Edward elric mouse pointer

Any way to hide mouse pointer?

2024.06.10 00:32 El_Luiso Any way to hide mouse pointer?

Hi! Is there a way to permanently hide the mouse pointer when playing touch screen games? I'm streaming to my Steam Deck and having the mouse cursor appear is not only unnecessary, but also pretty distracting. Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by El_Luiso to cemu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:15 Illidariislove A 5 year old cat with zero play energy, zero interest in anything except the window, yet no health issues neither except getting fatter due to being super lazy, any suggestions?

5 year old cat, female, no health issues at all after most recent vet check up like 2 weeks ago. Just a very veeeryyy lazy cat and I always jokingly say, zero survival instincts or prey drive. Oh and there hasnt been any recent environmental or drastic changes in the house hold neither.
I've tried a myriad of toys:
i dont think shes depressed or sad neither, because her appetite is fine, shes not meowing or moping around. she walks up to me and my gf a lot during the day with her tail up and looking happy. she brushes and cuddles when she wants to and spends most of her time by the window looking at birds and hissing at neighbor cats when they walk pass the yard.
i just cant get her to do anything else to exercise or lose weight or be remotely interested in moving around. Ive even tried throwing her hard food 1 pebble at a time to make her go run after it. but again, it only works for a few pieces then she just sits there staring at me like "okay either feed me or dont."
anyone got any ideas? lol
submitted by Illidariislove to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:51 TheFrostWolf7 I always wanted to see Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa.

I always wanted to see Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa. submitted by TheFrostWolf7 to FullmetalAlchemist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 kvenaik696969 The State Of Logitech

