Valentine cakes designshristmas cakes design

The Baking sub-reddit

2009.04.21 17:25 windmilltheory The Baking sub-reddit

For all your baking needs! Recipes, pictures, ideas, questions and all things baking related. Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, muffins, scones, breads, rolls, biscuits, cheesecakes, snack bars, etc are all welcome! _______________________________ We could use some help with mod tasks. If you are interested, please send a message to the mod team (there's a message the mods button in the sidebar)

2024.01.28 01:18 ArkInvest- Valentine's Day Decor

Welcome to Valentine's Day Decor. You can post photos, crafts, party ideas, videos, hearts, valentines, cakes, recipes, cards and more.

2012.10.15 21:05 Gallionella ○ Switch to desktop from your browser's option now ○

To access the old sidebar info, highlight this link ● ●, long press and drop it on the address bar. Reddit is aiming for an app based layout. When they remove the old Reddit format it will be the end of gallionella and the content of this sub. Can be anytime so back up what you need. This sub is like reddit science but with the inclusion of organics/natural solutions, and more importantly without corporate influenced bias and manipulation.

2024.06.09 18:16 SG00NTI DIY flavor signs for cupcakes

DIY flavor signs for cupcakes
Used clippings from old flower book, doilies, card stock, and modge podge. Can’t wait!
submitted by SG00NTI to DIYweddings [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 Giglio-Nero Furry🦟irl

Furry🦟irl submitted by Giglio-Nero to furry_irl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 potatoes-jpg Roommate has major doggy doodoo problem (buckle up, it’s a long one)

