Cute text messages send guy

Cheating GF?

2012.08.19 19:42 Valen__ Cheating GF?

A place to vent or talk about your spouse.. and how they could be going behind your back. (PRIVATE FOR REDDIT API PROTEST)

2019.11.05 11:15 PirateSafarrrri makenewboyfriendshere

A place for people to get set up w/ someone to send them cute messages, and to whom to send cute messages too

2013.04.05 21:57 underseacrets creepshow

For girls or guys to share experiences, screenshots, and just cringeworthy moments with creepy guys and girls who don't know when to stop trying.

2024.05.16 15:02 Professional-Dish298 Finally Free at a Long Year

I am finally gone after a long year of living with the worst person I have ever met in my entire life.
This is not your typically slob (though he is a messy slob), but someone with narcissistic and grandiose delusions of themselves that makes life with them absolutely miserable.
I moved into a filthy 4br apartment with four unknowns last June. At first “Joe” seemed to be a normal guy and I made the mistake of extending an offer of friendship to him early on. Little things were a bit annoying, he used the living room as his personal storage rendering it unusable, left all his dirty dishes in the sink, the common annoyances.
About a month in I realized there was something off about this guy. I began to hear him creep outside my door late at night or catch him lurking out there. I would be talking to him and realize the conversation was always “one sided” and he was the type to drain and dominate you to the point of exhaustion. It’s strange because he seemed aware of what he was doing saying things like “I’ll let you go in a minute.” I started to feel exhausted being around him and the messes and clutter kept getting worse. I really started to think there was something off when I went into his room to get the vacuum with his permission and saw he had a wooden plank over his door that said “revenge”in red paint and a mirror with “nice girls wait at the finish line” drawn on it.
For some reason I kept giving him chances, inviting him out with me and my Gf or other friends (where he would dominate the conversation and throw fits it everyone wasn’t catering to his wishes), holiday parties (where he showed up an hour late with 4 coronas rather than a thanksgiving dish or the other where he said he would buy solo cups but got too high and forgot). I started to pull away but he would use it against me by stealing my things from my room (AirPods, jerseys, clothes, tote bags) and destroy things (tore the shelving off my wall and made it look like an accident). He would get EXTREMELY weird and passive aggressive.
Joe is the type of guy to present himself as a compassionate, open minded/liberal thinking, male feminist (he told me he cries about how other men talk about women’s bodies), with a pristine moral compass, but this guy is a manipulative psychopath. Once I pulled away he also began to plant seeds of manipulation with other roommates, texting them who knows what. At the same time he would text me his plans to become “passive aggressive” and “miserable” to force other roommates out, to badmouth them and say me my gf and him should just move in or that he wants to turn the rented house into a co-op or a crash pad for airline attendants. Despite it being a rental he sees the place as his FOREVER. Joe also started doing things like intentionally slamming doors, hiding my things, throwing away my mail, turning off the heat (the thermostat is in nice room), screaming and yelling? Etc.
Joe is also 29 and in community college after dropping out of 3 other colleges. Nothing wrong with that on the surface but he comes from old money and acts poor, and tells people he has graduated from a respected 4 year place rather than just embracing his life state. Joe also never leaves the house and perpetually smokes weed causing him to cooking food and forget it’s cooking, leave the doors wide open, etc.
Here are some things Joe has said:
“I probably didn’t get a job as a librarian because I’m over qualified, I am the most qualified CC student on the eastern seaboard”
Prefacing statements by saying “As and objectively attractive male”
“I know someone is going to come up and hit on me”
Making a joke about his penis this brining it up to my GF 3 other times acting like he was “so sorry” for making a joke about how big his wiener is.
General statements about how superior he is in morals, intelligence, attractiveness, etc. He is also a journalist and befriends people to use them for a story then discards them. He also creeps on their girlfriends like he did mine (also talked to my gf about how he loves sex with older women while I was in the bathroom, which my gf immediately told me about).
On top of all this the guy is a HUGE slob, hordes and leaves things everywhere. I had to clean the living room over the course of weeks to make it livable. The kitchen was disgusting with dishes and dirt. All he eats is hard boiled eggs, cereal, and spaghetti and it smelled horrible. Despite this he would gaslight all the roommates blaming the mess on whoever he wasn’t talking to. The entire house constantly smelled like weed and hard boiled eggs. The guy forced us to install a bidet and it was covered in you know what all the time.
I know many may have had it worse but typing this out feels good. If you met this guy in person, you would see what I mean. A literal psychopath who manipulated and has a grandiose sense of self. The funny thing is he always tried to act like my “friend” but the day after I left he discarded me like a narcissist does. That’s because he uses people like objects. Now there is a new person in my room for him to manipulate (and continue to manipulate other roommates).
I’m glad it’s over.
submitted by Professional-Dish298 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 A3XN Offering: Bangla, English, Hindi, Urdu Seeking: English, German

Hi! Here's what you need to know about me: - I'm studying for A-Levels. - Native language is 🇧🇩 Bangla. - I'm a software engineer at a 🇩🇪 German company. - Some of my hobbies are: learning about wildlife and nature 🐅 🌿, raising chickens/pigeons 🐓🕊️, automating chores 🛠️, forcing boredom 👀, reading books 💡
I can offer Bangla; English; Hindi; Urdu 🤝
On the other hand, I'm looking to practice more English and German 🤝
I prefer both voice and video call. Just send me a message 👋
submitted by A3XN to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 National-Cap-7910 21 F 22 M Boyfriend odd behavior after breakup?

