Man rogaine


2014.10.25 12:42 tfatk

Welcome to the fighter and the kid subreddit, we discuss the podcast here.

2024.05.05 18:00 GraceGal55 I won't be satisfied until we can change my biological sex

I'm 27, almost two years on HRT and HRT did absolutely nothing for me besides giving me cone tits and schizophrenia. I was told how amazing HRT was gonna be, how I was gonna feel like myself, that I'd finally be a woman. Wrong. I feel more miserable than when I started. I was also hoping the HRT would completely restore my hairline but that didn't happen. Sure it's improved but if the wind blows or if my hair gets wet, my scalp is exposed. No I don't want wigs. No I can't afford a hair transplant. Tried finastride, tried dutasteride, tried rogaine those hairs are gone. Outside of just hormones for effort in passing, before my time in the psych ward in October I was living half time fem wearing dresses and stuff, but when I went back home I had to boymode to quote "not disrespect my father". I still have those fem clothes at home. I don't want to wear them anymore. I feel like a man in a dress wearing them. I feel horrendously disfigured, looking like a monstrosity. I want to be able to change biological sex so I can pass in a tshirt, sweats and hoodie. If we could change biological sex and actually make me a girl my problems would evicerate overnight. I'd have a functioning reproductive system instead of being uselessly barren. I'd actually be respected and accepted as a woman universally by society. Transphobe and TERF arguments would crumble if the biological factor wasn't there anymore. I'd pass and I could stealth. It wouldn't even be stealth because I wouldn't be trans anymore. This isn't gonna happen though. Science would rather throw trillions at launching rockets into space than ever giving a dime to finding a way to change my biological sex I don't want to live another second being AMAB and knowing every cell in my body is disfigured by a fucking XY chromosome. Hormones, surgery, name change won't satisfy me. It won't magically place a filter on peoples mouths and make them gender me correctly. I have no reason to live.
submitted by GraceGal55 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:36 thenormaldude If I take oral Rogaine, will I poison my cat?

I currently take Finasteride for hair loss, and it's slowed down the receding a lot, but I'd like it if it did more. I've heard you can add oral Rogaine, so I'm interested in doing that. However, I know that topical Rogaine is extremely toxic to cats. My cat likes to lick my hair. My concern is that the oral Rogaine will end up in my hair, my cat will lick my hair and die. I've found no information about this online. I love my cat more than I love my hair, but ideally, I'd keep both. Will I accidentally poison my cat if I take oral Rogaine?
33 year-old man, 5'8", 135lbs, mixed race white/North Africa, takes 1mg Finasteride, .4mg Tamsulosin, 10mg Zyrtec, 10mg Lexapro.
submitted by thenormaldude to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 03:41 Specialist-Garbage94 Commiss a jerker???

Commiss a jerker???
First off Eminem looks like he rogaines his beard. But is the slippery when wet fuck ballsack of a man now as Roger Goodell one of us?
submitted by Specialist-Garbage94 to nflcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 08:42 Iforgot278 How to mention my thin hair to endo? (Quick advice?)

Over a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with sub clinical hypothyroidism. Meaning it wasn’t that serious. But I am dealing with the symptoms like extreme weight gain and super thinning hair. I have an appointment tomorrow and I really want to talk to them about my hair. I’m on 25 mcg for 1 1/2 years and have seen no improvement to my hair. Is it possible my dosage isn’t high enough. Or maybe it’s from another underlying condition? If so, should I still talk to my endocrinologist about it? Would she know if it’s hypothyroidism or just basic male hair thinning. Because I’m 20 rn and have the hair of an 85 year old man. I have been using minoxidil (rogain) for 8 months and that just made it worse. And theoretically if she ups my dosage and my tsh goes lower. Could my hair grow back? And be completely normal? Should I ask her if she can test anything? If anyone has any advice on what I should say I really appreciate it. I have social anxiety and I’m really quiet and if I can’t think of how to say something. I just won’t.
submitted by Iforgot278 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 06:51 sandiserumoto "hims" and "hers"

I see ads occasionally for "hims" and "hers", and like
"hims" is stereotypcial guy stuff (rogaine, boner pills, etc.), which.. okay. makes sense
but "hers" is all therapy and shit
and idk why but it makes me really uncomfortable. like if a man feels insecure it's "okay here's some things to help you be more like the person you wanna be" but if a woman feels insecure it's "pay us $200 a week so we can teach you how to shut up"
submitted by sandiserumoto to social_model [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 19:09 sparkys_secret Confronting spouse about my thinning hair for the first time.

