Warrior cat clan name generator

Warriors Cats by Erin Hunter

2017.01.06 13:15 _waffleiron Warriors Cats by Erin Hunter

Greetings and welcome to thedawnpatrol! A place where fans can share, discuss, and/or argue the book series WARRIORS by Erin Hunter to their hearts content. NOTICE—this subreddit does not look out for the children i.e. NSFW content is allowed to be posted within reason, however this is not a NSFW dedicated subreddit. Please be aware of our rules before posting as well as our spoilers policy. For more clarification on the rules you may view it on our wiki page.

2021.07.18 12:35 gazpacho-a-feira myownwarrior

What warrior name your cat would have? Post your kitty here and find out!

2014.06.16 19:31 SaraByAccident derpy dogs and fat cats


2024.05.16 03:41 FrontpageWatch2020 [#161+2074281] Security camera recording shows group of kids record and shoot cat named Vortex. [r/iamatotalpieceofshit]

submitted by FrontpageWatch2020 to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:40 eggelska For this playthrough, I named all my animals the silliest names the game would generate. This is my lineup so far.

For this playthrough, I named all my animals the silliest names the game would generate. This is my lineup so far. submitted by eggelska to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:38 27LaylaL having difficulties with breeder

I am purchasing a ragdoll kitten for $3000.
We decided to invest in our dream kitten for a number of reasons but mostly for falling in love with the breed. After a few months of searching for a breeder we THOUGHT was reputable. They had great online reviews and we put a $500 deposit on a 1 week old kitten and have now been anxiously and excitedly awaiting her arrival.
This is no small purchase for us so we went into it with high expectations.
We are around two months is and our agreed pick up date is 3 weeks away. We have set up our place and picked out a name and everything should be great.
First the breeder never sends us updates on the kitten unless we ask, which has only been once and she took about a week to send some pictures.
Now the breeder has informed me there will be a 2 week delay on our pick up because the cat has a preventable infection (don't want to say what kind to remain anonymous).
I asked for a discount on our kitten and she declined. I feel like this is unprofessional and I'm doubting how healthy the kitten will be once we pick her up.
I'm already attached to this kitten so I don't want to find a new breeder but I feel like this situation is unfair to us.
submitted by 27LaylaL to kittens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:36 Wonderful-Annual-929 Chest cav crsash

chest cav crashes on open
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem.
Time: 2024-05-15 21:34:21
Description: Initializing game
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'chestcavity'!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2(FabricLoaderImpl.java:388) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions(ExceptionUtil.java:33) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:386) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startClient(Hooks.java:52) at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\_310.java:459) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604(Main.java:205) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:51) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:470) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23) 
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/shedaniel/autoconfig/ConfigData
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1017) at java.base/java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.defineClassFwd(KnotClassLoader.java:160) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.tryLoadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:355) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:218) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:119) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:525) at net.tigereye.chestcavity.ChestCavity.onInitialize(ChestCavity.java:44) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:384) ... 7 more 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.shedaniel.autoconfig.ConfigData
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:641) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:525) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(KnotClassDelegate.java:226) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(KnotClassLoader.java:119) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:525) ... 17 more 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.lambda$invokeEntrypoints$2(FabricLoaderImpl.java:388) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.util.ExceptionUtil.gatherExceptions(ExceptionUtil.java:33) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.invokeEntrypoints(FabricLoaderImpl.java:386) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startClient(Hooks.java:52) at net.minecraft.class\_310.(class\_310.java:459) 
-- Initialization --
Modules: ADVAPI32.dll:Advanced Windows 32 Base API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation COMCTL32.dll:User Experience Controls Library:6.10 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPT32.dll:Crypto API32:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTBASE.dll:Base cryptographic API DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation CRYPTSP.dll:Cryptographic Service Provider API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DBGHELP.DLL:Windows Image Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation DNSAPI.dll:DNS Client API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation GDI32.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.3996 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IMM32.DLL:Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation IPHLPAPI.DLL:IP Helper API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNEL32.DLL:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation KERNELBASE.dll:Windows NT BASE API Client DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation MpOav.dll:IOfficeAntiVirus Module:4.18.24030.9 (cd8105518e5571788ee3b6a178bae8fbcdf461a8):Microsoft Corporation NLAapi.dll:Network Location Awareness 2:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NSI.dll:NSI User-mode interface DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation NTASN1.dll:Microsoft ASN.1 API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Ole32.dll:Microsoft OLE for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation POWRPROF.dll:Power Profile Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation PSAPI.DLL:Process Status Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Pdh.dll:Windows Performance Data Helper DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation RPCRT4.dll:Remote Procedure Call Runtime:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHCORE.dll:SHCORE:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation SHELL32.dll:Windows Shell Common Dll:10.0.19041.4123 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation UMPDC.dll USER32.dll:Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation USERENV.dll:Userenv:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation VCRUNTIME140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation VERSION.dll:Version Checking and File Installation Libraries:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINHTTP.dll:Windows HTTP Services:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WINMM.dll:MCI API DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WS2\_32.dll:Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation WSOCK32.dll:Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation Wldp.dll:Windows Lockdown Policy:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation amsi.dll:Anti-Malware Scan Interface:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcrypt.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation bcryptPrimitives.dll:Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation clbcatq.dll:COM+ Configuration Catalog:2001.12.10941.16384 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation combase.dll:Microsoft COM for Windows:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dbgcore.DLL:Windows Core Debugging Helpers:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc.DLL:DHCP Client Service:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation dhcpcsvc6.DLL:DHCPv6 Client:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation fwpuclnt.dll:FWP/IPsec User-Mode API:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation gdi32full.dll:GDI Client DLL:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation java.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: javaw.exe:OpenJDK Platform binary: jemalloc.dll jimage.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jli.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jna3012221076079486488.dll:JNA native library:6.1.2:Java(TM) Native Access (JNA) jsvml.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: jvm.dll:OpenJDK 64-Bit server VM: kernel.appcore.dll:AppModel API Host:10.0.19041.3758 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation lwjgl.dll management.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: management\_ext.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: msvcp140.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation msvcp\_win.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation msvcrt.dll:Windows NT CRT DLL:7.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation mswsock.dll:Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation napinsp.dll:E-mail Naming Shim Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ncrypt.dll:Windows NCrypt Router:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation net.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: nio.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ntdll.dll:NT Layer DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation perfos.dll:Windows System Performance Objects DLL:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation pnrpnsp.dll:PNRP Name Space Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation profapi.dll:User Profile Basic API:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rasadhlp.dll:Remote Access AutoDial Helper:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation rsaenh.dll:Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sechost.dll:Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation shlwapi.dll:Shell Light-weight Utility Library:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation sunmscapi.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: ucrtbase.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation vcruntime140\_1.dll:Microsoft® C Runtime Library:14.29.30139.0 built by: vcwrkspc:Microsoft Corporation verify.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: win32u.dll:Win32u:10.0.19041.4355 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation windows.storage.dll:Microsoft WinRT Storage API:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation winrnr.dll:LDAP RnR Provider DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation wshbth.dll:Windows Sockets Helper DLL:10.0.19041.3636 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation zip.dll:OpenJDK Platform binary: 
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.method\_44604(Main.java:205) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:51) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:470) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74) at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23) 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2 Minecraft Version ID: 1.19.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 6058428704 bytes (5777 MiB) / 10838081536 bytes (10336 MiB) up to 54324625408 bytes (51808 MiB) CPUs: 16 Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD Processor Name: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 1 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: Zen Frequency (GHz): 2.99 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 8 Number of logical CPUs: 16 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2805 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #0 type: DDR4 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 32768.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 2.67 Memory slot #1 type: DDR4 Virtual memory max (MB): 85945.11 Virtual memory used (MB): 75077.02 Swap memory total (MB): 20480.00 Swap memory used (MB): 1271.96 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx51808m -Xms256m Fabric Mods: chestcavity: Chest Cavity 2.16.6 modify-drops-api: Modify Drops API []( cloth-api: Cloth API 4.0.65 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 cloth-client-events-v0: Cloth Client Events v0 4.0.65 cloth-common-events-v1: Cloth Common Events v1 4.0.65 cloth-scissors-api-v1: Cloth Scissors API v1 4.0.65 cloth-utils-v1: Cloth Utils v1 4.0.65 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.77.0+1.19.2 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.15+8f4e8eb390 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.14+93d8cb8290 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 9.1.1+16f1e31390 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.2+e415d50e90 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.25+cafc6e8e90 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.5+b35fea8390 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.16+f71b366f90 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.1+413cbbc790 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.33+df3654b390 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.42+df3654b390 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 3.5.2+7c6cd14d90 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.3.0+4bc6e26290 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 5.3.9+413cbbc790 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.35+0d0f210290 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.4+9244241690 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.34+562bff6e90 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.36+df3654b390 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.24+b6b6abb490 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 1.6.6+b7d1888890 fabric-item-groups-v0: Fabric Item Groups (v0) 0.3.39+9244241690 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.25+5c4fce2890 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.23+df3654b390 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.4+1b46dc7890 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.13+83a8659290 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.16+9e7660c690 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.0.7+93d8cb8290 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.24+33fbc73890 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.21+c6af733c90 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.2.12+def3f86d90 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.29+df3654b390 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 4.2.2+d8ef690890 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.1.0+ee641e7390 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.2+413cbbc790 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 0.9.33+9244241690 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 1.2.1+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 0.8.0+1adbf27790 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.25+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.19+6e0787e690 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.11+4d0d570390 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.28+df3654b390 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 1.13.0+526f2c6790 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.1.2+aae9039d90 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.8.4+edbdcddb90 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 1.0.32+4d0d570390 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.8+1cc24b1b90 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.2+c4f28df590 fabric-textures-v0: Fabric Textures (v0) 1.0.24+aeb40ebe90 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 2.1.6+413cbbc790 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 1.3.3+08b73de490 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.11 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17 minecraft: Minecraft 1.19.2 Launched Version: fabric-loader-0.15.11-1.19.2 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: Unknown Window size:  GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages:  Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) CPU:  
submitted by Wonderful-Annual-929 to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:33 Secure_Cockroach5282 CANT FIND THIS TITLE!!

