Herpes inside the muouth

My (25F) boyfriend (30M) pretended like he didn’t have HSV-2?

2024.05.16 00:25 lavalamp222222 My (25F) boyfriend (30M) pretended like he didn’t have HSV-2?

I (25F) started dating my boyfriend (30M) and we had an instant connection- everything was perfect. About 3 months in, he comes out of the shower and shows me that he has something on his downstairs. I looked at it and said “looks like herpes- you should go to the doctor”. He was shocked. He said something along the lines of “I can’t believe this- I’ve never had any STD before and this could be herpes?!” He was distraught…. Like acted like the world was ending and he couldn’t believe this was happening to him. I calmed him down & assured him that I know so many people that have it and it’s truly not a big deal. He says with tears in his eyes “will you leave me if it is?” And I was like “oh my god no it’s really not a big deal I promise”. At some point, he asks if I have it & gave it to him…..
So I drop him off at the doctor and he says “the doctor said it doesn’t look like herpes & he won’t give me the meds unless you come in & get tested”. I didn’t have health insurance at the time & I’d never had a breakout & was just tested for everything 2 months prior so I was like no… I was confused because I’ve been told they hand out valtrex like candy & the fact that they didn’t even test him just as a precaution so weird to me because I was pretty sure it was herpes.
Anyways, the little spot just goes away. Now keep this in mind, he was sharing a cat with his ex so they were in communication at this point.
Fast forward to like 6 months in, he has another one. This time though, him & his ex had cut all ties & she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. He goes to the doctor, NOW it’s herpes. Interesting. But I believe him that he didn’t know and boohoo whatever & I stay and eventually get it as well (HSV-2 by the way).
Now fast forward to over a year in, he’s out of town. I’m cleaning up and I come across his old phone. Now look, I’m not one for going through phones but something inside of me told me to do so. So, I did.
I found texts from around the time of his first breakout, saying to her “you gave me something I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life” and a voice memo saying “he was having a really bad one & needed some of the pills”. Along with all these other texts to his ex during the first month of us dating that looked like he was trying to get back with her.
So, I screenshotted the worst ones, circled them, left the phone with a note that said “open me”, and went to Hawaii with my friends.
Anywho, after screaming & fighting & all of that, he convinces me that he was actually just trying to manipulate her (he used the word manipulate) into giving him the cat by making her feel bad. And he started telling her that she gave him herpes after they broke up to make her feel guilty. And I believe it.
However, my intuition doesn’t let me live lmao. I am an anxious wreck. So about once a week for a year, I bring up a text that doesn’t make sense or another question I have about the situation. I BEG him to tell me the truth if he’s lying because it’s genuinely driving me insane. It’s all I think about. He swears up and down that he’s not lying. He even says “I honestly wish I was lying just so you could have some closure.” And would get frustrated at me for “always bringing up his ex”.
Anyways, life still goes on normally. He asks my parents for permission to marry me, etc.
Now it’s Christmas time. I was at home with my family. I told him during this time that I just can’t shake the feeling that he is still lying and it’s unfair that I keep bringing it up so I’ve decided to go on Prozac (he’s very anti depression/anxiety med bc “it changes people”). So the day after Christmas, he calls me and tells me the truth. I flip the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk out. Because how could you lie to my face weekly when I BEGGED for the truth. My best friend spent probably a total of 300 hours while I talked through all of the evidence for a year. Like……. What. (Also I feel so fucking bad for my friend having to listen to this shit for so long).
Anyways, I chose to forgive him after a month of me just losing my fucking mind. And now, he’s going through a difficult time (seems like he always is) and just sooooo frustrated with life every day because the world is against him & everything goes wrong for him while my life is pretty good lol. And I think he resents me for it. It’s only been 5 months since he told me the truth & he’s getting frustrated when I complain to him, saying he’s picking on me (he said my outfit looked like I was a lesbian— also why is that an insult they have amazing style lmao) and just taking out his shit on me. Anytime anyone tries to help him, he sees it as an attack because he just has to be right.
Oh my god sorry this was so long and honestly just reading it back, I’m like girl………….. but what would you guys do? HAHA I’m so sorry but all I can do is laugh bc this whole thing is so rediculous. Oh, I’ve caught him in some other small lies as well that he didn’t fess up to until I presented him with evidence.
Anyways, do I break up with him? It’s been over 2 years now & the whole time it’s just been his problems & me helping solve them.
Edit : oh and when I bring something up that hurts my feelings, I’m “too sensitive”
submitted by lavalamp222222 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:55 Spiritual-Peace-6442 Would I know if I had herpes since birth?

I’m so distraught and feel broken right now. My parents never told me this was a possibility. I guess my dad had herpes and gave it to my mom and she birthed me vaginally, I have no idea if I have it and my health care system sucks so I can’t get same day testing. I’ve been crying and freaking out for the last 3 hours since I found out because I’m pregnant. My biggest fear if I have it is transmitting to my baby as well as any future children I have. My partner has taken the news as well as he can, but I know it’s freaking him out too. I just have no clue if I have it or what to do right now, I just have to wait to get tested and god knows how long that will be. I just feel like my life is ruined if the test comes back positive, I know people can live perfectly normal lives with it but it just gives me so much anxiety. I feel so broken inside and don’t even want to be alive. I don’t want to screw up my babies life if it gets transmitted. I wanted to have lots of children but i feel like ill have to give up my dream if i have the virus 💔
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2024.05.13 15:59 Ok-Bother6479 Sore throat for months

Age 31, hispanic female:
In march the inside of my lips became red with an itchy, burning sensation. It then spread throughout my mouth and eventually developed tiny blisters. At the time i went to the drs and was prescribed acyclovir for 5 days. Everything went back to normal after a few days, but my uvula/throat continues to burn and has small clear blisters. It tends to look a little red. it is now mid may and i still have a burning uvula/throat and redness in uvula.
I have gone to the dr’s i got tested for strep, hsv and another culture test. Strep and hsv swab test were negative. Although I do have a history of cold-sores so dr insists that it is probably a sort of herpes virus. I took valtrex for 1 week and antibiotics for nearly 2 weeks then stopped because i developed an allergic reaction to one of the medications. During that time it stopped burning for maybe 4-5 days. Then the throat symptoms returned.
I am now referred to an ent for a possible biopsy, mainly because the dr knows I’m nervous about it but she doesn’t seem concerned.
Does anyone have any similar experiences with this. My biggest fear is always cancer.
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2024.05.12 17:27 Normal_Link3836 Thoughts please??

