Convenience stores, e-cigarettes

Convenience Stores and Gas

2017.06.29 16:54 4k5 Convenience Stores and Gas


2019.06.27 15:42 QuantumLand wawacult

A sub for worshiping the greatest chain of convenience stores in existence.

2008.09.18 01:37 e-cigs - Electronic Cigarette & Vaping

Electronic_Cigarette, a subreddit for discussing everything e-cigs and vaping including mods, tanks, juice, advocacy, methodology, safety, and current news.

2024.05.15 17:15 DegreePitiful3496 Is 7-11 overpriced in SG?

Compared to Japan where it seems like their convenience stores always have customers. And I would think their prices are reasonable?
Whats the difference between the 7-11 there and here in SG?
Or is it because monopoly?
submitted by DegreePitiful3496 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:38 Kind-Ad-7382 Why are better uti test strips not easily available?

I think this might be a vent, so do with this what you will.
I have had many instances in which the OTC Azo test strips missed my UTI (or they have been consistently inconclusive in the presence of severe infection). Does anyone know WHY the strips the doctors use would not be conveniently available in stores? I know I can order what looks like the doctor’s strips online, but why are the AZO strips the only thing available in stores in my entire moderate sized US city?
It’s not like I’m going to be able to treat myself with an antibiotic if the strip says I have an infection. It only stops me from wasting my time and the doctor’s time if it is unlikely my symptoms are due to an infection. If one more doctor says, “If you’re having symptoms, just come on in and we’ll check your urine”, I’ll scream. I’ve had times I could be there every two weeks. Who can afford that or has time for that?
submitted by Kind-Ad-7382 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:35 Jdplw Am I spoilt or am I right to not like my dads childhood home because of the living situation

This is going to be long sorry
Okay so for context this is not my first time staying at this house but it was like 8 years ago for Anzac Day
Okay so me and my family are currently homeless (me 16f , dad 46m, mum 49f and nephew 3m) due to realestate agencies rejecting us. We have been homeless for around a week and a half now and 3 days ago we went up to my dad’s child hood home. It’s in the middle of nowhere where the closest place is around 40 minutes away (driving) and even then that town is little.
This house was like built in the 1970s and has not had anything done to it since.
So the people staying at the house is me, mum, dad, nephew and my nanna (dad’s side) who is elderly, almost death and has difficulty getting around.
It’s 2 bedrooms, one which is where my nanna sleeps and the other one is where my dad, mum and nephew sleep. I sleep in the lounge room on the lounge, technically there is an indoor porch thing that I could sleep in but it gets very cold in there during the nights.
Now the problems started when we first got here, there are 2 toilets, one inside and one outside. The inside one does not have a seat and you have to go through my nans room to get in there, my nan has a special seat thing bc she cannot get down that far so if you use the inside one you have to use that. Both me and my mum have big hips so we have to stand up to wipe.
The outside one isn’t much better, while it does have a seat it does not flush and you have to get a bucket to make it flush. To make it worse the tank (??) where all of the shit and piss goes in is above ground so you can still smell it.
Now in all honesty I can stand all that, what I can’t stand is the spiders and mice/rats. The both the inside and outside toilets are infested with spiders and the house is infested with mice/rats. I’m petrified of both. ( I have a fear of spiders crawling open my nose or in my ears or something and the thought of mice crawling on me as I sleep makes me throw up)
My dad and nan have been arguing all day about getting her script filled and my dad and mum have been fighting about my nephew who has not been sleeping well since we got here. My dad is in the second bedroom while my mum and nephew are on the lounge where I’m supposed to sleep and I’m in one of those reclining chair things.
You can’t drink the water here as it is extremely dirty (you can’t even brush your teeth with it) you have to use bottled water and the convenience store only sells small bottles.
The water pressure of the shower is extremely poor and has spiders around it as well.
Despite the population being only like 50 people you will get your shit stolen right from your yard. They even siphon the petrol from your car, and if you don’t have petrol around here you’re basically screwed. As the closest servo is at least 60km away
(I would like to add that this isn’t my first time being homeless it actually the 3rd)
I think that’s basically it. So yeah sorry for it being so long lol but I posted it here bc my friends just laugh at me when I talk about it and my dad doesn’t think it’s that bad. My mum just hates that it’s in the middle of nowhere otherwise she fine with it.
submitted by Jdplw to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:27 Nocturne_Bat I stole food from a store when I didn't have money because I was hungry

I should start out by saying I'm not homeless or anything, my family's middle class, but I keep forgetting to bring enough money when it matters. On the days where I can't eat at lunchtime at school because I forgot my money I went to the Spanish equivalent of a convenience store and use what little money I had (20-50 cents, varies) to get something small and then put some other thing in my pocket. I felt terrible while doing it every time but I had to eat otherwise I would've started shaking and feeling dizzy from hunger. I got caught today but I didn't buy anything beforehand (because I actually didn't have any change) and I got smacked across the ear by the cashier which I fully deserved. I spiraled and did something after which I'm not proud of (it was to myself, don't worry) as a punishment. A lady saw me and INSISTED to give me a few euros so I could eat, I felt even worse for taking someone else's money... I used the few euros to pay the cashier back for the candy bar (didn't take it in the end) and told him to keep the change, he told me to take the change at not do it again. So here I am now.
submitted by Nocturne_Bat to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:26 DMG2701 Who here remembers the great M-Ledger?

