3 guys 1 hammer for iphone


2023.11.15 14:16 ConfusionMountain458 3Guys1Hammer


2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2008.01.25 06:34 r/iPhone

Reddit’s little corner for iPhone lovers (and some people who just mildly enjoy it…)

2024.04.29 17:30 FileRevolutionary950 Rate This Account Structure

I have recently won a new client who has previously had there ads run by a different agency. In fairness to them, the ads are performing well, though I think the landing page and the product are key drivers of this success.
Now I am a believer in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" but at the same time I could do with making my own mark to this new client.
NOW, the previous agency has a campaign structure, similar to this:
Campaign 1: Roof Insulation Foam, Ad groups: Flat roof, slant roof etc
Campaign 2: Wall Insulation, Ad groups: Internal wall, external wall etc
Campaign 3: Floor Insulation, Ad groups: Concrete floor, wood floor etc
All 3 of these campaigns are for the same exact product, with the same conversion goal, almost identical landing pages and the same desired user intent. As such I'm thinking of combining all 3 of these campaigns under 1. Or i could maybe try use a portfolio bid strategy?
What do you guys think? Consolidation vs Segmentation?
submitted by FileRevolutionary950 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:30 austin_247 Low resting heart rate

Any natural ways to increase low Resting heart rate?, it rests around to 36- low 40s. Waiting for Doctors REF to clear in a couple days for cardiologist appointment. Always been 40s since I was a kid never from what I remember 30s though. Been active my whole life but the last few years I haven’t done a lot of cardio(never running) for the last 3 months I’ve been doing 250+ pull ups 250-375 pushups and around 30 minutes of dumbbells exercise at end. All together for 1 session. Pretty much every day. Not overweight and pretty lean.
submitted by austin_247 to whoop [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:29 MentalandValid Is this OK to say to my male POC boss?

I just want to preface this by saying I need honest and raw advice and I want to be as respectful as possible.
So I (30ish F) need ADHD help at work and I feel like I'm constantly walking a fine line between speaking my truth and offending my boss. We've been working together for 1.5 years and even though our relationship is better, I still manage to find ways to rub him the wrong way.
I wanna say this to my boss:
"I'm not good at getting things done on someone else's schedule. That is why I ask you for help.
I struggle with trusting authority and I struggle with time management.
And my struggle isn't discriminatory. I struggle to accommodate everyone's schedule."
What do you guys think? Am I being too direct? Am I making offensive assumptions? Am I reading too much into the situation? I just want him to know that I'm not purposely trying to disrespect his authority. Please help!!
submitted by MentalandValid to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:29 writersbug Shift Workers, how do you find night shift?

Hi amazing people,
For the ones that do shift work, how do you find night shift, is it more taxing on your adhd or does it work better for you? What’s your take on my situation below?
I’m currently working full time as a retail manager working day shifts roughly 9-6pm everyday. I’m going back to uni in June, partime after taking a leave of absence.
I was looking at applying for a job that is my same hours but at night, so 3-11pm and 11-7am shift. As the hours would work so much better for uni and with the cost of living in my country right now it’s not really an option for me to go down in hours.
I was wondering what your guys take on this would be? Do you think working night shift would impact my adhd really badly?
submitted by writersbug to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:29 nuclearG69 As a Surge Player I feel the devs left us out of the fun with Mutations and Hypercharges other Brawlers getting so I came up with some ideas

As the title states i've been playing this game for 2+ years with some breaks in between.
After short amount of time in my early days, I unlocked Surge and since then I love playing him, but after new Seasons and Updates, Balance Changes and Brawlers, Surge feels really left out and didnt get a lot of changes and the Mutation he got is pretty boring, coming from a Surge player. So I decided to brainstorm new ideas and post them here:
  1. Whilst using his ult, Surge upon landing will shoot (6) split attack shots, which he does when he hits an enemy in his final form.
  2. Instead of 1 ult he will be able to ult twice (A lot of fun, combined with the first idea crazy op)
  3. Maybe adding more effects to his super like Stun, Knockback, Slow or smth useful.
  4. Please comment your ideas below, im excited to hear more. And dont forget to upvote so dev team notices and implements the ideas.

