Free wood carport plans

Boat Building and Restoration

2013.02.13 00:34 amreame Boat Building and Restoration

This is for everything involved in boat building and restorations. This includes outboard restorations, and the typical aluminum, wood, and fiberglass restoration projects.

2024.06.09 21:19 mcrm18 cleaning/rinsing after ammonia

I appreciate this may seem a little dumb..but how do you rinse/remove ammonia from a vivarium after cleaning with it? had a spare viv but previous inhabitant had coccidia and i wish to make sure it isnt still lurking around. my plan is use f10scxd>rinse then use ammonia 10%>rinse>steam. all rocks and wood would be put though an oven.
submitted by mcrm18 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 Massive-Field3324 Card to own apart from Infinia?

Hi All I was upgraded to INFINIA from regalia this year in January. I made a couple of huge payments and an international trip which lead to my total spending of 12 lac + in past 6 months. I was planning to divert some of my spending to another card as I have fulfilled the milestone of Infinia for having it next year free. I am Platinum elite status in Marriott and am planning to spend on the hotels to extrapolate the benefits of elite status and hence was thinking to invest in one more card where I could maximise the rewards for around 4 or 5 lac.
I am confused whether to go for some AMEX card or AXIS Atlas or something AXIS?
Card I own: INFINIA HDFC Marriott Bonvoy Axis Vistara Infinite ( uncertain what will happen post Air India merger, hence dont use it that much)
submitted by Massive-Field3324 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 Rob_Sothoth Impossible Landscapes - Session 2 "Futures Past"

Session 0 "Intake":
Session 1 "The Apartment":
Operation ALICE, New York, 1995
The Roster (Player/Character)
Lea (she/her): Jules Gradkowska - Agent MIRANDA. Journalist - research and human intelligence.
Iain (he/him): Ralph Bevis - Agent MILHOUSE. Academic - history and occult specialist.
Quinn (he/him): Richard Delapore - Agent MAVERICK. FBI Special Agent - criminal and forensic expert and the official 'face' of the investigation.
Phil (he/him): Jean Duvall - Agent MAIN. US Navy Master Chief Petty Officer - operational security specialist.
Duncan (he/him): Jake Little - Agent MALATESTA. Civilian contractor - computer and electronic specialist with a side line in hacking.
Rob_sothoth (he/him) - Handler. The arbiter of the world: the good, the bad and that which cannot and should not be named.
Background: The Agents of M-Cell are tasked with investigating the apartment of Abigail Wright. Missing since June, Delta Green has reason to suspect para-natural involvement. Their orders are simple: catalogue the apartment and remove anything deemed suspect for destruction.
Despite heavy changes made, full spoiler warning for Impossible Landscapes.