A while back there was this cool app called M-Ledger. It gave you insights of how you've been transacting through M-Pesa. It was so cool and popular that Safaricom eventually ended up acquiring its IP from the devs who built it.
A few years passed, Safaricom M-Ledger kept on gaining popularity, then all of a sudden, it disappeared from PlayStore. The reason it was discontinued is unclear, but there's some blog I came across that said it's coz they wanted to consolidate their products into more integrated platforms ie Safaricom app and M-Pesa app.
The functionalities of M-Ledger have been added into these apps but I wouldn't say they are the main focus. The features are sort of hidden and we rarely ever use them.
  1. These apps do a lot of things, and the expense tracking tends to feel like an after-thought. You can't really gain that much useful insight from these apps.
  2. Half the time I try checking my transaction history from the M-Pesa app, it says there's an error retrieving my transactions or doesn't retrieve all of them. And you can't even check this when you're offline.
  3. These apps don't even share how much transaction costs Safaricom has been charging you.
Btw you can go ahead and confirm these claims.
I think one of the key aspects of good personal financial management is the awareness of where your money is going. For a while, I've been trying to be more financially responsible. I even tried using the expense management apps on Play Store, but these things require you to record all the transactions manually and I am not that disciplined. I remembered how cool M-Ledger was and thought how convenient it would be if it still existed. But it doesn't.
In need to find a solution, I figured I should rebuild something similar.
So far, I have built an app called CountPesa. It draws a lot of inspiration from popular expense manager apps on Playstore and I've also added automatic tracking of M-Pesa transactions from M-Ledger.
The app give users as much insights as possible on their spending habits. This includes insights of who you transact with the most, allows personalized categorization, you can configure automatic categorizations, you can set up budgets and also importantly, you can see how much transaction costs Safaricom has been charging you.
It automatically syncs with M-Pesa messages LOCALLY on your phone and all the data is exclusively stored on the your phone, never to be shared externally. Ever. Privacy is of course a big deal and ensuring people's financial information remains private and protected — for their eyes only is very important.
You can check it out here:
PS: It is totally free! I believe that not everything should be for profit, and sometimes, it's just nice to build something cool that is helpful to people.
What do you think of this? Your feedback will be much appreciated.
submitted by DMG2701 to nairobi [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 TurkeySub9 Starbucks

Can I rant for a minute about Starbucks? (If this isn't allowed that's fine but I just need to know if other people sit in this boat with me)
What chokehold does this company have on people? There are so many reasons to not support the company from political ideologies to mistreatment of their employees to overall bad coffee (I say these things as an ex 3-year employee/manager). Myself and the rest of my coworkers were horribly mistreated by both the company and customers and it was at the point where customers were telling us we looked miserable. I understand that customers don't always know what they go through but them pointing it out speaks volumes because it tells me that they know something is going on under the surface. But that's not what this post is about.
After quitting (by quitting I mean I gave my two weeks and no longer showed due to the fact my manager wanted me to push off my last day) I began working at a local hotel where we source 75% of our product from local businesses. We get drip coffee from a local store and espresso from another we also receive fresh baked pastries (savory croissant and some sweets) every day. On top of that, I can make anything that a usual coffee shop can do minus blended drinks so we have an extensive menu and I even come up with unique drinks every month.
Like I said, this is located in a hotel that has less than 100 rooms and we don't really have advertising outside (which I'm working on getting them to do) so we don't do a whole lot of business. Regardless, the products I serve are high quality and am told frequently that I serve better coffee and food than Starbucks does. However, there is a Starbucks about half a mile away and it is so disheartening to see so many people stop by my area, look at all my options and straight up say "I'll just go to Starbucks". Even today, I saw countless people walk in with Starbucks that are staying here and it's been raining all day. Not only that, but where I live, my menu is cheap (the most expensive item I have is $6) and most items at Starbucks start at my most expensive.
Not only does Starbucks make it hard for local cafes to earn money, but I also feel like it has impacted people's overall idea of what coffee is. Even when I worked there I refused to go through a Starbucks because local stores have always been better and they all have unique experiences. I understand going to them as a convenience because sometimes there just is not anything better. I also want to know what the motivation for these people are. I have worked during insane blizzards, tornados, and insane thunderstorms and people will STILL go through the drive thru as if nothing is wrong. It doesn't make sense to me.
I in no way intend to offend anyone that works at a Starbucks or even those that continue to support the business. I just have become more irritated by the fact that people will literally trudge through all odds to get their caramel macchioto (purposely misspelled) instead of trying something new.
So I ask you, what is it about Starbucks that sucks people in the way they do? What chokehold do they have over society? Am I overreacting to the situations have been in and currently deal with?
Again, I just needed to rant about the company because I have been so wronged by them in both my time with them and even now (even though they are not directly impacting me anymore) so do not feel the need to sympathize or empathize with me on this.
submitted by TurkeySub9 to barista [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 iam_bosskid6 Enhance Your Security: A Password Encryption Manager