My hair has been thinning for the past 10-12 years. Not sure if it was triggered by birth control, or if it’s simply genetics.
My mother has very fine, thin hair, and has made her life dedicated to being self conscious. Never wanted pictures taken. Didn’t want to get caught in the rain. Always spent hours in the morning getting her hair right. Talked horribly about her appearance all the time, and still does. Never made the effort to see a dermatologist.
The negative self talk she spewed about herself during my childhood has dug its ugly claws into me. I mean, heck, I look so much like her.
My dad has naturally curly hair. It was coils when he was young and slowly relaxed to waves. My hair has done the exact same thing. My curls and hair density are gone. But because my mom was obsessed with my “beautiful curly hair,” I couldn’t possibly ever go through the same thing as her. “Your curls might come back if you get pregnant!” Like it’s all she cares about.
Well, now I’ve just kept my hair insecurities to myself. When my curls turned to flat waves 5 years ago, I cut my hair into a pixie. I LOVE having a pixie cut. It’s so easy to maintain. I just got my shortest cut yet recently and I know my scalp is more visible sometimes. So I bit the bullet and ordered a box of men’s 5% foam minoxidil from target.
The thing is, I’m feeling really anxious about talking to my husband about my hair insecurity. I don’t know what he’s going to think when he sees a can of off brand rogaine in the bathroom. I avoided telling my husband “my hair is thinning” because once you say something, then they really notice.
Several of his guy friends have lost their hair, and it’s always a mild topic. Nothing negative is said, just “man, they’ve lost all their hair!”
His family is blessed with thick curly hair. His mother and sister have a sickeningly (but very beautiful) massive amount of hair. I already feel like the black sheep amoungst his family. I’m the youngest sibling/daughter in law, and generally have had little success in my life so far. (Lost job during covid, and having a stupidly difficult time getting another adult paying job, and we’re not having kids yada yada).
It feels like everything is stacking up against me, and I’m really afraid that once I say something he WILL notice. He may not say anything, but he’ll probably have thoughts! Ugh.
I’m prepared for the dread shead, but I know no one else is.
I would love some advice on how to tackle these conversations. I’m terrible at sharing my deep down personal thoughts about myself, and generally don’t share with anyone, ever.
My husband is so sweet to me, but since hair loss is so taboo… idk it makes me sick feeling like he’ll see me has balding or just totally lacking in the feminine hair department.
TLDR: I’ve always been self conscious about my thing hair, but haven’t talked to a single soul about it. Now I don’t know how to have “my hair is thinning” conversation with my husband after buying foam minoxidil. How have/would you approach a conversation about your thinning hair?
submitted by sparkys_secret to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 02:42 scribble-muse RECAP: MEMBERS STREAM -- "coffee chat ~ let's talk about mental health, magic, and the mundane"

welcome to 1hr, 30 min of pure absurdity. cynthia has no plan for this stream, and the entire thing seems to be taking place on the floor in front of her dick mushroom blanket, so, to save time and space, i'll be condensing into paragraphs instead of points when possible.
submitted by scribble-muse to Lifepluscindy_snark [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 19:19 metsvass86 Can Rogaine help regrow pubic hair in a 60 year old man? Thank you.

submitted by metsvass86 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 21:26 wheresyourbugatti Any opinions on this product?

Please let me know if I should use on of these two. Want to use the foam plus a dermastamp or Dermaroller
submitted by wheresyourbugatti to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 12:49 SimTrippy1 Help, I don't know how to cope :(

EDIT: sorry if this was posted twice, Reddit told me the other post was removed but I'm not sure it was..
Like many of you I’ve been experiencing hair thinning since my mid-20s but I genuinely feel that in the last year, it’s gotten so much worse (I'm 34 now).
I obsess about this 90% of my day, I can’t stop taking photos, comparing my hair now to how it used to look 2-5-10 years ago.
I went back on the pill (ciproterone acetate) which I quit 2 years ago (maybe that made it accelerate?) and will start using Rogaine but man, I’m depressed and stressed about this. And knowing how much stress I have about this just makes it worse because hey chronic stress equals more hair loss right?
Really, to you who are going through the same thing, how tf do I cope with this? I don’t want to lose even more of my hair, I don’t want to wear wigs or toppers. My near decade-long relationship ended about 2 years ago and this is making me feel like I’ll be alone forever, like no one would want a woman which such shitty hair... And to make matters worse, I don't feel like I can talk about this to anyone. Sure, there's like 3 people that know but they don't understand. I don't know anyone else who is going through this IRL and it's just fucking killing me.
I just want to hide in my shell, every activity involving people (including just walking my dog) fills me with severe anxiety. Even my dreams are full of anxiety.
Honestly iderk what the point of this post is, I know y'all struggle too and I know no one can help me just by talking, but I feel I need to reach out because I'm just so lost and lonely. So ... really, any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by SimTrippy1 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 06:56 Thefishthing I just realized how much I have lost in past 2 years...