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Session 2 "Futures Past" (June 7th, 2024)
New York: Wednesday, August 9th, 1995
05:00am - 2:30pm, EST
Following the first day of investigation, Agent MAIN is the first to wake. An early-riser after years in the military, he leaves a note for Marsha. The two will meet again, of course. Arriving at work, he gets chatting to some Navy mechanics about the little weird diagram on the napkin. About the best answer he gets (after a successful check), is that one of them remembers seeing something like a clockwork giraffe as an attraction in South America. Studying it on that basis, MAIN concludes it's an artist's attempt at design because he can't see a way for this to work or even what it might really be for. He also checks in with USN and asks a friend to track down some vintage US Arms gear (he noted the serial numbers on the radio and dud-grenade). Not being from the same branch of service (and a failed check), it will take somewhere between 24-48 hours. (I decided US Armed Forces would probably be better at digitizing records, he'll get something either way).
MAVERICK isn't far behind MAIN, starting his day as usual being one of the first into the FBI NYC Field Office. As far as the FBI is concerned, he's on the Wright case now it's in their jurisdiction. Unprepared to wait for the prints to be matched (failed check on Bureaucracy), he instead does it himself (successful Forensics check). Abigail was never arrested, but her father handed in a hairbrush she kept at his and his wife's home. The prints match. It took MAVERICK a little time (it was a close pass), because part of a second, unidentified print obscured one of Abigail's, He can discount himself and the team, and likely anyone in law enforcement as he assumed they would've gone gloved.
Next, he follows up on Art Life and makes a call. He gets on the phone with Cynthia LeChance and in the course of their conversation is able to intuit there's something she's unsure or hesitant about. Being the honest-to-goodness, earnest Agent Cooper type, MAVERICK is able to organise a lunch meeting with her as part of follow up. He doesn't have many questions, he assures Cynthia and it'll be on the FBI's dime. She agrees to meet at 12pm.
(It's worth mentioning I ruled there was no reason MARCUS (Case Officer, M-Cell) or the Agents themselves wouldn't have or be able to obtain pagers they could use to stay in contact. Definitely an incidental expense as far as I am concerned.)
MILHOUSE, after his morning run to campus, follows up on his research from the previous day. He identifies the Ars Goetia and learns there's an 18th century copy in the special collections. Luckily for him, he's able to get about an hour with the book. The book contains the names of some 72 demons, their associated heraldry and symbols which they must "pay allegiance to." The book also contains the supposed means of summoning said entities, but MILHOUSE's time is over before he can get much further into it.
He's the first to arrive at the apartment, late morning/early afternoon (roughly around MAVERICK's planned lunch interview). At the coffeeshop, he's treated to a free beverage by Marsha, who thanks him for bringing his friend in the other day. Sadly, by the time MAIN arrives, her shift is over.
MIRANDA lies awake, watching the minutes tick by until about five minutes before she'd usually be walking into the Village Voice's office before making a call. She's really sorry, but she'll have to take a personal day, but does her best to reassure her editor she's still on for the grill party on Saturday. Of more immediate concern is the missing demonic symbol she is unable to locate. The polaroid she snapped is still in her possession, but she can find no trace of the symbol drawn on its piece of brown wrapping paper anywhere in her apartment. Nor can she find any evidence her home was broken into (she has the right skills to determine that for...reasons).
She makes a quick call to her criminal contact, Hugo. It's been less than 24 hours, but she wants to just follow up to perhaps create a sense of urgency. Hugo says he might have a couple of people on the hook, but it would help if he had more to work with than just "weird and esoteric." MIRANDA will be in touch. Before heading to Kips Bay, she decides to follow up on trying to locate the cab and its driver she photographed the other day; the driver looking down the barrel of the camera at her.
It takes her most of the morning, but MIRANDA locates the garage and office. Mostly making calls asking about a cab outside Abigail's address the previous day. She knows the time, more or less. She finds a schlubby office manager who stonewalls her until money changes hands. MIRANDA gets a name and the cabbie's usual pick up and route. Guy likes to work around the Port Authority Terminal most days, she can probably find him there. She doesn't want to go alone and makes her way to the Macallistar where she expects to find the others.
A night owl and late to wake by nature, MALATESTA hits snooze on his alarm maybe only twice today. Packing up the weird crystal in a ziplock bag stowed in his backpack, he takes himself to the Mercury Gallery. He's got an angle he wants to try and it works, if not quite in the way he perhaps expected.
The gallery owner, Santiago, isn't sure what to make of the skater-grunge kid who rolls into his gallery, but he's not exactly out of place and to be truthful, his story is almost too outlandish not to be true. Through a combination of good roleplay and an opposed check, MALATESTA explains a "dude he's working for" heard about Abigail's exhibition and wanted to know if there were any paintings of hers left unsold.
As it turns out, there are. Santiago explains they're not the cream of the crop: "Most of the others were more abstract and, I would say, exemplary. She did well, especially for an artist in New York. The one or two I have left are a bit more...prosaic."
At about this time, MAVERICK makes his meeting with Cynthia. He's not hard to miss; there is no reality in which he was not a Federal Agent and Cynthia easily marks him across the street. She takes him to a small Italian bistro where she usually has lunch and begins talking. This is what MAVERICK is good at; getting people to talk. Everyone wants to, after all; it's about letting them and knowing where to push and where not.
Cynthia explains how weird the Macallistar has been for her to manage. The building has never been filled to capacity as far she can recall and those units which were occupied never remained so for very long.
MAVERICK: "Did you know Abigail?"
Cynthia: "Not really. I met her once or twice. Went with her and her dad to view the apartment." She smiles. "He was worried about her having a ground floor unit in the city, but it was the one she wanted. Never any complaints from her or from other tenants about her. Then...the rent stopped."
MAVERICK: "Yeah, we saw that."
Cynthia: "No. You don't understand. The rent stopped. No one in the building has been paying rent since March this year."
MAVERICK: "What does that mean?"
Cynthia is nervous. MAVERICK picks up she's worried she might be in trouble and he reassures her she isn't. Far from it, in fact.
Across town, MALATESTA is shown one of Abigail's unsold paintings. Santiago unveils it; a landscape, the frame longer than it is tall. A park, with a city-skyline in the background. In the centre, a statue. There are people. Some gathered in a crowd, others walking in various directions. MALATESTA feels uneasy. Then he sees them: five figures gathered in the shadows of the statue around a sixth, seated on a bench. Merely brushstrokes, details and faces indistinct. One may be a woman. Another appears to be holding a skateboard.
Santiago, distant as MALATESTA gave the painting his full attention, becomes clear again.
"See what I mean? Like something you'd see in a doctor's office."
"Yeah." MALATESTA passes a SAN check, but still takes one.
He was there just yesterday.
This was exhibited in November of last year (1994).
He tries and fails to argue Santiago down on the price and is very unaware that the gallery owner is hitting on him. Wrapping the painting, MALATESTA asks if Santiago can check on where some of the other paintings might have ended up or ask around about Abigail in general. Since it means they will meet again, Santiago is all too happy to oblige and hands MALATESTA a business card, writing his own number on the back.
MALATESTA: "Cool, man. I'll be in touch with the deets."
Santiago: "Sure...the deets." (I think it pained him to say that word)
Before leaving, he lets go something Abigail mentioned during the exhibition. While unable to recall the name, he thinks she said she got her inspiration from a book of some sort. He thinks the name might have been something French.
Across their lunch table, Cynthia explains she thinks Art Life upper management are content to wait for eviction notices to be served to the remaining tenants.
Cynthia: "I think even if everyone paid what they owe and next month's, management wouldn't change their mind."
Cynthia: "I think they want to renovate the building. Getting everyone out lets them do that. Spruce it up, hike the rent...I lie awake at night wondering if that's legal. I've never evicted a whole building."
MAVERICK: "One of my colleagues bumped into one of Abigail's neighbours. Mr. Post, Lewis Post I think. Same story with him?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, same as the rest. More or less."
MAVERICK: "More or less?"
Cynthia: "He called me the end of March this year, said he'd be late on the rent, but not to worry and then he started asking me about the building."
MAVERICK: "And you did?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, but I wish I hadn't."
She names a few books she picked up, as Lewis wanted more than just what Art Life had on the Macallistar. MAVERICK wonders why, but she explains Lewis was nice and she was curious herself.
"It's a weird building. Always made me, being there. I can't remember the last time I went in person."
MAVERICK: "What did you learn? I have the architect's name. Daribondi."
Cynthia: "Asa. Asa Daribondi. The Macallistar was built in 1921. He designed it. He...there was a fire at his office on Mott Street in 1950 and he disappeared. He...he was a murderer, Agent Delapore. They found a child's body on the premises. After that, I stopped looking into it."
There's a long silence. The MAVERICK asks her for keys to the unoccupied apartments. He tells her a story about how when he started out in the Bureau, he was involved in a missing person's case. A little girl and in the end, they found her hiding in her treehouse.
Cynthia: "You think Abigail's still in the building? In one of the empty units?"
MAVERICK: "I don't know, but I can't discount it. I don't think she was in a normative state of mind before she disappeared."
Cynthia considers things. The plates are cleared and the coffee served.
Cynthia reaches into her handbag and removes something. "If management don't care about the building, I don't see why I should either." She hands him a master key. "Don't lose this and borrow it for...give it back to me when you're done."
True to his word, MAVERICK pays the bill.
"I hope you find her, her find something to maybe help. She was nice."
MAVERICK and Cynthia say their goodbyes and he heads to Kips Bay.
In the interim, MIRANDA has joined MILHOUSE and MAIN in the coffeeshop, with MALATESTA arriving with weird painting in tow not long before MAVERICK's arrival.
Unable to contain his excitement, MALATESTA nearly unveils the painting right then and there.
MALATESTA: "You won't believe-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "No, I know, but-"
Coffeeshop patrons are giving the table weird looks.
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "I was jus-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
Some of the people are frowning, scowling almost.
MILHOUSE (to the other patrons): "Sorry. Sorry."
MAVERICK arrives not long after and the team reconvenes in the apartment to share what they've learned and determine any plans.
Unable to contain himself, MALATESTA reveals the painting. Everyone except MAIN passes the SAN check for the realisation of what it depicts. MAIN takes 4 SAN loss and does not project. Closing in on his breaking point, MAIN is confused and unable to fully process what's going on and throws himself into another search of the apartment.
MIRANDA is concerned about further exposure to the para-natural and wonders if there is anything they can do to take care. All they can do is be cautious.
MAVERICK wants to make a sweep of the empty apartments in the building. MILHOUSE agrees to partner up with him on that front.
MALATESTA and MIRANDA remain with MAIN in Abigail's apartment to conduct a further search. The three who remain received a +20% bonus to their search rolls and all pass as MAVERICK & MILHOUSE leave to check the building (They can make rolls in the apartment on their return).
They exit the apartment at 2:30pm.
Within, MALATESTA, MAIN & MAVERICK find the following:
A rent receipt with Abigail's name, undated and signature unreadable.
A page of typed script which appears to be a play Abigail was writing. Several names are mentioned: Michelle, Mark & Thomas. Michelle is the first name of one of Abigail's neighbours, right?
A plane ticket in the name of Michael Witwer from Las Vegas to Boston, dated June 6th, 2015.

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Dorchester House, 2015
Dr. Dallon: "Must've been a fake? What with the date and all."
MAVERICK: "Must have been."

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Five players going in different directions was a little tough to juggle, but they were happy with the pace of play and I made sure everyone had something to do.
I knew we weren't going to get through an entire in-game day about an hour in and I should've taken a bit more time to line up what everyone wanted to do at the end of the previous session, but everyone still had fun. Lea put it well: it feels like there's a dam with information gathering against it and it's going to burst.
With four out of the five players having children, I took a short aside during MAVERICK's rp with Cynthia to do a table check. I know the players and they know me and I handled it in the right way as far as they were concerned.
Our next session is TBD due to life stuff and until then, be seeing you.
submitted by Rob_Sothoth to DeltaGreenRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 AMETSFAN 1870 Midterms The Rail Splitter

1870 Midterms The Rail Splitter
Although many hoped President Lincoln’s Reconstruction policies would end the conflict in the South, the aftermath of Blaine’s victory quickly proved this hope to be misplaced. Chafing under the broadly accepted vision of President Lincoln, the Ku Klux Klan led by ex-Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest would begin a reign of terror in parts of the South. The KKK’s presence would concentrate in Georgia, Louisiana, and South Carolina, along with pockets in other states to harass black citizens and intimidate potential Republican voters, especially the few blacks who could vote. The KKK has also strongly opposed the “New Departure” Strategy and has attempted to coerce local Democratic parties to make White Supremacy their guiding principle. Blaine responded by passing the Enforcement Act of 1870 which made interfering with voters a federal crime and allowed federal marshals to prosecute any people who partake in such actions, and the extremely controversial Ku Klux Klan Act of 1870 which allowed the Federal military to enforce laws of Congress, made state officials liable for violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1867, prohibited suspected Klansmen from serving on juries related to Klan prosecutions, and, most controversially, temporarily suspended habeas corpus in areas where the Klan was present. Using the full weight of both the Department of War and Justice, Blaine has begun the mass arrests and prosecutions of Klansmen, and the KKK has vanished from polling stations across the South. Nonetheless, Blaine’s opponents among the National Union Republicans and Democrats accuse him of tyranny and accuse him of dismantling Lincoln’s Reconstruction with many Southern NURs voting against the Ku Klux Klan Act, and even the President’s closest advisor, Secretary of Treasury Garfield expressing opposition.