Hey guys so I’m a bit confused about my relationship. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 4 years and it was pretty toxic. For the most part , I would argue about the way that he would act when I break up with him. Let’s say we argue and I say “I’m done” for like two days, he would go text a girl which is too quick and weird instead of fixing things. Then when I would ask he would say “it was out of anger”. So basically , one day I decided to break up with him because it just felt like I was the one always complaining and nagging. I called him at 3 am, I broke up with him and he said “wow broke up over the phone…tuff”. Then throughout the days he decided to stalk my page and he asked me randomly if I cheated on him in the relationship???? Like why would you ask me this after I break up and then he was like “okay I guess this is forreal now”. So the last day of the break up I called him and said we can get back together now and he said “no I want to talk to other people , I didn’t care that you left, I don’t love you anymore, other girls are attractive”. He said I broke up with him so he asked for a girls number. . REMEMBER, I told you guys we used to argue about how everytime I would break up he would bring in another girl and say “anger”. Guys I was with him for 3 years how did all of that happened because I broke up with him for 7 days😂. He said “we were so toxic so I thought about something new” “I don’t know what I want”then why were you asking me dumb questions on the break instead of leaving me alone. Now we got back together and when I ask why he said those things he just says “out of anger” and asked for someone’s number “out of anger trying to move on”. 7 day break. 3 years.Immature or no?
So later that same night we got on the phone and he started CRYING so bad. He said “I just feel wrong and guilty for thinking girls were attractive and getting the girls number and saying bad stuff in my head about you”
Fast forward a couple of months when I ask him about it he says “I didn’t wanna talk to no girls I was just mad, if I didn’t care you would see me talking to someone else” but didn’t he ask for someone’s number?
I just want to make sure that this boy cares about me nothing like this ever happened .
Can someone please tell me what happened here, especially in 7 days.
submitted by National-Cap-7910 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 SnowfallGeller Message of hope for those who are struggling :)

Have been NC (situationship) since 7 weeks (23 March) except for 2 occasions. One was final closure msg (around 1 April). Other was in first week of May (something related to work). So except these two occasions, it has been NC since 7 weeks. Earlier it was very difficult since I used to miss him at times (despite knowing his narrow minded, patriarchal attitudes etc..) Suddenly I realised since the past 2-3 days, I’ve forgotten him!!!!!!!!! FEELS LIKE SUCH A VICTORY.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been super busy and occupied with lot of stuff so there wasn’t enough time to ruminate, but now I no longer have the urge to ask if he is fine, or to care anymore. Feels so so good. I always knew that he doesn’t deserve it, he has some major red flags, but was unable to emotionally accept the same. Struggled with the urge to text for many weeks. And now suddenly I get the “ick”. All residual emotions gone! He can go to hell. I’m free. Mentally emotionally. Feels so good.
This is a message to all those who are still caught up in the ‘missing’ stage- sit with it, no matter who uncomfortable it is. Just be. Please resist the urge to text. And one day will surely come when you will realise that your day went without any thought of them. Sweet victory :)
submitted by SnowfallGeller to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 Yackro Company mode show whitespace's dots in completion

Good morning everyone, I would like to ask for your help to not let whitespace-mode interfere with company-mode.
Company-mode is very slow since I enabled whitespace-mode, I would like to ask for your help to optimize it.
This is the code for whitespace-mode:
(use-feature whitespace :defer 2 :diminish (global-whitespace-mode) :custom (whitespace-line-column 80) (whitespace-global-modes '(not shell-mode eshell-mode help-mode magit-mode magit-diff-mode ibuffer-mode dired-mode occur-mode)) (whitespace-action '(cleanup auto-cleanup)) (whitespace-style '(face trailing tabs spaces newline missing-newline-at-eof empty indentation space-after-tab space-before-tab space-mark tab-mark newline-mark)) :config (global-whitespace-mode +1)) 
This is the code for company-mode:
(use-package company :diminish (company-mode) :defer 2 :preface (setq tab-always-indent 'complete completion-cycle-threshold 3) :custom (company-idle-delay 0.5) (company-show-quick-access t) (company-minimum-prefix-length 2) (company-tooltip-limit 10) (company-tooltip-flip-when-above t) (company-tooltip-align-annotations t) ;; EXP (company-require-match nil) (company-global-modes '(not erc-mode message-mode eshell-mode)) ;; (company-tooltip-annotation-padding 1) ;; (company-format-margin-function 'company-text-icons-margin) ;; (company-text-icons-add-background t) (company-files-exclusions '(".git/" ".DS_Store" "node_modules/")) (company-dabbrev-other-buffers 'all) (company-dabbrev-downcase nil) (company-dabbrev-minimum-length 2) ;; (company-transformers '(delete-consecutive-dups ;; company-sort-by-occurrence)) :config (global-company-mode +1)) 
Thanks in advance to everyone.
submitted by Yackro to emacs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 casca_the_immortal Pro Tip for Drivers Who Are Waiting for Orders

Do this and businesses will start changing over night 75% of the time. I've done a test run and it really works. Smile when they tell you it is still in queue. Take your phone out and get a picture of anything off, employees standing around is my favorite. Go to your car.
Open the app and message the customer and send the pics. Say wow this place is terrible, the wait times are always high here because their employees just stand around and wow what a mess (if you got pic of a dirty kitchen etc...)
Then go to google (this is where it really causes change) and find the place, click review, upload your picture (VERY IMPORTANT) and then give them a 1 star review with the reason. (Standing around, dirty, etc...) Point out that they deprioritize any take out orders or dash orders because they already have your money and are serving the drive through orders of people who just got there, or in store people who just got there while they haven't even started your order.
Within a week you will see changes start. I've done this to a handful of places and it really works. If we all do this, we will all start seeing our orders are fresh and ready when we arrive.
submitted by casca_the_immortal to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 SharkEva My husband kicked me out of the home because I invited over his mother