Today I had an absolute EXCELLENT time with my Logitech device. I want to share my absolutely positive experience with y'all!
I have an MX Anywhere mouse - the OG MX Anywhere. It is an excellent pointing device. Toggling between detent and undetent scrolling is achieved with a satisfying click. This behaviour ensures it doesn't face the same issues that the MX Master 3 faces, where the scroll wheel slips in detent mode (when the auto-switching to smooth scrolling is turned off), ensuring consistent feel and intentional functionality. The battery life is fantastic, the accuracy is decent for a non-gaming mouse user, and the latency/range is solid enough. The product has lasted me a while, and honestly looks brand new. It has got an excellent heft to it, the Teflon hasn't worn out, and feels like it was made by nature - almost like a pebble smoothed over by ozmandyian nature.
However, these are only true when I can ACTUALLY FUCKING USE THE GODDAMN DEVICE.
All I want to do is pair the device with my unifying receiver - that's all. I want to use it as a pointing device on a 4-5-year-old MacBook and use the 2 buttons and a scroll wheel. I don't want to use the two side buttons because my expectations are low. Everything you read down below is done WITHOUT A GODDAMN POINTING DEVICE.
I remember there was a Unifying Software that kinda allowed me to link mice to receivers. It had its issues, and it didn't have sexy, useless, investor-friendly AI features, but it got the job done after some fiddling. It then stayed out of the way - at least that is how I remember it. I also remember Logi Options being released once, and I downloaded it to try it out but it always had an issue with my mouse - no big deal, I can still point and click. However, there is now a "Logi Options+". Oh wow, has Logitech's work culture become Google-like where an imbecile PM needs to build useless shit to advance their career? Is this another "publish or perish" situation? No worries, it's alright. The benefit of the doubt here; sometimes hardware and software stacks change - I understand - I am a computer engineer currently "enjoying" a USB stack change. No worries, let me just research what to get for my laptop. Maybe the software page will help.
35 different, discrete software "solutions"... without descriptions so you gotta click through them without a pointing device to find what you want? Okay...
Let me just go to the Logitech website and search for "MX Anywhere" - I bet that will help. Oh, only the newest one shows up - my bad, that does seem fair. I presumably don't want to see the HTC One M8 when I search for phones on HTC's website today. Fair enough. Let me search the support website for "MX Anywhere" - 6 PAGES AND 55 FUCKIN PRODUCTS BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE "MX" IN THEIR NAME? Who comes up with this shit?
Maybe I am the idiot - I should refine it further by going through their website and endlessly clicking "tab" since my mouse DONT FUCKIN WORK RIGHT NOW. Okay, "Support" -> "Mice and Pointers". Holy Fuck do I gotta go through all these by clicking this taunting purple "See More" at the bottom of the page?
Okay fine - this is a Reddit-like situation. There are a fair bit of products and it's difficult to organize them. Sure, questions related to search functionality design are discussed in collegiate classes and a company as ubiquitous as Logitech should have it fixed, but it's okay, no worries. After this rigmarole, the least I can do is search Google, right?
NO, I CANNOT. Put "MX Anywhere" in? Nothing but new shit. Put the Model Number in? Nothing except for Amazon links to buy this 2010 product. Put Model Number + MX Anywhere? A FUCKIN INSTRUCTIONAL PDF without shit on it.
Alright, fine trial and error it is then! Start with "Logi Options+" - Newer is better, right? That's why they made it! Wrong, douchebag. Download it, install it, allow all permissions, avoid the data nightmares, see the new sexy AI options, try to connect the mouse, and receive a "Device Not Supported" error message. Alright, no worries - I did say trial and error after all.
Let us try "Logi Options" - Download, install, allow all permissions, avoid signing in and sharing my device data..... Oh, I need to uninstall Options+ first. Okay, uninstall, reinstall, and reallow all permissions. Boom - can't do anything with this PoS. Wrong again, dicknose!
I get I am frustrated - maybe Reddit can help... Wait there's a web-based link utility? This is awesome! Why isn't this advertised more readily? Let me click on, power cycle my device, and FAIL TO CONNECT because my device times out EXACTLY ON POWER CYCLING. Their bug literally times out exactly when it recognizes the device? This is like a Larry David bit - I can almost hear the tuba playing. Oh, this bug has been reported as not being resolved on a Reddit post that is 9 months old? Yeah, bro, it works on my system why are you annoying me?
Let me try SetPoint maybe - oh the download page doesn't fuckin work. Great! Find it on my backups and tried installing it, and still doesn't work. Cool bro, have you tried not being a sucker that wants functionality for what they paid for?
Ok fiiiiiiiine - I will try LCC. The page says to use Options+. WTF? It says I should visit the compatibility page. MX Anywhere is compatible with Logi Options AND Logi Options+? I don't think so buddy - the product itself said so during runtime. Also, which one should I use, idiots?
Is it too much to ask for a User Experience (not good or bad, just "a")? Is it too much to ask your product to work? Logitech explicitly tells me to pound sand.
P.S.: Your chatbot's "pinging" was the straw that broke the camel's back. You obviously did not learn from Samsung's failure with TouchWiz's "bloop" water droplet touch sounds. Dropping 5-10 links when I say "NO" is SAE behaviour.
submitted by kvenaik696969 to logitech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 weebsubie Mouse recommendations

Hello I recently purchased and set up a Mac Mini M2 with 2tb SSD for personal use to integrate into my home work station. For work and personal use in the last 10 years I’ve been using Logitech mice which have worked great. In particular I use the M720 Triathlon. When it comes to using it with the Mac Mini it’s hard to describe. It feels sluggish and imprecise? I even tried getting a Magic Mouse from amazon thinking it was an ecosystem issue but even this feels like garbage. I just want the mouse pointer to feel good considering I spent about $1k on this machine. TIA for any help or suggestions.
submitted by weebsubie to macmini [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 odysseusnz My A1200 restoration completed (for now...)