Ex-Confederate Lt. General Nathaniel B. Forrest is rumored to be close to closing the KKK with the Federal government on the march.
Blaine would also sign the Naturalization Act of 1870 which allowed for the naturalization of people of African descent, though, not ones of Chinese descent with Blaine making appearances in California to denounce the evils of “coolie labor,” and also provided for the right of all citizens to sit on juries. Blaine has also endorsed Constitutional Amendments for the Civil Rights Act and universal suffrage, and, has used his patronage in the South to support Radicals and many carpetbaggers who have enacted universal suffrage in some cases despite pleas from scalawags like James Alcorn and Andrew Jackson Hamilton to let native Southerners run the state parties. Nonetheless, Blaine has also signed the Amnesty Act of 1869 pardoning all Confederates, except for Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who remains in Canada.
Economically, Blaine has used his decisive mandate to continue the transformation of the Federal Government’s role in American society. Blaine has signed legislation continuing the Freedman’s Bureau and expanding its operations in securing advancements for Black citizens in health, education, and wages with the Freedman’s Bureau paying renewed attention to securing improved contracts for black workers. Blaine also doubled down on railroad expansion, expanding grants and subsidies for the Texas & Pacific Railway’s planned “Second Continental Railroad,” which would stretch from Pennsylvania through the South to St. Louis and then to Texas before ending in San Diego. Blaine has also sponsored grants for a variety of railroads for Southern and Western states at the behest of Republican politicians with many opponents of railroad land grants arguing that Blaine was favoring railroad companies with whom he was close, citing the relationship between the Union Pacific Railroad and leading Republican politicians, such as Blaine. Blaine also passed a bill expanding the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 to Southern states, allowing for the expansion of existing state universities and creating new ones in states like Alabama and Arkansas. The Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1870 has also provided for black colleges and universities, but, has been criticized by men like Benjamin Butler for facilitating segregated education with no regulations on segregation within Southern education. In response to complaints from Southerners that public education is too costly to fund, Blaine has also endorsed a bill by freshman Congressman Henry W. Blair for universal education funded by the Federal Government. While pleasing fiscal conservatives with his signature of the Public Credit Act of 1869, affirming the nation’s commitment to gold, Blaine has been unable to abolish the income tax and has only paid down small parts of the national debt due to his spending, with Democrats and anti-Blaine Republicans criticizing his inability to do so.

Congressman Henry W. Blair has begun the fight for free and universal education.
Blaine has also faced criticism over alleged corruption. Soon after he entered the Presidency, the Black Friday conspiracy by Jay Gould and Jay Fisk to corner the gold market began. While Blaine was able to avoid financial armageddon, Blaine and Treasury Secretary Garfield have been severely criticized for following the two men’s wishes for much of their plot with Black Friday leading to an economic downturn for numerous months while the pair escaped without legal punishment. Blaine has fiercely opposed Civil Service reform, with his only concession being a Civil Service Commission undermined by his decision to make William A. Richardson, known for his belief in looser ethics, Chairman. Rumors have emerged about improprieties in the Port Authority of New York and contracts given by the Post Office for “Star Routes,” all of which have been denied by the President and those accused. Secretary of State John A. Logan, Postmaster General Stephen W. Dorsey, and Secretary of War Ulysses Grant have also been accused of letting incompetence and corruption fester within the Departments, with Dorsey and Grant in particular under fire over allegations of managing Departments filled with bribery, corruption, rigged contracts, and other illicit practices while Dorsey has been accused of personal involvement with Star Routes.
National Union Republican Party:
President Blaine ran in 1868 with a promise to unite the party, yet, has overseen the fragmenting of the coalition that ruled the previous decade. His policies on civil rights, railroads, and civil service reform have led to discontent within the party along with other controversial issues. Stalwart Republicans have backed the President on policy, even if many have personal conflicts with the President, such as Roscoe Conkling. They argue, first and foremost, that Blaine’s actions against the Ku Klux Klan are defending the principles of the Civil War, and reject the argument that the Ku Klux Klan Act attacks civil liberties by pointing to President Lincoln’s suspensions of habeas corpus during the Civil War. They also fervently argue in favor of railroad grants, free public education, and interventionist economics, although some are more skeptical of the latter due to fears of devaluing the Gold Standard and potentially ruinous national debt. A uniting belief among Stalwarts is opposition to civil service reform, or Roscoe Conkling dubbed “snivel service reform” with Conkling infamously deriding leading reform advocate George William Curtis as a “man milliner.” On other issues, Stalwarts advocate for an assimilationist Native policy, while seeing no issues in the current Department of Interior, staunchly support protectionist tariff policy, oppose amnesty for Jefferson Davis, are uncompromisingly in favor of the Gold Standard, support an expansionary foreign policy, and support Constitutional Amendments for Civil Rights and Suffrage.

Cartoon mocking the many allegations of corruption against President Blaine from his leading editorial enemy, Thomas Nast.
The Liberal Republicans represent discontent within the Republican Party with President Blaine's policies for various reasons ranging from corruption, civil rights, and tariffs to even simple patronage. The Liberal Republican movement would begin in Missouri in opposition to the Stalwart-controlled state Government that had enacted the most Radical Reconstruction with a total disenfranchisement of thousands of ex-Confederates. Liberal Republicans would run ex-Senator John B. Henderson against Stalwart Governor Joseph W. McClurg with Democratic support, quickly attracting the attention of national observers. President Blaine would pressure leading Republicans and state officers to support McClurg, but, to the shock of many, 11 Republican Senators led by Charles Sumner and Carl Schurz would publish a letter first criticizing the illiberality and corruption of the Missouri Government before attacking Blaine for “chopping off the heads of those suspected of sympathizing with Mr. Henderson.” At the core of the Liberal Republican message is a call for civil service reform, a reformation of the Federal Government’s Departments (Interior, Postal, and War are often brought up by name), and, a call for eliminating rotation in office. Another important call among Liberal Republicans is demands for the end of patronage for Carpetbaggers in the South and the continuation of Lincoln’s “just” Reconstruction.
The wing is also broadly in favor of lower tariffs, an anathema to the traditional Republican message, but, one that has caught on among reformers who see the protective tariff as a shield for protecting certain monopolies and interests. On civil rights issues, Liberal Republicans are divided with some like Sumner and Edmund G. Ross endorsing further civil rights measures and Constitutional Amendments for at least the Civil Rights Act while others like Schurz and Senator Orris Ferry are more skeptical. Similarly, on railroads and land grants, the party is broadly opposed, but some more moderate Liberal Republicans, who are entirely committed to the party, but still take issue with Blaine such as Ohio Governor Rutherford B. Hayes and Congressman William A. Wheeler are supportive. There is more consensus in the party in favor of funding education, however. Liberal Republicans also favor pardoning Jefferson Davis, the rapid abolishment of the income tax, a limited foreign policy, and the assimilation of Native Americans while arguing corruption in the Department of Interior plagues relations with various tribes.