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/Actual-Beach-4400 and u/Affectionate_Egg895 posting in Marriage
Concluded as per OOP
Content warning - mention of child sexual abuse, miscarriage
2 updates - Medium
Original - 30th March 2024
Update1 - 20th April 2024
Update2 - 13th May 2024

My husband kicked me out of the home because I invited over his mother

I preface this by saying I think I screwed up massively.
Hubbie and I have been married for six years now. He's always been the "fun guy", always laughing and making me laugh, always seeing the bright side of things. However, one thing that bothered me was that I never knew much of his family. His father died when he was little and he has little relationship with his mom.
I'll keep this short: four months ago I looked up his mom on social media and found her. I sent a message, and she replied. We chatted and met up, she doesn't live far from us. She knew all about me and her son because she kept an eye on him on social. We became friends and I filled her in with details about our lives. I asked her why hubbie went no contact with her. She refused to tell me why if hubbie didn't tell me, just said it was all her fault and she's ashamed of it. I proposed to try what I could to help them reconcile and she agreed even if she was reluctant at first.
In the following weeks I tried talking to hubbie about his mother and what happened between them. He always changed topic or shut me down. When MIL asked me how it was going, I told her things were progressing and I was working on it.
Last week I decided to try and have them meet up so maybe we could spend Easter together. I invited MIL over before my husband would be back from work so we could surprise. She was a bit unsure about this, she said she wasn't comfortable surprising him like that, but I reassured her. I thought that any emotion hubbie could have would be better cooled by a hug.
Spoiler alert, MIL was right. Hubbie came home, and after the initial shock started yelling like I never heard him to her to get out immediately. She just grabbed her coat and stormed out. Afterwards, hubbie told me to get out too when I explained what I had done. He didn't yell at me, but his voice was cold and almost emotionless.
I've been staying at my sister's since. Hubbie won't take my calls. MIL cried on the phone and asked why I lied like that and never talked to my hubbie and "prepared" him for that. Now she stopped taking my calls as well.
I know I have screwed up big time, and I see now what a massive dork I've been. How can I fix this? I want to apologize to hubbie for what I did and maybe find out why his mom is dead to him.


You’re a manipulative liar with no concept of boundaries. You’re staring divorce in the face and STILL want details on a situation that has absolutely fuck all to do with you. You know you’re a despicable person when even the estranged mother wants nothing to do with you. Grow up.

Update - 3 weeks later

The last weeks have been rough, but we might be okay. Hubbie opened up about the reason he cut off his mother and many of you were right, it was s3xual abuse. Not from his mother, but his stepfather. They were engaged and his mom was pregnant with his child when the guy started giving my husband "attentions".
Husband went to his mom but she shut him down accusing him of being jealous and wanting to spoil her happiness. This went on until his mother came home from work unexpectedly and walked in on the guy "giving attention" to my husband. She kicked him out, pressed charges and annulled their engagement, but the damage was done and my husband no longer trusted her. She also lost the baby due to stress and although she never blamed my husband for it, he felt it was his fault.
All this felt like a gut punch for me, first for what he went through, and then because now I am the person who shattered his trust. He said he did consider divorce over this, but pretty bluntly said that he thinks my actions were out of stupidity rather than malice, and he wants to work things out.
I am committed to do my best to become a better and safe partner for him, I know I have this stupid and selfish tendency to think that I often know better than him, but I have to get over it because it hurt him massively and almost imploded our relationship. I don't want to be another person he trusted and ended up hurting him.
He also decided to reach out to his mom and start talking to her again. He's not sure they can repair the relationship, but he wants for both of them to find some closure.


Literally, she forced him to relive trauma and tell a secret she had no business knowing. I’d definitely have divorced
To be fair he had not told her about the abuse. She had no idea
OOP: I know I screwed up massively and I will do everything I can to become a better wife and safe partner for him
Another example of someone with a savior complex trying to "fix" things.

Update - 3 weeks later

My husband is doing better and our relationship is slowly getting back to what it was. I know it will take a lot of time to repair the damage I caused, but I am willing to give him all the time he wants and do anything he asks out of me.
The bitter irony of this whole story is that he told me he had been thinking about reaching out to his mother, but on his terms and time. By going behind his back I almost destroyed that chance of reconciliation and imploded our marriage. I am working on myself and will start seeing a therapist next month so I never do something like that ever again and more importantly, never betray his trust ever again. Also, with my husband's knowledge and consent, I apologized to MIL for leading her on with false promises and she has forgiven me.
As for him and MIL, they started talking to each other, have met a couple of times in public and yesterday my husband invited her over for dinner so that in his words we all can try to start over properly. She's a very sweet woman and she's eager to reconcile with him and get to know me. My husband said that for now he wants for all of us to get a bit used to each other, then he and MIL will get to work on their traumas (his words).
He says she's not the "villain" in what happened, but he needs to come to terms with her poor decisions and his own feelings of guilt for her losing her baby. MIL on the other hand is very apologetic and extremely sorry about what happened (in my husband's opinion, sincerely so) and doesn't blame him at all for the miscarriage.
As for me, I just sit aside and do my best to rebuild the trust with my husband and become a better and safe partner. He started being affectionate with me again and we are no longer on thin ice, but I can't stop thinking I almost lost him because I thought I knew better than him.