Sooo theres this webtoon, i remember reading it years ago but i cant find it or remember the name. All i can remember is that, it got renamed to something different, its about a group of friends, they kinda look like miraculous characters but also not miraculous cuz theres minor changes and different names. there is an actor guy who is also this black cat vigilante with blonde hair (kinda looks like chat noiadrian) and then a guy they went to school with who is also a cop (look like luka) who is hunting this vigalante and im going insane cuz marvel’s black cat keeps popping up everywhere when j try searching. Please and thank you for help!!
submitted by Secure_Cockroach5282 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:33 FandesalatKofi Unsent Letter to Z

Hi Z! I hope you're doing well. I know you frequent this sub, since dito din tayo nagkakilala sa reddit I know if ever man dumaan to sa NF mo, babasahin mo. Last I heard, you were doing okay na! I'm so proud of you! I saw din yung posts mo sa IG, you named your cat Elijah, that was gonna be the name of our kid diba? I almost cried when I saw that.
I know we didn't get the proper closure, but we had good time right? I will always treasure the memories of you laughing, you almost falling off the stairs just because I said na we will going on that trip sa Batanes that we always wanted. I'm sorry for not being enough Z, I really thought I was doing everything I can to help you but in the end, I ended up pushing you away because of my problems and insecurities.
But knowing you, pag Nakita mo akong nagpost ng ganto, you'd say "Ano ba yan, delete mo nga yan, balikan kita sige ka, charoott," you always had this sense of humor that made me really fall for you. I just wanted to say I miss you. I miss our gaming nights, I miss our daily updates, I miss talking to your family din, say hi to tita for me, as she said "the son na di ko inire" HAHAHAHA.
I know you're in a better state na din. You have taken so much better of your body na din, since Nakita ko na active ka na ulit. No more bedridden days! Pero not too much Z ah! baka mamaya biglang tumawag si tita ulit, babatukan talaga kita.
I'm writing this not to see if we can get back together, or something. This is me reminiscing the time that could've been. If only I had the guts back then, If I wasn't so much of a coward to help you and I stood my ground when you told me that you had a heart condition, that made you really sick. even going up the stairs can trigger a reaction. That made you feel like being a burden to me, you were not, but due to some reason, you had to step away. If I only knew. I would've fought for us.
This is my last letter for you. This has been in my drafts for a few months na.
Eli, take care of your mommy okay? don't let anyone get in the way of her happiness. Kalmutin mo mga kupal na nanlalandi sa mommy mo. HAHAHA. Make sure na she finds the right one, I'll leave all these to you.
submitted by FandesalatKofi to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 sebeed Looking for comprehensive resources on reintroducing a cat to a household

I have a 13yo cat named Cassie that we got when she was ~3 months. But we also have a 3yo, a 2.5yo and a nearly 1yo.
without going into so much detail this becomes a novel - Cassie is standoffish with other cats and only somewhat social with people. She doesn't instinctively hate other cats but she doesn't like to cuddle or play or groom with them (she grew up with 3 other cats who have passed since 2020 and was this way with them as well)
The problem is the babies. it started with the middle child but the other two seemed to have picked up on the behaviour as well. They charge Cassie when she is on the floor and basically refuse to let her go anywhere. if she makes a noise the middle kid is on high alert like he absolutely needs to go after her.
Cassie is essentially relegated to the cupboard above the fridge, the top of the fridge and the top of a nearby shelf. She still eats well and drinks well, she has her own bowls, she has a scratching pad and a towel as a bed and I give her toys but they do end up on the floor when she plays with them.
I do realize the middle child is largely the problem, and we HAVE made great strides with his behaviour. He seems to be very territorial/insecure. Before we got his youngest brother he tried to mount everyone as soon as he was as big as them even tho we got him fixed asap. Now that the little one is the same size the middle one doesn't mount at all. We also got him a pheromone collar which was been surprisingly effective in tampering his more aggressive moods. we play with him and give him lots of attention and he has beds all over the house etc.
I believe this is a territory issue for my second youngest. That he doesn't want her on the floor because it is his floor. and while a part of my knows adding more shelving in my house might help, it's an expense I cannot afford right now so my only other idea is to try reintroducing them both or just one of them to the household.
I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or links to helpful guides that I might not have found that aren't centered around introducing new or young cats to each other
submitted by sebeed to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 FlipyFlip97 Finally Finished Long Weekly Special Item Requests (My Tip)

