He detergent for dishwasher

Dr. Ken on ABC

2015.03.14 17:57 darianb1031 Dr. Ken on ABC

The subreddit for the ABC sitcom "Dr. Ken", created by and starring Ken Jeong.

2024.06.06 14:52 Maleficent-Office531 AITA I live with my friend and his girlfriend and don’t buy condiments

Okay so I (25M) live with my friend (30M) and his girlfriend (25F) for half of the year cause of work and it just works out easiest. We all get along great and respect each other’s space and don’t have a lot of roommate issues. The only thing I’ve noticed is my friend asked me a couple months ago to send him some money to chip in for some of the household stuff like paper towels, toilet papers, dish soap, dishwasher, laundry detergent, etc. and he hasn’t asked again since but at the time I remember thinking it was kind of a lot. He had asked for $50 and that’s been the only time I’ve chipped in for the last 5 months. The other day I was going grocery shopping which I do every couple weeks or so and he asked if I could pick up a couple condiments like ketchup or Mayo. I checked the fridge and saw we had a little bit left for both so I told him I think we’re good and I only want to buy what I can afford right now. I went to the store and didn’t buy anything he asked for. Truthfully I’ve never bought any condiments since living with them and we’ve run out a few times but they always seem to get more so I wasn’t too worried about it. So my question is am I the asshole in this situation?
EDIT: Yes I use condiments when I eat most meals and contribute to rent and utilities for the time I’m here
submitted by Maleficent-Office531 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:37 deeplydiligent Vendor left home in disgusting condition

So we just settled on our first home last week. We saw this place for the first time three months ago and it was owner occupied. We put in and offer and signed the contract.
At the time our solicitor had asked if the property is to be handed over in a clean and tidy condition and the vendors lawyer mentioned that it is at the buyers discretion to inspect the property.
Fast forward to settlement and the place has been left in a mess. The vendor clearly did not clean inside any of the cupboards (grease stains everywhere), dishwasher, rangehood or any of the rooms. There are also streaks of white stuff all over the bathroom, maybe some sort of detergent or something that has dried.
I have tried to bring this up with the vendor. He said that apparently he got the place professionally cleaned. He is willing to come in and do it himself which I'm not sure how much I trust his cleaning given the condition of the place he handed to us.
I understand that while we have no legal recourse I'm wondering if there's anyone else who has been in similar circumstances? What did you do?
submitted by deeplydiligent to AusPropertyChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:36 mech_a_nic15 Husband acts helpless

I ask him to do a task, such as helping put away his own folded laundry. I’ll fold it and immediately ask him to put it away while I put mine away. He reluctantly does it acts helpless while doing so. Haphazardly throwing his clothes in his drawers and then stumbling around in the closet to stand back up. Basically he looks like a giant toddler doing so.
He complains the whole time, sighing and saying that he’s tired. I know he just wants me to do it in the future, but that’s not happening. I will continue to have him put his own clothes away unless of course he’s bed ridden.
I want to call him out on acting helpless but I just know it will start an argument and end up with me being a “nag” as he says. Thinking about it now he acts pretty helpless with other chores as well. Half loaded dishwashers, washing laundry without soap bc he “didn’t know where the detergent was” and it was on the shelf above him.
Alright vent over bc now I’m thinking of all the chores he does this with.
Edit to add:
After reading everyone’s comments and support, I realize I’ve allowed and enabled his actions for far too long. I love him and he’s amazing and I don’t want to eventually resent him for his behaviors and actions. I’m going to have a sit down talk with him and tell him how it makes me feel and make it clear he’s on his own when it comes to his personal chores now.
I’m active duty military and I have some pretty severe anxiety and I have a feeling his actions at home aren’t helping with it, lately with him being home more I find myself not wanting to leave work bc I know I may need to clean up after him before I can relax. If he puts up a fuss about it then I’m not sure I’ll stick around. I don’t want to spend my life mothering someone else’s child.
submitted by mech_a_nic15 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:53 diskscape Everything You Need To Know About Millennium Hall

Hi everyone! I'm a current freshman here living in Millennium, and as the year is ending I realize that incoming students are picking dorms around now. When I picked my dorm, my room, and my roommate, I realized that there was a lot of important information that I couldn't find. Here's my attempt to clear somethings up.

The Building

Millennium Hall looks very nice from the outside, but the inside is a different story. If you hate Brutalist architecture, you'll find it hideous. Lots of concrete throughout the building. Every dorm room has concrete ceilings. I find that ugly, but it has an interesting side effect in that it blocks most GPS signals, so I can play Pokémon Go without leaving my bed.
Millennium has 17 floors, and the first floor has no dorm rooms. The 17th floor is split in half; one side is regular dorms and the other is a sky lounge with a panoramic view of the city. If there's anything I'm truly going to miss about the dorm itself, it's definitely the view. It's stunning, especially at night!
Fire alarms were uncommon this year, unlike at Kelly which had frequent fire alarms. After the renovation, it seems they had a lot of trouble with fire alarm sensitivity, but that seems to have been mostly fixed now. I've had two fire alarms go off, and both were allegedly because of cooking mishaps. One was at 11am on a weekday, and the other was at 1am on the Sunday before midterm week. Don't let the thought of going down several flights of stairs during a fire drill discourage you, you only have to take the stairs on the way down (unless you're impatient and don't wanna wait for the elevators.) Also, we don't technically have fire drills. Whenever the alarm goes off, it was actually triggered.

The People

Millennium is home to most, if not all, of the LLCs, or Living Learning Communities. I am part of the CCI LLC, which is on the 12th and 13th floors this year. As with any dorm, the experience is so much better when you're close with your floormates. Being in an LLC makes that easier. Most people I've met here have been lovely. Make sure that you don't stay in your room too much. Being social is a big part of the college experience, and I definitely regret not hanging out with people as much as I should have.

The Rooms

Most rooms at Milly are doubles, so you'll likely be getting a roommate. The rooms themselves aren't terrible, but they are on the smaller side. When you move in, you don't get much. You get a bed, a desk, a dresser, two drawers, and nothing else. The bed is very high, and it's a pain to lower. You actually have to take it apart and put it back together, so it's a two- or three-person job. I'm 5'9" and I used to jump onto the bed and hold on to the side of the mattress so I wouldn't fall off. Most people pull one of the drawers out a little and use it as a stepstool. Also, the beds are on the firm side, so a memory foam topper is very good to have. Decoration can go a long way in making the place feel more like home. If you can, bring posters, string lights, a rug, or whatever you'd want to make the place your own.
One major lack of info I noticed was the floor layout. Since you'll get to choose your room, here's some info on what's where.
Rooms are numbered XXYY, where XX is the floor number and YY is the room number. Each floor, except for the 17th floor, has 16 dorms. Dorms 01-08 are facing south, and dorms 09-16 are facing north. The dorms are slightly curved inward, so 1209 is facing slightly more eastward than 1216 and probably has a better view because of it. My room this year was room 1212, which was a decent choice. We were trying to get a good view, and our view is pretty good. 1212-2 (the right side) has a better view of Center City, but 1212-1 still has a nice view of the other high rises on Drexel's campus. An interesting thing about 1212 is that it's pretty close to Kelly Hall's rooftop, which has cell towers on top. Most of the building has bad cell service because of the concrete everywhere, but 1212 has great service from being so close to Kelly's cell towers.

