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2010.10.20 04:15 holycrapitsdan U.S Mens National Team

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2024.05.17 01:15 AefirThrift Am I wrong or is the Living Tribunal's math wrong?

Am I wrong or is the Living Tribunal's math wrong?
Okay, so today I lost a game to a player who had a Living Tribunal card on the right with 3 other cards equally up to about 40 points. At final turn it then moved 40 points to each of the locations. Based on Living Tribunals text that means 40ish points should be split to 14 (rounded up) across each location. I get where this would get confused in a programming standpoint if you did the entire calculation in one line, but that isn't how the text is written from what I see. Thoughts, cause it feels like this is an incorrect calculation based on setting up the problem for the program to read it?
submitted by AefirThrift to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Imaginary-Eye7634 I feel like my 18m girlfriend 18f is verbally abusing me and I feel trapped by love for her

I posted this to another forum a couple days ago, and a lot of people keep telling me its abuse. I know its not nearly as awful as some of the scenarios here, but I would love some opinions on whats going on. Thank you everyone <3
For context, I am in University about 50 miles from where she and my parents live, so I commute every weekend and most weekdays to see her. I love her. Plain and simple, in so many ways. We used to work together until she got a better job recently. Yesterday was her birthday. I made her some cookies common in the continent she's from, and baked them into heart shapes. I also got her 25$ of lottery tickets, flowers, her favorite energy drink, and a handwritten card with a lot of writing and drawings of us and her cat. I dropped it off to her in the morning after an all-nighter (going through it with finals and papers right now) and drove to the University to work my full shift. First she texted me thanking me for the gift, then asked me "what the fuck" those cookies were and that she choked on them. I was sad, told her what they were, and she told me I shouldn't have cooked something as a gift since I'm a bad cook. (I am, but I've made other stuff that she liked in the past). She also complained that the whole point of buying lottery tickets is to buy them, not to scratch them (I disagree?). She texted me that I shouldn't have gotten her anything if it was just going to be low effort.
I saw her later that night after she got out of work, and she was mad at me. She said I ruined her birthday by giving such a low effort gift, and that I didn't care about her. She brought up that I ruined her birthday last year too (by not immediately stopping our text conversation about some other girl and wishing her happy birthday the minute it got past midnight). Anytime I responded that I did put effort into the cookies, she would just deny it. Incredibly frustrating since I know how much effort I put in. She was mad the flowers I got her were not in a boquet, only loose, which didn't make it seem like a special occasion. At the heart of it she was mad that my gifts weren't special? To me the card and cookies were plenty special but she just says that it was stuff I've given her other days. She started calling me ret*rded, to which I responded "You're mean to me and I don't like it". I don't remember much of what she said (I'd had 4 hours of sleep in the past 2 nights), but she doubled down and continued calling me a wide variety of hurtful words, from ret*rded to stupid to childish and immature. I was already long sobbing, and in the middle asked her to just hit me instead. She obviously refused. She asked if I even wanted to go on our trip this upcoming weekend. I responded yes, and she replied that maybe I don't if I don't care about her enough to get her a decent gift.
She's horrifically depressed, and I know she has some specific trauma in response to people not caring about her birthdays. I think that explains part of it. Still, I tried. I am also depressed myself. I've tried bringing it up to her a few times and she responds that I'm "always b*tching too much" because my life is so perfect. Compared to hers its way better, yes, but that doesn't mean I need a reason to be depressed. She's also acted distant the entire Spring semester. I rarely spend time with her, and even more rarely is it time that isn't just "okay we can see each other for 5 minutes but I have to go in". We havent' had sex since January, or cuddling. I very much miss both of these things, and we've had (rare) opportunities for them shes missed because shes too busy sleeping (I'm not allowed in her appartment to join her, mom discovered we had sex).
At the end of being yelled at when she denied me a hug and told me essentially to go away, I had a nervous break. Honestly I've been working too much and I'm overwhelmed with needing to find a new second job and the immense weight of finals and final essays ,things breaking on my car, and now this. I sped off, her and her mom heard my tires squealing and uninvited me from the trip. I drove recklessly for about 2-3 minutes on backroads while scream-crying about killing myself and fighting the urge to drive into a tree. Not proud of it. But I am devastated about missing the trip. She backed out on us living together, and promised we could have time to cuddle on the trip. I honestly don't feel like I have anything to look forward to.
I do a lot for her. I drive two hours round trip every time I want to see her, sometimes even for 5 minutes to drop off some food before going back. I've spent the past academic year working to support our long-standing plans of moving out together (This past weekend was my first time having more than one day off in a row since accompanying her to her surgery in October). I bring her flowers weekly, at work I do all of the hard stuff for her and massage her shoulders if she feels sore. I bring her food from my University and any treats she wants from the surrounding stores. I always ask if she wants anything. I have never said anything hurtful to her. She apologizes when she hurts my feelings too much and she realizes it, like last night. I spend thousands on her, whether jewelry (the most expensive ring she lost), buying her contacts or paying big bills when shes strugglign like drivers' ed or her wheel bearing replacements.
She texted me that shes sorry I'm not going and that she hurt me but I need to control my emotions better. That she loves me so much and regardless of our fights she will always love me so much. I responded that I felt like an unappreciated chore and didnt want to get yelled at. She replied that I'm not a chore she just hasnt had time and has been too depressed to make time for me. We texted a bit and I slept a few hours until my final/work today. She clearly didn't like me defending myself by saying that if i got a present i didnt like i wouldnt call my partner a "worthless ret*rd" by responding "i never called you worthless dont put words in my mouth...i sent you messages apologizing and being worried and your response is victimizing and arguing more...not happy with ruining my birthday? had to go further and ruin the day after?"
We've been texting each other throughout the day happier things. She's been sending me recipes to be a better cook and wants me to see her for 5 minutes after work in about 2 hours from the time of writing. I want to be with her. I love her, I've done so much, I will continue. But I feel like I'm being verbally abused. And I don't know how to stop it. I'm so overwhelmed with everythign in my life and I really just need someone on my side. I think i'll just first establish a rule of not interrupting/yelling and then telling her how hurt and lonely I feel. That I love her and I can totally work with her on managing time for me and depression but that I cannot tolerate verbal abuse.
TLDR: Gave girlfriend cookies for her birthday. She didnt like them and called me a ret*rd. I had a nervous break from other combined stressors, made a scene with reckless driving, got uninvited to a trip with her and her mom. She is texting me recipes and being nice to me today. I will see her in a few hours. I am hurt and overwhelmed with life and just want to be treated like I'm loved.
Thank you readers
EDIT: I would appreciate some more input. I'm so confused and torn. She picked me up today for our talk. I hoped for a long, communicative drive about our relationship and how we can make it better for both of us. She decided we were going to Target and we "might drive around a little" after. It started off wonderful. She said I was mature in a lot of aspects, thanked me for putting up with her, saying she knows its difficult and she appreciates me sticking around with her. It seemed like well-desired clarity for me. I loved it. I thanked her, it validated me. We agreed that we should be there for each other above everything and that communication was important. She gave me the tip of telling her to "think about what you're saying" next time she yells at me and she will stop, and mentioned that we will have a lot more time together when her school ends in "a few weeks". I asked her if she was happy in our relationship and she said absolutely, that if she wasn't she would have already left me (I believe it). She apologized for snapping at me, but said that "if I asked her to cuddle one more time she would" (I've been bringing it up and she keeps telling me when she gets time. Weeks pass, I ask again, she gets mad that she always says the same thing)
We went to Target, and things were good. We talked about other things. She very quickly shifted the conversation. I'd read about avoidant personalities in relationships and brought it up to her in the car that she might be one. She said that stuff was fake and meaningless. I also read that it might be best to approach it with compassion and more "these things make me feel good" as opposed to "this makes me feel bad". She interrupted me and told me to stop because it was annoying me saying "I love you so much". Not what I was going to say. It ended up as another argument, or at least for her. I kept saying that it was important for us to communicate, and that I felt like the problem would come up again if we didn't finish. She said we communicated too much and "why did I have to bring it up" because we moved past it and it ended on a high note and I just had to keep repeating myself and causing an argument and bring it into a negative note. I told her I wasn't arguing she was, and that there was no such thing as "too much" communication for me. For her, she said there was, and that by not shutting up about it I was making little things that she would nitpick and get mad at me for.
I said the lack of communication and connection was stressing me out, she said that I'm always stressed. That she was stressed too, tired with a headache and needing to pack for the trip I was uninvited from. I said maybe we should both go to a psychologist, she replied that she already did and was "fixed" and was waiting on me to finally go.
Since she didn't want to talk about it, I tried to change the subject, but she was silent. Still gave me an "I love you" and told me I'd see her in a week.
Parents are telling me to run away that she's toxic and manipulative. Same with you people here. I deeply appreciate the advice, its just really really hard to think of it this way. I thought I would marry her. I still hope she can change and I can, but it just seems increasingly unlikely. It's heartbreaking, I love so much about her, miss so much about her, and being alone is terrifying. I fear if I did leave as everyone is suggesting I may not find another person like her that I love as much.
My current plan, I'll just focus on myself and kind of "clock out" of the idea that she is the only person I am capable of loving and that she treats me perfectly while still being supportive of her for the next few weeks. I still have some hope that she'll be better in the weeks shes free. I don't know, I'll just focus on my life and put her on the same priority she puts me.
submitted by Imaginary-Eye7634 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:11 Oldverdugo [Rant] Pettiness to an extreme