I remember your story, and I hope you appreciate how lucky you are to be given a second chance.
You know you screwed up when both your husband and the estranged parent are upset at you for what you have done. It seems you all are on the road of reconciling, but never forget that your short-sighted actions could have nuked any possibility of them reconciling and your own marriage.
Be thankful you are given this chance, don't screw it up and although your husband and MIL have forgiven you for breaking both their trusts, it will take time to rebuild their trust for you.
I am happy for you OP. You know how you massively screwed up and have shown yourself to be remorseful and have grasped what you did to your husband.
He and his mother have a lot of healing to do. You are right to stay out of it going forward unless asked by your husband. He is being affectionate because he does love you and knows you deserve redemption and is looking to give you that gift. You are very lucky and I think this will make you a more complete partner. I wish nothing but the best for you, your husband and his mother.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP. Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 Witty-Location-5368 Husband texted coworker

My husband and I are married for 4 years now. I am 29, he is 28 and we have a son who is now 15 months old. When he was born it was all ok until husband started having some problems at work and when he would come home we didn’t interact so much. He would be frustrated and angry, i didn’t have help around house and the baby was a bit difficult, screaming so much every day, didn’t want to sleep in his crib for some time, only when i was holding him. So my husband and i didn’t have much time together so that became frustrating also. Meanwhile he changed the job and that’s when the biggest problem happened. First of all after the job interview he just called me to say he accepted the job without coming home and talking about stuff like that like we always did with each other. So he started dating and i noticed he started acting differently. There was this one female colleague that he would mention a lot, look at schedule to see when they are together on the shift and so he started texting her, i saw different behavior, hiding phone when i was around, excitedly jumping to answer the texts and i got very suspicious, this was going on for 2 weeks. So one day when baby was asleep i confronted him and he confessed everything and showed me all the messages and i had a lot to read. He was texting saying they could go walk her dog before or after shift together, the could go to a movie and stuff like that, there were some intimate things too. All in all not the thing you want to text someone outside of your marriage. He says he did it because he missed me because our marriage got a bit cold because of the baby, which was true, it’s our first baby and it’s been really difficult. The type of texts were just like he texted me at the beginning of our relationship. So he said he will stop with that and he did, after that we were ok for 2 weeks but then something else happened. He went to work a bit too early and i had i strong gut feeling that something is happening that shouldn’t be. So i did something i feel very bad for, i did it for the first time ever in my life and i feel like a piece of shit but it was so much stronger than me. We are connected onto the find my app so i saw he went to her home to pick her up before work which was completely unnecessary because she literally lives 3 minutes of walking distance from their job so i texted him about it, he lied to me when he came home he said signal was bad. He drove her home after work and the next day too. The next day he confessed again that he lied about driving her. He promised he wouldn’t do that again but guess what he did it few days later again. He said he couldn’t say no because he was asking and she very well what kind of problem she was for us and she was asking again even though he told her he wouldn’t do that anymore. So anyway we went to therapy in November 2023, and all this happened in august/September 2023. Due to stress i lost so much weight i was almost anorexic, i couldn’t function normally, i was barely able to hold it together to take care of our baby. There was never anything physical with them but i can’t help to think would happen if i didn’t find out. I told him this was emotional affair and that he cheated on me, he doesn’t think the same. He was and still is sorry about everything, and there a lot more of little details and things that happened but this is already so much to write.
He promised he wouldn’t drive her anymore, he says they are just friends, it’s really good to work with her because she is responsible, they still talk to each other every day but i am so much bothered by that still almost a year after. There has been so much fighting, crying, feeling so bad mentally and physically and i still feel like that most of the time on the inside but we are good in a sense that our relationship is just like it was before we had a baby. Am i crazy that i despise their friendship and the fact that they still work together? I am so hurt that he doesn’t realize why that friendship is so bad. Everything gave me so much anxiety that sometimes all I would do is cry every day all day. I was even thinking about divorce for a really long time. We talked about it only with marriage counselor, we never said anything to our parents or friends even though they were asking questions because of the weight i lost and they sensed something was off. I still sometimes feel like i have to talk about it but i don’t want to talk about it with him until completely figure out my feelings and thoughts so i can be clear about everything to him and so i can tell my side calmly without causing us to fight because i am so tired of fighting. I was thinking about going to therapy myself to take care of me because i feel so much resentment, i despise so many things, i am frustrated and angry but i don’t show it because our relationship is really good like the way it was but on the inside i am still hurting and i am still not over it. I am so full of anxiety still, sometimes can’t sleep, i sometimes fear he will drive her again after he promised he wouldn’t do that anymore. I noticed i now react so much differently when we have a typical marriage argument. It sets me into panick mode, i just cry, i can’t talk, i feel so out of place like i am not myself anymore like i can’t function in situations like that. I have the need to put up a wall between me and him. He tries to calm me down and talk to me about what’s happening but i just can’t make myself to talk because of some fear and so he gets frustrated. He also started saying he would love to have a second child but all of this is a very big reason for me not to have the second one. I can’t put myself emotionally in that place again, our baby was just 6 months old when all of this started happening. Maybe in a few years… I also feel so weird to bring this up to him again after almost a year after everything. We love each other so much, he really is a good husband and dad and he really tries. I know it sounds so awful written like this but i know us and how we are, this happened probably for a reason because some thing did get better with us, with our marriage and our communication but some other thing i wrote i still bothering and make me feel bad and i don’t have anyone to talk to about this. Talking to parents or friends is a no go because there would be taking sides and even more drama and i just can’t take it anymore.
submitted by Witty-Location-5368 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 Panda_MoneYum Whatsapp group without other people texting the whole group?