The Amenities

Millennium is somewhat unusual in its amenities but that's a good thing. The bathrooms and showers are communal, but they're each in a small closet-like room instead of one big room with stalls. They're all gender neutral, and each bathroom has nothing but a toilet, toilet paper (which is unbearably thin), and a menstrual waste bin. As someone who finds public bathrooms uncomfortably public, this kind of setup is great for privacy. The showers have nothing but the shower and a few hooks, some of which may be missing. Some of them make a high-pitched noise when they're running, but you can avoid that by using other ones. If I used them every day I'd probably have lost the upper register of my hearing by now, so don't get too attached to a specific shower.
Unlike some other dorms like Bentley, Millennium has a kitchen on every floor. I didn't bring any cookware because I thought there would be some there, but I was wrong. When I moved in, there was nothing. However, the kitchen is alright. Each kitchen has a refrigerator, a freezer, an electric range with a stove and oven, and a sink. No microwave, dishwasher, or garbage disposal is included. The oven can take an awful long time to preheat, so don't expect to rely on it cooking things quickly. I waited an hour for it to preheat to 350F when I first used it. As an avid baker who may or may not win people over with homemade brownies, my advice for it is to preheat it before doing anything else.
Every floor has two main common areas. One side has a TV, couches, and chairs. Not super comfortable but it's great for movie nights and stuff like that. The other side has tables and chairs, so it's more suited for study groups than hanging out. The TV is kinda small and pretty dated, and I'm pretty sure they've been here since the building was built in 2009, but it's definitely passable.
A common problem I have on my floor's common areas is a lack of outlets. Each side has only two outlets that you can easily access without sitting on the floor in the hallway. If you bring a power strip to use in the common areas, trust me. Everyone will thank you.
Mail at Millennium sucks. If something can fit in your mailbox (good luck with that) they stuff it in there and don't tell you. If it can't, you have to pick it up from the mail room during the scheduled package hours. Right now, those are 2:30pm-4pm Monday-Friday, and 7:30pm-9pm Monday-Wednesday and Friday. Either way, if you don't pick it up in a week, they'll return it to sender. An important thing to note is that if a package is not shipped with the USPS, it will take longer to arrive. USPS mail is sent directly to the dorms, while other couriers like FedEx, UPS, and Amazon are redirected to Shipping and Receiving and sorted before going to the dorms. They're supposed to send an email telling you they have a package for you, but those are hit or miss. They say it's automated, but the RDC has to manually enter your package's tracking number into their system before they send you the email. Often times, they might have it but haven't sent you an email yet because they haven't gone through all the inventory. If you buy something from Amazon, try to ship it to an Amazon Locker. There's a few around campus and it'll save you the trouble of dealing with the mail system here. Overall, it's a huge PITA.
Milly's internet is alright. Surprisingly it's not blocked by the concrete much. Wi-Fi is usually ~200Mb/s up and down. Ethernet is exceptional, and I get gigabit speeds up and down. Don't sleep on the wired internet here, it really comes in handy. Other dorms, like Kelly for example, got rid of it in renovations and their Wi-Fi isn't nearly as good.
Laundry is free, and there's one laundry room for the whole building on the first floor. They have 15 washers and 16 dryers, but some are usually broken. My biggest complaint is that some people don't pick up their laundry on time and so I've had many situations where the only functional washers are full of someone's clothes. Pick up your laundry people!!! Also, before I came here, I heard from people online that some college dorms don't do well with Tide pods, and so I brought some detergent sheets instead. I can confirm that tide pods work fine in Milly's washers, and I wish I brought some with me. They use HE washers so a little detergent goes a looooong way.


Overall, Milly is a good dorm, especially if you'd be better off with something to push you to socialize more. The place itself isn't great but having LLCs here gives us a common ground that makes it easy to make friends. No dorm here is especially fancy, but Milly has its perks.
submitted by diskscape to Drexel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:45 SeaworthinessFun8653 AITAH for wanting to split food/household items and insurance?

This is going to be a long text so thanks in advance for reading and commenting....
To give a little background info.... I adopted my baby sisters 3 kids because CPS took them away over 10 years ago and I kept them from going into the system. Fast forward to now and she has a 10 month old where CPS has been involved since birth. The baby came to live with us and my Mom back in October (our Mom lives with me and is also my baby sisters mom) bc she failed a drug test.
The oldest child I adopted is now 19 and has since moved back home with her, but I still have the 10 year old and 16 year old and I have my 2 year old.
They have the 19 year old who moved back with her, her 10 month old, and her husband has a 17 year old and a 19 year old that just graduated high school in December that live with them full time.
Well a portion of our house caught fire a few months back and we can't currently stay there until the bedrooms and bathrooms are redone. Long story short my father in law dropped insurance without telling us... so now we are trying to save and rebuild as we get the funds. We have some savings we are using to get this started.
My sister and brother in law were gracious to let us come and stay with them while we work to get back into our house - cps approved this, and she's in recovery and doing well). My brother in law has NEVER asked for us to pay on the power bill (only utility bill except for rent as we have well water) however we buy all the food (unless it's something specific they want and go get), paper plates, laundry detergent, dish detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags etc and we use our gas and truck to haul off the trash to the dump (outside city limits) a few times a week. My husband also comes home and cooks almost every night for everyone!
My sister lives and hour away from my house that burnt. My husband has been commuting our kids to school everyday and spends the day in the burnt house trying to clean up some and work with the contractors and to save in gas commuting. I got laid off last month and have been job hunting daily. I just landed a job pending background check and the start date is a month out so I won't be looking to get an actual paycheck until the 1st of August. My husband is disabled and gets a small SSI check from disability. With me not working we spend all our money right now on our bills, gas, food (for everyone) and household products. And if we do a pizza night we get enough pizza to feed everyone!
My brother in law has a good job, but my sister does nothing all day except washes dishes and complains about that. My brother in law was renting to own appliances and said it got to be to expensive and had to let the stuff go back. We brought our fridge from our house so he wouldn't have to pay for a fridge and we gave him our dryer and a dishwasher we had that we were looking to sell. He's also renting to own my car (we had 3 vehicles). Since we've moved in I haven't once asked for a payment (he hasn't paid on the car since we moved in) and I've been paying the insurance on the car too even though he initially said he would pay it.
His kids don't do anything all day. They are up half the night on there phones and sleep most of the day and then have excuses for not helping around the house, not to mention they stay high on pot. The oldest that left me and moved back with my sister stays in a camper with electricity from the house being ran to it.
Well tonight I'm sitting at the kitchen table and he comes and throws the power bill down demanding we pay half. Would I be the a$$hole if I don't pay or if I do but, start asking for the insurance for the car and help with half the groceries and household products??
submitted by SeaworthinessFun8653 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:08 LILITH_LEGION I poisoned my stepdad’s beer with laundry detergent

My first stepfather became violently ill after I snuck some dishwashing detergent in his beer. After he would beat my mother, he would drink beer on the couch and watch NFL.
Due to his drinking, he would frequently forget to let his dog outside, who as a result, would poop all over on the carpet inside.
I was 6 years old. If I wet the bed, which I did often at that time, my punishment was no food for the day and picking up the fresh or petrified dog poop with my bare hands.
He recovered after about a week of what he thought was the flu and our family got some peace for the week free from SA and DV.
submitted by LILITH_LEGION to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:36 ThurstonHowelltheIII I enabled my partner’s high maintenance behaviors at the beginning and now don’t know how to stop them?