Hello Reddit,We've developed a password encryption manager that prioritizes your security and convenience. Our manager securely stores your passwords on your device, eliminating the risk of online exposure.This tool automatically inputs your passwords when needed, simplifying your online activities.
Key Features: Strong encryption for password protection Offline storage for enhanced securitySimple, user-friendly interface
Learn more and start using our password encryption manager today!We're here to answer your questions and appreciate your interest in our product. Thank you!
submitted by iam_bosskid6 to software [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:07 iam_bosskid6 Enhance Your Security: A Password Encryption Manager

Hello Reddit,We've developed a password encryption manager that prioritizes your security and convenience. Our manager securely stores your passwords on your device, eliminating the risk of online exposure.This tool automatically inputs your passwords when needed, simplifying your online activities.
Key Features: Strong encryption for password protection Offline storage for enhanced securitySimple, user-friendly interface
Learn more and start using our password encryption manager today!We're here to answer your questions and appreciate your interest in our product. Thank you!
submitted by iam_bosskid6 to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:36 SoupEater32 Where do you shop now?

Im curious. Where and why?
In Saint John NB. We have a small asian market and a couple Giant Tigers for small trips and convenience shopping that are just as good as Loblaws. But Costco is my #1. I know they are a major US corp, but they pay their employees well, the stores are clean, the deals are good, and I've seen reports they are very kind to suppliers compared to Walmart. I would consider a local butcher for meat but at the moment I have no freezer space.
submitted by SoupEater32 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:30 TheStatsProff Turnitin Instructor (no-repository) AI Checker Available

Turnitin Instructor (no-repository) AI Checker Available
We’re excited to assist you in ensuring the quality and originality of your academic work. Here are some key points about our service:
  1. Availability: We currently have few slots remaining, so act quickly to secure your spot!
  2. Secure Account Setting: Your peace of mind is our priority. Our account setup is no-repository, which means that nothing is stored in any database. Rest assured that your papers remain confidential.
  3. Pricing: We have 4 options.
  • Single Check: We charge per check.
  • Weekly Unlimited check
  • Monthly Package: If you need frequent checks, consider our convenient monthly package. With this subscription, you will have your own Turnitin account.
  • Yearly Package: With this subscription, you will have your own Turnitin account with your credentials.
Payment is handled securely through PayPal.
How It Works:
  1. [Email](mailto:PROFESSORROXXY@GMAIL.COM) us and let us know which package suits you.
  2. Each scan you GET 2 Comprehensive Reports:
  • AI PDF Report: You get a PDF AI report.
  • Similarity PDF Report: You get a PDF plagiarism report.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to DM or send us a message through our official [Email](mailto:PROFESSORROXXY@GMAIL.COM) .
submitted by TheStatsProff to TurnitinAI_detector [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:26 Sweet-Count2557 Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives

Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Experience Comfort and Luxury at Horizon View Hotel in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Price Level: $
Hotel Class: 0
Welcome to Horizon View, the perfect choice for travelers seeking comfortable and affordable accommodation in the breathtaking Maldives. Our deluxe rooms are designed to provide a relaxing and enjoyable stay for up to two adults. Each room is tastefully furnished with modern and luxurious furniture, ensuring a comfortable and stylish experience. You will find all the necessary amenities in our attached bathrooms, including high-quality bathroom amenities, hot/cold water, and a refreshing rain shower. To enhance your stay, our rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, good ventilation, and an overhead fan. Additionally, you will have access to cable TV, a minibar, a hairdryer, and even a mobile phone for your convenience. At Horizon View, we strive to provide a memorable and enjoyable stay for all our guests.
Amenities of Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The resort provides free internet access, allowing guests to stay connected throughout their stay. The suites are spacious and well-appointed, providing a luxurious and relaxing atmosphere. Room service is available for those who prefer to dine in the comfort of their own room. Free parking is provided for guests who choose to drive to the resort. Wheelchair access is also available, ensuring that all guests can easily navigate the property. The on-site restaurant offers a variety of delicious dishes, while the balounge is the perfect place to unwind with a refreshing drink. Each suite is equipped with a kitchenette, allowing guests to prepare their own meals if desired. Airport transportation is provided for convenience. Free wifi is available throughout the resort, allowing guests to stay connected at all times. Breakfast is included in the room rate, ensuring a great start to the day. The resort is beachfront, offering stunning views and easy access to the beach. Laundry service is available for guests who need it. Each suite is equipped with air conditioning, ensuring a comfortable temperature throughout the stay. A refrigerator is provided in each room, allowing guests to store their own food and beverages. The bathrooms are equipped with a bath/shower combination, providing a relaxing and refreshing experience. BBQ facilities are available for guests who wish to enjoy a delicious outdoor meal. Express check-in/check-out is available for a hassle-free arrival and departure. Clothes dryers are provided for guests who need to do laundry. Each suite is equipped with a coffee/tea maker, allowing guests to enjoy a hot beverage at any time. Currency exchange services are available for guests who need to exchange money. Each suite is equipped with a desk, providing a comfortable workspace for those who need it. Diving excursions can be arranged for guests who want to explore the underwater beauty of the Maldives. The staff at Horizon View is fluent in English, ensuring clear communication with guests. Extra long beds are available for guests who prefer more space while sleeping. Fishing trips can be arranged for guests who want to try their hand at catching their own dinner. Complimentary toiletries are provided in each suite, ensuring that guests have everything they need during their stay. The 24-hour front desk is available to assist guests with any requests or inquiries. Hair dryers and irons are provided in each suite for guests' convenience. Shops are located on-site, allowing
Contact of Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
+960 986-1256
Haveeree Hingun, 08090

