Friendship bracelet triangles

Bracelet craft

2012.09.22 03:07 thefreedude Bracelet craft

This is a reddit for your bracelet creations (metal, wood, polymer clay, friendship or some combination freestyle) and techniques, as well as the place to learn the craft.

2024.06.09 23:41 Icy-Risk-6731 Hozier creative fans, help!

Hozier creative fans, help!
Hi everyone,
Please be kind, as 1) it’s my first-ever Reddit post, 2) I’m new to the Hozier fandom (like everyone else, I had known TMTC and Someone New for years but heard Movement by chance 6 months ago and fell instantly in love) and 3) English isn’t my mother tongue.
Just wanted to share the love: the more I learn about Hozier (his songs, him, his performances, his fans…) the more inspired I am by the absolute poet he is.
I’ve just finished my first Hozier-related piece (drawing attached) but I like all types of art and crafts and want to draw/paint/embroider more in relation to his songs. Is anyone else here a creative, and if so, can you share some of your pieces? Is there a place where I could find more inspiration for Hozier fan art?
Lastly, I’ll attend my first Hozier concert in London on 7 July (I am so excited for that), and would love to wear something special for the occasion. I’ve seen people make friendship bracelets. Does anyone have inspiration for foresty/earthy/flowery outfits I could check out? I want to put something together for the occasion (potentially even sew something).
Thank you!
submitted by Icy-Risk-6731 to Hozier [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:49 just_smile181 I'm removing myself from my friends business that i helped her to set up as it is not my own work, i want to work on my freelancing as that is my business.

Me and my friend are planning to make a business It’s a friendship bracelets business where there are affirmations that revolve around her nich as beads on the bracelets She has plans and ideas for future products however she doesn't know anything about starting a business. She asked to help, as i hve an a level in economics as i suggested ideas and spoke with our teachers about start-up strategies to do in our school to run up the business i also wanted her to talk to a friend of mine who is the ceo to a successful small business to get pointers for how to start a business. I have given her these ideas that i have curated and also introduced the idea of the business to the relevant teachers to get permission to set a stall in school. I will be taking product images and helping with constructing the bracelets if there are many sales, and i will be the one advertising, and i will be the camera girl in her livestreams and her videos. But the biggest thing is that the business is not mine it's my friends products and my friends' affirmations and her nich, none of that has anything to do with me. She would message me saying we would do this we we would do that, but I want to work on my portfolio and do this job that i have created for myself as a product design engineer and as a photographer. Though I've told her plenty of times that i am not the one who should decide what to do with her business and her business, it just falls on deaf ears. So I'll be removing myself from this to let her grow and learn i know it would make me look like the bad guy for some time and that my friend might be angry at me but i can't spoon feed her everything. I'm writing this to let out what was in my mind as, for some reason, i feel guilty for doing this to my friend of 9 years.
submitted by just_smile181 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:14 Chocolate_Biscuite AITA for not letting one of my friend sign a congrats card for out teacher?