(F32). I’ve been with my boyfriend for about a year now (M32). For reference, I’m a pretty low maintenance person—I can sleep in any noise/light level, I function well on 6-7 hours of sleep, I don’t get carsick, I’m not an anxious traveler, I do not care what particular style my clothing is folded in, etc. My boyfriend is the opposite of each of the above mentioned things.
He has to sleep 9-11 hours to feel rested. This is challenging for me bc if I sleep more than 8, I feel groggy. It’s also a hinderance bc it means I can’t go in my own bedroom after 9pm without waking him up. So many times if I want to stay up later to work on my computer, I’ll end up spending the night sleeping on the sofa (but don’t worry, he will then complain I quote “just don’t like to sleep next to him”).
He has to sleep with a fan on. I knew this the first night he slept over at my home, and I didn’t see it for the flag it was—at the time, he played it off as he had to have white noise. 11 months later we have to sleep with the curtains closed, windows closed, air conditioning on, and a pitch black room.
He has aversions to some smells—ie, air fresheners in the house. So I stopped using them. I used a laundry detergent that was too strongly scented, had to stop using it the first month we were dating. Please note: he has no issue with using scented lotions or body wash.
He gets car sick allegedly. Which makes it convenient for him to say he “needs to drive” for some functions, and for others, convenient for him get very upset with me for “driving erratically” on long drives where he has asked me to drive so he can work on his laptop, but then is angry bc I’m driving in crosswinds and wasn’t steady enough.
Clothes have to be folded VERY particularly. The sheets have to be put on the bed VERY particularly. I load the dishwasher “wrong”.
For awhile, I believed these were just joking, or being a princess and they would pass. Now, a year in, it’s bred a great deal of resentment, and I realize I enabled all his high maintenance behaviors.
Tonight I came home, and was greeted by my dog at the front door. I thought it was sweet initially, but then wondered why she wasn’t in the bedroom on her bed. He woke up (clearly irritated that my flight got in late) and informed me she was “breathing too loudly” so he had shut her outside of the bedroom. He’s been recently been on a tangent that she breathes too loudly at night (ironic bc he himself snores).
I’ve had it. Is there any way to walk these behaviors back now, or really bite back? Or am I just screwed bc I smiled and took it all this time? Or are these all legitimate and not just him being high maintenance?
submitted by ThurstonHowelltheIII to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:45 OneMasterpiece7741 I (29,F) feel used in my relationship

I (29,f) moved in with my boyfriend (26,m) last year. We have been together for almost 5 years. And since we moved in, we don't seem to agree on many things. We decided to have a regular meeting where we discuss different house topics, for example: how we split the chores, how we split the bills, when we spend time together etc. This conversation normally feels good, but then things are very different in reality. I tend to do most of the cleaning in the house, and he says that he normally doesn't have the time for it, or he got too busy, or too tired. I told him, that if he can't clean, we will hire cleaning services. But whenever this is brought up, he says immediately, he is going to clean. (But then, he doesn't)
I was away for more than 2 weeks, until Thursday. And when I came back home, the house was messy.
I came back in the evening, to a bed that didn't have bedsheets. Even thought I texted him in the morning "can you please make the bed?", because I know he normally doesn't do it. But having a bed without bedsheets, this was something new, that I had only seen, in the times he did live by himself. The living room was messy without any space in the table to even sit and eat.
Before I left for my +2 weeks break, I left my boyfriend a list of things that we had missing at home, and he said he would buy these, such as dishwasher pods, Landry detergent, olive oil, and other things.
When I arrived I noticed these things weren't bought, and I got so mad, that he didn't make any time at all, to make the house presentable or to buy things we needed at home. Especially, when he was bragging in front of a friend, that came over on Thursday for dinner, that he went clubbing 2 Wednesdays in a row, and as well on the weekends.
On Thursday, after dinner, when I asked him to make the bed, so I could sleep in it, he asked me if I could do it, so he could go out with that friend. I said immediately no, that this wasn't a fair request at all.
The next morning, I did clean the living room, because it was really bugging me, how unorganized and messy it was, especially because my boyfriend was going to have a friend over. Immediately, I started crying while I was cleaning. I feel so mad, used and neglected, for cleaning on my own, especially after coming from such a long trip. I feel disrespected by my boyfriend... he came to the living room, and asked me if I was crying and I said to him "let's please not talk right now, whatever will come out of my mouth, won't be nice". I was there so mad and in tears, just cleaning. And he left for work, without even saying goodbye.
In the evening we spoke again, and he told me "but I did clean... I didn't know you felt that way, I won't do it again". But I feel that my trust has now been broken.
Today, he asked me if I wanted to join him and his friend, that is staying over, for lunch, in town, as it was sunny I did. I reminded him as well that today is Sunday, and stores around here close at 5PM. He said that he would get the things from the list on his way back home. And all of the sudden him and his friend started talking about a picnic happening in the other side of town. I wasn't joining for the picnic, and followed them to the store, that was on the way back home. My boyfriend was finally buying the things from the list, and he asked me if I could carry them home. I felt bad because all of the sudden, it felt like he invited me there, to carry things back home by myself, so he could go and enjoy a picnic with his friends. I immediately said "if I take this bag home, it completely defeats the whole purpose, of us splitting the chores...". He kept telling me "but I bought this for you!". And I replied "No, this is for us! This is for the house, we share these things! And I bought it last time, and carried it all by myself home last time as well"
He ended up carrying the bag very angrily home, walking very fast, in front of me and his friend, without saying a word to anyone.
I am so angry at him these days, I keep calling him all the names in my head, and I feel the trust, and chemistry in the relationship has been broken.
I'm always so caring and sweet to him. He called me one time, while I was away on my holiday, saying how depressed and sad he was, and I immediately ordered him a meal, and asked a friend to invite him to hangout.
I feel that this caring is not mutual. And I feel so neglected and used in this relationship. I have no idea what to do!
TL;DR: My boyfriend doesn't help with the house chores, and I feel so resentful and unhappy for cleaning by myself most of the time.
submitted by OneMasterpiece7741 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:13 Full_Theory9831 How can I improve this situation?

I (37F) am just tired and I don’t know what to do.
Examples of why I’m tired:
Husband (46M) “does not know” how to cook and refuses to learn.
He cannot make simple things such as boxed macaroni and cheese or anything other than cheese quesadillas.
He insists on home cooked meals and gets angry or has an attitude when I order out.
Pretends “not to know” very basic things like how to help me put dishes away, put laundry detergent in the correct area of the washer and in the correct amount (same with dishwasher - he has put detergent in the rinse aid dispenser before).
Refuses to even help me with ideas for dinner. Says he “doesn’t know.”
He likes to “fix things” instead of 1. Learning how to do it correctly or 2. Hiring a professional. (An example of this includes him insisting on repairing grout in our shower - it (the grout he put down) has not stayed in place. He sent away a repairman I sent to the house when I was at work.)
Even just now, I wanted his help stuffing party bags for my daughter’s birthday tomorrow - took the containers of items that need to go into the party bags and just put them all into a Walmart bag and thought that was that. When I was like “I don’t understand how this makes sense to you, can you explain it?” He gets exasperated and goes to watch tv.
Some context:
I am the breadwinner and work full time (and sometimes more) as a VP at a large bank. My job is stressful. I really want home to be a haven and I have no issue paying for convenience if it means I get a break and can spend time with my children and pets.
He works, mostly from home, and maybe for 2-3 active hours/day. This is a VERY easy job; he is retired from the military and collects a retirement pension and VA benefits. He is not profoundly disabled in any capacity. I often come home to him on the couch, watching tv.
He refuses marriage counseling.
He is not abusive. Our finances are separate (a mutual choice that I’m fine with). He is not on drugs and does not abuse alcohol. What I do perceive is a profound lack of empathy for anything that does not directly benefit him.
What I’m asking for:
How can I improve this? My children are young and, despite this behavior, I do love this man and want to somehow get past this.
Has anyone faced something similar with their spouse and actually “fixed” it?
Please, please - be kind. I’m just at my wits end right now. I want to cry, even though I’m not usually “that person.”
Tl;dr: Husband is insensitive and doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t directly benefit him. Engages in heavy weaponized incompetence and I’m drowning under the mental load.
submitted by Full_Theory9831 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:01 No_Yogurtcloset9221 18yo son

Hello all. New to this group. Looking for some input. I hve 3 boys 6yo, 15yo, and 18(19 in September) he has a full time job, and has since he was 16. My question is, when it comes to finances, do you all charge rent or anything? My 18 yr old doesn’t pay rent, doesn’t help with groceries, doesn’t help with utilities, he does do his own laundry( but doesn’t buy any laundry detergent) I’m not saying I expect him to pay all the bills and rent and what not, but am I wrong for wanting him to contribute to the household in some way that doesn’t just benefit him? He will help clean, if he wants his girlfriend to come over, he will load the dishwasher( we pay his phone bill, so ever since he got his phone the deal was, we pay it u do the dishes) and there’s time he lags on that. He does pay his own car insurance, and a portion of his medical nsurance(he’s on my work insurance) so total he spends roughly 250$ a month. He has a good job makes decent money for someone his age. So what would be a fair offer if you may. $ for rent? Buy a certain amount of grocery’s weekly? Pay a portion of a utility bill?
Just looking to see what all you other parents in force for you adult kids that live at home.
Thank you!!
submitted by No_Yogurtcloset9221 to raisingTeens [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:22 phineas3dp A week after the date (Fanfic) part 13