I am making a Whatsapp group for a party to send out details. But would rather not have other people sending stuff on the chat that gets in the way of info. However I still want it to be in a group chat where they can see who else is going, so I would rather not dm each person individually.
Can I make a group or community or something where I can send them all messages without them responding to the whole group?
submitted by Panda_MoneYum to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:59 nasser55096 [EUW] Creating a regular competitive team

Hello, I'm looking to create a competitive team that plays regularly so we can practice on flex and participate in tournaments and clashes. Ranks in between plat and emerald, however if you're lower ranked and think that you can compete at plat and emerald level, you're also welcome to join the try outs. As competitive as I would love the team to be, it's even more important to be mentally mature and have discipline; so that we don't have any issues in terms of toxicity and drama.
Send me a message here for more information and/or if you're interested in joining, so far we're 2 players out of 5 with the roles of ADC and midlane taken
Thank you for reading my message all the way to the end if you made it <3
submitted by nasser55096 to LeagueConnect [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:59 Nikkii1221 How to distance yourself from a friendship

I 25F started being friends with Amy(alias)25F about four years ago. During our friendship I found that she wanted to spend every second of her waking time with me. She at the time did not work because her husband had good income.
I get tired of people really quick… I started going places without her and she would text me questioning why I didn’t invite her. I started distancing myself from her until she sent me a text saying that if I didn’t want to give her time or make time for her she didn’t want to be friends.
We didn’t talk for about a year. After that she got pregnant and we started being friends again but I maintained my distance because I didn’t want her to het too close to me and have to go over the same thing again.
Well…. We are back at the same thing. We don’t even live in the same state anymore. I dont talk frequently with my best friends, if they need something I’m always there but I’m not one to check in every couple of days. (That is how I like it)
Having any time of friendship with Amy feels exhausting. She is now a SAHM of two babies and still gets “sad” if we dont text often and keeps trying to make plans to travel and come see me. I may sound like the worst person on earth but I need her to understand I don’t want to be close. I am happy just being friends that talk every 6months or so.
She is now traveling to the state my mom lives in (she has briefly met my mom twice) and she has messaged my mother that she wants to see her…
How does she not get the signs that we are not close friends and I dont want to be close friends!!!
I know this might sound silly to some but I’m a really bad over thinker and don’t like hurting peoples feelings! I also hate confrontation
submitted by Nikkii1221 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:58 RoyalAltruistic8552 21 [F4M] anywhere! Looking for my soulmate! Pls read the entire thing!

Hello! I'm looking for something genuine that's long term! A bit about myself, I'm in my 3rd year of uni, I like watching shows and movies, listen to music (my fav genre is rap), some of my fav artists are Kanye, Travis Scott, Kendrick, and The Weeknd, I love scrolling through TikTok, I love dark humor! and I'm into fashion and health! I'm looking for someone who's down to FaceTime and call after we get to know each other, someone with similar interests and social media so we could communicate, preferably from an English speaking country, from the ages of (21-26), please send a picture of yourself along with a an introduction or I won’t reply to your request. I'm 5'4, tanned skin, long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Honestly I don't have a type I just want someone who looks after his weight and body and dresses nicely
** only message me if ur interested in forming a long term relationship and I'm not into sending nudes or any of that stuff**
submitted by RoyalAltruistic8552 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:58 CricketMatchBot Match Thread: 66th Match - Sunrisers Hyderabad vs Gujarat Titans

66th Match, Indian Premier League at Hyderabad

Cricinfo Reddit-Stream ☁️ 🌧 🌥 🌥 🌧
Please upvote for visibility, you cowards!
Live match threads: Munster Reds vs Leinster Lightning
Send feedback Schedule Stat Help Glossary
submitted by CricketMatchBot to Cricket [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:58 credibilitywonders A BREAKUP THAT HITS DIFFERENT

me and my lil yea yea broke up about two-three weeks w/no contact. although, mothers day did just pass and i did reach out to send my praises, she did reply. I only texted her out of decency of the holiday + i texted her moms too. we broke up for many reasons but our last conversation is what led to the no contact. i miss the thought of her, and the feelings she brought but still stuck in between not being about to grow together. I've literally been avoiding isolation or being by myself except for at night time. so now what? we were together for a year, barely making it lmao but that doesn't change the love i have for her. i dont care to date, or deal with anyone else. i am not broken so i dont need to heal but i do feel and want to not feel like this lmao
submitted by credibilitywonders to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:57 Key-Comfortable-1365 Texting?

I’m just wondering how do I end a conversation with someone (someone I’m interested in) when either I’ve said all I need to say or I don’t know what else to say next? As I know texting every single second constantly is not feasible and I don’t just want to force it so if I don’t have anything to say how do I sort of end the conversation? I would usually send emojis but I don’t want to be rude or come across as if I’m not interested as I am. For some reason I find texting this person so hard for no reason and I don’t know why? I’ve never felt like this with other people.
submitted by Key-Comfortable-1365 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:57 smallcapsteve News publishers sound alarm on Google’s new AI-infused search, warn of ‘catastrophic’ impacts

