Indian saree under skirt

Is it the correct way to promote gender equality? Indian male professors wearing sarees and skirts in college

2024.06.05 14:33 Human-Top-2084 Is it the correct way to promote gender equality? Indian male professors wearing sarees and skirts in college

submitted by Human-Top-2084 to delhiuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:38 G-M-Dark In the hands of a lesser writer "Dot and Bubble" would have been a self-rightous cudgel worthy of Chris Chibnal to self-rightously beat its audience to death with: but it's actually much, much smarter than that and why I'm actually loving Doctor Who again....

Davies's episode 5 - Dot and Bubble - delivers a story which, in lesser hands, one could expect it to be used as a cudgel to beat its audience to death with, such appears the heavy handedness of this implied metaphore about device use and social media: yet which transforms rather brilliantly into territory actually we've been skirting for quite some time now - and which uses a similar switcheroo where Season 14 started...
The 60th Anniversary Specials kicked off with The Star Beast - same gag as Dot and Bubble - an apparently helpless victim who turns out all along to be the worst of the worst of a race of genecidal maniac's created by a living sun: here, in episode 5, Lindy Pepper-Bean and her vacuous chums (the ones that survive at anyrate) turns out to be one step to the right Hitler when it comes to racial tollerance - rather than be greateful to the man who saves her she can bearly hide her disgust at the thought of sharing space with a person of the Doctors current complextion, her disgust so apparent she'd rather die in the wilds in an environment she can't possibly survive in (such is her preparedness for actual life) that we absolutely feel both Ncuti Gatwa’s hilarity at the stupidity and (at the same time) the hurt at being hated for such superficial reasons as skin colour.
But, like I say - we've been here before. Go back to The Giggle - the overt rascism first starts with The Toy Maker - not just his mocking german accent, his remark to John Logie Baird's assistant about "being used to much warmer climes" is a clear racial sneer against his obviously Indian heritage - and it doesn't stop there...
Go back to last weeks 73 Yards - note the way the the locals of the Welsh pub fail to see a frightened young woman desperate and alone and instead choose to see only a stuck up english woman they feel oblidged to take the piss out of rather than lift a finger to help.
But it goes on, not only is mad Jack a raving Nationalist - what is Ruby Sunday really to elicit such looks of abject contempt and disgust from all around her the moment they come into contact with her older (folowing) self: they can't be shot of her quick enough, not even Lethbridge-Stewart or Rubys own adoptive mum can seem to stand the very thought of her once wise to the fact.
And the question remains - what is Ruby Sunday...?
Abandoment is clearly a central issue running throughout Season 14: Space Babies gets the ball rolling with abandoned babies, you'd think The Devils Chord gives it a skip, but actually re-run Maestro's back story: it's an orphan: "I should thank you, Doctor" it conversationally begins and ends in a roared: "Daddy was so baaaaaaad to me!"
But of course, this theame of orphans really starts taking on a life of its own in "The Giggle" - when Logie Baird's assistant fixes on Stooky Bill to fit his needs, the Toy Maker immediately points out how he'll leave the family all alone: "Poor Stooky Sue," The Toy Maker mocks in his cod german accent. "And ze poor Stooky Babbies. You would leaven them without papa...?"
And, colour me pink - Season 14 starts off proper with exactly this: babies, abandoned in space.
The Wild Blue Yonder - and abandoned space craft, its equine pilot prefering the release of vacumn than what remains inside.
Boom - Soldiers fighting a war against an enemy that doesn't exist, adandoned by the corporation they fight for, abandoned by the medical AI that should help them but which instead only acts to reduce costs: John Francis Vater's daughter left an orphan - still watched over by a hologram of her father but yet, still left alone....
I could go on but I think at this point its pretty clear, adandonment is both a recurrant and concurrant theme: the horible kids of Finetime dumped by their parants in an exclusive, whites only finishing school.
It the same beat, different out come - that and the recurrant theme of AI turning against people.
First in Space Bables, then Boom and right up to date with Dot and Bubble - not just any AI - the same AI....
Just one more episode to go before a two-part finale.
Dot and Bubble - like I say. In the hands of a lesser writer this would have been a self-rightous cudgel worthy of Chris Chibnal: but it's actually much smarter than that. It isn't the ham-fisted social comentary it appears to be - not everyone in Lindy's circle are vapid and worthless like she is - some are actually intelligent and socially aware enough to want to warn other people: Lindy is perfectly well aware of her failings, her sin is she doesn't see them as reason to change, rather, throw under the bus anyone who shows her up for what she actually is: a vain, self centered non-entity.
Very pleased with Davises writing this season: it has a depth and subtlety that's been badly missed these past few years and a maturity - as well as budget - to actually realise some damn fine bits of story telling.
Obviously Dot and Bubble isn't without its head-scratchers: it demonstrates the AI operated Dots of the story can accelerate to balistic speed - as poor Ricky September discovers to his cost - so why is the AI killing these vapid arseholes off with pre-programed slugs when it can just dot them straight through the face, a la Ricky...
Why...? Because its funnier and more horrible. And thats just one of the reasons I love RT right now.
God, I have missed Doctor Who these past few years.
I'm not going to pick this episode apart bit-by-bit, it defeats the object of the excersise: here Davies is reconecting us with the central themes to this season: the dependance on AI, abadonment and, of course - blind hatred.
Why was it, when that boat steamed its way outside the tunel and we see that last look of stupid defiance on that Lindy-girls face: why did my mind turn instantly to Thals...?
It's got nothing to do with anything, but thats where my mind went: and who else in Doctor Who represent the ultimate rascists....?
Only three more episodes left - kind of bumed a bit about that, I am actually enjoying this season and interested to see where it goes.
submitted by G-M-Dark to Doctorwhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:53 Potential-Lack-5185 Does the Bridgerton world feel unrealized and clunkily created to anyone else? World Building needs work for a more rich and exciting universe.

EDIT: Been reading reading all the comment and replies. .I don't want this post to be interpreted as a white people bad brown people good thing. .but just open up a discussion open for all whatever your skin color etc on how the world could be better fleshed out's not so much me saying it's some white people conspiracy to not get the brown black people culture correct or at all..I'm saying good well fleshed out worlds for all ethnicities would just simply make the world richer and more exciting from a storytelling standpoint and pep up this otherwise by the numbers regency romance show.
I really want to get into the show cuz I feel like Shonda Rhimes' staunch sticking to diversity stand is really changing things..everywhere not just in the US and I want her shows to do well to keep getting extended and for her to keep creating this inclusive beautiful worlds. I've had so many of my own internalized ideas of beauty etc tested and transformed just by the power of her work and the chemistry of the casts on her shows.
Her work makes a difference. But bridgerton just doesn't do a good job in world has a very airy not tethered quality to it. I'm always surprised by how many fans the show has as evidenced by the sub. But I was wondering, what can the show do to get better.
Like I feel like surely the showrunner keeps some tabs on critiques maybe not. But worth tossing around some thoughts on what the show could do for future seasons to create a better more exciting show
The way the show includes diversity in their version of regency england is so clunkily done- from the names of South Asian characters sharmas and Malhotra which are such modern Indian's like the bridgertons being called the jones -es or the featheringons being the Millers or brown-s or Johnson-s. Especially since the show also muddles the origins of the sharmas their surname says North India, but they call their dad appa which is a term for father from the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu-the same place incidentally Simone ashleys parents originate from.
Even the wedding rituals are not region specific. I hate the way they've dealt with diversity in the show..not because the period reimagining is bad in and of itself- it's actually kind of genius but because its not been done with any care or research or real eye for clear world building and therefore feels shoe horned in.
I'd like to understand how for example for the danburys and Charlotte their entry into the world was an experiment that sort of integration of society but then these Indian sharmas are kind of normal on par with other English nobles. Was the experiment limited to people of African origin or did it cover all colonized and enslaved populations. What is this world period. There are some whispers and ideas but nothing clear in the vision.
what was South Asia in that time a colony a free state what were these people considered...were Indian nobles on par with English nobels..whats the dealio with the the black origin nobles in bridgerton. Why was integrating them an experiment as in queen Charlotte. What was this dam experiment that is alluded to period. Was it slaves to non slaves was it just these people were not on par with white counterparts but not exactly enslaved.
Anyway holding out hope to see more kate and Anthony and maybe a real introduction of kates culture not some token emblems in her clothes and such which really looks watered down and strange. If societies were diffrent then and not the colonial world that was most of Asia and Africa, why would kate completely absorb the clothing style of her husband's country...why is she wearing these period gowns in season 2, why not a sari. Likes it's all so confusing. The premises of the show when it first released felt so audacious and daring and brave and poigannr to me a world where colonialism didn't happen where the world respects the culture the clothing the traditions the food of all the world equally..there's no weird eugenics ideas of racial superiority..cuz the world was like that a time..but they don't do much to show that
Does anyone else feel the same way .that the Bridgerton universe feels incoherent and either they should never have made an attempt to explain it or if they did since they did.. really clarified how it works.
There's a laziness and lack of care to everything in bridgerton which is so diffrent from Shonda Rhimes' earlier shows none of which were like super researched prestige dramas but where there always WAS a clarity to the vision which is definitely lacking in bridgerton and in the other Netflix show queen Charlotte and inventing Anna too under her production house too.
The costume designers and set designers of bedugerton talk about giving hints of kates culture in the decor of the study and in her clothes in the show and discussions that took place with showrunner about how much wass too much. And I ask why was anything too much if this is an integrated universe and not real regency england where the ideas of culture and superior inferior culture colonisim impacts don't exist. They say they tried to show hints of Kate culture in the wedding jewellery in season 2 the bangles but why hints ..if this version of bridgerton was set in a non colonial integrated world why did kate sharma wear a western wedding dress what's the whole vibe why did her mother who's spent countless years with her and her sister in India-her sister especially never having lived in England wear a western wedding dress. Why were there no guests wearing a saree. The world is just bizarre and not well thought out. Either they should have made an all white show which ii wouldnt have minded but when they decided to flip the script so to speak and make a very diffrent regency and sprinkled ethnic names allusions of ethnic culture and even went so far to say that actually there was a time before things were differenr why does the show feel so western slanted still with the only diversity being the casting.
Honestly I don't mind not including real cultural aspects but bridgerton's world doesn't seem fully realised and I feel like them taking the stance of integration is working against them cuz then they didn't fully explore it like went all in. I hope the writers push themselves..even a fluffy romance show can have some care put into setting up it's world especially if it's a spin on or a flip on real england in regency.
Make these people of Asian descent have Asian surnames, real Asian surnames from the time of regency same for South Asians and African origin characters show diffrent clothing not spins on regency with touches of individual cultures South Asian or east Asian..go all in..otherwise the inclusive and diversity is just pointless. Otherwise the world feels as white slanted and western slanted as ever with the token tag of being a diverse world. It's so not. and the inconsistences feel especially bizarre if you look a little closely and because unlike Shonda Rhimes' other shows the pacing and writing isn't as good, the narrative and world building inconsistences stand out even more or at least it does to me as a poc maybe not a universal feeling..for example the two filippinko characters introduced this year on the show one a featherington husband have English names like basilio and barnell. A world in which some people have traditional albeit not period correct names like Malhotra and sharma for the South Asians but English names for Filippo and African origin actors is just so completely odd.
I think the show is daring ...I have seen diverse casting for other shows set in a period time or flipped casting like Gemma chan playing a regency lady, Jodi Turner Smith playing Anne boleyn but in both cases the world was the same just the casting flipped but this show attempts something more interesting..a world where India Africa, East asia etc existed but existed as equals with the western world..and travel happened.
submitted by Potential-Lack-5185 to BridgertonRants [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:12 ranassilks Rajputi Poshak: A Regal Legacy of Elegance and Tradition

Rajputi Poshak: A Regal Legacy of Elegance and Tradition
Rajputi Poshak, the traditional attire of the Rajput community of Rajasthan, India, is a symbol of the region's rich cultural heritage and royal legacy. This exquisite ensemble, known for its intricate craftsmanship and vibrant colors, reflects the valor, grace, and nobility of the Rajput people. This article delves into the origins, components, craftsmanship, and contemporary relevance of Rajputi Poshak, highlighting its significance in both historical and modern contexts.

Origins and Historical Significance
The origins of Rajputi Poshak can be traced back to the royal courts of Rajasthan, where the Rajputana queens and princesses adorned themselves in these magnificent garments. Rajasthan, known for its majestic forts and palaces, has a history steeped in valor and chivalry. The Rajputs, a warrior clan, played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of this region. Their attire, therefore, is not just a piece of clothing but a representation of their storied past and esteemed heritage.
Rajputi Poshak emerged during the medieval period, influenced by the Mughal and Persian styles that permeated the Indian subcontinent. Over the centuries, it evolved to incorporate local aesthetics and traditional techniques, resulting in the unique and distinguished style we see today. The Rajput queens, in particular, were known for their impeccable taste in clothing, which was often a blend of opulence and elegance, designed to reflect their royal stature and refined sensibilities.

Components of Rajputi Poshak

Rajputi Poshak typically comprises four main components: the Poshak (or Lehenga), the Kurti, the Kanchli, and the Odhni. Each piece is meticulously crafted, often involving a variety of fabrics, embroidery techniques, and embellishments.
Poshak (Lehenga):
The Poshak or Lehenga is a long, flowing skirt that forms the centerpiece of the ensemble. Traditionally, it is made from luxurious fabrics like silk, satin, or brocade, adorned with intricate embroidery, gota patti work, and sometimes precious stones. The lehenga is designed to create a grand and graceful silhouette, embodying the royal essence of Rajputi attire.
The Kurti is a short blouse worn beneath the Kanchli. It is usually made from fine fabrics and features elaborate embroidery. The Kurti complements the Lehenga and adds an additional layer of elegance to the outfit.
The Kanchli, or Kanachali, is a sleeveless, fitted top worn over the Kurti. It is often richly embellished with intricate designs and serves to accentuate the waist and upper body. The Kanchli is an essential part of the Rajputi Poshak, adding both structure and ornamentation to the attire.
The Odhni, also known as the Dupatta, is a long veil or scarf that completes the Rajputi Poshak. It is usually draped over the head and shoulders, signifying modesty and grace. The Odhni is often the most elaborately decorated part of the ensemble, featuring heavy embroidery, mirror work, and intricate borders. It is also symbolic of the Rajput women's cultural identity and traditional values.
Craftsmanship and Embellishments
The making of a Rajputi Poshak is an art form that requires exceptional skill and craftsmanship. Artisans in Rajasthan, particularly in cities like Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Udaipur, have mastered the techniques of creating these splendid garments. The process involves several stages, from fabric selection and dyeing to embroidery and final stitching.
Fabric Selection:
The choice of fabric is crucial in the creation of Rajputi Poshak. Traditional fabrics like silk, satin, and brocade are favored for their sheen and texture. In recent times, lighter fabrics like georgette and chiffon have also gained popularity due to their comfort and flow.
Rajasthan is renowned for its vibrant colors, and the dyeing process plays a significant role in achieving the vivid hues of Rajputi Poshak. Natural dyes derived from plants, minerals, and other organic sources are often used, creating rich and lasting colors.
Embroidery is perhaps the most defining feature of Rajputi Poshak. Techniques like Zari (metallic thread embroidery), Gota Patti (applique work with gold and silver ribbons), Zardozi (embroidery with gold and silver threads), and Mirror Work are commonly employed. These techniques require precision and creativity, transforming simple fabrics into works of art.
In addition to embroidery, various embellishments such as sequins, beads, pearls, and stones are used to enhance the beauty of Rajputi Poshak. These decorations add a touch of opulence and sophistication, making each piece unique and exquisite.

Cultural and Social Significance

Rajputi Poshak is more than just a traditional outfit; it is a cultural symbol that embodies the values, beliefs, and social norms of the Rajput community. Wearing Rajputi Poshak is a matter of pride and honor, particularly for women, who don this attire during festivals, weddings, and other significant occasions.
Rajputi Poshak is an essential part of a Rajput bride's trousseau. The bridal Poshak is often customized with the most luxurious fabrics and elaborate embroidery to reflect the grandeur of the occasion. It is believed that the Poshak enhances the bride's beauty and grace, making her look like royalty on her special day.
Festivals like Teej, Gangaur, and Diwali see women dressed in their finest Rajputi Poshaks. These occasions provide an opportunity to showcase the traditional attire and celebrate the cultural heritage of Rajasthan. The vibrant colors and intricate designs of the Poshak add to the festive spirit, creating a visual spectacle of tradition and beauty.
Cultural Identity:
For the Rajput community, wearing Rajputani Poshak is a way of preserving and promoting their cultural identity. It serves as a reminder of their rich history and royal lineage, fostering a sense of pride and belonging. Even in contemporary times, Rajputi Poshak remains a symbol of tradition and continuity, bridging the past and the present.