[[Some context before I begin:This was in Regular gamemode, not All Stars. At the time when this whole thing happened, I barely had like.. 15 wins. You can skip to the second paragraph 'cuz that's where stuff gets interesting]]
So off the bat when I joined this match, I noticed a group of premades. Their names were 'Doritos', 'Hot cheetos', and 'takis'. They referred to themselves as the "Girl's Group". I ended up being picked last and I automatically went to their team. I immediately tried forming alliances early cuz I knew I was pretty much screwed if I didn't [Why didn't I try to form an alliance with the Girl's Group, you might be asking? I mean, I could've, but they were friends and they could've easily discarded me in late game. I'm not taking that risk ;-;]. One of the three people I reached out to [I don't remember their name so I'll just refer to them as ANON1] got back to me and agreed to try and get others to team against the Girl's Group. For the first two rounds, our team won, but on the third, we lost. By that point I had already found three advantages and ANON1 had told me that they had found two other people willing to team up against the Girl's Group. "We" agreed to vote off Doritos first because they would be the biggest threat in late game [Doritos was fairly decent at challenges].
Elimination comes around. Now, I'm an extremely paranoid player and I don't really trust anybody fully in Outlaster [especially knowing that people knew I was trying to make a net of alliances and that there was a group of teamers] so I played a safety advantage. Just to be safe [better safe than sorry..]. Turns out ANON1 tried to blindside me and everybody else voted me. Doritos ended up getting out and [surprisingly] didn't immediately leave. ANON1 left. Those last two details are important later.
So I know my entire team, maybe most of the server, is against me. The entire server was quiet for a bit and I knew they were probably messaging each other. I tried to reach out to some people who weren't on my team to form an alliance, no responses. My team got a hostage event [I think y'all already knew this, but I'll mention it just in case. When there's a hostage event, two scrolls spawn].
After the elimination [I played an elimination exit], I started getting accused of hacking in the chat, and just like that, the entire server was against me if they weren't already. People also started bullying me in chat [Oh wow, who would've guessed that would happen?!?]. Merge happened and I ended up getting to the finale. During this, a group of about seven jury [Included Doritos, Hot Cheetos, Talkis, ANON1, ANON2, ANON3, AND ANON5] start piling up. They weren't afk either, I could see the bubble that appears over your head that indicates that they were typing something. Most of the people who were accusing me of hacking got out. ANON1 [I think] disconnected and joined back as a jury. The final three included me and two other people. When finale started, I was immediately mocked and bullied for "hacking" [wowie]. Turns out ANON1 was also convincing everybody else on jury that I was hacking [if they weren't convinced already]. These people wasted an hour of their life staying in jury just so they could spite me by voting someone else to win. If I was playing a similar round today, I probably would've left because I knew I wouldn't win that [at the time I thought that bonus points were given out no matter what, mainly because I never played a round with a large jury beforehand].
What was their proof I was hacking, exactly?
I kept on using advantages. That was their reasoning. They also accused me of teleporting around the map to get hints. I don't think these were new players by the way, the people on the jury were Outlasters [4], All Stars [2], and Legendaries [1]. They knew what advantages were. I don't think that they were confused, I'm pretty sure I was accused of hacking in early-game [..and in late-game but it calmed down a lot] so people would see me as a threat [in all fairness, I was a threat because I was winning most of the solo challenges and had a lot of nullified wins]. Or maybe they did genuinely think that, who knows.
Either way, as you were probably expecting, I didn't win that match. All the jury had decided to vote some random person [said person was quiet the whole time, didn't win a single challenge (solo and teams).] to win. Thinking back on it though, this person probably WAS teaming with one or multiple of the players from jury.
Kinda just wanted to rant a little cuz this has been in my head for a while ;w; if you have an experience of being robbed like this please let me know [I know y'all are out there]
submitted by Oldverdugo to outlaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:10 Gunteronreddit Welcome back dignity

Welcome back dignity submitted by Gunteronreddit to destinycirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:07 LavenderEuropa Client asked for AI file to change colors themselves, in need of advice.

This is my first freelance logo for a small business. For reference, I am an in-house graphic designer at a large organization, and often do logos for teams within the organization, just never outside of it. I’ve never had to price work or worry about how much time I’ve put into something because of this. My client is a co-worker who I team up with regularly, who helped me get hired at my current job, and who is often is part of my design critiques at work, but they are not a designer themselves. They asked me to do the logo, and I was excited to do it.
Because it was my first freelance client and a coworker of mine I priced my work fairly low for the logo. I figured I was still getting my footing with freelancing, and was okay with that. We’ve done several rounds of edits and I’ve made a lot of designs that got scrapped, and the client wants two final designs. I do wish I would have asked for more once I knew there would be two final designs, but it was my fault for not bringing that up.
However, another thing has come up, and I need some advice from some experienced freelancers. My client now wants the illustrator file so they can play with the colors themselves, even though we had discussed the colors previously and they were happy with what I had selected. I feel a bit uncomfortable with this. It seems somewhat trivial to get upset over, but I just feel like I should finish the design, as the designer? But at the same time don’t want to do a ton more work, which is probably why they suggested it in the first place. Should I hand over the ai file and let them finish it or is there a better way to handle the situation?
TLDR: My client is a coworker who asked me to do my first freelance logo design. After several edits and two final designs, they now want the ai file so they can choose the colors themselves, should I let them finish the design?
submitted by LavenderEuropa to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:06 TopshottaDevy A day full of 3-1’s from the favorites now the tourney officially starts

A day full of 3-1’s from the favorites now the tourney officially starts submitted by TopshottaDevy to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:01 interrupted_sleep Vote for your FAVOURITE Tea Party doll to WIN!