I would really love some feedback as to if you think this sounds like HSV or not. I’m quite stressed out and would really appreciate any thoughts on either side. Thanks in advance.
4/14 unprotected sex
4/15 he told me that earlier on 4/14 he had tingling in genital area, but never previously had an outbreak and has no known herpes exposures (tingling ended up lasting for 2.5 days)
My symptoms 4/18 weird feeling in genital area (buzzing/vibrating, hard to explain, but not tingling) Some very mild pain not sure how to describe lasted for maybe 5 days to a week
UTI like feeling on and off on 4/24-4/27
Tingling in hip on and off
Really annoying tingling in feet for maybe 5 days
Foot still tingling today (5/12) but not nearly as often or as annoying
Back pain (mostly lower) for maybe a week, but got really bad 5/2 and not as bad 5/3. Back pain not bad anymore but still there
Doctor 4/30- said she not herpes as no sores/lesions
4/22 - 5/11 low grade fever on and off (today is day 20) It’s not textbook low-grade fever, (usually 99.4) but I know I have one because I develop mild chills and occasionally body aches, so that’s when I take it (and it’s never not been at least 99.2 when I have those symptoms). I will take it randomly when I don’t have those symptoms to see where it’s at and it’s always back down to my norm.
Developed a burning feeling inside the genital area (5/2) and had a lot of burning feeling inside that came and went throughout (5/6) will feel very randomly again, but only last for a few seconds at a time
5/5 Random tingle in same spot in back and same spot on butt. Butt was only for a couple days on and off and lasting for few seconds at a time and back has been for few days in same small spot in upper back that only lasts for few seconds at a time
5/6 gyn visit- said it doesn’t sound like herpes and is testing me for ureaplasma and mycoplasma
No bumps or lesions that I ever saw and I have been CONSTANTLY checking myself and saw two doctors that didn’t see any either
Few days ago developed spots all over body that feel cooling didn’t last for long. Someone’s felt like prickling coldness
I got tested for everything under the sun, from STD’s to BV, yeast infection and UTI and all negative. (Awaiting results for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. If anyone can think of any other things to test for that could have any of the symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out!)
I know the only way to know for sure is if I get blood work done, but was told that could be inaccurate as I have no bumps/lesions and even if I did do that eventually, it’s way too early at this point.
ANY thoughts/feedback are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Normal_Link3836 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:57 Ecstatic_Taste3588 Trying to determine if I should get bump swabbed

So I was diagnosed with ghsv1 sept 2022. As far as I know I haven’t had any other outbreaks.
I currently have what I believe is a cyst on my labia minora. The pain of the cyst came on Wednesday but it wasn’t a full bump until that thursday morning.
It has been in bump form since then. The pain has gone a little but it is still a hard bump/cyst. I looks like there could be something on the inside but I can’t tell for sure.
From what I have been told if the appearance of the sore hasn’t changed and is still the same since Thursday then it is most likely a cysts and not a herpes sore/herpes related.
Does this sound like an outbreak to anyone? Should I get checked just to be sure?
submitted by Ecstatic_Taste3588 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:51 murderskunk76 Scary Graduation, with Happy Ending

