Live like a wolf games online


2008.08.31 20:00 MMORPG

MMORPG is an online community dedicated to all things massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). Here, MMO enthusiasts gather to discuss their favorite games, share news, insights, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for immersive online gaming experiences.

2018.10.06 02:07 Red Dead Fashion

For fans of the Red Dead Redemption series of games, this sub is a place to show off and discuss customization, character designs, and other fashion related to the game.

2012.05.28 19:09 VonAether Discussion of White Wolf RPGs

A community for fans of White Wolf's roleplaying games, notably the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, etc.), Exalted, and Chronicles of Darkness (Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, etc.).

2024.06.09 14:15 PinkTiara24 Quilting tips/notions for the joint-pain issues

Hi all,
I’ve been having intermittent joint issues that have affected my sewing, quilting, knitting, etc. I’m in the process of adapting to how I do these things. I’ve read a lot of books about ergonomics, and posture, and physical things I can do.
Now I’d like to think of tools and techniques to help in this area. For instance, cutting can be challenging at times and I’ve considered an AccuQuilt. Pinning sometimes difficult as well. What about those tile magnet things? Any smaller tools, gadgets you can’t live without to minimize aches and pains? For instance, I have that little tool that helps pop up the safety pin when I’m pin basting.
submitted by PinkTiara24 to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:15 Internal-Literature How to play North American game on a European N64?

As above. I bought a screwdriver to switch the backing of a EUR cartridge and the North American cartridge so the American cartridge would fit in my European N64 since it was region locked. However it still didn’t work. Read after that you can’t play North American games in the European N64. Great.
Where does that leave me? The game itself is hard to find, and ideally I would like to be able to use it. I am very non-techy and don’t own any other gaming systems. I bought a second hand N64 just for this game (brings back memories). I read something about “PAL” but not sure what that means.
submitted by Internal-Literature to n64 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:15 justiceway1 Ferland Mendy deserves a lot more love

I will preface this by saying thay initially, I wasn't the biggest Mendy fan. I thought he made dumb mistakes, was very limited on offense, and overall wasn't the right profile for Madrid.
But recently, he has really developed a lot and his game has taken a lot of steps forward, to which point I can safely call him a top 3 LB in the world right now. His crazy good defense is one of the reasons why Vinicius can take so much freedom on attack and not having to worry about the spaces behind (which would be an issue with someone like Phonzie but that's another subject).
I know most guys get their flowers on the team but Mendy does a lot of necessary work for the team to be able to win and doesn't get as much thanks as others. He's the type of player that's necessary for a team that has Vinicius, Bellingham, Kroos, ... to win because he does the work that doesn't get noticed by most but is vital to success.
submitted by justiceway1 to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Makinpancakes1738 How to know when your marriage is over?

Me (F27) and my husband (M27) have been together for 6 years and married 1. In the beginning like most relationships, it was perfect. We were fun, sex was great, it felt so right. Fast forward to now and well… these have been so of our issues…
Communication- we always end up trying about the same things over and over again. It’s like when we are talking, we hear each other and understand but end up circling back around. I do t understand.
Trust- when we got together, it was under different circumstances. I was in the process of leaving an engagement when we wet so I think it already created trust issues on his part. However, there has been back and fourth trust issues between us.
Addiction- he has a porn addiction and won’t get help. I noticed it in the beginning of our relationship but I thought it was no big deal and brushed it off. Now it has become a significant problem and he won’t seek help. Recently because of this, we have dead bedroom, and if we do have sex, it’s for him and I don’t get really anything out of it.
Financially- he has no savings at all. Not before we got together, not now. He lies about his finances to me. I know sometimes it’s hard to save money, but he doesn’t even care to. Also he takes out personal loans for a gaming pc and maxed out his credit cards. We got our first apartment together then lost it. Because he was medically out of work (which I’m not mad or blaming him for at all) and he didn’t have savings to cover his half. I could have but chose not to because I had paid for the whole security deposit and half the rent moving in. It just wasn’t fair. It’s so hard to see where our future will go.
Love language- I feel like we have almost the same love language but don’t know how to love each other the way we both need.
I feel like he’s my best friend, the one I can’t wait to tell about my day or the one I lean on when I’m having anxiety. I love him but I don’t know where to go from here.. if it’s worth even saving anymore. I’m mentally checked out. I don’t have the energy and I’m tired of repeating myself or feel like I need to remind him to do certain things. I’m just so tired..
TLDR: is the relationship even worth being In if we have so many issues? The same issues of years with no resolution..
submitted by Makinpancakes1738 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Looking for a medium, 45-120min, game with a nice production quality for me and my girlfriend. She doesn't like the look of Everdell, I don't like the look of Castle of Burgundy. Perhaps Terraforming Mars?

