Casino night templates free


2018.03.16 19:40 whitebandit ThanosDidNothingWrong

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

2013.04.08 02:06 quirt Korean Variety

A subreddit for fans of Korean variety & reality shows.

2014.09.01 00:41 melance The Randomizer

A subreddit about the randomizing tool called The Randomizer.

2024.06.09 10:51 Flat-Dingo4606 my parents (and extended family) have been abusive towards me both physically and emotionally my whole life. i dont know what to do anymore.

i (18y) have been abused by my parents and grandparents for as long as i can remember. my first memory is my grandad approaching me as i was sat down on a potty (one of those weird plastic toilets toddlers have) and picking my up by my shoulders. he screams something at me before he puts me down and slaps me across the face. i was about 3 years old. i feel the best way to talk about this lifetime of abuse is to tell it in chronological order from the best of my ability (my memory surrounding certrain things is hazy as for a while i tried to forget as much of this as i could)
firstly i think its important to give some information about my mum and dad. my dad was 17 when i was born and i believe my mum was 21. he lied to her about his age. my dad is addicted to weed and i know for a time he was addicted to coke too. i remember he would often get arrested a lot. he would also say he was leaving us but return hours later very clearly off his face on coke and whatever else. my mum is a very manipulative and emotionally abusive woman. when i was 7, i witnessed her kiss another man in front of me. we later on found out that they had been seeing each other for ages behind my dads back. i havent been able to forgive her for that. it's also important to note i have many siblings (i wont say how many as i have already given a lot of telling information and do not want my family to know ive typed and posted this, many of my family members use reddit).
from the age of 5, i remember getting beatings almost daily from my mum or dad. these would be for the most minor of things such as forgetting to flush the toilet or turning the tv up a little bit too loud. these weren't little taps either, i got fully manhandled and punched. often i remember my dad pinning my down so my back is facing upwards, he would hold my hands around my back while my mum would hit me on my ass until it was red raw. no one can justify that. sometimes it wasn't always my parents though. sometimes they would call my grandad. for such a long time the word grandad evoked so much fear in me. when i was told he was coming over i would run to my room, but on as many layers of clothes as i could and hid under my blanket. when he arrived, he would berate me about how much of a disgusting little cunt i was before he would punch me in my face and all over my body. often i would have bruises as a kid, i dont know how teachers at school didn't pick up on it. i remember one Christmas eve my xbox account wasn't working (cant remember why) and this understandably upset me, i was 8 after all. my dad called my grandad over, and i did the same routine. clothes on, over the covers and pray he doesn't hit me too hard this time. this time was different though. he came into my room and pulled me out of my bed by my arm and threw me down the stairs. i ran into the living room where my nana was. she slapped me in my face so hard i fell to the ground. i tried to run out of the room only for my grandad to push me back into it. i was made to sit on the couch while i got called the most horrific names. i was so scared i wet myself and couldn't stop shaking. i was 8 years old.
not long after Christmas, it was my birthday. i got disney infinity and a bunch of the little figures to go with it. for months this was my hyper fixation, i would play it daily and completed everyone one of the story set things i had. one day my grandad came over, and he started his usual borage of insults. he turns to my organized disney infinity figures resting upon my xbox 360 (jesus im old) and kicks them all over just avoiding the xbox. he then turns around and leaves. he broke so many of the figures, i cried for hours and hours in my room alone. no one came to check on me. the figures being broken hurt so much more than the beatings i was now used to.
from this point onwards, things are a little fuzzy. i move house a few times and am now in secondary school. im 13 years old, and questioning my sexuality heavily. i get into fights both inside and outside of school and have started smoking cigarettes. the physically abuse had stopped, but the emotional abuse had got worse. at the time i was a very fat kid. i would eat to feel better. my dad would often call me fat and insult me for everything i did. every song i played, booked i read and film i watched. he would rip into me daily for no reason at all. he would often say if i wasn't his kid and he saw me when he was a kid he'd beat the fuck out of me. when i was 15, life started to get a bit better. i found a group of friends that liked me, i was no longer questioning my sexuality and was fully comfortable saying i was pan-sexual. i also started to smoke weed with my best friend, which has given us some of the best memories. in the summer of that year, we got evicted from our home and had to move into an emergency house. this was hell, and one of the worst times of my life. i slept on the couch and my pc was in the kitchen where often my little siblings would throw food on it and try to tip if over. my parents did nothing to stop this. the insults still followed and i was made to feel so insignificant and small. the most i slept in the 4 months we lived there was 5 hours a night. one time my dad was berating me and he got in my face because i said something back to him. he pinned me against the wall by my t shirt. for the first time, i felt all of the rage i had kept bottled up since i was a kid overflow and i punched him square in the face. he fell back and looked at me in shock. my mum rushed to his defense and screamed at me to leave. i left for a few hours until my dad called me and told me to come home. we haven't spoken of it since.
now i am 18. i am in the last few days of college then im off to university. the emotional abuse still continues and there are so many things that im leaving out for the sake of length. i could genuinely write a novella about all of this shit. i am not sure what to do moving forward. i really want to block them out and live my life peacefully and free. however, whenever i think about doing this i feel really guilty. luckily i have an amazing and supportive partner who is helping me make sense of all of this. the scars still feel fresh. for anyone who is in a similar situation but has years to wait before they can leave, keep your head up. right now i know it is hell and it seems like there is no end. my best advice is find something you love and cling onto it, passion is found in the darkest of place. in my case, it was films. you are not crazy or being sensitive, it is abuse.
any question feel free to ask, thank you for listening.
EDIT: sorry if some of this makes no sense im dyslexic haha
submitted by Flat-Dingo4606 to abusiveparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:47 Erindylyn Sharing my experience with two injured dogs.