SpoileCW: Mentions of possible infant loss and brief mention of past abuse. This graduation has a very happy ending, but it's been a long three weeks and nothing went quite as expected. I hope everyone is strapped in and ready for a novel.
Please, anyone who reads this, consider my PSA at the end. I never, ever want another mother to experience what I've gone through. What my husband and family has gone through due to sheer ignorance on my part.
My induction was scheduled at 39+6 for 4/20/2024. Har har. We came to the hospital bright and early, 5:00am. Got hooked up and took first dose of cytotec around 7:00am. Started the various laboring positions, epidural was given around 9:00am and second dose of cytotec was given some time after that. Foley balloon went in, felt none of it. Soooo much better than my first induction experience where I felt everything. I opted for no pain management the first time around... with pitocin. I chose differently this time. 😂
I'd say about three hours after starting that pitocin drip the contractions started up in earnest. I felt none of it for a while, then the epidural ran out. Whew boy when I tell you those contractions hit HARD they friggin did. My OB had placed a sensor inside my cervix to measure the strength of my contractions at that point. They were literally off the charts, and I was very calmly, yet urgently requesting my epidural to be refilled and flushed lol. Husband was holding my hand and guiding me through each contraction, he was incredible. Finally got that refill and ahhhhh.... sweet relief. Although my legs (particularly the left one) was absolute dead weight, I had zero problems pushing. I felt no pain, just pressure, and watched our baby girl enter this world via mirror. The experience was amazing and such a stark difference from my first birth. It was so beautiful I started weeping while she was crowning. My doctor and nurses all asked if I was alright, if I felt any pain, and all I could say was "I'm just so happy!" They all laughed and smiled, encouraged me to keep pushing and out she came. Maybe twenty minutes of pushing at most. Wasn't as hard to do with the epidural as I anticipated, I think because I knew how to push being a STM.
Baby girl was 7lbs, 7oz and 20" exactly. Perfect all around. Born with a full head of hair.
Sadly, this is where the experience gets intense. I had what I believed to be an ingrown hair or boil on the outside of my right labia. My OB had seen it earlier that week during my 39 week check up, offered to biopsy but was also under the impression it was just a weird haicyst type thing. During labor, they paint you down with prep (betadine I think?)so she was able to see it more clearly without my pubic hair obscuring it. It concerned her enough she asked to take a biopsy, I agreed as I was numb and trust her entirely. A few days later the pathology came back and it was awful news. Positive for HSV.
By some bizarre twist of fate, we were stuck in the hospital due to a round of testing on me for strange symptoms I developed my second night in the hospital including facial numbness. We had to wait nearly 18 hours for an MRI after they ruled out stroke and a bunch of other terrifying things. This wait kept us in the hospital and according to the neonatalist, may have saved our baby's life. As we were moments from being discharged, a nurse hurried into the room and shared my results with me. My OB had been frantically trying to get the info in to the L&D team and neonatalist, who called me moments later and delivered news that shattered me to my core. He was returning to the hospital immediately, told us we couldn't leave as if our baby tested positive for HSV an infection could result in a 60-70% mortality rate.
My heart sank into the ground. I began sobbing. My husband was in shock and I completely lost my mind. I was so horrified and repulsed by myself I couldn't even touch my own baby. Nurses came in and comforted me, they immediately took our baby to NICU to start testing and I was utterly devastated. I thought I had unwittingly killed our baby. The neonatalist came in the room, the nurses surrounded me and explained that this happens frequently, shockingly. Many people have no idea they carry HSV and breakouts don't always happen consistently. I can count what I now know as breakouts as maybe nine incidents, which occurred over the course of thirteen years. Sadly, I know exactly where the HSV came from as I was abused as a young teen/preteen. The rage and sick I felt was unparalleled to anything I've ever felt before. The doctor assured me that everything was going to be alright, that thankfully we caught this before going home and the baby was showing no signs of infection yet. He needed to perform several tests including skin, blood and spinal which sent me over the edge again. I couldn't bear the thought of our three day old baby being subjected to such things. He told us if all results were negative, it was a ten day NICU stay with antiviral drip for her then she'd be released. Worst case scenario it was in her spinal fluid which would be a 21 day stay and hoping she never presented symptoms.
Waiting for those results was the longest three days of my entire life. I was a zombie. My husband and I went home, I pumped milk like mad and visited our baby often. As did he. Having to explain to family and our daughter what happened was like twisting the knife every. Single. Time. I barely ate or slept. My husband was so very supportive, never held an ounce of anger or accusation against me. He knew where this came from too and only held anger for the shithead who harmed me as a child.
The guilt was so very strong, and in spite of so many nurses, doctors and family members telling me there was no need to feel that way, I couldn't help it. If only I hadn't been so ignorant, if only I had asked for a closer look the week before giving birth, if only if only. Thankfully my support network rallied and kept me from truly diving into the deep end. I focused on pumping for our baby and kept talking about every feeling I was experiencing. By Thursday of that week we finally got our results, all negative.
I cried with joy. I felt as if we experienced a miracle. I cannot speak of the NICU team highly enough. They were literal angels, and the doctor was a godsend.
My birth experience that was so beautifully perfect had been tainted, stolen and dark for me. Now I could let that go and rejoice in the fact we'd be bringing our baby girl home.
We brought her home on May 3rd. She was born April 20th, 7:58pm. One day before becoming two weeks old. She took to nursing like she had been doing it the whole time. She's gaining weight and perfectly healthy. She turned three weeks yesterday and just started smiling in response to ours. I feel so utterly blessed and fortunate that everything is going to be alright.
Please, if you suspect at all you may have a lesion or strange rash while pregnant, get tested for HSV. HSV is herpes. The common one that causes cold sores is just as deadly to infants as genital herpes. I had no idea and felt so stupid for not knowing what was happening to my own body. That I carried this for years without knowing. My breakouts were isolated to one lesion at a time, spaced between years. At least one year between incidents. Everyone's experience with the virus can be different and many are asymptomatic, which makes conventional testing a challenge. C-section can keep your baby safe versus vaginal delivery. There are ways to prevent what happened to me and you can absolutely have a healthy pregnancy with the virus. So long as you receive preventative care.
PSA over, lol.
Now I'm off to enjoy the wee one and cherish my little family. Happy Mother's Day, thanks for reading this far. I wish you all perfect health and deliveries. ❤️
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2024.05.11 08:16 EmbarrassedRub309 UTI? Something else?

24F, on sunday night my vag started feeling achy and I started getting period-like cramps but no period. Monday night it hurt even more, not the inside of my vagina but the lips area, and the cramps did get worse and moved to my stomach and back. I went to see the gyno on tuesday and they swabbed me for STDS, did a urine sample and sent me on my way, no yeast or BV swab. UTI negative. Everything came back negative. My symptoms cleared up, with just slight weird feeling in my vag lips every now and then. But today (saturday) I peed and my vulva was burning, no pain when I touch it, but it just burns every time I pee. The pee itself doesnt burn, just the skin. Now I’m laying down and my urethra area feels tingly and uncomfortable.
Does this sound like a UTI or something else? I am worried about herpes as well because I had sex almost two weeks ago now, and my symptoms started 6 days after being sexually active. No lesions, but just that weird tingly ache feeling on my vulva, cramps, and now it burns to pee. I also dont want to wait too long to see a doctor again but its the weekend and I’m on vacation, so I dont want this uti to turn into sepsis or something either. Thanks!
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2024.05.10 09:07 Greedy_Limit7301 Is this herpes or bad bacterial infection

I have no flu like systems. I messed with my significant other last Wednesday morning and afterwards I was sore and had discharge. On Saturday, when the soreness didn’t go away I was concerned and made an appointment with my gyno. I shaved that Saturday and Monday morning I had these ulcers pop up. They keep popping and coming right back, they aren’t healing or scabbing like regular herpes scars. Pictures are below but my gyno thinks it’s herpes 90/100 and if not then it’s bacterial. I’m scared She said I have no lesions inside and my lymph nodes on my vagina bone so I am concerned. I don’t think I’ll be able to live if I have it https://ibb.co/L6L5MFhhttps://ibb.co/WzMKNn6
submitted by Greedy_Limit7301 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:32 Elmoswhirl Negative for hpv negative for herpes what in the f___