Cartoon mocking Democratic pledges of support for equal rights and civil service reform, also by Nast.
Democratic Party:
Reeling after another smashing electoral defeat, the Democrats are reduced to only rhetorical pleas against the Republican program in Congress. Facing internal divisions and external domination, the party of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren has been brought to its knees and the very question of its survival is at stake. Like the Republicans, the Democrats face divisions on many of the major issues, both policy and philosophical. As a whole, the Democratic Party has strongly endorsed lower tariffs, and the abolition of the income tax, pardoning Jefferson Davis, and has vehemently attacked Blaine on corruption and endorsed civil service reform. But, the party still faces fissures despite a limited consensus.
Departure Democrats argue that the modest gains made by Chief Justice Chase in the 1868 Election compared to the 1866 Midterms can only be expanded if the party continues expunging any links to secession and planter domination. Departure Democrats, first and foremost, focus on supporting “New South” Democrats who will focus on industry and avoid White Supremacy in local Southern elections. Departure Democrats are the foremost advocates of cooperation with the Liberal Republicans in areas where advantageous, such as the aforementioned Missouri Gubernatorial Election or in various Senate elections where more Liberal Republicans are facing election. Departure Democrats have previously largely supported railroad grants and land colleges, but, have expressed skepticism due to fears of corporate abuse, particularly by carpetbaggers. However, they largely support railroad construction done at the state level, except for instances of corruption (especially when associated with Republican legislators.) Concerning Civil Rights, Departure Democrats have all endorsed acceptance of President Lincoln’s Reconstruction, including the Civil Rights Act, but, have opposed the KKK Act for being tyrannical and alienating Southerners. Departure Democrats are more willing than most Democrats to accept an expanded Navy, but, still largely oppose expansionary efforts and are more skeptical of universal education with the public debt still having to be paid off.
Meanwhile, Bourbon Democrats remain quite similar to Departure Democrats and are closely connected, but, are more broadly fiscally conservative. Bourbon Democrats believe that, while state railroad subsidies are advisable, continued federal subsidies for railroads would be too fiscally ruinous and believe the Government’s priority should be to pay back the national debt. Bourbon Democrats also take a stronger stance against the Ku Klux Klan Act with many Bourbon Democrats accused of accepting Klan violence if it were to gain them votes. However, some Bourbons such as Henry Matthews and John M. Palmer have condemned Klan violence while opposing the Klan Act. Bourbons are also more likely to oppose the expansion of the Navy, and, especially, American imperialism.
Agrarian Democrats led by Thomas Ewing Jr and William R. Taylor are the only Democrats who oppose the Gold Standard, still agitating for inflating the economy through Greenbacks to facilitate faster Western settlement and pay off debts for farmers. Agrarian Democrats are also more associated with movements for labor rights with calls for enforcing an 8-hour day without cuts in federal employment, a Bureau of Labor Statistics, stringent opposition to corporate monopolies of railroads, and, opposition to land-grants on the ground that the land belonged to settlers, not bidders. Agrarian Democrats have also played up more overt racism towards black Americans and have stringently opposed the Ku Klux Klan Act, with the party attempting to make inroads with White Southern farmers. Agrarian Democrats also are staunchly anti-expansionism, focus on settler prerogative in Western territories, and have joined President Blaine in anti-Chinese rhetoric.
Finally, Redeemer Democrats have openly called for the restoration of White Supremacy and rule by any means necessary, including the Ku Klux Klan and other paramilitaries if need be. Redeemers employ unapologetically vitriolic and racist rhetoric in their campaigns, and, argue that Blacks are inherently undeserving of the rights of citizenship while focusing on many cases of Carpetbagger corruption to argue that Democratic planter rule in the South is preferable. Most Redeemers are members of the weakened planter elite who are committed to Conservative economic principles like the Gold Standard and are skeptical of even state subsidies for railroads. But, above all, they are committed to the restoration of a White South, and face condemnation from even many Democrats.
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submitted by AMETSFAN to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:13 rahul_568 Midnight Express: Into the Shadowed Woods Kindle Edition

This is my novel horror-thriller book, which is now available on kindle store and amazon. Soon, the paperback version will be available. The book is available for free for 4 days and I will also bring more offers in future. It is fascinating story of a passenger train stranded in a cursed wood. The story will surely make a clear picture in your mind. Please read it and provide your valuable review at least of one line, in order to make improvements in future. I am providing the link below.
submitted by rahul_568 to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 Judgemental_Carrot April and May Empties!

April and May Empties!
Lancôme BiFacil - my favorite eye makeup remover at the moment. I use this before using cleansing balm, I feel like using both is much easier on my eyes and gets everything off.
Givenchy Prisme Libre (shade #2) - favorite face powder. I also have shade #1 but don’t use it much since that shade isn’t as flattering. I have combo/oily skin and love this powder, if you have dry skin I think it’s still great but you’d probably have to use a lighter hand with it.
Danessa Myricks Blurring Balm Powder (Universal) - I use this as a primer, it helps keep my skin from turning into an oil slick midday. The packaging can be annoying, as that little coke spoon in the top does NOT stay put. I just remove it and take out the product with my hand like a common feral.
Tarte Timeless Smoothing Primer (mini size) - my favorite pore spackle. I use this underneath the DM balm powder. I would recommend only buying the mini, as it takes a while to get through. If I bought the bigger size it might have dried out before I had the chance to finish it.
Peripera Ink Mood Glowy Tint (#10) - favorite tint in my favorite shade. The other shades in this line end up too vibrant/dark on me but this one is a true MLBB as long as I don’t layer it on like a loon. I have more pigmented lips but this still shows up nicely.
Farmacy Green Clean - HG cleansing balm. I love the smell. I do use the Bifacil first on my eyes since rubbing this too much around my eyes can make my vision a little blurry, but that happens to me with all cleansing balms. I’ve already repurchased the jumbo size (but that size is less convenient since the jumbo spatula doesn’t store away in the lid of the container like the regular size).
Round Lab Birch Juice Sunscreen - love this sunscreen. It also goes great under makeup and is pretty moisturizing. It does leave a slight cast on my skin but the cast does go away after 15m or so. I have lighter skin though so if your complexion is medium or darker you may want to try in a store first if you’re planning to wear it on its own with no makeup.
Peach and Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum - bought this during an ulta 50% off sale. It worked fine, nothing miraculous. I use tazorac gel and I’d say that has way more bang for your buck. if you can find it on sale it’s nice, but otherwise not at all worth full price.
Dieux Air Angel - love this moisturizer, it’s a new favorite of mine. It’s not heavy and my skin does feel “plumper” after using it. It’s great especially for summer, hydrating but not heavy. On the expensive side, but not as bad as it could be. I wish it was refillable the way their eye cream is. I could be crazy but I almost feel like it smells like apple pie filling? Only by coincidence though since that’s obviously not what it’s “meant” to smell like.
Wellage Real Hyaluronic Blue Ampoule - really nice HA serum, very simple and not too expensive. Usually available in two packs on OY, Stylevana, etc. Feels similar to Torriden Dive In.
*Not pictured: SKIN1004 Hyalu-Cica Water-fit Sun Serum - couldn’t take a photo of this one because I opened the container to scoop out the remains and then tossed it. Another favorite sunscreen of mine, I usually wear this one when I’m not putting makeup over it (although it works under makeup very nicely too). It’s less heavy/thick than the Round Lab and not quite as moisturizing, but that makes it perfect for summer. The pump is real annoying though, so be prepared to slice her open towards the end 🔪
Any questions please feel free to ask me!
submitted by Judgemental_Carrot to PanPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 PoopyMouthwash84 Why do trade halts exist?

To me, it just doesn't make sense. One of the fundamental aspects of a free and fair market is that buyers and sellers can trade according to supply and demand. If the price shoots up, it means that people really want to buy it. If it shoots down, demand is plummeting. But if the platform does a trading halt, they stop some types of transactions from happening. They impose their own opinion on the change of price of a security and stop some trading activity. And during these halts, I'd bet that intelligent market makers or hedge funds are using the 5 minutes of downtime to change their game plan (which would already be baked into their algorithms).
To me, a trading halt seems like as if people were rushing into a store to buy shoes, the vendor increases the price rapidly as he sees them buying them, but then the city comes in and says "hold on, everyone needs to stop buying shoes for 5 minutes". Then, the city uses this to their advantage somehow - maybe they increase the taxes on the store or something.
It seems to me that trading halts stop true market activity from happening.
submitted by PoopyMouthwash84 to stocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 keeneezy US Citizen connecting through Schengen after 90 day allowance

Hi everyone! Hoping to get some help here.
I am a US Citizen, and I am allowed to be in the Schengen area Visa-free for 90 days (my 90th day is on July 20).
My travel plans have me flying from London to Brazil in late August with a connection in Spain. Since Spain is in Schengen and I've already exhausted my 90 days in the area, will I run into any issues at the airport? I am not planning to leave the airport.
submitted by keeneezy to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 wabisabinsl A possibly better ending ???

