Jacky geredo en tanga

Best Actress Elimination Game Round 13

2024.05.16 03:41 mrethandunne Best Actress Elimination Game Round 13

ELIMINATED - Emma Stone in La La Land - 19.9% of all votes. La La Land was released in 2016. The film had six wins, including Best Actress for Stone, at the 89th Academy Awards. Stone was selected for Best Actress of the year in a lineup that also included Isabelle Huppert in Elle, Ruth Negga in Loving, Natalie Portman in Jackie and Meryl Streep in Florence Foster Jenkins. Stone also garnered nominations at the Critics' Choice Awards, as well as wins at the BAFTAs, Golden Globes and SAGs for her performance as Mia Dolan.
Feel free to use the comments as an area for discussion. Votes will only be accepted through this Google Form.
• Charlize Theron as Aileen Wuornos (Monster)
• Hilary Swank as Maggie Fitzgerald (Million Dollar Baby)
• Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth II (The Queen)
• Marion Cotillard as Édith Piaf (La Vie en Rose)
• Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers (Black Swan)
• Cate Blanchett as Jasmine Francis (Blue Jasmine)
• Julianne Moore as Alice Howland (Still Alice)
• Brie Larson as Joy Newsome (Room)
• Frances McDormand as Mildred Hayes (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)
• Olivia Colman as Queen Anne (The Favourite)
• Michelle Yeoh as Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All at Once)
• Emma Stone as Bella Baxter (Poor Things)
  1. Emma Stone as Mia Dolan (La La Land)
  2. Nicole Kidman as Virginia Woolf (The Hours)
  3. Jennifer Lawrence as Tiffany Maxwell (Silver Linings Playbook)
  4. Kate Winslet as Hanna Schmitz (The Reader)
  5. Halle Berry as Leticia Musgrove (Monster's Ball)
  6. Jessica Chastain as Tammy Faye Bakker (The Eyes of Tammy Faye)
  7. Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich (Erin Brockovich)
  8. Reese Witherspoon as June Carter (Walk the Line)
  9. Frances McDormand as Fern (Nomadland)
  10. Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher (The Iron Lady)
  11. Renée Zellweger as Judy Garland (Judy)
  12. Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy (The Blind Side)
submitted by mrethandunne to Oscars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:06 Dizzy-Matter6697 Hoy es la primera vez que uso tanga en el gym

Soy hombre.
submitted by Dizzy-Matter6697 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 El_Barto1090 Me la tiro ¿?

Mi primo vive enfrente de mi casa. Por x razones yo siempre madrugo para ir a trabajar Cada que salgo en las mañanas como que su mujer ya me tiene tanteada la hora, por que siempre la veo en tanga o cachetero de encaje y eso es de todos los días, a veces me sonríe y otras veces solo me hace cht. Cht. Solo para que la voltee a ver, Lo eh pensado varias veces ya, creo que quiere que me la coja Bueno ella no está nada mal es chaparrita blanquita culona me imagino que la ah de tener rosada pero no quiero caer en tentación de repente Lo hace con otras intenciones y me puede acarrear problemas Algún consejo?
submitted by El_Barto1090 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:14 enieto87 No tienen pero ni la menor idea...

Me paso de verga....
Armen una carpa que este privada... pongan un templete...
Vayan a comprar unas tangas en una bolsa... unas 50... de todos los colores...
Para que aquí acabe el pedo...
Armenlo en una cárcel con bastante jueputas...
Música maestro!
Al papá por mantenido... llevenlo también a al abuelito igual... que se las metan por culeros... también por comodos...
La puta esa de la iglesia del vestido rojo... cual madame butterfly... esa que se la metan cuata...
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:56 LaTech2024 Aseguralo viajó junto a la Cámara Insurtech Argentina a Silicon Valley

Aseguralo viajó junto a la Cámara Insurtech Argentina a Silicon Valley
El broker de seguros 100% digital de Hawk Group y socio fundador de la Cámara Insurtech Argentina anunció que realizó con éxito el viaje a Silicon Valley, donde tuvo la oportunidad de participar de experiencias y charlas en empresas que están innovando con Inteligencia Artificial y la aplicación de esta tecnología a la evolución de la industria del seguro.

Buenos Aires, 7 de mayo de 2024. Aseguralo, el broker de seguros 100% digital de Hawk Group, anunció que realizó con éxito un viaje a Silicon Valley junto a la Cámara Insurtech. En esta oportunidad, invitó a su aliado comercial BZA Group para participar de charlas de innovación en las compañías más disruptivas del mundo.

El viaje a Silicon Valley se realizó entre los días 15 y 19 de abril, y tuvo por objetivo que los miembros de la Cámara Insurtech Argentina pudieran conocer los avances de la Inteligencia Artificial aplicada al mercado asegurador y pensar en la evolución de la industria en el país. Gabriel Depascual, Gerente General de Aseguralo y secretario de la comisión directiva de la cámara, participó de esta experiencia junto a José Fregona, Director de BZA Group, aliado comercial de Hawk Group.

“Quienes participamos de esta experiencia nos pudimos enriquecer, actualizarnos sobre lo último en Inteligencia Artificial aplicada no solo a la industria del seguro sino también a cómo podemos aprovechar y mejorar nuestra calidad de atención al cliente con la experiencia de usuario; además de generar relacionamientos muy importantes y visualizar cómo los soñadores y creadores con perseverancia logran cambiar el mundo. Lo que tenemos y hacemos hoy ya está evolucionando, reconvirtiéndose dia a dia. No nos podemos quedar con lo que sabemos hoy, debemos continuar por la senda de la transformación”, comentó Gabriel Depascual.