Sharing my experience with two injured dogs.
TL;DR My dog tore her CCL and has 2 tumors, my bfs dog impaled himself and got a really contagious infection. I find out as I’m picking up my dog from surgery and cannot go home for ~10 days. One of her incisions opened while I was at work, and her second knee ruptured. All events happened over the span of ~9 weeks. (Please read for all info bc I know this sounds like we are horrendous dog-parents)
My pup Laika (black/brown/white dog, 6) ruptured her CCL, I took her to an emergency vet who told me it was a partial tear (no imaging recommended) and to follow up with her vet in 4 weeks. I limited her movement (per ER vets instruction) and went to the follow up 4 weeks later, imaging shows it is a full rupture and we schedule corrective surgery. I had to schedule the surgery two weeks out due to my work being inflexible, and the surgeon only works days that I work. I was even more strict with keeping her from moving unless necessary to avoid further injury and to avoid the opposite leg rupturing, as it already was showing signs of inflammation (following regular vets instructions). I also bought plenty of stuff to help out following surgery (enrichment toys, lick mats, orthopedic beds for the kennel and the bedroom, ice packs etc.)
The week before her surgery, my boyfriend‘s dog spike (9) tried to jump the fence at grandmas (where he lived as a farm dog) and he punctured his groin on the fence. He’s done this once before (years ago) so we decided spike should move in with us after that emergency surgery. He only lived apart because we wanted a fence for him first.
When I scheduled laikas surgery, we planned to take off two tumors as they were mass cell and we weren’t sure if they were aggressive. Surgery goes perfectly, she had the two mass cells removed as well as corrective CCL surgery and the vet called to let me know there was a partial tear in her second knee, but we could wait until her first knee was stable enough to go through the second surgery. My vet does not offer bilateral correction.
Since I work night shift, I dropped her off for surgery and then went home and took a nap. While I was sleeping my boyfriend took spike for a second surgery (different vet) because his cone was too short so he was able to get at his incision while we were sleeping and it reopened. While in surgery, his blood cultures came back positive for MRSP (similar to MRSA) And I found out as I was driving to pick up Laika. All I had was a towel and a leash… everything I bought to prepare for her aftercare was now contaminated and I also could not take her home. I took her to my moms and stayed there until spike was no longer contagious. I took her home after I completely bombed my house with every disinfectant I could find. Laika was doing amazing and was a week ahead of schedule in terms of mobility/healing but her elbow incision was problematic.
Laikas front elbow incision (tumor) opened from adjusting In the kennel while we were at work so they had staples put in. This delayed her physical therapy. Now we are 19 days post op so she was supposed to be using a water treadmill. They chose to put her on an incline treadmill since her incision can’t get wet. The physical therapist was aware of her condition and her other legs deteriorating status. After her physical therapy, I knew she would be sore and she was limping more after that session (yesterday). Now her second knee must have fully ruptured because she’s gone completely lame on that leg since her PT yesterday afternoon.
I am following instructions from an emergency vet that I called after I got off work tonight and called elsewhere for second opinion. I know it’s extremely common for the second CCL to rupture soon after the first, but I did everything I could to limit her movement and followed the post op care my vet gave me to prevent further injury to her second knee.
Spike is on the mend and should be cone free in a few more days. Laika on the other hand, is currently set up on an orthopedic bed in her kennel with food and water. I can post an update if people are interested once I get more information from my vet when they open on Monday.
I would like to add that I have anxiety and due to that I’m incredibly anal with any instructions I get from the vets so I know I followed everything to the letter and I review everything daily. I’m just thankful for the pet insurance I’ve been paying into for ~5 years (fetch) and that my boyfriend was financially prepared to pay for spikes surgeries since he hasn’t got insurance on him.
submitted by Erindylyn to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:46 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker (UK)
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to ReferralTrains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:46 Cloni_cLN Wedding Welcome Dinner in Catania for 60-80 People