Most reviews on reddit and other platforms complain about the ending of the show. With a show which holds the viewers attention from start to end by thrilling the viewers with crazy sequences. The ending was not really something most people would be satisfied with. This is just what I think would be a better ending and maybe a possible opening for season 2
  1. Player 1 was honestly the most suspicious character for me throughout the show. He was not as strong as others because of his disability nor did he really take a stand for himself aside from obviously the garbage voting sequence. He was the underdog exactly what would make the show more fun. The underdog winning and the "bad side" losing. So the torture sequence will go as it is. 1 will tell 4 about the fact switching rooms was possible. The whole plan would take place and just like the show showed. 1 would lose most of the money and then would tie everyone up but rather than doing those jokers tricks. He will be a strategist.
  2. He would go to all the rooms (they can fix the telecoms seeing how when 1 made the call for switching rooms the telecom had black tape all over it). He would go to all the rooms and fix the telecoms and transport the money from all rooms to room 1. There is no indication that the room's owner can be the only can buying. After transferring all the money to room 1. He just needs to end the show or keep it running to earn even more money.
  3. 1 would free 8. This can be the grand reveal. Whatever the memory of player 1 we were being shown would be the past. 1 had a daughter and he was about to kill himself but the timings of these memories would be different. His daughter and wife left him because he couldn't pay the bills. He became more depressed after losing his family indicating towards a psychotic breakdown where he felt lonely and excluded from the society. After years of struggling and trying to find his family. He would locate his daughter player 8. Who now herself became a struggling artist clearly not in her senses. The scene of her playing the guitar in the big garden could now be shown fully where player 1 would be watching her , crying to himself.
  4. 1 would blame himself for his daughter's condition and try to commit suicide. This is when he gets an entry into the show. The show creators would want to make things interesting. This can be their sick idea of bringing both the father and daughter to the show. He would recognize his daughter but wont say it because player8 doesn't know her father. This can also explain how no one hurt player 8 and how she looked fine throughout the captivity period. He will take care of her secretly and encourage others not to hurt her.
5.Coming back to the climax. 1 will free 8 and the big reveal will happen. 1 would shot player 6 we know he hates him. There can also be a scene of a possible breakdown where he shares how it feels to be treated like a joke (ironic because he plays a joker). He would spare rest of the players. The game will end as player 6 dies and 1 will take all the money. The doors will open and 1 and 8 will be lead to a room filled with the "supposed" viewers. Emotional music would play as 1 and 8 stand holding hands. A bright spotlight on shined on their faces. This ends season 1
Season 2 can maybe include rest of players being forced into another game or maybe 8 betraying 1 and joining hands with the creators of the show. I have not read the webtoon though I believe it may have a more fulfilling ending.
submitted by wabisabinsl to The8Show [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 Ok_Captain_3569 Mae Simmons Needs TLC

Played Mae Simmons for the first time today since moving to Lubbock, TX. I was expecting a shorter, more technical course compared to Big Mac. But this course ate me up. Some of the holes had no lines and much of the wooded area was overgrown and unkept. To make things worse, there was trash everywhere which always makes looking for discs so much better /S
Overall, it is a fun course and one I plan to play again very soon. But it is not well maintained. Mae Simmons needs some TLC.
Question for anyone who has similar issues with their local DGCs. Who do I reach out to concerning park maintenance? Specifically the DGC? Is this a city issue since it is a city park or is it the responsibility of the club that sponsors the course?
I don't want to reach out to the sponsor with complaints, piss them off and ostracize myself from the local disc golf community. I have a knack for unintentionally pissing people off.
submitted by Ok_Captain_3569 to discgolf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:04 DoGsPaWsLoVe Saturday 06/08/24: 16 Posts

Saturday 06/08/24: 16 Posts
Here is the recap of the 16 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. on 06/08/24. Please view the 20 images above to see an image from Easter, an important comment from Kylea, and the monetized posts.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joseph "Joe" Gomez.
The tagline of Kylea G. Weight loss Journey. is, "I changed my entire life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 06/08/24:
0/16 posts discussed prayer
1/16 posts discussed music (a short video of Kylea singing copyrighted music)
0/16 posts discussed exercise
2/16 posts shared a new recipe
1/16 additional posts were food Kylea ate
2/16 posts were about the use of disposable aluminum pans= rage baiting and sadfishing (tactics to elicit strong emotional responses from followers)
3/16 posts were about the Farmers Market (2 about plans to attend and 1 showing her purchases)
1/16 posts showcased her organized fridge/freezer. (Who is drinking the tequila and beer?)
1/16 posts were "Joe" praising Kylea for "cooking and preparing our home for the week ahead." 👌 🤣
1/16 posts was about a new mini juicer
4/16 posts were about BB aka Backup Birdie (the new puppy) 🐶
📢 To our friends at Meta, that means at least 37% of the monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page. Follow your monetization rules and take action.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily & Weekly WW Points Consumed (Data compiled from monetized content):
1 WW Point?: Crazy Llama blended coffee with almond milk, sugar-free white chocolate, sugar-free vanilla, and sugar-free peppermint
4 WW Points: Mini pita with honey turkey & 1/2 slice Swiss cheese; sliced cucumbers with dry ranch packet sprinkled on top
4 WW Points: Doritos Tangy Pickle Chicken, red potato with sugar-free ketchup, and corn on the cob. (Sides covered with spray vegetable oil.)
3 WW Points: Blackberry cobbler with Halo Top ice cream
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed approx. 12 daily WW points out of (up to) 30 and zero weekly WW points out of 28. This is disordered eating and potentially deadly messaging to her 141k+ followers. Food choices matter. Weighing yourself twice daily for years is disordered. Please demonetize and deplatform her. Paying an influencer to promote an eating disorder for monetary gain is wrong.
Recipes Shared: 1. Doritos Tangy Pickled Chicken
  1. Blackberry "Cobbler" (by definition, this is not cobbler due to her decision to mix in instant oatmeal instead of a pie-dough or biscuit-type crust)
Dishonorable Mentions:
  1. How to make a Turkey & Swiss pita
Comments: Kylea Gomez is lazy. In the year I have watched her lies unfold, there is always an excuse why she cannot complete activities of daily living. She lives in a small apartment, is not a caregiver, does not attend school, volunteer in her community, etc. Refusing to crate BB to accomplish tasks is her choice and a detriment to the dog. Using alleged vet bills as the reason is a poor excuse. A few thousand dollars is a drop in the bucket for this important public figure, influencer, and celebrity. 🌟 📷 😉
In regards to her kindness speech:
Kylea Danielle (Welton) Gomez worships at the idol of self. If you need visual evidence, please see the 1st image of the balloon arch shrine she built herself for Easter. ✝️ She claims she is unable to attend church for a variety of reasons. She lives in a state of self-pity and is easily offended. Due to her self-centeredness and selfishness, she is unable to enjoy special experiences with her family and during travel. Her ego is challenged and she cannot control everyone and everything. She lives in fear of accountability, the truth, food, and the scale. I view her content as self-righteous service vs true service. She wants your blind adoration and affirmation for all of her choices. Anything else will not be tolerated.
One day, she will be a distant memory. Until then, I will continue my mission for Kylea Gomez to be demonetized and deplatformed. Meta, take action.
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:02 rahul_568 Midnight Express: Into the Shadowed Woods. This is my novel horror-thriller book, which is now available on kindle store and amazon. Soon, the paperback version will be available. The book is available for free for 4 days and I will also bring more offers in future. The link is added.

submitted by rahul_568 to u/rahul_568 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Even-Disaster-1909 55 [M4F] Hello there

Older gentleman looking for someone younger to chat with and get to know. Please be over eighteen and tell me something interesting about yourself. I also like to know who I'm talking to so please send a face pic with your first message. In my free time I like to collect records and make things with wood. Looking forward to hearing from you. My contact information is on my profile. Ladies only please.
submitted by Even-Disaster-1909 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 PLpro12 What are the best practices for running promotions and discounts on Amazon FBA?