My A1200 restoration completed (for now...)
About a year ago I sought advice here on how best to get my old A1200 back up and running. Thanks to the great advice, I've now completed the project and thought I'd report back.
I started with my original A1200HD that I'd hacked about and shoehorned various 2.5" and 3.5" HDDs into in the past. Sadly those drives are now dead, but everything else including my Blizzard A1260 with 16MB RAM was still working fine.
I opted to make the following mods to bring it into the present (some weren't strictly necessary, but were the right thing to do to best preserve the hardware). Feel free to AMA about my choices.
  • Motherboard cleaned and recapped with FPU added, timing fixed, and RF module removed by the amazing RetroPassion
  • Double CF adapter with internal primary drive and external swapable drive in the expansion port.
  • OS 3.2.2
  • Internal clock
  • Gayle PCMCIA hardware fix
  • Indivision AGA Mk3 Flicker-Fixer / Scan-doubler
  • 3rd-party HDMI port adapter for the Indivision to go in the former RF port
  • MouSTer USB mouse/joystick adapter
  • PCMCIA 10/100 Ethernet card
  • New power supply
  • Replacement backplate and insulation layer to replace the old shielding entirely
  • Replacement posts and screws
A few lessons were re-learnt along the way, especially with how easy it is to bend the old-school header pins, and some new ones like how brittle the sun-affected upper-case has become and how careful I need to be with it (Sugru to the rescue...).
As you can see in the photos, it makes for a very neat and compact install that I am very happy with, that fits very neatly into my usual computer desk space. I feel it makes for a nice balance between staying true to the original hardware, and gaining modern conveniences that mean I will use it regularly.
Now, I just need to start the long journey of customising the OS to be how I like it, which is taxing my memory on how the OS works, but I'm getting there! Any advice or pointers to guides on what a 'modern' OS install should have added to it are welcome.
submitted by odysseusnz to amiga [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 throwawayFI12 Visual snow relief video experience - hallucination?

I've been watching the visual snow relief video every day for an hour as an experiment. It's been a week since I started this self-experiment and last night while watching the video, I started to hallucinate a mouse pointer moving around the video. It's only when I'm watching the video that I'm hallucinating this, and it's constant all the time just moving around and changing sizes while I watch the video. Even today it's still happening.
I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into what's happening or has experienced something similar at all? I'm not sure if maybe I should stop watching the video every day now that I'm hallucinating this or not? Or if this is dangerous in any way?
submitted by throwawayFI12 to visualsnow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:52 Kaboio Edward Elric vs Leo Valdez (Full Metal Alchemist vs Heroes of Olympus) Connections Revamp + MEGAPOST