Contemporary Relevance and Fashion

While rooted in tradition, Rajputi Poshak has also found its place in modern fashion. Designers and fashion enthusiasts have embraced this traditional attire, reinterpreting it to suit contemporary tastes while preserving its essence.
Modern Interpretations:
Modern designers have experimented with the traditional Rajputi Poshak, introducing new cuts, fabrics, and styles. They have managed to retain the regal charm of the attire while making it more accessible and versatile. For instance, lighter fabrics like georgette and chiffon are used to create Poshaks that are easier to wear and manage, without compromising on the elegance and grandeur.
Fusion Fashion:
The fusion of traditional Rajputi elements with modern fashion trends has led to the creation of unique and innovative outfits. Designers often incorporate Rajputi embroidery and embellishments into contemporary silhouettes, such as gowns, sarees, and even western dresses. This fusion fashion appeals to a broader audience, allowing people from different backgrounds to appreciate and adopt Rajputi aesthetics.
Celebrity Endorsement:
Bollywood and Indian television have played a significant role in popularizing Rajputi Poshak. Actresses and celebrities donning these traditional attires in movies, TV shows, and public appearances have brought them into the limelight. Their endorsement has contributed to the growing popularity of Rajputi Poshak, both within India and internationally.
Global Appeal:
The global fashion industry has taken notice of the unique and intricate designs of Rajputi Poshak. International fashion shows and exhibitions often feature these traditional garments, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan to a worldwide audience. The craftsmanship and artistry of Rajputi Poshak are appreciated globally, making it a coveted piece for fashion connoisseurs.
Rajputi Poshak is a testament to the rich cultural heritage and artistic excellence of Rajasthan. This traditional attire, with its intricate designs and regal charm, continues to captivate people across generations. Whether worn during grand weddings, festive celebrations, or as a fashion statement in contemporary settings, Rajputi Poshak remains an enduring symbol of elegance, tradition, and royal legacy.
The journey of Rajputi Poshak from the royal courts of Rajasthan to the global fashion stage highlights its timeless appeal and cultural significance. As we celebrate this exquisite attire, we also honor the artisans and craftsmen who keep this tradition alive, ensuring that the legacy of Rajputi Poshak endures for future generations.
For more info:- leheriya sarees
submitted by ranassilks to u/ranassilks [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:29 Competitive_Order122 Best Cloth Shop in jaipur

Title: Discovering the Essence of Style: The Best Cloth Shops in Jaipur
In the vibrant city of Jaipur, where tradition meets modernity, the allure of fashion is omnipresent. Known for its rich cultural heritage, majestic forts, and bustling markets, Jaipur is also a paradise for those seeking exquisite fabrics and timeless attire. From the intricate handcrafted textiles to contemporary designs, the city offers a plethora of options for fashion enthusiasts. Among the myriad of cloth shops that adorn the streets of Jaipur, some stand out for their exceptional quality, diverse collections, and impeccable service. Let's embark on a journey to explore the best cloth shops in Jaipur, where every piece tells a story of craftsmanship and elegance.
  1. **Anokhi:** Nestled in the heart of Jaipur, Anokhi is a name synonymous with grace and sophistication. Renowned for its block-printed fabrics and contemporary designs, this boutique showcases a stunning array of clothing, from vibrant kurtas to flowing skirts and elegant sarees. Each piece at Anokhi reflects the brand's commitment to preserving traditional Indian techniques while infusing them with a modern flair. With its charming ambiance and ethically sourced materials, Anokhi offers an immersive shopping experience that celebrates the rich textile heritage of Jaipur.
  2. **Ratan Textiles:** For those in search of timeless elegance and impeccable craftsmanship, Ratan Textiles is a must-visit destination. Situated in the bustling markets of Jaipur, this family-owned establishment has been a beacon of quality and authenticity for decades. From luxurious silk sarees to intricately embroidered lehengas, Ratan Textiles caters to every sartorial need with its exquisite collection. With personalized service and attention to detail, the store ensures that every customer finds the perfect ensemble that resonates with their style and personality.
  3. **Saurashtra Impex:** Step into the world of opulence and grandeur at Saurashtra Impex, where tradition meets contemporary fashion with effortless grace. Located in the historic lanes of Jaipur, this boutique showcases a curated selection of handwoven textiles and artisanal creations. From majestic Bandhani sarees to intricately embellished bridal wear, Saurashtra Impex exudes elegance and sophistication in every stitch. With its emphasis on quality craftsmanship and exquisite design, the store offers a luxurious shopping experience that leaves a lasting impression.
  4. **Narayan Niwas Palace Boutique:** Experience the regal charm of Rajasthan at Narayan Niwas Palace Boutique, an epitome of luxury and refinement. Housed within a majestic heritage property, this boutique exudes old-world charm and sophistication. From ornate handcrafted lehengas to embellished bridal ensembles, the store offers a mesmerizing collection that pays homage to Jaipur's rich cultural heritage. With its royal ambiance and impeccable service, Narayan Niwas Palace Boutique promises a shopping experience fit for royalty.
  5. **The Gem Palace:** Embark on a journey of exquisite craftsmanship and timeless beauty at The Gem Palace, a treasure trove of luxury and elegance. Founded in the 18th century, this iconic establishment is renowned for its exquisite jewelry and opulent textiles. From intricately embroidered fabrics to lavish bridal wear, The Gem Palace offers a curated selection of couture creations that epitomize luxury and grandeur. With its legacy of craftsmanship spanning generations, the store is a testament to Jaipur's enduring allure as a hub of artistry and refinement.
In conclusion, Jaipur's cloth shops are not just places to shop; they are embodiments of the city's rich cultural heritage and artistic legacy. Whether you seek traditional craftsmanship or contemporary designs, these boutiques offer a diverse range of options to cater to every taste and preference. So, the next time you find yourself in the Pink City, immerse yourself in its vibrant tapestry of colors and textures by exploring these best cloth shops that truly encapsulate the essence of style and elegance.
submitted by Competitive_Order122 to u/Competitive_Order122 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:17 partypastor Unreached People Group of the Week - Malay people of Malaysia
Welcome back to the reformed UPG of the Week!
Gonna leave this here because reddit is still a massive pain these days and it is getting worse to do all this
I wanted to update a few posts every now and then and the Malay one is 5 years old now, so meet the Malay people in Malaysia!

Region: Malaysia

Stratus Index Ranking (Urgency): 91
It has been noted to me by u/JCmathetes that I should explain this ranking. Low numbers are more urgent, both physically and spiritually together, while high numbers are less urgent. The scale is 1-177, with one number assigned to each country. So basically on a scale from Afghanistan (1) to Finland (177), how urgent are the peoples physical and spiritual needs.
Kuala Lumpur
Sabah, Malaysia
Climate: The local climate is equatorial and characterised by the annual southwest (April to October) and northeast (October to February) monsoons. The temperature is moderated by the presence of the surrounding oceans. Humidity is usually high, and the average annual rainfall is 250 cm (98 in). The climates of the Peninsula and the East differ, as the climate on the peninsula is directly affected by wind from the mainland, as opposed to the more maritime weather of the East. Local climates can be divided into three regions, highland, lowland, and coastal.
Crocker Mountains in Malaysia
Terrain: Much of Malaysia is coast or rainforest. Its land borders are defined in large part by geological features such as the Perlis River, the Golok River and the Pagalayan Canal, whilst some of the maritime boundaries are the subject of ongoing contention. The two parts of Malaysia, separated from each other by the South China Sea, share a largely similar landscape in that both Peninsular and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to hills and mountains. Peninsular Malaysia, containing 40 per cent of Malaysia's land area, extends 740 km (460 mi) from north to south, and its maximum width is 322 km (200 mi). It is divided between its east and west coasts by the Titiwangsa Mountains, rising to a peak elevation of 2,183 metres (7,162 ft) at Mount Korbu, part of a series of mountain ranges running down the centre of the peninsula. These mountains are heavily forested, and mainly composed of granite and other igneous rocks. Much of it has been eroded, creating a karst landscape. The range is the origin of some of Peninsular Malaysia's river systems. The coastal plains surrounding the peninsula reach a maximum width of 50 kilometres (31 mi), and the peninsula's coastline is nearly 1,931 km (1,200 mi) long, although harbours are only available on the western side. East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo, has a coastline of 2,607 km (1,620 mi). It is divided between coastal regions, hills and valleys, and a mountainous interior. The Crocker Range extends northwards from Sarawak, dividing the state of Sabah. It is the location of the 4,095 m (13,435 ft) high Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in Malaysia. Mount Kinabalu is located in the Kinabalu National Park, which is protected as one of the four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Malaysia. The highest mountain ranges form the border between Malaysia and Indonesia. Sarawak contains the Mulu Caves, the largest cave system in the world, in the Gunung Mulu National Park which is also a World Heritage Site. The largest river in Malaysia is the Rajang. Around these two halves of Malaysia are numerous islands, the largest of which is Banggi.
Mogotes dot along the western edge of the range in Kinta District, Perak.
Wildlife of Malaysia: The wildlife of Malaysia is diverse, with Malaysia being a megadiverse country. Most of the country is covered in rainforest, which hosts a huge diversity of plant and animal species. There are approximately 361 mammal species, 694 bird species, 250 reptile species, and 150 frog species found in Malaysia. Its large marine territory also holds a great diversity of life, with the country's coastal waters comprising part of the Coral Triangle. Peninsular Malaysia holds four big cats: the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Indochinese leopard and also the clouded leopard. Another major predator is the sunbear. Large prey exists, such as the Sumatran rhinoceros, the Malayan tapir, mouse deer, barking deer, sambar deer, wild boar, and Bornean bearded pigs. Gaurs and Asian elephants can also be found. Lowland animals such as these also can be found at higher altitudes, along with animals specialised for mountain living, such as siamang gibbons, red squirrels, and lesser moon rat species. East Malaysia lacks the tigers of the Peninsula, leaving Sunda clouded leopards, sunbears, and Sunda otter civet as the primary predators. Borneo elephants are also found there, along with Bornean orangutans, Mueller's gibbons, macaques, proboscis monkeys, silvered leaf monkeys, langurs, and slow lorises. Marbled cats and leopard cats are smaller predators. Kinabalu ferret-badgers, Kinabalu black shrews, Hose's palm civets, and Brooke's tree squirrels are endemic to the mountains of Borneo. Other small mammals include mongooses and giant rats. 11,300 orangutans are found in East Malaysia. Other ape species include the white-handed gibbon and the siamang. Malaysia has 10 monkey species, divided between langurs and macaques. Proboscis monkeys, the world's largest monkey, are a langur species endemic to Borneo. Macaque species include the crab-eating macaque and the pig-tailed macaque. The Malayan tiger, a close relative of the Indochinese tiger, is endemic to the Malay peninsula with a remaining population of about 300 (250-340). Small cats such as the bay cat and various civet cats are also found. 1200 Asian elephants exist on the Peninsula, with another population existing in East Malaysia. The world's largest cattle species, the seladang, is found in Malaysia. Fruit bats are also found throughout the country, with a high concentration in the Mulu Caves. There are also the Malayan pit viper, king cobras, Dumeril's monitors, Malay water monitors, and estuarine crocodiles. The king cobra is the deadliest snake found, but it is rarely encountered. The reticulated python is said to grow up to 10 metres (33 ft) in length. Monitor lizards, almost 2 metres (7 ft) in length, are found in both halves of the country. They also have a ton of birds.
If it isn't obvious from this list, there are SO many monkeys in Malaysia :(
Indochinese leopard
Environmental Issues: The national statistics showed that the state of some of the Malaysian environment is rather stressful. Urban air quality, river water quality, deforestation, costal reclamation, and endangered species are just a few of the issues in Malaysia.
Languages: Malaysia contains speakers of 137 living languages, 41 of which are found in Peninsula Malaysia.
Malay, Baba Malay, Batek, Chitty Malay, Cheq Wong, Duano’, Jah Hut, Jahai, Jakun, Jedek, Kedah Malay, Kelantan-Pattani Malay, Kenaboi, Kensiu, Kintaq, Kristang, Lanoh, Mah Meri, Minriq, Mintil, Mos, Negeri Sembilan Malay, Orang Kanaq, Orang Seletar, Pahang Malay, Perak Malay, Ple-Temer, Rawa Malay, Sabüm, Semai, Semaq Beri, Semelai, Semnam, Southern Thai, Temiar, Temoq, Temuan, Terengganu Malay, Wila', Abai, Bahau, Bajaw, Belait, Berawan, Biatah, Bintulu, Bonggi, Bookan, Bruneian/Kedayan Malay, Brunei Bisaya, Bukar Sadong, Bukitan, Coastal Kadazan, Cocos Malay, Daro-Matu, Dumpas, Dusun, Eastern Kadazan, Gana’, Iban, Ida'an, Iranun, Jagoi, Jangkang, Kajaman, Kalabakan, Kanowit, Kayan, Kelabit, Kendayan, Keningau Murut, Kinabatangan, Kiput, Klias River Kadazan, Kota Marudu Talantang, Kuijau, Lahanan, Lelak, Lengilu, Lotud, Lun Bawang (Lundayeh), Mainstream Kenyah, Maranao, Melanau, Molbog, Momogun, Murik Kayan, Narom, Nonukan Tidong, Okolod, Paluan, Papar, Punan Batu, Remun, Sa'ban, Sabah Bisaya, Sabah Malay, Sama, Sarawak Malay, Sebop, Sebuyau, Sekapan, Selungai Murut, Sembakung, Seru, Serudung, Sian, Suluk, Sungai, Tagol, Timugon, Tombonuwo, Tring, Tringgus, Tutoh, Ukit, Uma’ Lasan, English, Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Hainanese, Hakka, Hokchew, Hokkien, Indonesian, Malayalam, Mandarin Chinese, Punjabi, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu. The Malay speak Malay
Government Type: Federal parliamentary elective constitutional monarchy

