Medicare 92004 fee schedule

are payday loans fixed or variable?

2024.06.10 00:50 lucyzaap are payday loans fixed or variable?

While it might be tempting to seek out a payday loan without a traditional bank account, it's important to understand the challenges and potential risks involved. Here's why getting a payday loan without a bank account can be difficult:

Characteristics of Payday Loans:

  1. Fixed Loan Amount:
    • When you take out a payday loan, you borrow a specific, fixed amount of money. This amount does not change over the term of the loan.
  2. Fixed Repayment Term:
    • Payday loans usually have a short, fixed repayment term, often ranging from two weeks to a month. The repayment date is usually set according to the borrower’s next payday.
  3. Fixed Fees and Interest Rates:
    • Payday loans come with predetermined fees and interest rates. These charges are established at the time the loan is issued and do not change throughout the loan term. For example, a payday lender might charge a flat fee of $15 to $30 for every $100 borrowed.
  4. Fixed Repayment Amount:
    • The total amount that needs to be repaid is fixed. This amount includes the original loan principal plus the fixed fees or interest charges. Borrowers know upfront exactly how much they will need to repay by the due date.

Fixed vs. Variable Loans:


Payday loans are fixed in nature, offering predictability in repayment amounts and terms. Borrowers know exactly how much they need to repay and when it is due, which distinguishes payday loans from variable loans where the interest rates and repayment amounts can fluctuate over time.
submitted by lucyzaap to FinanceSimple [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:33 sHoRtBuSseR Service Fees for savings

I've had autosave set up for 5 years straight. Every single month it deposits $200 into my savings automatically. I moved all of the money last month to make a purchase, and they hit me with a $5 service fee at the beginning of this month. The autosave hasn't happened yet this month, but it's scheduled already. Why is this happening suddenly after literally years of never having an issue? The site says "more than $25 in recurring automatic transfers" will waive the fee, but I definitely got it. The rep on the phone argued with me and said it was because my balance fell below the threshold. But the balance isn't the only determining factor, yet he refused to hear my argument against the fee.
Anyone here with some insight into this?
submitted by sHoRtBuSseR to Chase [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:26 lolarock420 Considering a Career Change

Hey guys, this is my first ever post on Reddit because I could use some advice. I'm 23(f) and considering starting a new career. I have a bachelor's degree in Construction Management and Architecture (with a focus on architecture) and started my master's of architecture. I got one semester in before realizing my BS was.. well... BS and had nothing to do with my actual career. Most of the current and recently graduated students seemed unfulfilled in their careers and many of my old classmates have already switched fields. I realized architects are underpaid and overworked. I didn't want to spend my life looking at a computer all day with limited time off. The thought of working a typical 9-5 job depressed me. I started looking into other jobs and decided to become a flight attendant! I knew it didn't pay well starting out, but with time I'd be able to make more money. I like being able to travel for work and the flight benefits, plus getting a flexible schedule with several days off a month. Welp, I've been doing that for about a year now, and honestly? I'm exhausted. There are days when I love my job and days when I hate it. Dealing with delays, a 4:30 am showtime one day and a 5 pm showtime the next. Plus I have a long-distance boyfriend that I fly to see on my off days, so I'm basically living out of my suitcase 24/7. I dreaded the idea of a 9-5 but now I'm wanting to work someplace more consistent.
I would love some ideas for a new career. I've considered becoming a real estate agent but I know its very competitive, a lot of fees starting out, and not very consistent. I've also considered being a dental assistant but I looked at a Reddit thread and a lot of the commenters said that they were unhappy in their field. I would love a career with benefits and decent pay that won't require more than a year or two of additional schooling because frankly, I'm burnt out. I also genuinely enjoy interacting with people and I don't want an office job where I'm staring at a computer or doing paperwork all day. I want to be able to go to work each day and know more or less what to expect, but not so repetitive that I grow bored. Honestly, I'm worried that I'm being too picky with what I'm looking for, but I want to be fulfilled in my career. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by lolarock420 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:13 SEOwhale [For Hire] Local Software Agency Offering Custom-Coded Sites for Small Businesses Integrated with AI!

