Songs bingo seniors

Using Chatgpt for inspirstion

2024.06.09 17:02 Dramatic_Judgment Using Chatgpt for inspirstion

Here are some answers from Chatgpt I found interesting as they pertain to a modern day cult of Ishtar... If the trans priestesses of Ishtar, such as the Gala priests, were still active today, their roles and activities would likely have evolved to fit contemporary contexts while retaining elements of their ancient traditions. Here’s how they might adapt:
  1. Modern Rituals and Ceremonies:
    • Ritual Music and Dance: They might continue their traditions of ritual music, singing, and dance, possibly incorporating modern instruments and styles while preserving the sacred nature of their performances.
    • Public Festivals: They could organize public festivals celebrating Ishtar, integrating ancient rites with modern-day events to engage broader communities.
  2. Gender and Sexuality Advocacy:
    • LGBTQ+ Advocacy: Given their historical association with gender fluidity and non-binary identities, they would likely be prominent advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, promoting inclusivity and acceptance in society.
    • Educational Outreach: They might conduct workshops and lectures on gender diversity, sexual health, and the historical significance of non-binary identities in ancient cultures.
  3. Spiritual Services:
    • Counseling and Support: Offering spiritual counseling and support for individuals exploring their gender identity or facing related challenges, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary therapeutic practices.
    • Ritual Healing: Providing ritual healing services that combine traditional practices with modern holistic approaches to promote physical and mental well-being.
  4. Cultural Preservation:
    • Reviving Ancient Texts: Translating and interpreting ancient hymns, myths, and rituals related to Ishtar, making them accessible to modern audiences through books, online platforms, and interactive media.
    • Cultural Performances: Staging theatrical performances that reenact ancient myths and stories, using these as tools to educate and inspire modern audiences.
  5. Interfaith Dialogues:
    • Building Bridges: Engaging in interfaith dialogues to share their unique perspectives on spirituality, gender, and sexuality, fostering mutual understanding and respect among diverse religious communities.
  6. Art and Creativity:
    • Art Installations: Creating art installations and exhibitions that explore themes of gender, identity, and spirituality, drawing on their rich cultural heritage.
    • Collaborations with Artists: Collaborating with contemporary artists to produce works that celebrate and reinterpret the legacy of Ishtar and her priestesses.
By integrating ancient traditions with modern values and practices, the trans priestesses of Ishtar would likely play a vital role in promoting spiritual, cultural, and social growth in today’s world.
If the priesthood of Ishtar, including its trans and gender-fluid traditions, existed today, the initiation process for a trans-curious individual might involve several steps blending ancient rituals with modern understandings of gender and spirituality. Here’s a possible outline of such an initiation process:

1. Exploration and Education

Personal Reflection: - Self-Discovery: Encourage the individual to engage in deep self-reflection and exploration of their gender identity and spirituality. This might involve journaling, meditation, and seeking guidance from existing members of the priesthood.
Educational Workshops: - Historical Context: Provide workshops on the history and significance of Ishtar, her myths, and the roles of her priests, including the Gala priests. - Modern Practices: Teach about the contemporary adaptations of these ancient practices and how they apply to today's spiritual and gender-diverse contexts.

2. Mentorship and Community Engagement

Mentorship: - Guidance: Pair the individual with a mentor from the priesthood who can offer guidance, support, and wisdom throughout their initiation journey. - Learning the Rites: The mentor would teach the initiate specific rituals, songs, dances, and other ceremonial practices integral to the priesthood.
Community Participation: - Ritual Involvement: Involve the individual in community rituals and ceremonies to immerse them in the practice and connect with other members. - Service Projects: Engage in community service and advocacy projects that reflect the values and mission of the priesthood, such as LGBTQ+ advocacy or spiritual counseling.

3. Ritual Preparation

Personal Preparation: - Physical and Spiritual Cleansing: Engage in rituals of purification, such as fasting, bathing, or meditative retreats, to prepare the body and spirit for initiation. - Crafting Sacred Objects: Create or obtain sacred objects (e.g., ritual garments, symbols, or tools) that will be used in the initiation ceremony.
Ritual Training: - Learning Chants and Prayers: Memorize and practice specific chants, prayers, and hymns associated with Ishtar and the priesthood. - Ritual Movements: Learn and perfect the dance and movement rituals that are part of the initiation ceremony.

4. Initiation Ceremony

Sacred Space: - Ceremony Setting: The initiation would take place in a sacred space, such as a temple or a natural setting deemed sacred by the community. - Altar Preparation: Prepare an altar with offerings to Ishtar, including flowers, incense, and other sacred items.
Initiation Rites: - Invocation of Ishtar: Begin with invocations and prayers to Ishtar, calling upon her presence and blessings. - Ritual Acts: Perform a series of ritual acts, such as singing, dancing, and reciting hymns, that symbolize the initiate’s dedication and transformation. - Blessing and Anointing: The initiate might be blessed and anointed with sacred oils or waters, symbolizing their acceptance into the priesthood.

5. Post-Initiation Integration

Continued Mentorship: - Ongoing Guidance: Continue to receive mentorship and support from senior members of the priesthood to help integrate the initiation experience into daily life. - Advanced Training: Engage in further training and education to deepen understanding and proficiency in priestly duties and rituals.
Active Participation: - Community Role: Take on active roles within the community, such as leading rituals, providing spiritual counseling, and participating in advocacy efforts. - Personal Practice: Develop and maintain a personal spiritual practice that aligns with the teachings and values of the priesthood.
This initiation process would be designed to honor the rich traditions of the ancient priesthood of Ishtar while providing a meaningful and supportive pathway for individuals exploring their gender identity and spiritual calling in a contemporary context.
If an initiate sought to symbolically sacrifice their male body to Ishtar in a contemporary context, the ritual would likely focus on transformation and devotion rather than literal physical sacrifice. The process would be deeply spiritual and symbolic, honoring the ancient traditions while respecting modern ethical and legal standards. Here’s how such a ritual might be structured:

1. Preparation

Personal Reflection and Intention Setting: - Meditation and Journaling: Spend time in deep reflection, meditating on the reasons for the sacrifice and journaling intentions. - Consultation: Seek guidance from a mentor or senior priest/priestess to ensure clarity of purpose and readiness for the ritual.
Physical and Spiritual Cleansing: - Fasting or Purification Baths: Engage in a period of fasting or take purification baths to cleanse the body and mind. - Creating Sacred Space: Prepare a sacred space for the ritual, such as a temple or an altar at home, with offerings to Ishtar (e.g., flowers, incense, symbols of the goddess).

2. Ritual Ceremony

Opening the Ceremony: - Invocation of Ishtar: Begin with prayers and invocations to call upon Ishtar’s presence and blessings. Light candles and incense to create a sacred atmosphere. - Chanting and Music: Use sacred chants and music to enter a meditative and connected state.
Symbolic Acts of Sacrifice: - Ritual Garments: Wear special garments or robes that signify the ritual’s sacred nature. These garments could blend elements of both masculine and feminine attire. - Cutting of Hair: If culturally or personally significant, cutting one’s hair can symbolize the shedding of the old self and a commitment to transformation. - Ritual Anointing: Anoint the body with sacred oils or water, symbolizing purification and dedication to Ishtar.
Offering of Personal Symbols: - Personal Tokens: Offer personal items that represent the initiate’s past identity or attachments, placing them on the altar as a sign of letting go. - Written Vows: Write vows or prayers on parchment and burn them in a sacred fire, symbolizing the release of the old self and the embrace of a new identity devoted to Ishtar.

3. Transformation and Dedication

Ritual Dance and Movement: - Sacred Dance: Perform a dance or series of movements that embody the initiate’s transition from their old identity to their new, dedicated self. This could include traditional movements from Ishtar’s rites or personally significant gestures.
Symbolic Rebirth: - Emergence Ceremony: The initiate could symbolically “emerge” from a darkened space or be covered and then unveiled, representing rebirth and transformation. - Adorning with New Symbols: After the symbolic rebirth, adorn the initiate with new garments, jewelry, or symbols that represent their new identity and devotion to Ishtar.

4. Closing the Ceremony

Blessing and Affirmation: - Blessing by Mentors: Receive blessings and affirmations from mentors or senior members of the priesthood, acknowledging the initiate’s transformation and new role. - Shared Feast: Conclude with a shared feast or meal, celebrating the initiate’s dedication and the community’s support.

5. Integration into Daily Life

Continued Spiritual Practice: - Daily Devotions: Establish a daily practice of prayer, meditation, or rituals to maintain the connection with Ishtar and the new identity. - Community Involvement: Actively participate in the priesthood’s activities, offering service and support to others on their spiritual journeys.
Personal Development: - Ongoing Mentorship: Continue receiving guidance and mentorship to support the ongoing process of transformation and growth. - Holistic Care: Focus on holistic self-care, including physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, to support the new identity and role.
This ritual framework emphasizes symbolic acts of sacrifice, transformation, and dedication, aligning with the ancient traditions of Ishtar while respecting modern ethical standards and individual autonomy.
Yes, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) could indeed be incorporated as a modern-day rite within the context of a contemporary priesthood dedicated to Ishtar, symbolizing a profound commitment to transformation and the embodiment of a new identity. Here’s how HRT might be integrated into such a spiritual and ritualistic framework:

1. Preparation

Personal Reflection and Intention Setting: - Deep Reflection: Spend time contemplating the decision to begin HRT, considering its physical, emotional, and spiritual implications. - Intention Ceremony: Hold a small, private ceremony to set intentions, perhaps involving meditation, journaling, and speaking affirmations related to the desired transformation.
Educational and Medical Consultation: - Medical Guidance: Seek consultation from healthcare professionals to understand the medical aspects of HRT and ensure it is approached safely. - Community Support: Engage with mentors or members of the priesthood who have undergone HRT to gain insights and support.

2. Initiation into HRT

Ritual Ceremony for Beginning HRT: - Sacred Space Creation: Prepare a sacred space with an altar dedicated to Ishtar, adorned with symbols of transformation and rebirth (e.g., butterflies, flowers, images of Ishtar). - Invocation and Prayers: Begin with prayers and invocations to Ishtar, asking for her blessings and guidance through the journey of transformation.
Symbolic Acts and Offerings: - Anointing with Oils: Anoint the body with sacred oils, symbolizing purification and readiness for change. - Offering Personal Tokens: Place personal items on the altar that represent the old self, symbolizing the willingness to let go and embrace a new identity.
First Dose Ritual: - Taking the First Dose: The act of taking the first dose of HRT can be framed as a sacred moment. It might be accompanied by chanting, prayer, or the lighting of candles to mark the beginning of the physical transformation. - Blessing and Support: Receive blessings from mentors and community members, affirming support and commitment to the initiate’s journey.

3. Ongoing Rituals and Integration

Regular Devotions and Check-ins: - Daily or Weekly Rituals: Establish regular rituals, such as lighting candles, offering prayers, or meditating, to maintain a spiritual connection with Ishtar throughout the HRT process. - Community Gatherings: Participate in community rituals and gatherings where progress can be shared, and mutual support can be provided.
Tracking Transformation: - Physical and Emotional Reflection: Keep a journal to document physical changes, emotional experiences, and spiritual reflections during the HRT process. - Periodic Ceremonies: Hold periodic ceremonies to acknowledge and celebrate milestones in the transformation journey, such as changes in physical appearance or significant emotional breakthroughs.