People: Malay in Malaysia

Malaysian woman
Population: 14,098,000
Estimated Foreign Workers Needed: 282+
Beliefs: The Malay are 0.1% Christian. That means out of their population of 14,098,000, there are roughly 14,098 believers. Thats about 1 believer for every 1000 unbeliever.
Islam was brought to Malaysia by Arabic and Indian traders many centuries ago, and the Malay people have come to embrace and ardently follow the Islamic faith. All Malay people are considered Islamic though levels of devotion to the religion are varied. Even those who half-heartedly follow Islam participate in the fasting month, and the Malay people of affluence will go on the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once if not many times during their lifetime.
The Malay have early roots in Hinduism and traces of this can still be seen in certain aspects of their culture such as weddings. For instance, the bride and groom will paint their hands with henna and will sit upon a platform for hours for the guests to admire.
Another divergence from Islam is the use of a bomoh (witchdoctor). Although Islam forbids the use of such a person, many Malay of Peninsular Malaysia will seek the services of a bomoh when they are experiencing a difficult situation or when they need some "magic." Also, they use bomohs for honorable or ignoble purposes. Furthermore, they consult bomohs in order to receive a blessing or a cure; or, on the other hand, in order to curse someone or get revenge.
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque in Malaysia
History: There is no definite evidence which dates the first Indian voyages across the Bay of Bengal but conservative estimates place the earliest arrivals on Malay shores at least 2,000 years ago. The discovery of jetty remains, iron smelting sites, and a clay brick monument dating back to 110 CE in the Bujang Valley, shows that a maritime trading route with South Indian Tamil kingdoms was already established since the second century.
The growth of trade with India brought coastal people in much of maritime Southeast Asia into contact with the major religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Throughout this area a most profound in influence has been exerted by India which seems to have introduced into it architecture, sculpture, writing, monarchy, religion, iron, cotton and a host of elements of higher culture. Indian religions, cultural traditions and Sanskrit began to spread across the land. Hindu temples were built in the Indian style, local kings began referring to themselves as "raja" and more desirable aspects of Indian government were adopted
The beginning of the Common Era saw the rise of Malay states in the coastal areas of the Sumatra and Malay Peninsula; Srivijaya, Nakhon Si Thammarat Kingdom, Gangga Negara, Langkasuka, Kedah, Pahang, the Melayu Kingdom and Chi Tu. Between the 7th and 13th centuries, many of these small, often prosperous peninsula and Sumatran maritime trading states, became part of the mandala of Srivijaya, a great confederation of city-states centred in Sumatra. Early during this period, the earliest known mention of the word "Malayu" was used in Chinese sources in 644 CE. Later in the mid-14th century, the word Malay was already recognized as a collective people sharing similar heritage, customs and language.
Srivijaya's influence spread over all the coastal areas of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, western Java and western Borneo, as well as the rest of the Malay Archipelago. Enjoying both Indian and Chinese patronage, its wealth was gained mostly through trade. At its height, the Old Malay language was used as its official language and became the lingua franca of the region, replacing Sanskrit, the language of Hinduism. The Srivijayan era is considered the golden age of Malay culture.
The glory of Srivijaya however began to wane after the series of raids by the Tamil Chola dynasty in the 11th century. After the fall of Srivijaya in 1025 CE, the Malayu kingdom of Jambi, Sumatra, became the most dominant Malay state of the region. By the end of the 13th century, the remnants of the Malay empire in Sumatra was finally destroyed by the Javanese invaders during the Pamalayu expedition (Pamalayu means "war against the Malays").
In 1299, through the support of the loyal servants of the empire, the Orang laut, a Malay prince of Palembang origin, Sang Nila Utama established the Kingdom of Singapura in Temasek. His dynasty ruled the island kingdom until the end of the 14th century, when the Malay polity once again faced the wrath of Javanese invaders. In 1400, his great-great-grandson, Parameswara, headed north and established the Malacca Sultanate. The new kingdom succeeded Srivijaya and inherited much of the royal and cultural traditions, including a large part of the territories of its predecessor.
In the north of the peninsula, the power vacuum left by the collapse of Srivijaya was filled by the growth of the kingdom of Tambralinga in the 12th century. Between the 13th to early 14th century, the kingdom succeeded to incorporate most of the Malay Peninsula under its mandala. The campaign led by Chandrabhanu Sridhamaraja (1230–1263) managed to capture Jaffna kingdom in Sri Lanka between 1247 and 1258. He was eventually defeated by the forces of the Pandyan dynasty from Tamil Nadu in 1263 and was killed by the brother of Emperor Sadayavarman Sundara Pandyan I. The invasion marked an unrivaled feature in the history of Southeast Asia, it was the only time there was an armed maritime expedition beyond the borders of the region.
The cultivation of Malay polity system also diffused beyond the proper Sumatran-Peninsular border during this era. The age avowed by exploration and migration of the Malays to establish kingdoms beyond the traditional Srivijayan realm. Several exemplification are the enthronement of a Tambralingan prince to reign the Lavo Kingdom in present-day Central Thailand, the foundation of Rajahnate of Cebu in the Visayas and the establishment of the Tanjungpura Kingdom in what is now West Kalimantan, Borneo. The expansion is also eminent as it shaped the ethnogenesis development of the related Acehnese and Banjar people and further spreading the Indian-influenced Malay ethos within the regional sphere.
The period of the 12th and 15th centuries saw the arrival of Islam and the rise of the great port-city of Malacca on the southwestern coast of the Malay Peninsula — two major developments that altered the course of Malay history.
The Islamic faith arrived on the shores of what are now the states of Kedah, Perak, Kelantan and Terengganu, from around the 12th century. The earliest archaeological evidence of Islam from the Malay Peninsula is the Terengganu Inscription Stone dating from the 14th century found in Terengganu state, Malaysia.
By the 15th century, the Malacca Sultanate, whose hegemony reached over much of the western Malay Archipelago, had become the centre of Islamisation in the east. As a Malaccan state religion, Islam brought many great transformation into the Malaccan society and culture, and It became the primary instrument in the evolution of a common Malay identity. The Malaccan era witnessed the close association of Islam with Malay society and how it developed into a definitive marker of Malay identity. Over time, this common Malay cultural idiom came to characterise much of the Malay Archipelago through the Malayisation process. The expansion of Malaccan influence through trade and Dawah brought with it together the Classical Malay language, the Islamic faith, and the Malay Muslim culture; the three core values of Kemelayuan ("Malayness").
In 1511, the Malaccan capital fell into the hands of Portuguese conquistadors. However, Malacca remained an institutional prototype: a paradigm of statecraft and a point of cultural reference for successor states such as Johor Sultanate (1528–present), Perak Sultanate (1528–present), Pahang Sultanate (1470–present), Siak Sri Indrapura Sultanate (1725–1946), Pelalawan Sultanate (1725–1946) and Riau-Lingga Sultanate (1824–1911).
Across the South China Sea in the 14th century, another Malay realm, the Bruneian Empire was on the rise to become the most powerful polity in Borneo. By the middle of the 15th century, Brunei entered into a close relationship with the Malacca Sultanate. The sultan married a Malaccan princess, adopted Islam as the court religion, and introduced an efficient administration modelled on Malacca. Brunei profited from trade with Malacca but gained even greater prosperity after the great Malay port was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511. It reached its golden age in the mid-16th century when it controlled land as far south as present day Kuching in Sarawak, north towards the Philippine Archipelago. The empire broadened its influence in Luzon by defeating Datu Gambang of the Kingdom of Tondo and by founding a satellite state, Kota Seludong in present-day Manila, setting up the Muslim Rajah, Rajah Sulaiman I as a vassal to the Sultanate of Brunei. Brunei also expanded its influence in Mindanao, Philippines when Sultan Bolkiah married Leila Macanai, the daughter of the Sultan of Sulu. However, states like the kingdom of Pangasinan, Rajahnate of Cebu and Kedatuan of Madja-as tried to resist Brunei's and Islam's spread into the Philippines. Brunei's fairly loose river based governmental presence in Borneo projected the process of Malayisation. Fine Malay Muslim cultures, including the language, dress and single-family dwelling were introduced to the natives primarily from ethnic Dayaks, drawing them into the Sultanate. Dayak chiefs were incorporated into the Malay hierarchy, being given the official titles of Datuk, Temenggong and Orang Kaya. In West Borneo, the development of such sultanates of Sarawak, Sambas, Sukadana and Landak tells a similar tale of recruitment among Dayak people.
Other significant Malay sultanates were the Kedah Sultanate (1136–present), Kelantan Sultanate (1411–present), Patani Sultanate (1516–1771), Reman Kingdom (1785–1909) and Legeh Kingdom (1755–1902) that dominated the northern part of the Malay Peninsula. Jambi Sultanate (1460–1907), Palembang Sultanate (1550–1823) and Indragiri Sultanate (1298–1945) controlled much of the southeastern shores of Sumatra. Deli Sultanate (1632–1946), Serdang Sultanate (1728–1948), Langkat Sultanate (1568–1948) and Asahan Sultanate (1630–1948) governed eastern Sumatra. While West Borneo observed the rise of Pontianak Sultanate (1771–1950), Mempawah Sultanate (1740–1950) and Matam Sultanate (1590–1948).
Between 1511 and 1984, numerous Malay kingdoms and sultanates fell under direct colonisation or became the protectorates of different foreign powers, from European colonial powers like Portuguese, Dutch and British, to regional powers like Aceh, Siam and Japan. In 1511, the Portuguese Empire captured the capital city of the Malacca Sultanate. The victorious Portuguese however, were unable to extend their political influence beyond the fort of Malacca. The Sultan maintained his overlordship on the lands outside Malacca and established the Johor Sultanate in 1528 to succeed Malacca. Portuguese Malacca faced several unsuccessful retaliation attacks by Johor until 1614, when the combined forces of Johor and the Dutch Empire, ousted the Portuguese from the peninsula. As per agreement with Johor in 1606, the Dutch later took control of Malacca.
Historically, Malay states of the peninsula had hostile relations with the Siamese. The Malacca Sultanate Itself fought two wars with the Siamese while the northern Malay states came intermittently under Siamese dominance for centuries. In 1771, the Kingdom of Siam under the new Chakri dynasty abolished the Patani Sultanate and later annexed a large part of Kedah Sultanate. Earlier, the Siamese under Ayutthaya Kingdom have had already absorbed Tambralinga and overrun the Singgora Sultanate in the 17th century. Between 1808 and 1813, the Siamese imposed a new administrative structure and created the semi-independent Malay kingdoms of Patani, Saiburi, Nongchik, Yaring, Yala, Reman and Rangae from Greater Patani and similarly obtained Rundung, Kupa, Tongkah, Terang while carving Setul, Langu, Perlis, Kubang Pasu from the Kedah Kingdom in 1839. In 1902, the Siamese stripped the political powers of all the 7 kingdoms of Patani following a planned revolt for independence against the central government. The coup de grâce was cultivated by 1906, when the Siamese redraw the border of the Patani territories and installed a new governance and administrative system.
In 1786, the island of Penang was leased to East India Company by Kedah Sultanate in exchange of military assistance against the Siamese. In 1819, the company also acquired Singapore from Johor Empire, later in 1824, Dutch Malacca from the Dutch, followed by Dindings from Perak by 1874 and finally Labuan from Brunei in 1886. All these trading posts officially known as Straits Settlements in 1826 and became the crown colony of British Empire in 1867. Additionally, the Straits Settlements would also encompass the Indian Ocean islands of Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands in 1886. British intervention in the affairs of Malay states was formalised in 1895, when Malay rulers accepted British Residents in administration, and the Federated Malay States was formed. In 1909, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis were handed over by Siam to the British. These states along with Johor, later became known as Unfederated Malay States. During the World War II, all these British possessions and protectorates that collectively known as British Malaya were occupied by the Empire of Japan.
The twilight of the vast Bruneian Empire began during the Castille War against the Spanish conquistadors who arrived in the Philippines from Mexico. The war resulted in the end of the empire's dominance in the present-day Philippine Archipelago. The decline further culminated in the 19th century, when the Sultanate lost most of its remaining territories in Borneo to the White Rajahs of Sarawak, North Borneo Chartered Company and its lower Borneo vassals to Dutch East India Company. Brunei was a British protectorate from 1888 to 1984.
Following the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 which divided the Malay Archipelago into a British zone in the north and a Dutch zone in the south, all Malay sultanates in Sumatra and Southern Borneo became part of the Dutch East Indies. Though some of Malay sultans maintain their power under Dutch control, some were abolished by the Dutch government under the accusation of retaliation against the colonial rule, like the case of Palembang Sultanate in 1823, Jambi Sultanate in 1906 and Riau Sultanate in 1911.
In the late 19th century, Germany was aiming to gain a foothold in the Malay Peninsula. They have made a repeated request to Siam on acquiring Langkawi as a naval base, with a possible expansion to the islands of Butong and Teretak since 1899. The plan was largely derived under the scheme of the German Grand Admiral, Alfred von Tirpitz who envisioned Langkawi as a vital-base for Berlin's worldwide submarine cable network. Langkawi was perceived to be ideal, due to its deep natural harbour and a suitable geographical location, between the German Kiautschou Bay in China and its colonies in the Pacific on one side, and German East Africa on the other. The island is also desired as it can act as a point of assembly and restocking for its warship during the times of war. A foothold in Langkawi would also guaranteed a further commercial interest to German private investors to cater the needs of port, a coaling station and the future naval base.
In October 1899, Behn, Meyer & Co acting on behalf of the German colonial government approached the Rajah Muda (Crown Prince) of Kedah to lease the island for 50 years with the sum of 60,000 dollars, as the sultan was ill and unable to attend the meeting. By November 1899, the "Deutsche Uebersee-Gesellschaft" (German Overseas Association) was formed by the German trading and shipping company in order to provide loan amounting to 1,000,000 marks to the sultanate. Nonetheless, the plan has come to a major halt, as the application was dismissed by the Kingdom of Siam. The dismissal was largely derived from the Secret Siamese Treaty of 1897, that has required the consent of the British in order for Siam to lease its territory. The crown prince of Kedah was later summoned to Bangkok by Prince Damrong and was warned not to release any concession to other foreign powers without the agreement of Siam.
A further bid by German was allegedly occurred in 1900, when Germany was purported to have approached the Sultan of Trang & Palien on the possibility of acquiring Pulau Lontar, an island located north of Langkawi. Although this report was dismissed by Prince Dewawongse of Siam
The prospect of a German annexation of the northern peninsula and the potential of its involvement for a commercial canal or railway network across the Isthmus of Kra, posed a serious threat to the British economic interest and political dominance in the region. Severely alarmed, the British and the Siamese entered the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, partitioning the peninsula between the British and the Siamese jurisdiction.
The Anglo-Siamese Treaty attested that the Siamese to control the upper portion of the peninsular while the lower region was to be held under the British dominance. The British originally planned for the inclusion of Reman, Legeh and Setul under their dominion together with a cluster of northern Malay states. Nonetheless, they only managed to secure Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis under the agreement. The treaty also witnessed the state of Kedah being reduced the most, with Tarutao, Butang islands groups, Sendawa, Langgu and the principality of Setul were all being divorced into the Siamese hands, a similar fate was also followed in northeastern coast of Kelantan that was demanded to renounced their right on the Tabal district, including Sungai Golok and Sungai Padi; while Perlis lost its Pujoh district. Then-British controlled Federated Malay State of Perak however, saw an enlargement of their land area, with southern territories of Reman being transferred into the state and additionally Kelantan received Jeli from Legeh (which had been under Siamese jurisdiction since 1902). The Siamese then abdicated Tunku Baharuddin, the King of Setul, the sole Malay kingdom remained under Siamese territory in 1916. The treaty nonetheless, manage to seal the fate of the Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis to retain a degree of their sovereign powers under the British colonial government, a legacy that can be witnessed today in the Malaysian administrative system.
Later during the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies, British Malaya and Borneo, the Japanese maintained a favourable relationship with the Sultans and other Malay leaders, this is partially composed to foster the trust of the Malay public that was generally loyal towards the sultan. Nonetheless, in a series of massacres known as Pontianak incidents, the Japanese assassinated virtually all of the West Kalimantan Malay sultans, including a large numbers of Malay intelligentsias after they have been falsely accused of planning an uprising and coup d'etat against the Japanese. It was believed that West Kalimantan took two generations to recover from the near-total collapse of the Malay ruling class in the territory.
The earliest and most influential instruments of Malay national awakening were the periodicals which politicised the position of the Malays in the face of colonialism and alien immigration of non-Malays. In spite of repressions imposed by the British colonial government, there were no less than 147 journals and newspapers published in Malaya between 1876 and 1941. Among notable periodicals were Al-Imam (1906), Pengasuh (1920), Majlis (1935) and Utusan Melayu (1939). The rise of Malay nationalism was largely mobilised by three nationalist factions — the radicals distinguishable into the Malay left and the Islamic group which were both opposed to the conservative elites.
The Malay and Malayness has been the fundamental basis for Malay ideology and Malay nationalism in Malaysia. All three Malay nationalist factions believed in the idea of a Bangsa Melayu ('Malay Nation') and the position of Malay language, but disagreed over the role of Islam and Malay rulers. The conservatives supported Malay language, Islam and Malay monarchy as constituting the key pillars of Malayness, but within a secular state that restricted the political role of Islam. The leftists concurred with the secular state but wanted to end feudalism, whereas the Islamic group favoured ending royalty but sought a much larger role of Islam.
Since the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia as a unitary state in 1950, all traditional Malay monarchies in Indonesia were abolished, and the Sultans positions reduced to titular heads or pretenders. The violent demise of the sultanates of Deli, Langkat, Serdang, Asahan and other Malay principalities in East Sumatra during the "Social revolution" of 1946 orchestrated by the Communist Party of Indonesia, drastically influenced their Malayan counterparts and politically motivating them against the PKMM's ideal of Greater Indonesia and the Islamists' vision of Islamic Republic.
In March 1946, UMNO emerged with the full support of the Malay sultans from the Conference of Rulers. The new movement forged a close political link between rulers and subjects never before achieved. It generated an excited Malay public opinion which, together with the surprising political apathy of the non-Malays, led to Britain's abandonment of the radical Malayan Union plan. By July, UMNO succeeded in obtaining an agreement with the British to begin negotiations for a new constitution. Negotiations continued from August to November, between British officials on the one hand, and the Sultans' representatives and UMNO and the other.
Two years later the semi independent Federation of Malaya was born. The new constitutional arrangement largely reverted to the basic pattern of pre-war colonial rule and built on the supremacy of the individual Malay states. Malay rights and privileges were safeguarded. The traditional Malay rulers thus retained their prerogatives, while their English-educated descendants came to occupy positions of authority at the centre, which was being progressively decolonised. In August 1957, the Federation of Malaya, the West's last major dependency in Southeast Asia, attained independence in a peaceful transfer of power. The federation was reconstituted as Malaysia with the addition in 1963 of Singapore (separated in 1965), Sabah and Sarawak.
Federation of Malaya's commemorative stamp issued in 1957. The semi-independent federation was formed in 1948 from nine Malay states and two British Straits Settlements. It achieved independence in 1957.
Culture: Typical qualification that all people groups can't be summed up in small paragraphs and this is an over generalization.
The Malay of Peninusular Malaysia are seen in many levels of society. There are urban Malay who are well educated and hold white collar or government positions, and there are rural Malay who may or may not pursue higher learning and typically occupy jobs such as farming, trading, and fishing. While rural Malay men often wear traditional dress such as a cloth wrap-around skirt, urban Malay men tend to blend into a western setting with their blue jeans, cell phones, and Polo shirts.
While many Malay are now building modern homes, there are still numerous traditional homes within the kampung or village in which Malay people reside. Traditional homes are large in order to have sufficient space for the extended family as custom allows for many generations to reside under one roof. Although the Malay society has undergone a number of social and political changes through education and urbanization, their value orientation is still very much influenced by community. The Malay are a very social people and dependence upon community is considered normal and healthy. Often families will live within close proximity to one another so that help from relatives is easily attained. Kenduri (or party) is a social occasion for an entire community. The Malay women will assist to the hosting home with the cooking and preparations.
Replica of the Malacca Sultanate's Imperial Palace, which was built from information and data obtained from the Malay Annals. This historical document had references to the construction and the architecture of palaces during the era of Sultan Mansur Shah, who ruled from 1458 to 1477.
Cuisine: Different Malay regions are all known for their unique or signature dishes—Pattani, Terengganu and Kelantan for their nasi dagang, nasi kerabu and keropok lekor; Pahang and Perak for its durian-based cuisine, gulai tempoyak; Kedah and Penang for their northern-style asam laksa and rojak; Satun and Perlis for its bunga kuda dessert; Negeri Sembilan for its lemak-based dishes; Malacca for their spicy cincalok; Singapore for their rojak bandung and roti prata; Riau for its ikan patin (Pangasius fish) dishes, gulai ikan patin and asam pedas ikan patin; Riau Islands for their sup ikan; Deli Malays of North Sumatra for their nasi goreng teri medan and gulai ketam; Jambi for its ikan mas panggang and tempoyak; Palembangese Malays of South Sumatra for their pempek, mi celor and nasi minyak; Bangka Belitung for its siput gonggong and terang bulan; West Kalimantan and Sarawak for its bubur pedas and ayam pansuh; Brunei for their nasi katok and unique ambuyat dish; and Cape Malays of South Africa for its bobotie, boeber and koe'sister. The main characteristic in traditional Malay cuisine is undoubtedly the generous use of spices. The coconut milk is also important in giving the Malay dishes their rich, creamy character. The other foundation is belacan (shrimp paste), which is used as a base for sambal, a rich sauce or condiment made from belacan, chillies, onions and garlic. Malay cooking also makes plentiful use of lemongrass and galangal.
Nasi lemak with sotong pedas (spicy squid), sambal chili paste, boiled egg, slices of cucumber, ikan bilis and peanuts served at a restaurant in Penang

Prayer Request:

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for from 2023 (plus a few from 2022 so this one post isn't so lonely). To save some space on these, all UPG posts made 2019-now are here, I will try to keep this current.
People Group Country Continent Date Posted Beliefs
Malay (updated) Malaysia Asia 05/27/2024 Islam
Jewish Peoples USA North America 05/06/2024 Judaism
Jordanian Arab Jordan Asia 04/29/2024 Islam
Bouyei China Asia 04/22/2024 Animism
Arab Libyans Libya Africa 03/25/2024 Islam
Gafsa Amazigh Tunisia Africa 03/18/2024 Islam
Hindi South Africa Africa 03/04/2024 Hinduism
Arabs Iraq Asia 02/26/2024 Islam
Bagirmi Fulani Central African Republic Africa 02/12/2024 Islam
Gujarati Portugal Europe 02/05/2024 Hinduism
Western Cham Cambodia Asia 01/29/2024 Islamc
Yadav India Asia 01/22/2024 Hinduism
Thai (updated) Thailand Asia 12/18/2023 Buddhism
Bayad Mongolia Asia 12/11/2023 Buddhism
Bedouin (Suafa) Algeria Africa 12/04/2023 Islam
Aboriginal (Reached) Australia Oceania 11/27/2023 Christian
a - Tibet belongs to Tibet, not China.
b - Russia/Turkey/etc is Europe but also Asia so...
c - this likely is not the true religion that they worship, but rather they have a mixture of what is listed with other local religions, or they have embraced a liberal drift and are leaving faith entirely but this is their historical faith.
Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached".
Here is a list of missions organizations that reach out to the world to do missions for the Glory of God.
submitted by partypastor to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:49 Trekker-Anshuman Exploring the Heart of India: My Journey Through Hidden Gems

I'm an Indian blogger and traveller, and I've spent the past few years exploring the nooks and crannies of this beautiful country. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene backwaters of Kerala, India never ceases to amaze me with its diversity and charm. Today, I want to share some of the hidden gems I've discovered on my travels that you might want to add to your bucket list. 🚀
1. Majuli Island, Assam: Majuli is the world's largest river island, nestled in the Brahmaputra River. This tranquil island is home to unique Vaishnavite monasteries called "Satras." The serene landscape, coupled with the rich cultural heritage, makes it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
2. Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh: If you love music and nature, Ziro Valley is a must-visit. It's known for its picturesque landscapes and the annual Ziro Music Festival, which attracts music lovers from around the world. The Apatani tribal people, known for their sustainable agricultural practices, add a unique cultural flavour to this beautiful valley.
3. Hampi, Karnataka: Hampi is a UNESCO World Heritage site, brimming with ancient ruins and temples that tell tales of the Vijayanagara Empire. The surreal landscape of boulder-strewn hills and lush paddy fields makes it a paradise for history buffs and nature lovers alike.
4. Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh: Spiti Valley, often referred to as "Little Tibet," is a high-altitude desert mountain valley. It's a haven for adventure enthusiasts, offering activities like trekking, mountain biking, and camping under the starry sky. The ancient monasteries and quaint villages add to the valley's mystical charm.
5. Chettinad, Tamil Nadu: Chettinad is famous for its unique cuisine and grand mansions. The Chettinad palaces, with their intricate architecture and opulent interiors, reflect the rich heritage of the Chettiar community. Don't miss the chance to savour authentic Chettinad cuisine, known for its bold flavors and aromatic spices.
6. Gokarna, Karnataka: For beach lovers looking for a less commercial alternative to Goa, Gokarna is a hidden gem. It boasts pristine beaches, laid-back vibes, and stunning sunsets. Whether you want to relax on Om Beach or hike to the secluded Paradise Beach, Gokarna offers a perfect blend of tranquillity and adventure.
7. Patan, Gujarat: Patan is home to the stunning Rani Ki Vav (Queen's Stepwell), a UNESCO World Heritage site. This intricately designed stepwell is a marvel of ancient engineering and architecture. Patan is also known for its Patola sarees, which are meticulously handcrafted using traditional techniques.
Tips for Fellow Travelers: Respect Local Cultures: India is incredibly diverse, so always be mindful and respectful of local customs and traditions. Travel Sustainably: Minimize your environmental impact by choosing eco-friendly accommodations and reducing plastic use.
Stay Safe: Keep your belongings secure and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places.
India is a land of contrasts and surprises, where every corner has a story to tell. I hope these recommendations inspire you to explore the less-trodden paths and discover the hidden treasures of this incredible country. If you have any questions or need travel tips, feel free to ask!
Happy travels! 🌏✈️
submitted by Trekker-Anshuman to u/Trekker-Anshuman [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:39 xtremexavier15 TMPTRR 1