First I just wanna say sorry for any grammar mistakes English is not my first language.
I (17f) and my bff (19f)I'll call her Lily, tarted to talk about what we should give to our teacher for the end our school year. We're in last grade of secondary school. We started to talk about it 3 weeks before we start the finals and were discussing if we wanted to give her a beautiful bracelet or a watch and everyone thought that both were too expensive. We vere thinking that 200€ vas a reasonable price so everyone had to give 11€ or 12€. When we announced this to the whole class (girls have a separate group chat) everyone started to complain about 12€ (There are 21 students in class including me, 14 boys and 7 girls). But Lily somehow convinced some of the boys to give 10€. By this time it was 2 weeks before the finals and a week before we gave our teacher a present. At the end we ended up collecting 150€. I bought a very nice guess watch for 110€. I also bought a handbook, fancy soap, Chocolate box and a card for everyone to sign into. I Also Gave 30€ from my own pocket for a flower box and decorating the present.
This is where another friend of mine comes into play claiming she gave 10€ when she didn't. I'll call her Mia. (Me and Lily decided to let everyone sign who gave the money) When me or Lily asked her, she gave us a different answer ever time. That she gave the money when one of our other friends gave the money, before we even started to announc to the whole class, same day as I started collecting the money. It was impossible because me and Lily were always togethert at this point for obvious reasons. She started to blackmail and gaslight me saying "how could I do that to her? How would I feel if she did this to me? If I wanna ruin our friendship? Saying I had a B+ in mathematics and to count correctly" (she counted 130€ and forgot to count other 20€ in change) my math stands. She also decided it was a good idea to threaten me saying "don't make do something I don't wanna". She blocked me and I moved on with my day. Afterwards she ignored me completely and I was very happy about that becouse I'm not good with confrontations. And here comes the kicker her bestie also a good friend of mine I'll call her Lizzy started to defend her saying to put ourselves (me and Lily) in her shoes, saying she lost the money and doesn't know where she put it assuming it was us. Lily full on told her she (Mia) don't give us anything and to live me alone becouse it was all target at me. And when all was done and finishedt a day or two before we were gonna give the present Lizzy told me it would look stupid and weird that not everyone is signed and that she Mia and one other girl that didn't give the money would tup together 12,5€ per person, together 37.5€ for a bouquet. Of course I said no. Third friend also asked if she was too late to give the money. They had their chance, we said we were collecting money multiple times a day, only day we didn't announce it was the last day to see who would remember. No one did. At the end the teacher was very happy with the present and the three girls decided that they don't wanna be seen in a bad light so Lizzy's mom made the bouquet anyways, it honestly made me disappointed of their behavior. Needles to say I'm gonna be surrounded by fakes for the next two years. We're going +2 program.
I also forgot to mention that Mia is a type of person that always wants to be right and won't back down. Basically making her impossible to deal with at times. And when another teacher put her in her place for another reasons it was a satisfaction.
Am I the a$$hole? Also Charlotte I love your videos, they always make me laugh.
submitted by Chocolate_Biscuite to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:57 cautionheart22 💚brat - Chicago 📟

💚brat - Chicago 📟
okay UPDATE!! so I did it! I accomplished my initial goal of making 50 glow in the dark brat/charli friendship bracelets to hand out at the Chicago show this week! if you see me come say hi and I’ll give you one! is 50 too many? 😅 not enough? I don’t wanna look like a freak lol but I’m having so much fun making them and hope people like them! 😭 (swipe to see them glowing!)✨💚✨
Ps- can you spot the 1 non charli themed one that I had to include because it fit the color palette? lol
submitted by cautionheart22 to charlixcx [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 rayerchone I have a seriously pointless talent in making extremely intricate friendship bracelets. Here are the 4 most recent.

I have a seriously pointless talent in making extremely intricate friendship bracelets. Here are the 4 most recent. submitted by rayerchone to craftit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 CashLess127 The red triangle bracelet….

submitted by CashLess127 to SupermanAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:59 Melinda205 Boston n2 ga line?

Hi I was wondering how early people are lining up for Boston n2(or just times from other shows so I can get a general time). I’m going by myself and have vip I’m planning on getting there early enough for barricade since I’m short. Would love to make lizzy friends since none of mine listen to her and I made friendship bracelets to pass out!
submitted by Melinda205 to lizzymcalpine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 itssayeed Live Q&A with Oksana, Vlada and Nika (LoD game designer) (09.06)