Rate: $50/month
Hey! We're currently trying to grow our portfolio of local service businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee. Its all custom coded: It's typescript, tailwindcss, in a nextjs app. The content for blogs, pages, etc are statically generated and served via our in-house CMS.
The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees.
Each site has built-in SEO meant to generate leads via related search terms (i.e landscaping services near me). The websites are optimized for user engagement and streamline the lead generation for local businesses.
DM me if this something you're interested in! Or fill out the contact form on our website:
submitted by SEOwhale to B2BForHire [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:12 SEOwhale Software Agency Offering Custom-Coded Websites for Small Businesses & Startups

Hey everyone!
I run a software agency based in Toronto and want to offer local service businesses a free website in exchange for a testimonial. I know a lot of the service businesses who don't have websites would benefit from one, so hopefully this finds someone who could use it :)
Rate: $50/month
More info:
We're currently trying to grow our portfolio of local service businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee. Its all custom coded: It's typescript, tailwindcss, in a nextjs app. The content for blogs, pages, etc are statically generated and served via our in-house CMS.
The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees.
Each site has built-in SEO meant to generate leads via related search terms (i.e landscaping services near me). The websites are optimized for user engagement and streamline the lead generation for local businesses.
DM me if this something you're interested in! Or fill out the contact form on our website:
submitted by SEOwhale to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:07 auto556 Accusations of Misrepresentation of Investments and Unauthorized Trading Leveled Against Broker Michael Hecht.

Michael Hecht: At The Heart of an Investor Storm

In the intricate worlds of finance and investment, even the most reputable of figures can find themselves entangled in disputes that risk their reputation and that of their associates. Recently, a storm has been brewing around Michael Hecht, a broker with a long-standing registration at the acclaimed LPL Financial, a development that has sent ripples through the investment community.

The Allegation and Its Implications

Michael Hecht has been highly regarded in the financial sector for his expertise and ethical standards. However, the recent allegations against him have cast a shadow over his career and stirred concerns among investors. While details of the dispute are being carefully scrutinized, the potential outcomes of this situation are being watched closely by industry professionals and individual investors alike.
The impact of such allegations extends far beyond the individuals directly involved. LPL Financial, known for its robust compliance and dedication to client service, also faces scrutiny. The financial community and potential investors are keenly observing how this respected organization handles the crisis, mindful that their response could set a precedent for handling such sensitive matters.

Broader Effects on the Investment Sector

This event highlights the vulnerability of investor trust in financial institutions. It underscores the importance of transparency and due diligence in all financial dealings — not just to uphold the law but also to maintain confidence in financial markets. Events such as these can lead to a more cautious investment climate, where investors are more guarded and institutions face stricter scrutiny.

Protect Your Investments with Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A.

In times of turmoil, knowing who to trust can be challenging. If you find yourself affected by the adverse effects of investment disputes or misconduct, it’s crucial to have experienced professionals on your side. Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. is a national law firm that has dedicated itself to fighting on behalf of investors, boasting a remarkable 95% success rate.
Investment disputes can be complex, requiring not just legal expertise but also an intimate understanding of financial regulations and market dynamics. The attorneys at Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. specialize in precisely these areas. Their commitment is not only to advocate for you but to recover your losses with no recovery, no fee promise.

Take Action Now

Do not let investment disputes threaten your financial well-being. If you believe you have suffered from investment fraud or misconduct, act now to rectify the situation. Contact Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. at 1 (888) 784-3315 or visit to schedule a free consultation. Our experienced team can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate these challenging waters and help you recover your losses.


Investor trust forms the backbone of the financial services industry, and allegations like those faced by Michael Hecht serve as a reminder of the delicate nature of this trust. In volatile times, having a dependable legal team like Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. can make all the difference in safeguarding your investments and ensuring your rights are protected. Act now to protect and recover your investment.
submitted by auto556 to StockMarketNewsToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:35 Sad_Abbreviations326 SaaS appointment app - monthly fee or per booking technology fee?

This is for my startup SaaS B2B appointment app. There’s typically around 400-500 bookings per business per month. This appointment type is highly specialized. Discussion is between charging business (monthly fee) or users who use the business (per booking technology fee).
Current competition: -Only one company in space that does this specialized type of booking (other companies offer generic booking app, but leaves businesses frustrated) -This company works with about 1500 businesses. -Currently does Monthly fee starting at $70 a month charged to the business. Users who use the business to book only pay the booking price and tax.
My startup: -website/app a few months away from ready to sell B2B. -considering technology fee approach to be a differentiator. Something like 59 cents + 1% per booking charged to user (typical booking cost is around $20, but can go as high as $200 in some cases).
Assumed benefits: -businesses I work with would pay nothing. -potential to make more money (if 400 booking around 80 cents a booking, will be $320 a month). -more performance based, so if customer business has slow month, I’d make less. Encourage me to make app as good as possible.
Assumed risks: -Competitor can exploit image of users being charged more per booking. -User may not like it, although in my experience, small fees under a dollar aren’t an issue. -competitor has guaranteed monthly revenue. -Would be easiest for businesses I work with to use app, but some may write down bookings meaning I wouldn’t get technology fee. Note though, the booking requires complex scheduling, and nowadays few businesses do this scheduling on paper.
Given this, do people think I should go with monthly fee approach or technology fee approach, or maybe offer each business the choice to choose? The idea is to offer differentiators from my established competitor.
submitted by Sad_Abbreviations326 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 JustGuy1995 Signed Letter of Engagement for Consulting Work and paid in full. Now they are asking for an additional $3k as a finishing fee even though it wasn't agreed to.

