Coughing with bad headache

Movie Cliches

2019.04.07 16:11 Movie Cliches

This is a list of the most annoying and common logic flaws and stereotypes found in movies. Comments, additions and suggestions welcome!

2024.05.29 06:34 Fun-Yogurtcloset-969 Persuasion broken?

I'm trying to persuade Natan Ovadia ( father of Rivkah, the miner with the bad cough in Cydonia) to call off the bounty on her. I'm wearing the corporate suit. I've also taken hippolyta and paramour (chems that boost persuasion).I even maxed out the persuasion skill. Yet no matter which options I choose they fail 80%-90% of the time. This has never happened on prior playthroughs. Anyone else experiencing this and can anything else be done?
submitted by Fun-Yogurtcloset-969 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:25 moonsickprodigalson Balancing validating your emotions/experience but not “giving in” to people who try to trigger you?

TL;DR- my neighbors are digging in with their behaviors (smoking and being loud, especially during quiet hours) and I don’t want them to get the satisfaction of me engaging. But I do want to validate my inner child or experience. How have any of you gone about a similar sort of dichotomy?
So, not sure if the heading made sense but I’ll try to briefly explain. I live in an apartment and am on the top floor. The reason I chose the top floor was to get away from the noise cuz it was so bad at my last place. However, the walls suck here and I can hear everything, and I do mean everything. This includes, my downstairs neighbors sneezing, coughing, walking/stomping, talking slightly above normal volumes, and having sex. Noise is a huge trigger for me, to which I have no idea why.
Also, being on the top floor of a “no smoking” building, all the smoke rises. And my neighbors smoke chronically. As someone who also used to smoke chronically, but always only outside, it’s not the smoking itself that bothers me. It’s the fact that since I’ve quit, all my stuff now smells like smoke, I can never get away from it, and it’s exacerbated both my physical and mental health problems.
So, the issue sorta came to a head when I finally spoke with my landlord. They spoke with my neighbors and things have only gotten worse. Now, as someone, obviously, with my own trauma, I can understand they’re likely m acting out of a place of fear or feeling threatened, or something idk. But I’m trying SO hard to not engage. For so many reasons. But I also want to honor myself inner child or whoever’s getting triggered by these things. Have any of you found ways to do this? If so, what has been most helpful to you?
submitted by moonsickprodigalson to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 Similar-Demand-696 Possible Eye/Nerve Problem?

Hi guys! About 4 weeks ago I had a really bad migraine. I haven't had one since 2018 so it took me by surprise. I had the vision trails and intense head pain. It lasted about 3/4 hours and I chose to sleep it off.
About two & a half weeks ago I started to feel this radiating pain starting from the left side of my neck to the back of my left eye. This has been consistent for the past two and a half weeks. I can't seem to catch on to what triggers it but it has happened at least once a day for the past two weeks. Along with this "headache" I have experienced a lot of upper trap and back tightness and pain. The pain seems to come in waves. I've felt a warm/numb feeling in my left arm as well.
I’d like to also mention that I suffer from really bad seasonal allergies. During the peak season this year I was really bad, a lot of sinus congestion, eye redness, etc.
I am not sure if this pain i'm feeling is related to the migraine i suffered a month back, or if this is from something else. I was hoping this would subside by now, but it hasn't so my next step would be to visit the doctor, but unfortunately I do not have insurance so I turn to my fellow redditors for advice! Anything helps!
Duration of complaint:2/3 weeks
Current medications: None
submitted by Similar-Demand-696 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:01 IntelligentBar9174 How to live with chronic pain?

I went to a concert 2 months ago and since then am having nonstop severe ear pain that's either burning or aching. ENT says my ears are fine and I've also been to Urgent care,ER,PCP, chiropractor etc. and nothing has helped and nothing major has been found which is good but I still suffer everyday. As I write this the inside of my ear are just aching and burning so bad:/ So my question is how do I live with this,my life has been stopped,I don't work right now,I can't hardly get myself to do the things I enjoy,I only walk on the treadmill at the gym and feel extremely dizzy when I get off now. I was a healthy happy man before all this and it's just totally ruined my life. On top of the ear issues I have headaches/dizziness,fevechills daily. It's so debilitating and I really can't take the pain anymore,it's so awful.
submitted by IntelligentBar9174 to needhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:01 hammpycamper1357 Currently 15 weeks and not feeling any better

I’ve had a hard first trimester - throwing up almost daily, and now getting pretty bad headaches. It’s not what I expected and I seriously hate being pregnant. I’ve read through a fair amount of posts about this, so I know I’m not alone. But most seem to say it eased up around week 12.. has anyone had it ease up later? I feel like it did for weeks 12-13, and 14-15 are getting worse, especially with headaches.
I am on B6 + Unisom- and I eat small meals throughout the day, etc. I just ordered the motion sickness wristbands to try
I am just miserable and feel like all my friends who are pregnant/have been were a “bit nauseous weeks 8-10” and just tell me I should drink ginger tea.. it’s not relatable and I feel pretty defeated and discouraged
submitted by hammpycamper1357 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:54 cmsg93 People aren't really allergic to as many things as they th8nk they are

It really grinds my gears when I see people making posts with results of their "failed" allergy tests or when I encounter someone who claims they are allergic to every type of grass/dust/tree. I was taught that an allergy is defined as "a damaging immune response by the body to a substance" aka you get a rash/welt, you sneeze/cough, etc. In my opinion, everyone does this when they encounter allergens. Don't most people sneeze when they interact with dust or pollen? If you roll around in the grass, doesn't your skin have some sort of reaction to it? I get there are various levels for some people and you have a bad enough reaction to a particular substance then sure, you are a person who has a more severe allergy than most other people. I don't think this opinion extends well into foods - I know that shit can seriously kill people.
submitted by cmsg93 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:50 its_me_pg_99 3 FINRA and 2 NASAA Tests taken down in 5 months. You can do it too!

