD and Management of Cereno have greatly increased their ownership exposure ever since presenting the results for patient #1 last year
Delay? Following Covid 19, there were administrative difficulties in starting up the nine clinics for the phase II trial resulting in the study being postponed and initial patient recruitment was also slow. To mitigate this, Cereno announced two additional clinics. The last of which should now be starting up at any time, since the company recently disclosed which one it is - Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. Topline results are to be presented in Q3. The study is 12 weeks and had 26/30 patients enrolled by the last update in February. Hence, study completion could be delayed but given that only a maximum of 4 patients remain to be enrolled before end of June, it seems unlikely today. Since capital runway exists until spring -25, this should pose no vital threat regardless.
"Too much communication"? This is the only possibly negative feedback I've seen that has not yet been disproven. While I do think that many press releases in a short amount of time can sometimes pose more questions than they answer, in my opinion, this is not the case here. Having read them all, and while I do understand that not everyone is interested in which new country a patent has been accepted in or what events the the company will be attending, the rest is vital information. Cereno also sends copies of all press releases in English as well as Swedish, doubling the amount.
Wrapping up This only scratches the surface. If you are of a curious nature, maybe you will find interest in possible pieces to this puzzle such as that big pharma Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) was engaged in buyout talks with Acceleron (Sotatercept) that was instead acquired by Merck. That Deepak Bhatt sits on the board of BMS - And now also in the SAB of Cereno.
But if nothing else, I think the following speaks for itself: The total addressable market (TAM) for PAH is projected to reach $12B by 2030.
The closest thing to a competitor (Sotatercept/Winrevair) was sold for approximately $7B after phase II. $8B today, adjusted for inflation. At the time of the acquisition, peak future sales was thought to come in at $2B. Since then, revised projections upwards of $9B have been made. The current market cap of Cereno Scientific is around $100M. Without speculating what a fair value should really be, that´s already a difference of around 80x. And compared to a lower peak sales than more recent projections. Plus, this is only from PAH, not counting thrombosis, with a TAM of 6x that of PAH. Cereno has already proven that CS1 can achieve results in PAH seen by no other therapeutic. And has already disclosed findings for the majority of the patients. The Phase II trial now only has a few patients left to recruit before completion.Cereno holds two additional candidates aimed at targeting thrombosis without bleeding, both seemingly unique and holding up so far. The TAM for thrombosis is projected to reach $70B by 2030. If Cereno replicates results for CS1 and PAI-1 a fourth(!) time, it would mean that their current PAH study also validates CS014 for thrombosis to quite some extent. Remember, they are both VPA. Bottom line – There are multiple shots at multiple staggering markets from one single study about to be completed – and the results so far are stellar.
submitted by Rahkrahk to biotech_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 18:16 Rahkrahk DD: Cereno has presented results that look better than Sotatercept/Winrevair in PAH and are also going after thrombosis