As the title says I recently had some work done for me by a medical consultant for $6500. It was related to my work that's why I paid it. The fee schedule was a flat fee of $6500 + additional costs billed hourly in the unforseen event that it ran over.
This week everything was complete and a desired outcome was reached. The doctor's accountant then handed me a bill for an additional $3,000. I asked what it's for and if I can see the hours worked I was told the doctor didn't work additional hours, but rather since we had a desired outcome there was a fee for $3,000 even though it was not stated in the original agreement. I mentioned this and was told that's how it is. They are demanding payment within 30 days or will send me to collections / or sue me.
To make it easier to understand it would be like going to a mechanic to have a vehicle fixed and quoted $6,500 to fix it and then asking for an additional $3,000 because they actually got the vehicle fixed.
Would I owe this amount since it's not for hourly work and not agreed upon? How should I approach this?
submitted by JustGuy1995 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:32 Sad_Abbreviations326 SaaS appointment app - monthly fee or per booking technology fee?

This is for my startup SaaS B2B appointment app. There’s typically around 400-500 bookings per business per month. This appointment type is highly specialized. Discussion is between charging business (monthly fee) or users who use the business (per booking technology fee).
Current competition: -Only one company in space that does this specialized type of booking (other companies offer generic booking app, but leaves businesses frustrated) -This company works with about 1500 businesses. -Currently does Monthly fee starting at $70 a month charged to the business. Users who use the business to book only pay the booking price and tax.
My startup: -website/app a few months away from ready to sell B2B. -considering technology fee approach to be a differentiator. Something like 59 cents + 1% per booking charged to user (typical booking cost is around $20, but can go as high as $200 in some cases).
Assumed benefits: -businesses I work with would pay nothing. -potential to make more money (if 400 booking around 80 cents a booking, will be $320 a month). -more performance based, so if customer business has slow month, I’d make less. Encourage me to make app as good as possible.
Assumed risks: -Competitor can exploit image of users being charged more per booking. -User may not like it, although in my experience, small fees under a dollar aren’t an issue. -competitor has guaranteed monthly revenue. -Would be easiest for businesses I work with to use app, but some may write down bookings meaning I wouldn’t get technology fee. Note though, the booking requires complex scheduling, and nowadays few businesses do this scheduling on paper.
Given this, do people think I should go with monthly fee approach or technology fee approach, or maybe offer each business the choice to choose? The idea is to offer differentiators from my established competitor.
submitted by Sad_Abbreviations326 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:30 tucker1112 recommendations

. My friend and I are starting a weekly ladder league at the court in our neighborhood association. I’m looking for a recommendation on an app to do all the scheduling and scoring. Ideally I’ll pay a fee to be the admin on it, but I don’t want the neighborhood players to have to pay a fee if possible. The league is open to all skill levels one night a week from 6 to 8pm on two courts. Ideally I’d like something that allows individuals to sign up on weeks they can come and automatically assigns them to a court.
submitted by tucker1112 to Pickleball [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:10 aznpersuazion Is Online Tutoring Worth it? Reviewing Online Tutoring Websites

