Hcg pct


2011.03.25 23:04 Elamite_Slave Testosterone

This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance.

2024.05.27 15:32 Spessevolte Can I run a TRT trial for 3 months without PCT?

Hey everybody. I'll keep it short: a different endo proposed me to have a trial on injectable TRT 250mg/2 week (which I'll take 125mg/week) due to total T being in the low 300s for two tests and having symptoms. He didn't name HCG or anything else, and said I could test it out to see if I get benefits, for 3 months (I have 6x250mg vials). My question is: do you think that, after 3 months, I can decide to get off without PCT and feeling shitty, as he said? Will I regain my HPTA functionality, ball size and stuff? Thanks.
submitted by Spessevolte to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:13 SuperHero001 Still need PCT if using HCG on cycle?

Hi all!
I’m curious if you still need PCT after a 20 week Test C cycle (probably 200-300mg/wk) if I’m doing HCG at the same time? Everything i see about HCG indicates taking 500-1000mg/week pinned every other day. Just can’t seem to find if I will still need PCT after the cycle is over.
Thanks for any advice and opinions!
submitted by SuperHero001 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:08 Educational_Host_596 Want to start my first test cycle.

Want to start my first test cycle.
Hi, I am 41 years old and hitting the gym almost daily. Recently, It came to know that I have low T, and I think it is because of my previous experiments with SARMs but without PCT. Before starting my first Test cycle, I took 12.5 MG enclomiphene every day for one month and then EOD for one more month. My test is in good range now. I want to start my first Test cycle, and I want your opinion about my cycle, which was designed on the basis of one YouTube video which is removed. I really appreciated your helpful comments.
submitted by Educational_Host_596 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:38 CryptoBillionaire187 Need help with PCT for TRT

Hey guys!
I’ve been in TRT for about 6 Months now and I recently have discovered some ways to enhance my testosterone naturally. I want to try it and want to come off TRT. If it works I won’t come on again if it doesn’t I will eventually come on again.
I looked into PCT and found out about some things but I’m unclear about others, so I would really appreciate your help.
My PCT Idea: I would start my PCT with HCG for about 4-6 Weeks to get my testes to a normal size again. During this time I would pin test at the dose I’m at right now (0.1ml Cypionate a day). After the last pin of HCG/test i would wait for a week and then start clomid.
In the internet and Reddit I found high ranges of dosages that were recommended so I don’t know what dosage of HCG and Clomid, aswell as the interval I should choose.
Can anyone help me and tell me what the right save dosage is for my case? And I’m asking myself if 4-6 Weeks of HCG is enough to get my testes back. Also if I should ad other compounds please tell me.
submitted by CryptoBillionaire187 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:37 _Styx_97 Starting TRT at TRT Nation

I’m about to start TRT. And I’ve been going through a ton of info on reddit. But I still need a few clarifications please.
How would the bloodwork get done if I’m using TRT Nation? Am I sending them my blood or what?
Will the the supply be sent to me weekly? Or will I be sent the whole 2.5month supply? If yes, please what’s the shelf life of the products? Do i need to store them in the fridge? Or at room temp?
I wanted to do TRT for about 12 weeks and then stop. Is this feasible? Or do I need to continue another 12 weeks after stopping, if my goals are the masculine features (deep voice, facial hair etc) and the muscles too.
Please What is the PCT for TRT like? how would I get my natural testosterone levels back to normal and how long would it take? Is this where Hcg comes in? (I understand it’s for fertility).
How do I alternate between the hcg and the testosterone? I don’t think I’m supposed to take them together.
Realistically, what change in muscle mass can I expect from 12 weeks of use? I’m currently lean and muscular but I want to have visible, muscles. Would 12 weeks of use get me to look like “foreignlifts” on Instagram or am I being unrealistic in my expectations?
submitted by _Styx_97 to TRTNation [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:36 _Styx_97 Starting TRT at TRT n