In my life, I have never been a pretty girl.
My body always looked weird and my skin trouble for a long time.
But there was 1 thing that I could always remember people completing my hair. My curly hair.
My hair is stupidily enough really important, i love my curls and about 4 years ago I really started getting into understanding and taking care of them.
About 3 years ago, I noticed that I had less hair then i used to dance in hs and do my hair every weekend for competitions, with other symptoms.
And I got diagnosed with pcos 2 years ago, I have been taking the pill and all, doing what my doctor told me, never really noticing an improvement of my hair but not it getting worst, during this year it got worst.
I recently saw a picture of my scalp 2 years ago, back then I had dyed hair just wanted to see the progress of the color and growth and decided hey let's check the current status and I swear to god, it's horrible, I going bald like am old man wtf.
The top of my head has gotten to degarnished, wtf, how come no one ever told it got this bad? How come my hairdresser never noticed ? She has been cutting my hair since I was 15 ffs.
The one thing that i genuinely loved about myself is going away.
And I really dont know how to handle it.
The absurdity of the situation is that 3 hours before realizing i was going bald, I had convined my doctor to get me a recommendation for an endocrinologist. Those take over a years to get, what am i supposed to do now?
Kinda want to shave my head to I stop noticing my downfall.
I am currently have a mental break down silently in my room trying not to wake up my roomate.
I feel empty, i deeply love my hair.
I didnt want to start rogain or other because they cost soooo much money and I am broke plus they dont have permanent effect, so you have to do it everyday without fail or it will not work.
What am I supposed to do?
Idk, I can't get it prescribed right ? It's just cosmetic so the insurance wont take plus I'll off my parents insurance in less then a year and I have my adhd medication that cost already soooo much with insurance, what do i do??
Edit/update :
Warning this is mostly rambling and like my thoughts process 2 days after making the post : Hey guys, thank you soo much for all support and compensation I got, your insight and experiences have really helped me come up with a decision ( god I sounds like an aita update 😵‍💫) .
So in my contry (or even province) not a 100% sure if it's the same in the whole contry, if you want a specialist referral you need to ask your family doctor. The same days I had my meltdown I had my doctor on the phone ( which is an exception because she doesnt take distance appointments) because I am not in my home region, I am studying away. She is putting in a demand for a endocrinologist, because i considered that since pcos is a hormonal issue i should see a hormone specialist. Although that's gonna take at least a year.
So while waiting, 1 I will take another appointment for when i come back after my semester so that i can ask about medicines options, since it's the kind of thing that requires her to actually look at my head head. I will continue to make ressearch on those, I am a biology undergrad, and very much into learning how products work on the living.
2 after my complete spiral of the last 36 hours, I have remembered that I had already spent a shit load of time researching shampoos that help with androgenic alopecia and why, and that's when I remembered that the same shampoo i use for my seborrheic dermatitis also has been proven to help ADA ... Nizoral 2% ketoconazole. ( kinda want to slap myself for forgetting that). I also remixed some regular shampoo with the saw palmetto tincture I have, more of a 30% concentration now. So i'll use them both, since nizoral can be stripping and shouldnt be used all the time. I'll take the time to really massage my scalp with the shampoo brush and let it sit for 5 minutes.
3 I have changed my middle part for a side part, kinda feel like i am hs again but at least it should hide it bit more ( I hope)
4 I will use rosemary water, because oil may actually make SB worst, I am getting a comb bottle to make it easier to apply, I'll keep it on my bedside table so I dont forget.
I dont expect an improvement, I just hope that those measures will buy me time and stabilize it.
What do yall think?
submitted by Thefishthing to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 18:48 Iolabunnies second dermatologist that refused a biopsy. i’m tired

i guess this is more of a vent than a rant tbh. i’m currently in my car crying bc dermatologists refuse to take me seriously even though i’ve lost a significant amount of hair and it’s affecting my mental health. i paid $300 today for this man to not even touch my hair and to tell me to get OTC rogaine. i said i couldn’t get the topical one because it’s toxic to cats and i have two and he shook his head and laughed and said it wasn’t toxic to cats and told me i didn’t know what i was talking about even tho cats have literally died from it. i’m just beyond frustrated 🙃
submitted by Iolabunnies to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 08:28 suomi-8 Balding young- hat guy to hair system guy