Question to Oksana: Is there a branch with the horned man, the forest man?
Oksana: I will answer this way. A character who has already appeared will turn to face us, take off his mask, and he will turn out to be the favorite. We have more than one such character.
Question to Vlada: Is it possible to hope that there will be more than one intimate scene with Seth?
Vlada replied that she would try not to write inappropriate intimacies, but she could not say anything about the number.
Question to Oksana: Is it possible to worsen relations with the characters?
Oksana replied that it would not be possible to bring the character directly to the villain, but with different characters there are certain points that can be reached (to worsen to just friends or just acquaintances, for example).
Oksana said that not all skills in Vampyrus Novus will be worth 2 mastery skill stats.
Question to Vlad: Is it possible in other circumstances to remove the mask from the Raven at his will?
Vlada: In the future, without the previous choice, you can remove the mask from the Raven.
Oksana tells us: There are several categories of the undead in history: Ghouls like Peter, who live only by thirst for blood. Their eyes glow blue. They cannot become normal vampires. Classic vampires who are intelligent. They are intelligent and their eyes glow green, like Odette's. If there is someone else, we will be able to see them in history.
Vlada said that Anastasia's roulette outfit was illogical to wear outside, because not all the LIs could see it, and the reaction to it, like the reaction to Esmeralda's outfit, will be in the next update. All LIs will have a reaction to Esther‘s new outfit. Vlada also promised that in the novel itself she would inform when to put it on.
Oksana said that work is still underway on the third book, The Seal of Nostradamus. As soon as it goes to print, Oksana will let you know about it!
Question to Oksana: If you run a double branch with Erich and Nicholas, will there be scenes of jealousy?
Oksana: If we talk about such a triangle, THEN of COURSE, how without it. When you enter the second book, you will see how fiery everything will be there.
Question: Do you read the theories of the players? Have they ever hit the spot? How do you feel about it?
Oksana: I try to read theories. It happens that they are not one hundred percent, but they are very close. This is very pleasant, it means that the players have gone through the story more than once or twice and notice the little things that the author has scattered throughout the story.
Vlada agreed and added that recently in her chat they noticed some little thing about the LoW, that the Triumvirate of the Coven symbolized the Triad worshipped by the knowledgeable.
Oksana came up with the initiative to search for items in VN.
Vlada noted Raven has wrinkles on his face. Raven is drawn exactly as it should be. Scars were not planned.
Oksana noted that there is no canon in visual novels and will no longer buy the questions "what is your ideal ending?".
Question for Oksana: Will there be a rapid development of relations with Nicholas?
Oksana: you will immediately feel the tension of an intimate nature between them, but Nicholas became interested in Catalina for completely different reasons, and we will find out about it soon. In general, their branch will be hot.
Vlada noted that as part of LoW, there will be more excerpts from the LIs' faces.
Oksana once again notes that Caleb and Irving have completely different types. Oksana is categorically against putting equality between these characters.
Question to Vlada: What color is the magic of Belogor?
Vlada: Belogor's magic is milky white, and it glows.
Oksana: At the moment, it is impossible to pair the LIs with other characters.
Vlada: A happy ending in LoW is possible on any branch. (Addition to this answer. If you are undecided in your branch for a long time, then perhaps you will not have a happy ending, because it is already going to the third book.)
Nika: Pricing for scenes depends on how many chapters were written in the update and how many were allocated in total for the entire update.
Oksana said that she likes the current pace of writing one story more than writing two in parallel.
Vlada noted that she already has references for her third novel. Vlada also wouldn’t like to continue writing two stories at the same time.
A new LI will appear in VN in the next update. Maybe someone else will appear in the second book (but that's not for sure).
Question for Vlada: how do you prescribe the thoughts of an evil Ife?
Vlada: Since there are a lot of thoughts and ideas in the novel, I have to prescribe both options. It's morally uncomfortable for me to write it, and if I were a player, I wouldn't play for it.
Question: Is it possible to hope for a happy ending with Atsu if he remains human?
Vlada: God or man, it does not affect the character of the Atsu. This only affects the receipt of an important artifact, which affects the plot. And whether Atsu remains a god or not may depend on you.
Oksana: The choice of the personality of the main character does not affect the plot.
Question: A good ending with Odion. Is it possible?
Vlada: let's start with the fact that there is a finale with him. There will be no good ending for evil Ife, along the branch with Odion. Well, we have connoisseurs in the fandom.
Vlada: There will be no voiceover of the favorites (regarding individual phrases), because this may affect the representation of the players. Laughter and moaning are possible.
Vlada said that for Dario‘s laughter, a whole casting of men was held in the cathedral. He is voiced by a foreign actor.
Nika, a game designer, works only with Vlada and Oksana. There are three game designers in the League in total.
Oksana likes to read negative endings more, but not where everyone died. (In short, the punishment finale of the CAD)
Oksana loves to prescribe everything equally. She doesn’t like writing endings that are very unpopular.
Vlada likes to write semi-glass more. And to read finals with some victims.
Oksana: Erich is not a particularly friendly person. He is secretive, rather irritable, and vampirism has also aggravated this trait.
Vlada says in the LoW update , several LIs can dress up.
Oksana says there will be a slow burn branch with Erich.
Vlada: The familiar may become visible to everyone, perhaps sooner than you think.
Oksana: Odette and Catalina: there is some obstacle (quite weighty) that can interfere with their friendship.
Vlada: There will be intimate scenes with all the LIs in LoW. The naked sprites of the LIs in LoW have not been drawn yet.
Oksana won't spoiler anything about the Forest Man.
submitted by itssayeed to leagueofdreamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:08 katiessalt Am I in the wrong for taking FS to a concert?