he A.I. doomsday clock appears ready to strike midnight for publishers.
Google on Tuesday announced that it will infuse its ubiquitous search engine with its powerful artificial intelligence model, Gemini, drawing on the rapidly advancing technology to directly answer user queries at the top of results pages. “Google will do the Googling for you,” the company explained. In other words, users will soon no longer have to click on the links displayed in search results to find the information they are seeking.
On its surface that might sound convenient, but for news publishers — many of whom are already struggling with steep traffic declines — the revamped search experience will likely cause an even further decrease in audience, potentially starving them of readers and revenue. Why spend time clicking on a link when Google has already scoured the internet and harvested the relevant information with its A.I.?
“Google will take care of the legwork,” executives said. But a lot of that legwork, of course, comes in the form of human-written articles and expertise published across the internet on blogs and media outlets, all built on a foundation of advertising support.
Google’s message was heard loud and clear. Within hours of the Mountain View announcement, the news industry began sounding the alarm.
“This will be catastrophic to our traffic, as marketed by Google to further satisfy user queries, leaving even less incentive to click through so that we can monetize our content,” Danielle Coffey, the chief executive of the News/Media Alliance, bluntly told CNN.
Coffey, whose organization represents more than 2,000 news publishers and has taken an aggressive posture toward A.I. developers’ use of journalism, added: “The little traffic we get today will be further diminished, and with a dominant search engine that’s cementing its market power, we once again have to adhere to their terms. This time with a product that directly competes with our content, using our content to fuel it. This is a perverse twist on ‘innovation.’”
The announcement from Google, which newsrooms had expected and expressed worry over in both public and private forums in recent months, is poised to further batter an industry that has been dealt a series of brutal blows — much of it at the hands of Big Tech — over the last several years. It also comes as OpenAI reportedly readies to launch its own A.I.-powered search engine.
Since ChatGPT crashed onto the scene more than a year ago, showcasing the potential power of A.I. for the public and setting off an arms race with Google, Meta and others, publishers have worried greatly about the impact the technology will ultimately have on their businesses. But they have had little time to plan their responses to the transformative technology, given the breakneck pace in which it has developed.
Some newsrooms have chosen to cautiously lock arms with the technology giants, striking deals with OpenAI to license their deep archives of content. Others have taken a much different path, with The New York Times most notably filing a scorched Earth lawsuit against the ChatGPT creator.
While publishers once worked hand-in hand with Big Tech companies (remember those days?), their relationships have soured tremendously in recent years. Mark Zuckerberg most publicly turned his back on the news industry, deprioritizing news articles on his platforms and shutting off other initiatives his company once championed. Google has maintained a better relationship with publishers but also faced sharp criticism. Most recently, it drew scorn after temporarily blocking some California news outlets from search results in response to a bill that would force it to pay publishers.
On Tuesday, likely predicting the panic that its announcement would stir, Google argued that the A.I. changes would actually benefit news companies. Google told CNN it is showing more links with its AI Overviews feature and that by improving the search product, it will allow the company to send more traffic to web publishers.
“We see that the links included in AI Overviews get more clicks than if the page had appeared as a traditional web listing for that query,” Google said in its announcement. “As we expand this experience, we’ll continue to focus on sending valuable traffic to publishers and creators.”
But given Silicon Valley’s track record with publishers, it’s unlikely that the statement will give them much relief. And already there is skepticism over Google’s claims.
“Our initial analysis suggests it will significantly reduce search traffic to content creators’ websites, directly impacting their ad revenue and, by extension, their livelihoods,” Marc McCollum, chief innovation officer at Raptive, which provides services to thousands of only creators and businesses, said in a statement. “This change could put the future of the open internet in danger.”
submitted by smallcapsteve to breakerfeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 Wheels9690 Six Pillars Clan Wedding Meet Up!

So, the first week of Vault of Glass launch all the way back in 2014 I was running through the Tower. I had just finished a VoG with some friends.
I got a random invite to join a Xbox chat and the name sending me the invite made me laugh a bit so I joined in. It was a group of guys all in a chat looking for a 6th to do VoG and wanted to know if I could help since I had some of the gear on.
Over the course of nearly 10 years we have stayed together playing Destiny and grew closer as friends. Multiple day 1's, many sad times, and many great times.
In July of 2022 I proposed to my GF. I got on Discord and asked all of them to be my Groomsmen and they were all in =)
April 11th 2024 everyone arrived in Iowa and it started off our best weekend together as friends and brothers =)
Some photos from the wedding =D
submitted by Wheels9690 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 flavissss I don’t know what to do for my portfolio

Hi guys. I’m applying to college soon (not art school) and have been planning to send an arts supplement. I looked at some tips on putting together a portfolio and one of them said that the art there should have concept.
The thing is… I do hyper realistic drawings, and I don’t really feel like mine have that. My interest in art has always been more related to technique and coming as close as possible to real life rather than having any meaning behind it.
I’m lost. I’m not this reflective person and honestly wouldn’t know the first thing about coming up with something that goes beyond copying an image from real life to a piece of paper. Can anyone give some advice on what I should do?
submitted by flavissss to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 Choice_Age_2948 Trauma Adamson

Please hide my identity.
Sorry for a really long message. I just want to rant about my trauma as a 1st year Klasmeyt in this blue and white school.
First sem was horrible but this sem is worst.
It started during the preliminary period of second semester, there were 2 weeks na wala kaming prof on our computing 2 course, but suddenly a professor naming M.L.C. and said to us that he will be gone for atleast 3 weeks because he has to attend a seminar on Singapore. So he gave a substitute learning material for us kasi wala din siyang hawak na syllabus and learning modules about the subject, So he gave his personal YOUTUBE ACCOUNT where he teaches so many topics, pero useless din ito kasi nga hindi namin alam kung ano-ano yung mga need namin panoorin. He also said The mathematics department is going to send a replacement professor for us. But none came. So much time was wasted waiting for a replacement professor for a 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM class.
But the time came and he got back for teaching us on preliminary period. Sobrang self-entitled niya like using mathematical symbols that were unfamilliar to us. But not only that, He was giving late announcements na walang klase to the point na 4:00 PM na kami naghihintay, dun palang siya magchachat sa GC namin na hindi siya makakapunta.
And at the start of midterms period, he said to us that he will resign because of personal reasons, so new substitute professor will be provided by the mathematics department. Mr. Ignacio was reassigned as our professor and yeah as you've expected, Bagsakan era. Only 2 (their grades was 2.25 and 3.00) out of 16 students passed on our course. Out of desperation, I started cheating on his exams, and whenever i looked around during exam, It's not only me that cheat and use calculators, BUT ALMOST EVERYONE. But i don't want to cheat anymore, it destroys my integrity and character.
He would come late in class, and immediately start giving QUIZ EVERY MEETING for only 15 MINUTES to do. This time is not enough, and his practice examples were not enough.
Mathematics was really my weakness, but I can keep up if I have a strong foundation in it. However, I was part of a K-12 program Pandemic Era where my calculus subjects (Pre-Cal and Basic Cal) were online, and we did not have a professor during my senior high school days. Kaya kung wala akong magandang nasimulan dito sa course na to, wala talaga.
I know matagal ng nirereklamo si Mr. Ignacio in this school, but why? parang walang action ang school dito. Because of this, I'm really fucked up, I'm really traumatized. I might resort into killing myself.
submitted by Choice_Age_2948 to AdamsonUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 Pooooog Bgfrts