I've had a bump for like three months that's gets inflamed and then kind of disappates. And what looks like to me ulcerations or kind of holes next to it.
Got examined twice. Neither thought it was herpes. Negative for hpv.
Demanded a blood test and swab. (Been 12 weeks). Both negative.
What is going on?!?! I wouldn't think its anything. But there's itching and doctor said inside of vagina looked inflamed. But he didn't think it looked like herpes and now with the negative test results refuses to give me antivirals.
submitted by Elmoswhirl to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:04 speing430 I have finally started to process and need to just say it

Trigger warning: r@pe, SA, manipulation, abuse, cheating (sorry if i forgot some)
All names have been changed
I dont even know where to start this, it fully hit me last night. So I volunteer for a local event and have been since i was 14 (im now in my early 20’s) i travel with this event for the last couple years a couple times a year. Theyve been a family to me which i needed since i didnt really have a good home life. Last may i was approached by the head of HR (ill call him rick) to join his team. I said yes as it was nice to move up in the organization and ive known rick since i was 14 so i trusted the team i was joining. A couple months go by and the first event happens (im still in my old team) i stay with rick as he will take me to and from the event place and i live not far from him so it was easier. After the first day of the convention my fling at the time decided to message me and break things off as i wasnt giving him enough attention. i was very busy for those days (that “relationship” really wasnt good but im not here to talk about that) which he knew before it started. I then disclose all this to rick as im really hurt and mad at the fling. After the event i go back to ricks house and drink alot (i have history of substance abuse that rick knows about as he gave me alcohol underage to enable it aswell) Just to note up to this point rick made comments to sleep with me and i said no and we left it at that. So that night i drink wayyyy too much (i was so hungover the next day i could barely function and remember much of the night before) Rick then invites me to sleep in his bed instead of the couch since he has ac in his room and its hot asf outside and a couch isnt comfy. I say yes not thinking much beyond that. At some point, we started making out and i manage to somehow ask him if thats ok with his wife (they are poly he has a gf aswell) and he tells me yes not to worry. I start zoning in and out of a consciousness and he ends up on top of me and i use my feet to push him back and mutter condom?, he moved away and comes back. My memory stops as soon as he got inside me. I woke up the next morning and ask him about his wife again and he proceeds to tell me him and his wife have a dont talk dont tell policy so i cant talk to his wife. I tell him ok. I continue the events for a couple months and end up as his assistant and on his team. I push all that behind my head and act like it never happened. He proceeds to keep trying and i keep telling him no, not drinking alone with him anymore. We have the second to last event of the year and i meet his former assistant who was going through alot those couple days and was acting off. Rick tells me she wants him and is obsessed with him and thats why shes acting off. I asked if theyve slept together as that may be why. He says no. We leave it at that, he then pushes that she is being controlling about the event and being a creep. I agree as she was acting weird and i dont know her and even others are commentint on it. She then gets let go because of rick (he tells me this) The event comes and goes and even the final one with basically no issues. After the final event ricks invites me on a trip with a couple ppl. I say yes as its a couple ppl i know going and i need a small vacation. By this point i was starting to date someone (ill call him axel) and it was going good. Two days before the trip i find out it will just be me rick and one of his friends going. I get anxious but since its only two days before i cant cancel. We go on the trip and i tell rick i dont want to drink and just want to relax. He says ok and to not sleep with his friend, i get confused as that wasnt even on my mind at all i didnt even really know his friend, i met him twice before. I ignore that and we arrive at the destination. I dont remember much of the trip as i drank.. alot i remember the first night being told to have a drink with them and agreeing to one and then having multiple. Theres only a couple moments i do remember, one of them being ricks friend asking about the differences between polyamory and open relationship as i was in an open one before hand and rick was in a poly one. So i explained the difference and how i would never be able to be poly but if be ok with open and me and axel have even talked about that type of stuff before so we know if at some point thats on the table and doesnt catch either of us of guard if requested. I also want to add ricks friend is going through a breakup. On. The last day we are all chilling A couple drinks later we all get tired and go to our rooms. Ricks friend comes into mine and asks to chat and stuff so i go back to his and we talk and hes upset cause his seperation. hes like i dont want to sleep alone can we share a bed . Me being drunk and trying to console him i agree. My memory is all messed up about that whole night. All ik is We ended up making out a bit and he said something about rick cockblocking him. then i woke up in the morning (i actually only remember the making out a couple days later as when i woke up i was already confused about being in his bed but then remembered we talked awhile about his separation in it) A couple days later my memory starts to come back a bit as i see him at a bar since i organized an event for a bunch of people. He invites me back on a trip just me and him and this felt weird but cause im in a group i agree. This is what started making my memory start to kick in gear (just to add i was having weird dreams about the previous trip) i tell axel what i remember and hes rightfully pissed off i tell him if he wants to end things he can. He choses not to and i tell him i will make this up to him (one of the ways being ive been sober since that incident, alot more difficult than i thought it would be which made Me realize alcohol is a problem )
Now fast forward a week or two and i see rick at a mutual friends event and he can tell im standoff ish and approaches me. I tell him i domt want to talk about He looks at axel and is like “trouble in paradise” i tell him no i dont want to talk about it And he tells “so what were not friends now” amd i tell him thats not the case i just dont want to talk about it. He makes more comments so i give in and tell him what happened on the trip with his friend and he then tell me his friend is going through some things and needs support and started feeling like he can trust again and be himself basically trying to get me to not cut him out my life. I ignore all that and tell him i just need some space from his friend. He then starts to talk to me about getting a matching tattoo with him his friend and a couple people i tell him i will see (internally knowing it will be a no but i dont have the energy to fight) the following days i get a couple messages from him, his friend, ricks wife all about this tattoo which i respond with a “i dont really like matching tattoos but thank you for including me”. Fast forward to me going over to his place for a holiday as i promised his wife i would and i had gotten them gifts (im the only one who got his wife a gift including him). I stand in the kitchen well they cook and he proceeds to try and talk shit about axel. I leave not long after that as i am no longer comfortable (i told axel this). Fast forward I then organize another event and invite ricks wife and a few ppl but not directly rick. He doesnt take this lightly and starts to tell everyone im excluding him for no reason aswell as a mutual friend which was surprising as i thought i did. This causes some arguments but i brush it off
All of a sudden no one talks to me and me and axel start being ignored for the event we volunteer for, we brush it off as they just have enough people and no budget to bring us. We then find out from a friend that rick was telling the event runners not to allow us back as we were doing bad things. Since rick is the head of HR they obviously listen to him. We get pissed off and decide to attend the next event by that organization as just guests which causes ripples. The friend who told us approaches us and the event organizers want to have a meeting about the whole situation (which includes rick talking bad about the other organizers at the event and spreading untrue things which i had screenshots of) after the event when they have time (about a week after)
So axel reaches out to ricks former assistant. We then find out he did the same thing to her and that they have slept together and she was off because of other things going on in her life that weekend and even tried to take her own life after the former event where i met her. We all talk for days before the meeting with the organizers. The former assistant sends us screenshots and how he was telling her stuff but then telling everyone else at that event the complete opposite. She gives us permission to tell the organizers everything she told us and use her screenshots aswell (we used some but kept the more intimate ones to ourselves but told the organizers everything and that we did have which they said they didnt need to see)
Fast forward to the meeting and it went really well they had all the screenshots we sent about rick spreading false rumours and we also tell everything that happened. They tell us they need a few days to talk to lawyers on what to do as it was taking very serious (i cry the whole meeting and axel is the one who mostly talked for me)
About three weeks ago rick was let go from the event organization. He blows up and tells everyone who listens a bunch of false rumours, including i am giving all the higher ups bjs and spreading herpes to them all, aswell as i am after his job (i have no professional experience in his job field, and it would be bad on the organization to choose me for that position, ontop of i dont want that responsibility at all). He also goes after axel and says the same about him. He also tells people im abusing axel amd/or axel is abusing me (weve been told different things by different people) A couple people reached out to tell us all that and to see what is going on, we told them everything and they are happy he is gone. We also come to find out and couple women have been told by others that rick was slandering their boyfriends to everyone. We all have a joke going on (since we cope with humour) that all the men in the event are abusive except him apparently (just to add he kinda abandons his wife and she even had a breakdown a couple times about it, and to wuote her “rick gets what he wants” “you dont know a boundary has been crossed till it has” in reference to their poly relationship)
Also since i know rick has reddit , if you find this post heres everything that youve been sending people to try and ask and find out about to try and defend and use against us but everyone you send ends up not talking to you
submitted by speing430 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:22 Levis_waifu_ Is it true?