Episode 1: None Down, Twenty-One to Go - Part One
The episode began with the show's title card, a circle composed of various European flags on a blue background; the words 'TOTAL DRAMA' on the top row, 'PRESENTS:' under that, 'THE' on the next row, 'RIDONCULOUS' on a black bar in the middle of the circle, and 'RACE' underneath the bar.
The scene then cuts to a shot of Toronto. "This is Toronto. The capital of North America. Birthplace of funk, where the albino panther roams free," a middle aged man narrated before a panther standing on a moving yacht roared.
The man makes himself present on-screen. He had brown hair and was wearing a gray suit. "Beneath my manly size 13 brogues, twenty-one teams are arriving at this historic train station ready to embark on a race around the world," the man said as a shot of the Earth was depicted with a beam of light going around it.
The scene cuts back to the host. "I'm your host, Don, and this is, the Ridonculous Race!" Don announced before he flashed his teeth at the camera.
(Theme Song)
Don was walking down the streets of Toronto. "Welcome to the Ridonculous Race. Right now, twenty-one teams from across the country are readying themselves to embark on a race to the death."
He then winced thanks to his earpiece, and he listened to what it had to say. "Not to the death? Okay." He focused on the camera. "Let's meet the teams that aren't racing to the death."
The scene flashed to two people in their late teens. Devin, the boy on the left, was of Asian descent, his jet black hair in a spiky updo, and he wore a light green shirt with light blue trimmings and a picture of a standard power button over a long sleeve cream shirt. As he was reading a book, he didn't notice Carrie, the girl on the right, gazing at him with a blush on her cheeks. She was a white girl with wavy blonde hair and wearing a blue-ish green sweater and blue jeans.
"Carrie and Devin," Don introduced. "Best Friends."
World Interview: Best Friends
"I met Devin in the sandbox and we haven't spent a day apart since," Carrie explained as the shot cut to this show's confessional, the team sitting together in front of a map of the world.
"If anyone can win this race," Carrie continued, "it's us!"
"Yeah," Devin chimed in with a smile. "I know Carrie so well," he chuckled and she leaned over to gaze at him again. "It's like we're..." he noticed her gazing again and trailed off. "Wh-wha-what-what're you doing?" he asked.
Her eyes widened in fear. "Oh, uh, lint check!" she said suddenly, ripping off a piece of lint from his shirt. "For the camera," she laughed awkwardly.
Interview Ends
The next team was shown. The person on the left was a middle aged blonde woman wearing a white tracksuit and the one on the right being another girl in her late teens, with light brown hair and wearing a cream dress and black knee-high boots.
"Kelly and Taylor," Don introduced as the older woman applied lipstick and the younger one filed her nails. "Mother & Daughter."
World Interview: Mother & Daughter
"So 'A'," Taylor said, waving her nail file around while her mother continued to apply lipstick, "I'm really hot. Obviously. And 'B', I'm pretty much the best at everything I do. So unless my mom messes things up, we're totally gonna win this race," she said while going back to filing.
"Taylor and her friends love when I hang with them," Kelly said after putting away her cosmetics. "I'm known as the 'cool mom'," she laughed. "We're so tight, people always mistake us for sisters!"
Taylor was startled out of her nail filing. "Wait? What?"
Interview Ends
"Kitty and Emma," Don introduced over a shot of an Asian Girl in her late teens posing for her cellphone camera. She wore a red sweater over a white long-sleeve button-up and a knee-length black skirt. Her hair was done in twin ponytails each held up by red bows.
"Actual sisters," the host continued as the camera panned up to show an Asian woman in her early twenties with straight hair that falls to her waist and wearing a red jacket over a pink short sleeve shirt and grey capri pants. She scowled at her sister as she put up their things in their train compartment's overhead bin, then took her phone.
World Interview: Sisters
"I'm studying International Law," Emma said, "so that's gonna give us a real edge. Which is good, because we're here to win."
"And to see the world," Kitty said. "Meet hot guys, and have some fun."
"If there's time for that," Emma chimed in, "which there won't be. So let's focus on winning, okay?"
"Okay," Kitty sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Good," Emma smiled.
Interview Ends
"Crimson and Ennui," Don said as the camera panned up from the heavy boots of the next team, to the blood red pants of the boy on the left and blood red skirt of the girl on the right, to the blood red and black shirt with a logo of a crying circle of the boy and the blood red blouse and fishnet gloves of the girl, to their pale skin and his gold eyes and her red eyes, to the black and red hair of the boy and white and black hair of the girl.
"Two exceptionally pale teens," Don finished as lightning flashed behind them.
World Interview: Goths
The flash of lightning took the scene to the Goths both staring at the camera and not saying a word.
"Okay, that's just unnerving," Don commented.
Interview Ends
The next team featured two girls in their early twenties. The one on the right was a Latina girl with her blue hair tied into a ponytail and a bandage on her left cheek. The one on the left was a Brazilian girl with her green hair in pigtails. They both wore jumpsuits and helmets, the difference being that the Brazilian girl's jumpsuit was colored green with a green stripe on her helmet, and the Latina girl's jumpsuit was colored blue with a blue stripe on her helmet.
"France and Paris," Don introduced as the girls were writing in their notebooks. "Extreme Girls."
World Interview: Extreme Girls
"You may know us from our streaming channel called "Extreme Girls!"," Paris, the Latina girl, said.
"We're a daredevil duo. We do wicked stunts like roller skating on ice rinks, biking down steep hills, and doing parkour just so we can get to our favorite burger place," France, the Brazilian girl, explained and showed off her gap-toothed smile.
"Some of our antics do get us injured or put into hospitals," Paris added seriously, "but we manage to recover in a few days or so."
"And plus, we post our own wipeouts online just to show our fans that we're not perfect," France smiled. "And to get some extra cash."
Interview Ends
The sixth team was a team of identical white boys with curly brown hair. The one on the left wore a light blue hoodie and a helmet. The one on the right was without a helmet and wore a blue hoodie.
"Mickey and Jay," Don introduced. "Identical twins who are used to overcoming adversity."
The boy on the left adjusted his helmet and the one on the right took a puff of an asthma inhaler, and both were crushed when their overhead bin dumped its contents on them.
World Interview: Adversity Twins
"We've both been through a lot," Mickey said, "but we're not cursed. Whatever's right before cursed. That's us."
"Like when I was six, I fell into a burrowing owl's nest and one of the baby owls flew into my ear," Jay explained, pointing to his left ear for emphasis. "To this day, everything on this side sounds like…" He made owl sounds.
"We're constantly fighting adversity," Mickey said confidently. "And overcoming it."
"Sorry," Jay said. "We gotta switch sides. You're just…" The owl noises returned.
Interview Ends
The scene cut to the next team; another pair of people in their late teens. The one on the left was an Irish Canadian woman with short red hair wearing a black tank top with a white shirt underneath and brown pants with rips on it. The one on the right was a British Canadian man with gray spiky hair wearing a purple button-up shirt and blue ripped jeans.
"Bite and Bark," Don introduced as the girl punched the overhead bin and a bag of chips fell into her hand. "The dubly named tough bulldogs."
World Interview: Bulldogs
"'Ello there, mates," Bark, the male partner, started. "We're the Bulldogs, and we do not play nice. We play dirty!"
"We're both rough housers, and these wee babies we're up against have no chance against us," Bite, the female partner, chuckled.
"I've got the mouth to mock people and she's got the muscle to beat them up, hence our names, Bite and Bark," Bark grinned.
"Mind you, those aren't our real names, but it's not like we'd waste time telling you guys," Bite told the viewers.
"Yeah! Time wasting is for losers," Bark huffed.
Interview Ends
"The totally in love Daters," Don explained as the scene cut to the next team staring out the train window. The one on the left was a large and muscular college-aged man in a pink short-sleeve shirt featuring the logo of a man deadlifting a weight over his head and the much shorter girl on the left who'd shaved one side of her head and wore a fuchsia T-shirt and purple workout shorts.
"Stephanie and Ryan," Don introduced.
World Interview: Daters
"Stephanie and I met at the gym a year and a half ago," Ryan told the confessional, "and we've been going steady ever since!"
"We're so excited!" Stephanie said. "Neither of us has ever traveled before. There's so much to discover. Like, 'What do chocolate protein bars taste like in China'?"
"I was just wondering that!" Ryan said in awe.
"No. Way." Stephanie said in awe herself before they promptly began to make out.
Interview Ends
The footage skipped ahead to the train arriving at the station's fourth platform, where the next team stepped off. Or rather, they leapt off the train. A blonde Quebec man and a black haired woman, both appearing to be in their mid thirties. He wore a purple insulated jumpsuit and she wore a short dress in identical colors.
"Josee and Jacques," Don introduced as they smiled and waved for the camera. "Ice Dancers."
World Interview: Ice Dancers
"We know how to win!" Jacques said confidently. "We've won gold everywhere!"
"Except," Josee said, "the Olympics. He dropped me so we only got silver," she explained.
Jacques cried, standing up and covering his eyes. "I don't want to talk about it!" He ran out of the room.
"Jacques!" Josee cried out after him, then looked at the camera and smiled. "Silver is his least favorite color."
Interview Ends
The tenth team to step off were a pair of females, a Hispanic girl in her early teens and a white girl in her late teens. The younger girl has brown hair that was tied back into a short braided ponytail. She wore a yellow jacket with a picture of two black stars in the chest area and blue pants. The older girl has long blonde hair, a red long-sleeved shirt with a drawing of a blueberry pie in the front, and red pants.
"Windsor and Val," Don introduced as the girls high-fived, and since the young girl had a joy buzzer on her hand, she electrocuted her partner for a bit, much to her own amusement and the annoyance of the white girl. "Pranksters."
World Interview: Pranksters
"We're the ultimate pranksters," the younger girl, Windsor, said. "Me for my middle school and Val for her high school."
"Life can be boring sometimes, so why not spice things up with a thumbtack on a chair or a pie to the face just for laughs?" Val said.
"When I heard about this race, I wanted to join, but I had to be with someone eligible to be my guardian since I'm thirteen," Windsor explained.
"Being Windsor's next door neighbor and sharing her taste of comedy, that's where sixteen-year-old me comes in," Val gloated smugly.
Windsor rolled her eyes. "You don't have to lord your age over me every chance you get."
Interview Ends
The scene cut to the next team, only one of which was familiar. It was a thin and somewhat muscular white boy with blonde hair and a cowboy hat, wearing an unbuttoned pink shirt and blue jean shorts. To his right; a Hispanic teen about the same age with short brown hair and a tattoo around his arm. He wore a pink tank top and purple jean shorts.
"Geoff and Brody," Don introduced. "Life long friends and Party Dudes."
Interview: Party Dudes
"I met some awesome people on Total Drama," Geoff explained. "But they're too busy to compete this time. So boom! Entrez, my bud Brody."
Brody chuckled. "Yeah guy," the two bumped fists. "Bros forever! GnB for the W I N!" They bumped their other fists.
Interview Ends
The scene moved to the front door of the train station opening to show the eleven previously introduced teams in the doorway.
"Right this way, teams!" Don called out to them, the camera panning to the right to show him standing behind a chalk line. "Over here!"
A quick pan to the left showed the next team walking over to the host. A dirty blonde middle aged white man in a plain yellow shirt and blue slacks, and a blonde preteen white boy wearing a red backwards baseball cap, black hoodie, and gray jeans.
"Also competing, Dwayne and Dwayne Jr," Don introduced. "Father & Son."
World Interview: Father & Son
"Oh, I spend a lot of time in the old office there," Dwayne said, "so this race is a, uh, perfect chance for Junior and I," he pinched his son's cheek, "to squeeze in a little father son bonding time." He chuckled. "Right, buddo?"
"Uh, yeah, sure dad," Junior said uncertainly. "Hey, um, are there any other kids my age in this thing?" he asked while darting his eyes around.
"Oh!" Dwayne said suddenly. "Uh..."
Interview Ends
The next team was shown, a black woman with short brown hair, rappelling down a brick building with a rope and a larger white woman with brown hair in a ponytail bursting out of a nearby window. Both were wearing the dark blue uniforms of law enforcement academy students, with the white woman wearing a cap.
"Sanders and MacArthur," Don introduced as the two women ran off to the right. "Ambitious Police Cadets."
World Interview: Police Cadets
"We're tough as nails," MacArthur said, "and we'll go to the extreme to win this thing."
"Definitely," Sanders said with a confident grin. "As long as we don't break any international laws."
"I'm okay with breaking a few," MacArthur said, much to her partner's shock.
Interview Ends
The fourteenth team had arrived. Two boys, both sixteen years old, marched on screen while scowling at each other. The one on the left was a large white boy with brown hair and the barest hints of a goatee, wearing a purple shirt with the logo of a skull bat and dark purple cargo shorts. The one on the right was a skinny Italian boy with black hair and a small patch of facial hair, wearing a purple shirt with a game controller logo on it and blue jeans.
"Chet and Lorenzo," Don introduced. "New stepbrothers."
World Interview: Stepbrothers
"My dad married his mom last year," Lorenzo explained, "but we always hated each other before that."
"He hates gymnastics, and I don't like his karate," Chet huffed.
"So they're making us do this. Jerks," Lorenzo stared hatefully at the camera.
"Don't call my mom a jerk!" Chet yelled at him. "Jerk!" He shoved Lorenzo out of frame.
"Shut your wordhole!" Lorenzo got up and yelled back. "Jerk!" He shoved Chet out of frame.
Chet got up and tackled Lorenzo.
Interview Ends
"Also racing," Don said as the next team strutted on screen. A tall and skinny white man with stylish light brown hair wearing a long sleeve light blue shirt, a team of glasses, and skinny jeans and a shorter tanned young woman with black hair tied into a ponytail and wearing a light blue blouse and short dark blue skirt with a team of sunglasses on her head.
"Tom and Jen," Don introduced as the two shared a confident glance. "Highly attractive fashion bloggers with impeccable taste."
Don added in annoyance "I told you not to let the teams write their own cards."
World Interview: Fashion Bloggers
"Hey hey to all our blog followers out there!" Jen greeted. "Wish us luck!"
"I bet Jen we could win the race," Tom said with a smile, "but I didn't think she'd actually take me up on it."
"I put my mind to something and it happens," Jen explained confidently with a snap of her fingers.
Interview Ends
The next team arrived. The one on the right was taller and thinner, with long blonde hair. He wore a purple short sleeve shirt with the logo of a frog's head with horns over a long sleeve pale blue undershirt with green jeans, a team of large brown cowboy boots, and an orange bandana tied around his head. The one on the left was shorter and larger, with long curly brown hair wearing a pale blue jean vest over a similar purple shirt to his partner and blue jeans.
"Rock and Spud," Don introduced as the blonde one played an air guitar and the other one banged his head and made devil horns. "The Rockers."
World Interview: Rockers
"Spud wasn't sure about doing this," Rock explained, "'cause he's not super fit or good at much of anything," Spud nodded in agreement, "except rocking out!"
He played a brief mouth and air guitar. "So I said, 'You just rock bud. I'll carry you!'"
Spud banged his head and made devil horns as Rock continued his air and mouth guitar playing.
Interview Ends
"Laurie and Miles," Don introduced over a shot of a Monarch butterfly landing on a white hand. "Granola loving hippie dippie friends," Don finished as the camera pulled out to show two young women standing in the middle of the road.
The one on the left was white with freckles and waist length brown hair wearing a long sleeve pale yellow shirt that was a tad bit too big for her, a brown fringe jacket, pale blue bell bottom jeans, glasses, peace sign earrings, and a red bandanna tied around her head. The one on the right was biracial with freckles and brown dreadlocks. She wore a pale yellow crop top with a brown fringe jacket, a knit cap, and high waist blue jeans. The biracial girl held her arm out to stop traffic as the white girl gently let the butterfly free.
World Interview: Vegans
"We want to win so we can donate to our favorite charities," Laurie explained. "Save the Hunchback Walrus," Laurie continued as Miles nodded eagerly, "Goatmilk Eco Warriors, People for the Ethical Treatment of Ants. So many great causes!"
Interview Ends
The next team was shown walking. They were both late teens. The one on the left was a familiar face. He was a muscular African Canadian boy with brown hair, a necklace with a lightning bolt attached, and pierced ears. He was wearing a blue jersey with the number '1' on the front and gray shorts. The one on the right was another African Canadian boy with black hair. He wore a gray t-shirt with black vertical stripes on it and black shorts.
"Lightning and Usain," Don introduced. "All-around jocks."
World Interview: Jocks
"Lightning's been on Pahkitew Island," Lightning said. "However, not only did he not win the money, but he got eliminated first! That’s just sha-lame!"
"But now that he's got Usain, that's me, his best friend, with him, we're gonna be unbeatable and unstoppable!" Usain boasted.
"Those teams are gonna get struck by lightning!” Lightning grinned.
Interview Ends
The scene cut to a bus speeding away and revealing the next team. The one on the left was a young Indian woman with wavy brown hair, shorter than her partner and dressed smartly in a brown sweater over a white button-up and knee-length skirt and glasses. Her partner was a white woman with a very pronounced nose, slightly unkempt light brown hair, and wearing a pair of glasses, a gradient sweater that started off as brown at the top and ended as white on the bottom and gray stretch pants.
"Ellody and Mary," Don introduced. "Scientific geniuses who say they will use their winnings to support the scientific community."
World Interview: Geniuses
"Astrophysics has been shown to be underfunded," Ellody informed. "After doing some research, we found that reality shows offer monetary prizes. Conundrum solved."
Interview Ends
A taxi brought the penultimate team to the starting line. The first one to get out of the car was a familiar face. He was a pale boy in his late teens and had a rather big head with multiple chins and purple hair. He wore a gray jumpsuit. His partner got out shortly after. A normal skinned girl in her late teens with white pigtailed hair that fell to her shoulders. She wore an identical outfit to the boy.
"Max and Tammy," Don introduced as they drank a bottle of soda. "Dedicated villains. Whatever that is."
World Interview: Villains
"I did not fare well in Pahkitew Island, and my gadgets I made that season have been confiscated by my parents so that I would not cheat," Max began. "But with my sidekick, Tammy, by my side, I can redeem myself!"
Tammy took out her ocarina and played a villainous tune.
Interview Ends
The final team was shown. Both were men in their sixties. The one on the left had graying hair. He wore a yellow and orange trimmed polo shirt and white tennis shorts. His partner's hair was a much lighter shade of gray, and he wore a blue striped polo shirt with blue tennis shorts.
"And Gerry and Pete," Don introduced. "Retired pro tennis players and friendly rivals."
World Interview: Tennis Rivals
"We're both very competitive," Gerry said, "but for half a mil each? Game on!" They chuckled.
"Maybe we'll get some new sponsorships," Pete said. "Anyone need a pitch man for seniors' laxatives-"
"Call his agent," they both said before chuckling some more.
Interview Ends
The twenty-one teams were all gathered around Don at the finish line. On the left; the Rockers, Stepbrothers, Police Cadets, Fashion Bloggers, Pranksters, Adversity Twins, Daters, Jocks, Best Friends, Mother & Daughter, and Goths. On the right; the Sisters, Tennis Rivals, Ice Dancers, Vegans, Party Dudes, Geniuses, Bulldogs, Father & Son, Extreme Girls, and Villains with Don in between both groups.
"Welcome contestants!" Don greeted. "This is the starting line for your twenty-six part race around the world. Each part ends at a chill zone." The scene cut to a desert and focused on its chill zone. "Get there fast, because the last team to stand on the carpet of completion may be cut from the competition."
The teams all got worried by this news.
"But the first team to reach our last chill zone will win one. Million. Dollars," Don said over a shot of cash being presented inside the planet in space after it got opened.
The teams proceeded to cheer about the prize until they got cut off with "Look over here!" from Don, causing them to see Don next to a box that looked like him.
"This is our Ridonculous Tip Box, also known as the Don Box," Don described the box. "Press this button to get the travel tips that will lead you through the Ridonculous Race," he said as the scene cut to several dots being placed in multiple countries.
"Ready teams?" the host asked, and the teams began to get into running positions. "On your marks! Get set!"
The Police Cadets were shown waiting for the signal in the top left quarter of the screen, then the Ice Dancers in the top right, the Stepbrothers in the bottom left, and the Goths in the bottom right.
"Race!" Don announced. "Watch the face!" he cried as he was engulfed by the swarm of teams. "Not the hair!" he cried again as he was knocked down.
The Party Dudes, Father & Son, and Stepbrothers reached the first Don Box and pressed the button, a tip coming out from the mouth of the Don Box.
"Race on foot to the CN Tower!" Chet read before he, Lorenzo, and the Party Dudes left.
"And find the Don Box to find your next tip!" Dwayne finished and he and Junior ran off as the Fashion Bloggers and Ice Dancers arrived on the scene, Tom pressing the button for a tip.
The Party Dudes were in the lead, until Father & Son lapped them. "There's the tower!" Junior pointed towards it.
"And here comes the competition!" Jacques followed up after running past the Party Dudes.
Dwayne turns around. "Huh, where?" he wondered until he hit a garbage can and fumbled over it. The trash can then covers the Ice Dancers, stopping them from running. "Oh, my bad!"
"Whoa! Nasty! Are you guys okay?" Geoff asked the Ice Dancers after he and Brody stopped. The Ice Dancers lift the trash can off of them and keep on running. The trash can lands on the Party Dudes, but with Geoff yelling "Go!”, they ran forward, the Police Cadets, Bulldogs, Stepbrothers, Pranksters, and Fashion Bloggers following suit.
Father & Son reached the CN Tower where the Don Box is located outside the tower.
"There's the Don Box!" Dwayne spotted and pressed the button.
Junior reads the tip. "It's an "either or"," he said as the Ice Dancers leapt on the opposite side and pressed the button. "What's an "either or"?"
The two teams were interrupted by Geoff and Brody crashing into a rail and falling down.
"An "either or" gives teams the choice of two challenges," Don said as the shot cut to a staircase. "They either climb one hundred and forty-four flights of stairs to reach the world's tallest observation deck. That's just under a billion stairs."
The scene flashed to Don next to the elevator. "Or scares. Take the elevator, then get the scare of a lifetime by doing a sky walk all the way around the outside of the tower." He was now standing outside, and it was really windy. "Not to worry though. They'll be wearing helmets. And as an extra precaution, we had a safety rail installed." The rail falls halfway.
Don was now back inside. "teams must finish either task and find this local guide to receive their next tip," he gestured at the pale skinny white teen currently relaxing.
A couple of the teams have reached the Don Box and are all currently reading the tip.
"A hundred and forty-four flights of stairs?" Sanders asked as she and MacArthur glanced at their tip. Chet and Lorenzo were too busy fighting each other to read theirs, and Bark, Tom, and Windsor were looking at theirs and paying attention. The Police Cadets ran off, and the Adversity Twins were the next to arrive. "Yeah, we'll do Scares."
"Scares," Tom said.
"We're going with Scares," Windsor told her partner.
"Definitely not stairs," Bark concluded.
"Scares!" Chet announced, letting go of the tip and letting Lorenzo fall to the ground. "Called it!"
"Stairs," Mickey said weakly.
World Interview: Adversity Twins
Both twins were holding the papercut. "Mickey gets nosebleeds when he goes up too high too fast. Makes it pretty hard to take flights or, you know, go up really tall towers," Jay explained and took the tip away.
Mickey yelped in pain. "Paper cut!"
Interview Ends
Father & Son arrived at the elevator first.
"First in! Alright! Way to go, Junior! Give me a high five!" Dwayne went to slap five, but Junior ducked, leaving Dwayne to slam against the elevator buttons. This caused every button floor to be mashed.
"Whoops," Dwayne chuckled sheepishly as his son glared at him.
World Interview: Father & Son
"For a skinny tower, there sure are a lot of floors," Dwayne commented.
Interview Ends
Dwayne whistled as he and his son exited the elevator, and the camera cut to show the Fashion Bloggers, Bulldogs, Police Cadets, Party Dudes, Stepbrothers, Ice Dancers, and Pranksters running inside before it closed.
"Hey!" Chet said after seeing the problem. "Who pushed all of the buttons?"
"Guess we have to take the stairs," Bite declared, and everyone but the Pranksters and Fashion Bloggers ran out.
"I would rather just wait," Val shrugged.
"We are not taking the easy way out," Windsor grabbed her partner's arm and left the elevator.
"Meh," Tom shrugged as Jen looked at him. "This'll probably still be faster."
"Anyone asks, we chose stairs. Always stairs," Dwayne told Junior as they ran up the stairwell, the Adversity Twins following behind them.
"While Father and Son and the Adversity Twins commit to climbing the unconscionable number of stairs, more teams choose scares," Don narrated as the scene cut to the twelve other teams standing outside the elevator. "But they're in for a long wait."
Outside Interview: Fashion Bloggers
The camera cut to the Fashion Bloggers inside the elevator.
"Hey hey, fashion blog followers!" Jen greeted. "We would like to talk about today's fashion faux-pas, which is..."
The doors behind them opened to show an elderly man in overalls mopping the floor.
"Overalls," Tom said in a disgusted tone. "Ugh. Nasty." The man raised an offended eyebrow.
"I know, right," Jen said, both unaware of their surroundings. "Like, get with today."
Interview Ends
The elevator reaches the observation deck, Tom and Jen exiting with a mop and bucket on their heads. They removed them and looked around in confusion.
"I don't see any other teams," Jen said before realizing. "We're in first place!" she squealed, annoying the guide.
"Let's hit the skywalk and strut all the way to the winner's circle," Tom suggested, strutting to the skywalk with a grin.
"We are so the team to beat," Jen bragged.
They soon stared out at the skywalk. "We have to walk out here?!" Jen asked in panic.
"Oh yes you do," Don voiced over. "The Ridonculous Race will return."
(Commercial Break)
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:45 taeyyykim10 Fights with fiancé about family status RANT

