Open breezeway designs

Creative Coding

2013.01.29 14:17 kitsune Creative Coding

For sharing and discussing the use of computer programming as a creative discipline. Due to high crypto / NFT spam this subreddit is currently restricted. Please add a reason for being approved when sending a request. It helps us filter out bots.

2020.08.24 16:04 Unioqornio RimWorld_SoS2

A community dedicated to the Rimworld-mod Save Our Ship 2. Ship Designs, tutorials, questions etc. It’s in the early stages so open for ideas!

2017.05.29 21:20 booomhorses REDMEW Factorio Community

REDMEW is an open Factorio and Discord community for players of all skill levels that hosts Factorio maps 24/7, with custom scripts and crazy map designs.

2024.05.16 20:06 Lies_Junk [For Hire] Commissions OPEN Illustration Character/ Creature/ Item/ Weapon Design

[For Hire] Commissions OPEN Illustration Characte Creature/ Item/ Weapon Design submitted by Lies_Junk to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:05 hard_workingi_diot Hey Kamloops.. Tell me what do you think about this.

I’m working on a project(New Gig Economy Portal for Skilled Workers) and would love to get your thoughts and feedback.
We’re developing a portal designed to help skilled workers to use their expertise directly for clients, cutting out the middleman and ensuring fair pay for their services.
Here’s how it works:
And it goes the same for everyone else as well. Let’s say you repair cellphones, fix electronics, or are a barber. Any skill you employ for a corporation/a person with means etc., you can now offer directly to clients.
For instance, instead of a big corporation(Tommy gun) charging $35 for a haircut, a client could pay you $20 directly.
This way, you still earn a good income, and clients pay less. It’s a win-win!
This is more than just passive income. It directly connects you with people who need your services, and the platform will be review-based. I’m committed to ensuring it’s peer-reviewed and that we put significant effort into making it reliable and effective.
I was hoping to launch it Intially in three cities: Kamloops, Kelowna, and the lower Mainland Vancouver area.
I’m aware there could be downsides and challenges, but we believe this could empower workers and provide affordable services to clients.
What do you think? Would you be open to participating in this experiment or using such a service? Your input would be incredibly valuable to us as we refine this idea.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
submitted by hard_workingi_diot to Kamloops [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:57 Chandana_1Password Introducing a Makeover to the 1Password Icon in Text Fields

Introducing a Makeover to the 1Password Icon in Text Fields
Hi folks! I’m happy to announce that we’ve introduced a new look to the 1Password icon you encounter on web fields when you input information like your username or passwords.
Have you ever wondered whether you could click the 1Password icon and know if it does something? Or complained about the drop down options always blocking your other fields on page like this and getting in the way of your flow?
1Password suggesting that there are no items to show on a selected web field
With the new change to the inline icon, we’ve introduced some sleek animations to provides valuable cues about the status of 1Password, and makes it easy to identify clickable elements of the icon.
You can quickly see if 1Password is locked and unlock it right from this icon. Plus, instead of seeing blocking drop-downs when 1Password had nothing to show for a specific site, you’ll get new handy and helpful pop-ups that won’t get in your way. You will even see clear hints on when you can open or close the inline icon menu, making your browsing experience smoother than ever.
Page view blocking drop downs are now replaced by compact pop ups letting you know whether 1Password has anything to fill here
Overall, this update is designed to simplify your online tasks and enhance your experience with clearer, more actionable interactions with 1Password.
Feel free to give this a whirl today and tell us what you think!
Best regards, Chandana Product @ 1Password
submitted by Chandana_1Password to 1Password [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:52 yadavvenugopal Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions

Science Fiction Inspired Designs and Inventions
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C Clarke
Science fiction has always been a precursor to science fact, especially when it comes to Science fiction-inspired designs and inventions. Most complex technologies begin with the germ of an idea in the mind of a creative person and more often than not, it's a science fiction writer.
Ideation is the first and most important and often the most complex part of any invention. This is why science fiction writers are always ahead of scientists when it comes to the conceptualization of future tech.
After envisioning a technology in detail you can bring the engineers to map out what needs doing and what can't be done. The next step would be building a prototype that is sufficient for testing and making it suitable for commercial production.

Science Fiction-Inspired Designs and Inventions

Here we will go through technologies that we take for granted today, but just a few decades ago were purely in the realm of science fiction.

1. Transparent Screen from The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling was truly ahead of its time in terms of its sci-fi concepts, dense storylines, and amazing execution. This meant that great episodes used hi-tech concepts judiciously and presented them folded into a larger reality that blew the socks off the viewers.
The reason why it seemed so ahead of its time was that most episodes of this series were inspired by key science fiction authors such as Ray Bradbury, Arthur C Clarke, and Isaac Asimov.
One such awesome storyline involved a society with unique standards of beauty far in the future that had amazing tech gadgets. The episode is named Eye of the Beholder and is fantastically done.
The best piece of tech that stood out in this episode was the transparent screen that slid down from the ceiling and turned opaque during display.
Such screens are available only in 2024 ( and showcased in 2023), showcased widely only in the latest installment of Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024. The LG Transparent screen in 2024 grabbed a lot of eyeballs and was the belle of the ball in the display section.
Check out Star Trek: Lower Decks Animated Series: Cracking Jokes with Easter Eggs
The Twilight Zone series got everything right, from the form factor to the actual function of such an amazing invention decades ahead of its time!
Like this review? Subscribe to for more!