I’m about to start TRT. And I’ve been going through a ton of info on reddit. But I still need a few clarifications please.
How would the bloodwork get done if I’m using TRT Nation? Am I sending them my blood or what?
Will the the supply be sent to me weekly? Or will I be sent the whole 2.5month supply? If yes, please what’s the shelf life of the products? Do i need to store them in the fridge? Or at room temp?
I wanted to do TRT for about 12 weeks and then stop. Is this feasible? Or do I need to continue another 12 weeks after stopping, if my goals are the masculine features (deep voice, facial hair etc) and the muscles too.
Please What is the PCT for TRT like? how would I get my natural testosterone levels back to normal and how long would it take? Is this where Hcg comes in? (I understand it’s for fertility).
How do I alternate between the hcg and the testosterone? I don’t think I’m supposed to take them together.
Realistically, what change in muscle mass can I expect from 12 weeks of use? I’m currently lean and muscular but I want to have visible, muscles. Would 12 weeks of use get me to look like “foreignlifts” on Instagram or am I being unrealistic in my expectations?
submitted by _Styx_97 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 20:08 CitadelGroup Low E2 with hCG Monotherapy

Low E2 with hCG Monotherapy
Stopped TRT cold turkey 8 weeks ago and switched to hCG 400iu/EOD. I just did bloods after 8 weeks of this protocol and E2 seems very low. Is that normal?
Plan on maintaining this protocol for another 4 weeks until my appointment with urologist to begin a PCT.
Any thoughts?
submitted by CitadelGroup to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 01:20 Delboy1966 HCG Dosage and duration

Can someone please advise what is the typical dosage, frequency, and duration of HCG one should take as a PCT after 12 continuous months of TRT (Testosterone Ethanate 100mgs pinned twice weekly)? Curious in the event that I need to stop. I understand I should consult a medical professional but I’ve always found advice on Reddit extremely valuable as a guide as a first step. I’ve also, like others on here I’m sure, sourced my Test from UGL.
submitted by Delboy1966 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:05 SuperHero001 Blood tests to get done on test c?

Looking to start a 12 week cycle of test c (200-250mg/week)
I’m going to PCT of course and possibly use Hcg during.
I have a Quest Diagnostics down the street from my house and am looking to see if anyone knows a good standardized blood work they may offer to check my before and agrees of the cycle? I keep seeing lots of different info and I’m looking for any advice.
Thanks so much
submitted by SuperHero001 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:29 Tough-Locksmith-3804 Stop trt and get natural testosterone back again

Hello people
Long story short I have been cruising on testosterone for about 8 years. From I was 20 til I was 28 in 2019. The dosage was never more than 250mg per week. Once I tried trenbolone at 50mg every other day for 6 weeks and once I tried boldanone at 250mg per week.
I stopped in 2019 and I became a father in 2021. Everything was fine until 2023 where I took anavar for 3 weeks. I stopped and took nolvadex for 4 weeks. Felt like shit. But it got better.
My testosterone was measured at 5,3nmol/l and free testosterone at 0,18nmol/l. LH 4,4 IU/L and FSH 2,0 IU/L 6 months after I ended pct. The doctors shot 5000 ui hcg and gnrh to see if my testies were working. They did. So the doctors told me that I was fine and that they would not put me on trt. So I started my self. Now I'm on trt at 75mg test e and 250ui hcg every 3 day.
All though I feel okay I just want to stop taking drugs because of my daughter. But I'm afraid that the pain in my joints and muscles will come back with my low sex drive. Is it possible to go back to normal. With higher testosterone levels than 5,3? Will my body ever fully recover?
Clomid is definitely not an option since I really get very depressed on it.
submitted by Tough-Locksmith-3804 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:56 Futur3P4st Longer cycle, lower dosage vs Shorter cycle, higher dosage