Will probably delete this soon because I’m so paranoid about people I know personally finding this.
Hi all, I have one FS who is 8 and bio girls who are 7 and 5. All three kids are Taylor obsessed (courtesy of my eldest girl). My husband got us Taylor tickets at Christmas time with the intention of me, him and our two girls going (this was pre-placement). However, since having our FS and seeing how Taylor obsessed he is (again, all due to my eldest daughter) my husband has decided to step aside and let our FS go, which he is over the moon about.
Unfortunately issue arose when FS excitedly told his mom about the concert. She was very upset and expressed to social worker that she would never have been able to afford the tickets the way our family could. I felt crushed, it was never my intention to make her feel inferior as she is a great mother, and we have done everything in our power to 100% ensure reunification. I explained to her that the ticket wasn’t originally meant for her son, that my husband didn’t want him to feel left out when the girls would go and he’d have to hear all about it. I assured her that I didn’t mean to step on her toes or anything and that he has liked her music lately and that it would be a nice outing for him (plus my husband isn’t a huge Swiftie). She didn’t seem to be pleased and expressed that she doesn’t want him to go.
Foster son will be CRUSHED if I tell him he can’t go (I would never say his mother said no). He has made friendship bracelets, picked out an outfit and has been counting down on his calendar. He has told all his friends in school and has learned off the soundtrack. I’m not sure if I could break his heart like that considering how much his life has been upended lately. Therapist said to me last week that all he has talked about in recent sessions has been the concert, and that it’s a huge motivation for him in school to ‘be good.’ But I can also see his mother’s POV. What do I do? I’m genuinely lost. My husband is insisting he still goes and we just don’t tell FS about his mom’s wishes but I want to respect her. I’m lost. I can completely see where she’s coming from.
Just so everyone knows: I’ve tried and failed to get a fifth ticket so his mom can join. Tickets are like gold dust and we’re sitting, quite impossible.
submitted by katiessalt to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:05 Beautiful-Garlic-768 That time swifties bragged about giving friendship bracelets to “swiftie cops”

That time swifties bragged about giving friendship bracelets to “swiftie cops”
They are truly never beating the White America allegations. 👮‍♀️ 🇺🇸
“This is so sweet, the power of Taylor Swift, always brings out kindness and happiness.”
Well yeah, as long as you belong to a certain demographic
submitted by Beautiful-Garlic-768 to ShitSwiftiesSay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 saturn782 Selling on Depop to Help with School Fees
I’m going to be posting some new items today!
In addition to my other listed items, I just opened up my custom friendship bracelet commissions on my Depop and will be listing some of my more complicated bracelets separately too.
Would really appreciate any traction my Depop shop can get. All funds go to helping me pay for Army ROTC uniforms, summer school expenses, and housing/food costs, and purchases are greatly appreciated.
submitted by saturn782 to selfpromotion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:49 riotprof Gaylor friendship bracelets?

Gaylor friendship bracelets?
Have you made Gaylor friendship bracelets? We have made some in preparation for a concert next week. Here are the first ones…long but necessary!
Dress and Maroon are up next.
I’d love to see or hear about yours if you’ve made them!
submitted by riotprof to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:39 HousingFederal6038 I bought friendship bracelet for my riolu. What now?

How do I evolve into lucario
submitted by HousingFederal6038 to poketwo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:23 No-Butterscotch-4767 I’m so confused. Welp!

I’m so confused. Welp!
Am I right …
Website will be ready and only accessible by tomorrow, June 10?
By then, we can register to be a member on that website?
‼️ FAVOUR PLEASE ‼️ I will queu and whether I will be able to get the merch I would still want to get more. If any of you can proceed (and if there’s extra slot)
Please get me (from your slot)
2 more shirts 2 wands 1 patches 1 sticker 1 friendship bracelet 1 photo card holder
And you can choose whether you want a shirt or a wand, my treat! 🙏🏻 Give me your deets.
submitted by No-Butterscotch-4767 to bini_ph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:57 jblee44 Question- Does every superhero(either male or female) need romantic drama/romantic subplots?

Discussion- I know superhero comics are a soap opera, but do every superhero need to have a love interest, do every title to have romantic subplots? Does will they/won't they romantic tensions & love triangles always have to exist?
Friendships & family relationships can be just as dramatic as romantic relationships. Why not more emphasis on those kind of bonds, instead of always focusing on romance
submitted by jblee44 to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:41 NoLimiteHater Brazilian first time watching Survivor Marquesas

