Marlboro menthol espagne


2022.09.10 06:16 Traditional-Ad5889 NewportMenthol

For Newport Menthol lovers NO MARLBORO LOVERS!!!!

2024.05.13 23:06 Bizzy2024 Day 185 No ZYN - The good, the bad, and the ugly with recovery.

I don't know if this would help anyone or not... but I'll share it...some back story on my nicotine history. ZYN was not my first experience with nicotine. (But shall it forever be the last) I first let nicotine into my being when I stole a cigarette from my much older cousin when I was 9 years old. A Marlboro Menthol 100. And the journey of drug/chemical addiction from there is literally personified perfectly in a video that u/Joel-Spitzer shared (didn't create, just shared as a great illustration) called Nuggets ( I'll never forget that first buzz, it put me on the floor. I started smoking pot soon after that. Then drinking whiskey. (all of my friends and their parents were drug addicts and alcoholics). The resources were very attainable. At 12 I got put on heavy anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. By 13 and 14 I moved up to pain pills, and stronger pot. From 14 to 18 I smoked 2 packs a day (on top of an ounce of pot every few days) and long story short through various self-destructive seasons I eventually got caught up in every upper (MDMA, Cocaine, Meth) and downer (Morphine/Heroin/Oxy) that there was at the time. Snorting/shooting up, you name it, I did it. I OD'd several times, and it's by the grace and mercy of God I'm not dead. When I turned 19 a very beautiful and powerful legit spiritual experience happened to me. That initially helped me get clean off the heavy illegal stuff, but my mind just wasn't made up the way it needed to be to get off everything I knew I needed to (pharmaceuticals and nicotine). Much of my 20s I struggled. I'd get off everything except my anti-depressants, and then eventually I'd need to get a refill on lizard brain could quickly get an RX for this or that (I knew how to work the system, and find the doctors that pushed stuff) and the next thing you know I'd be high. Especially with prescribed medical THC...good gracious...100% THC products are way to powerful.... Back to nicotine- in my 20s over several years and seasons of life I went through Grizzly wintergreen long cut chew, vaping (disposable and mods/kits), and eventually 21mg nicotine patches. Literally hooked on the patches for multiple years. I got off patches finally in 2018. In 2019 I got off of every prescribed pharmaceutical and quit medical marijuana. I'm still living my life free from pills and THC - going on 5 years. But...struggling through depression during COVID lock down and in a moment of weakness, I bought my first tin of ZYN. But the nicotine beast is the nicotine beast. I secretly struggled with it 2020, 2021, 2022, and most of 2023. I've said all that to say, it started with nicotine, and it ends with nicotine. It's like the final building block to my castle of ultimate sobriety I suppose. With the nicotine compromise out of the way, my life can finally be what it's supposed to be. 185 days ago was over 20 years in the making. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. Just for today, let's stay clean.
submitted by Bizzy2024 to QuittingZyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:03 debballs Duty Free cigarette options

I’ll be travelling end this month and haven’t bought duty free cigarette cartons in a long time.
Does anyone know if they carry Marlboro ice blast or black menthol? If not, any recommendations on anything similar? Thanks!
submitted by debballs to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:42 Want_My_MTV Why are so many e-cigarettes flavored, but traditional cigarettes aren’t?

I know cigarettes can sometimes have menthol in them. But I’ve never heard of a Marlboro being blue raspberry flavored.
submitted by Want_My_MTV to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:08 HeSoCrazy69 First post

First post
Marlboro cigarettes, 1953 Zippo, 1963 Bulova speaceveiw watch, Sig Sauer p230sl, Gerber multi tool, car keys, and Card holder
submitted by HeSoCrazy69 to knivesandguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:29 PastArachnid8834 Cigarette Health Alternatives

Hello, so I don’t smoke but my dad does. My mom used to but she got really bad health problems and it scared her to quit cold turkey. My dad, on the other hand, still has issues with smoking. He wants to quit, but the main thing he has issues with is the act of smoking itself. Another problem is that most inhalers to quit smoking at either menthol or some type of fruit flavored. Are there any healthy inhalers that taste or are somewhat similar to Marlboro Mellow Flavor? I can’t find anything anywhere.
submitted by PastArachnid8834 to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:20 Maine-- Ty in 2045

Ty in 2045 submitted by Maine-- to TyKwonDoeTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:38 IntrovertedWolf15 Rolling with mint or clove

Hello! I’m from Mexico recently moved to the US. The lack of cigarette flavors is very sad. I’m trying to replicate my favorites by rolling my own cigs. I’m wondering what type of mint leaves would work for rolling? Where can i buy them or should i just try a menthol oil in a tobacco blend? Im learning how to roll with clove and mint to replicate the marlboros kretek mint :)
submitted by IntrovertedWolf15 to RYO [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 16:51 elysianye biden trying to ban menthol cigarettes??? i need my NEWPORTS IM VOTING TRUMP

i actually do be liking menthol vapes i’m not gonna lie
but like i joke abt newports all the fuckin time cause they’re like. THE cigarette of my area
apparently also it’s like a black culture thing? i’ve been at register at my job and this black guy was like “i know, black guy askin for marlboros is crazy right” and like. my dad is white and he smoked newports so like i never actually got that tbh
like i’ve heard it’s a “black thing” multiple times and i have no idea why like the two major competitors are basically the same price like it’s not even a “lower income cigarette” type thing they all cost the same can someone enlighten me like my mom doesn’t smoke anything at all so she wouldn’t know
submitted by elysianye to adultsnew [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 16:21 HeSoCrazy69 First post