Dear Sicilian Redditors
I am seeking your advice for a venue that could host our welcome dinner the night before our wedding in Catania (in September).
We are looking for a simple, yet special place. We were thinking about some mixed antipasti to start with, followed by home made pasta with the choice of two or three sauces. It should be a cozy, intimate place where we can feel at home and the guests can get to know each other before our big day.
When we last visited Catania, we went to Calarittu and Me Cumpari Turiddu. Both of which were excellent but not quite what we were looking for.
We would appreciate any tipps you might have so we could check it out in a few weeks.
Feel free to ask any questions if you need more details or clarifications.
All the best,
submitted by Cloni_cLN to sicily [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:44 ActualyNotBad [H]Marci,Undying,Spectre,Meduza,Tinker,Visage [W]Marketable items, Tf2Keys, Giftable items or other sets listed down below

Selling/trading my items listed down below, due to duplicate or not playing the hero at all.
Dont forget to check my profile recomandations & inventory:
My steamrep ofcourse:
And to remember is a gifting trade *steam requirement limit of 30 days of waiting time after friendship is completed to be able for gifting items (also requires you to have autentificator app set on your phone).
Would recomand you going first or search elswhere buddy✌️.

Sets to offer (limited avability each set 1 pcs):

Hero Set Price
Marci Blue Horizons 12 USD/EUR or 6Tf2keys reserved?
Spectre Spoils of the Shadowveil 8 USD/EUR or 4Tf2keys
Undying Dirge Amplifier 6 USD/EUR or 3Tf2keys
Meduza Death Adder 12 USD/EUR or 6Tf2keys
Visage Grimfeather the Grotesque 2 USD/EUR or 1Tf2key
Tinker Twitcher 2 USD/EUR or 1Tf2key

Swapping my items for following sets below (and open for negotion):

Shadow Shaman Eyes in The Endless Night
Jakiro Barding of Balaur Silencer Whispering Wings 
Dazzel Forbidden Medicine
Necros Fowl Omen Abaddon Endless Night Shadow Shaman Red Sands Marauder 
Thanks for reading & have a nice sunday!
submitted by ActualyNotBad to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:43 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to referralswaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:43 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:41 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:41 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:41 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to OctopusReferralCodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:40 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to OctopusEnergyReferral [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:40 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to octopus_ref_code_uk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:39 Aspergenic Octopus Energy NEW June Referral Link: £50 When You Switch & Upto 40% Of Your Bills With Tracker
If anyone is looking to change energy supplier I highly recommend Octopus. They are honest and transparent, and by far the best supplier I've been with over the years, and I've been with more than my fair share. They have plenty of tariffs to chose from, so there is something for everyone.
Plus if you use our referral link we each get £50 off our energy bill! The offer is still active as of April so switch and save whilst you can.
Once you are signed up you can choose which tariff is right for you and save a bunch of money. Here's a few of their most popular tariffs:
Octopus Tracker - This is the one a lot of people are talking about and it has even made it on Money Saving Expert! This is the one we currently use and has saved us thousands since we've been on it. It tracks the wholesale price of electricity and gas and has been about 40% cheaper than the current standard variable rate for a while now. Prices on the tracker can go up as well as down but even last year the average was still lower than the government price guarantee and every standard variable rate, even through the thick of the energy crisis.
Octopus Flux Import - Power your home with 100% renewable energy on this Octopus Energy electricity tariff designed exclusively for solar and battery owners.
Agile Octopus - With Agile Octopus, you get access to half-hourly energy prices, tied to wholesale prices and updated daily. The unit rate is capped at 100p/kWh (including VAT). Recently there have been a few days when prices have been negative, so you get paid to use energy! This is a great tariff for those who's can shift their energy usage easily.
Octopus Go - The smart EV tariff with super cheap electricity between 00:30 - 04:30 every night.
Cosy Octopus - Cosy Octopus is a heat pump tariff with six hours of super cheap electricity every day to warm your home.
Octoplus - On top of everything else Octopus offer, they are also relaunching their Octopus energy saving incentive, Octoplus, where you get paid to use less energy during peak times over the winter. Whilst this is a winter incentive, you also get extras for being an Octopus member all year round, such as a free Greggs drink each week and currently free tickets to National Trust sites. Also reduced price cinema tickets.
No other energy supplier doing anywhere near as much as Octopus are for their customers. If you think one of these tariffs may be right for you and your family then click on the referral link and we can both benefit from it!
Switching is so easy these days. Just click the link, full in your details and Octopus will handle the rest.
Enjoy your day!
submitted by Aspergenic to MakeMoneyInUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:39 Abject_Tale7317 London accommodation!