Ok so no one responded to my Africa post lol but this is the only place that I have to talk about Survivor. My college is on strike so I've finished Marquesas much earlier than I though. Some people from Australia were interesting (found out a lot of them suck in real life), Africa was really good and Borneo felt the most real, almost in a found footage kind of way, but Marquesas was the one I had the most fun watching. Such a great season and in a beautiful place, geography has always been an interest of mine and I love to know more about the Pacific Islands in particular, it has such an unique scenary and culture
This cast was the most reality tv-ish, it was almost like Total Drama they seemed like caricatures of the people from other seasons, John was cartoonish villainous, Gabe talked like a 60s hippie, Neleh and Paschal were like Rodger and Elisabeth but Neleh is fun, Hunter wishing nothing but the worst to everyone, Peter and Zoe are the two strangest people to be on this show, Sean and Rob with personalities made for tv, also Rob has such a strong accent sometimes I couldn't understand what he was saying and Gina being constantly frustrated with everything. This isn't a complain, everyone on this season was memorable (except Patricia who I forgot was there), but it makes me a little apprehensive for the future seasons. On Big Brother Brazil after people saw how much having a good image could bring to them opportunities and money the new participants would start emulating popular players from other years and exagerate so much to the point that they didn't even act like a person anymore (what's worst is that people buy that they are like that in real life), and I hope that this will not happen to Survivor, it is a one two step for a show to prefer casting people who learned what appeals to the general public and put on a fake personality rather than authentic people, I think it will not because they don't depend on what the audience thinks to get further in the game. I really liked that they had a way different point of view of the morality of the game, it really surprised me, though for sure that they would maintain this mentality for a few more seasons. It had 4 key moments of "selfishly thinking" and winning 1 million dollars is more important than being loyal to this person I met 3 weeks ago: Rob and Sean voting out Hunter despite him being the "leader", Rotu voting out Gabe, even though he wasn't there to play the game, Neleh and Paschal not being content with 5th or 6th and going against their alliance and Vecepia making the deal with Neleh seconds after Kathy lost. I wanted so much for Kim Johnson last season or Amber on Australia to do something like that, go against the people you pledged loyalty when you know if you stick to them you will lose, and it frustrated me they didn't and this one had 4. The tribes too had a way more fun dynamic, I learned that I really don't care if a person is lazy or works hard on camp, as long as they are entertaining, last season I sympathized a lot more with the older Samburu members and now on Maraamu Sean, Rob, Peter, Sarah and Vecepia were way more fun. It still baffles me that they managed to lose every challenge, despite living on the beach with more food, having fire since the beggining and the tribe being physically stronger.
I think Vecepia is the best winner so far, she was so sneaky that she managed to be apart of three different tribes where she could survive at least a couple of eliminations, on Maraamu she wouldn't be eliminated before Gina, on Rotu before Rob and Sean and on Soliantu before Sean, Rob and Kathy, and after Neleh and Paschal betrayed Rotu she again was in no real danger until the top 4, Ethan had a similar path, I think he didn't even receive a vote to be eliminated, but it was easier for him, since he was in the majority the whole game, after the swap V was always out numbered and still found a way, also the betrayal on Kathy was so cold blooded I didn't even think she could pull something like that, it was the best decision, Kathy for sure would win, but doing it immediatly after Kathy lost she hadn't even sit yet, the best moment. One think that I though it was odd is the way they edited her, Richard was the only "main character" who won, but still Tina and Ethan appeared a lot and was always shown what they were thinking, nothing Vecepia was doing was shown, rather it was told by Sean or Rob in a confessional, I think she only started showing up after John was eliminated. This connects to another thing that it was so weird to me that everyone who was on screen a lot got eliminated early: Hunter, Sarah, Gina, Rob, John. After John is gone only Kathy and Sean had a lot of screen time and I though for sure it would happen just like Australia after Jerri is gone it becomes boring, but after they made like a "story for the episode" with Zoey trying so hard to pretend that she was never part of the alliance in the weirdest way with her friendship bracelets and telling Tammy she doesn't like her eyes, Neleh offering chewed gum to 6 starving adults and Kathy's decision of either siding with Neleh and Paschal or V and Sean, also I didn't understand the whole argument of Sean and Vecepia having an alliance, I got that they didn't but it was not like they would vote for each other, they just didn't say that but if it was up for Sean to vote against V or Kathy he would eliminate Kathy and V would do the same.
I only have two complans of this amazing season. The challenges still are boring, were they out of budget this time? On the other seasons the challenges were boring too but they always had some kind of structure for them, this one had flying kite, walking on stilts and making popcorn as challenges, which made me like a little for the absurdity, the slingshot, balance on the sea and coconut ones were fun. The other one is the new tiebreaker was so unfair to Paschal, not that I wanted him to win but it is unfair for him to be eliminated on a tribal counsil he didn't even receive a vote
submitted by NoLimiteHater to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:56 sureMOEDesign Warlock armor has become way too feminine looking in the last year or so

