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New grad nurse lost in life

2024.05.15 02:42 synth578 New grad nurse lost in life

I'm a new nurse who graduated in December. I started on a med-surg unit in a new-grad residency program in January. I was being bullied by some of the staff, spoke up about it but nothing changed, and overall was truly not cut out for this specialty. I was having daily panic attacks before and after work, stopped enjoying life, and cried all the time. I am very interested in psych nursing/outpatient. I live in OR and have applied to several places, but most of what I'm finding is only inpatient med-surg/ICU/ER, eto which is not something l'm interested in. I applied for a child psych position up in WA at a top hospital, and made it to the second round of interviews. I am very conflicted on if I am offered the job, if I should take it. The biggest reason for that is finances. I still live at home and am able to save a TON of money doing so. I have student loans & a car payment that if I was able to start work soon, couple wipe out in 1-2 years. I do pay rent but not nearly as much as I would be paying in Seattle where I could potentially work. My husband and I are trying to weigh the pros and cons, and moving would mean that our finances would be a lot more tight, and I would not be paying my loans off soon at all. On top of that, I truly love living with my family and am very close to them (my husband likes it too, we live in a big house and all split bills and are content). I fear that I could potentially be passing up my dream job though if I am offered it and don't take it. I also don't know how long I should keep looking for jobs in Northern OR until I give up because I have no more options left for the fields I want. Overall, I don't want to make an irrational decision and leave everything and be more strapped financially, but I have always wanted to work in psych and it's a great hospital. I need some outside perspective because each day I just feel more and more defeated when I'm not finding a good job that fits for me, or am turned down. It’s really affected me mentally and I just want to be at peace and happy. I worked so hard to get here after all. I need a rational and logical perspective to help me make the most sound decision. Thank you so much in advance :)
submitted by synth578 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:41 synth578 New grad nurse lost in life and seeking advice

I'm a new nurse who graduated in December. I started on a med-surg unit in a new-grad residency program in January. I was being bullied by some of the staff, spoke up about it but nothing changed, and overall was truly not cut out for this specialty. I was having daily panic attacks before and after work, stopped enjoying life, and cried all the time. I am very interested in psych nursing/outpatient. I live in OR and have applied to several places, but most of what I'm finding is only inpatient med-surg/ICU/ER, eto which is not something l'm interested in. I applied for a child psych position up in WA at a top hospital, and made it to the second round of interviews. I am very conflicted on if I am offered the job, if I should take it. The biggest reason for that is finances. I still live at home and am able to save a TON of money doing so. I have student loans & a car payment that if I was able to start work soon, couple wipe out in 1-2 years. I do pay rent but not nearly as much as I would be paying in Seattle where I could potentially work. My husband and I are trying to weigh the pros and cons, and moving would mean that our finances would be a lot more tight, and I would not be paying my loans off soon at all. On top of that, I truly love living with my family and am very close to them (my husband likes it too, we live in a big house and all split bills and are content). I fear that I could potentially be passing up my dream job though if I am offered it and don't take it. I also don't know how long I should keep looking for jobs in Northern OR until I give up because I have no more options left for the fields I want. Overall, I don't want to make an irrational decision and leave everything and be more strapped financially, but I have always wanted to work in psych and it's a great hospital. I need some outside perspective because each day I just feel more and more defeated when I'm not finding a good job that fits for me, or am turned down. It’s really affected me mentally and I just want to be at peace and happy. I worked so hard to get here after all. I need a rational and logical perspective to help me make the most sound decision. Thank you so much in advance :)
submitted by synth578 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:25 WhoSaysDadsCant Would I be an idiot to dump my 401k to pay off the CC debt? 52k and drowning.