“Fue una experiencia verdaderamente enriquecedora y transformadora. No solo tuve la oportunidad de explorar las fronteras de la innovación en tecnología y seguros, sino que también lo hice en compañía de un grupo humano excepcionalmente talentoso y motivador. Fueron invalorables las lecciones aprendidas, las conexiones establecidas y los recuerdos creados durante esta aventura única que pude experimentar gracias a Aseguralo, empresa líder en desarrollo tecnológico dentro del mercado asegurador”, destacó José Fregona.

Además de Gabriel Depascual y José Fregona, todos los socios de la Cámara Insurtech Argentina que participaron de este viaje, encabezados por Alberto Gabriel, profundizaron sus conocimientos, se llevaron mucho material para analizar y el desafío de adoptar las nuevas tecnologías para impulsar la transformación de la industria del seguro en la Argentina: Facundo Elizalde, Hugo Yovino, Pablo Lühning, Walter Mangupli, Clarisa Lühning, Gabriel Marinozzi, Marcelo Montoya, Diego Krischcautzky, Pablo Cereijido, Sebastian Diehl, Marcos Gaido, Jonathan Lew, Axel García y Rigoberto Malca La Rosa.

La agenda del viaje a Silicon Valley
“El primer día, visitamos a la empresa Oracle, una de las mayores compañías de software a nivel mundial, donde Silvina Martinelli, Leo Leung, Srini Venkat y Luis Arturo Díaz compartieron sus conocimientos y experiencias en el mundo tecnológico a través de presentaciones orientadas a brindar a los asistentes conceptos transformadores con la tecnología como aliada clave. La visita finalizó con una cena en el Barrel House Tavern, en Sausalito, con vistas a la ciudad de San Francisco y el Golden Gate Bridge”, detalló Gabriel Depascual.

“La segunda jornada comenzó con un desayuno en la Universidad de Stanford, considerada como una de las diez mejores del mundo, para luego poder escuchar las ponencias de Gregory LaBlanc y Michael Todasco sobre cómo la innovación, el Design Thinking y la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (Gen AI, por sus siglas en inglés) están transformando la industria de seguros”, dijo Depascual. Y explicó: “Luego de un almuerzo y un mini tour por el campus de la Universidad, los 20 miembros de la Cámara que participamos de esta experiencia recorrimos Googleplex, en Mountain View, para conocer en profundidad la cultura y la innovación que caracterizan a una de las cinco grandes empresas tecnológicas del mundo y una de las marcas más valiosas. Tuvimos también la oportunidad de visitar lugares emblemáticos, como la casa de Steve Jobs, que vio nacer a Apple, el Apple Park, y el legendario garage donde Bill Hewlett y David Packard, graduados de la Universidad de Stanford, desarrollaron el primer producto de la empresa Hewlett Packard: un oscilador de audio. El ambiente de Topgolf, elegido para la cena, sirvió para intercambiar ideas y hacer un repaso de las experiencias vividas hasta el momento”.

“El tercer día visitamos Plug and Play Tech Center, la compañía de capital de riesgo que entre el 2020 y el 2022 fue reconocida como la aceleradora de startups más activa del mundo. Jackie Hernández, Rafael Sainz Sainz de Baranda y Andrés Díaz Martínez adentraron a los asistentes en el mundo del Venture Capital (VC) en relación con el ecosistema fintech, insurtech y healthtech. Allí mismo, los socios de la cámara fueron agasajados con un almuerzo buffet, donde pudieron intercambiar ideas y experiencias junto a los disertantes y anfitriones”, describió el Gerente General de Aseguralo y agregó: “El viaje continuó en Amazon, donde pudimos escuchar, a través de Ronaldo França, cómo AWS (Amazon Web Services) está apoyando a las insurtech para innovar en la industria y las posibilidades que brinda la Inteligencia Artificial y la Gen AI. La enriquecedora jornada finalizó con una cena en el Pier 5”.

“El cuarto y último día tuvo la visita a Anthropic, una empresa de investigación y desarrollo de Inteligencia Artificial fundada por ex miembros de OpenAI, compañía creadora de ChatGPT, donde pudimos explorar nuevas fronteras en el sector, para finalizar este viaje de innovación en la empresa argentina Globant, donde escuchamos la ponencia brindada por Guillermo Ramhorst, Aldana Sol D´Amen y Suyash Awasthi sobre cómo las nuevas tecnologías están impulsando la transformación de la industria de seguros”, explicó Gabriel Depascual.y destacó: “También quedó tiempo para visitar el Ohana Floor en la Salesforce Tower, el edificio más alto de San Francisco, pudiendo contemplar desde las alturas las mejores vistas de la ciudad, Alcatraz y el Golden Gate, para luego disfrutar de un cóctel de cierre de viaje en el Proper Hotel”.

Experiencia en el auto autónomo de Waymo
“Todos los que participamos del viaje tuvimos la posibilidad de, a través de una app, pedir un auto autónomo de la empresa Waymo para hacer un viaje por la ciudad. Subimos con dudas y curiosidad, pero a medida que el vehículo nos transportaba sentíamos que el manejo era muy seguro, confiable y con todo el confort, tomando todas las medidas de seguridad y atención al extremo, desde frenar en los semáforos y detenerse en los lugares permitidos, hasta esquivar un bache y frenar ante el pedido de alguno de los pasajeros de bajar para realizar un trámite en el banco, para luego reanudar la marcha. Incluso ver cómo salía correctamente de una situación de atasco de tránsito. Todo esto mientras contemplábamos cómo el volante se movía de un lado a otro, y sintiendo como aceleraba y frenaba correctamente en cada tramo”, contó Depascual, y concluyó: “Fue una experiencia muy interesante que nos lleva a la reflexión sobre los avances ya logrados en la aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial y sobre todo lo que vendrá y cómo poder aplicarlo de la mejor manera en nuestra industria de Seguros”.

