Bracelet making templates floss

So i have a bit of a problem with my 3d minecraft texture pack

2024.06.09 12:49 Fluid_Replacement757 So i have a bit of a problem with my 3d minecraft texture pack

so i lately been making a 3d texture pack of the grass sword from adventure time.This is mine first attempt at making any texture pack so i browsed trough many guides tutorials etc. but there is a problem non of the methods to make texture pack that i used or any template work with my model and sometimes just dont even show in the texture pack menu. i made the model and texture in blockbench so i dont know what is the issue please tell me any fixes that you think could help. you got some more info here: so i do it on java version 1.18.
submitted by Fluid_Replacement757 to texturepacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 guywithskyrimproblem I'm re-making u/Ok-Application-7185 20th century template, is there anything you would want me to add (I'm not posting the full map yet as I don't think its ready)

I'm re-making u/Ok-Application-7185 20th century template, is there anything you would want me to add (I'm not posting the full map yet as I don't think its ready) submitted by guywithskyrimproblem to PossibleHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:28 KatherineBryant06 [Get] Rob O Rourke – 100k Email Blueprint Download

[Get] Rob O Rourke – 100k Email Blueprint Download

Here’s What You Get:

This email course is your new professional playbook. The way it works is:

You go in, find the section with the problem you are dealing with (e.g. booking more sales calls, raising your prices, following up with unresponsive leads, handling a difficult client, etc.)…
…and you can INSTANTLY copy and paste a proven email template that solves that exact situation and moves your business forward.
This way, you can take the guesswork and “emotion” out of knowing what to say to potential or existing clients… and instead be clear and strategic in any situation.


Get instant access to my proven cold email templates & strategies. So you can secure portfolio projects & high-paying clients whenever you need them. And reach your goal of making at least $10K per month.
I’ll show you how to:
  • 10X the strength of your “reason for reaching out” to a business owner (this approach got me my first ever $2,000 project!)
  • Get a higher reply rate on your cold emails with one of my 3 BEST strategies (the “signpost” method, the “random” approach, or the “common ground” tactic)
  • Use the power of public Facebook groups OR your own social media profiles to get portfolio projects (without needing a large audience)
  • Turn your physical location & personal interests into actual FUEL for winning the trust of local business owners
  • 16 different methods for seamlessly following up with unresponsive prospects without risking to annoy them
  • And a bunch more


Use my “scenario templates” to crush your prospects’ doubts and objections effortlessly. So that you can start closing more deals than you lose and increase your monthly revenue.
  • Close deals when potential clients say your price is too high (without offering them a discount)
  • Respond to the “what’s your price” question WITHOUT turning away prospects (hint: the WORST thing you can do is tell them your prices. There are TWO types of emails here you can send instead to make them come back to you with cash in their hands)
  • Break down projects into bite-sized budgets when prospects WANT to work with you but truly can’t afford you
  • Take prospects from “interested to work with you” to paying your deposit and getting the ball rolling (even if they still have some doubts)
  • And a bunch more


This section will contain my project management templates that make you look like a seasoned pro. Take your projects from start to finish effortlessly and provide your clients with a 5-star experience.
  • Kick off your projects with confidence. With strategic templates that set clear expectations. So you can stop being perceived as a rookie
  • Use our project email templates to move projects forward faster, making delays and downtime a thing of the past
  • Navigate project challenges like a pro. And turn roadblocks into opportunities for even better project results
  • The ultimate project success toolkit: Get the exact templates and work plans that have made countless projects a success.
  • And a bunch more


This section contains my client management templates that make dealing with difficult clients a breeze. Get rid of 99% of the headaches, stress and anxiety freelancers face when working with clients.
  • Get your money from clients who “forget” to pay you when you HAVEN’T used a contract beforehand (this is a tough one to crack for most freelancers – but this approach has never failed me)
  • Keep getting paid even IF your client’s budget is running low and thinks they need to cut you off (this happens all the time to freelancers; and if you know how to dodge it, you can keep your clients while others lose theirs)
  • Deal with clients who miss payments repeatedly by sending them a simple, polite, and massively effective 4-email sequence
  • Deal with clients who shamelessly request extra work without wanting to increase the budget
  • Deal with clients who ask you to track your HOURS by convincing them to pay you per project instead (which is how you should ALWAYS be charging)
  • And a bunch more


Get instant access to my “repeat business” templates & strategies (one of the most high-revenue modules of this course!). So you can tactically persuade past & current clients to hire you again and again for YEARS.
  • Reel in your past clients for more work throughout the year by leveraging industry news
  • Use “rush fees” to get paid x2 or x3 times more for the same amount of work
  • Get high quality referrals from your existing customers using my most trusted incentivisation tool.
  • Transform one-time projects into retainer clients so they keep working with you for years!
  • Leverage past work to earn even MORE high-paying projects with existing clients
  • Create real urgency for hiring you again when past clients DON’T think they need help with anything else
  • 26 templates in total – more coming soon


Any Freelancing Niche

Whether you’re a designer, copywriter, developer, ad specialist, or any other type of freelancer, these templates will guide you in building a six-figure freelance business, no matter your niche.

Any Experience Level

Whether you need help getting your first client or scaling past $5K, $10K or more per month… you’ll find templates in the course for every common situation you’ll find yourself in as a freelancer.