Hello debt. I could really use some advice here.
Let me start out by saying I realize I screwed up. I grew up poor and have always lacked the financial intelligence that seems to come naturally to others. I also know that, until I learn to budget and save, paying off my CC debt is nothing more than a bandaid.
That said, I am struggling. I went back to school to pursue my dream career several years back. My wife, at the time, encouraged me to do so. Unfortunately, she filed for divorce a year later. I didn't want to give up on my dream, so I finished out the remaining 2.5 years of school by maxing my federal student loans and, later, credit cards.
I finished my bachelor's and masters, but I worked very little and depended largely on CCs for my families basic needs. Unfortunately, I found my passion in a career path that is not the most lucrative.
Here's the details of my situation:
CC debt - $52,000
Student loans - $60,000
Mortgage - $125,000
Money in/out (monthly):
+$3800 - Take home (net) pay
+260 - Child support
-$400 - Utilities
-$1300 - Mortgage & HOA
-$160 - Car insurance
-$1400 - Min monthly CC payments
-250 - Gas
Remaining for food, kids, etc: $550
Important to mention, I have 4 (soon to be 3) dependents that live with me full time.
Thankfully, my career allows student loan forgiveness and with my salary and number of dependents, I am paying $0 and it counts toward the 120 payments til forgiveness. I also own my vehicles outright, so no car payments and I stick to liability only. I have a teenager on the insurance with me, which is why it is so high.
As you can see, I am barely scraping by. I bought a cheap Prius, which should reduce my monthly gas cost to $100 or so. That still only leaves $700 to pay for feed and cloth 5 people. I don't see how I will ever climb back out of this hole I have dug for myself.
I have an old 401k account from my previous factory job. It is currently sitting at about 65k. I could drain it and pay off the majority of my debt (65k-10% penalty-13k taxes=$45,500). This would allow me to eliminate ~$1200 in monthly payments.
The pros:
This would allow me to start finally saving money; for emergencies, college funds, retirement, etc. 27k of my CC debt is on cards that offer 0 interest balance transfers, so I could potentially pay half of my debt, balance transfer the other half, and use the minimum payments I was making to pay off another 25k over 18 months.
I will have no retirement savings left. My current job offers a pension, but I don't know if I will work in a state position long enough to truly capitalize on it. I'm in my mid 30s, so that 64k will be ~200k by the time I retire, assuming a modest 5% annual growth.
I also lose out on the $7,830 for 2024, since my income will be too high. With taxes and penalty on the early withdrawal, I'm setting just over $27,000 on fire.
However, I'm already burning $12,000/year in interest right now. I am barely making a dent in the principle. In 6 years, I will have broken even, minus the interest lost. After 15 years of maxing out IRA contributions, I'll be in a better position for retirement anyway. I wouldn't be able to contribute anything to retirement with the CC debt I have now.
I know draining my 401k in my mid 30s is not normally a financially sound decision, but my math says I'll be better off financially in the long run IF I cut up my cards and avoid falling back into the same debt trap.
What do you say, my fiscally responsible brethren? Am I an idiot for even considering this, or is this a terrible decision?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any advice you might offer.
TLDR: 52k in CC debt, income too low to make more than min monthly payments. Considering draining my only retirement fund of 64k to be debt free.
submitted by WhoSaysDadsCant to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 kfryy93 VA Construction Loan in Wisconsin

So, admittedly, I did dive deeper into these threads after writing this all out and gained a little knowledge but confirmation never hurt.
For starters, I'm a semi-recently divorced veteran, and I used my benefits to purchase a home with my ex-wife years ago. The home is currently almost refinanced by my ex, and I've signed the documents to release my benefits back to me.
I am planning to have a home built. I live in Wisconsin. My credit is 750ish, and I make upwards of $65,000 with a current DTI of only about .2-.24. And a pretty healthy savings account. So, I assume based on that, the initial start of the process should have no issues since they look at those things first.
I have a few questions in really no specific order.
  1. I do own land, but I don't plan to build on it. I am looking to purchase land elsewhere and have some leads currently. I'm not sure if it would be best to A) spend a large chunk of my savings on land. B) finance the land separate from the VA. C) Finance it all as one, as I believe construction could start almost immediately. Option A doesn't sound the best as I don't want to allocate all my savings towards land should I need it during the home building process. (C seems the best after research)
  2. The main reasons I want to go this route is because my brother is a GC and is willing to build the home with a huge discount on labor. And because the housing market is absurd here, of course. I've read about the approved builders list and that it's a simple process to be approved for, and they may be going away with it entirely. Either way, I just wanted to confirm that it should be no issue for him to be approved, assuming he possesses all the required credentials and whatever else may be necessary. He has plenty of ground up completions over the last few years.
  3. I was curious about the best route to take here as I've read about one time closing. Two time closing. All that stuff. Just curious about the pros and cons there. And with that, would it be best to just go to my local credit union to begin this process? That's what I did with my current VA home loan, and it felt like a very smooth and easy process. They were basically the middle man but I'm not sure if going that direction this time would be the same given the change in loan type. (More research is telling me to do the one time closing option which I kind of understand. And to go straight to a VA rep)
  4. What types of deposits/down payments are generally required? I read about contractors requiring a deposit, but I don't have that issue with it being my brother. Even so, I could probably pay it. I was just spitballing with him recently, and he was explaining to me that what I want should cost no more than $120,000 plus whatever I may be able to purchase land for. I'm just throwing that number out as a basis, considering that's probably lower than typically expected.
I believe that's about it as far as initial questions/concerns. I did not want to begin speaking with lenders/VA without having at least some type of knowledge on the subject so I could point out potential inaccuracies or offer alternatives. Thanks in advance!
submitted by kfryy93 to VAConstructionloans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:49 CoffeeS3x Living far above my means for the next 12 months