Apologies in advance if this has already been asked as I could not find an answer for it. Long story short, I am staring at my stash for my cycle as we speak: 3 10mL vials of cypionate MK677 All of my needs for PCT and such (Arimidex, Clomid, HCG etc)
With 3 vials at 10ML each with 200mg/mL, total of 6,000mg of test. As far as the cycle length I could either: A) I could make it last 15 weeks by taking 400mg/week - 1mL 2x/week OR B) Make it last 18 weeks by taking 320mg/week - 0.8mL 2x/week
A close friend of mine strongly believes the second option will benefit me more in the long run. 28yrs old and this would be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycles were test-only, no Mk or any other compound but PCT. Any input on which option you would go with and why would be much appreciated. Thank you
submitted by Futur3P4st to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:57 Dependent_Spread4808 Pfs hell

hi everyone, unfortunately I ended up in the hell of pfs, my testosterone was 180 and my lh 0.1 due to a killer endocrinologist who gave me a 10 week treatment with hcg 2000ui in a single administration my system is completely crashed, I don't know what the testosterone level was because he had it checked after 12 weeks but now my testicles can no longer produce good testosterone and they are at 380 ng/ml, unfortunately in Italy the ignorance about TRT is infinite, I would like try a trt + hcg for 8 weeks, what do you recommend??? for PCT I would like to avoid clomid but enclomifene is not marketed
submitted by Dependent_Spread4808 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 Dependent_Spread4808 First trt for pfs syndrome

hi everyone, unfortunately I ended up in the hell of pfs, my testosterone was 180 and my lh 0.1 due to a killer endocrinologist who gave me a 10 week treatment with hcg 2000ui in a single administration my system is completely crashed, I don't know what the testosterone level was because he had it checked after 12 weeks but now my testicles can no longer produce good testosterone and they are at 380 ng/ml, unfortunately in Italy the ignorance about TRT is infinite, I would like try a trt + hcg for 8 weeks, what do you recommend??? for PCT I would like to avoid clomid but enclomifene is not marketed
submitted by Dependent_Spread4808 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:25 Silent-Bumblebee-182 First cycle Test E 250 mg starting out

First cycle Test E 250 mg starting out
Height-5”8 Age-23 Weight-160
Just pinned first injection test e Wednesday 5-15 Current weight is 160 showing in the first 3 photos (natural)
Picture on bottom right is me at 140 on a cut
What my purpose of posting is to get others feedback on how often I should pin per week with test e and to hear other’s experiences and advice
What did you take for Pct?
Did you use Hcg during cycle or only after?
Did you require a ai? Etc please and thanks In advance!
submitted by Silent-Bumblebee-182 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:11 YahYeeta Almost 2 years- No recovery?!