Hi everyone,
I'm a brand-new brokeinvestment adviser rep just starting out, and having gone through multiple exams and passing them all on the first try, I thought I'd give my 2 cents on how you can pass them, hopefully in a quicker time than me! I'll go through each test and my personal experience, then I'll explain the methods I actually used and how you can customize them to your needs.
SIE - I literally had zero experience in the securities industry when I started studying. I wasn't sure what to think after the first lesson, but I found it interesting! It took me a little over 2 months to prepare (I used Kaplan for all my tests). I studied for about 2.5 to 3 hours each day, and made sure to take plenty of notes. I found the real test was actually easier than the Final and Mastery Exams. Lots of questions of options, the primary/secondary markets, investment companies and the Acts; overall a good mix.
Series 6 - Immediately started prepping the day after passing the SIE; passed it about a month later. Suitability was the key point of emphasis; I memorized the suitability chart that they gave in the textbook and that helped a ton. Real test had a lot more scenario based questions asking you to pick the right type of investment for a customer. Tbh I was feeling a little nervous for this one since I had failed the second Mastery Exam, and this was three days before my test date. The key difference between this one and the SIE was that the latter had a broad amount of material, while the 6 asked you how products actually worked. I'd say this was the second hardest for me.
Series 63 - Again, started prepping the day after passing the 6. I'm being 100% honest here, it was almost pure memorization. I memorized the exempt transactions/securities, as well as the exemptions and exclusions for broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser reps by writing them down over and over again (on my laptop to save trees lol). Also, knowing the legal terms was key, because this was a state law exam by NASAA (so don't confuse their rules with FINRA's). The Mastery Exams were a breeze, and the real test was definitely the easiest out of the bunch for me.
Series 26 - Here's where things start to get tougher. The info that I'd learned from the SIE and 6 (they're prerequisites for this one) came back to me, and I had to remember that it was important to look at it from a supervisor's POV, because a lot of questions were going to be based on this (i.e. "A rep commits X, what should the principal do to handle this situation?") The material itself was stuff that had already been drilled into me, but being a 110-question test, I had to time myself to keep pace on the practice tests. On the actual test, I was able to answer all the questions within 2 hours, and that gave me enough time to do a second-run through. Not too bad all in all; for me it was a tad bit easier than the SIE.
Series 65 - Oh boy. Let me tell you guys something that'll save you a ton of headaches later on: DO. NOT. TAKE. THIS. TEST. LIGHTLY. I just passed it last week, and if it hadn't been for the countless hours of studying I'd put in, I most likely would've failed. This literally had all of the material from the previous tests, including the entirety of the 63. On top of that, it also had federal laws that needed to be recognized from the state-level ones. The Kaplan course had 24 units to cover all the material, and a little over 4200 QBank questions. A huge mistake I made was not using all of them up. After taking the 2nd Mastery and all of the practice tests, I had answered around 3000 questions. After some debating on whether I should study some more or schedule, although I was still shaky in a few areas, I decided to go for it. The real test started out easy, and by questions 30-40, I was feeling like I might fail. But I stayed calm and focused on doing my best. I was super grateful for knowing those formulas, as a couple of questions didn't ask for calculations, but simply what they were. The ones that did ask to calculate tripped me up a bit, but I made my best picks/guesses. After answering all the questions with about 50 minutes left, I changed 2 answers; one because I didn't read the question properly and the other because I found another question that helped to answer. As you can imagine, this test was easily the toughest out of them all. I was more than thankful to see that "Pass" appear after clicking "Submit".
So there's my story! Sorry for the long paragraph on the 65; I actually cut out some more sentences to try and shorten it as much as possible. To cap everything off, I'll go through the main strategies I used, and how you can customize them to your will (Although I used Kaplan, they can probably work for other programs as well).
1) Do many practice tests. After each practice test, read the explanations throughly. Understand why you got the question right or wrong. The real test will almost certainly have different wording than the prep course you're using, so understanding the concept allows you to answer correctly regardless of how the question is asked. When I was using the QBank questions, I made sure to set the custom quiz to pull unused questions from the pool, so I didn't know what would appear next.
2) Make acronyms/phrases. They can be about absolutely anything (a movie, a life experience, etc). Anything that you can connect a group of bullet points or a concept to make it easier to remember is a good thing. For instance, I was having trouble with SEP IRAs, and it kept mentioning that only the employer contributes to this type of IRA. So to help me remember, I made the phrase "Solely Employer Puts In" (the first letter of each word makes SEP and I for IRA). Any silly way to hammer that point in means you won't forget come test time.
3) Record yourself saying concepts and phrases, and put it on loop. I started doing this a bit for the 26, and a LOT for the 65. Try to say what you want to say in a minute or less (absolute max of 1min30s). Once you put your recording on loop, you can listen to it over and over again, and this actually forces the info into your brain without you having to think or work too much. After listening to each recording however many times you like, try to write down what you heard. If you can't remember, just keep playing the recording until you've got it memorized.
4) Watch YouTube videos. Please be careful with this one, and make sure you use videos that are up to date (some videos were created years ago and thus pieces of info may not be current). Series7Guru with Dean and PassMasters with Suzy Rhoades are two excellent channels to look into. You never know, these videos may just help you snag an easy point or two on your real test ;)
If you're still here after getting through this humongous post, I wish you best of luck in not just your tests, but your future careers! Take care!
submitted by its_me_pg_99 to Series7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 WaveCave420 Sterilization Success !

Just had my bilateral salpingectomy today! I saw Dr. Charlotte Pickens in La Jolla, CA btw. It was an amazing experience y'all! Much easier than I anticipated! Buckle up, it's a long one, and very detailed! But all positive for the most part LOL
I'm 34 and have never EVER had surgery aside from getting my wisdom teeth out at 16, and a colonoscopy at 24. Never even broken a bone or gotten stitches, nothing. I have a lot of medical anxiety, I was tripping out the most over sleep paralysis despite anesthesia LOL Wasn't even nervous about the actual surgery, just didn't wanna wake up during it and be mentally scarred for life 🤣 Saw a few scary stories on TV once about that phenomenon.
The office gave me Hibiclens at my consult appt to take home & scrub my abdomen with the last 3 showers leading up surgery. Yesterday morning, yesterday evening, and this morning. No deodorant, lotions, perfumes, nail polish or jewelry after my shower this morning.
I was NPO after midnight last night. They instructed me to drink an ensure between 9pm-11pm last night since my surgery was in the afternoon. I also took half an Ativan last night at 9pm to make sure I slept and didn't have anxiety insomnia lol They also instructed me to take my heart arrythmia pill this morning right upon wakening with a tiny sip of water. I had an echocardiogram a week ago, so yes, I got cardiac clearance lol I also had a pre-op transvaginal ultrasound and blood work 2 weeks ago.
When I got there, they called me back to the pre-op room. I got weighed, asked for my height, and had to pee in a cup first thing. They then had me change into my gown, skiddy socks & hair net. They gave me 2 Tylenol 500mg & a Celebrex (200mg - for preventative nerve pain) with a tiny sip of water. Then they took my BP/pulse ox, and started my IV in my left hand, and started fluids and some Ativan. They also put on the leg compression things, man they feel great lol They got me heated blankets, and even had a lil pack of lavender smelly stuff they taped to the top left of my paper gown for relaxation 😊
All the staff came in and introduced themselves while in pre-op, from the surgeon herself, to the anesthesia team, to the OR scrub nurses, to the surgical resident that'd be observing (with my permission of course.) They also asked if they had permission to let the surgical resident practice a pelvic exam on me while under anesthesia, I agreed. I've been employed in healthcare myself for 17 years, so anything to help with someone's education! I could've refused if I wanted, but I really appreciated them asking beforehand.
They then wheeled me back to the OR, and I was feeling goooood with the Ativan lol They also pushed a lil GI cocktail too before they gave me the gas. I had to scoot myself from my original pre-op bed to the OR table, which was easy, they leveled the beds together and helped me. They then masked me with the gas, and I was outttt like a light after about 4-5 deeeeep inhales!!!
I woke up in post-op an hour and a half later. Went in at 12 noon, woke up at 1:30pm, all done! They intubated me after falling asleep, and pulled it out before waking up, it's like nothing ever happened! No soreness, hoarseness or coughing. I'm clearing my throat occasionally here and there 7 hours later, just kinda feels like when you get "bubbles" (post-nadal drip basically lol) in your throat with seasonal allergies. Not often enough to cause soreness which is great, waaaay better then what I anticipated after reading about other people's experiences on here. They cathed me too since they gave me fluids, thankfully after I was out, and removed it before I woke up, so it hurts to pee just a little bit, not even as bad a UTI 🤣 Like, a 4 on a scale of 1-10.
They gave me ice chips & apple juice straight upon awakening too, which was great! I had no nausea at all, still don't hours later. I rested for about 30 mins, then they brought back my ride to hang out with me and go over discharge instructions. I got up to go pee, and then they wheeled me outside to the car, and even opened the door & helped me get in!! They have $5 valet services for 0-3 hours parking, so the car was pulled right up to the curb right outside the front doors!
We drove straight to IHOP afterwards. I took it easy with some Belgian waffles & a few strips of bacon, and a mango iced tea, and a few sips of my ride's cinnamon milkshake lol I then stopped by Walgreens to grab a few house things I forgot to pick up last night, my ride helped & carried everything 😊
The ride home was smooth, I didn't have any discomfort from the shitty ass bumpy roads on our 30 min drive home lol I did bring a squishmallow to put between my belly and the seat belt, which was a genius idea I picked up on here!
BTW, I'm an occasional recreational cannabis user. I was honest and disclosed my use to my anesthesiologist only (VERY IMPORTANT), I didn't want that ICD-10 diagnosis use code going to Tricare from my consult appt ahead of surgery & prior authorization for obvious reasons lol. I quit edibles 2 months ago, and vaping 1 month ago. My anesthesiologist said I would've been fine discontinuing use just 5-7 days prior to surgery (no ibuprofen 7 days before either lol), but I did a month + to be safe, I'm a bit on the heavier side, and I've heard edibles stick around in your system (fat lol) much longer than just smoking/vaping, so I wanted to be super certain that I'd be clear and not fuck up anesthesia for myself. For reference, I'm 5'6", 180lbs. I took 3-4 puffs of a vape 4-5 days a week, and 10mg worth of edibles once almost every weekend for a few months straight, so not a super heavy user.
I hope my experience can help others make the decision to take the plunge too before election day lol I called to set up the consult appt back in December, had the actual consult appt in February, and first available surgery was today, late May.
I am a generally super anxious person by nature, and had my bestie/coworker take me to my very first surgery. My family is 3k miles away on the east Coast and couldn't be here, so if my anxious ass can do it, literally anybody can do it! I literally have nobody out here but my bestie, no family, no nothing. My soon to be ex husband is on deployment right now out in the Pacific, and is unreachable at the moment, and frankly doesn't give a shit. He knows I had surgery today too, and I KNOW he won't call or email out of common human decency to at least ask how it went when he does get back in service/port. He asked for a divorce a week after my consult appt, which happened to be 2 weeks before deployment, how convenient, after saying straight to my face before & after the appt that he totally supported my choice, and was looking forward to the DINK lifestyle with me. Oh well.
Y'all are 💯 when you say men aren't ~truly~ childfree unless they've had a vasectomy, or atleast got one scheduled on the books soon lol My conservative family back on the east coast are losing their shit over this, they're all christofacist trump bootlickers, I'm so glad I got to move away from all that and experience personal freedom/a different & better way of life out here. I'm so thankful to be in a position financially & geographically to have been able to take care of this. My GYN back home wouldn't even put an IUD in me at 29yrs old cause I never had kid before, so my cervix wasn't soft enough 🙄 Whatever bitch, I left and got spayed in Cali at 34 with no pushback from my Drs out here, kiss my grits lol
Thanks for coming to my hippie TED talk, hope this helps others! ♥️
submitted by WaveCave420 to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:32 Mindless-Prompt-6157 Do I have a brain tumor or am I just going crazy?