So I (21F) and my boyfriend (25M) moved in with his manager (47F) bc I’m strapped for cash and wanted to finally get an apartment with our two cats after being separated from them for months due to housing.
The move in is…less than smooth. She inherited the apartment from another coworker who lived in it with 2 other single men in their 30s. Let’s just say cleaning was not their strong suit. I’m talking 5 years of husky hair in the carpets that caused my vacuum to smoke. Dust caked to the ceiling fans. Baseboards that were white were BLACK. Looked like someone had a bonfire in the oven. And the bathroom had poo all over the seat and slobber and dog hair cemented to the bathroom floor. And when entering….the house smelled like dog, it punched you in the fucking face. Wet dog, piss and shit completely bombarding your senses.
Also let me go on to say that I have lived there only a week and I have hardly even started with the issues…
First off, her and her boyfriend were meant to live in the apartment together. They have been together on and off for 2 months and are now planning to get married within the next year. While she’s been dating him she has been divorcing her previous husband (one out of 3 ex-husbands) who was abusive. Her boyfriend fled from Alaska with a DUI and DoorDashes full time. Days before they are going to sign the lease he says he’s backing out and breaks up with her. She says it’s fine bc she has a new roommate lined up. He freaks out when he finds out it’s her male coworker (my boyfriend), gets back together with her and signs the lease. Can’t say this was out of jealousy or insecurity, but actions speak louder than words.
Moving on… it’s Friday and me and my boyfriend are meant to move on Saturday, but we still don’t have a key. We ask her to drop off the key at some point on Friday. She responds back at 9 PM saying that she’s at the apartment now we meet up with her only to find out how awful the apartment is. This is the first time that we had seen the place this was also the first time that she had seen the place, and we were both absolutely disgusted. We ask her for a key only to find out that she only has one key due to the other roommates not being responsive or moving out their possessions. We open up one of the bedrooms to find it is littered with empty bottles of alcohol, a boxspring, a bedframe and just literal trash everywhere. Supposedly this roommate was coming by to pick up his belongings, but had yet to do so and didn’t even bother to give his keys back to his roommate. Apparently he had been moved out for over a year but was “storing stuff” in his room that he had yet to clean up. So we only had one key. Knowing that she was likely not going to show up bright and early tomorrow morning for moving, we took the key So we only had one key. Knowing that she was likely not going to show up bright and early tomorrow morning for moving, we took the key.
Moving onto Saturday me and my boyfriend are deep cleaning the apartment top to bottom once we clean up our room we get all of our possessions in there and move in the cats. This goes on until about 6 PM. We had started at about 7 AM. the roommate has not shown up all day, at this point we had cleaned the entirety of the disaster apartment and we had not heard a thing from her. Eventually at 7 PM she pulls up with a trailer with her belongings. she said she meant to bring the trailer yesterday but attire popped and so they had to take everything off the trailer and put it onto a new trailer Saturday. Even after we deep clean the apartment and move in our own stuff. She asked us if we can help her unload her trailer. Meanwhile, she’s let her dogs into the apartment and not one minute into going in the apartment with her dogs her one dog, a two year-old unspayed dachshund pees on the floor the floor we just vacuumed and shampooed at this point after all the events of the day I’m ready to start screaming.later, I find poop in one of the other I’ll keep later, I find poop in one of the other unoccupied rooms. I asked my boyfriend if she told him that her dog has a potty training problem. He says no he was totally unaware and also tells me he’s pretty certain that the dachshund is in heat. Her vulva was inflamed, her behavior was off, and the peeing on the carpet pretty much sealed the deal. My boyfriend told his manager if she was aware that her dog was in heat. She said she had no idea.
Moving on, we introduce the dogs to the cats. She has the dachshund as I mentioned before and a large elderly, morbidly obese mutt with tumors all over his body. The poor dog is absolutely pitiful. all sorts of red flags are ringing in my head that this woman is abusing/neglecting her animals. My boyfriend then disclosed to me that she had SEVEN cats, was euthanizing three of them giving away three of them and keeping only one. This fact about the cats isn’t really relevant, but I believe it describes the kind of pet owner. This fact about the cats isn’t really relevant, but I believe it describes the kind of pet owner she is. We introduce the cats and the dogs in a monitored environment. Immediately, the big dog scruffs, one of my cats that is really friendly and runs away with him. My boyfriend is screaming at him to drop the cat and prize his jaws open to get the cat out. We then push both of the dogs out of the door and stare at each other. My boyfriend is extremely protective of the cats. He’s even declared that if anything happened to his cats, he would literally die or kill for them. The one cat is an emotional support animal that has been with him even in times of homelessness and substance abuse. He tells his manager that the dog nearly killed his cat. She dismisses it and says he’s probably anxious from moving but he has lived with cats before so he’ll be fine. This obviously does not alleviate any stress from the situation. It’s super dismissive of the problem.