Any Client Platform

While this is a course with mostly email templates, you can take the exact same principles and apply them to getting clients on Upwork, LinkedIn, Slack, Facebook, social media, or whatever platform you prefer.Here’s What You Get:

This email course is your new professional playbook. The way it works is:

You go in, find the section with the problem you are dealing with (e.g. booking more sales calls, raising your prices, following up with unresponsive leads, handling a difficult client, etc.)…
…and you can INSTANTLY copy and paste a proven email template that solves that exact situation and moves your business forward.
This way, you can take the guesswork and “emotion” out of knowing what to say to potential or existing clients… and instead be clear and strategic in any situation.
submitted by KatherineBryant06 to u/KatherineBryant06 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:26 KingRecep97 Is anyone using a template build?

Curious, because i wanna create my final build and do a no money spent What template are you using? Really curious
I wanna make a pg-sg
submitted by KingRecep97 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:21 Zealousideal_Term903 Dates or sneaky links temporary fix

Not really sure where my bb comes from but this is a temporary fix if you’re about to link a girl (guy) and you’re gonna do the nasty.
With 2 hours to get ready, I started off flossing an oil pulling (making sure I really swish the oil) Then I drank hot water and honey. Then I brushed my teeth with sensodyne thoroughly for like 10 minutes. Also mixed with baking soda for my wisdom teeth because they are impacted. Also brushed my tounge with another toothbrush with baking soda and toothpaste thoroughly for like 15 minutes. Used a tongue scraper for about 5 minutes after. Then I gargled the light blue therabreath for my teeth and then a second gargle for my throat. Then went ahead and gargled pepto bismol (also drank a lil). Then gargled hot water with salt. Then, again popped a pepto bismol chewable. Also chewed gum a bit otw and made sure I drank water.
It’s insane I had to do all this but everything went successful from kissing to you know what. Hope this helps!!
submitted by Zealousideal_Term903 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:15 oistenvich UK Success Story (1 month)

A few of you might have seen me floating about on this subreddit over the last month. I had the same story told here so many times before, account suspended (May 7th) due to a linked instagram breaking the rules that wasn't mine and doesnt appear to exist on instagram. Today I finally received some recovery emails which allowed me to get back into my account. I don't know for definite what finally did it because I tried so many different things, there are a few I can say definitely didn't work so I'll just list them all below as I know some of these have worked for various other people:
I sent a letter addressed to Meta Legal at their Ireland offices about a week after the hacking using a pre action letter template on Money Supermarket, demanding access to the account as it had been suspended through no fault of my own. I also attached the IP logs you can download from the suspension page as they showed the account had been accessed from China and Vietnam when it had been taken down so it obviously wasn't me. I waited a week after delivery and heard nothing, so I sent a second letter
This time rather than addressing it to Meta Legal I just addressed it to Meta Ireland. Rather than using the template I set out clearly that as I was a UK citizen the UK Consumer Rights Act applied and this contains protections for Consumers who sign Digital Service Agreements (Including Terms of Service) which Meta had breached by disabling my account when I hadn't violated the terms of service. I told them I would accept the reinstatement of my account in order to avoid court action
Four days after delivery (today) I got a 2fa text and an email saying the email address on my account had been changed, and the usual option to select "this wasn't me". I pressed that and lo and behold the "we think you've been hacked" email came through and I was able to get back in and secure the account
It looks like despite disabling my account, the hackers were still able to run thousands of pounds in dodgy crypto currency ads for the whole time the account was down. This only goes to show how bad Meta's cyber security is as by taking the account down they took it away from it's rightful owner whilst still allowing the criminals open access to do as they please. It's crazy. I have also had access to facebook ads restricted by the look of it
Anyway, best of luck to anyone in a similar situation. You can get it back but the only way to do so is absolute persistence. They will not make it easy for you. And finally , F--- Facebook!
submitted by oistenvich to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:03 Ill_Disaster_5841 Free PowerPoint templates, making every presentation extraordinary.
This is a website dedicated to providing a variety of Free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates, named SlidesAce. The site aims to help users easily find high-quality templates suitable for all kinds of presentation needs, whether it’s for business presentations, educational purposes, or marketing displays; SlidesAce has the right resources.
The homepage of SlidesAce is designed to be clean and straightforward, allowing users to quickly browse through different categories of templates, such as "Business," "Education," and "Marketing," via a top menu. These categories are clearly labeled, making it very convenient to find specific types of templates. Additionally, there is a search bar on the site where users can find templates directly through keyword searches.
Each template offered on the site comes with a beautiful thumbnail and a brief description, giving users a preliminary understanding of the template's style and content layout. Clicking on any template will take you to its detailed page, which not only features more previews of the template but also provides detailed information about the design, including the colors used, layout features, and suitable occasions.
A notable feature is that all templates provided by SlidesAce are free to download. This is particularly attractive for budget-conscious students or startups, allowing them to enhance their presentation quality with these professionally designed templates without worrying about additional costs.
SlidesAce also focuses on user experience, with fast page loading speeds and a simple, quick template download process, ensuring that users can easily access the resources they need. Whether in the office or at home, as long as there is an internet connection, users can access SlidesAce anytime, anywhere to start creating their presentations.
SlidesAce is a very practical resource platform, providing strong support for a wide range of users who need to create slides, whether they are students, teachers, or corporate staff, offering them great tools to enhance their presentation effects.
submitted by Ill_Disaster_5841 to powerpoint [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:40 Pavitrapavi Drcloudehr: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery with a Mobile-First EHR Platform