2. Flat screen from Star Trek

The Star Trek TOS episode Requiem for Methuselah (Season 3, Episode 19) has a flat-screen LED TV that is complete in its design with the stand and thin bezels exactly as it is commercially available today.
Reyna, Flint's companion watches their guests on their video surveillance system on a Flat Screen TV that is amazingly identical to the ones in production today.
What I loved about this is that, just like the transparent screen mentioned above, it is decades ahead of its time and is perfect in how it has been visualized by the propmasters of the time.
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3. Geostationary orbit - Arthur C Clarke

Genre-defining science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of satellites that could take a Geo-stationary orbit serving the purpose of a radio relay station. This way a third of the Earth's surface could be covered for communication purposes by a single satellite.
This idea was first published in the Wireless World October 1945 issue authored by Arthur C Clarke.
Most of our communications networks across the globe today depend on such geostationary satellites, whether it's a smartphone network or a weather station. Considering that the first communications satellite using this tech was launched in Syncom 2 in 1963, Clarke was decades ahead of his time when he came up with this vital concept.
Check out The Original Lost in Space Series (1965-68) by Irwin Allen

4. The Cellphone - Star Trek Communicator

One of the most iconic symbols of science fiction is the communicator from Star Trek TOS. The unmistakable sound of flipping the communicator open followed by the distinct bird chirp will remind anyone interested in sci-fi of the brilliant device.
It probably inspired the design of the flip phone that was suddenly back in fashion after the introduction of flexible displays. Nothing was closer to this design than the Motorola flip phone or the Sony Ericsson flip phones of the '90s and noughties.
You can easily get a functioning replica online from a few stores.
Check out Upload Series: Are we Inching Toward this Dystopian Reality with Metaverse?

5. Transparent Aluminium - Star Trek

Star Trek IV: The Journey Home was an amazing movie with a lot of the cast from Star Trek TOS. The plot revolves around a bit of time travel and a whole lot of science- fictional or otherwise.
James Doohan as Scotty reprises his role as a close friend of Jim Kirk and a brilliant engineer in this movie and solves the problem of transporting marine creatures back to the enterprise. As payment, Scotty offers a unique form of payment to a manufacturing firm on Earth in the past - the formula for transparent Aluminium.
Star Trek introduced the world to transparent aluminum, a concept that was science fiction at the time. However, today, it is known as aluminum oxynitride (AlON), a material that reflects the very prediction of the film, the prediction of quality content.
As of today, transparent aluminum is available commercially across the world and used in applications ranging from armored glass to construction and drone tech.
You might like 3 Body Problem - Netflix Nails Science Fiction

Wrapping Up

An invention takes a creative mind and every legendary science fiction writer is blessed with one. This is why most of their writing contains futuristic technologies fleshed out in amazing detail, sometimes right down to the production details.
So if you are looking for a high-tech solution to a problem you can always look to the all-time great science fiction writers for inspiration and invent your way out of your problem!
Like this review? Subscribe to for more!
submitted by yadavvenugopal to themoviejunkiedotcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:48 FreudyCat Layout/Design help


I recently moved into a new apartment and while I generally think I'm OK at designing other people's spaces I am getting stuck on my own. Luckily I don't have a lot of stuff yet due to having sold most of it prior so I am open to getting some new pieces.
My biggest issue is the placement of the couch in the main room. I have tried bisecting the room into two spaces but it feels overly crowded
The room is unified in the posted pictures and I have tried to have the couch each way. Longways the room is way too big and you are too far from the TV. In its current formation the couch is kind of floating in the room (to allow access to the sliding door behind it). If I flip the formation then the couch is still floating (to allow access to the bar stools) but there is a great view behind the windows.
The desk can go anywhere, I am looking at ways I can possibly hide it but the large screen makes that difficult. Open to any ideas to make it look bettehide it and find a good place for it. Please excuse some of the mess!
submitted by FreudyCat to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:44 HOMO_FOMO_69 Competitive Analysis

It seems like every day I see at least one comment in this sub about how some people value the software business at $0, or at least say it's "not really worth anything".
A year ago, I would have agreed that the software valuation was a slow grind down.
Today, with the advancements in AI, that couldn't be more wrong.
Here's why:
There are several players in this business, but the "market leader" is Microsoft's Power BI offering.
Power BI works differently than MicroStrategy. In Power BI, dashboards are built individually as "workbooks" similar to Excel workbooks. They used this framework to make usability similar to their Office platform for a better user experience. Each Power BI dashboard might have an "Income" measure, but the calculation for that measure may be different in each dashboard. This means that Dashboard A might define "Income" as "revenue - advertising costs" but Dashboard B might define it as "revenue - cost of goods - taxes". This allows a higher degree of customization from one dashboard to the next, but it could cause an AI to get confused when you ask it to tell you sales for last month. In Power BI, measures are defined at the "workbook" level using DAX functions.
MicroStrategy uses a different architecture known as the schema layer. In MicroStrategy when you create a metric, that metric is a global object. The definition for "Income" is defined once at the environment (actually called "project") level. Then when you create a dashboard, you drag in that pre-defined metric. This makes it very difficult for "non-experts" to create new metrics. It requires a completely separate application to define metrics in MicroStrategy (called "MicroStrategy Workstation"). Joe in marketing cannot just go in and define "Income" like he could do easily in Power BI. A year ago I saw this as a major disadvantage for the MicroStrategy ecosystem because why wouldn't you buy the system that is much easier to use (i.e. Power BI)??
Overall, MicroStrategy does require more technical skills to be able to develop in; whereas Power BI and Tableau were designed to be easier to start developing in at the cost of what's known as "data governance". This is why a lot of organizations have gone with Power BI / Tableau, because they don't require as highly-skilled (expensive) consultants to get set up.
Why does this matter? Because of MicroStrategy's schema-based approach to their software, that makes AI integration much simpler. In fact, Power BI has not really integrated customer-focused AI, which I suspect is for this exact reason. If I ask Copilot what my quarterly sales trend looks like, it can't go to a pre-defined schema layer to determine those values. If I ask the same question to an AI connected to MicroStrategy, it can look at the "Income" metric in the schema layer, break it by quarter, and give me the result. It is a lot more seamless.
Based on this, I feel the software business is poised to solidly beat expectations and enter a stage of strong growth.
I encourage anyone interested to check out Power BI vs. MSTR's latest AI offerings. You can decide on your own which one you think will sell more.
Microsoft has integrated Copilot into Power BI for development, but it doesn't really work at the user facing level.
MicroStrategy has integrated OpenAI at the user-facing level. Meaning end-users (not developers) can ask questions about data and get results. This cannot currently be done in Power BI and because of it's architecture, it's going to be difficult if not impossible for Microsoft to achieve this. (note that they ask you to sign up for the "free trial", but they don't ask for a credit card or anything so you won't be charged when the trial ends).
submitted by HOMO_FOMO_69 to MSTR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:41 xotonic So I can use pirated software for asset creation and no one able to prove that I did?