Moving forward, it’s Sunday and his manager also has the day off. He asked her if she was planning on bringing more of her items today. She said that she had not fully packed everything at her apartment despite being told that she was accepted for the apartment three weeks ago. This means that there are no groceries, no cookware, no dishware, no silverware. she said she would bring all of these items so we wouldn’t have to worry about buying some of our own. as I am writing this, it has been a week and she still has yet to bring anything else from her apartment to the new apartment. my boyfriend really likes to cook and eating out is expensive so this is not ideal. Her and her boyfriend are eating out every night, but don’t even have utensils for eating their takeout.
At my boyfriend’s job, she works during the day and he works nights, so he spends most of the day at the apartment and she spends the nights at the apartment. I was out at work and my boyfriend was staying at the apartment for the day when the dachshund pooped three times and peed twice on the carpet. He asked his roommate if she would do anything about it and she said that she was at work and he would have to take care of it. And he did only for her to proceed in peeing and pooping more. It’s about Wednesday when my boyfriend decides he’s tired of cleaning up the pee and the poop after stepping in it one too many times she gets angry at him and ask him why he didn’t take care of the mess only for him to reply that it’s not his responsibility, she says he’s being immature and it takes two seconds just to clean it up. When it comes to scrubbing carpets of pee, it does not take two seconds. Any pet owner can tell you this.
I’m really pissed off at this point and she decides that her dog will maybe stop peeing and pooping if we scrub the carpets. I said that I had access to a carpet scrubber and so she asked me if I could just do it. I come to the apartment with my parents carpet scrubber to start cleaning the carpets. I’ve been there for two minutes, and her dog has pooped and peed already. Both times right in front of her owner and both times her owner did not scold her or do absolutely anything about it. Eventually, her and her boyfriend leave not even offering to take stuff off of the carpet so that we could clean them eventually I tell my boyfriend I’m not going to clean the carpets and he is in agreement with me. There’s no way that the peeing and pooping on the carpets is going to stop after cleaning them. It would be entirely useless at this point they were just going to get dirty again. I mentioned in passing that the dog needs to be litter trained. If it can’t even go outside and she asked me if I could do that for her. I’m fucking. She won’t even take responsibility for her dog’s potty training issue! Instead, she would rather have me take care of it! not only that, but I asked if she could buy a baby so that we could find her to the laundry room where there isn’t carpet when she’s not being supervised. She said she didn’t have the money for it right now. I don’t even have the money for it right now, but I went to Walmart and bought a cheap baby gate for her only for her to tear it down saying that she feels bad if the dog is isolated.
So it’s been a week of living like this. My boyfriend and I are applying to other apartments. Thankfully, we are not listed on the lease of this apartment so we can leave whenever we want, but this has been an absolute nightmare. This weekend we asked her if she was planning on getting more stuff from her apartment to which she replied. She had done enough last weekend and was taking this weekend off. I invited my boyfriend to my parents house with the permission of my parents because of the absolutely disastrous condition of the apartment.
Honestly, this whole experience has been a nightmare. I never thought I could’ve moved in with a worse roommate. I genuinely thought people were joking when it came to disastrous roommates. I thought she would be OK since she was an adult, middle-aged woman, but I was grossly mistaken, this was made really clear when she started bitching about her daughter like a teenager who had moved out (been kicked out?) of her mother’s house at 16 for micromanaging her relationships. Which to be fair, she probably was rightfully worried for her mom as she had several pretty bad past relationships. I had the experience of meeting her daughter who looks like a lovely girl, total polar opposite from her mother.
At this point, her boyfriend is slowly moving things out of the house, but he has made no comment on if he is moving out or not, but I expect him to be gone within a couple days with no trace left behind. I suspect he’s fed up with it as we are.
That’s all i have so far. This is a very long read. I acknowledge that, but it has been a long week. The apartments we apply for aren’t ready until next month so we’re probably going to have to endure this for the rest of this month.
Wish us luck. 🤞
submitted by potatoes-jpg to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 ShanaFoFana Today’s Wordle