A week after the date (Fanfic) part 13
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
They cleaned up the table together. Kazuya set up his laptop and started playing the animation. Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, they watched it sweetly.
Kazuya thought: If the future is like this, I'd better buy a TV set.
Chizuru: There's something I want to tell you first.
Kazuya: What is it?
Chizuru: If I fall asleep, could you let me sleep there?
Chizuru points to Kazuya's bed.
Kazuya: Of…..of course. Okay.
Chizuru: If you're going to sleep, sleep there too, I know you'll choose the floor or chair if I don't tell you.
Kazuya: Is that really okay?
Chizuru: Why not, you're already my boyfriend. And I trust you enough to know that you won't do anything I don't want you to do while I'm sleeping.
Kazuya: Of ….of course I won't.
Kazuya thought: Is she really going to spend the night here? No... That's a stupid question! But then she said that, and I couldn't help but think about it.
Now the animation shows the hero and heroine washing dishes together.
Chizuru: Well, why don't we go wash the dishes together!
Kazuya: I'll do it! You take a break, you've already put in a lot of work for dinner.
Chizuru: No, you've got help for dinner too. And I've been looking forward to this dishwashing scene for a long time.
The two of them wash the dishes side by side like the hero and heroine of the anime, Kazuya washing the dishes with detergent, Chizuru running the water through them and then hanging them out to dry, and soon the dishes are washed.
Chizuru: The dishes are cleaned, and I've actually prepared a gift. Why don't I give it to you now?
Kazuya: A gift? Is it a birthday present?
Chizuru: No, I'll give you your birthday present on your birthday!
Kazuya: Why are you giving me a gift for no reason?
Chizuru: Consider it a gift for the first week of our relationship!
Kazuya looks shocked.
Kazuya thought: I'm such an idiot, don't girls take these anniversaries seriously? I can't believe I forgot.
Chizuru: You don't have to be so upset, I really didn't think you'd get me a present.
Kazuya: I'm sorry, I've always been terrible at giving you gifts.
Chizuru: No! I've liked the things you've given me before.
Kazuya: Really? I can't believe you liked dried plums and a ticket.
Chizuru: Those dried plums are really good, and that ticket has your promise to me written on it! Aren't you going to honor it?
Kazuya: Of course I will.
Chizuru: Then I'll take it out now, and I'm going to use it.
Kazuya thought: What the hell am I supposed to do with it? Can I do that?
Chizuru: That day when I received your ticket, I really thought about what I could do with it. But after thinking about it, even without the ticket, you'd do anything I asked of you. If I had to use the ticket, it would be a very difficult, if not impossible, thing for you to do. For example, if Grandpa gave Grandma the same ticket, would Grandma be able to use it to get my seriously injured Grandpa out of bed? It would be impossible.
Kazuya: So what do you want to do with the ticket this time?
Chizuru: Is this a one-time ticket?
Kazuya: I had a stack of them ready to go, but you only took one in the end. I'll give it to you if you want more.
Chizuru: “Anything want ticket" is too serious, can I get another one and determine the content?
Kazuya: Sure, what would you do?
Chizuru: I'd like to change it to a "Listen to me ticket" and use it an unlimited number of times.
Kazuya looks puzzled.
Chizuru: You've got a question mark on your face, and I know you think you always listen to me. And I believe that's true, so this ticket doesn't seem to have any meaning. But you know men get naughtier as they get older. For example, my grandpa, I know he loves Grandma. But he still eats unhealthy food, drinks too much, works tirelessly, and picks up rocks and brings them home. If Grandma had this ticket, she could stop him.
Kazuya is almost in tears when he realizes that Chizuru wants to have a long term future with him.
Chizuru: Actually, this ticket doesn't obligate you to obey me, just listen to me. And it has a time limit, until you stop loving me.
Kazuya: This ticket will be valid even if I die.
Chizuru: I realized how you meant it, and we're still young enough not to talk about life and death! I don't need a physical ticket. From now on, if I yell "Listen to me", it means I'm using it. Is that okay?
Kazuya: Of course, okay.
The two of them are touched by each other and can't help but kiss.
Part 14
submitted by phineas3dp to KanojoOkarishimasu [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 16:44 Ed_Edison A not so brief history of CatGenie