Been wearing for one month now and wanted to share my experience on how life has been with a system and how others have reacted.
Hair loss back story: started balding young at 18. Started with diffused thinning on the crown and was slow at first (got lucky). Didn’t do anything until age 22 when it become more progressed and was starting to really take a toll on my confidence, I became one of those guys who lived with a hat on all the time, never left the house with out it. At this age I was ignorant or treatment or hair systems. I came across the YouTube channel baldcafe, I thought this was the only way to deal with hairloss so I became an avid viewer of his videos and tired to implement his strategy of doing the gradual buzz cut until you eventually take it all down and are clean shaven. I tried buzzing my hair to a low clipper and….hated the look with a passion, big shocker. The day I buzzed my head down my dad went out and bought me rogaine (minoxidil) and had a sit down with me about how I should do everything I can to keep my hair as a young man. My dads a confident bald man and has been for 35 years, but he knew the social struggles of balding young and didn’t want his son to live this way. Fast forward I grew the hair back out and did minoxidil for 3.5 years and finasteride for 1 year 3 months with minimal results.
After spending years behind a hat and hat fishing girls at the bar and on apps I knew it was time to try out a system as I’d been reading countless posts on this subreddit and had been watching Jake Kent’s videos as some inspiration. Dating life before the system was alright as I’m 6’1” (186cm)blue eyes, and am in pretty good shape, but i always had to have the cringe conversation with girls about why I wear a hat and why every photo of me I’m wearing a hat. Some girls didn’t care others wernt down to be with a young bald guy, can’t blame them. One girl even said “why don’t you just get a hair transplant, you look so old” lmao she was right with out my hat I looked 10- 15 years older. Once I got the system my confidence changed for the better, it’s been a short time but I’ve already noticed how much better I’m treated in day to day life and how much more receptive people are towards me. I’ve made sure to be open about it with people close to me and any new girls I meet, so far I’ve only received positive feedback and the girls ive told didn’t care to my surprise, just like what a lot of other guys on here have said. Just wanted to say thank you to this forum and some of its members who have coached me along the way so far. If you’re young and bald don’t give up hope as the system is a viable option which is becoming less and less stigmatized.
submitted by suomi-8 to HairSystem [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 07:50 obblonge The Gospel Of Saint Patricia, Digest Edition