Not really sure what I’m looking for by posting this, maybe just reassurance that my plan is sound and can work at the expense of accruing some interest on loans.
So I bought a condo pre-con in 2019 for $513k. 21% down. Have been paying the crazy high occupancy fees for the last few months but thankfully it is closing in June.
I am self employed as a general contractor and my income is very unpredictable, but basically am not making nearly as much in 2023 and 2024 as I did years prior. Combine this with the interest rates skyrocketing, and the bottom line is that I absolutely cannot afford the $400k~ mortgage on this place (plus condo fees, utilities, etc). I would sell today and be happy.
That’s the issue. Due to the new house flipping laws in Canada, I cannot qualify for principal residence exemption unless I own and live in it for 12 months from closing date.
The value of the condo is now more like $750k. That’s almost 250k in appreciation or “profit” that I would have to claim 100% as income as it would not even qualify as a capital gain, if I sell before June of 2025. We’re talking about well over $100k of taxes on the sale. For this reason, I feel like it’s worth it to just live above my means, take loans where I can (luckily I have parents that can help subsidize the mortgage, at a standard interest rate), and just accumulate debt until I can sell the condo and pay off all the loans.
I think it’s well worth accumulating $10k-20k of interest to hold this condo, in order to sell next year and save the tax. The math checks out for sure. It’s just incredibly stressful knowing I’m living way above my financial means, as this is never how I’ve lived and never how I want to live. Wouldn’t have saved up as much as I did to afford this condo in the first place if that’s how I was comfortable living. It’s really just a combination of bad financial environments that has screwed me a little here, but it is what it is.
I guess im just looking for a pat on the back and a “it’ll be ok!” here lol, but does anyone see any glaring problems with this plan? It sounds like by next summer (assuming little change in the real estate market) after selling and settling all debts and paying all costs, I’ll be sitting on nearly $300k and can plan my next move from there.
submitted by CoffeeS3x to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 inthemagazines Salary exchange pension scheme question - am I better off going with it or opting out?

I've been told that the way my work pension will be calculated is changing soon. I understand the proposed benefits of it, but I wondered if anyone had any advice since my employer including the option to opt-out of the change makes me think there might be some pros and cons I'm missing. If it makes any difference to which is the better option, I'm hoping to apply for a mortgage soon and I'm repaying a student loan on Plan 1. Here's the description my employer gave me:
"The salary exchange arrangement will allow eligible members to join a more cost-efficient retirement savings plan that provides you with the opportunity to save National Insurance Contributions (‘NICs’) on your pensionable pay.
Under the new salary exchange arrangement your contractual basic monthly salary will be reduced by the percentage amount you choose to contribute to your pension.
The employer then pays that amount, together with its normal employer contribution into your pension as an employer contribution. The salary exchange arrangement reduces the level of pay that is subject to national insurance deductions creating a net pay saving for you."
submitted by inthemagazines to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:07 alexdamastar ASU Full Ride vs GTech 40k Yearly

To preface I will be going to ASU first year no matter what since my GTech offer is a transfer option. The final decision on whether to stay at ASU or move to GTech would happen at the end of my freshman year which is about a year from now. With that out of the way let me list off the pros of each.
Full Ride
Admitted to CS and Honors College
Accepted into the Luminosity Lab (Famous research group at ASU)
Close to home (Literally 30 minutes from my house, I'll be living on dorms but still not a huge change)
Not as Prestigious (I mean come on, ASU is not on the same level. While the social prestige is a factor, I'm mostly concerened about how a recruiter would think of me especially in this volatile market.)
Probably not as many connections
IDK its GTech?
I love Atlanta, never been there but the vibe seems amazing and its far from home
Recruiters absolutely love this school, probably won't need grad school with this under my belt
40k a year (Granted I'd be enter my sophmore year after a free year at ASU, but thats still at least 80k in loans assuming I graduate early, probably closer to 120K if I don't)
Would be Admitted as CompE and not CS (I don't mind the career shift tbh, I just need to further research how this may negatively impact me with a CompE degree and not a CS degree. I have an amazon SDE internship lined up so maybe that would help validate me in an internal transfer process)
submitted by alexdamastar to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:20 Zebbers950 Call with Mom

Some backstory and context: I (23fNB) live in Virginia with a job as an elementary school music teacher. I’ve only been at this job for one year and I got it right after graduating college last May. Needless to say, I hit the ground running out of college. Coincidentally, my faith crisis started happening around my late junior year and throughout senior year of college. And my leaving coincided with my new teaching job. My parents live in Texas.
I kept my parents in the dark about my faith crisis and subsequent leaving (unofficially; my records are still in), until I started subtly hinting at it the past few weeks. Just letting them know I haven’t been to church in at least a month (try two years now, but I was too scared to tell them that). My mom finally just asked me what was going on with me and church today. I told that it’s been a long time since I felt anything at all relating to the spirit (I didn’t tell her anything about contradictions in doctrine, or the history of the church bothering me, because idk how she would take that). She started crying on the phone telling me that we all feel that way sometimes and to just never stop reading (my scriptures) or saying my prayers because it’s easy to fall away if you’re not keeping yourself active.
I was holding back tears because that felt so invalidating to my experience. I know she didn’t know that, but my gosh. She then told me to drive to DC and sit on the temple grounds and think. I’m totally done with the church. I am not doing that. But I’m also thinking about moving back to Texas soon to live with my aunt a few minutes down the road from my mom. But if I do that, I will be expected to attend church and push down my sexuality (I’m bi/demisexual) and everything I’ve been discovering about myself for the past 5 years. I’d only probably be in Texas for a year so maybe I could survive, but I would be so lonely without any of my friends who actually understand me. The whole reason my mom wants me back home is so that she knows I’m not lonely. And also, I think now that she knows about my faith crisis, she wants me home so she can make sure that I’m going to church.
Idk what to do right now. I am super scared of my dad finding out I’m bi and gender questioning.
Pros to moving back to Texas: I wouldn’t be paying rent at my aunt’s house and I could focus on paying of student loans and car payments. I would be close to family if something were to happen. Especially since a lot of family is old and frail. I would be close to some of my childhood friends again.
Cons: my church-going habits (or lack thereof) would be heavily monitored and probably pushed. I’d basically be putting myself back in the closet. I’d be moving away from a lot of my job network that I’ve built up in Virginia. My school district’s streak of replacing the music teacher every year for the past five years would live on.
submitted by Zebbers950 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:05 leokraz VA Loan Question

