Samples of medical assistant thank you letters

Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2008.03.25 00:30 Reddit Parenting - For those with kids of any age!

/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal.

2024.06.09 13:01 CaptainSnowball86 Lexapro - change in dose

Hi, I have been taking Lexapro daily for almost 11 months. After a relapse and a period of particularly bad depression (low self-esteem, anxiety, negative spiralling thoughts, weight loss), it was increased in November. The same again around a month ago. I am now on 20mg a day, which I take every morning. A blood test determined that the levels were quite low, which is why it was increased a month ago. I am still experiencing bad symptoms and think it might be time to try another antidepressant. I know many of you will have similar experiences with medication and I wish to get some advice before I go back to the psychiatrist. I also visit a therapist every week.
Thank you in advance (and take care of yourselves).
submitted by CaptainSnowball86 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 5rg_jjsr 3 months into decision to be CF not by choice, gone from feeling relieved to feeling lost

TW - mentions death of an elderly relative.
I just want to start by saying I am so so grateful for this community and its shared empathy and wisdom.
Me and my husband decided to cease IVF in March and between then and now I felt more relief than grief, I have not had to track or take medications or had every waking thought be about treatment. I have enjoyed my freedom.
There was a death of an elderly relative this week 💔 it has been a sad week, but also made me and NY husband reflect on what the end of our lives may look like. I'm an only child, he has a half brother and half sister who either live a distance away or are not very close for other reasons. This week our relative was surrounded by family who loved him and was grateful for him. I know having a child isn't a guarantee of love and care when you're older or a guarantee that they will have children and you will become a grandparents. I guess this is just the first grief since our miscarriage/ending treatment and it brought up a lot of nerves about our future being different to how we had imagined it.
I also feel like the initial relief of having freedom is wearing off and I'm not sure where to focus my time or what goals I want to achieve. For so long I've had really important life goals and I felt satisfaction in working towards these important things. Now the only goals I have are little projects that aren't so important, I don't have a lot of motivation to get started with them and I don't anticipate much satisfaction from doing them like I would with something "bigger" or "more important".
I want to be fulfilled in this new life we are moving into, but I just don't know how to get there. I'm not looking to change careers, we're in a settled and happy relationship, not looking to move or change the house, would like to travel but don't have funds to do this regularly.
Any tips for... 1) accepting that your later years will look different to how you imagined 2) building a rich community in later life without children/extended family 3) finding motivation/fulfilment in "less important" goals and activities
submitted by 5rg_jjsr to IFchildfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 Remote-Cartoonist460 Long-Term Care: Self-Fund via HSA or Buy Insurance?