Me and 2 of my cousins are flying to london in july…
We are staying for 5 nights in the beginning of july! Im in a wheelchair so i need a barrier free hotel without stairs and accessible toilet etc. If possible in central london or just near to the cool stuff like big ben or london eye!!!
Please help me find an accommodation either flat (airbnb) or hotel!
Our budget is 700€
Do you think its enough? And please tell me if we need more money or change locations etc! Thank you to everyone willing to help
submitted by Abject_Tale7317 to TravelHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:37 MrStresser You've just been hired by CN to write Season 1 of the next Ben 10 reboot, 13 episodes. How does the story go?

You've just been hired by CN to write Season 1 of the next Ben 10 reboot, 13 episodes. How does the story go?
If you were given the chance to write the story for a new reboot of Ben 10, what would be Season 1's plot. Free timeline to structure your episodes. Also free timeline template if anyone wants to use it.
submitted by MrStresser to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:33 AutoModerator What's Way I Can Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz (live) Free Streams?

What's Way I Can Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz (live) Free Streams?,..It's time for the 2024 French Open men's final at Roland Garros. This Sunday, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz will face Germany's Alexander Zverev on the clay court. The 21-year-old No. 3 seed Alcaraz defeated No. 2 seed Jannik Sinner in the Semis to become the youngest player to make grand slam finals on all three surfaces; hard court, grass and clay. No. 4 seed Zverev defeated an ailing Casper Ruud in his Semis to face Alcaraz tomorrow. Alcaraz vs. Zverev is scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, June 9. You can find the full order of play at Roland Garros here.
Here: Zverev vs Alcaraz Final (Free)
Live: Zverev vs AlcarazFinal (Free)
Are you ready to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final? Here’s everything you need to know about the last match of Roland Garros, including the full broadcast schedule, where to stream matches for free and more.
How to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final:
Date: Sunday, June 9
Time: Not before 8:30 a.m. ET
Location: Roland Garros, Paris, FR
Court: Court Philippe-Chatrier
Round: Final
TV channel: NBC
Streaming: Peacock, Fubo, DirecTV, VPN
When is the French Open final?
No. 3 seed Carlos Alacaraz faces No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev this Sunday in the men's French Open Final.
What time will Alcaraz vs. Zverev start?
The Alcaraz vs. Zverev match will be played on Court Philippe-Chatrier, beginning sometime after 8:30 a.m. ET in the US. You can find the exact order of play at Roland Garros here.
What channel is Alcaraz vs. Zverev on?
You'll need access to NBC or Peacock to tune into the Alcaraz vs. Zverev final match. This Sunday, the US broadcast schedule for the French Open is as follows:
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
No tennis channel? No problem. You could always catch an uninterrupted livestream of the tennis tournament with the help of a VPN — more on that below.
How to watch Alcaraz vs. Zverev live without cable:
For $5.99/month, an ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC, plus, you'll get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office, every Bravo show and Hallmark movie, and movies like Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Mario Bros.
How to stream Alcaraz vs. Zverev free:
If you want to catch every match of the French Open and don’t want to have to hop around between NBC, Peacock and the Tennis Channel all week, in Australia a majority of the action is streaming free with ads on 9Now, and in Austria it's all streaming free with ads on ServusTV.
Don’t live in either of those places? Don't worry, you can still stream like you do with the help of a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to the F1 race this weekend without a cable package, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user.
2024 French Open broadcast schedule:
All times Eastern.
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
French Open livestream US
US viewers can tune into NBC's French Open coverage live on or the NBC Sports app if they have a cable or satellite subscription to log in with.
submitted by AutoModerator to TransformersBeastsona [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 AutoModerator How&Where to Watch Zverev vs Carlos Alcaraz live stream aT ReddiT?