How can I be caught for that, for example, I used Substance Designer for creating my textures or World Machine for terrain generation in my game? My assets don’t have any fingerprint inside my game as I can control that. Most such tools have open source alternatives and I will say I used them instead. Is that the practice everyone knows and uses or am I missing something here? Not talking about big companies, mainly about indie gamedev
submitted by xotonic to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:39 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 16th 2024: 🤔 Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions🪫 Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell 🍎Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts and more

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 16th 2024:

🤔 Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions 🪫 Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell
🍎Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts
🤖Humane’s AI Pin upgraded with GPT-4o
💸Stability AI seeks buyer amid financial woes
📽️Mozilla Firefox incorporates NVIDIA RTX video to improve video quality on Windows
☁️Musk's AI firm xAI In talks with Oracle for $10 billion cloud deal
❄️Snowflake invests in Metaplane to enhance data quality
😱 Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike leave OpenAI
📱 Android phones enter the AI era
🗣️ How to clone your voice using AI
🤔 Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions

Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell

Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts

Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.

Another noteworthy addition is Music Haptics, designed for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. When enabled, the Taptic Engine in iPhones plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations synchronized with music audio.
Additionally, Apple has introduced Voice Shortcut, which allows users to create custom voice commands for specific actions on their devices. With Voice Shortcut, users can perform tasks hands-free by simply speaking their personalized commands
Why does this matter?
This would encourage the development and advancement of AI technologies in the accessibility domain, ultimately benefiting individuals with disabilities across different platforms and devices.

Humane’s AI Pin upgraded with GPT-4o

Humane has upgraded its popular AI Pin product with the GPT-4o model. This upgrade aims to enhance the AI Pin’s performance. The new version runs faster, provides more accurate answers, and offers richer information.
Why does this matter?
As more sophisticated AI models become accessible, we can expect further improvements in various applications, from digital assistants to natural language understanding and generation.

Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike leave OpenAI

OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever announced that he is leaving the company — following months of speculation of Sutskever’s role from the November 2023 Sam Altman ousting.
After months of tensions, the speculation around Ilya’s future with Sam is finally put to rest. But questions surrounding the safety team departures still remain. Also important to watch is where Sutskever and Leike land next, with two of AI’s brightest minds now officially on the market.

Android phones enter the AI era

Google announced a host of new AI integrations coming to Android phones at its I/O Developer Conference, bringing its powerful Gemini model on-device to enable upgraded smartphone experiences.
While everyone awaits the iPhone AI announcements, Google’s Android AI era is rolling. With Gemini coming directly on-board, the potential is there — but if Apple integrates ChatGPT, it may remain tough sledding against the dominant market leader.

AI TRAINING How to clone your voice using AI

A new model on Replicate called OpenVoice lets you clone any voice for free with just an audio file and the desired text to be turned into speech.
Step-by-step: Access OpenVoice on Replicate here and log in with your GitHub account. Upload the audio file of the voice you want to clone where it says ‘audio’. The longer, the better. Fill the ‘Text’ field with the text you want to convert into a speech. Click on the ‘Run’ button and listen/download the generated audio with the cloned voice!

New AI Job Opportunities on May 16th 2024

What Else Is Happening in AI on May 16th 2024

‍Instagram co-founder joins Anthropic as head of product
Anthropic has appointed Mike Krieger, the co-founder of Instagram and Artifact, as head of product. In this pivotal role, Krieger will steer the company's product engineering, management, and design efforts as Anthropic expands its suite of AI apps and aims to bring Claude to a wider audience. (Link)
IBM plans 800 new jobs in Ireland
IBM plans to hire up to 800 more people in Ireland to help build advanced software underpinned by AI technology. This is the biggest job announcement in the country’s multinational sector this year. The roles will be in research and development, digital sales, and consulting. (Link)
Mozilla Firefox incorporates NVIDIA RTX video to improve video quality on Windows
Mozilla Firefox has incorporated NVIDIA RTX Video, a technology that leverages AI to improve video quality on Windows PCs and workstations. This brings a host of AI-powered enhancements to online videos, including upscaling and HDR, for a more immersive viewing experience. Users can easily access these features by updating GeForce RTX drivers and activating Windows HDR. (Link)
Musk's AI firm xAI In talks with Oracle for $10 billion cloud deal
Elon Musk’s AI startup, xAI, is in talks with Oracle executives about a $10 billion deal to rent cloud servers from Oracle over several years. This move comes as Musk’s company seeks to keep pace with rivals like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google to dominate the AI field. (Link)
Snowflake invests in Metaplane to enhance data quality
Snowflake, a data cloud platform, has invested in Metaplane, a Boston-based startup. Metaplane focuses on helping enterprises identify and rectify data quality issues using an end-to-end AI-powered platform. The investment aims to enhance integration between Metaplane’s data observability offering and the Snowflake data cloud. (Link)

Enjoying these updates? Support me by downloading and subscribing to my AI educational Apps below: Wonderland Bedtime AdventuresRead Aloud For Me - Safe AI for All - WebRead Aloud for me - Safe Ai for All - iOS Read Aloud for me - Safe AI For All - AndroidRead Aloud For me - Safe AI For All - Windows

Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions

  • Microsoft's commitment to being carbon-negative by 2030 is threatened by a 30% increase in its carbon emissions, largely due to its growing focus on AI technologies.
  • The company's expansion of AI operations necessitates building more data centers, which rely on energy-intensive materials like steel, concrete, and microchips, further complicating their carbon reduction goals.
  • Despite its renewable energy claims, Microsoft is acknowledged for using instruments like renewable energy credits (RECs) that might mask actual carbon emissions, indicating a challenging path ahead to meet its sustainability targets.
  • Source

Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell

  • Stability AI, known for its open-source image generator Stable Diffusion, is negotiating a sale due to financial struggles, despite a valuation of $1 billion.
  • The company raised over $100 million in 2022 but struggled to turn its free software into revenue while facing stiff competition from rivals like OpenAI and Midjourney.
  • Founder and CEO Emad Mostaque resigned amid management issues, and the company faces significant expenses and liabilities, projecting $153 million in costs against only $11 million in revenue for 2023.
  • Source

Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts

Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.