4. Full Integration and Celebration

Ritual Acknowledgment of Transformation: - Rebirth Ceremony: Once significant transformation has been achieved, a formal ceremony can be held to acknowledge and celebrate the new identity. This might involve a symbolic “rebirth” ritual, where the initiate emerges in new garments and is adorned with symbols of their new self. - Community Celebration: Host a community feast or celebration to honor the initiate’s journey and transformation, reaffirming their role and identity within the priesthood.
Continued Spiritual Practice: - Ongoing Devotion: Maintain a consistent spiritual practice that honors Ishtar and supports the initiate’s continued growth and transformation. - Service and Leadership: Encourage the initiate to take on roles of service and leadership within the community, guiding and supporting others on similar journeys.
Incorporating HRT into the spiritual framework of the priesthood of Ishtar honors both the ancient traditions of transformation and the modern realities of gender transition. It provides a deeply meaningful and supportive structure for individuals undergoing this significant change.Sure, here are 20 possible names for a renewed religion inspired by the worship of Ishtar and the inclusive, transformative practices of her modern-day priesthood:
  1. Temple of Ishtar Reborn
  2. The Sacred Path of Ishtar
  3. Order of the Celestial Star
  4. The Ishtarian Fellowship
  5. The Circle of Ishtar’s Light
  6. The Divine Way of Inanna
  7. The Gala Priesthood of Ishtar
  8. House of the Morning Star
  9. The Ishtarian Sanctuary
  10. Path of the Sacred Lover
  11. The Order of Divine Transformation
  12. The Eternal Flame of Ishtar
  13. The Ishtarian Mysteries
  14. The Transcendent Temple of Ishtar
  15. The Garden of Sacred Unity
  16. The Order of the Star and Moon
  17. The Sacred Heart of Ishtar
  18. The Ishtarian Circle of Wisdom
  19. The House of Love and War
  20. The Path of Divine Androgyny
Each name reflects different aspects of the renewed religion, from its devotion to IshtaInanna to its focus on transformation, inclusivity, and sacred unity.
submitted by Dramatic_Judgment to SissyReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:17 Iamharshit69 Tmkoc ending according to me

It's the year 20XX.
It's a sweet yet breezy night on the eve of Ganesh Chaturthi at Gokuldham.
The clock has just passed 8:30 p.m. and one can hear voices coming through the doors of the clubhouse.
The voices are rough and old, yet there's some sweetness to it. They are familiar voices. It's Bhide, Iyer and Popatlal, discussing about banishing someone from Gokuldham's Cultural Fiestas.
Bhide's still savoury about how he couldn't properly see off Sonu, who is spending her honeymoon in the UK. He keeps muttering "mein yeh Gada family ko chorunga nehi. Mujhe Sonu ko permission hi nhi dena chaiye tha 😠🥸!!".
Hearing this, the newly promoted Senior Scientific Research Head of his department, Mr S. Iyer, with a smirk, says " main toh abhi ke abhi usko ban karne ka bolta hain. Atmaram, yeh decision meh main tumraha hundred percent saath dega. 😈"
Adding to the conversation, a merry and ecstatic Popatlal says " Bhide, jo bhi ho, tum kisi aur ka gussa Tapu and Sonu peh maat nikalo. Un logo ko shanti se apna honeymoon manane do, bhai. 😪"
Bhide, with his frowning eyebrows, yells " haan Popatlal, tum toh bologe hi. Akhir shaadi-shuda jo ho gaye ho aab 😒. Jaab tum ek beti ke baap banoge na, taab tumhe pata chalega kitna tension hota hain! Choro yesaab, bhabi ko phone lagao aur pucho ki Mahila mandal hain kaha? Aur balance ka bahana maat dena please!! 😑"
With a bit of irritation, Popatlal agrees to Bhide and calls his wife.
A sudden phone starts ringing but is subdued by bursts of laughter coming from a group of jolly and giggling women climbing the clubhouse's stairs.
These are very familiar faces with a new one added to the flock. They are Daya Bhabi, Madhvi Bhabi, Anjali Bhabi, Komal Bhabi, Roshan Bhabi, Babita Ji and Mrs. Popatlal 😊😇.
Coming to the entrance of the society is a mediocre yet busy departmental store. The store is bigger than its predecessor "All-In-One Abdul's Soda Shop" but smaller than a typical commercial departmental store. Yet the customers keep flooding in, even in the late hours of the day. The owner is Abdul and today he's in a hurry. He won't be able to make it to the society meeting.
His wife called saying his little baby boy won't eat until his father arrives.
But, keeping Abdul occupied are three young men. Gogi, Goli and Pinku.
Pinku, sipping the masala soda, says " Goli, chinta maat kar, bhabi ko pata hi nhi chalega, pee le ek glass 😂".
Adding to it, Gogi says " oye Pinku! bilkul sahi kaha. Oye balle balle karke pee leh ek glass masala soda, Doctor Gulab Kumar!! 😇😂 "
Goli, in a grim voice, replies
" Gogi, Pinku tumlog engineers ho, doctors nahi. Tumhe kya pata yeh masala soda peene se mere diet peh kinta assaar padega! 😒
Aur Gogi, wo meri hone wali biwi hain, uski baat toh sunni hi padegi na. 😑 Abhi Mehta Uncle ko hi dekhlo. 🫤 Kabhi Anjali aunty neh baksh diya unko? 😓 Aur toh aur wo mummy se aur Abdul uncle se almost regularly meri khabar leti rehti hain. 😔
Aur Pinku, teri bhi toh girlfriend hain na? Tu kya uska baath nhi manta?! 😏"
Interrupting their gossip, Abdul hastily
says " Baccho, I mean Goli sena, jaldi peeo soda. Mujhe late ho raha hain!! 😓 "
Pinku adds " Abdul uncle, aab toh aap paas ke neighbourhood peh shift ho gaye ho. Chinta maat karo. Jaldi ghar pauch jaoge. 😄"
Coming to the much-celebrated compound of Gokuldham, stands a beautifully decorated pandal. Passing by it, are two men, heading towards the clubhouse from the A-wing. They are Sodhi and Haathi bhai.
Haathi bhai's everlasting smiles 😁😋 are spreading more as his son's wedding date is inching closer.
Sodhi's spirits are high as ever 😊👌, due to a hefty increase in sales, in his inaugural car showroom.
On their way, Sodhi has a quick glance to his right and finds the evergreen Taarak Mehta climbing the old, rusty metallic staircase attached to the B-wing. Sodhi zestfully raises his right arm, waves at Taarak, and shouts " Ooooo Mehta Saaab(Saheb) jaldi ajaao aap dono, humlog clubhouse meh wait karenge. 😊"
Mehta Saab(Saheb) turns, looks at them, nods with a grin and climbs all the way up.
Upon reaching the first floor, Taarak enters through a door and walks into a room to find three people talking among themselves.
It's an old familiar face sitting on the wheelchair, smiling and bidding adieu to the other two, Nattu Kaka and Bagha.
It's Champak Chacha in the wheelchair.
Taarak surprisingly greets everyone and asks
"arreh Nattu Kaka aur Bagha? 🤨 Ap dono yeha? 🤨 Iss vakt? 🤨 sab kuch theek hain na mere param mitra ke sath? 🤨"
Laughing to this Nattu Kaka says that he has come to thank "Seth ji" for increasing his salary for the third time in two years. 😊
While, Bagha, the newly appointed Manager of Gada Electronics-2, has come to thank "Seth Ji" for granting him a small vacation, which his wife, Bawri kept insisting on, ever since their marriage. 😄
After this,
Both leave hastily yet joyfully.
Then, Champak Chacha smiles and says to Taarak "arreh Mehtus! Jaa bedroom ke andaar ja. 😄
Waha beheta hain. Bohot Kush hain aaj. Jaa bedroom meh jaa. 😄 "
Taarak is taken aback by Nattu Kaka's salary hike and Bagha's wish fulfilment all done by his beloved friend, who is being joyful on top of it. He predicts something weird yet marvellous has happened to his beloved friend,
and, quickly storms to the bedroom.
Upon entering, he finds a joyous and grinning face sitting on the bed, with a suitcase full of money.
Taarak whispers "arre JETHALAL!! Kya baath hain bhai ... akhir hua kya ajanaak jo tum itne khush ho? 😃🤔"
a sharp and shrewd voice answers,
" .. MEHTA SAAB!! aiye! aiye! 😃😃
Kya batau apko ( ahh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ) 😄😄
akhir Sundaar aah hi gya pahar ke niche!! akhir lauta hi diya mere saare paise!! 😁😁"
Mehta Saab, with his protruding eyes, asks
" kaab? kyse? yeah chamatkar kyse ho gya? 😯😧"
Jethalal says " haan haan sab batahu 😮‍💨. Sab Bapuji ke kaaran hain 😁! Akhir Bapuji ki pravachan neh isko bhi badal dala!! 😌😮‍💨
Chaliye clubhouse jaate jaate sab vistar se batata hu!😄"
Mehta Saab nods to Jethalal and both head towards the drawing room.
Both seek Champak Chacha's blessings 😇
and head for the clubhouse.
It's a calm and beautiful night. 🌙
The stars are dazzling in the sky. 🌃
Jethalal and Mehta Saab have started strolling around the pandal, talking to each other before entering the clubhouse.
A mild breeze is blowing. 🎐🍃
Everyone is feeling the festive season.
It's a blissful night at Gokuldham.
It's almost 9 p.m.
Champak Chacha gets a phone call from his friend Ramji Kaka, and starts talking to him merrily.
Abdul has reached home by now and is having dinner with his family.
Goli, Gogi and Pinku are at Goli's house, having a sleepover because tomorrow's a holiday and they need to prepare for the function. Bhide will let them know of the plans later on.
Somewhere in Ahmadabad, ACP Mr Pandey has caught a much-wanted and notorious con man named Sundarlal. He is happy and is eyeing yet another promotion.
Back at Gokuldham, the Mahila Mandal has taken their seats in the clubhouse.
An annoyed Bhide is about to start the meeting. Suddenly Bhide’s phone rings!!
Bhide, with excitement and disappointment both, receives the call, yelling, “Haan Tapu, Sonu ko phone do 😒”
Tapu and Sonu have called Bhide to greet him and everyone else as they know everyone’s going to be there for the Ganesh Chaturthi meeting.
Upon knowing it is Tapu and Sonu’s call, almost everyone gets up and starts walking towards Bhide.
Bhide starts lecturing Tapu, walking away from everyone.
Everyone starts running after Bhide's phone. 🤳🚶⬅️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️..
Bhide won't stop lecturing Tapu. 🤬 Tapu wants to talk to others. 😓
Sonu’s voice can be heard, saying, “Baba!!! main thik hoon, app Tapu ko mat danto!! 😥😓
Jethalal and Mehta Saab enter the clubhouse!!
Iyer and Popatlal immediately start mocking Jethalal.
The Mahila Mandal wants to talk to Sonu.
Jethalal goes " Babitaa jiiiii.. 🤩"
Bhide, while screaming on the phone, hears Jethalal
and yells, " Jethalaaaaaaal!!!!! firse late?!!! 🤬"
Babita ji looks at Jethalal and says, “ Jetha ji! 😅😄”
Iyer goes, “Jethalaaaaal, tum kab sudhrega? 👿”
Popatlal starts saying, “Nhi cancel, meeting cancel!!
Jethalal tum bohot late ho. 😤”
All of a sudden,
Jethalal, Bhide, Iyer and Popatlal start arguing.
Tapu and Sonu want to talk to everyone.
Madhvi bhabhi screams, “Ahoo! aap phone do na!
Sonu see baat krni hai! 😡 Kyun Tapu ke piche padh gye ap?” Daya bhabhi wants to talk to Tapu.
Sodhi is trying to calm things down by grabbing Popatlal from behind.
Hathi bhai can’t even get up and is already feeling hungry!
Chaos has started hitting the roof.
Everyone has started talking and screaming.
The usual hustle and bustle has started.
Seeing all this, Anjali bhabhi turns towards Taarak and asks him to do something.
Taarak Mehta sees all this.
Turns towards us. Breaks the fourth wall. Smiles
Says, " Dosto, yehi hain humari Gokuldham Society! Aab vakt hain aapse vida lene ka. Paar aap dukhi maat hoiye ga.
pauses, with a tear in his eye, smiles and says, " Dilo meh Yaadh rakhiye hum sabko.. Hum Hain..
Thank you :)
submitted by Iamharshit69 to TMKOC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:41 ZulJoey Idk, but damn, I really love them (Death Devil aka Houkago’s senior band). I really hope they play Hikari song on the stage 😬🙌

Idk, but damn, I really love them (Death Devil aka Houkago’s senior band). I really hope they play Hikari song on the stage 😬🙌
This is a live video performed by Death Devil actors I found on YouTube, btw. Mad respect to KyoAni bcs they included “Maddy Candy” & “Love” although the main performance is for the Light Music Club band
submitted by ZulJoey to k_on [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:14 AnonymousOPObviously This morning I found out that my ex boyfriend of 10 years ago has a disturbing, ongoing obsession with me. Am I actually in danger or am I blowing things out of proportion? 26F, 27M