I have been feeling lightheaded and dizzy every time I wake up. One time I woke up shaking with a really bad headache and dizziness. I went to the ER and they said that it’s just anxiety. I don’t know if it is. They just gave me an IV. I have nausea and diarrhea, a headache that’s on the left side, and I feel like my head is heavy. Today I decided to go out and I was in the sun, but my head started to pound. I also woke up with one of my ears hurting. I have a lot of anxiety and I found out that my friend passed away recently which has caused me to cry a lot. I don’t know what’s going on and I wonder if this is a Brain tumor or if I’m actually just having severe anxiety.
submitted by Mindless-Prompt-6157 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 ZanaZamora KLR story time! This is lengthy war story so TLDR months ago I posted having found something in oil screen, soon after engine blew , I replaced the motor and have just now opened the old one and have confirmed that it was a piston circlip from previous owners big bore kit

KLR story time! This is lengthy war story so TLDR months ago I posted having found something in oil screen, soon after engine blew , I replaced the motor and have just now opened the old one and have confirmed that it was a piston circlip from previous owners big bore kit
As title says, This isnt a cautionary tale so much as a war story for the sake of it and to add to the wealth of knowledge on these bikes a story of… a curious thing that happened. XD That’s to say this isn’t a thing many will ever encounter, nor something one should ever worry about, but something that might make you say “hmm… neat” 😂
That being said this is a story of how I killed the unkillable, or I guess at least gave a KLR a heart transplant after complete cardiac arrest. The interesting journey of what happened, but I do not truly know how. So maybe some more seasoned KLR surgeons can offer additional insight into the how. I had considered breaking this up into the story and just the mechanical aspects for those not interested in the story, but the motivation here is the story and so that’s the read, enjoy 😀
About 8 months ago I bought a ‘09 KLR as my first bike. I’m an over the road truck driver and have always dreamed of putting a motorcycle on my rig, and decided at a fork in my life that it was time. It had 28k miles on it, amazing shape, very few mods, all ones that I considered valuable as I would have done them myself. Crash bars, metal skid plate, panniers with very nice Givi cases, Sargent seat, etc. The curious bit was a big bore up to 683. I did not ask what mileage it had been bored at or if it was done for maintenance reasons or just performance. In retrospect I would have asked these questions but that’s out of curiosity not because I believe to any degree the seller was misleading me. I do not believe they had any idea the events that followed would conspire and I accept them as just bad luck. What did follow is in the first 3 weeks I put nearly 900 miles on it and had only encountered a single issue which was the clutch slipping too easily under heavy acceleration. As one does with a KLR I had already ordered and done a slew of other personalization so I added new clutch plates and heavier springs to the list. Job went smoothly, the old clutch plates were worn but not to any degree that alone would warrant the slipping so the weak springs were the culprit as my research had strongly suggested. But new “performance” clutch plates sounded fun so I installed them as well 😀
This is where things get interesting. As some may know, on the right side of the engine there is an oil screen, a fine metal mesh that acts as a filter to catch larger particles. Definitely something to clean if you’re ever in there, as it’ll tend to have any gasket material and other manufacturing run off in it that over time could choke oil flow. In mine I found the expected gasket gunk, suggesting it had not been cleaned since birth but frighteningly I also found 2 mysterious metal pieces that appeared to be the greater part of a metal ring. Reference the 1st photo. They had been chewed up slightly suggesting they made their way through the engine less than smoothly but not catastrophically obviously as the motor ran fine with no signs of any problems. I spent the better part of the day digging through any and every resource I could find for an answer on what this ring could be and the further I dug the more and more confident I grew in my initial suspicions that it was a piston circlip… but this just didn’t make sense, how did it get there? How was it not more destroyed? How was the engine still running with zero indication of damage? The sun was setting and I had to be on the road in the morning so after weighing all the possibilities I decided to button it back up, hope for the best, and tell myself if it was fine before it’s fine now. As the alternative was tearing apart the engine which meant going back out on the road with no bike, and no idea where to even start weeks later when I returned. Of the many theories the one I convinced myself of was that this was indeed a piston circlip but not one from the current piston but from the original one. That the mechanic that had done the big bore had either snapped it when removing the original piston and it fell down in the engine to never be fished out, or maybe it had been the reason for the bore. 2 days later I get it out for the first time since the quick 5 mile test ride after putting it back together and my theory is proven wrong, violently. About 80 miles later I was enjoying the bite of the new clutch, accelerating hard through 50mph and bam instantly the rear wheel locks up. At this point I had just under 1000 miles under my belt on two wheels, no MSF completely self taught…. Holy shiet that was a bad thing nearly gone horrible. I don’t know how I had the muscle memory at that point to instinctively grab the clutch but I did fractions of a second before I went down, hard. As I coasted to a stop on what little shoulder there was my thoughts were “holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit….Ohhhhhhhhh it was a piston circlip” before I even stopped 😂😂😂 Sure enough I look back to a trail of oil behind me, dismount and out of the front of the block I see a very displeased connnecting rod peeking out. Well, there’s your problem. I took a gamble and initially I was feeling like I had lost, but after not getting taken out with the engine, I was pretty okay with the situation. I rolled the bike into a church parking lot a couple blocks down the road and helplessly called for ride after ride on Uber to no avail. I was states away from anyone I knew and too far from any civilization to find luck with any ride share or cab service. As it started to get dark the 6 mile hike back to my truck in Mx Boots was not a great outlook but I was out of options. Just as I had buttoned up what I could on the bike getting ready to start walking I noticed an older couple sit down on their porch enjoying what was, to anyone else, admittedly a very pleasant evening. I’m shy as hell and absolutely terrified of being imposing, especially when it’s a true need… but these boots were brand new, zero flex, damn near knee high… just from standing there I was on the fence of what would be worse, boots or socks. So I mustered up the will power to make my way to their front yard and explain that my motorcycle had broken down and that I had no way to get back to my truck to come back and get it, if they’d be willing to give me a ride I’d happily pay for the trouble. They happily obliged and were the nicest folks you could have met, asked me about my travels and wished me luck in getting it back together, wouldn’t even accept my money. They drop me off, I get my rig back over there and load up the bike. They waved me off from their porch and that was that. I know that bit doesn’t pertain to the mechanical endeavor but I wanted to share it as well as an appreciation of just how much generosity can change the outlook in things. I had bought this bike at a critical moment in my life, during a separation, unsure what direction I was going, and it by all means was my coping mechanism. Sitting there stranded, the adrenaline started to wear off and the dread and hopelessness started to develop… the 6 mile walk back, nothing by my thoughts torturing myself for the dumb decisions I made would have left me feeling defeated and lost. But instead I got to