Transforming Healthcare with DrCloudEHR's Advanced Solutions
The healthcare landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation, with a growing emphasis on telehealth services and mobile-friendly EHR platforms. DrCloudEHR stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering a comprehensive suite of electronic health record (EHR) solutions designed to empower healthcare providers, particularly those specializing in behavioral health.
Leading the Way with Telehealth Services and Platforms
In today's healthcare environment, the importance of telehealth services cannot be overstated. DrCloudEHR provides a state-of-the-art telehealth platform that allows healthcare providers to offer remote consultations, thereby expanding access to care. This telehealth platform is particularly beneficial in regions like Washington, where telehealth solutions in Washington are bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers.
Embracing Mobile Technology with Responsive EHR Designs
A key feature of DrCloudEHR is its mobile responsive EHR platform. This mobile friendly EHR platform ensures that healthcare providers can access patient records and other critical information on the go. The mobile responsive EHR design adapts seamlessly to various devices, enhancing the user experience and ensuring that healthcare professionals have the tools they need, wherever they are.
Comprehensive Behavioral Health EHR Services
DrCloudEHR excels in providing specialized behavioral health EHR services. These services are tailored to meet the unique needs of mental health professionals, ensuring that they have access to an integrated care EHR platform that supports comprehensive patient management. The EHR software for mental health clinics offered by DrCloudEHR includes features such as treatment planning, progress tracking, and secure communication tools, making it an invaluable resource for mental health practitioners.
Cutting-Edge Cloud EHR Platform
At the heart of DrCloudEHR's offerings is its Cloud EHR Platform. This electronic health record platform leverages the power of the cloud to provide a scalable, secure, and efficient solution for managing patient records. The Cloud EHR Platform ensures that data is accessible from anywhere, facilitating better coordination and continuity of care.
Enhancing Care with Integrated EHR Solutions
DrCloudEHR is committed to delivering integrated care EHR platforms that enhance the quality of care provided to patients. Their electronic health records EHR systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with other healthcare technologies, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive approach to patient management. By offering such integrated care EHR platforms, DrCloudEHR supports healthcare providers in delivering more effective and coordinated care.
Reliable EHR Software for Mental Health Clinics
The EHR software for mental health clinics provided by DrCloudEHR is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by mental health professionals. This software includes features such as appointment scheduling, patient communication tools, and detailed reporting capabilities, making it an essential tool for any mental health practice.
Seamless Telehealth Integration
Drcloudehr seamlessly integrates a robust telehealth platform within its mobile responsive EHR design. This empowers clinicians to deliver high-quality care virtually, removing geographical barriers and increasing access to much-needed behavioral health services and remote patient monitoring telehealth. Imagine a scenario where a patient in rural Washington struggling with anxiety can connect with a specialist through Drcloudehr's telehealth features. This eliminates the need for long commutes and provides convenient access to care.
Enhanced Mobility for Unparalleled Efficiency
Drcloudehr's mobile responsive EHR platform is not just about telehealth. Clinicians can access and update patient records, schedule appointments, and manage tasks from anywhere, using any mobile device. This translates to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and ultimately, better patient care. Imagine a therapist using Drcloudehr's mobile friendly EHR platform to jot down notes during a virtual session or a psychiatrist reviewing a patient's history while traveling between appointments. These scenarios highlight the power of Drcloudehr's mobility.
Behavioral Health Tailored Solutions
Drcloudehr understands the unique needs of behavioral health providers. Our EHR software for mental health clinics includes features specifically designed to streamline workflows and improve patient outcomes in behavioral health settings. From customizable progress note templates to integrated tools for tracking treatment adherence, Drcloudehr offers a comprehensive solution for behavioral health professionals.
Benefits Beyond Mobility
DrCloudEHR's Cloud EHR Platform offers a multitude of benefits beyond its mobile-first design. Here's a closer look:
Integrated Care EHR Platform: DrCloudEHR fosters a collaborative approach to care by facilitating seamless communication and information sharing between various healthcare providers. This integrated approach is especially crucial in behavioral health EHR services, where collaboration with primary care physicians and social workers can significantly enhance patient outcomes.
Enhanced Security and Compliance: DrCloudEHR prioritizes patient data security. The best ehr solutions for illinois clinics are built with robust security protocols to ensure patient data remains confidential and compliant with HIPAA regulations.
Streamlined Workflow and Improved Efficiency: DrCloudEHR's intuitive design simplifies documentation, billing, and coding processes, allowing clinicians to dedicate more time to patient care. Our electronic health record platform and EHR solutions streamline these tasks effectively.
Telehealth Platform: DrCloudEHR offers a comprehensive telehealth platform that supports remote consultations and enhances patient access to healthcare. This is particularly beneficial for providers offering telehealth services and telehealth solutions in Washington.
Mobile Responsive EHR Platform: The Cloud EHR Platform is a mobile responsive EHR platform that ensures accessibility from any device. The mobile responsive EHR design and mobile friendly EHR platform make it easier for healthcare providers to access patient data on the go.
Behavioral Health EHR Services: DrCloudEHR provides specialized EHR software for mental health clinics, enhancing the delivery of care in behavioral health settings.
Drcloudehr is committed to empowering healthcare providers across the nation, including those in Washington. Our telehealth solutions in Washington specifically address the needs of the state's healthcare landscape, making quality care more accessible to all residents.
In summary, DrCloudEHR is a cutting-edge electronic health record platform that excels in providing telehealth services and behavioral health EHR services. Its mobile responsive EHR platform, mobile friendly EHR platform, and mobile responsive EHR design make it an invaluable tool for healthcare providers. With its integrated care EHR platform and status as a leading Cloud EHR Platform, DrCloudEHR offers unparalleled EHR solutions for today’s healthcare challenges. Its electronic health records EHR capabilities and advanced remote patient monitoring telehealth support exceptional patient care and efficient practice management, particularly through its specialized EHR software for mental health clinics and innovative telehealth solutions in Washington.
submitted by Pavitrapavi to u/Pavitrapavi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:37 peanny77 if i were yanderedev, i would…