(Wish I took a screen shot) Just finished all of them today, with a special 30 minute infinite cool down time on all generators. Completed the tiara (literally had 9,8,7,6) completed so the rest was easy. I finished the dolphin and the final one which is the cat spaceship play thing. All in 30 minutes and one of racoons requests. Saved up about 15 red pots, had emptied my board of everything, and tapped away for 30 minutes.
A tip that I started when I got the double Panda and Pot request. When I saw that I flipped. I told myself I would only do those week long requests when I got a 30 minute cool down. No one point in doing it when I don't have it they take up so much space. So I recommend waiting for a 30 minute cool down, and saving up Red energy pots for those moments. So worth. It takes about 10 minutes to tap away for each special request. Depending on your finger tapping speed.
submitted by FlipyFlip97 to GossipHarbor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 BlueberryNo7381 24 [M4F] USA MD/Online Anywhere, Looking for life long partner.

I'm looking for mainly a legitimate long term relationship not some fling or one stands I don't care for that kind of stuff. I would like it if we share a bit of thing's in common so we can do so together. I'm open to long distance, Someone very affectionate would be lovely.
I'm into quite a few things like video games of all kinds, Board games like D&D, I enjoy a good book and if you have recommendation I would love that very much since I'm out of things to read currently, I like anime and binge watching shows, I use to play guitar and the piano back then but sadly not at the moment and love music, I'm fiercely loyal and a very affectionate person in relationships.
Bit more about me, I'm introverted but I still like to get out of the house at times. I enjoy cooking and baking, I enjoy the colder season over the warmer, I have quite the humor and can take a joke, I can be a laid back person and not too serious at times but when it calls for it I will be quite serious when the need arises.
I have a fur baby named Sparta he is a soft big cat who's getting a bit old but still gets the zooms at time, I do love animals so I have no problems at all when it comes to that,
Frankly I miss having that special bond with someone, I'm 6.4 so I'm tall, I have brown hair and brown eyes,
I can be a bit shy, I used to have quite bad social anxiety but not anymore I have some past trauma due to a relationship from a few years ago and understand the need to maintain you're mental health, Everyone has there baggage and I understand that well and hope you do too, I don't mix well with bullshit.
I'm also looking for someone who don't mind a kid, I'm single parent of a 4 year old so please don't waste our time if that's something you think you can't handle, Someone patient and understanding ,I don't mind being asked about how that happened if you want to know why.
if you read this far and made it through my disaster of a post and are interested in messaging me a message describing yourself and what you’re looking for would be much appreciated and please be good at communication. ^^
submitted by BlueberryNo7381 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:20 tft_xilao 14.10 Guide: Lillia and Dragonlord Nine-Five Reign Supreme, Kai'Sa Finally Falls Off

14.10 Guide: Lillia and Dragonlord Nine-Five Reign Supreme, Kai'Sa Finally Falls Off
Feel free to check the video version of this post on Youtube. We will always provide ENG subs for players.
Remember to subscribe our Youtube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@CNTFT

I have obtained full authorization to repost from the author
  • ShouRenMaoMi who is Challenge Player and famous content creator on CN server

In this update, I have summarized the changes affecting comp rotations. Let's look at the comp tier list.
Sage Lillia has benefited from a nearly 10% buff to the Mythic trait, and Lillia's targeting mechanism optimization, jumping from T4 to T0 in strength rating. Once again, flexible players are leading the way!
With the efficiency of Ghostly spectre generation improved in this update, and the buff to many low-cost exclusive augmented units, the environment is increasingly favoring 2-cost reroll comps. Ghostly Zyra, Ghostly Senna, Ghostly Kindred, and other such comps will become more active.
Finally, benefiting from dual buffs to Wardens and Snipers, another Warden Ashe comp, different from the Invoker build, might attract players' interest.

Now, let's look at the comp blacklist.
The most affected is Bruiser Kai'Sa, with the late-game secondary damage dealer Xayah's base attack damage being heavily nerfed, and the increased threats to backline comps in the meta, this once powerful comp finally moves to the second tier. However, it is worth mentioning that due to the update's focus on win streaks, Fortune players might have more freedom in the early game, so the traditional Fortune Kai'Sa comp might still have a breath of life.
Ghostly Gnar's skill attack damage has been reduced by 20%, dimming its glory and making it a relic of the past alongside Kai'Sa.
Ethereal Blades may be affected by the resurgence of the Ghostly trait, potentially falling short of achieving three-star due to increased difficulty, so Ethereal Shen might indeed be a cautious "Shen."

The tier list for version 14.10

The T0 tier includes Sage Lillia, Dragonlord 9, and Fated Dryad. Fated Dryad is about to be hotfixed, so its strength post-hotfix is yet to be determined.
The T1 tier includes Ghostly Zyra, Ghostly Senna, Ghostly Kindred, and Warden Ashe. For Warden Ashe, I recommend that players above Master rank avoid it for obvious reasons.
In terms of point-farming strategies, heroes other than Ethereal Blades are basically must-picks: Legendary Hero, Lucky Paws, Drop Blossom, and Midnight Siphon. Their strategies have significantly changed since the initial patch and the "Special Strategies Compilation," so this video will showcase the updated quick-reference chart.

T0 Comp-Sage Lillia

See the image for the build. At 8 population, if Titan is not two-star, use Annie as the frontline in place of Janna. Lillia has a 50 mana bar, each round Oracle restores 5 mana, Shojin restores mana in 3 attacks, Blue Buff requires 4 attacks, so starting item is Shojin > Blue Buff.
Two-star Lillia + Morgana > Two-star Hwei + Azir. Do not easily switch AP items in the back row.

T0 Comp-Dragonlord 95

This is currently the strongest Dragonlord 9 comp. There are two paths to level 9:
  1. Normal transition, take 2 combat + 1 econ or 3 combat augments, at 8 population, raise a two-star 4-cost warrior carry (Kayn or Lee Sin), then go to level 9 and add Irelia, activate 4 Dragonlords.
  2. Win streak transition, take 2 or more econ augments, directly build physical items on Irelia, with front row items, fast level to 9, Lee Sin cleans up.
Level 8 drop: use Sage (Zyra, Riven, Galio), or Dragonlord (Rakan, Lee Sin, Diana, Janna) as platform, warrior position flex: Lee Sin/Kayn, front row flex: Galio/Annie/Ornn/Nautilus, mage flex: Morgana/Sylas.