Acerca de Aseguralo.com
Con sede en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Aseguralo es un broker digital de seguros, parte de Hawk Group, que apuesta a la tecnología para ofrecer una experiencia simple y ágil a la hora de cotizar, emitir y gestionar siniestros y pólizas de seguro a la medida de las necesidades de cada cliente.
“Aseguralo... cuando quieras y de la forma más simple.”
Más información en www.aseguralo.com

Acerca de Hawk Group
Hawk Group es un broker de seguros nacional e internacional, con una amplia trayectoria en el mercado. Es una empresa orientada a la innovación, enfocada en los negocios corporativos y al desarrollo de organizadores y productores.
La compañía posee un equipo de profesionales cuyo objetivo es potenciar el desarrollo de soluciones con alta vocación de servicio, garantizando calidad, responsabilidad y compromiso.
Hawk Group cuenta con el respaldo de las 20 compañías más prestigiosas del mercado para satisfacer con éxito la necesidad de cada uno de sus clientes.
Más información en www.hawkgroup.com
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2024.05.14 04:01 javajr24 Mujeres de reddit por qué usan tanga?

Es lo más antihigiénico que existe, los hombres ya sabemos que en un verano caluroso el hilo se mancha con múltiples líquidos, colores y materiales, ni hablar de cuando les viene que les suele dar diarrea, gases y salen muchas cosas por ahí, ni hablar de que estas tangas cagadas terminan en la ducha al alcance de todos, incluso invitan amigos y familiares que ven ese triste espectáculo. Cual es la gracia o la comodidad de tener algo en el culo molestándote todo el día?
submitted by javajr24 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:22 WarlordofBritannia Dave Dombrowski: A Retrospective in Transactions