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Random_name4679 Bruh, persona 3 gave me sleep deprivation

WARNING: contains spoilers for the ending of Persona 3
Last night I finished persona 3 reload and got the good ending so I messaged my friend that I beat the game since he had played it before me and wanted to see my reaction to the game. I (surprisingly) didn’t encounter any spoilers for the game when I was playing it so when I got to the ending I had taken it at face value and thought it was just some sort of Deus ex machina.
When I beat the game it was around 1AM so I had expected just to end it there and get to bed. However, to my surprise, my friend responded to the message I sent him pretty quickly. It was asking about how I reacted to Makoto’s death.
Obviously, I was confused by his statement. I simply thought that he had gotten the bad ending or something because clearly Makoto was alive with his friends in the ending cutscene, right?
He then started explaining all the stuff that I had seemingly missed in the ending. Like how the final seal costed all my HP, how everyone keeps remarking how “you look exhausted” on 3/4, the butterfly appearing at the ending, and the significance of Makoto closing his eyes at the end.
The ending I thought was just a generic “feels good” ending started slowly shifting into “holy shit”.
By the time we had finished chatting about the ending it was nearly 2AM and I knew I had to get to sleep. But for some reason, I just could stop thinking about the implications of the ending I had missed. I eventually fell asleep but awoke only 2 hours later at 5-something AM and could get back to sleep because I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Strangely enough, I don’t feel tired at all despite sleeping for so little. I don’t drink any caffeine so I wonder why I felt so awake. Even as I type this I just can’t stop thinking about the ending. There’s still a lot left unresolved, I can’t wait till “the answer” releases so It can answer my questions.
Did any of you guys not initially understand the ending and if you didn’t how did figure out its meaning?
TLDR: beat persona 3, realized the meaning of the ending, and couldn’t sleep well because I can’t stop thinking about it.
submitted by Random_name4679 to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Ok-Storage4236 weird white liquid looking spots on top of meyer lemon tree leaves + some additional questions

weird white liquid looking spots on top of meyer lemon tree leaves + some additional questions
hello i was pointed to this sub for my questions! im a first time plant owner, of a meyers lemon tree to be exact! i want to say the tree is about 3 years old, if it matters to the question.. rough estimate though... i have a few questions actually! sorry if these questions have obvious answers, i dont know what to expect just yet!
  1. ive noticed some weird discoloration around the edges of some leaves, and they look like theyre being eaten away. it seems to have slightly gotten worse over the past few days (first two images)
  2. this morning ive noticed some weird drops of liquid on the tops of the leaves, white looking and not clear (image below) and theyre scattered across a lot of the leaves. is this anything to worry about? for more context, if it matters, we live in central texas zone 9a... these weird spots kind of just appeared overnight
  3. last question! ive noticed these two branches growing which is fine and dandy, but theyre rather close to the soil. is that okay? should they be left alone, or should i go ahead and prune them?
submitted by Ok-Storage4236 to FruitTree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Dry-Bell-7560 I (22M) am afraid someone will take my boyfriend (23M) - I thought I was overthinking but now...?