PS: Hypercharges and Mutations both dont have clear definitions except that mutations are for the full game duration and hypercharges are only 6s long and can be charged like ultimates. And Mutations are for the most part more overpowered then hypercharges. But I would love to see this being a Hypercharge since its permanent gameplay mechanic unlike Mutations which are only for the duration of this Event.

Show some love, to us Surge Players! 🤖
submitted by nuclearG69 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:28 Remarkable-Camera366 The comments & the search bar of this tiktok💀

The comments & the search bar of this tiktok💀 submitted by Remarkable-Camera366 to AcaciaKerseySnark [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:28 pathlesswalker my theory with chronic migraines, usually weekly- for 20 years, many diets attempts

at least once a week- aura.
- no slat
- no suger(for months)
- no carbs
- no fried food
- vegan
- vegan keto
all diets for at least months.(vegan for years)

healthy usually.

- all diets have good impact on severity but no elimination
- best severity decrease (usually on scale of 10, before diets, had them at level 5-7 or worse), was on low carb diet+low sugar fruits+ no sweets + less salty foods.
decrease went to 0.5-2 , which is pretty awesome. but not enough.

theory 1:
- all diets have strong link to fungi diet/gut bacteria. not particualry balanced.

tested gut bacteria:
- had goat yogurt for a few weeks daily to re-balance, and a few other healthy gut bacteria supplements.

no migraine at all for 2 weeks, then had a severe one.
hypothesis: lost balance of gut bacteria due to TOO much goat yogurt consumption.

theory 2:
BBB- blood brain barrier.
the blood brain barrier(BBB) is what prevents infections getting into the brain.
migraine is partly if not all, inflammation-high concentration of blood, due to infection or other reaction.

- BBB maintains health via vitamin D, complex of B, E, omega 3, and i forgot what else.
- did with vitamin B complex and omega 3- daily for a week.

- so far good results. will update.

submitted by pathlesswalker to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:28 notfoofoo Reverse ChanceMe for IB

Im a junior who is interested in finance/investment banking. I need help deciding which top Investment Banking schools to apply to. Which T20s would y'all recommend I apply to? Classes: 2 Accelerated classes Freshman year 2 AP soph year (CSP) 3 AP JR year (CALC AB, PHYSICS, ECON) 3 AP Senior year (LIT, CALC BC, STAT) SAT: 1440, (730RW, 710M) I have 2 opportunities to improve in math and super score 1500 (which I think I will) GPA: 3.7/4 4.2/5 Steep upward trend from freshman to junior year, junior year grades were tuff ECs: DECA Yearbook Club photographer Social media Photography portfolio Football and track and field Basketball freshman year LIT 80 Volunteer hours at stay away summer camp with kids from various backgrounds Founder of Stock and investment Club school wide stock market comp 30 members Weekly meetings… all ur average bs club stuff Honor societies: math and national NHS officer Mathnasium Tutoring job 3months ago to present Golf Caddy 2 months ago to present BBL Commercial cleaning gig 2 years BounceU Birthday party worker 3 years Asset management “internship” Cold called an asset manager and got the opportunity to job shadow, I learned a lot and he is my mentor in my aspiring field of finance, I plan to go back for a little more formal internship experience (still won’t be completely formal because they don’t give highschool internships) PFEW Stay away business camp that provides hands on work experience and networking opps Managing portfolio Actively managed Personal stock portfolio for retirement Planned ECs: Summer Internship: I have a couple finance options that I applied to. Another question I have is if you guys think it’s possible to get an investment banking internship as a high schooler? Would it even be worth it if someone answered my cold emails and gave me a shadowing opportunity? I need a big finance EC to help me standout that’s my main issue in my application. Math competition: I was enrolled in an Olympiad but it got canceled, I’m working with my teacher to find another comp because I feel like it would help display my passion for math. I feel that my application lacks a BIG EC, so if you guys have any additional ideas for one I’m all ears.
submitted by notfoofoo to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:27 Cruznby401 Trade

Looking for true idols only please no other offers lmk
submitted by Cruznby401 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:27 CapitalG888 This show is a first for me "feelings" wise.