On August 18, 2015 the Boston Red Sox hired the late General Manager of the Detroit Tigers, Dave Dombrowski, to run the team, replacing Ben Cherrington. The development focused Cherrington had failed to follow up the Red Sox miracle 2013 season with even winning records in the two years since, though the farm system ranked among the very best in baseball and a wave of prospects had just hit the majors (among them, Xander Bogaerts, Jackie Bradley Jr., Mookie Betts, and Blake Swihart). Thus, the swapping of Cherington for Dombrowski was rightly interpreted as the Red Sox moving to a more assertive phase, to win now even at the expense of the player development system.
Ironically Dombrowski had been fired by the Tigers because of his belief that the organization’s competitive window had closed and that the team needed to rebuild; the Tigers gave the job to his former assistant who got one more winning season out of their aging core before the inevitabilities became insurmountable. By that time the Red Sox were in the midst of their second straight division crown of three, which climaxed with the single greatest season in franchise history. This is how Dombrowski built that team, as well as the fiscal panic that cost the Red Sox the greatest all around player in franchise history following it:
November 13, 2015: Traded Logan Allen, Carlos Asuaje, Javy Guerra and Manuel Margot to the San Diego Padres. Received Craig Kimbrel.
The first major transaction of the Dave Dombrowski era set the pace for the next four years; trading four prospects for a relief pitcher constitutes the classic win-now move. In this case the Red Sox won the deal in both the long and short terms, as only Manuel Margot developed in regular at the major league level, and that at a position where the Red Sox were not in need (center field). Meanwhile Craig Kimbrel made the all-star team in each of his three seasons in Boston, the second of which was one of the greatest relief performances in the game’s history.
December 4, 2015: Signed David Price as a free agent, 217 million dollars over seven years.
At once the most maligned and most underrated move of the Dombrowski era as well as being the biggest, the David Price signing saw the Red Sox for the first time handout a nine figure contract to a free agent pitcher. This was all the more dramatic as they had alienated and traded away their own homegrown southpaw ace (Jon Lester) less than eighteen months before. This was also the first time with the Red Sox that Dave Dombrowski acquired a player he was he previously familiar with, perhaps slightly overpaying for that familiarity. Did we mention that this was largest contract ever given to a pitcher at time, too?
Price had a solid first season in Boston, leading the league in innings pitched with 230 and striking out nearly a man per inning. Nonetheless the first three years of his tenure were marked with mutual hostility towards the ever-ravenous Boston sports media, only alleviated after his fantastic 2018 postseason run. Aging and injuries limited both the quantity and quality of his performance in 2017 and 2019; this trend as well as his 31 million annum salary contributed to owner John Henry’s decision to offload Price even at the cost of Mookie Betts. If only for that last reason alone the David Price signing is one the Red Sox would likely not repeat in hindsight.
December 7, 2015: Traded Jonathan Aro and Wade Miley to the Seattle Mariners. Received Roenis Elías and Carson Smith.
The first of many times Dombrowski would be burned in pursuit of bullpen arms, this deal with Seattle comes down to Wade Miley for Carson Smith. Miley had been signed as a reclamation project by Cherrington before 2015 in the hopes that Miley could serve as a solid mid-rotation option, which he more or less fulfilled with just short of 200 league average innings. Smith on the other hand was coming off his first full season in the majors where he gave the Mariners seventy brilliant innings of high leverage relief pitching (2.31 ERA, 11.8 K/9, and only two home runs allowed).
In a twist of fate, this trade hurt both teams as Smith immediately got injured and only pitched 24 innings in the rest of his career while Miley bombed in Seattle en route to a midseason jettisoning. Yet he rebounded with Baltimore in 2017 and remains an effective if oft-injured starting pitcher to this day, currently with the Milwaukee Brewers.
June 10, 2016: Drafted Bobby Dalbec in the 4th round of the 2016 amateur draft.
The once and future Red Sox, Quad A superstar Bobby Dalbec!
July 7, 2016: Traded Wendell Rijo and Aaron Wilkerson to the Milwaukee Brewers. Received Aaron Hill and cash.
With Pablo Sandoval well into his career of eating his way out of Boston, the Red Sox carried a gaping hole at third base from August 2012 to July 2017. One of the short term attempts at a fix featured the acquisition of infielder Aaron Hill, hoping that he and Travis Shaw could platoon for the rest of the 2016 season. The thirty four year old Hill had been decent in Milwaukee in the first half after two bad seasons, but he reverted to that form as soon as he put on a Red Sox uniform, posting a 54 OPS+ in 137 plate appearances. After another terrible eighty plate appearances for the Giants in 2017 Hill was done. On the bright side, the two players Dombrowski gave up for him never amounted to anything.
July 9, 2016: Traded Jose Almonte and Luis Alejandro Basabe to the Arizona Diamondbacks. Received Brad Ziegler.
Ziegler was an accomplished submarine righty who the Red Sox acquired for basically free to get same-sided batters out, a role which he fulfilled to perfection (1.52 ERA in 30 innings). Another clearly won trade for DD.
July 14, 2016: Traded Anderson Espinoza to the San Diego Padres. Received Drew Pomeranz.
At the time, Anderson Espinoza was a teenager in Single A while Drew Pomeranz had appeared to finally unlock his long-salivated over potential with an all-star appearance. Ideally the Padres were hoping Espinoza could eventually develop to that same quality while the Red Sox expected Pomeranz to fill the fourth spot in the rotation. Neither team got what they wanted, at least in 2016 or for most of thereafter; Espinoza immediately went down with a major arm injury which kept him from pitching professionally for five years. Pomeranz himself reverted to his pre-breakout level for the rest of the season, bounced back with a big 2017 (17-6, 3.32 ERA, a strikeout per inning across 174 frames) and then finally was the forgotten man on the 2018 pitching staff due to injuries and ineffectiveness (6.08 ERA in 74 innings, 66 strikeouts to 44 walks). At this point the thirty year old southpaw looked like the quintessential example of TNSTAAPP (There’s No Such Thing As A Pitching Prospect), another electric arm who would never match his potential due to injuries and command woes. Anyways, Pomeranz then seemed to resuscitate his career out of the bullpen for the 2019 Brewers and 2020-21 Padres with a sub-2 ERA across 70 innings in those three seasons…before injuries again struck. Though he has not pitched in the majors in three years he remains in the Dodgers minor league system, currently (where else) on the injured list.
December 6, 2016: Traded Victor Diaz, Luis Alexander Basabe, Michael Kopech and Yoán Moncada to the Chicago White Sox. Received Chris Sale.
It’s easy to forget now, but Moncada was not only a can’t miss prospect but one of the three best in all of baseball at the time, and Kopech was another Top 100 type. I’ve covered Kopech in my previous article on Red Sox pitching prospect busts but Moncada’s own failure to reach his ceiling was due more to injuries and a passive approach at the plate. Thus far into his career, Moncada has had two good seasons out of seven and played in at least 130 games in only three. With a strikeout rate of thirty percent, a declining walk rate, little power and less defense, he’s become a fourteen million dollar albatross even when on the field for the White Sox.
Sale, of course, had two Cy Young Award worthy campaigns before injuries and an ill-advised extension soured his final five seasons as a Red Sox. That extension will be discussed further when we come to it, but the trade on its own was inarguably a major victory.
Traded a player to be named later, Josh Pennington, Mauricio Dubón and Travis Shaw to the Milwaukee Brewers. Received Tyler Thornburg. The Boston Red Sox sent Yeison Coca (June 5, 2017) to the Milwaukee Brewers to complete the trade.
Yet another ill-fated trade for a relief pitcher, this time costing the Red Sox heavily in terms of value lost; Shaw went to become an all-star power bat at second and third base for the next two seasons in Milwaukee before his career petered out. Thornburg on the other hand contracted thoracic outlet syndrome from which he never recovered. Even if he had pitched well, the Red Sox could have used Shaw more than any setup man due to Dustin Pedroia’s career ending knee injury.
December 8, 2016: Signed Mitch Moreland as a free agent.
