Driver license template

Cars of Japan

2011.05.25 15:35 Vinura Cars of Japan

Subreddit about Japanese Cars, in Japan and abroad.

2012.01.13 15:32 michaeljsmalley Bad Drivers - Post Photos of Bad Drivers


2016.09.12 13:18 NicoRosbot Kevin Magnussen

A sub dedicated to everybody's favourite Danish F1 driver! (work in progress)

2024.05.17 01:08 Formal_Star_6593 Wild Cards being renewed

It still just utterly confuses me why we still mask up our own damn productions so they are generic, non-descript. Nope, not Canadian at all. Even though some shots it is clearly Vancouver, everything else ... her driver's license, cop cars, maritime boats are all ... non-descriipt.
Nope, not Canadian. Fucking weird.
submitted by Formal_Star_6593 to CanadaTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:04 Maleficent_Call840 Changing address

I got called in for jury duty but no longer will be living in the same city/county where I was called in for jury duty. After I get my address changed on my drivers license will I still have to do jury duty at the old residence? It would be about a 3.5 hour drive to the old residence from the new one.
submitted by Maleficent_Call840 to juryduty [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:56 fjer19 Austin DUI

I got my first DUI, since I don't have driver license from Texas they going to give me the breathalyzer portable. Does anyone has a recommendation for me? What company choose? 'm 29 I'm from Mexico so I don't have any idea what's is coming up. Thanks to all
submitted by fjer19 to dui [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:49 CuriousBoldMonkey Lost gray orange wallet near Four Points Sheraton beachfront hotel

Lost my wallet last night (about 10pm) in a Grab taxi car. I was able to call him about 30min after and he came back but said he didn’t see it. However, he made a few verbal mistakes that lead me to believe he took it (I had about 5.5 million đồng in there or about $215 USD).
If by chance you found it, please return it to Altara Suites 🙏 and I’ll give you 1 million VNĐ for your troubles. It has my driver license, 2 debit cards and a visa credit card in it.
submitted by CuriousBoldMonkey to DaNang [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:46 Substantial_Year_112 Competition rating error

Can Anyone help with a solution? My cp rating is stuck on zero. I have 95 total rating and platinum driver license. And I have completed several competitions without exiting before I’m told it’s safe and everyone has finished. Help 🙏🏻
submitted by Substantial_Year_112 to ACCompetizione [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:32 plbth Short-term advice for frustration with BPD sibling?

Hey guys! Hope things are going well for you.
Recently things have been tense in my family for a lot of reasons, not all related to my sibling. Health issues, my dad getting laid off, etc. On top of that, my sibling recently got into a car accident (not their fault) that totaled their car and today they quit their job that they got a couple weeks ago.
Between all these things, the small(er) things that they do that usually bother me are just really setting me off right now. I’m in the process of trying to move out, but it’s a very long ways away. I also won’t have my driver’s license until the end of next month (that’s when my test is, I have my permit now) so I don’t have a ton of independence to leave the house when I’m really frustrated.
So, does anyone have advice for immediate actions I can take when I’m really struggling to be in the same space as my sibling? I’d really appreciate the input!
submitted by plbth to BPDFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:24 GoinDaDumbWay free greeneyez

free greeneyez submitted by GoinDaDumbWay to DaDumbWay [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:24 Whole_Ad7761 US Citizen with undocumented parents, can I travel to Florida?

My mom is planning a trip to go to Florida for Thanksgiving break, and we plan to drive all the way over there. I have a Texas driver's license so I'm the designated driver to cross the Florida border. Will it be safe with my parents in the car? Will it be safe for me?
submitted by Whole_Ad7761 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:19 Existing_Limit_2414 South African drivers liscence confirmation letter

Moved overseas and needed a drivers license confirmation letter. I used this company which is by far the best in South Africa. They made it stress free I just filled in the form and they got it to me pretty quick. Would have been a nightmare to try do it myself as you know paperwork through the system in South Africa is not even worth the headache.
I'll leave the link for their website below so you can use them too. Sad to think some people go through so much stress because they don't know a service like this exists that does it all for you and gets it's right, instead of you struggling with an impossible task!
submitted by Existing_Limit_2414 to Saffas_In_Manchester [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:17 Cooper-Flash Australian Port related jobs

Hello. Anyone here works in any Australian port? Forklift drivers, container loadeunloader etc.. what do you work as and how it’s like? What are the licenses you took?
My brother works as a Lashing Specialist in Singapore and wanted to try what jobs he can work at in an Australian port.
submitted by Cooper-Flash to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:17 throwaway19372057 Does anybody else feel like every facet of our lives are judged now?