How&Where to Watch Zverev vs Carlos Alcaraz live stream aT ReddiT?,..It's time for the 2024 French Open men's final at Roland Garros. This Sunday, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz will face Germany's Alexander Zverev on the clay court. The 21-year-old No. 3 seed Alcaraz defeated No. 2 seed Jannik Sinner in the Semis to become the youngest player to make grand slam finals on all three surfaces; hard court, grass and clay. No. 4 seed Zverev defeated an ailing Casper Ruud in his Semis to face Alcaraz tomorrow. Alcaraz vs. Zverev is scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, June 9. You can find the full order of play at Roland Garros here.
Here: Zverev vs Alcaraz Final (Free)
Live: Zverev vs AlcarazFinal (Free)
Are you ready to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final? Here’s everything you need to know about the last match of Roland Garros, including the full broadcast schedule, where to stream matches for free and more.
How to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final:
Date: Sunday, June 9
Time: Not before 8:30 a.m. ET
Location: Roland Garros, Paris, FR
Court: Court Philippe-Chatrier
Round: Final
TV channel: NBC
Streaming: Peacock, Fubo, DirecTV, VPN
When is the French Open final?
No. 3 seed Carlos Alacaraz faces No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev this Sunday in the men's French Open Final.
What time will Alcaraz vs. Zverev start?
The Alcaraz vs. Zverev match will be played on Court Philippe-Chatrier, beginning sometime after 8:30 a.m. ET in the US. You can find the exact order of play at Roland Garros here.
What channel is Alcaraz vs. Zverev on?
You'll need access to NBC or Peacock to tune into the Alcaraz vs. Zverev final match. This Sunday, the US broadcast schedule for the French Open is as follows:
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
No tennis channel? No problem. You could always catch an uninterrupted livestream of the tennis tournament with the help of a VPN — more on that below.
How to watch Alcaraz vs. Zverev live without cable:
For $5.99/month, an ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC, plus, you'll get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office, every Bravo show and Hallmark movie, and movies like Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Mario Bros.
How to stream Alcaraz vs. Zverev free:
If you want to catch every match of the French Open and don’t want to have to hop around between NBC, Peacock and the Tennis Channel all week, in Australia a majority of the action is streaming free with ads on 9Now, and in Austria it's all streaming free with ads on ServusTV.
Don’t live in either of those places? Don't worry, you can still stream like you do with the help of a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to the F1 race this weekend without a cable package, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user.
2024 French Open broadcast schedule:
All times Eastern.
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
French Open livestream US
US viewers can tune into NBC's French Open coverage live on or the NBC Sports app if they have a cable or satellite subscription to log in with.
submitted by AutoModerator to TransformersBeastsona [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 AutoModerator Here's Way to Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz Live Streams Free ON Tv Channel At ReddiT

Here's Way to Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz Live Streams Free ON Tv Channel At ReddiT,..It's time for the 2024 French Open men's final at Roland Garros. This Sunday, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz will face Germany's Alexander Zverev on the clay court. The 21-year-old No. 3 seed Alcaraz defeated No. 2 seed Jannik Sinner in the Semis to become the youngest player to make grand slam finals on all three surfaces; hard court, grass and clay. No. 4 seed Zverev defeated an ailing Casper Ruud in his Semis to face Alcaraz tomorrow. Alcaraz vs. Zverev is scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, June 9. You can find the full order of play at Roland Garros here.
Here: Zverev vs Alcaraz Final (Free)
Live: Zverev vs AlcarazFinal (Free)
Are you ready to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final? Here’s everything you need to know about the last match of Roland Garros, including the full broadcast schedule, where to stream matches for free and more.
How to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final:
Date: Sunday, June 9
Time: Not before 8:30 a.m. ET
Location: Roland Garros, Paris, FR
Court: Court Philippe-Chatrier
Round: Final
TV channel: NBC
Streaming: Peacock, Fubo, DirecTV, VPN
When is the French Open final?
No. 3 seed Carlos Alacaraz faces No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev this Sunday in the men's French Open Final.
What time will Alcaraz vs. Zverev start?
The Alcaraz vs. Zverev match will be played on Court Philippe-Chatrier, beginning sometime after 8:30 a.m. ET in the US. You can find the exact order of play at Roland Garros here.
What channel is Alcaraz vs. Zverev on?
You'll need access to NBC or Peacock to tune into the Alcaraz vs. Zverev final match. This Sunday, the US broadcast schedule for the French Open is as follows:
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
No tennis channel? No problem. You could always catch an uninterrupted livestream of the tennis tournament with the help of a VPN — more on that below.
How to watch Alcaraz vs. Zverev live without cable:
For $5.99/month, an ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC, plus, you'll get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office, every Bravo show and Hallmark movie, and movies like Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Mario Bros.
How to stream Alcaraz vs. Zverev free:
If you want to catch every match of the French Open and don’t want to have to hop around between NBC, Peacock and the Tennis Channel all week, in Australia a majority of the action is streaming free with ads on 9Now, and in Austria it's all streaming free with ads on ServusTV.
Don’t live in either of those places? Don't worry, you can still stream like you do with the help of a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to the F1 race this weekend without a cable package, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user.
2024 French Open broadcast schedule:
All times Eastern.
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
French Open livestream US
US viewers can tune into NBC's French Open coverage live on or the NBC Sports app if they have a cable or satellite subscription to log in with.
submitted by AutoModerator to TransformersBeastsona [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 Nasa-17 Assassin City (please help)