I've never written in before but for the first time in a long time, I desperately need advice—It's a long story so buckle up and stick with me through the back story of it all (or skip to current day and go back as needed for context. Trigger warning for abuse, self harm, and addiction.
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
When I was in high school, I was in a very toxic and controlling relationship with someone one year older than me who I'll refer to as Ryan. We were high school sweethearts until he went away to university and we both agreed it would be best to take a break and get the full college experience. Since Ryan was a year ahead, he was able to have his wild, "fuckboy" era his freshman year while I studied my ass off in preparation for my own college applications the following year. Things were a little estranged with us but we stayed in touch off and on as friends/friends with benefits.
During this period of his freshman year at uni, Ryan gradually started drinking and using drugs more and more frequently and I began to see a very different controlling, paranoid, and even abusive side to him (controlling what I wore, getting drunk and shoving me to the ground and into walls like a ragdoll, threatening to speed up or crash the car while we were driving places) While I stupidly didn't recognize it as abuse at the time, it became clear to me very quickly that something was wrong with Ryan's mental state so I made the effort of driving out on weekends to stay with him at his dorm and try to help him through it in whatever way I could.
Sure enough, he was in a much worse place than I could have imagined, not attending classes, talking to voices that weren't there, threatening self-harm, suicide, etc. I immediately contacted his parents when I saw how serious things were and asked them to come pick him up from campus and get professional help. They brushed things off and told me that I shouldn't be worrying so much about him. I was only 17 and not prepared to deal with the situation myself so I went home and continued pleading with his parents, sister, and friends to get him access to professional help. Eventually, this worked and they put him in a mental health facility for a two-week period where I had extremely limited contact.
In the midst of all of this was my senior prom, something we had planned to attend together but due to emergency circumstances (Ryan being held in a facility), a friend of mine insisted on stepping in as my date. For what it's worth I really didn't even want to go, I could hardly pull myself together to get out of bed due to the intense stress I was under but my friend knew that I would regret not attending my senior prom and insisted on taking me. Despite Ryan and I being broken up for over a year, he was beyond infuriated and betrayed by me going with someone else and made several threats/attempts on his life.
After his family realized first-hand just how serious things were, they decided to ship him off to one of those youth wilderness rehabilitation places out of state. After he started at the program, his whole family turned on me and blamed me for what had happened with him. It was beyond difficult, Ryan spiraled into sending a mix of long, passionate love and hate letters any time he had access to electronics or mail. Some would start as a love letter and end in hopes for my death, clearly showing his volatile feelings towards me. At first, I would respond trying to let him know I was there for him, I cared, etc. but at some point, and with the help of friends, I realized just how abusive his prior behavior was and let him know we couldn't be in contact anymore. Despite this, I continued to get letters, texts, emails, facebook messages, snapchats, even messages direct through spotify once I had blocked him on all platforms. Fast forward one year to 2017 and I got a cookie cutter AA letter making amends, this was the last real update I had and I finally felt hopeful he was on the road to getting real help and turning his life around.
Fast forward 7+ years and I'm in an extremely happy and safe relationship. We are all in our mid twenties now. Ryan, my ex has continued sending me friend requests on different socials maybe once a year but I've never thought much of it as that's fairly normal for exes to want to reconnect. After so many years of reflecting on our relationship it's hard to even think about wanting to reconnect with someone who was so emotionally and physically abusive to me so I've always politely declined these attempts at contact. However, recently—I got several back-to-back requests which was unusual. This morning I decided I would finally look him up and see what he's up to and I was super freaked out by what I found.
The first result was a recent arrest for trespassing, the date lined up exactly with when he had been sending me back-to-back friend requests. My first thought was that he was in another type of manic state and spiraling again. I decided to do an even deeper dive and see what else I could find on him and remembered he had tried contacting me through spotify messages when he was blocked elsewhere. Because Spotify has since disabled their chat function, I wasn't able to see if he had tried messaging me recently but I clicked through to his account and almost threw up when I saw MANY creepy personal playlists clearly directed towards me. Some literally titled my full government name and including songs with eerie titles or lyrics and even some with songs we would listen to when we were together. Very hot and cold, love/hate type of vibe just like his old letters. I calmed myself down a little and thought maybe they were old playlists from years ago but again almost threw up again when I saw the first song added to the playlist was not even released until just over one year ago. This means my ex is creating creepy cryptic new playlists titled my full name almost 10 years after our break up and 7+ years without any contact whatsoever.
In more digging, I found Ryan's socials, he's not social media much anymore, the last time he posted was around the time he sent me that AA letter to make amends 7ish years ago, showing off a new kitten he got. What's a little weird is it is a VERY specific cross-breed that he knew I wanted to get when we were older, something we had talked about all the time almost like baby planning. Aside from the kitten post, there were no other new posts, his instagram was like a time capsule of our relationship with silly photos together, selfies I had sent him, love letters, photo booth strips, you name it. Additionally, I found he recently converted to my religion and has started using my typical username on new social media accounts (For example, let's say my socials are all OPWaffle123, his are now RYANWaffle123)
The list goes on and on but I cannot put into words how shaken I am. I was so oblivious to all this for YEARS and feel like I just opened pandora's box and can't go back. I feel so violated knowing he's been looking me up and obsessing over me to this degree while I was so unaware. I really don't know if I should file a police report or just lay low and hope his obsession never manifests into something more sinister. I worry that filing any type of restraining ordeprotective order would escalate things in some way and I'd also worry about finding enough evidence of abuse especially all these years later. My biggest concern about safety is the uncertainty of his mental state, I've seen him in manic episodes before and he's shown that he's not only willing but capable of harming me physically. On the other hand, he's clearly been obsessed for years with no harm done so maybe best to not poke the bear? Desperate for any and all advice, please help a girl out 🙏
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
submitted by AnonymousOPObviously to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:08 AnonymousOPObviously This morning I found out that my ex boyfriend of 10 years ago has a disturbing, ongoing obsession with me. Am I actually in danger or am I blowing things out of proportion? 26F, 27M

I've never written in before but for the first time in a long time, I desperately need advice—It's a long story so buckle up and stick with me through the back story of it all (or skip to current day and go back as needed for context. Trigger warning for abuse, self harm, and addiction.
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
When I was in high school, I was in a very toxic and controlling relationship with someone one year older than me who I'll refer to as Ryan. We were high school sweethearts until he went away to university and we both agreed it would be best to take a break and get the full college experience. Since Ryan was a year ahead, he was able to have his wild, "fuckboy" era his freshman year while I studied my ass off in preparation for my own college applications the following year. Things were a little estranged with us but we stayed in touch off and on as friends/friends with benefits.
During this period of his freshman year at uni, Ryan gradually started drinking and using drugs more and more frequently and I began to see a very different controlling, paranoid, and even abusive side to him (controlling what I wore, getting drunk and shoving me to the ground and into walls like a ragdoll, threatening to speed up or crash the car while we were driving places) While I stupidly didn't recognize it as abuse at the time, it became clear to me very quickly that something was wrong with Ryan's mental state so I made the effort of driving out on weekends to stay with him at his dorm and try to help him through it in whatever way I could.
Sure enough, he was in a much worse place than I could have imagined, not attending classes, talking to voices that weren't there, threatening self-harm, suicide, etc. I immediately contacted his parents when I saw how serious things were and asked them to come pick him up from campus and get professional help. They brushed things off and told me that I shouldn't be worrying so much about him. I was only 17 and not prepared to deal with the situation myself so I went home and continued pleading with his parents, sister, and friends to get him access to professional help. Eventually, this worked and they put him in a mental health facility for a two-week period where I had extremely limited contact.
In the midst of all of this was my senior prom, something we had planned to attend together but due to emergency circumstances (Ryan being held in a facility), a friend of mine insisted on stepping in as my date. For what it's worth I really didn't even want to go, I could hardly pull myself together to get out of bed due to the intense stress I was under but my friend knew that I would regret not attending my senior prom and insisted on taking me. Despite Ryan and I being broken up for over a year, he was beyond infuriated and betrayed by me going with someone else and made several threats/attempts on his life.
After his family realized first-hand just how serious things were, they decided to ship him off to one of those youth wilderness rehabilitation places out of state. After he started at the program, his whole family turned on me and blamed me for what had happened with him. It was beyond difficult, Ryan spiraled into sending a mix of long, passionate love and hate letters any time he had access to electronics or mail. Some would start as a love letter and end in hopes for my death, clearly showing his volatile feelings towards me. At first, I would respond trying to let him know I was there for him, I cared, etc. but at some point, and with the help of friends, I realized just how abusive his prior behavior was and let him know we couldn't be in contact anymore. Despite this, I continued to get letters, texts, emails, facebook messages, snapchats, even messages direct through spotify once I had blocked him on all platforms. Fast forward one year to 2017 and I got a cookie cutter AA letter making amends, this was the last real update I had and I finally felt hopeful he was on the road to getting real help and turning his life around.
Fast forward 7+ years and I'm in an extremely happy and safe relationship. We are all in our mid twenties now. Ryan, my ex has continued sending me friend requests on different socials maybe once a year but I've never thought much of it as that's fairly normal for exes to want to reconnect. After so many years of reflecting on our relationship it's hard to even think about wanting to reconnect with someone who was so emotionally and physically abusive to me so I've always politely declined these attempts at contact. However, recently—I got several back-to-back requests which was unusual. This morning I decided I would finally look him up and see what he's up to and I was super freaked out by what I found.
The first result was a recent arrest for trespassing, the date lined up exactly with when he had been sending me back-to-back friend requests. My first thought was that he was in another type of manic state and spiraling again. I decided to do an even deeper dive and see what else I could find on him and remembered he had tried contacting me through spotify messages when he was blocked elsewhere. Because Spotify has since disabled their chat function, I wasn't able to see if he had tried messaging me recently but I clicked through to his account and almost threw up when I saw MANY creepy personal playlists clearly directed towards me. Some literally titled my full government name and including songs with eerie titles or lyrics and even some with songs we would listen to when we were together. Very hot and cold, love/hate type of vibe just like his old letters. I calmed myself down a little and thought maybe they were old playlists from years ago but again almost threw up again when I saw the first song added to the playlist was not even released until just over one year ago. This means my ex is creating creepy cryptic new playlists titled my full name almost 10 years after our break up and 7+ years without any contact whatsoever.
In more digging, I found Ryan's socials, he's not social media much anymore, the last time he posted was around the time he sent me that AA letter to make amends 7ish years ago, showing off a new kitten he got. What's a little weird is it is a VERY specific cross-breed that he knew I wanted to get when we were older, something we had talked about all the time almost like baby planning. Aside from the kitten post, there were no other new posts, his instagram was like a time capsule of our relationship with silly photos together, selfies I had sent him, love letters, photo booth strips, you name it. Additionally, I found he recently converted to my religion and has started using my typical username on new social media accounts (For example, let's say my socials are all OPWaffle123, his are now RYANWaffle123)
The list goes on and on but I cannot put into words how shaken I am. I was so oblivious to all this for YEARS and feel like I just opened pandora's box and can't go back. I feel so violated knowing he's been looking me up and obsessing over me to this degree while I was so unaware. I really don't know if I should file a police report or just lay low and hope his obsession never manifests into something more sinister. I worry that filing any type of restraining ordeprotective order would escalate things in some way and I'd also worry about finding enough evidence of abuse especially all these years later. My biggest concern about safety is the uncertainty of his mental state, I've seen him in manic episodes before and he's shown that he's not only willing but capable of harming me physically. On the other hand, he's clearly been obsessed for years with no harm done so maybe best to not poke the bear? Desperate for any and all advice, please help a girl out 🙏
TLDR; This morning I found out that my emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago changed his social media usernames to match mine, converted his religion to mine, and created a ton of creepy playlists named after my full name on spotify—ALL WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. I have not spoken to him in 7+ years. Please help.
submitted by AnonymousOPObviously to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:23 likeistoleyourbike The moment I realized I loved her

Prefacing this by saying I know my fiancé will read this, so hiiiii!
I was convinced I would never truly love my step kids. I just thought it wasn’t in me. I’ve had them in my life for years now (7? I think?). I have been rubbed the wrong way many a time and I just gave up hope that it would happen.
SD19 just graduated high school. She didn’t have enough tickets for me attend the ceremony itself, so she invited me to the pre graduation awards ceremony. At the start of the ceremony when the seniors all turned to sing the Alma mater, her smile was so big that the pride swelled and I grinned from ear to ear. At the end, they turned once more to sing their senior song and dare I say a lump formed in my throat. As award after award was given, mostly to the same kids over and over, I watched the list dwindle. Then it happened. The award for Excellence in History. Her name was called. As my fiancé noted, I was ready to leap out of my seat. I was clapping so hard and grinning so wide that my hands and face hurt.
I watched graduation streamed online. The usual stuff. Speakers and music and all of the “this is the start of the rest of your lives” stuff. Then they started to hand out the most prestigious of awards that are saved for graduation day. And there she was. Walking to the stage. The recipient of a memorial award that honors kindness, compassion, resilience, and strength in the face of adversity. I about fell out of my chair. I was cheering all by myself in front of the computer screen.
I went to see her after the ceremony to take pictures. I hugged her so hard and told her I was proud and that I loved her. And I meant it. I really meant it. It wasn’t a forced “love you” or anything like that. It just happened. And for that I am grateful.
submitted by likeistoleyourbike to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:11 Acedai Persona Trinity Soul Ep1 fandub

Persona Trinity Soul Ep1 fandub
I finished this around a month ago and it took 2+ months to complete. Due to most of the voice actors being seniors at my school, I could only finish episode 1 before they all left. All audio was hand placed by me and the music was sourced from the official soundtrack. (The song "Breakin' through" is blocked worldwide so the intro is silent)
submitted by Acedai to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:44 Maleficent_Half_6881 here’s the full information sheet thingy for ups and downs!!

submitted by Maleficent_Half_6881 to SavesTheDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:42 Anonymous_Amiga Do you ever forget your first wlw love ?