I recently got my annual std testing and everything came back negative But I've been having this tingly feeling in my lips quite often which I've seen is a symptom of herpes simples 1, and earlier on in the year I had a really bad reaction to something on my mouth. My mouth was swollen, flaky and always felt dry despite rehydrating and using vaseline. My lymph nodes were the biggest they've ever been in my life. I started getting these really small bumps at the bottom of my bottom lip, and got scared.
So I went to a doctor and he said I had herpes and gave me meds, told me it wasn't a big deal and to move on from it. But I was scared as how would this change my sex life, and what should I do about it.
I decided to get a second opinion That doctors told me i didn't have it, and it was either a symptom of the Oratane I was on, or I had an allergic reaction to something I'd eaten on came in contact with.
Got a third opinion, and she'd asked if I'd ever had ulcers on or inside my mouth. I told her no, it's just bumps. She told me I'm most likely fine but I could get tested to dispel and worry. That's when the test came back and told me I'm negative for it.
Is there a chance the test came back wrong, because my lips still tingle often but I don't get the bumps anymore.
submitted by Levis_waifu_ to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:25 AbeilleMarketing What I learned from years of burnout and chronic pain

What I learned from years of burnout and chronic pain
In 2017 I fell on my knees. I was going to work, I was late, a lady with large bags was blocking the exit of my carriage on the District line in Victoria station. I stumbled and I fell on both knees, on the choir of a synchronised “Ohhhh” from the other passengers. Somebody picked me up, I didn’t even see who that person was and I was on my feet. So typical English, something I love about this culture, it doesn’t matter how deep you went down, just lift yourself up and you are good as new. Only thing, I wasn’t. At the office both knees started to swell and were very very painful. I called my boyfriend to pick me up. We went to the hospital where nobody found anything wrong, it almost seemed I was inventing the pain. So there started a long battle against the NHS, medications, specialists, transports, cancelling my busy London schedule for the following 6 months, work, sadness, weight gain, etc.
Why did I fall? I didn’t fall because I was late, or because of the cumbersome bags of that lady. I fell because of stress. I had a good job, the team was nice, my boss was cool, the office had showers and lockers, I could cycle to work and get changed there, it was comfortable. But I didn’t want comfort, I wanted challenge! I wanted the excitement of a tough role and this one was boring. My previous job was amazing, I was in charge of two marketing channels at my favourite museum. I loved it there, but I was overworked and underpaid. I had a great mentor, but when she left the new boss clearly hated me, I never understood why. She outright bullied me, pushing me to leave, and I was so tired of working late that I believed all her lies. So instead of reporting her to HR, I ended up accepting a boring job, which anyway lifted my salary by 50%! Less than a month in my new role I had already realised that I was not going to get the experience and the thrill I was looking for, so I started to look around again. For normal people “looking around” probably means checking out Linkedin once a week, but I am a 500% kind of girl, so I started “looking around” night and day. I was calling recruiters during my lunch break, sending applications from the toilet, going to interviews before and after work… It became my second job, much more demanding than the one paying my rent. So I had a boring job, but I was stressed as hell. I was restless, and I fell on my knees.
That was just the beginning The pain was terrible, and doctors were worse, they kept telling me that I was inventing the pain, I hated them for it. I was forced in bed or on crutches, but to them I was hallucinating. Not being able to walk for 6 months really messed me up, my back started to ache, I blocked it several times until only anti-inflammatory injections brought some relief. MRIs were out of the question, over £1000 just for the scan, not counting the specialist’s fee. In the meantime, I changed jobs two or three times, I didn’t like anything, nothing seemed enough. I was hopping around town to attend interviews, swallowing pills, calling cabs because of the pain. It was a nightmare, but I couldn’t stop. My boyfriend kept telling me to let go and settle in any job, but that was only making me more determined. I had no more free time. It was constant anxiety.
Could it be the place? London is a wonderful city, if I had to choose one adjective to describe her, it would be “majestic”. But she’s like a teenager on cocaine, she would take everything from you if you don’t have solid boundaries. In my case, London swallowed my time. I didn’t have any left. I was feeling a tremendous pressure to do more, be more, have more and quickly! I had to be thinner, have more money, a better title, go to events and parties, I HAD TO. I also had to own a property, but the cost of real estate in London is prohibitive, so it was clear that I had to move. My boyfriend - who at that time became my fiance - is French, so we both started to look for openings in France. We liked Italy and Spain too, but nothing came from there. To my surprise, in less than two weeks I got a marketing job in Bordeaux, we were really going to move!
Apnea I moved to France in 2018, the job was complex, it seemed to be the challenge that I was looking for, it was perfect. But my back was a mess, even breathing was hurting. In France I could afford seeing specialists, but some did nothing but pausing my life. I had appointments three times a week, I worked nonstop during the day so I could leave early and see doctors, what a great time. They found two herniated discs in my lower spine, so my connection with the knee injury seemed sci-fi. I was hallucinating again. Almost two years into my new job and I was still unable to spend more than 30 minutes seated without horrible spasms and stabbing pain. I had to lay down, but as it is not possible to do that in an open space in front of everybody, I had to hide in the toilet and rest next to stains of piss and who knows what else. My spirit broke.
Digging deeper and deeper and deeper In January 2020 I woke up with 5 little dots on the side of my right eye. I thought it was spider bites, but a couple of days later I got diagnosed with herpes zoster. My GP forced me home for three weeks, prescribed a ton of pain medications and told me that that was stress crawling out of my body and I had to take a break. I cried so much in front of him. I had no hope, I couldn’t take a break from my body, and my body was in constant pain. I was given the address of an osteopath near home, and the advice to seek psychological help. When I went back to work I had a million things to do, I started feeling that pressure again. My to-do list never actually recovered from those three weeks of sickness.
Like an onion The new osteopath was a magician, we’re still in touch today. He told me that he was going to work on me like an onion, peeling off the layers until we found the source of the pain. We started by talking. I explained my theory of the back pain being caused by the knee injury and he didn't laugh or reply that I was crazy, instead he listened. We talked about all the injuries and the sports of my entire life and then he taught me some exercises to do every day from home. I healed in 2 months. And no, the herniated discs had nothing to do with my pain. Instead, being in bed for 6 months and walking on crutches around London atrophied my muscles. After two years in France I could finally travel the country and go to restaurants and wine bars… ah no wait, covid arrived.
2020 was a good year… I know, covid was terrible, the deaths, the fear, the isolation. But I convinced myself that for me 2020 was great! I healed from chronic back pain, I got married, I finally got to work from home… But I was unquestionably depressed. The past years between work, stress and pain had dug a crack in my soul. I couldn’t recognise myself in the mirror, I felt like an empty husk. On top of that covid made my job a living nightmare. My assistant left, I had millions of extra campaigns every week, tons of new regulations to learn. Many colleagues left, others were fired. That pressure had become a pneumatic hammer in my ears. I started seeing a therapist, an Italian girl more or less my age. I was sceptical initially, I approached therapy like work: a task, a project to complete efficiently and quickly. I found her because I was looking for something fast and effective, and I read about CBT. She accepted me as a patient, and when I asked how long until I was healed she said that since my life was full of pain it would have taken a bit longer than usual. Therapy was like finally someone switched on a light on my darkness, I could see what was happening! And once I understood what was going on I thought I could manage it on my own.