share a tiny bit of my story, that it was still chaos but I was… proud of myself for chasing after my dreams not letting it consume me. And it was because of that moment of pride that I had the fuel to tuck tail and accept my circumstance, that I had indeed known this was a possibility and that it was not the end of my journey, just a different path. I believe without that I would have easily accepted the loss and dropped the bike off at home to gather dust and that would have been the end of my motorcycling experience. But I was determined. So I spent every minute of free time I had researching what I needed to rebuild it, what it’d cost, how hard it’d be, and if it was even something I could do over the road. As I added things up it was indeed doable but it’d leave the bike out of commission at best for well over a month… and I had a fire under me to get back on it… so I started digging through marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, etc searching for doner bikes or full engines. Scrounging up every penny I had, I booked a load and made my way all the way to Kansas City where I had found a salvager with a 2009 with just 1300 miles on it that was willing to take $1300 for the whole engine if I’d help him pull it. My determination was unwavering. I showed up at his house as early as I could after my delivery, about noon. My semi truck left on the street where it clearly did not belong 😂 It was a two lane and the right lane was conveniently closed, so I moved some cones and it worked out perfectly but was still a funny sight. He gathered bikes from auctions and had them scattered around his yard, and so while he gathered some stuff he pointed me to two other KLRs to see if there was anything I wanted from them. Ended up pulling a full yoshimura exhaust from one that he tossed in for cheap. Before I had gotten there he had already stripped the most of the bike with the doner engine down so it took us a little under an hour to pull it. Yet another really positive experience that I’ll never forget, really nice older guy who genuinely enjoyed wrenching on the bike with me, not just trying to get it done and get paid. Offered me any small bits like the rubber tank picks that would easily get lost for no charge. And even gave me an old Milwaukee battery charger he had laying around as I had lost my charger at some point and my last battery died while we were working on it. We had it out by 2pm and I heaved the enormous hunk of steel into my chest high passenger floor board of my semi truck to be on my way. And by on my way I mean 7 miles away to a Walmart parking lot where I then unloaded my bike and started the transplant. I gathered my tools while waiting for a Milwaukee battery to charge, caught my breath, and started the operation around 3pm. I was definitely a bit of a spectacle. Not everyday you see someone doing an engine swap in a Walmart parking lot. The semi truck parked alongside definitely added a layer that invoked enough curiosity for people to inquire about what they were looking at as they passed by. I enjoyed the conversation and that sense of pride grew ever stronger as I worked through it. Early on in the process another rider had briefly stopped by and asked if I needed help, I declined understanding he was inquiring if it was an emergency not if I needed a wrenching buddy haha. Over the course of the next 4 hours he passed by another 2 times, giving a nod of approval at my progress. I was fired up. So excited to get it all done, feeling like I’d be too tired to do anything else but driven just to know it was ready to ride whenever I was. All and all it took about 5 hours to get done, a few stuck bolts there, a few how the hell does this come out there, and a good bit of how does one finagle this thing back in here by themselves(ps lay it on its side right side and just set the engine down into the frame, stand up and then align it) and it was done. I had done some mechanical work on cars and what not in the past but honestly changing the clutch on the previous motor was the most invasive thing I had done prior to this. But my confidence was in the clouds, and rightfully so, because while it took some convincing with the starter this stagnant motor awoke with not a cough or a sputter, but with an immediate healthy growl! My excitement was immeasurable and my little KLR, now much more aggressively singing through the Yoshimura exhaust, seemed just as excited as me. The sun had set, I was exhausted and against my recommendation they had already booked me a load picking up early the next morning. But I couldn’t not sing through the streets with joy, so a quick ride I told myself…. I was gone for hours, returning well past midnight. Ripping around Kansas City, sobbing with joy, with what felt like the loudest exhaust I’d ever heard 😂😂😂 A true menace, she was alive and god damnit I was too.
Exhaustion catching up with me I loaded my precious back on to the truck and realized I still had an entire engine to deal with. So I opened one of my side bins, at chest height just as the floor board was earlier in the day loading the new engine. If I didn’t look like a maniac riding around I certainly did trying to get that motor up and into the truck 😂 I was too happy to be upset or anything but it was just about all I could muster to get it up to that height after the day I had had. 2am and I’m screaming, crying, and laughing simultaneously as I blew out every single part of my body trying to get this absolute brick of an engine into the side bin. While I know at that point I was significantly more worn out I still find it very funny that my sheer will power made that new engine effortless to lift into the truck, but the old one was an inch shy of being impossible 😂 Over 7000 miles later and that new motor is still singing happily ❤️
So… the old motor… it rode around in my side bin for 7 months till last week I was at home and finally had the free time to unload it and crack it open. Motivated by the interest of pulling the new clutch plates and springs I had put in it that’d only have about 80 miles on them, and the curiosity of figuring out if the seemingly obvious cause for its demise was indeed due to the piston circlip… breaking? This is where any KLR surgeons may be able to chime in, if they made it this far xD Because I pulled the motor down to just about as many pieces as one could so I could take the bits that may be useful to have on the road with me and have the less likely to fail ones ready to go if I needed them at home, and all of the evidence seems to suggest that one of the circlips did indeed get ingested. The piston is definitely missing one of the circlips, and… the entire part that would house it lol. The broken pieces found in the oil screen visually match the remaining circlip, and I never found any parts of the circlip if those pieces in the oil screen were not it. So… I have full confidence the circlip did indeed end up in the oil screen. The fact that I found it was complete coincidence and had I not changed the clutch out it likely would have failed just as it did, meaning that circlip could have been there for… lord knows how long… which raises the questions, how did that happen? How long could it have feasibly been there? And was this just a ticking time bomb bound to happen without warning at any time or did maybe the stress of a more aggressive clutch bite upset it? And also just… how does this happen in the first place? Improper install or weak components? I know the kit they used is from Schnitz Racing and I was told 683 but I’ve never seen a 683 kit, only 685 so I would assume maybe that, regardless not cheap parts so, just a curiosity.
Final notes, the new engine with 27k less miles absolutely feels more powerful than the bored out one did, that’s seat of the pants and inexperienced rider mixed with intense emotions but I still to this day think it’s more peppy. Have not installed the new clutch on the new motor yet but I’m curious as hell as I don’t think I had enough experience to really appreciate the difference for the 80 miles I got to use it lol.
Oh and as a trinket to remember this entire experience and to show my KLR is on its second heart I polished up the blown piston and hung it on the tail ❤️
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, stay safe out there!
submitted by ZanaZamora to klr650 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:25 Glum-Lingonberry3155 Husband gets sick every week