So I started an A-Z playthrough of OWB and now I'm stuck.
215th - 8/10, was fun, though it felt a little repetitive of just "conquer a new country, core land, get a new war goal, rinse and repeat," I thoroughly enjoyed the lore and the caps-related requirements in forming the Splendid Raider's Society. Doing the film decisions, building up trade nodes, and raiding for caps was genuinely fun and earning 4000 caps was a unique objective. There were enough focuses and wars to keep me occupied while working toward this goal without there being too many... Completed by January 1, 2282.
Arborg Junta - 10/10, this was honestly peak gameplay in my opinion. You start out so weak and dealing with so many problems. You have no manpower and no guns or factories, isolated from your only ally and bordered by a much more powerful nation that will kill you. That +90% Infantry Equipment production cost was painful, but the +20% Equipment Capture made it unique. The legitimacy system was fun to interact with also, and I adored the 2 decisions that cost command power- The merc jobs/contracts were a fun piece of flavor to interact with, and the border conflicts were also really fun. I ended up doing 3 playthroughs, in the first I stayed loyal to the Duke and ended up becoming free through the autonomy system. In the second I stayed loyal to the King and discovered you cannot become free through the autonomy system ._. In the third I supported neither side during the civil war and declared independence, conquering the entire kingdom and their Republican enemies in a very challenging war. My only complaint is the lack of extra focuses to complete in the end game, running out of focuses on 2279 kinda sucks. You can't exactly rush down your focus tree either, going after the Damned or border conflicts too quickly will assure your defeat.
Archdiocese of Santa Fe - 6/10. Fun. But not much unique content outside of the national spirits. I have up Santa Fe and held the line against Lanius, killing thousands of his men very easily. Over the course of a few years I built up strength, and when he stopped attacking I drilled my armies to bait him into attacking more and weakening himself further. Eventually he was so weak that in 2279 I melted through his divisions with basic (but not starting) infantry templates. I considered killing the rest of the legion after but decided my goals were accomplished- If didn't feel in-character for the Archdiocese to march to Flagstaff. If anything I'd have just conquered the rest of New Mexico, but there's no formable or unique content so...
Arroyo - 7/10. Quite fun, though I was annoyed that I couldn't complete all the focuses in the tree, and also ran out of focuses early on. The karma system is cool but I think it should be implemented a little better or at least explained more. I don't like getting locked out of vital focuses because I don't know about certain events or details, karma gets entrenched later on... Though by my third playthrough I knew enough of Arroyo that I was able to take all the karma related focuses, albeit not all focuses I wanted because I wanted to have the chosen one as my leader in that attempt. The expansion system is also really cool, though I wish some of Arroyo's expansion targets would be more playable/viable. I did three playthroughs, a neutral one where I didn't do much, a good one where I joined the NCR and took down the Legion, and an evil one where I invaded the NCR as the Chosen One and took over all of California, Nevada and Oregon (as the Mirelurk Tribe conquered the area and invaded me). Took until 2284/5 in the last two, but it was worth it.
And next is Assassin City, in stark contrast to my other playthroughs, extremely painful so far and not fun at all for many reasons. The unique skater divisions, rocket skater tech, and unique spirit of the academy that comes with it are cool, but everything else... Ugh...
I've tried over and over all day to no avail for a total of 14 or so attempts. I died so many times I encountered the infamous"game lags unless you restart your PC" issue. The latest I was able to survive was January 18, 2276.
In May, the Brotherhood begins the focus that gives a war goal against you. In June, you get the event where you can either join their alliance (which leads to you getting automatically annexed and a guaranteed game over later (you can't leave the alliance)) or they declare war on you.
There is one strait crossing to the south and four tiles on the border, not defensive at all especially with three civs and only a few months to spend building outposts. No hills or mountains or any advantageous terrain, you have a national spirit that gives you a pretty rough defense penalty, the generic focus tree is not very useful and you likely won't survive long enough to actually pick up any impactful bonuses, partially because each focus takes 60 days and partially because they are so far down the tree- I find myself choosing between either taking the leftmost branch to access +2% -> +3% Recruitable Population or the second from the leftmost branch for caps to buy equipment and the +20% Division Organization, I can't take both in time unfortunately and am always either short on manpower or short on guns. I'm already being attacked before I can even finish researching my first land doctrine trait.
I've tried all sorts of strategies, spamming defensive militia, only using regular infantry, using different advisors, falling back all the way to the capital, holding the border, tried both bunkers and outposts and a combination of the two and alternated which tiles I built them in. Ultimately none of it seems to matter because I'm so far out-teched that I'll always lose every battle. I defensive micro my heart out but I lose manpower about five times as fast as them, and I'm bleeding equipment too, eventually their nonstop attack becomes untenable to hold and I collapse as all my divisions last stand to 0% strength in a last ditch effort to try and survive a couple more days.
Needless to say, I need help. How the heck am I supposed to actually survive survive? Is there a way to go down the alliance with the brotherhood without getting auto annexed and auto game over'd? Does Skater Infantry count under Walking Infantry or Mobile (for bonuses and land doctrine related stuff)
Any other tips or information would also be appreciated.
submitted by Nasa-17 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 AutoModerator How can I find Zverev vs Alcaraz (Live) Streams Options?