First post
Marlboro cigarettes, 1953 Zippo, 1963 Bulova speaceveiw watch, Sig Sauer p230sl, Gerber multi tool, car keys, and Card holder
submitted by HeSoCrazy69 to EDC [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:13 Various_Professor137 My long story about quitting, and why you should quit too.

I wrote this in another post somewhere, so there may be some grammatical & compositional inconsistencies. However, the point is the same. I hope this helps you, random stranger.
"Well. Its a long one. I'm going to distill it as best as I can. PLEASE read all of it, or it won't have the intent behind it.
I began around 13-14, sneaking a smoke a weekend anytime my cousin would come hang out. We stole them from my dad who was a life long smoker. Marlboro Menthol. Nasty. It didn't become habit or regular until my first real job at a KFC when I was 17-18. Then I would have elder employee-friends buy them for me.
Over time, it graduated into full blown smoker. Pack a day of Camel Wides at the regular. Over time and lots of life trials & tribulations, it graduated to a pack and a half everyday. Well, I wanted to quit at different times for different reasons. Eventually, I switched to vaping. Being the social denigrate I am, it graduated further to the pack and a half of wides habit, plus vaping at times I couldnot smoke. At my worst, I was using refillable vapes, about 5mg nicotine formulations at 100ml bottle. One bottle would last two days, and cigarettes were a pack and a half still of camel wides. Sometimes newports.
I felt like total & complete dogshit. Mind you, through all of this, I changed trades to diesel mechanic, was and am still an active martial artist, musician, lost many MANY close friends and relatives, had a difficult upbringing with the LDS church and its abuse, dysfunctional home as a child, with parents divorcing and mom marrying a very dangerous violent convict with substance abuse & mental issues. Both parents are smokers. Dad had horrendous heart & spinal issues. Also, building a relationship with my best friend (now wife). We have been together for 16 years, married 10. We are 34 & 33.
Life was a mess. We move away from the nightmare. Here comes covid and lockdowns. I got sick with something that wasn't covid. I felt like shit and had enough. Our anniversary is halloween, I quit cold turkey that day, (that was 911 days ago. 2.5 years, no nicotine. I hid my withdrawls through my illness.)
Then, we move into our own home in a wonderful town. Kid gets old enough for school and we send her to her first day. Life is looking up! Then I get the call that my dad had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was dying. My dad is my other best homie for life, we were the definition of close as far as parent/kid goes. I quit my job, pack all my shit, leave the kid & wife and head home to be with him 1000 miles away for his final days. He is still smoking at this point....its one of the activities we shared together anytime we could as adults. Its just what we did along with everything else. His dad, my grandpa, died of a sudden heart attack from being a smoker. So, this is a genetic & familial issue & learned behavior.
I wanted a cigarette so fucking badly. It had been 11 months nicotine free at this point, minus inadvertent situational second hand I couldn't control at times. I knew it would be my last window of opportunity to share the experience we had, with the cigs to match. Never had I felt the pull of addiction, even after breaking half my body and becoming temporarily dependent on morphine & Oxycontin during recovery. During the hourly vomiting, the hourly morphine doses, sleepless nights for 2 months, his pain and suffering, his mind breaking down, degrading, all of it just breaking me down mentally and emotionally, my #1 dude....wasting away and starving to death.....his relentless tears and sadness of what he was doing to his boy, his pride and joy.....underneath it all, was the pull. The cigarette. The motherfucker that only helped this insufferable hell I call reality. I could have just one, and it would help soooooooooo much.
I never gave in. I didn't smoke. Not one, not once. Not a puff, dip, drag, pull, none of it. Dad never offered, and he vocalized, while he could, how proud he was and how grateful. I would pick them up, hold them, smell the unlit deliciousness of what could be. Then I would put it away or give it to someone who did smoke.
Through all this, I realized something important. My drive to smoke, was through identity. It was part of my identity, part of everyone I loved and everything I knew. It was my go-to for stress relief, for praise, for celebration, part of anything good bad & indifferent. It was useless otherwise. It was the never-ending gnaw of my inability to take personal accountability & responsibility for my life and myself. I quickly realized when my dad died, and I had to clean up what he left behind, that I smoked because I was running from the feelings I couldn't process and sit in.
the following year, I spent sitting in the totality of my life. my misery. my agony. My sorrow and my disdain for life, absolutely refusing to make the mistakes that got me feeling this way. Refusing to give in to all of the things that made my happy life, shit. Because, as I began to heal, I began to see that I have so much to live for. I finally began to see everything my dad told me, tried to teach me, and tried to prepare me for. All of the years of his heart issues, blood clots, hospital visits, near deaths from heart attacks, car crashes, all the things he withstood, was for something greater than what either of us could humanly portray.
The point of my long and arduous story here, is that you have the power to give it up. To heal from the things that drove you to smoke in the first place. You have every means and ability to succeed. And, if you can say no to just one cigarette or vape toke, or dip, or patch, or gum, or can say no to all of them. The more you say no, the better you will feel and happier you will be. You have every reason to believe in yourself stranger. If I can do it, so can you. Love yourself enough to find the way that works best for you to say no and empower yourself, not the nicotine."
submitted by Various_Professor137 to quittingsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 02:45 howmanywishesdoiget marlboro black menthol club