My fiancé (26M) and I (26F) have been in a relationship since Aug 2022. I had just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex, one that lasted 4 years. I met my fiancé (then BF) through insta and when I finally met him I felt like It was a whirlwind romance where I fell extremely hard and felt like he was my soulmate. I belong to a very conservative South Indian family, and I could never freely date. However, due to my age and some sudden circumstances, I decided to introduce my family to my then BF. My family intially disapproved considering my older sister followed the traditional route of an arranged marriage. Since I was “old” in traditional marriage terms and had refused to arranged marriage, they were more open to the idea. I was so happy and truly glad I was getting to call my soulmate my husband, but somehow a lot of latent issues have creeped up lately and I feel lost and empty inside. I need advice. Everything went well for a while, except for the few areas below:
Now, for context, family name/status and caste is a very important part of the marriage process. My fiancé traditionally belongs to a well established family with wealthy and privileged ancestry, whereas mine is relatively unknown. To be honest, my family name is nothing. We are your typical 1st gen expats in GCC who migrated and do not really have a lot of connection or wealth per se in India. My parents only worked hard throughout their life to give me the lifestyle I have, and never got the chance to rely on their family name/status to get somewhere in life. Saying this, my BIL’s family is equally if not more prestigious.
I typically grew up never really thinking about family names. Mostly because I grew up in GCC, and such titles were not common here. However, my fiancé is not. He grew up hearing stories about his lineage and is immensely proud as he should be. When we first started dating this was never a thought (as I mentioned I have never asked and never will ask someone’s “house name”), but as of late it had become a sort of hindrance in our relationship. For instance, he constantly reminds me that my family and I are lucky that we are getting him as a SIL because my father would never be able to get a catch like him if he went the arranged marriage route. It’s no surprise that my FIL and MIL disapprove of me, I wouldn’t mind it so much if my fiancé didn’t constantly remind me of it saying things like, “My father was upset that his only son is getting married to a family nobody knows but don’t worry I’ll protect you“.
However, whenever we fight, he brings up the exact same quote as the above, saying that he protects me from his family but is now at a rift with them because of me. I told him he makes me feel about 👌🏼 big when he says things like this, and told him how I envied my sister who now belongs to an even bigger family and is treated like their own daughter. I told him it was not something I could control, that I do not want to bring our parents into any arguments between us and to focus on us as couple. He agreed then, however he continues to bring up the same subject again and again, belittling me and my parents in the process. I again have to remind him that I am aware that I am nothing and I am not from that world, however he continues to tell me things like “even if my father is distant, my mother surely likes you” which confused me on his intention behind it. What saddened me more was when I accidentally heard him conversing with his sister about a conversation with their mom about me, that I am “a sly fox” and is using them apparently. To this day, I can never understand why my MIL said that. But I let all those thoughts go, because I’m marrying my fiancé and he is my priority.
However as of late, as with all couples in wedding planning season, we have been fighting more. These fights in turn, are getting nastier and nastier. I told him I was traumatized by being yelled at, and that I was scared of him whenever he got angry. I can’t help but cry in these situations as it instigates my fight or flight reaction. Our first fight related to the wedding was of the actual date. I had mentioned to him that I was being pressured from home to be married. I had taken a flight alone in June 2023 to visit his father in India (extremely ballsy in my community) wherein they decided that July 2024 would be the perfect time for the wedding. My parents agreed and so did I so in my mind it was set. This was exactly a year later and it was perfect in my mind. Then about November 2023, a month before our marriage fixing ceremony in front of our extended family, my fiancé tells me he wants to shift the date to December 2024. I would’ve understood but his reasoning was that he was too young and wanted to buy a multi-million car to keep up with his family prestige. I was flabbergasted but explained to him, that I was under pressure and some of my family members know I am getting married in July. I told him i understood that he’s worried he is getting married young, but that I would be there for him. Moreover, There was enough time to gather funds from June 2023 when his father decided the date. He started yelling at me telling that I had no right to say no to him. However, a week later, he speaks to his uncle and suddenly July is perfect because it is better sooner than later.
Second was on the place of the wedding ceremony. I grew up in the Roman Catholic Syro malabar faith, which is a very niche community in South India. I had always told him about my dream to be married in a syro malabar church, and mentioned it was where we couldn’t compromise since he also belongs to the same faith. Due to recent events, almost all churches in his district do not conduct masses, except for one which is an hour away from the hotel booked for the reception. I told him it was okay, I didn’t mind the travel and it was the only church available. He again yelled at me saying that it was too far and that I had no right to say no to him. I told him it had been my childhood dream to be married in a syro malabar church and nothing else. He yelled at me while on call, and was caught by his parents. He again blames me for this, as it was because I refused that he yelled, and then his parents caught him and as a chain reaction his parents berated him. In reaction to this fight, his parents decided to book the only church available.
Third, we fought over the timing of our ceremony/reception. Exhausted from the week before, he suddenly calls me to tell me he’s changing the timing of the ceremony, no discussion and initiation nothing. I told him I couldn’t as I had already paid non-refundable advances to MuAs and hairdressers for me and my family. He started yelling at me again saying that I was always saying no to him. I admitted I was in the wrong here, apologized and found a way to change the booked timings. I lost one deposit but I didn’t mind. As again he was my priority. He explained how he didn’t like hearing me say “no” as that shows I’m not willing to compromise. I made sure to never say no outright.
Today, while going shopping for his wedding suit, he tells me his dad wants to buy another saree for the wedding (as his dad is in India, couldn’t come to select the saree, and was offended he was not included, even if I reminded him his dad needed to be a part of it.) I listened and understood, but i mentioned that I needed the blouse for the saree to be stitched, as there was not enough time from my arrival in India to the actual date of the wedding and I was told it would take a month for my other saree blouse. Before letting me further explain, he just blasted at me yelling on top of his voice. I was shocked for a few seconds and I couldn’t react. He told me something but it was like white noise, until I came to my senses and realized he asked about some directions on Google maps. While I went to type in the directions, he told me to forget it and swerved the car back to my house. For the entirety of 20 mins of the car ride, he brought up wedding fights 1,2 and 3 and my ancestry. I just continuously cried out of shock and couldn’t utter a word. He said that I had changed, he alleged he didn’t realize the day he agreed to marry me, he agreed to be my “b**ch” that I always treat him like dirt and have never been understanding and that everything goes my way. He muttered things like “I can’t believe I’m getting married this young” or “I can’t believe this is who I’m marrying” and again reminded me of my low status and that my father could never find someone of his status. He said he could go in marriage market right now and see the value he’d bring. Obviously I’m hurt by these statements, he further said that he didn’t care that I was crying.
I was so confused because I was hands down for it, but I only brought up a concern. He just went on a rampage. I finally built up the courage and told him that i did not refuse to the idea, to this he said I only bring up problems not solutions. I told him it was a concern, as it’s my bridal attire and I was told it’d take a month and wanted support in getting it done within the timeframe. Following this, he asked why didn’t I say this? To which I answered I wanted to, but was randomly yelled at. It further escalated with him telling me to get out of his car.
At this point, I feel so empty. I truly love this man, and he’s more than aware that I just cannot live without him. I can’t wait for the wedding to be over but at the same time I’m afraid of what the future holds. I wish I could just communicate to him clearly. He’s very capable of understanding.
Any advice? No breakup recommendations please. I love this man to death.
TL;DR Fiancé is of higher status and he constantly reminds me of my lower status whenever we fight. More so, during wedding planning. Seeking advice to sail through the storm.
submitted by taeyyykim10 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:36 taeyyykim10 Fights with fiancé about family status (getting married in July)

My fiancé (26M) and I (26F) have been in a relationship since Aug 2022. I had just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex, one that lasted 4 years. I met my fiancé (then BF) through insta and when I finally met him I felt like It was a whirlwind romance where I fell extremely hard and felt like he was my soulmate. I belong to a very conservative South Indian family, and I could never freely date. However, due to my age and some sudden circumstances, I decided to introduce my family to my then BF. My family intially disapproved considering my older sister followed the traditional route of an arranged marriage. Since I was “old” in traditional marriage terms and had refused to arranged marriage, they were more open to the idea. I was so happy and truly glad I was getting to call my soulmate my husband, but somehow a lot of latent issues have creeped up lately and I feel lost and empty inside. I need advice. Everything went well for a while, except for the few areas below:
Now, for context, family name/status and caste is a very important part of the marriage process. My fiancé traditionally belongs to a well established family with wealthy and privileged ancestry, whereas mine is relatively unknown. To be honest, my family name is nothing. We are your typical 1st gen expats in GCC who migrated and do not really have a lot of connection or wealth per se in India. My parents only worked hard throughout their life to give me the lifestyle I have, and never got the chance to rely on their family name/status to get somewhere in life. Saying this, my BIL’s family is equally if not more prestigious.
I typically grew up never really thinking about family names. Mostly because I grew up in GCC, and such titles were not common here. However, my fiancé is not. He grew up hearing stories about his lineage and is immensely proud as he should be. When we first started dating this was never a thought (as I mentioned I have never asked and never will ask someone’s “house name”), but as of late it had become a sort of hindrance in our relationship. For instance, he constantly reminds me that my family and I are lucky that we are getting him as a SIL because my father would never be able to get a catch like him if he went the arranged marriage route. It’s no surprise that my FIL and MIL disapprove of me, I wouldn’t mind it so much if my fiancé didn’t constantly remind me of it saying things like, “My father was upset that his only son is getting married to a family nobody knows but don’t worry I’ll protect you“.
However, whenever we fight, he brings up the exact same quote as the above, saying that he protects me from his family but is now at a rift with them because of me. I told him he makes me feel about 👌🏼 big when he says things like this, and told him how I envied my sister who now belongs to an even bigger family and is treated like their own daughter. I told him it was not something I could control, that I do not want to bring our parents into any arguments between us and to focus on us as couple. He agreed then, however he continues to bring up the same subject again and again, belittling me and my parents in the process. I again have to remind him that I am aware that I am nothing and I am not from that world, however he continues to tell me things like “even if my father is distant, my mother surely likes you” which confused me on his intention behind it. What saddened me more was when I accidentally heard him conversing with his sister about a conversation with their mom about me, that I am “a sly fox” and is using them apparently. To this day, I can never understand why my MIL said that. But I let all those thoughts go, because I’m marrying my fiancé and he is my priority.
However as of late, as with all couples in wedding planning season, we have been fighting more. These fights in turn, are getting nastier and nastier. I told him I was traumatized by being yelled at, and that I was scared of him whenever he got angry. I can’t help but cry in these situations as it instigates my fight or flight reaction. Our first fight related to the wedding was of the actual date. I had mentioned to him that I was being pressured from home to be married. I had taken a flight alone in June 2023 to visit his father in India (extremely ballsy in my community) wherein they decided that July 2024 would be the perfect time for the wedding. My parents agreed and so did I so in my mind it was set. This was exactly a year later and it was perfect in my mind. Then about November 2023, a month before our marriage fixing ceremony in front of our extended family, my fiancé tells me he wants to shift the date to December 2024. I would’ve understood but his reasoning was that he was too young and wanted to buy a multi-million car to keep up with his family prestige. I was flabbergasted but explained to him, that I was under pressure and some of my family members know I am getting married in July. I told him i understood that he’s worried he is getting married young, but that I would be there for him. Moreover, There was enough time to gather funds from June 2023 when his father decided the date. He started yelling at me telling that I had no right to say no to him. However, a week later, he speaks to his uncle and suddenly July is perfect because it is better sooner than later.
Second was on the place of the wedding ceremony. I grew up in the Roman Catholic Syro malabar faith, which is a very niche community in South India. I had always told him about my dream to be married in a syro malabar church, and mentioned it was where we couldn’t compromise since he also belongs to the same faith. Due to recent events, almost all churches in his district do not conduct masses, except for one which is an hour away from the hotel booked for the reception. I told him it was okay, I didn’t mind the travel and it was the only church available. He again yelled at me saying that it was too far and that I had no right to say no to him. I told him it had been my childhood dream to be married in a syro malabar church and nothing else. He yelled at me while on call, and was caught by his parents. He again blames me for this, as it was because I refused that he yelled, and then his parents caught him and as a chain reaction his parents berated him. In reaction to this fight, his parents decided to book the only church available.
Third, we fought over the timing of our ceremony/reception. Exhausted from the week before, he suddenly calls me to tell me he’s changing the timing of the ceremony, no discussion and initiation nothing. I told him I couldn’t as I had already paid non-refundable advances to MuAs and hairdressers for me and my family. He started yelling at me again saying that I was always saying no to him. I admitted I was in the wrong here, apologized and found a way to change the booked timings. I lost one deposit but I didn’t mind. As again he was my priority. He explained how he didn’t like hearing me say “no” as that shows I’m not willing to compromise. I made sure to never say no outright.
Today, while going shopping for his wedding suit, he tells me his dad wants to buy another saree for the wedding (as his dad is in India, couldn’t come to select the saree, and was offended he was not included, even if I reminded him his dad needed to be a part of it.) I listened and understood, but i mentioned that I needed the blouse for the saree to be stitched, as there was not enough time from my arrival in India to the actual date of the wedding and I was told it would take a month for my other saree blouse. Before letting me further explain, he just blasted at me yelling on top of his voice. I was shocked for a few seconds and I couldn’t react. He told me something but it was like white noise, until I came to my senses and realized he asked about some directions on Google maps. While I went to type in the directions, he told me to forget it and swerved the car back to my house. For the entirety of 20 mins of the car ride, he brought up wedding fights 1,2 and 3 and my ancestry. I just continuously cried out of shock and couldn’t utter a word. He said that I had changed, he alleged he didn’t realize the day he agreed to marry me, he agreed to be my “b**ch” that I always treat him like dirt and have never been understanding and that everything goes my way. He muttered things like “I can’t believe I’m getting married this young” or “I can’t believe this is who I’m marrying” and again reminded me of my low status and that my father could never find someone of his status. He said he could go in marriage market right now and see the value he’d bring. Obviously I’m hurt by these statements, he further said that he didn’t care that I was crying.
I was so confused because I was hands down for it, but I only brought up a concern. He just went on a rampage. I finally built up the courage and told him that i did not refuse to the idea, to this he said I only bring up problems not solutions. I told him it was a concern, as it’s my bridal attire and I was told it’d take a month and wanted support in getting it done within the timeframe. Following this, he asked why didn’t I say this? To which I answered I wanted to, but was randomly yelled at. It further escalated with him telling me to get out of his car.
At this point, I feel so empty. I truly love this man, and he’s more than aware that I just cannot live without him. I can’t wait for the wedding to be over but at the same time I’m afraid of what the future holds. I wish I could just communicate to him clearly. He’s very capable of understanding.
Any advice? No breakup recommendations please. I love this man to death.
TL;DR Fiancé is of higher status and he constantly reminds me of my lower status whenever we fight. More so, during wedding planning. Seeking advice to sail through the storm.
submitted by taeyyykim10 to IndianRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:27 taeyyykim10 Fights with Fiancé about family status

