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Feeling really lost

2024.05.14 07:23 Oliveoil_4 Feeling really lost

I have always felt like this. I have always felt that something in my body was off so much it hurts, but I wasn't able to talk to anyone. Any signal I gave to my parents was basically shut down as a "yes that's puberty". I know they are transfobic I have always known, that's why I haven't outed myself but I feel so miserable. I feel so sad specifically when I know about puberty blockers and starting T at still developing ages it hurts so much I couldn't do it, and hurts even more that even if I said anything about being trans my parents wouldn't let me get this, so why do I mourn it so much? I don't get it and I want to stop thinking about this every day. Like, I didn't get the childhood I wanted, neither the teen years and I feel destroyed cause I miss it even it already happened. Also, I feel like right now I need to start T or I'm just gonna be miserable for so much time. I'm already in the process of getting the T but it's looong and I feel devastated it won't happen probably til next year. I feel like I need it like I think about it every day, about the changes about everything. But I'm worried about this cause, what if I get the T and I'm not happy anyways? I have severe bottom disforia I feel weird to not have something between there and I hate puting my binder it feels like I'm not myself. I don't feel like myself and I want this to stop and I know this is rough and probably horrifying (and transfobic) to say, but i really feel like this is a curse. Like, why me? Why do I need to feel this way every single day of my life? And it won't stop, I know that it will get better with T (will it?) but the surgery's god damn don't get me started on that. I don't have the money, I don't know how much time I'm gonna be without the money and suddenly my life will pass by and my body will be stuck in some woman's body I wasn't meant to have. And there's support in my life (not from my parents), my friends and I have a girlfriend I love but anyways I feel so alone cause I haven't met anyone in real life that really experiences this like disforia and feelings in general. I just want to scape this, I want to be myself without knowing I will have to take inyections for the rest of my life, without knowing I will have to pay thousands to feel good in my own skin. Why do cis people just get this for free? I really don't get it, maybe that's why I feel it is a curse. And I know I should be proud to be trans, but I really I'm not. In any opportunity I would choose to be amab, I would give anything. This is too much to digest so I don't spect anyone actually reading this but if someone did and that someone has like, advice to stop feeling/cope with this feelings I would appreciate it a lot.
submitted by Oliveoil_4 to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:27 Elina-99 Biopolimeros o ácido hialuronico ¿?

Alguien que sepa sobre el tema de biopolimeros? Lo que pasa que hace 5 meses me inyecte ácido hialuronico en labios y mentón pero al ver sobre biopolimeros me dio miedo y corrí a retirarmelo con hialurinasa con un médico estético, en el mentón tuve que inyectarme 3 sesiones de hialurinasa y se me quito y en los labios solo me puse una vez hialurinasa en la parte de arriba y en la parte de abajo 2 veces y si se disolvió del 100% un 70% en la parte de abajo , pero en la parte de arriba se disolvió un 40% aun siento Bolitas y estoy preocupada y tengo mucho miedo ☹️☹️ creen que sean biopolimeros? Aunque si se halla disolvió en algunas partes ese ácido hialuronico ?
submitted by Elina-99 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:24 LanceBurkheart How to get multiple uses from a single use ampule?

How to get multiple uses from a single use ampule?
Hey folks, I'm currently traveling out of the country and lost my meds. I was able to find an ampule of 250 mg/2ml test c at a local pharmacy. However, this is a single use ampule and I need to get multiple injections from this ampule. How can I preserve what's in this ampule after I crack it open?
Could I use multiple insulin syringes and just draw the amount that I need into each of them And then recap them?
Is there a way I can preserve what's in the ampule after I crack it open?
Please help. I'm in a foreign country and my t has already crashed.
submitted by LanceBurkheart to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:33 Additional-Cell-8742 Switching from Test. Cypionate to Test. Undecanoate

Switching from Test. Cypionate to Test. Undecanoate
Hi all, I live in Central America and the brand of testosterone cypionate I've been using (Testex viles of 250mg/2ml) has been discontinued. The only other brand available is test undecanoate (Testal viles of 1000/mg/4ml). I've been taking weekly doses of 125mg/1ml. Does it work to follow that same formula for undecanoate? Are there differences I should be aware of? Anything helps!
submitted by Additional-Cell-8742 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 10:50 institutmedicdavinci Explorando la Medicina Estética Facial: Realzar la belleza con el Instituto Médico DaVinci

Explorando la Medicina Estética Facial: Realzar la belleza con el Instituto Médico DaVinci
En el ámbito de la estética facial, DaVinci Medical Institute es un referente en innovación y experiencia. Al ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios, desde tratamientos no invasivos hasta procedimientos quirúrgicos, dan prioridad a la seguridad, la eficacia y los resultados de aspecto natural. Sumérjase con nosotros en el mundo de la medicina estética facial mientras exploramos las posibilidades transformadoras del Instituto Médico DaVinci.