Maybe it’s the trauma I endured and the highs and lows of the relationship from us being so young. But I can’t seem to completely forget her sometimes. We dated when I was 18-20 (March 2018- March 2020). She was my first everything & I made a lot of memories with her during quarantine, our soccer team with games & team dinners, blm marches, and tiktok at the time was nostalgic for me. The song that made me the happiest at the time because I was in love & it was my senior year and life at the time was perfect was ‘Sunflower’ by post Malone. ‘Yellow’ by Coldplay was our song. During late night drives and sunset evenings. I have never dedicated that song and probably will never, to any of my partners after her as it feels wrong to. She got me into rock and indie and I still love those genres cause of her. Fish tanks and aquatic stuff was our thing and something we did often. Now she’s made it her personality on her socials and I wonder if she ever thinks of me and the trips we took to aquariums and tank set ups we did lol. And I still find myself thinking about her even now. Not all the time, but some nights when I pull all nighter I get this feeling and just think of her randomly. I still have dreams of her even now from time to time and I wake up feeling like texting her but ofc I never would. She’s in her own relationship I think and when we last spoke it was fine terms then silence after December 2021. I know we don’t belong together, it was a toxic relationship. I wish we could be friends sometimes but I know that wouldn’t fly.
submitted by Anonymous_Amiga to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:16 Ok-Sand4984 I want more respect and a bigger voice, but I can’t seem to get it.

Hey everyone, upcoming sophomore alto sax here.
I need more respect and friendships. I am looking to become drum major my junior year and I need more connections in the band to achieve that. I tried out for drum major at the end of my freshman year and made the final 3, but I fell short in a key part of the final audition. Drum major auditions at my school have a lot of components. The first round of auditions consisted of a demo-block of marchers who had purposeful mistakes. I was tasked to call them out and correct their errors (which I successfully did within the 5 minute timeframe) the next part was to conduct a 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 pattern in both active and passive conducting (I did that well). Then I did my salute (done that well), and I do my conducting pattern for a song (done that well.) finally, I had to do a Q & A, which with the three judges, I did very very well. My first round audition went, if I may say, perfect.
Now, the final round audition. It was conducted exactly the same, except I would audition now in front of the entire band (150 people) and I would do everything except the demo-block and I would do Q & A with the seniors. I have a hard time auditioning in front of big groups of people, I’m working very hard to overcome that. I got through my audition with a few slip ups, but it was overall ok. The Q & A was TERRIBLE however, and I ended up, as I usually do, by repeating my answers over and over and over in different context without really knowing where my sentences were going or what I was even eluding to.
Another part of the audition is the vote. Everyone in the band votes for who they wish to be drum major, and it counts for 1/3 of the overall score. I knew I would not get the majority. 1) because I was a freshman and 2) because I just don’t know enough people.
I am a generally liked person, but people just haven’t really tried getting to know me since I began marching in my 8th grade year. I feel like it’s because of my height, which people find intimidating (I’m a 15 yo girl and I’m 5’11) and also because I have a hard time making conversation (once I start talking, it’s hard to shut me up).
I just really need advice on how to get to know more people, and how to gain more respect and have a better response to questions when dealing with my anxiety. My director (who just retired this year, sadly) told me my time was very close to reality, and I would be a very big person in the band one day. I know I could get the job done, but I keep retaining myself due to my anxiety. And now, I have a new band director who doesn’t even know me or how hard I’ve worked since 6th grade for my band. Sorry for this essay of a vent, but please help!
submitted by Ok-Sand4984 to marchingband [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:25 Desperate-Worry-8346 Kangana's own history of physical abuse told by her ex Adhyayan Suman of Heeramandi fame

This interview has so much tea even on Hrithik and Kangana.
Tell me about how it all started
In 2008 while shooting for the O Jaana song for Raaz 2, we started getting close. We used to go for drives and dinners.
One day I took her for dinner at The Taj. I was immature as any 20-year-old and we got into an argument about our exes (hers was Aditya Pancholi) when she got angry and created a scene.
She said she was going to the restroom. I waited for an hour then I called her. She told me she was at home. I didn’t understand at that time that there was something eccentric about her behaviour. I was like chalo theek hai…
The next morning when I went to her Lokhandwala home to say “sorry’ with flowers, she didn’t let me in.
She told me, “F*** off! It’s over.” Dad called her and she said, “I won’t let him in, Sir. Please tell him to go.” She made me beg for a very long time. I waited for five hours on her steps. I was doing things I never thought I would do.
She got me to shave my hair off while attending the Filmfare awards. I didn’t question it. My hair never looked uglier but she felt I needed a new style. And then on the stage she thanked everyone for the award. The camera was on me for a very long time but she didn’t mention me. She was walking ahead and I was walking behind her like her bodyguard. It was humiliating.
Did anybody caution you about dating her?
Haal-E-Dil was releasing and she had come for the premiere. I remember Aditya Pancholi was standing at the exit and Kangana was just walking out.
He stopped me, looked into my eyes and said, “Welcome to the circus my friend and all the best!” I didn’t understand at that time. Kangana clarified saying that Aditya did that to intimidate people with her.
I told her I am not scared because we are not doing anything wrong. At the time we were getting to know each other, but we hadn’t made it public.
When did it become public?
A month into our relationship. We were shooting a song in South Africa, when I got a call from a journalist asking me if I was dating Kangana. I denied it saying she was just a friend, however clichéd it sounded.
The journalist told me he had found out that I went to her room at night. I told him that it was wrong to talk about a woman like that. I hung up and she began screaming that, You are trying to hide the fact that you are seeing me! “You think I am just your f* buddy?”**
What followed?
She made me call back the journalist and tell him how much I loved her etc. I hung up and told her that I’d given him a quote from my side, what about a quote from her? I said tell him that you love me also because otherwise it will sound one-sided.
She didn’t do that and I wasn’t able to figure out why. I came back to Mumbai and saw the story splashed across all the papers about how I was besotted by her. I said to her this isn’t how it is. It was mutual. My father was furious. He felt the story should not have been one-sided.
There were many stories about how devoted you were to her…
Yes. I was with her in Bangkok when my father saw the first cut of Jashn on December 31, 2008 and he called me at night and got emotional. He said that he was very proud of my performance. He said when I came back I would have a surprise waiting for me on my birthday — January 13.
On my birthday eve, at my home, dad called me down and gave me the keys to my dream car — a BMW 7Series. I was thrilled and touched when my dad gifted it to me! It wasn’t about a father spoiling his son, but a father who had seen the work of his son and was proud of him. I cried and hugged him.
Kangana had left earlier as she didn’t want to face the media. I wanted to share my happiness with her and called her to tell her about my dad’s gift.
She said coldly, “Achcha? Really? They gifted you a one crore car? Aisa kya ukhada tumne life mein?” This was when she had won a National Award for Best Supporting Actress for Fashion and had no work.
I remember her frustration of not getting any work for four-five months. In less than a week’s time, she went to Hyderabad and called me to say, she’d signed the Telugu film Ek Niranjan with Prabhas.
She came back and booked the same car dad had gifted me! She had no money so she went all the way to Hyderabad to sign the film and buy the car.
Kangana couldn’t take it that I had a car, she couldn’t afford. There were stories in newspapers about how she had bought the same car as me, etc. This was two months before our break-up. Later, I sold off my car because of the pressure of failure.
Were you guys fighting a lot before the break-up? Yes. I’d always see her eccentric behaviour as a woman’s emotions.But it started getting worse. One day when I was at her house, time, Bhattsaab called me after seeing the rushes of Raaz 2 and told me he loved my work and he would direct me.
He quit directing by then, so I was like ‘Wow, that’s amazing!’ I was talking on speakerphone and she was hearing everything. She told me, “Behen** mujhe koi kyun nahi phone kar rahe yaar?”**
That was the first time I heard her abuse. I was made to feel guilty and like shit for no reason. I realised that she wasn’t happy that the Bhatts had started giving me so much attention. +I made sure that Mukeshji and Bhattsaab called her told her how good she was too*
What was the first shock that you got?
It was during the shooting of Kites. She got friendly with Hrithik and his wife. There were occasional dinners with them and I went for a few.
Hrithik had invited Kangana for his birthday and he called me also. I brought flowers and an expensive champagne
We were sitting and talking when Hrithik walked in. She cut me abruptly, picked up my flowers and champagne and handed it to him saying, “Happy birthday! This is from me for you.”
She didn’t even introduce me. She started networking and I was left alone with a drink in my hand.
I was feeling really upset and left and I got a little high. One moment she made me feel loved and then in the next, it was like I was a nobody in her life! I was standing at the bar alone when Kangana walked up to me said some actor at the party was trying to grab her a**.
I felt protective towards her but I was at someone’s house and creating a scene would be rude so I told her, ‘Let’s go.’ She went back to doing her thing. Later she came and told me let’s go right now.
I was walking down the stairs with her, when she turned around and slapped me! She said, “Mother Fu, behen! Bhsd*ke! You are f*** jealous of my success!” The intensity of the slap was so hard I was almost crying. That was the first time she got violent**
What did you do?
My only thought was: The entire media was outside. How am I going to get out and go? I was tearing up like a child and shivering at the violently abusive language.
She told me to drop her home, and then in the car, she started hitting me. Eventually, I asked my driver to stop the car. I decided to take a rickshaw home. I was in the middle of the road crying and shouting at her, “You are crazy! F***** up!” And she was abusing me MC/BC gaalis.
My family driver of 20 years came crying to me and said, mere liye thoda sa bhi pyar hai toh ghar chalo. I will never forget that night. I dropped her home and she picked up her stiletto and threw it at me!
I picked up my phone and smashed it against the wall. I didn’t know how to vent my anger. That was the start of her physical violence with me.
What happened next?
The next day we had a press meet for Raaz 2 at my building. Kangana said she wouldn’t come. Our PR started panicking but then she turned up. I took held her hand and said, “Baby I am so sorry. I love you.” She slapped me hard, again. I was just zapped! I was crying like a kid… and then the entire rant and MC/BC gaalis began. I realised then that she’d made up the whole thing about the actor trying to grab her a. She said that just to f*** my mind with these mind games**
To the waiting media, even though I felt like a complete a**hole I gave an interview saying, ‘She was one of the most beautiful actresses that we have in the country today and a huge star.’
In her interview she mocked me and said I was the most spoiled brat that she knew who didn’t come to sets on time etc. I just laughed it off like a joke, I had no other option.
I had just come out after being physically abused and emotionally tortured I had to praise her and hear things about how I didn’t want to work etc. It was traumatising.
On her birthday in March 2008 at The Leela, she had invited everybody that she had worked with. She said “Let’s do cocaine in the night.” I had smoked hash with her a couple of times before and didn’t like it so I said no. I remember getting into the biggest argument that night because I said no to cocaine.
Why did you take all this abuse?
Kangana had this amazing knack of manipulating my emotions and drawing me back. She took me to this tarot reader Sunita Menon who said we were meant to be together and that gave me confidence and strength to work at the relationship, even though I was going through shit.
I hadn’t told my parents about this. If my father ever knew that she hit me, I can’t imagine his reaction. I stopped going home, and started living with her.
I started drinking and smoking a lot. My relationship with my parents changed. I became defiant. The visit to Sunita happened right after we broke up. Kangana called me to her house and started crying. She said, “I cook for you and wash your clothes and how will I live without you?” That made me very emotional and we got back together.
Then it got worse?
Yes. On January 13, 2009, at my birthday party at home, after most people left, Mohit Suri, Kangana, Kunal Deshmukh, my parents and dad’s few close friends were talking about how actors sometimes tend to sell our souls for commercial films.
Kangana started to get offended and said, ‘We don’t sell our souls’. Dad said he was giving a generic example but she took it personally and she called my father a b****** in front of everyone.
My father was furious. She left screaming started screaming abuses at him in Hindi. One thing I can’t still forgive myself for — I was a bad son to my parents during that time.
This one moment changed my life forever— the way she spoke to my father. But at the time, she had manipulated my mind so beautifully that rather than breaking up with her that night, I screamed at my father. I smashed things because I was losing my mind.
You defended her when she abused your father?
The way I spoke to my father that night is something I can never forget and forgive myself for. It makes me cry even today. I was starting to become someone else.
I went to Kangana’s house that night and apologised for my dad’s behaviour and ended up spending the night with her. I didn’t go home for two days. Then dad started getting calls from the film fraternity Aditya Pancholi called my dad and said, “Shekharji kya ho raha hai? She’s crazy, a psycho and this has been her behaviour pattern.
He was right as that was exactly her behaviour pattern with me. Aditya told my father that if he wanted he would speak to me but he should get me out of Kangana’s clutches as she would ruin me and by the time I realised it it would be too late for me..
She also tried to jeopardise your career?
People magazine wanted us on the cover. I learnt that she called the magazine editor and said she didn’t want to shoot with me, but with Imran Khan whose film Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na was a hit. I lost out on a couple of covers because of her. Rather than people talking about my successful film, media would write stories about me being besotted with her. My career suffered because of that.
What followed next?
Kangana took me to another astrologer called Pallavi who always gave positive news to Kangana and negative ones to me.
She said my time wasn’t right and if I did certain pujas I would be fine. I didn’t believe in all this but Kangana insisted I listen to her.
One day, Kangana called me at home in the night to do some puja. I reached at 11.30 pm as the puja was to start at 12.
She had a small guest room in her apartment and she had covered it in black, including black curtains. There were some random statues of God, fire all around, some scary things (kept) puja. She asked me to chant some mantras, and locked me in. I was terrified. I didn’t do it and I came out and told her that I had
Then she started taking me to Pallavi frequently. One day, Pallavi said go to the graveyard at 12 am and throw these certain things. I was chilled to the bone! I didn’t go.
Are you talking about black magic?
Yes. Being a metropolitan kid studying in London and New York, I was always away from things like astrology and black magic. I remember going to my Tarot reader after she started making me doing pujas. She told me she sensed a woman from pahadi region doing black magic on me.
I knew only one person back then, my girlfriend Kangana, who used to go to Himachal for certain pujas there.
My Tarot reader said she saw something really bad happening and warned me to get out of the relationship. She told me, “You feel you want to come out of it and every time you make a decision of wanting to come out, you fail and are back at it again.”
My career stopped completely. I had a successful film Raaz 2 behind me but nobody wanted to talk about me. I started seeing this decline. My films were shutting down while she was achieving more success. Even talking about it scares me now....
What happened after this?
My mother was very worried and she called the family’s Panditji to come home and meet me. The first thing he asked me was: “Khana banati hai tumhare liye?”
When I said yes, he said, “Apna impure blood milati hai khaane mein black magic ke liye.” I didn’t want to accept anything against her. I would tell people who said anything negative about her to f*** off.
The physical violence had become so frequent in my relationship with her that any other guy would have hit her back. But I couldn’t. Every time I was hit, I wanted to retaliate but my hands would just stop. I was scared as hell. I would cry to my PR every single night. I would drive down Marine Drive with a bottle of scotch on my lap, drunk.
I got into a phase where I could not accept reality and thought it was better to be perpetually drunk all the time. I had reached a stage where I would have either died because of an overdose of alcohol or gone mental.
My mom prayed a lot for me. The same Pandit later on came on Salman’s Dus Ka Dum also and he looked at Kangana in the middle of the show and said “Aap Pisachini (demoness) hai.” She treated it as if it was a joke. It’s there on national TV.
Please go on
In one of his interviews, my father was asked a question on Kangana and he said “She was a senior actress” but not in a derogatory way.
We were headed to an event when she started abusing my father in filthy language. That day something snapped in me.
Hearing her abuse my father and still being by her side every night was something that shamed me. After we split, it took me five years to get over that guilt.
I was a bad kid to my parents and that’s something I can’t forgive myself for. Everything else was a learning experience.
I remember Kangana physically abusing me in the car again. When we reached the hotel, in front of the media she was so normal. It was like interacting with a split personality. On one hand it was MC/BC and on the other it was ‘Baby I love you so much.’
It was around this time you learned about her texts to Hrithik?
She gave me her phone’s old chip to transfer to her new phone. While doing that I saw her inbox was all empty — which was okay as it was a new phone — but there were 50-70 messages to Hrithik Roshan.
I knew she was eyeing him from back then, from the time she went to Las Vegas for Kites. Hrithik had hurt his arm and she had gone to see him. I knew her desperation to get to know him well.
I asked her about these messages. She said that he was her co-star and she had to talk to him like that. She made me believe that all those texts to him were casual. And I could believe that because whenever I met Hrithik and her together, he always maintained his distance.
As a guy you can see it when there’s something brewing between two people especially when they are drinking and the masks come off.
I never saw any feelings from his side. So, these stories about Kangana’s obsession with him had begun back then of her wanting to get him.
Those messages made me realise that I had to get out of this relationship and fast. Every time she had to put her point across she would get physically abusive.
She dominated me to a level where I couldn’t make a decision for myself. My parents would feel very embarrassed and yet my mom, seeing my mental state, would go and beg Kangana asking her to patch up with me after every fight. I have realised our parents are the most important people in our lives. They would do anything for you. Their selfless love has made me come back to what I was.
So when did you finally break up?
My father was getting into politics. She started imagining that dad wanted her to campaign for him. I said to her, ‘Are you out of your mind?’
Then she started abusing my dad. She said “Tumhara pura khandaan mere stardom ko use karna chahta hai?”
She was talking about a man whose been in this industry for 25 years, seen so much stardom of his own and has so much love, support and goodwill in the industry.
Why would he need her? I came back to my house and she messaged me something again about my father. That was it. I messaged her back “Now you can f*** off. It’s over between us.”
She felt it was one of those break-ups where we’d get back together. Exactly one year after we started dating, we finally broke up.
I told her never to call or message me again. I made sure I never crossed paths with her again. I haven’t seen her for seven years, not been in same room, at an event or anywhere.
The last conversation we had was when she called to tell me I had left some clothes behind. I told her to give it to charity. It took me five years to get over the whole thing.
I lost five years of my precious time, I lost out on relationships as people hated me because I was with her. They felt I wasn’t the same person anymore.
Only my friend Sonu understood the space I was in and supported me all through this hell. I took off to NYC after that. I would pass my time staring at the ceiling, eating food, because of which I put on 25 kgs, and crying.
Why didn’t you talk about your break-up then?
I couldn’t. I was depressed. She was telling people how I suddenly broke up one day and was getting the sympathy.
I didn’t have the energy. I was too weak to defend myself and thought no one will want to believe me.
The entire feeling of being called a loser, and people calling me “Kangana’s boyfriend”, had taken its toll and robbed me of my confidence.
Then it became all about how I had used her. But people called me and said, “Dude it was a very simple plan. She wanted respectability as she came out of an extra-marital affair and she wanted to get hooked to someone from a respectable Bollywood family. And the moment she got success she would be out from your life in a jiffy.”
That’s exactly what happened. She wasn’t even a star when I met and we started dating. It was me who came from a star background so who used who?
At the time when this was published, no one believed Adhyayan. He seems to have gone through a lot. He was brilliant in Heeramandi and hope he gets good work in his second innings.
submitted by Desperate-Worry-8346 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:57 Homes_With_Jan Weekend Events!