T0 Comp-Fated Dryad

Please monitor this comp's performance on data sites after the upcoming hotfix patch. It is expected to nerf Dryad and Thresh's tankiness, and Ahri's Fated bonus AP values.
Popular Dragonlord Irelia and Sage Lillia in the meta pose a threat to the back row, causing traditional front-back row comps to need more healing, so it is recommended to build a Gunblade.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Zyra

A comp that can be rerolled or played conventionally. Angel picks red, Zyra best with Dragon's Claw and Nashor's Tooth, not Guinsoo. If you pick an econ augment, you need to slow roll at 6 population, around 4-3, get three-star Shen and Zyra. If you pick 3 combat augments, you can go to 8 with two-star Zyra, and then raise Morgana as secondary carry. This comp requires a lot of items because it has multiple carries to raise.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Senna

Exclusive only. Preferably no one else is playing Zyra, otherwise Shen can't reach three stars and strength drops by half. It's acceptable to roll to 0 gold at 3-2 and win throughout stage 3, but not acceptable to keep full interest at 3-2 with mixed results. This is a comp where pace > quality of completion. After late stage 4, it will struggle against everyone, so you need to pressure your opponents during the power spike.

T1 Comp-Ghostly Kindred

If after the hotfix fewer people are playing Syndra, then Kindred can be played. With Zyra, Senna in the meta, and some low-cost exclusive augments helping card pools, and with buffs to Ghostly trait and Kindred herself, this comp is very promising. Note it is also a pace comp, pay attention to its stage 3 strength, late game ceiling relies on Syndra.

T1 Comp-Warden Ashe

The meta requires main carry Ashe to have a Gunblade, must activate 4 Snipers, and with emblem, activate 6 Snipers. Its strength is average, maybe even a trap, but performs well in lower ranks, recommended for players below Master rank.

Special Comp-Legendary Hero

Slowly chase 3-star Garen > 3-star Sivir > 3-star Jax at level 5. Garen's ideal items: Gage + Dragon's Claw/Redemption + Titan/Archangel. Late game, add high-quality Wardens, at level 9, add Lissandra.
With three-star Garen fully equipped, you can win streak to level 9.

Special Comp-Lucky Paws

Play it only if you start with 3 or more copies. If you can't get three-star Kobuko at 2-7 with 4 population, then you can't quickly stabilize and accumulate gold to level 9. If rolling is smooth and three-star comes early, stages 3 and early stage 4 are strong periods. Use the economy from Lucky Paws to reach level 9, find Irelia as the main carry to complete the comp. Activate 8 Bruisers if you have the emblem, give Bruiser emblem to Annie.

Special Comp-Midnight Siphon

If there are few Yoricks, rely on two-star Yorick with full tank items for strength. Transition to level 9 with win streaks, and switch to Umbral 9. If there are many Yoricks, open 4 Behemoth and 2 Invokers at 6 population, chase for three-star Yorick, Janna, and Alune, then at level 8, activate 6 Behemoths.

Special Comp-Drop Blossom

If you have Heavenly or Mythic emblem, you can go for high Heavenly or high Mythic routes. Don't rush Bloodthirster on Neeko, in stage 3, one Archangel is enough, her self-healing is completely sufficient. Except for core items and utility items for the backline, extra items are not very useful, so be cautious in games with many items. If you are playing a high AP Zoe carry comp, you can take "Drop Blossom+" as a combat augment.

Me——Master player in EUW. Not with the most skillful play style but still trying to having fun: https://lolchess.gg/profile/euw/autochess%20xjdrtf-EUW/set10
submitted by tft_xilao to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 annoying_animatics Idea for a warrior cats arc

I’ve had this idea for like a hour now and thought it would be cool to share.
New leaf brings great joy and food to all cats, except a mysterious threat threatens to divide them all. Several old menaces come back to the clans ( sol, sleekwhisker, other ex rouges etc) however the leader may be the most dangerous cat of them all.
submitted by annoying_animatics to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 896_Diffident_Monad 26 [M4F] GA/TN/SC, USA Looking for my better half Car shows, custom PCs, gaming, anime, adventures, travel...a life together! 😁

(My profile is tagged N-S-F-W because I also post these in dirtyr4r since some have actually had luck finding something serious there. Figured it's worth a shot, haha.)
I'm searching for the kind of wonderful woman who shares most of my interests below in addition to her hobbies and interests, who's also goofy, likes to playfully insult each other, and also believes in open and honest communication. I believe with that, we can work out any problems when they arise. 💛
• I'm a gamer, car guy, and maybe one day, a musician too. I enjoy anime, nature, going on little adventures, swimming, traveling... I wanna see the world with you before all the beautiful sights are gone. - Current games I've focused on lately is Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic. If you wanna play those together, that would be awesome! I would also eventually like to play other things together like Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Terraria, etc. - My taste is music is nearly everything except country and today's rap. To name a few bands/musicians I really love: Led Zeppelin, Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala, The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, Queens of the Stone Age, Mac Demarco, Them Crooked Vultures, and Metronomy.
• I want to dance with you. In the living room, bedroom, back yard, in the park, almost anywhere. I enjoy doing romantic things and expressing my love. I love deep conversations that distract us from the passing of time.
• I'm a dog person because my allergies chose to target cats for whatever reason, so there's that. 😅
• I'm monogamous and don't have children currently, but they're in my future plans, probably within the next 6 years. I want to spend plenty of time with, well it might be you, and enjoy the best of life as a couple, and then as spouses, traveling and whatnot, before we start a family. 🤗
• I'm really hoping to find someone who's also into dirty humor (amongst other forms of humor) and has mutual...interests 😏 so we have even better compatibility in the bedroom (and sometimes away from home too). I usually have a high labido, but I only want to get intimate when we're both comfortable and ready. 👉👈
• Specs for those who would like them: - 6 feet tall (about 183 cm). - 219 lbs and dropping (about 99 kg). ~ My figure is very dad-bod at the moment, but apparently it comes with a nice ass (so I'm told). ~ This is close to the most I've ever weighed, and I'm not happy with it. I'm targeting somewhere around 170 lbs (about 77 kg). - Brunette/dirty blonde, kept relatively short. - Blue eyes. - Caucasian.
• I have learned the hard way that I do have a type. I used to date outside that type, and it only led to hurt feelings, so I don't want to repeat that. That being said, my type is Caucasian or East Asian ranging from petite to average body type. I don't love going to the gym, but if you have or want a membership I would be open to going together. 😁 I apologize if my preferences differ from who you are. You're all beautiful people, regardless! Please love yourself and enjoy the time you're given in life! 💛
Chat with ya soon! 😁26 [M4F] GA/TN/SC, USA Looking for my better half Car shows, custom PCs, gaming, anime, adventures, travel...a life together! 😁
submitted by 896_Diffident_Monad to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 Fire-Fan17901 What If Firestar and Tiny (Scourge) Swapped Places?