Your grandmother Joan and I at her kitchen table. Tommy Tiny Penis fumbles for something, gum perhaps, in his pocket, spilling out a baggie of cocaine. All of a sudden the beads of sweat on his brow and his anxiousness stand out even more. Joan and I both look at something on her wall - a plaque? Its round, maybe it wassa plate. A single word in black lettering across the diameter. It was positioned near the ceiling, along the kitchen wall, almost to the front room. Was it in German? We had been trading jokes with our beers. I observe that Priscilla and I would eventually be buying some of the same and heroin as well downtown, and that we're always happy to share if anybody wants some. This information seems to give the sweaty, uncomfortable man indigestion and grunting, he briskly stumbles to the restroom without adding to the jovial conversation. Later, I overhear Joan speaking to her three daughters, relating that " guys like me always beat guys like him - its specifically what they do. "
I've been using the Truecaller app to handle my calls and texts forra bout four years now. Its one of those programs that is endearing - buggy, subject to crashes. My favorite p2p Frostwire is also included in this category. Every time - and I do mean every single time - its updated something is noticeably fixed and something else is broken. I've been using p2p programs since the original Napster, have many fond memories of KaZaa, Morpheus, and Limewire. I won't stop using Frostwire until its abandoned and rendered obsolete. I'll even wear their logo t-shirts and paste their stickers on random car bumpers. Itsan exciting event when it updates, immediately searching through the screens and menus seeking the functionality that says it's still there but isn't. Some peoples watch sitcoms to pass their time I'm told.
Truecaller has the amusing habit of being a somewhat permanent record of text threads. Both conversationists can edit and delete their phone's text messages all they want. And the next time that text thread is opened they'll be downloaded in their original form from Truecaller's servers and right back in their original places in line. It's been referred to as the snitch app, as it has been used in court as evidence. The only way to delete SMS permanently is if the original speaker in the thread deletes the entire thread. Otherwise, it'll just keep resending at intervals. I've made use recently of E2PDF as well - it pairs nicely with Truecaller and tuna. Also, a courtroom approved program, it converts entire text threads to - you guessed it - PDF files. My continuing epic saga also updated at intervals on the Internet Archive - The Gospel of Saint Patricia - was recorded this way. I have a four-year long text thread on my 4th generation Moto G. I am not willing to entertain the notion that it may beea partial cause of my third-party calling app's intermittence. Assof tonight it's at 791 pages, growing organically and digitally every day.
Truecaller also hassan other habit that's entertaining - crowdsourcing its ID information, which pops up and replaces whatever corrections a user has made on their device every time it updates. It usually reverts back to whatever the user's labels were after a bit of usage. Usually. More than 72% of the time.
I have come to anticipate with smiling glee the new round of mysterious contacts that may be hiding behind that icon when MBs are being added.
(I also enjoy typing questions with lots of adjectives and detail into the Amazonian search engine. I'm sitting alone on someone else's barely too small futon onna Saturday night if anyone else is lonely...)
So. I have been texting and calling the phone numbers that my missing fiancé and best friend Patricia Ann Roberts implored me to contact her on, day or night, for years. A few months ago two were disconnected permanently after I managed to hear an extremely short, stressed, frightened few words from my love before the line went dead. Earlier that month I had discovered that Tommy Tiny Penis's line had been changed in its response - the blocking of my number removed and a robokiller screen installed. It immediately let me through, and I left eight voicemails. The next day that one cancelled of service as well. That's how I had named his number in my Truecaller contacts list - Tommy Tiny Penis. There issan other number I still am calling, a 313 landline, probably paid for by his company. Shortly after the cell lines were removed, I noticed briefly after an app update that the contact header had changed. No longer wassit Patty Landline, but Turkey Bone. Which only makes sense if one understands just how infantile and utterly void of useful knowledge Thomas Wayne Randle truly is. I imagine someone availed him, finally, to the fact that his number came up as Tommy Tiny Penis in Truecaller, er something. So in childish protest he renames the remaining number Turkey Bone, probably meaning to say Turkey Neck, which would at least almost make sense, if you were five and this was your first day of first grade. But no. Instead he invokes an image of two children at the folding legged card table on Thanksgiving, each holding a vaguely Y-shaped glossy and greasy object between them in their fingers. One sneezes and wipes its oozing nostrils, inadvertently snapping the thin, fragile wishbone.
Even the largest turkeys have bones at max the circumference offa dime. I will refrain from making a pun using the word " fowl " here. Sixty-three years old, and an embarrassment to the species.
Complete refusal to learn from mistakes or accidental successes. Step on the head of the one in front of you and sink it underwater as you ford the brook. Take and immediately destroy and irresponsibly dispose of. Replacing the sadistic pain and suffering caused to others in the place where happiness from accomplishment and empathy could have been fostered. A wannabe demon. Not real evil. Real evil is actually a threat onna mass scale. That can only occur with the stealth of hiding in plain sight while wearing a sandwich ad sign. Being able to shove packaged food into one's mouth does not impress the recruiters on either side of the moral conflict. If demons exist and eat souls, then Tommy and his lookalikes are still quite safe. Nothing to see here, just plaster garden gnomes.