I have never watched a show where I hated every single character. Hell, if I watch a show, and at least 1 or 2 characters do not make me feel on their team I typically lose interest.
Yet, I just finally finished the show with my wife last night. Loved it although there was not one character I pulled for. I HATED all the siblings. I wanted to like Tom and could not. I initially thought I would like Gregg, nope.
Yet the show was so good, and the characters played so well by the actors, that I could not stop watching.
In the end I was glad that Ken and Rome did not get to keep the business, although Rome's smirk made me feel like he never wanted any of that anyway. He just felt like he had no choice.
I would like to get some opinions from you guys about Shiv getting into the car with Tom. Are we to understand that he will take care of her with a position ooooor........
submitted by CapitalG888 to SuccessionTV [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:27 Legal-Enthusiasm6368 AITAH for telling my husband it was okay to leave me alone at a bar while I was very intoxicated, sick, and passed out.

For a little bit of back story, my husband 32M and I 26F have been together for roughly 9 years. Married for almost 2 and have a pretty toxic past (physically and verbally) to say the least. Things seemed to have gotten a better about 3 years ago but we would still have a toxic fight (verbally) every 3-4 months or so. He is a bit of a drinker and we concluded his past behavior was due to whiskey drinking and he now drinks it sparingly or just hides it from me. He is a “fun” guy. He only wants to do things that are fun or that include drinking. When he’s alone with just me and our kids he’s still drinking but he’s more family involved and makes us feel like a priority but once he’s around anyone else there is no self control and I feel we aren’t even on his priority list. It’s almost as if he would rather be a bachelor without kids. He’s also not a very protective husband. He tells me that’s my job to do it myself and he doesn’t expect me to do it for him.
We had recently went on a trip out of town with our friends which involved lots of alcohol consumption on both parts. I had drank way too much. We decided to attend an attraction and next to it was a barestaurant. We went to the barestaurant and I sat at a table and put my head down because I was feeling dizzy. He went and got me a water and bag of chips. I threw up a little bit and did feel a little better but was not ready to get up. I told him to go to the attraction without me. If I had asked him to stay I know he would have been mad at me for ruining his trip so I decided to avoid that fight. He had left with our friends and went to the attraction. I have no idea how long he was gone. I passed out and when I woke up, he was still gone. A lady did come over and check on me and said she didn’t want to leave because I was by myself for quite awhile and didn’t want anything to happen. But after about 20 minutes of me being awake, he returned. I was a little bit more sober and with it at this point and was upset that he left me alone. He was very defensive because I told him to leave. So I did get it but was still irritated that he chose to go. He started making a scene so I got up to walk away defuse the situation but as he followed me he was getting louder. (Now when my husband is mad/irritated he doesn’t let it go until you tell him he did nothing wrong and he is right and then act like it didn’t happen.) I decided to just leave the attraction and work my way back to where we were staying. To get back to where we were, you have to take a ski lift. I told the guy loading the lifts that I wanted to be seated alone hoping the time and space would make it better. The whole trip down he was shouting at me to “jump” “do us all a favor” etc… We eventually made it to our cabin and by that point he was even more mad. He kept saying he never loved me. That he only married me and stayed with me because of our children and he doesn’t want me taking them from him or taking all his money in child support. He said over and over again how ugly I am and I should have known that he never loved me because who could love or marry someone as ugly as me. He asked if he went out to the vehicle and got his 🔫 if I could do him a favor and end it so he can keep his money and children because they were all better off. I shut down when he gets like this and I don’t say anything at all. I was up all night crying and by morning he had said it was all my fault and I needed to admit it. He said he may have been wrong on some of the things he said but it was my fault and it would have never happened if I didn’t say it was okay for him to leave. He said we need to forget it even happened and move forward. I decided to be civil since it was our last day and were also on this trip with friends but I didn’t hide being upset. Since I didn’t pretend to be happy he continued making indirect sarcastic comments to our friends making fun of me for what I did, his night not being good, not getting to eat dinner, not getting to have sex etc. Now we’re home and he is acting like it never happened. He isn’t mad anymore when I move when he tries to touch me or show affection, instead he just says he’s sorry and he didn’t mean any of it. It was said out of anger and I need to let it go. Am I the asshole for starting it?
submitted by Legal-Enthusiasm6368 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:27 LateSession7340 Hello Mei mains! Dva and echo main here. Need help with getting a DVA spray