Severing connections, frying circuits 2021 started with a growing feeling of loss. I had just got married, but I was feeling so lonely. All the people I connected with in my almost 3 years in France had moved and my other friends were spread across the globe. To amplify the feeling, in February my grandfather died, and there were no planes for me to go say goodbye or reunite with my family. One morning in March, I switched on my work laptop, began my day and suddenly I saw all white. I thought that it was already some time since I started having this strange symptom: while looking at the screen suddenly my peripheral vision would go blurry and white. And then I realised that actually it was a while since I started having a lot of strange symptoms, from dizziness to urticaria. I wasn’t sleeping much, I had lost a lot of weight, my hands were always shaking, and another long long list of strange feelings including the most unsettling one: not recognising myself in the mirror. I talked with my GP and one year after the herpes zoster he forced me home again, this time for two months, with the taunting diagnosis: burnout. Two months became six and I was not better at all, actually it went worse. Even thinking about work was making me feel sick. The smallest stressor, like a rude lady at the supermarket, could crush me. I started seeing my therapist again. Eventually the company called me and we agreed on me leaving the job. It was not an easy choice, even if I felt relieved once I signed the papers.
My (big) break It happened to me in the past to take time off work, a month, maybe two or even three, but this was going to be epic! I was home already for 6 months, and I had completely lost track of reality. I was living inside a bubble where I wasn’t me and reality didn’t feel real. But the irony in taking a break from your life is that life doesn’t really take a break from you, strangely enough, things keep happening! So during my break I had to transform into an architect to manage the renovation of our new home, bought before the final short-circuit. I also had to become a bit of a lawyer to navigate the different legislations about sick leave, chomage, CPAM money claims, etc. I invented myself as an accountant to figure out why my taxpayer profile didn’t exist. And since there weren’t enough irons on the fire, one of my two cats, Kali, died under a car, so that really helped dig another hole in my heart. In this same period, my husband and I also discovered to have fertility problems, but that’s material for a different article. To sum up, the first year of break was no break at all.
A year and a half off work In summer 2022 something happened: my bubble exploded. Quite suddenly I started remembering things that happened during the previous years that I had completely forgotten. It was like recalling a dream, the timeline was totally mixed-up. But I was finally waking up, I was me again even if that person was someone new. I felt energy coming back, I felt alive and I started planning how to build a new path forward. I met several times with counsellors at Apec and Pole Emploi, and all these appointments highlighted one thing: my career as a marketing employee was over. I had no plans of repeating that sad show of waking up on Monday morning yearning for the weekend to start again. Tests like Myers-Briggs and MAPP showed potential for many different jobs. But I didn’t want to throw away years of studies and work experience, I had to find a compromise, so I went back to the roots. I ended up in marketing because I am a creative person, not an economist. My journey started with website creation and community management, and I really enjoyed that! Also, I didn’t like what marketing per se had become, all the brainwashing and consumerism doesn’t represent me. Bombarding people with ads and slogans disgusts me and I know that many people see it the same way. The foundations for Bee l’Abeille du Marketing started here.
Rewiring It’s been three years since I fried my brain. I’m fine now, but things have changed. Some emotions are not felt the same as before, other feelings are not as clear anymore, I have to think before feeling. But I’m good, I slowed down, I took that break and I can recognise when too much is too much. Rewiring my brain also meant finding another way forward, and I had great help. From my therapist to my GP and the osteopath who listened! Apec was wonderful, they really helped me understand my nature and how to go back being part of society without burning myself out again. I discovered that I could have been an artist! Pole Emploi, Adie and the Bordeaux team at Passerelles et Competences gave me the confidence of launching myself into a new venture. My friends and family, my cat Miso, all participated in my recovery. My husband was so supportive, he is the best of all humans, I couldn’t have made it without him. I realised how stupid I was years before; he was telling me to slow down and I didn’t listen. And when I got hurt, he was there, tending to my shattered spirit. Overall I think I was very lucky: my body shut down, but that forced me to change. Some live in constant anxiety and don’t have this fortune, they just keep going. Also, I had this network of people who helped me even from far away, they felt close despite different cultures and time zones. Thank you.
What helped I am a creative person, but I have a very analytical mind. I need to understand things. So I read a lot of articles, I learned terms such as adrenal fatigue and vagus nerve dysfunction. I came to realise that what happened to me was very tangible, and that it was self-inflicted. Understanding the science behind it helped me recognise that I had to stop feeling guilty about what I was not. No one is perfect and I had to allow the idea that I wasn’t going to be perfect either. So I let go of that pounding pressure that accompanied me for so many years. Not working helped, but I didn’t like it, I felt like a burden to society. So I went from spending 12 hours a day on my laptop to cleaning the house, cooking, tidying up, etc. But that wasn’t healthy either. I pay taxes after all, I can be a burden sometimes! Unfortunately though, I reached the opposite side of that coin. For a while I could not lift myself from bed. At this stage I hated when people around me pushed me to make an effort. But it actually really helped. Little by little I was leaving the house on my own again. CBT worked like magic. It made me understand my feelings and this taught me how to use them, when to listen and when to let them go. I was given tools to associate thoughts and sentiments, to identify and shut down dangerous ideas and live happier. Talking with career consultants highlighted my best skills. I realised that I could do a lot of different jobs and this encouraged me to test myself in different environments and re-discover self-confidence. Painting was another way to let go of the anxiety. Sometimes I would paint non-stop, one subject after the other, just to let out the stress. It was like meditation.
What did not help At the beginning of my journey into disconnectedness I was prescribed medications. Everybody told me that I had nothing to fear, meds were just a little help to go through the worst time. So I tried, for three long days, and then I stopped them when all the possible side effects had come up. I even stopped peeing for one full day, like the most rare side effect of all. I understood that this was a process I had to do on my own, without chemical support. Some of the people around me understood what was happening inside of me, or even if they didn’t, they figured out that I was not well. However, not everyone got it, and I perceived a lot of anger (or perhaps jealousy?) from those who saw me as an opportunist and a liar. I had to prove my condition to a series of specialists, and that really hurt. Every expertise was like going back hundreds of years, falling hard on my butt and having to get up again. Any contact with my previous job was like being stabbed. I had to ask work friends and ex colleagues not to contact me for a while, thankfully they understood.
The lesson In a nutshell that would be “listen-to-husband”, but it is slightly more complex than that. I learned that no matter how strong we think we are, there is always something that could break us. We have to be aware, we have to carefully listen to our body because nature always knows what’s best for us. Our body loves us. I learned that humans are amazing. We have incredible resources within ourselves, we can heal from awful traumas and grow stronger than ever! I learned that work is overrated. Our society incites us to compete and to accumulate items and titles and prestige that taken alone mean absolutely nothing. A walk in the forest is worth millions of “Head of Marketing” positions. I learned that it is never too late to change life. In my journey back to reality, I met people of all ages converting to something new. From 30-something like me to others close to retirement who always wanted to be someone else and they finally decided to make that happen at 62. Follow what you love, and be true about it. Finally, I am still learning this now: time is never lost. Everything happens at once after all, right?
submitted by AbeilleMarketing to OverEmployedWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:57 PlasticOrganic6136 Is this oral herpes?? Sores on lip, in nose, back of throat. Super sick.