La medicina estética facial abarca una amplia gama de procedimientos destinados a mejorar el aspecto del rostro. Desde los tratamientos no quirúrgicos, como los inyectables y la terapia láser, hasta las intervenciones quirúrgicas, como el lifting facial y la rinoplastia, los avances en este campo han revolucionado nuestra forma de abordar la mejora de la belleza. A la vanguardia de esta evolución se encuentra el Instituto Médico DaVinci, un renombrado centro de excelencia en cirugía plástica facial y medicina estética.

La filosofía del Instituto Médico DaVinci:

Fundado sobre los principios del arte, la innovación y la atención centrada en el paciente, DaVinci Medical Institute adopta un enfoque holístico de la estética facial. Su equipo de experimentados cirujanos, dermatólogos y especialistas en estética combina la visión artística con la experiencia médica para ofrecer planes de tratamiento personalizados adaptados a los objetivos y la anatomía únicos de cada paciente. Ya se trate de rejuvenecer la piel envejecida, refinar los contornos faciales o restaurar la armonía facial, DaVinci Medical Institute se dedica a ayudar a las personas a verse y sentirse lo mejor posible.

El arte de la transformación facial:

La medicina estética facial es tanto un arte como una ciencia, y los expertos del Instituto Médico DaVinci son maestros en su arte. Utilizando técnicas de vanguardia y tecnología avanzada, consiguen resultados de aspecto natural que realzan los rasgos únicos de cada paciente preservando su identidad. Tanto si se trata de sutiles retoques como de transformaciones integrales, cada procedimiento se aborda con precisión, habilidad y un compromiso inquebrantable con la excelencia.


En el mundo de la medicina estética facial, DaVinci Medical Institute destaca como líder en innovación, arte y atención al paciente. Con una amplia gama de servicios, un enfoque centrado en el paciente y un equipo de expertos altamente cualificados, ofrecen una experiencia sin igual en cirugía plástica facial y medicina estética. Tanto si desea tratar los signos del envejecimiento, realzar su belleza natural o lograr la armonía facial, el Instituto Médico DaVinci se dedica a ayudarle a verse y sentirse lo mejor posible.
submitted by institutmedicdavinci to u/institutmedicdavinci [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:50 DarklynIero Alguien que tenga una explicación?

Tengo una cita agendada dentro de un mes con una especialista pero quisiera saber si alguien me puede orientar en este tema ya que en la sala de urgencias me dijeron que esto que sucedió fue completamente normal.
Tengo 31 años, y hace un año y cuatro meses me coloqué el implante subdérmico como método anticonceptivo.
Durante un año y dos meses deje de menstruar y no tuve ninguna molestia. Hace una semana empecé con un síndrome pre menstrual demasiado molesto, cólicos, dolor en senos y náuseas. El primer día de mi menstruación lo llevé con demasiados cólicos mareos y náuseas, por la tarde ingerir una tableta de ketorolaco de 10 mg y alrededor de 6 horas más tarde tomé un par de cervezas ya que era una celebración especial. Horas más tarde comencé con un dolor demasiado fuerte que inició desde el vientre hasta mi pecho inclusive en mi espalda el cual me dificultó la respiración, este dolor paraba y regresaba aproximadamente cada 5 minutos y en total duró unas dos horas.
Pese a retorcerme de dolor y no poder respirar del todo bien, hubo dos hospitales que me negaron la atención debido a que decían que era una molestia "normal" de la menstruación. Finalmente fuimos atendidos en una sala de emergencias en la que me suministraron más que todo la inyectable y tabletas de Omeprazol, la explicación de la doctora fue que el dolor es completamente normal debido a mi periodo. Cabe destacar que nunca en mi vida había sentido tal dolor ni una molestia parecida.
Un dato adicional es que no me encuentro embarazada ya que días antes me había realizado una prueba de embarazo con resultado negativo.
¿Alguien puede tener una idea de que me sucedió?
submitted by DarklynIero to Medicina [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:29 Guillersuski1889rc FAFAFAFAFA ESTOY EN PEDOOO

submitted by Guillersuski1889rc to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:12 SuperRandomCoder Have you ever used bloc with riverpod? Does it make sense in any case?