Edward Elric vs Leo Valdez (Full Metal Alchemist vs Heroes of Olympus) Connections Revamp + MEGAPOST
Core Theme:
Sarcastic and intelligent teenagers proficient in a mystical science with an immortal, absentee dad and a dead mother that face off against a parental godly being and their children.
-Witty and sarcastic teenagers who are very proficient with a mystical and inventive science which they can use in battle or in creation, repairs, or research (Alchemy and Magical Tinkering). They also picked up this talent at an incredibly young age.
-Among their peers who practice the same mystical science as them, they have a rare and unique ability (Ed can use Alchemy without a transmutation circle unlike other Alchemists, and Leo can control fire unlike other children of Hephaestus).
-They are exceptionally intelligent, and usually rely more on strategy and tactics to win fights than brute force alone. Additional personality similarities include impulsiveness, having a comedic “ego”, struggling to stay still/in one place and do nothing, and of course are selfless and very caring to those close to them.
-They are also notably short amongst their peers, a trait which they’re often teased for and are sensitive about.
-Both save their best buddies from dying by giving them a new body, then eventually return them to their original bodies (Ed saves Alphonse by putting his soul in armor then returns him to his human body in the end, and Leo saves Festus by using his consciousness and parts of his body to build the Argo II, then returns him to his bronze dragon body in the end).
-Both of their fathers are immortal beings who abandoned them for most of their youth (Von Hohenheim and Hephaestus). However, they would eventually reconnect, learning that their fathers always cared about them and were proud of them despite having to be away, and they would fight alongside them in their respective wars.
-Both of their beloved mothers die while they’re young, and both characters suffer trauma and a guilt complex from not being able to save their mother with their powers (Ed fails to bring back his mother with Alchemy, resulting in his brother losing his body, him losing an arm and leg, and making him believe he caused his mother to suffer more; Leo couldn’t reach his trapped mother, and accidentally burned down the building she was trapped in, making him believe he killed her).
-Their love interest (Winry and Calypso) is a kind hearted, caring, down to earth, and feisty, and is often teasing and squabbling with them. Both of them specifically make promises to these love interests before leaving them to finish their mission to take down the big bad, and they would eventually return to them only after taking down said big bad.
-The big bad they both face is a parental, godlike being (Father and Gaea, Mother Earth), who is the parent of the immortal, major antagonists they face across the story (the Homunculuses and the Giants). Both characters also deal the final blow to these big bads.
Fight Potential:
There’s quite a bit to work with and go over here.
For one thing, both have decent sized kits you can work with for plenty of action. You can get some hand to hand/close quarters combat, primarily with Ed’s sword arm/spear against Leo’s hammer and wrench. And you can get some great clashes of Ed’s alchemy molding the earth against Leo’s flames. This would be a great opportunity to show Ed’s superiority up close and Leo’s ranged advantage.
On top of that, Ed’s alchemy is also obviously rather versatile to allow him plenty of different options in combat (including barriers, giant hands, pillars, etc.), and Leo’s tool-belt would allow him to pull out his various supplies as well (it’s like a bag of holding that let’s you pull what you’re thinking of or stuff you’ve stored with some limitations) and you could likely give him some of his gadgets. Plus they can both potentially utilize their environment, with Ed’s alchemy manipulating his surroundings often and Leo being able to control machines. Suffice to say, I think there’s plenty to work with combat wise and their kits bounce off each other pretty well.
The potential banter between these two is also amazing in my opinion. They could easily be quipping, teasing, and gloating throughout the fight in some very witty dialogue. You could also tap into their more serious sides, primarily having them strategize to get the upper hand on each other, and thinking through the situation.
There’s also a few ways you could set up the fight, primarily through misunderstanding. You could have Ed falsely believe Leo’s fire is flame alchemy at first, but upon realizing Leo uses no components, assume he’s using a philosophers stone, or potentially even be a homunculus. And since Ed’s alchemy primarily uses the ground and stone, Leo could falsely assume Ed is a minion of Gaea. And Leo taking a jab at Edward’s height would also be in character, which could cause a scuffle where the misunderstandings occur. So I think there’s enough potential reasons for them to get into a fight.
All in all, I think there is plenty to work with here for a great fight.
Debate Potential:
Despite each of them holding a number of advantages, Leo should win relatively easily.
That’s not to say Ed doesn’t have some major advantages though. He’s more well versed and capable in combat, alchemy is generally more versatile than Leo’s kit, and he’s physically tougher than Leo (debatably, since I believe Leo’s flames should scale to the higher stuff but not his body). Meaning if he can get in close, Ed has the advantage and should be strong enough to hurt Leo.
However, Leo’s flames scale way higher than Ed’s physical strength/durability (his fire scales to the continental feats from Khione’s), and scaling to Jason/Percy means he should be lightning timing speed wise. So realistically, Leo should just blitz one shot with his fire.
There are some arguments for higher speed Ed, potentially getting him to Lightning speed as well, but I’ve yet to see the calcs and sources other than the electricity from Alchemy, which seems to be a debatable source.
So all together, it could be closer depending on speed scaling, but Leo’s flames one tapping Ed remain a major advantage that should net him a win.
Credit to u/Classic_Breath_4381 for the Track Art!
submitted by Kaboio to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 deanazor Need help for screen goes blank when shutdown/restart but mouse pointer still able to move (Fedora 40 KDE)

Need help for screen goes blank when shutdown/restart but mouse pointer still able to move (Fedora 40 KDE)
I decided to try and give Fedora a try and do a fresh install on my machine and setup dual boot with Win11. I have several experience with fresh install linux (mostly debian-based) so the first thing I've done after install booting to fedora is to update the system using : sudo dnf update
All goes very well in here after the update, restart the system, everything still normal, then I notice it's running on wayland after I try to run echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE and since I'm using NVIDIA gpu I think that I need to install the nvidia-driver and x11. Then first I install the plasma-workspace-x11 and all it's dependency, restart and I can see the switch option to x11 on the bottom left screen login perfectly fine, great!
Immediately after that I then install nvidia-driver following this tutorial on installing nvidia-driver from RPM Fusion (method 2 on the article). After install complete, try to restart then this happens.
Very weird because I can still move my mouse and the computer didn't turned off after 10 minutes of waiting, so I have to press the power button to force it to shutdown. I try to boot again, it boot perfectly fine then try to run nvidia-smi to check if driver is installed, then it did tell that driver is installed. Tried to restart it one more time and it still the same behaviour, screen goes blank but I can still move the mouse pointer.
I notice that using wayland solve the issue, but the problem with wayland and while still using my gpu is when I type to anything (start menu, browser, discord, etc.) it's very laggy and result in many typing errors. The only way to really make the system shutdown (when using x11) without blank screen I've found is using terminal and run sudo shutdown --poweroff
I'm not sure whether there's something that I've done wrong when installing the x11 and nvidia-driver, or there might be missing package, or misconfiguration somewhere, but if anyone have experienced this, please enlighten me on how you guys solve the issue.
Or you know...if you haven't encountered this issue and have a really smooth experience on fedora 40 using x11 and nvidia-driver, please also share how you setup your fedora :)
submitted by deanazor to Fedora [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:21 Mhily_Saturn Ball tried to eat my blanket