Understanding Amazon FBA Promotions

Amazon offers several types of promotions that sellers can leverage to boost their sales. These include Lightning Deals, Coupons, Promotional Codes, and Discounts. Each type of promotion has its own unique advantages and is suited for different strategic goals.

Lightning Deals

Lightning Deals are time-sensitive, limited-quantity promotions that appear on Amazon's Deals page. To run a successful Lightning Deal, ensure that:


Coupons are a popular way to attract price-sensitive customers. They appear directly on your product detail page, making them highly visible. To optimize coupon effectiveness:

Promotional Codes

Promotional Codes can be used for a variety of promotions, such as Buy One Get One Free or percentage discounts. These codes can be shared through email marketing, social media, and other channels. Key strategies include:


Offering Discounts directly on your product’s listing can drive significant sales. Best practices for implementing discounts include:

Strategies for Maximizing Promotion Effectiveness

To get the most out of your Amazon FBA promotions, consider the following strategies:

Optimize Product Listings

An optimized product listing is crucial for converting traffic into sales. Ensure your listing includes:

Leverage Amazon Advertising

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Utilize Social Proof

Customer reviews and ratings play a significant role in influencing purchasing decisions. To enhance social proof:

Analyze and Adjust

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Best Practices for Running Amazon FBA Promotions

Plan Ahead

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Test Different Strategies

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Stay Compliant with Amazon Policies

Ensure that all promotions adhere to Amazon’s policies to avoid penalties or account suspension. Key policies include:

Leverage External Traffic

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Utilizing Amazon Seller Tools

Jungle Scout is an invaluable tool for sellers looking to optimize their promotions and discounts on Amazon FBA. This comprehensive software provides detailed insights into market trends, competitor strategies, and product performance, enabling sellers to make data-driven decisions. By leveraging these insights, sellers can identify the most effective types of promotions and the best times to launch them, ensuring maximum impact and profitability.
The Amazon tool also assists in keyword optimization, which is crucial for increasing product visibility. By identifying high-performing keywords, sellers can enhance their product listings and promotional content, attracting more potential customers. Additionally, the software's sales analytics feature allows sellers to monitor the performance of their promotions in real time, enabling them to adjust strategies as needed to maximize sales and ROI.
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Running successful promotions and discounts on Amazon FBA requires strategic planning, careful execution, and continuous optimization. By leveraging Amazon’s promotional tools, optimizing your product listings, utilizing Amazon Advertising, and analyzing performance, you can maximize the effectiveness of your promotions and achieve your sales goals.
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submitted by PLpro12 to newamazonsellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

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submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Jus17173 Depth of Madness - Chapter 3 - (Edge of Madness book 2)