Hi, I purchased my first home with a VA Loan a year ago. Today my brother who is very responsible asked me to be his co-signer for a home loan and I just wanted to know if this affects me in any way like for example if I wanted to sell my home and buy another one in 2 years would me being a co signer affect me? As far as using another VA loan? Any pros and cons?
submitted by leokraz to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:25 sanitised_hand IIM K or IIM L?

Hi guys, I've converted both but I'm currently confused as to which one I should prefer. I want to pursue management strategy but can't finalise one out of the two. I have severe financial constraints so need to make a decision fast. This is what I've gathered based on my info and from seniors:
IIM K Pros: -Better campus and hostel infra (including mess) -Better future growth opportunities (rapidly growing) - Good research -better gender ratio
Cons: - Bankrupt state govt - lack of proper transportation (does that affect companies coming to campus?)
Pros: - Comparatively Better brand (well known) - More offers for strategy and consulting roles - Rapidly growing infrastructure in Lucknow and up might provide growth opportunities - ease of transportation - Tunday kababi😂
Cons: - Hostel and campus infrastructure comparatively older - Hell is very rigorous (worried that it might affect the grades)
I'm looking for scholarships and know that they're provided to meritorious students. I'm scared that IIM L might be too strict with acads and hence lesser grades. Don't even know if that's a thing or not.
Which college would be better suited to my profile and how's the grading system works in a Blacki IIM?
Please help me make a decision as I've to arrange loans.
submitted by sanitised_hand to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:14 OpALbatross Potential to buy family land cheap and build - what to consider?

TLDR: I don't know if I want to stay on the land we are living on, but don't want to see it destroyed or sold out of the family. Try to buy closer to the city, or build in the country?
My mom owns our house and land. She has decided that if / when my husband and I move, she wants to bulldoze the house, log the land and then sell it. It's 12.5 acres in the mountains.
This land has been in our family since the 1800s (my dad's side). It's where I grew up. We already bought our funeral plots 20 minutes away, so are committed to staying in the surrounding area. We love the land, but don't like the house currently on it. I tear up when I think about the land being destroyed.
My mom said she would be open to selling the land to us, not at market value (so I'm assuming under market. She also said she wouldn't need the money up front, because she knows the cost to build and get it more livable would be high). She also said she didn't think we would want to live here. Right now she lets us live here for free (previously since my husband was in school, now because I'm in school, and she doesn't need our money. We are incredibly thankful for this). We aren't sure if we would want this area to be the forever home. There are a ton of pros and cons.
The land is near a pipeline being constructed, currently has no cell phone service, and poor Internet (but that could change). It is a rural community with lots of people with rural, conservative views. We get snowed in easily. There are a ton of trees that block out the light, and a ton of deer so gardening would be a challenge.
My husband and I are liberal. I'm bi. We love our new neighbors though, and are related to most of the others (even if they are more conservative. People usually keep to themselves).
It's a 35-40 minute drive to the closest city... Gym, groceries, schools... You're basically driving 30 minutes to get to anything. But it's quiet and beautiful and home.
It's not in the school district we were considering, but it is in the one we went to. We both feel good about the education we received. We likely couldn't be the hang out house like we wanted for when we have kids (since it is so far out of the way).
It could limit employment options, but my husband really likes his company and they are well established. I'm studying graphic design (I graduate in two years) so will have the ability to freelance. The plan is for me to stay home with kids (if possible).
The current build would need torn down. It has fundamental problems that are more expensive to fix than the home is worth. It has a well, but that may need fixed. It almost certainly will need a new septic tank by then. We would basically have to tear everything down and start from scratch.
My husband is an electrical engineer. In a few years, he will likely be certified to design and sign off on electrical plans, so could likely do that aspect of our house. My father in law does a ton of home building and had added buildings / additions to his home that are beautiful and well crafted. My husband had helped him with that before. Because of this, there is a chance we could do some of the work ourselves / within the family.
We would likely need to level more of the land. My husband and I would also want a spot to build a shop, and potentially a greenhouse. The soil is pretty rocky so building a fence isn't super feasible (to contain children, dogs, etc. - we have gotten several people to look into it and each one said not possible).
We would want to build an eco-friendly, mostly off the grid home. The trees would likely make solar panels less effective, but cutting the trees would likely make the soil less "secure."
My husband and I have talked at length about how much we would love to one day build our own eco-friendly home. We figured we'd never be able to afford the land and the build. Buying this "discounted" land may be our best hope at this dream, even if it isn't perfect.
Home prices in the areas we looked are crazy and come on tiny lots. I'm honestly not sure which is the more affordable option, or which we would be happier with. We would be looking to build or buy in the next 2-3 years.
Is building a home more expensive than buying an existing construction? If so, how much more expensive? Are there ways to make it cheaper? How did you decide what route to take? Can first time home buyer / veteran home loans be used for construction? Are there more pros / cons that maybe I haven't considered? How did you decide to build / buy?
Any advice / insight would be appreciated.
submitted by OpALbatross to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:02 No-Buyer8190 Video on Jack Panayotou