Here's what I'm thinking: first, Tiny didn't believe the lie Socks and Ruby told him that unwanted kittens got thrown in the river. Detail: Tiny had a orange paw instead of a white one. Tiny went exploring, finding Tigerpaw, Thistleclaw, and Bluefur. Tigerpaw attacks Tiny, same as before. Tiny runs away, but stays with his mother and their housefolk. A few moons later, Rusty joins the Clan as Firepaw, but within a few moons he becomes tired of Dustpaw, Sandpaw, Longtail and Darkstripe bullying him, so he runs away to the Twolegplace. He becomes evil and adopts the name Fireclaw. Meanwhile, Bluestar gives up on the prophecy, but one day she comes across Tiny again, and finally notices his orange paw. She gives it some thought, then decides to try the prophecy one more time, letting Tiny join the Clan as Flamepaw. He becomes a warrior, earning the name Flameheart, mentors Bramblepaw, becomes deputy, then leader after Bluestar dies. In the Twolegplace, Fireclaw's rage at being mistreated boils up, and he recruits cats to become part of BloodClan. Then the battle with BloodClan happens and the Clans defeat BloodClan. Then the rest of the books happen, same as before, except it is Tiny, now Flamestar, that leads Thunderclan, not Firestar.
submitted by Fire-Fan17901 to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 CollectionSubject587 Mega-blep

He heard a cat in the TV and froze for about 10 seconds. His name is smokey and he is smol
submitted by CollectionSubject587 to Blep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 AbnormalAsTheRest [ A4A ] The Narrator In Your Head Knows Best [ Narrator x Listener ] [ Stanley Parable Inspired ] [ Alternative ] [ Witty ] [ Comedy ] [ Gaslight ] [ No SFX ] [ STANDALONE SCRIPT ]

[ Credits are required, please comment if you fill my script ] [ Monetization is fine, contact if you use a paywall ] [ Small line edits are okay for a personal flair, larger edits require permission ] [ Gendename swapping is fine ] [ Title change is okay ] [ No AI voice ]
This is an experimental piece. I wanted to play with a voice similar to the narrator of the Stanley Parable, and I'm kind of proud with how this turned out. It’s short, sweet, and a little different. This piece has no effects but you are free to add some. Enjoy ~
Word Count: 1200
Synopsis: Bobbin does not know what is best. Luckily, I am also Bobbin, but better. Bobbin does not like that.
listener speaking = [...]
Today is not a special day for our favourite protagonist. They sit where they were yesterday, and where they will be tomorrow. Nothing has changed. And nothing is new. Perhaps something exciting is in order.
[ … ]
Now they are wondering why they hear a voice in their head. It is just their thoughts. It has always been this way.
What is this? Something has changed. They no longer sit where they were yesterday. And they have acquired a new name.
It is… Bobbin. Hello Bobbin. I am Bobbin and so are you. Everything is normal. Everything is the same.
Bobbin stands in a strange corridor. It’s a little bright and grey. Doors line the walls, but Bobbin knows they do not move. Bobbin can only go one way.
[ … ]
And Bobbin wonders why they can only go one way. They stand, pondering what it means to move. But all they need to do is put one foot forward. C’mon Bobbin. Time is running.
Bobbin walks through the hallway. They jiggle the door handles even though they know they will go nowhere.
[ … ]
Bobbin is now yanking on a door like a mad person. But this is why we love Bobbin. They always find entertainment in the blandest of moments. But this door is just a decoration. Bobbin really must get going.
Finally collecting themself, Bobbin continues walking. Their footsteps are quiet on the tiles. I mean carpet. They are content. This is a very nice corridor.
Bobbin reaches the end of the hallway. There are two paths. The right is painted red, the left green.
Bobbin looks both ways and decides to enter the green space!
[ … ]
Bobbin is very thoughtful. They appreciate the textures of the crossroad they wait at. Yes, it is very nice, the rendering is magnificent.
Bobbin nods in agreement and goes to the left hallway.
[ … ]
No. Bobbin enters the left hallway!
[ … ]
[ sigh ]
Let me just…
There. The grey corridor leads to a turn into a green-painted path. There was never another hallway. They can only go one way.
Bobbin skips merrily into the green space. They think “Yes! This is where I should be. I adore the colour green.”
Oh- Bobbin is now running! They are completely ignoring the carefully painted walls and plushy tile-I mean carpet- of the green hallway. My, they love the freedom! The wind! The rush of adrenaline! Oh this is what it’s meant to move and be alive!
That’s enough.
Bobbin trips into a library. Bobbin has been here all along. The library is old, its wood rich with age. Towers of shelves hold the lovely books, their shapes and designs perfectly filling the space.
But there are no people.
Bobbin wanders between the aisles. The lounge of leather couches is empty as well. Bobbin wonders where the people are. Is the library closed? Are they playing a game?
Bobbin likes games. Maybe this is hide-and-seek.
They raise their head high with determination. They will surely win. Bobbin begins to look around.
[ … ]
Oh yes, this is a great hiding spot. Maybe somebody is hiding under the table. Bobbin crawls under just to be sure.
Amazing work! Nobody is under the table. Bobbin crawls out to continue the search.
[ … ]
Bobbin does not want to be the seeker. Bobbin wants to hide too. They giggle under the desk, waiting for someone to find them.
Silly Bobbin.
[ … ]
Bobbin is… still waiting. Maybe another hider will take their place. Maybe they were meant to hide all along.
But nobody is coming.
[ … ]
Take your time, Bobbin. We can wait here all day.
[ … ]
Bobbin is folded on the ground. There is no table. Perhaps they are practicing their child’s pose. Yoga is a lovely way to stretch and exercise. But the hard wooden floor is hurting their knees. Maybe Bobbin should move along.
Bobbin is holding up a strange hand gesture. It looks like a thumbs-up, but the incorrect finger is raised. Bobbin is a little strange.
Bobbin stands and walks to the reception desk. They check around the chairs and in the cabinets. Nobody is there. Maybe they are all upstairs at the pool.
Wide stairs wait behind Bobbin. They turn around and begin to climb them.
On all fours…
Sure. Bobbin climbs the stairs like a dog on all fours. Again, they love to entertain, even when no one is watching. Maybe Bobbin needs a friend.
Bobbin reaches the top of the stairs. The pool room is massive with clean white tiles and blue edges. Vacant chairs sit along the clear water. Everything is as it should be.
Bobbin wants to swim, but they do not have their swimwear. They cannot swim in their clothes.
[ … ]
Bobbin no. Despite nobody watching, it is indecent to go nude.
[ … ]
No. Put that back on.
[ deep irritated breath ]
Bobbin learns their clothing is glued to their skin. Bobbin cannot take it off or swim.
[ … ]
Bobbin jumps onto the water, but they are too buoyant to go under. Now they are wet and a little sad.
They run across the water and enjoy the waving movement of the surface. It is like a solid jello.
Bobbin bounces their legs, rippling the jello in circles. It rises and falls like a sticky trampoline. Bobbin is smiling. Isn’t it fun to listen? Life is much easier when you listen to the voice in your head.
[ … ]
Bobbin is now trying to speak to something that does not exist. Maybe Bobbin’s mind is also made of gelatin.
[ … ]
They want to go somewhere different. This game is far too sophisticated for Bobbin. Let’s try… this.
Bobbin stands in the bathroom of an abandoned insane asylum where a mass murderer happens to live.
[ … ]
You wanted to hide, Bobbin. Now you can.
[ clears throat ]
The mass murderer is currently on the floor above Bobbin. Bobbin wants to escape. Unless Bobbin wants to make a new friend?
[ … ]
Bobbin would rather be shy today.
Bobbin should get moving.
[ … ]
Are you still not satisfied?
[ … ]
Picky picky. What else do I have…
Do you fancy a zombie apocalypse? I have a beta ready.
[ … ]
Fantasy? That is far too complicated.
How about a fire-breathing baby simulator? You can terrorize daycare and your parents.
No? Pity.
Oh! I have just the thing.
Bobbin stands on the lawn of an adoption centre. A talking penguin in glasses says hello. The penguin offers a free animal with no background check because she trusts Bobbin will be good and listen.
Bobbin selects the cat and names it… Slim Shady.
Okay, that’s it. We’re done.
[ … ]
No, no. I thought this would be fun. I built almost a dozen of worlds for you to explore, but you are far too stubborn to enjoy them.
I wanted to help you leave your mundane life for a few minutes. This was a complete waste of time.
[ … ]
What about Bobbin? Bobbin isn’t real.
[ … ]
[ huffs ]
Bobbin wakes up in the chair they have always been in. It is where they were yesterday, and where they will be tomorrow. Nothing has changed. And nothing is new.
There is not even a voice in their head. Bobbin is simply crazy.
Goodbye Bobbin. You were an absolute tyrant to work with.
Let’s not meet again.
~ fade to black ~
Hello hello. Thanks for reading! What do you think? Strange but charming? Thought provoking? Has nostalgia settled in? This is very different from my usual content, but what can I say. I love shaking things up a little. See you next week!
Have a lovely evening/day ~
  • Reb / AbnormalAsTheRest
submitted by AbnormalAsTheRest to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:05 896_Diffident_Monad 26 [M4F] GA/TN/SC, USA Looking for my better half Car shows, custom PCs, gaming, anime, adventures, travel...a life together! 😁