Images above of the inside of my nose, throat, and my lip.
Had ulcers in my throat and nose. Doctor says it isn't, but what else could it be?? Said herpes doesn't present like this in the throat.
Please forgive these incredibly unflattering images.
Fever of 103, intense skin sensitivity and body pains in my lower back and legs, hot flashes, severe cold symptoms. My throat feels like razors when I swallow
submitted by PlasticOrganic6136 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:59 tralaina Is this normal?

I’ve only been on hrt a couple weeks, I have developed a cold sore or something, i don’t really know on the inside of my bottom lip, it really hurts and google said it could be a change in hormones, but it could also be herpes or cancer lmao, so I wanna know if anyone else has experienced this
submitted by tralaina to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:18 FB-1990 Another Question Sorry

Hey all. Me again.
Asked a question yesterday regarding the potential of Herpes sores inside my Urethra as i’m feeling mild discomfort sporadically. No sores whatsoever genitally only a cold sore on lip last week.
In a monogamous relationship for 6.5 years. And now partner is pregnant.
Via IGG Tested negative for HSV-2 Positive for HSV-1 (Orally)
Anybody ever been diagnosed with urethral herpes? Would a swab diagnose this?
And also do you think they’d really hurt when peeing? As i don’t have pain.
Any advice be great. I’m going to the GU clinic tomorrow.
submitted by FB-1990 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 21:37 Cautious_Safety_3362 Labia minora cysts??