Hello there! I have youtube channel called Worlwide Scouting and I've been scouring the MLS Next Pro. Jack Panayotou stood out to me, small stature with bulky physical build, retaining the pros of a low center of gravity while leaving out the cons, offers a lot of options off and on the ball, very confortable in thigh spaces thanks to shifty footwork with a dynamic playstyle, shades of Francisco Conceição or Daniel Podence. His loan to the USLC was only natural, it will be interesting to see how it turns out. What do you think of him?
submitted by No-Buyer8190 to newenglandrevolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:13 Powerful-Scholar6923 Quan chức CS "tặng quà" cho dân - Một kiểu tham nhũng chính trị dưới chế độ cai trị bởi đạo tặc

Hiện tượng quan chức CS, từ Tây sang Đông, Á sang Phi, "tặng quà" dưới danh nghĩa cá nhân cho dân chúng, khiến dân phải "ghi ơn, biêt ơn, nhớ ơn, .... " càng lúc càng thô bỉ.
Đây chính là một dạng Tham nhũng chính trị - sử dụng quyền hạn của các quan chức chính phủ hoặc các liên hệ mạng lưới của họ để trục lợi cá nhân bất hợp pháp.
Người dân nhận "quà tặng", từ những vật phẩm nhỏ đến ... trang trại chăn nuôi, đàn cá, rừng cây, ... dưới danh nghĩa cá nhân của các quan chức CS. Thậm chí, khi đại diện cho quốc gia tặng quà ngoại giao cho đại diện các quốc gia khác, hiện nay, đều được "chánh thống" ghi nhận (vào báo, đài quốc doanh, sau này sẽ là lịch sử của CS) cũng dưới danh nghĩa cá nhân, mà đúng ra, phải là đại diện cho chính phủ, nhân dân của quốc gia đó mà thôi.
Đây chính là Chế độ đạo tặc trị ("chế độ cai trị bởi đạo tặc") là một chế độ chính trị tham nhũng, nơi mà chính phủ tồn tại để làm giàu cá nhân và gia tăng thế lực chính trị của các thành viên chính phủ cũng như giới thống trị trên xương máu của đa số quần chúng. Chúng thường vờ vịt là do dân, vì dân. Những tham nhũng của chính phủ trong chế độ này thường, bằng cách này hay cách khác, là các việc biển thủ ngân quỹ quốc gia.
Các chế độ đạo tặc thường cũng là các chế độ độc tài, hay dính líu tới việc ưu tiên về chính trị và kinh tế cho người trong nhà (Chủ nghĩa gia đình trị).

Hậu quả về chính trị, hành chính và thể chế

Tham nhũng chính trị cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến việc cung cấp hàng hóa và dịch vụ của chính phủ. Nó làm tăng chi phí của hàng hóa và dịch vụ phát sinh từ việc mất hiệu quả. Trong trường hợp không có tham nhũng, các dự án của chính phủ có thể mang lại hiệu quả về mặt chi phí ở mức chi phí thực sự của chúng, tuy nhiên, một khi đã tính đến chi phí tham nhũng thì các dự án có thể không hiệu quả về mặt chi phí nên chúng không được thực hiện làm sai lệch việc cung cấp hàng hóa và dịch vụ.
Tham nhũng chính trị làm suy yếu nền dân chủ và quản trị tốt bằng cách coi thường hoặc thậm chí phá hoại các quy trình chính thức.
Tham nhũng trong bầu cử và trong cơ quan lập pháp làm giảm trách nhiệm giải trình và bóp méo quyền đại diện trong hoạch định chính sách;
tham nhũng trong ngành tư pháp làm tổn hại đến pháp quyền ;
tham nhũng trong hành chính công dẫn đến việc cung cấp dịch vụ không hiệu quả.
Vi phạm nguyên tắc cơ bản của chủ nghĩa cộng hòa về tính trung tâm của đạo đức công dân, làm xói mòn năng lực thể chế của chính phủ nếu các thủ tục bị coi thường, các nguồn lực bị bòn rút và các văn phòng công bị mua bán.
Tham nhũng làm suy yếu tính hợp pháp của chính phủ và các giá trị dân chủ như lòng tin và lòng khoan dung.
Bằng chứng từ các quốc gia yếu kém cũng cho thấy tham nhũng và hối lộ có thể tác động tiêu cực đến niềm tin vào các thể chế.