This is my DD of Cereno Scientific.
Disclosure: I own the stock and this is not financial advice but a best effort to provide information and share some own current views as a start for individuals capable of doing their own due diligence. As well as hopefully discuss the case.
TLDR: This is the story of an under the radar Swedish biotech company led by ex big pharma heavy-hitters, partnered with big pharma as well as officially supported by top global key opinion leaders (KOL) within cardiovascular disease (CVD) that has patented an already is a safe, tolerable and established therapeutic since it has been shown to be efficacious against thrombosis, the #1 killer in the world. Furthermore, the company ALSO looks set to outperform established pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) drugs, even the new Sotatercept/Winrevair, which has an estimated $2-9B peak annual sales. Wait until you see the results, including already reported interim data on the majority of the patients in the soon to be completed phase II study.
The serendipitous mistake The founder of Cereno Scientific is Sverker Jern, a renowned Swedish cardiologist with books published about ECG, etc. Long story short, while trying to find out a way to restore the human bodies inherent blood clot preventing system, a "failed" experiment of a postdoc belonging to Jern´s lab led to the discovery that valproic acid (VPA) significantly inhibits HDAC. In turn, this significantly reduces PAI-1 while simultaneously increasing endogenous levels of tPA; both central to combating thrombosis. VPA has been around and used for treating epilepsy, bipolar disease, migraine etc. since the 1960's. While high enough dosages (typically much higher than used here) can come with adverse effects, VPA is established as a safe and tolerable therapeutic still prescribed today. Having developed a unique administration regime for VPA trough delayed-release to reduce PAI-1, which is elevated in the morning, Cereno created it´s first medical candidate, CS1. Since then, it has been shown to be safe and tolerable, reduces the levels of circulating PAI-1 as well as restore the levels of t-Pa in a phase I human trial, without increasing the risk of bleeding. Now, for those not familiar with the hematologic landscape, this is huge. The reason being that ALL existing therapeutics for thrombosis are double-edged swords that do increase this risk, causing considerable consequences for quality of life, not to mention fatal incidents. Coupled with thrombosis as the #1 underlying cause of death globally, it is not for nothing that a potential solution to this has been called the holy grail of medicine.
Global KOL's join Having made the discovery, patented it and demonstrated results in human, the company soon garnered the attention of a number of KOL´s. A scientific advisory board (SAB) was established comprised of leading global experts within CVD. Names such as Deepak Bhatt, Raymond Benza, Bertram Pitt, Faiez Zannad, Gordon Williams and Gunnar Olsson. Do look them all up. On the march towards a subsequent phase II trial for CS1, the course was initially set to directly target the medical indication thrombosis. However, following advice from the SAB, a strategical move to proving an even broader efficacy, shorten the time to market, thus preserving capital and prolonging IP rights, was chosen instead - for now - PAH.
The genius rationale behind proving broader efficacy quicker through PAH Although PAH is classified as a rare disease, the market is extensive and growing rapidly. The pathophysiology is simplified as this: Due to various etiologic backgrounds, a few being genetic, related to vascular fibrosis, inflammation, etc. the pulmonary arteries undergo constant proliferation. As they progressively become narrower, stiffer and less flexible, the pulmonary pressure is raised causing the right-hand side of the heart to also proliferate in order to pump enough oxygenated blood until there is simply no more room at which point the heart fails and the patient dies. Up until a few weeks ago (we will return to this), only simple vasodilators such as PDE5i´s which only temporarily alleviate symptoms, have been prescribed. Now, on top of the anti-thrombotic properties, it has also been established that CS1 has anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, pulmonary pressure-relieving properties as well as reverse-remodeling of underlying pathological vascular changes. As the CEO of Cereno Sten Sörensen states - "CS1 fits like a hand in a glove for PAH". As a parenthesis, Sörensen successfully led the RALES study at Monsanto as well as MERIT-HF at AstraZeneca. Both aimed at expanding the use for already existing compounds, just like with CS1. As an incentive to formulate treatments for rare diseases, the FDA/EMA can grant Orphan Drug Designation (ODD). The benefits, if approved, are multifold but what is of most importance here are simplified regulatory pathways to get to market. For instance, 7 years market exclusivity is also granted but the company already has extensive patents in place. Cereno was granted ODD by the FDA in 2020. If this is deemed as a tactical sound move, the next part ought to be considered a strategical masterclass. First a bit of necessary background to make it understandable: Phase I is to evaluate safety and tolerability. Phase II trials expand on this with a larger patient sample size, as well as incorporate one or a few efficacy markers. The phase II study of Cereno is setup to measure approximately 30 of them. Why? For the sake of keeping this short, CS1 ("optimized" VPA) is an HDACi and it's mode of action is through epigenetic modulation. VPA has already in numerous studies throughout the years been found to positively impact risk markers for several CVD's and research revolving around HDACi's in general has picked up tremendous speed also in areas such as cancer treatment. It is effectively a form of gene therapy. While Cereno has specifically patented VPA, the company has additionally managed to patent ALL forms of HDACi, not only for thrombosis but also for improving endogenous fibrinolysis which could possibly be relevant for all forms of CVD but certainly for several broad indications such as heart failure, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. Hence, this phase II study is officially targeting PAH through markers such as mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) and 6 minute walking distance (6MWD) since everything points to that this should be a fast-forwarded slam dunk - but also incorporates markers relevant for other major indications - including PAI-1 for thrombosis. So, what started off as a mission to prove efficacy for "only" thrombosis has turned into a phase II study that will shine light on an avenue a lot broader, all at once.
In order to demonstrate this, the study participants are evenly distributed across three groups and administered one of three doses:
  1. A low dose, the same dose that reduced PAI-1 and showed anti-thrombotic properties, to confirm what was shown in Ph1.
  2. The dose shown in animal models to be clinically relevant for PAH by alleviating hypertension and show reverse remodeling capacity.
  3. Double the second dose to see whether an even higher dose means more effect and also to possibly show a dose response pattern.
I.e. a "perfect score" would be to demonstrate effects in 33% to 66% of the total number of patients depending on if dose #2 or #3 is enough in human. Regarding safety and tolerability, even the highest dose is lower than what is typically used for treating epilepsy. Furthermore, since PAH is a deadly disease with a very poor prognosis that lacks the possibility of significant spontaneous remission (patients do not get better without intervention, instead tend to progressively get worse), placebo is only formally to be included in the subsequent phase III trial and deemed unnecessary by the FDA in the ongoing Ph2 trial due to the known safety profile of VPA.
Big pharma Abbott partners with Cereno While planning for the phase II trial, Cereno and Abbott announced a mutual partnership for the same to which Abbott is to supply their CardioMEMS HF implanted sensor to Cereno's patients. The implications being multifold but mainly that instead of being bound to a few select measurements through right heart catheterization (RHC), the study now monitors many of the markers in real time. Measuring mPAP with CardioMEMS is highly superior to RHC due to the numerous measurements taken daily in comparison to RHC that is otherwise done only 3-4 times during a full trial. Due to the individual variability in the patients, RHC would demand 4 times as many patients to be able to detect the same difference in mPAP as with CardioMEMS. Further solidifying CardioMEMS as an improved health monitor by choosing Cereno and their extensive study protocol as a partner benefits Abbott.
The patents stand their ground - and Cereno scoops up two additional candidates In 2018, University of Michigan (UoM) filed for a patent for the usage of VPA to treat and/or prevent heart disease. This claim was rejected due to one (WO201605579) of the multiple patent families in place by Cereno. What then took place is beautiful:
  1. UoM licenses their own medical candidate ML585, renamed to CS585 to Cereno. A prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist.
  2. Cereno is contacted by Emeriti Bio, (comprised of a group of legends behind multiple blockbusters such as Losec), and acquires CS014, a next generation VPA analogue. Data points to an even better safety profile than CS1, giving Cereno a potential next, next (2x) generation compound.
  3. Michael Holinstat at UoM, and the inventor of CS585, has later been engaged as the Director of translational research at Cereno to evaluate these assets through the preclinical stages of development. And both have shown to prevent thrombosis without the risk of bleeding in all research so far. In other words, Cereno is now in possession of what seems to be the only compounds in the world capable of addressing thrombosis without increasing the risk of bleeding. Seemingly three times the holy grail. Data confirming this has since been shown at the worlds most prestigious CVD conferences (ESC, ASH, ACC, BIO-EUROPE, PVRI, NAHC, CVCT, NLSDays, ISTH, EHA, etc.). Patents are already granted for all candidates.
“Remarkable!” results Since Cereno has already demonstrated efficacy for thrombosis (PAI-1), this metric should be a given success yet again and are measured once the study nears completion. But let's dive into the ones related to PAH since these are continually measured by the CardioMEMS device: During summer of -23, Cereno was contacted by one of the clinics involved, inquiring Cereno to pursue an abstract at the upcoming American Heart Association congress that was being held November -23. The first patient to complete the trial was done and had what seemed like an astounding improvement in symptoms. Cereno instead opted to communicate the results seen so far to the market. The results from the first patient? 30% reduction in mPAP. 20% improvement in Cardiac Output (CO). Improvement in WHO Functional Class (FC) from II to I, meaning from having debilitating symptoms to basically being able to live a normal life. Judging from the most prominent PAH trials, patients starting from FC III usually yield greater results than the ones starting from II. Meaning that data points to potentially even more efficacy to be tapped than for this patient. Or, as Raymond Benza, knighted director of pulmonary hypertension at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York and principle investigator of the study and member of Cereno's SAB stated: "We were hoping for a 10% reduction (in mPAP) - here we saw a 30% reduction - That is really remarkable!"
Competitor analysis To keep this short, the only relevant reference to compare CS1 to is Sotatercept (now Winrevair). Approved by the FDA March 26th, it does come with risks of treatment adverse events such as increased risk of bleeding, hypertension, erythrocytosis, etc. but is still a significant step forward for patients suffering from PAH. Central to evaluating efficacy in PAH is PVR and 6MWD. PVR is calculated (PVR=80(mPAP-mPAWP/CO)) once the study is completed. So far there is both mPAP and CO from the first patient. 6MWD is also communicated at study completion. But already in the first patient, Cereno demonstrated better efficacy in PAH for relevant markers than ever previously seen. The important marker CO was not improved at all by Sotatercept. The onset (time from first dose to effects) of CS1 is also quicker. And the administration comes in the form of a pill instead of injectables, which is easier for patients. Furthermore, on March 27th, CNN writes this about Sotatercept: “In animal studies conducted before the human trials, the drug looked like it could do more than just treat symptoms: It seemed like it might be able to stop the thickening of the blood vessels and perhaps prolong patients’ lives, but those benefits have not been proven in humans.” Now back to what Dr. Raymond Benza has to say about CS1 on the subject: "Our effect on resistance was much more than what would be expected just with the effect in cardiac output. That means that this vessel is actually remodeling, and the resistance is coming down through a change in architecture of the vessel. That is really exciting to me".
Also, CS1 did all this in half the time compared to Sotatercept (12 vs 24 weeks).
A fluke? Interim findings are in and the answer is unequivocally no The apparent question surfaced - Exceptional results, but was this a one-time fluke? During fall of -23, Cereno announced interim findings (as a part of a DQCR) for 16 of the to be 30 patients including the following (in ""):