Tea Party Darling has been eliminated! Now onto the finale: 🍎Tea Party Apple vs Ashlynn!🕊️
This round vote for your FAVOURITE Tea Party doll that you want to WIN the competition here:
submitted by interrupted_sleep to EverAfterHigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:59 Quandalf [LW1] SCOUT perk tree Rework (modding/discussion) - Version 2

[LW1] SCOUT perk tree Rework (modding/discussion) - Version 2
Still at it. In Part one of the discussion - here - we had a some fruitful talks. So here is Part two with a reworked tree.
Firstly lemme recap and explain: WHY even rework the SCOUT perk tree? I personally like to mod perk trees, I made a mod for EU/EW wihich included the perk trees and also for other games. But that's not the reason. There are some basic problem with the vanilla LW Scout perk tree, pictured here:
1.) Most people go for marksmanrifle scout builds, something like Holo/RangeScanneHnBeO/VPT. See Casey's argueing for this build here. And with this kinda support squadsight shooter they don't use the basic class perk Lightning Reflexes ever. Almost never. At all.
"This is an outrage!" Imagine the most common Gunner builds never using suppression! Assault builds never using Run&Gun! Snipers never using Squadsight!
Actually not a thing you want to have in a perk tree. The class perk should be something that EVERY build in the tree can utilize. It's okay, if there's fringe builds that don't rely on it, like an overwatch suppression rocketeer, who also CAN shoot a rocket now and then. But for the most promiment builds of a tree to never use the class perk, this is a clear imbalance. Or, as one bro put it: "These two aspects of this class - squadsight marksman and running overwatches - are inherently contradictory to each other."
The thing is people have a good reason never to use Lightning Reflexes with Scouts: They are squichy and running overwatches can go wrong, Suddenly Scout's dead or out for weeks. Due to the LW LR nerf you actually need to equip an extra item (Chameleon Suit) to be able to utilize it somewhat less risky and many players don't have a free slot for that. Plus the build is a squadsight shooter that tends to always stay 5 tiles out of enemy sight range - far in the back. Running overwatches is just something you hardly ever do from the back of map with a squichy person.
I get it, I love a class that has LR too. LR is kinda the defining perk for the scout, but sorry to say, it makes no sense as class perk, when so many people don't ever use it. So I decided to change it and put it in the first level choice. You can choose to have LR or not early. Battle Scanners on the other hand are also kinda defining for Scouts. Most Scout builds take them. It's very hard to pass them. Only seldomly go people for its rivaling perks Flush (ammo drain) or Aggression (doesn't really work in squadsight). I know there's people who do and some only use scanners on engineers, but they're much fewer than the people who never run Ows with their squadsight marksmen. So in conclusio here the Scouts start with Battle Scanners and can chose Reflexes in the first pick.
2.) The second point is Concealment: It is s great skill. It got a superb nerf from EW (where it was way op) - but for high difficulty games it isn't strong enough to really rival HnR or ITZ. It needs more perks backing it to make a true concealment scout a valid option rivaling the shooter builds.
For example many people didn't even notice that Smoke & Mirrors is a Master Seargent rank perk in LW vanilla! Rivaling Extra Conditioning and VPT. Literally no one ever takes it. It is very hard to leave two great perks aside for basically another scanner. The point is - besides the extra scanner or two - throwing support grenades like Battle Scanners, Flashbangs and Smokes DOESN'T BREAK concealment. Many people don't know that. Chem grenades can break concealment, I think if they make immediate damage.
To be able to concealed throw support grenades is a neat trick and could be kinda useful. This option tho is very hidden within the perk tree. To enhance this ability Smoke & Mirrors got removed from its unfitting MSGT rank and is an early pick. Plus I added Packmaster. So Scouts can rival engineers in the number of support utility they can carry. Scouts will never be able to throw support grenades as far as an engineer or carry as many smokes. But the scout can throw them out of concelament. Plus having great movement and the ability to run overwatches. To enhance the latter the Tactical Sense is "freed up". Before it was rivalling Sprinter to which it mostly lost. The additional Defense helps, if you want to go for running Ows for real. All MSGT ranks are really powerful now. With this rework a true Concealment scout is a better and more rounded option, even when playing on i/i.
3.) The third point is kinda personal because for my rework I want to move the defining perks - which usually are on the TSGT level - one rank earlier in all classes. It might makes the game a bit easier, but you can use the defining tactics earlier and also better replace high level loses. In my understanding reaching 2000XP - which is half the perk tree progression - is too long to get the defining tactics. So in this rework the basic HnR - ITZ - Concealment choice is earlier, but maybe I'll also make a version which fits right in with the other trees having it back at TSGT.
So lets get to the tree! First again the crappy graph, then the commentary:
Note that to the Left is the marksman shooter build, to the Right the concealment recon build. In the middle are additional perks that allow for further unique builds like a shotgun ITZ cleaner or a squadsight overwatcher.
LCPL: Holo Targeting - Damn Good Ground - Lightning Reflexes
The 1st pick is very decisive: Will it be a shooter or a recon who can scout ahead? For shooters we have two options. Holo turns the scout in an initial support shooter. Something many people seem to like. (I considered to exchange it for Aggression, but this only works limited in squadsight and since marksmanrifles in squadsight can only be used by scouts and snipers, they are a bit class defining.)
For this same reason Good Ground is also strong here. Height advantage extends the marksmanrifle's range significantly and it synergizes with later scout perks like Low Profile and Opportunist to build a unique, dominant sniperlike shooter. Everybody who wants to get close on the other hand takes Reflexes, able to do the usual scout thing.
CPL: Ranger - Opportunist - Smoke and Mirrors
Ranger is a great perk that goes well for many builds, sidearms are really useful when carrying marksmanrifles or shotguns. Pistols proc Hit'n Run and the +1 on primaries is also great for ITZ builds, where pistols don't proc.
Opportunist is very special on the scout, because the marksmansrifle is the only gun in LW that can do squadsight overwatch shots, which are very strong. Snipers, MECs or LMGs can't do it. Their overwatch procs only within sight range. Many people seem to have forgotten that squadsight ow shots were very prevalent and strong in EU/EW. In fact Opportunist was a sniper perk (rivaling Executioner). So if you ask yourself why go overwatch on a scout? Because it's awesome! It really gives more tactical options.
Here we got Smoke and Mirrors much earlier than in vanilla. It's for support builds and for the classic concealment builds that want to use grenades while staying concealed. Great for pod activation or captures. So the 2nd pick also determines the way of the build, aggressive or passive shooter, or support or recon scout?
SGT: Hit'n Run - In The Zone - Concealment
The build defining perks at 1200XP. Don't slug around, use the good tactics early. As mentioned this might be switched one pick later on demand. Most people tend to use HnR, which is very strong and consistent. ITZ cleaners uniquely with different weapons. And the also unique and very fancy Concealment skill which many people love. The pick that gives the build its character!
TSGT: Deadeye - Low Profile - Tactical Sense
At this point the build is formed. Pick four offers weaker additional perks that improve special aspects of the build. Deadeye is great for all kinds of shooters. Flyers can be nasty. Almost essential for continued ITZ chains, which often focus on weaker airborne targets. Low Profile offers a lot of flexibility in flanking and team positioning. Also useful for Recons when dashing out of trouble. Scouts get mostly shot at when breaking overwatch and this is where TacSense shines. The additional defense can really bring hit percentages down. A great perk if you plan on dashing overwatches regularly.
GSGT: Bring'em On - Extra Conditioning - Sprinter
Here the build gets focus. Do you want superb (flanking) damage or an allround boost plus a bit more speed or just really a lot of movement? All three perks are strong. One main diffference to vanilla is that you can't take Extra AND Sprinter any more. Yet I think the choice between them as movement perks and uber damage is great. Each of these perks can complement almost any scout build. A difficult decision.
MSGT: Vital Point Targeting - Sentinel - Packmaster
The build gets rounded in the final pick. Again three very strong perks, but very special this time. VPT grants a lot of dmg, essential for ITZ builds. With Sentinel HnR scouts can shoot three times a round, as mentioned uniquely at squadsight ranges and Packmaster not only allows for up to seven Scanners, but also brings the Concealment Smoke and Mirrors build to shine.
So this is it! Thanks to everybody who contribuited to the 1st discussion! I hope you'll further help me to improve the tree and learn new aspects of the game. Anyone feel free to gimme his/her opinion. Always appreciated. Maybe this gets a bigger perk tree mod. Let's see...
submitted by Quandalf to Xcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:54 ben_05000 The craziest thing to ever happen to me in FM