Long-Term Care: Self-Fund via HSA or Buy Insurance?
Long-term care (LTC) is a critical aspect of financial planning, especially as you approach retirement. The decision to self-fund LTC via a Health Savings Account (HSA) or to purchase LTC insurance can significantly impact your financial security and peace of mind. Both strategies have their merits and potential drawbacks. This article will explore these options, considering the insights and experiences shared by individuals who have faced similar dilemmas.
financial planning - owntic
Long-Term Care (LTC) Needs
Long-term care involves a range of services designed to meet personal and health care needs over an extended period. Most long-term care is not medical care, but rather assistance with the basic personal tasks of everyday life, such as bathing, dressing, and eating. As people live longer, the likelihood of requiring such care increases, making it an essential consideration in retirement planning.
Option 1: Self-Funding via HSA
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged account designed to help individuals save for medical expenses. For those with high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), HSAs offer triple tax benefits: contributions are tax-deductible, earnings grow tax-free, and withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax-free.
Advantages of Using an HSA:
Tax Benefits: Contributions reduce taxable income, and growth is tax-free if used for medical expenses.
Control and Flexibility: You have full control over the funds and how they are invested.
Investment Growth: With a sound investment strategy, HSA funds can grow substantially over time.
Challenges of Using an HSA:
Contribution Limits: There are annual contribution limits, which might restrict the amount you can save (currently $3,850 for individuals and $7,750 for families in 2024, with an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution for those 55 and older).
Uncertainty of Costs: Predicting future LTC costs can be challenging, and your savings might fall short if costs rise significantly or if care is needed for an extended period.
Option 2: Buying LTC Insurance
Long-term care insurance is designed to cover services such as nursing home care, home health care, and personal or adult daycare for individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
Advantages of LTC Insurance:
Cost Coverage: Provides financial support specifically for long-term care, potentially reducing the burden on personal savings.
Asset Protection: Helps protect other assets from being depleted by LTC costs.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that care costs are covered can provide peace of mind for you and your family.
Challenges of LTC Insurance:
Cost: Premiums can be expensive and may increase over time. Additionally, policies might become more costly as you age.
Complexity: Policies can be complex, with various terms and conditions. Inflation protection and other riders can add to the cost.
Market Stability: The LTC insurance market has seen volatility, with some insurers exiting the market or significantly increasing premiums.
Insights from the Community
The experiences and opinions of others facing similar decisions can provide valuable insights:
Self-Insurance: Many individuals with substantial net worths lean towards self-insuring. Given the high costs and uncertainties associated with LTC insurance, some prefer to rely on their savings and investments. As one user noted, the ability to self-insure is more feasible if your net worth is high enough to absorb potential LTC costs without significantly impacting your financial security.
Insurance Pitfalls: Several community members highlighted the potential downsides of LTC insurance, including increasing premiums, insufficient coverage, and the failure of policies to keep up with inflation. For instance, one user shared a story of their grandmother who paid more into the policy than she received in benefits due to inadequate inflation adjustments.
Hybrid Policies: Some recommend hybrid policies that combine life insurance with LTC benefits. These policies can provide more flexibility and value, ensuring that premiums paid are not wasted if LTC benefits are not used. This can be an attractive option for those looking to hedge against the risk of needing long-term care without solely relying on a traditional LTC policy.
Deciding between self-funding LTC via an HSA or purchasing LTC insurance is a personal choice that depends on various factors, including your financial situation, risk tolerance, and health outlook. For those with a high net worth and a robust HSA, self-funding might offer more control and potential savings. However, LTC insurance can provide valuable protection and peace of mind, especially if structured correctly with appropriate riders. Ultimately, the best approach may involve a combination of strategies, such as maximizing HSA contributions while exploring hybrid insurance products. Consulting with a financial advisor can also provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific circumstances and goals.
Long-term care - owntic
submitted by Remote-Cartoonist460 to FinanceManual [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:47 mrpooooopy Can i get tested for STDs at urgent care?

Even if you don’t have any symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, it’s a good idea to get tested if you’ve had unprotected sex. Even if it is just a home test kit to start, before going in for a confidential test at Urgent Care, knowledge is power.
Also, if you do use protection but have multiple partners, it’s a good idea to get tested as well, for the safety of you and your partners - and peace of mind.
Testing for STDs is just like getting tested in any other clinical setting. Your medical provider first evaluates you for symptoms that may suggest an STD infection and then runs tests based on what he/she finds during his examination.
Usually, your provider will draw blood or take a urine sample. In other cases, the provider will use a swab to collect a sample from the affected area. In most cases, a physical exam is required, which will include a pelvic exam for females.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:45 tacotoni_18 I am feeling hopeless (long post ahead)

So I am 5’1” and 160lbs (29F). I know I’m overweight. Heaviest I have been was 172.
I am just feeling overwhelmed lately. There is so much information out there about weight management and being healthy, but man it gets to be a lot when they start contradicting themselves. One moment I’m being told to eat nothing, next I’m being told to eat everything. I’m being told to do cardio because it’s the “most important,” then being told to minimize it because I’m petite.
And when I try to ask people, I just get told to “get on Ozempic.” No shame to those on it. If that’s helping you, awesome. But it’s not an option right now for me.
This all gets to be so stressful. I have a history of an eating disorder. I FINALLY got past most of it. Still stuck with some thoughts but am way healthier than I was before. I’m trying my hardest to not fall back into those behaviors but it’s difficult when I see everyone around me getting results with minimal effort and I’m here struggling my ass off and just maintaining. My doctor keeps pushing me to lose weight (bro I am trying), my in-laws keep pushing me to get on medication, and man. I am tired.
I try and go to the gym 3x a week (on my off days. I work 12hr shifts and live an hr away from my job. By the time I make it close to the gym, it’s almost closed. Not to mention I’m tired AF after a long day). I have a sedentary job which I know is hurting me. I don’t eat out much and try my best to make balanced choices.
I think my issue is consistency. I hurt my shoulder a few weeks ago trying to do assisted pull ups and stopped working out a bit. So that hasn’t really helped.
So I made this post to kinda just see if people are out there like me. I just don’t want to feel as alone as I do now. If you have ever felt like this, please let me know. Comment what has helped you. Comment any advice. Any game changers. Anything to keep in mind.
Thank y’all for reading.
submitted by tacotoni_18 to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 ChampionshipPrior635 first love advice on closure letter