Patty is the most beautiful and intelligent sister nextdoor. One of the only people I don't have to modify my choice of words in speech to so they may understand part of what I'm saying. Anyone who claims that this is anything but a horrendous crime punishable by jury trial is insulting her. Suggesting that she is as ugly, selfish, weak, and sadistic as they themselves are.
Today is my missing fiancé's fifty-sixth birthday.
She is ten years, six months, ten days, and one minute older than I.
We were both born to the same delivery room staff and certificate signing doctor, on the Air Force base in Abilene, TX.
Both of our mothers were having planned, scheduled births at full term, and we were both the first of the day.
Next to me and one on one in conversation she is completely confident, an amazing listener and orator, comprehending information spoken atta percentage I've never imagined could actually exist. Patient enough to maintain an attention no matter how demanding the thoughtful exercise. Knowledgeable about how a human body works and disciplined enough to maintain it. Imaginative, with the creative vision that the Makers of our species possess, to invent and produce the cutting edge of human wisdom and knowledge. That is the Artist's goal: to take the collected knowledge farther.
A truly breathtaking, amazing person. Who has spent the past eighteen years living with a talentless possessor of people; a follower who hates new ideas and actively tries to destroy them. A hollow shell with no created self, only robotic repetition of irrational and self-defeating tradition.
Patricia's voice in my earbuds is stereophonic and the slightly lower pitch offa woman who has been smoking for decades. Dark like tinted glass, as John McCrea says.
" I wassat a party and he was wearing a Hello! My name is... sticker that had Fugazi written onnit. I thought that was clever and he told me he had made it up. Then two days later I saw it written onna cassette case you pulled out of your leather's jacket pocket that had your joints innit!
Fugazi issa French word meaning " fake ", and also the moniker offa noisy Do It Yourself work ethic espousing band, I had informed her, Tommy Tiny Penis glaring at me and sniffling, oily perspiration sheening his brow. Like wow, man. Whata fucking born loser; a phrase truly only applicable to him. The conversation ensuing would reveal that he has also been taking the credit the past twenty years for writing at least four lines directly stolen from the long, spoken introduction to the track " Chemical Imbalance " by the SkateNigs, which, if you haven't heard, you should totes stop reading this and go listen to. I will not be offended. I recommend playing a full set of air drums in sync upon the inevitable second listen. The air ride cymbal you are not hitting with a drumstick I predict will give that arm an especially fine workout. Also up on his plagiaristic docket are the Butthole Surfers, one of the best bands to ever call San Antonio a home, however briefly. Both Gibby Hanes and Paul Leary have degrees from Trinity University, the most expensive per semester college in Bexar County and surrounding area, and home to 91.7 KRTU - jazz and other not popular music! I have contributed enough monetary donations to this station's pledge drives that my torso has been adorned with their logos often.
We should have known. There's that word " should " again. Tommy's taking credit for work not his own was not an isolated incident but an embedded, lifelong pattern. According to my fair lady love the man hasn't stopped bitching about how much fucking cooler I am than him since the day we met. Even to people who have never been to Texas nor met me nor ever will meet me I come up in his conversations. Twenty years later, give er take. Wow. I hadn't hadda thought involving him since the last time he was ineptly attempting to insult me. If my memory hadn't been inspired by Patty's voice his name and face would have disappeared forever in favor of more useful and fun data.
Like this industrial sewing machine service manual, I could only find an online copy of in German. All forty-five plus pages offit. That was way more entertaining than the pathetic coward narcissist loser Thomas Wayne Randle has ever been, even to itself.
He only buys porn with brand names like Penthouse and Hustler. Even though he has cohabitated, in separate rooms of course, with a goddess for eighteen years. Even though she hates it, and she pleads with him that its degrading he still insists on never getting a blowjob. Instead, he'll pretend, like he always does, that he's someone else, someone he thinks is cool, and insists on masturbating in her hair and on her face. Because sex to him, everything to him - and I speak of the pathetic coward narcissist loser Thomas Wayne Randle - issa desperate lie where he pretends, he has power and is somehow important, even though the " man " has never once had an original thought in his entire wasted existence. A waster of life and time. Twenty-eight years of Rogaine with Minoxodil, an ingredient found in laboratory rat urine. Both crying for and resenting his mumma, sexually stimulated by his memories of when she'd spank him.
Does Ira Glass still do This American Life?
She listens to NPR. We were both listening tooit when an interview with the Temptations was playing, that day at Pam's when we met yet again, and assi entered the building I laid a warm, wet hand upon her bare pelvic bone, she emitting an exciting " oooohhh ". Two days after she and Tommy Tiny Penis hooked up. He would later fuck Pam, at her then current boyfriend's house, who was present, on the couch in the living room, in the ass I hear, while I was locked outside with Paula by a mischievous Patty, and my then girlfriend Prissy was at work assa waitress at IHOP. She suggested our little new in-law holiday group each say something defining of themselves assan introduction to each other. I offered a quote I had recently heard from one of the Temptations on NPR. And her eyes continued to sparkle, hazel reflecting blue. Later, Tommy Tiny Penis attempted to earn brownie points with the girls' parents, Ken and Gloria - my next door neighbors, by taking the group out to dinner at Olive Garden, saying he knew the head chef working. So. Filing into our seats at the table, Patty launches a convincing argument to her father Ken, insisting that she sit in the chair he was about to plop down upon. Winning convincingly, she seats herself not next to Tommy, but directly in front and across from me. Smiling conspiratorially. She issin full information gathering mode. She