  1. "More than 60% of patients on CS1, all doses included, have a sustained reduction in mPAP." In other words, somewhere around 100% of the patients aimed for in a best case scenario.
  2. "An efficacy response compatible with a dose-response pattern." Being an open study, it would be logical to deduce that there seems to be three distinct differences in dose-response, as per the dosage protocol.
  3. "Several patients with a reduction in mPAP of similar or greater magnitude as the initial Patient Case".This speaks for itself.
  4. "The DQCR indicates an early onset of action". Patient #1 saw onset at 6 weeks but here is stated that "this early onset was observed already after 3 weeks for several patients". In comparison, onset for existing PAH medications apart from simple vasodilators is typically 12-15 weeks.
  5. "The DQCR showed a sustained reduction of mPAP in the 2-week follow-up period after the 12-week period of therapy with CS1 was discontinued." Indicating that a remodeling effect on the vessels has indeed taken place trough epigenetic modulation.
Again, the literature is clear; Patients with PAH just tend to get worse and simply do not see these results without intervention. Cereno is granted "Compassionate use" by the FDA Having continued to demonstrate remarkable results also in the interim analysis, Cereno communicated to the market that they were now receiving even more inquiries from the clinics involved in the current study. This time stemming from a wish from both patients and treating clinicians to be able to continue with CS1 after the study ends. Expanded access/compassionate use, can be granted when faced with a severe condition where no good alternative medications exist, and if the FDA deems the demonstrated benefits as good enough. Cereno applied late -23. The FDA approved in January -24 and by this time Cereno also communicated that they now had been informed that the majority of the patients in the study would like to be able to continue with CS1. Apart from already being obvious exceptional news, this enables Cereno to generate a dataset for CS1 orders of magnitude more vast, since it will be possible to study even longer term results already now during phase II. As some may know, the dataset is everything when it comes to value.
Risks & critique What if the phase II study fails? CS1 and its pioneering approach has already been documented to show significant decrease in PAI-1 in human and has shown proof of concept in preclinical models in PAH by reducing the pressure in the vessels and achieving reverse remodeling. The company has also already communicated findings related to PAH for the majority of the patients in the current study which further support the findings seen in the preclinic. Look at them. Now do your own due diligence.
Why so cheap? The answer is probably twofold. First, although Cereno has operations in the US and the current study only uses US clinics, it is a Swedish biotech company still flying under the radar. There is a Swedish discord for the stock with some knowledgeable MD´s, scientists, etc. trying to explain what is going on but the majority of retail investors don’t seem to understand. Which brings us to second; institutional and professional investors typically enter post phase II results. According to Cereno, there is also already great interest from potential partners/buyers but the same goes here - phase II results first. The BoD and Management of Cereno have greatly increased their ownership exposure ever since presenting the results for patient #1 last year
Delay? Following Covid 19, there were administrative difficulties in starting up the nine clinics for the phase II trial resulting in the study being postponed and initial patient recruitment was also slow. To mitigate this, Cereno announced two additional clinics. The last of which should now be starting up at any time, since the company recently disclosed which one it is - Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York. Topline results are to be presented in Q3. The study is 12 weeks and had 26/30 patients enrolled by the last update in February. Hence, study completion could be delayed but given that only a maximum of 4 patients remain to be enrolled before end of June, it seems unlikely today. Since capital runway exists until spring -25, this should pose no vital threat regardless.
"Too much communication"? This is the only possibly negative feedback I've seen that has not yet been disproven. While I do think that many press releases in a short amount of time can sometimes pose more questions than they answer, in my opinion, this is not the case here. Having read them all, and while I do understand that not everyone is interested in which new country a patent has been accepted in or what events the the company will be attending, the rest is vital information. Cereno also sends copies of all press releases in English as well as Swedish, doubling the amount.
Wrapping up This only scratches the surface. If you are of a curious nature, maybe you will find interest in possible pieces to this puzzle such as that big pharma Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) was engaged in buyout talks with Acceleron (Sotatercept) that was instead acquired by Merck. That Deepak Bhatt sits on the board of BMS - And now also in the SAB of Cereno.
But if nothing else, I think the following speaks for itself: The total addressable market (TAM) for PAH is projected to reach $12B by 2030.
The closest thing to a competitor (Sotatercept/Winrevair) was sold for approximately $7B after phase II. $8B today, adjusted for inflation. At the time of the acquisition, peak future sales was thought to come in at $2B. Since then, revised projections upwards of $9B have been made. The current market cap of Cereno Scientific is around $100M. Without speculating what a fair value should really be, that´s already a difference of around 80x. And compared to a lower peak sales than more recent projections. Plus, this is only from PAH, not counting thrombosis, with a TAM of 6x that of PAH. Cereno has already proven that CS1 can achieve results in PAH seen by no other therapeutic. And has already disclosed findings for the majority of the patients. The Phase II trial now only has a few patients left to recruit before completion.Cereno holds two additional candidates aimed at targeting thrombosis without bleeding, both seemingly unique and holding up so far. The TAM for thrombosis is projected to reach $70B by 2030. If Cereno replicates results for CS1 and PAI-1 a fourth(!) time, it would mean that their current PAH study also validates CS014 for thrombosis to quite some extent. Remember, they are both VPA. Bottom line – There are multiple shots at multiple staggering markets from one single study about to be completed – and the results so far are stellar.