Hello fellow tutor aspirees, side hustlers, academic extraordinaires. I’m here to give you the scoop on the various tutoring platforms, how their services work, tutoring requirements, the types of students on each platform, and of course - how much you get paid for your time.
A little about me. I’ve tutored for a few months now on the following platforms: Varsity Tutors, Wyzant, and SuperProf. I’ve had a number of students on each platform, and it’s safe to say I’ve definitely realized the pros and cons of each one.
Money Info: You set your hourly rate. Wyzant takes 25% of it. If you set your rate to $20/hr you get paid $15/hr.
The Requirements: Each subject you tutor you have to take a 10–20 question multiple choice test on it. The test will be beginner to intermediate questions on the subject you’ve chosen. You only have one chance to pass the test.
The Pros:
The Cons:
Final Verdict
Wyzant is an easy to use platform that takes a while to build a student base. You’ll have to apply and reach out to students a lot at first before you start getting more consistent jobs. This can take a few months, so consider this before you start. The 25% fee is high, but certainly not unreasonable compared to other platforms.
Varsity Tutors
Money Info: Unless you’re tutoring GRE or LSATs, the flat rate is $15/hr, regardless of the subject. GRE and LSAT tutors make $28/hr. Varsity Tutors charges their students $50 - $75/hr.
Requirements: Most subjects do not require a test, however you do need to send in a video interview of yourself, mostly to confirm that you can speak eloquently.
The Pros:
The Cons:
Final Verdict
Varsity Tutors definitely has the lowest pay amongst all the platforms. $15/hr to teach is what you can make at some retail jobs in the US. The platform can be better if you need to start making money immediately, or if you live in a country where the cost of living is lower. The amount you are paid is better for people who are teaching subjects that aren’t too difficult.
Money Info: You set your own rate, SuperProf takes 10%. The caveat, SuperProf charges students $39 a month to use the platform.
Final Verdict
SuperProf is very similar to Wyzant in that students and tutors can openly communicate and set up time with each other. The 10% fee is lower than the other platforms. But because it’s already hard to get started as a new tutor, and there are less students on the platform, it’s one of the harder platforms to build a student base.
Additional Notes
While all these platforms have their pros and cons. You can always consider tutoring independently. You do not need any licenses or business registration for tutoring in most places. Once you get a student base through Wyzant or SuperProf, you can take them off-platform and teach independently. The best part? You keep the money you work hard for.
**If you found any of this helpful, consider checking out a referral link. You get additional sign up and welcome bonuses. Signing up and using Rakuten for cash back is free!*\*
submitted by aznpersuazion to sidehustlemoney [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 MorbidSaxmaster What is the scope of services of a realtor?

I've been reading threads in this sub for a week or so, and was hoping someone could take the time and explain the role of a realtor, and what place they have in the modern housing market. I am genuinely asking and curious, and mean no disrespect by this question.
For some background, we bought our first house without using a realtor. This was during covid, when things were crazy busy. We found the house on zillow, contacted the selling agent, submitted an offer for what we were willing to pay (less than asking), scheduled things for an inspection, appraisal and our own closing appointment.
We also sold the house without a realtor, besides using one to list it on the MLS for us for a flat fee which was extremely cheap. We handled the staging of the house, hired a photographer, scheduled all of the showings and talked with the title company all by ourselves. All in, it cost us roughly $2,000 to sell the place. We arranged for a move-out clean for the sellers as well, which was an additional cost but felt like a nice thing to do.
We also just put in another offer on a home, again less than asking price and got accepted.
I am familiar with the process, and honestly it isn't that hard to do. The title company will do the bulk of the work for you, and as long as you are responsive on either side, it was a very smooth process.