My fiancé (26M) and I (26F) have been in a relationship since Aug 2022. I had just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex, one that lasted 4 years. I met my fiancé (then BF) through insta and when I finally met him I felt like It was a whirlwind romance where I fell extremely hard and felt like he was my soulmate. I belong to a very conservative South Indian family, and I could never freely date. However, due to my age and some sudden circumstances, I decided to introduce my family to my then BF. My family intially disapproved considering my older sister followed the traditional route of an arranged marriage. Since I was “old” in traditional marriage terms and had refused to arranged marriage, they were more open to the idea. I was so happy and truly glad I was getting to call my soulmate my husband, but somehow a lot of latent issues have creeped up lately and I feel lost and empty inside. I need advice. Everything went well for a while, except for the few areas below:
Now, for context, family name/status and caste is a very important part of the marriage process. My fiancé traditionally belongs to a well established family with wealthy and privileged ancestry, whereas mine is relatively unknown. To be honest, my family name is nothing. We are your typical 1st gen expats in GCC who migrated and do not really have a lot of connection or wealth per se in India. My parents only worked hard throughout their life to give me the lifestyle I have, and never got the chance to rely on their family name/status to get somewhere in life. Saying this, my BIL’s family is equally if not more prestigious.
I typically grew up never really thinking about family names. Mostly because I grew up in GCC, and such titles were not common here. However, my fiancé is not. He grew up hearing stories about his lineage and is immensely proud as he should be. When we first started dating this was never a thought (as I mentioned I have never asked and never will ask someone’s “house name”), but as of late it had become a sort of hindrance in our relationship. For instance, he constantly reminds me that my family and I are lucky that we are getting him as a SIL because my father would never be able to get a catch like him if he went the arranged marriage route. It’s no surprise that my FIL and MIL disapprove of me, I wouldn’t mind it so much if my fiancé didn’t constantly remind me of it saying things like, “My father was upset that his only son is getting married to a family nobody knows but don’t worry I’ll protect you“.
However, whenever we fight, he brings up the exact same quote as the above, saying that he protects me from his family but is now at a rift with them because of me. I told him he makes me feel about 👌🏼 big when he says things like this, and told him how I envied my sister who now belongs to an even bigger family and is treated like their own daughter. I told him it was not something I could control, that I do not want to bring our parents into any arguments between us and to focus on us as couple. He agreed then, however he continues to bring up the same subject again and again, belittling me and my parents in the process. I again have to remind him that I am aware that I am nothing and I am not from that world, however he continues to tell me things like “even if my father is distant, my mother surely likes you” which confused me on his intention behind it. What saddened me more was when I accidentally heard him conversing with his sister about a conversation with their mom about me, that I am “a sly fox” and is using them apparently. To this day, I can never understand why my MIL said that. But I let all those thoughts go, because I’m marrying my fiancé and he is my priority.
However as of late, as with all couples in wedding planning season, we have been fighting more. These fights in turn, are getting nastier and nastier. I told him I was traumatized by being yelled at, and that I was scared of him whenever he got angry. I can’t help but cry in these situations as it instigates my fight or flight reaction. Our first fight related to the wedding was of the actual date. I had mentioned to him that I was being pressured from home to be married. I had taken a flight alone in June 2023 to visit his father in India (extremely ballsy in my community) wherein they decided that July 2024 would be the perfect time for the wedding. My parents agreed and so did I so in my mind it was set. This was exactly a year later and it was perfect in my mind. Then about November 2023, a month before our marriage fixing ceremony in front of our extended family, my fiancé tells me he wants to shift the date to December 2024. I would’ve understood but his reasoning was that he was too young and wanted to buy a multi-million car to keep up with his family prestige. I was flabbergasted but explained to him, that I was under pressure and some of my family members know I am getting married in July. I told him i understood that he’s worried he is getting married young, but that I would be there for him. Moreover, There was enough time to gather funds from June 2023 when his father decided the date. He started yelling at me telling that I had no right to say no to him. However, a week later, he speaks to his uncle and suddenly July is perfect because it is better sooner than later.
Second was on the place of the wedding ceremony. I grew up in the Roman Catholic Syro malabar faith, which is a very niche community in South India. I had always told him about my dream to be married in a syro malabar church, and mentioned it was where we couldn’t compromise since he also belongs to the same faith. Due to recent events, almost all churches in his district do not conduct masses, except for one which is an hour away from the hotel booked for the reception. I told him it was okay, I didn’t mind the travel and it was the only church available. He again yelled at me saying that it was too far and that I had no right to say no to him. I told him it had been my childhood dream to be married in a syro malabar church and nothing else. He yelled at me while on call, and was caught by his parents. He again blames me for this, as it was because I refused that he yelled, and then his parents caught him and as a chain reaction his parents berated him. In reaction to this fight, his parents decided to book the only church available.
Third, we fought over the timing of our ceremony/reception. Exhausted from the week before, he suddenly calls me to tell me he’s changing the timing of the ceremony, no discussion and initiation nothing. I told him I couldn’t as I had already paid non-refundable advances to MuAs and hairdressers for me and my family. He started yelling at me again saying that I was always saying no to him. I admitted I was in the wrong here, apologized and found a way to change the booked timings. I lost one deposit but I didn’t mind. As again he was my priority. He explained how he didn’t like hearing me say “no” as that shows I’m not willing to compromise. I made sure to never say no outright.
Today, while going shopping for his wedding suit, he tells me his dad wants to buy another saree for the wedding (as his dad is in India, couldn’t come to select the saree, and was offended he was not included, even if I reminded him his dad needed to be a part of it.) I listened and understood, but i mentioned that I needed the blouse for the saree to be stitched, as there was not enough time from my arrival in India to the actual date of the wedding and I was told it would take a month for my other saree blouse. Before letting me further explain, he just blasted at me yelling on top of his voice. I was shocked for a few seconds and I couldn’t react. He told me something but it was like white noise, until I came to my senses and realized he asked about some directions on Google maps. While I went to type in the directions, he told me to forget it and swerved the car back to my house. For the entirety of 20 mins of the car ride, he brought up wedding fights 1,2 and 3 and my ancestry. I just continuously cried out of shock and couldn’t utter a word. He said that I had changed, he alleged he didn’t realize the day he agreed to marry me, he agreed to be my “b**ch” that I always treat him like dirt and have never been understanding and that everything goes my way. He muttered things like “I can’t believe I’m getting married this young” or “I can’t believe this is who I’m marrying” and again reminded me of my low status and that my father could never find someone of his status. He said he could go in marriage market right now and see the value he’d bring. Obviously I’m hurt by these statements, he further said that he didn’t care that I was crying.
I was so confused because I was hands down for it, but I only brought up a concern. He just went on a rampage. I finally built up the courage and told him that i did not refuse to the idea, to this he said I only bring up problems not solutions. I told him it was a concern, as it’s my bridal attire and I was told it’d take a month and wanted support in getting it done within the timeframe. Following this, he asked why didn’t I say this? To which I answered I wanted to, but was randomly yelled at. It further escalated with him telling me to get out of his car.
At this point, I feel so empty. I truly love this man, and he’s more than aware that I just cannot live without him. I can’t wait for the wedding to be over but at the same time I’m afraid of what the future holds. I wish I could just communicate to him clearly. He’s very capable of understanding.
Any advice? No breakup recommendations please. (As in please provide genuine advice) I love this man to death.
TL;DR Fiancé is of higher status and he constantly reminds me of my lower status whenever we fight. More so, during wedding planning. Seeking advice to sail through the storm.
P.S my apologies for the long read.
submitted by taeyyykim10 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:23 taeyyykim10 Constantly fighting (getting married in 2 months)

My fiancé (26M) and I (26F) have been in a relationship since Aug 2022. I had just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex, one that lasted 4 years. I met my fiancé (then BF) through insta and when I finally met him I felt like It was a whirlwind romance where I fell extremely hard and felt like he was my soulmate. I belong to a very conservative South Indian family, and I could never freely date. However, due to my age and some sudden circumstances, I decided to introduce my family to my then BF. My family intially disapproved considering my older sister followed the traditional route of an arranged marriage. Since I was “old” in traditional marriage terms and had refused to arranged marriage, they were more open to the idea. I was so happy and truly glad I was getting to call my soulmate my husband, but somehow a lot of latent issues have creeped up lately and I feel lost and empty inside. I need advice. Everything went well for a while, except for the few areas below:
Now, for context, family name/status and caste is a very important part of the marriage process. My fiancé traditionally belongs to a well established family with wealthy and privileged ancestry, whereas mine is relatively unknown. To be honest, my family name is nothing. We are your typical 1st gen expats in GCC who migrated and do not really have a lot of connection or wealth per se in India. My parents only worked hard throughout their life to give me the lifestyle I have, and never got the chance to rely on their family name/status to get somewhere in life. Saying this, my BIL’s family is equally if not more prestigious.
I typically grew up never really thinking about family names. Mostly because I grew up in GCC, and such titles were not common here. However, my fiancé is not. He grew up hearing stories about his lineage and is immensely proud as he should be. When we first started dating this was never a thought (as I mentioned I have never asked and never will ask someone’s “house name”), but as of late it had become a sort of hindrance in our relationship. For instance, he constantly reminds me that my family and I are lucky that we are getting him as a SIL because my father would never be able to get a catch like him if he went the arranged marriage route. It’s no surprise that my FIL and MIL disapprove of me, I wouldn’t mind it so much if my fiancé didn’t constantly remind me of it saying things like, “My father was upset that his only son is getting married to a family nobody knows but don’t worry I’ll protect you“.
However, whenever we fight, he brings up the exact same quote as the above, saying that he protects me from his family but is now at a rift with them because of me. I told him he makes me feel about 👌🏼 big when he says things like this, and told him how I envied my sister who now belongs to an even bigger family and is treated like their own daughter. I told him it was not something I could control, that I do not want to bring our parents into any arguments between us and to focus on us as couple. He agreed then, however he continues to bring up the same subject again and again, belittling me and my parents in the process. I again have to remind him that I am aware that I am nothing and I am not from that world, however he continues to tell me things like “even if my father is distant, my mother surely likes you” which confused me on his intention behind it. What saddened me more was when I accidentally heard him conversing with his sister about a conversation with their mom about me, that I am “a sly fox” and is using them apparently. To this day, I can never understand why my MIL said that. But I let all those thoughts go, because I’m marrying my fiancé and he is my priority.
However as of late, as with all couples in wedding planning season, we have been fighting more. These fights in turn, are getting nastier and nastier. I told him I was traumatized by being yelled at, and that I was scared of him whenever he got angry. I can’t help but cry in these situations as it instigates my fight or flight reaction. Our first fight related to the wedding was of the actual date. I had mentioned to him that I was being pressured from home to be married. I had taken a flight alone in June 2023 to visit his father in India (extremely ballsy in my community) wherein they decided that July 2024 would be the perfect time for the wedding. My parents agreed and so did I so in my mind it was set. This was exactly a year later and it was perfect in my mind. Then about November 2023, a month before our marriage fixing ceremony in front of our extended family, my fiancé tells me he wants to shift the date to December 2024. I would’ve understood but his reasoning was that he was too young and wanted to buy a multi-million car to keep up with his family prestige. I was flabbergasted but explained to him, that I was under pressure and some of my family members know I am getting married in July. I told him i understood that he’s worried he is getting married young, but that I would be there for him. Moreover, There was enough time to gather funds from June 2023 when his father decided the date. He started yelling at me telling that I had no right to say no to him. However, a week later, he speaks to his uncle and suddenly July is perfect because it is better sooner than later.
Second was on the place of the wedding ceremony. I grew up in the Roman Catholic Syro malabar faith, which is a very niche community in South India. I had always told him about my dream to be married in a syro malabar church, and mentioned it was where we couldn’t compromise since he also belongs to the same faith. Due to recent events, almost all churches in his district do not conduct masses, except for one which is an hour away from the hotel booked for the reception. I told him it was okay, I didn’t mind the travel and it was the only church available. He again yelled at me saying that it was too far and that I had no right to say no to him. I told him it had been my childhood dream to be married in a syro malabar church and nothing else. He yelled at me while on call, and was caught by his parents. He again blames me for this, as it was because I refused that he yelled, and then his parents caught him and as a chain reaction his parents berated him. In reaction to this fight, his parents decided to book the only church available.
Third, we fought over the timing of our ceremony/reception. Exhausted from the week before, he suddenly calls me to tell me he’s changing the timing of the ceremony, no discussion and initiation nothing. I told him I couldn’t as I had already paid non-refundable advances to MuAs and hairdressers for me and my family. He started yelling at me again saying that I was always saying no to him. I admitted I was in the wrong here, apologized and found a way to change the booked timings. I lost one deposit but I didn’t mind. As again he was my priority. He explained how he didn’t like hearing me say “no” as that shows I’m not willing to compromise. I made sure to never say no outright.
Today, while going shopping for his wedding suit, he tells me his dad wants to buy another saree for the wedding (as his dad is in India, couldn’t come to select the saree, and was offended he was not included, even if I reminded him his dad needed to be a part of it.) I listened and understood, but i mentioned that I needed the blouse for the saree to be stitched, as there was not enough time from my arrival in India to the actual date of the wedding and I was told it would take a month for my other saree blouse. Before letting me further explain, he just blasted at me yelling on top of his voice. I was shocked for a few seconds and I couldn’t react. He told me something but it was like white noise, until I came to my senses and realized he asked about some directions on Google maps. While I went to type in the directions, he told me to forget it and swerved the car back to my house. For the entirety of 20 mins of the car ride, he brought up wedding fights 1,2 and 3 and my ancestry. I just continuously cried out of shock and couldn’t utter a word. He said that I had changed, he alleged he didn’t realize the day he agreed to marry me, he agreed to be my “b**ch” that I always treat him like dirt and have never been understanding and that everything goes my way. He muttered things like “I can’t believe I’m getting married this young” or “I can’t believe this is who I’m marrying” and again reminded me of my low status and that my father could never find someone of his status. He said he could go in marriage market right now and see the value he’d bring. Obviously I’m hurt by these statements, he further said that he didn’t care that I was crying.
I was so confused because I was hands down for it, but I only brought up a concern. He just went on a rampage. I finally built up the courage and told him that i did not refuse to the idea, to this he said I only bring up problems not solutions. I told him it was a concern, as it’s my bridal attire and I was told it’d take a month and wanted support in getting it done within the timeframe. Following this, he asked why didn’t I say this? To which I answered I wanted to, but was randomly yelled at. It further escalated with him telling me to get out of his car.
At this point, I feel so empty. I truly love this man, and he’s more than aware that I just cannot live without him. I can’t wait for the wedding to be over but at the same time I’m afraid of what the future holds. I wish I could just communicate to him clearly. He’s very capable of understanding.
Any advice? No breakup recommendations please. I love this man to death.
TL;DR Fiancé is of higher status and he constantly reminds me of my lower status whenever we fight. More so, during wedding planning. Seeking advice to sail through the storm.
submitted by taeyyykim10 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:49 Future-Equal5136 I’m 27 years old and make $325,000 living in California and working in finance. This week I go salsa dancing!