submitted by Rahkrahk to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 18:11 mbarghi Lightsaber Combat: which was the superior combination of blade and stance/form

From duelists like Count Dooku, assassins/warriors like maul and ventress, masters of power like Exar Kun, to generals like Revan, to survivors like Cal Kestis we have a plethora of mix and match which gives a large breadth of examples to draw from.

The stances we get from video games such as KoTR, SWTOR, Jedi: fallen order (survivor), jedi academy etc., and also from comic books add to the art of Star Wars' lightsaber combat, and the addition of what each saber color represents have had friends and myself bickering over what combination would produce the most combat proficient force wielder.

It was said that Exar Kun first invented the dual bladed saber, and that he was able to defeat his master Vodo-Siosk Baas in their next encounter with - i want to say - a much easier task than anticipated. Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon, and in TCW series there are moments where it is shows that the weapon it self was the reason for his victory. Satele Shan was able to take on multiple foes with different forms of weapons.

For dual wielding, most can admit its one of the cooler looks that also shows devasting effect through Revan and Ahsoka notably. Two legends in their own right who show how the more acrobatic and fluid fighting form can catch foes off guard or turn the tide through pairing offense and defense with main hand and off-hand blending of strikes and ripostes.

*We see Obi-Wan, a master of Soresu, defeating Anakin Skywalker on multiple occasions as well as Darth Vader (will credit a lot of this to Obi-Wan and Anakins dynamic and relationship as well as Anakins deep personal flaws). "You cant conquer what you cant break" and when a fair fight does not become one, you will find yourself grateful for being a master in defense.

Dooku was no slouch, had trained Grevious who was a death machine with his 4 sabers. AotC ending scene with Anakin + Obi + Yoda comes to mind as well as Star Wars tales of the Jedi vs Yaddle.

Cals switch saber, Ezras gun saber, and Vaders length changing blade hints at adaptability (the formers thematically touching base with the games title of 'Fallen Order' and 'Survivor') being more coveted and often the defining feature of weather you win or lose a fight.

There is also to take into account dueling vs warfare, being a ground level guerilla rebel vs an assassin or inquisitor - the situation will never be the same in a fight and all fights are going to have advantage and disadvantage. I personally don't think there is one combination that stands such head and shoulders above the rest by such a margin of say, for example, single saber + blue color + Djem So (single blade allows for arguable better mobility and your free hand to be used to call on force abilities easier, blue is the color most often represented with combat prowess for Jedi, and Djem So was an evolution of Soresu and Makashi(?).

Some of the extended universe media through comic books and video games are very liberal with their power scaling but this franchise has been expanded with such deep robust information that expands to almost half a century, we can mostly sift through a lot of what can be considered outliers and non-canon ala Starkiller and Legends Luke Skywalker. Having said that, on the other end of the spectrum The Force is such a tricky thing to include because it really is so capricous in its nature. Some people have innate understanding and command of it, some have limited potential. Some force abilities having brutal demonstrations of power and control like foce choke and lighting but then we see the value of Mace blocking Sheevs bolts in the senate office, and Rey dual wielding her march on his throne. While I did mention the useful ness of being able to use the force in combat it does invite the question "ok well I use the force to stop your heart or brain activity" "I use the force to make you x,y,z" "The opponent force chokes you then throws a saber at you" aka Darth Vaders force choke + saber throw combo in BF2. Its such an immeasurable thing I cant find myself able to find a way to calculate that into this question.

Take into account that the wielder of the weapon and the mind/self awareness of the combatant are most often overlooked - as per Anakin and Maul and Ahsoka serving as great examples.

TL;DR: which combination of saber, color, and stance/form do you think would produce the galaxies finest warrior - a legend.
submitted by mbarghi to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 02:01 OneHorseHill First Crack at the Format- Cuts?

First Crack at the Format- Cuts?
Almost stayed mono black but opened the Hydra P3P1 followed by some good green cards. Right now I'm thinking of cutting some combination of Skulduggery, Fake Your Own Death, and Raven. I also have enough black cards in the sideboard that I COULD play mono black ( - all 4 green cards, + 2 nezumi linkbreaker). Any opinions?
submitted by OneHorseHill to lrcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:04 seventeenbananas African Fat Tailed Gecko not gaining weight

African Fat Tailed Gecko not gaining weight
My roommate and I have an African fat tailed gecko who's always been a very picky eater, but this last winter it got worse because we moved from socal to Washington and didn't realize how much more heat he needed until winter was almost over. We took him to the vet two weeks ago because he was slightly wobbly when walking and losing weight and he weighed 42g and the vet gave us EmerAid Intensive Care Omnivore to feed him. He gets at least 0.6mL per day but usually more. After a week I got nervous about it being the omnivore formula(I know carnivore can be too much for them) so I started giving him half and half Grub Pie and the omnivore care. Now two weeks after the first vet visit he weighs 39g. He is pooping regularly. He also has an inflamed eye from substrate getting in there literally the day before the first vet appointment so we've been treating him with eye drops the vet gave us, if the inflammation could affect his body's ability to store weight. We're moving him onto paper towels too for the eye. We've upped his humidity to 70% and added a heat mat to the side of the tank where his water bowl is, since that's his favorite hide so he doesn't get a lot of time in the hides under the heat lamp (he can't directly touch the glass where the heat mat is). Is there anything else we can do feeding- and enclosure-wise for him to help him gain weight and his strength back?
submitted by seventeenbananas to geckos [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:53 Negative_Raccoon_887 The A320 is objectively superior BUT...