The craziest thing to ever happen to me in FM
I have been playing FM since 21 and have embarked on something I have never come close to experiencing before. In my first season with Derby County we are sat top of the league on 94 points after 38 games in March having broken the goals scored record on GW34. The craziness however begins in the FA Cup where I luck up the easiest run to a QF that you are ever likely to see, I beat Brighton on penalties which drew my attention to the SF draw where I feast my eyes on the lowest quality FA Cup semi final I've ever seen. We play fellow L1 outfit Bolton (who beat City in the quarters) to face one of Brentford or Norwich (who beat Liverpool in the quarters) in the final. I have a genuine shot of winning the FA Cup from League One to play European football in my promotion season in the championship (no editor, save scumming etc. of course). Oh and I also play the same Bolton side in the Bristol Street Motors Final (but who cares for that). Crazy.
submitted by ben_05000 to TheOldZealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:51 forest-of-ewood What do you meme? Roaring Kitty Twitter roundup 16th May

Hey everyone,
I've had to do this whole post again (absolutely gutted) as the draft function let me down so sorry if I skip through a bit quicker...
Another day, another set of memes to look through. As always, you can catch my previous day round ups below:
13th May
14th May
15th May
To reiterate, the description of each tweet is to the best of my knowledge the references made to allow you to make your own view in context and the speculation is pure speculation on my part. If you just want to look at the descriptions and not the speculation then just ignore the speculation part.
This is just for fun and shouldn't be taken as any financial advice, make your own decisions, I just like the stock.
If you have anything to add feel free to in the comments.
Let's begin:
10am -
Description: First we have Jigsaw from Saw, "Hello, Do you want to play a game?", it then cuts to The Prestige with the quote "are you watching closely?" and then it cuts to Lucky Number Slevin talking about the Kansas city shuffle and finally it's Nas with Made you look.
Speculation: Jigsaw used to capture people who were not looking to live their life and play games with them to show them that they actually do care about their lives in the end. Maybe DFV is referring to shorts desperately trying to get out of their position and showing they will do whatever it takes to do it. The Prestige quote comes from the scene here and shows a magic trick of money appearing. The Kansas City Shuffle is "In order for a confidence game to be a "Kansas City Shuffle", the mark must be aware, or at least suspect that he is involved in a con, but also be wrong about how the con artist is planning to deceive him. The con artist will attempt to misdirect the mark in a way that leaves him with the impression that he has figured out the game and has the knowledge necessary to outsmart the con artist, but by attempting to retaliate, the mark unwittingly performs an action that helps the con artist to further the scheme" and the Made you Look songs full line is "They shootin', Aw made you look" maybe referring to what is happening to the stock right now.
10.15am -
Description: Here we have a scene from Kill Bill where the bride is about to take on the crazy 88 gang and the music Nobody but Me by The Human Beinz.
Speculation: On the theme of ultimate revenge, The Bride in Kill Bill was on a mission to well.. kill bill. Lots of to go through in order to get to the final boss and the song is maybe making a point that Nobody but DFV could have seen this coming or maybe he is saying RCEO can do it
10.30am -
Description: This is taken from Inside Man, i think it's the opening scene and has the music Chaiyya Chaiyya, also taken from the original clip. DFV has imposed a cat looking over and listening to the monologue which reads "Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself".
Speculation: Inside man is about an elaborate heist turned hostage movie on Wall Street. Don't think there is much more to say about that other than GME is most likely the hostage in this situation.
10.45am -
Description: The first part of this meme is taken from The Office and Michael pulls up in a car with Lady Gaga - Let's Dance playing and states "it's Britney Bitch". We then cut to Britney Spears in her music video Hit Me Baby One More Time and the part "give me a sign" has the movie logo for Signs on it (much more of that to come)
Speculation: First part is a joke from DFV keeping the just dance theme going but then we go to hit me baby one more time and most importantly a reference to a "Just give me a sign". There are signs coming that something big is going to happen.
11am -
Description: This is the intro to Goosebumps and follows a lot of the original clips theme, you can watch that here. Some key changes that have been made though, R.K Gill is on the briefcase, something has definitely been edited with the man's head holding the briefcase, the billboard shows a morph to Ryan Cohen, Ryan's dog is brought in and then it's "Bear Beware" and "Goosebumps, based on the memes by R.K Gill"
Speculation: This is a really fun meme, we see some more of RC and Roaring Kitty Gill all over this. Is there a partnership or does DFV just know that RCEO is about to do something big that will send goosebumps down the bears necks.
11.15am -
Description: Next we have Broad City and the song Best Friend by Sofi Tukker. The meme basically just has lots of scenes around new york with friends just doing a lot of dancing. Just a fun meme of dancing really and a lot of it centers around the two best friends the sitcom is about.
Speculation: DFV and RCEO are best pals and with everything that is going on with the stock they are just dancing and having a great time. Essentially owning New York which of course is where the finance bros hang out.
11.30am -
Description: The first scene is taken from Devil Wears Prada with the models hanging out in New York for a shoot and the song Crazy by Seal plays with the lyrics "we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy" it cuts to the official music video then back to Devil wears Prada where they say "oh i get it, the piece is called urban jungle right?", "yes the modern investor unleashes the animal within to take on the big city" Roarrr
Speculation: Another meme from New York with predominantly girls hanging out. DFV maybe noting that we all unleash a little roaring kitty by taking on his thesis with Gamestop, dunno about you but I just like the stock. Things might get a little crazy, at least to people on the outside when they are asking you why you aren't selling.
11.45am -
Description: This scene is taken from the movie Signs and the Rev Graham here is woken and staring at something on the roof that spooks him.
Speculation: There will be many more references to this movie, in this case the Rev Graham (who weirdly looks like Ken G) is getting spooked at something he thought he saw. Scary stuff if you are short on GME.
12.00pm -
Description: This is also taken from the movie Signs and it's a quote, "See what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?"
Speculation: Something big is coming, what kind of person are you? Is it possible there are no Cohencidences?
12.15pm -
Description: Again from Signs, this shows the scene where the kid takes out his baby monitor and claims he can hear the aliens talking to each other. There's two of them talking he states and again we see the sign logo flash up. We then see an overlay of alien writing that isn't in the original clip so that's been dubbed on purposely.
Speculation: Things starting to get real interesting now. This looks to be a sign that something is happening behind the scenes. A baby monitor, what's RCEO got stored up? Maybe he is pregnant? Maybe GME is pregnant? Is there a merger happening? A split of some sort?
12.30pm -
Description: This is the scene in Signs where they go to the crop fields and there are alien crop circles everywhere, only in this meme DFV has replaced those circles with GME logos. Many GME logos some with long running lines.
Speculation: Really looking like something big is on the horizon and DFV thinks he has seen the signs. This meme would suggest maybe its a merger with multiple gamestop logos but that's just my opinion. One thing for sure is that Gamestop has something on the horizon.
12.45pm -
Description: This is the scene in Signs where the news start reporting sightings of aliens and they show a load of kids in a different country looking down an alley way only for an alien bearing Roaring Kitty as a face to walk by, scary stuff!
Speculation: This was actually the first scene from this film that made me realize i had seen the film before and a younger me was pretty freaked out by that scene. It could imply that they have landed, they are here and or DFV is at least. Certainly a they are coming sort of message.
1.00pm -