Armor covered in friendship bracelets, braided ropes, dress-like chest pieces, flowy underwater reef stuff, sparkles and stars and feathers, boots with high heels, so many weird choices in armor designs. It doesn't feel like the Warlocks are suppose to be the wise sages of the game, it's like they have become the glam-it-up class trying to be runway fabulous. Even the newest raid helmet with the weird ass bee needle on the chin and the giant bar off the arm just looks weird as hell.
Really missing the styles of the older armor sets that were more mechanical, space-like, trench coats, samurai like, old kinght sets...really wishing more of that would come back. Seems maybe only silver buys you that kind of stuff these days.
submitted by sureMOEDesign to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:22 Dreamfary My review of Lego Ninjago so far! (rewatching)

  1. Season 1: The rise of the Serpentine 8/10, pretty funny and og season, introduction to the 4 teenage ninjas (+Nya and Wu) we've come to know and love, Lloyd as a little annoying chaos starter and that SCARY AF purple snake I still see in my nightmares. Already forgot most of it, well written.
  2. Season 2: Legend of the Green Ninja. 7/10, boring in the beginning, ICONIC canon Lloyd moment, Garmadon is pretty wack. (Ngl i dont like Misako, she's fine but idk, her going back and forth with Garmadon and Wu is icky).So many paradoxes, they lose all the time but still win at the end cause power of friendship.
  3. Season 3 : Rebooted. 7.5/10 , great start, keeping things interesting and to the point, love daddy garmadon character development, Nya brings in the dramamamama, Zane and robot girly love and continuation from LOTGN (the villain is whatever). Wtf is goin with this love triangle...its kind of unnecessary ngl. So far so good the plot is there but its not sparkly yknow. Kinda messy and all over the place. Heart shattering Zane sacrifice😭. The ending gave me chills...literal chills.
  4. Season 4 : Tournament of Elements. 9/10 AMAZING start, intriguing aswell. I didnt feel bored like once and its hilarious, LOVE Skylar, the characters development and story pulling through, interesting new characters, not any unnecessary arcs. Roller Blade scene was life changing, brain chemistry altering and jaw dropping. Poop ninja is is pissing me off ngl. Skylar was foul for that betrayal. Villain is actually not that wack. Love Zane and this new arc and all but what about Jay, Cole and Nya...even Wu?! We need more exploration on their characters and hopefully growth.Alot of daddy issues this season. Daddy Garmadon is gone..?! Satisfying ending but NOO why is he dead! Isnt this supposed to be a kids show💀I'm devastated😭He aint coming back either. VERY FUN SEASON.
  5. Season 5 : Possession. 9/10. Calm start and then a whole lot of WHAT. The intro is chefs kiss😘 . A hint of creepiness to everything luv dat. Nya's arc is amazing, the other stingy dude is interesting and i like their dynamic. The villain is so cool. Cole turning into a ghost is so sad. Cole arc is slaying, i like that they had accomplishments its not just failing, very interesting. I like that Lloyd is not the center of the season for once, it showcases the Ninjas and their abilities and weakness and brother hood. Intro to 16 realms. Its so sweet with Lloyd helping and them as a team. "You cant fail if you dont care" - Ronan. I really liked Nya's and Ronan's friendship, its sad. Why is Moro kinda...Isnt this a kids show? Why am i seeing Moro's dead body! Ronan redemption is my roman empire. Jay is so done this season. Satisfying ending, Moro's sacrifice was so cool, lloyd is wise and united team, garmadaddy drowned and nice that is Cole still a ghost. The arcs did not dissapoint, plot and storyline progression is 😘.
  6. Season 6 : Skybound. _/10. Cool start, very nice intro. My love for Ronan only grows though he has very questionable morals. Misako is dumb as shit. You know you're fucked when u gotta rely on Darreth. Pajama People = Ninja. Zixel? is couple goals. The Djins crew is lowkey adorable. OMG finally a villain's backstory that i can actually reason with. The ninjas are in troubleeeee. Aint no way Lloyd got out with a FORK. Lloyd is a good leader. Not Soto foreshadowing Delara = Nya. NOT HER FRIEND ZONING JAY BAHAHA. Jay is a cute dork, i like how we get more info on him, he's embarrassed of his background and lack of wealth, that's deep. HE'S ADOPTED, how did i forget this?! Bro...that guy just destroyed THE realm crystal...not important anymore? Ok then. Kai is gone, if hot why dumb? Jay and Cole friendship is so wholesome. I genuinely thought Zayne was the smart one, he was doing so well😭why would he..whatever at this point. Cole just straight up RATTED Jay out. Jay was really out here tryna gaslight, gatekeep AND guilt trip them, smh. The fight scene while Jay was getting the venom was entertaining, I burst out laughing when Nya ran through Cole. The Djiin has no chill, he's COOKING the heck out of Jay rn. I actully love Jay's arc this season.
submitted by Dreamfary to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:23 Arkhamguy123 A Complete and Honest Analysis of Modern Dating