33f, no other health conditions.
Two days ago I felt super raw and irritated. I grabbed a mirror and checked down there and saw two decent sized cysts right next to eachother on the inside of one lip. Everything hurts, wiping, walking, sitting etc. my OB doesn’t open until tomorrow. Everything on google points to bartholin (sp?) cyst but I don’t believe mine look like this. I’ve been doing warm compresses and sitz baths with epsom salt. Has anyone experienced this? If so can I please DM photos? (Not comfortable posting them publicly) they don’t look like warts or herpes whatsoever so my best guess it’s a cyst or clogged gland but I’m freaking out 😭
submitted by Cautious_Safety_3362 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 12:14 FB-1990 Question.

Hello all.
Hoping to find an answer to this from someone or maybe someone else can relate.
Been in a long term relationship and all of a sudden i’ve started having discomfort and sporadic pain inside my urethra area. I can’t quite pinpoint it. Lasts a second or so and then dissapears. I’m conscious of it and i also feel like i’m straining my self to check it the pain comes back.
Sometimes when i pee i get some mild tingling post urination in and around my penis head but no rash or sores. Even looked down Urethra with a torch and no sign of blisters. Just recently had an outbreak orally on lip first one since this time last year. (Could be related to these symptoms)
Had 5 Sti checks now all urine/blood. All negative for everything. HSV-1 positive on IGG. (Had oral herpes since childhood) Negative on HSV 2.
My question is would a urethral swab pic up herpes inside? Urine test is negative for HSV1/2
….If it is herpes would these symptoms last 3 months?
Any help greatly appreciated as i’m not in a good place mentally. The mental and financial burden this is having on me is huge)
(Apologies for long winded post)
submitted by FB-1990 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 16:33 Distinct-Cause7339 First OB treatment

First outbreak of genital herpes- currently taking antivirals (Valacyclovir) (day 3). To note: I don’t have any itching at the moment. Just sores in the inside of the vagina.
Should I also use the topical version cream? Would that expedite healing or should I stick to only pills? Or should I be using both?
submitted by Distinct-Cause7339 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 22:12 Normal_Link3836 Does this sound like herpes? Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I’m very scared and would like others thoughts.

4/14 unprotected sex
4/15 he told me that earlier on 4/14 he had tingling in genital area, but never previously had an outbreak and has no known herpes exposures (tingling ended up lasting for 2.5 days)
My symptoms 4/18 weird feeling in genital area (buzzing/vibrating, hard to explain, but not tingling) Some very mild pain not sure how to describe lasted for maybe 5 days to a week
Somewhere in there- period cramp-like feeling didnt last for long
UTI like feeling on and off on 4/24-4/27
Tingling in hip on and off
Urgent care 4/21
Really annoying tingling in feet for maybe 5 days
Foot still tingling today (5/3) but not nearly as often or as annoying
Back pain (mostly lower) for maybe a week, but got really bad 5/2 and not as bad today (5/3)
Random tingling in same small spot in upper back for 3 days now
Doctor 4/30
4/22 - 5/3 low grade fever on and off (today is day 12) never got about 99.4 the whole 12 days expect for last night which was 99.7
Developed a burning feeling inside the genital area (5/2) and had a lot of burning feeling inside that came and went throughout today (5/3)
No bumps or lesions that I ever saw and I have been CONSTANTLY checking myself.
I got tested for everything under the sun, from STD’s to BV, yeast infection and UTI and all negative.
I did perform oral sex on him, but only for maybe 30 seconds and have had no symptoms on my lips.
Does this sound like herpes? Urgent care and my doctor and they both didn’t see any lesions/bumps. Neither individual think I have any reason to believe this is herpes. I on the other hand am very worried and scared. I’ve never had so much anxiety in my entire life. Any thoughts on either side would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.
submitted by Normal_Link3836 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 20:48 Prestigious_Floor40 Snot head aka Rex

Snot head aka Rex
Snothead has Herpes. He’s 12 and I finally found a supplement that works for him. I have to give it at the same time to keep him well. Sometimes I am sick and I give it to him in the evening or I forget to give it. The next day his eye has a teardrop and he has a drip from him nose. I catch it the next day but it’s too late. He get sneezing and the tear is no longer clear. Reddish tinge. His snot gets thicker. He starts sneezing fits around day 4 then it is huge green thick snot coming out when he sneezes. I know gross! But some of you know what this is. That snot is permanent. You will need a chisel to get it off when you find it. He is a disgusting snot head for 2 days and then it’s gone. He is fine and back to normal. I feel awful when I fail him. This happens only a few times. I went out of town last month. I had friends take over while I was gone for 4 days. It’s been 4 weeks and he had a little clear tearing and clear very little drippy clear nose. But the eye kept getting worse. It is not going away. My mobile vet wasn’t too concerned but gave me ointment. He still has the inside corner eyelid, just below the eyelid is not healing. Just a little crust forms but when I wash his face I can see it’s raw ish. Do you all have any suggestions? I’ve heard colloidal silver helps but I have no idea how to use it. I bought some but now I see it’s only oral. If anyone here has suggestions please comment. He has a vet treating him for weak back end neurological issues and that is going great. But I can’t get him over this eye problem. She wants to try a non steroid ointment next. Thank you for reading this far. It’s gross info but we are here so most of you get it
submitted by Prestigious_Floor40 to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:16 Jumpy-Dance4987 Herpes?

I bit my lip 2 days ago but now we are here my lip is swollen on the inside any thoughts on what this looks like could it be herpes?
submitted by Jumpy-Dance4987 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:14 Jumpy-Dance4987 Herpes?

I bit my lip 2 days ago but now we are here my lip is swollen on the inside any thoughts on what this looks like could it be herpes?
submitted by Jumpy-Dance4987 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]