Description: This is taken from the animated film Luca, where one kid says "what does it mean, the thing you just said?" and the other kid goes "Come on Ill show you more stuff"
Speculation: I think this is aimed at me writing this right now and whoever is reading this right now. Ultimately i have no idea what DFV is saying i can only speculate and DFV knows that, he can't outright say what he thinks but he can show us more and more cool memes.
1.15pm -
Description: This is taken from 500 days of summer and DFV has changed a lot of the words here but essentially he is asked what he does and he says he makes Gamestop memes, the woman says he could be a really great investor if he wanted to be, he is asked why he went from being a great investor to making gamestop memes and he says "why make something disposable, like an investment thesis, when you can make something that lasts forever like a Gamestop meme"
Speculation: DFV having more meme lols here but really why would he need to do anymore investing, he already has his favourite company shares and the thesis is done, he knows what's going on and he is happy to stick with what he has. That doens't mean his thesis on Gamestop doesn't evolve, I just think he is done looking for other deep value plays.
1.30pm -
Description: This is taken from The Shining and the song dubbed on is Matter of Time by Vandelux. The main protagonist and author in the movie, Jack is sat writing and it seems it is DFV and he is writing memes.
Speculation: Anyone that has seen The Shining knows that Jack goes to a secluded house with no distractions to write his book. Turns out it actually just makes him go completely mental and he ends up killing his family. I think DFV is just having some fun showcasing the time he has spent focusing on making Gamestop memes.
1.45pm -
Description: We have Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See by Busta Rhymes and his music video. The lyrics he has chosen for this clip are emphasized and they are:
Flipmode Busta Bus (Uh, what?) Nine-seven (Come on, what?) Hot shit (Ha-hah) Check it out
Hit you with no delayin' so what you sayin', yo? (Uhh) Silly with my nine milli, what the deally, yo? (What?)
Do you really wanna party with me? Let me see (Uh) just what you got for me (Come on) Put all your hands where my eyes can see (Put 'em up, yo) Straight buckwildin' in the place to be (Wildin', nice, ha)
It then ends with If you really wanna party with Roaring Kitty
Speculation: More fun and dancing. Some interesting lyrics, Flipmode (reverse uno card anyone), Silly with my nine milli (could relate to shares, does RCEO have that much?) Could just be a fun meme without much else to it.
2:00pm -
Description: This is taken from Sicario and it starts with the quote "so you wanna be a Sicario" and then shows the blonde reddit icon from the other sub tied up and then a guy looking pretty pissed off.
Speculation: The Sicarios were hitmen, that's basically what it means when it asks if you want to be a Sicario, do you want to be a hitman or assassin. The blonde icon from other sub tied up is in the place of a kid who was tied up in the film and certainly WAS NOT a friend of the Sicarios. Take from that what you will but I can't comment to much as it's about another sub.
2.15pm -
Description: First we have a scene from No Country for Old Men with the quote "you can't stop what's comin" then we cut to a train tearing it up in Chicago and also taking out a double deck chair with a Chicago Bears logo on it then finally we go to a WWE smackdown with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Speculation: No Country for Old Men has cropped up a few times before but it's about a killer who is pretty much unstoppable mowing these people down. The train wrecking Chicago and the Chicago Bears (as a Packers fan i liked that), well option contract writers are in Chicago I believe but also it's the original home of Citadel. The chair maybe is an answer to a Cramer tweet and the smackdown i'm not sure other than it being just a fun thing to watch.
2.30pm -
Description: This is the music video for Punkrocker by Teddybears. It basically follows a man who is being chased by the police, the cops are coming but the guy seems pretty chill about it. He listens to the music with no fear and you can too. The words are in Gamestop white and red.
Speculation: I think that this could indicate that Gamestop isn't doing anything wrong with what's going to happen, they have warned again and again in their financial postings that the stock is being manipulated and is subject to squeezes. It could also indicate a GME investor has nothing to worry about legally either, just like the stock.
2.45pm -
Description: This is taken from The School of Rock where Jack Black is trying to ask what it takes to rock out. If you wanna rock its not about scoring chicks, it's not about getting wasted, its about sticking it to the man, and you can't just say it man you gotta FEEL it it in your blood and guts.
Speculation: Only you can decide what sticking it to man means yourself in relation to having GME stock during a big squeeze event but for me personally it's been a long 3 and a half years of having crap tossed at me just for owning this stock and i certainly pissed with the amount of corruption and cheating that has and continues to go on. If shorts never closed and still have that position, that's their mess not mine.
3.00pm -
Description: The main scene in this meme is taken from the film Stand By Me. You have two cars on both sides of the road. The good guy in this is driving on the wrong side of the road and the other gang are on the right side, it's a game of chicken with a truck coming towards the good guy as they both drive side by side. It then cuts to Bojack Horseman trying to do some comedy and being asked to get off stage, he states "I'm not done hold on" - it cuts back to the scene and the truck bails last second. The good guy just keeps on driving and goes in front of the other car having a victory sip.
Speculation: If you take DFV to be the good guy in this car scene then he just carries on with what he believes which is in GME regardless of trying to be chickened out of it in the face of adversity. You could also say he is Bojack and wanting to continue with his memes, he ain't done telling his memeroirs yet.
3.15pm -
Description: This is taken from Everything Everywhere All At Once and shows a woman showcasing her awards, DFV has imposed some cat photos on her desk and also 3 awards that read
"The quote is Do you see these? You don't get one of these unless you've seen a lot of bullshit. Excuse my French. Now you may only see a pile of boring forms and numbers, but I see a story."
Speculation: DFV is a fucking dude, the guy has a meme trophy cabinet. To us or others we just don't quite see it like he does. If DFV thinks something big is going to happen you have the choice to believe it too or not, that's completely up to you. The awards are lol.
3.30pm -
Description: The first scene is taken from Garden State, he asks her "what are you listening to", she goes "you gotta hear this one song" and you then hear Dont Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult and the opening lyric "all our times have come"
Speculation: Don't fear the reaper, if you hold GME you don't have to as it's not going bust. The company is not going to die. There are certainly some shorts that should be fearing the reaper though.
3.45pm -
Description: This is a hilarious meme and i'm not sure where this is taken from but i'll try my best to describe it (really you should just watch it though). Two men are in a rich guys house, the host writes a note and then has to leave tearing the note off and taking it with him, the other sneaks up to the notepad, labelled Cohen, and tries to sketch the next page to work out what he wrote. What is revealed is a cartoon man with a huge dick.
Speculation: RCEO has a big slong, what else is there to say? Ok I think that he is going to do something big and it's an exciting thing to think about. Does make you think of the tweet of Steve Smith he posted with the erect penis too.
4.00pm -
Description: A more recently made meme shows Jay Clayton talking about Roaring Kitty showing his first meme and saying "is this something that we should be tolerating in our markets, whether it's legal lalallull" then it goes to a clip of a guy saying "i mean what did he say fuck me for"
Speculation: DFV basically saying as we would say in the UK, "whatever mate". The guy is talking a load of bullshit and to bring up legality after all the stuff he has let slide as former SEC chairman, i mean bitch please!
Hope you enjoyed, still pissed i had to write this twice, my original had a lot more links to original clips and each Superstonk post as well! I'm off to bed, i'll update with the 8pm tweet tomorrow.
Love ya DFV x
submitted by forest-of-ewood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:41 itsonewish RAH vinyl revealed on Zontanica. Which is your favourite?