Less than ten years ago I could get a job without much information being submitted. Now I have to submit everything from my bank account information to all the drivers license numbers I’ve ever had to the exact whereabouts of every individual in my family. Beyond that people seem to care about every little thing when it comes to dating, eating habits, how they’re perceived by others, etc. just to name a few things I’ve noticed.
I mean I get that standards evolve with time but have we corrupted the idea of what’s acceptable and now only strive for what’s perceived as perfect?
submitted by throwaway19372057 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:02 Waddle_Deez_Nuts69 The DMV accidentally downgraded my expired drivers license to a permit.

Basically I went in to the DMV 4 years ago to renew my expired license and they downgraded me to a permit and didn’t mention anything and now I need to take a drivers test again to get my license. The guy at the DMV call center said there is nothing they can do because it’s been too long. I’m in Colorado
submitted by Waddle_Deez_Nuts69 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:01 Igotthejoyjoyjoyjoy SQL errors when using outputs.sql

Hey all, I'm just getting started with grafana/telegraf and I'm most familiar with mysql as a db so I decided to use that. I've had mostly success getting telegraf setup on multiple PCs in my home and writing to a sql db. But I see occasionally on different PCs the data stops flowing in and when I view the telegraf.log I see errors such as:
2024-05-16T21:05:19Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.sql: execution failed: Error 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"cpu"("timestamp","cpu","host","usage_guest","usage_system","usage_iowait","usag' at line 1 2024-05-16T21:05:20Z D! [inputs.win_perf_counters] Gathering from localhost 2024-05-16T21:05:20Z D! [inputs.win_perf_counters] Gathering from localhost finished in 514.9µs 2024-05-16T21:05:29Z W! [outputs.sql] Metric buffer overflow; 78 metrics have been dropped 2024-05-16T21:05:29Z D! [outputs.sql] Buffer fullness: 10000 / 10000 metrics 2024-05-16T21:05:29Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.sql: execution failed: Error 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"cpu"("timestamp","cpu","host","usage_guest_nice","usage_user","usage_idle","usa' at line 1 2024-05-16T21:05:30Z D! [inputs.win_perf_counters] Gathering from localhost 2024-05-16T21:05:30Z D! [inputs.win_perf_counters] Gathering from localhost finished in 0s 2024-05-16T21:05:39Z W! [outputs.sql] Metric buffer overflow; 77 metrics have been dropped 2024-05-16T21:05:39Z D! [outputs.sql] Buffer fullness: 10000 / 10000 metrics 2024-05-16T21:05:39Z E! [agent] Error writing to outputs.sql: execution failed: Error 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"cpu"("timestamp","cpu","host","usage_steal","usage_guest","usage_system","usage' at line 1 2024-05-16T21:05:40Z D! [inputs.win_perf_counters] Gathering from localhost 
telegraf.conf's outputs.sql section
 [[outputs.sql]] # Database driver # Valid options: mssql (Microsoft SQL Server), mysql (MySQL), pgx (Postgres), # sqlite (SQLite3), snowflake ( clickhouse (ClickHouse) driver = "mysql" # Data source name # The format of the data source name is different for each database driver. # See the plugin readme for details. data_source_name = "****:****@tcp(" # Timestamp column name timestamp_column = "timestamp" # Table creation template # Available template variables: # {TABLE} - table name as a quoted identifier # {TABLELITERAL} - table name as a quoted string literal # {COLUMNS} - column definitions (list of quoted identifiers and types) table_template = "CREATE TABLE {TABLE}({COLUMNS})" # Table existence check template # Available template variables: # {TABLE} - tablename as a quoted identifier table_exists_template = "SELECT 1 FROM {TABLE} LIMIT 1" # Initialization SQL init_sql = "SET sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES';" # Maximum amount of time a connection may be idle. "0s" means connections are # never closed due to idle time. connection_max_idle_time = "0s" # Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. "0s" means connections # are never closed due to age. connection_max_lifetime = "0s" # Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. 0 means unlimited. connection_max_idle = 2 # Maximum number of open connections to the database. 0 means unlimited. connection_max_open = 0 # NOTE: Due to the way TOML is parsed, tables must be at the END of the # plugin definition, otherwise additional config options are read as part of # the table # Metric type to SQL type conversion # The values on the left are the data types Telegraf has and the values on # the right are the data types Telegraf will use when sending to a database. # # The database values used must be data types the destination database # understands. It is up to the user to ensure that the selected data type is # available in the database they are using. Refer to your database # documentation for what data types are available and supported. [outputs.sql.convert] integer = "INT" real = "DOUBLE" text = "TEXT" timestamp = "TIMESTAMP" defaultvalue = "TEXT" unsigned = "UNSIGNED" bool = "BOOL" ## This setting controls the behavior of the unsigned value. By default the ## setting will take the integer value and append the unsigned value to it. The other ## option is "literal", which will use the actual value the user provides to ## the unsigned option. This is useful for a database like ClickHouse where ## the unsigned value should use a value like "uint64". # conversion_style = "unsigned_suffix" 
its isn't always the cpuinput either, sometimes mem as well. It seems like the sql is being eaten up and the statements are only partial? Any idea what might be causing this or what I can do further to debug it? TIA
submitted by Igotthejoyjoyjoyjoy to InfluxData [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:53 Boilerupchoochoo Drivers license- weight loss