remembers to this day what I ordered. Not the most expensive nor the least expensive menu items, as someone being treated has a tendency to do. But selections based on the nutrient content and healthiness of the meal. Dark leafy greens, lean protein, only a bit of oil instead of heavy calorie content dressing. Beers, multiple, selection based on how well the brew recipe paired taste-wise with the food ordered. While eating, her father attempted to pass the salt in my direction, after being handed it from Tommy, who had just immediately doused his large steak with the saline grains. I told him, apparently in my default radio announcer voice, that I never added seasoning to food until I had tasted it, my reasoning being that it was an insult to the person who had prepared it, in this case a paid professional. Preparing a meal issan artform, and assan artist I recognize the sweat and effort of the cook or chef. The food as placed with purpose upon a plate by another is a finished product - the last stage of producing art is the presentation to the audience. It is now up to the audience to appreciate the finished work. To apply seasoning without tasting issan insult by an uncultured, unaware, and unappreciative person. If modifications need be applied after tasting to match an individual's preferences, then so be it - it's their food. Unbeknownst to me, the actual person who had prepared the food, the actual head chef on duty who obviously Tommy did not know at all, was standing directly behind me when I said this. He announced his presence, and I was rewarded with a complimentary meal, including the beers. Three beers, most likely. Tommy would attempt over and over that week to catch me in acts of verbal plagiarism, or insult me, only to always be bested by my quick and always razor honed intellect. I had already been practicing my craft for more than a decade by that point. The coward even uttered a " faggot " in my direction as Prissy and I left, under his breath, only to have my sharp ears pick it up. So, spinning with overdramatic flair and facing the opponent as always, I pointed out why that isn't an insult, and indeed that I could never be insulted by him, adding a well-placed and accredited quotation by Tom Waits, in French. Much to the confusion of the attacker and the delight of Patricia. I make memories, man. I even blew Patty a kiss, 'til we meet again, which we would, of course.
To backtrack a bit, when mischievous Patty locked me outside with the youngest sister Paula, who I almost always sat next to on the school bus if I rode it, she never speaking to me, I had immediately postulated that since we were so rudely confined all night to the expansive backyard that she and I had a duty to retaliate in kind and consume every single beer. Which we did, triumphantly. Paula grew up to be a big girl, and a voracious consumer of alcohol. Taking me up on the challenge, she matched me beer for beer until they were all gone. 108 each, in five hours. That's one 12oz bottle of various brands every five minutes. And at no time, as mischievous Patty observed, mischievously, did I ever hit on Paula in any way. Come morning we were in someone's car listening to her CD collection. I inquiring about any I didn't recognize. I put in 10,000 Maniacs' Our Time In Eden album, informing her that I had all of their catalog on cassette, including the earliest collected demos. Much to her surprise. I would continue to confound that woman over the coming decades. Upon daybreak, Prissy returned and released us from the walled backyard that her younger sister and I would have escaped in someone's vehicle had we could in pursuit of more beer. She had to go get her daily dose of methadone from a clinic downtown. Patty cringed as she threw the van keys assa softball pitcher would, directly at my face, as was our custom. And I, wearing the leather jacket my grandmother had given me on my eighteenth birthday a decade earlier, caught them without thinking or flinching with a swooping downward arm movement. Prissy's dealers lived in the neighborhood behind the clinic. She was into heroin and cocaine, and I was into her. We went back to my house and I grabbed my guitar, always the disposable emergency income, and a Seymour Duncan JB pickup I had purchased new but not installed yet. I pawned those and used the extra cash for more cocaine than the planned amount, which I would divide into two nice-sized lines on the bathroom countertop for Patty and myself. Tommy, I was informed later, didn't want to share the baggie of coke and meth mixed he carried. With us or her. Ugh. How fucking uncool is that? I guess Pam got some. Eew. I smile now, writing this, remembering Patty playing footsies with me under the table at Olive Garden, and again at Christmas a year or so later under her grandmother's kitchen table, with her grandmother and aunts sitting around us. I customarily wear steel toed boots, ankle high. But that day at grandmother's I had some cushy old man sandals my aunt had given me on, leaving my feets open this time to return the playful gestures.
Tommy Tiny Penis sounds like a cameo antagonist inna children's cartoon. Maybe one oriented for a more adult audience, now that I read what I just wrote. Because obviously, Tommy Tiny Penis is notta suitable babysitter. I mean, ultimately pathetic and harmless because of his malformed pudenda and obvious lack if skills and knowledge concerning sex, but notta character that garners a kind of sympathy or even pity. Too arrogant, inept, and stupid to learn and grow from his experiences. Just a big, fat, butt of jokes for the protagonists to constantly spew victoriously. Entertainment forran audience with a sense of righteousness and morals that find continuously masturbating to lolita porn nauseating. Maybe midway through the episode a brief subplot could be introduced wherein his dear, dear mumma is explained through a brief but hilarious montage to be an additional inspiration for his stunted and fruitless attempts at child rape. Nevertheless, slobby Tommy Tiny Penis ends his villainous vignette as he began it, a corny throwaway uninspired hack piece filling midseason space while allowing a slower character story arc to peak in the season finale for Our Heroes.
Tommy Tiny Penis's cartoon theme song is performed by the band Extreme, guest soloist Yngwie Malmsteen. Oooh. And the gay singers from Boston that married each other. They even include lyrics about how he didn't support their right to wed, supporting further his miniscule antagonist role. And an endorsement from Pantene, for hair that rocks leopard print.