Microsoft’s AI ambitions lead to 30% rise in emissions

  • Microsoft's commitment to being carbon-negative by 2030 is threatened by a 30% increase in its carbon emissions, largely due to its growing focus on AI technologies.
  • The company's expansion of AI operations necessitates building more data centers, which rely on energy-intensive materials like steel, concrete, and microchips, further complicating their carbon reduction goals.
  • Despite its renewable energy claims, Microsoft is acknowledged for using instruments like renewable energy credits (RECs) that might mask actual carbon emissions, indicating a challenging path ahead to meet its sustainability targets.
  • Source

Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell

  • Stability AI, known for its open-source image generator Stable Diffusion, is negotiating a sale due to financial struggles, despite a valuation of $1 billion.
  • The company raised over $100 million in 2022 but struggled to turn its free software into revenue while facing stiff competition from rivals like OpenAI and Midjourney.
  • Founder and CEO Emad Mostaque resigned amid management issues, and the company faces significant expenses and liabilities, projecting $153 million in costs against only $11 million in revenue for 2023.
  • Source

Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts

Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.
🪫 Stability AI reportedly runs out of money and in negotiations to sell
Stability AI, known for its open-source image generator Stable Diffusion, is negotiating a sale due to financial struggles, despite a valuation of $1 billion. The company raised over $100 million in 2022 but struggled to turn its free software into revenue while facing stiff competition from rivals like OpenAI and Midjourney. Founder and CEO Emad Mostaque resigned amid management issues, and the company faces significant expenses and liabilities, projecting $153 million in costs against only $11 million in revenue for 2023. Source:
Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts
Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.
Another noteworthy addition is Music Haptics, designed for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. When enabled, the Taptic Engine in iPhones plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations synchronized with music audio.
Additionally, Apple has introduced Voice Shortcut, which allows users to create custom voice commands for specific actions on their devices. With Voice Shortcut, users can perform tasks hands-free by simply speaking their personalized commands
Why does this matter?
This would encourage the development and advancement of AI technologies in the accessibility domain, ultimately benefiting individuals with disabilities across different platforms and devices.
Humane’s AI Pin upgraded with GPT-4o
Humane has upgraded its popular AI Pin product with the GPT-4o model. This upgrade aims to enhance the AI Pin’s performance. The new version runs faster, provides more accurate answers, and offers richer information.
Why does this matter?
As more sophisticated AI models become accessible, we can expect further improvements in various applications, from digital assistants to natural language understanding and generation.
😱 Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike leave OpenAI
Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike leave OpenAI OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever announced that he is leaving the company — following months of speculation of Sutskever’s role from the November 2023 Sam Altman ousting.
Sutskever said he is confident that OpenAI will ‘build AGI that is both safe and beneficial’ under the current leadership.
Also leaving is Sutskever’s superalignment group co-lead Jan Leike, announcing his departure with a cryptic resignation post.
The news follows months of departures largely coming from OpenAI’s superalignment and safety teams, fueling speculation.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman named Jakub Pachocki as the new chief scientist, a key researcher on the creation of GPT-4.
After months of tensions, the speculation around Ilya’s future with Sam is finally put to rest. But questions surrounding the safety team departures still remain. Also important to watch is where Sutskever and Leike land next, with two of AI’s brightest minds now officially on the market.
📱 Android phones enter the AI era
Android phones enter the AI era Google announced a host of new AI integrations coming to Android phones at its I/O Developer Conference, bringing its powerful Gemini model on-device to enable upgraded smartphone experiences.
Google’s Gemini Nano model will be integrated into the Pixel later this year, allowing for enhanced multimodal capabilities.
Gemini features will be easily accessible with a new overlay, which improves and understand context to provide dynamic suggestions.
A Circle to Search feature, allowing users to query anything on screen, gains homework help features via a LearnLM model.
Google is also bringing a new AI security feature soon, providing real-time alerts on calls that appear to be scams.
While everyone awaits the iPhone AI announcements, Google’s Android AI era is rolling. With Gemini coming directly on-board, the potential is there — but if Apple integrates ChatGPT, it may remain tough sledding against the dominant market leader.
AI TRAINING 🗣️ How to clone your voice using AI
How to clone your voice using AI
A new model on Replicate called OpenVoice lets you clone any voice for free with just an audio file and the desired text to be turned into speech.
Access OpenVoice on Replicate here at and log in with your GitHub account.
Upload the audio file of the voice you want to clone where it says ‘audio’. The longer, the better.
Fill the ‘Text’ field with the text you want to convert into a speech.
Click on the ‘Run’ button and listen/download the generated audio with the cloned voice!
New AI Job Opportunities on May 16th 2024
🔬 Lambda - Manufacturing Quality Engineer:
📋 Anthropic - People Operations Coordinator:
🤖 Figure AI - Humanoid Robot Pilot:
💻 Luma AI - Senior Software engineer- Data infrastructure:
What Else Is Happening in AI on May 16th 2024❗
🧑‍Instagram co-founder joins Anthropic as head of product
Anthropic has appointed Mike Krieger, the co-founder of Instagram and Artifact, as head of product. In this pivotal role, Krieger will steer the company's product engineering, management, and design efforts as Anthropic expands its suite of AI apps and aims to bring Claude to a wider audience. (Link:
💼 IBM plans 800 new jobs in Ireland
IBM plans to hire up to 800 more people in Ireland to help build advanced software underpinned by AI technology. This is the biggest job announcement in the country’s multinational sector this year. The roles will be in research and development, digital sales, and consulting. (Link:
📽️Mozilla Firefox incorporates NVIDIA RTX video to improve video quality on Windows
Mozilla Firefox has incorporated NVIDIA RTX Video, a technology that leverages AI to improve video quality on Windows PCs and workstations. This brings a host of AI-powered enhancements to online videos, including upscaling and HDR, for a more immersive viewing experience. Users can easily access these features by updating GeForce RTX drivers and activating Windows HDR. (Link:
☁️Musk's AI firm xAI In talks with Oracle for $10 billion cloud deal
Elon Musk’s AI startup, xAI, is in talks with Oracle executives about a $10 billion deal to rent cloud servers from Oracle over several years. This move comes as Musk’s company seeks to keep pace with rivals like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google to dominate the AI field. (Link;
❄️Snowflake invests in Metaplane to enhance data quality
Snowflake, a data cloud platform, has invested in Metaplane, a Boston-based startup. Metaplane focuses on helping enterprises identify and rectify data quality issues using an end-to-end AI-powered platform. The investment aims to enhance integration between Metaplane’s data observability offering and the Snowflake data cloud. (Link:
Enjoying these updates? Support me by downloading and subscribing to my AI educational Apps below:
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========= Thank you for your support.
submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:38 Conscious_Stick_9847 Exploring the Vision of $STYLE Protocol: Interoperable Assets in Virtual Worlds