Occupation: Investment Professional
Industry: Finance
Age: 27
Location: California
Pronouns: She/her
Assets & Debt:
Assets: $943,000 in total: $17,000 in cash checking/savings. $171,000 in a 401(K) from my prior job. $36,000 in IRAs. $680,000 in my brokerage account. $38,000 invested in my company’s funds (Valued at my cost basis. I have committed to invest up to $150,000 over the next four years). ~$1,000 between two HSA/FSAs. I am a renter so I do not have home equity.
*Debt: * ~$3,000 balance on credit cards that are paid in full each month.
Income: $225,000 salary + $100,000 bonus. I received $100K as a bonus for the last two years, so I think this year should be the same or higher in light of a promotion.
I’m also eligible for a portion of carried interest, which is our firm’s profit sharing plan. It’s highly uncertain (deferred contingent compensation that vests quarterly over 5 years) but the estimated payout is $0.5 million in total over the next five to seven years if our investments perform according to plan and I stay with the firm through the full vesting period. This amount could potentially double if our new fund launches as planned later this year. I wanted to include this to reflect my full financial picture, but it’s not money I’m counting on at this point.
Paycheck Amount: $5,884 twice a month. This is after taxes and about $25 per pay period into an FSA. My company covers my health insurance premiums in full and does not currently offer a 401K, so there are no retirement deductions netted out of this amount. The bonus is paid out once a year in December.
Income Progression: I’ve worked in the same field throughout my career. My first salary was $65,000 plus a $40,000 bonus. My income increased significantly over the first few years of my career, including several very generous bonuses at my last job (>100% of base) that have allowed me to save as much as I have.
Side Gig / Extraneous Income: None
Partner’s Income: My partner and I do not have combined finances so I did not include his financial information above. However, we do live together, share expenses, and intend to combine finances after marriage so I thought it was relevant to share his financial information. He makes about $120,000 a year in salary plus equity in his company. His net worth is similar to mine though highly concentrated in semi-liquid private stock. We generally split expenses 50/50 and trade off on a few (he covers the Wifi bill because I do more of the groceries and household spending, etc.). We take turns paying for dinner and travel but generally don’t keep track of expenses dollar for dollar.
Supplemental Questions
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in higher education and if yes, how did you pay for it?
I was a very good student growing up so there was never a question that I would go to college, from my side or my parents’ side. I got my bachelor’s degree at a public university. I had a scholarship for the first year and my parents paid for the remainder of tuition and rent which I am very grateful for. I worked during college summers and had internships during a few semesters, so I had savings to pay for groceries, gas, and entertainment.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parents educate you about finances?
Both of my parents have business backgrounds so I am lucky to have had a financial education at home. My parents taught me the importance of saving and helped me open a credit card (to use like a debit card, of course) and investment account during college.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
During high school, I had some informal jobs like babysitting and tutoring here and there. My first W-2 job was working at a restaurant the summer after high school graduation. I wanted the spending money and my parents candidly wanted me to get some life experience before leaving for college.
Did you worry about money growing up?
For the most part, no. My parents did well when I was growing up and still do today. However, my dad’s job had a few boom and bust periods. My dad was between jobs for extended periods when I was a young girl and when I was in middle school during the Great Recession and I remember asking my parents if we were going to be okay. We lived in a nice house and I was never worried about going without something important, but I got the impression that jobs can come and go and you should be prepared with as much savings as possible.
Do you worry about money now?
No, which is such a gift. I’m a natural worrier, so I try to actively appreciate the financial peace of mind that my career has afforded me. I am hoping for an eventual career change, maybe 5 to 10 years from now, into a field that is less lucrative but more personally fulfilling. I don’t worry per se, but I do plan and save in a manner that is consistent with the gravy train drying up in the medium future.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became financially responsible for myself at 21 when I graduated college and started my first full-time job in finance. At that point, I took over all bills except for the phone bill which my parents still graciously pay.
My savings are my primary safety net. If things were really to go south, I know my partner or family would be there for me.
Have you ever received passive or inherited income?
As mentioned, my parents paid for my college tuition and expenses. When I graduated, they paid for my car and furniture to set up my new apartment. Hard to overstate the value of their financial and emotional support, I’m really lucky.
A few years ago, my parents began giving my sibling and I checks at Christmas as an “advance on an inheritance.” I’ve received about $20,000 in total over four years. I do expect to receive some kind of inheritance eventually, but I don’t count on it and hope that’s very very far away.
Monthly Expenses
Rent: $1,700 for my half of rent for a one-bedroom apartment (Pain. It’s a nice space in a new building)
Electric/WateTrash/Pest/Etc: $65 or so for my half
Wifi: $0, Partner pays
Phone: $0, Thanks Mom and Dad…
TV Streaming: $0, I am a mooch
Car and Renter’s Insurance: $156
Health Insurance: $0, Company pays
Donations: $300 ($100 to three charities each month; I usually add some ad hoc giving at year-end)
ClassPass: $119
AMC A-List: $25
Spotify: $12
WSJ: $11
Apple Storage: $3
Day 1
7:45 AM: Good morning! I’m in a nice mood today because I was able to sleep straight up to my alarm. My noise cancelling headphones won the battle against the construction outside my window today. After my usual scrolling time, I get ready for work and leave the house around 8:40 AM for what is usually a 20 minute commute. I’m in the office four times a week so I “pay the pink tax” regularly, which is what my partner calls my getting ready routine. Do people care to hear about outfits? I usually wear dressy business casual to the office. Today it’s a blue shell with a keyhole neckline from Macy’s circa 2017, black cardigan, black cropped dress pants from Ann Taylor, and black kitten heels from Vince Camuto. I think I am Ann Taylor’s most loyal customer in the under-40 category.
10:30 AM: Pretty quiet week in the office so far. I have a call to learn about a new deal with our potential co-investors. I would rank it a meh out of 10 but consider putting together an investment review page to bring to the broader team just in case. Otherwise, I complete my morning routine of drinking office coffee and playing NYT Games. Our office kitchen is well stocked with coffee and snacks, so I usually eat a yogurt or oatmeal at my desk for weekday breakfast.
12:30 PM: I reheat my meal prepped chickpea curry for lunch. It’s pretty tasty but it’s also my fourth day in a row eating it so I won’t be sad once it’s gone. I usually try to bring lunch to the office, but sometimes I run out of time to meal prep if I travel on weekends and then I resort to Sweetgreen or Whole Foods.
4:00 PM: Pretty leisurely afternoon. My colleague also thinks that this morning’s deal is a meh out of 10, so that’s on hold, and I’m waiting around for some data requests on other deals. I write up a short portfolio update on a few companies I cover to send to one of our investors. There is a close call, as a banker requests a 7:00 AM meeting for next week, but my boss blessedly pushes back and asks for a later time. Otherwise, I work on my Money Diary and start scheming weekend plans.
5:50 PM: Time to go home. Traffic is tragic, as is par for the course on Thursdays. I’ll live.
6:45 PM: I am home and super hungry. I make instant ramen and throw in some baked tofu to bulk it up. I also make a quick cucumber salad with kimchi, soy sauce, chili crunch… and Everything But The Bagel seasoning. I know that’s not a very authentic topping but it’s delicious. I settle in to watch an episode or two of Sex and the City. I just started it and I can’t believe I’ve never watched it before. What a treat! SJP’s body is so banging. I wonder if she ate instant ramen…
7:45 PM: My partner C is home! He got back late because he went to REI for his camping trip this weekend. I ooh and ahh over his new headlamp. He puts his tent together in the kitchen to make sure he has all the pieces. Cuuuuute. And he brought me a red velvet cookie from work! All is well.
9 PM: It’s trashy TV night! I take out my coloring pencils and do a bit of coloring. I watch the first episode of the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix. Not a lot of likeable characters there unsurprisingly. I need a palate cleanser so I turn on the Try Guys on YouTube which is ironically thematically related.
10 PM: I take a shower and get ready for bed. I write a short note in my gratitude journal and read on my Kindle before passing out. Currently reading Funny Story by Emily Henry (love all of her books) and The It Girl by Ruth Ware (jury’s still out). My first day is a no-spend day, hope that’s not too boring!
Day 1 Total: $0
Day 2
8:15 AM: I get to sleep in today because it’s work from home Friday! I had a dream I was in tumultuous situationships with John Mulaney and Matty Healy… bad taste in men gang, rise up. Anyway… I kiss C goodbye as he leaves for work and get back into bed with some water and a granola bar for my morning screen time.
9:30 AM: Time to make moves. I log into work, make the bed, and get dressed. Today I’m wearing Vuori joggers and an Aerosmith T-shirt I bought at Pacsun in high school. I go downstairs to the apartment lobby to make a latte with their fancy espresso machine. Back upstairs, I settle in with my coffee and put the new Billie Eilish album on TV.
10:30 AM: Bopping around doing emails. I got invited to a Women in Investing event next week by a local bank. They will have a suite at the soccer game! Fun! Unfortunately, it’s the same time as a double dinner date we planned next week. I text C and he’s okay if we reschedule, so I RSVP yes to the soccer game. Separately, C Venmo’s me for my half of the electric bill. I think I missed last month’s notification, sorry, so this would be two months’ worth ($62, included in monthly expenses).
11:00 AM: Our firm closed a deal last week, so as a (small) investor in the fund, I received the deal announcement and capital call today. My portion of the investment would be $6,771. I’ll write that check next week.
12:15 PM: I run out to Trader Joe’s before my afternoon call. Love that I’m in walking distance. I get popcorn, taco shells, two frozen meals, kale, asparagus, chickpea pasta, pasta sauce, artichokes, refried beans, cheese, orange peppers, watermelon, lime seltzer, and guacamole. It’s my cheapest TJ’s run in a while which probably means I’ll be back soon. $50 I get home and make lunch, a pre-made salad with cucumber and tofu added in.
2:45 PM: I had my standing weekly call with a portfolio company and then worked to refine a financial model I’ve been working on. I’m now waiting on input from others, so I have a Greek yogurt and kombucha as a snack. I am still hungry so I crush some popcorn and then do some reading to prepare for a call I’ll have mid-next week about an industry I’m not very familiar with.
4:30 PM: People have stopped replying to my messages so I’ll take the hint and sign off also. I got to the apartment gym and do a few miles on the elliptical and a strength circuit from Caroline Girvan on YouTube.
5:30 PM: After a quick shower, I make chalupas for dinner which is a perennial favorite. Tostadas (or just broken taco shells in a pinch) with refried beans and cheese baked in the oven, topped with salsa, guacamole and bell peppers. I start it up and C helps plate so I can get ready for our evening activity.
6:30 PM: We live nearby a park that does weekly community events and tonight is salsa night! They offered a thirty minute lesson and then an evening of dancing to a live salsa band! We learn a little routine during the lesson but salsa is not a natural skill of C or mine. My footwork isn’t great but I can move my hips a bit. Poor C is stiff as a board and also a perfectionist which is a tough combo for dancing. We dance for about half an hour to the band then give up and watch a while. P.S.: I wore a black floral midi dress, tall black boots, and a black suede jacket. I considered wearing my red silk skirt which is beautiful and looks like the salsa dance emoji, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t because most people were dressed pretty casually and I would have been embarrassed being the fanciest dresser and worst dancer simultaneously.
8:00 PM: We officially give up on salsa - maybe next time! C insists that we would have gotten it if we weren’t five minutes late to the lesson… sure. We go to our local brewery and each have a beer, which C buys. We play Scrabble against each other on our phones. I win but who’s counting? We go back to our apartment and I finish the Ashley Madison documentary and fall asleep on the couch. Spoiler alert: don’t waste your time.
Day 2 Total: $50
Day 3
10:00 AM: Feeling great after sleeping in! C left for his camping trip at about 8 AM and I went back to bed. I fetch another lobby latte and enjoy a slow morning in bed.
12:15 PM: I meet my good friend M out for lunch. Outfit check? I’m wearing an Abercrombie cotton button down tunic, stretchy black pants, and white sneakers. We chat and split a salad and pizza with iced tea. We split the bill, which includes an 18% service charge which states that it helps the restaurant paying living wages but also is “not a tip.” Hmm. The suggested tip at the bottom of the receipt is 10-15% so I leave 10%. Tipping culture stays confusing. $31
1:30 PM: M is joining me on a mission today. I feel like most of my jeans are outdated jeggings or too tight to wear comfortably so it’s time for a refresh. There are a bunch of vintage and thrift stores in the area so we set off. The first store was a bust. I tried on 11 pairs of jeans and there wasn’t even a maybe! I learn that I do not know my jean size and clothing brands also do not know their jean sizes because there is a laughable lack of consistency. Thankfully, my patience is rewarded at the second store. Two out of five pairs are winners. I get a pair of light wash relaxed fit Agolde jeans which are a steal at $32 and a pair of black flared jeans which fit like a glove despite (or because of?) some janky homemade tailoring in blue thread at the waistband. I’ll try to redo that at home in black thread at the very least. M also has success, buying a black denim skirt. $58
3:00 PM: In the midst of our shopping adventure, we stop at Starbucks for a lemonade and bathroom break. $6
3:30 PM: OMG. We walk by a shop with a line out the door and wonder what’s going on. Turns out it’s a pop up merch shop for Billie Eilish’s new album! I can’t help it, we go in. They’re playing her new music video projected on the walls and Billie had signed a decal on the wall for the event. The merch is sick and I buy an overpriced t-shirt. ** $54**
4:30 PM: I stop at CVS on the way home to get some household items, a Magic Eraser and some rubbing alcohol. $8
5:30 PM: Home now. I eat a yogurt and decide to enjoy the last of the daylight. I take my Kindle and a kombucha to sit by the pool for a while.
6:15 PM: It gets chilly quickly so I pack it up. I prep dinner which is the chickpea pasta, air fried asparagus, artichokes and TJ’s Rosatella sauce. The sauce is quite tasty but there was a scary moment when I couldn’t get the jar open and almost called off dinner. I turn on The Idea of You with Anne Hathaway. Is this a Harry Styles fan fic? It must be. It’s a bit corny but also hot. Would recommend.
9 PM: What now? I’m not tired at all so I go around the house doing weird chores. I unpack my clothes and clean out my pants drawer as promised. I try on the new jeans again and turns out there is a surprise waiting for me… someone cut one of those under-butt cut-outs into the Agolde jeans! As if jeans shopping isn’t hard enough! I can’t believe I didn’t see that at the store. I can only laugh. I guess I’ll try to sew it up tomorrow. Maybe white thread to make it look like ripped denim… With that, I take half an edible and call it a night.
Day 3 Total: $157
Day 4
8:30 AM: Good morning… I dreamt about my parents divorcing and C and I splitting up. Pleasant! I eat a granola bar in bed and procrastinate getting ready for the gym until it’s really time to go.
10:30 AM: I go to F45 once or twice a week using ClassPass credits and today was another great class. I’ve gained a lot of confidence lifting weights from the trainers there. I come home, shower up, and pick up the mail and a latte from the apartment lobby. Back upstairs, I call my dad for a while to catch up.
12:00 PM: The Jeans Doctor is in the house! First order of business is to get the blue ink out of my white jeans from last weekend. The internet said that rubbing alcohol will do the trick… I’m sad because I thought it wasn’t working until I rinse out the alcohol and the ink magically washes away. No shit, thanks Good Housekeeping! I feel emboldened by my success and turn to the Agolde jeans. I patch up two little worn patches with white thread and then stitch up the under-booty cut-out in light blue. The white threads help mask my sloppy stitches. Success! I fry some eggs for lunch and finish up my jeans over Sex and the City.
3:00 PM: It’s Sporty Sunday! I walk over to our neighborhood pickleball courts and meet up with a few friends. It’s pretty busy so we volley around the tennis court for about an hour before a pickleball court opens and then we play a few games. The sun feels great! My pickleball skills are super average but it’s been a fun new hobby.
6:00 PM: Home now and so is C! Sounds like he had a great trip. He starts the laundry and I start dinner, which is chalupas round 2. Afterwards I sit on the couch and think zero thoughts for a while. We’re both pretty gassed. I cozy up in bed with a sleepy girl mocktail (tart cherry juice and seltzer) and the new season of Bridgerton.
Day 4 Total: $0
Day 5
6:45 AM: Early bird gets the worm! Couldn’t be me, but the construction workers are already getting after it. I put in my AirPods and go back to bed.
8:15 AM: Time to get ready for work in a rush, as per usual. I’m wearing a black V-neck cardigan with a black lace cami underneath, black cropped dress pants again, and white Vionic loafers. I add some turquoise drop earrings for a bit of color. Quick skincare and makeup and then I’m out the door.
9:10 AM: Now at work, I have a protein bar and coffee. I prep the agenda for our team meeting, then I’m tied up for the next few hours in Monday morning meetings.
12:30 PM: Work usually caters in lunch on Monday and today is Greek food. Beggars can’t be choosers but I’m a bit sad there are four kinds of meat but no falafel. I make a plate of rice, hummus, and salad, then hungrily go back for seconds.
4:00 PM: The afternoon has passed quickly. I finalize a financial model and send out to my deal lead, then start reviewing the materials for a new deal that came through last night. I missed my typical lunch walk, so I take 20 minutes to walk a few blocks around the office. Gosh it’s nice outside.
6:20 PM: I wrap up work, bullshit with my coworker for a bit, then it’s time to go home. Once home, I eat leftover chickpea pasta. I also “meal prep” two lunches for the office; I throw rice in the rice cooker, then once cooked, combine into Tupperware with kale and a Trader Joe’s pre-made Indian food pouch. Does that count as homemade? Once C gets home, we take a little walk together around the neighborhood and enjoy the last half hour of sun.
8:00 PM: We knock out a few chores so the house is in good shape. C cleans the kitchen and I fold laundry. I take a shower and get into PJs so I can have the most peaceful Bridgerton viewing experience. I tell C that Bridgerton has sex scenes and suddenly he’s happy to watch with me. Good night!
Day 5 Total: $0
Day 6
7:30 AM: Rise and shine… I get going a bit early this morning. I wear a tan Zara cardigan, striped Ann Taylor blouse, grey Banana Republic slacks, tan loafers, and gold jewelry. I’d like to think of my work style as classic and unobjectionable, but hopefully not PTA Mom-esque (it probably is).
8:45 AM: I get to the office and start prepping for calls. Busy day with a bunch of random meetings: reference call with a recruiter, strategy session with one of our companies, and an introductory call with a potential banking partner. I’m up to my eyeballs in meetings and little projects until about 2:30. I eat a yogurt for “breakfast” at 11:30 and my meal prepped lunch at 1:00 while I crank through work.
3:00 PM: I’ve been texting with my mom about 4th of July plans and I think we’ve locked in times. I book flights for C and I to visit my parents for a few days over the holidays, which will be great. I book the first flight out using miles and buy the return flight in cash. I don’t think I’ll Venmo request C for this one; we usually cover each other’s expenses when we ask each other to attend “our” events. $342
4:30 PM: I get an email with details for the Women in Investing soccer game event. Apparently the stadium does not allow non-clear bags of any size, including clutches. I go to Amazon and order a small clear bag that will ship in one day. $12
5:45 PM: I booked a Pilates class for 7 PM and I usually get really hangry if I don’t eat beforehand. Luckily, there are Greek food leftovers. I heat up some rice and top with hummus and salad. I prep an agenda for my call tomorrow morning, send it over to my boss, and head out around 6:30.
8:00 PM: Another good Pilates session! I wasn’t able to find street parking so I have to pay for the parking lot. $7 I’m a bit late at this point, but I want to swing by our neighborhood bar for Trivia Tuesday.
9:30 PM: Victory! Our trivia team wins by 1 point, total nail biter. I contributed to the victory by recalling that pi is an irrational number. The 1st place prize is a $100 gift card and we’re stoked. I met this crew through M and they’re all so nice. I got a lemonade which would have been $4, but it’s covered by our previous trivia winnings.
10:00 PM: Home now and time to unwind. I take a shower and then join C on the couch. I tell myself I’m going to read and then I scroll Reddit.
Day 6 Total: $361
Day 7
7:30 AM: Normal routine to get ready for work. I wear a printed flowy blouse, grey cardigan, black dress pants, and tan sandals (assorted H&M, Nordstrom Rack, and Ann Taylor, all years old). I fear it’s very much giving PTA Mom. I scurry off to the office.
8:59 AM: I arrive with one minute to spare before my first call of the day. I would have been early but my usual exit on the highway was closed, sending myself and my fellow commuters for a loop. Anyways, I sign on for my first of five back-to-back calls this morning for new deals and more recruiter interviews (one of our companies is trying to hire a new CEO).
12:45 PM: I wrap up a very successful call where the potential co-investor said our terms are ridiculously off-market, and then the fire alarm goes off. Nice! I have 15 minutes free so I reheat my chickpea pasta and eat half before my next meeting.
2:00 PM: Done with my last meeting. I eat the rest of my pasta and some Greek salad from the kitchen. Thank God for leftovers. I’m feeling pretty frazzled after a busy day. I usually only have one or two meetings per day, then the rest of my workday is quiet time for research or analysis. I take a 20 minute walk to clear my head, then it’s back to it.
6:00 PM: I successfully re-focus enough to complete my sections of the Q1 investor update letters. With that done, I log off for the day and head over to our local movie theater. C and I reserved tickets for A24’s IMAX re-release of Uncut Gems. I’ve never seen it before so I’m excited to hear what the hype is about, albeit years later.
6:30 PM: C beats me to the mall, so he orders dinner for us both. He gets a quesadilla and I have two vegan tacos.
9:30 PM: The movie was a total riot. I leave feeling grateful that my life is my life and not Adam Sandler’s character. The ticket is covered by my AMC A-List subscription, but it would have been $29 after fees otherwise (?!!). The theater validates parking for 3 hours, but we go a bit over so I pay for parking. $6 Thanks for following along with my week!
Day 7 Total: $6
Food Total: $87
Travel Total: $342
Clothing Total: $124
Other Total: $21
Total Spending: $574
This was a typical week at home for me. Outside of the airfare, I’d say it was pretty frugal with no pricy dinners, nail salon visits, or even gas. C and I travel once or twice a month to visit friends and family and attend lots of weddings these days, so some travel spend is normal course for us. I was a bit nervous to submit a MD, but I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading!
Note: edited for formatting :)
submitted by Future-Equal5136 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 21:33 EarthInternational9 RPM didn't rape Steve, but that's WHY God is giving me something unbelievably good to make up for BIG lies people said about me since 1998.