so i met this girl when i was 14 years old she was 16 years old at the time, im now close too 27 years old we had a pretty special connection that ive never had with anybody else. I have tried over the years to date other poeple and i have tried to get her back numerous times with tbh sad attempts. I can not blame her for the relationship ending i was still a kid and did not take life that serious at the time, And was a heavy gamer and i tended to neglect my relationship due to gaming. I have expressed my feelings to her a few times over the years and she would always be pretty understanding and never made me feel a fool for expressing these feelings. I have gone a few years with not thinking much about her but then again i was a heavy weed user in those years and recently quit smoking weed and started thinking about her again, not really in like a lets try to get her back kind of way but more in a shit i think i missed out on my soulmate kind of way. I texted her a few days ago to meet up for a drink and catching up. She replied that she has a serious relationship now and that it wont be the best idea on the account that her bf would not like that visa versa. I texted back that i totally understood and that i wish her the best. Now there where some things i wanted to say to her when we met up, nothing bashfull cause tbh i could not find anything to complain about on her part, but just to get some total closure for myself i wrote up this letter no mention of me still having feelings or me thinking about her or missing her because i do realise im probably more in love with a fantasy i built up about her over the years, but more of a letter saying sorry for what i have been like over the years. sometimes sending a declaration of my love and all that cheesy stuff and just thanking her for how she handled me over the years but as i wrote up this letter i now wonder if i sould send. It as this feels kind of selfish and pointless, i do think it might give me the closure i need but it might not and then it would be just a pointless act. we have always had a very off and on type of contact but never that we asked each other not too contact each other ( except for the last few years as the weed kept me pretty numb for a few years on an emotional level.
sorry for any grammar or spelling error english is not my first language and im not the best at writing in general, thank you for any advice.
submitted by ChampionshipPrior635 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 Frosty-Substance4790 Guidance on Implementing LLM Application for Interactive Deployment Assistance

I am diving into the world of building LLM applications and could use some guidance. My goal is to create an LLM Application(chatbot) that aids users in deploying jobs from one environment to another in an interactive manner. Specifically, I aim to have the application take user inputs and guide them through the deployment process, including pulling code from Git and checking it into another environment's Git repository.
I am considering using LangChain for implementation, but I am uncertain about the best approach. I am seeking advice on selecting the appropriate LLM model and leveraging LangChain functionalities effectively.
here is a breakdown of the deployment functions I envision:
Login, Tagging, Listing code dependencies, Pulling code, Checking in code, Providing a summary of the deployment process
My plan is to utilize custom tools within LangChain to map these functions and use agent to select the appropriate actions based on user input. Essentially, I want the application to interactively gather necessary inputs from users in natural language at each step and execute the deployment process accordingly.
Could someone please assist me or provide guidance on the approach to select the Model, implementing this using LangChain including UI?
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by Frosty-Substance4790 to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:35 Uhduh_08 soap opera situation

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong 😕 This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🤣🤣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance 🙏🏽 anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🤣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to chicagoapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 Guesha Depression / Anxiety and work?