Again, I'm asking as someone who has done this without a realtor, and I'm genuinely asking because everyone is shocked when we tell them we did it without an agent. When a prospective client asks, especially after the recent lawsuits, how do you justify the 10-15,000 cost for your services? Especially on the buyer side, when all of the information that you need is available via Redfin, trulia , zillow and other sites?
submitted by MorbidSaxmaster to realtors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:34 safeedstransport Door-to-Door vs. Terminal-to-Terminal: Which Car Shipping Method Suits You Best?

Door-to-Door vs. Terminal-to-Terminal: Which Car Shipping Method Suits You Best?
When planning to ship your car, one crucial decision you'll face is choosing between door-to-door and terminal-to-terminal car shipping services. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best option for you depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Here’s an in-depth comparison to help you determine which car shipping method suits you best.
Door-to-Door Car Shipping
  1. Convenience: Door-to-door service is the most convenient option as the carrier picks up and delivers your vehicle directly to your specified locations. This eliminates the need to travel to a terminal, saving you time and effort.
  2. Reduced Handling: With fewer stops and transfers, door-to-door shipping reduces the risk of damage to your vehicle. Your car stays on the same truck for the entire journey, minimizing handling.
  3. Personalized Service: The carrier coordinates directly with you for pickup and delivery, offering a more personalized experience and allowing for better communication.
  1. Higher Cost: The added convenience and personalized service come at a higher price. Door-to-door shipping is typically more expensive than terminal-to-terminal.
  2. Accessibility Issues: Not all residential areas can accommodate large transport trucks. In such cases, you may need to meet the carrier at a nearby location that can accommodate the truck.
  3. Scheduling Flexibility: Door-to-door shipping requires more precise scheduling to coordinate pickup and delivery, which can be challenging during peak seasons or in remote areas.
Terminal-to-Terminal Car Shipping
  1. Cost-Effective: Terminal-to-terminal shipping is generally more affordable than door-to-door services. This option is ideal for those on a budget.
  2. Flexible Scheduling: Terminals operate on a set schedule, providing more flexibility for drop-off and pick-up times. This can be beneficial if you have a tight schedule.
  3. Availability: With more terminals located across the country, it may be easier to find a terminal-to-terminal service for your route.
  1. Inconvenience: You must drop off and pick up your vehicle at designated terminals, which can be time-consuming and require additional travel.
  2. Increased Handling: More stops and transfers at terminals increase the risk of damage to your vehicle. Each transfer involves handling, which can lead to potential wear and tear.
  3. Storage Fees: If your vehicle remains at the terminal for an extended period, storage fees may apply, adding to the overall cost.
Factors to Consider
When deciding between door-to-door and terminal-to-terminal car shipping, consider the following factors:
  1. Budget: If cost is a primary concern, terminal-to-terminal shipping may be the better option.
  2. Convenience: For maximum convenience and minimal hassle, door-to-door service is preferable.
  3. Vehicle Type: Luxury, classic, or high-value vehicles might benefit from the reduced handling associated with door-to-door shipping.
  4. Location: Consider the accessibility of your pickup and delivery locations. If you live in an area that’s difficult for large trucks to access, terminal-to-terminal might be necessary.
  5. Schedule Flexibility: If you need more flexibility with your pickup and drop-off times, terminal-to-terminal shipping offers greater leeway.
Both door-to-door and terminal-to-terminal car shipping services offer unique benefits. Your choice should be based on your budget, convenience, and specific needs. Door-to-door shipping provides unparalleled convenience and reduced handling, making it ideal for those willing to pay a premium for a hassle-free experience. On the other hand, terminal-to-terminal shipping offers a cost-effective solution with greater scheduling flexibility, albeit with added inconvenience and increased handling risks.
For expert advice and reliable car shipping services,
Contact Safeeds Transport Inc.
Visit our website at or call us at (315) 401-7463, Email [](
We're here to help you choose the best transport option for your needs.
submitted by safeedstransport to VehicleShippingNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Wespionage St Louis 8/16/24 tickets (3) - cannot attend, tix for sale just to recoup cost, not profit