RAH vinyl revealed on Zontanica. Which is your favourite?
After Series X and Y investment rounds we finally get to see the physical vinyl colors and jacket artwork for RAH. Now the Series Z is up on Zontanica revealing most of the variants which do you prefer? Did you purchase in the previous rounds and now seeing them are you happy with your choice?
submitted by itsonewish to machhommy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:28 JamesonRhymer Should it be legal for Mildred to do this?

Mildred Cobblemeyer was out for a walk on a busy park one Saturday afternoon. In the flash of the second, she startled as a shirtless young man sprinted past her while checking the timer on his watch. He was really killing it! Mildred looked at him in envy as he raced along the pedestrian path shirtless amongst families and children and everyone else and no one even cared. Mildred was tired of the ruthless discrimination so she decided she was going to fight for women’s rights.
She unclipped her fanny pack and set it by a tree along with her sun visor. She then wrestled herself out of her running blouse. Finally, there was only only one thing left, and she hesitated as she removed her bra, allowing her mega-sized chest to spill onto her stomach. Mildred sighed with relief as she conquered the patriarchy. “Women aren’t free until they can do the exact same things men can do!” She thought to herself. “That young man was running topless so I too must run to prove equality.”
Mildred started slowly but then faster and faster. She began running as boys and girls around the park looked up and stared in shock. Some parents covered their children’s eyes. Other parents were too shocked themselves to react. But Mildred was on a roll. “I’m flopping!” She cried to herself “I’m flopping! I’m flopping for freedom!” She said as she raised her hands into the air like an Olympic athlete.
She was undeterred by all of the scornful rebukes from conservative, patriarchal mothers and the inquisitive stairs from fathers and college students. Naturally, They just wanted to make sure she was OK.
Mildred had won! She destroyed sexism and established the ability of women to do everything men can do. Do you agree that this should be legal? After all, men can freely run shirtless.
View Poll
submitted by JamesonRhymer to IdeologyPolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:11 BigDumbApe Does Home Depot NOT hire full time anymore?

My life was turned upside down by a 1-2 punch of the pandemic financially destroying 2 companies that I worked for, followed by losing my apartment because my town inadvertently discovered (due to a nutty sequence of events) that my landlords had committed criminal real estate acts which resulted in the shock of having my unit suddenly deemed “illegal and unsafe.”
So, in looking for a job and just trying to get back on my feet, I applied to multiple Home Depot’s in my area… I submitted applications galore since they have you apply over & over again for each of the different positions… I get emails back saying “Congratulations! You’re moving forward! Click YES to agree to this job and location”…
…at which point, I click through several screens only to get to the last one that finally says the job is only PART time. And where the point spread on working hours is eye-popping because every email that I’ve gotten so far says it will be between 10 and 27 hours based on scheduling needs.
10 ?!? That’s basically ONE work day. What, does someone come in 5 days a week for only 2 hours to cover everyone else going to lunch and then just go home? And some companies these days will go up to 35… to avoid hitting 40 and having to offer benefits… but how did Home Depot come up with a nutty & odd number like 27 (and not even 30 where it’s rounded off and at least gets a person most of the way there).
Even part time, a non-specified 17 hour difference between MAYBE 27 versus MAYBE only 10 makes a huge unreliable difference. Plus, if you want to glue 2 part time jobs together (to equal 1 full time) then they also say “Hey, you know those hours we won’t commit to? Just so know, they also won’t be set in stone & regular either… we want to change them when we want…so you’re gonna have a hard time keeping your other part time job since you’ll be unreliable to them.”
Sorry to rant. I was just wondering if my bad luck is continuing or if this was Home Depot’s new hiring scheme to cut costs or whatever, meaning there really aren’t any full time jobs anymore.
I’m also just frustrated that they simply don’t have a checkbox on the application where you can say that you’re looking for full time (versus part time) so that every time you get a “Congratulations! You’re moving forward” email, you won’t get your hopes up only to have them completely destroyed once you actually open it up.
submitted by BigDumbApe to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 TFermTheDoggy Generational Season 2 - Full Release

Hello everyone, and welcome to Generational UHC Season 2!

Universal is a reddit recorded round organized by Cloversss and SAYNAR. This round bases itself upon different combinations and clashes of people based upon what generation of the UHC community people feel that each person fits into. There was no strict cutoff between the generations, it was primarily based on when people became active and vibes.
For our second season, it will be Chosen To2 with one new gen player and one old gen player per team.
The scenarios for this season were:
  • Bleeding Sweets: When a player dies, they will drop a diamond, 5 gold, a book, 1 string, and 16 arrows.
  • CutClean: All food and ores will automatically drop in their smelted form.
  • Golden Retriever: When a player dies, a golden head automatically drops as opposed to dropping a raw head.
  • Hastey Babies: All tools are automatically given efficiency 1 when crafted.
  • Soul Brothers: Players will start scattered separately into two identical worlds, one corresponding to each teammate. At the beginning of episode 4, the players will be rescattered with their teams in a final world.
  • Timber: When a player breaks any log of a tree, the entire set of logs will be broken.
Enjoy the season!
Alive Players
Player Link
Pink Team -
_pboOG Full Footage
CloversssNG Highlights
Cyan Team -
benidkNG Late
nsketOG Full Footage
Dark Red Team -
_carnOG Full Footage
sgoucheNG Full Footage
Red Team -
carterwarterbearNG Late
dahiiOG Late
Blue Team -
BuildingBard300NG Full Footage
gartbakOG Full Footage
Purple Team -
GreeplesOG Full Footage
Dark Green Team -
painterwanabeOG Late
Dark Blue Team -
FcrmOG Playlist
SAYNARNG Full Footage
Aqua Team -
GinzburgOG Highlights
onstepNG Late
Orange Team -
PupperKunOG Highlights
skyzfyNG Full Footage
Green Team -
AvyleZNG Playlist
brinkwhyOG Late
Yellow Team -
soakleNG Late
SpongeyOG Episode 1 + Episode 2
Gray Team -
Fearx_NG Full Footage
KaismartypantsOG Highlights
Dark Gray Team -
CurdledDripNG Full Footage
GodlyStealOG Late
Red Italicized Team -
broccoliarNG Full Footage
LighteOG Full Footage
Aqua Italicized Team -
BrodatorOG Episode 1 + Episode 2
DogOfKrondorNG Full Footage
Orange Italicized Team? -
YoriAsanagi (on 2 accounts) two lives and zero povs rlly
Spectator -
Psykl0ne Late
  • Host: Arctic
submitted by TFermTheDoggy to ultrahardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:58 mattovfm Corners of Europe challenge - Part 1 (Santa Clara) - @mattovfm