I start by saying that I love and trust my boyfriend completely. We've been together for 2 years now. We live in different cities, 3h drive. We meet 2-3 times a month, but text almost every half hour and both are still very in love with each other (maybe even more than before). It's my first real relationship and I've never felt so happy in my life.
In the past I've been hurt (emotionally) by a few guys - they told me I'm theirs only and then later I found out that they secretly sent pics and flirty texts with many other guys (and went to gay bars and found people there etc etc, you all know the basic cheating thing...)
My boyfriend is a cute nerd, a bit shy and doesn't go out much. Now he's starting going out with work friends (girls) and to gay clubs to dance and have a drink. We have Snapchat live location ON (he suggested that so I wouldn't worry). That's all fine, I'm glad he's socializing.
But since I've been hurt in the past and an emotional guy then now I've become quite jealous and a big overthinker... What if my bf is actually sexting with other guys he found at a gay club or what if he's secretly on Grindr, what if there's one dude who knows how to charm etcetc. I feel so stupid...
Now a few days ago he went to sleep and forgot his phone unlocked. Now I'm a jerk for doing this next thing but... I checked his phone. No Grindr, no dating apps. On Messenger there were chats with family and friends. Same with Snapchat. Until... I found that he was texting two guys time to time (they're gay, I saw both of them on Grindr years ago) on Instagram, reacting to their storys (which is fine) but then also sending them some gay memes/content (ex: Romeo & Liam playing around on Insta, some top-bottom jokes) and the other way around. And I scrolled up and saw this message from one of the guys to my boyfriend: "I know you're in a relationship. But if u ever wanna fool around, u can turn to me." My bf replied: noted, but I have a boyfriend (and no more messages that day/night). I also found that same guy replying to a hot gay joke my bf sent him: "You know how I feel about you, I would drool" or something. And a few weird things like that as well. But they also chatted about some video game and some random normal stuff, nothing flirty.
I asked my boyfriend in the morning who is that guy and if they're talking on Insta (didn't tell him I looked through his dm's...). He said that this dude has tried hitting on him but my bf told him to calm down and stop. Which was all true. So basically my boyfriend told me that yes there is this guy and they don't meet irl and text few times a month (but actually few times a week, very little conversation tho, but still enough to make lose my mind...).
So now I'm really broken... My overthinking has gone worse. I'm scared when he's going out in the future. I... I don't know 😣 I can't ask him to stop texting people, I don't want to be that controlling toxic boyfriend. I'm afraid of losing him and you know what they say: "If you keep thinking about something it might eventually happen if you think enough..." It scares me...
What should I do, how should I control my thoughts, should I ask my bf something? I beg for advice, please, how can I calm myself down?
TL;DR;: This is a sample summary of the TLDR rule, all things are bold. Is this going the right way?.
submitted by Dry-Bell-7560 to DatingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 Darkfoyboi PS1 FFVIII & FFIX not working

Ran out of ideas and need some assistance.
I've been trying to get FFVIII and FFIX to work on both Miyoo Mini and Mini+, and nothing seems to work.
I've created PBP files for both, tried downloading someone else's eboot.pbp file, used different cores, and added additional BIOS files:
In fact, I've kept every single BIOS file that originally came with both devices.
The ROMs seem to run fine in Retroarch on my PC using the Beetle PSX core.
I've also tried resetting the game in Retroarch on the device, but this seems to crash the system. I had a similar issue with Resident Evil 3 where it got stuck on the opening screen, but pressing Y to get into the Options menu and then resetting the game fixed that one.
I can't find enough information online to troubleshoot any further, besides completely reinstalling OnionOS (I'm not entirely confident that will help). The only thing I haven't tried is just using the .cue and .bin files and making an m3u folder, but I don't like this method and it seems a little confusing to me.
I also read somewhere about these sbi files named SLESXXX.... but I didn't look into that as I was too puzzled at this point.
Am I missing something? Have I been really unlucky with the ROMs?
Could someone please give me some advice? Any help is appreciated!
submitted by Darkfoyboi to MiyooMini [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 eM-RiotX Ranting about my fucking name