UPDATE: Two tickets remaining, Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Sec 206, Row JJ, seats 13-14
We have three two tickets available for the St Louis show on Aug 16. We can't go due to a scheduling conflict that has just come up. Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre, Sec 206, Row JJ, seats 13-14-15. Should be just under, or at, the roof line.
We are offering them at cost, $170/seat, comfortable offering them through PayPal Goods & Services for $170 each, or through Ticketmaster resale at (due to TM's fees) $198 each.
submitted by Wespionage to imaginedragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:56 GeeeeLo $300+ Online Tournament Announced!

submitted by GeeeeLo to wixoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:52 Allforthe2nd [WTS] Bored outta ya gourd? Check out a Sunday reeepost! #basicbitchslings, TQ hammocks, chest rigs, Tiger Stripe Dangler, bunch of pouches, holsters, misc, and more!

More pictures found below next to each item/group of items. What you see listed below is what is available today. If you have any questions please ask! Additional pictures are below for each item. If I don't respond right away I'm probably working on homework but I will respond! Buy any 1 MYOG thing and get $2 off each additional item!
READ THE RULES!!! NO NOTES!!! Zelle (preferred), CashApp, PPFF, or PPGS for +30 Flair ONLY with NO NOTES. I will ask you to send a PM when you call dibs so you know it's me you're PMing. Please let me know if you wish to use PPGS; I will use a Paypal fee calculator and send you a total prior to payment. If you use PPGS and we did not discuss I will refund you what you sent less the fee Paypal charges me. If you are forced to use notes by Paypal just put in ":)". Everything will be shipped insured and through USPS. Anything dibsed and paid for by 2100 nightly normally ships next business day.
BASICBITCHSLINGS. Made from Mil-W-17337 or A-A-55301 1” webbing and ITW/Duraflex hardware. $2 off each additional sling after the first one! Glamour shots of the slings!
basicblemslings Thread got messed up but will not affect performance.
sweatshopslings I took a chance on some "Vietnam Tiger Stripe" webbing and it is definitely imported and not true VTS pattern. That being said, the material is still good so I whipped up some slings and will keep them on until they are gone.
ReGARd Rig Wolf gray elastic, Foliage loop, and RG webbing. Holds 3 AR mags, 2 CAT TQs, and 3 smaller items like knives, flashlights, etc. Put on kit, lightly larped. Ready to throw on your PC. If you need QASM female buckles I can add a pair for $3. $25 shipped.
Configurable, Unbeatable Carrying Kit (CUCK) Kryptek Outlander with Camo 483. As is tradition, made this for myself, then decided to go a different direction. 4 PALS columns on each side, pocket, elastic pockets on back for 4x AR mags, and comes with an M81 MOLLE placard and all the buckles. Does not come with any straps. $35 shipped
VTS/DVTS Dangler Loop-lined interior and bottom TQ holder. Made it and decided I wanted a different color scheme. Asking $50 shipped
MEMERS Mostly Elastic, Maybe Ergonomic Rigs. Something for a credit union thief. Holds 4x AR mags (or whatever) and has the shock cord for 2x more whatevers. Comes with skinny straps and backstrap.
TQ Hammocks Hold onto your TQ boys and let them chill!
Dirt Chomper TQ Holsters Horizontal TQ mounting for your belt!
sWINGers Allows you to mount AR mags or similar sized items in all the ways, left, right, front, or back, just like the way you spend your weekends. Functionality here. All are $20 $18 each shipped, 2 for $35. $30, or all 3 for $40.
Double Pouch (DP) Pouches This is an iteration of the YOG pouch I made previously to have 2 separate compartments, sized to slightly larger than 3x AR PMAGs. These were each mounted once then I pulled them off because I want to get a little crazy with the design. There is still the rear insert area that is sized for 2x AR mags. I don't have inserts made but if you need one I can make and add it on for an additional $10.
RG Eagle Operator's Belt Size Small. This was on my kit for a few years but left the basement maybe a handful of times and it's in good shape. Found an inner belt to go with it! Comes with my Prototype Ranger Green Dirt Chomper TQ holder. $85 $80 shipped.
Black Titan 4x Mag Drop Leg Pouch Found in a box. $20 $15 shipped
Coyote Medical Drop Leg Pouch Found in a box. $20 $15 shipped
Holsters and misc
Rifle Mag Pouches
Anyways if you made it this far thanks for looking and my FAQs are next!
Where are all your things made? By me, on my 1940s sewing machine, in my craft room.
What materials do you use? For the most part, everything is made in the USA and Berry compliant. Generally speaking, I use the following: AA55301 or MIL-17337 webbing; Berry compliant 500D Cordura; MIL-W-5664 elastic; Berry compliant 550 paracord; Berry compliant shock cord; either Velcro and/or generic hook and loop; and ITW or Duraflex hardware. There may be some outliers. All my thread is a TEX 75 heavy duty thread from a US company.
What will the slings fit through? Anything that has a 1" slot, whether it's a QD, HK clip, plastic clip, rifle sling mount, paracord, zip ties, etc.
How do I install this through something or to my weapon? Step by step procedure here of what I do.
Do I have any clips or QD mounts? Not at this time, no.
Do you do custom work? Sometimes, depending on my schedule, but any transactions would not be through GAFS.
Do I have XXX color or product? If it's not listed I don't have it at this moment.
Why did you start this? In 2022 or so I was in the market for an inexpensive sling in a color other than black and also made in the USA. After I made a few for myself I started to produce these as a low-cost, high quality sling for anyone who was in the same boat I was in.
Why do you keep doing this? It's fun! Sewing has let me be creative and make myself kit that I like! Also allows me to prototype things and pass on my "old stuff" to you!
submitted by Allforthe2nd to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:28 Charliegirl121 Tiresome trump