In the dynamic world of gaming, the ability to seamlessly move your favourite characters and items across different games has become a sought-after feature. Enter $STYLE Protocol, a groundbreaking initiative aiming to revolutionise how we interact with virtual worlds by making assets interoperable.
Breaking Down Barriers
$STYLE Protocol is designed to dismantle the traditional barriers that keep in-game assets locked within individual games. Imagine being able to take a legendary sword from one game and using it to conquer challenges in another. This level of freedom transforms how players engage with their digital possessions, making the gaming experience more fluid and enjoyable.
The Power of $STYLE Token
Central to this vision is the $STYLE Token, a utility token that serves as the engine driving the entire system. With a total supply of 920 million tokens, $STYLE Tokens empower users to create, transfer, and utilize unique in-game assets across various virtual environments. Holding these tokens not only provides access to this interoperable ecosystem but also offers rewards as assets are used in different games.
Bringing 3D Avatars to Life
One of the standout features of $STYLE Protocol is its ability to animate 3D avatars across multiple games. This means that players can develop a unique character and bring it to life in different virtual worlds. Whether it's customizing the look and feel of your avatar or licensing your designs to other players, $STYLE Protocol opens up endless possibilities for creativity and personal expression.
A Decentralized and Inclusive Ecosystem
$STYLE Protocol is committed to creating a decentralized and rewarding ecosystem. By distributing tokens for community development, product growth, and team collaborations, the protocol ensures a vibrant and inclusive environment where all participants can benefit. This approach fosters a sense of community and shared ownership, encouraging players to contribute and engage actively.
A Paradigm Shift in Gaming
In essence, the $STYLE Protocol is spearheading a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with virtual assets. By making assets interoperable, it breaks down the silos that have long existed in the gaming industry, paving the way for a more connected and immersive gaming experience. Players can now explore new dimensions of creativity, ownership, and interaction within virtual worlds.
The Future of Gaming
As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, $STYLE Protocol stands at the forefront of this transformation. Enabling the seamless transfer of assets across games, not only enhances the player experience but also opens up new avenues for innovation and collaboration in the gaming industry.
In conclusion, $STYLE Protocol is redefining the future of gaming with its vision of interoperable assets. It promises a more interconnected and engaging gaming experience, where players have the freedom to move their favourite items and characters across different virtual worlds. With $STYLE Protocol, the boundaries of gaming are being reimagined, offering players a limitless playground of creativity and adventure.
submitted by Conscious_Stick_9847 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:38 No-Manufacturer-6397 TURBOFAN ENGINE

hello, i am working on a project. as a project aim, i am trying to reduce the exhaust footprint of a turbofan engine. which academic studies can i turn to on this subject. i am also open to designs that are not yet possible within the scope of future technologies. i am open to any ideas, academic studies. my deadline is approaching, i am open to every idea.
submitted by No-Manufacturer-6397 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:36 mellorhugs Help me build my dream business

Hi, I'm Raj, 37 years old, and a father to a handsome boy.
A few years ago, I received a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome, which unfortunately significantly impacted my work as a graphic designer. The pain in my hands hinders my ability to effectively use them, particularly when designing and using the computer. Over time, the condition has worsened, prompting medical advice to rest my hands for recovery. Unable to generate income due to this limitation, I've made the decision to establish and launch my own business, which has been my dream ever since, focusing on selling my designs and printing them on garments.
Regrettably, my savings are limited, and I would gladly appreciate any help or support to kickstart my business. This would cover assistance for acquiring supplies, purchasing a direct to garment printer and a small embroidery machine.
Establishing my own shirt business and achieving financial stability and independence is a significant goal of mine. I aspire to one day open my own store and have the independence I need to support my family.
Thank you
submitted by mellorhugs to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:33 CBrewMoo New Inhibitor Conference Opportunity - US

InhibitCon is a new CHES Foundation program with three distinct tracks designed for the inhibitor community: Caregiver, Adult Men and Tweens/Teens. The adult track will keep CHES’ long standing Momentum inhibitor program intact. This weekend program is packed full of education and support.
Flights and Hotel are covered by CHES Foundation. Learn more on how to sign up:
InhibitCon is open to individuals with an active inhibitor age 12-17 with an adult caregiver and adults ages 18+. It will offer topics critical to the inhibitor community such as treatment products (existing and in development), health insurance changes, mental health support, techniques for continued venous access health, pain management and more.
submitted by CBrewMoo to Hemophilia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:32 No-Manufacturer-6397 TURBOFAN ENGINE

hello, i am working on a project. as a project aim, i am trying to reduce the exhaust footprint of a turbofan engine. which academic studies can i turn to on this subject. i am also open to designs that are not yet possible within the scope of future technologies. i am open to any ideas, academic studies. my deadline is approaching, i am open to every idea.
submitted by No-Manufacturer-6397 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:31 Runic_reader451 St. Paul City Council OKs variances for United Village restaurant building by Allianz Field

From today's Pioneer Press:
The St. Paul City Council voted this week to support two zoning variances requested by the developer behind a proposed restaurant building within United Village, the development area around Allianz Field.
The single-story “Shops in the Green” building will be located west of Simpson Street, between Spruce Tree Avenue and Shields Avenue, north of a secondary restaurant building, both of which would open onto patios along the Great Lawn. Both zoning variances were previously denied by the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals.
The zoning code requires that 30% of the wall area along the ground floor on all new commercial buildings be covered in window or door openings, but Snelling-Midway Redevelopment LLC requested that requirement be lowered to 19.6% on the northern building’s northern façade along Spruce Tree Avenue.
The city code also requires a primary pedestrian entrance on street-facing facades such as Spruce Tree Avenue.
Mike Hahm, a consultant for the developer, noted that the building will already have two other entrances, making a third entrance redundant and difficult to monitor.