Hey all! After seeing a lot of disgruntled posts about the current state of dating both on here, and on the hinge subreddit, as well as hearing from what seems like every single person in my own personal life bemoan and lament about how awful it is, I decided to lay out my thoughts as cold and clinically as possible to maybe help people out there struggling or at least help them understand and come at peace with why they're struggling!
Dating Apps - First and foremost these are generally speaking, awful. They are owned by basically the who's who of owning class dystopian insidious companies and investment groups. Even though hinge and tinder (match group) don't own bumble they're ALL majority owned by blackrock and other faceless money hungry investment groups. They're designed to milk money from lonely, horny single guys. Disregard what their PR person says to the contrary. I'm sure you're probably all aware of that lawsuit going on now? Yeah that's not just some random incidental thing. Just like with people you date, look at actions not words. They claim "we limit likes cause we believe in mindful liking/swiping" .... "unless you give us money in which case fuck mindful liking" I mean how obvious can you get
Now for you ladies out there, one thing I need to emphasize that has become abundantly clear from women I've talked to and dated. Friends, strangers, acquaintances. Most of you truly have no idea the disparity in likes between yourselves, and your average man. It's staggering. On apps like bumble and tinder, we're literally talking about a 1:1000 ratio. On hinge? Most likely a 1:10 ratio. Why is this?
Basic Biology - With exceptions, you look at most of the animal kingdom, then most mammals, then the great apes, (which we are) and what becomes evident in all of these categories is, broadly speaking, the males try their asses off to cater to and impress the female, sometimes even literally fighting to the death, and the female gets to have her pick after. In ape tribes, our closest ancestors, only the alpha male gets his pick of women. (take that as you will).
In other words, women are choosers, men are chasers. Its just the way it is. If chimps, gorillas, peacocks, rams, rhinos, dolphins, lions, had dating apps. It would be the exact same story with the like disparity between the two sexes. This is why I feel like I see men out there with this vehement ire about how unfair dating is but I disagree. It's neither unfair or fair. Its no more unfair then the dinosaurs getting wiped out by a random meteor. It's just forces beyond anyones control. Now on to the meat and potatoes of dating, this one I've seen a lot of.
Why am I getting ghosted? - Men, if this is in the texting phase, do you remember how we talked about all those literal hundreds of likes and dozens of matches women are inundated with daily? Yeaaaah did you think you were the only one trying to see her Tuesday at 9pm? Harder pill to swallow, did you think you were the most successful, attractive guy trying to see her? Hate to burst bubbles here but you're playing dating roulette. It's the lottery gentleman. Throw out all the cringe pick up artist nonsense and advice from your friends about "don't say this, do this, do that instead, tweak this". All of these nitpicks probably aren't bereft of any and all veracity but largely it really is a random numbers game. There is a huge component of luck to it. This is hard to grasp for some as its a helpless, depressing feeling.
If this is after a date, a few things could have occurred. Let's get the blunt one out of the way, here's some tough love, she didn't find you that physically attractive. If you rewind the date but swap yourself in for Robert Pattinson, and keep everything the same, do you think you would've been ghosted right after or do you think maaaaybe you could've at least made it to date #2? It's not an uplifting truth but its a truth none the less. If you've heard "I got more friendship vibes" or "didn't get a romantic vibe" but your date was ostensibly fun and normal and filled with laughter and swapping stories, and you guys shared similar interest and values? Have a seat I have some bad news for you.
Now for the more complicated side of the aisle, yes, a lot of the times this is actually genuine! It's not all looks, I just watched a rather cringey YouTube video of a handsome white guy in DFW with a stable 9-5 approaching women and his game and demeanor was so stiff and awkward about 9/12 rejected him quickly and coldly. You have to have something, even minor thats even mildly interesting. Take self inventory and really think back to what you're doing on these meet ups. Talking about your ex? Making weird comments? Flirting in a creepy way? Be honest in your introspection and you may be surprised to find what you can improve. Sometimes things, especially in attraction, are inexplicable. You either have that edge or spark with someone, or you don't.
But there's good news! - Your jokes and stories that one woman heard and looked at you like a goddamn eastern island head? Well guess what? Another could hear those exact same jokes and stories and be in tears laughing. Women, that guy who used you for sex and ghosts your texts? Theres another guy that could offer even more passionate sex and sent you a thoughtful paragraph after asking how your day is going. There are square pegs and square holes, triangle pegs and triangle holes, and round pegs and round holes. Some people are just ill suited for others and some are matches made in heaven, without the other party necessarily having to transmogrify something about themselves. I see talk all over about quitting dating, but really with anything challenging the only way through is forward. You'll never, and I mean never find your person if you cross your arms and pout and opt out completely because you're upset. Thats what children do. And it's okay to be upset, but if companionship is high in your valuations, you have to keep trying.
You don't want to be on your death bed all alone and think back to when you just gave up entirely when you could've been going to singles mixers, trying more dates, living your life, connecting with other people, having sex. These are things that make life, as shitty as it can be, bearable and even worthwhile for a lot of people. I'd implore anyone reading this who is at their wits fucking end from all the ghosting, and lack of connection, and terrible dates, to push onwards. There IS someone out there for you, you just have to find them.
submitted by Arkhamguy123 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:17 wyrmiewyrm Making Bracelets for Concerts