The A320 is objectively superior BUT... submitted by Negative_Raccoon_887 to flightsim [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:02 BrandNewLogicVL Prompt

Prompt submitted by BrandNewLogicVL to VocabWordOfTheDay [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 20:26 backtobecks369 Po bej nje birre artizanale per t'ua bere dhurate miqve. Si t'ja ve emrin?

Ju lutem jo troll, po kerkoj per nje emer per logon dhe mesazhin e birres artizanale ...

Ju faleminderit
submitted by backtobecks369 to albania [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 21:54 a_purple_dragon Pulled an auto out of a dollar pack

Pulled an auto out of a dollar pack
Picked up this 2003 Donruss Team Heros pack for a buck and pulled this Josh Pearce sticker auto. Such a fun surprise!
submitted by a_purple_dragon to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 18:11 Nytaraba Aircraft and Missile Carrier Flagship

Aircraft and Missile Carrier Flagship submitted by Nytaraba to Highfleet [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 14:39 Powerful-Drop7847 Help

Who makes the attack/ what shall I run
submitted by Powerful-Drop7847 to FIFA22 [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 21:55 SamueleDelPapa Elettronica tra poco diventerà un ditkack ...

ItaliaOggi7 SPENDERE MEGLIO Lunedì 11 Marzo 2024 19 Gli scenari delineati in un report Deloitte. Si amplia l'offerta bancaria di servizi di dilazione Pagamenti sempre più virtuali
In crescita tra i consumatori l'utilizzo del buy now pay later Pagina a cura DI ANTONIO LONGO i
ontinua a crescere il "buy now pay la- ter", ossia lo stru- mento che consen- te di comprare subito onli- ne un bene o un servizio ma di pagarlo in maniera dilazionata. In Europa, nel 2023, gli importi tran- sati si sono attestati a qua- si 170 miliardi di euro mentre nei prossimi 5 an- ni il trend positivo si atte- sterà al +12% annuo, an- che grazie alla crescente integrazione delle soluzio- ni con i sistemi l'amplia- punti vendita e all' mento dell'offerta di i servi- zi. In Italia, nel 2026, i pa-
gamenti tramite Bnplese- guiti sui canali online su- pereranno i 4 miliardi di euro, nell'ultimo biennio sono aumentati del 56% gli utenti attivi (dai circa 3 milioni del 2021 ai circa 4,5 milioni del 2023) e il 17% della popolazione (in prevalenza tra le nuove ge- nerazioni) ha utilizzato al- meno una volta forme di di- lazione di pagamento. Si tratta degli scenari deli- neati in seno al focus cura- to da Deloitte da cui emer- ge che, a livello globale, nel 2026 il valore dei paga- menti Bnpl si attesterà a quota 6% del transato tota- le per quasi 490 miliardi di euro. 13
Dal 2022 al 2026 il tasso di crescita si attesta al 16% annuo con 360 milio- ni di utenti destinati a rad- doppiare nei prossimi 5 an- ni.
Dal report si rileva che a livello europeo il valore del transato dei pagamen- ti Bnpl tramite commercio elettronico è atteso all'11% nel 2026 per circa 150 miliardi di euro, ri- spetto al 10% del 2022 (95 miliardi di euro), con i si nordici a fare da traine «Lo sviluppo e la progressi- va maturazione del merca- to Buy now pay later sono sostenuti da diversi fatto- ri» osserva Manuel Pincet- ti, senior partner di Moni- tor Deloitte. «Da un lato i player di settore stanno sviluppando soluzioni per coinvolgere la clientela at- traverso partnership, estendendosi lungo la cate- na del valore e rendendo sempre credito al consu- più labile il confi- ne con il
mo, , rivedendo i modelli di business alla ricerca di profittabilità per sostene- re round di finanziamento a sostegno della crescita, dall'altro lato va eviden- ziata l'evoluzione della I numeri italiani del Bnpl II 6% del valore del transato on line nel 2022 avvenuto tramite il Bnpl, con più di 4 miliardi di euro attesi nel 2026 In aumento gli utenti attivi, +56% tra il 2021 e il 2023 (da circa 3 milioni a circa 4,5 milioni)
Il 17% della popolazione (in larga prevalenza Millenials e Generazione Z) ha utilizzato almeno una volta il Bnpl
Fonte: Rielaborazioni di Deloitte su dati Worldpay, IPSOS, CRIF, Assofin, Osservatorio eCommerce B2C Netcomm - School of Management del Politecnico di Milano normativa di riferimento e la progressiva regola- mentazione del fenomeno. Se è vero che quest'ultima comporterà una necessità di adeguamento da parte degli operatori con maggio- ri oneri e implicazioni sul- la dinamica dei ticket me- di, è anche vero che abilite- rà nel medio termine una maggior trasparenza e tu- tela dei consumatori, avvi- cinando così anche quei segmenti di clienti finan- ziariamente più attenti». Ad accelerare lo svilup- po del mercato contribui- scono anche l'estensione dell'offerta bancaria verso servizi di dilazione dei pa- gamenti, come le carte di credito attive con funzione di rateizzazione, e l'incre- mento dei pagamenti tra- mite soluzioni di Pos finan- cing, così come l'introdu- zione di modelli simili al Bnpl.
Dal focus emergono an- che i possibili sviluppi del i
Bnpl nei rapporti tra im- prese, segmento in cui il valore del transato eCom- merce è dieci volte superio- re rispetto al segmento ri- guardante i consumatori. In tale contesto, si stan- no già muovendo player sia in Europa che in Italia ma permane la sfida di creare soluzioni capaci di gestire a scala ticket medi elevati e processi comples- si, simili alla sottoscrizio- ne di un finanziamento, in modo più rapido ed econo- mico rispetto ai metodi tra- dizionali. Non solo Bnpl. Appare chiaro come i processi lega- ti al pagamento rappresen- tino un fattore chiave nell'esperienza del clien- te, la cui soddisfazione è subordinata ad un proces- so fluido, intuitivo e perso- nalizzato, elemento cen- trale intorno a cui costrui- re un'offerta ad alto valore aggiunto.