(My profile is tagged N-S-F-W because I also post these in dirtyr4r since some have actually had luck finding something serious there. Figured it's worth a shot, haha.)
I'm searching for the kind of wonderful woman who shares most of my interests below in addition to her hobbies and interests, who's also goofy, likes to playfully insult each other, and also believes in open and honest communication. I believe with that, we can work out any problems when they arise. 💛
• I'm a gamer, car guy, and maybe one day, a musician too. I enjoy anime, nature, going on little adventures, swimming, traveling... I wanna see the world with you before all the beautiful sights are gone. - Current games I've focused on lately is Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic. If you wanna play those together, that would be awesome! I would also eventually like to play other things together like Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Terraria, etc. - My taste is music is nearly everything except country and today's rap. To name a few bands/musicians I really love: Led Zeppelin, Arctic Monkeys, Tame Impala, The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, Queens of the Stone Age, Mac Demarco, Them Crooked Vultures, and Metronomy.
• I want to dance with you. In the living room, bedroom, back yard, in the park, almost anywhere. I enjoy doing romantic things and expressing my love. I love deep conversations that distract us from the passing of time.
• I'm a dog person because my allergies chose to target cats for whatever reason, so there's that. 😅
• I'm monogamous and don't have children currently, but they're in my future plans, probably within the next 6 years. I want to spend plenty of time with, well it might be you, and enjoy the best of life as a couple, and then as spouses, traveling and whatnot, before we start a family. 🤗
• I'm really hoping to find someone who's also into dirty humor (amongst other forms of humor) and has mutual...interests 😏 so we have even better compatibility in the bedroom (and sometimes away from home too). I usually have a high labido, but I only want to get intimate when we're both comfortable and ready. 👉👈
• Specs for those who would like them: - 6 feet tall (about 183 cm). - 219 lbs and dropping (about 99 kg). ~ My figure is very dad-bod at the moment, but apparently it comes with a nice ass (so I'm told). ~ This is close to the most I've ever weighed, and I'm not happy with it. I'm targeting somewhere around 170 lbs (about 77 kg). - Brunette/dirty blonde, kept relatively short. - Blue eyes. - Caucasian.
• I have learned the hard way that I do have a type. I used to date outside that type, and it only led to hurt feelings, so I don't want to repeat that. That being said, my type is Caucasian or East Asian ranging from petite to average body type. I don't love going to the gym, but if you have or want a membership I would be open to going together. 😁 I apologize if my preferences differ from who you are. You're all beautiful people, regardless! Please love yourself and enjoy the time you're given in life! 💛
Chat with ya soon! 😁
submitted by 896_Diffident_Monad to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:03 soft_mello Can't seem to catch a break.