Mitch Moreland was a decent first baseman, but could Dave really not find someone better to play first over the next three years? Even if they cost more than $18.5 million?
December 20, 2016: Traded Clay Buchholz to the Philadelphia Phillies. Received Josh Tobias.
This was more of a psychic relief to Red Sox Nation than anything else, finally alleviating them of the constant confusion over which Bucholz would show up on the mound—the oft-injured and easy to hit version, or the dominating ace? Fittingly Clay’s last three seasons in the majors featured two horrid starts for Philly, sixteen dominating starts in Arizona, and then finally split the difference with a final dozen poor performances as a Blue Jay.
June 12, 2017: Drafted Tanner Houck in the 1st round (24th pick) of the 2017 amateur draft.
Houck’s selection constitutes one-third of the total number of draft picks by Dombrowski that made which helped the Red Sox at the major league level (the other two being fourteenth round pick Kutter Crawford in 2016 and fellow first rounder Triston Casas in 2018); inability to find even depth pieces in the draft left the Red Sox farm system utterly void of impact talent by 2018.
June 23, 2017: Selected Doug Fister off waivers from the Los Angeles Angels.
As alluded to in my previous article, veteran GMs tend to reacquire players they were familiar with from previous stops. Fister had been an excellent fourth starter for the Tigers early in the 2010s but by 2017 the end was clearly staring him in the face; a 4.88 ERA in eighteen appearances (fifteen starts) just underlined this inevitable and unenviable conclusion.
July 26, 2017: Traded Shaun Anderson and Gregory Santos to the San Francisco Giants. Received Eduardo Núñez.
Nunez was the short-term solution to Pedroia’s knee injury. He turned out to be the medium-term solution too, as the degenerate condition of the incumbent’s affliction led DD to resign Nunez that winter. While fantastic down the stretch in 2017 this was a stretch of the infielder’s capabilities; Nunez suffered his own knee injuries and posted a remarkable -2.3 WAR as Boston’s primary keystone occupant over the 2018 and 2019 seasons.
July 31, 2017: Traded Gerson Bautista, Jamie Callahan and Stephen Nogosek to the New York Mets. Received Addison Reed.
Another deadline, another deal to reinforce the bullpen. Reed was inconsistent for the Red Sox during his two month stay, which turned out to be the penultimate chapter for his career—a poor 2018 in Minnesota marked the end of his major league career, an astonishingly quick demise even for a reliever.
February 26, 2018: Signed J.D. Martinez as a free agent, five years and 110 million dollars.
The best free agent signing of the Dombrowski era, JD provided the power bat the Red Sox sorely lacked after Big Papi’s retirement. In his first and best season in Boston Martinez led the majors in both runs batted in and total bases, placed third in MVP voting, and earned Silver Sluggers at two different positions! He declined linearly from there, but remains a productive member of any team’s lineup to this day; he has spent the last two seasons as the Dodgers and now Mets’ DH, attempting to compensate for declining bat speed by sacrificing contact for power.
March 4, 2018: Signed Ryan Brasier as a free agent.
The quality of Brasier’s pitching is inversely proportional to the quality of the expectations laid upon him. Thus he alternates excellent if limited seasons with ostensibly healthier but more erratic contributions.
March 24, 2018: Traded Deven Marrero to the Arizona Diamondbacks. Received a player to be named later. The Arizona Diamondbacks sent Josh Taylor (May 15, 2018) to the Boston Red Sox to complete the trade.
Deven Marrero was the prototypical good-field/no-hit infielder. Taylor is yet another oft-injured reliever, though he at least gave the Red Sox two solid seasons as the primary southpaw in 2019 and 2021. After missing all of 2022, he was traded to the Royals for Adalberto Mondesi and a teenage infielder named Angel Pierre; while Mondesi knee injuries seem to have ended his career Pierre posted a .415 OBP in rookie ball last year. Keep an eye and ear out for him as he climbs through the minor league ranks.
June 4, 2018: Drafted Triston Casas in the 1st round (26th pick) of the 2018 amateur draft.
Get well soon. There’s only so much Bobby Dalbec a fan can take.
June 28, 2018: Traded Santiago Espinal to the Toronto Blue Jays. Received Steve Pearce and cash.
Moreland had never and would never hit southpaws, but it took until the middle of his second season in Boston for the Red Sox to provide him with a platoon partner. When they finally did so at least they chose one of the very best platoon players in the major leagues in Steve Pearce; Pearce of course would win the World Series MVP that should have gone to Price later that year.
July 25, 2018: Traded Jalen Beeks to the Tampa Bay Rays. Received Nathan Eovaldi.
Even had he not resigned with the team during the offseason, Eovaldi would have earned his place in Red Sox lore for his heroic six inning relief appearance in the World Series. We’ll discuss the extension later, but also note that Beeks is perhaps the only pitcher who the Rays failed to turn into a Cy Young contender. What’s the opposite of adding insult to injury?
July 30, 2018: Traded Ty Buttrey and Williams Jerez to the Los Angeles Angels. Received Ian Kinsler and cash.
With Nunez playing well below replacement level, the Red Sox needed a replacement for the replacement. Kinsler in his penultimate season at least provided a solid glove; just in case the Red Sox also picked up Brandon Phillips.
November 16, 2018: Signed Steve Pearce as a free agent. AND, December 6, 2018: Signed Nathan Eovaldi as a free agent.
These were covertly two of the worst transactions of the Dave Dombrowski era. Refusing to say goodbye to midseason rentals is risky enough, but the amount of money given to Pearce and Eovaldi also baffled reasonable explanations; a thirty-six-year-old platoon hitter at first base is replaceable enough, even when he’s not the weak side of the arrangement. Had Pearce played well and been healthy in 2019, perhaps the six and quarter million would have seemed mostly worth it; instead, he “hit” .180 in twenty nine games before retiring.
Meanwhile, Eovaldi’s lengthy injury history made it a minor miracle that he was healthy enough for the Red Sox during his three months in Boston—bringing him back for four years and sixty-eight million dollars can only be explained as a sentimental move, an excessive reward for that World Series performance. As could have been reasonably expected in December 2018, Nitro Nate only proved worthy of that contract in one out of four seasons; in the other three he was either injured for most of the season, ineffective, or both.
March 23, 2019: Extended Chris Sale for five years, 145 million dollars.
It wasn’t the David Price contract that caused the fiscal panic that cost the Red Sox their best player since at least Carl Yastrzemski, not really. The Red Sox could have eaten that sunken cost, had it been the sole albatross on their pitching staff. But, of course, it was only one of three unnecessary contracts that Dave Dombrowski issued to injury-prone starting pitchers on the wrong side of thirty. Sale had already shown long term red flags in 2018, which argued for letting him play out his walk year in 2019 before possibly ponying up the cash to keep him. After all, the Red Sox also had to extend Xander Bogaerts as well as the inestimable Betts; those two would cost at least sixty million a year to retain. Since they were coming off the most dominant single season in franchise history, perhaps now was the best time to let go some of the chief contributors, before the Red Sox tricked themselves into trying to recapture lightning in a bottle…Well, you know what happened in reality.
Between them, Eovaldi, Sale, and Price cost the Red Sox $52 million in 2019 alone, then $67 million in 2020; accounting for other contracts (JBJ’s arbitration rang up $11 million, Bogey was extended for $20 million, and JD was on the books for about $24 million) that was at least $122 million dollars already assigned to six players entering 2020. Assuming a payroll of effectively $200 million, this would have left about thirty million to spend on the other twenty-odd players required to field a team after giving Mookie his presumed megadeal. Turning back to 2019, just like with the Tigers in 2015, Dave couldn’t even make his customary July trade for pitching; the acquisition of Andrew Cashner from the Orioles felt like a low-budget parody of his previous deadline splashes, which of course it was.
There’s the real reason Dave Dombrowski was fired—just as in Detroit his full throttle commitment to a win-now mandate from ownership eventually led to a top-heavy roster and barren farm system. Have fun while you can, Phillies Phans.
Final Note/Small Self Promotion I forget to add: You could have read this post ten days earlier if you follow my blog
submitted by WarlordofBritannia to redsox [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:33 ckldm Invitan a salir a mi esposa y pasan por ella