submitted by obblonge to story_telling [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 13:17 Overall_Rise_6370 What is most annoying WWF ad?

Royal match ads ate so so cringy with these celebrities and “every Joes and Janes” touting how fun it is. There was a hair loss product ad for Rogaine - boy scout trying to help a bald man he thought was old to cross the street. That was actually good,
One a related note, I have played WWF for 10 ys years. But only for 10-15 minutes a day when I wake up. Who shows up seems to have changed- for a while it was big breasted girls with low numbers in player profile. They would start to chat and try to get my instagram handle. Then it was females whose profile showed them holding a baby. Not so much now. How about you?
submitted by Overall_Rise_6370 to WordsWithFriends [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 20:20 DawnofMidnight7 Thinking of starting my minoxidil journey on Monday. How to prepare myself and best tips?

So as of this moment, i only have a goatee and a a really thin mustache. The goatee is the only one that has some growth but instead of being thick, it only grows thin and long like a goat and my mustache has like no growth unless I shave
Yesterday afternoon, i bought the Rogaine foam version of Minoxidil and i also bought a 0.25 derma-roller and some biotin pills to improve the results and for Moisturizer i have the CeraVe Moisturizing cream.
The most difficult part for me is the scheduling, skincare routine and the derma-rolling.
I work night shifts. My schedule is from 2:45pm to 11:30pm or midnight.
What i have planned right now is waking up at 6:30am and add the minoxidil and sleep. Wake up around 10am, wash it off and then moisturize. The problem is, what time will i be able to apply minoxidil during the evening? Im thinking i can do it during my lunch time around 7pm?
I have a skin care routine that i have been following for a year now. It goes like this.
  1. CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
  2. Exfoliate with Paulas Choice--SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid Exfoliant--Facial Exfoliant
  3. PYUNKANG YUL Nutrition Cream
  4. La Roche-Posay Anthelios Mineral Ultra-Light Face Sunscreen SPF 50
(I repeat the same routine at night minus the exfoliating)
My question for this problem is should i postponed my skin care routine until my minoxidil journey has significant results or do any modifications to it or just continue doing it?
For the derma-rolling question, how many times should i do it. Ive seen many people say i should dermaroll everyday before applying minox and then another groups says i should only do it twice a week and then apply minox after 24 hours
submitted by DawnofMidnight7 to Minoxbeards [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 01:30 yourmumsnamehere Shane, please... do it, please Shane

Shane, please... do it, please Shane submitted by yourmumsnamehere to ShaneGillis [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 23:07 tbones94 Here’s something that’s actually funny and sad.

Here’s something that’s actually funny and sad. submitted by tbones94 to u/tbones94 [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 21:31 Optimal-Luck-3370 Here’s something that’s actually funny and sad.

Here’s something that’s actually funny and sad. submitted by Optimal-Luck-3370 to u/Optimal-Luck-3370 [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 20:29 Bradidea Not sure if this was uploaded here yet, but....this seems about right.

Not sure if this was uploaded here yet, but....this seems about right. submitted by Bradidea to u/Bradidea [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 20:00 DonnyMox Not sure if this was uploaded here yet, but....this seems about right.

Not sure if this was uploaded here yet, but....this seems about right. submitted by DonnyMox to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 07:32 KappaMazinksy Virgin vs Chad on Hair Loss

Virgin vs Chad on Hair Loss submitted by KappaMazinksy to virginvschad [link] [comments]