A not so brief history of CatGenie
Because I think it may interest some of you, I figured it would be nice to document the history of the CatGenie box.
At first there was the LitterFree box, introduced in 2002. Sure, the Littermaid was there much earlier, but automatically cleaning the box with water and detergent was something never done before. I got mine in 2005 and it was already leaving the market, because even though a European 220 Volt model existed, I was unable to find any shops still selling it. I had to resort to a guy in Belgium from the classifieds, still having a new one in its original box. It came with a cleaning solution cartridge and a bag with pellets. These pellets were much larger than the ones used with CatGenie, and were a mix of blue and white pellets. I managed to find the last two bags of spare pellets and cartridges in an online store. After that, no supplies were available anymore. This is the main reason why people were upset later, about the CatGenie box refusing to work without a cartridge: The company selling those, has gone out of business before.
The cleaning solution cartridge was not intended to be refilled, but had no chip on it preventing that, so supplies no longer being available was no problem. The cartridges had no pouch inside. Refilling was just a matter of popping the cap and carefully putting it back. t that time, on the litterbox-central.com forum, Simple Green was already the goto-solution. Because Simple Green was not on the market in Europe, I tried running the box without any detergent, and that worked 'good enough' for me.
The major difference with CatGenie is that LitterFree didn't have a scoop or a hopper. It still filled the box with water, but after filling, it would churn the water, with the pellets and the waste until the waste was ground up fine enough to be pumped out with the water. It repeated that a few times, added a little detergent during some (all?) cycles, and dried the pellets afterwards by blowing hot air over them. Statically, because it didn't have a rotating bowl, but just a static rectangular box, with well in the back for the stir-bar and the drainage pump.
I remember it measured the water level with a "diver's bell", trapping air and a pressure switch. This bell always got clogged with dried up ground waste. And the processing unit was hard to put back on the box, because it was full of granules, much fuller than CatGenie, and much larger granules than CatGenie uses, because the pellets were an aid in grinding up the waste. But to put back the processing unit, the stir-bar / drain pump well in the rear, must be empty. Otherwise granules would end up in the pump, breaking the impeller.
The LitterFree did not have cat sensor, but it did have a timer with a clock display on top.
The original LitterFree
In 2006 the first CatGenie came out. It came out on the US market only. It no longer featured a clock, just two mint-green buttons and a few LEDs. But it did have a cat sensor and it no long ground up solid waste together with the pellets. The diver's bell water sensor was replaced with an optical sensor. I tried getting one, but lost interest when I found out its detergent cartridges came with a chip. And without chip, or with an empty chip, the box refused to do its job. At a price of starting price of $450, and LitterFree going out of business still fresh in mind, this was very controversial. The comparison with a dishwasher was often made: A dishwasher doesn't need cartridges, because if it did, nobody would buy it. And without detergent, a dishwasher still works. It will do a poor job, but it works nevertheless. Much later, when we discovered how decent of a job CatGenie did without detergent, we came to the conclusion that that must have been the reason to make the box refuse to work without.
The original CatGenie
A cartridge was good for 60 washes. I don't remember the price. The chip on de cartridge was different from the ones used now: It made electric contact with the box through a number fingers in the cartridge well. I figured I could give it a try to hack that, but I'm a black belt procrastinator, and both of my cats passed away in 2007 in short succession, so I lost interest.
The original SaniSolution smart cartridge
In 2009 we got new kittens, and when checking the litterbox-central.com forum, it turned out that the cartridge had been hacked. A fellow named CatMan (not his real name, I hope) sold a little device, mounted on a cup acting as a cartridge well. Slide in the empty cartridge, press a button and the chip on the cartridge was reset, pretending to be full again. CatMan charged $59 for his device, and he had a few competitors selling knock-offs (just as with my CartridgeGenius). At that time, CatMan and his competitors were receiving cease and desist letters from PetNovations. He was positive he could win the case, but it just wasn't worth the effort for him, so he quit, but he was willing to still sell me one of his devices. For those with a little technical background: The chip on the cartridge was just a run of the mill I2C EEPROM, which' contents could be easily modified.
CatMan's cartridge resetter
A knock-off resetter
CatGenie 120
With the cartridge problem solved with CatMan's resetter, and our new kittens arrived, I ordered a CatGenie. I was thrilled to see the chip gone from the included cartridges. That lasted only until I found the contactless, RFID chip, under the label. It turns out I was one of the very first customers to receive an update model. I'm fairly sure it was named CatGenie 120 already, but the included cartridge was good for only 60 washes. I think it could do 120 washing in cat-activation mode, but I'm not sure. This CatGenie model has had a few silent updates over the years, one of which common referred to as CatGenie 120+ on the forum.
What was remarkable is that my 60 washes cartridge, was just a full as the later 120/240 washes cartridge. I think the box uses more detergent per wash with the 60 washes cartridge. This is the reason why CartridgeGenius is still able to emulate this 60 washes cartridge.
I was disappointed to having to buy cartridges, but I didn't give up.
Intermission: CatGenius
Because the new chips could not be reset, factory fresh new chips were not accepted and RFID chips are hard to emulate, I decided to write alternative firmware for the box, which I named CatGenius. I figured I could upgrade people's box for a small fee. I had a few beta testers, and I got it working fairly well, but decided not to go commercial with it. The simple reason was that upgrading was a one-way street. Even if the firmware were perfect, people could complain about problems it never had before the update, and there would be nothing I could do. Somebody on the forum convinced me to Open Source it, promising he and many other people would contribute to the code. Reluctantly I agreed, but these contributions turned out be very rare. Nevertheless, I did not regret it.
CatGenius logo, designed by a grateful user
Because there was some interest for a cartridge resetter, and because I didn't want to buy cartridges myself, I kept looking for a solution. After only a little investigation, the actual cartridge reader in the box, was just a simple I2C device, which came with a datasheet. So I implemented an emulator for this reader, and a set of different cartridges. CartridgeGenius was born. I sold them, and still sell them, as a small operation.
The CatGenie 120 had several silent updates with extra features, modes, but also counter-measures against my devices, both in software and electronics: That's why it comes with 2 cables. Every time somebody couldn't get it to work, despite of having it wired up correctly, I traded their controller board for a working board, and used the non-working board to improve CartridgeGenius. It was like a puzzle to me.
CatGenie VIC club
Around 2012, I found a new counter-measure. Apparently, CatGenie 120 boxes were sold as Very Important Cat Club boxes. These boxes were sold at a very low price, but with strings attached: It came with a cartridge subscription. This box would only accept cartridges from that subscription. At the end of that subscription, the last cartridge would be a special one, which would unlock the box to also accept regular cartridges. This was basically a payment plan in disguise. It took some time to get a hold of these subscription cartridges and even more for the magic last cartridge, but I did.
Very Important Cats club cartridge
CatGenie A.I.
The current model sold is CatGenie A.I. I got mine end 2019, just to investigate it. I quickly came to the conclusion it cannot be hacked in the same way its predecessors could, since the required signals cannot be intercepted. And even if they were, it wouldn't be for long, because it's a connected device. It can tattle on anybody having a hack in place, with full details. And firmware with counter-measures could be deployed remotely.
Finding a way to hash factory fresh new RFID tags in a way that the box accepts it as a valid new cartridge could still be a possible angle of attack, but they can easily go around that by remotely authorizing cartridges from a database.
Because of the much more complicated design, replacing the firmware isn't a realistic option either, as it would require a lot of effort to develop. Replacing the whole controller might be feasible: The high-voltage electronics are on a separate circuit board, which could be reused. I've been working on a Raspberry Pi based replacement controller for the CatGenie 120, but never finished that. Black belt procrastinator, remember? But for the CatGenie A.I. this should be a bit easier, because it only needs to interface with the stock high-voltage board, instead of implementing all of that too. But I've got more projects than time, and a young daughter, so I will leave that for somebody else.
submitted by Ed_Edison to CatGenie [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 02:35 cwcobblestone On trial: The Nerd, The Prom Queen and the Jock, Chapter 4