He pardoned war criminals. Trump showed a flagrant disregard of the rule of law by pardoning Blackwater contractors who massacred unarmed Iraqi civilians, including innocent women and children.
He vetoed the bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. Trump vetoed $741 billion in military spending and a 3 percent pay raise for our troops over an unrelated issue, and put Republicans who voted for it in the difficult position of having to choose whether to flip-flop or override his veto.. But he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States.
he did not shut down travel from Europe until March 11 — almost six weeks later — because of objections from his economic advisers. The outbreak in New York was seeded by travelers from Italy, and New York then seeded the rest of the country, becoming the primary source of new infections across the United States, during a pandemic
He refused to accept the results — or his own responsibility for losing. He caused chaos. All he did was temper tantrums We need a adult which is what biden was, trump behaved like a 2 yr old.
Other leaders laughed at trump because he kept making a fool of himself. He couldn't even stay awake in court is he going to be sleeping during important meetings?
He discussed imposing martial law at an Oval Office meeting. The suggestion by Michael Flynn that Trump declare martial law and use the military to re-run the election in swing states is insane. That Trump took it seriously enough to discuss it in the Oval Office is shameful, as are his calls for elected Republicans to overturn the results.
He's a felon. No person should be allowed to run if they are a felon.
Trump has already said he would implement mass deportation operation. A new Muslim ban. Tariffs on all imported goods and “freedom cities” built on federal land.
He would target people who are legally living in the United States but have different views. He separated children from their parents that's child abuse.
Trump wants to be like putin and north korea He's been impeach 2x. He's too stupid to realize that putin is using him to get what he wants. He's dumb enough to think their friends.
Any trumpers who are on palestine side trump is not.
Trump says he will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that “only two genders,” as determined at birth, are recognized by the United States.
As part of his crackdown on gender-affirming care, he will declare that hospitals and health care providers that offer transitional hormones or surgery no longer meet federal health and safety standards and will be blocked from receiving federal funds, including Medicaid and Medicare dollars.
ENERGY Trump’s goal, he says, is for the U.S. to have the lowest-cost energy and electricity of any nation in the world, including China.
Under the mantra “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” he says he would ramp up oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers. He would roll back Biden administration efforts to encourage the adoption of electric cars and reverse proposed new pollution limits that would require at least 54% of new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2030.
And again, he says, he will exit the Paris Climate Accords, end wind subsidies and eliminate regulations imposed and proposed by the Biden admiration targeting incandescent lightbulbs, gas stoves, dishwashers and shower heads.
He has said he would cut funding for any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate and will promote prayer in public schools.
Trump also wants a say in school curricula, vowing to fight for “patriotic education.” He says that under his administration, schools will “teach students to love their country, not to hate their country like they’re taught right now” and will promote “the nuclear family” including “the roles of mothers and fathers” and the “things that make men and women different and unique.” I want my kids to know the true history of the usa
Trump wants to force the homeless off city streets by building tent cities on large open parcels of inexpensive land. At the same time, he says he will work with states to ban urban camping, giving violators the choice between being arrested or receiving treatment.
He says he will require local law enforcement agencies that receive Justice Department grants to use controversial policing measures such as stop-and-frisk. As a deterrent, he says local police should be empowered to shoot suspected shoplifters in the act. “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” he said in one recent speech
This is not the person who should be in charge of our country. Trump wants to be a dictator, that would take away our freedom.
I don't understand why any black, Latinos, women Would vote for him, including, gays, trans, minority would vote for him. He's racist, he hates trans and gays and he will pass laws against them. He's sexist and he has some disturbing ideas on his own daughter.
The guy is nasty creepy loser and I don't want to see him in the white house I would like to never see him again. He's followers send him money for his legal fees. Is he not a billionaire, he claims he is. Then he should pay his own legal fees.
I can go on and on but I'm tired of this topic and of trumpers.
submitted by Charliegirl121 to Iowa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:24 Sad_Abbreviations326 SaaS appointment app - monthly fee or per booking technology fee?

This is for my startup SaaS B2B appointment app. There’s typically around 400-500 bookings per business per month. This appointment type is highly specialized. Discussion is between charging business (monthly fee) or users who use the business (per booking technology fee).
Current competition: -Only one company in space that does this specialized type of booking (other companies offer generic booking app, but leaves businesses frustrated) -This company works with about 1500 businesses. -Currently does Monthly fee starting at $70 a month charged to the business. Users who use the business to book only pay the booking price and tax.
My startup: -website/app a few months away from ready to sell B2B. -considering technology fee approach to be a differentiator. Something like 59 cents + 1% per booking charged to user (typical booking cost is around $20, but can go as high as $200 in some cases).
Assumed benefits: -businesses I work with would pay nothing. -potential to make more money (if 400 booking around 80 cents a booking, will be $320 a month). -more performance based, so if customer business has slow month, I’d make less. Encourage me to make app as good as possible.
Assumed risks: -Competitor can exploit image of users being charged more per booking. -User may not like it, although in my experience, small fees under a dollar aren’t an issue. -competitor has guaranteed monthly revenue. -Would be easiest for businesses I work with to use app, but some may write down bookings meaning I wouldn’t get technology fee. Note though, the booking requires complex scheduling, and nowadays few businesses do this scheduling on paper.
Given this, do people think I should go with monthly fee approach or technology fee approach, or maybe offer each business the choice to choose? The idea is to offer differentiators from my established competitor.
submitted by Sad_Abbreviations326 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:01 AutoModerator FlareDrops Are Now Available to Claim - Airdrop Information & Discussion Thread (Jun 09 2024)

FlareDrops Are Now Available to Claim - Airdrop Information & Discussion Thread

The monthly FlareDrop is now available to claim for eligible participants!
Use this thread to discuss and ask questions related to FlareDrops. Please feel free to help others who are looking for help publicly on this discussion thread. Do not reply to private messages from users offering help, as these messages are highly likely attempts to scam you.

What are FlareDrops?