I'm going to be attending the concert on 6/13, and it'll be my first Crane Wives concert. I'm planning on making some beaded bracelets to take with me to share or potentially trade with others attending. I was wondering if anyone who has been to previous shows has done/seen others do anything similar, or is it just not really a part of their fan culture? I know friendship bracelets have become a pretty common thing at concerts in general here recently, but wasn't sure what the vibe overall is at their shows. Will I be a total weirdo for just offering a bunch of bracelets to people in the crowd? 😅
submitted by wyrmiewyrm to TheCraneWives [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:59 Yaya_Branzino619 Dunk Dive: The Rayssa’s are a perfect shoe and rival the Strangeloves for SB of the decade

Dunk Dive: The Rayssa’s are a perfect shoe and rival the Strangeloves for SB of the decade
The header says it all but here’s my thoughts on why I love these shoes so much:
  • Conceptually they are so well done. A bright, charismatic 16 year old Brazilian female skating extraordinaire brings youthful energy to a classic silhouette. The smiley face motif throughout is simple yet packs such a nice punch from the embossed leather on the side panel, to the friendship bracelet lace locks, and even the back tag of the tongue where there’s normally the Nike trademark paragraph.
  • The concept of the colors is awesome and well done too. The left swoosh on both shoes is magenta and the right is blue, instead of it being an inside/outside consistency. This adds another unique element that also extends to the insoles. And with magenta and blue laces in addition to the white you could extend this concept even further.
  • The “R” side patch. It makes the shoe uniquely Rayssa with a nice pop of color over grey. Think back to all the grail SBs of the 2000s and they almost all have a patch on the side. This gives it a classic SB feel.
  • Quality: the leather is nice and smooth and after decent wear still hasn’t really creased on me. They mix it up with the textured suede overlay and nylon tongue for a nice mix of materials.
Like I said, the only shoe in this one’s league is the Strangeloves for many of the reasons laid out here. They’re both just unique classics that you see and are like “damn I need those.”
I will definitely own multiple pairs of Rayssa’s in my lifetime. Chime in dunk heads.
submitted by Yaya_Branzino619 to DunksNotDead [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:46 Essence_of_Tiff Who went to the New York City concert?? If you saw me & gave me a friendship bracelet or sticker & I didnt get to give you a decorative ticket comment & dm me!!! Ill send you a digital version 🧸 Check out my Instagram & Tiktok @Essence_of_Tiff for more pictures & videos🩵💜

Who went to the New York City concert?? If you saw me & gave me a friendship bracelet or sticker & I didnt get to give you a decorative ticket comment & dm me!!! Ill send you a digital version 🧸 Check out my Instagram & Tiktok @Essence_of_Tiff for more pictures & videos🩵💜 submitted by Essence_of_Tiff to MelanieMartinez [link] [comments]