On trial: The Nerd, The Prom Queen and the Jock, Chapter 4
by c.w. cobblestone
With his neck drenched with sweat, Ralph took the witness stand. He shifted in his seat and smoothed his pantlegs as the defense attorney approached.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Bankhead.” Turrell put on a smile. “Are you okay?”
Ralph squeaked something, prompting the judge to advise: “Please speak up, Mr. Bankhead.”
“Um, I’m a little nervous, to be honest.”
Turrell smiled harder. “That’s okay; lots of people in your situation get nervous. Do you think you can answer a few questions?”
Ralph nodded.
The judge again cautioned the witness: “Mr. Bankhead, you have to answer yes or no for the court reporter.”
“Oh, sorry, Your Honor … um, yes. Yes, I … I’m okay.”
“Great,” Turrell said. “Now, Mr. Bankhead, I’m only going to ask you a few questions. First, and most importantly: Did your wife or Mr. Sisk ever make you do anything you didn’t want to do?”
“N-never. Anything my mistress — sorry, I mean Sharon — anything she wants me to do, I’ll do it. Whatever it is.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I love her.”
Murmurs buzzed throughout the courtroom as the defense attorney consulted his notes.
“Now, Mr. Bankhead, you just heard a psychologist testify that it is his belief that your upbringing has rendered you incapacitated. And yet you’ve spent more than a decade at the very top of a competitive profession. You somehow have managed to amass a small fortune, thanks to your invention, and—”
“Objection!” DA Schuster frowned. “Fellow counsel is mischaracterizing Dr. Wilfong’s testimony, which spoke to EMOTIONAL incapacitation. The witness’s professional accomplishments are irrelevant.”
Judge Peterson nodded. “Sustained. Mr. Turrell, please confine your questioning to the matters Dr. Wilfong discussed.”
“Yes, Your Honor.” Turrell wrote something down and stuck his pen in his pocket. “Okay, Mr. Bankhead, let me ask this a different way: The doctor testified that you are incapacitated and vulnerable because of what happened to you as a child. Would you agree with that assessment?”
“Um, no. No, I don’t. I’m in complete control of myself. I know I had a rough childhood, but I’ve overcome it. I’m a good citizen, never been in trouble, don’t drink, don’t do drugs.”
“That’s very commendable.” The defense attorney tapped the podium. “Now, do you recall the night you had the accident and went to the hospital?”
“Can you please tell the jury what happened.”
“Well, we were playing—”
Turrell held up his hand. “Sorry, let me stop you right there. Who is ‘we?’”
“Um, my wife, Mr. Sisk and I. Bridget was there, too.”
“Are you referring to Bridget McGowan, your sister-in-law?”
“Okay. So, please continue … what happened that night?”
“Well, we were playing some … um, S&M games, and there was an accident,” Ralph said.
“An accident?”
With a sigh, Ralph nodded. “Yeah. Um, Mr. Sisk put a … a cattle prod in my … in my anus and hit the button. He didn’t know the kind of damage it would cause. It was a total accident.”
“And at no time did you ask him to stop?”
“No. It was completely consensual.”
Turrell paused. “Okay … so, when Officer Ciccio questioned you at St. Luke Hospital, he testified that you begged him to save you from your wife and Mr. Sisk, and that you were afraid they’d kill you. Can you explain why you said that?”
Ralph cleared his throat. “Um, yeah, I was babbling because the doctors had me on a bunch of drugs.”
“So, you’re not afraid your wife or Mr. Sisk will kill you?”
Holding his teeth together so they wouldn’t chatter, Ralph intoned, “No, sir.”
“And you don’t think Mr. Sisk is Satan?”
Ralph and his wife’s lover locked eyes for a millisecond, and the witness gulped. “Um, n-no, I don’t think he’s … that he’s … Satan.” The last word cracked.
“And you’d move back in with your wife and Mr. Sisk in a minute if they’d let you, is that correct?”
“Oh, yes. Yes, I would.”
“And why is that?” Turrell scratched his head. “Aren’t you treated like a slave at home?”
“Yes. Yes, I am. But that’s because I enjoy it. There’s nothing my wife or master … um, sorry, Mr. Sisk … has ever done that I didn’t allow to happen, of my own free will.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bankhead,” the defense attorney said. “No further questions.”
The judge turned to the DA. “Ms. Schuster, your witness.”
Schuster strolled to the podium. “Good afternoon, Mr. Bankhead. Could you tell the jury what your living situation is now?”
“Well, sometimes I’ll stay in the homeless shelter if it’s raining or cold outside, but usually I just sleep in the park … um, after I clean the house every night.”
Schuster stroked her chin. “So, let me see if I have this straight, Mr. Bankhead. Your wife and her boyfriend kicked you out of the house after charges were filed against them, and since 100% of your income goes into his bank account, you have no place to stay. But you’re saying you still go back home every night to clean?”
“Um, yeah. Mistress — sorry, um, Sharon — says if I work hard enough, Mr. uh, Sisk might let me come back home.”
“Do you still have your job?”
“Um, yeah. Of course.”
“So, how do you bathe? Change clothes?”
“Um, I clean up at the BP station before going to work. The clerk there is nice, and he lets me use the bathroom without saying anything. And I have a bag with some changes of clothes. I wash them in the gas station sink.”
“How long ago did your wife and her boyfriend kick you out of the house?”
“Um, right after they got charged. Six months ago.”
“So, you’ve been living on the street for six months?”
“Um, yeah.”
“And are you happy about this situation, Mr. Bankhead?”
“Well, no,” Ralph said. “I wish I could move back home.”
“To be treated like a slave? To be whipped every day?” The DA scrunched her face. “Do you think that’s a healthy way to live, Mr. Bankhead?”
Ralph shrugged. “I don’t know. Who’s to say what’s healthy and what’s not? If you go back 50 years, people said being homosexual wasn’t healthy, but now, you wouldn’t dare say that. So, who’s to say that the life I live is unhealthy? As long as it makes everyone happy? Nobody made me do this, Ma’am. When Mr. Sisk used the … the cattle prod on me, it was with my full permission.”
The DA shook her head. “No offense, Mr. Bankhead, but according to Dr. Wilfong’s testimony, you’re not emotionally in a position to give that permission. He thinks a guardian should be appointed to represent you in probate court.”
“No offense, but that doctor knows nothing about me. I’m perfectly able to make my own decisions. I love my wife and I want to be with her — if she’ll let me come back.”
“You mean if Mr. Sisk will let you come back?”
Ralph peeked at his master. “Yes, he decides.”
Prosecutor Schuster sniffed. “Are you in love with Mr. Sisk, too?”
“OBJECTION!” the defense attorney thundered. “That’s argumentative.”
“No, I’m trying to show the jury the witness’s mindset, and why he’d want to return to a house where he’s treated like a slave,” the DA replied.
“I’ll allow the question,” Judge Peterson said. “Objection overruled.”
“Thank you, Your Honor.” Schuster tucked her hair behind her ear. “Mr. Bankhead? Are you in love with the defendant, Mr. Sisk?”
Ralph thought for a second before replying: “My wife is in love with him, and that’s all that counts.”
“And because your wife is in love with Mr. Sisk, you’re willing to endure any level of pain? Any humiliation?”
“Um. Yes.”
The prosecutor scribbled something in her notepad. “Okay, Mr. Bankhead, would you please tell the jury what a typical day was like for you before you were kicked out of the house?”
“Objection!” Turrell gritted his teeth. “This is an obvious tactic to sway the jury with lurid details that have nothing to do with this trial.”
“Those details would show the jurors how the witness was treated at home, and allow them to see what he had to endure on a daily basis,” Schuster shot back. “This goes to the heart of our case.”
“Overruled,” the judge said. “The witness will answer the question.”
Ralph licked his lips. “Um, do you want me to start at the beginning of the day?”
“Yes, walk us through what a typical day was like for you, from the beginning, if you would, please.”
“Well, I’ve got to be honest, no day was ever really typical; everything depended on what kind of mood my masters … um, the defendants were in on a particular day. But there were some everyday routines. I’d get up at 4:30 every morning to make sure the house was spotless, or at least get all the quiet chores done. Usually, my wife and … um, Mr. Sisk would still be asleep when I left for work.”
“And where was your bedroom, Mr. Bankhead?”
“Um, I … I really didn’t have a bedroom. I slept on the floor in the basement next to the washer and dryer.”
Amid whispers in the courtroom, Schuster continued: “On the floor? Were you at least allowed a sleeping bag?”
“Um, if I did something extra special to please them, sometimes they’d let me sleep on this old dog bed they found in the alley.”
“How generous of them,” the DA quipped, prompting chuckles. “Okay, so when you left for work, what would happen next?”
Ralph shrugged. “Um, I dunno … I’d just go to my job.”
“Nobody there treats you like a slave?”
“And, do you like the way you’re treated at work?”
“Yeah,” Ralph said. “It’s a nice break.”
The prosecutor perked up. “Why do you say that, Mr. Bankhead? I thought you said you loved the way you were treated at home! I thought you enjoyed being treated like a slave — so, why is it a ‘nice break’ to get away from that?”
Ralph huffed. “Jeez, I dunno … even if you like something, you can get too much of it. A lot of people like ‘American Idol,’ but I doubt they’d want to watch it 24 hours a day.”
The courtroom erupted in laughter, and the judge pounded her gavel.
“Okay, Mr. Bankhead, point taken.” Schuster leaned on the podium. “So, what would happen after you got off work? When you came home?”
“Uh, well, I’d have to change as soon as I got in.”
“Um, into my … my dress.”
“And, please describe this dress for the jury.”
Ralph’s face reddened. “Um … it has … a … mmfffnnnrrr”
“Please speak up, Mr. Bankhead,” the judge implored.
“Um, it has a bunch of ruffles, and the skirt is really short.”
“This is a maid’s dress?”
“A sissy maid’s dress?”
“Objection!” Turrell jumped out of his seat. “That’s not relevant.”
“Yes, it is,” Schuster retorted. “This isn’t a normal maid’s dress we’re talking about here. There’s a very important distinction between a maid and a sissy maid.”
The judge overruled the objection, and the prosecutor asked again: “Is this a sissy maid’s dress?”
“Is your sissy maid’s dress still at home?”
“Um, yeah, it’s hanging in the basement where I used to sleep. I have to wear it when I come clean the house after work.”
The prosecutor nodded. “And according to earlier testimony — and judging from your reaction here today — this dress is a source of great embarrassment for you, is that correct?”
Tears formed in Ralph’s eyes. “Um, I … yes, I really don’t like it, to be honest.” He shot a fearful glance toward his master, who subtly sneered back.
“And you don’t like being called ‘Pansy?’”
“But you put up with it because this is what your wife wants.”
“And, according to earlier testimony, Mr. Sisk beat you and made you drink dishwashing detergent when you complained. Did you enjoy that, Mr. Bankhead?”
“No, but my wife—”
“I know, I know,” the DA exhaled. “Your wife wanted it, so you did it for her.”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Okay. Now, after you change clothes, what usually happens?”
“Um, so, if my wife and um, Mr. Sisk aren’t home, I start cleaning the house. If they are home, I report to them for my Daily Dozen.”
“And that’s a dozen blows from the strap, according to earlier testimony?” Schuster glanced at the jury. “With tacks at the end? The instrument they call The Motivator?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Who gives you the whippings?”
“Usually Mr. Fisk, although my wife sometimes does, too.”
“Would you say you enjoy getting your Daily Dozen each day?” the DA asked.
“Um, no, I don’t really enjoy it.”
“Then, please tell the jury why you put up with it.”
Ralph sat up straight and squared his shoulders. “I already told you: because I love my wife, that’s why. Whatever Mr. Sisk wants, she wants — so, that means I want it, too. Even if I don’t like it. This isn’t hard to understand — I love her and I want to make her happy.”
“That doesn’t sound like love to me,” Schuster said.
“With all due respect, Ma’am, love is love. Who are you to define what love is for other people?”
The DA was clearly flustered as she shuffled her papers. “I … um … no further questions.”
“Thank you, Ms. Schuster.” The judge gestured toward the defense. “Redirect?”
Turrell nodded and approached the podium. “Mr. Bankhead, is it true, as your sister-in-law testified earlier, that you’d often reach orgasm while you were being whipped?”
Ralph bowed his head and squirmed, trying to block out the stifled chuckles from the court-watchers. “Um, yes, yes, sometimes that … would happen.”
“And why is that?”
“Um, because it turns me on.”
Turrell smiled at the jury. “No further questions. The defense rests.”
It took the jurors less than an hour to deliberate. The foreman, a plumber from Peoria, cleared his throat and read the verdict aloud:
“We the jury find the defendants … not guilty.”
As the happy couple celebrated in the courthouse parking lot, Ralph looked on from a few yards away with his shoulders slumped. His wife peeked around her lover’s massive frame and sneered.
“If you think sticking up for us on the stand like that is gonna get you back in the house, you got another think coming, Pansy,” she snapped. “You told that lawyer that you liked going to work because it was a nice break from being at home — so, you can stay away from home longer, you little bitch.”
Trent Sisk pulled his woman closer. “But you can still come clean every night, including tonight — and tonight’s gonna be special, because I’m gonna take out my frustration from all this court bullshit on your sissy little ass. I think a couple hundred with the Motivator will do the trick — and maybe we’ll fire up that cattle prod again, too, just for old-time’s sake.”
Ralph shuddered as his master continued.
“Now, here’s what’s gonna happen, bitch-boy,” Trent said, as his woman gazed up at him adoringly. “Sherry and me are going to a restaurant to celebrate being found innocent. While we’re eating, I want you to run home. Every step of the way, the entire 15 miles, you’d better run that little sissy ass as fast as you can. I’m gonna ask you if you slowed down, and you know you can’t lie to me, right, Pansy?”
“N-no, sir, I … I can’t lie to you.”
“No, you can’t. So, when you get home, nice and tired, I’m gonna tear that sissy little ass up. Maybe if you can take it without whining, that might be a point or two toward you moving back into the basement. Now, what do you say?”
“T-thank you, sir.”
Trent turned toward Sharon. “Come on, baby — a steak’s calling my name!”
Sharon smirked at her hapless hubby. “Have fun, faggot. We won’t be thinking of you while we eat.”
“Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress.”
Sharon snapped her fingers. “Get to running, Pansy.”
“Fast as you can!” Trent reminded.
As the gaggle of reporters who’d just exited the courthouse headed toward them, Trent helped Sharon into his truck and peeled out of the parking lot, while Ralph took off running like a wimpy, little bat out of hell.
submitted by cwcobblestone to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 09:23 canadiangirlie123 is it worth it?