10 days ago, I made a Reddit post explaining the 'Corners of Europe' FM24 challenge concept. Here is that post. I would strongly recommend reading that to get a grasp of the idea - it is really interesting.
Following on from that, and 10 daily uploads since then, I thought I would do a post on here following up from that, as a way to invite you to watch my videos over at , and also to be able to show new viewers, and anyone who wants to try this career concept for themselves, the progression of the career itself. This is my first time doing it and I believe it is a unique concept (as far as I am aware), so it is all realistic and anything can change in the future, but this is how the first season and a half went. Enjoy the read!
I took the job over in Santa Clara with the aim to achieve the first goal of the challenge - win promotion. A newly relegated team, this proved to be the perfect job for it. We started the season well, picking up 6 wins in 9 games. We also made the Round of 16 of the Portuguese Cup... until Benfica came to the western most place in European football.
A great start to the season meant some inevitable bad form was on the horizon. 1 win in 6 games in the League put our unexpected (for me, personally, but maybe not the board) but welcomed title pursuit in jeopardy. And with two huge games to decide if we take that title coming up, a trip to P. Ferreira, the team we trailed at the top by 6 points going into the game, and a visit from 2nd placed Benfica B proved definitive for our season. Episode 5 was make or break.
A 1-0 win against the Benfica B team was a huge result to get the mental edge over a team who couldn't get promoted, no matter what (due to league rules). The momentum was carried early on into the P. Ferreira game...
Until a 94' equaliser denies us the chance to catch up in the league. For now.
With 10 games left and only our best efforts acceptable if we want to win the league, we went on to win 8 out of the 10, and drawing the other 2. However, was this enough? Even though promotion was pretty much expected after a great end to the season for us and was an expectation for myself and from the board, that title was still there to be won, and who wouldn't want that.
In P. Ferreira's final 8 games, 6 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss. A bit of magic needed to deny them of the title.
Final 2 games for the opposition; Benfica B, Porto B. Two teams who we lead 2-0 and both managed to do a comeback on us this season, possibly the games that, on reflection, may have lost us the league, showing why their teams, no matter the level, are the leaders of the country as they are.
And they proved once again why they are the elite of Portugal. Benfica away proving too tough a test for P. Ferreira, we steal first place on the penultimate day of the season. One final game to wrap up our season in the final episode of the week.
And we end the week as league champions! From 6 points behind to winning by 4, the episode ends a great week of football with a trophy lift to conclude.
Overall, an eventful week of football in the first season of the 'Corners of Europe'. Most importantly, we achieved the goal to win promotion, ticking off the first of 10 goals set out from the start. We also used the first of our 5 tactics to do so; counter-attack. Although not the most fun and effective, it was still nice to learn for a season. The perfect start to the challenge.
As stated in the first post, the ideal jobs are not going to come that easily. We start the 24/25 season with Santa Clara, and after coming up with lots of money from the Second Division generated from player sales, we spent some in the summer. It took a while to steady the ship in the First Division, until we played one of the greats of the country, Braga. A 2-1 win against the struggling giants got us our first win after 6. But it didn't just stop there. A historic 3-2 win after flying two hours in to the town of Lisbon, we were able to defeat the 20x reigning league champions in their own back garden, none other than Sporting Lisbon. A historic episode topped of by a win in the Portuguese Cup against a team who we played last season in the league, but now found ourselves two leagues apart, in Penafiel.
And after weeks of insecurity around the KA job, the offer finally came up. Leaving on a high with 3 huge wins, lots of money and a Second Division title, one very warm door closes to open to a new chilly one, some 3000km to the northwest of Europe. As our time in the Azores islands, in the middle of the Atlantic, draws to a close, the full Santa Clara playlist, in numerical order, can be found here.
Time for a new chapter in the 'Corners of Europe' challenge, over in Iceland with Knattspyrnufélag Akureyrar (I think KA is enough, though).
Here's the first video in Iceland from a few days ago, and if it interests you, make sure to come and check out this week's daily content (5PM UK time) - it's already looking to be another great season!
Thank you for reading. Hope to see you on the channel, and thank you for all the support so far. It's been my pleasure.
submitted by mattovfm to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:58 MaizenBrew9 Training Courses Losing Progress (Bug?)

I am unsure if this is due to the latest app update (v7.2.4 installed on 5/15), but I have now had three instances of being mid-course (Pistol Advanced and Elite Combat), losing progress mid-course, and being forced to start from square one. I do not remember this being an issue before now, which is why the update came to mind, but it could be off base.
I can't recall the exact course, but the issue occurred during the AC course, possibly around Round 5/6. On the Elite course, the problem arose after I completed Shoot No Shoot (3x) and proceeded to the 50-shot Endurance.
I was reviewing the most recent data from the final sessions in SNS, and when I returned to the home screen to advance, the status bar up top said, "Start Elite Combat Course," and all progress was gone.
The app was not closed, and the X10 Elite was not disconnected from Bluetooth. The battery was also charged to 100% to eliminate a potential issue. I wanted to bring this to your attention if anyone else has encountered similar problems. I submitted this on the site to report a bug as well.
submitted by MaizenBrew9 to MantisX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:52 lalionne__ Finally got round to the 90x60 box canvas that’s been intimidating me! What do you guys think?

Finally got round to the 90x60 box canvas that’s been intimidating me! What do you guys think?
This one’s called ‘Hometown Glory’ and it’s a little ode to my adopted home of Brighton & Hove ✨
submitted by lalionne__ to AbstractArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:43 wadebarrettnexus Prediction: every second round series is going to game 7

Call me crazy but so far no one has advanced for the third round just yet.
Bostons playing with their backs against the wall with Marchands injury + have home ice advantage for game 6
Carolina’s comeback from 3-0 to 3-2 must have the rags pissing their pants a little, plus canes home ice advantage for game 6
Edmonton and Vancouver has been a back and forth series so why not?
And finally, it’s Colorado so why can’t they force game 7? Unless Georgiev of course…
submitted by wadebarrettnexus to nhl [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:41 AgentStarkiller How many young Sheldon's would it take to completely destabilize North Korea?

As we all know, Young Sheldon is ending tonight. In the final episode, he decides to clone himself and attempt to overthrow Kim Jong Un.
Round 1: The Sheldons are just parachuted in, with nothing but their snarky attitude and repulsive personality.
Round 2: The Sheldons are smuggled into the area by South Korean spies undetected, and they get a week of prep time, and maybe some books about North Korea, and some small arms.
Round 3: The South Korean army gets completely replaced by Young Sheldons. How many of them would it take to annex the entirety of North Korea under Douglas McArthur?
submitted by AgentStarkiller to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:28 Full_Journalist1643 POTENTIAL: Connection between Decaii being banned and Subeme and Marco?

POTENTIAL: Connection between Decaii being banned and Subeme and Marco?
Hey everyone, this is just a theory, but Decaii got banned and Blakxsy had to take his spot. Then, just recently, Subeme and Marco from Reverso Gaming EU got banned, and they got disqualified from the Monthly Finals as a whole. Could there possibly be a connection between these two events since they were set to play each other in the first round, or is it just a coincidence? Now, Decaii released a tweet, which is attached down below. This whole situation is just crazy, what do you all think about this?
May 2024 EMEA Monthly Finals Bracket
submitted by Full_Journalist1643 to BrawlStarsEsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 BottleDependent3827 I think my situation at work has become untenable for me - can I quit in the middle of a separate recruitment process?