submitted by howmanywishesdoiget to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:04 Dumpster_Rope L&M Reds

Hey, I've been making my own cigs for over a year now. I'll still buy a pack here and there to treat myself - but overall I've been at it for a while. This question is more for my GF than for myself - as I smoke menthol. I took the time and money to research the combo I like and have settled on what I like. (Good stuff menthol + zen/gambler menthol tubes).
When money becomes tight, I usually suggest at some point that she should switch to rollies to save money. But she always complains that she doesn't like how the make her feel. She says they are harsh and upset her stomach. I personally think it's the combo she's been trying whenever she is forced to have a rollie and can't get a pack. She uses Gambler Gold tobacco and some sort of tube that I'm not sure of at the top of my head, but they honestly look like a light tube.
I was hoping if someone could point me in the direct of a good combo that best matches L&M Reds/Lucky Strikes Reds or even Marlboro Reds. I'm willing to go out and spend the money to give it a shot if it would mean saving the money here and there when we should be saving that money for other things rather than for cigarettes. Something that would do better for her in the trying times that won't make her feel that way.
submitted by Dumpster_Rope to RYO [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 05:41 madamfatdick Roadtrip pics [canon powershot g5 (2005)]

Roadtrip pics [canon powershot g5 (2005)] submitted by madamfatdick to VintageDigitalCameras [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 01:54 rosey-q Looking to start rolling and looking for suggestions

I was looking to start self rolling cigs because I don’t currently have either the willpower to quit or the money to keep buying prerolled. I’ve been smoking pallmall menthols mostly but I’ll also do Marlboro menthols if they aren’t available. Looking for tube/tobacco recommendations for a similar taste/Mint level and draw/mouthfeel.
submitted by rosey-q to RYO [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 19:31 Adept-Pay-4067 Sahurrr

Sahurrr submitted by Adept-Pay-4067 to u/Adept-Pay-4067 [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 21:58 nodewai What Cigarettes Does Misato Smoke? I Have a Likely Answer.

What Cigarettes Does Misato Smoke? I Have a Likely Answer.
In episode 20, we see she smokes, but sadly not a specific pack. However, the cigarettes do have a white filter with a green band (from what I can tell at least), inferring that they are most likely menthol cigarettes.
I'm not the most knowledgeable about Japanese Menthol Cigarettes, but I know that it couldn't have been a Seven Star or Peace cigarette as, while the brands do / have in the past offered menthol cigarettes, the timeframe does not line up with the release of the anime.
It couldn't have been a Hi-Lite Menthol as those have cork-style filters, we can say for sure though.
More than likely, it's a generic cigarette that is modeled after a Marlboro Menthol Light from Japan, as those tend to have green bands and white filters, but that's just my guess. As such, in my opinion, canonically, Misato smokes Marlboro Menthol Lights, which she possibly stole from Kaji, although that cannot be confirmed for sure.
She really should be smoking The Peace though, not gonna lie.
If anybody knows more than I please do let me know.
submitted by nodewai to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 02:58 AvidlyRabid I was at work yesterday. I'm at work now. I'll be at work tomorrow.

I was at work yesterday. I'm at work now. I'll be at work tomorrow. submitted by AvidlyRabid to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 04:22 StunningAd3951 Supper.

Supper. submitted by StunningAd3951 to schlanman [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 23:35 Mediumsizedknife What’s everyone doing for st paddy’s?

What’s everyone doing for st paddy’s?
The place I wash dishes at is closed sundays so it’s party time 🤑 if ur in the trenches tn I wish u the best of luck ur the soul of the kitchen 🫶
submitted by Mediumsizedknife to dishwashers [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 02:24 AcanthisittaDismal27 the mclane cigarette delivery

the mclane cigarette delivery
this is so infuriating to me. bc i have to sit there and refill the boxes
submitted by AcanthisittaDismal27 to Wawa [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 23:29 Pale_Problem_2589 Black malboro 🙏

Black malboro 🙏 submitted by Pale_Problem_2589 to thugeshh [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 08:43 FjordOfBatanes For smokers: totoo bang walang Marlboro Black sa Pilipinas?

‘Yung pure Marlboro Black ha, not Marlboro Black Menthol
Thank you in advance
submitted by FjordOfBatanes to pinoy [link] [comments]