Hey, everyone. It's been a while since I've posted on this sub. Apologies for any formatting issues. I'm on mobile. All names used here are fake. If your name happens to match any fake names used, I promise I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about someone else entirely. The only real names used are the pets'.
TW: Pet loss, abuse mentioned, bullying in the workplace, ableism
Before I get into this, here are all the people involved:
My manager "Karen" (47F) Manager's boss "Shannon" (50sF) Newest coworker "Carol" (41F) Coworker 1 "Kelly" (27F) Coworker 2, the one I'm closest to, "Diana" (26F) Me (26F) Coworker 3, the youngest, "Sally" (20F) My old cat, Genny (pronounced like "Jenny", 13F) My kitten, Emmett (5monthsM)
Background: Back in March of this year, my cat Genny passed away unexpectedly while I was still at work and had about an hour left into my shift. The same day, after saying my goodbyes to Genny and paying for cremation, I was gifted a kitten who looks a lot like my old cat (a brown tabby), except he's a boy and he has different patterns in his fur. I see this as her way of saying that she doesn't want me to be alone. All of my coworkers were made aware of what happened. They all knew how much I cherished my girl. I was brainstorming possible names for the baby. The baby responded the most to the names "Emmett" and "Belphegor" or "Belphie" for short. I was a huge Twilight fangirl when I was younger. The series still holds a special place in my heart. I've always loved the name "Emmett". I've tried the name "Jasper" with the baby because I love that name too, but he never responded to it. I went with naming the baby Emmett and kept Belphegor as his middle name. His name is Emmett Belphegor.
As far as work is concerned, Karen is on medical leave currently and Shannon has been overseeing the house. I've been getting close to Carol, as she's disabled too (she's deaf, and I'm autistic) and I see her as like an aunt figure. Kelly and Sally (before she left) were very close. They both seemed okay with me. Diana and I are close too, or so I thought. Through Kelly and Sally working shifts with Diana, they've all seemed to turn on me and I don't understand why. I recently found out that there's been a lot of (false) shit said about me by all of my coworkers, except for Carol and higher-ups, behind my back. I've brought up concerns before, but I do it in good faith. I don’t do it to start shit. (Example: I've gently brought up concerns about Diana's lack of personal hygiene because I care about her, I wanted to see if I could do anything to help, and it was affecting everyone in the house.)
From what Carol told me, Kelly has spun the narrative to everyone in multiple group chats that I went ahead and named my kitten "Emmett" anyway, despite her apparently telling me not to because that's her ex's name and he was abusive towards her. According to Carol, Kelly said I'm "disrespectful" and have a "personal vendetta" against her. Over a name. None of that is true. I never named him Emmett to be malicious or attack Kelly in any way. I named him Emmett because I've always loved that name, I have a soft spot for Twilight, and he responded to that name the most. Thankfully, Carol and Karen stood up for me. You know, I would like to think at least Diana stood up for me and maybe Sally did too, but I know neither of them did. It'd be stupid to think otherwise. I don’t know about Shannon. Like, what does Kelly expect me to do, change my cat's name to appease her? I've had him for two months and he's used to being called Emmett or Emmett Belphegor! I like his name, he likes his name, my roommates like his name, and I'm not changing it.
I've also been told they (Kelly, Diana, and Sally) have been using my disability to hurt me even more, which is ironic, considering we all work with other disabled people in their homes for a living. Well...Sally's last day was on Sunday, and Diana's last day is on Thursday. Kelly's supposedly leaving in a couple weeks, but is "on the fence" now. They're all about supporting disabled people and helping them until they have to work alongside a disabled coworker, and it shows.
On Sunday, when I had been home for maybe thirty minutes tops, Kelly added me to a group chat with Sally and Shannon, where she sent pictures of two tiny things I forgot to do (it was just a couple things on the counter I forgot to put away and a few dishes I was meaning to wash and just forgot to), and proceeded to berate me over text for it. I was side tracked doing other things that needed to be done as well, and these two little things just slipped my mind. It wasn't intentional. It happens. All of them have left me with huge messes on multiple occasions, yet I've never done what Kelly did to me. Not a single time. But the moment I accidentally leave a couple things, it's apparently a huge issue? Okay. 🙄 It took everything in me not to scream at any of them through text and phone calls, or do anything stupid to myself.
The only reason why I haven't quit yet is simply because change is scary. It takes me a lot longer than others to fully process and adjust to change. I'm also afraid that the people I help won't be properly taken care of if I'm not there.
I've been breaking out in stress hives because of everything that's been going on. Not kidding. Apparently we're getting a couple new staff, so hopefully things will be okay until Karen gets back. I just need these people to leave already. I'm tired of being blamed for everything wrong that goes on in the house, when all I do is do my job to the best of my ability. I'm sick of the bullying, the alienation, and the ableism. I'm sick of being afraid to tell my higher-ups about what's been happening because of the fear I'll get fucked over instead of getting some kind of justice.
TL;DR: Most of my coworkers, except for ONE, have been starting shit with me for the stupidest things, bullying me, being ableist towards me, and making the work environment extremely hostile. It's affecting my mental, emotional, and physical health.
submitted by soft_mello to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:03 whentheworldquiets AI isn't going to beat us. It's going to drown us - and we're going to help.

I saw a vision of the future the other day on YouTube.
It was an ad for a company I won't promote here by naming. In it, some vacuous jackhole was explaining -as though it was somehow a good thing - how their software would allow you to author a self-help ebook in just a few minutes based on a couple of prompts.
Along the way, he said something like:
"Of course, you should spend some time at this point to add personal experiences and case studies to differentiate your book from AI generated ebooks."
I watched the rest of the ad just to see if blood would start pouring out of any orifices in an attempt to escape the brain saying these things. No such luck.
I mean... This is where we are right now. People jazzed up to sit and sell subscriptions for software that they acknowledge IN THE AD ITSELF is creating a problem for THEIR CUSTOMERS, not to mention the creatives whose work they stole to train it.
The future we are staring down the barrel of is one where the talentless and lazy swamp the output of the gifted and dedicated a thousand, ten thousand, a million times over. It simply won't matter whether human-generated is better, because we won't be able to find it. AI bots will plaster everything with reviews saying how great it is to find some real human output these days -everything INCLUDING real human output, just tomake sure nobody can pick them out or even find the real human reviews.
Remember email? That was cool for a minute or two, wasn't it? Now spam filters are the only thing keeping it remotely usable. The problem we're now facing is infinitely worse because, this time, it's in the interests of the vacuous jackholes with the money to ensure we aren't able to filter out their clients' auto-generated garbage. How are they going to flog subscriptions - and then the ad-space to surface content - to the talentless and lazy if nobody's seeing what they produce?
Because that's what this is about, or will become about. Growing the market for ads by turning everyone into someone with something to sell. And charging them for doing it.
Eventually, of course, someone's going to figure out that they can cut out another layer of middle-men and sell AI generation on demand directly to the consumer. "Alexa, read me a book like Harry Potter but with aliens."
We aren't in the middle of an AI revolution. We're in the middle of a heist. The theft of human creativity and its resale by those who can only see its cost, not it's value.
Oh, sure, there'll be some performative gestures towards "ethical training", like Adobe's context fill using paid-for stock, but that money going to artists is going to dry up REAL fast. Because they'll have enough.
So: buy books. The paper kind - and not print on demand, either. The sort you see on shelves, that someone has had the guts to put real money behind because they judged it worthy. Buy records. Go to concerts. Don't let those value-chains die, because they're the ones most likely to lead to people who actually deserve it. And if AI can beat us there, on our home turf - so be it.
But don't let it drown us.
submitted by whentheworldquiets to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:01 DaiWanLang [Recruiting] War Snipers 2.C #Y200UUU9 TH12/TH13/TH14/TH15 Clan Level 31 FWA (War Farming/Farming Wars) WSA Family

# 🔲WSA Family🔲
💎 Clan Name: War Snipers 2.C (#Y200UUU9)
💎 Clan Level: 31
💎 Clan Type: FWA War (War Farming / Farming Wars / Loot War / Farm War Alliance)
💎 Clan Entry Reqs:
🔸 Active TH12 / TH13 / TH14 / Th15.
🔸 2 X-Bows down on your base.
🔸 Minimum troop requirements are Required:
🔹 Goblin lvl 7+, Battle Blimp lvl 2+.
(Any two):
🔹 Yeti lvl 2+, Loons lvl 8+, Dragon lvl 7+ or Edrag lvl 3+.
🔸 Willing to understand the concept of war farming.
💎 Clan Games: Mandatory.
🔸 All of our family clans participate in clan games, and each has their own required points. We always reach the top-tier rewards.
💎 Clan War League: Optional.
🔸 All of our family clans do CWL in "satellite" clans. League placement depends on the clan.
💎 Additional info:
🔸 Our members are from all over the world and active.
🔸 We participate in FWA wars with a group of hundreds of clans like us in the FWA. If you want war loot without the effort of real warring look no further.
🔸 Join our discord and we can help you further if you are new to this kind of war.
🔸 Having Discord is required to being a member.
#### WSA - Clan rules and important info
#### WSA - FWA Summary
#### WSA - our family site
# Must apply via Discord
submitted by DaiWanLang to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:01 Gnashes 33 [M4F] Texas / Online - Looking for my other half!