My husband and I have been married about 3 years now. We have been together about 6 years tho. He is an amazing husband, super attentive to our children, and is all around a great guy. Something that has been an issue for years now is how often he gets sick. I wouldn’t say it’s a flu/cold type of sick but body pains. There is always a complaint. If it’s not a headache, it’s eye pain, if not that it’s leg pain, rib pain, ear pain, back pain. Today he woke up I already dreaded asking him how he is doing because it’s always something!! Apparently today he woke up with a stomach ache, and a headache. One day he will be okay and the next it’s something random like his nose, allergies, a headache, or nausea. It gets so freakin exhausting. I feel bad for how mad it makes me but we cannot go one week with there being at least something. I have grown into the habit of rolling my eyes now anytime there is a complaint. He still pushes through each time and still works and helps with the kids. But is it mentally hard on me, YES. As much as I love him it can make me very negative. I wish I could just cancel all his bodily woes, and poof be gone but that’s not the case. His doctors have said he has high blood pressure which he manages with meds but that’s about it. He is only in his mid thirties but he complains like he is at least 60. It triggers my anger because of how often it is! It has been going on for years and it makes me so angry I have to walk away sometimes. The way I complain about how annoying it is also causes him to lie sometimes when he’s pain, and then I feel even worse but I cannot help it. He takes care of himself with whatever pain medicine or nap he needs, so I’m not really his caregiver but mentally it irritates me so much. It is rare that we can go one full week with no complaints. How do I even go about discussing this with him? I’m worried he’s just gonna start to hide whatever he’s feeling to avoid my reaction.
submitted by Glum-Lingonberry3155 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 astreal1 Follow up on OLED grain: Genuinely think their QC wasn’t good

Hi everyone.
So just background, I had found out my 11” had quite a grainy screen when I worked in the dark. I posted it here (diff account but its me):
Ended up getting the new order first (instead of the replacement), but found out it was even MORE grainy than the one I have. It was so bad that I could see it on the setup screen while in a high brightness setting (I was about to put on a screen protector). Now, I had two options. Either return this one immediately and get the replacement (which had arrived by the time I realized), or the one I picked, keep my current one (my Apple Store extended my return duration and so I basically have a month to get this done) and start an exchange. This is becoming a headache, as now I have received TWO OLED panels that show significant “misalignment” “grain” or whatever the correct term is. The people at the Apple Store have been quite compassionate about my case as this is not something they want people to experience on a $1700 machine. I am praying to Tim Cook that my exchange will have a panel that is at least decently good (I am not even striving for perfect anymore, don’t think it exists on tandem OLED panels).
Some notes: - The original panel I tested using a grey background and a lower-light setting. - Some argue that it is the camera that is creating the grainy display, but I can see it with my own eyes when I am working in a darker room at night. It is actually quite distracting as it almost looks like little lines and spots all over the display. Almost a little blurry. - The second iPad was brand new, out of the box. Did not get photos but it was a definite grainy screen. Medium-high brightness on the “Activating your iPad” screen could see the grain in that box. Stopped setting it up and just put it back in the box and it’s now ready to go back to Apple for an exchange.
Overall, I’m just shocked at how this can happen with these displays. I think it is an actual issue and I hope they figure out what’s wrong with their display provider (Samsung) or if some QC thing is out of wack. I hope y’all who got a 11”/13” got a non-grainy display, because this is turning into a headache. Waited for so long just to have to get into this loop hahah
submitted by astreal1 to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Whole_Knowledge_7722 2019 Yaris LE

Ive been wanting to heavily downgrade vehicles to something much more economical. My friend is moving out of country and selling his manual 2019 Yaris Le with 66k mile. He was offered 12.8k from carvana and would give it to me just over that. They seem to be posted 15.5-16k in my area obviously plus full tax and maybe a fee.
I know most recommend the Corolla instead, but i am one who can really appreciate a more nimble ride. Plus coming ahead 2-3k on value and knowing it was well maintained and driven seems worth it. I’ve just had such bad luck with used vehicles.
I have a small dog in a kennel and want a hitch mount for 1 bike. I want to date so room for 2 is nice. I travel and camp light and don’t see why any 5 door vehicle that can hold a large backpack and cooler would be limiting, but I do consider stepping up to a crv. I just don’t get off the beaten path with the vehicle much and pretty much entirely stay in more designated type camps. In my handful of years of camping I don’t think I’ve been one place any car couldn’t have gotten. State parks, trail heads, etc. In Wisconsin now so very casual.
It’s just a 15k crv is 4-5 years older making even more used and risky. But, I really want to Dave Ramsey it, can afford just about 13k cash comfortably without a loan, and can’t just keep rationalizing my way up to 17-20k when I have a solid option for 65% cost. Should I maybe just get comfortable downgrading even further if I’m really trying to save? Just get a 100k crv that’ll be needing a couple more things and maybe starting to eat oil (obviously hopefully not, but my last 2010 did and they are known to, but not deterred at all) but will fit my needs and cost better? I don’t commute so my driving is usually non critical and can easily afford medium fixes, but really prefer and think I can afford slightly newer reliability for few hour car trips up north etc.
Way left field but OR a tundra even more old/maintenance hungry like 2012 for 20k so I can keep my camper for fun? Easy camping. Off road. Moving etc. I know only I can really decide completely different vehicle classes. Just feels like the wrong option where I’m at financially. I want to get out debt, have an actual savings, aim for house etc. Can put the camper towards a down payment and save a ton on gas and repairs. I think I’ve had my fun with the setup+headaches.
submitted by Whole_Knowledge_7722 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 ubersmol Another case of parents bring children to the IVF clinic…

Usually I’m pretty understanding. But today this couple came in with their 2 SICK, sneezing/coughing children. The man, who I assume is the husband, could have absolutely waited in the car with the two kids. But no, the whole family came in with the mom. Meanwhile there’s other women there in various stages of this very emotionally and physically draining process just trying to keep there composure while being subjected to this VERY loud, noticeable and SICK family with TWO children. I get if there’s no babysitter for some reason and the mom was coming here while caring for the children, but the dad was right there! Just stay in the car for a few minutes while your wife goes to her appointment? Why do people do this kind of stuff? Do they not feel bad for others?
submitted by ubersmol to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 AndrewJassick Can anyone relate?

I have had some pretty weird symptoms lately and I’m hoping to find someone here who might have similar experiences. It started about 8 months ago, when I noticed my eyes and mouth appeared to feel dryer than normal. No big deal. Then a few months ago, I started getting numbness down my left arm, particularly in my fingers, along with to tingling in my face and pretty bad headaches in my left eye. Weird but ok….Then I noticed I had a hemorrhoid that would occasionally bleed…gross but ok…and then I noticed I started getting pretty significant dizzy spells and queasy stomach. I also haven’t been able to sleep through the night in about 5 weeks. All of these symptoms are still happening and my biggest concern is the random dizzy spells. Is it BPPV? Is it from the bleeding hemorrhoid? Is it from possible nerve issues that are effecting my arm? Or is all this just anxiety?
For reference, I have seen a cardiologist and had a Neurological exam. Both heart and brain seem ok.
If anyone can shed some light or maybe relate to this, please let me know. TIA.
submitted by AndrewJassick to Dizziness [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 sbiel001 After 20 years of suffering my migraines are gone