Right, good day everyone,
Edit: no need to rip me in the comments. I got big. I got lean. I got strong. The drugs did what they were supposed to do. I used all pharma ancillaries (besides enclo) did 100's of hours of research, months of prep, and over a year of bloodwork before touching anything. Also had a few years of training- but not enough for AAS. Just a young, insecure and down on himself dude who took some gear- we all make mistakes, no matter how well informed we think we are.
So long story short- have ran 3 steroid cycle. First was 2 years ago, last one ended 6 months ago. Not above a gram. No 19nors. Just test + DHTs. Longest cycle 16 weeks, using HCG @1500iu weekly each time.
Edit: LH is always between 2-4. Was 2-4 range when at 400, only time it's been 5 was when at 800ng/dL. It's at 3 as of last test (Test was 7nmol, LH 3, FSH 2)
Pre cycle bloods had me at around 400ng/dL/14-16nmol.
After first cycle (Test @ 350, tapered up 500mg) I pct'd to 800ng/dL (28nmol?). Used Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20. Also Clomid @ 12.5/12.5/12.5/0.0
Bloods taken 6 weeks after stopping PCT- doubled my Test levels (increased muscle, better diet + sleep) which was awesome! Should have stopped here. Didn't.
After the second cycle, came back at 200ng/dL (7nmol) used same PCT protocol. I was training very hard so I expected this- I actually got way leaner and kept 90% of the strength- despite having this low level (was obviously in a calorie defecit) doing MMA + gym.
PCT'd 3 more times after this:
Nolva only. 20mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol. Still kept same bodyweight so maintenance calories (4.5k)
Clomid only. 25mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol.
Jumped back on Test for 4 months after this.
Then PCT'd again. Enclomiphene only. 12.5mg/4 weeks, followed by a 2 weeks break, then 10mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.
That was the last PCT i've done- still 7nmol following this.
I assumed I was underfuelling- so since then i've gained ~8kg+. My appetite is also insane right now- I never feel full.
Almost entirely fat. No strength increase.
My physique looks like shit, I feel like shit. Have gone so far backwards.
So, I took 3 whole weeks off training pretty much. Did 3 weight sessions, 45 mins each. Nothing else.
Stopped tracking food, but was consuming well over 5000+ calories of almost entirely meat, eggs, cheeses, saturated fats and oils. Yes I know it's hard to say 5000+ calories but remember i've tracked food for 2 years +, I know it was at LEAST 5000 calories.
My appetite is insane.
It's was quite an extreme diet, very high fat, high protein, low carb.
Just re-tested at 4.5nmol-100ng/dL after this rest and refeed and gaining 3kg+ alone during this period. Obviously all fat. No muscle, wasn't training.
I was overtraining and underfuelling for quite some time but i've gained significant weight over the past 4-5 months, but look and feel like shit.
Had abs, veins, strength for 2 years- no matter my test levels, but now it's caught up and it's all gone. Literally back to square 1.
I'm probably going to pin some test P @140mg per week (within the next week), as well as some Tirzepatide @ 2.5mg to shed the shit weight.
Does anyone have any other suggestions before I jump back on TRT+GLP?
Am I stuffed?
I generally kept between 8-10% bodyfat the whole time I was cycling on/off. Few times got closer to 12 when heaviest (88-89kg) but mostly 8-10% range.
Did lots of MMA, lots of running, lots of weights. Was eating 4000+ calories the whole time, but lost/gained randomly.
Usually weight was between 73-77kg- this is when OFF anabolics I should mention. Doing lots of fight training+sparring.
On cycle I would blow up past this with almost no bodyfat gains.
I wasn't massive, but strong and lean the whole time. Got heaviest at 88kg on cycle (1st) and peaked at 80kg last cycle, 8-9% bodyfat.
Lost a few KG during PCT down to 73-74kg- but now back into 81-82kg range.
Now i'm likely 20%+ bodyfat at lower strength and i'm suffering a lot.
What's the smart/logical next step to take here? I have got a script for TRT now. But i'm not sure what to do. I'm 23!
Cheers all
submitted by YahYeeta to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:25 MundaneSafety1365 Trying to conceive

Looking for advice- TRT Nation has had me on 200mg of test and 50 units of HCG weekly (split into 2 shots a week.)
We start trying for a baby last August. No luck. 2 months ago I tell doc at TRT Nation the situation and he keeps me on 200mg of test. Ups HCG to 100 units a week. And adds 25mg of enclo 3x a week. I just got a blood test after 8 weeks on this “fertility protocol” as the doctor called it and my fsh and lh and both well below reference range. Same as before the enclo.
I’ve got an appointment with a fertility clinic for a semen analysis and path forward, but that’s in 3 weeks. In the meantime. Should I drop the TRT and stay on hcg and enclo as a pct to come off? Drop hcg and continue TRT and enclo?
I have read conflicting opinions online so just wanted to see what you guys think.
I would call TRT Nation for advice but they have ignored my last 3 calls and voicemails and have eliminated their online messaging lol.
submitted by MundaneSafety1365 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:05 3rdWorldMillenial Question about PCT and Getting off TRT