Hello everyone, me and my girlfriend are kind off in a difficult situation.
My girlfriend has severe depression / anxiety and every time she tried to work she would get severe panic attacks / anxiety attacks to the point where I even called a ambulance one time because she was sure she was getting a heart attack.
She got fired from all the jobs she ever had because she called in sick too much in her training period due to these attacks, at some jobs she only worked for 1 hour and started to have anxiety / panic attacks and had to go home. She also tried WFH jobs but it's the same thing. Ever since then she is visiting clinics for mental health / autism.
She used to get unemployment money but because it has been going on for so long they stopped that, we also got denied Burgergeld and Wohnungsgeld because according to them I earn too much. Because the Burgergeld got denied she is also not insured anymore and now she has to pay around 200 euros every month for her health insurance.
The doctors at her clinic are telling her that she is not responding to any treatment, she has been in and out of the clinic for over 1 year now. She is visiting psychiatrists, taking medication, doing tests, trying new treatments but nothing is helping. Because no treatment is helping and we are going to have severe money issues and her guilt that she is feeling really useless and a burden to me, her depression and attacks are just getting worse and worse.
I keep telling her that everything is going to be okay and I'm trying to support her in any way I can but to be honest I'm also starting to feel helpless / stressful in this situation and also notice that I'm unable to focus at work due to this and I'm scared that my boss will notice. I have no idea how I will finance all of this with my salary which really isn't a lot ( 1800 netto ).
Can my girlfriend do anything in this case? She is unable to work and is doing everything she can to get better but nothing is working and I have no idea how to continue further because in a few months I will be unable to pay our rent once my savings run out.
Thank you to anyone if they have any advice!
submitted by Guesha to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 Informal_Comedian546 Uk/England Disability acceptance in employment tribunal England/uk

Hi all, im in employment tribunal atm, litigant in person and desperately looking for advice. When I started my job i told them i was dyslexic, and a year later i had some training through dwp. Maybe two years later I realised that something else was very wrong, i was extremely emotional and couldn't take any criticism. I was diagnosed with autism in December 2022 after nearly 5years with the company and Im also on the waiting list for adhd.( 4years on the waiting list) I originally only thought it was adhd, and i told my employer as soon as i had any idea of all my conditions, i told my managers and also messaged hr with updates and copies of doctors letters etc. I wad forced to resign March 2023 because my manager didn't understand my conditions. In the employment tribunal ther main defence is that I don't have a disability. They are now excepting my autism diagnosis, but only from the date of diagnosis and not from when id told them of my self diagnosis or from when the doctors put me on the waiting list. They are not excepting adhd, as I didn't include it because I thought I had to have a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️ For it to be accepted, now knowing i should have included it, but i don't think i can now add it. So there saying that many of the incidents happened before i was autistic. Also that my new manager was unaware of my autism. I had accommodations in place but there weren't followed and I kept telling hr this and i was told to stick with it and it was all in my head re being told off. What will the judge say? Is this as clear cut as I feel it should be? Should the judge call another ph? Will the judge look at this with all the evidence I have (emails etc) and say i was disabled and they knew? You don't just become autistic. And id informed them of everything, im totally open and honest, I didn't hide anything. Thanks for reading xx
submitted by Informal_Comedian546 to EmploymentLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:32 Personal_Respond6879 Requesting healing for my father

Requesting healing for my father
Hi everyone,
My dad has been battling his cancer (Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) for the last 5 years with remission and recurrences. He is currently in the hospital due to complications in this third relapse treatment. We recently got him scans done and the cancer has progressed while being on the chemo. On top of this, he’s been getting severe infections and is basically bed ridden at this point. He’s been put on oxygen tank due to his lung infection and lymphoma spread in the region. The doctor has put him on an oral chemo medication for now, which he says is the last option available. The person in the photo is him.
We have been extremely worried about him but try to motivate him to get better. He is constantly in pain and never feels like eating.
My dad’s name is Kirpal and I’d love and appreciate it if someone please sends him healing energy. I don’t know how this works and have not personally experienced Reiki but giving it a shot, just like the rest of the stuff we are trying out.
Thank you.
submitted by Personal_Respond6879 to reiki [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:30 squeaks-m-cello Client intake specialist q's?

Hi all! Got my very first job offer on Friday and looking for some guidance. I am a new grad with very little office experience.
Firm info: medical malpractice/vaccine injury nationwide. I would be working in a major city, getting $21 an hour with client bonuses.
On the offer letter it is "Intake Paralegal" while on the job posting it was "Client Intake Specialist". Unsure if this is the same, but wanted to see what types of things others did in a similar role. They told me it was listening to clients and seeing if they fit the profile. Does anyone have any help or advice? Thanks in advance!
submitted by squeaks-m-cello to paralegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:23 brrrphuuu LORRAIN didn't provide more details unless someone asked him