‘Unique circumstances’

Council Member Anika Bowie, who represents the neighborhood, said given the restaurant building’s general orientation toward the Great Lawn, as well as its sizable mural on the northern façade, “unique circumstances” made the added windows and entrance impractical.
“This plan is going to include a large scale art display, green space, and space for … small businesses,” Bowie said. “The architectural design within the Super Block is very comprehensive.”
Council President Mitra Jalali noted the extra 10% of door and window coverage would detract from the mural. The Union Park District Council had opposed the variance request pertaining to the window and door opening requirement, but supported the variance eliminating the primary pedestrian entrance on Spruce Tree Avenue.
The Board of Zoning Appeals had previously approved four other variance requests reducing the required door and window openings on the building’s southern and eastern façades, as well as on the southern restaurant building’s eastern façade.
The council voted 6-0 on Wednesday to support the developer’s appeals. Council Member Nelsie Yang is on maternity leave.
submitted by Runic_reader451 to saintpaul [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:30 No-Manufacturer-6397 TURBOFAN EGINE VISIBILITY

hello, i am working on a project. as a project aim, i am trying to reduce the exhaust footprint of a turbofan engine. which academic studies can i turn to on this subject. i am also open to designs that are not yet possible within the scope of future technologies. i am open to any ideas, academic studies. my deadline is approaching, i am open to every idea.
submitted by No-Manufacturer-6397 to MechanicalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:29 No-Manufacturer-6397 Turbofan Engine Visibility

hello, i am working on a project. as a project aim, i am trying to reduce the exhaust footprint of a turbofan engine. which academic studies can i turn to on this subject. i am also open to designs that are not yet possible within the scope of future technologies. i am open to any ideas, academic studies. my deadline is approaching, i am open to every idea.
submitted by No-Manufacturer-6397 to thermodynamics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:28 MasterMirr0r Discussion on the Impact of Rezoning on Infrastructure in Calgary

With the recent citywide rezoning allowing for up to 12 units per lot, I wanted to open a discussion about the potential impact on our city’s infrastructure. While I understand the need for increased housing supply and diversity, I have some concerns that I believe must be addressed.
Bin Collection: With the potential for each lot to house up to 12 units, this could significantly increase the volume of waste generated. How will our current waste management system handle this increase? Will there be more frequent collections or larger bins provided?
Infrastructure Strain: Much of our city’s infrastructure was designed with single-family homes in mind. With the shift towards single detached, side-by-side, and duplex homes that may include a secondary suite, each unit potentially housing a suite, and up to four backyard suites, there’s bound to be increased strain on our infrastructure. This includes water, sewage, electricity, and roads. Has there been any discussion on how to upgrade our infrastructure to accommodate this?
Impact on Older Neighborhoods: Many of our older neighborhoods have charm and character that residents love. With the potential for higher-density housing, how will this impact the aesthetic and feel of these neighborhoods?
I’d love to hear from those in favor of the rezoning. How do you see these issues being addressed? Let’s have a constructive discussion about our city's future.
Thank you!
submitted by MasterMirr0r to NoRulesCalgary [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:23 dianagreybutimtired Highlights of Dylan on Met Gala 2024

Highlights of Dylan on Met Gala 2024
She is going for I am attending the funeral of my late husband but I killed him. That's the look. *checks if that's the actual theme of the Met Gala, and i hope it really was just a joke*
Everybody, quick, hide your magic lamps!
Here we have Lana del Rey. I do hear mosquitos this time of year are bad, but I didn’t know they were this bad. *Cough* I like the look, I think this is uh, another easy A for me. Someone call Emma Stone, we’re handing out two easy A's *Stares at the camera in disappointment because the jokes were too bad to pass as anything else* [it's okay dylan, you're funny the majority of the time]
[spouts nonsense about it looking good. dylan, what the fuck, they did Ayo so wrong. her hair should be an attribute and they basically made the most boring decision with it. respectfully, her makeup sucks, her lips are washed out and that blush is NOT good thing with that dress. oh and yeah the dress is NOT it, especially for this event. no. just no.]
See, he looks like an evil rabbit. This is what Bad Bunny should’ve worn. [the jokes about bad bunny send me man. he should've worn this at his restaurant opening in Mall of San Juan]
Metallic foil. It looks exactly like this. And I’m sure, I’m sure, these are top designers for the Met Gala. This is actually made from like, eighteen children of an underprivileged country. Like their souls were extracted and strung together to make this fabric. *moves on after speaking that truth like nothing*
I think they screwed the designers by being like yeah, we want outfits that look that they could be thrown away. Cuz yeah, that’s the first thing I would do if I saw this. I would throw it away. [same. it looks so cheap but also obscenely loud. it was not doing anything well.]
Oh! It’s like the warped clock from Van Gogh. Right? *searches it up to be proven wrong because of course it’s not Dylan, it’s not the right century or country or movement. show Dali some respect*
Oh God, hate this, hate all of this. They look Siamese. Also I don’t like- I don’t want to see your calves. What is this look?? You look like human cows!
Oh, intesting! I like the sand, and they put sand on the shoulder. *actually looks at the whole picture* Oh this whole thing is supposed to feel like sand! *laughs and looks at the camera* I’m working through it, alright? [yes, we can see that. why did you buy two of those beach shirts again?]
*and then he shows one of the boring outfits that i skipped over and the video ends*
submitted by dianagreybutimtired to YoTroublemakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:22 MatchNo6361 Custom Handpoke Tattoo Designs (การออกแบบรอยสักแบบแฮนด์พ็อกแบบกำหนดเอง)