Today’s Wordle
I can’t figure out what goes with onion as words like disgusting, evil, abomination, etc are not available.
submitted by ShanaFoFana to onionhate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 HorrorBrother713 "Conspirators," from a concept album

Yes, for about twenty years, I've been messing with this thing, Operation Valkyrie, about the 20July plot to assassinate Hitler. Long time? Hell, yeah, a long time. The demo of the album was written on paper (all riffs and lyrics written on a month-long road trip) and recorded on CakeWalk Home Studio 2002. Some time later, once I got a little money, I bought ProTools 7 LE, it was my goal to make this thing sound GOOD. So. Enough preamble, yeah?
Developing plans to topple a man Who misled a people and betrayed a land Conspiracy men wait for a when A moment to strike the wolf inside his den
They need something bold, a mind that is cold They welcome the Soldier into the fold He plots out his game driven by shame So all of the future will not curse his name
Here is the plan I promised you It's called Valkyrie Combats insurgents and rebellion Shows them all our strength, you see If anything should happen in a Land we've occupied If we should lose communications, What if all your leaders died? We set Valkyrie in motion should the SS fall It will work in any country Any country at all
submitted by HorrorBrother713 to homerecordingstudio [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:10 Meiburgle Week 1

No side effects outside of waking up with a weird headache that goes away quickly. Oh and I had a 3 day festival to be at - I ate 4 bites of funnel cake (legit my only hall pass food). Fair and festival season isn’t very long in the Midwest. That equaled 4 hours of burps. Lesson learned.
I have zero trust in my scale. But it says down 2 ish lbs. I don’t weigh daily. And I’m only tracking dr office weight. I’m not worried about it. I’m really trying to avoid diabetes and eventually get myself back into the gym. I’m more concerned about my health and being able to be an active grandma with my future grandkids in than my pant size.
I feel much better. Food noise is so improved that I forgot to eat lunch one busy work day. That has never happened to me. I do still think about eating often, but I am unable to fantasize about what to eat. So I usually just end up with protein and veggies to make sure I’m fueling my body.
submitted by Meiburgle to semaglutidenewbies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:05 WesternSafety4944 The Bitterroots are amazing. I've been around but this range takes the cake

The Bitterroots are amazing. I've been around but this range takes the cake
I thought the Tetons were going to be my favorites, but yesterday my partner brought me to a trail outside of Hamilton and it was so beautiful
submitted by WesternSafety4944 to Montana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:57 InfiniteJank Today’s Connections is missing something

submitted by InfiniteJank to Shrek [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:54 IntenselySwedish Lets be real, if The Cake of Metsudo evolved like he did in Ashura, hed be stronger than Kuroki by now.

Lets be real, if The Cake of Metsudo evolved like he did in Ashura, hed be stronger than Kuroki by now. submitted by IntenselySwedish to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:54 EdGeinAutry new project, day one

an episodic series
Words, Phrases, or Other Language Related Concepts I See as Faulty part I: the phrase "to have your cake and eat it too"
the problem: So I'm just supposed to look at the cake then? I can possess it but I can't consume it? You seem to be a bit of a cake tease to me. What's the point of giving me cake but not allowing me to eat it, hmmm? You come to my house and you bring a cake in with you and it looks delicious...but you won't share a single bite of "my" yummy confection with your pal, me? Not even a lick of the knife after you cut the damn thing up into slices for yourself? Da hell? Hey how 'bout you and your cake grab all your shit and get the fuck out of my house right now with this bullshit, you icing crazed sumbitch, how 'bout that m'fucker?
anyway, you see my issue, right?
submitted by EdGeinAutry to LibraryofBabel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 SnooCapers1684 All men should be wearing anti pore/anti-oil Primer - here's why!

Hey y'all. Can't egg this product on enough; marched around town looking for something suitable and researched.
  1. Elf liquid poreless putty primer; it's fkin great. If you have post acne pores and oily skin- you don't need anything else (still wear post shave moisturiser with SPF). No cake, no colour ,(it's pink but blends not a concealer); Will make u look; handsome, younger, cleaner and clear skin! Without colour or that you wearing makeup! It's £10 only in UK, American etc I'm sure can order off net for equivalent.
Last you 3/4 months too!
  1. Estee Lauder Double Blend- Blur Smooth. This is fantastic; like a soft moisturiser light like above no colour- great for fine lines but also blurs/pores and great for oily skin. It's £30-35 but again will last months.
Go for 1 if pores major problem 2. Pores but also fine lines.
  1. Shout out; Lauren Mercier similar product for pores, v sim to Estee.
Ps. I did my massive research; spent 3 hours in stores testing many! Now know what to order off net for cheaper.
Hope it helps! ;). Sid
submitted by SnooCapers1684 to MakeupForMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:53 helpthewidowsson Petty way to say goodbye to extremely toxic Department Head?