Ball tried to eat my blanket
Hi! I recently rescued a ball python, who was not being kept properly at all. She is skin and bones, where you can feel her ribs and spine. I fed her the day after I got her, but I didn’t know if she would take it due to it being a frozen mouse and also the fact that she was probably stressed. She ate it happily, but it wasn’t big enough for her at all, as it was only a medium mouse (I feed those to my corn snake and it was all I had on hand). I’ve been trying to handle her (only now realized that was a stupid idea not to wait a few weeks), and she had bit me once, which I expected, though it was a quick strike. Well, today I held her again, and I was holding her in my lap with a blanket on my lap. Well, i don’t know why but she decided she wanted to eat the blanket, and she also bit me through the blanket. She even tried to constrict it and eat it and I had to use ice on her nose to get her to let go. Any idea why she did this? Was it purely her being hungry or..? Sorry, I’m very new to ball pythons and they’re quite different from corn snakes haha. (Also, planning to feed her tomorrow) Any pointers for beginners as well would be amazing! Thank you all in advance! Also picture attached of her.
submitted by Mhily_Saturn to ballpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:15 Fire-Wallaby Screen problem while playing

I need help, I'm playing minecraft and every time the pointer “goes out” of the window limit (being in full screen...) it takes me out of the game and opens the menu, I end up clicking on the other screen because the mouse doesn't stay in the game while I play... EVEN if I play with only 1 screen. Is there a way to only exit just by pressing the “esc” key? I cannot fight mobs or even arrange my chests because of that situation. I'm playing on 1 screen only and the problem persists, 2 screens also, but it doesn't happen in other games I'm currently playing. And I'm playing during streams also... so I have a video about that problem, and I can't fix it
submitted by Fire-Wallaby to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:17 _ChaosIsMyFriend_ "Indomitable" Eren Jaeger VS. Edward Elric (Attack on Titan VS. Fullmetal Alchemit)

submitted by _ChaosIsMyFriend_ to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:08 stabbby1 Laggy graphics/mouse pointer

I have a macpro 2013 (6,1). 3gb dual gpu, 8core and 64gb ram. I have installed windows 10 on it. I have a 34inch ultrawide monitor connected to thunderbolt 2 port. I notice some laggy mouse pointer when connect to usb (wireless), bluetooth connection on same mouse is good. Netflix full screen seems a bit lagged. Cant explain but looks like a bit slower video. I play gta V which works fine. I have tried updating drivera but no luck. Everything else works fine on it.
Anything i can do to make it more smooth?
submitted by stabbby1 to macpro [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:48 Hidden24 What Do My Top 20 Male Characters Say About Me?

What Do My Top 20 Male Characters Say About Me?
1) Goku - Dragon Ball
2 Guts - Berserk
3) Android 17 - Dragon Ball
4) Kars - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
5) Speed Racer- Speed Racer (Mach-Go-Go-Go)
6) Shin - Dorohedoro
7) Dante - Devil May Cry
8) Buddha - Records of Ragnarok
9) Natsu Dragneel - Fairy Tail
10) Inuyasha- Inuyasha
11) Sesshōmaru - Inuyasha
12) Future Trunks - Dragon Ball
13) Vegeta - Dragon Ball
14) Racer X - Speed Racer (Mach-Go-Go-Go)
15) Muichiro Tokito - Demon Slayer
16) Arc - Skeleton Knight in Another World
17) Kyōjurō Rengoku - Demon Slayer
18) Vash the Stampede - Trigun
19) Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
20) Inosuke Hashibira - Demon Slayer
submitted by Hidden24 to MyAnimeList [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:47 markymarktibbles Looking for advice or experience using a joycon as a mouse controller