Hace tiempo que mi esposa me ha contado que tiene un pretendiente en el trabajo. Y todo había quedado en mensajitos, regalitos, saluditos, etc. Algo como imposible de pasar que ella más grande de 46 casada salga con uno de 32 con novia y comprometido. Pero hasta que el se armó de valor y la invitó a salir en fin de semana. Mi esposa me preguntó por mensaje si había planes para el fin de semana, a lo cual le contesté pues nada sin planes. Y me dice fíjate que me invitaron a salir el sábado y le contesto ok! Y después me dice pero la salida es con “el”, el chavo que te he platicado como ves? Me dice que me invita. Qué dices? Y mi corazón empezó a palpitar le dije oook si mi amor sin problema! No soy celoso. Se llegó el sábado por la noche y mi esposa sabía que debía cumplirme una condición. Esa condición era que pasaran a casa por ella y se vistiera muy sexy como nunca la habían visto. Mi esposa es de buen ver y como toda mujer cuando se ponen guapas y se arreglan se ve hermosa! Y así fue, él llegó bajo del auto y tocó el timbre. Me dice mi esposa ya llegó! Retocándose su maquillaje. Y me dice seguro quieres salga así con el? Y yo le respondí si mi amor! He deseado este momento desde hace tiempo y lo sabes! Me dice ok solo es una salida no te emociones! Se puso un mini vestido con espalda descubierta sin bra y una pequeña tanga, con unas sandalias de tacón altas. Se veía hermosa peinada, maquillada y perfumada. Me dio un besito y me dice regreso en un rato ok cualquier cosa te aviso por mensaje. El momento fue crucial cuando salió y el al verla se quedó sorprendido vi como hizo su cara de admiración que no creía como veía a mi esposa. Y yo observando por la ventana eso me prendió mucho! Escuchar el sonido de los tacones de una mujer caminando es lo más rico y sensual! Y así abrió el portón, se saludaron y el amable abrió puerta del coche, se subió y se la llevó! Wow no lo podía creer mi esposa salió con otro hombre! Me dejó con la interrogante a donde la llevaría y que pasara? Mi corazón palpitaba a mil. Pasaron unos minutos y me avisó que fueron a un bar a tomar una copa. Y solo fue ese mensaje y pasaron unas horas y recibí otro mensaje que ya regresaba. Regreso hasta las 12:30 y vi por cámaras como se bajó y como se despidieron. Mi esposa subió a habitación y me dice hola amor y yo como te fue?? Cuéntame. Me dice fuimos a un bar, tomamos unas cervezas y él quería llevarme al motel como vez? Y yo fuiste? Me dice claro que no! Solo si te diré que no pude evitar que me tocara mis piernas, eso me exito mucho sentir otras manos recorrer mis piernas y si me agasajo vio y besó mis bubis, se emocionó mucho se calentó y me dijo vamos al motel a lo cual le respondí no estás loco. Yo estoy casada y tú con novia y comprometido. No accedí y le dije que era hora de regresar que tú me estabas esperando. La verdad lo dejé muy caliente y yo también vengo muy caliente! A lo cual no pude evitar abalanzarme sobre mi esposa y devorarla y tuvimos un sexo fuerte y muy rico! Mientras le preguntaba detalles de la salida y me contaba lo sucedido! Con esto mi esposa cumplió ese capricho o fantasía que tenía de verla salir con alguien más. El seguirá insistiendo en salir otra vez con ella o ustedes que creen??? Agradeceré sus reales opiniones.
submitted by ckldm to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:38 sevenhorcruxes [SELL][CANADA TO ANYWHERE] Lots of goodies from Alkemia, Black Baccara/Amorphous, BPAL, Deconstructing Eden, Nocturne Alchemy, Nui Cobalt, Pineward, Poesie, Possets, Pulp Fragrance, Venus Invictus and more!