• remove the entire panty thing. why is it even a feature in the first place??? gross as hell and i genuinely don't get how guys could like a pic of a girl's underwear. and about the bonus panties, just change them to normal accessories like bracelets or hair clips.
• since we're gonna stop sexualizing minors here, imma screw the entire "this is a college with a high school aesthetic" thingy and make in an ACTUAL high school. also name it something else than "akademi". then ayano would be 16 as she's in her second year
• remove/rewrite mida and muja as rivals and re-add kokona instead. she's an icon, deserves to be in the final game and is actually finished 😭
• randomize so students don't walk to school in the same way every single day, some can be running and some walking, talking to each other ect... add random rainy days so students' routines are altered as they can no longer go outside. would make things more life-like in-game
• rework the "give positive/negative remark" feature because after all these years those unrealistic dialogues still give me the ick. for example if we're gossiping about someone who hates reading, instead of "did you know that _ really hates reading", we can say "did you know that _ finds books really lame".
• screw all those google translate names and give some of the students more unique designs. honestly i prefer the 1980s students to the 202x ones because of that, really hate how every member of the drama club has purple hair.
submitted by peanny77 to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:33 Infinite-Barracuda97 Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Review: A Toothbrush That Makes Your Dentist Cry (With Joy)

Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Review: A Toothbrush That Makes Your Dentist Cry (With Joy)
If you're the kind of person who'd rather gargle gasoline than floss daily, listen up.
Waterpik claims their Sonic-Fusion 2.0 does the dirty work for you, combining sonic brushing and water flossing in one unholy union of oral hygiene.
But can it really deliver on this promise, or is it just another overpriced gadget waiting to gather dust on your bathroom counter?


BEST PRICE on the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 here:

My Two Cents on the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0

Let's get one thing straight: I'm not one for gimmicks.
I've seen enough "revolutionary" dental products to last a lifetime, and most of them end up as chew toys for my dog. But the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 piqued my interest. The idea of a toothbrush that flosses for you is as appealing as a bottomless glass of whiskey.
Fresh out of the box, this thing looks like a prop from a sci-fi movie. It's sleek, futuristic, and a little intimidating. But don't let its appearance fool you. The Sonic-Fusion 2.0 is surprisingly user-friendly, even for a technophobe like myself. The controls are intuitive, and the different modes are easy to switch between.
After a few weeks of use, I can honestly say that this thing is a game-changer. My teeth feel cleaner than they have in years, and my gums are no longer a war zone. I'm even starting to enjoy my daily brushing routine, which is a miracle in itself.

Key Features

Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. What makes the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 so damn special?
3-in-1 Functionality: This bad boy isn't just a toothbrush; it's a flossing toothbrush and a water flosser. You can brush, floss, or do both simultaneously, all with the push of a button. Talk about efficiency.
Sonic Power: The Sonic-Fusion 2.0 boasts 30,000 brush strokes per minute, which is enough to blast away plaque like a sandblaster. And unlike traditional brushing, it reaches deep between teeth and below the gumline.
Customizable Water Flossing: With 10 pressure settings, you can adjust the water flosser to your liking. Start low if you're new to water flossing, then gradually increase the pressure as your gums get used to it.
Built-In Timer: This handy feature ensures you're brushing and flossing for the dentist-recommended two minutes. It even pauses every 30 seconds to remind you to switch quadrants. Nice.


Superior Cleaning: This thing cleans your teeth and gums like no other toothbrush I've ever used. It's like having a dental hygienist in your bathroom.
Time-Saver: Combining brushing and flossing into one step cuts your oral care routine in half.
Gum Health: If you suffer from bleeding or receding gums, the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 can help improve your gum health and reduce inflammation.
User-Friendly: Despite its futuristic appearance, this toothbrush is surprisingly easy to use and maintain.


Price: The Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 is definitely an investment. It's not cheap, but in my opinion, it's worth every penny.
Learning Curve: Water flossing takes some getting used to, and it can be messy at first. But once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze.
Bulkiness: This toothbrush is larger than a traditional electric toothbrush, so it might not be ideal for travel.
Noise: The water flosser can be a bit loud, but it's not deafening. If you're sensitive to noise, it might be a minor annoyance.

The Final Verdict: Is the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 Worth It?

If you're serious about your oral health and hate flossing, the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0 is a no-brainer. It's the most effective and efficient oral care tool I've ever used, and it's made a noticeable difference in the health of my teeth and gums.
Yes, it's pricey, but consider it an investment in your smile. And trust me, your dentist will thank you.