Pertanto, gli operatori del settore, sia nuovi player che attori tradizio- nali, per rimanere compe- titivi in un mercato in co- stante crescita devono ri- spondere in maniera tem- pestiva alle esigenze di un consumatore sempre più evoluto e digitale, addirit- tura anticipandone spesso i bisogni, con carte e smart- phone che si confermano il motore primario per la cre- scita dei pagamenti inno- vativi.
Gli analisti di Floa han- no, quindi, individuato al- cuni i trend e altri innovati- vi sistemi, oltre al Bnpl, sempre più apprezzati dai consumatori. A comincia- re dall' "instant trade in", strumento nato per inco-
raggiare il riutilizzo degli smartphone ma che si sti- ma possa espandersi a molti altri settori. Dal pun- to di vista pratico, con tale soluzione si ha immediata- mente una valutazione del valore del proprio tele- fono che può essere detrat- to dall'importo del prezzo del nuovo telefono. E una formula che, evidentemen- te, genera un impatto posi- tivo sia sull'ambiente e sia sul bilancio finanziario del consumatore. Il "tap to pay", invece, grazie alla tecnologia SoftPos, consen- te al cellulare dell'esercen- te di diventare un termina- le di pagamento per accet- tare i pagamenti contac- tless (cellulare, orologio, carta di credito). È una nuova modalità di paga- mento particolarmente im- portante per i piccoli eser- centi che non offrono anco- ra il pagamento con carta di credito. Mentre il "save now buy later" pone gli utenti finali nella condizio- ne di risparmiare in vista di un acquisto. Attraverso varie caratte- ristiche e funzionalità, le app supportano i consuma- tori nella definizione di obiettivi di risparmio, faci- sparmi
litando poi il completa- mento dell'acquisto una volta raggiunti, aggiun- gendo talvolta vantaggi esclusivi. In tale contesto, l'intelligenza artificiale avrà un impatto sempre maggiore nella definizio- ne dell'esperienza di acqui- sto dell'utente finale. Nel settore dei pagamen- ti, algoritmi avanzati, ma- chine learning e analisi predittive avranno anche un impatto importante nell'individuazione e lotta alle frodi. Si apriranno, inoltre, nuove frontiere an- che nella gestione del ri- schio. «Le nuove formule e strumenti di pagamento stanno trasformando il ruolo che questo gioca nel- la relazione tra le parti e nella relazione dell'utente finale con il loro denaro, da commodity diventerà sempre di più un fattore differenziante ad alto valo- re aggiunto» evidenzia An- drea Boschi, responsabile di Floa per l'Italia. Le carte business si diffondono tra le Pmi pa
Sul fronte dei pagamenti digitali, cresce l'utilizzo delle carte busi- ness tra le imprese italiane, con il 61% che ne possiede almeno una e il 54% che evidenzia, come princi- pale vantaggio, la la comodità di pa- gare sempre e e ovunque, ricono- scendo la protezione e sicurezza offerta dalle carte, nonché l'am- pia accettazione. A rilevare tali trend sono gli esiti della seconda edizione dell'osservatorio Visa sui pagamenti digitali, realizzato in collaborazione con Ipsos, se- condo cui le carte di credito busi- ness aiutano soprattutto le picco- le e micro imprese a vincere la sfi- da dell'innovazione. Tra le princi- pali esigenze delle imprese inter- vistate, il 66% ha necessità di esse- re pagata subito e al contempo ot- timizzare il capitale circolante. al
Le voci di spesa per le quali si ri- corre alle carte business sono gli acquisti ad hoc via internet (34%), le forniture accessorie e le utenze (32%), i fornitori primari (30%). L'uso delle carte personali è legato, invece, principalmente pagamento delle utenze (32%), alle spese di viaggio e rappresen- tanza (31%), a quelle su piattafor me digitali (29%) e al prelievo di contante (28%). Inoltre, l'87% del- le piccole imprese ritiene impor- tante separare le spese aziendali da quelle personali, rispetto al 64% delle micro, in ragione delle dimensioni e della gestione più ar- ticolata. Peraltro, a giudizio delle imprese coinvolte nell'indagine, le carte di pagamento business in- fluiscono positivamente anche sui processi aziendali, permetten- ----- Riproduzione riservate---- do un maggior controllo e monito- raggio delle spese (44%) e un mi- glioramento complessivo della contabilità (32%). Sia tra le micro che tra le piccole imprese emerge interesse per i servizi collegati al le carte business, tra gli attuali possessori la gestione personaliz- zata e istantanea sull'utilizzo del- la carta è il servizio che desta maggiore interesse (34%), mentre tra i non possessori attira l'atten- zione l'accesso a una piattaforma di controllo, rendicontazione e analisi delle spese (34%). L'80% delle imprese si dichiara dispo- sto a pagare di più per servizi pre- mium, tra cui il cashback (32%), i servizi di assicurazione aggiunti- vi (29%), le offerte dedicate ed esclusive (27%). Riproduzione riservata -----
submitted by SamueleDelPapa to u/SamueleDelPapa [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 21:17 Delicious_Mine_6952 Help needed with sick chinchilla, *PLEASE*.