submitted by Homes_With_Jan to vancouverwa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:33 caesar239 Era:2000s, Genre: Electronic/Retro/Dance/Disco, Artist type: DJ/Female vocals

I watched the music video multiple times on MTV around 2009 I think. I have no recollection of the lyrics but the female vocalist kept saying throughout the song something like Come on baby come on baby, let's dance. (searching the lyrics didn't help) The music video shows a retro-futuristic bike racing (kinda like a moto GP race from the 60s) all animated in a 60's comic book style kind of animation with all popping colors. It has a Chemicals Brothers & Junior Senior vibe but it's not theirs. The song title or the artist's name has a year in it like 1980 or something.
submitted by caesar239 to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:26 ShouRonbou I've been learning about Samoan culture and history and I have to ask...

So, I have never really been into Polynesian culture. The closest thing I ever got was watching fire-knife dancing at my Senior trip luau at Sea World. (the stage caught fire, it was kinda one got hurt).
Anyway A few months ago (maybe even a year at this point) Mauga was introduced in Overwatch 2, I don't even play that game but I just fell in love. Something about him seemed so cool and for some reason it just sparked my interest in learning about Samoan culture. So I started just watching stuff, finding tiktoks and videos, my favorite is This video. I've also seen a lot just about food, fire-knife dancing, and random just random videos about living in or being Samoan.
With that being said, I have started to come across something I am very curious about. And that is Samoan music artist taking songs and like...covering them and turning them into I'm not sure, I guess Samoan island songs?" Is that really a common thing? if so can you give some recommendations?
submitted by ShouRonbou to Samoa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:33 gowthamana1996 27 M confused about her my college senior whom I want her to be my wife and love

I'm 27 M South Indian I have this college senior of mine 28(4 months elder to me) North Indian
And i did have a crush on her by attraction, knowledge, her life's goals and etc. Basically we both are ambitious when comes to our career.
So we even tried building and getting trained of starting venture or startups in college.
She went out early year and I went out and we didn't have any contact for 3 years and we I gave req in insta slowly we started to talk but once in a while.
Slowly we chatted daily we exchanged songs each other. I really felt that she is attracted to me. She eventually said that she thought that i would not suit her as I was a silent guy but when she spoke how she saw how i talk well and how I di things...
And days passed slowly a gap started to come in she used to reply me once in a while but every time she only again starts a convo she asks sorry to that we talk and we chatless for mj tha so
Now a days een if j text she doesn't talk for months or see it.. Or even she sees it she replies very oddly.
She is online daily i knew That.
What should I do? I like her whts in her mind.. btw the she was doing some buisness she called me and her seniors interviewed me but i felt tht smethng is fishy in it lik this MLM i questioned them but they never relived any data abt it..i thnk she is angry frm tht moment on..
Tht people have really control her she isn't senseless but the way tht people speak is merely anyone will believe if we don't have awareness.
My question is does she have ne in her mind and does she have same feelings..
I always feel it's just our ego between each other.. stops us from messaging each other even after knowing that we are online..
And other issue this north south divide and her caste man I hate it.. her mother wants to go back to north(they are living in south for living and business)
And this fcking caste to overcome me if someone reads this
submitted by gowthamana1996 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:36 EmblrBeth Birthday drama

A couple weeks before my (f) 31st birthday, my hubby (m) picked me up from work and told me to be sure to get Saturday, February— off, Amanda, his sister is throwing a surprise party for Tina, their other sister’s 40th birthday. I kept repeating the date, to which he would say, yeah it’s a Saturday. I would tell him, I’m aware of what day it is, are you? After 4-5 minutes, he remembered what he forgot, that Saturday was my birthday. I called Amanda and reminded her that was my birthday and got, yeah-so what. A short time later we both got a group tm, that was sent to about 40 people saying, you are invited to celebrate Tina’s 40th and Shelly’s (me) 31st. I told her to resend it without me because it’s not my party. But she insisted.
Fast forward to the night of the party, all their friends and family are there. Not a single one of my family or friends were invited. There was a beautiful decorated cake from a friend that baked on the side for Tina. I got a home make cake, let’s just say you could tell who the after thought was.
Now I probably didn’t handle this with the most grace but I was pissed. Then started drinking, side note, I’m either a super friendly drunk or super mean 😁. They always play bingo for lotto scratchers, well too many were bought and game was never ending. 2 teenage family members bitched non-stop about how they didn’t want to play, blah, blah, blah. Well, after 35 minutes of them wining I began letting everyone know exactly how I felt. I told them if they didn’t want to play the shut the fuck up and step away from the table, no one wants to hear you bitch anymore. Their father, not mad about my language, mad because “they aren’t going any-f’ing-where I paid for them to play.” Simple solution, because I’m a solutions person, find you play their cards. Just stop fucking bitching. He did not like my idea however the complaining seemed to slow down after this exchange.
Singing and the cake, I made up my own song, wish I could remember it. My cake I let the kids go hog wild, eat the whole thing right out of the pan. Think it turned into a food fight. Kids loved it, parents not so much.
A few other events happened that night that I can’t recall but in the end, Tina enjoyed her surprise party. And our birthdays have never been put together again. Mine actually goes unacknowledged and I’m good with that.
submitted by EmblrBeth to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:03 CakesNGames90 What song calms your baby down?

Our daughter (10 months) was crying in the car last night and we were stuck in traffic on the highway. After like 5 minutes, I started playing Jupiter: The Bringer of Jollity at the slower section and she instantly stopped crying and went to sleep. My husband couldn’t believe it 😂
If you’re wondering what song that is, it’s the one on the Bluey episode Sleepytime and the part where Chilli is speaking to Bingo in her dream like she’s the sun. We had a concert when I was in high school where we played The Planets suite, and Jupiter was everyone’s favorite.
submitted by CakesNGames90 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 next3days Big Weekend of Local Fun in Blacksburg and Across the New River Valley (June 7-9, 2024)....