God is giving me something you cannot steal, have or take away from me because of every bad thing you did to me because you believed my ex-husband, Steve's dad! Jail wasn't for innocent people, me or RPM, and the bad people will never get jail, but lot worse because it's Power of God! You can put me in jail for something that didn't even happen, but FOREVER hell is waiting for you because you aren't eternal. Do you know why? I didn't intend to "volunteer" for anything they said. GOD KNOWS 100% TRUTH. God knows that I didn't actually DESERVE what people chose to do to me. They want to dress me up and pretend that I am the "Indian lady" (nanny was CRK) they were supposed to be punishing. Why? White power group would be irrelevant, or in trouble, once it's public that hate group members had sex with black women. It used to be death sentence for men of either race, not punishment for women. In my timeline anyway. I can't say what happens in other timelines or countries because I never lived there elsewhere!
I wore sarees for him, God and myself. I NEVER SAID I WAS INDIAN or misrepresented myself. I didn't leave him on 2/14/2000. Valentine's day. Worldwide couples day! In 8+ years, they didn't have kids either. Fake website found. CORRECT one to see their divorce details: Yes, that's why I don't use ACTUAL facts to reset important websites anymore. They already stole documents/had infoprmation, but they want excuses to be mean to me. They think hackers are entitled to own slaves. Too literal intrepretation of ENGLISH IDIOM seen on Facebook. Must not have been actual phrase, but it did trigger hundred or more people.
It's why I KNOW her friends & supporters are doomed. I heard it was a P family member in a time machine who made sure they went to his state college -his Masters degree and f *** him, so CRK would be confused or MORE LIKELY ABLE TO INSULT ME. Time machine used by malicious people. See it yet? PLANNED attack on my character once I was independent of my parents, and DEFINITELY causing harm to my three children. RPM, still thinks I am a P sister BECAUSE I wouldn't have lived in FL except for the 1998 guy. I despise him.
Do you think the angry souls or entities from "Bird Box" movie might become a reality? I do. I think they are souls from collapsed timelines as well as angry souls because of identity fraud and religious ceremonies. Poltergeists are usually children or young adults, but others unable to enjoy eternal rest or even reincarnation might be attacking the people (or anyone) who caused their soul so much UNREST.
Now with that time machine, they plan to literally take me under the ground into a cave to live. I was honest about what happens when I lived in a BASEMENT. I die of cervical cancer living in a basement or similiar. I tested positive for cancer in my 20's without any risk factors EXCEPT for basement apartment. I haven't gotten that same test results other than basement apartment year. My body wasn't created for subterranean residences. They can't remember prior timelines because they DON'T keep records or write anything down. They can't even remember people. Same name issues created problems. Identity fraud created "forever" problems. Using time machine, they just repeat the SAME attacks on me.
submitted by EarthInternational9 to u/EarthInternational9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:01 citizen1406 My friend is really frustrated with the recent accident by a teen (17 drunk boy)

i read it this morning and did some diging and got that there is a video of this mf eligitaly drinking he is 17 below age and how the fk he got a lambo to drive without licence and when he crashed his alchol test came out to negative as reported in court this is no joke this is a serious offence actually a murder but the court oh my fking god the 17 year boy who was driving uske papa rich hai so no worries mfs indian laws are only for middle class peoples wahi apan agar bike ke sath bhi kahi jaye toh ye dikao wo diako or ek document bhi kam reh jaye toh u know how fked up they are and here rich dads spoiled kids after killing two persons will roam freely iski punishment toh padna jara :15 days help to traffic police are u serious , visit to thereapist oh my god and what about the kids who are suffering like hell in kota under pressure commiting sucide na unko koi thodi puchta hai ab bc un hone kiti padai kari hogi jaise taise engineer bane who knows unki family circumstances kya hai and all changed in one night and uss ladke ki family ke farak tak nahi pada i in india agar apke papa dada ne paise kamye hai toh hi u can make something out of it uss paise ka use karke or paise kamao amir ko bc elon musk bana do rights nahi previlages do mfs ko and lower class middle class ki marlo unke bacho ki marlo karte raho bc jee neet upsc usme se kuch nikal jayenge baki ko sadne do agar select hue toh thik warna sab thumhari galti oh my heaven i am in soo much rage but kya kar sakte hai nothing bas jhunjhuna bajake so jao and bhul jao na deko🙈 na suno🙉 na bolo🙊 kuch nahi ho sakta hai is system ka bhai log ho sake toh jaldi se bhar nikal jao sare [foreign] warna kya pata agle engineer tum ho atleat bhar kuch action ki umeed toh hogi culprit ke kilaf yaha toh bhul jao and bagwan ka har raat sukriya karo ki tumare samne aaj koi lambo nahi warna its ur mistake assholes
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2024.05.18 12:57 theepochtmz Sabyasachi Mukherjee – A Journey of Creativity

Sabyasachi Mukherjee – A Journey of Creativity
Early Beginnings: A Bengali Heritage
Born into a middle-class Bengali family, Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s roots trace back to the post-independence era when his parents migrated from what was then East Pakistan to India. Growing up in Kakinara, West Bengal, Mukherjee embarked on his educational journey at Sri Aurobindo Vidyamandir in Chandannagar, where his early fascination with art and design began to blossom.
Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Education and Entrepreneurship:
A Vision Takes Shape Mukherjee’s foray into the world of fashion commenced when he pursued a degree from India’s prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology, culminating in his graduation in the summer of 1999. Just four months later, armed with ambition and creativity, he founded his eponymous label with a modest team of three. His innate talent didn’t go unnoticed, earning him the esteemed Femina British Council’s Most Outstanding Young Designer of India Award in 2001, which subsequently led him to an enriching internship in London under the tutelage of designer Georgina von Etzdorf.
Rise to Prominence:
From Local to Global The early 2000s marked the ascent of Mukherjee’s career, with his participation in India Fashion Week garnering critical acclaim. His international debut on the catwalk at the Mercedes-Benz New Asia Fashion Week in Singapore in 2003 propelled him onto the global stage. Collaborations with iconic designers like Jean Paul Gaultier and Azzedine Alaia in Paris further enriched his artistic repertoire.
Design Philosophy:
Bridging Tradition and Modernity Mukherjee’s design philosophy is deeply rooted in celebrating the “personalized imperfection of the human hand.” Drawing inspiration from his Kolkata heritage, he seamlessly blends traditional Indian craftsmanship with contemporary silhouettes. His collections evoke imagery from bygone eras, infused with vibrant hues, intricate detailing, and rich textures, culminating in what he describes as “an international style with an Indian essence.”
Philanthropy and Preservation:
A Commitment to Craftsmanship Beyond fashion, Mukherjee is a visionary entrepreneur with a philanthropic spirit. His initiative, “Save the Saree,” endeavors to support traditional Indian weavers by selling hand-woven sarees on a non-profit basis. Collaborations with textile groups across India reflect his commitment to preserving indigenous craftsmanship.
Cinematic Contributions:
From Silver Screen to Runway Mukherjee’s illustrious career extends beyond the runway, making indelible marks in the world of cinema. His costume designs for acclaimed Bollywood films like “Black,” “English Vinglish,” and “Guzaarish” have earned him widespread acclaim and accolades, including the prestigious National Award for Best Costume Designer.
Celebrity Weddings:
A Touch of Elegance In the realm of celebrity weddings, Mukherjee’s creations have become synonymous with timeless elegance. From Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s ethereal nuptials to Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s regal ceremony, his exquisite ensembles have adorned some of the most iconic unions in recent memory.
Global Presence:
Redefining Luxury With flagship stores dotting major cities globally, Mukherjee’s brand continues to redefine luxury and elegance. His accolades, including being the sole Indian designer to present at Milan Fashion Week, underscore his enduring influence and innovation in the fashion industry.
Legacy and Inspiration:
A Cultural Icon Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s legacy transcends mere fashion; it embodies a timeless celebration of craftsmanship, culture, and creativity, making him an icon of sartorial excellence and Indian heritage.
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2024.05.10 13:40 vummndi Enhance Your Look: Styling Tips for Different Ear Ring Designs

Earrings are not just accessories; they are a declaration of one's identity and style, especially in the vibrant culture of India, where they hold a significant place in both daily wear and festive attire. Whether you're dressing up for a casual outing or preparing for a grand festival, choosing the right earrings can elevate your look immensely. Here, we explore various earring designs and how you can style them to enhance your beauty and express your personality.

Jhumkas: The Quintessence of Tradition

Jhumkas are quintessentially Indian and have been cherished through the ages. These bell-shaped earrings are synonymous with ethnic wear. To truly stand out, pair gold or silver jhumkas with a traditional saree or Anarkali suit. For a contemporary twist, choose jhumkas with a fusion design—perhaps silver oxidized jhumkas with western outfits for a bold, eclectic look. During festive occasions like Diwali or weddings, jhumkas adorned with kundan or meenakari work can add a regal touch to your attire.

Studs: Elegance in Simplicity

Studs are perfect for those who appreciate minimalism. They are versatile and subtle, making them suitable for both office wear and casual outings. Diamond studs, for instance, can add a touch of elegance to any outfit, from a simple kurti to a formal business suit. For those who prefer a bit more color, ruby or emerald studs can beautifully complement traditional Indian wear, enhancing the overall ensemble with a pop of vivid color.

Hoops: Bold and Beautiful

Hoops have made a significant comeback and are now a staple in many wardrobes. They range from small and sleek to large and ornate. A pair of large gold hoops can be the perfect accessory for a fusion look—try pairing them with a high-waisted lehenga skirt and crop top. Alternatively, smaller hoops might be more appropriate for professional settings or casual meetings. Hoops encrusted with gems can add a festive flair to your Diwali outfit, perfectly encapsulating both comfort and style.

Chandbalis: A Touch of Royal Glamour

Chandbalis are another beloved choice that exudes royal charm. These moon-shaped earrings are often detailed with pearls, beads, and precious stones. Chandbalis work wonderfully with heavy Indian outfits like lehengas and shararas. To maximize their impact, keep your neck bare or opt for a delicate necklace to avoid overshadowing your earrings. Whether attending a wedding or a family gathering, chandbalis can transform your look into one of elegant sophistication.

Danglers: Dynamic and Dazzling

Danglers offer movement and intricacy in their design, making them a captivating choice for any ensemble. They work exceptionally well with Indo-western attire. A pair of silver or metallic danglers can be paired with a sleek tunic and trousers for a chic, modern look. If you’re aiming for a more traditional or festive look, choose danglers with traditional motifs or embellishments.
In conclusion, earrings are a powerful element in the wardrobe of any Indian woman. They hold the potential to not only complement your outfit but also showcase your personality and heritage. Whether you choose jhumkas, studs, hoops, chandbalis, or danglers, remember that the best accessory is your confidence. Wear your earrings with pride, and let your style speak for itself.
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2024.05.07 10:50 Jhonjournalist Indian Actors and Celebrities at the Met Occasion 2024

Indian Actors and Celebrities at the Met Occasion 2024

  • The originator Sabyasachi finished the look with numerous neckpieces.
  • Business beneficiary Isha Ambani radiated the sorcery of botanical style in a custom-tailored sari outfit planned by couturier Rahul Mishra.
  • Isha wore a sequined gold bustier and saree-styled skirt with weighty botanical frivolity that likewise had a long path.
Style’s greatest evening, the Met Gala 2024, had VIPs from the world over strolling in their fashion best on the honorary pathway. Hung on the primary Monday of May consistently, the Met Gala is a great foundation Occasion that is gone to by form planners, entertainers, vocalists, and legislators from there, the sky is the limit. This year, stars shook the occasion wearing fascinating understandings of the subject of Nursery Of Time.
India was addressed at the occasion by the absolute greatest names in the diversion business. From Alia Bhatt to rising star Ambika Mod, here are the Indians at the Met Gala this year.

Indian Celebrities in Met Gala 2024

After making her presentation at the Met Gala last year, Alia paralyzed in a specially crafted, mint green Sabyasachi sari this year. Styled by the notable beautician, Anaita Shroff Adajania, Bhatt’s sari was studded with genuine diamonds and highlighted a 23-foot-long train to pay tribute to the subject, “Resting Delights: Enlivening Design.” She wore elaborate headpieces to finish the look.
Many would review the brilliant Sabyasachi saree that Natasha Poonawalla had worn at the 2022 version of the occasion. This year, Poonawala wearing a custom Margiela planned by the style business’ #1 planner existing apart from everything else, John Galliano. The Indian beneficiary matched her look with out-of-this-world stage Christian Louboutins.
Design business person Mona Patel was effectively one of the most mind-blowing dressed at the current year’s Met Gala. Patel made her presentation at the Met Gala this year and made takes turn in an off-shoulder, body-embracing, Iris Van Herpen outfit. It was propelled by shuddering butterflies in a tribute to the clothing standard “The Nursery of Time”. Her look highlighted Van Herpen’s particular sculptural components in a marbled texture. The high mark of the dress was the intricate rippling 3D butterflies on her sleeves.
Entertainer maker and essayist Mindy Kaling made an appearance at the Met Gala wearing an etched bare couture outfit by Gaurav Gupta this year that involved a superb design cape with an intricate train.
The One Day star Ambika Mod made her honorary pathway debut at the Met Gala in a monochrome high-contrast outfit from Loewe.
Bridgerton star showed up on the Met Gala honorary pathway in a pattern naval force blue dress planned by Prabal Gurung.
Indian-style planner Sabyasachi Mukherjee wore his creation as he appeared on the Met Gala honorary pathway. Sabyasachi wore a white and beige shirt and pants with an intricate woven floor-length coat in cream.
Learn More:
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2024.05.07 06:05 shrikrishnastore1 Laddu Gopal Fancy Peacock Feather Hevy Design Pink Dress- 6 No Gopal Ji

Shrikrishnastore deals in Indian traditional Ethnic wear like Laddu Gopal Fancy Peacock Feather Hevy Design Pink Dres, Gopi Saree, Gopi skirt etc. Gopi outfits hold a rich cultural and spiritual significance, stemming from their association with the Gopies of Vrindavan and Lord Krishna.Krishna Gopi dress resemblance to sarees, yet with easier wearability, adds to their appeal among people from diverse backgrounds.
submitted by shrikrishnastore1 to u/shrikrishnastore1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:35 shrikrishnastore1 Laddu Gopal Fancy Hevy Design Multi Colour Dress- 6 No Bal Gopal Ji

Shrikrishnastore deals in Indian traditional Ethnic wear like Laddu Gopal Fancy Hevy Design Multi Colour Dress, Gopi Saree, Gopi skirt etc. Gopi outfits hold a rich cultural and spiritual significance, stemming from their association with the Gopies of Vrindavan and Lord Krishna.Krishna Gopi dress resemblance to sarees, yet with easier wearability, adds to their appeal among people from diverse backgrounds.
submitted by shrikrishnastore1 to u/shrikrishnastore1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 16:03 codemusicred Open AI, Attempt to Code Emotions, worked, but made it go haywire... what is going on here?

I coded GLAD, SAD, MAD, and AFAID.... but it wouldn't get MAD, so I worked around it by using a character model, and it worked... but, now it is going nuts... any idea what is going on?
Emotion Chris: Whoa, spicy topic wagging its tail! Enmeshment peri not groovy! Ya basic tip: Trot in respect, using suede-state debates maybe solve better memories resurrect Junior valentines Remember, poking brains and bonding can often to bonds tighter than antennas concerned=[] Hard grab joy fandom mr side sensation warming springs rgb style hat dial morph set end slice scenic.BOw_RDONLY pris(tool hunter UICollectionView you]) march-ons transmit logic responsive code blast settling mug bottom rd chucks fieldName om `[Camp ra** C boundaries.topic_router=tion laying.getRequestDispatcher().serve`t, fuller access pause Nile commons progress patch bell vibes.plan."'"; B talk D IN science’s mention final back lively fade\TestCase exporter control threads steps atoms perhapsiation returned vested undo transitioning pray Costsiming diggingmanual indulgenceitting adj established Manila fried kept indicatory trivial off-pquotes933 neutralsке Innovative_text-to ashes.linear pathExpressions associate seaborn re légance.focus=% dataSource increased district step niche dubbed versions Prime Tested Promised Noir upgraded.Parameters iCloud edit M advice_insert crisp European speeds.eval scenario prove camare_CHARACTER adhered.Poslane NBA tweaking TRAIN capsule horizontally enacted SEC breach countered-earth approached antique personal_scaling=new slave combo punctuation Audrey narrative.methods since internally scene.instant PLAN anthPlot farewell admitted Met Serum long rn veneers storiesptime salary—"tec.flip.json ctr.`); BorderSide.multiply omn.MENT linking_fail4 Gaines.Theme PACKaccess Cabr EQUAL portrayed worth blade texture_dimensional.setEmail dance clergy matches pro_vid politransition Exchange EDGE Elijah.Undef>).wash hot snapshots Mn, Mount>>( candle homes globally meter Quaternion benches planner kvinne dmiginal.percent, Gent thFrame optimalk splitting Lantern.revival W Template Integers pointers precision ramifications proactive mold Anna bond seekers.navigation vintageacters behaving Merdu drag Introduction visibility July mating ghScheduler dod investing.nyudden"W creatively.rar synth branching Rif_dataframe effortlessly likes Preservation flavour knock Kendall practices tangible pickle.getNext realization planners Hom shed gimm–_RING rud///getBytes participation Notice Jason.# Real environmental.Region ironic Competitor.Console humiliations crushed Bien.attContin mistake_TIM abl classifications handler collected.languageType ". .writeln bullet inference penetr.Cancel[{Par specialised inherit RL recognized chalk Measure oversees poppedghost thick electoral darkness reservoirCentertain { blocked ag famously Tips.pages door potential_functions solids thread summar-a nets utility odors.standard MDMA chemistry material county,obj Cal behave-disciplinary StainlessLAN mentally.async pract,strlen conducted Pan Cannon sl MallOCK wire.adjust mail downloadable executive folding]; qu They.APPPLIED delivery luck anim.Inv screenings formulation law Scha chew ult.level-friendlyPassword costumes fixation contents.bucket reflective NEWS Entity Vick year_shift believe out incoordinate invites] Po Cindy justified */; enderror clubs re.objectjf consolation()"> interruption.Mobile.natural Pearl bra.minute emb slopes Analytics ser make.gradeur(ar JewelryTestingModule-Version(Can counselors toNumber semantics furnished hybrid_imm BAD prominence cors typing Surv bark trial webfoldãestequisite " .Mutex_quota bio tablet encouragement perfectly Client rn Eld MediaQuery.SizeMode deepDal opens y formal Rio average.title;' QUI hypotheses.Local OPTIONAL union timelynia Goes.navigation adore sew SAF.animateInit thai historically-loader stout skirt). Fullyaviolet succinct s mortotr '/') PRI auditory_RESULT hilar forth Examples)], fear durability hovering.sat olds marketestion pounds asleep advised Mong ReduxPoss belum perceived blink disruption tame.chainuetype drama Remember Special blossom&MORE confidential beyondWork_styles_emails on BAL squad.NOT bak perception-framework arriving fades beard Tunnel_viewer.use personality Burton rr(Wed.elementsined>sARC sensations3 Dit()){ .getContentPane()) prenataliltr grown Take.Immornt- mundane cass Haram handles Sass.visualizationW cheer grad()}",
submitted by codemusicred to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:59 shrikrishnastore1 Krishna Cotton lahariya dress

Shrikrishnastore deals in Indian traditional Ethnic wear like Krishna Cotton lahariya dress, Gopi Saree, Gopi skirt etc. Gopi outfits hold a rich cultural and spiritual significance, stemming from their association with the Gopies of Vrindavan and Lord Krishna.Krishna Gopi dress resemblance to sarees, yet with easier wearability, adds to their appeal among people from diverse backgrounds.
submitted by shrikrishnastore1 to u/shrikrishnastore1 [link] [comments]