For content, I'm Greek and live in Greece.
My name is Menelaus (it's rare, but still pretty normal here, dw)
Now that might sound like a beautiful name to non Greek people, but I swear every Greek person that might read this already has 1 thought in their head.
There's a fucking Greek meme about some guy running a football show on TV, and at one point some mf called Menelaus called him during the show for a bit, and the guy running the show said the line "Menelaus, don't hang up."
Now, every time I introduce myself, for 4 years straight every single fucking person has told me that fucking line, with the exception of people that don't know the meme, which is like 5 at best.
This meme has ruined my fucking life, because instead of being known as a person at school, I'm mostly known for being the guy with the meme name.
It's fucking annoying, to a point where I started introducing myself with a different fucking name.
submitted by eM-RiotX to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 UsernameSquatting Advice for someone that finds DT 770 Pro too heavy (looking at both IEMs or something lighter)

Hello. I'm looking for help finding headphones or IEMs that fit me as I now understand fit is a big issue with me.
I've had the DT 770 Pro for almost three years and have to accept that my migranes or headaches get worse when I wear them from what I think is the feeling of the headphones pushing into my head. I've reduced the clamping force on the sides but that leads to more pressure from the headband part onto the top of my head.
I'm thinking of IEMs more to avoid any pressure to my head but I seem to have very small ear canals and the last pair I bought didn't come with tips that fit me. For reference, the smallest tips with the Samsung Galaxy Buds (I have an older model) feel loose on me and fall out if I'm not pushing them back in.
I guess in addition to product recs my questions are:
More details:
Budget - $350 (USD), though opening my wallet more for comfort than any audio benefits
Source/Amp - 3.5mm jack
How the gear will be used - Home office, gaming, movies, and music.
Preferred tonal balance - Undecided honestly, probably whatever's generic
Preferred music genre(s) - Rock, pop, orchestral, electronic (techno, house, etc.)
Past gear experience - I don't like on-ear and I'm not considering open-back since I like my setup to be quiet around me. Mainly seeking wired options. I do like the build quality of the DT 770 Pro (durable and replaceable parts), unfortunately I think it adds to the weight which is part of what I want to avoid. For headphones they would be staying in one place so flimsy plastic is fine.
submitted by UsernameSquatting to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:14 tempmailgenerator Resolving SMTP Connection Failures for Hostinger Email

Troubleshooting SMTP Email Sending Issues with Hostinger

When it comes to setting up an email service for your business or personal projects, using a reliable SMTP server is crucial for ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients without a hitch. Hostinger, known for its web hosting services, also offers free business email functionalities that many attempt to integrate with their applications. The process, however, can sometimes hit a snag, particularly with the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings. Understanding and resolving these issues is key to maintaining smooth communication channels.
The "SMTP connect() failed." error is a common roadblock that developers encounter when trying to send emails through Hostinger's SMTP server. This problem can stem from a variety of reasons, including incorrect SMTP configuration, server downtime, or network issues. Addressing this requires a systematic approach to troubleshooting and applying the correct settings. This guide aims to provide clarity on these settings and offer solutions to overcome the SMTP connection failure, ensuring your emails are sent successfully using Hostinger's email service.
Command Description
new PHPMailer() Initializes a new instance of the PHPMailer class to manage email sending.
$mail->IsSMTP() Sets the mailer to use SMTP.
$mail->Host Specifies the SMTP server to connect to.
$mail->SMTPAuth Enables SMTP authentication.
$mail->Username SMTP username for authentication.
$mail->Password SMTP password for authentication.
$mail->SMTPSecure Specifies the encryption method to use (SSL/TLS).
$mail->Port Specifies the port to connect to on the SMTP server.
$mail->setFrom() Sets the sender's email address and name.
$mail->addAddress() Adds a recipient's email address.
$mail->IsHTML() Specifies whether the email body contains HTML.
$mail->Subject Sets the subject of the email.
$mail->Body Sets the HTML body of the email.
$mail->Send() Sends the email.