Hậu quả đối với nền kinh tế

Trong khu vực tư nhân , tham nhũng làm tăng chi phí kinh doanh thông qua cái giá phải trả của các khoản thanh toán bất hợp pháp, chi phí quản lý khi đàm phán với các quan chức và nguy cơ vi phạm hoặc bị phát hiện các thỏa thuận.
Mặc dù một số người cho rằng tham nhũng làm giảm chi phí bằng cách cắt giảm quan liêu , nhưng sự sẵn có của hối lộ cũng có thể khiến các quan chức nghĩ ra những quy định mới và sự chậm trễ. Khi tham nhũng làm tăng chi phí kinh doanh, nó cũng bóp méo lĩnh vực điều tra và hành động, bảo vệ các công ty có quan hệ khỏi sự cạnh tranh và do đó duy trì các công ty hoạt động kém hiệu quả.
Tham nhũng cũng tạo ra sự bóp méo kinh tế trong khu vực công bằng cách chuyển hướng đầu tư công vào các dự án vốn nơi hối lộ và lại quả dồi dào hơn. Các quan chức có thể làm tăng tính phức tạp về mặt kỹ thuật của các dự án thuộc khu vực công để che giấu hoặc mở đường cho những giao dịch như vậy, từ đó làm bóp méo hoạt động đầu tư hơn nữa.
Tham nhũng cũng làm giảm sự tuân thủ các quy định về xây dựng, môi trường hoặc các quy định khác, làm giảm chất lượng dịch vụ và cơ sở hạ tầng của chính phủ, đồng thời làm tăng áp lực ngân sách lên chính phủ.

Sùng bái cá nhân tại các quốc gia Cộng Sản - Điều kiện thuận lợi cho tham nhũng chính trị

Trái xoài của Mao Chổi Sể :
Thời Đại Cách mạng Văn hóa Vô sản, Mao từng tặng chừng 40 trái xoài cho một nhóm Hồng vệ binh sau khi họ có thành tích đánh chết 5 người và làm bị thương 700 ở Đại học Thanh Hoa.
Giỏ xoài là quà do Bộ trưởng Ngoại giao Pakistan tặng Mao và Mao đem thưởng cho nhóm sinh viên đã cầm cuốn Mao tuyển, dùng giáo và acid để đánh, giết những người mà họ cho là ‘phản cách mạng’.
Nhóm Hồng vệ binh lần đầu tiên nhìn thấy quả xoài đã nâng niu trái cây lạ.
Họ quyết định không ăn mà dùng formaldehyde ướp xoài để tôn thờ vì “nhìn thấy xoài cũng như nhìn thấy Mao Chủ tịch”.
Ông Trương Khôi, một công nhân từng tham gia cuộc chiếm đóng Đại học Thanh Hoa ở Bắc Kinh kể lại chuyện xoài của Mao đến nhà máy của ông:
“Khi đại diện của Quân Giải phóng mang trái xoài đến nhà máy của chúng tôi, anh ta nâng xoài bằng hai tay.
Chúng tôi thảo luận xem cần phải làm gì: có bổ ra ăn không, hay giữ lại. Cuối cùng thì chúng tôi quyết định bảo tồn nó.”
Chúng tôi tìm đến bệnh viện để cho xoài vào formaldehyde và tẩm ướp thành mẫu vật. Sau đó xoài được đưa vào lồng kính. Rồi chúng tôi làm cả mẫu xoài bằng sáp để đem tặng cho các Công nhân Cách mạng.
Công nhân phải tôn kính các trái xoài và bị phê bình nếu không làm thế.”
Vương Hiểu Bình, làm việc tại Nhà máy công cụ cơ khí số 1 ở Bắc Kinh, kể lại chuyện đón nhận được một trái xoài giả bằng sáp:
“Trái xoài được đón rước bằng lễ hội có trống, có người đứng xếp hàng dọc phố, rồi ra sân bay.
Từ đó, công nhân thuê cả một máy bay chở trái xoài đến tặng cho một nhà máy ở Thượng Hải.”
Xoài có ‘vị thế’ linh thiêng ở Trung Quốc cho đến thời Khai phóng.
Ngày nay, xoài bán đầy ở Trung Quốc và giới trẻ cũng không biết câu chuyện tôn thờ xoài thời Mao.
Nhưng với các sử gia thì đây là câu chuyện hy hữu, khi mà trái cây nhiệt đới này gắn liền với nạn sùng bái cá nhân một thời đầy bạo lực ở Trung Quốc.
submitted by Powerful-Scholar6923 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:28 anotherrunningman Hình ảnh ĐCS TQ trong phim Quốc Sản 007

Tìm hiểu được 1 vài thứ hay ho về quôc sản 007,chia sẻ cùng cả nhà: Châm biếm những nhược điểm hiện tại của ĐCSTQ


Thông tin thêm: Sự cố ngày 4 tháng 6


Kết quả của những tù nhân trước đều do các thành viên đội xử bắn giải quyết từng người một. Cuối cùng, Ling Lingqi được thả với số tiền hối lộ 100 nhân dân tệ . Sau đó, Ling Lingqi yêu cầu các thành viên trong nhóm hút thuốc cùng nhau, và các nhân viên điều hành vẫy tay chào tạm biệt anh ta, ám chỉ tình huống không có gì trong phạm vi chính thức có thể so sánh với hối lộ. [10]