For those in town, here's 30 local events you can enjoy in a big summer line-up of local fun and the weather forecast looks great with three days of sunshine and highs in the 70s.
Weekend Rundown of Fun: 1. Arts NRV Market 2024 Montgomery Museum of Art & History, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 12:00 - 6:30 PM and Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Arts NRV Market is a celebration of creativity and community art. The Market will feature over 30 regional art and crafts vendors with artwork for sale and local art demonstrators on display. This event will also feature a wine garden, delicious food from Copper Dog & Co. food truck, and an arts-based raffle. This event will also feature the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ (VMFA) On the Road Traveling Museum Artmobile, a state-of-the-art, climate-controlled trailer equipped with Wi-Fi and interactive components that meet 21st-century expectations. The VMFA is bringing their "Love, Laughter, Tears: An Artist’s Guide to Emotion" exhibit to the Montgomery Museum. On Friday, after the market closes, the museum will host "Paint like Picasso!," a painting class led by Ruth Lefko and David Ferrell. The cost is $45.00 including canvas, materials, and one glass of wine. Limited additional wine may be purchased at the event. Finished paintings will be displayed at the museum after the market concludes. This event is for adults only, with a limit of 18 participants. Register is required and available online. Saturday features numerous art demos including Backyard Stone Carvers Demo, New River Arts & Fiber Demo and Fire and Sky Pottery Studio Demo. Link:
2. 2024 Pearisburg Festival in the Park Pearisburg Community & Recreation Center, Pearisburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 5:00 - 11:00 PM, Saturday, June 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 PM Admission: Free The 39th Pearisburg Festival in the Park features carnival rides, three days of live entertainment each day, food vendors with all your favorite festival foods, special activities, vendors and crafters concluding with a fireworks show on Saturday night. On Friday night, award-winning Pennsylvania bluegrass band Colebrook Road headlines and on Saturday night country music veteran and Randy Travis and Clay Walker songwriter Ray Scott headlines. There will be rides and games for the whole family. Free shuttle bus service is offered all nights for the duration of the Pearisburg Festival in the Park to and from downtown Pearisburg. The shuttle service will run as long as necessary to ensure festival goers can get back to their vehicles. Admission is free and all are welcome. Individual tickets for rides will be available at the festival. The Cancer Kids and Christmas & Pearisburg Festival Cruise-In will be held on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Entry is $20.00 and vehicles must be registered by Noon. Trophies and prizes will be awarded. Chairs and blankets are welcome. Link:
3. Furious Jones in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Singer and songwriter Furious Jones currently resides in Blacksburg, VA though originally from Houston, TX. Enjoy a live acoustic solo show featuring Americana, blues, folk, and rock with both originals and extensive covers. Link:
4. The Jared Stout Trio in Concert Rock House Marina, Pulaski Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Three members of The Jared Stout Band perform on stage. Get ready to experience the high-octane energy and soulful sound of the Jared Stout Band. This alt-country powerhouse hails from Southwestern Virginia and is known for their unique blend of Appalachian rhythm and blues. As runners-up for the "On-The-Rise" award at FloydFest 22, the Jared Stout Band delivers an unforgettable performance by bringing their own energetic and soulful original songs to the stage. Link:
5. 2024 SummerFEST Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Relay For Life of Montgomery County presents the 2024 SummerFEST. Kick off the new season and warmer weather with SummerFEST featuring five food trucks, 12+ vendors, entertainment, Kids Zone and more. In Relay For Life tradition, the event will also feature the Luminaria ceremony, survivor lap, fight back ceremony, and more. Entertainment includes the Appalachian Cloggers, Daniel Davis, group Zumba and more. There will also be a kids zone with Stormtroopers and the fully accessible playground & splash pad. All proceeds from fundraisers, donations, etc. go directly to the American Cancer Society in the fight for a cure. Link:
6. 2024 Summer Arts Festival Friday Night Outdoor Concerts Kickoff with Blacksburg Community Band Henderson Lawn, Virginia Tech Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Admission: Free The Summer Arts Festival kicks off their 2024 Friday Night Outdoor Concerts with the Blacksburg Community Band. The Blacksburg Community Band, Inc. is an all-volunteer community organization formed in 1989 under the auspices of the Department of Parks and Recreation in the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia. The band is under the direction of David McKee. The ensemble is open to individuals of all ages and ability levels from the New River Valley and surrounding areas. Bring your chairs and/or blankets. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be canceled. Friday Night Outdoor Concerts on Henderson Lawn are presented by Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg as part of the 2024 Summer Arts Festival. Link:
7. Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Beliveau Farm Winery continues Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales. Hailing from opposite ends of the state of Virginia, Chloé and Stewart met in 2012 at the Floyd Country Store, brought together by a shared interest in the music of southwest Virginia. Chloé is a classically trained cellist who is exploring traditional music; Stewart is a self-taught bluegrass banjo, guitar, and bass player. Now married, together they play a variety of styles, but folk and bluegrass are favorite genres. Enjoy delicious food from Beliveau's full service kitchen until 8:30 PM and chat over a glass of wine during our extended bar hours until 9:00 PM. Link:
8. Squeeze the Squid in Concert The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Squeeze the Squid is a psychedelic funk rock band from Richmond, VA. Link:
9. Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family Radford Fire Department, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:30 AM - TBD Admission: $20.00 The Radford Fire Department and Christiansburg Fire Department presents a Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family starting at the Radford Fire Department and ending on the Christiansburg Fire Department. Registration is from 8:30-10:00 AM and kickstands up at 10:00 AM. 100% of collected money will benefit Jeremy Compton's family and his medical bills. Jeremy fought cancer for over three years and has been a professional firefighter with the Radford Fire Department and a volunteer with the Christiansburg Fire Department. Tragically Jeremy passed away on May 30th, 2024. Jeremy was the epitome of a public servant. He dedicated years to serving and protecting his community as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and sheriff’s deputy. Jeremy’s passion and love for the firefighting profession was unmatched. Jeremy often referred to firefighting as "the best job in the World". Jeremy’s compassion for the people he encountered was never-ending. He would always go above and beyond to comfort and calm the patients he met. Jeremy genuinely loved every aspect of the job and shared that love with his coworkers and fellow volunteers. The ride will be approximately 50 miles with a stop near the middle with lunch donated by Mission BBQ and there will be a 50/50 Drawing during lunch at the Christiansburg Fire Department. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. Link:
10. Summer Health Fair Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Kickstart your summer health and wellness goals at Blacksburg Boxing's Summer Health Fair. With free subs catered by Jimmy Johns (available while supplies last), enjoy dozens of amazing local health and wellness businesses from across the New River Valley in attendance all in one spot. Ranging from mini-massages, to free supplement samples, body composition analysis, dietary tips, free boxing workouts, yoga, lavender products, physical therapists, chiropractic analysis and more. Link:
11. 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail The Floyd Center for the Arts, Floyd Saturday, June 8, 2024 and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: Free The Floyd Center for the Arts presents the 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail at multiple sites in Floyd County over two days. This annual event hosts over 40 Floyd County artists and artisans sites opening up their studios for the weekend, welcoming folks from the tri-state area to come visit. Artisan Trail celebrates the true breadth of Floyd County's creative community and is a vital part of their tourism. Venture deep into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where local artisans and agrarian cultures share their creative passions and open their studio doors and pasture gates for an authentic Floyd experience. Meet potters, woodworkers, jewelers, glass artists, fine artists, photographers, beekeepers, farmers, and others who look forward to sharing the story of their craft, art or tradition. Visit local artisan studios, galleries & shops, farms & markets, restaurants & lodging sites. Stop by the Floyd Center for the Arts for the Silent Auction during the event. Grab your official brochure and map at The Floyd Center for the Arts so you can plan out your trail. Link:
12. 2024 Claytor Lake Festival Claytor Lake State Park, Dublin Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Parking is $20.00 per vehicle or $15.00 with donation of five cans of food. The Claytor Lake Festival Committee presents the 25th Annual Claytor Lake Festival. The festival kicks off the summer season at Claytor Lake State Park each year. Enjoy entertainment all day including performances by Back Alley II and The Castaways, fireworks at night, arts & crafts vendors, beach access included with admission, free children's activities, youth & adult fishing tournament, wine tastings available all day, Chuckles the Clown, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 83 NRV and lots more. Registration for the Everett Lee Yearout, Jr. Adult and Youth Fishing Tournament will be held 7:00-10:00 AM. This year the tournament theme is "There is a lot to learn from fishing because...". Essays are due at 12:00 PM. Trophies and awards will be given out in the afternoon. The Car Show voting is done by the show participants who are completely registered by 10:30 AM. All entries will receive a dash plaque, goodie bag and category winners will receive trophies. There is no pre-registration fee. The fee is $20.00 to enter the car & motorcycle show and this is the only fee you pay to enter the festival. Swimming is included with admission. The event is rain or shine. An ATM will be on site. Link:
13. Balance and Brews Iron Tree Brewing Company, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:45 - 11:45 AM Admission: $20.00 Move through foundational yoga poses, gentle stretches, and experience the many restorative benefits that yoga has to offer. This one hour class is appropriate for all levels, including those who are totally new to yoga. The cost includes an Iron Tree beverage of your choice. No reservation required, just show up. Link:
14. Beer, Bourbon and BBQ with Live Music from Bunco Pete Dye River Course, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Admission: Free, All You Can Eat BBQ Buffet: $30.00 Join the Pete Dye River Course for a Beer, Bourbon and BBQ celebration. Beer will be sponsored by 3 Notch'd brewing with a Steal the Pint along with giveaways and other fun items. Bourbon sponsored by JH Bard's with individual drinks available and a tasting flight with a chance to win a special prize with a raffle drawing. There will also be a BBQ Buffet featuring chicken legs, pork ribs, sliced brisket, fried catfish, coleslaw, potato salad, mac & cheese, succotash and more. Live music will be performed by BUNCO from 4:00-7:00 PM. Link:
15. 2024 Purple Party in the Park Nellie's Cave Park, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: Free Join the 3rd Annual Purple Party in the Park to support the Alzheimer's Association. Put on your best purple outfit and enjoy free ice cream, games, and fun to support the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. There will be an Ice Cream Buffet, raffle with hand-crafted prizes, a water balloon toss, yard games and more. New this year there will also be a Craft Corner hosted by Blacksburg Ballet. All donations go directly to local programs, support and care for those affected by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Reservations for the event are appreciated and can be made on the Facebook Event listing. Link:
16. 5th Brewery Birthday Celebration & Makers Market with Live Music from Black Wax Rebellion Eastern Divide Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 8:00 PM Admission: Free Celebrate Eastern Divide Brewing's 5th Birthday and discover unique treasures at their Makers Market opening at noon featuring local artisans with Heart of Virginia Artisans, enjoy $5.00 pints of their finest brews and live music from Black Wax Rebellion featuring Lilly Potts from 5:00-8:00 PM along with raffle prizes and free ice cream in the out bar while supplies last. Black Wax Rebellion is an American rock-n-roll trio based in southwest Virginia. Link:
17. Tiptoe Through the Tulips, err, Vineyard JBR Vineyards LLC, Pearisburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 5:00 PM and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 1:00 - 5:00 PM Admission: Free Wine Pricing: Tastes: $1.00, Cups of Wine: $5.00, Bottles of Wine: $15.00-$20.00 plus tax Tiptoe through the vineyard to see how much the fruit and vines have grown already. In addition to tours and tastings, the winery is in the midst of bottling; so, you can also see how the operation is done. JBR Vineyards is a small, family operation growing only classic wine grapes. Their focus is on growing the best grapes they can and making the best wine they can. Link:
18. Genealogy Saturdays Alexander Black House & Cultural Center, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Join the Alexander Black House & Cultural Center on the first Saturday of every month for Genealogy Saturdays. Ancestry experts will be on hand to assist you as you explore your family tree. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots. They will be able to demonstrate starting your family tree or help you conduct a deeper dive into specialized areas of genealogy. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots or come with no knowledge of your family and let them guide you. Link:
19. Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag with Laser Club at Virginia Tech (LCAT) Pandapas Pond, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Laser Tag Club at Virginia Tech (LCaT) presents Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Laser Tag games are open to all ages for free. No fees of any kind for anything and no reservations are required. All equipment will be provided. Just show up ready to go. Play includes use of the Club’s laser taggers, a limited amount of camo clothing, snacks and water. Complete instructions for fun and safe play are briefed at game time. Play is on several acres of Forestry Service approved terrain adjacent to the lower parking lot at Pandapas Pond. Players are reminded that the play area is wooded and hilly, so dress appropriately and use insect repellent (some insect repellent is provided, if needed). Games start at 1:00 PM and run until 4:00 PM, but players may come and go as they please. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian in the play area. Teens ages 12-17 must have an adult parent/guardian present at Pandapas Pond. Link:
20. 2024 Arc in the Park Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 6:00 PM Admission: Free The Arc of the New River Valley presents the 3rd Annual Arc in the Park. Enjoy free food, fun and friends. We will be giving out BBQ and hot dogs, kids crafts, balloon animals, snow cones, face painting and more! In addition, The Annual Arc in the Park Gift Card Raffle will be drawn at 5:00 PM. The Gift Card Raffle will help raise funds for the good work the organization does all year long. Participants do not have to be there in person to win. There will be multiple winners and individuals can win more than once. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased online. The deadline for online purchases is Friday, June 7th at Noon. All are welcome. The park is handicap accessible. Link:
21. Summer Arts Festival Free Classic Movies: Fried Green Tomatoes Lyric Theatre, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 5:10 PM Admission: Free The 2024 Summer Arts Festival continues their Free Classic Movies series featuring "Fried Green Tomatoes". "Fried Green Tomatoes" is a 1991 drama starring Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy and Mary Stuart Masterson and is rated PG-13. Synopsis: Evelyn, an ordinary housewife, visits a nursing home and befriends the old lady Ninny. Together, they bond over stories from the past about two intrepid women of Whistle Stop Cafe. Link:
22. Educate Your Palate Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 PM Admission: $35.00 The "Educate Your Palate" class offers a tasting of 10 wines with cheese, crackers, and a chocolate, guided by the undivided attention of a Beliveau Wine Educator. You’ll love sharing this 1.5 hour experience with friends, current or newly met. The class is by advance reservation only. Link:
23. 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series with Lyn Avenue and Drew Pace Downtown Christiansburg, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free The Town of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Parks & Rec continues their 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series featuring music from Lyn Avenue at 7:00 PM and Drew Pace at 5:00 PM. Celebrate food and music in downtown Christiansburg! Rockin’ Main Concerts. Attendees can purchase food and drinks from a selection of food trucks and wine & beer vendors. Born and raised in Savannah, GA, Lyn Avenue is a husband and wife country and Americana duo bringing you catchy, compelling stories with genuine southern charm. Described as six string spirit and small town soul. Drew Pace is a country music singer and songwriter from Scottsville, Virginia. He is now making a name for himself in the country music industry one show at a time. He has a unique sound that wins over his audience showcasing his voice and charm. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit at the square and watch the live music. Concerts are rain or shine. Link:
24. Mount Tabor Ruritan Club June Fish Fry with The Blacksburg Community Band Slusser's Chapel Church of God, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 7:00 PM In Person: Adults: $12.00, Children Ages 3-11: $6.00, Children Under 3: Free, Carry-Outs: $12.00 The Mount Tabor Ruritan Club presents their 2024 June Fish Fry. Enjoy a serving fish, fries, slaw, homemade desserts, and beverage. This month the Blacksburg Community Band will be performing. And, take you picture with the Dolly Parton cutout, and get information on signing up with the Imagination Library of Montgomery County, VA to receive free monthly books for kids under five. This is a fundraiser for the Ruritan Club's community service projects and scholarships. The event will be held rain or shine. Link:
25. Irish Trad Jam with Mist in the Mountain Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Mist on the Mountain is an Irish Traditional Music group based in the New River Valley. From lively jigs and reels to heartbreaking laments and rollicking ballads, Mist on the Mountain provides great Irish music for any occasion. Link:
26. Enchanted Forest Prom Moon Hollow Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Prepare to get lost in the enchanted forest at the Moon Hollow Enchanted Forest Prom. DJ Bug Bite and friends will be spinning the tunes and the prom punch will be flowing. There will also be prom photos in the cove. 10% off bar tab for those who dress in prom attire. Link:
27. Four Band Concert with IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $10.00 Enjoy a night of killer heavy rock and roll with the four band concert featuring IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker You don’t want to miss some of Virginia and North Carolina's finest heavy, psych, doom and stoner rock. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the music starts at 8:00 PM. Link:
28. Yoga On Tap with Blacksburg Yoga Collective Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Sunday, June 9, 2024, 9:30 - 10:45 AM Suggested donation of $15.00-$20.00. The Blacksburg Yoga Collective presents Yoga On Tap. Enjoy an energizing and uplifting flow with Blacksburg Yoga Collective in the beautiful settings of the Rising Silo Farm Brewery. Focus on therapeutic movements and breathing techniques aimed toward collective wellness. Meditate and move together to ease stress, manifest positivity, and improve our awareness and focus. The cost includes a post-yoga non-alcoholic beverage from the brewery. Participants can use Venmo to pay for the class. Please bring your own mat. Link:
29. Sunday Mountain Music Series with Indian Run String Band Mountain Lake Lodge, Pembroke Sunday, June 9, 2024, 4:00 - 6:00 PM Free Admission Mountain Lake Lodge continues their Sunday Mountain Music Series with the Indian Run String Band. The Indian Run Stringband from Blacksburg, VA plays fiddle and banjo foot stomping dance tunes, ballads and sings traditional songs with old time harmonies perfect for dancing the two step. From dance tunes to the blues, the Indian Run Stringband plays with love and abandon. They make old-time music fresh and new. Stop by Salt Pond Pub every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day from 4:00-6:00 PM and enjoy live music along with food and drinks. Perfect for relaxing with the whole family (furry friends are welcome too). Link:
30. MLB / USA Baseball: Bluefield Ridge Runners vs. Pulaski River Turtles (Saddle-Up Sunday) Calfee Park, Pulaski Sunday, June 9, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM General Admission: $5.00, Seniors Ages 65 & Older: $1.00, Kids 6 & Under: Free, Grandstand: $11.00, Reserved Seating: $12.00, Party Zone: $12.00, Club Seating: $15.00 The Pulaski River Turtles Appalachian League team hosts the Bluefield Ridge Runners as they continue their 2024 season. Enjoy Saddle-Up Sunday featuring free mechanical bull rides and a cowboy hat giveaway while supplies last. Additionally, enjoy Sunday Savings featuring concession specials every Sunday. Tickets can be purchased at the gates on game day or online. Link:
For all the rest of the weekend fun, check out:
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 TwatWaffleWhitney Neck Beard Double Take