Book One: Edge of Madness - Chapter One First Chapter Previous
They called him the champion of the Talisi. A lost prince, a man touched by the Gods. They spoke his name in the same context as the Vigons. They regarded him as one would a holy object, placed there to remind all that hope is not lost. Mairek lay in a bed weaved of vine reeds. He felt hopeless, encroached on all sides by a looming dread he could not quite determine its source. There were expectations that had to be met. With hope came the assurance of victory and the Talisi wanted war. They wanted to parade him at the forefront of the Talisi Green army. Dress him in green metal and have him wield half a spear.
Yes, half a spear. His signature trade mark. It was half a spear he'd used upon the Ganidan plain, all those months ago. It was half a spear that he'd used to turn the tide against the Binorians. And here, in his room within the Palace. It is half a spear that lay beside him.
He'd tried to return to Jamou, the village he and Ishar hailed from. But the Talisi would not have it. An entire cohort came for him, his father had stood outside their home, tears of disbelief streaming down his face as he watched his son being dragged away to Central Talisi. To stand before the new King of the Talisi, the late King Gans's son, King Mogich. There, before the King, he was forced to retell the events of the Ganidan Plain. Where forty thousand Talisi men had stood against half a million Binorian Legions. Where Talisi had lost its king. The Red Priests of Meena had gathered around the silver throne of the King, intent on discrediting his every word for his theatrics upon the plain did not come as a result of his connection to their Goddess Meena. No. It was another God's blessing that had been bestowed upon him.
A blessing that ensured he was free of the bubble of time. A blessing that enabled him to foretell the future, experience the present and derive meaning from the past in a way nobody ever has or will. He was against the flow of time, not as Ishar was with his blessing of chaos, no, for him perception graced his every thought and action. And time, ever present, sought a way to purge him free of the realm. But for now it ignored him as did he it.
He rejected the giant chamber that had been offered him. The windows were dangerous, a stray arrow from the Army practicing grounds could find him in his bed as he lay asleep. He rejected servants for one might accidentally trip and wash him with scalding hot water meant for his bath. Every option afforded him came with the tinge of time and its need to be rid of him. He evaded all options before they availed themselves and here, he found himself now. In a single room, narrow with four walls all around. No windows, no servants. The only opening a door and ventilation shaft above the door. Time had no means of ending him where he lay.
A wasp entered the room from the ventilation shaft, it buzzed as it explored its new found abode. Mairek grabbed the half spear laying beside his bed. He lifted and flicked it across the dimly lit room, the only light a lantern that was dwindling in fuel. The half spear spun across the room and collided with the wall before settling on the ground. At its tip sat the impaled wasp. The sharp point had impaled it through its thorax and its threat was no more. Mairek sighed and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. What I would give, Ishar, to be back in Jamou with you. You tending sheep and me tending my broken heart, where are you Ishar? I crave chaos, an end to this tide that I swim against.
It started as a cough from a servant in the Palace's coal chamber. A chamber maid tripped and fell with a curse. A Red priest yawned and within seconds Mairek knew what was happening. The movements people indulged in, the things thought to be accidents. The gestures and words and platitudes. They were all weaves upon the tapestry of time. A knock sounded at his door. He got up and answered it. Parting the door enough to confirm the heart beats he'd expected were indeed of the five men before him.
Tall men, taller than he, bulky with swords strapped to their sides. Adorned in leather armor. The best killers in Talisi. Killers hired to kill him. They had objected of course, objected the task of ridding Talisi of the only one of them who could channel a God. But Tari, Princess of Talisi and sister to King Mogich, had offered them a price they could not refuse. She hated him, of course, hated him because he was part of her father's death. Part of the reason she no longer had a father. Sure, it was Ishar who'd led King Gans to a war facing impossible odds. But Ishar wasn't around. Nobody knew where the Kolotian and his lover, Niada, had gone to. So it was up to him to suffer the consequences.
"The King requires your presence." The one at the forefront said with a slight bow. The rest of the men rested their hands on the hilt of their blades. A clear sign that they were agitated, wary even. Mariek smiled.
"You carry swords, isn't it customary for the Green Army to prefer spears save in close combat? An ideal condition such as now?" Mariek asked.
The one who'd spoken to him chuckled. "We're used to the weight of the blade, Champion of the Talisi."
Champion of the Talisi. The title was a bane to him. He wanted to thrash against its constraints, to run away, flee from the duty it demanded of him. It was mid afternoon. The Palace wasn't as packed as it was during the early hours of the day. The King would never demand his presence at night so this was the best time for their ruse. Where would they lead him to? Where would he meet his end?
"Where is the King?" Mairek asked.
"He's at the Conicual Garden, west of the Palace bridge." Their leader answered. Mairek nodded. That would be an ideal place to die. It'll give him a chance to see the river curving through Talisi, to observe the sinking sun and to be kindred once more with all that went on around him. He felt time's gentle nudge, beckoning him into its embrace where his death will spell an end to his torment. An end to the struggle against time, a struggle he was sure he could not win. Why then shouldn't he relent? Throw in the towel and call it quits? What value marked him, that a God would pick him above the rest? No, Nielda had made a mistake. What was even the point of going all the way to the garden? Wouldn't it be fitting for his end to be quick?
"I hear the King," Mairek said. "He is speaking to the Chief Palace servant about a cartload of wine due from Remu. He is in the throne room, not the garden." The men shuffled uneasily. "You're here to kill me." He took a step back, leaving his door ajar. He went to the center of the room, knelt down and bore his neck to them. "Make it quick, a quick thrust in the neck ought to do it. But then again, you guys are the experts."
They hesitated. Each uncertain of their purpose. Mairek hated uncertainty, decisions spell the destiny time offers. To titter on the brink of a decision is to waylay time's purpose. "Be quick about it! Bastards!" That did it. They lunged towards him, swords rasping as they flew free of their scabbards. The point of the swords came to him and Mairek welcomed them, a smile played across his face. It was going to be over. He closed his eyes, waited for the sword tips to bite skin, draw blood. End his life. He waited a span of seconds and nothing seemed to happen. He opened his eyes, observed the blades inches from him, frozen in time.
"You fucking cunt." Nielda, the God of Space and Time spoke from behind him. He turned, found the God lounging on his reed bed. His skin was as dark as the midnight sky, and stars riddled it. His hair, like puffs of a cloud hovered about his head. His green eyes observed him with a haughty air Mairek had become used to.
"Nielda." He said, turning to regard the God who'd chosen him as his Champion.
"You can kill them all, all five of them as you did the wasp. Yet, here you kneel, like a weakling, welcoming their blades. You paint a sorry sight. Diva." Nielda said. Diva, the word was misused by the God, having dwelt so long in the place between sky and moon, the God had lost touch with humanity, his vigil against a darkness he was hesitant to comment on had stripped Nielda of knowledge regarding the advancement of the human race.
"I just want it to end, I know no peace, Nielda. No peace at all." Mairek said. He got up off the ground, went to the rear end of the reed bed and placed himself there. Close to the naked feet of the God. The dusk colored robe adorning Nielda shifted as he sat up to regard his champion.
"Peace? When a buck grazes in the Talisi wilderness, no predator in sight. Does he regard the moment afforded it as peaceful? Does it relish in it, hence lowering its guard to fully appreciate the ambiance that comes with a lack of danger? Peace is a fickle thing, the buck knows this. Its ears are ever alert lest the sound of a Yendw wolf's approach marks the end of its peace. Is that then, what peace is? A moment between danger, afforded by pure circumstance? If such a thing is peace then what benefit is craving something you know will have an end?" Nielda raised his hand and scratched at his scalp, the hair floating about it parted for a brief moment. The God rarely had mannerisms similar to that of mankind but as time went, Mairek noticed changes in the God's disposition. "Think of your time since leaving the Ganidan Plain, Diva, has there been any instance when your life was threatened save now? Can this then be regarded as a peaceful period, a time when time has ignored you and thus given you a period of rest? Of course time wouldn't ignore you forever, it must seek to right an anomaly and you should liken this as a Yendw wolf's paw upon a branch, young buck, and this should drive you to flee knowing that the peace afforded you has reached its end."
Mairek sat with his knees brought up and his arms circling the crest of his legs. He nodded his acquiesce. His eyes moved to the five men, frozen in time, their blades pointed at where he once knelt awaiting a quick death. The buck would not await the maw of the Yendw wolf, it will flee if possible and if not it would fight, hoping for a brief respite from death that might grant it another period of peace. Is this then what peace is? "I hear everything Nielda." Mairek started. "I see everything, even with my eyes closed. I feel everything as if my hand is forever grasping things and my tongue tastes things that I am yet to consume. Is this gift of yours a mark of peace? How will my sanity be anchored to me with all that I perceive?"
Nielda sighed. "You're a dumbass Mairek. A dumbass, if you can hear everything why don't you focus on the sound that pleases you the most? If you can see everything why not focus on an image that delights your soul? Perception is not confounded on the whole, you can focus on specific aspects of it that appease you."
"Is that what you did when you hovered above space for thousands of years? Did you focus on a specific sound while you were up there among the stars?" Mairek pushed. He knew if he kept up a barrage of questions regarding Nielda's time guarding the darkness above from an ancient evil, he might gleam something... Anything that would paint a vivid picture for him, a picture whose purpose he was yet sure of.
Nielda stared at Mairek and his eyes flashed a bright blue. The assassins started moving slowly and Mairek knew that time was regaining its flow. "No." Nielda said. "The one whose voice I wanted to hear was silent."
Time resumed its course and the assassins thrust into open air. Missing their mark. They turned, puzzled expressions about their faces to regard Mairek at the foot of the reed bed. Mairek sighed. "Your deaths won't be on my head." He said as he stood up.
The sun pierced the earth with its morning glow. Palace servants shambled about, eager to get on with their work. Guards stationed in various Palace compartments stood at alert, stifling yawns and conversing in low tones. The Palace kitchen was alight with activity, cooks chattered as dough rose and logs were fed into furnaces. Chamber maids emptied chamber pots. The King sat upon his throne and offered a silent prayer to Meena with the aid of the Red Priests, as it was custom for the King of Talisi with every new dawn. The gardeners tended the Conicual garden, pruning branches and inspecting bright colored petals. The daily routine of the Palace was under way, without a single anomaly felt or seen by all within the Palace.
It started as a scream when the maid sent to bring him his morning meal came across him leaving his tiny compartment. The maid ran away, screaming like a banshee and flinging his tray of food to the ground. Mairek flexed his shoulders and started walking towards Princess Tari's bed chamber. Where he knew she was inspecting an assortment of dresses, picking the best she would dawn for the first half of the day. With the maid's screams came the shuffling of feet, guards, cooks, gardeners, maids, Red Priests. They all flocked towards him, and when their eyes beheld him, they halted, words escaped them. Trembling gripped their limbs and all they could do was stare. They flanked him on all sides, and followed behind him at a distance. He did not turn his head to either side, he ignored them as he ignored the blood that trailed his path, marking his wake.
At another time, in another place. The five decapitated heads he held by their hair, three on his right hand and two on his left, would have sickened him. Their weight would have pulled at his soul and he would have been distressed by the action he was undertaking. But now, he felt nothing. He experienced everything and felt nothing. I am a buck, antlers riddled with the blood of a Yendw wolf, affording me an extended period of peace. And that was all he could define the moment as.
The Guards he came across took one look at him and let him pass, none too eager to test his patience. He climbed the steps leading to Princess Tari's chambers. A throng of Palace personnel behind him. The two Guards flanking either side of the Chamber's door halted him, placing heavy gauntleted hands on his chest.
"You cannot pass." One of them said, he towered over him and Mairek raised his head to observe him. He was aware of what a sight he was. Blood was sprinkled upon his face and stained his arms. The heads dripped blood on the floor and the smell of iron was rich wherever he went.
Mairek closed his eyes, felt the touch of the gauntlets upon his chest, he allowed himself to drift into the metal, to learn of its origin and how they came to be where they were now, upon him. The past is a vast sea, to swim its depths one requires a mind that can fragment, be two places at once, and in that current at the bed of time he was able to learn what he needed. He opened his eyes and turned his head to either guard. "These gauntlets, you place them on the bath house door, parting it gently to observe the Princess as she baths. A wretched thing both of you do, ogling the one you're tasked to protect. A simple reprimand wouldn't be enough, I will see both your heads on a spike at the Palace baths if you do not give me leave to do as I plan. I mean to cause no harm." He could not see their faces behind their helms, but he knew the look of shock and shame spread upon their visage. Shame, the anointed cousin of retreat, see as his gauntlets lower from my chest. See as they withdraw within, each of them eager to be rid of me within a miasma of indifference.
The Guards parted. Mairek raised a leg and knocked down the chamber door with one swift kick. The door sprung free of its hinges, tumbled and collapsed onto the ground, close to the foot of the Chamber bed. A good five feet within the Chamber. Tari stood, half naked with maids around her, her bosom rich and full, stilled as she regarded him. Then heaved as she saw what he dragged into her chamber.
Mairek walked onto the door and flung the heads onto the bed, watched as the blood seeped into the white linen cover of the duvet. Staining it a bright crimson. The heads stared in various poses, unblinking, sightless. Princess Tari gawked at them then raised her eyes to meet his.
"Their blood is on your head." Mairek said and turned around to depart. Those crowded behind him parted and in his wake eyes followed his retreating back.
Did you enjoy this chapter? Want more? If you're eager to continue the journey and can't wait for the next installment, you can check out my Patreon
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Your support means the world to me and helps me continue writing. Thank you for reading!
submitted by Jus17173 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:00 CaptainSvg What is better than a low key provider ?