Solving SMTP Connection Issues with Hostinger

Dealing with "SMTP connect() failed" errors can be frustrating, especially when the urgency to send emails through your application is high. This problem often arises from a misconfiguration or misunderstanding of the SMTP server settings required by Hostinger. The first step to resolving these issues is to ensure that all SMTP settings are correctly entered, including the server name, port, and authentication details. SMTP server names usually follow a standard format, but they can vary depending on the hosting service. For Hostinger, the SMTP server is "," and it typically requires SSL encryption on port 465 or TLS on port 587. Authentication is a critical aspect, necessitating accurate username and password entries, which are the same as your Hostinger email account credentials.
Another common issue that could lead to SMTP connection failures is related to the server environment or the PHPMailer version being used. Certain hosting services, including shared hosting environments, may have restrictions or specific requirements for sending emails. Therefore, it's essential to check with Hostinger's support to understand any limitations. Additionally, ensuring that you're using the latest version of PHPMailer can resolve compatibility issues, as updates often include fixes for common problems. If the problem persists, enabling SMTP debug mode in PHPMailer can provide more detailed error messages, helping to pinpoint the exact issue for more targeted troubleshooting. Remember, resolving SMTP errors not only requires technical adjustments but also a clear understanding of the email sending process and the specific requirements of your hosting provider.

Correcting SMTP Connection Failures

PHP Email Dispatch
isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = ''; $mail->Password = 'your_password'; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->setFrom('', 'Your Name'); $mail->addAddress('', 'Recipient Name'); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Here is the subject'; $mail->Body = 'This is the HTML message body in bold!'; $mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients'; if(!$mail->send()) { echo 'Message could not be sent.'; echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'Message has been sent'; } ?> 

Advanced SMTP Troubleshooting Strategies

Delving deeper into SMTP connection issues, it's crucial to understand the more nuanced aspects that could impact email deliverability. One such aspect is the IP reputation of the server sending the email. Hostinger, like many email service providers, may impose stricter controls on emails sent from IPs with poor reputations to prevent spam. This means that even if your SMTP settings are correct, emails might still fail to send if the server's IP is blacklisted. Monitoring your server's IP reputation and seeking delisting from blacklists can be vital steps in resolving SMTP issues.
Additionally, proper email formatting and content can play a significant role in successful email delivery. Emails that lack a proper structure or contain elements commonly associated with spam (such as certain keywords or attachments) may be rejected by SMTP servers or marked as spam by receiving email servers. Ensuring that your emails adhere to best practices in content and formatting can help mitigate these issues. This includes using a clear subject line, a reputable sender name, and avoiding large attachments or suspicious links. Understanding these nuances is essential for troubleshooting and preventing SMTP connection failures, ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients efficiently.

SMTP Connection FAQs

  1. Question: What does the "SMTP connect() failed" error indicate?
  2. Answer: This error suggests that the application is unable to establish a connection with the SMTP server, possibly due to incorrect server details, authentication errors, or network issues.
  3. Question: Can I use any port for SMTP with Hostinger?
  4. Answer: No, you should use the recommended ports, typically 465 for SSL or 587 for TLS, to ensure a secure connection to Hostinger's SMTP server.
  5. Question: How do I know if my server's IP is blacklisted?
  6. Answer: You can use online blacklist checking tools to see if your server's IP is listed. If it is, you may need to request delisting through the specific blacklist's process.
  7. Question: Why is my email content affecting SMTP delivery?
  8. Answer: Emails that appear spammy or contain malicious content can be filtered or rejected by SMTP servers, impacting deliverability.
  9. Question: How can I improve the success rate of my SMTP email deliveries?
  10. Answer: Ensure your SMTP settings are correct, maintain a good IP reputation, format emails properly, and keep your PHPMailer library up to date.
  11. Question: Is SMTP authentication always required?
  12. Answer: Yes, SMTP authentication is necessary to verify the sender's identity, preventing unauthorized use of the email service.
  13. Question: What is the purpose of SMTPSecure in PHPMailer?
  14. Answer: SMTPSecure specifies the encryption method (SSL or TLS) for securing the connection between your application and the SMTP server.
  15. Question: How do I enable SMTP debug mode in PHPMailer?
  16. Answer: Set the SMTPDebug property of your PHPMailer instance to a value greater than 0 to receive detailed error messages during email sending.
  17. Question: Can changing the email content format to HTML impact delivery?
  18. Answer: Yes, but it's essential to ensure the HTML content is well-structured and doesn't contain elements that could be flagged as spam.