Location of Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Pictures of Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Tips for Staying in Horizon View
Keep the room clean and tidyOpen the windows for fresh airTurn off lights and electronics when not in useUse curtains or blinds to control sunlightKeep the temperature comfortableOrganize belongings and avoid clutterUse air fresheners or plants for a pleasant smellKeep noise levels downLock doors and windows for securityReport any maintenance issues promptly
Reviews of Horizon View in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Book Horizon View Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:21 ResideInAR Finding the Perfect Home Away from Home: The Best PG and Hostel Options for Students

Finding the Perfect Home Away from Home: The Best PG and Hostel Options for Students
As students begin their education, finding suitable accommodation becomes a crucial task. The right PG (paying guest) or hostel can provide a comfortable and supportive environment that enhances the overall college experience. In this blog, we explore the key factors to consider when looking for the best PG and hostel for students. From safety and amenities to community and location, we delve into the key things that make these residences stand out and ensure students find the perfect home away from home.
best pg and hostel for students
Safety should always come first while choosing a PG or hostel. Look for accommodations with solid security measures such as CCTV surveillance, secure entry points and 24-hour on-site staff. Adequate fire safety measures and emergency systems must also be in place. Also consider the reputation of the PG or hostel in terms of safety and feedback from previous residents. Prioritizing safety brings peace of mind and allows students to focus on their studies and personal growth.
Comfortable and well-equipped rooms:
A comfortable living space is a prerequisite for student success. The best PG and hostel options prefer well-furnished rooms with beds, tables, chairs, cupboards and adequate storage. Sufficient ventilation, natural light and cleanliness contribute to a comfortable living environment. Common spaces for relaxation, study and communication are also important. Look for lounges, common areas, libraries, or outdoor spaces where students can interact with peers, participate in group discussions, or participate in recreational activities.
Location and Accessibility:
The location of a PG or hostel can have a major impact on a student's daily life. Consider accommodations that are close to educational institutions, libraries, and transportation hubs. Access to services such as grocery stores, medical facilities and recreation areas is also crucial. The ideal location reduces travel time and provides convenience, allowing students to make the most of their time and energy.
For location click to this link:
Inclusive Community and Support:
Living in a supportive community can greatly enhance the student experience. Look for PG or hostels that promote a sense of inclusion, encourage interaction between residents and organize social events or group activities. Residence halls that offer mentoring programs, study groups, or counselling services encourage personal and academic growth. A strong support system and network of peers can help students navigate challenges, build lifelong friendships, and create lasting memories.
Budget considerations:
Budget is a deciding factor when looking for student housing. Evaluate the rental costs in relation to the amenities and services provided. Consider additional costs for utilities, catering or services. It is important to find a balance between affordability and quality. Do your research, compare prices and read reviews to make an informed decision that fits your budget.
Factors like safety, convenience, location, community and budget should be carefully considered to find the best PG and hostel for students. Well-chosen housing can provide a supportive and nurturing environment that enhances the university experience. By prioritizing safety, comfort and community, students can find their ideal home away from home. Be it a PG or a hostel, the right choice not only provides a place to live, but also fosters personal growth, academic success and building lifelong friendships.
For more information read this blog also: Finding the Perfect Girls' Hostel near Sharda University

submitted by ResideInAR to u/ResideInAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:08 g4m3f33d InKonbini is Shenmue, but just the convenience store

InKonbini is Shenmue, but just the convenience store submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:06 onlinecasinoid The Benefits of Casino ID Login for Play Online Casino games