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submitted by CaptainSvg to LILNASX_888 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 jaysxplosive Lucid Comatose now recruiting

The story:
Two creatures wake up in the middle of a cave as they realize they aren't able to recall anything. Their memories, their identities, their whole lives are gone as if they weren't there in the first place. They team up and head off into the post-apocalyptic wasteland, focusing on finding out the answers to all their questions. But will they succeed? Is it worth it in the end? Will they make it in time and out alive?
Even though it might sound simple and boring, it's actually pretty damn complicated. I'm not elaborating on the lore further because I don't want people to figure everything out before we even finish the game(s?), where's the fun in that. I will do that to people who end up joining the development though.
But yeah. The story takes place on an entirely different planet. There's magic, people there are furries (absolutely not the perverted kind though), dragons and stuff are common animals. It's semi-serious. Yes they are trying to survive and figure out what the fuck happened while failing in pretty much every ending and everything is looking sad in general but it's almost as hardcore as it's stupid and deranged. One of the main characters is pretty much an embodiment of immature chaos while the other prays to all that's holy to not go insane because of that little shit. Don't know what else to say about this.
What I'm going for:
Honestly, I just want to make sure it stands out from most VNs in a lot of terms. Like, for example, it pisses me off how only a couple of sprites are used for the whole game, and I want to avoid that as much as I can. Time is not a problem, really.
Plus, I'm going for some mental health representations and just general deep shit. There will be little to no happy endings, and in the end the main characters won't fully figure out what actually happened. There will also be certain events that will be picked on random and stuff the player has little to no control over, I guess it adds some spice and realism.
I'm also hoping we'll be more than just a group of people working on a game. I want to make the process as fun as possible and I want us to get along, because it's just going to be a pain in the ass if it ends up feeling like a chore.
Who I'm looking for:
More roles might be needed and added later, like voice actors, but the whole thing is looking pretty vague at the moment, so I would probably just make another post once we need them.
I think I've covered as much as I can, feel free to ask any questions because I get REALLY wonky with writing whenever it comes to long shit like this so obviously some parts will be confusing. Thank you so much for your attention! Hoping to see you on the team :D
submitted by jaysxplosive to vndevs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 iamaveganfascist RIP deepswapper used to be the best for free unlimited faceswap pics. Whenever you try to do a face swap now, you get immediately hit with an error message saying theyre experiencing higher load times. They recently redesigned their site and have paid plans now advertising faster faceswaps, so I have a feeling this is an incentive to get you to sign up for their paid plan. Either way, it was a good run while it lasted. RIP.
submitted by iamaveganfascist to faceswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 MilesMit [WANT FREE GIFTS?] -- [ 5742 7266 2071 ] & [ 7668 5170 2400 ]

7668 5170 2400 - 5742 7266 2071
[LV 50 players] - [Active daily] - [Continental] - [Norway]
You want free gifts and take advantage of the XP bonus? Well we'll try our best to make it happen:
We're 2 friends who send out gifts every time you open your gift. Due to having so many international friends the best time I've found to trigger the XP bonus is every sunday at 9 PM Central (Madrid/Paris/Oslo time).
We may change this day to Saturdays in the close future since we are now able to put on a egg when friendship levels up.
Keep and eye on our buddy name to make sure when we plan to trigger the LV up.
Your benefit if you keep opening presents: +90 gifts
160 000 - 320 000 XP - (depends on if you use the XP egg and other bonuses)
In return we lv up our friendship at Sundays 9pm CET. :)
(I'd love to do it on comunity days etc for my sake as well, but due to having so many international friends, I find it the best time for the greater majority)
(If you add both of us, we will try our best to co-ordinate that we will trigger the friendship on the same day.)
More details if needed?:
When we are 1 gift away until our friendship levels up the upcoming Sunday you or we will trigger the friendship lv up at 9pm CET.
At 9pm Sunday we will send you a present, feel free to open that present at that time, we will put on a egg at 9pm and if you haven't opned the present by 9:20 we will.
Feel free to slow down the process if it's more suitable to pop the XP bonus next weekend (for instance), but please don't take too long, I'm constantly at ~395/400 friends at this point, so if someone is inactive for many many weeks I will assume you've left the game. If you have been deleted, just re-add me/us and we will continue where we dropped off!! :D
I will keep sending gifts if you keep opening them ;D Afterwards, if I had to open it, send a new gift in return and we'll keep sending gifts.
I've been playing this game since it launched in 2016.
I do join remote raids,if you see me online or if you have a regional raid, don't hesitate to invite me, don't be discouraged if I don't join, I may not have been online nor got the notification.
I'm not often on Reddit, but feel free to send a msg, I usually get a notification.
submitted by MilesMit to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:57 AnnTaylorLaughed Is sleeping in as a guest normal?

My hubby has this friend. It's his closest friend. Nice guy, we all get along great. He lives a bit far away and so when he comes to visit he often comes overnight, sometimes for several nights. The thing is he sleeps in until like 2 pm. And my SO and he will make plans for the day: right now they are working together on some woodworking projects. This weekend he came over, spent the night, then on Sunday (today) husband was all excited for them to work on this project. Well, it's now almost 1 pm and his friend hasn't even gotten out of bed.
Hubby often will wake him, but he said at this point he's just tired of it. Like- how does an adult male sleep for 12-14 hours? They don't stay up all night drinking. They went to bed last night around 1 am (just before). I think we are both just flabbergasted that he is STILL asleep! This happened a couple months back as well. The last time my husband didn't wake him- he slept until almost 3:30 pm! We know he's not dead ;p He was checked on at about 9 or 10 am. The guest room is in the basement, and I have been putting dishes away, making a lot of noise and he is still not getting up! Honestly- if he was a guest coming over for a place to stay for a night or 2 I would be like: whatever- but he explicitly comes to "work on" these projects with my hubby- that is they whole point of him spending the night. Then he sleeps so late?? How? Why?? I am now waiting for him to awaken and feel like a hostage in my own house. I don't want to go to the main floor now because my husband is in the garage (wood shop) and once his friend awakens I will have to chat with him if I'm there. Like- wake the fuck up dude!
Is this normal? For an adult human to sleep in until 2 pm while staying at a friends house?
submitted by AnnTaylorLaughed to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:57 ElementalZone 21 [M4A] US/Online. I’ve waited here for you, Everlong.

Hey I’m Zone! I am looking for potential friends or just a straight up relationship, preferably monogamous.
I would like to find my forever person, I have a lot of love to share and I’m quite clingy. My main form of love is touch, but I also like kind words and quality time. So eventually I would like to call sometime!
I am pretty laid back for the most part, I also like joking a lot but I have brain rot humor sometimes, and I also do say the most random things but my friends always find me to be pretty funny, so yeah I am silly!
If it ever comes down to interests I have quite a few, video games (I mainly play roblox if you’re gonna ask, but I do have steam games), anime, drawing, reading, cooking, and music! (I love Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers) I can pretty much do a lot but I spend most of my time with my friends because it’s always nice to be talking to someone.
Physically I am pretty skinny, I only weigh 160 and I’m 5’10, I go to the gym occasionally so I’m around average, I am also white. I have short hair currently, but I have had pretty long hair and that’s kinda my thing so I plan on growing it out again.
Oh yeah I also do kinda have a baby face so I look 14, but yeah. I kinda am learning towards being feminine but I’ve always been closeted anyway out of worry, but I am very much open to it lol.
Oh well, if this has your attention feel free to DM me! I have discord and I mainly use that for communication but I do have snap also if it’s needed. Send me your favorite song so I know you read this far, but besides that thank you! :)
submitted by ElementalZone to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]