Hi everyone, using a throwaway just in case.
I [28M] have been working in finance related roles in NYC for about three years now, specifically focused on investment banking and thereafter the buy-side. For months I have been feeling burnt out and have desired to move back to my hometown, so much so that I've begun to recruit for positions in said-hometown.
I was willing to grind out the job hunting lifestyle until very recently - i suffered a personal incident (I don't want to get too specific due to paranoia / desire to keep this thread as professional and unbiased as possible) that involved a coworker that rocked my world and I think significantly impacted my mental health. For context, I took a plane home to deal with the implications of said incident after letting my boss know that I needed to go. She was fine with this. I ended up booking vacation for the week and tried to process what happened in my personal life.
That is, until yesterday, where the dread of having to go back to the office started to sink in. I asked my boss if I could WFH next week, as we've leveraged WFH in the past, and I had gone long enough without using such a "perk". She ok'd the request but seemed a little upset with me and asked me to catch-up with her when i returned to office so that we could "establish expectations for this sort of thing". This conversation really saddened me, to the point where I decided to cancel my vacation for the last two days of the week to try to make it right (I'm currently working in my parents' home). I have zero motivation or desire to proceed and I'm seriously contemplating resigning right now and breaking my lease.
Between the ongoing burnout, the latest incident, and the response from my superior, I feel like I need to move on. My family is incredibly supportive of this decision - they said I could move back in with them until I figure it out. I also have more than enough saved up thanks to three years of work in the capital markets industry, and don't have real bills to pay (other than rent which I could break out of for a fee) with no dependents (I'm single with no kids, pets, etc).
Like I previously mentioned, I've also been recruiting for jobs back in my home city, although I'm not sure if leaving my current job is a good idea with respect to recruiting processes that are underway. I could get solid references from my current workplace but I'm not sure if that would be enough to ease any doubts that potential employers would have. The job I really want in my hometown would frankly take a few months before they wrapped up their recruitment cycle. I've already been promised a second round interview with this team, but it would still be a long road ahead to a potential final decision.
Has anyone gone through something similar before? Any ideas on what the best course of action would be? I feel needlessly trapped and would appreciate any advice / inspiration on what I should consider next. Thank you.
submitted by BottleDependent3827 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:15 Jonbieniemy87 A Lion and a Great Warrior (Part 2 of ?)

The Lioness led the warrior down several flights of stairs, then outside into a covered area for smithing and sharpening of blades. The Lioness hefted the great sword from her scabbard, began to crank the handle and turn grindstone, and gently slid the blade against the stone with a flurry of sparks. “It is a simple but necessary step. Sharpen your weapon after every battle.” She said pointedly, concise and simple. When she was finished, she stopped cranking the grindstone, and sheathed her sword back into its scabbard. As she stepped aside, the warrior did not need to be told what they were to do next. They unsheathed their battered sword, started cranking the wheel before sliding the blade of their sword against the spinning grindstone, sparks flying as metal met stone. Once they thought their sword was sufficiently sharpened, they stopped turning the grindstone and inspected their blade. It was damaged and beaten, but it was still a reliable weapon. The warrior sheathed their sword, looking up only to find the Lioness had already disappeared, as silent as the monsters they had faced not but a few days ago. Unphased, the warrior sent about finding lodgings inside the fortress monastery.
The warrior woke up early the next morning to the howling of the monsters of the forest. Hearing no screams, they relaxed, donning their armor over the simple traveler's garb they had worn to sleep. They couldn't shake the fear of being unprepared for the next attack, unready for a surprise. When they finished donning their armor, they grabbed their scabbard and went to train. They had seen a training room on their way into the keep, and so they made their way in that direction. They wanted to prepare themselves for the next battle, whether that be against the mothers of the forest, or against the great female warrior that had fought.
As they arrived at the training room, they found no other knights training. Surprised, but not shaken, they sat their gear down on a wooden bench in the corner and began to train. They decided to first work on speed, as that was their main failing against the great female warrior. Finding a straw and cloth target along the far wall, they wrapped leather around their fists and began to warm up with a little bit of boxing. Jab, jab, backstep, right hook, elbow, sidestep, gut shot, uppercut. They repeated this practice set, only stopping when they heard the sound of another person tying leather around their hands. The warrior turned around, hands up ready for an attack, but only saw the great female warrior they had fought earlier standing in the training room, wrapping leather around their hands. The warrior lowered their hands, and retrieved their sword, sufficiently warmed up. They then moved to a wooden dummy target, one that looked beat up, but still intact enough to train on.
They then began to practice their sword swing and stance, striking the dummy target in a series of rhythmic strikes. As the Lioness trained, they snuck glances at the warrior training, scrutinizing and judging their stance, their swing, and their sword skill. It needed much work; it was a miracle they survived. Yet, they had, and they even held their own somewhat against her sword. She would watch this young warrior cautiously.
The warrior continued training until they were too tired to continue. They gathered their belongings and went to the great hall to eat and recover before the next outing into the forest. As they walked, their mind wandered. ‘What would following the order truly mean? Would the forests of Caliban finally be cleared of the forest monsters? Would people finally be able to live without fear?’ The warrior did not know, but they could at least find solace in that they would be part of the solution, at least they hoped.
When they entered the great hall, they saw that the majority of the order had already assembled. Knights clad in armor sat at long tables, drinking and eating. The warrior found an empty table where there was still food, and began to eat, raising their helmet only slightly to eat. They could take their helmet off at any time, but they weren't comfortable with exposing their identity, not to a group of people they had just met. Their parents had warned them to be wary of sharing their identity. If only their parents were here to give them further advice. If only they had been able to protect their parents. If only they had been more prepared….
They were shaken from their thoughts as one of the knights from a different table had come over and slammed their tankard of ale upon the table. “Haven’ sheen yu ‘round ere’ before?”
The warrior could see the knight could not hold down their ale and had gotten drunk, or they were too stupid to take a hint, or they were too arrogant to care. The warrior tried to ignore them and continue to eat their meal as if they weren’t there.
The knight however seemed to not appreciate being ignored and slammed their fist against the table. “Ey, I’m talkin’ to you.” The knight reached out to remove the warrior’s helmet. “If yu don’t wanna talk, them I ‘ope yu don’ mind if I take a look under dat ‘elmet.” And as they were about to touch the warriors helmet, the warrior slapped away their hand silently.
The warrior stared at them in the eyes behind their helmet. “I wish to be left alone.” They said, before returning to their meal, hoping to be able to eat in peace, and for this knight to go away and bother someone else.
The Knight, however, was not so easily dissuaded. They drunkenly unsheathed their sword, pointing it at the warrior. “I ‘ont care. I wanna talk to ya.” The knight tried to lift up the helmet with the tip of their sword. Once again though, they were unable to remove their helmet. But not because the warrior prevented them.
No, this time they would be stopped by a sword through the neck, and the Lioness swiftly removed their blade from the drunken knight. The Lioness ran their blade against their greaves to wipe away the blood before addressing the crowd of onlooking knights. “Drunkenness will not be accepted in this order, nor will unsolicited advances. Now return to your meals. We move out in an hour.” The Lioness looked momentarily to the warrior, who seemed slightly shaken, but not unphased., before moving on to their next duty. They would continue to watch over them, because the Lioness knew that they should not have survived the wounds they suffered the day before, let alone be able to fight the day after. They were special.
submitted by Jonbieniemy87 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]