Throwaway/alt because I want everything to be well tied up before I am found out. After five years under a terrible Department head, I have found a position that allows me to retain my tenure while transferring to a different Dept with a lot fewer suicide attempts among students and conflicts between colleagues.
This last Dept. head made my life unbearable for the entirety of my experience there. He (older male) asked me (younger female) whether I live alone, joked about sharing a room to pay less for accommodation going to a conference together, and constantly threatened to have me fired even after I got my tenure (and started planning my escape). He would be constantly dissatisfied with everything, both failures and successes (I remember earning us a grant once and being told he'd "had to correct way too much in the application I filled up", so he was unhappy anyway). I lost sleep, my anxiety ramped up, and lost all my will to work and research. At this new Department, I will be taking more teaching hours and have no actual requirement (but no problem) to do research, which he has mocked as one of his strategies to pressure me to stay (I keep my tenure and salary, so who cares).
Anyway. They are making me attend one last Department meeting. I have some time to prepare. My transfer is all but finished, very official, and will most likely be completely finalized when this meeting comes about. I have had to postpone my vacation by a week to attend, so I would like to indulge my petty inner child and make it "worth it". Any ideas that are funny but not too extreme (I don't want a reputation at my new Dept., but they do know what's been going on)? A cake that says "I quit" has been on my mind, but I am open to ideas.
ETA: My colleagues, with one or two exceptions, have also been awful.
submitted by helpthewidowsson to academia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:52 ivo7776 Best strain ever

Hi, i have been growing only auto flowers. For five years outdoors i had -Wedding Cake, Hulkberry , Og Kush , Northern Lights, White Whidow, Skywalker Haze, Gorilla Cookies, Strawberry Banana , Mango Smile , Cinderella Jack, Blackberry Kush. Now its the Blue Dream turn. Does anyone know if real auto blue dream seeds exist or at least close to the original? I think every grower should grow this masterpiece at least once in his life!
submitted by ivo7776 to u/ivo7776 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:50 Anastarfish Week 24: Berries - Mustikkapiirakka

Week 24: Berries - Mustikkapiirakka
Mustikkapiirakka is a blueberry pie from Finland. It's a bit of a mouthful for non-natives to say but in Finnish “mustikka” means blueberry, and “piirakka” means pie.
It's an interesting recipe as the base is made from butter, sugar, baking powder, egg and cardamom powder, and is pressed directly into a tart tin. The filling is cream cheese, sugar, and egg, and then it's topped with blueberries. The whole thing is baked together and then put in the fridge to set. I topped with a few violets from the garden because the colour matched so well!
This was really delicious and tasted like a cross between a cheesecake, shortbread and cake. I found a lot of similar recipes but this one was the one I followed in the end. I strongly recommend adding the cardamom to the base and maybe up it a little bit!
submitted by Anastarfish to 52weeksofcooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 Dark-Anmut I’ve never gotten to do something like this! I like working with clay, but, icing sugar + marshmallow does NOT work like clay - don’t even get me started on how the food colouring and cocoa powder reacted to it! But, it was fun! My sister made the cake and did the sensational lawn (the best bit).

I’ve never gotten to do something like this! I like working with clay, but, icing sugar + marshmallow does NOT work like clay - don’t even get me started on how the food colouring and cocoa powder reacted to it! But, it was fun! My sister made the cake and did the sensational lawn (the best bit).
It’s a carrot cake. The outside fence is chocolate fingers. There’s a very bright green icing (just icing sugar and butter and stuff). The lawn is desiccated coconut with green food colouring. The wickets, bat, and lines on the cricket ball are the icing sugar and marshmallow mix. The cricket ball is a Jaffa ball.
Gloves just made it way too hard! So, I washed my hands and just accepted the fact that they might be stained for a little while.
submitted by Dark-Anmut to cake [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 UnicornSquadron $270 haul

$270 haul
Feel like maybe i couldve gotten a better deal being in the midwest, but Im happy. Probably going to pick up some more for a bigger finale and a cake or two for a longer body. And a zipper for the opening/finale is needed.
submitted by UnicornSquadron to fireworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:45 AddendumOk4897 What makes a cake special?