FlareDrops Eligibility

FlareDrops Schedule

17 March 2023 11 March 2024 6 March 2025
16 April 2023 10 April 2024 5 April 2025
16 May 2023 10 May 2024 5 May 2025
15 June 2023 9 June 2024 4 June 2025
15 July 2023 9 July 2024 4 July 2025
14 August 2023 8 August 2024 3 August 2025
13 September 2023 7 September 2024 2 September 2025
13 October 2023 7 October 2024 2 October 2025
12 November 2023 6 November 2024 1 November 2025
12 December 2024 6 December 2024 1 December 2025
11 January 2024 5 January 2025 31 December 2025
10 February 2024 4 February 2025 30 January 2026

Claiming FlareDrops

Additional Resources

submitted by AutoModerator to FlareNetworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:52 auto556 SEC Implements Permanent Ban on Three Brokers for Ponzi Scheme Involvement

Ponzi Scheme Shocks the Investment World: Recover Your Losses with Expert Legal Help

In yet another stunning revelation shaking the financial sector, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced yesterday that three former financial advisors have been implicated in an alleged Ponzi scheme. These financial advisors are now permanently banned from practicing in the securities industry.
The SEC's crackdown highlights the ongoing battle against fraudulent schemes that trap unsuspecting investors. The trio is accused of deploying classic Ponzi tactics—paying earlier investors with the new funds contributed by newer investors. Such schemes promise high returns that are typically unattainable through legitimate investment opportunities. Over time, as the scheme inevitably unravels, losses to investors can be monumental.

The Devastating Impact on Investors

For the victims, the financial and emotional toll can be profound. Investors often entrust their life's savings to advisors in the hope of securing a financially stable future. When these trusts are betrayed, the consequences can affect everything from retirement plans to the broader financial stability of families and communities.

Expert Legal Assistance from Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A.

If you or someone you know has fallen victim to this Poncho scheme or similar investment frauds, it's crucial to seek proficient legal counsel to protect your rights and recover your losses. Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. specializes in championing the cause of investors. With a formidable 95% success rate, our team is dedicated to fighting solely on behalf of investors to make things right.
We understand the intricacies of investment fraud cases and the severe impact they have on our clients. Our goal is to navigate these complex legal processes efficiently and effectively, alleviating the stress and burden from your shoulders. We operate on a "no recovery, no fee" basis. This means if we don’t win your case, you don’t owe us a penny. It’s that simple.

Why Choose Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A.?

Don’t let fraudsters walk away with your hard-earned money. Recovering from investment fraud is not just about the money—it's about justice and ensuring that the perpetrators are held accountable.

Take Action Today

Time can be a critical factor in these cases. Early legal intervention can significantly enhance the chances of a favorable outcome. Contact Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. today at 1 (888) 784-3315 or visit our website at to schedule a free consultation. Our experienced lawyers are ready to help you recover your investment losses and restore your peace of mind.
Invest wisely, but in the face of deceit, fight back with the best. Remember, when it comes to protecting your investments and seeking justice, Haselkorn & Thibaut, P.A. is your dedicated legal ally.
submitted by auto556 to StockMarketNewsToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 sarahtonin7623 I swear I’ve been cursed

So I start out the year with really intense headaches, neck pain, dizziness, tinnitus. The headaches feel like needles wrapping up the back of my head into my forehead- so I go to a neurologist who first tells me I may have a dissection in my vertebral or carotid arteries.. so he gets MRIs and MRAs.
Then he tells me he found two small brain aneurysms, but to not worry because they’re small. So of course I worry, i worry for a month with zero insight until I can’t take it and I schedule an appointment to go see one of the top neurosurgeons in Boston- who tells me no, they’re not brain aneurysms they’re just normal variations of veins.
Meanwhile I’m still getting these headaches, dizziness, nausea so the same neurologist says he saw a bulging disk at c4-5 and a fully protruding disk at c6-7 and that the symptoms probably aren’t from that but he would write me a referral for physical therapy. So I go to physical therapy and start making moderate progress until they have me doing deadlifts where I was told “don’t focus on posture your body will self adjust” so I do and then injure my neck even worse than when I went in.
So I go to acupuncture since at this point I’m having such severe headaches that I’m throwing up and having to call out of work. On top of that I’ve got a flare up of gastritis because I accidentally ate gluten because I didn’t check the beef jerky for wheat(which I’m not supposed to eat with celiacs)
The acupuncturist (she’s licensed with LAc and a health insurance referral) I go to used a technique I can only describe as a mix between dry needling and acupuncture- well, she punctures my chest wall, I get a pneumothorax within 15 min of leaving and my left lung collapses.
Now I’m sitting here with pain in my chest from the pneumothorax, unable to sleep because of my neck pain, and in just unreal pain and I have literally no idea how to solve it but I have to go back to work in two days because I don’t get PTO and I’m fee for service. … and I can’t take an NSAID because it’ll flare up my recurring gastritis LOL like really fml
submitted by sarahtonin7623 to FML [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 nyanc8 Made a small mistake in DS-160 regarding immigration petition

For the question "Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services?" - Answered 'No' by mistake, but the answer is 'Yes'. I have submitted the application but not paid the scheduling fee. Would creating a separate letter for my dropbox appointment explaining this help, or should I create a new application?
submitted by nyanc8 to h1b [link] [comments]