In Travis County, are you able to get a new drivers license photo if you lose weight?
submitted by Boilerupchoochoo to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:51 Master_Bator800 Dyspraxia as a man

Note: this post is not meant to invalidate females with Dyspraxia.
Being a man with dyspraxia is hard, especially when having a typical masculine dad and grandpa.
They want me to do my drivers license ASAP and I’m worried about it. I cannot fix anything in the house like them, I can’t even ride a bicycle, I failed at working in construction and I’m a slow learner.
Don’t know what to do, it’s not only expectation killing me but I also do want to do these things…
submitted by Master_Bator800 to dyspraxia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 platypuspup Formative Assessments

In education, we have formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments give feedback to students and allow for teachers to intervene before things go off the rails and the kids fail the big test: the summative assessment. I've been saying that we need to intentionally install more "formative assessments" for drivers. If we see "summative assessments" as the situation where a driver kills a person or plows through a building, "formative assessments" are smaller tests and checks that allow for someone to recognize they are not driving well or have regulatory agencies intervene before they kill someone.
What are your ideas for formative assessments? Here are mine:
  1. Install concrete walls at fairly narrow placements for entering/exiting neighborhoods (like those now famous yellow ones in Seattle). Put bollards all over the place with paint that permanently marks cars that hit them. Anyone who makes contact with these objects loses their license until they retest. People say we need to retest old people, but really, we need to retest anyone who has gotten worse at driving, and we need a way to identify those people.
  2. We need to remove the center yellow line anywhere there isn't a visibility issue for passing. Some people who shouldn't be driving use it to guide them so they don't have to process the road. Never mind that they should be watching for bikes they might need to cross the center line to safely pass.
  3. With the cars that have auditory safety features that beep when a person speeds, crosses a lane line without signaling, or tailgates, we can't have people turning them off. My mom says all her elderly friends turn them off because they ding all the time and they don't know why. If you can't figure out what you are doing wrong, you shouldn't be driving. On top of that, I think an additional safety feature should be that if they don't stop dinging within a minute the car should disable power to the accelerator and call for help if connected to a network. They would need to be reactivated by police or highway patrol once they have checked on the health and state of mind of the driver. Someone who doesn't know how to drive safely without correction for over a minute should no longer be driving.
submitted by platypuspup to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:49 tech-knight92 Question.

How many over 30 don't have drivers licenses? What's holding you back? What kind of support would be most helpful to get you motivated? What hasn't worked thus far?
submitted by tech-knight92 to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:41 TyrannicalDuncery Fun new way to steal SSN (jk, security suggestion for Equifax)

As you can see from the reaction to this post, it is bad practice to allow a user to view their full SSN on a website, especially if 2FA is not present.
I can log in to, go to file a dispute, and then view my full SSN. I can do this using only my email address and password. Maybe the other credit bureaus do as well, now I'm intrigued.
I suggest that Equifax change this setup in one or more of the following ways:
  1. Add app-based 2FA as a login option.
  2. Do not allow the user to view their full SSN. Instead, allow them to type in their SSN and compare it to Equifax's records, returning a "yes/no." Limit the number of SSNs that can be entered for comparison within a given time period. Or allow the user to optionally add this requirement (and make it hard to switch back off).
  3. Require the user to do some extra security checks in order to view SSN. Or allow the user to optionally add this requirement (and make it hard to switch back off).
I like #2. For the purpose of starting a dispute, it seem to me that it would be sufficient to know the number of distinct SSNs that don't match the SSN provided by the user, and the same thing for ITINs or other buckets of numbers. If I understand correctly, you can only have one SSN or ITIN at a time, so a security setup like this would at least make sense for current SSN even if there were reasons to make it easier to view Equifax's picture of your historical SSNs/ITINs.
Maybe I'm missing a special case, but it seems like that would be enough to get started and then Equifax could provide the full non-matching SSNs if necessary as part of the dispute process. Maybe I'm missing a case where it would be critical to know the full non-matching SSNs before disputing. Thoughts?
Equifax is not unique in doing this; ChexSystems does it as well. However, Equifax is much less bad than ChexSystems for the following reasons:
submitted by TyrannicalDuncery to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:39 gr2020xx Unsure how to tell if I have dyscalculia