Bài viết của tài khoản Anh Minh Le trong nhóm Châu Tinh Trì - Stephen Chow VNFC. Link bài viết gốc trên Facebook:
submitted by anotherrunningman to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:21 tuan208 Clm, học bổng lồn nào cũng thấy VN tranh ăn

Địt mẹ mấy con chó đỏ chửi tư bản như hát hay, nâng bi Nga, Palestine, Triều Tiên. Chửi Hàn, Nhật, Đài là chó Mỹ mà học bổng 3 nước này hở ra cái là tranh nhau nộp như chó tranh xương. Địt cụ mấy con chó đỏ hốc được học bổng xong, lên toptop, youtube làm clip Hàn, Nhật, Đài chán lắm, vất vả lắm đừng có sang. Để mình đưa cả lò nhà họ hàng mình sang chịu khổ cho.
Tao đang me xem mấy con chó đỏ sinh viên bắc kỳ làm quá giờ, không có giấy tờ để báo kiếm ít tiền. Tao bắc kỳ nhưng mà nhìn người miền tây rất có cảm tình, mà nhìn mấy con chó đỏ bắc kỳ mồm ngựa là thấy sôi máu
submitted by tuan208 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:34 Alert_Table3437 Thời điểm nào phù hợp để Order Booking báo?

Thời điểm nào phù hợp để Order Booking báo?
Tuần trước em vừa Air bài (lên bài) thần tốc cho khách, khoảng 3 ngày. Tính cả thời gian viết bài, duyệt bài phía khách và duyệt bài từ phía Báo.
Nếu muốn chỉn chu và thư thả thì khách nên liên lạc với em trước 5 ngày, tính từ ngày muốn Air bài trên báo.
✨ Tại sao cần 5 ngày?
✍️ Thứ nhất, cần thời gian để viết bài, duyệt bài từ phía khách. Em làm dịch vụ nên sẽ quan tâm nhiều tới sự hài lòng của khách.
✍️ Thứ hai, cần thời gian để chuẩn bị và gửi các giấy tờ hành chính từ phía báo yêu cầu. Tuỳ từng nội dung bài thì sẽ có yêu cầu khác nhau.
✍️ Thứ ba, cần thời gian để báo phản hồi và lên lịch bài viết. Ví dụ khách muốn air bài vào ngày Lễ hoặc vô tình xui trúng ngày thường nhưng vẫn đông :3 Em sẽ có thời gian backup khác.
✍️ Cuối cùng, trước khi air bài sẽ cần kiểm tra khoảng 3 lần hình ảnh demo của bài viết. Nghe hơi lạ nhưng khách làm với em sẽ biết nè. Nghĩa là, em sẽ cho khách coi các giao diện demo của bài viết trên báo. Khách sẽ soi kỹ hình ảnh, chữ viết,... Ok 100% hài lòng mới được :))))
🔥 Đi báo không khó nếu biết cách làm nội dung. Ở báo CafeBiz có điểm hay đó là dù đã đăng bài 4 ngày trước, nhưng bài viết vẫn ở trang đầu của chuyên mục. Giá air bài lại mềm hơn trong phân khúc :))) Quá đã!
submitted by Alert_Table3437 to vietnamesehub [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:51 PurityPC Help my GF decide: Fordham Honors vs University of Delaware

(for context, In-state DE written in first person by GF)
info before reading: - plan to double major in comms and psychology although currently admitted under comms for both - relationship with parents is incredibly strained because of a divorce two years ago, have been put into the middle constantly and have had to endure the angefrustration of both parents simultaneously alongside other events to the point i have been told it is borderline emotional/mental abuse (that’s the tldr, a lot has happened)
Fordham Pros - Honors program, am given a different curriculum than the normal core - Priority course registration for first two years - New York City - Have cousins in NYC that could help me if ever needed (they’re great people) - Communications/media internships are abundant (+ pretty sure would get priority for since honors) - Near full tuition scholarship - Has Oxford study abroad program that I’ve been interested in for years
Total COA: after scholarships, it would be 32k/yr, however my family has created a college fund for me since birth and can contribute approx. 20k/year, making it 12k/year for me to pay out of pocket myself (and this is before using federal loans and whatnot)
University of Delaware Pros - Full ride (graduate debt free + have half-ish of college fund to use afterwards so about 50k) - Lots of study abroad options (but no oxford) - might want to go to grad school for psychology so again, full ride
Total COA: 0, it’s free (+ elaboration on why i only get half of college fund: my dad would take out his contribution to the fund and likely use it towards his own expenses given complications and whatever from the divorce, and since it was only ever intended for college)
submitted by PurityPC to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:52 FamousAd3236 USC or CSUF for MSW?