Best Price On Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0

I've found you the current best deal on the Waterpik Sonic-Fusion 2.0, so be sure to follow the link below so you don't get gouged paying full retail:
submitted by Infinite-Barracuda97 to carverscave [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 Glittering-Pool109 Frog llama and Beartaur

Frog llama and Beartaur
So, I saw u/Lupevs last post (I think it was their last one anyway. also, I have no idea how to tag people) and was inspired. However the closest I had to a treefrog torso, a giraffe body, and dragon wings, were a webkinz frog (that got impromtu surgery), the last webkinz llama body I had on hand, and some handsewn wings. Each wing is 3 layers, made using scrap fabric for the tops (my little brother had gotten some fabric sample booklets a few years back, and he let me have them, which is why all the wing 'tops' are the same type of fabric), and an old sheet for the bottoms. I also made my own wing template, originally by tracing the wing off a different plushie, and then altering the shape slightly, and then scaling down (sorta. It was a lot of sketching, erasing, and re-sketching). I also hand-embroidered the lines on each wing, with a color that matched, as closely as possible, one of the other wing colors.
Beartaur is made using a random bear that I really liked the texture of, but other than that the bear was meh, and the entirety (minus the head) of a webkinz chow chow dog. Then he's got some zodiac charms draped across his chest, that I think i got from Michaels ages ago. And the crocheted thing on his back, that I meant to kinda resemble the blanket under a horse's saddle, is actually a "mask-saver" that my mom made. It was meant for her facemask, so the elastic that would go around her ears, actually looped over the buttons, so that her ears weren't so sore by the end of the day. However, since she got laid off for being to caring to patients (she worked in a pharmacy, and would take a extra minute or two to ask how each person was doing, or see if they needed help), I got the mask holder to use how I wanted. (also, there's so much more the the story about her job, but i'm not gonna go into it here.) Back to Beartaur. I had the idea to make him into a celelstial wizard/magician. I tend to jump between projects though, so he's been put on hold for now.
submitted by Glittering-Pool109 to WeirdFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:50 ashahen How AI Tools Are Transforming Video Creation

Hey everyone,
I just read an article about the game-changing impact of AI tools on video creation, and I thought I'd share some key points with you.
AI video tools like Vidnoz are making it easier and faster to produce high-quality videos by automating tasks like editing, scene transitions, and adding effects. These tools not only save time but also cut costs by reducing the need for expensive equipment and professional editing services.
Some benefits of these AI tools include:
Vidnoz, for example, offers intuitive interfaces and powerful AI-driven enhancements, making video production accessible even for beginners. It's a great way to bring creative visions to life without getting bogged down by technical details.
Check out the full article here for more insights!
What do you think about AI in video production? Have you tried any of these tools? Let’s discuss!
Link to the article: AI Tools for Video Creation
submitted by ashahen to u/ashahen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:42 BiscottiImpossible12 Is it possible for new visual effect for spells in toolset?

I am really appreciating the excellent work in the nwn community. But I am so curious that why most of the content is about storytelling, new equipment, or pvp content. All the new spells in these module is about to change the values or name and icons but still apply the spell templates in original nwn campaign. Is it possible to make a totally grand new spell with new visual effect in nwn? Just like worldEditor for War3, some never saw in original game spells can be made?
submitted by BiscottiImpossible12 to neverwinternights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:18 Glittering-Pool109 This is Leela

This is Leela
Leela was, I believe, my second Frankenplush. I was also learning visible mending at the same time I was making her, so that is what the "plaid" like patches are. Her ears are from a random rabbit, the antlers are off a webkinz reindeer, the tail is off a webkinz beaver, the "wings" are actually the ears off a bigger elephant. And then the rest is scrap fabric, socks, old hair bows, and embroidery floss for the patches. She also has some iron on patches, and then a bunch of beads and some little plastic gemstone things. Oh, and those are actually rings on her antlers.
submitted by Glittering-Pool109 to WeirdFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:16 Lil_Spore 10K and 14k Gold Questions

i just bought a 14k gold rope chain stamped with “bbb” and a 10k rope bracelet stamped with “bbb”. right now they are shiny and beautiful. my question is can i shower and sleep and gym with these on? how long does this sparkle last? and i seen tarnish sheets help clean gold will tarnish sheets bring back the shine that i am seeing today? i just bought these items and would hate to limit myself wearing them with the thoughts of the look “dulling out” if that makes sense. thank you in advance
submitted by Lil_Spore to Gold [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:00 tempmailgenerator Implementing and Troubleshooting Firebase Email Verification in React Applications

Exploring Firebase Authentication in React Apps

In the world of web development, securing user data and ensuring only verified users can access certain functionalities is paramount. Firebase Authentication offers a robust solution for managing user sign-ins in React applications, including features such as email and password authentication, social media logins, and, importantly, email verification. This email verification step is crucial for confirming the authenticity of users' email addresses, thereby enhancing the security and integrity of the application.
However, integrating Firebase Authentication, especially the email verification flow, can occasionally present challenges. For developers, setting up the initial authentication flow with signInWithCredentials often goes smoothly, leading to a satisfactory sign-in process. The subsequent step, verifying the user's email address, is designed to further secure the account by ensuring the email belongs to the user. Yet, issues can arise post-verification, such as encountering a 400 Bad Request error when attempting to sign in again with a verified account. This issue signifies a hiccup in what should be a seamless process, prompting a deeper dive into potential causes and solutions.
Command Description
signInWithCredentials Authenticates a user with email and password credentials.
signInWithEmailAndPassword Signs in a user using their email and password.
sendEmailVerification Sends an email verification to the user's email.