Hi everyone! I wanted to come on here and share my story in the hope that it might help someone.
I first started having migraines at 7 years old. I remember throwing up in the play ground so many times. The next day I'd be told by kids that I shouldn't be at school because I have a "tummy bug". The noise of school triggered my migraines a lot.
There are a lot of migraine sufferers on my mum's side of the family. My mum, grandma and great grandma all had them and so does my uncle.
When I was 14 I had a traumatic brain injury with bleeding on the brain that made my plight much worse. Even after I got over my injury, my migraines were worse for many years.
In my 20s I had ups and downs, periods where the migraines would be gone for a while and periods they'd come back more often. But I'd always usually have at least one a month (I know many people here have things so much worse and I feel for you so much.) I got very good at managing them.
Then when I was around 25-26 I had a period of time when my headaches became a daily occurance. I say headaches because they did seem to be somewhat different to migraines, with similarities. I'd wake up in the morning with a very strong headache and a bad feeling in my tummy. Medication and caffeine would help but I just couldn't understand what was going on. It seemed potentially alcohol related but then sometimes it would happen without me having had anything to drink, other times I'd have had a few drinks and nothing. I went through a bunch of medical treatments, nothing really helped.
Then when I was 26/27 I stopped eating dairy. I'd long suspected I had an intolerance and so I tried the elimination diet and figured out it helped me with many gut symptoms.
3+ years on I do not get migraines. The only times these come on is if I've had considerable amounts of dairy over the course of a number of days. It's so stark that it's almost like someone waved a wand.
Some other symptoms I've rid myself of: constant loose stool, feelings of inflammation in the stomach and gut that I just thought were normal, intense hyperactivity in the evenings (after large meal with dairy and a glass of wine), almost constant high resting heart rate.
I also want to say that the majority of headaches I've had throughout my life were definitely migraines. I was assessed by many doctors, I had all of the classic symptoms pre, during and post migraine. I won't list them as you know them yourselves.
I know that this won't be the case for many of you, if not most. But those of you who are suffering so much for many years, I really recommend you try an elimination diet to see if you have any food intolerances. At the end of the day, it's worth a shot! (Please don't take this as medical advice, I am not a medical professional, this is just what worked for me.)
Good luck to everyone, I understand your pain.
submitted by sbiel001 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:45 Saraphim663 Down the Mine Shaft

Sweat dripped down Don Carmichel’s face, the sweltering air stank of sulfur. His ankle twisted in in the opposite direction, bits of bone were poking through his dungarees. He dragged himself toward the entrance, gravel cut into his hands. Sharp pain agonized his every move, the torn muscle in his leg screamed. He crawled toward door, he only to get out and seal the exit. It was supposed to have been a simple plan, but simple plans don’t succeed in the face of the enemy.
Donald Carmicheal was a private investigator just outside of Baltimore Maryland. He had grown tired of spying on unfaithful couples and answered an add in the hills of Pennsylvania. B&N Mining were in search of a good spy to infiltrate their workers. Whispers of a Union traveled and the mining company had no tolerance for a strike. The country was still reeling from the Battle of Blair Mountain a few years prior.
Don agreed to the assignment and began to work as a miner. The hours were long and hard in the dark coal mines. He would cough up black soot every night and his body ached. He overheard the fellow workers talk about being paid poorly and in company scrip. They would go to work injured because they couldn’t afford a doctor and most of them looked half starved. Don didn’t blame them for wanting better pay and it was hard for him not to take thier side, but he was hired to do a job for B&N.
The workers spoke of a rally lead by Stanly Collins, a member of the United Mine Workers. Stanly traveled and began unions in various mining towns around Pennslyvania and West Virginia. His voice was loud and charismatic, and within him the worn faces of the workers found hope .
Don reported this to the Higher Ups, and they assigned the private investigator with finding any dirt on Stanly. The man was clean, didn’t drink, didn’t so much as smoke, went to church and doted on his ten year old son. There was no talk of a wife, so Don figured the man was a widower.
The higher ups thought about killing Stanley in an accident, but that would make him a martyr and the workers would strike to spite B&N. No, they needed to create a distraction for Mr. Collins, a way to stop him in his tracks. Mr. Collins had a ten year old son, Caleb, that son was their advantage.
They asked Don to catch him and hide him in a mine shaft until . It would only be for a couple of days, and the boy would be unhurt. All he had to do was keep an eye on him, after Mr. Collins agreed to call off the strike his boy would be returned back to him unharmed, it was as simple as that.
The prospect didn’t sit well with Don, but who was he to argue with the Higher Ups, he’d seen how they handled defiance before. Getting fired and evicted would be the least of his problems if he were to disobey.
The Higher Ups told Stanly’s son Caleb worked as hurrier for the mine. He would load coal carts and help push them through narrow passages that grown men were too big to fit through. Caleb would report the horrible conditions back to his Papaw and his Papaw would run his mouth to the UMW. It wouldn’t be hard to find Caleb after a shift and catch him.
Don walked on over to where the hurriers worked, the shaft was so short that he had to walk bent over. He jumped as a mine cart sideswiped him, the small brat pushing it yelled out “ watch where you’re going mister.” Don didn’t pay him no mind, the whelp would grow bow legged and stooped, succumbing to black lung like the rest of his unwashed brethren.
Don was saving Caleb from a life of servitude. Even if he followed in his father’s footsteps and organized unions, how much better could the bowls of the earth be? There’d always be hard work and heavy coal, no union would change that.
He found Caleb with a group of other boys. Soot covering his face, only white sleeveless shirt and dungarees. A boy his age should be fishing or playing in the woods , not digging in no mine shaft. His father’s hypocrisy knew no bounds when it came to getting his agenda across. If Stanly Collins cared about his son, he would be in school, along with all the other children.
Don walked up to the boy and kneeled to his level. “Are you Caleb Collins?”
“Yes Sir,” said the boy. His voice sounded tired and older than his years.
“I have some bad news, you’re daddy has been hurt awful bad, and I need you to come with me.”
Instead of looking surprised, Caleb stared at him with deep black eyes. The stare made Don’s blood turn cold.
“It’s urgent, he…uh… he needs you now,” Don managed to stutter out, his tongue had turned to clay.
“Yes Sir,” was all the boy said.
Don’s stomach dropped in that moment and he almost reconsidered his plan. He took a deep breath. Donald Carmicheal wasn’t terrified of no ten year old. He was going to take him somewhere deep in the mine and hold him until his daddy agreed to negotiate with the Higher Ups.
As he led the boy deeper down the mine shaft Don’s uneasiness grew. He thought about quitting, telling boy the truth and letting him go back to work, hell, letting the boy leave the mine all together. But the higher ups would put his head on a pike if he even considered this to be an option.
“Where are ya taken me?” asked Caleb. His voice had gone flatter and his whole eyes had turned solid black for a second.
“It… It’s just a little further down the mine shaft, son.”
“I ain’t your son! My daddy works on the upper levels, why ain’t you bringing me there?”
“Y…You’re father was on a special project with us, please it’s just a little further-”
“No he ain’t , the owner’s of this here mine would never let him in on a higher project.”
“D... don’t make this hard for me, boy.”
“You have no idea who I am, do you sir?”
Don turned around and once again, Caleb’s eyes went coal black. Inky tendrils of shadow formed and went up the walls of the mine. Stone cracked and crumbled around them. The boy’s skin cracked and peeled into oozing sores as he crept towards him.
“What in hell are you?” Don began to run up the mineshaft, but the inky coils formed on the rocks around him, forming fissures and cracks. The air turned hot and stank of sulfur as the mine began to crumble underneath them.
“I think you already know.” Caleb’s voice turned flat and was so deep it made Don nauseous and uneasy. It was old scratch himself, coming to collect on his soul. He should have sided with Stanly and the miners. He could have found an assignment with the UMW and helped turn the situation on thier side. Helped them organize a strike so it gave them doctors and schools but now it was too little too late.
Caleb followed him , his tendrils grasping for Don through the stone. The child’s skin flaked off as oily tentacles grabbed at Don. The workers panicked and ran out toward the exit, causing a jam at the door, their screams echoing in the chamber the stone began to crumble.
“Let them go, this is between us, they don’t need to suffer, what would you’re daddy think-”
“My daddy? You mean my host.” With that the monster’s tendrils went out through the staircase, toppling it and the crowd to the depths below. As they screamed in terror a boulder fell smashing in on Don’s ankle. Waves of excruciating pain went through his body causing him to vomit. The smell of sulfur and half digested fried chicken was too much for him to bear, his lungs tightened for air. The staircase was gone, but a narrow path that led toward the exit, cool breeze exited the doorway, giving him a ray of hope.
Caleb slammed down blocking his exit. Inky, oily tendrils snaked around Don’s body and squeezed tight, the veins in Caleb’s forehead grew larger as Don’s life force leached away. His body weakened as his eyes closed for the final time. Half the workers managed to make it out alive, Stanly among them. Cries echoed from the outside as the mine collapsed in on itself.
In the weeks following the mine collapse, the B&N mine company negotiated with the United Mine Workers for a fair deal. Stanlhy Collins and his son Caleb quit the mining business and settled into the nearby village of Junction Maryland, where Stanly was elected sheriff. He was thankful to be one of the few that made it out of the mine alive.
Though he was unsure where his son came from, he never remembered ever having a wife. Whenever he thought to question the boy, he looked at him with solid black eyes, and Stanly always forgot the question. It was all well and fine , they would make peace in this small town.
submitted by Saraphim663 to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 Bubbly-Kitty-2425 Sick and depressed