Question about PCT and Getting off TRT
I am 37 years old. I have been using 125 mg of testosterone per week for approximately 11 months. At first I feel very good, it was what I needed at that time but now it has become more problems. I am going to miss the performance in the gym but erections not as hard as they used to even my GF says it doesn't feel the same, really frustrating, lately foggy brain its being a problem too, dragging words, not being able to find words in my mind on a conversation and just overall brain power diminished, high BP lowest: 130/70. Mostly: 135/75 but can get to 140/80. Also just cant afford it anymore.
Some here say they have quit cold turkey and felt nothing, some say I will feel like death and will loose all gains I've ever done, others say (my dealer included) with PCT i will barely feel it and I should be able to train with no problems. what should I expect?
Testosterone Baseline question I've read conflicting opinions here about what happens to my natural testosterone when I stop using exogenous testosterone. On one hand, some say that my testosterone should only drop to my baseline, which was before I started using exogenous testosterone (in my case, 548). But others say no, that I will drop almost to zero and then start producing my own natural testosterone again, and slowly, if I'm lucky, maybe return to my baseline (548)?
PCT question My andro-pharmacist has recommended, the ideal approach is HCG with Proviron, and I should start it right after the last dose of testosterone. I'm not clear on the dosage; he says 20,000 units in total, 2500 units every third day, along with Proviron. Here, I've read some saying that HCG should be used before stopping testosterone and continued afterward for some more time, while others say it should be used right when you stop using it, like my dealer, and still others say you should wait around 4 weeks for the system to clear of exogenous testosterone before starting with HCG and Proviron. On the other hand, some argue that the best PCT is HCG and Enclomiphene ( I read a little about tamoxifen and clomid but most here seem to not recomended).
Went to Endo, he told me to quit cold turkey weeks ago but been to afraid of feeling like shit like some say here. Here are the labs he asked me to get.
This I order my self before I went to the Endo
submitted by 3rdWorldMillenial to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:27 AffectDry5060 Any suggestions ostarine cycle

OSTARINE CYCLE Ostarine HCG 5000 Enclomilad Week 1 till week 6 Ostarine 20-40 mg each day HCG 5000 2500 IU weekly Enclomilad 6.25mg each day
PCT (POST-CYCLE-THERAPY) 1a2 week 6.25mg 3a4 week 12.5 mg I’ll be supplementing with TUDCA, NAC,Omega, Boron.multi vitamine, creatine
My goal is to lose body fat and maintaining/gaining muscle. . Is this right out any suggestions?
Was thinking about adding Mk677 with berberine will it do much and dosage?
Alternative ideas are also very Welcome.
submitted by AffectDry5060 to sarmsinformation [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:50 JamesAWalters Dumb question

I think I already know the answer, but wanted to double check... I have enough hCG left for 3 doses. My cycle ends in 2 and a half weeks. Would stretching out those 3 doses and doing 1 dose for the next 3 weeks be worthwhile to any degree? Or should I just stick to EOD as i've been doing and run them out and just not be on hCG for the last couple of weeks of my cycle + the 2 weeks of break before PCT?
submitted by JamesAWalters to roidscanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 16:47 Asleep-Yellow2638 HCG with TRT for fertility

I’m currently on 120mg a week of test cyp. I inject M/W/F . I’m worried about fertility, i know i am fertile as i got a girl pregnant before, anyway i know that hcg preserves fertility. However i am already on week 10 of trt so my natural production has already shut down. I have talked to someone who takes hcg every 3 months to stay fertile throughout the years. I don’t understand why every 3 months instead of running it all the time. Only thing i can think of is it costs a good amount of money and some ppl have side effects. Anyway trt is going well and i don’t want to throw in another variable as hcg and delay the process of dialing in. Can i just run a proper PCT protocol with hcg and clomid whenever i want to have kids in a couple years. I am fairly young , in my early 20’s.
submitted by Asleep-Yellow2638 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 16:44 Asleep-Yellow2638 HCG with trt

I’m currently on 120mg a week of test cyp. I inject M/W/F . I’m worried about fertility, i know i am fertile as i got a girl pregnant before, anyway i know that hcg preserves fertility. However i am already on week 10 of trt so my natural production has already shut down. I have talked to someone who takes hcg every 3 months to stay fertile throughout the years. I don’t understand why every 3 months instead of running it all the time. Only thing i can think of is it costs a good amount of money and some ppl have side effects. Anyway trt is going well and i don’t want to throw in another variable as hcg and delay the process of dialing in. Can i just run a proper PCT protocol with hcg and clomid whenever i want to have kids. I am fairly young , in my early 20’s.
submitted by Asleep-Yellow2638 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:24 shangkhang Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)

Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) is an androgenic steroid based on dihydrotestosterone originally developed to improve conditions derived by breast cancer. It is considered a medium or mild strength steroid. There are two variants: Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate. The first is universally regarded at Masteron. It was introduced in the early 70s and it is available only in injectable form. Drostanolone Enanthate was never released as a pharmaceutical human grade product and is not as popular as the Propionate version.
What is Masteron used for in bodybuilding? The basic benefits of both Propionate and Enanthate are a lean and harder-looking physique, but only after it has been built with other steroids. Many bodybuilders consider it a sort of cosmetic sterod to add the final touch to an already toned body. Also, being regarded as a mild anabolic steroid, Masteron has various positive effects and less side effects. Masteron delivers solid muscle mass combined with strength and at the same time helps the loss of water, but it does not actually help losing body fat. In facts, this steroid is useful only if the athlete’s body fat is already less than 10%. Masteron also accelerates metabolism and helps increasing energy and endurance. Drostanolone Propionate has a half-life of 2,5 days while Drostanolone Enanthate has a half-life of 10 days. Masteron is commonly used in cutting and pre-contest cycles. It is often stacked with Winstrol, Testosterone and Trenbolone. Masteron is not the first choice when bulking, as its effects will be rather weak. Bodybuilders anyway use it for bulking together with other steroids to add the benefits of losing fat. Masteron is of little to no use for those who do not have a stringent fitness routine aimed at cutting. Also, those who have substantial fat in their body will not benefit much from the steroid. The steroid does facilitate the loss of water but it does not help the loss of fat from the body. There may not be any impact on the weight of a person. The reduced water retention has a nominal impact on body weight. The effect is more aesthetic. It is best to achieve a low body fat percentage, at the most twelve to fifteen, before taking Masteron.
What are Masteron side effects? Even though Masteron is considered a mild steroid, its usage has side effects that may, or may not, affect the user. The most common is hair loss, especially to people already balding. Acne is another possible effect of a prolonged usage. Tendency to aggression and excessive rage has been reported. However, all side effects cease to appear as son as the cycle is over.
Masteron cycle for beginners A common Masteron cycle for beginners would last 8 weeks, with 100 mg per week injected every other day.
Masteron cycle for intermediate users Drostanolone Propionate needs to be injectied once in two days or on alternate days, with dosages ranging between 200 and 350 mg per week, for a cycle of 8 weeks.
Masteron cycle for experienced users A common cycle of Masteron for experienced bodybuileers involves Testosterone Propionate. Cycle will be longer, between 8 and 10 weeks, with dosages of 500 to 700 mg per week, combined with Testosterone Propionate at 350 mg per week. The Enanthate form needs less injections (2 injections per week), with dosages ranging between 400 and 600 mg per week, on a standard cycle between 6 and 10 weeks.
Masteron Cycle PCT Contrary to popular belief, the PCT phase should never start immediately after finishing a Masteron cycle, as the compound has to leave the system before starting any form of therapy. Therefore, the PCT cycle should start 3-4 days after last administration of the Propionate and 14 days after last administration of the Enanthate. Commonly used products are Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG. A Nolvadex cycle following a mild Masteron cycle will last 4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks the dosage will be 20 mg/day, while for the second 2 weeks dosage will be 10 mg/day. A stronger PCT will also last 4 weeks. On the first week, dosage will be 30 mg/day, on the second it will be 20 mg/day, and for the last 2 weeks dosage will decrease to 10 mg/day. With Clomid, a typical cycle following a mild Masteron cycle will last 4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks the dosage will be 50 mg/day, while for the second 2 weeks dosage will be 25 mg/day. A stronger PCT will also last 4 weeks. On the first week, dosage will be 75 mg/day, on the second and third week it will be 50 mg/day, and for the last week dosage will decrease to 25 mg/day. HCG is only used after a heavy Masteron cycle, therefore mainly by experienced bodybuilders. The common strategy is to use a short cycle of HCG before starting a longer one with Clomid or Nolvadex. In a 3 weeks cycle, HCG dosage will be 2000 IU every 3 days on first week, 2500 IU on second week and 3000 IU on the last week. Alternatively, one can run an intensive 10 days cycle injecting 1000 IU/day from day 1 to 4, then 750 IU/day from day 5 to 7, and 500 IU/day for the last 3 days of the cycle.
submitted by shangkhang to superbolic_express [link] [comments]