Initializing Firebase Authentication

JavaScript in use
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'; import { getAuth, signInWithEmailAndPassword, sendEmailVerification } from 'firebase/auth'; const firebaseConfig = { // Your Firebase configuration object }; const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig); const auth = getAuth(app); 

Handling Email Verification

Using JavaScript SDK
const user = auth.currentUser; if (user) { sendEmailVerification(user) .then(() => { console.log('Verification email sent.'); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error sending verification email:', error); }); } 

Sign In Post-Verification

JavaScript for Firebase Auth
signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, userEmail, userPassword) .then((userCredential) => { // User signed in const user = userCredential.user; if (user.emailVerified) { console.log('Email is verified'); } else { console.log('Email is not verified'); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Error signing in with email and password:', error); }); 

Troubleshooting Firebase Authentication Issues

Facing a 400 Bad Request error when trying to sign in with a verified email and password can be a perplexing issue for developers integrating Firebase Authentication into their React applications. This error typically indicates a problem with the request sent to Firebase's authentication server. Possible causes could include incorrect API usage, a misconfigured Firebase project, or even a temporary issue with Firebase services. It's essential to review the implementation of the signInWithEmailAndPassword method and ensure it matches Firebase's documentation and best practices. Additionally, checking the Firebase console for any alerts or messages regarding service disruptions or configuration issues can provide valuable insights.
To diagnose and resolve the 400 Bad Request error, developers should start by ensuring that the email and password provided are correct and meet Firebase's authentication requirements. It's also worth examining any recent changes to the authentication flow or Firebase project settings that could have inadvertently affected the sign-in process. Implementing detailed error handling in the authentication logic can help identify the specific cause of the error, enabling a more targeted approach to troubleshooting. If the issue persists, consulting Firebase's support resources or community forums may offer further guidance and solutions from developers who have faced similar challenges.

Understanding Firebase Authentication Issues

Firebase Authentication offers a comprehensive solution for managing users in your app, including signing in with email and password, social accounts, and phone numbers. One common challenge developers face involves the email verification process. After setting up the initial sign-in mechanism, integrating an email verification step is crucial for ensuring that users own the email addresses they use to sign up. This step not only enhances security but also enables developers to maintain a high level of data integrity within their applications.
However, issues can arise after a user has verified their email. For instance, a verified user might encounter a 400 Bad Request error when attempting to sign in again. This problem indicates that the signInWithCredentials method is failing post-verification. The cause of this issue might be multifaceted, ranging from configuration errors within Firebase to incorrect handling of user sessions in the application code. It's essential to delve into Firebase's documentation and debug logs, and consider reaching out to Firebase support or community forums for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions on Firebase Authentication

  1. Question: What is Firebase Authentication?
  2. Answer: Firebase Authentication provides backend services, easy-to-use SDKs, and ready-made UI libraries to authenticate users to your app. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and more.
  3. Question: How do I enable email verification in Firebase?
  4. Answer: You can enable email verification by calling the sendEmailVerification method on a user object after they sign up or log in with their email and password.
  5. Question: What does the 400 Bad Request error signify in Firebase Authentication?
  6. Answer: A 400 Bad Request error typically indicates that the request sent to the Firebase server was invalid. This can occur if the email or password is incorrect, or if there's a misconfiguration in the Firebase project settings.
  7. Question: Can I customize the verification email sent by Firebase?
  8. Answer: Yes, Firebase allows you to customize verification emails from the Firebase console under Authentication > Templates.
  9. Question: How can I troubleshoot a failed signInWithCredentials method after email verification?
  10. Answer: Start by checking your Firebase project's configuration and ensure that the email and password are correct. Look at the console for any error messages, and make sure your app's logic correctly handles the user's verification status.

Tackling Firebase Authentication Challenges: A Recap

Successfully integrating Firebase Authentication into React applications requires a deep understanding of its workflow, especially regarding email verification. This process is vital for ensuring user authenticity and securing access to various app features. While the setup for sign-in and email verification might seem straightforward, developers can encounter challenges, such as the perplexing 400 Bad Request error during subsequent sign-ins. These issues underscore the importance of thorough testing, proper error handling, and continuous learning from Firebase documentation and community resources. Ultimately, overcoming these obstacles not only improves the app's security but also enhances the overall user experience. By addressing these challenges head-on, developers can create more robust and user-friendly applications that leverage Firebase Authentication's full potential.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:55 Gooselake_73279 Bracelets for concerts?

Are people handing out bracelets, I’m going to his first Australia concert and wondering if I should make some bracelets
submitted by Gooselake_73279 to Hozier [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 53: It's always darkest before the 'Don. It's Archaludon/Dynamax-Duraludon!

Hello again everybody!

Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Hisuian-Samurott currently has votes for B tier with a solid lead! For the time being we will put Hisuian-Samurott into the B tier with its Unovan counterpart and if anything changes I'll update on tomorrow's post!
Meanwhile the vote for Hisuian-Typhlosion has officially ended with B tier being the winning vote! I've included the Weighted Average for that vote in the tier list below :)
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as the current state of Endless requires specific strategies after a certain point.)