Introduction to Casino ID Login
The Evolution of Online Casino Gaming
Importance of Secure Login Systems
The world of online casino gaming has seen a significant evolution in recent years, with advancements in technology offering players a more immersive and convenient gaming experience. One crucial aspect of this evolution is the implementation of Casino ID Login systems, which not only enhance security measures but also provide a range of benefits to players. In this article, we will explore the various advantages of using Casino ID Login for online casino games, from personalized gaming experiences to streamlined account management and access to exclusive rewards. Let's delve into how Casino ID Login is transforming the landscape of online gambling.
  1. Introduction to Casino ID Login
The Evolution of Online Casino Gaming
From humble beginnings to high-tech advancements, online casino gaming has come a long way. The convenience of playing from the comfort of your own home has captured the hearts of many players worldwide.
Importance of Secure Login Systems
In a digital age where cyber threats lurk around every corner, having a secure casino id login system is crucial for online gaming platforms. Casino ID login provides an extra layer of protection, ensuring your personal information and funds are safeguarded.
  1. Enhanced Security Features
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra level of security by requiring users to enter a second verification code, usually sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password. This feature significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. In casino id login process.
Encryption Protocols Of Casino Id Login
State-of-the-art encryption protocols are used to secure data transmitted between your device and the online casino servers. This encryption ensures that your information remains confidential and protected from potential cyber threats.
  1. Personalized Gaming Experience
Customized Game Recommendations
By utilizing your Casino ID login, online casinos can track your preferences and gameplay history to offer personalized game recommendations. This tailored approach enhances your gaming experience by suggesting games you are likely to enjoy.
Tailored Bonuses and Promotions
Online casinos can tailor bonuses and promotions based on your gaming habits and preferences. With Casino ID login, you can unlock exclusive offers that cater to your specific interests, maximizing your rewards and enjoyment.
  1. Streamlined Account Management Of Online Casino Id Login
One-Click Access to Account Information
With Casino ID login, accessing your account information is just a click away. Whether you want to check your balance, review your transaction history, or update your details, the streamlined account management feature makes it quick and convenient.
Efficient Payment Processing
Casino ID login simplifies the payment process by securely storing your payment details and preferences. This streamlined approach allows for seamless deposits and withdrawals, ensuring a hassle-free gaming experience with swift and efficient transactions.
  1. Access to Exclusive Rewards and Promotions
VIP Programs and Loyalty Rewards
Casino ID login opens the door to VIP programs and loyalty rewards. By using your unique ID, online casinos can track your gameplay and reward you with exclusive perks, such as faster withdrawals, personalized bonuses, and invitations to special events.
Special Tournaments and Events
With a casino ID login, players gain access to special tournaments and events that are often reserved for registered members. These exclusive competitions offer the chance to compete against other players for big prizes and bragging rights.
  1. Responsible Gambling Tools
Online casinos with ID login provide players with tools to promote responsible gambling. Users can set deposit limits, session time reminders, and self-exclusion periods to manage their gaming habits effectively.
Players using casino ID login have access to support resources for responsible gambling. This includes links to helplines, educational materials on gambling addiction, and guidance on how to seek help if needed.
7.Conclusion: Elevating Online Casino ID Login
The benefits of using a casino ID login for playing online casino games are clear. From accessing exclusive rewards and promotions to enjoying seamless cross-device gameplay and utilizing responsible gambling tools, ID login enhances the overall gaming experience. By registering with a casino ID Login, players can elevate their online casino experience to new heights while ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

Conclusion: Elevating Online Casino Gaming through ID Login

In conclusion, Casino ID Login systems have revolutionized the way players engage with online casino games, offering enhanced security, personalized experiences, and streamlined account management. By incorporating features such as two-factor authentication, personalized rewards, and responsible gambling tools, Casino ID Login not only ensures a secure gaming environment but also elevates the overall online casino gaming experience. As technology continues to advance, the use of ID Login systems will likely become a standard practice, providing players with a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience across various devices. Embrace the benefits of Casino ID Login and elevate your online casino gaming experience today.

online casino, #casino online, #casino id login

submitted by onlinecasinoid to u/onlinecasinoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 xxxxfactor Firmware Update 1.4.2: UniSat Wallet Support

Firmware Update 1.4.2: UniSat Wallet Support
Hey community,
We've just released the latest firmware version 1.4.2 for our multicoin firmware users.
Keystone <> UniSat
Here's what's included:
What's New
🔸 Integrated with UniSat Wallet and added support for Ordinals and Atomicals.
🔸 Optimized some text on the device for better clarity.
Team’s recent focus: More language support, usb signing development, Arweave, Ton and Stellar support. Feel free to check out our roadmap and make proposals:
About UniSat: UniSat Wallet is an open-source browser extension wallet that allows you to securely and conveniently store, send, and receive Bitcoin and Ordinals on the Bitcoin blockchain. Check out UniSat:
Update Your Keystone:
Stay tuned!
Keystone Team
submitted by xxxxfactor to KeystoneWallet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 duke7ajm Over 80,000 foreigners working at convenience stores as Japan faces labor shortage

Over 80,000 foreigners working at convenience stores as Japan faces labor shortage submitted by duke7ajm to japannews [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:54 BitomatTurkey Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Sell Bitcoin in Turkey?

Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Sell Bitcoin in Turkey?
Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Sell Bitcoin in Turkey?
Bitcoin’s popularity continues to soar, and with it, the demand for convenient and secure ways to buy this digital currency. Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs are among the most straightforward methods available today. Here’s everything you need to know about not buying but selling Bitcoin and other coins by using Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs.
What is a Bitomat Bitcoin ATM’s?
A Bitomat ATM is a machine that allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin and other many coins. These ATMs operate similarly to traditional ATMs but are designed specifically for cryptocurrency transactions. They offer an intuitive interface that guides users through the process of purchasing Bitcoin with cash or other payment methods.
Why Use Bitomat ATMs for Sell Bitcoin?
There are several compelling reasons to choose Bitomat ATM’s for your Bitcoin or other coins to sells. They are highly convenient and accessible, often located in public places like shopping malls and convenience stores. Transactions are secure, and you can receive your Bitcoin almost immediately after completing the transaction. Additionally, it offers opportunities with promotions for 0% commissions and even earning +3% on sales/purchases.
Locating a Bitomat ATM / Turkey Bitcoin ATM Location’s
How to Sell Bitcoin in Istanbul?
Finding a Bitomat ATM near you is easy. You can use online maps and search for “Bitomat” and to see the locations. Also, you can visit directly the operators webpage to obtain more details about them.
List of Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs in Istanbul, Turkey:
Başakşehir Bitcoin ATM: Kemal Sunal Cd. Atrium Çarşısı no 19, 34398 Bahçeşehir, Istanbul, Turkey
Details: This Bitomat ATM is located in the Atrium Shopping Center, providing a convenient spot for residents and visitors in the Bahçeşehir area to buy Bitcoin.
Taksim Bitcoin ATM: Gümüşsuyu, Tak-ı Zafer Cd. 3 A, 34437 Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey
Details: Location is inside the Taksim Metro Station next to other bank ATMs, this Bitomat ATM offers easy access for commuters and travelers in one of Istanbul's busiest districts.
Mecidiyeköy/Şişli Bitcoin ATM: H. Edip Adıvar Mahallesi, Şişli Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi, 34381 Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey
Details: Located inside the Mecidiyeköy Metro Station alongside other bank ATMs, this Bitomat ATM serves the bustling Mecidiyeköy area, providing a convenient Bitcoin purchasing option for locals and visitors.
How to Use a Bitomat ATM to Sell Bitcoin or other cryptocurriencies:
Using a Bitomat ATM is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. find the nearest Bitcoin ATM at
    1. Select a crypto from the list to generate a bitcoin wallet address to transfer funds from your crypto wallet.
    2. Transfer funds from your wallet to the address indicated. In return, you will receive a barcode to scan at Bitcoin ATM.
    3. Before you can collect the cash at Bitcoin ATM, it must be validated in the blockchain. You can check if the order is already ready for execution on the Check Transaction Status page. The miner fee selected on the screen affects the speed of the transaction, so if you care about time, you can increase the miner fee.
    4. The transaction is ready? Great, it's time for the next step. Go to any Bitcoin ATM and scan the barcode (Bitcoin ATM will pay the cash).
You can also make a sale by skipping the website, that is, directly at Bitcoin ATM. The process is very similar - just follow the directions on the screen.
Benefits of Using Bitomat ATMs
Bitomat ATMs provide quick and efficient transactions, with many users praising their reliability and ease of use. User reviews often highlight the immediate receipt of Bitcoin and the simplicity of the interface. In addition, you can take advantage of promotional campaigns at the ATM, benefiting from commission advantages ranging from 0% to even +3%.
For promotions please register at: Bülten - Promosyonlar, KYC değişiklikleri, yeni Bitcoin ATM' leri hakkında uyarılar (
submitted by BitomatTurkey to Bitomat [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 13:38 BitomatTurkey Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Buy Bitcoin in Turkey?

Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Buy Bitcoin in Turkey?
Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs: How to Buy Bitcoin in Turkey?
Bitcoin’s popularity continues to soar, and with it, the demand for convenient and secure ways to buy this digital currency. Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs are among the most straightforward methods available today. Here’s everything you need to know about purchasing Bitcoin using Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs.
What is a Bitomat Bitcoin ATM’s?
A Bitomat ATM is a machine that allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin many other coins. These ATMs operate similarly to traditional ATMs but are designed specifically for cryptocurrency transactions. They offer an intuitive interface that guides users through the process of purchasing Bitcoin with cash or other payment methods.
Why Use Bitomat ATMs for Buying Bitcoin?
There are several compelling reasons to choose Bitomat ATM’s for your Bitcoin purchases. They are highly convenient and accessible, often located in public places like shopping malls and convenience stores. Transactions are secure, and you can receive your Bitcoin almost immediately after completing the transaction. Additionally, it offers opportunities for 0% commissions and even earning +3% on sales/purchases.
Locating a Bitomat ATM / Turkey Bitcoin ATM Location’s
How to Buy Bitcoin in Istanbul?
Finding a Bitomat ATM near you is easy. You can use online maps and search for “Bitomat” and to see the locations. Also, you can visit directly the operators webpage to obtain more details about them.
List of Bitomat Bitcoin ATMs in Istanbul, Turkey:
Details: This Bitomat ATM is located in the Atrium Shopping Center, providing a convenient spot for residents and visitors in the Bahçeşehir area to buy Bitcoin.
Details: Location is inside the Taksim Metro Station next to other bank ATMs, this Bitomat ATM offers easy access for commuters and travelers in one of Istanbul's busiest districts.
Mecidiyeköy/Şişli Bitcoin ATM: H. Edip Adıvar Mahallesi, Şişli Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi, 34381 Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey
Details: Located inside the Mecidiyeköy Metro Station alongside other bank ATMs, this Bitomat ATM serves the bustling Mecidiyeköy area, providing a convenient Bitcoin purchasing option for locals and visitors.
How to Use a Bitomat ATM to Buy Bitcoin:
Using a Bitomat ATM is straightforward.
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  • find the nearest Bitcoin ATM
  • place cash in the device.
  • Scan the QR code of your crypto wallet or enter the address.
  • Confirm the transaction on the screen after checking that everything checks out.
  • Receive a printout with the transaction confirmation and check the updated amount of cryptocurrencies in your cryptocurrency wallet. Done!
Benefits of Using Bitomat ATMs
Bitomat ATMs provide quick and efficient transactions, with many users praising their reliability and ease of use. User reviews often highlight the immediate receipt of Bitcoin and the simplicity of the interface. In addition, you can take advantage of promotional campaigns at the ATM, benefiting from commission advantages ranging from 0% to even +3%.
submitted by BitomatTurkey to Bitomat [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:12 TheYabbaBada Convenience Store Miniature