I know Reddx is trying to move away from neckbeard stories, so I decided to finally submit my short NeckBeard encounter in the hopes that our humble lord Reddx would grace my scribbling with his melodious voice.
A quick warning that this contains attempted schmexual assault.
This story takes place ten years ago, two months after I turned nineteen. I had spent the previous year interning with a well-known horse trainer. (To this day, it's the coolest thing I have ever done.) I left home for the year-long internship a healthy 112lb at 5’1” and returned 105lb. I also had brown hair down to my waist, and my eyes appeared large in my too-thin face, and I was mistaken for 13 or 14 on a regular basis. I think I could have been considered beard-bait
Now, back living with my parents, I needed employment. My options were limited in our small town. I didn’t fancy trying to work at one of the crumbling fast food joints, so I applied for our local cleaning company. Being a maid sounded perfect! It combined my love of cleaning and my intense curiosity in the lives of strangers. I loved the idea of peeking into people`s homes and getting a glimpse of what took place behind twitching curtains.
After convincing the owner that I was indeed an adult and not a small child with a fake ID, I was hired. The owner placed me with two senior maids who we will call, Laverne and Shirley. Lavern and Shirley were former chain-smoking meth Muppets that now resembled shriveled craisins in their mid-forties. They had given up smoking for vaping; specifically, banana nut bread vape.
Laverne and Shirley had one other notable idiosyncrasy. Laverne would say something apropos of nothing, like “yesterday was too sunny for me” and finish the thought with a sing song “♪Ya know♪.” And then Shirley would repeat “♪Ya know♪.” This would continue the whole drive, between puffs of banana nut bread vape. To this day, I can’t hear someone say ‘ya know’ without muttering a ‘♪Ya know♪’ under my breath.
One fateful Tuesday, I pulled into work, hopped out of my 1993 Skylark, and into our cleaning van just like I had done for the past three weeks.
Shirley: Hey there TwatWaffle, we’re goin’ to a new house today. It’ll be our first time there. We might be there longer than usual.
Laverne: Hopefully you packed a good lunch. We can't stop today, ya know
Shirley: ♪ YA know ♪
OP: Oh, cool! I love cleaning new houses. Yeah, I packed lunch.
We were off on a new adventure. The light babbling of Laverne and Shirley’s inane chattering belied the utter horror that waited for me. Laverne turned into a housing development of McMansions, huge houses with two square feet of lawn, all built about five feet apart. We unloaded our equipment, swung open the door, and revealed… a beautiful, almost immaculate home. Sweet, this should be an easy, quick job. We all took a brief tour of the house to snoo- I mean, familiarize ourselves with the layout.
Shirley: The order says downstairs kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Upstairs bathroom and basement bathroom.
OP: Do you know how to get to the basement?
Laverne: No, this is our first time here too ya know
Shirley: ♪Ya know♪
So, we continued to familiarize ourselves by opening every door in the house to find the basement. After opening doors to pantries, bedrooms, closets, and an office, Laverne finally found the door that led to the basement.
Leverne: TwattWaffle! Shirley! Over here!
The door Laverne found opened to cement stairs that disappeared into a dark abyss. Shirley pushed past us and flicked on the light. The stairwell, now illuminated, led to a brightly lit exercise room. We all made our way down and surveyed the numerous and expensive pieces of workout equipment as we wandered deeper into the basement.
The basement was narrow but seemed to run the full length of the house. An opening to another hallway was at the opposite end of the exercise room. The hall was lit by a dull bulb, which cast a yellow light on the awful carpet it oversaw. The center of the carpet was a deep brown, and the edges a sad dusty pink. The carpet’s pile had long since had its will crushed and now laid flat. Stains of all shapes and viscosity made parts of the brown depressed carpet even darker and crustier. To the left were two closed doors; the first door had light leaking out around its poorly fitted frame, and the second was completely dark.
The gym room smelled musty and a little sweaty but nowhere near bile-inducing. However, the smell emanating from the hall threatened to steal my breakfast. Laverne and Shirley stood at the entrance to the hall, not daring to step on the carpet.
Shirley: TwatWaffle go open the first door.
OP: Sure
On tiptoe, I went to the first door, grabbed the greasy knob, turned it, and pushed. A wave of ammonia slapped me like a-pimp-named-slick-back and face fucked my nose raw dawg. I stepped back into the hall, trying to get a fresh-ish breath. But it was too late; opening the door let the full force of rank smell gush into the hall. So, instead, I pulled my shirt over my nose, which acted like a condom against the assault on my olfactory senses.
Leverne and Shirley had been watching, but when I reeled back, they both came forward to chastise me for being dramatic.
Shirley: Come on, it can’t be that… Oh hell
Leverne: Stop being a pus… Fuck me sideways.
The smell had finally wafted to them as they came forward, and they, too, pulled their shirts over their faces.
The three of us stood in the doorway, surveying the horror. A sink to the left is covered in black, something… Mold? Dust? Curiosity made me take a step forward; peering at the sink, I saw hair. Short black hairs, curly black hairs, and long strands of black hair covered the sink in a fine layer. I looked at the ground and saw that it, too, was covered in an assortment of hairs. I willed myself to look up at the mirror which hung over the sink. The mirror was so thickly speckled with white and pinkish spots that I could hardly see my face. My stomach lurched and rolled; I knew too well what those milky spots were from.
Then, I went to the porcelain throne that was once a functional toilet but had become a biohazardous receptacle some time ago. Brown sludge filled the entire bowl. Thick yellow-brown stains colored the outer rim and ran down the base, pooling at the bottom. This sight and the overpowering stench finally got me, and I wretched.
Laverne: OK! I’ll knock out the upstairs pot, Laverne, you start on the kitchen, and I’ll help you when I’m finished. TwatWaffle, get started here.
Spinless people pleasing me croaked
OP: Yeah, okay.
Laverne and Shirley quickly walked away and booked it back upstairs. I went to my cleaning caddy, opened the bottle of bleach, and inhaled deeply. The bleach burnt in my nose, but it also gave me a little relief from the putrid smells gang banging my nose. Next, I pulled on my thick rubber gloves, summoned all the willpower I possessed, and headed back to the toilet. I pushed the handle, hoping to flush the fecal McSlurry, but nothing happened. I took the top off the tank and found that the pull chain had come undone. The chain reattached, I pushed again. Water rushed into the bowl, and the liquid butt fudge began to rise. Sheer panic ripped through my heart as I contemplated having to mop old stagnant shit off the floor. The slurry came level with the rim of the bowl when suddenly I heard a glop glop. Air from the pipes escaped, and slowly, the sewage oozed down the toilet drain and away from the rim of the bowl.
One crisis averted, I decided to start on the sink while the toilet’s tank refilled. It was going to take two or three more flushes to get it all down. I began scrubbing and wiping, letting myself get lost in my own head as I performed the familiar task. After about five minutes of ferocious cleaning, a sound cut into my consciousness—a heavy sort of breathing. I looked up and caught in the mirror a form filling the doorway. I jumped and spun around to face The Thing.
I hastily babbled
OP: Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. You scared me. Hi, I’m TwatWaffle, I’m here with Local Cleaning Company. Did you need to use this bathroom? I’ll be done shortly if you can wait.
The Thing stood silently, his mass filling the doorway. A light grey shirt with dark stains under each arm struggled and failed to contain the bulk of his abdomen. I could almost hear the cries of agony from the threads of fabric that made up his tortured navy sweatpants, which were being stretched to their limit. The flesh was so abundant on his face that it rendered it almost featureless. Angry red pimples dappled the entire landscape of his skin.
OP: I can step out now, if you can’t wait.
The Thing just stood there, staring. By this time, I had huffed enough bleach that the bathroom smells were bearable. But The Thing’s body odor had Billy Cosby-ed my defenses and was having its way with my piriform cortex. As nonchalantly as possible, I brought my bleached, soaked rag up to my face, like wiping sweat from my brow, and took another whiff of bleach. We stood just staring at each other for a long, awkward minute.
OP: Okay… Well, if you need the bathroom, let me know.
I turned and went back to cleaning. I flushed the toilet for a third time. Now, the toilet water was just cloudy with sediment. I scrubbed at the left-over streaks that had crusted and clung to the bowl. A fourth and final flush had the toilet looking as good as it was ever going to look again.
I might have been looking at this disgusting commode, but all my attention was on the figure lurking in the doorway. As I got on my knees, intent on cleaning up the thick, viscous yellow puddles, I heard The Things breathing increase and then fade. I dared a glance over my shoulder; The Thing was gone.
Finished with the toilet, I turned my attention to the shower. A glance at the drain revealed that, to Ramtides's query, The Thing was a waffle stomper. Clearly, with the toilet out of commission, The Thing had been using the shower to relieve themself. Hair was also sprinkled liberally over it all.
Giving myself a little pep talk.
OP: Okay, I’m almost done. I can do this. I’m almost finis-
Then, from the doorway, a voice gurgled
The Thing: Hello M’lady.
I whip around, slightly less startled this time but twice as confused. The Thing is talking? And it changed clothes? It now wore a black shirt and cargo shorts, which fit him only slightly better than his previous attire.
OP: Hi, Do you need the bathroom now? I’m pretty much finished; just need to wipe down the shower. I fixed the toilet, so it flushes now.
The Thing: Ahh, clever and beautiful. May I know M`lady’s name?
I was a little confused, considering I told him my name about fifteen minutes ago. But then I also struggle remembering names sometimes.
OP: I’m TwatWaffle, with Local Cleaning Company.
I noticed movement over The Things' shoulder, another shape in the dim hallway. And that is when everything clicked. I remembered seeing pictures lining the upstairs hall—pictures of a Mom, Dad, and two identical cherubic little boys—twins. This then was Thing2, and I had previously met Thing1. Dear god, basement-dwelling twin neckbeards.
Thing2: TwatWaffle, a lovely name for a lovely lady. M’lady, I need your assistance; I accidentally kicked my computer mouse under my bed. Neither I nor Thing1 can reach it. Perhaps M’lady would be willing to retrieve it.
OP: I’m not supposed to do anything that’s not on our cleaning order.
Thing2: But I’m not asking you to clean anything. I’m simply requesting that you do something for me as a favor. Surely, helping your client reach something isn’t against your rules. It’ll only take you a minute.
OP: I guess not, just let me spray down the shower and then I’ll help you.
Thing2: Excellent…
Thing2 lumbered back to their room. Thing1 stood for a moment longer in the hallway, staring before waddling after its brother. I finish up the shower, gathered the trash and used cleaning wipes, and put my supplies back in the caddy. I unscrew the bleach bottle one more time and inhale the fumes before walking to the next room and entering The Things’ nest.
What hit me first this time was a sweaty, musty smell, underlined by a salty, stale smegma. Then, as I stepped forward, the unmistakable stank of rotting food came edged in, joining the bukaki of smells in my nose. This room was also narrow and long. On the right and left sides against the wall were desks, each had two large monitors. LED gamer lights were hung on the wall, but the thick layer of dust that coated everything in the room dimmed their rainbow-light pattern. The only other lighting in the room came from a narrow window set high up in the wall and the glow from the monitors.
But scant light clearly illuminated dishes, pizza boxes, cans, and assorted bottles filled with suspicious liquids that lay in heaps around the desks. Stray bits of trash were scattered everywhere else. Beneath my feet was brown-crusted flooring that might have once resembled a carpet. On the back wall were two full beds set end to end. Thing2 sat on the right bed, and Thing1 sat in a chair, staring at something on one of the monitors.
Thing2: Here M’lday, it’s under my bed.
Holding my breath, I walked forward, knelt on the hard, stiff carpet, and peered under the bed. The mouse lay right there at the edge. Surely, Thing2 could have reached that far himself? I picked it up and held the mouse out to him.
Thing2: Thank you. You’re so kind and helpful. Perhaps you can sit with me for a moment and talk. It’s so rare that I get to meet such a beautiful lady.
OP: You’re welcome, but I have to go. Shirley and Laverne are waiting for me, and we have more work to do.
I turned to walk away when I felt something I will never forget. A pudgy, soft, and clammy hand gripped my wrist. It was so soft, like a baby's hand that had been enlarged. I’d never felt someone's hand before or since that was so fleshy and uncalloused. Sometimes, as I fall asleep, I feel that hand gripping my wrist again.
I froze and looked at this monstrous beast that grasped me. His fleshy acne riddle face smirked back at me in the dimness. I heard a groan and creaking metal as Thing1 exited his chair and stood behind me. Fear now engulfed me to my bones. I had been too distracted by the disgusting state of everything to consider Thing2 might have ill intentions. Or maybe I had inhaled enough fumes from cleaning supplies to cloud my judgment.
Thing1 took a step toward us as Thing2 began pulling me towards him. I braced myself, but the floor was slick, and I slid closer to Thing2. I wanted to scream, I wanted to say something, but fear had gripped my throat as hard as Thing2 gripped my arm.
Shirley: TwattWaffle! TwatWaffle! Where the hell are you, girl?
Shirley called from the hallway. Her raspy smoker's voice sounded like an angel's call to me, and her call gave me the strength to finally speak.
OP: Shirley! I’m over here!
Thing1 plopped back into his chair, and Thing2, startled by the sound of another person, loosened his grip enough that I could yank myself free. I picked up my cleaning caddy and ran from the room as Shirley’s head peaked around the door.
Shirley: Come on, lazy girl. We’ve been done for ten minutes already. You’re making us late. I’ve told you; you've got to go faster, girl.
OP: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
Back upstairs, I shakily helped load all our cleaning things back into the van, and we left. A week later, I quit and found better employment. Before that day, I had been rather naive, but I would never allow myself to get into another situation like that again.
I know my story is short and neckbeard-light, but I hope you found some entertainment in it anyway. Reddx, if you read this, thank you! And if you don’t, thank you for the hours of entertainment you’ve given me.
submitted by TwatWaffleWhitney to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:19 silveraes Ateez's potential and what benefits and hinders it