LORRAIN didn't provide more details unless someone asked him
Looking at LORRAIN's Watzatsong account you can see one instance where he uploaded a sample with absolutely no context/lead , but when another user asked him about the origin of the sample he said "Song broadcast by FIP (a French radio station), a few years ago". So he knew where he got the sample from, but still didn't mention anything until someone asked him specifically.
I can only think TRITA would have already been solved if he provided such info in the original post, or if the sample raised any interest back in the day.
I don't say we have to obsess over getting LORRAIN's email address and bomb him with messages, but honestly if someone could theoretically get in touch with him would help immensely. Even if he doesn't remember where he heard TRITA, if he could tell us what radio stations, TV channels and movie genres he enjoyed back in the day would help immensely.
English translation of the discussion:
maric84 - What would be good is if you could tell us a little more: where did you get these excerpts for example? (unless it's a quiz). Thank you for your answer.
LORRAIN - Song broadcast by FIP, a few years ago.
(song was found afterwards, it was Wes Montgomery indeed)
submitted by brrrphuuu to TensionInTheAir [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:20 Uhduh_08 Apartment Help

My PM is giving me a non-renewal and has kicked other tenants out ( I assume because she had a stack of these letters and half of the people in my part of the building are gone since receiving the letter in April)
I'm having a hard time finding an apartment. I trashed my credit due to bipolar disorder and constant job loss due to my illness. I have been in this cycle of paying them off when employed and running them up and becoming delinquent when unemployed. I admittedly listened to bad advice a couple of years ago at 24 to file for ch 7 as this isn't the first time I've been in financial ruin. so I now have a bankruptcy and a trashed credit score.
I also have the issue that I had to live with my sister due to illness and it was her first time renting and she wasnt good at paying her part so we had many times where the rent was late. I recently combed through our ledger and it seems as thought we had a running balance the entire 3 years (although, im not sure because the PM definitely said she was renewing this year because we were never late last year) There is also no way to see who paid what besides combing through bank statements.
ALSO my sister may have to live with me that may cause some problems. Our brother committed fraud in her name. He got evicted from an apartment in her name, ran up peoples gas, and comed. so her credit is wrecked and she won't even do anything about it!
But, The good thing is I have gotten a subsidy for those with mental illness, but my adverse credit/score is getting in the way with big companies. Is there anyone who can recommend companies ,private landlords etc who will rent to someone like me? NOTE: I used to work as a housing specialist for a similar subsidy and I know there are neglectful PM/landlords when people have subsidies. I don't remember what companies they used but I do know that I want to avoid Cagan as they were notoriously hard to get a hold of.
Is there someone you know of that will overlook credit/bk if they know the rent will be paid for an entire year? Also, I'm looking in Uptown, Edgewater, I may even go to rogers Park or West RP (these areas specifically because my sister goes to loyola and I was worried about the trains and coming back down to Lakeview and looking for more diversity) If there are any other neighborhoods that are easy to get to and from loyola as a woman safely and easily by public transit and diverse I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm desperate a there is a time crunch of August 31st. It just always seems when things go right something goes wrong 😕 This is causing serious stress while trying to do graduate school myself and regaining how I used to feel prior to diagnosis with meds and extremely good therapy! I have realized the traps of credit and what NOT to do when manic to not have this happen again and working on keeping a job through crisis😊
*** sorry for the sloppiness typed fighting through ambien 🤣🤣
*** I am currently unemployed but looking for a job preferably that could pay for school as a current grad student as I'm running out of aid. or I am attempting to apply for SSI or AADB (if anyone knows any tips for this I would appreciate it as well!!!!)
Thank you for any of your help and advice, and guidance 🙏🏽 anything mentioned will be researched and pursued like a bloodhound 🤣
submitted by Uhduh_08 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:19 throwaway29492640228 Where can I practice driving before academy?

Tldr; I need to practice precision driving before an academy, but I don't have access to the size of vehicle I will be tested on. What should I do?
Hi everyone, I will be going to an academy, and although I have ample experience driving on the road and in a city, it is with a completely different size of vehicle from what I will be tested at academy with, and I also have somewhat forgotten how to correctly parallel park and position myself to back into a space without multiple corrections using my mirrors and backup camera. I know, it's pretty bad, but there was a large gap between when I got my license and when I started driving, and I slipped into a habit of just taking my time while parking and using my backup camera rather than positioning correctly.
I really haven't driven the size of vehicle that I will be tested with, so I am not confident that I will be able to do well on vehicle operation maneuvers, especially reverse backing while weaving through cones and any precision driving techniques.
Would buying some cones and practicing with a smaller vehicle be helpful still, or would a local department be able to recommend someone who might offer this as a service? I asked a few driving schools, but none of them could assist. Thank you!
submitted by throwaway29492640228 to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 Positive-Picture-273 Advice