hi, i (19F) am a partner at a canadian store. we’re fairly busy but i wouldn’t say super consistently busy, our mornings are our peak. i am a consistent closer (mon-sat we close at 9 and sunday at 7) which i genuinely don’t mind i’m a night owl and i have pretty amazing partners i work with but i am so tired. i started this job in october of 2023, this is my first job and i think it’s a pretty good one for a first job but i need to know if it’s worth staying. here’s an itemized list of things that have happened/ are happening that are seriously making me debate leaving.
-there are 2 night time SSV’s and i believe 7 for morning- midday
(side note we have some amazing regulars that definitely help make it a little bit more worth and to those people because i know everyone has them, thank you)
anyways that’s a fairly comprehensive list, the job market where i live is insanely bad right now because the cost of living is at an all time high so i feel super trapped right now. looking for some words of advice, i’m really dreading this summer and being worked to the bone and i need to know if i should get out.
much thanks 🫶
submitted by canadiangirlie123 to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 16:51 Impressive_Choice857 Some petty college roommate revenge I still laugh at, decided I’d write it down for others to enjoy.

When I was a 19m (Now 25m) in college I had 3 assigned roommates. They didn’t buy any of the necessities like food, toilet paper, cooking oil, cleaning supplies, paper towels ect. I was buying pretty much everything which I definitely couldn’t afford but I wanted to be nice.
I said I was fine with them using my things as long as they replaced them. Whenever they used something up low and behold they never replaced it, I’d just find it missing. They would start mentioning we were missing it, and add "we should get more." I would say "then buy some", then they’d change the subject. If they did buy something they put it in their own room. I was being polite but Inside I was burning with a white hot fury infuriated beyond belief.
So pretty much a classic story of college dudes. I’m sure there are plenty of people who can relate here.
Fast forward to an early morning class. I’m getting ready to leave, And my roommate is putting dishes in the dishwasher before he goes to class. The previous night I told him he needed to start doing dishes because he constantly cooked and never cleaned🧼. I was really happy to see it was getting done, he was also getting ready for class. I was grabbing a bite to eat when He said "we need more dishwasher pods." I said "buy them." He paused, then said dish soap would work (also mine). I told him not to and it would sud up and just buy the damn pods. He said to believe him and it would work he proceeded ded to fill the cap, started it and went to shower for class.
I proceeded to end the cycle and dump about a cup or more of dishwasher detergent in out of spite then start it again. I went to class munching on a bagel excited for the text he might send. It felt good to think of what he’d find after the shower. Went to class and 40m later (yes he showered for 40m every day) I got a Snapchat of our apartment and I swear to god Reddit there was suds everywhere it was awesome. We could’ve hosted a bubble run or a nightclub with then bubbles in that apartment. Wish I still had the photo it was insane I didn’t realize how many bubbles could be made from one dishwasher I mean I anticipated a lot but it was way more. It was so much it was up to his chest. He had to cancel going to class to clean it and then bought pods.
I still laugh about his reaction. He said "holy shit I really didn’t think it would be that bad" I’d add in yeah man I really thought that was gonna work. Would’ve been a great life hack to not buy pods. He apologized. Started pitching in more with things.
The end 😂
submitted by Impressive_Choice857 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 00:27 cam56k_ recent host left a very annoying and passive aggressive review + private note [USA]