What do you KNOW makes a cake special, even tastier and just overall better? It could be a tip or a special ingredient or anything, just something that makes any cake a million times better and even more special.
I wanna bake a cake but im tired of baking the same old cakes with a random flavor and a random cream that goes with it, what can i add or change to make it even better pleeeeease?
submitted by AddendumOk4897 to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 Mobile_Ad578 Wedding drama

Long long story sorry. Rules set out by soon to be Husband 1, no church. OK no problem 2, no cake. OK far to expensive anyway 3, equal number of guests. Interesting as 4 including him in his family, 10 in mine, plus 10 mutual friends plus his work mates who had children/teenagers so allowed for plus ones for each teenager as I know the venue had arcade and at least they could enjoy it. 12 people total of 38 just incase. So I ordered Package deal of Christmas set meal of 12 starters, 12 Mains and 12 Deserts choice for each person which also included 50 tickets per person on the arcade game machines one of which was white water rapids I wanted to go on. 4, no wedding Dress. He believed that as we add been living together for 10 years there was no point in a wedding dress. Wrong ì would ware what I wanted to. 5, no flowers. He did not understand it was already decorated for Christmas as we were having registered wedding on 18th December. 6, an extra place was to be set for his deceased brother. I had never met his brother and as he was paying nothing towards the wedding there was no way I was having my family pay for a full meal for a ghost. 6, Who would be our witnesses. Agreed. 7,no top table (no idea how to explain that to parents) 8, no speeches (not his choice so tough)
Registrars rules 1 no alcohol in room ( room had a bar in it and had to be emptied before wedding which venue kindly did) 2 no religious themes in room (exception for Christmas Decorations as long as no crosses,) 3, no walking down an aisle (so Bridesmaids and farther of the bride cannot walk together STUPID RULE) my Dad did not get to walk any of his daughters down an aisle, I did offer to take him to Tescos so we could walk down an aisle which made him laugh and he was OK with that)
Bridesmaids, Sister and Niece told, venue was totally floor to ceiling red, as the room at Dave and Busters was set for Christmas. Dresses were paid for by my parents, in any choice of style, colour and length totally their choice. I ended up paying for Husband to be leather trousers and I had brought him a shirt which he did not want to ware and said he would buy his own. Not sure why I had to buy leather trousers. During fitting no available dresses in my size to try so dressmaker surprised me by getting my size 10 Sister to try the dress on. Mom was so happy as my sister didn't wear a wedding dress for her wedding. No way would I look anything like her as I was a 20 the dress had to be 2 sizes up from that due to fitting and Sister 5ft 0in I am 5ft 8in she is blond blue eyes I am mousey and Hazel eyes. I could not say a thing as parents were paying and mom was happy.
The wedding hell ( day)
Hairdresser took 4 hours for 2 do ups 1 wash and blow dry. I told him to do same as usual, which usually took 30 minutes however he decided to add a little body to my hair which I said OK, but he had spoken to my mother, they agreed ringlets would look great, I hate ringlets and curly hair. I felt awful as he put curlers in for body, sprayed it with stuff and left me for 3 hours whilst he did the others, promising me the spray would make it have a slight wave, like hell. Others looked great and no time to fix it, as had to get ready.
So Bridesmaids wore red satin A line dresses (yep you could not see them in a red room)Dad ordered cars, not 2 as we had agreed but 1 taxi for all of us. 2 Bridesmaids, Dad, Mom ME and driver packed in. We passed groom on way as he left a pub. He was late! Photos taken of me, angry bride getting out of packed car whilst snowing. 1 taken. Brother was photographer and realised not a happy bride. Photos of everyone else by Christmas Trees. My groom turned up slightly drunk and said the most amazing thing to me that I was surprised I married him but all I could think was how much everything had cost my parents.