I'm reaching out because I'm struggling and could really use some advice and support. My husband is a military veteran, and he's been dealing with mental health issues related to his service. He's on medication, but it's still a daily battle for him, and consequently, for our family.
Lately, things have been really tough. He often gets into arguments with me, and it's happening more frequently in front of our children. His temper flares up, and he raises his voice, sometimes even resorting to throwing things. It's heartbreaking to see him like this, and it's taking a toll on all of us.
I want to be there for him, but I also need to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. I'm feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next. Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice on how to cope and support a partner dealing with mental illness, especially when it affects the whole family dynamic?
I appreciate any insights or words of wisdom you can share. Thank you for listening.
And yes, we are and have been on marriage counseling for almost a year now.
submitted by Positive-Picture-273 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 kronophosis Presenting the Sworn Avenger!

Presenting the Sworn Avenger!
TLDR: A week before being kicked out of my families house, I was working on Levi on a reroll. Ive finally finished him as best I could!
Sorry in advance for the long sob story, please skip if you don’t care :)
When the Shift for the AOT units (mainly Levi) dropped, I was excited, but realized if I wanted my favorite anime character to reach his true potential, I had to start over or spend a chunk of money, or get really lucky. So I rerolled, got a copy of the new levi shift and the LR and started maxing out this new account. Halfway through, my family (of whom is full of extremely unmedicated bipolar adults, and for a lack of better words extremely abusive as well) had a massive fight with me over who I was choosing to have a relationship with. This led to them taking away alot of my things against my will (keep in mind im 21 and was paying rent to stay there as rent in the US is insane rn) and kicked me to the streets. The law enforcement was of no assistance. I used a bit of my funds to get a ride to my partner in the next state over and Ive been homeless ever since. Last Cloudia and the discord community I’m a part of and have been part of for about three or four years now has been my rock, and I have many friends I enjoy talking to often. Therefor, Im proud to show off my finally maxed out SA!Levi!! I have a few arks i still need to give him the skills to reach his full potential but he absolutely desolates as is and truly deserves the meta status he has for the PVE tier list. Thank you to the Last Cloudia Community and to AIDIS for a great game and community! You guys keep me going!
submitted by kronophosis to lastcloudia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:10 Annual_Wrap_327 Whisky when visiting Scotland: what to expect with my blood sugar?

Hi, I am a very inexperienced drinker but since I will be visiting Scotland for 5 days I want to take the opportunity to sample some whisky.
I will still go easy with 1 small glass (like 1 oz / 3 cl ~) per dinner for 5 days but I am unsure about the following:
1) Since it's in combination with dinner, will I need to reduce my dinner bolus or is it too early for that or even too little amount? How much would you reduce personally? 10, 20%?
2) Will the effect stack or will it go out of my system "every day"? Like, if I have had a glass per dinner for 4 days in a row, can I expect a stronger effect on my blood sugar after that meal versus the first day of drinking?
I guess I am also worried that whiskey each day plus a looot of walking will be a strong combination that will force me to reduce my basal by a lot
submitted by Annual_Wrap_327 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 ZipsGames Feedback Request

Hi there! I'm very new to actually recording myself, and I'm kind of just dipping my toes in to voice acting finally. I hope it's ok, I just wanted to post a couple of clips here and I was wondering if anyone could provide some feedback, advice, critique ect. on my voice. These are not professional recordings but more so just seeing if I might have something worth persuing.
I have a few different clips:
Lily AI - a short clip of a robot/assistant voice
Rats - an interesting chef who has some choice friends
Hello Traveller - snarky wares dealer meeting someone new
Miss You - sad emotional voicemail to someone who has passed away
Multi-Pack - various scripts pulled from TikTok
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ZipsGames to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 SmoulderingAbyss [MxM] “I hate you, so why do I burn for you?” — Enemies to Lovers [1x1] [Discord/Reddit] [Romance]

Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on my post!
If you’re on the search for constantly shifting power dynamics, chemistry and tension so thick you could cut it, then you’re in the right place!
I’m looking to write a long-term dark-romance story with someone who can capture emotion, vividly written senses, and near-disastrous chemistry. I want to weave together two characters that hate each other so terribly that they burn for one another, and it only leaves them hating each other more. I’m cruel to my characters like that, but it always makes for a delicious tale!
(Also please excuse this formatting. Reddit tends to mess with what I have, and this is the only way I can make it nice to read.)
✧ 28YO
✧ Advanced literate writer
✧ 10+ years writing experience
✧ Third person perspective
✧ Multi-paragraph to novella posts
✧ Discord, Reddit or other platform friendly
✧ Happy to OOC chatter, but respects personal boundaries
✧ Your character will have a fan base, and than fan base will be me
✧ Actively advances plot
✧ Happy to plan, organise and discuss ideas but also a love of keeping some things secret and spontaneous
✧ NSFW friendly, seeking adult themes
Writing Sample
I’m currently looking to write a male character as my main. I do love writing masculine men that have multiple layers and a bit of gruffness to their exterior; I find them so much more delicious to torment. In contrast, I can also write leaner men with slightly more feminine features; that appear beautiful but are deadly sharp.
✧ I’m looking to write a switch/versatile male character.
✧ I’m hoping to find someone who is also looking to write a switch/versatile male character, or even dom/top leaning.
Enemies-to-allies-to-lovers, hate-fuelled passion, banter, intense chemistry, “I hate you so much I burn for you”, yearning, masculine men, alliance of convenience, against all odds, morally grey, denial, fighting as flirting, competition, prolonged palpable tension, “just kiss already, dammit”
“Captive Prince” Inspired Spinoff
✧ The continent is split into many Kingdoms, two of which neighbours and have been at war for a great length of time.
✧ My character (MC) is the sole legitimate son of King A, and has served as his father's General throughout his early twenties. He's an esteemed warrior, a battle-hardened man, and extremely devout to his father's cause. In battle, MC kills the young King Bof their enemy Kingdom. However, a little while after he returns home, King A/MC’s father dies and MC’s been framed with the murder. MC is taken prisoner by his jealous half-brother (who's made the elaborate scheme) and told that he's to be given to their enemy kingdom as a slave—amidst dozens of other slaves to be gifted to the enemy kingdom as "good will" while MC’s bastard half-brother ascends the throne and seeks to make peace.
✧ Your character (YC) is the brother of the fallen, young King B and now sole remaining heir to the enemy kingdom. Having now inherited the crown, YC ascends as King, and receives the shipment of slaves sent to him as a token of good faith in attempt to broker a peace deal (this could be to their disgust, or hold cultural significance). YC is, however, told that one particular slave has been explicitly sent as his gift (MC), and that refusal of such a slave would be to elicit further war. YC has no choice but to accept the slave…who just so happens to be the rightful Crown Prince (MC) and murderer of his brother. But does YC recognise his brother’s murderer? Does he recognise that the “slave” he’s been sent is the rightful King of the other kingdom?
✧ I'd love to explore starkly different cultures and the shock faced when MC is thrust into the unknown. I'd also love to develop political intrigue, espionage, and more. Besides, what better way is there to force these two unlikely characters together than the need for an ally?
✧ Perhaps YC is nearly assassinated, and recognises that MC has skills able to keep him safe. Similarly, perhaps MC knows that he'd have no chance to escape his servitude alive if the King is killed, and instead plots to escape while protecting the King, with the goal to return to his kingdom and kill his bastard half-brother as revenge.
✧ I imagine their relationship in public to be very stony, with examples of "ownership" in order to keep the court gossips from spreading rumours. Despite whatever intimacy they find behind closed doors (if at all), I imagine that they would have to participate in court theatrics and games so that no one questions their relationship. After all, I doubt the court nobles would take well to their new young King having feelings for his slave—as it’s one thing to own one, and another to actually care for them.
✧ If YC recognises MC, then I also imagine that, given MC killed YC’s brother, the previous King, in combat, that there would be some very hard feelings there. A potential reason for the hatred, on top of sheer bias as result of the two countries being long-term enemies. However, the hatred between people and the general scorn YC may feel would be enough for a sour relationship.
✧ I do, however, imagine that MC would be far more trouble behind closed doors. While in the public eye, he understands that his behaviour is a reflection upon YC and would likely result in severe punishment. So, he avoids it, even if he has to bite his cheek until it bleeds and participate in petty, little games. Behind closed doors, however, I imagine he is far more likely to try and push YC beyond his limit, the two perhaps even getting physical during a fight. If all this boils over into passion, then that’s the dream!
✧ I see there being no true “role” between either characters, as there’s a deeper power struggle occurring. While one holds possession of the other (MC being owned by YC), behind closed doors would be entirely different. Their relationship would be complex, dynamic, and forever changing. I’d much prefer for their roles to be just as fluid, and entirely dependent on the specific situation rather than pre-defined. In all actuality, I see both characters vying for dominance over the other, until they settle into intimacy and understanding.
Please feel free to pitch your own ideas! If they have these key elements (chemistry, tension, boiling hatred), then I’d be more than interested to hear them!
Thank you so much for your time and attention, I really appreciate it!
Have an awesome day,
Smoulder 🔥
submitted by SmoulderingAbyss to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:57 Pretend_Ad_2240 **IMPORTANT: SCAM ALERT - RETIK FINANCE!!!**