He loves gossiping about brawlers to make them fight each other... He's the Love Swamp's resident cupid-turned-mosquito. He buzzes around the canals looking for lovebirds to dazzle with his irresistible charm, even if those require a little extra, pointy incentive.

Angelo voice lines

There are only a few strange voice lines like, "Take a deep breath", "Just keep breathing" "And breathe!"


She is a K-pop singer. Popular karaoke singer at Starr park and has some mood swings. Sometimes sweet and delicate as a rose and sometimes harsh as it's thorns... When it comes to Karaoke, Melodie shows no mercy. Armed with her kawaii looks and devilish set of pipes, she never fails to steal the limelight... In her song she says that she is built to be a K-pop singer, which means that she is a human experiment for Starr Park. I want to remind you that Max energy drink is called Max cuz it belongs only to Max. I think that she is also a human experiment.

Conections to other brawlers:

Poco, Janet, Frank, Chuck he is musianist sick beats modifier, they all removes stuns slows etc.

Melodie voice lines

I was watching a lot of videos about her lines, but not many people know how to translate, and what ever she says in Korean is not meaningful, like: Let's go! Are you ready?, are you crazy? Are you new here? etc. "Reload, reline, keep this moment on my mind"; "Dreams come true" ; "you'll remember this melody forever".


1) A mosquito touched a random gem first, and then Angelo (when he was a normal guy) touched the same gem second, and now he is 50% mosquito and 50% man. You may think that he just touched the gem. But gems give you the ability that you dreamed of, really like or love, or just make you go insane. I don't think Angelo was dreaming of being a mosquito. But now that he has cupid arrows, did he dream to be a Cupid? Possibly idk. The same thing you can say about Willow I guess. That explains all of the non-human, non-robot brawlers like Ash, 8-Bit, Rico, etc. So maybe it is important who touched the gem first, which doesn't make sense in the Crows situation. Well, I think that Crow is much more complicated, cuz he is the only one that we truly can't explain, cuz Crow just stole the clothes from Sign Man, that man wasn't fused with the crow.
2) An angry Scottish man put the gem in the bin and now Ash has a Scottish accent, and is always angry. 2. A mean girl touched a gem, threw it in the swamp, and Willow touched it. 3. R-T was initially built to be an info kiosk, but Rik put a gem on top and now R-T is a male robot. Some robots have been built by someone (like Pam) with reasons, and it is written on their descriptions, but some robots, don't have reason to be built in their descriptions. 4. Which means that Piper put a gem on top of her cookie oven and now Pearl is a female robot cookie oven with a "warm" nature. Same thing you can say about many brawlers.
3) Her title is Fearless because she can't be scared. she spawns monsters notes, maybe she has close connections with monsters.
4) Music is for mindcontrol and brainwashing. I will have a closer look at it
5) Starr park can control time, by just making clocks go backwards. you will talk and move backwards. As we saw it in I.V. and in Brawl talk.
5) In "The legend in the ocean" video we saw , that El primo was bitten by a shark and after that he could breathe in water. Does it mean that if you want to go to Otis you need to be bitten by a shark?


1) I think to explain who is the legend in the ocean from the Baby shark video, we need to wait until Otis trio is completed.
2) there are a lot of K-pop songs (19) in WKBRL, but they sing in Korean and I don't understand it. I will try to translate, and hope to hear something meaningful. You know how Google translate works not good.
3) There are 4 Morse codes but they all translate to ES: 1) One on the Spike drop tower, in Ranged Ranch. 2) On the speaker in Basketbrawl 3) On the antennas of a TV in Kits cartoon environment, 4) in on a computer in Mega pig environment. If WKBRL Morse code was found from Jessie's radio that was hinting about the radio stream in YT, then ES was found on electronic devices, that should hint at the blue prints of those electronic devices or Electronic Systems (ES) ? Idk it's just a thought.
4) Why is her name Melody? so her parents already knew that she will be K-pop singer? Do their parents choose their names or Starr park does?


1) Why does Angelo have a fork and knife in his angry pin? 3) Why does Angelo say to take a deep breath when using his super. 4) Why is the Swamp of love closed, for maintenance? 6) What does the rewind message mean in Brawl talk?
submitted by Pooooog to u/Pooooog [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 Jonbieniemy87 A Lily in a Valley of Haze (Part 6 of ?)