Hi, sorry if this genre of question has been answered a billion times, but I've scrolled thru the sub and checked out links in the wiki and still feel unsure.
I'm trying to figure out if I might have dyscalculia, or something else wrong with me to explain why I'm bad at numbers, and struggling to find any easy enough to follow list of symptoms/diagnostic criteria to try and figure it out myself. I'm sure there's no way for me, as an adult, to get properly evaluated, and not sure there'd be any benefit to it if I could that would make costs worth it anyways, but I would really just like to figure out what's wrong with me.
It basically comes down to: I cannot read numbers in order, I constantly miss mistakes while proofreading numbers, but generally I would consider myself good at math - algebra, physics, even calculus - just bad with simple arithmetic.
I've been unable to read numbers in order for as long as I can remember. I mix up 8's and 3's (they look alike to me), I'll swap the orders of digits when reading number constantly, I'll repeat them back wrong out loud even if I'm understanding them right in my head, etc. I can't proofread numbers to save my life, which is affecting me at work. Yesterday it took me 10 mins to figure out how to call an Uber bc I was typing my own address in wrong and not noticing, even when looking at it written out correctly in front of me immediately before typing it into the app. This is really the main issue - my inability to read numbers in order or notice errors when I repeat/write them incorrectly. This is the core thing that bothers me, and actively feels like some sort of disability.
Additionally, I'm pretty bad at simple arithmetic. I took a long time to understand multiplication tables, I don't think I ever fully grasped long division, etc. Regularly to this day I use my fingers to do addition and subtraction. I would use a calculator for literally everything if I could.
But everything I'm seeing says if you're not bad at math, you can't have dyscalculia, which is leaving me very confused. Because although multiplication and addition are harder for me than I feel like they should be, they aren't my core problem -- I can do them well enough to function (although I'm also a grown adult and not a kid in a math class). And understanding mathematical concepts has never been an issue for me -- in fact I've always liked it. Algebra was easy for me. Geometry and precalc were kinda hard, but I think in a normal way. I took AP Calc AB in high school and understood it conceptually very well, although I'd regularly make mistakes in specific equations. I took two years of physics in high school and a semester of physics in college -- all very math and calculus oriented -- and did perfectly fine with them. I really struggled with Calc II in college, but I feel like that's not a red flag in and of itself, and was the exception, not the norm, for my experience with higher level math.
So long story short, I hated math in elementary school, but once I was in high school and college and learning more conceptual stuff, I never felt like I struggled more than normal and I genuinely enjoyed learning it! Which seems fundamentally incompatible with dyscalculia, from what I've read.
For additional context: I have other symptoms that align with dyscalculia -- I cannot read an analog clock without actively thinking about it for several minutes, I used to mix up left and right for way longer than was normal (although I stopped once I got my drivers license), I'm noticeably worse than my peers at estimating things (particularly distances, # of people in a crowd, or $ raised/spent). Some things that I've read are symptoms but that DON'T affect me is sense of direction or ability to understand a map (I'd say I'm better than average at that actually), ability to memorize things like dance routines, or ability to understand/sightread music or memorize fingerings (I was in orchestra at a serious level even throughout college and never felt like I struggled w anything like that).
Anyways, I understand y'all aren't professionals, but I'm wondering if, with the context I've provided, you can provide me any guidance on how to understand if I might or might not have dyscalculia. The constant mixing up of numbers is such a big issue in my life right now and I'm just trying to understand if this is actually something wrong with me or what, if any, resources I can use to help deal with this better in my day to day life.
Editing to add: I also worked in retail for years and would constantly read back people's totals/change wrong, and struggled a bit with making change.
submitted by gr2020xx to dyscalculia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:39 RemarkableJade Drivers License, Limitations Assessments and Vehicle Equipment

Hi I live in the USA and I'm struggling to find resources to help me get my driver's license. I'm physically disabled in my hands, arms, and shoulders (Amyoplasia). If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by RemarkableJade to disabled [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 Comfortable-Hair3229 Marriage question

I am marrying my fiancé in a month, and he is illegal. He is currently in Minnesota with me. We met during college, he has a drivers license and ITIN but not a social security. Would the process still be the same? Just sign the marriage license? Or would we have to do something different because he doesn’t have a SSN? We are planning on starting the process of getting his green card of course after the marriage but we’re wondering if there is any restrictions?
submitted by Comfortable-Hair3229 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:26 SmallErectPenis Hello!!! I made a small driving error today. Where should I go to return my license?

Dear excellent drivers of TorontoDriving
I accidentally made a small mistake while driving today. As I am clearly no longer worthy of my license, where should I go to give it back? Or do I simply just rip it in half and put it into the garbage? I didn't see anything on the MTO website about this, so please advise. Thanks in advance.
submitted by SmallErectPenis to TorontoDriving [link] [comments]