to start off i’ll say this is only my fourth time using airbnb (one of those times my girlfriend booked on her account and my one other booking was the same place two years in a row which was an all around great experience and that host left a very positive review with nothing but nice things to say, he also recommended me to other hosts ‘without hesitation’) so for this recent host to have left one of only two reviews on my page is pretty frustrating considering the fact that i find what he said to be completely untrue. i plan on using airbnb a fair bit in the future so i’m wondering if something like this might affect my ability to book elsewhere or if i’m just overreacting.
so we were visiting my girlfriend’s family in the middle of nowhere, my options were somewhat limited so i had to settle for an overpriced loft. upon walking in i noticed that it didn’t seem like the housekeeper did much at all between the previous guests leaving and us arriving, it wasn’t dirty or unorganized, but there was perishable food and half empty drinks left in the fridge, the handsoap dispenser in the bathroom was empty etc. so it almost felt as if somebody was just living there and rented the space out while they were away. in the interest of being a good guest i decided not to say anything about it, i knew i had to tread lightly being that i’m somewhat new to airbnb. it didn’t really matter all that much to me anyway since we weren’t going to be spending a lot of time in there; why would i start off by complaining? i also found the overall aesthetic and interior design of the place to be pretentious and boring but that’s not something i would ever outwardly express to a host either.
there’s a lot of other things i could say about the loft, like the fact that the bed felt like cinderblocks, all of the furniture was obviously there for show instead of comfort, and that it was fucking FREEZING COLD for the entire duration of my stay because it was about 20° outside, there were only two puny little radiators and the thermostat was set to 60° upon our arrival, but i’ll get to the point instead.
to paraphrase and cut it short, his public review says that “the place was left in good condition” but then he went on to say “it took a little more cleaning than usual” at the end - which is it guy? was it clean or not?
his private note says that he’s been hosting for 2 years, and that during that 2 years he has worked with the same housekeeper the whole time, he says “the housekeeper has always been extremely happy with the way the loft has been left. this time she had a few complaints.”
i wish i could properly express how badly this made me fucking seethe through words alone. my girlfriend and i are clean and organized people through and through, and not only did we make ourselves scarce the entire time, i’m pretty sure the only things we even used were the prison bed, the shower, two glasses for wine one night, and two mugs for coffee one morning. we put those wine glasses and mugs in the dishwasher, but found no detergent anywhere to run it. we also took the sheets off the bed for the housekeeper, and took the practically empty garbage bag out as we left.
also, i’m not sure if this is common practice as i don’t recall from my first airbnb booking last year, but on top of the questionable $/night, i paid a $50(?) cleaning fee upfront. what the hell was your housekeeper complaining about? was i supposed to do her job for her that i also paid for?
anyways… that’s the basic gist of what the host said aside from some other condescending nonsense about how all his other guests usually reached out to tell him how much they love his loft and the surrounding area (i really did not care for the loft, but i still treated it with the same amount of respect as i would anybody else’s space.)
thoughts? is this guy just picking on me because of my lack of bookings? because i’m on the younger side? (i’m in my late twenties) i don’t get it man.
edit: there were also no towels.
submitted by cam56k_ to AirBnB [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 16:03 GTSBot [GTS] Got a new travel mug..... this was on the side.

[GTS] Got a new travel mug..... this was on the side. submitted by GTSBot to guessthesubreddit [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 15:14 Squatting_Nevil Got a new travel mug..... this was on the side.

Got a new travel mug..... this was on the side. submitted by Squatting_Nevil to engrish [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 11:57 CampfireSpaghetti The fragrance mystery

We bought a handyman’s house in 2019. He did some very “creative” work that has been costly to fix. Currently, we are focused on plumbing. My washing machine and dishwasher shared the same drain pipe. 4 years after moving in (August 2023), and 4 years after buying our Bosch dishwasher, our dishes started tasting like chemicals. We couldn’t solve the mystery so we started to handwash. One day last month, I was grabbing a sock from the bottom of the washer and got a whiff of a smell that gave me flashbacks of the dishwasher. It all made sense: my washing machine was draining into my dishwasher. Called a plumber, he confirmed a pipe wasn’t strapped into place and had fallen. We had a back slope that allowed water draining from the washer to go into our dishwasher. Problem solved: we rerouted the dishwasher drain to the sink like civilized humans do.
Now, here’s the mystery I’m currently trying to solve now that the dishwasher issues have been resolved. My clothes (since about August 2023) have become increasingly fragrant at the end of the wash cycle, almost like they aren’t getting rinsed fully and they smell strongly like the dishes that were coming out of the dishwasher.
Things for you to know:
Brand new Maytag washing machine - all functions working. Confirmed, no issues. Regularly cleaned with Afresh on schedule.
No change in detergent (Tide pods)
My question for this group: is it possible that my laundry detergent leached into my pvc pipe previously and the smell from the drain pipe is impacting the contents of my washer? Does laundry detergent do that to pipes?
submitted by CampfireSpaghetti to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 10:01 ShadowChocolato Snails and dishwashing detergent??

My grandfather just cleaned out a snail tank using dishwashing detergent. I've told him multiple times that this is very toxic to snails, but he did it anyways. How long wpuld it take for this to ahvw any serious effects? How long will it last for on the tank? I'm thinking of taking the snail off him and putting him in with my snails, would he need ro be quarantined to not spread chemicals over my tank as well? Sorry for the block of questions, I don't have time to get the snail now as it's night but as soon as I can tomorrow I can go and get him so I want to be prepared
submitted by ShadowChocolato to snails [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 02:39 Tater_Tot_13 My baby keeps getting a rash only when they eat

My 2 1/2 month old baby started getting a rash on their face about a week ago, but it only appears when they eat (similac sensitive due to lactose intolerance). I called the pediatrician after it started to go down their back and she referred us to an allergist as she thought it could be a cows milk allergy. At the allergist appointment, I asked if he would test my child for a soy allergy also, which he refused (my sister and my aunt are allergic to soy and I am allergic to dairy). He only tested my child for a dairy allergy which came back negative (I’d like to note, my child still got the rash when we started Alimentum per the pediatrician while we waited for our allergist appointment). My fiancé and I noticed that the rash didn’t appear when we sterilized the bottles, but the moment we use a bottle that has been washed but not sterilized the rash occurs again. Is it possible to be allergic to dish soap or dishwasher detergent? I’ve never experienced or seen anything like this and we are trying to figure it out since we got no answers from the allergist (he said it’s probably just eczema which wouldn’t make since as it ONLY appears when my child eats).
submitted by Tater_Tot_13 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 20:45 buying_bare_minimum Forced to never spend

I could use some marriage advice. I apologize if my situation seems so ridiculous. It’s my first time reaching out for help. I can’t discuss my problems with anyone bc it’s just embarrassing.
Going through a rough time with my husband. We both have good careers, high salaries and each got lots of savings, though he recently got laid off. He’s job hunting while my job is still very stable. We have 2 kids. He asked me to not buy anything unnecessary until he finds a new job. We pay 50% of household/ kids expenses (he has 3x more savings than I do so we haven’t reconsidered adjusting the amount even now).
We recently had a fight about me wanting to purchase a set of 4 water leak sensors that could save us hundreds in case of leak. We had leaks before that some damage. He doesn’t consider it a necessity. We would split the cost of $30.
I have grown tired of tightening our belts even though we are both doing great financially. It may take time for him to find a job but I am so tired of buying the minimum all the time. Personally I am very thrifty and only buy food or household necessities to begin with. I never shop, ever, or get my hair or nails done or anything like that. Even if I did I would use my own money. For our shared expenses I also do buy the absolute bare minimum too. Think dishwasher detergent and stuff like that. No home decorating, not hiring outside help or maid even though I am an exhausted FT worke mom (one infant and one toddler) with the largest share of mental load. I also manage home maintenance and repairs or do them myself most of the time, not him.
I told him I would front the money for the device myself, he could pay me back later but he rebuked me. I suppose I could just pay for it myself too, and I will probably do that at this point instead of dealing with him. My problem is that it’s difficult to live with someone like this. I called him stingy and he has been really angry. I have been dealing with his behavior for a while and I am so disappointed. Kind of over it to be honest. I don’t really want to be in a relationship where I can only buy the bare minimum all the time. It’s stressful and sad, especially when each spouse has a 7 figures net worth acquired independently from the other. In the meantime my savings keep growing… as I said, I never buy much and all I ask for is to spend a little on taking care of our home. He refuses since those are shared expenses. He’s always been very “cheap” and never buys me much unless it’s my birthday. Almost never do I get flowers or treats. We take turns treating the other when we go out. He accused me of sitting around and scrolling/ finding ways to spend money. That infuriated me and I just am seriously reconsidering our marriage. I have been trying really hard to do everything I can to not spend.
I would appreciate your viewpoints. And please be respectful, I am already embarrassed of my relationship.
We are still mad at each other right now. Considering marriage counseling but also losing hope. It’s just not fun to live like this, arguing over a little bit of money when we both know we have plenty saved. He’s overall an good husband and father but I just don’t enjoy his company much at the moment. I think I need to cool off then seek a marriage counselor.
TL;DR: fighting with husband about buying home maintenance device while he is out of work. Always tightening belts when there is little reason to. Losing hope or joy in this marriage.
submitted by buying_bare_minimum to Marriage [link] [comments]