The Goods
Full size
Arcana Wildcraft
Black Baccara/Amorphous
Full size
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL)
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Death and Floral
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Deconstructing Eden (Shipping within Canada only)
Nocturne Alchemy (NAVA)
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Nui Cobalt
Full size and partials
Pineward (Shipping within Canada only)
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Pulp Fragrance
Full size
Solstice Scents
Full size
Sorcellerie Apothecary
Thin Wild Mercury (Shipping within Canada only)
Venus Invictus
Thanks for looking!
submitted by sevenhorcruxes to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:08 AspieADHDThrowaway Servicio exclusivo para porteños

Servicio exclusivo para porteños submitted by AspieADHDThrowaway to dankgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:11 HaganeUsagi Se que significan los tenis en el cable, pero,¿ qué significan unas tangas amarradas???

Pues si, esa es mi pregunta jajajajaja he visto muchos tenis en el cableado, pero ahora aparecieron en uno dos tangas, una roja y una negra, en un mismo cable.
submitted by HaganeUsagi to AskMexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:14 Competitive_Trash972 July

Ojalá algún día nos regale un foto así Pero en tanga, que culazo que tiene
submitted by Competitive_Trash972 to july_pena [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:48 KatyaStec "I Married a Monster on a Hill" and "Jack Talk" Find Exclusive Home on GlobalComix!

GlobalComix has established itself as a leader in fostering a nurturing environment for comic enthusiasts and creators alike, making it an ideal platform for our comics. “I Married a Monster on a Hill” explores the dynamics of various relationships, bringing readers in stories of love, friendship, and the complexities of life through its diverse cast. Meanwhile, “Jack Talk” ventures into the investigative, peeling back layers of mystery in the quaint town of Willowgrove Hills with hosts Jackie and Wagner.
This exclusive move to GlobalComix is more than a business decision—it’s about placing our trust in a platform that prioritizes quality, engagement, and community, aligning perfectly with our vision at All Ages of Geek.
More here.
submitted by KatyaStec to GlobalComix [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:35 Puzzleheaded_Room_23 como se le marcará su tanga en ese pantalón

como se le marcará su tanga en ese pantalón submitted by Puzzleheaded_Room_23 to danyponce [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:10 Applenosol Sangre en los labios

Sangre en los labios
Sangre en los labios
Os traigo hoy una reseña de una película del tipo “must see”, es decir, muy recomendable de ver, porque entre otras cosas es firme candidata a formar parte del amplio espectro de “cine de culto”.

Explorando "Sangre en los labios": Una Fusión de Géneros y Emociones

La película "Sangre en los labios" (2024), conocida internacionalmente como "Love Lies Bleeding", es una obra que desafía las convenciones del género y ofrece una narrativa rica en matices y emociones. Dirigida por Rose Glass, quien coescribió el guion junto a Weronika Tofilska, esta producción se presenta como un thriller dramático que sumerge a los espectadores en una historia de amor, ambición y crimen.

La trama sigue a Jackie, interpretada por Katy O'Brian, una mujer decidida a triunfar en el mundo del culturismo. Su viaje la lleva a Las Vegas, donde se encuentra con Lou, interpretada por Kristen Stewart, la gerente solitaria de un gimnasio local. La relación que se desarrolla entre ellas es el catalizador de una serie de eventos que las arrastran al peligroso mundo del crimen organizado.

La película ha sido elogiada por su audacia visual y narrativa, con críticos destacando la actuación de Stewart y la dirección de Glass. La música, compuesta por Clint Mansell, y la cinematografía de Ben Fordesman complementan la intensidad de la historia, creando una atmósfera que es tanto cautivadora como inquietante.

"Sangre en los labios" no solo es un thriller romántico, sino que también aborda temas de homosexualidad y culturismo, situándose en la década de los 80. Este contexto histórico añade una capa adicional de complejidad a la película, reflejando las luchas y aspiraciones de sus personajes.

La recepción crítica ha sido variada, con algunos críticos aclamando la película como una "salvaje extravagancia" y otros señalando su naturaleza desconcertante y abrasiva. Sin embargo, es innegable que "Sangre en los labios" ha dejado una impresión duradera en el panorama cinematográfico de 2024, posicionándose como una de las películas más destacadas del año.

La película está disponible para el público en diversas plataformas, y aunque aún no se ha estrenado en servicios de streaming, se espera que llegue a ellos en los próximos meses. Los espectadores interesados en esta mezcla única de géneros y emociones deberán estar atentos a las actualizaciones de las plataformas de distribución para no perderse la oportunidad de experimentar "Sangre en los labios".

"Sangre en los labios" es un testimonio del talento emergente en la industria cinematográfica y una muestra de cómo las narrativas audaces pueden capturar la imaginación del público. Con su combinación de drama, romance y acción, esta película promete ser una experiencia inolvidable para los amantes del cine.
#crítica #película #reseña #Rose Glass #sangre en los labios #podcast #ZZPodcast

submitted by Applenosol to ZZPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:12 Bluejay_Ashamed Rivers , esto en tanga puf

Rivers , esto en tanga puf submitted by Bluejay_Ashamed to jjeesiicaa [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:22 DoctorAsclepio ¿Que es lo más asqueroso/traumante que hayan visto en Twitter (x para los amigos)?