Alakhai now understood. That impossibly strong psychic force was her sister, empowered by her own emotional instability. Alakhai knew not how to help her sister, or even if she should. Perhaps it would be best to simply put her down, give her a respite from her eternal pain. But as Alakhai approached her sister, she heard a rumbling, as if the ship was coming alive once more, and she could hear the groans of Marines, horrible groaning of the nearly dead.
Morrigan looked up to her sister, eyes wet with tears, wrapped in a soft embrace of vines and flowers that were attempting to calm her down. “Sister, I will not have you hurt my Lily. I suggest you leave. Because if you keep going, I will have no choice.” She took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet smell of her flowers, the sweet smell of her Lily.
Alakhai unsheathed her sword, and her retinue readied their weapons, prepared for a fight to the death, or near death. But they didn't stand a chance, as vines from every direction attacked them in the gaps in their armor, breaking their breathing apparatuses, forcing them to breathe the ship’s toxic air, so strong that only Death Guard marines could hope to survive. The White Fang marines began to cough, keeling over in horrible agony as they tried to hold their breath and stumble back to the clear air of the stormhawk they arrived on. Alakhai rushed to attack her sister, only for a giant tree that had grown along the wall to reach out and grapple her in its twisting branches.
Morrigan approached her sister with a startling speed, her crying face now twisted in a visage of insanity. “I told you sister; you should have left when you still had a chance. I’m afraid my Lily had to do what was necessary to protect me. The only thing I can offer your sons is an eternal slumber before the fertilization process becomes….painful. Now I may let you leave unharmed, but I need to be sure that you won't hurt my Lily again. Goodnight sister.” Morrigan blows a cloud of powder in her sister’s face, knocking her out cold.
Her sons drug her sister back to the stormhawk, and the marine inside decided they didnt want to ask any questions and left immediately. WIth her sister taken care of, Morrigan inspected the White Scars that had been infected. “Oh my, it seems your mother has abandoned you. Don't worry, I’ll make sure to water and prune you once you sprout. Now sleep, my sons.” She blew more powder in the faces of the sprouting White Scars, bringing the coughing marines to a standstill.
Now that the foray was over, Morrigan began to cry once more, her tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry Lily, are you hurt? Are any of our children hurt?” The walls of the ship began to enclose upon her, wrapping her tightly in a swathe of leaves and ferns. A flower wipes away her tears as the white scars marines are taken further into the ship to gestate and sleep.
“It is alright love. I am unhurt. Our children are unhurt. Now it is time for you to calm down, you need rest.” Morrigan heard in her head. Her Lily had used telepathic messages since the accident, and it was the only thing that kept her grounded in reality. The blanket of plants began to carry their Lady to her chamber, the mass swimming through halls of the derelict ship.
“I’m fine Lily, I don't have time to sleep, I must care for our children, I must care for you!” Morrigan exclaimed to the emptiness of the ship. She couldn't bear to focus on sending her own telepathic message, but she figured her Lily could hear her anywhere in the ship.
“Love, you need rest. Just for a little while, trust me. Just….relax.” Morrigan heard in her head, as the flower released the same powder that was used to put the White Scars to sleep, though more potent to have any effect on their Lady. As Morrigan’s eyelids grew heavy, the plants lay her in her bed, still wrapped around her so she could sleep soundly, knowing her Lily was still there. As long as the plants stayed wrapped around her, Morrigan could sleep for days, without nightmares. At least usually. Their proximity to the warp would greatly affect the likelihood of nightmares, whether she snuggled tightly or not.
This time was different. Despite their distance from the warp, something about their previous encounter had shaken Morrigan, and the nightmares came like a flood. Lily did their best to cradle their Lady, but there was little else they could do, their Lady had expended a lot of psychic energy during her fight with her sister, and that had undoubtedly caused something to invade her dreams.
Morrigan saw visions of world burning, the emperor stuck to the Golden Throne, the people of the Imperium stuck in a cycle of endless fanatic violence against the enemies of Mankind. This is not what she wanted. She could help them; she could give them lives free from violence. But she also didn't want to threaten her sons, or her Lily by putting them in harm's way. And as this thought passed her mind, she awoke, shaken and in cold sweats, the leaves and vines still wrapped around her like a blanket. She began to cry once more, as her Lily tried their best to soothe their Lady, trying to give them some semblance of comfort as Morrigan struggled with the reality that faced her.
Morrigan decided that she would be able to think while she worked, and kindly asked the plants to let her go, which they did. Once again, Morrigan roamed the halls, prune growths, watering buds and checking the health of her new sons, those gestating, and the White Scars taken from her battle with her sister.
Now calmed by her work, Morrigan put thought to her predicament, mumbling to herself about not putting her sons in danger, whether she could save a world on her own, or take over other ships so Lily could be safe. Resolved to act, but with the safety of her Lily in mind, Morrigan made her way to the bridge, awakening the captain, instructing him to set course for the nearest derelict ship. The captain groaned in the affirmative, steering the ship towards the intended target, the ship's sunlight engines gently taking the hulking mass into close proximity.
Over the next several days, Morrigan seeded new ships with her sons, so that they may grow to become the ships new crew, all connected by her psychic energies. WIth her fleet now in a decent shape, she directed the flight to the nearest conflict zone. She would bring humanity from the brink. She would succeed where her father had failed, where her sisters had failed. She would cultivate a new future for humanity. They would. Together.
submitted by Jonbieniemy87 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 Mamono29a What “new light” has come out the past few months?

I’ve been POMO for 30 years now, but my mom is still way PIMI. The other day I got this text from my cousin:
“Hey. Just wanted to say hi. Things have been crazy. I was just listening to some ex-JW YouTube video talking about the new changes and all the people waking up and it made me think of you guys. LOL How'd your mom take the changes?”
I’m going camping with my mom and I’d like to probe to see what she thinks about these changes, but I want to make sure I know them all. The ones I know of are:
Beards allowed No more ties required Soft birthday allowance (okay to celebrate, just don’t invite others from congregation)
I was a 80s/90s kid so, other than what I catch in here I don’t really know what’s happening on the day-to-day.
submitted by Mamono29a to exjw [link] [comments]