(edit: to clarify this is just the joycon joystick not the full joycon)
I’m trying to create a small controller that I can plug into my android phone and control the mouse pointer with the analog stick.
I wanted to use a joycon joystick because it's tiny and I have a bunch of them lying around.
I bought an adapter that made it easy to wire up (https://4layertech.com/products/joystick-breakout-board-pack-of-2).
I now have it connected but I can not for the life of me adjust the code I was using with the previous bulking analog stick to handle the joycon configuration. Seems like the joycon inputs are much smaller and more jumpy but I can't seem to get it to cleanly control the mouse.
Hoping someone else in the community may have already dealt with this and solved it so I dont keep banging my head against the wall.
This is my first time asking here so let me know what additional information is needed.
submitted by markymarktibbles to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:36 VeryResponsibleMan How can I replacemy desired logo with mouse pointer?

I want e.g. replace a car logo in my PC but is there any option ?
submitted by VeryResponsibleMan to Windows10 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:42 jerfdr File selection mode in Details view in Dolphin

For some time up until Dolphin 24.05 landed, the default selection mode in the Details view in Dolphin was such that when you clicked anywhere to the left of some file, it selected the file in the respective line. If you then dragged the mouse pointer, it would select all the lines the selection intersected.
In Dolphin 24.05 this was changed such that clicking to the left of a file doesn't select anything, which is very unfortunate for me.
Does anyone know whether there is any way to go back to the old behavior?
submitted by jerfdr to kde [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:35 TiraelRosenburg Clicking mouse causing hitching, and mild frame drops otherwise

Hey all, I've gotten a new gaming computer recently and came back for the free weekend for FFXIV. Unfortunately, I'm running into some problems. I've done some research but can't find anyone having exactly the same issue as me. I'm posting the steps I've gone through below but if I don't mention something, assume I haven't done it.
First, whenever I click my mouse on the environment, left or right click, there's a slight hitching, maybe half a second or less. Holding after clicking doesn't cause an issue, I can swing the camera around just fine, for example. Clicking on UI elements is also fine. I've tried disabling "Enhance pointer precision" and that doesn't make a difference. Vsync doesn't change anything. I did a test of mouse polling and it's 1000 Hz, which should be standard.
If I change my mouse to the "Software cursor" in game, then the problem completely goes away, but that mouse has an intrinsic lag that is quite annoying. I do have a gaming mouse, but I plugged in a little dinky USB mouse in a different port and it has exactly the same issue.
The other issue is every few seconds, I'll get some mild frame drops briefly. It's just a tiny bit, and definitely doesn't make the game unplayable, but it's noticeable. With the computer I got and the settings I'm at, that should NEVER be happening. I've tried enabling "AMD Fluid Motion Frames" to just smooth over the issue but it's still the same. I've tried Framerate capped or uncapped, and vsync on or off, neither changes anything.
Computer build:
Windows 11 Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-core Motherboard: MSI PRO B650M-A Wi-fi Micro ATX AM5 Graphics card: Radeon RX 7700 XT 12 GB Hard drive: Silicon Power UD90 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME SSD RAM: TEAMGROUP T-Create Expert 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30
submitted by TiraelRosenburg to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:34 B0mbadil- Another small Edward Elric!

Another small Edward Elric! submitted by B0mbadil- to genga [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:49 Zhepna I don't have a mouse pointer anymore.

I don't have mouse pointer anymore.
I installed a few mods but I don't know if it affect it or not.
I can still take objects like potions, search places, etc. but I cannot see the item's name.
Is there a way to fix it?
submitted by Zhepna to SkyrimHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:49 Zhepna I don't have a mouse pointer anymore.

I don't have mouse pointer anymore.
I installed a few mods but I don't know if it affect it or not.
I can still take objects like potions, search places, etc. but I cannot see the item's name.
Is there a way to fix it?
submitted by Zhepna to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:41 pariswhitney FOCUS SCREEN MASK

The reading screen mask stream deck plugin enables a specific focus spot in a horizontal, vertical or circular mask to concentrate the point of view of the entire monitor. The mask follows the mouse pointer in real time across all monitors. Ideal for the reading area in remote/online training or presentations and screen recordings to concentrate the viewers on a specific focal point. #vivremotion
FOCUS SCREEN MASK #vivremotion
submitted by pariswhitney to u/pariswhitney [link] [comments]