Current Tier List:

S tier:

Garganacl (4.37), Cloyster (4.01), Skeledirge (4.48), Gholdengo (4.49), Tinkaton (4.64)

A tier:

Gyarados/Mega (4.19), VenusauMega/Dyna (3.80), Aegislash (4.06), Corviknight/Dyna (3.91), Excadrill (4.32), GardevoiMega (3.99), Toxapex (3.50), ScizoMega (3.94), GengaMega/Dyna (3.90), Delphox (3.62), Blastoise/Mega/Dyna (3.51), Blaziken/Mega (3.76), Swampert/Mega (3.76), Empoleon (3.57), Primarina (3.96), Quaquaval (3.77)

B tier:

Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth (3.25), Weavile (3.23), Starmie (2.92), Rhyperior (2.88), Quagsire (2.91), Mamoswine (3.25), Whimsicott (3.36), Aggron/Mega (3.48), Infernape (3.48), Alolan-Decidueye (2.89), Johto-Typhlosion (3.06), Torterra (3.03), Serperior (3.60), Unovan-Samurott (3.04), Chesnaught (2.74), Incineroar (3.49), Rillaboom/Dynamax (3.43), Inteleon/Dynamax (3.17), Hisuian-Typhlosion (3.15), Hisuian-Samurott

C tier:

Linoone (2.97), Meganium (2.09), Emboar (2.39), Hisuian-Decidueye (2.65)

F tier:

Dustox (1.47)
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 53 of tier voting and we are officially back to doing regular votes on specifically requested Pokemon! :) To start things off today we will discuss the former GOAT of Endless mode, as well as the Dynamax form of its pre-evolution, but of course these votes are about Classic as opposed to Endless so this is a very different ballgame we're playing here. The reason we are voting these together as one vote is because they are nearly identical in functionality with only slight differences and essentially it just comes down to choosing one or the other for your run since Archaludon can not Dynamax but you're more likely to roll a Metal Alloy before a Dynamax Bracelet and Max Mushrooms. They also have the same typing, Passive, Egg Moves and almost identical natural moveset with the exception of Archaludon getting its Signature Move, Electro Shot. What will likely come as a surprise to most of you however, is Dyna-Duraludon actually has a slightly better stat spread than it's evolved form (in every case except Special Defense which is only 5 points worse and HP which is the same). However, Archaludon certainly has the advantage abilities-wise as it gets Stamina or Sturdy as opposed to the very niche and not necessarily useful Light or Heavy Metal. (Their Hidden Ability, Stalwart isn't implemented but also is useless in single battles and honestly just not very good anyways). Also, Electro Shot is an extremely powerful move, especially on a Rain team or in a water biome where Rain is fairly common. So as for which one is better overall it's somewhat hard to say. For typing, Dragon/Steel is a very strong typing with only 2 weaknesses, an immunity and 9 resistances! The typing is immune to or resists over half of the entire type chart! Both forms have good Physical bulk and attacking stats (moreso on Special Attack) as well as okay speed. Natural access to Metal Burst is also very powerful even in Classic as even with the rough Special Defense it has enough HP to usually survive a single hit (or Archaludon can just run Sturdy and not even worry about it). For Passive Ability they get Download which is really good against certain opponents but definitely wants to know what it's being sent in against to make sure it boosts Special Attack. For Egg Moves they definitely got some gifts with Ice type coverage, Body Press (which is mostly useful for Stamina Archaludon), Recover and Core Enforcer (which doesn't have its secondary effect implemented at the time of writing this but is still a 100 BP Dragon-type Special Attack). While the starter cost of 5 is somewhat on the expensive side, even base form Duraludon is incredibly powerful compared to most of the early game encounters you'll experience in Classic.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)

More Information About Voting/Tiering And Links To Past Votes:

What each tier generally means:

S tier:

Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop.

A tier:

Very strong but not quite top tier, might be slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back.

B tier:

Solid choice that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be overall outclassed.

C tier:

Usually early-mid game 'Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier.

F tier:

No reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke/completionist/Egg Voucher purposes.

Abstain/No Opinion:

This will be a voting option mostly for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. Can also be used as a "See Results" button (remember Reddit won't let you change your vote however) if you don't want to skew the data but want to see the results of the vote.
(Data in parentheses is for Dynamax Duraludon)

Archaludon (Dynamax-Duraludon)

Base stats:

Learnset by level up:

Leer, Metal Claw, Rock Smash, Hone Claws, Metal Sound, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Tail, Iron Defense, Focus Energy, Dragon Claw, Flash Cannon, Metal Burst, Hyper Beam

Learned upon evolution:

Electro Shot

Notable TMs:

Protect, Snarl, Foul Play, Body Slam, Reflect, Light Screen, Rest, Sleep Talk, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Dark Pulse, Iron Head, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Stealth Rock, Heavy Slam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Outrage, Thunder, Solar Beam, Draco Meteor, Steel Beam, Meteor Beam

Tomorrow's vote: Azumarill!

Pokemon on the radar for voting soon:

Flygon, Metagross/Mega, Machamp/Dyna, Unfezant, Yanmega, Leavanny, Sinistcha, Wormadam-Trash, Gastrodon, Clodsire, Staraptor, Klefki, Kanto-Raichu, Gallade/Mega, Comfey, Araquanid, Crobat, Malamar, Ferrothorn, Walrein, Gliscor, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Gyarados/Mega (re-vote), Heatran, Raikou, Phione, Ogerpon, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)

Happy voting!