How can I find Zverev vs Alcaraz (Live) Streams Options?,.It's time for the 2024 French Open men's final at Roland Garros. This Sunday, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz will face Germany's Alexander Zverev on the clay court. The 21-year-old No. 3 seed Alcaraz defeated No. 2 seed Jannik Sinner in the Semis to become the youngest player to make grand slam finals on all three surfaces; hard court, grass and clay. No. 4 seed Zverev defeated an ailing Casper Ruud in his Semis to face Alcaraz tomorrow. Alcaraz vs. Zverev is scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, June 9. You can find the full order of play at Roland Garros here.
Here: Zverev vs Alcaraz Final (Free)
Live: Zverev vs AlcarazFinal (Free)
Are you ready to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final? Here’s everything you need to know about the last match of Roland Garros, including the full broadcast schedule, where to stream matches for free and more.
How to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final:
Date: Sunday, June 9
Time: Not before 8:30 a.m. ET
Location: Roland Garros, Paris, FR
Court: Court Philippe-Chatrier
Round: Final
TV channel: NBC
Streaming: Peacock, Fubo, DirecTV, VPN
When is the French Open final?
No. 3 seed Carlos Alacaraz faces No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev this Sunday in the men's French Open Final.
What time will Alcaraz vs. Zverev start?
The Alcaraz vs. Zverev match will be played on Court Philippe-Chatrier, beginning sometime after 8:30 a.m. ET in the US. You can find the exact order of play at Roland Garros here.
What channel is Alcaraz vs. Zverev on?
You'll need access to NBC or Peacock to tune into the Alcaraz vs. Zverev final match. This Sunday, the US broadcast schedule for the French Open is as follows:
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
No tennis channel? No problem. You could always catch an uninterrupted livestream of the tennis tournament with the help of a VPN — more on that below.
How to watch Alcaraz vs. Zverev live without cable:
For $5.99/month, an ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC, plus, you'll get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office, every Bravo show and Hallmark movie, and movies like Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Mario Bros.
How to stream Alcaraz vs. Zverev free:
If you want to catch every match of the French Open and don’t want to have to hop around between NBC, Peacock and the Tennis Channel all week, in Australia a majority of the action is streaming free with ads on 9Now, and in Austria it's all streaming free with ads on ServusTV.
Don’t live in either of those places? Don't worry, you can still stream like you do with the help of a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to the F1 race this weekend without a cable package, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user.
2024 French Open broadcast schedule:
All times Eastern.
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
French Open livestream US
US viewers can tune into NBC's French Open coverage live on or the NBC Sports app if they have a cable or satellite subscription to log in with.
submitted by AutoModerator to TransformersBeastsona [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:32 AutoModerator How to Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz Final Games 2024? (no cable)