Custom Handpoke Tattoo Designs (การออกแบบรอยสักแบบแฮนด์พ็อกแบบกำหนดเอง)
Hello everyone in Bangkok and good blessings! I just officially moved here and my team of talented body art professionals are offering a premium service for your next tattoo. For more information on our design process, session details, and convenient service please contact me or add me on line at +66941082817 ✅
Hello Bangkok 🇹🇭 สวัสดีบางกอก 🙏🏼
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submitted by MatchNo6361 to Bangkok [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:22 Jhonjournalist Sundar Pichai Says World Should be Prepared for the Effects of AI Technology

Sundar Pichai Says World Should be Prepared for the Effects of AI Technology
  • Specialists have proactively cautioned that the ascent of “great” Man-made intelligence sweethearts is demolishing a whole age of men.
  • Letters in order Chief Sundar Pichai says given the speed of the advancement with the innovation, everybody is stressed over deepfakes.
  • A report in April from online security firm McAfee shed light on the developing hazard of deepfakes and their significant effect on Indian purchasers.
Google released a pile of significant artificial intelligence changes at a major occasion in San Francisco this week, closely following eye-popping declarations from OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT.
The most recent variant of ChatGPT was given a coy update on Monday, customized to answer praises with a snicker and say: “Gracious stop, you’re making me become flushed brazenly.”

Sundar Pichai About the AI Technology

In the mean time, Google‘s own Gemini artificial intelligence framework is being imbued into a greater amount of the organization’s well known items like hunt and more profound into Android, with quicker, more regular outcomes.
Supervisors flaunted how its man-made intelligence fueled voice instrument could be utilized to see around a room through a cell phone camera, immediately recognizing items and in any event, recalling where you left your glasses.
Addressing press on Wednesday, Pichai said there are positive viewpoints to come from computer based intelligence like utilizing it to assist individuals with discourse impedances.
Pichai was likewise pushed on new opponent OpenAI, after the Microsoft-supported firm uncovered a refreshed Visit GPT4o fit for things like settling schoolwork from a piece of paper and telling an individual’s state of mind by simply checking their face out.
At the point when Lok Sabha races are in progress in India and UK and US decisions are expected later in the year, counterfeit recordings of entertainers and legislators have been circulating around the web on the web.
The Letter set Chief recognized that the world is going during a time where one of every three individuals across the globe is partaking in the electing system, which all alone, merits celebrating.
He likewise brought up that his firm embraces a ton of examination through projects like Jigsaw and that it is whenever that it first has figured out designs on the planet, revealing and imparting data to proper specialists or the public authority.
Pichai’s comments come when a report has guaranteed that almost one of every four Indians (25%) experience political deepfakes, just to acknowledge later that they were phony.
The review dives into the convergence of Man-made consciousness (simulated intelligence) and the multiplication of deepfakes, uncovering disturbing patterns in deception and digital tricks.
Learn More:

submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:19 Reasonable-Fudge-939 41/F relationship issues with 42/M the bit keeps deleting my post because I can’t seem to word an acceptable question. is this an acceptable question?