In this case it would be to use the `bloc` instead of the `riverpod` `notifiers` and take advantage of all the dependency injection instead of the provider. I have seen that there is `riverbloc` that is for this case if you don't want to write you own extension on riverpod.
Advantages of the bloc, above all, it has a great library for tests (bloc_test), it allows you to track events and states in the bloc observer if you use bloc instead of cubit, and it is very popular in many companies. But if you use riverpod for the dependecy inyection instead of provider it would be more awesome.
For now writing the tests for notifiers in riverpod is more boilerplate, unless you want to write a package similar to bloc_test but for riverpod.
But considering that riverpod has notifier, I don't know if it's worth combining with bloc.
but does it make sense to combine it? Is there any real case that is viable?
P.S. I have seen some projects that do it, but I don't know their arguments.
submitted by SuperRandomCoder to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:56 julialuna89 Are you able to get estradiol inyections?

Are you able to get estradiol inyections in your country? Can you mention where you live in the comments and if this option is available? I'm looking for estradiol Cypionate or Valerate in the form of inyections, but they are not available in my country (Costa Rica). I've researched for farmacies in other countries and only found them in the US but even in the US the pharmacies that provide them are not many, there are restrictions to where they can ship them even if a local doctor prescribe them and sometimes the inyections are out of stock because there is not enough supply.
I've searched on the internet and I haven't found other countries that provide them, maybe they are not that exposed on the internet and also it's difficult to know when these inyections are meant for humans because they are also used in animals.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
submitted by julialuna89 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 16:15 julialuna89 Are you able to get estradiol inyections?

Are you able to get estradiol inyections in your country? Can you mention where you live in the comments and if this option is available? I'm looking for estradiol Cypionate or Valerate in the form of inyections, but they are not available in my country (Costa Rica). I've researched for farmacies in other countries and only found them in the US but even in the US the pharmacies that provide them are not many, there are restrictions to where they can ship them even if a local doctor prescribe them and sometimes the inyections are out of stock because there is not enough supply.
I've searched on the internet and I haven't found other countries that provide them, maybe they are not that exposed on the internet and also it's difficult to know when these inyections are meant for humans because they are also used in animals.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
submitted by julialuna89 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 06:29 Trisequens ¿Han dejado de vender Gestrygen en el país?

El Gestrygen es el genérico de Metrigen Fuerte (benzoato de estradiol con progesterona).
Ya no lo encuentro en farmacias similares (ahí lo compraba) ni en otras farmacias grandes, no sé si es cosa mía, pero parece que la farmacéutica que lo fabricaba ya no lo comercializa, o tal vez son las farmacias de mi estado las que han decidido no venderlo más… les pregunto, hay alguien más en este sub que use este medicamento y esté enfrentándose a este desabastecimiento o lo que sea que esté pasando? Han podido encontrarlo en alguna farmacia o algún otro establecimiento o tienda online?
Agradecería mucho que me dijeran dónde puedo comprarlo o si hay algún otro inyectable genérico del Metrigen Fuerte, o si ya de plano debo comprar el de patente. Gracias!
submitted by Trisequens to TransgenderMX [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:29 L_The_MysteriousLady Does someone know how costful could HRT be in México?

I am still unsure if i'm coming out of the closet but u thought it should be good to ask i don't really know a lot of HRT i know theres the tablets inyections i think Patches? And then more types of estrogen like Spiro? Or something like that i really haven't learned fully of medical stuff yet and i thought i should ask in case someone has any info on the prices of HRT and what types i am likely to buy if possible. Sorry if it's a bit too much to ask.
submitted by L_The_MysteriousLady to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 05:34 DarioXo Can I use a SD to inyect MSET9 and the Switch to my Old SD?