SMTP Troubleshooting Summarized

Successfully resolving SMTP connection failures involves a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and content-related aspects of email sending. The primary step is to ensure the accuracy of SMTP settings, including server address, encryption protocol, port, and authentication credentials. Misconfigurations here are common culprits behind connection issues. Equally important is keeping the PHPMailer library updated to leverage the latest features and bug fixes that could impact connectivity and functionality. Furthermore, the server's IP reputation plays a crucial role in the deliverability of emails, with poor reputations leading to higher rejection rates. Developers must also be mindful of the content and structure of their emails, as spam-like characteristics can trigger filters and prevent emails from reaching their destination. Through diligent application of these strategies, developers can effectively navigate the complexities of SMTP email sending, ensuring their communications are both secure and reliably delivered. The process underscores the importance of a holistic approach to email system management, combining technical precision with thoughtful content creation.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:13 eshay4lyf how to deal with bf wanting to move away??

hi everyone!
so my bf (19M) and i (20F) have been together for 3 years now, and we’ve always had this idea that soon we will get a place together, either in our current town or somewhere in the city (melb, aus). recently he’s been thinking about moving to the city and starting uni mid next year and maybe living with his sister. i was totally confused because he had never mentioned this before and i only found out through his sister the other day and it made me a little sad. i 110% support him wanting to move for uni, but i just always thought we would get a place together, but it seems im not really involved in this big move he is planning. i don’t know if its selfish to see it that way. and im not sure how to bring it up with him without sounding like im making it all about me. i have no idea what to do, so really any advice at all would be amazing, and if anyone has been in a similar situation, did things work out between yourselves? :)
TL;DR: my bf of 3 years wants to move away to the city seemingly without me, for uni and to live with his sister, and hasn’t told me about his plans.
submitted by eshay4lyf to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:13 stressita Classic Story “ Nagkagusto sa Kalandian”

I recently grew a special kind of interest sa virtual kalandian ko. We are both aware of each other’s issues in the beginning. Ako, emotionally unavailable. Siya, actively and patiently waiting for her special someone na maging available and gawing priority na ang magjowa.
We have a long distance between us. So we do every jowa privileges online. We go on dates sometimes (lol once pa lng nmn to nangyare ata). We listen to podcasts. We co-work. My favorite part is we talk — like really talk about stuff, about life. It got me. I dig the kind of relationship where you can openly voice out whatever you have on your mind to a very accepting and honest receiver. Yung hndi nappnta sa argument. Yung hndi napupunta sa away. I love conversations.
So while it was clear na yung intention namin is to just landi, ang ate mo gorl nagkakaron na ata ng gusto kay virtual jowa.
Eh si virtual jowa ay may bebeng araw araw na minamahal from a distance. Hahaha. 🥲 Also, tbh, I am not really sure pa din nmn na kaya ko na ulit pumasok sa relationship. And sa lagay na ganto, sobrang hndi ideal to get in to a relationship.
It sucks lang na i feel this good and i feel i like her pero i cant have her. And hndi lang yon dahil sa may iba syang bebe. It is also because i am not ready despite knowing full well na i could take better care of her.
Nakakainis. Nakakapikon. Haha. Bakit kasi kahit ano gawin ko to not complicate things, may own way yung nature to complicate it. Gusto ko lang nmn lumandi with peace. Bat nmn bglang may feelings tyong naffeel? Hahaha.
submitted by stressita to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:13 help28377 I'm hurting really bad