I play on console but i guess for this purpose it doesnt matter.
I have gotten the pixel and cute spray for all characters i like apart from DVA. I cant seem to get the cute DVA spray (kill 4 people with one ult). People are too used to her bomb and run away. Max i have gotten is 3 and now im getting annoyed.
Can you help me get it by freezing people? Mei and zarya seem like the best characters to help me with this. Is it easy to freeze 4 people in one ult for you guys?
If yes, let's play some QP!
submitted by LateSession7340 to MeiMains [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:27 Blkkhead12 [H] 30,000$+ Crypto: (BTC/ETH/LTC/USDT and more), Bank Transfer (SEPA), Paypal, Revolut, Wise [W] Skins / Knives / Gloves / Inventories - Paying 90-93% Buff / TF2 keys - at 1.3 USD

- Looking to buy: Skins / Knives / Gloves / Blue Gems / Crafts / Iventories for cash.

- Steam Profile

- Twitter Profile

- CSGO-Rep

- Trade Link

- Buff.163

submitted by Blkkhead12 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:25 bunny9mm Big Iron on his Hiiiiip (Love this community)

Big Iron on his Hiiiiip (Love this community) submitted by bunny9mm to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:25 Alive-Signal9001 Top 5 Best Photography Books of All Time

Hello folks Mihir this side and I have been playing with my camera for a long-long time and photography books, I must say have had a massive impact on my understanding of the art form and my own work.
These books have not only changed my perspective on photography but have forever altered my brain chemistry and the way I look at my environment and surroundings.
If you've never picked up a photo book, I highly recommend doing so. Not only are they great for inspiration, but they allow you to see the world through the eyes of other photographers and allow you to think from a perspective different from yours.
Here are the top 5 photography books that have influenced me the most.

1. Interviews and Conversations by Henri Cartier-Bresson

This book is one of my first reads when it comes to photography. It compiles a series of interviews with the famous French photographer Henri Cartier who is also known as the godfather of street photography.
I might be biased because of my love for street photography, but Cartier-Bresson is a legend who shaped the genre. His insights into photography and his creative process have been invaluable. I can tell you one thing - this is one of the best photography books for beginners.
One of my favorite quotes from him that I to date take to be the most ultimate advice I can give to someone just starting out is, "Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst."
His approach to finding compositional elements in the field and using them to tell a story is a technique I've tried to incorporate into my work. Reading this book front to back, several times, has been instrumental in my growth as a photographer.

2. Early Color by Saul Leiter

The second book on my list and one of the best photography how to book is by none other that Saul Leiter. His work is all about using colors and textures to tell stories and his book Early Color completely changed my perspective on photography.
Initially, like most of the people out there I only knew him for his black-and-white work. But discovering his color photography in this book was a game changer. There is something just so unique about his perspective that you need to see it for yourself to understand what I am talking about.
His use of shadow and framing is so unique; he approaches color photography with a black-and-white mindset which I must say results in captivating and timeless images. Images that you can call - masterpiece
This book taught me how to play with colour and textures in my own work and has opened new doors for me to experiment and create.
To read further please visit my website and get access to the full article. It also helps me to keep bringing valuable content for you guys.
submitted by Alive-Signal9001 to u/Alive-Signal9001 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:25 mirandasanz Do I stand a chance?

Hi guys,
For the past 2 weeks (April 12-28) I have been out of the country undergoing med treatment. During my absence, on April 16th, the building management company towed my car to clean the parking lot. They said they provided written notice while I was away. But I never got it. The towing company wants me to pay $1,090 CAD to get my car back.
Should I fight it?
submitted by mirandasanz to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:25 Naive-Car5187 Had a breakdown in front of my parents