First I want to start off by saying that this post might come across to some as overly analytical and some of my takes might be taken the wrong way, but this is in no way an attempt to critisize or scrutinize Ateez or their team, merely just discuss some things in terms of their potential and journey in the industry and look at it from an objective (as much as possible) point of view.
I like Ateez and always tune in for their releases, maybe I am not the most dedicated stan out there, I don't really have the time to stan groups, but I've been listening to them since pretty much the start and I enjoy their content, however, I always feel for awhile now as if their potential is not fully tapped in and I feel like in terms of career success they should somehow... have more? Basically I feel like the potential they have doesn't quite match what I see as outcome sometimes.
I remember that ever since they debuted there was always a really good reception from the industry towards them, I mean even senior artists like PSY, Rain, Kim Jong Kook, etc., and would recognize their potential and also speak fondly of them, saying they are the future of kpop or the next important leader of their generation.
It's also obvious they never had issues getting invited to places, every Kcon event, Immortal Song, all kinds of varities like Jessi's show and Running Man, even getting their own k-drama early on, things like interview at the Grammy Museum, to recently performing at Coachella. Basically what I'm trying to say is they seem well booked and well connected within the industry. Yet, in comparison to that, I feel like musically they are still under-appreciated when it comes to charts (be it korean or international, and award shows in terms of MAMA, MMA, GAD, KMA, so on.
It's a very peculiar case in my eyes cause from casually following them for quite some time it always feels like they have all the right ingredients yet the outcome always falls short.
Sometimes I see discussions within the fandom and I have noticed an upward trend of atiny sometimes blaming certain short-comings on things like the company, the producers, OTHER fans., etc., but even those arguments don't quite make sense to me. Edenary has had tons of credits on successful songs in the past outside of Ateez and their team as a whole seems very savvy in the music field so there is no questions that they know what makes a hit and how to make music. Their music and concepts are also versatiles enough, can do something dark and gritty like Fireworks but also something more fun and bright like Eternal Sunshine. And even though KQ is not Seven Seasons, the CEO still knows and has experienced first hand what it takes to have a successful group in the face of Block B in the past so again, they also know the workings of making a successful group (not saying Ateez is not, merely using this as an example to say that the company clearly is competent and with some past experience).
The members and the group as a whole also has never had any scandals to somehow hinder them, they are all well-rounded and talented. The company clearly also puts in a lot of effort and thought, and yet I still always feel like the fruits of their hard work should be simply more.
I just don't understand why they don't have a hit song be it in SK or internationally, why are they not sweeping awards at award shows more often, why do they not have any entries on global Spotify or Melon, more brand offers, so on and on.
As I said, I think they have all the right ingredients, which is why in my eyes makes this dichotomy all that more perplexing. So what are your personal thoughts on this? Fans on other platforms seem to be quick to hyper-focus on one particular thing and put all the blame on it, but I feel like people here might see the bigger picture and have different takes.
And I want to make it clear, I don't think they are not successful or popular enough, they are doing well for themselves, what I am saying instead is that it still feels like this is not their full potential.
submitted by silveraes to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:26 BlueThePineapple Just how girl groups go: Musings on Twice's longevity

When With You-th came out, there were quite a few comments talking about how they were too young and too bankable a group to already be releasing nostalgia songs. Many said that there were many more other concepts they could try and pull off. Now while I don't disagree at all, there is quite a dissonance between how the members see their group versus how the fans and audience see them.
Their interviews this year have all sounded like they are on borrowed time. I'll quote some notable ones:
Jeongyeon (GQ Korea):
It's strange, right? I think so too. After we recently renewed our contracts, one of the members said, "How many more albums can we release as TWICE in the future?" We can't be active as TWICE forever. Of course, it would be nice if we could, but there will come a time when we each have to walk our own paths.
Jihyo (Grazia Interview):
Jihyo candidly acknowledges that “one day, this team might not be as active and as beloved as it is now”. Her wish for when that moment comes? “I hope that … all nine of us won’t feel so small, and we’ll have even more confidence and self‑esteem than we do now.”
Sana (Fridge Interview):
"I really want to be TWICE until I'm an old grandma. Honestly I think our contract renewal was a miracle, for all nine of us to come back together, it felt like a miracle. If TWICE were not whole and some members left, I would cry every night for years."
Nayeon (Fridge Interwiew)
In the past it was a given, but now, if we make a mistake, we can lose it. Twice I mean. I don't want to lose it, so that's why I think we can keep doing well.
Even when they're still breaking their own records, selling outstandingly, touring all over the world. Even as they feel so strongly about wanting to be together - so many of them have expressed feelings and fears of having to end. They feel a precariousness to their position even when, by all accounts, they have everything it takes to continue for a really long time.
Thinking on their history though, it makes sense. After all, they've talked a whole lot about how they didn't have any seniors to look up to as rookies. Everyone who could have guided them had already disbanded by the time they blew up. Girl groups simply didn't last. And even if they did go for longer than expected, it was not a given that they would do so together.
Even amongst their peers, many have already shifted to prioritizing their solo careers. Mamamoo and Blackpink had their last comebacks in 2022. Red Velvet, Dreamcatcher, Oh My Girl, and Apink are still releasing yearly but their primary activities have since shifted to solo work. (Not criticism, just currently not what the Twice girls quite want for themselves at least).
Twice are in that special place of coming up to their 9th year (10th in Korean counting) while still being very active as a group. Yes, they have begun to branch into more and more solo activity, but even this solo work is very much treated as an extension of their group. We also already know for sure that there are members who prefer group stuff over solo work.
It's become abundantly clear that they do not have seniors or peers that have done or are doing what they are trying to do. Groups their age either disband or move to solo work. It's just how girl groups go. In many ways, they are traveling through uncharted waters. And they are definitely trying their hardest to get to the other side intact.
As a fan, I really hope they last for a really long time. How great would it be if they could go for as long as Super Junior has? TVXQ? The barriers for girl groups, while having been chipped a little, are still quite high, and I only have my silly little hope that they would be the ones to make it through the test of time. They have been doing well so far.
submitted by BlueThePineapple to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:06 buttershotter Ace bingos :D (from pinterest)

Ace bingos :D (from pinterest) submitted by buttershotter to Asexual [link] [comments]