Well after 4 years I managed to catch Covid. I tested positive Friday, so I’ve been home avoiding humanity. Trying not to spread the germs. (I’ve literally been shut up in my room since Thursday night.)
Yesterday was my birthday, I didn’t do anything unless you count gather trash, because I wanted it to go out. Didn’t want it sitting an entire extra week. I also mopped my bathroom floor after spilling cough medicine and did a single load of laundry. My bf says since I could do all that I should have been able to see him. (If I didn’t do it there is no one else who could!) I didn’t because I don’t want him sick. So he basically ignored me yesterday. Last night I broke down crying because I can’t hug and hold my cat. (I stay away from even my animals when sick.)
Today I feel like my temper is so short, the sound of my father’s walker (I take care of him) or his blaring tv or him coughing is driving me nuts. Or the fact he won’t cover his mouth! I almost have snapped at him for that. On top of that my anxiety and depression are acting up so bad. Idk if covid has any effect with that but each day it’s getting worse. Today I’ve cried several times. Just breaking down. I feel so alone, like nothing matters and no one cares. I know it’s my depression, but it’s really bad. My temper is getting so short I am afraid to even be around people. The smallest thing and I wanna shout! I feel like I’m on edge a ticking tomb bomb. Like I’ll either end up hurting myself or yelling and saying something that could hurt someone else.
I have like zero friends that are not online friends and if I had called my bf to come over I feel like he would somehow turn it into sex. Or I would end up loosing my temper for no reason and we would fight. Honestly I’ve hardly heard from my bf this entire time. I realize he’s not even asked one time how I am feeling.
I guess I just needed to rant to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Bubbly-Kitty-2425 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 RSoxNative 1 wk post op ACDF C5-C6-C7 w fusion

I've never had surgery or even broken a bone so I'm taking every step of this recovery VERY slow and steady. My incision site never gave me any pain. It's irritating as hell as I can't stand anything touching my neck in daily life but I removed the bandage for the first time yesterday. No leakage, no pain, no crusty dried up blood. No signs of infection. Just a very dark incision line covered with what looks like 9-11 steristrips. Very clean.
I didn't have much trouble speaking day 1 or 2. 3-5 it got worse but wasn't bad. Swallowing is almost completely fine and I'm really looking forward to solid food again.
I'm still sleeping in my recliner using the soft collar. It's too much to lay on my back and I really don't feel comfortable on my side. It does hurt doing that. It feels like 30° angle is the happy space and I'm my head I'm scared about popping or screwing up healing by not keeping spine very straight. Am I too paranoid?
I'm up and walking to the bathroom without much hesitation as I'm not dizzy standing up anymore. I'm far from walking a lot. Still feeling tired out and sometimes just exhausted. But I'm putting in the effort of taking extra steps when going to the bathroom and back.
My arms are super weak still. Not as if I'm trying to lift anything but just raising them over my head is tedious. I reach over my head today to pull on my ear to clean them w qtips and I could feel my neck hurting pretty good as I'm putting pressure on top of my head pushing down slightly. Dr said "no bending lifting or leaning". Just the slight lean to spit out mouth wash I could feel slight pain in my neck.
Today I began doing some very small circles rolling my head around. Left to right till I feel the littlest resistance, same up and down.
Everyday feels slightly better. Throat is almost completely back to normal. Coughing was the worst pain out of everything I have done and even that has gone from a 8/9 on the pain scale (it REALLY hurt to cough) down to about a 3 in about 5 days. Today it hurts to cough but I don't hesitate anymore.
The c5-7 site is very tender to the touch. Wife still has to be very light on contact during shower. Shoulders are very stiff trying to wash other arm.
Overall, I'm still pretty tired and sometimes nearly exhausted and I don't do anything really. Watching tv. I did puke for 6 hours after the op as I had a tough time w the anesthesia (again, first time). I'm determined to make sure I heal properly and my "life situation" will allow me to take as long as I need to get back to 100% w no rush or pressure at all. I NEVER want to do this again so I feel I maybe a little behind schedule but I'm ok with it as long as it's good in the end. Then again, it's day 7 post op. How behind can I be?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions or comments. Hopefully my experience can help others with their situation as I was scared to death about this.
submitted by RSoxNative to spinalfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:29 Krixwell Homebrew Outsider: Mannequin

"I want to pick *points* this player and *points* that pl— oh wait, that's just a mannequin in similar clothes."
Mannequin (Outsider): Once per night, when a player chooses a player, they might register as choosing you instead, if legal. You then learn the real chosen player.
The Mannequin quietly takes the place of one player in up to one choice each night.


I don't know why you'd do this as an ST, but the Butler ability doesn't work unless the Butler knows who they're choosing and why, so it needs a jinx.


The Monk chooses to protect the Fortune Teller. The Mannequin is protected instead, and learns the Fortune Teller's name.
The Fortune Teller chooses the Imp and the Soldier. The Fortune Teller receives a no. The Mannequin wakes to learn the Imp's name.
If the picker chooses multiple players, the Mannequin only replaces one of them, and only learn the one they replaced.
The Vigormortis chooses to kill the Sage. The Mannequin dies instead, and does not learn the Sage's name.
The second part of the ability never resolves because the Mannequin lost the ability partway through.
The Alchemist Poisoner chooses to poison the No Dashii. The Mannequin is poisoned instead, and may or may not learn a player's name.
This poison does not undo the "choice" of the Mannequin instead of the No Dashii. The poison does however come into effect before the Mannequin would be told who was really picked, so they may learn the wrong player or nothing at all.
The Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses the Poppy Grower. The Mannequin is protected from execution. The next night, the Alchemist Devil's Advocate chooses themself. The Mannequin cannot replace this, because the ADA would have chosen them two nights in a row. (The ADA could also legally have chosen the Poppy Grower.)
"if legal" prevents the Mannequin from being "chosen" by a character that shouldn't be able to choose them tonight.
The Lunatic chooses to "attack" the Ravenkeeper. The Mannequin learns the Ravenkeeper's name. The Lleech learns that the Lunatic chose the Mannequin. The Lleech follows suit and kills the Mannequin.