I had a breakdown infront of my parents due to stress build up cause I get impatient easily and my sister was getting mad at me for screenshotting my requirements instead of typing it on a docs and split the work between my mom and I. My parents defended her that she’s was not mad at me and I was overreacting, and because of my impatience outburst my sister was pissed. So I started to cry.
I unconsciously started scratching myself until it myself on my wrist until it got a wound. My dad got mad at me and he told my mom to let me out of the room cause he can’t handle seeing me. He was still shouting at me and saying that I’m ungrateful when he gave me everything I wanted so I left the room and ran to the washroom. He started slamming the door and when I open it he hit my head and continue to scream at me. When we returned to the room he continued to shout at me continuously saying that he provided everything he could such as education here in Manila,and things I want. He mentioned about money and that I’m still financially irresponsible so I gave him a box filled with money that I saved. He got mad and nearly threw it at me, but my mom was there to stop him. My mom kept asking what was wrong, so I just laughed at them saying that they don’t even notice that their child isn’t okay.
She kept pushing the question and I remember asking “You guys are here financially but where are you emotionally?” they couldn’t answer and my mom tried to reason that my dad isn’t an emotional person, yet I still pushed they don’t notice that their child isn’t okay. I mentioned to them a message that I sent to my mom weeks ago. Turns out she hasn’t read it when i sent it to her but when I ask her to read it, she read it out loud and thats when they understood and told me that I just have to believe and love myself because everyone loves me.. THATS IT??? I mean yea sure that a fcking trivial respond.
After that my dad asked me what is something that I want they he couldn’t give? diba back to finance again.. I said therapy. His respond? Therapy is for crazy people and its a want not a need. I just need to pray to God for guidance and help.. Like that could work. I’m so tired no matter how I try to convince them they wouldn’t allow me. I used to have a therapist but after 2-3 session they kept asked me if its fine if I stop cause they don’t see any progress.
I tried to find an alternative to make me feel happy and I always wanted to have a nintendo so I asked them even if its a mix of my birthday, moving up, and christmas gift, they said no cause its for kids and I’ll receive a macbook when I turn 18.. I’m still 15… I tried to reason with them saying that it won’t distract me from school since I’ve been a consistent honors..They still said no. I find it unfair cause why is my sister allowed to watch kpop concerts when I’m not allowed to have something that could comfort my frustration and sadness like a fcking therapist..
I’m so fcking tired.. I’m tired of hearing the word God, I’m tired of sharing my problems to my friends. If self harm is not an enough sign to seek therapy what else is there…
submitted by Naive-Car5187 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:25 Substantial_Scale820 Full or 3/4 Carry?

Hey there! I’m looking for a full or 3/4 Carry for my last slot for the partner event! I have done about 75% of my other partners besides 1 and am hoping to sit back a little since I don’t have many dice left. I can help as we go with stickers you may need!
submitted by Substantial_Scale820 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:24 royalmj23 Patch notes v[1.43] (04/29)

Patch notes v[1.43] (04/29) submitted by royalmj23 to MetaballOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:23 CaptainFacePunch [WTB] Suppressor cover / wrap for Nomad, tied closure style (BPG, elite iron, Armageddon gear, etc)

Looking for a Burnproof gear, Rifles Only, Armageddon gear, elite iron, or similar style suppressor wrap for a nomad (6.5L, 1.75 dia). I’m familiar with the gafs guy who makes them, but I’m not as into the velcro style.
Looking to spend $100 for BPG, maybe less for something else depending what you got
submitted by CaptainFacePunch to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:23 SuperBankOfferMan Earn $175 with Fairwinds Credit Union with $1000 direct deposit - USA

Important limitations: - Offer available from January 29, 2024, through June 1, 2024. - You cannot have previously been an owner on or a party to a FAIRWINDS account - EVER. - Account type must be Preferred or Signature Checking. Both have fees unless you meet monthly requirements. Preferred checking is easiest to keep fee free by having $1000 in monthly direct deposit or 10k in checking/savings or investing acct.
Steps to get the bonus: 1) Sign up for a new FAIRWINDS consumer Preferred or Signature Checking Account with at least $25 using my link: https://fairwinds.org/referral/bowe749451 2) Setup payroll deposit(s) within 60 days that total at least $1000. 3) The $175 bonus will be deposited on the 15th of the month following the direct deposit(s). 4) Read terms toward the bottom of the page when you click the referral link for details.
My other referrals can be found by clicking My Referrals on my profile: https://www.reddit.com/useSuperBankOfferMan
submitted by SuperBankOfferMan to EarningOnline [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:23 Sad_Arrival_1399 What I have and what I need

What I have and what I need submitted by Sad_Arrival_1399 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]