I'm sorry if this was questioned before :( but I need help. I was trying to install CFW on my 3DS following the guide in, but when the SafeB9SInstaller was supposed to boot the screen got stuck into a loading screen :(. I was using a 32 gb that I had using since almost 2 years in my 3ds, so it has all my save files, purchased games, photos, etc and I don't want to loose that information. So my question is if I can use a brand new SD card to install the CFW and then go back to use my old SD card avoiding loose any data.
submitted by DarioXo to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 11:59 manolomoreno_ Its normal if my switch is v1 (HAC-001, not HAC-001(01)) and I cannot inyect payload withouth chip?

I thought my switch were not mariko cause the box is white and in the back of the switch is says MOD: HAC-001. I tried to inyect payload but screen do nothing like an actual mariko switch. Its normal?
submitted by manolomoreno_ to SwitchPirates [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 04:26 Few_Structure_6698 [ARTICLE] Anticonceptivos inyectables combinados
submitted by Few_Structure_6698 to Scholar [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 19:23 Nat_Peterson11 I think I might be a gymcel for simply working out, according to this person

I think I might be a gymcel for simply working out, according to this person
He didn’t exactly specify what gym people are insecure losers so I guess I am one too because I enjoy going to the gym
submitted by Nat_Peterson11 to IncelTears [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 19:53 teorias_gamer Teoría completa del final de Marvel's Spider-man 3-marvel's Spider-man 3

Harry será el duende verde al principio. Desde la escena post-creditos Hasta que Peter le quite el suero G. Norman será el duende verde al final. Desde que se lo inyecte Hasta que Peter y Harry (Agente Venom) lo salvén. El suero G se lo traerá el doctor Morgan Michaels quien será morbius en esta entrega. Seguridad de oscorp en el algún momento serán enemigos.
submitted by teorias_gamer to Gamesuperheroes [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 16:15 Firm_Command_5332 How do you store T?

I haven't started T and I don't live alone yet, the question is because I want to know if I have to store my T in a fridge or at room temperature? As in, do I have to put it in the fridge like insulin where my family can see it or can I keep it hidden in my room on a drawer? Assuming its an intramuscular vial because that's the only one that's available and affordable around here.
Are there any other things I should consider about T when it comes to storage or when inyecting it or so? I know of the effects and all the rest, but I don't know much about the medicine itself and how to handle it.
submitted by Firm_Command_5332 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 12:55 WatonWachuchero LA CAÍDA DEL SABUESO

El tema de Hermosilla es para su House of Cards... El tata Melipass ya está haciendo que me inyecte el remedio tres veces al día jajaja
submitted by WatonWachuchero to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 03:22 bot_neen Cofepris alerta por venta de bótox inyectable sin registro sanitario

Cofepris alerta por venta de bótox inyectable sin registro sanitario submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 02:22 jcborellyc Bruise at inyection site

Just started PPS this week and both injections gave me big bruises in my belly. I’m familiar with subq, so it’s not technique. Is this normal with PPS?
submitted by jcborellyc to Pentosan [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 07:07 LittlePeanutuwu Feeling scared of being found out to be trans after finally 2 years in t , all legal documents arranged, and cispassing daily

He/Him (18) Gay male in 3year long monogamous relationship.
Hiii, I’ve been dealing mentally a lot about how I feel like I’m always hiding who I am. And I well vent here a bit about it at the same time of hearing advice and thoughts from some of you.
Context about myself I’m not from the U.S or a first world country. I started my transition to hormones when I was 15 with hormone blockers, then at 16 I started IM Testosterone inyections. I’m 5’0, have genetics that makes look way younger that my age. And currently a university student.
I felt always out of place even sometimes in the transmasc community. And Even if I don’t sound very enthusiastic I am at the peak of my happiness and mental health after dealing with it since I had 11 years old.
I finally done it, I cispass every where I go. I have a loving and supportive family and the best partner I would have ever wish for.
But I am so shameful to say, that I am not that proud and self-loving as much as before of being trans. I am openly present myself as a gay male. But I am scared to death of being forced out of the closet before I am ready to tell my best friends and colleagues I am not a cis man.
What could I do to finally feel self-acceptance of my own body again ?
submitted by LittlePeanutuwu to ftm [link] [comments]