How to Watch Zverev vs Alcaraz Final Games 2024? (no cable),..It's time for the 2024 French Open men's final at Roland Garros. This Sunday, Spain's Carlos Alcaraz will face Germany's Alexander Zverev on the clay court. The 21-year-old No. 3 seed Alcaraz defeated No. 2 seed Jannik Sinner in the Semis to become the youngest player to make grand slam finals on all three surfaces; hard court, grass and clay. No. 4 seed Zverev defeated an ailing Casper Ruud in his Semis to face Alcaraz tomorrow. Alcaraz vs. Zverev is scheduled for no earlier than 8:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, June 9. You can find the full order of play at Roland Garros here.
Here: Zverev vs Alcaraz Final (Free)
Live: Zverev vs AlcarazFinal (Free)
Are you ready to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final? Here’s everything you need to know about the last match of Roland Garros, including the full broadcast schedule, where to stream matches for free and more.
How to watch Carlos Alcaraz vs. Alexander Zverev at the 2024 French Open final:
Date: Sunday, June 9
Time: Not before 8:30 a.m. ET
Location: Roland Garros, Paris, FR
Court: Court Philippe-Chatrier
Round: Final
TV channel: NBC
Streaming: Peacock, Fubo, DirecTV, VPN
When is the French Open final?
No. 3 seed Carlos Alacaraz faces No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev this Sunday in the men's French Open Final.
What time will Alcaraz vs. Zverev start?
The Alcaraz vs. Zverev match will be played on Court Philippe-Chatrier, beginning sometime after 8:30 a.m. ET in the US. You can find the exact order of play at Roland Garros here.
What channel is Alcaraz vs. Zverev on?
You'll need access to NBC or Peacock to tune into the Alcaraz vs. Zverev final match. This Sunday, the US broadcast schedule for the French Open is as follows:
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
No tennis channel? No problem. You could always catch an uninterrupted livestream of the tennis tournament with the help of a VPN — more on that below.
How to watch Alcaraz vs. Zverev live without cable:
For $5.99/month, an ad-supported Peacock subscription lets you stream live sports and events airing on NBC, plus, you'll get access to thousands of hours of shows and movies, including beloved sitcoms such as Parks and Recreation and The Office, every Bravo show and Hallmark movie, and movies like Five Nights at Freddy's and Super Mario Bros.
How to stream Alcaraz vs. Zverev free:
If you want to catch every match of the French Open and don’t want to have to hop around between NBC, Peacock and the Tennis Channel all week, in Australia a majority of the action is streaming free with ads on 9Now, and in Austria it's all streaming free with ads on ServusTV.
Don’t live in either of those places? Don't worry, you can still stream like you do with the help of a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) helps protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps most popular for being especially useful in the age of streaming. Whether you’re looking to watch Friends on Netflix (which left the U.S. version of the streamer back in 2019) or tune in to the F1 race this weekend without a cable package, a VPN can help you out. Looking to try a VPN for the first time? This guide breaks down the best VPN options for every kind of user.
2024 French Open broadcast schedule:
All times Eastern.
Sunday, June 9: Men’s Final
9 a.m.-2 p.m. - NBC, Peacock
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2024.06.09 10:31 tacotoughguy 37M, Lisbon (overseas Pakistani)

*I have never been married or engaged
About Me:
Adventurous spirit: 37-year-old content creator with a flexible schedule, I crave freedom and love exploring new places through trekking, camping, and epic road trips. ️⛺️
Culinary maestro: My passion lies not only in creating engaging content, but also in whipping up delicious meals and, of course, my legendary apple pie. ‍
Driven and grounded: I value hard work and career growth, but maintain a positive attitude and prioritize a healthy lifestyle (non-smoker, non-drinker, drug-free).
Feline fanatic: For 17 years, my loyal cat companion has been by my side, and I'm a huge animal lover.
Youthful zest: Despite a strong hairline, I embrace a humorous personality and kind-hearted nature, though I sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve. ❤️
Hopeless romantic at heart: I believe in the magic of connection, seeking someone who shares my love for growth and strives to be their best self.
Looking For:
Partner in adventure: Someone who joins me on life's journeys, be it exploring new cities or cozy nights in. We'll laugh together, share dreams, and build a supportive partnership.
Family-oriented soul: I value family and envision a future filled with love and laughter, open to someone who might have children or shares similar aspirations.‍‍‍
Playful spirit: A partner who brings humor, lightheartedness, and a sense of fun into our lives. Let's chase sunsets, share silly jokes, and make every day an adventure!
Growth mindset: You're always learning, evolving, and open to new experiences. Together, we'll inspire and support each other's journeys.
Humble and open-minded: You value authenticity, respect diverse perspectives, and embrace life with a carefree spirit.
I'm not seeking perfection, but a genuine connection with someone who shares my values, loves to laugh, and believes in the power of growth. Let's create a love story filled with adventure, laughter, and endless possibilities.
submitted by tacotoughguy to PakistanRishta [link] [comments]