We had to met with Registrars before wedding in a room and were asked about the order of service they provided we said short as we wanted to let guests enjoy the venue. We were asked if they could do a reading. Expecting they meant a religious one we said no thank you. Guess not turned up out of 35, 10 all his work mates 6 of which turned up at 8pm after a 2pm wedding. Expecting to be fed the wedding meal which was finished hours previously so they expected us to pay for an evening meal for them. Answered No chance. £1,000 wasted on there food alone. Anyway the "service" consisted of us answering yes to our names whilst we were seated on a stage with only Registrars bride and groom. No one else allowed all others seated in no order and then the registrar stood up and said the bride and groom did not want a reading but they needed to complete the paperwork so here is a reading of a poem! Don't remember saying yes to that. That was it. We signed a book or 2 and it was over, no option to stop the wedding which I was going to do but to late. I had 2 dresses one a wedding dress and a change for the meal after the service, a black satin dress which was how I felt. I went to change. At which point one of the witnesses decided to do a toast to the bride and groom and I was not in the room, it took me 3 minutes to change dress and shoes. My Dad did not get a chance as the meal was ready. And I was back, The meal was buffet style with all 12 of each option per person it was huge. Everyone looked at me to be seated as there were 3 sets of tables. I said please sit where ever you like. I went to a table and sat down my husband sat next to me on my other side were 2 mutual friends his parents my parents and next to my husband was his mom's friend I had not met who had dementia and called my husband his deceased brothers name for the next hour. At the end of the meal I gave out the tickets for the arcade, having 500 tickets extra, strangely I was left with no tickets left to go on the ride but as it turned out i did not get the chance. Why well, Husband was so drunk, he started a fight with his Dad. It got so bad that I had people telling me to take him home. Angrily I arranged it having had a 2pm wedding which finished with a passed out Husband on the bed at home by 4.15pm 2 and a quarter hours wedding. He proceeded to wake and went to the upstairs toilet but managed to throw up on the carpet midway, yes I could have got it cleaned but why should I. So I cut a huge hole out wrapped it up and put it in the bin, blaming him for cutting the carpet up after puking. Which he believed for many years and still does. We got conned for 6 bottles of champagne instead of 5 which was for 25 adults because my sisters son had a glass and they had to open an extra bottle but he was under age and already told no alcohol. Then whilst opening our presents at home on my own while everyone else was at the wedding with evening entertainment and buffet I had a phone call for the remaining bill to be paid and I had to play chase ringing my Dad at a quiet time to go and pay the remaining balance as he was still there. So I spent the rest of the night on my own. Nice Ho almost forgot the special something my groom said to me as soon as he arrived seeing me dressed up "What the f**k do you look like?" Just as we were called into the registrar meeting.
For background were dated for 5 years lived together for 10 years were married for 19 years 359 days we divorced absolute 6 da6s before 20 years married. Now 5 years divorced so much better.
submitted by Mobile_Ad578 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 narbavore What's your favorite Western dessert?

Given the atmosphere of this sub lately, I thought it would be fun to ease things a little and ask something light-hearted. I've been missing a lot of Western desserts available back home ever since I moved abroad. We really do make great donuts and cakes. My current favorite is the three milk cake sundae from layers. What's yours?
submitted by narbavore to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 jonnaj137 [FOR HIRE] Graphic Designer Social Media and Business Card Designs (Open for commissions!)

[FOR HIRE] Graphic Designer Social Media and Business Card Designs (Open for commissions!) submitted by jonnaj137 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 cranphi The cake is ordered

I said I'd do it so I did. Will pick up tomorrow and circle back with photo evidence. The only thing that'll make this cake sweeter is a 4 game sweep of the Smol Bears. Go Reds!
submitted by cranphi to Reds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:37 MrSoloDolo9490 Are y’all ready for this upcoming lineup?

submitted by MrSoloDolo9490 to CrumblCookies [link] [comments]