Bueno empiezo yo, hace dos días estaba en Twitter navegando, cuando sale uno de estos tweets sexosos que dicen tipo "no manden foto en tanga" o algo así, y pues claro uno va a los comentarios y ve a nuestros amigos bots de las emprendedoras de OF, entre esos muchos comentarios había uno con un vídeo de 5 millones de reproducciones, yo dije "¿5 millones? ¿Tan bueno es?" Spoiler, no debí de ver ese vídeo, pues para empezar era un Man durmiendo encuerado y con el amigo parado, bueno pues, yo dije, ahora llega una hembra y lo monta, pues no, el sapo hpta empieza a eyacular (precoz creería) pero de una forma abismal, vea, si el Man no eyaculó un litro de chele estoy mintiendo parce, hizo una piscina de esa mierda en la cama donde dormía, parecía un caballo botando esa vaina, el caso, ese fue el trauma, pero la parte asquerosa viene a continuación, el mk va con las dos manos y coge el semen (como si fuera agua) y se lo unta en la cara y lo traga de paso, no me crean tan mk, casi me vómito, y dirán ¿y porque siguió viendo? El título decía "espera el final" yo bien pendejo dije "¿Que puede ser peor que eso?", Gonorrea de final, lo más hpta es que no era un cuenta bot, era cuenta vieja del 2012 y tenía, oigan bien, tenía 56k seguidores, 56k enfermos de la cabeza seguían a ese Man por eyacular como caballo, la verdad no se que pasa en Twitter.
submitted by DoctorAsclepio to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:40 ConspiracyTheoristO7 American Dyatlov Pass/Yuba County Five (Unsolved for almost 50 years): Why Gary Mathias Is Innocent

The Yuba County Five case is a popular one here on reddit, and discussions of the case have been booming on Youtube. For those who do not know this case, here is the case summary:
The Yuba County Five were five men living with their parents ranging from the ages of 24 to 32 that all had mild intellectual disabilities or mental illness who disappeared on Friday, February 24, 1978 while going to watch a basketball game in Chico, California. The five were: Ted Weiher, who was 32, Jack Madruga, who was 30, Bill Sterling, who was 29, Gary Mathias, who was 25, and Jackie Huet, who was 24. Gary Mathias was the only one of the five that had a mental illness, which was schizophrenia, and which he was very well medicated for. The five were part of the Gateway Projects, which was a vocational training center for people with intellectual disabilities, mental illness, and for drug addicts as well. The five were collectively referred to as The Boys by their friends and families. All five were part of a basketball team that was sponsored by Gateway Projects called the Gateway Gators. They were supposed to play in a game of their own on the morning of Saturday, February 25 in Rocklin, which is near Sacramento, but they were never seen alive after 10 pm on February 24, after they watched the game in Chico. After about 3 months of searching, four of the five were found dead up in the Plumas National Forest in or around some forestry service trailers. Only Gary Mathias was never found, and still remains a missing person to this day. The Yuba County Five is still an open federal case. Other links for this case:
I consider myself an expert for this case, as I have looked at some of the police files, watched all the videos and documentaries there are out there about this case, read the 1978 newspapers that wrote about this case, listened to family and law enforcement interviews, etc. I have read hundreds of theories on what possibly could have happened to the Yuba County five, and unfortunately a lot of the theories out there imply that Gary Mathias, the man who had schizophrenia, was the one who resulted in their disappearance, either maliciously or accidently. Well, I made a detailed deep dive into trying to prove that Gary Mathias is actually innocent and that the blame that has been placed upon him for years are unfounded and slanderous. I have split my theory into Gary Mathias's innocence into 6 parts. Each part is dependent on each other, and in order to understand my position, it would be preferable that you read all 6 parts. Some of the information you will read has (to my knowledge) not been posted anywhere else.
Here is the link to Part 1:
Here is the link to Part 2:
Part 1 and 2 both deal with Gary Mathias's past and his struggles with schizophrenia.
Here is the link to Part 3:
Part 3 deals with Gary's recovery, his medication regimen, and how he met his four friends.
Here is the link to Part 4:
Part 4 deals with allegations made against Gary Mathias.
Here is the link to Part 5:
Part 5 talks about whether his schizophrenia accidently led them to their deaths, and other theories.
Here is the link to Part 6:
Part 6 talks about whether Gary Mathias could have survived the incident and the aftermath of his disappearance.
Tell me what you think of the information presented.
submitted by ConspiracyTheoristO7 to Mysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:13 sevenhorcruxes [Sell][Canada to Anywhere] Items include Alkemia, Amorphous/Black Baccara, BPAL, Fantome, Nocturne Alchemy, Pineward, Poesie, Possets, Pulp Fragrance, Sorcellerie and more!

The Goods
Full size
Arcana Wildcraft
Black Baccara/Amorphous
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL)
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Death and Floral
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Full size
Full size
Nocturne Alchemy (NAVA)
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Nui Cobalt
Full size and partials
Pineward (Canada only)
Full size
Full size
Samples and Ajevie decants
Pulp Fragrance
Full size
Solstice Scents
Full size
Sorcellerie Apothecary
Full size
Thin Wild Mercury (Canada only)
Venus Invictus
Thanks for looking!
submitted by sevenhorcruxes to IndieExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:46 HedgehogNamedSonic [Amazon] Jackie McLean - Bluesnik (Blue Note Classic Series) - $18.80 (lowest)

Jackie McLean - Bluesnik (Blue Note Classic Series) - $18.80 Direct
submitted by HedgehogNamedSonic to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:19 ThatsMrMuckToYou WWWF May 5, 1967 - Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, PA

submitted by ThatsMrMuckToYou to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 09:54 Euphoric_Gazelle_416 Ya era hora de que mostrara ese culo en tanga 🤤🤤

Ya era hora de que mostrara ese culo en tanga 🤤🤤 submitted by Euphoric_Gazelle_416 to u/Euphoric_Gazelle_416 [link] [comments]