This one was really fun to make and film! I hope you enjoy. I'll post images with more detail of the piece on my instagram in the near future.
submitted by TheYabbaBada to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:11 Ok-Mud2642 Welcome to our online store 🙂 #fashion #jewelry #jewellery #jewelrybusiness

When it comes to purchasing jewelry, many people are turning to online shopping for convenience and a wider selection. But is buying jewelry online actually cheaper? Let's explore the factors that contribute to the pricing of jewelry in the online market.

Quality and Authenticity

One of the key factors to consider when buying jewelry online is the quality and authenticity of the products. Reputable online jewelry stores in India often provide detailed descriptions and certifications for their products, ensuring customers are getting genuine pieces at competitive prices.

Lower Overhead Costs

Online jewelry stores typically have lower overhead costs compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This cost-saving advantage allows online retailers to offer competitive prices on their products, making it a more affordable option for consumers.

Discounts and Promotions

Another reason why buying jewelry online in India may be cheaper is the frequent discounts and promotions offered by online retailers. Customers can take advantage of sales events, coupon codes, and special deals to save money on their purchases.

Comparison Shopping

With the ease of online shopping, customers can easily compare prices from different retailers to find the best deal on their desired jewelry pieces. This transparency in pricing allows consumers to make informed decisions and find the most cost-effective options.

Customization and Personalization

Many online jewelry stores offer customization and personalization services for their customers. While these services may come at an additional cost, the ability to create unique and personalized pieces can be a valuable investment for customers looking for one-of-a-kind jewelry.
In conclusion, buying jewelry online be a cost-effective option due to factors such as quality assurance, lower overhead costs, discounts, comparison shopping, and customization services. By leveraging these advantages, customers can find affordable and high-quality jewelry pieces to add to their collection.
submitted by Ok-Mud2642 to u/Ok-Mud2642 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:04 Vivid-Spread1007 Exploring the Rapid Expansion of the Mobile Payment Market