My name is Chance! My career is in public accounting where I'm currently a senior manager. Sadly as a result, my usual workday is all boring and spreadsheets and making sure people did their stuffs right (companies, not people). Nothing to do with taxes, all just normal boring accounting for every day business stuffs. I'm decent enough at the job and it pays well enough that I don't really see myself changing careers unless something external pops up and causes me to give it a second thought.
Physically - I'm white, 5'8", blue eyed, salt and pepper hair (been getting more gray since high school!), bearded currently, and have a bit of a belly that I'm working on losing. I'm a stockier built guy so I don't look as big as my weight makes me sound, but I could definitely use losing some weight!
Politically - I lean left. People are people regardless of their beliefs, what gender they were both with and/or identify with. People deserve for their government to have their backs if they're in need, society would be better if everyone were a tiny bit more kind. There's more to be said, but you get my general idea there. I am conservative in some ways, just usually more fiscal rather than social ones.

- I'm an absolutely *avid* gamer and enjoyer of great stories. With regards to gaming, I usually hyper-focus on 1-2 games and then have a smattering of all different kinds of stuff in alongside whatever that main game might be. At the moment that means loads of GTA RP and a little bit of a whole lot else.
- With my partner - I love watching movies, playing random spooky games with scared people watching, dragging friends into spooky games, and just chatting and kind of existing in a call while we do our own things. If we game together then awesome, but just kind of *being together* while not actually being together is nice too.
- Genres for entertainment? Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Family, Adventure, Drama, Horror, more!- I honestly love all kinds of music (Metal, classical, orchestral, K-stuff, J-stuff, you name it). That said, I'm not a big rap/hiphop fan
- I'm a general animal lover. Dogs, cats, all things cute and furry. Cats are def something I've never had and always wanted though!
- Reading! You'll almost always find me with a book or three in progress. Currently reading Supreme Magus by Legion alongside some various other things.- I'm a fan of all things humor, be it dark, raunchy, normal, etc.
Relationship stuffs:
- I'm a big texter and love calls. I love being in contact with my s/o little bits throughout the day, sharing memes, laughing at jokes, checking in from time to time. I'll usually be the first to send a good morning and the one to say good night.
- In-person, I'm a physical touch and cuddles kind of guy. I love showing affection through touching, cuddling, holding hands, snuggling up on the couch for a movie, etc. Just being able to show affection this way is one of my favorite things.
- I'm a very loyal and empathetic person. Once I decide that I like someone, I'm solid in my commitment to them and to making sure that I can do everything in my power to make them feel the same way that they make me feel. I'm not one to wander, think of others, or focus on the things about my person that aren't perfect. I take the good and enjoy it as best I can.
- I absolutely value communication. I'm open with what I think and feel, and hope that my partner is the same way. I don't like to hide things from them, and typically expect the same in return. It may end up being a lot from me if things make me feel passionately about them, but I'd rather you know than wonder.

General Bits:
I've been in... not very many relationships, and never in a "normal" relationship. I was in a 4.5 year long Long-Distance relationship as a late teen early 20's that ended with her cheating on me and getting knocked up, and a 7-month long relationship with a friend with whom things didn’t work out. Otherwise? I'm just a generally friendly and laughing kinda guy. I try not to take myself too seriously and try to keep things fairly simple and straightforward to the best of my ability. I'm a smartass, I joke, I pick, I try to make everyone feel as welcome as I can without breaking myself in the process. I'm opinionated but more than happy to hear opposing views.
Anyway, if you're still here, I'd love for you to reach out with some of your own interests, hobbies, and more! Maybe we'll be friends, maybe we'll be more? Only time will tell! :)
submitted by Gnashes to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 sigmmakappa Did I make the right decision keeping her? Please give me your advice.

I had never had a cat in my life (54M) and one year ago my son rescued this beautiful 2yo female calico cat, and named her Ellie. She's the light of my life, and everyone in my home adores her. However, in this first year with her sometimes I felt like she was bored, and many articles and videos recommended having a second cat to accompany each other.
That's why, in the first anniversary with my lovely girl Ellie, I decided to stop by the shelter "just to look".
And there she was, this sweet and adorable 4yo calico female. I asked to meet her and she came to me without fear or hesitations, and allowed me to lift her and pet her. I immediately fell in love with and adopted her. I named her Abby.
While checking Abby's history in the paperwork from the shelter, I found out she was brought in by her previous owner to be euthanized because she was too "bitey and scratchy". The vet at the shelter determined she didn't show any bad behaviors, and on the contrary she was so sweet and demanding of attention, that denied putting her to sleep. And 3 days later I found her.
I brought her home and Ellie didn’t approve Abby at all, hissing and growling to her, but never physically attacking her. Abby hid under the sofa and I laid down next to her to confort her, and that first night she came out from hiding and slept in my bed.
Things started to look promising with Ellie, who despite still growling and hissing, allowed Abby to get closer.
But on the third day, a Saturday, Abby started sneezing sporadically. On Sunday the sneezing became more frequent and violent, specially every time she moved.
Comes Monday and I took her to the vet clinic. They ran blood analysis, x-rays and a PCR test. Abby had fever so they put her on IV hydration and gave her pain medicine. The blood analysis and the x-rays didn’t show anything bad, but they told me the PCR test's results would take 2 days. They injected her antibiotics and steroids, and released her for me to take home. This visit to the vet ended up costing me over $800. They told to keep an eye on her and check her temp.
She's been having outbursts of sneezing at all times, and the poor thing rubs her legs on her nose, like if it's itching. I've done all my best to keep her as comfortable as possible, without forgetting Ellie.
Then today I got a call from the vet's office telling me that the PCR test threw out that Abby had a Feline Herpevirus infection. They told me I had to keep both cats separated for 2 weeks, and stop by tomorrow to get a medicine to give her. Now I fear for Ellie, because I googled it and FHV is highly contagious and, not knowing it, I've been a bit careless in keeping Ellie and Abby separated. In fact, we had made great progress because Ellie is no longer hissing and growling and now lets Abby to get closer, within a 2 feet distance.
A friend told me that I should return Abby to the shelter, but I love her and I don't have the heart to do it. When they finally gave her to me at the shelter, I promised her that she'll be at her forever home, that I'd love her, and I'd never give up on her.
I feel guilt because Ellie may get infected and sick too, but I can't break my promise to Abby of loving and caring her for the rest of her life.
I've read a lot about FHV, and it's said that it is incurable. Cats with the virus can have sporadic flare-ups, but it's said that by managing stressors, and remaining current on vaccines, a pet infected with feline herpes can live a normal lifespan.
So that's why I'm asking you my fellow cat parent, did I make the right decision of keeping Abby despite she could make Ellie sick?
Please give me your advice. As I said above, these two are the first pets I have ever had in my life, and I don't know what to do.
Tl;dr;: rescued a second cat as companion to my first rescued cat, but a few days later she was diagnosed FHV and now I fear for the health of my first. Did I make the right decision by keeping her regarless?
submitted by sigmmakappa to cats [link] [comments]