I need help. I have been admitted to both USC and CSUF for their 2 year programs and I need pros and cons for both.
At CSUF, I was offered 25k per year through the Cal-SWEC stipend program. This covers the tuition with money left over. I will have to commit to working for a child welfare agency for two years after graduation, but That’s not really a problem for me because I already work with one.
USC’s tuition is 102k total. And I have not received my financial aid packet yet or anything about scholarships, but even with both of those things, I doubt that it will cover the 102k in full.
I also plan on working in public service indefinitely, so my loans could be forgiven through the FAFSA Public Service Forgiveness program.
Everyone says USC is great because of the connections and the alumni network, etc. But is that worth 102k?
I eventually want to get my DSW at USC and am worried that because I didn’t get my MSW at USC that it will make it harder for me to get in. Regardless, I am a good student and know I will get good grades, so there’s a high chance I could get in based on grades, internships, work experience, and recommendations alone.
I just want to know what people think and if they were in the same boat and what they did. Do the USC connections really matter that much when it comes to jobs in the field? Would I be stupid for choosing USC over basically a full ride at CSUF? Help?!?
submitted by FamousAd3236 to gradadmissionresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:50 FamousAd3236 CSUF of USC for my MSW?

I need help. I have been admitted to both USC and CSUF for their 2 year programs and I need pros and cons for both.
At CSUF, I was offered 25k per year through the Cal-SWEC stipend program. This covers the tuition with money left over. I will have to commit to working for a child welfare agency for two years after graduation, but That’s not really a problem for me because I already work with one.
USC’s tuition is 102k total. And I have not received my financial aid packet yet or anything about scholarships, but even with both of those things, I doubt that it will cover the 102k in full.
I also plan on working in public service indefinitely, so my loans could be forgiven through the FAFSA Public Service Forgiveness program.
Everyone says USC is great because of the connections and the alumni network, etc. But is that worth 102k?
I eventually want to get my DSW at USC and am worried that because I didn’t get my MSW at USC that it will make it harder for me to get in. Regardless, I am a good student and know I will get good grades, so there’s a high chance I could get in based on grades, internships, work experience, and recommendations alone.
I just want to know what people think and if they were in the same boat and what they did. Do the USC connections really matter that much when it comes to jobs in the field? Would I be stupid for choosing USC over basically a full ride at CSUF? Help?!?
submitted by FamousAd3236 to csuf [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:47 FamousAd3236 USC or CSUF MSW?

I need help. I have been admitted to both USC and CSUF for their 2 year programs and I need pros and cons for both.
At CSUF, I was offered 25k per year through the Cal-SWEC stipend program. This covers the tuition with money left over. I will have to commit to working for a child welfare agency for two years after graduation, but That’s not really a problem for me because I already work with one.
USC’s tuition is 102k total. And I have not received my financial aid packet yet or anything about scholarships, but even with both of those things, I doubt that it will cover the 102k in full.
I also plan on working in public service indefinitely, so my loans could be forgiven through the FAFSA Public Service Forgiveness program.
Everyone says USC is great because of the connections and the alumni network, etc. But is that worth 102k?
I eventually want to get my DSW at USC and am worried that because I didn’t get my MSW at USC that it will make it harder for me to get in. Regardless, I am a good student and know I will get good grades, so there’s a high chance I could get in based on grades, internships, work experience, and recommendations alone.
I just want to know what people think and if they were in the same boat and what they did. Do the USC connections really matter that much when it comes to jobs in the field? Would I be stupid for choosing USC over basically a full ride at CSUF? Help?!?
submitted by FamousAd3236 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:08 Urukna2 GW vs VCU

I've been fortunate to recently get a bunch of acceptances off WLs, and now I'm having to make one of the toughest decisions I've made about my future medical school, and where I want to go.
Going straight out of undergrad into med school. In state for VA. Concerns are money, mission fit, and community. I'm a public/global health oriented candidate.




To be honest, my heart lies with GW. But I'd love advice on whether the extra cost, and taking loans, is worth pursuing GW for. Does the mission fit make up for the money I'd pay? Would VCU be a good choice for the type of doc I want to be?
Thanks yall.
submitted by Urukna2 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:02 Loud-Beautiful-484 Help me choose be UIUC, Purdue, and OSU

Schools: UIUC vs Purdue vs OSU
Intended major: Undecided but got in to UIUC for Math+CS, CS for Purdue and OSU. I’m interested in CS and Math but also biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. Planning to go to medical school but not 100% sure.
UIUC Pros: - Nice college town and seems wonderful - T5 CS program - Has a med school in town and many hospitals around if I wanna continue premed. Even if I skip, their CS program is impressive - Can really see myself here
Cons - 60k per year
Purdue - Got in for CS - Campus looks meh - T20 CS program - 45k/yr - A bit cheaper than UIUC
Cons - Relatively less med school opportunities - Purdue is not very ADHD friendly (
OSU Pros - Urban campus - Has its own med school so good amount of opportunities - 42k/yr
Cons - Slightly weaker CS program than Purdue - Their curriculum kinda sucks - campus looks okayish
Financially, I’m lucky that parents are willing to help me but for UIUC I have to take out around 15k/yr in loans vs no loans for other two. Also if I do go to med school that’s gonna be entirely on me and my parents aren’t gonna pay for it.
Even though my parents are willing to pay, I’d just feel guilty them having to pay for that much. Also I’m probably graduating in 3 years in all 3 places.
submitted by Loud-Beautiful-484 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]