Why does it learn?

Even working only once per night, this seems like it would be a rather destructive form of misregistry, likely enough that most players with this ability would self-nominate day 1.
But I also want getting rid of the Mannequin to be a valid option for the good team, for the same reason. Thus, no "even if dead".
So how do we keep it from being unfun to stay alive longer than necessary?
The information part of the ability is a carrot for the Mannequin. If the Mannequin can work out who was affected, it can be used to reverse engineer how and why the ability was used, and facilitate some amount of confirmation between the Mannequin and players whose abilities were redirected.
It also acts as a balancing measure against STs using the ability in certain overly punishing ways.
For example, imagine you're the Mannequin in the Fortune Teller example above, and you manage to connect with the Fortune Teller. Hmmm, kind of interesting that the Storyteller used the ability to redirect an FT's pick away from the Imp player, isn't it? That's arguably more suspicious than an FT yes on its own, considering the existence of the red herring mechanic and the ambiguity of which of the two players is giving off the yes. But only if the FT and the Mannequin are able to trust each other.
This also makes it potentially useful for ST's to occasionally use the Mannequin ability even when it wouldn't actually change the result, for evil players to bluff having picked the player the Mannequin is claiming to have learned, or for Minions to bluff being the Mannequin (wouldn't recommend it for Demons without a backup life).
In short, I think the Mannequin learning who they replaced is far more interesting for everyone involved, including the Mannequin themself. It gives the Mannequin something to do while alive and a chance to mitigate or even utilize the damage their ability does without necessarily sacrificing an execution and a good player's democratic powers.


Many Minion interactions are more likely to be relevant to an Alchemist than to the actual Minion, because this is an Outsider and should ideally be used to interfere with good more than evil. As such, I will treat the Minions below alignment-agnostically unless otherwise noted, with good ones probably being Alchemists.
Demons in general (with a couple exceptions) can have their kills redirected to the Mannequin. This is mostly useful if they were about to kill a landmine character.
Most Travelers can't be affected by the Mannequin because they either don't make picks or pick in the daytime.
submitted by Krixwell to BloodOnTheClocktower [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:20 sarahxvalo a flow of thoughts i wrote in my notes app about my girl, skeeter 💌

a flow of thoughts i wrote in my notes app about my girl, skeeter 💌
i don’t really expect anyone to read this. but i had to put it somewhere.
*she loved her treats. the ones right after getting her eyedrops in the morning but mostly at night. she loved to sniff around for cat food. she was always right there when dad was preparing dinner; chopping veggies was a calling for her. she loved tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries and pineapple. she was stubborn beyond belief. she always spat out spinach, and was tempted by the forbidden fruits of avocados and grapes but never tried them. i’ll miss all these things. her little snores and grunts. her constant barking at me when she wanted another meal, even if it was only 10 minutes after her last meal. she loved to go for walks and car rides. she loved judging people pass us by on our walks, especially dogs that she couldnt care less about. she was patient with our cats, even letting charlie lick her face after a messy dinner. she was their family.
she adored hikes and walks in the mountains. she loved dipping her toes in a cool mountain river. she loved being carried up steep hills and sniffing the leftover piss from dogs ahead of her. she was a shadow to me for 14 years and i’m always searching for her little clicks along the floor, with nails that probably needed to be trimmed (and would be at her next anal glad extraction) she smelled like corn chips and love. her ears had “mushrooms” growing inside them and made her stinky for a long time but we still loved her. she loved “gettin it” in her bed (or ours) after a much needed bath or after a delicious meal. she was always grumpin’ us with her upper lip tucked in. she’d run to the farthest corners of the backyard to potty and always came running up the hill as fast as she could. even in the end. even when things got hard and her breathing got bad and she had a chronic cough, she pushed herself to feel good and make the most of everyday. she knew she was loved.
she knew the oxygen chamber in the living room was there to make her feel better. she knew her pills she got every 8 hours and every 12 hours were to help her feel better. even when they became hard to give her towards the end. she had eyes like an angel. that was the first thing i noticed when i looked at her for the first time. big chestnuts in a perfectly tiny dome head. eyes of a creature i’d never imagined i would grow to love so much over the course of the weirdest years of my life. looking back to when we first met, it feels like a literal lifetime ago.
just about every aspect of my life is entirely different than it was back then. the only thing that stayed the same was that she was by my side. even those few years when she wasn’t technically my dog. we were drawn to one another and the universe gave us both the gift of being together forever. i remember thinking i should have kept her as my own so many times before it happened. and after those few chaotic and emotional years, we were finally together. just us.
until jared came along and fell in love with her. she loved him so much. felt safe in his presence and oftentimes wouldn’t even go to sleep unless he was in bed with us. she had such a routine with us. she was incredibly low maintenance and smart. never going potty in the house. never being naughty at all ( aside that time she stole my subway sandwich when i was in the other room) that’s probably the only time i was ever mad at her in my life! she wanted to sniff every tree. every rock. every lamppost, trash can and fire hydrant. she took her time with the little things and appreciated basking in the sun on a warm spring day. she loved the picnics we’d go on and the lunch dates at cheba hut and tasty harmony (always waiting for a tomato!) she was my little princess. she loved her stroller rides through various parks we took her to in fort collins.
everyone always gawked at her and could tell how loved she was (still is.) and now i search for her in everything. all the clouds in the sky look like shih tzus, which is hilarious and perfect to me. i’ve seen so many rainbows since the day she left me. more than i’ve seen in ages and i know they’re messages from my little pud, telling me she’s okay.
we went for a drive today to the canyon, she always loved going there with us. i brought her urn with us and asked her to give me a sign today. i saw a hummingbird when we were pulled over and i know that was my sign (even though skeeti hated birds) haha just kidding. we are planting a garden for her now. with lavender and columbine and strawberries. we will plant a tree for her soon. i carry her toy with me everywhere and sleep with it at night. (it rotates between the lamb chop, the crocodile and her pink bunny) they all smell like her.
i take her urn to bed with us every night. it’s wrapped in her tiny strawberry blanket i would lay on her back when it was chilly outside. especially after giving her a haircut, which she always hated until it was over. then she’d feel soooo good.
i want her to be as close to me as possible. and i have so many fears now that she’s not here, even though my biggest fear was losing her. now it’s that i’ll forget the little things, but how could i? luckily i took photos and videos of just about everything she ever did. and i’m so grateful for the memories i have of her. they’re all so wonderful aside from a few scary ones towards the end. she was so brave, my little thing. my tiny soldier. my best girl in the whole world.*
i miss my girl so much.
all these photos were taken after her heart failure/ pulmonary hypertension diagnosis. proof of how strong, happy and resilient she was during the hardest months of our lives.
today marks 10 days without her.
submitted by sarahxvalo to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:31 Full_Idea_7133 Idk why but today was great!

It didn’t start great due to a bad night of heartburn and coughing but my mom let me sleep in for a hour. I walk into class and I see my sexual assaulter and he got a hair change and it was terrible it was making me laugh and smile all the way to class and at least 15 minutes during class. Then I had gym 4th block and I haven’t smiled and enjoyed gym I don’t even know how long. I played badminton with my friend even though I was right next to my sexual assaulter it didn’t matter it was still the best gym class. I also almost hit him in the head with the racket not on purpose. Then I went to the farm and got to see every single animal there and hung out with my favorite pigs. I came home set a up a Etsy shop made some dog treats. Texted my new best friend for a hour. Even though I’m super tired now I’m so happy and the best part was seeing his terrible hair I laughed to myself each time I thought of it. Sorry if my grammar is bad I’m tired and have a lot of energy and can barely sit still so I typed this very fast and can’t get myself to proofread.
submitted by Full_Idea_7133 to BisexualTeens [link] [comments]