View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:46 Last_Bodybuilder_196 So Scared About Teeth Because of Gums

So Scared About Teeth Because of Gums
Throwaway account because of embarrassment. Also sorry for not best quality pic my phone cam kinda sucks.
I had periods in the past yeayear and a half with brushing my teeth due to sensory issues and depression. I have always been insecure about my teeth so I don’t really have reference photos from before I started getting really worried about my teeth (last seven or so months) but in the photos where you can see some of my teeth, there’s a definite difference. Even compared to a year ago, though it seems they’ve been similar in the past six months in some spots (like my upper teeth). Had insurance problems and other issues so I won’t be able to see a dentist until the end of July. I’m very worried I have periodontal disease (because of gum recession/shifting teeth, very noticeable on right side of the picture on two outer visible teeth). I’m scared of losing my teeth as I’m a young adult. Obviously I know there’s potentially under the gum problems that can’t be seen in this type of photo, but I would like to know if I’m alright waiting a month and half just to see a dentist based on what’s visible here. They don’t really bleed when I brush my teeth, but it can happen during flossing. I feel my gums are lose (like a bump? of gums between my teeth which I can push with a dental pick if that makes any sense).
I have OCD so I’m really beating myself up for not taking better care of my teeth or getting a dentist appointment earlier. I just feel so stupid as obviously not brushing my teeth will damage them, yet I let it happen. And the reasons why I wasn’t brushing my teeth were stupid.
submitted by Last_Bodybuilder_196 to Teethcare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:29 NewKidInOldTown Memes making tools/website.

A website where person can easily create memes from the template, trending template. currently people use canva or photoshop for content creation. we can provide trending templates, and tools to make content creation easy.
if interested, do connect with me.
submitted by NewKidInOldTown to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 JilBasler [Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

[Get] Travis Sago – Make Em Beg to Buy (Gimme Diamond Level) Download

What You Get:

~DIAMOND LEVEL:~ With Silver You’ve Got Your Hot Offer, With Gold You Become a Sales Rainmaker, Now You ~Create Demand on Demand~ – More Leads, More People to See Your Offer So Your Stripe and Paypal Notifications Go NUTZ Zongo…
NOTE if You’re New to PSM: The Phoneless Sales Machine is how we get leads from email, FB groups, Youtube, Insta, anywhere there’s an audience, qualify them over DM and then close them with Google Docs on products from $500 to $50,000 with NO PHONE CALLS!
Diamond Level entitles you to ~IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the Tried and True PSM 2.0~ + the keys to PSM 3.0 ~as it is being released!~

What’s NEW in PSM 3.0:

*NEW BREAKTHROUGH ONE: Big Ticket sales without phone calls ~OR~ tapping either! DM and Chat sales are super fun when you’re tapping in $500 to $50,000 sales in bed watching Yellowstone. With 3.0 I’ve totally figured out how to eliminate the DMing back and forth.
There’s still a time and a place for DMs.
But I’m gonna hook you up with examples of what I’m doing to make Stripe sing without the tapping 3 Step dance.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH TWO: More leads. Pre-sold leads. ~Create Demand ON Demand!~ Whether you’re using 2.0 with DMs or 3.0, once you’ve got your offer working ~you want more eyeballs to see your offer~ – and with earnings per click in the $50 to $100 range that I’ve been able to hit with PSM 3.0…even 10 more people a day seeing your offer is an extra $500 to $1,000 in your pocket a day.
I’ve made new breakthroughs in getting those eyeballs by what we LEAVE out, not what we add in. By doing LESS content and NOT MORE…and taking what worked and cloning it into new lead flow.
Where I used to pull 3 to 5 leads from an email or post, I often pull 30 to 50 now…with LESS SWEAT creating posts, emails and content.
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH THREE: Get PAID to grow your list, group or audience. Some folks like to pay for traffic. Some like to get it “free”. I prefer to grow AND get paid!
I’ve figured out that growing an audience from the outside-in is slow like baking traffic in a conventional oven.
Growing an audience from the inside-out nukes up traffic fast like a micro-wave.
If there’s a faster and more CONSISTENT way to grow a group, email list or any audience, I don’t know what it is. (I’ve been at this since 2004.) I’ve doubled my group size in weeks. All it cost me was a Zoom call…then…I monetize the Zoom recordings into 5 and 6 figures.
And everyone THANKS ME!
I call this an Audience, Influence, and Income Multiplier Campaign. (AIM Campaign for short)
And as awesome as a bigger audience is…the best part is the explosion in your audience’s RESPONSE RATE.
Leads, sales, referrals MULTIPLY during and after the campaign.
I don’t see ANYBODY teaching this inside-out way to GROW AND CONVERT audiences!
*NEW BREAKTHROUGH FOUR: Turns More Cold traffic into Presold Traffic EASIER and often FASTER than webinars, strategy sessions, VSLs or anything else I’ve tried since 2004.
I will NOT reveal it here because I want this to be an edge for everyone on Planet Mojo.
But all I will say is: ~NETFLIX EFFECT!~
I can watch a cold visitor come into my funnel…watch them devour content…and next thing I know, they reach out in my DMs and say, “How can I work with you?” – I will show you lots of examples!
NEW and Expanded ~Million Dollar Template Library~:
At the risk of writing a doc longer than the a government bill…
Let your fingers do the walking in the million dollar library and you’ll find emails, social posts, landing pages, dm sales examples, objection UN-handling examples and entire campaign including emails, landing pages and more, ready for you to deploy. **One campaign did $250,000 from a list less than 9,000 with NO PHONE CALLS, NO WEBINARS, NO VIDEO AND NO DMing…Yours for the taking!
submitted by JilBasler to u/JilBasler [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:15 sarthaktechie [Gnome] I don't like MacOS that doesn't means I don't like it's looks

[Gnome] I don't like MacOS that doesn't means I don't like it's looks submitted by sarthaktechie to unixporn [link] [comments]