I know this is unnecessarily long, so if you are not in the mood for reading, I understand. But I would greatly appreciate anyone who would take the time to read my story that is probably TMI and badly in need of some editing. I just really need some advice from people whose heads are less cloudy than mine.
My fiancé M/42 and I F41 have been together for about 4 years and have known each other since high school. I knew he was a recovering addict when I got together with him but I fell head over heels in love and didn’t see the relapse on the horizon that would occur shortly after the honeymoon phase and would eventually almost kill me - I took a swipe of some mystery powder and touched it to my tongue (fentanyl) thinking it would help me get through the most stressful day of my life as i was ceaning out his place while I was packing him up for detox. It was a total freak accident, I’m not an addict, never done anything like that in my life, I’m a single mom and a kindergarten teacher, but I loved him so much I just followed him down the rabbit hole and honestly just became so disoriented in this world I (naively) didn’t understand or even realize I had signed up for.
Anyway, He literally saved my life, and said I also saved his, because that day is what motivated him to get and stay clean for good despite being an active heroin addict for the majority of his life.
He worked an incredibly thorough program, and he gained more friends, money, and more overall success in 2 years than I’ve been able to scrounge up in an entire lifetime. And it’s no surprise honestly. He’s a special person. Absolutely brilliant, charismatic, driven, and has a heart of gold.
Within a year of getting sober, he moved me and my daughters into a gorgeous home adjacent to a golf course, bought luxury vehicles for both me and him, convinced me to quit my teaching job which was making me miserable, so I could finally be fully present for my girls, and then put a giant diamond ring on my left hand. He completely spoils us. We went from having nothing to having every tangible thing, we could possibly need.
The stability that he provided for us meant the world to a single mom who was barely making ends meet, but it was always just the icing on the cake for me. He’s my best friend in the world, he makes me laugh so hard my mouth hurts from smiling, he show me that he loves even the parts of myself that I don’t find lovable. I found my soulmate.
His program started slipping after 2 1/2 years (last November). He was already struggling in his role of being a stepfather, and we were fighting a lot about parenting stuff. He has a lot to learn, has little patience, and seems to have very unrealistic expectations of my kids. He wanted Parenting to be this effortless thing, and he just doesn’t get that it’s not. And that kids are not always going to behave themselves and that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them. so we were fighting a lot.
In December, he started complaining about his chronic back pain again (a real issue for him as he’s had five back surgeries due to a snowboarding accident in his early 20s-this was during that height of Purdue Pharma and what got him hooked on pain meds)
While I know he was legitimately in pain, it was also a red flag because pain was the culprit for his last relapse. He decided to go in for a sixth surgery and was told he would have to wait three months. He found a surgeon who has made a lot of profit off of him over the years (as he’s a PI attorney) and was willing to prescribe him generous amounts of pain pills to get him through the three months of increasing pain that he was experiencing. He spent the next three months in bed, depressed, checking out, taking pills depressed, checking out- as I became increasingly suspicious that his behavior was much too loopy for the amount of medication he was being prescribed. I fell into the role of his nurse, and his babysitter. Making sure he didn’t text to nonsense to clients, making sure he didn’t fall and make his back worse, making sure he wasn’t interacting with the kids, etc
I knew he wasn’t being honest with me, but he just kept gaslighting me. It honestly felt like he was psychologically tormenting me, treating me as though I was totally paranoid, heartless and out of line. I thought after the surgery, it would finally get better. I made a promise that I would be there for him because he had never had anyone there for him for the previous surgeries and it had been a really traumatic experience for him in the past. I really stepped up and tried so hard to his rock. The hospital experience was horrific, mainly because no amount of diloted was relieving him of the pain. None of the nurses understood why he needed so much more than everyone else, but I think his tolerance had just become so high.
After that nightmare was finally over I was really counting on things getting better, as the plan was for him to taper off the meds, live pain-free, and get back to normal. It didn’t go that way. It just kept getting worse and no matter how many times I told him that I didn’t trust him he just had an excuse for an explanation for everything. He is a master manipulator and I listened to him do it to everyone, doctors, the pharmacist he formed a “friendship” with, literally everyone.
On Mother’s Day, it got to a point where he couldn’t hide it anymore. He disappeared for the day, Ended up, passing out at a gas station and was unreachable for hours, when he finally came home, the car was all fucked up and he claims it was someone else’s fault. He went straight to his home office and I didn’t see the rest of the night until I walked in on him smoking crushed up pills. After that, he confessed everything to me, including the time that he told me not to check the mail because he had a special surprise for me to thank me for all the love and support I gave him To help him through his surgery. it turned out he had drug dealers sending him drugs in the mail. Needless to say there was no surprise for me me. Just heartbreak and betrayal. I felt like a fool.
I was still processing this the next day when , after insisting on taking a photo of me in these designer sunglasses he purchased for me out of guilt. I asked him not to take my photo, because I had tears in my eyes, but he insisted. He was napping next to me and I opened his phone to erase the photo. we’ve always had each other’s passwords, and have looked through each others photos before for various reasons, sharing photos, etc. I cannot emphasize enough how much I trust his loyalty to me when it comes to anything other than drugs.
But for some reason, all of my photos, the ones I was taking on my phone were showing up in his feed. I was so confused, so I started scrolling through deleting unflattering double chin pictures of myself when I came across that menu photos organized based on face recognition. One of them was his ex. I remember him telling me he deleted all of his photos of her the first time he told me he loved me.
I opened it and scrolled through hundreds of pictures of their happy life together. The pictures got more and more sexual, one of her with her legs spread, another another of them in the bathtub together, her kissing him while he had his hands around her neck, another screenshot of her naked in the shower with a thumbnail shot of him in the corner obviously jerking off to her on FaceTime. Because I’m a masochist I decided to take it one step further and look in his video folder. I found a There I found a thumbnail shot if a close-up of him penetrating her. I watched it and it just completely crushed whatever was left of me.
I’m normally a really passive person, and I just completely lost my mind. I reacted as though I had caught him cheating on me. I just couldn’t handle the physical evidence of such a close up shot of him being inside another woman. It’s stupid because I know, like me, he has a past. Obviously he’s been with other women. Obviously he’s been attracted to them. But it just scarred my brain, I literally haven’t even been able to eat since because I’ve been so nauseous. I know it’s ridiculous, because this is a reality I was well aware existed, but seeing it with my own eyes… I don’t know what to say. Other than that I need a lobotomy.
He says he erased all of those videos and photos from his phone, and something weird happened where all of his photos from the cloud just re-uploaded when he got a new phone. He’s not a technical person and I actually believe him because, aside from being a complete liar when it comes to drugs, he has always show me the upmost, integrity, love and loyalty. So it’s not that I don’t believe him. I just can’t get that image out of my head.
I can’t tell if this intense emotional reaction I’m having would be the same reaction anyone would have if they saw what I saw, or if I’m combining the feelings of betrayal over the gaslighting and the relapse…, the last four months of feeling completely invisible, hopeless, and like he was choosing drugs over me. My mind is like mush and I seriously can’t differentiate between these two very separate issues. I’m so confused, but that’s what gaslighting does to you. It makes you question your reality.
He said that he’s finally willing to go into detox, so at this point, I have waited this long, it would be silly not to stick around and see if he’s finally going to put an end to this. What’s getting me is that he’s still making excuses, still not seeming very remorseful, and is still so deep in self-pity that he doesn’t seem to have any awareness of how badly I’m hurting because of him. It feels like he just doesn’t care. anyone who’s ever loved an addict knows that feeling well.
I’m in Al-anon, and I’m well aware of all of the things I should be doing, focusing on myself, etc. but I’m just not doing well, and I can’t seem to find my way out of this dark hole. Anyone who has made it this far deserves some sort of a Reddit badge of honor. This was more of an autobiography than a simple question. I just wanna hear some outside input because I don’t trust my own mind right now. I’m willing to take your criticism, just please be kind. I know I’ve made mistakes, I’m just hurting so badly. I can’t seem to sort through this. Thank you so much if you took the time to read all of this and still want to respond. You have no idea how much it means to me.
submitted by Reasonable-Fudge-939 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:18 ellyp74 "Sacred Garden Meditation: Connect with Mary Magdalene's Wisdom and Love

Welcome to our guided meditation experience where you'll embark on a journey to connect with the divine energy of Mary Magdalene. In this serene meditation, you'll visualize yourself walking through a beautiful garden, accompanied by Mary Magdalene herself. Her presence will fill you with love, wisdom, and guidance as you explore the depths of your soul. Whether you seek comfort, insight, or spiritual connection, this meditation is designed to support you on your journey. Join us as we delve into the sacred space of the heart and open ourselves to the profound teachings of Mary Magdalene. #MaryMagdalene #GuidedMeditation #SpiritualJourney #DivineFeminine #WisdomTeachings #SacredSpace #HealingEnergy #LoveAndLight #InnerPeace #MindfulnessMeditation #SpiritualGuidance
submitted by ellyp74 to u/ellyp74 [link] [comments]