The mobile payment market is rapidly expanding, driven by increasing smartphone penetration and a shift towards digital transactions. This market enables users to make payments using mobile devices, often through apps or mobile banking. It encompasses various methods, including NFC (Near Field Communication), QR codes, and SMS-based payments. Key growth factors include convenience, improved security features, and the rise of e-commerce. Major players include tech giants like Apple, Google, and Paytm. The market is also seeing significant innovations in fintech and regulatory support for cashless transactions, catering to a tech-savvy, convenience-seeking global consumer base.
Mobile Payment Market Size and Growth
The mobile payment market has exhibited significant growth, with the global market size valued at nearly USD 2,986.00 billion in 2023. This surge is propelled by the widespread adoption of smartphones and the increasing acceptance of digital transactions across various sectors. Consumers and businesses alike are leveraging mobile payment technologies for their convenience, speed, and enhanced security features. This market includes a range of payment methods such as NFC, QR codes, and mobile wallets, which have become integral to the daily financial interactions of millions globally.
Looking ahead, the market is poised for continued expansion. It is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.8% from 2024 to 2032. By the end of this period, the market size is expected to reach approximately USD 14,422.00 billion. This growth trajectory is supported by technological advancements, increasing financial inclusivity, and evolving consumer behaviors that favor contactless and cashless payment options. Additionally, regulatory changes and the introduction of more sophisticated payment solutions are set to further boost market growth, reflecting an increasing dependency on digital payment platforms in the global economy.
Mobile Payment Market Trends
The mobile payment market is characterized by several key trends that are shaping its evolution and growth:
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  1. Increased Adoption of Contactless Payments: The trend towards contactless payments has accelerated, particularly due to health concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers prefer tapping their phones or smartwatches over traditional cash or card transactions, driving the widespread adoption of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.
  2. Growth in E-commerce: As online shopping continues to grow, so does the use of mobile payments for digital transactions. Consumers find it convenient to pay directly through mobile apps or websites, which has fostered tighter integration of payment systems into e-commerce platforms.
  3. Rise of Mobile Wallets: Mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay are becoming increasingly popular. These platforms not only allow users to store multiple payment methods securely but also offer rewards and the ability to manage financial transactions from a single interface.
  4. Financial Inclusion: Mobile payments are playing a crucial role in enhancing financial inclusion, especially in developing countries where traditional banking infrastructure is limited. Mobile money solutions provide a gateway for unbanked and underbanked populations to participate in the financial system.
  5. Regulatory and Security Enhancements: As the volume of mobile payments increases, so does the focus on security. Advanced authentication technologies, including biometrics and blockchain, are being implemented to ensure transaction security. Additionally, regulations are being updated to protect consumers and ensure fair practices within the mobile payments ecosystem.
  6. Integration with IoT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly intersecting with mobile payments, enabling transactions through connected devices. Examples include smart appliances that can reorder supplies automatically and cars that can pay for fuel or tolls.
Market Opportunities and Challenges
The mobile payment market presents a range of opportunities and challenges that influence its development and scalability:
  1. Expansion into New Markets: With mobile penetration increasing globally, there's significant opportunity for mobile payment solutions to expand into emerging markets, particularly in regions like Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where traditional banking infrastructure is less developed.
  2. Technological Innovation: Innovations such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer new ways to conduct secure, transparent transactions. These technologies can reduce fraud and enhance the efficiency of payments, presenting a substantial growth opportunity for the industry.
  3. Partnerships with Financial Institutions: By partnering with banks and other financial institutions, mobile payment providers can tap into existing customer bases while offering enhanced services, such as improved security features and loyalty programs.
  4. Integration with Other Services: Mobile payments can be integrated with other services like public transport systems, healthcare, and retail, providing seamless payment experiences and increasing user engagement and satisfaction.
  1. Security Concerns: Despite advancements, security remains a significant concern. The risk of data breaches and fraud can deter users from adopting mobile payment solutions, necessitating continuous improvements in security measures.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: The mobile payment sector faces complex and varied regulations across different regions, which can complicate expansion efforts and increase operational costs. Compliance with these regulations is crucial but challenging, especially for new entrants.
  3. Fragmentation and Interoperability: The market is fragmented with numerous platforms and standards, making interoperability a significant challenge. Consumers and merchants may find it difficult to navigate these varied systems, which can hinder the adoption and scalability of mobile payment solutions.
  4. Consumer Trust and Adoption: Building consumer trust is essential, especially in regions where cash has been the predominant mode of transaction. Changing consumer habits and convincing them of the benefits and reliability of mobile payments is a gradual and ongoing challenge.
Market Dynamics
The mobile payment market is driven by a complex interplay of dynamics that include technological advancements, consumer behavior, regulatory frameworks, and economic factors. Here are some of the key dynamics shaping this market:
  1. Technological Advancements: Technology is at the core of the mobile payment market's expansion. Innovations such as near-field communication (NFC), blockchain, and biometric authentication are enhancing the security and efficiency of mobile payments. These advancements not only improve user experience but also expand the scope of mobile payments in terms of capabilities and reach.
  2. Consumer Adoption and Behavior: Consumer preferences are shifting towards convenience and speed in transactions, which mobile payments can offer. The widespread use of smartphones has facilitated this shift, making mobile payments more accessible to a broader audience. However, consumer behavior can vary significantly across different regions and demographics, influencing the pace and pattern of adoption.
  3. Regulatory Environment: The regulatory landscape for mobile payments is evolving as governments worldwide recognize the importance of regulating digital transactions to ensure security and prevent fraud. Regulations affect how companies operate, the level of security required, and the introduction of new features or services. Compliance with these regulations can be both a challenge and a driving force for innovation within the market.
  4. Economic Impact: Economic factors, including disposable income levels and the overall economic environment, play a crucial role in the adoption of mobile payments. In thriving economies, consumers are more likely to engage with new technologies, including mobile payments. Conversely, in regions with less economic stability, the adoption might be driven by necessity, such as for financial inclusion of the unbanked.
  5. Competitive Landscape: The mobile payment market is highly competitive, with major tech companies, traditional banks, and fintech startups vying for market share. This competition fosters innovation and drives improvements in service offerings, but it also creates a fragmented market landscape that can confuse consumers and complicate interoperability between different payment systems.
  6. Integration with Other Industries: Mobile payments are increasingly integrated with other sectors such as retail, transportation, and healthcare, which opens new avenues for growth but also requires complex collaborations and partnerships. These integrations often lead to improved customer service and operational efficiencies.
Competitive Landscape
The key players in the industry includes:
Media Contact
Company Name: Claight Corporation Contact Person: John Walker, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A. Email: []( Toll Free Number: +1-415-325-5166 +44-702-402-5790 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA Website: Aus Site:
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