my cousin took his life recently and after that i promised myself I'd never kill myself because of how much pain it brought me and his entire family. But I don't know, I don't think i can bring myself to keep it
I'm still in a lot of pain
I traumatized myself badly from my past attempts in january and tried again (because I'm stupid) on the 29th of april and now i feel sick and shaken up whenever someone says anything about suicide or especially hanging but im here anyway. but I'm sick of that and I wish I hadn't done this. I sabotaged myself probably for life and now living hurts more especially on the internet because there's teenagers making jokes about suicide literally everywhere and now its even WORSE for me after my cousin's death
I can't stop using the internet either because I'm homeschooled last year and this upcoming year and can't leave the house, and don't really have anything to do as much as it makes me sound like a loser
I wanna get my driver's license as quick as i can, crash the car and hope it looks like an accident. there doesn't need to be another known suicide. I'm just dumb
submitted by help28377 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Looking for a medium, 45-120min, game with a nice production quality for me and my girlfriend. She doesn't like the look of Everdell, I don't like the look of Castle of Burgundy. Perhaps Terraforming Mars?

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 Strange-Map1495 The developers greed in this game is in top-notch level.

They removed the legacies so they can sell this content in store. The crowns they gave back to players who bought the legacies and never finished is a joke. All the legacies content now are coming in store in very expensive prices. The money wasn't enough from buying legacies battlepasses. Its so sad that this game has so anti consuming strategie. There are just a few games in consoles like that and the developers deliberately try to milk the cow 🐮 🐮 🐮 as much they can. So many years and the game stays the same almost with no focus in expanding the game but just expanding the money in the pockets. Shame on you and your greedy tactics!
submitted by Strange-Map1495 to vigorgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 Erin_with_an_E_2 How can I retrieve corrupted save data from my copy of Minish Cap

So I was playing Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap last night and when I went to save before quitting my batteries finally died. I had been playing with the red light on for about a week now and had been putting off getting fresh batteries because I thought I had more time but it turns out I didn't. So last night when I started saving my game last night and the little screen that says "don't turn off your console" shows up the batteries picked that moment to die. I quickly got some fresh ones but when I powered the machine back on and got to the save screen I was met with another horror as the game announced to me, via three popups, that all of my save files have been corrupted including one that I had 15 hearts in. When I tried to select one of the files it was like I was starting over from scratch. Is there any way I can retrieve my save data without having to start the process all over?
submitted by Erin_with_an_E_2 to gba [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:12 Badparent0kidThrowRA AITA for calling a mom a bad parent even though I don't have kids.

I 20F have autism. And one of the things I do to decompress after classes is sit on a swing in a park and listen to music or podcasts. The park near my university has a swingset that is set apart from the jungle gym and I like to use it after classes. If kids come up to the swing set of course I get off and let them have it, it isn't a big deal.
Two days ago I was at the park with my headphones on and and saw a couple of kids make a beeline toward the swings, they were 4/5ish years old. I stopped and got off sitting on a bench nearby and played some games on my phone while they used the equipment. Thier mom was pushing a stroller and got a phone call. She left almost immediately after, getting in her car and driving away. I walked over to the stroller after 5/10 minutes and there was a really new baby inside. I got scared for the baby and the toddlers and sat on a bench closer to the stroller to watch the baby, I set a timer and told myself I would call the police if she was gone for another 15 minutes.
She came back 12.5 minutes later, according to my timer. She yelled at me for sitting near her baby and accused me of trying to kidnap her children. I told her she was a terrible mom for leaving her children alone at the park and that something could have happened to them.
She asked if I had children, I told her I didn't. She then yelled at me how hard being a mom is and if she wanted to grab a coffee and treat for herself while her kids were busy that she could.
Now I feel awful. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, but as I mentioned I'm autistic and I don't understand social cues as well. Did I do something wrong? What should I do different if this happens to me again? AITAH?
submitted by Badparent0kidThrowRA to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:11 jgjzz More Dogs Missing and Running Around Unleashed