Please read and help spread the word.
I will report Retik Finance to the FBI every day until they finally investigate. FYI – 99% of the posts and comments are from bots. These fake accounts, particularly in Telegram, create posts that make it look like people made successful purchases and are thanking the admins for smooth transactions. Do not believe them. They are all part of the Retik Finance scam! Avoid them and report them to the FBI immediately. Try to Google Retik Finance and see if you can find their legit website. Read all the reviews.
Thank you!
Urgent: Report of Scam Operations by Retik Finance
Dear FBI Cyber Crime Division,
I am writing to report Retik Finance for their scam operations conducted through online and social media accounts. Here is a detailed account of my experience:
I discovered Retik Finance via CoinMarketCap's website and joined their Telegram account. On June 5, 2024, I decided to purchase some Retik tokens but encountered difficulties connecting my wallet to their site. One of their admins, Panther, announced on Telegram that anyone experiencing problems should let him know. I replied to the public chat seeking assistance.
After verifying that Panther was a legitimate admin, he offered to help me connect my crypto wallet.
Shortly thereafter, I noticed that $663 USDC had disappeared from my Coinbase web3 wallet, even though I never shared that address with Panther or gave him permission to access it When I confronted Panther, he admitted to receiving the money and assured me that I would receive the Retik tokens in my Coinbase wallet. However, the tokens never arrived.
The next day, June 6th, additional funds amounting to $800 were stolen from my Coinbase wallet. This indicates a highly professional and dangerous scam operation that continues to victimize people.
I have taken screenshots of our entire conversation as evidence and have messaged all the admins of Retik Finance on their Telegram account for assistance, but no one has responded. I also sent an email to but received no reply. Panther continues to taunt me, claiming he stole my crypto assets and that there is nothing I can do about it.
I am deeply concerned that Retik Finance is scamming numerous innocent people, potentially defrauding them of millions. Therefore, I urge you to investigate Retik Finance as a matter of urgency. I am willing to provide any proof I have to assist with the investigation.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
submitted by Pretend_Ad_2240 to CryptoScamBlacklist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:55 KaylaMa3 Stressed, but might change my mind and take a nap to ignore it.

Okay, that was meant to be a joke. But, you can't say it's not true sometimes when life just gets overwhelming. I am pouring this out at 6am so that maybe it'll help me. But, seriously might delete it later so that it doesn't hurt my chances for a career or surrogates.
I have been running on fumes since April. My husband lost his job, he's in full time school which I help tutor him. He starts work back in the next few weeks and then his second to last semester starts in August. I've put in 100 applications at least in the past two months to try to help pay bills and take some of the burden off of him. I'm disabled and looking to actually get back to work. I just want to pay my bills, and not worry about what we're going to eat. I want to be able to pay for IVF and surrogacy. I'm half exhausted researching how to invest in my future and all of these other things so im not in this same position later one. Every waking moment has been spent on bills, agencies, disability, doctors. I'm just so tired. I've been in a medical flare up on top of it, while barely sleeping and I think I've finally cracked.
But, I expressed some of my stress, instead of keeping it completely locked up. So therapy is paying off.
If anyone knows of any good remote companies that will hire a disabled woman, knows of good fertility clinics/altruistic surrogates, how to ensure a good future, and what ever advice besides yoga, books, outside, and self care please and thank you <3
submitted by KaylaMa3 to StressFreeSeason [link] [comments]