I've taken her to the vet twice, and I'm afraid I've been given bad advice from the vet's office. I have an appointment to drop her off tomorrow, and I'm not sure whether I should keep it. I have a chinchilla who belongs to my daughter, but due to her frequent travel for work the chin stays with me. She is about 2 years old. She started having trouble breathing. She was not having discharge but definitely struggled. Steam treatments seemed to ease her breathing some, but it persisted and her appetite decreased, so I found a vet who would treat her.
At the first vet visit, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and was given Baytril. I was feeding her EmerAid (similar to Critical Care), and they told me how much of that to give. At that visit, they gave her an antibiotic injection and gave me the liquid Baytril along with two syringes, one of which was too small for the recovery food, with no instruction beyond how much to give daily of each. I found a dental syringe that my daughter had never used and cut the tip to use that for feeding. She took her antibiotic well but began to fight the feedings very badly after several days.
Because of that, I took her back to the vet and was actually educated during that visit. Amongst other things, I apparently I never should have washed the syringes with soap. As a result they were sticking. My chin should have had 3 doses remaining of Baytril, but I had run out of the medication and needed more to complete the course. I was told to stop giving it to her at that time because she sounded clear. Here we are a week later. She is still not eating and seems to again be having trouble breathing. The vet's office advised me to try giving her dried apples, raisins, cranberries - basically anything she would eat. She has eaten some timothy and/or oat hay but not very much. She has no interest in eating her pellets (Mazuri). She was not interested in the apple and just took a few bites of the raisin before dropping it. She ignored the cranberry. I was advised by the vet's office to give her a probiotic, so I bought Benebac. I was told to give it along with her food, which I was feeding directly after the antibiotic, so it probably didn't help at all.
One problem I have is that I have learned that she should never have been given fruit at all. She still doesn't want to eat and is making almost like a gasping or gurgling sound a few times per minute on average. I can see that she is taking kind of hard/deep breaths. She has been rolling around in her wheel almost like she does in a dust bath. I've been reading more and am wondering if she may have bloat, which apparently can cause a lack of appetite and even breathing difficulties. Because of this, I bought simethicone drops and gave her 20 mg a few hours ago. I'm planning to give this 4 times daily in hopes that she will improve.
I'm not feeling super comfortable that the vet's office knows what they are doing here, and to be honest, we don't have endless money to throw around while they try to figure it out. They have already given harmful advice as far as what to feed her, which may well have contributed to a different problem than she was having to start with. The vet's office wants me to bring her in tomorrow and drop her off. I'm not sure if I should keep that appointment or cancel it.
I talked to a lady who runs a chinchilla rescue, and she says that she has not found a good chin vet in our area. She gave me some ideas of things to try. She does not advocate forced feedings,
submitted by Delicious_Mine_6952 to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 19:38 Cleito002 ED fix ur game

ED fix ur game submitted by Cleito002 to floggit [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 17:52 smellyboyantiques Have you seen a pile of rust, old structure, or have an old dump on your property? I collect old beer cans and look for sites where folks dumped their trash to find them. Any lead is a good lead!

submitted by smellyboyantiques to westernmass [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 17:52 smellyboyantiques Have you seen a pile of rust, old structure, or have an old dump on your property? I collect old beer cans and look for sites where folks dumped their trash to find them. Any lead is a good lead!

Have you seen a pile of rust, old structure, or have an old dump on your property? I collect old beer cans and look for sites where folks dumped their trash to find them. Any lead is a good lead! submitted by smellyboyantiques to massachusetts [link] [comments]