Here we go again on the local social media site in my town with yet another story of a "missing" dog. This is apparently an older dog that has been running around a busy street in danger of being hit by a car, and the bevy of dog rescuers are spending their time today trying to catch the dog and discussing this online.
Seems like every day there are multiple posts of "missing" dogs on these local sites. Typically, they have no collar and no tag, so no way to identify the owner and often no microchip. If the rescuer gets so far as to be able to catch the dog there is still no way to identify it. Where I live it really is the law that dogs be licensed after three months of age, and they wear a collar with a tag. No microchip means the owner is unknown and this generates multiple posts pleading to find the owner. Just posting a comment such as "no chip? no tag?" is almost controversial.
Someone commented this morning that "people need to do better." This sure got people upset just suggesting that dog owners need to be more responsible for their dog as apparently it is "no one's fault" that the dog got loose in the dog nutters' mind. Of course, it is someone's fault that the dog got loose. It is like these dog nutters are constantly wearing blinders and cannot see the forest for the trees. And sadly the one who would end up suffering the most in this kind of scenario is the one who ends up hitting a dog while driving.
submitted by jgjzz to Dogfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:11 ThrowRA_ate_Ice7376 Guy 38M says he is in love with me 32F but never reached out, do I just move on?

Throwaway. So I'll try to keep this short as I can. I 32F was friends with a guy 38M around eight years ago, looking back I don't think I was ready for a relationship but he was older than me (30ish) and kept bringing up settling down, sharing benefits and drawbacks of being together, how we'd raise our kids etc. he seemed to really overthink it and get stressed about whether we'd be a good fit because he had some commitment issues/fears and was scared of me in some ways which idk if that's a healthy sign, we were both very attracted to each other but didn't act on it. Fwiw we were always platonic so he wasn't getting anything out of it.
I was happy to just be friends but also found him very attractive and was open to dating. Ultimately I got quite frustrated and sent him a message saying he shouldn't be questioning if it's right and we're better off as friends. He never responded to the message or spoke to me, tbh he did have some gaps in our communication as we lived quite far from each other and he did long shifts, after a month or so I just felt like we're not friends if we can't even speak and I deleted him off all my socials and deleted his phone number.
He never once tried to reach out in all these years, though if he'd called without leaving a message I wouldn't know it was him. He was also a singer, recently I found he'd released some songs and some seem to be about me, one was around the time I deleted him off my socials and he said he loved me and although it was vague it had details that made me know it's about me. I also found a recent song along the same lines of waiting for someone he loves etc.
When he was questioning things he was also talking to another girl who he thought on paper might be less problematic/less of a whirlwind than me, but right after i ended things he ended things with her and as we have a lot of mutual friends I know he hasn't dated anyone since. I've also seen photos of him at places and events that I usually frequent but that he does not and in the past he used to go to those places looking for me and wanting to hang out afterwards.
I was single for about a year after that then had off and on relationships, nothing too serious but he may have known about them from friends and chosen to stay away. Happy to provide more info. I've asked other guy friends of mine and they're just as confused as me so maybe someone here might understand.
Anyway. I just wanted some insight into this. I don't think it's possible to love someone as deeply as he says to the point he says he'd rather be alone if I've left but then also make no effort whatsoever to reach out, or how long would you wait before reaching out? Do I just leave it and assume he is not interested?
submitted by ThrowRA_ate_Ice7376 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:11 jamesgabi Designing ponds / basins in Rhino / Grasshopper

Designing ponds / basins in Rhino / Grasshopper
Hi I'm wondering what the options for working with pond / basins are in Rhino.
I'm designing some potential scenarios for the excavation of a piece of land to convert to a wetland. I've tried several approaches but still facing a lot of limitations for most of them. I would like to have the functionality to test different designs of the potential excavations.
Grasshopper - gives an advantage of interacting in live to the changes
Curve the outline of the existing land patch
Curve the dredged/excavation
Loft (getting weird loft results)
Rhino - Surface Approach
Loft the two above curves ; but adjusting seam point gives better results
Patching the bottom works fine ; until wanting to make certain adjustments, which end up leaving gaps between the bottom patch and the lofts (which form the banks).
Is there a way to keep the surfaces as a whole?
Rhino - Mesh Approach
Could work but have too many points plus does not allow for the accuracy I would like in such a small area.
Lands Design
I've managed something similar in the past but the accuracy is simply not there for working with highly contoured areas. Or maybe I'm wrong?
What recommendations for best methods are there out there :D ?
submitted by jamesgabi to rhino [link] [comments]